Privacy Homomorphisms for E-Gambling and Mental Poker Jordi Castella-Roca,` Vanesa Daza, Josep Domingo-Ferrer, Senior Member, IEEE, and Francesc Sebe´

Abstract— With the development of computer networks, situ- 3) The encrypted deck of cards is processed sequentially by ations where a set of players remotely play a game (e-gaming) all the players. During this process, the player receives have become usual. Often players play for money (e-gambling), the set C, permutes its elements and then re-masks (i.e. which requires standards of security similar to those in physical gambling. Cryptographic tools have been commonly used so far re-encrypts) them. The set resulting from the previous to provide security to e-gambling. Homomorphic encryption is step corresponds to the shuffled encrypted deck of cards. an example of such tools. The shuffled encrypted deck of cards is made up of 52 In this paper we review the mental poker protocols, where encrypted values such that none of the players knows which players are assumed to remotely play poker. We focus on the advantage of using cryptosystems with homomorphic properties card is contained in each. Note that if Step 3 consisted of a (privacy homomorphisms) because they offer the possibility of single permutation, at least the player who performed Step 2 manipulating cards in encrypted form. would know the content of the final shuffled and encrypted Index Terms— , privacy homomorphism, mental deck since she knows which cryptogram corresponds to each poker card. For a secure generation of the encrypted shuffled deck, it is necessary that, after permuting the encrypted deck, its elements are re-masked. Re-masking consists of performing I. INTRODUCTION some operation over each encrypted value so that its cleartext The growth of computer networks has allowed many activ- does not change but the re-masked message is not linkable to ities that used to require physical presence to become doable the same message before re-masking. over the network. One example is e-gambling. In this paper we In this paper we survey the homomorphic properties of the focus on mental poker, i.e. a poker game played among players cryptosystems used in current state-of-the-art mental poker that are not physically together but communicate through protocols. computer networks. The rest of the paper is distributed as follows. Section II A mental poker system needs to provide protocols to reviews the concept of privacy homomorphism and gives some generate a deck of cards, shuffle it and confidentially deal examples. Section III surveys the state of the art of TTP-free the cards to players. Naive approaches assume the existence mental poker protocols and how homomorphims play a key of a trusted third party (TTP), who performs some or all of role in them. Finally, Section IV is a conclusion. the aforementioned operations [1]. Since the assumption on all players trusting this central node II. PRIVACY HOMOMORPHISM is not always realistic, research on solutions not requiring Privacy homomorphisms (PH) were introduced by Rivest, a trusted party has become a hot topic [2]–[5]. To ensure Adleman and Dertouzos in [6]. A PH is an encryption function the players a fair play, standards of security similar to those which maps a set F of operations on plaintext to another set in physical gambling must be guaranteed. For instance, it is F of operations on . Operations on encrypted data good for trust generation that all players participate in the are computed without knowledge of the decryption key. computation of the shuffled deck of cards. Current proposals Privacy homomorphisms are used as building blocks in in the literature are based on a paradigm consisting of the secure computation applications such as computing delegation, following steps: data delegation and e-gambling: the idea is to encrypt data at 1) The players generate the deck of 52 face-up cards D = a classified level, to process them at an unclassified level and {d1,...,d52}. All players agree on which card each di to decrypt the result at a classified level. corresponds to. Next we describe some examples of privacy homomor- 2) The elements of set D are encrypted using some cryp- phisms. tosystem. The result is the encrypted (or face-down) deck of cards C = {c1,...,c52}, ci = E(di). A. Homomorphic properties of ElGamal cryptosystem The ElGamal cryptosystem is a famous public key cryp- The authors are partly supported by the Catalan Government under grant ⊂ Z∗ 2005 SGR 00446, and by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Education tosystem described in [7]. It is defined over a group G p ∗ through project SEG2004-04352-C04-01 “PROPRIETAS”. of order q|p − 1, where p and q are large primes. Let g ∈ Zp The authors are with the Rovira i Virgili University of Tarragona, Dept. be a generator of G. of Computer Engineering and Maths, Av. Pa¨ısos Catalans, 26, E-43007 ∈ Z Tarragona, Catalonia (e-mail: {jordi.castella, vanesa.daza, josep.domingo, The secret key corresponds to some secret value x q x francesc.sebe} and the public key is h = g mod p.

1-4244-0133-X/06/$20.001-4244-0134-8/06/$20.00 ©© 22006006 IIEEEEEE 788 ∗ A message m ∈ Zp is encrypted by generating a random D. Domingo-Ferrer’s 2002 algebraic privacy homomorphism ∈ Z t t value t q and then computing E(m)=(c, c )=(mh ,g ). Another PH preserving the addition and multiplication is The security of ElGamal relies on the so-called Decisional presented in [9]. Public parameters are a positive integer δ>2 Diffie-Hellman (DDH) assumption, which states that the fol- and a large integer N. N should have many small divisors and t1 t2 t3 t1 t2 t1t2 lowing two ensembles (g, g ,g ,g ) and (g, g ,g ,g ) at the same time there should be many integers less than N are computationally indistinguishable, where t1,t2 and t3 are that can be inverted modulo N. The secret parameters are Z −1 chosen at random in q. y ∈ ZN such that there exists an inverse y mod N and a The ElGamal cryptosystem is a multiplicative privacy ho- small divisor N > 1 of N. The secret key is (y,N). momorphism. Let us assume two messages m1 and m2 en- The encryption of a message m ∈ ZN  is as follows. First, crypted under the same public key h, i.e. E(m1)=(c1,c )= 1 m is randomly split into secret shares s1,...,sδ such that t1 t1 t2 t2 δ (m1h ,g ) and E(m2)=(c2,c2)=(m2h ,g ). m = sj mod N sj ∈ ZN  j=1 and . The encrypted message By computing E(m1)E(m2)=(c1c2,c1c2), we obtain t t t t t +t t +t is: 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 δ (m m h h ,g g )=(m m h ,g ), which cor- E(m)=(s1 · y mod N,...,sδ · y mod N) responds to E(m1m2). Addition and multiplication are performed in a way similar as described in Section II-C. This privacy homomorphism is B. Homomorphic properties of Kurosawa et al. general public secure against ciphertext-only attacks. key cryptosystem Kurosawa et al. presented in [2] a public key cryptosystem III. MENTAL POKER PROTOCOLS BASED ON th based on the r residue problem. In this cryptosystem, the HOMOMORPHIC ENCRYPTION secret key is a pair of large prime numbers (p, q) and the Mental poker is played like ordinary poker but without public key parameters are (n, r, y), where n = pq and r and physical elements (like cards) nor verbal communication; y are elements satisfying some technical requirements detailed all exchanges between players must be accomplished using in [2]. messages [10]. Any player may try to cheat. ≤ Then, in order to encrypt a plaintext m, 0 m

1-4244-0133-X/06/$20.00 © 2006 IEEE 789 Next we describe some current state-of-the-art mental poker The use of the OAS-Benes PN is distributed among the l protocols by focusing on how they use homomorphic cryp- players. T +1 OAS-Benes PN are used in order to assure an tosystems. operational robustness against collusion by T cheating players. T is computed according to the number of players l,usingthe following expression T< l−1 . So, the maximum number A. Kurosawa et al. mental poker protocols 2 of cheaters is 0 when l ∈{2, 3, 4} and 1 when l =5. In [2], Kurosawa et al. presented a mental poker proto- In the case of mental poker an OAS-Benes PN consists of col that uses their above-described homomorphic public-key 249 switches. The protocol establishes that there are T +1 th cryptosystem based on the r residue problem. This protocol OAS-Benes PN for sufficient fault tolerance, so the total satisfies all the aforementioned security requirements. number of switches is 249(T +1). The switches are grouped Before the game begins, every player computes a key pair in stages. The OAS-Benes PN used in the mental poker for the cryptosystem, and her public key is sent to all players protocol have 9 stages, and each stage has an average of in the protocol. A face-up card of value dj is defined as an 249/9switches. Each player is thereby assigned an average of T +1 l-tuple, where l is the number of players. Components of the l (2 log 52−1) adjacent stages. In the case of mental (T +1)9 tuple are shares of the value dj corresponding to a linear secret T +1 poker, a player computes l stages or 249( l ) switches. sharing scheme (the authors of [2] considered Karnin, Greene and Hellman’s secret sharing scheme [13] and Shamir’s secret sharing scheme [14] but the protocol is actually generalizable C. Practical mental poker without a TTP based on homomor- to any linear secret sharing scheme). Then, every player is phic encryption appropriately related to a component of the tuple. Without The mental poker protocol presented in [4] uses a new loss of generality we assume that the i-th component belongs representation for cards and permutations. This representation to player Pi. allows players to draw a new card by computing a permutation Turning a card dj face down is performed by encrypting of a value in an encrypted way. In this way, the new card is every component of the tuple using Kurosawa et al.’s ho- only known to the player who requested it. momorphic public-key cryptosystem. More specifically, every In most mental poker protocols, a prescribed ordering of component is encrypted by using the public key of the player cards in the deck is assumed, so that a card is represented by associated with this component. In this way, every player can a scalar corresponding to its rank. In [4], a card representation decrypt only the part of the card associated to him. is needed which allows card operations and permutations. To re-mask a card of the deck, every player computes an Thus, the usual scalar representation is mapped to a vector l-tuple of shares of the value 0 using the designated linear representation in the way described below. secret sharing scheme. Again, every component is encrypted Let p be a prime number chosen by a player. A card can using the public key of the player related to that component. be represented as a vector By multiplying component-wise both encrypted tuples, we get the re-masked card. di =(di,1, ··· ,di,52) (1) Finally, shuffling the deck is performed sequentially by all where there exists a unique j ∈{1, ··· , 52} for which players by computing a permutation of all tuples in the deck di,j mod p =0 , whereas ∀k = j it holds that di,k mod p =0. and re-masking each of the resulting tuples. The value of the card is j; assuming a prescribed ordering of cards, j is interpreted as a rank identifying a particular card. B. Efficient mental card shuffling via optimized arbitrary-sized The above vector representation for cards allows card per- Benes permutation network mutations to be represented as matrices in a natural way. The proposal presented in [3] uses optimized arbitrary-sized A permutation π over a deck of 52 cards is a bijective Benes permutation networks (OAS-Benes PN) to shuffle the mapping that can be represented as a square matrix Π with 52 deck of cards. Benes PN are directed graphs of bounded degree rows called card permutation matrix, where rows and columns with the same number of inputs and outputs. A Benes PN is are vectors of the form described by Expression (1):   capable of realizing all possible input permutations with a set π1,1 π1,2 ··· π1,52 of disjoint edge paths. It is constructed from 2 × 2 switches.  . . .  { }  . .. .  We note the two inputs of the switch as I1,I2 and the Π=  (2) { }  . . .  two outputs as O1,O2 . The binary control of the switch  . .. .  determines whether (O1 = I1,O2 = I2) or (O1 = I2,O2 = π52,1 π52,2 ··· π52,52 I1). The inputs of the switches are encrypted using the ElGamal The j-th row of matrix Π is card π(j), i.e. the card resulting public key cryptosystem. When the encrypted messages go from applying permutation π to the card with rank j. Thus, through the switch, they are re-masked using the homomorphic all elements in the j-th row of Π are 0modp except πj,k, properties of ElGamal. Since ElGamal is a multiplicative ho- where k = π(j). momorphism, a cryptogram can be re-masked by multipliying With the above representation for cards and permutations, it by an encryption of 1. The zero-knowledge proofs presented the result w = π(di) of permuting a card di using a permuta- in [15] are used to prove correct re-masking. tion π can be computed as w = di · Π, where · denotes vector

1-4244-0133-X/06/$20.00 © 2006 IEEE 790 product. For this computation to work properly, the same value IV. CONCLUSIONS p must be used for di and Π. Trusted third parties greatly facilitate and simplify many Using the previous notation, the operation of the protocol processes that are carried out over the Internet. However, the can be described as follows: in the set-up phase, each player availability of TTPs is not always realistic (there are not many generates a symmetric secret key Ki corresponding to a homo- entities trusted by everybody). For the case of mental poker, we morphic cryptosystem allowing algebraic operations (additions have reviewed protocols which eliminate the need for a TTP by and multiplications) to be carried out directly on encrypted using privacy homomorphisms. Indeed, we have shown how data. The preferred choice is [9], because it is secure against homomorphic encryption can be used to manipulate cards in ciphertext-only attacks. 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