WPU Students Prepare to Protest
beacon William Paterson University • Volume 69 No. 20 Monday, March 3,2003 WPU students prepare to protest : By Vicki Kolomensky "more about the humanitarian f- Contributor movement of it." "People's human rights are t Worldwide protestors were being infringed upon," Clark said. heard on February 15, when mil- "...A lot of regular people just lions gathered around the globe to like us, civilians, are those who say no to war. may lose their lives as a result of This Wednesday, WPU students this." plan to join students at hundreds Clark, a member of the Peace of high schools and colleges and Justice Coalition, a campus across the nation in the "One-Day group formed in response to National Student Strike" on humanitarian concerns, has orga- March 5, 2003. nized a number of events, among Walking on campus, students them a silent protest to take place may have noticed the anti-war outside the Student Center at messages scribbled here and there 11:00, followed by a teach-in in in chalk on sidewalks; words the Science Hall between 12:30 familiar to many watchers of the and 5:00, with student and faculty nightly news: "How many lives speakers. per gallon?" and "No blood for Organizing the protest is The oil." National Youth & Student Peace Here at WiJIiam Paterson, Coalition, a group formed initial- senior Jackie Clark has decried ly in response to the the possibility of military inter- vention in Iraq not simply from Continued on page 6 Protestors say no to war: Thousands of protestors took to the streets of New York City on February 15 in opposition to war with Iraq.
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