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Eltven YW*d«y, July 23, 1959 TOR RANGE MISS Pag* LOOKING PRESSorts each evening, enabling community College Gym to residents to utilize such facilities JOURNEY OF THI TW1NTY as the trampoline, parallel bars, Be Available for tumbling mats, rings and ropes. 'o* too long ago the Torranoe Press and Jim Smitn of Jumbo's Goods sponsored a ba/»eball contest for boys between the Adult Recreation Other activities which are open to the public include badminton, of 7 and 14. Expansion of facilities avail­ volleyball, -loving youths had to complete the sentence, "Why j table tennis, tennis, The able to adults in the free evening basketball. Although lockers from these, 20 were selected land I Like Baseball." Many answered and Summer Recreation Program of | are available for dressing, parti- and were to be taken to a Sunday Dodger game. The date selected Kl Camino College was announced j cipants must furnish their own wan this coining Sunday, July 26; however, when parents of the 'nrlay by Merl F. Sloan, director towels, the college administrator youtha were contacted, we found that many of the lada were away 'C student personnel. announced. at summer camp* or visiting relatives. F.ffective this week, the college Therefore, we have selected another date .Sunday, Sept. 13 gymnastics room will be open Use Press classified FA 8-2345. when we'll be sure that all of them will be available. 'holographs will be taken and published in this newspaper of WE HAVE THE LARGEST SELECTION posing with Dodger and Pittsburgh Pirate stars. IN THE ENTIRE SOUTH BAY AL SCHACHT ENTERTAINS RANCHO "NB" LIQUORS Many years ago we were fortunate to see the Clown Prince of 21186 HAWTHORNE BLVD. Baseball, Al Sohacht, at a Yankee pame In Nrw York. Dressed in N«xl to Standard Station «t Hawthorn* and Torrane* Blvd. zany paraphernalia a battered silk hat, and in a somewhat hedrac "NB" NAME YOUR BRAND FR 3-1928 gled tux. His antics have his audience roaring with laughter and a desire to see him again. T,he Dodger publicity office informs us that Al will perform prior to tomorrow night's game between the Cards and Dodgers. Schacht's appearance will be the first at a major league gamr onMhe west coast. He intends to include in his hilarious program highlight* of all his shows as well ss Impersonation-: of the playing styleg of the team he has selected as his all-timr major league club. BULKING BULL Ray West has precarious seat on bucking bull like this is promised at this year's rodeo to be staged here next If you have never aeen the "Clown Prince,' we heartily urge you during earlier Torrance Ranchero Days rodeo. Exciting action week-end in civie center. to be at the Coliseum tomorrow night. His act i* by far the great­ est show in baseball. Indians Clinch Hot Rod Races LADIES, PLEASE NOTE Name Champs in OUTDOORS Bill Mangold, the flying Inn­ Harold Parrott, business manager of the Dodgers, advises that Lomita Crown keeper from Compton will be because of an oddity in the schedule in September, no Saturday with MEL looking for his third main event as La- The Indians emerged the win­ in this Sunday night games three Thursday nights have been designated Dart, Archery By MEL SALTZMAN win in four starts dig' nights. They are Sept. 13th (St. Louis), 10th (Philly) and 17th ners of the Ix>mita Little League afternoons thrilling Hot Rod (CVcinnati). 1959 HUNTING REGULATIONS Sunday when they trounced the races at Gardena Stadium. Tourney at ECC I shall attempt to answer all Yankees 9-5 in the crucial cham­ BETTER NEEDED The flying Hot Rods will be Champion dart throwers and the questions that I have been pionship tilt. putting on their usual program For some reason unknown to us, the Dodgers spent much Kl Carnino College asked in the last few weeks about Ron Scott was the victorious o" thrills and posi­ archers in l.he of eleven events money, time and in trades in search of top talent for every recreational program the new hunting regulations. moundsman. spills, starting at 2:30 for the of catcher. innrnmor e g«nu?n« tion except that were named today by Al Greon- The cost of th« license which is The Yankees came second first race. Admission for adults Behind the so-so hitting and not too good catching of John Iraf, wh« heads the community good from July 1 to June 30, 1960 in the league standings and the will be just $1.50 with children /•other is $4. This is the basic license Roseboro, the Dodgers have Joe Pignatano, a weak hitter, but per­ program. Tigers third. under eight free. uppers haps a shade better in the catching department. and allows you to shoot the basic Opening for the All-Star game Youngsters from 6 to 13 years small game such as rabbits, dove, Neither one of these players has really given us something to the two will b« today at 5:30 p.m. in will be played Sunday at 1:30 times Rosrboro looked of ajjff pnrtlripatpd in and quail. e smooffi or eheer about up to this stage of the ;,ame. At week. Free Chandler Field. The second game p.m. neat at the plate, then he went on long slumps with pop-ups, pvrnts during the past In addition there are necessary pillow calf «lfke-outs and ground balls his major effort. Hardly anything good of charsre, the r**rrontion«l activ­ the following stamps and permits. children of can be said about Pignatano except that he makes a good bull-pen ities are offered to Deer tag*, $2; Pheasant tags, $2; e long-wearing sofa receiver. the. col]epf« comunity. Bear tags, $1; and Duck stamps JORGENSON CUB Most of the team, as it stands now, is made up of what it takes In the dart, throw tournament, which are Federal Stamps. to at least challenge for the pennant. However, the team needs Richard Bntt.erfield and Dennis Every person that hunts must PLUS! at always.«. badly. Without this, I doubt the club could finish Ford of Torranre took first and have a hunting license when hunt­ a .270 catcher SPIN (AST REEL KIRBY'S any better than fourth. second place respectively in com­ ing any kind of game. (These al­ And I was looking forward to my first World Series attend­ petition with other 12-year olds. ways are hard to find near the GOOD FITTING year, as they used to say Doiipr Airhart of Gardena took season opening so git yaurs ear­ ance since 1940. Oh, well, marybe next AND in . first place for the 11-year divi­ ly-) Resident citizens under 16 sion, with Ronnie Aaron of Gar­ years of age must complete a COURTEOUS dena and Carol Routhstone of course of instruction and present San Pedro following;. a certificate of completion before SERVICE! Mickey Yokoyama, Pattl Grets- they can obtain a license which man and Al Wanner of Gardena costs $1. place one, two. three in the 10 SEASONS with 100 yds. 6-lb. line, smooth drag year jrroup, while Andrew Volpe Deer, Coastal July 25 through of Torrance and Eddie Groteman Sept. 13; Inland Sept. 26 of Gardena placed first and sec­ through Nov. 1. Reg. $12.95 * ond for the 9-year-olds. Bear» Coastal July 25 through Now...... Jan. 15. Inland Sept. 25 through Philip Aaron of Gardens, Steve Jan- 15- OTHER SPECIAL VALUES 21600 a CRENSHAW Bowman of Torrance and Terry Pheasant* Imperial and River- Weher of Hawthorne were the Salt Water Spin Rod.... .$9.99 • BLACK Rid*, N°v. 14 through Dec. 13. Nylon Strung top thre« In competition among Balanc* of state, Nov. 14 through BROWN the 6, 7 and 8 year-old boys. Jan Not. 29. SIZES 6 to 12 Esalck of Palos Verdes, Judy Tennis Racket ...... $2.97 Quail, So. Calif, Nov- 14 through Mrero/ s/y/e* Southstone of San Pedro and Lor- Jan. 3; N*. Calif., Oct. 31 Swim Fins, now...... $1.96 retta Weber of Hawthorne took through Dec. 15. Balance of state to choose from top honors for 6, 7 and 8-year old Oct. 31 through Jan. 3. Fresh Water Lures... .3 faP $1.00 jrirls. Jack Rabbit, year round seas°n. OVER 150 RODS IN STOCK Archery champs were Richard Other regulat'ons: Aaron of Torranre, 13-year divi­ No shotgun shall be used in the sion; Lex Potts, Manhattan taking of small game which has a Beach, 12-year-olds; Carol South- capacity «f more than three shells. stone, San Pedro. 11 -year-old No air rifle or pellet gun shall U.S.A Joe Dtinn, Gardena, 11-year- be us»d J" the taking of any flv- SPORTSVILLE grfrls; and Supplies And Equipment old boys; Eddie Gateman, Garde­ ing game bird such as quail PhUip Aaron, Tor- pheasant- (Across frem Fester Freeze) na, 9 yearn; does not permit the tech- 7 and 8 years, and Kerrl Space FA 8-2173 Savings to 70% ranee, n'cal aspects °f the regulations, 1276 SARTORI AVE. DOWNTOWN TORRANCI Repairs! Greenleaf, Torrance, 6. Downtown Torrance but they ran be gotten at any 1621 Cravens Ave. 22223 PALOS VERDES BLVD. WEST TORRANCI ModernizingI sporting goods store- Leaders in 2nd All Work Bert Vnllmor, 1009; $100, 4th Annual Sinqles prize, Susan Diamond, 1002- OUARANTEEDl High games for tournament thug at Bowl-O-Drome far are Bill Becker, 248 for the men and Ben Jennings with 214 WOW HANDICAP WOW Backed By 15 $1000, 1st prize, Jack Halpern, for th« ladies* Ytart Experience 1142; $600, 2nd prize, Alice K«y Fonjr, 1131; $400. 3rd prir.«, El­ Chemicals mer Khlers, 1120T4t.100, 4th prir.e, Gallon Bob Johnson, 1120; $200, 6th PIZZA FR 8-4000 Chlorine prize, Frank Triccole, 1128. from FR 8-5036 MKN'S SCRATCH 12th BIG WEEK Muriatic 'I 10 i $600, 1st prir.e, Gcorjre Malhart, For Free ACID ..... I gal. 1080; $400, 2nd prize. Earl Ettimatesl Ixnicks, JOftR; $300- 3rd prize, Bob Nujrent, 1050; $200, 4th prize, R. Sunday-8:30-4 p. m. July 26th $100, 6th prize, J. Si­ Take Out and Dining Room Wholesale Smith, 1049; WINE mon, 1039. BEIR AND And Retail WOMEN'S SCRATCH ITALIAN KITCHEN $260» 1st prize, Le.« Mincer, 1111 Cr«n«h«w Blvd. (Aerow »rom Lucky Mkt.) 242J6 HAWTHORNE BLVD. (SOUTH OP 101) TORRANCI 1059; $200, 2nd prize. Elaine Torr.nce FA 1-7494 1047; $150, 8rd prise, WEEK-END SPECIAL FARMERS Lube Job ADJUSTMENT Free BRAKE ALL MAJOR OILS...... 45c Qt. MARKETUNDER THE OPEN SKIES OF YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD CIVIC CENTER SERVICE ROADIUM DRIVE-IN THEATRE ON REDONDO BEACH BLVD. BETWEEN CRENSHAW AND WESTERN 3401 Torrance Blvd. Open 7 Days 7 a. m. to 9 p. m. FR 4-4384