1 3 14 | An 2 As such, 4 c mortality fi † L to reduce The presence of severe µ ∥ 15 Furthermore, as described even with regard to HCV. including . 12 rocedures (eg, biopsies, 4 50,000/ 8,13 ‡ < L), moderate (50,000 to 75,000/ ) can pose a substantial risk of ed according to platelet count as cantly complicate the routine care μ den and etiology-speci fi fi L; Fig. 1). μ In fact, CLD and were the 1 150,000/ < 50,000/ < As such, most guidelines established by major 18 – In 2018, 2 new drugs, avatrombopag and lusu- 16 75,000 to 21 > – cant burden to patients and providers and are continu- According to the American Association for the Study of As the burden of CLDs increase, so will the prevalence of fi lthough thrombocytopenia, that is,count reduction of in platelet the blood, is the single most common hema- 19 EVIEW L), or severe ( μ tological manifestationpublished of literature on chronic thisof topic thrombocytopenia liver is scarce. inrhosis As CLD the versus is (CLD), incidence 6% 70%poses in in patients of patients withoutessentially cirrhosis, with our refers for cir- understanding to the cirrhosisUnited pur- of throughout States, this thrombocytopenia, review. nearlyulation) In CLD 4 have the CLD. million adults (1.6% of the pop- medical societiespatients with recommend plateletrisk. treatment counts interventions for Liver (AASLD), cirrhosisthat is cannot a be studied heterogeneous or disease managed as a single entity. cirrhosis and cirrhotic complications. Portalinitial hypertension and is main the consequencethe of majority cirrhosis of and its is complications, responsible for A trombopag, were approvedistration by (FDA) the for Food thrombocytopenia and in Drug adults Admin- with CLD 12th leading causetaking of the death lives in of the over United 40,000 States patients in in 2015, that year. in the table, the effects ofin CLD a are younger becoming more cohort noticeable of patients, Thrombocytopenia is classi mild ( epidemiology study published2-year mortality that rate same of 26.4% year for reported patients with a cirrhosis. Other less common causesatitis of B, cirrhosis autoimmune includeand/or chronic , drugs, hep- bile exposure duct to disorders, toxic and chemicals inherited conditions. thrombocytopenia can signi of cirrhotic patients; standard p medically-indicated bleeding. this advanced formresult of of nonalcoholic livervirus fatty disease (HCV), liver and is alcoholic disease, liversigni most chronic disease. These hepatitis commonly diseases C pose the ing a to increase inulation-based prevalence study (Table from 1).updated Kim In estimate fact, and of a the colleagues bur recentof provided pop- CLDs an in theand United States. 2013, They there foundwhich that coincided was between with 2007 the adirect-acting introduction of decrease antiviral the . in highly Conversely,alcoholic effective mortality HCV-related from liver mortality, diseaseincreased during the and same period. nonalcoholic R 2020 www.jcge.com LINICAL The Stanford ’’ C ∥ Northwell Health, † s website, www.jcge. ’ nce of eld, peer-reviewed literature fi 000) – lities to raise platelet counts before evant when elective procedures are ombopoietin receptor agonists. Two n as these procedures are commonly cognizing these unmet needs, a group ewed literature on thrombocytopenia ta indicates the rates of CLD are Tarek Hassanein, MD, FACP, FACG, AGAF, FAASLD, Marcelo Kugelmas, MD, FACP, FAASLD,§ and Paul Kwo, MD 2020;00:000 Volume 00, Number 00,  Sammy Saab, MD, MPH, AGAF, FACG, FAASLD,* David Bernstein, MD, thrombocytopenia, , treatment, Thrombocytopenia is a conseque This paper can be cited using the date of access and the unique DOI number which can be found in the footnotes. Southern California Research Center, San Diego; Manhasset, NY; andwood, §South CO. Denver , PC, Engle- AbbVie, BMS, Eisai, Dova, Gilead,research Intercept, funding and from Salix Conatus. and D.B.: received Shionogi has and worked Dova as and ahas consultant received for research received funding research from funding Dova.speaker, from a T.H.: Shionogi. consultant, M.K.: and hasShionogi an served advisory and as board has member a worked for received Dova as research and fundingEdigene, an from Surrozen, advisor Dova. P.K.: Eisai,Dova; for received has Gilead, AbbVie, research fundingBMS, Arrowhead, Conatus, from Gilead, Ferring, Allergan, Quest, La Assembly, Durect, Jollahas AbbVie, Shionogi Pharmaceuticals, served owns and on stockRegistry. the in Durect; DSMB Writing and for supportPharmD, Jansen, and was and funded the by provided a by grant Pregnancy from Rachel DovaFAASLD, Pharmaceuticals. E. David Bejarano, Angeles, Geffen CA 90095 School (e-mail: [email protected]). ofcitations appear in at theand printed PDF UCLA, versions text of andcom. Los this are article provided on in the the journal HTML Inc. This is anCreative open-access article Commons distributed under Attribution-NonLicense the 4.0 Commercial-No terms (CCBY-NC-ND), ofand Derivatives the where share the it work is providedchanged it permissible in is any properly to cited. waythe download The or journal. work used cannot commercially be without permission from ‡ University Medical Center, Palo Alto, CA; Chronic Liver Disease Undergoing a Scheduled Procedure Treatment Options for Thrombocytopenia in Patients With J Clin Gastroenterol increasing and, asAlthough a bleeding result, risks so are only will rel the incidence of this complication. and is thedisease most common (CLD) hematological (ie, manifestation cirrhosis). of chronic Da liver performed, this is apart frequent concer ofthrombocytopenia the remains spectrum a pertinenteffective of issue. and accurate Fortunately, care treatment we moda scheduled now for procedures, have known patients as thr with cirrhosis. As such, drugs in thisnow therapeutic class approved (avatrombopag forCLD and the lusutrombopag) undergoing treatment are managed. a of Although there procedure thrombocytopenia is in progress and in adults the have with revolutionized how this is S.S.: has worked as a speaker, consultant, and advisory board member for Address correspondence to: Sammy Saab, MD, MPH, AGAF, FACG, Supplemental Digital Content is available for this article. Direct URL Copyright © 2020 The Author(s). Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, DOI: 10.1097/MCG.0000000000001338 J Clin Gastroenterol From the *David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, Los Angeles; ( Abstract: and expert guidance are lacking. Re of expert hepatologistsmost current comprised and this relevantin peer-revi review, CLD and which provides summarizes clinical expertise the onKey this Words: timely topic. procedure

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TABLE 1. The Increasing Burden of CLD Type of CLD Epidemiology Data Epidemiologic Projections NAFLD Approximately 26% of adults in the United States The burden of NASH is expected to increase from 16.5 million have NAFLD; 3%-5% have nonalcoholic in 2015 to 27 million in 2030 because of increased rates of * (NASH; defined as > 5% hepatic contributing factors (obesity and diabetes mellitus)5 and inflammation with hepatocyte injury)† HCV According to the CDC, ~3.5 million people in the Cases reported to the CDC tripled from 2010 to 20156 United States have HCV.‡ Increasing cure rates The highest overall number of new infections is now among may have resulted in a decrease in prevalence 20- to 29-year-old because of increasing injection opioid use In 2015, ~20,000 deaths were attributed to HCV6 and increased transmission6 Most commonly seen in patients born from 1945 to Unlike baby boomers, young patients have no concentrated 1965 (ie, baby boomers),§ who are HCV-screening efforts and are not engaged in the health at a much greater risk of HCV-related mortality6 care system ALD In 2015, of the 78,529 liver disease deaths among The National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related individuals aged 12 and older, 47% involved Conditions was administered to ~80,000 patients, revealing alcohol∥ that, between 2001-2002 and 2012-2013, 12-month alcohol Approximately 15.1 million adults had AUD use, high-risk drinking, and DSM-IV AUD increased by in 20157 11.2%, 29.9%, and 49.4%, respectively. Investigators deemed this a “ crisis”¶

Among all deaths from cirrhosis in 2013, 47.9% were alcohol-related; this was highest in patients aged 25-34 (76.5%), followed by patients aged 35-44 (70%).8 *Estes et al.5 †Chalasani et al.9 ‡ FAQs for Health Professionals.6 §Hepatitis C.10 ∥Alcohol Facts and Statistics.7 ¶Grant et al.11 ALD indicates ; AUD, alcohol use disorder, defined by the National Institute on and as a chronic relapsing brain disease characterized by compulsive alcohol use, loss of control over alcohol intake, and a negative emotional state when not using; CDC, centers for disease control; DSM, diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders; FAQ, frequently asked questions; HCV, ; NAFLD, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease; NASH, nonalcoholic hepatic steatosis.

undergoing a procedure.22,23 These new agents have revolu- Thrombopoietin (TPO) is a glycoprotein hormone produced tionized the treatment of thrombocytopenia in CLD. primarily by the liver but also the kidneys. Although the role Given the new developments and the shortage of peer- of TPO is not completely understood, it appears that TPO is reviewed literature on thrombocytopenia, the Chronic Liver an important regulator of platelet production. TPO, also Disease Foundation (CLDF) identified the need and known as megakaryocyte growth development factor obtained grant-funding to produce a publication on this (MGDF), has an affinity for platelet precursor cells in the topic. A small group of expert hepatologists, who are also bone marrow called megakaryocytes.24 TPO binds to the CLDF members, were selected and convened in the form of megakaryocyte c-Mpl receptor, inducing phosphorylation a workshop, during which the most current and relevant of this receptor and stimulating several other molecules in peer-reviewed literature on thrombocytopenia was eval- numerous signal transduction pathways.25–27 The resultant uated and conferred. The meeting presentations and detailed multi-step process is known as thrombopoiesis; this involves discussions that followed are summarized in this article. The prevention of megakaryocyte , improvement of intent of this publication is to provide practicing clinicians cell viability, promotion of growth, and increased differ- with a timely and useful review of the current knowledge of entiation of megakaryocytes into platelets (Supplementary thrombocytopenia, expert direction on the management of Fig. 1, Supplemental Digital Content 1, http://links.lww. thrombocytopenia in patients with liver disease undergoing com/JCG/A552).28 a scheduled procedure, and treatment updates in the field of TPO serves as a regulator of platelet production. thrombocytopenia. During thrombopoiesis, the threshold for platelet activation by other known agonists (eg, adenosine diphosphate and 25–27 PATHOGENESIS collagen) is significant. By mechanisms not completely understood, TPO levels are inversely proportional to total To understand the mechanisms by which thrombocy- platelet mass.29,30 Although TPO appears to dominate pla- topenia develops in CLD, an initial discussion is warranted telet regulation, it has no other regulatory role in the on the mechanisms of normal, healthy platelet production. production of other blood products, such as leukocytes and erythrocytes.31

450,000/µL 150,000/µL 75,000/µL 50,000/µL In healthy individuals, 35,000 to 50,000 platelets are produced daily and production is proportional to demand. Normal Mild Moderate Severe Once produced, platelets survive in circulation for 8 to 10 days. Senescent platelets are removed by monocytes and macro- phages of the reticuloendothelial system.32 The liver plays a Thrombocytopenia small role in this removal; liver receptors, known as Ashwell FIGURE 1. Thrombocytopenia classified according to platelet Morell receptors, recognize alterations in the glycan pattern on 33 count.15 Threshold values defined by Afdhal et al.15 the surface of platelets and remove de-sialylated platelets. The

2 | www.jcge.com Copyright © 2020 The Author(s). Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. This paper can be cited using the date of access and the unique DOI number which can be found in the footnotes. J Clin Gastroenterol  Volume 00, Number 00, ’’ 2020 Thrombocytopenia in Chronic Liver Disease spleen, however, is responsible for the majority of platelet TABLE 2. elimination. In fact, one third of the total platelet mass is found Stages of Portal Hypertension inthespleenatanygiventime.Thespleenremovesoldplatelets Portal as blood moves through it; this blow-flood dependent process is Pressure analogous to a waterwheel effect.32 (HPVG) Stage Prognostic Implications There are 4 principal mechanisms by which a patient 6-9 mm Hg Mild Portal hypertension will worsen can develop thrombocytopenia. These include (1) as the degree of liver fibrosis decreased platelet production; (2) increased destruction/ increases consumption of platelets; (3) dilution of platelets and; (4) ≥ 10 mm Hg Clinically Increased risk of developing increased platelet sequestration. There is no research that significant varices,* overt clinical indicates what percentage of thrombocytopenia is divided portal decompensation,† postsurgical among these 4 mechanisms, but it is known that CLD can hypertension decompensation,‡ and contribute to each mechanism (Supplementary Fig. 1, § Supplemental Digital Content 1, http://links.lww.com/ The presence of varices is 15,17,32 associated with poorer JCG/A552). For example, although disorders of prognosis∥¶ TPO and the c-Mpl receptor can be a result of various causes (eg, familial gene mutations, administration of the *Groszmann et al.35 anti-TPO antibody PEG-rHuMGDF, amegakaryocytic †Ripoll et al.36 ‡Bruix et al.37 thrombocytopenia, and absent TPO receptor, myelopro- §Ripoll et al.38 liferative disorders), they are quite often the result of ∥Bruno et al.39 cirrhosis.32 When comparing cirrhotic patients to healthy ¶Zipprich et al.40 controls, decreased hepatic production of TPO is HPVG indicates hepatic venous pressure gradient. observed in the former group. After , however, TPO levels return to normal.34 In addition, cirrhosis is often associated with portal hypertension and http://links.lww.com/JCG/A554) and each consequence right- secondary . In this case, the total body fully warrants its own publication. With regard to this review, platelet count is normal, but 90% of platelets are redis- the focus will be on splenomegaly and hypersplenism because, tributed into the spleen, resulting in thrombocytopenia as 32 in the setting of CLD, this is the primary cause of thrombo- a result of increased sequestration. cytopenia. Specifically, portal hypertension increases splenic arterial blood flow and diminishes splenic venous flow into the CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF portal vein. Congestive splenomegaly occurs, that is, con- THROMBOCYTOPENIA: PORTAL HYPERTENSION gestion of intrasplenic blood flow and spleen enlargement, 43 AND LIVER DISEASE SEVERITY resulting in thrombocytopenia, , and/or leukopenia (either alone or in combination).44,45 In fact, severe cytopenias Portal hypertension is often the initial and main con- are detected in up to one third of all patients being assessed for sequence of cirrhosis and is responsible for a majority of its liver transplantation.46 complications, notably thrombocytopenia. This clinical syn- Platelet counts are readily available and extremely useful drome essentially results from an abnormal elevation of portal to practitioners. A low platelet count is the most common venous pressure caused by increased hepatic resistance to laboratory sign of portal hypertension, but there are no reliable fl fl portal ow and increased portal venous in- ow. A more platelet cutoff points that predict the natural history or out- comprehensive explanation of portal hypertension is demon- come of CLD. In general, the lower the platelets, the poorer the strated in Supplementary Figure 2 (Supplemental Digital prognosis. For example, platelet counts <20,000/μL are corre- Content 2, http://links.lww.com/JCG/A553). lated with poor outcome in patients with acute-on-chronic liver The hepatic venous pressure gradient (HVPG), failure.47 Overall, platelets should be assessed in all CLD measured via balloon catheterization of a hepatic vein, is the patients since thrombocytopenia indicates portal hypertension gold standard for determining portal pressure. An HVPG and severe forms increase bleeding risk during procedures. elevation > 5 mm Hg is considered portal hypertension; the degree of HVPG elevation determines the sub-staging of the CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF condition and has important prognostic implications (Table 2).4,41 Although the greater the degree of portal THROMBOCYTOPENIA: PORTAL PROCEDURES hypertension is associated with a greater risk of related com- IN PATIENTS WITH CLD plications, the opposite is even truer; the lack of portal Patients with cirrhosis are classified as compensated or hypertension has good negative predictive value especially for decompensated depending on laboratory values (eg, low albumin the risk of developing ascites and variceal bleeding. In other levels) or the presence or absence of clinically evident, overt words, the association between portal hypertension and events (eg, ascites, variceal hemorrhage, ); related complications is not perfectly linear. the presence of decompensating events markedly shortens It is important to emphasize that portal hypertension survival.4 The severity of cirrhosis can help direct measures to can be diagnosed without a formal, anatomic diagnosis of anticipate and prevent complications as, in general, the greater cirrhosis. In fact, the term “compensated advanced CLD” the severity of cirrhosis, the more difficult it may be to correct the has been proposed to better describe noncirrhotic patients complication(s). The model for end-stage liver disease (MELD) with portal hypertension. Regardless, the diagnosis of portal score is a continuous measure of liver disease severity that serves hypertension with or without cirrhosis warrants close as an accurate predictor of 3-month mortality. The addition of monitoring and treatment by a liver specialist.4,42 sodium level to the MELD score (MELD-Na) improves the There are many consequences of portal hypertension performance of the model to predict mortality. The MELD-Na (Supplementary Table 1, Supplemental Digital Content 3, calculation is based on the objective parameters, sodium,

Copyright © 2020 The Author(s). Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. www.jcge.com | 3 This paper can be cited using the date of access and the unique DOI number which can be found in the footnotes. Saab et al J Clin Gastroenterol  Volume 00, Number 00, ’’ 2020 creatinine, , and the international normalized ratio case of liver disease, only the procoagulant pathway, not the (INR), and is, therefore, independent of disease etiology and anticoagulant pathway, is assessed. Similarly, platelet complications of portal hypertension. MELD scores can range counts are not routinely assessed before endoscopy in the from 6 (less ill) to > 40 (gravely ill).48,49 Another classification, general population, although platelet counts are routinely known as the Child-Turcotte classification (or Child-Pugh score), ordered in those with cirrhosis. is based on 3 clinical, subjective parameters (ascites, encephal- Because of the lack of clearly established guidelines, opathy, and nutritional status) and 2 biochemical, objective there is no consensus in the literature on the cutoff for parameters (serum albumin and bilirubin). Each parameter is platelet count and INR for variceal ligation without gas- given a point-based score and a combined score is used to classify trointestinal bleeding. As a result, these cutoffs vary among the patient institutions. Many societies do, however, have accepted as Child-Pugh A, B or C, corresponding to none or minimally, guidelines for appropriate platelet levels when considering moderately, or severely altered hepatic functional reserve, interventional procedures with bleeding risk (Table 4). respectively.50 In conclusion, the following recommendations can be Thrombocytopenia can occur in both the compen- made with regard to INR and platelets. INR, a measure of sated and decompensated stages, but without interven- the extrinsic pathway of , is often found to be tional procedures, there is little or no risk of spontaneous elevated in CLD. However, an elevated INR does not bleeding because of the low platelet count, although the inherently reflect a coagulation defect; there are no assays presence of thrombocytopenia can predict the presence of readily available to measure the fibrinolytic pathway. Cir- varices that may be at risk of rupturing. In addition, rhotic patients can be at risk for thrombotic, as well as patients with cirrhosis often require procedures for rou- postprocedure bleeding episodes, the latter of which can be tine care and to manage complications (Table 3); this is evaluated via platelet counts. As previously recommended, when the presence of thrombocytopenia should be platelet counts should be obtained in cirrhotic patients, assessed by treating clinicians. especially when considering an elective procedure. As previously noted, one example of a cirrhotic com- plication that is of concern in a thrombocytopenic patient is TREATMENT OPTIONS FOR the detection of large varices. Varices are portosystemic collaterals (formed as a result of portal hypertension, Sup- THROMBOCYTOPENIA plementary Fig. 2, Supplemental Digital Content 2, http:// There are opportunities to prevent and manage peri- links.lww.com/JCG/A553) that can rupture and cause vari- procedural bleeding in patients with thrombocytopenia and ceal hemorrhage, the most common lethal complication of CLD. Treatment was previously limited to platelet transfusions, cirrhosis. The gold standard in the diagnosis of varices is transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic stent placement, and – esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD).51 Patients with nor- splenic artery embolization,55 58 which are not without limi- mal platelet counts ( > 150,000/μL) and low liver stiffness tations, as detailed in Table 5. (< 20 kPa on Fibroscan) have a very low probability (< 5%) In recent years, TPO receptor agonists, which have been of having high-risk varices; EGD can be circumvented in used routinely for the treatment of thrombocytopenia asso- this case.42 In patients who do not meet these criteria, ciated with other conditions, are being used in CLD however, EGD is recommended on the diagnosis of cirrhosis (Table 5).55 Drugs in this therapeutic class, which include and if varices are detected, variceal ligation (ie, banding) eltrombopag, romiplostim, avatrombopag, and lusu- may be required. trombopag, increase platelet production through interactions Although bleeding risks are apparent and precautions with the TPO receptor on megakaryocytes, specifically c-MpL are necessary, guidance is lacking in the peer-reviewed lit- erature. A recent societal guideline noted that definitions of and thrombocytopenia and threshold labo- TABLE 4. Guideline Recommendations for Appropriate Platelet ratory values (INR, platelets) that are not considered Levels for Transfusions Based on Procedures acceptable for endoscopy and have not been clearly Guideline Year Recommendation established.52 In fact, and INR do not predict bleeding episodes in those with liver disease; in the American Association 2009 Platelet transfusion should be for the Study considered when levels are of Liver Diseases19 <50-60,000/µL American Society 2012 Platelet threshold 20,000/µL TABLE 3. Common Elective Procedures in Chronic Liver Disease for Gastrointestinal for diagnostic endoscopy; 20 µ That are Associated With Risk of Bleeds Endoscopy 50,000/ L if biopsy performed Gastroenterological Colonoscopy with polypectomy American Society 2013 Platelet threshold for any procedures of Hematology18 invasive procedure Endoscopic retrograde 50,000/µL cholangiopancreatography American Society of 2001 Platelet count 40-50,000/µL Endoscopy with ligation paracentesis Clinical * is sufficient for major Thoracentesis invasive procedures in the absence of coagulation Nongastroenterological Cardiac catheterization abnormalities procedures American Association 2015 Platelet threshold for any Dental procedures of Blood Bankers† invasive procedure Interventional radiologic procedures (eg, 50,000/µL transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt, ablation of hepatocellular *Szczepiorkowski et al.53 carcinoma) †Weiss et al.54

4 | www.jcge.com Copyright © 2020 The Author(s). Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. This paper can be cited using the date of access and the unique DOI number which can be found in the footnotes. J Clin Gastroenterol  Volume 00, Number 00, ’’ 2020 Thrombocytopenia in Chronic Liver Disease

TABLE 5. Traditional Treatments for Thrombocytopenia Panel Treatments Considerations Recommendation Platelet transfusions Multiple units required to achieve the target platelet count Yes Risk of transfusion reactions (fever, nonhemolytic, and allergic reactions) Increases portal hypertension Prolonged hospitalization Risk of infection and sepsis Short half-life Platelet refractoriness due to HLA alloimmunization (occurs in up to 40% of patients) TPO agonists Use before invasive, CLD-related procedures is relatively Yes recent Two agents are approved in CLD; individual patient factors dictate agent selection Strategic scheduling required; administration necessary for a specific number of days before the procedure Transjugular intrahepatic Few studies on use for thrombocytopenia; more are needed No portosystemic stent placement Unknown which factors may predict who will respond Potential adverse events include and hepatic encephalopathy TPO levels are not expected to increase Splenic artery embolization Temporary improvement in leukocyte and platelet counts No Numerous morbidities (mortality rates 0%-6%) Associated with postembolization syndrome (pain, fever, , vomiting) Complication rates 15%-30%; include pleural effusion and/or ascites, portal vein thrombosis, splenic abscess

CLD indicates chronic liver disease; HLA, human leukocyte antigen; TPO, thrombopoietin.

ligand-mediated activation of the JAK-STAT and MAP eltrombopag, at a dose of 75 mg daily, or the placebo for kinase pathways.59–61 Use of these TPO agonists for treating 14 days before a planned elective invasive procedure that thrombocytopenia before invasive procedures in CLD was performed within 5 days after the last dose. The pri- patients is relatively recent but has proven to be accurate and mary endpoint of ELEVATE, which was the avoidance of effective. Here, we present the therapeutic options and rele- a platelet transfusion before, during, and up to 7 days after vant data, with a focus on the 2 approved therapies for CLD. the procedure, was achieved in significantly more patients The information offered here can help guide the selection of a who received eltrombopag compared with the placebo TPO agonist, taking each individual patient into consideration (72% vs. 19%, respectively; P < 0.001). No significant dif- as well. ference between the eltrombopag and placebo groups was The first-generation TPO agonists, eltrombopag and observed in bleeding episodes of World Health Organ- romiplostim, are both FDA-approved for thrombocyto- ization (WHO) grade 2 or higher (17% and 23% of penia due to other conditions but do not specifically carry patients, respectively). The incidence and severity of indications for use in patients with CLD.62,63 Romiplostim adverse events (AEs) were similar in the eltrombopag and is administered via weekly subcutaneous injections and is placebo groups with the exception of thrombotic events, not actively being developed for thrombocytopenia in which were observed in more patients in the eltrombopag CLD; anecdotal case report data and studies in small group versus the placebo (6 vs. 1, respectively).67 populations of CLD patients are available.64–66 Eltrom- In 2018, 2 oral, selective TPO agonists, avatrombopag bopag, an oral agent, has been more broadly studied for and lusutrombopag, were approved by the FDA for use in CLD. thrombocytopenia in adults with CLD undergoing a The most recently published eltrombopag data in procedure.22,23,28,29 The safety and efficacy of ava- CLD is from the ELEVATE study (Eltrombopag Eval- trombopag in increasing platelet counts in CLD were eval- uated for Its Ability to Overcome Thrombocytopenia and uated in 2 pivotal phase 3 studies, ADAPT-1 and ADAPT- Enable Procedures), a phase 3, international, double-blind, 2. These randomized, placebo-controlled studies, which placebo-controlled trial. ELEVATE assessed the utility of took place in ~150 study sites in 36 countries, included eltrombopag to increase platelet counts and reduce the adults with thrombocytopenia and CLD undergoing need for platelet transfusions in patients with thrombocy- scheduled procedures (n = 231 and 204, respectively). topenia and CLD who were undergoing an elective Patients were placed into a low baseline platelet count invasive procedure. Of the 292 adult subjects that were cohort (< 40,000/μL) or a high baseline platelet count cohort enrolled, 252 (86%) had clinically proven or biopsy-proven (40,000 to <50,000/μL) and within each cohort were cirrhosis (10% had Child-Pugh C with a score of 10 to randomized (2:1) to receive avatrombopag 60 mg/d (low 12 and MELD, score ≤ 24) with a platelet count of platelet cohort) or 40 mg/d (high cohort) or placebo for <50,000/μL. Patients were randomly assigned to receive 5 days. The primary endpoint was the proportion of patients

Copyright © 2020 The Author(s). Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. www.jcge.com | 5 This paper can be cited using the date of access and the unique DOI number which can be found in the footnotes. Saab et al J Clin Gastroenterol  Volume 00, Number 00, ’’ 2020

TABLE 6. Drug Administration and Scheduling of Procedures When Initiating Second-Generation Thrombopoietin Agonists in Chronic Liver Disease Patients No. Days After the Last No. Days Platelets Return No. Days Dosed Before No. Days Dose That Procedure Needs Back to Baseline Approved Drug the Procedure Dosed to be Performed Within (After Initial Dosing Date) Avatrombopag22 10-13 5 5-8 30-36* Lusutrombopag23 8‐14 7 2-8 35-36

*Reported data did not capture timepoints of platelet levels from days 18 to 36. not requiring platelet transfusions or rescue procedures for The approval of lusutrombopag was based on the results bleeding up to 7 days after a scheduled procedure.68 of L-PLUS 1, a Japanese, phase 3, double-blind, parallel- Significantly more patients in ADAPT-1 and ADAPT- group study of 96 patients with CLD and thrombocytopenia 2 met this endpoint compared with the placebo. Specifically, (platelet counts <50,000/µL) undergoing invasive procedures. in ADAPT-1, 65.6% and 88.1% of patients (60 mg and 40 L-PLUS 1 met the primary endpoint; the proportion of groups, respectively) met this endpoint compared with patients who did not require preoperative platelet transfusions 22.9% and 38.2% of patients receiving the placebo was significantly greater in the lusutrombopag group versus (P < 0.0001 for both). In ADAPT-2, 68.6% and 87.9% of the placebo group (79.2% vs. 12.5%, respectively; P < 0.0001). patients (60 and 40 mg groups, respectively) met this end- Among patients not receiving platelet transfusions, the point compared with 34.9% and 33.3% of patients who median platelet count reached ≥ 50,000/μLafter5days,and received the placebo (P < 0.001 for both). In both studies, the maximum platelet count was reached after a mean of the time course for the increase in platelet counts after 13.4 days. Furthermore, no significant safety concerns were avatrombopag administration was similar; administration raised in this study. Adverse drug reactions were reported in of avatrombopag resulted in platelet increases by day 4, 8.3% of patients in the lusutrombopag group and 2.1% of peak at days 10 to 13, and return to baseline levels by patients in the placebo group.69 day 35.68 The safety and efficacy of lusutrombopag in this patient Overall, the safety profile of avatrombopag in both population was confirmed in a larger, global, phase 3, double- studies was similar to the placebo, with a comparable overall blind, placebo-controlled study (L-PLUS 2). This recently incidence of treatment-emergent AEs in avatrombopag- and published study randomized 215 patients, with CLD and placebo-treated patients in both the low and high baseline baseline platelet counts <50,000/µL, to once-daily lusu- platelet count cohorts. The most reported AEs across both trombopag 3 mg or placebo ≤ 7 days before an invasive studies were mild-to-moderate in severity in all treatment procedure scheduled 2 to 7 days after the last dose. The groups and included abdominal pain, dyspepsia, nausea, intent-to-treat population included all randomized patients pyrexia, dizziness, and headache. The overall incidence of and was the primary population for the efficacy analysis. The serious AEs in both studies was low and similar in both the per-protocol population included all randomized patients combined avatrombopag- and placebo-treatment groups; who had no major protocol deviations pertaining to the investigators categorized these AEs as “consistent and to be efficacy evaluation. The primary endpoint was avoidance of expected in a CLD patient population.”68 preprocedure platelet transfusion and avoidance of rescue

Platelet Count Assessment

Platelets <150,000/µL; Platelets > 150,000/µL; Thrombocytopenia No thrombocytopenia

Mild Moderate Severe >75,000-<150,000/µL 50,000-75,000/µL <50,000/µL

Low risk of bleeding Moderate risk of with major surgical bleeding depending on procedures procedure

Mild risk for Moderate risk for High risk of bleeding simple procedures complex procedures with invasive procedures

FIGURE 2. Clinical algorithm for assessing platelet counts, diagnosing thrombocytopenia and determining bleeding risk in chronic liver disease in patients undergoing procedures.

6 | www.jcge.com Copyright © 2020 The Author(s). Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. This paper can be cited using the date of access and the unique DOI number which can be found in the footnotes. J Clin Gastroenterol  Volume 00, Number 00, ’’ 2020 Thrombocytopenia in Chronic Liver Disease for bleeding; in the intent-to-treat population, sig- reference when assessing platelet counts, diagnosing thrombocy- nificantly more patients in the lusutrombopag group (64.8%, topenia, and determining bleeding risk in CLD patients (Fig. 2). 70/108) met this endpoint compared with the placebo group (29.0%, 31/107; P < 0.0001). In a sensitivity analysis using the per-protocol population, 72.5% (66/91; 95% confidence REFERENCES interval: 62.2, 81.4) and 20.2% (18/89; 95% confidence inter- 1. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Chronic val: 12.4, 30.1) of patients met the primary endpoint < liver disease and cirrhosis. 2018. Available at: www.cdc.gov/ (P 0.0001). 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