Th e Official Newsletter of ' Electric:,Footbal (

2002 CONVENTION TOURNAMENT MEMPHIS MARRIOTT EAST HOTEL TO FORMATS TO GUARANTEE TOP PLAY THROUGHOUT WEEKEND HOST 2002 OFFICIAL EFL CONVENTION The American cit y best known fo r its variety and ynu and yourfamily. please fill oul 1he ReservaJ inn Furm pri111ed in this issue cf PLUGGED IN' ( Page 7) While men, women and children EFLers of all legacy of trend-setting music ... ranging from ages begin lo sharpen their coachi ng sk ill s as the the rock & roll of Elvis Presley and the blues of and return it as early as possible. bi g 2002 Official Electri c Football Super Bowl B.B. King to th e best of soul . country & western T he action on Saturday, Jan. 19. 2002, wi ll & Conventi on approaches. here is an overview and pop .. . MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE- will be hi ghlighted by the AFC and NFC Wi ld Card of the formats for the three major competiti ons: host the 8th Annual Official Electric Football Tournaments and the new Eastern and Western Super Bowl & Convention from Friday, Jan. Di vision League Champions Pl ayoffs. The day SUPER BOWL OF 18, through Sunday, Jan. 20, 2002. wi ll also see preliminary round acti o n in the ELECTRIC FOOTBALL 8 All of the weekend festivities will take place at Buzz Bowl for Women and the Spark Bowl fo r All Rounds of the AFC and NFC Wild Card the Memphis Marriott East Hotel, located at 2625 Youngsters. The schedule for Sunday, Jan. 20, Tournaments- in clud ing the Championship Thousand Oaks Blvd., just minutes from Memphis 2002, call ed "Championship Sunday," will match-ups-will be played according to Mi ggle International Airport. The hotel is ready to roll out include the AFC and NFC title games, th e cham­ Toys· established --wild Card" rules, wherein the red carpet for all EFLers with the Southern Charm pi onships of the Buzz and Spark Bowls and then each team has a set of four downs to try to score and G1idiron Knowledge for which one ofTe1messee's the Super Bowl of Electric Football 8. a TD or accumulate the most yardage possible. leading cities is so well known. Of course, all throughout the weekend there (Full rules will be avail able at the Conventi on.) "After holding our annual Electric Football will be a variety of exhibits to view, coaching All rounds of the newly-created League Convention in Midwest and Eastern cities for seven clinics for youngsters and beginners, pai nting Champions Play-Offs-whi ch wi ll be di vided years," stated Michael Landsman, president of demonstrati ons and instructi on, the Miggle Toys into Eastern and Western Conference Divisions­ Miggle Toys, Inc., the manufacturers and marketers EFL "store" to visit for a wide assortment of also will be pl ayed using the Miggle Toys "Wild of Electric Football games and products, "we felt it products, free raffle prizes and many other sur­ Card '" rules. (See P. 7 of this issue of PLUGGED was time to move our biggest event to the South. prises. Admission to the Conventio n, space for IN' for complete details on this competition.) And we believe one of the cities that best represents exhibits, all competitions and the raffle ti ckets The AFC and NFC Championshi p Games (i.e., the hospitality, excitement, wamllh, vitality and will , of course, be FREE. the Tournament Semifinals)-whi ch will pit the football culture of the South is Memphis, Tennessee." Conveniently located to most of Memphis· AFC Wild Ca,d tounwmelll victor against the League The weekend will kick-off with the u·aditional leading daytime and evening am-actions. restaurants Champions Eas1ern Conference Playoff winner and Welcome Reception & Dinner hosted by Michael and clubs. the Memphis Marriott East offers beauti­ the NFC Wild Ca rd tournament winner against the & Delayne Landsman of Mi ggle Toys on Friday fully decorated and appointed rooms. a fitness facility, League Champions Wes/em Conference Playoff evening, Jan. 18. Admission to this festi ve evening an indoor pool, a full-service restaurant. a lounge, winner-will be played in complete-game formats again wi ll be FREE-but advance reservations complimentary parking and a.iJix)rt transfers and more. according to Official Miggle Toys Rules. will be required for entry. To reserve a place/or Most major airlines service Memphi s International Ai rport and there are a number of major U.S. BUZZ BOWL FOR WOMEN hi ghways that feed into the area. All Preliminary, Semifinal and Championship A special Electric Football rate of $79 (plus games will be played in the "Wild Card " format. tax) per room per ni ght has been establi shed by the SPARK BOWL FOR YOUNGSTERS Memphi s Marriott East. Just call the hote l on or (BETWEEN THE AGES OF EIGHT before Dec. 31, 2001, at 800/627-3587 and ask for AND 15 YEARS OF AGE) the ''S pecial Electric Football Room Rate.'· Make Youngste rs between the ages of eight and 15 wi ll your reservati ons earl y. as rooms may be limited. be able to compete in one of two Spark Bowl In addition to its musical lore. Memphis also Di vis ions: the 8- 11 year old Division and the 12-15 has a long and storied football tradition. The year old Division. All Preliminary, Semifinal and Liberty Bowl, originall y built in 1965. not only has Champi onship games will be played in the "Wild served as the home field of the Uni versit y of Card" format. Boys and girls seven years of age Memphis football team, but also as the host of the The Memphis Marriott East, conveniently located to all of annual Liberty Bowl coll ege footba ll game. The and younger will have an opportunity to participate the city's entertainment, amusement and cultural attrac­ in a complimentary EFL Clinic ■ tions, will be the host hotel for the 2002 EFL Convention. . featuring funner NFL All co11ri11 11nl 011 puge 5

Tudor Games, Electri c Football, EFL & El ectric Football League are Registered Trademarks of ~ gle Toys, In c . c ultural. dining and entertainme nt attractions- anct opportunities. If you have some free time. we ALE'l-l'ER FROM TBE COMMISSIONER suggest you visit Graceland. one or more of the renowned mus ic museums or an amusement Park .______lA with your kids- and then end your evening on famed Bea le Street. And I am sure that the Memphis Marriott East l11e past several weeks in th e New York C it y area, and cln ho pe they were will be the ideal host hote l for this event. We wilJ have been a very not in harm 's way. And, our public rel ations again kick-off the weekend with our traditional turbulent. challenging repre~cntativc in New York. Ira Silverman. reports & on and stressful time with great affectio n how much he appreciated a ll Welcome Reception Dinner Friday night, at the hotel, followed by two for all Americans. o f the phone calls and e-mails he received from Jan. 18, 2002, days We at Miggle Toys EFLers in the cla ys fo llow in g the terrorist attacks of competition. clinics. exhibits. prizes. surprises join in sending our on the World Trade Center see king confirmation and more. The hotel itself has a large two-tiered condo lences to those of the safety and we ll -be in g of him, hi s stall and bal lroom, first-class guest rooms, an indour who lost loved ones his family. Our hearts and prayers go out to all. swimming pool, fitness center, food and beverage and fri ends in the Few games in our lifetime have been able to outlets and other services. sensele ss violence bring so many generations of family members, In closing, let me say that we hope that this against the United friends and neighbors together as weU or as com­ renewed spirit of community, tolerance and cama­ States. as we ll as our g ratitude to the tens of pletely as Electric Football. It is a social game raderie will extend across all elements of the thousands of brave. unse lfish and generous men like virtually no othe r, bonding men, women and Electric Football experience. As such, I am confi­ and women all over the country who contributed young people not only within their own commu­ dent that all of you will continue to adhere to the their time, prope rt y and money to helping those nities, but also with other Coaches throughout the recent request on the Miggle Toys Website to keep most affected by these hostilities. United States and around the world. In addition our postings on the Chat Board positive, upbeat As Ameri cans. howe ve r, we will come out of to teaching basic footba ll action, strategy and and helpful for all of our young, new and veteran this dark peri od in our history with a greater rules, the game also provides a strong background Coaches who rely on it so heavily for their Electric resol ve. a stronger commitment to country and an for sportsmanship, cooperation and teamwork. Football information and data. We thank you for enhanced sense of community. Thus. I can state with the utmost of confidence your cooperation and commend your willingness to In times o f sadness and need, the Electric and anticipation that our 8th Annual Official share your expertise and knowledge with others. Football Community has always stood together as Electric Football Super Bowl & Convention Please keep those e-mails, phone call s, letters o ne to comfort and assist our brothers and sisters. wi ll be another tremendous success when we all and cards coming-and I look forward to seeing And this horrible episode in our country's history meet in Memphis, TN, over the weekend of you soon Across the Gridiron. has bee n no different. We at Miggle Toys share January 18-20, 2002. with you the emotions that have been communicated Memphis is the ideal city to host our 2002 Michael Landsman to us and written on our Webs ite Chat Board. We Electric Football Convention, as it is easy to reach President. Miggle Toys, In c. are especially sad for our friends and customers by air and car, and offers numerous recreational, Commissioner, Electric Football League ■

2002 Convention & Super Bowl PRELIMINARY SCHEDULE PLUGGED IN! All events at Memphis Marriott East Hotel Fall 2001, Volume 7 No. 2

Friday, January 18, 2002 5 p.m. Convention Closes Published by 1-6 p.m. Exhibitor move in 8 p.m.- 12 a.m. Practice & Scrimmaging Miggle Toys, Inc. 7-9 p.m. Welcome Reception & Dinner Sunday, January 20, 2002 1384 Sheridan Road hosted by Miggle Toys (Free) "Championship Sunday" Highland Park, IL 60035 8-9 p.m. Advance sign up for Wild 9 a.m. Convention Opens Phone: (847) 432-0 140 Card Tournaments 9: )5 a.Ill. Spark Bowl Championship Fax: (847) 432-3140 9:30 p.m.- 12 a.m. Practice & Scrimmaging Game E-Mai l: ln fo @. Saturday, January 19, 2002 10 a.Ill. AFC Championship Game Publisher & Editor Delayne Landsman 8-9 a.m. General Sign-Up For 11 a. m. NFC Championship Game Wild Card Tournaments 12 p.m. Buzz Bowl Championship Copywriter/Layout Ira H. Silverman Exhibitor Move In Continues Game Silverman Media & 9 a.m. Convention Opens 12:45 p.m. Pre Super Bowl Activities Marketing Group. Inc. 9 a.m.-3 p.m. AFC & NFC Wild Card I p.m. Super Bowl of Electric Tournaments & League Football 8 at Miggle Field Design Joei Shavitz Champions Playoffs 3 p.m. Conve ntion c loses DePinto Graphic Design 12 - 3 p.m. Buzz Bowl for Women - Subscription Information: Send check or mo11er Preliminaries & Semifinals Free ratl1e drawings will be held throughout order.for $4.00 pavable to: 2:30 p.m. Anno uncement Of " Player Of the weekend. Miggle Toys The Year" & '·Newcomer Of Clinics for children and newcomers, as PLUGGED IN! Subscription Dept. The Year" Award Winners well as for adults wanting to start a youth 3-5 p.m. 1384 Sheridan Road Spark Bowl For Kids - league, will be held during the weekend. Preliminaries & Semifinals Highland Park, IL 60035. CELEBRITY COMMENTS ABOUT ELECTRIC FOOTBALL 1 O\'f'r !h e /Hts/ se1 •eml _1·ec1rs. Plugged ln hos play. Ekctric Foorball is a wonderful learning tool terrifi c with numbers. which I think helped him ./Palu red so111 e of !he 11 mio11 '.I- 1011 s11or1s celehrilie.,· fu r pl ayers of all ages. become a reall y good Electri c Football pl ayer. The 1111d e111 ertai11 ers regarding 1h eir 1ho11ghts 0 11 1h e " I feel th at since Elec tri c Football reall y call s game hecamc very a

We played all day until it was dark. fl was grea t. KUDOS TO MIGGLE I was so excited. That '.s· all I could wlk about until Here are three notes of thanks we have received th e next Hnliday Season came when I got my nwn recently from our many satisfied Miggle customers. W1~·es1 game. I was so su rprised and excited I could11 ·, _ We really do try harder! NEW EFL IN OHIO even yell. Within weeks I was definitely an EFL "/ wa 11ted to 11 ·rite and perso11 al/_1· 1hank you Scott Shingle reports that a new Electric Football junkie, playing whenever I could find th e Lim e. for sending me a stadium lig!t1 set-up, which was League has officially started in Toledo, OH- the "Growing olde1; the game seemed tn spe11d not included i11 m_,. original purchase off 1he Jn1em e1. TEFL- and they are looking for new me mbe rs. 111 ore and more time in its box. Aier high school Your company is 100% honorable, reliable and Contact Scott via e-mail: Sscoota5/ or I jnined 1he military and spent most of my career rns/omer-f riendly in 111v opinion. and I vel) ' much by phone: (419)666-3210. overseas. Upon my discharge, I was looki11g through plan to do more business with Miggle i11 the future. some of my nld things in th e attic where I came Thank you for s1a 11di11g for !he cus1omer. You can·, LOOKING TO LAUNCH across a cigar box. Wh en I looked inside, !felt the imagin e mv surprise when I opened !h e package. NEW CAROLINA EFL .,a1nt1exci tement I did as a kid- it was my EFL 111e11. You are lops i11 111v book. You ha ve a loyal cus- Walt Davis is looking to start an EFL league in /Jut t!t e game .field was lost, so I recently mdered 10111 erfnr life. "- Bill Hoffman, Prineville, OR the Winston-Salem area of North Carolina. He wwt!ter l{a 111 e. Inside was 1w1 0111v 111 y seco11d "My order of EFL teams came th e other day, can be reached at [email protected] or via c!tildhood, but a copy of PLUGGED IN /. It 1va.,· and I just wanted to let you know 1hm I a111 ve ry phone at (336)945-6219. amazing. Tha11k you for keeping this great pastime pleased wilh it. The quick service. conwc1, easv ali ve. "-Phil Gilliam, Toledo, OH MEMORIES FROM ordering and quality of the tea111s 1rere grea 1. I GLASS CITY EFL LEAGUE LIST am placing anolher order Laday for some more o/ !It em. "- Tom Schwacke, Arlington, TX Here is a lett er from another Ohio EFL devotee If you would like to receive a FREE copy of the list received at Miggle Toys headquart ers: of Leagues and Contacts around the country that was "Mike (umdm1tui) , thcu,ksfor every1hi11g you did to "My.firs/ co111uc1 with Electric Fnnthall 11 ·a.1· published in th e Spring 200 I issue of PLUGGED help our Alamo Ci1y EFL get s1w1ed two rears ago' You 1 when / 11 ·a .1 about / I years old //1/(I 111_r /iiellll slwwed IN'. pl ease contact Mi ggle Toys via e-mail and rite Migg/e Newsleue,: PLUGGED IN , were' a big me 1h e 11 e1l' foo1ba ll game he go1 ./;11• Chri.1·1111 as. i11fo @miggle.co111 or via phone: (847)432-0140. /l(trl in geuing 1/w league ji111 11ed. We couldn i have done It ll'as great looking. ll'ilh 1/i e /Jm1\'II.I' /11/( I (iiw,ts. it 1l'ithm11 you. "- Jerry Mc..-Ghee, San Antonio, TX ■ w1nn1nG EFL SUPER BOWL 8.RIUGS moRE THHn JUST mlGGLE TROPHY What affect does it have on somenne·s life- both being enamored by the tremendous local and national LAVELL SHELTON- around and away from the Electric Football field- to publicity they received. including exposure in Winner of Super Bowls 3 & 4 win the Big One: the Super Bowl of Electric Football? such outlets as USA Todav. 1he Huus/On Chronicle. The 3rd Annual Official EFL Super Bowl & To find out the answer to this question-as !he 1-fous/On Pos1, Clw1111e/ 2/Hous/on. The Wall S1. Convention was again held in Downtown Chic ~ ·ago many of us prepare to head lo Memphis. TN. for Jouma/, WGN TV/Chicago and their hometown at the Hyatt Regency Hotel. Once again. four the 8th Annual Official Electric Football Super Hu111sville (TX) Item. which Mark refers to as. "the coaches were flown in from all around th e country Bowl & Convention-Plugged /11! visited with best story of any that I had ever seen.'' to compete 111 the Super Bowl Tournament. But the five Coaches who have won the EFL Super "Locally, nationally. all together, when we got thi s Lime, a new champion emerged. Bowl to see what winning the title meant to them. back from the rirsl Super Bowl. we were physically Lavell Shelton of Greenville, SC. still refers Here are their candid and enthusiastic responses: exhausted.'' Bill told PLUGGED IN 1• 'The phone to his 1997 Championship in the Chicago Hyau rang literally non-slop with newspapers, radio. tele­ Regency Hotel. the first of his two consecutive Super MARK AND BILL 'KLINGBEIL­ vision, magazines calling. We were just amazed." Bowl victories, as " A very special time lo win." Winners of S~per Bowls 1 & 2 But what stunned Bill the most were the con­ He recall s it was Electric Football's 50th Anniversary Back in January 1995. the first Electric Football nections that the press coverage renewed with old and the atmosphere was. well, electric. Super Bowl was held in a cozy, upstairs room in friends and relatives. "What was really strange Lavell further told PLUGGED IN': "Prior to going Michael Jordan ·s Restaurant in Chicago. Four was that my uncle in California and another guy, to Chicago, tons of media got in touch with me- that teams won trips Lo the event by sending in the most a friend I hadn' t seen in a long time who lived in means Silverman Media&Marketing Group was on impressive and compelling videotapes, and they Utah, both heard us on the radio." the ball' These events have attached me with people squared off against one another in the game's first­ Despite the national acclaim they received, with passion for this game. For that, I'm grateful." ever Official Championship Tournament. In addi­ these selfless brothers did not focus on themselves A year later (January 1998), with the Super tion. a few of the game's aitisans set up displays of during their recent interview with PLUGGED IN!, Bowl 4 of Electric Football in a new venue (the their Electric Football collections, adding a festive nor did they ever put themselves up on a pedestal as Cleveland Browns Training Facility in Berea, OH), and community-like essence to the weekend. the media did. Mark saw the publicity as, "Good but with the same fomiat (whereby Coaches qualified Coming out victo1ious in the Super Bowl 1 of for everyone in the hobby. We had a ton of fun with by sending in videotapes), Shelton successfully Electric Football was a brother duo from Houston, it. It was exposure for the game, our league and the defended his EFL title. TX-Bill and Mark Klingbeil-who had been­ people. More people knowing about the game is Lavell, like the Klingbeils, still views the media and remain-great supporters of the hobby. best for everyone ... I mean, who doesn't want this attention as a " touchdown" for Electric Football A year later. with interest in the event expanding game to grow? I know the Akron (OH) League and not just for himself. "The effect from my Super tremendously, the 2nd Annual Official Electric alone has grown leaps and bounds because of the comi111u:d 0 11 page 8 Football Super Bowl & Convention was held in press coverage it has received over the years." a ballroom at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Downtown Over the past five years, the Klingbeil Brothers Celebrity ,Comments Chicago. New rules disallowed coaching teams, have deferred from playing in the Super Bowl Continued from page 3 so Bill Klingbeil went out and earned his second Tournament, spending their time coordinating their consecutive EFL Super Bowl title alone, while convention booth, helping out with referee duties Dave Sims, Sportscaster, brother Mark (along with Mark's wife Pauline) and being "Good Will Ambassadors" for the Cablevision/"Phillies Weekly" manned the Klingbeil Family's convention booth. game. But their names will forever be in EFL "I loved the action on the field. and I loved that it Following their victories, the Klingbeils recall annals as the very first Super Bowl Champs. was three dimensional. "Also, I love that ifs a totally hands-on game. and that's so much different than the other games kids play today. The players actually come to life." Chet Coppock, "Coppock on Sports," Sporting News Radio Network ''For a little Chet Coppock. playing Electric Football was a big: thrill. ''What I didn't realize then. but I recognize now. is that the real splendor of the game was its innocence. ''First. the fun of the game for me was that I could play it with my friends. "'It was jusl a great feeling of exhilaration. think, as a kid, I probably enjoyed playing Electric Football more than playing baseball or basketball because there was something about the gallle that was challenging ... it made a young boy feel part of the . "The real charm of the game was that I was living out these youthful fantasies with the simplicity of the game. You lined up the players and ·boom· it happened. This very small- yet panoramic- -decuic The Memphis Queen line's fleet of five paddlewheel riverboats offers a variety of dining and sightseeing cruises, football tield would e:--p lnde \\'ith players going in as well as moonlight excursions. this direction and Lh,11 di,-.xtion. I mu st admit. I was a great fantasi zer with Elcct1ic Football.'· ■ Pl!: Where and when do you play your PU: What Is the single most Important piece of advice would you give to someone looking • • • • • • • • • • • league games? JM: We play two seasons a year (Spring and Fall). to start their own league? In the spring, coaches use college teams, and JM: Get organized early, listen to your coaches s , (},e: and think everything through. We have an in the fall coaches can use any professional team from any pro league that has existed. Most organization model in the Air Force called APTEC . AIAIIO tl1Y EFL use NFL teams in the fall, but we do get the APTEC stands for: Analyze, Plan , Train, Execute occasional USFL or AFL team. During both sea­ and Critique. If you use this system at the sons, coaches have a 10 game schedule, five beginning and end of each season, you will have of which are home games. Games are usually a successful league. Get your coaches together • • • • • • • • • • • played at the home team's field at that coach's and make your league rules and vote on them One Of the most inspirational, active, competitive house. Occasionally, we have met at a local as a league. Then, vote on a CommIssIoner, and fastest-growing EFL leagues in the entire middle school in the cafeteria. Vice Commissioner, Treasurer and Secr_etary to country is the Alamo City Bectric Football leagl.Je enforce the rules when the season begins. PII: We understand you are leaving Texas Make sure your league officers' roles are clearly (ACEFL) , based in San Antonio , TX. and moving North. What's the story? defined. No detail of league organization Is too PLUGGED IN! recently spoke with League JM: We are moving to Virginia this winter, which founder Jerry McGhee, who has also served as means I will be home for the first time in my . -.~ r,~Pl !;t r•... . ~ ( , Commissioner since the AC EFL 's debut nearly , ' ~,;\ -'·, ~ 10-year career with the Air Force. I'm getting two yea rs ago, about his league, his love of promoted to the rank of Major shortly after we 111.- ~·.._- ~~.i. r.- ... ~,- Electric Football and his fu tu1·e plans. Here are move. But I will try to talk to the Electric Football ·.. ,,,'. ~ coaches in the area and see what they've got ' ' - the highlights of the interview: f K~'-~.' ,. it. going on; however, my job in Virginia is going to >.lilAf'lN,'• - PWGGED IN! (Pl!) : When did the league start? be quite demanding and require some traveling, • . lMZ'il • - Jerry McGhee (JM): The Alamo City Electric so I am going to have to see how all that figures ~t ~ Football League started on December 4, 1999, into my family life-then I will be able to figure -f;t, ..... in San Antonio, Texas , after Miggle Toys did an out my Electric Football time. article in their Fall 1999 Plugged In! Newsletter Coaches of the Alamo City EFL San Antonio, TX Top L·R: Theron Briggs, Jimmy Sides, Ed Sifuentes Jr., Ed on the Big Playing Board that I had designed Pl!: What unique impressions do you feel you 've left on the coaches and your league? Sifuentes Ill, Hilton Chretien; 2nd row L·R: Ray Dixon, and built. Nine coaches from the San Antonio Trey Briggs Jerry McGhee, Generro Guerrerro, Allred area called me as a direct result of that article. JM: The biggest thing I think I have imparted Ramos· 3rd row L·R: John Rowan, David Rowan, Mike to our coaches is focusing on innovations across Pl!: Who were the other coaches who Robertson, Barry Stephenson; Not Pictured: Jeremy Hicks the hobby, getting them to shift their paradigm and Thom Duncanson helped you start the league? and think outside the box. Tudor and Miggle Toys JM: In addition to myself, the nine other did a great job of getting this game going. We coaches were Thom Duncanson, Theron have taken it a little farther and implemented a small and it will pay you big dividends as you Briggs, Trey Briggs, Ed Sifuentes Jr., Mark great deal of realism into our style of play from go through a season. Make smart decisions in Villanueva, Hilton Chretien, Mike Robertson our rules, to big boards, decals/painting and accordance with your rulebook as the season goes and Stephen Ingram. figures that are in some really cool poses. We along. If it's not in your rulebook, get feedback Pl!: How did you decide what rules to utilize? have a lot of great budding craftsmen and artists! from the other coaches before you render a JM: When we formed the league, we started Pl!: What will you miss most about running decision as commissioner. Lastly, make sure with a meeting at my house that centered on the your league? you have a plan to recruit new coaches. objectives of the league and what rules we were JM: I will miss the special friendships I have going to use. All of the coaches made sugges­ made here in San Antonio. Running a league If you are interested in more infonnation on tions, and they were voted on by the founding is a thankless job sometimes, but the benefits the Alamo City Electric Football League, go members. The Alamo City Electric Football come at the beginning and end of each season to their website at ■ League rules got their origins from a combination when you see guys who get hooked on the of rules used by Miggle Toys/Tudor Games; the competition and they begin to develop as coaches DFW EFL in Dallas, TX; Rules 2000; and some and eventually they become powerhouses in original rules the ACEFL coaches wanted to include. the league. Memphis to Host 2002 Electric Football Convention Pl!: How has the ACER.~ over the yea,s? Pl!: What Is the competition llke In ACEFL? Continued from page 1 JM: Two things have changed since we JM: Competition has come a long way in this started this league. First, the league has league. For example, Trey Briggs started play­ Pro running backs and , grown in terms of the increased number of ing in this league when he was 12 years old. competed in the in 1974- coaches who have participated each seasor:i. He's 14 now. He went 0-10 in his first season; 75 ; while the , anchored by And second, the rules we originally created his second season saw him make the playoffs future Pro Football Hall of Farner , were reviewed after the completion of the with a 6-4 record; and in his third season, he were a force in the United States Football League first season and, from that critique, some went undefeated and won the league champi­ rules were changed or added to help with onship! I used to be able to paste this kid, in 1984-85. Currently, the Memphis Xplorers of realism. Then, upon completion of the sec­ now I can't beat him! The other coaches are the Arena Football League play their home games ond season last year, another revision of the no picnic either. Every game is proving harder in DeSoto Civic Center rules was done by the league, as more rules and harder to win and if you do win, you feel ''I can't think of a more ideal setting for our were added or subtracted. Although the like you've run a marathon. We should start annual Electric Football Super Bowl & Convention basic rules of the ACEFL have not changed stocking Power Bars at our games to keep the than Memphis," Landsman concluded, '"and I know from tl1e first day, things like kicking, punting coaches' energy levels up. It's gotten THAT the Memphis Marriott East will be a spectacular and season ending injuries are VERY realistic competitive and I love it! Winning should never host for the event." ■ in the type of El ectric Football game play. be easy. Elvis. Joh nn y Cash, B.B. King. Jerry Lee Lewis. • Gibson Guitar Memphi s: (800) 4-GIBSON Memphis Roy Orbison and other lcgrnds created th..: mu sic • Ice Ch:il et Skating Rink : (90 I) 362-8877 O ffers Many thatchang..:d th t.: world . LJ0 l/52 1-0664. 12.7 miles • Laser Quest: (90 I) 324-4800 from hotel/App. 16 mins. • Li chterman Na ture Center: (90 I) 76 7-7322 Attractions Memphis Zoo (2000 Prentiss Plal'c) • Memphi s Botani c Gardens (90 I )685-1566 • Memphis Bnx,ks Musi:um of Art: (90 1) 544-62()() Gather up your families and head for Memphis! Lm:at..:d in Ov..:rlon P:1rk in the hea rt or midtown Memphis. The Memphi s Zou is home tu more than • Memphi s Transportation Museum (90 1 )362-0202 771e,r, are {I 11 ·' ·air/ 11~r 1.1u, .. ·r,n . g c,11rac11011s.. resta11m 111s 3000 animals r..:prcscnting uv..: r 400 species. and clubs in Memphis that appeal to all ages. tastes Memphis Nightlife and lmdl!,et,· Here a ., . . · LJ0 l/725-3400. LU miles from hold/App. ILJ min s. . ' . . /( .\{)///(' tJ/ I/1(' 11/()S/ /JOfJlllar & Restaurants The Children's Museum of Memphis tu1ms1 a11mc1io11 s(irn11 ll'hich to choose. For 111,m• Spnrls, ji11e dining, 11111sic, cluhs. Memphis has it t11/0 1111mio11. co111ac1 the Me1111>l11\ V,,·,·1cJ 1··,. f:" . (2525 Central Ave.) . . . ~ /1/ ('lll./ (I/ 1,//. /-I ere is j11s/ o sc11111>fe of \\'hat '.v happening at (800)873-6282 or ,·isit 11 -11 •,,: w,nphist t, ll'ei.colll. Spark an imagination and li ght up a mind' This 11 nixhr i11 Memphis. discovery mu seum fur children provides inlerauivc host the Orlando Magic at Attractions hands-on ex hibits and programs within a child-s ized the Pyramid ( Auction Ave.) t.: ity. 90 1/458-2678or 901/320-3 170. 7. 1 miles I Graceland (3765 Elvis Presley Bh•d.) Sat., Jan 19, 2002. at 8 pm. For ti cket information, call from hotel/App. 14 mins. The home of the King of Rock · 11 · Roll . Elvis Aron 901/888-HOOP. 15 miles from hotel/App. 20 mins. Presley. Phenomenally enj oyable. affectionate Libertyland Amusement Park, 940 Early BB King's Blues Club (143 Beale St.) celebration of the Ki ng. Visit the Hall of Gold Maxwell Blvd. Popular club with blues, barbecue and beer enjoyed auto mobile museum. restaurants. gift shops an~ Rides. li ve entertainment shows, carnival games by an enth usiasti c crowd. BB makes an appearance lots more. See Elvis' pink Cadill ac and climb and more. 800-522-PARK. 6.8 mil es from or two per year. 90 1/524-5464. 14.9 miles from aboard hi s custom jets. 800/238-2000. 9_8 miles hotel/App. 14 mins. hotel/ App. 19 mins. from hotel/App. 14 mins. Mud Island River Park (125 North Front St.) Elvis Presley's Memphi<; Restaurant (126 Beale St) Memphis Music Hall of Fame (97 S. Second St.) Mi ssissippi River hi story, a scale model of the Lanskv's. Elvis' old tail ors, has been transformed ~omprehensive homage packed with photos, records, river and this hi storic Memphis Bell e B-1 7 bomber into a slick bar with Elvis-themed menu, good instruments and footage. ranging from the pre-Elvis hi ghlight this attraction. 800/507-6307. 15 .3 bands and dancing. 800/238-2000. 14.8 mi les years to Sun, Sta\° and beyond. 90 I /525-4007. miles from hotel/App, 19 mins. from hotel/App. I 8 mins 15.1 miles from hotel/App. 18 mins. Bogey's Golf and Family Entertainment Center Green's (2090 E. Person Ave) National Civil Rights Museum (450 Mulberry St.) (7800 Fischer Steel Rd., Cordova, TN) Authentic neighborhood club featuring li ve Delta blues Powerful. detailed museum built around the remains Here's a year-round, one-stop golf faci lity th at features a 9-hole, par-3 golf course. dri ving range. and hard dani:ing. 7 miles from hotel/App. 11 nuns. of the actual Lorraine Mo1el, where Dr. Martin miniature golf, golf pros and pro shop- as we ll Luther King Jr. was assassinated. 90 1/521-9699. Rum Boogie Cafe (182 Beale St) as go-karts, kiddy rides. batting i:ages, arcade and 14.8 miles from hotel/App. 18 mins. One of Beale's most crowded hot spots. with blues food court. 90 I /757-2649. 11 miles from every ni ght. plus Cajun cooking and ribs. 90 1/528- Memphis Rock 'N' Soul Museum hotel/ App. 17 mins. 0 150. 15 miles from hotel/App. 19 mins. (145 Lt. George W. Lee Ave.) Celebration Station (5970 Macon Cove) From the Smithsonian Institution, it's the complete Willie Mitchell's Rhythm and Blues Club Memphis' #I Family, Food and Entertainment Memphis music story ranging from blues to rock (326 Beale St.) Center. More than I 00 of the latest arcade oames & roll to soul. 90 I /543-0800. 15 miles from Owned by the daughters of legendary soul producer/ bumper boats, miniature golf and more. 90~/377-' hotel/App. 19 mins. songwriter Will ie Mitchell. with consistently d assy 6700. 9.2 miles from hotel/App. 13 mins. blues and R&B acts plus talent searches. 901/523- Sun Studio (706 Union Ave.) While in Memphis, you may also want to check 7444. 13.3 miles from hotel/App. 17 mins. ■ To ur the " Birthplace of Rock ' n' Roll ," where out these fine attractions:

DRIVING DISTANCES TO MEMPHIS, TN ·y APPROX. APPROX. Cll MILEAGE 0RI VING TIME CITY MILEAGE DRIVING m I. Little Rot.:k. AK 150 2. 5 Hours 14. Omaha. NE 7 12 12 Hours 2. Nashville. TN 205 3.5 Hours IS. San Antonio. TX 728 13. 5 Hours 3. St. Louis. MO 29 1 5 Hours 16. Detroit. MI 732 12.4 Hours 4. Louisville. KY 373 6.3 Hours 17. Cleveland. OH 732 12 . 1 Hours 5. Atlanta, GA 38 1 8 Hours 18. Pittsburgh. PA 760 14.6 Hours 6. New Orleans, LA 404 6.6 Hours 19. Washin gton. DC 86 1 14.6 Hours 7. Da ll as, TX 460 8.5 Hours 20. Phil adelphia. PA 996 17 Hours 8. In dianapoli s. IN 474 8.7 Hours 21. New Yor k. NY I 0LJ I 18. I Hours 9. C incinnati. O H 475 8. 1 Hours 22. Denv..:r. CO 11 -W 20.8 Hours I 0. C hi cago. IL 539 IO Hours 23. Las Vegas. NV I 5XO 27 .6 Hours II. Houston. TX 580 11 .9 Hours 24 . 1.o., /\ng..:ks. CJ\ 180 I :10. 1 Hours Fans from al over the world flodr to Graceland to pay their respects to musical legend 12. Colu mbia, SC 594 11. 8 Ho urs 23. San Francisco. CA 2094 39.4 Hours Elvis Presley. The Meditation Garden is ad;acent to the Graceland Mansion anJ is 13. Charloll t.:, NC 6 16 10.6 Hours the final resting place for members of the Presley family. FFICIAL EFL CONVENTION J(0W TO QUALiff FOR THE NEW ofFICIAL EFL SUPER BOWL 8 TOlJRNEY 2002 CONVENTION '[O JNtLUDE ALL LEAGUE tHAMPIONS! EXHIBITOR APPLICATION FORM The (l,ampions or every EFL League in the country wi ll now be ab le to (PLEASE PRINT) conipcte in one or th e two new play-o ffs at the 8th Annual Official Eledric football Super Bowl & Convention lo determine two or the four Super Ir you arc inr crcstcd in ha ving a free di splay area at the 8th Annual Official Electric Footbal l Su per Bowl & Conventi on at the Memphis Marri ott East Bc11vi Tournament se mifinali sts at the 2002 event sc hedul ed fur Jan. 18-20. 1002. in Memphi s. TN 1 Hotel in Memphis. TN. rrom Jan . 18-20. 2002-based on space ava ilabi lity­ - In making the announcement. EFL Commissioner Michael Landsman. please crnn pletc this form. detach and either mail or fax by Dec. 15. 2001 , to: preside nt of Miggle Toys, also stated th at the hi ghl y-popular AFC and NFC 2002 Electric Foothall Convention Wi ld Card Tournaments wi ll continue to be played 011 Saturday morning. c/o Silverman Mcd ia&Marketing Group Jan. I9. 2002. to determine the oth er two tournament semifina li sts. 245 Fifth Aven ue , Suite 604, New York, NY 10016 "As a company that is always responsive to the suggestions. ideas and Attn: Ira H. Silverman reco mmendations of our Coaches and customers." Landsman explained, "we Fax: 212/686-8742 decided to rev ise and expand the format for determining the finalists for the NAME ______two Conference Championship Games at the upcoming Official Electric Football Super Bow l & Convention.'' STREET ADDRESS,______Here are the details Landsman has established: CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE. ______LEAGUE CHAMPIONS PLAY-OFFS DAYTIME PHONE,______All EFL Leagues throughout the U.S. with six or more members are eligible to nominate one of their Coaches to compete in the League Champions EVENING PHONE.______Play-Offs at the 2002 EFL Convention. "We hope all leagues wi ll designate E-MAIL.______their Champion," Landsman asserted. All leagues located East of the Mis sissi ppi Ri ver will be placed in the Eastern Conference Play-Offs. wh il e WHAT WILL YOU BE EXHIBITING,______all leagues located West of the Mississippi wi ll be assigned to the Western Conference Play-Offs. The winner of each Conference Play-Off will auto­ matically qualify for the AFC or NFC Championship Game. HOW MANY TABLES DO YOU NEED" (CIRCLE ONE) 2 To register your League for a spot in the Eastern or Western Conference (Two table max imum due to space limitations) Play-Offs at the 2002 EFL Convention (required for admission into the competition). please fi ll out the form on this page and send it to Silverman DO YOU NEED AN ELECTR ICAL OUTLET?______Media&Marketing Group no later than January 14, 2002. WILD CARD TOURNAMENTS ■ All 2002 EFL Convention attendees will be able to participate in the AFC or NFC Wild Card Tournament. Sign-up wi ll take place at the Friday evening LEAGUE CHAMPIONS PLAY-OFF RESERVATION FORM Welcome Reception & Dinner and al the entrance to the Convention on Saturday, Jan. I 9, 2002, between 8:00-9:00 a.rn. LEAGUE NAME ______FORMATS All Rounds of both the League Champions Play-Offs and the Wild Card LEAGUE CONTACT NAME ______Tournaments wi ll be played according to Miggle Toys' "Wi ld Card" Tournament Rules. ■ LEAGUE CONTACT'S STREET ADDRESS , CITY. STATE, ZLP __ ~-;::~~~~~~~~~~~. LEAGUE CONTACT'S PHONE NO ______:<1 2002 EFL CONVENTION I : :, FRIDAY NIGHT DINNER RESERVATION FORM ~ LEAGUE CONTACT'S E-MAI L ADDRESS ______I . •I (PLEASE PRINT) . I i" Due to the great populaiity and increased turnout at the _a nnual M1ggle Toys-host- ~ NO. OF COACHES IN LEAGUE ______-: ed Welcome Recep1ion & Dinner at the Official _E lectnc Football Super Bowl_ & ~ LEAGUE LOCATED: EAST WEST OF MISSISSIPPI 1 , Convention. we _have been asked by the Memphis_Marnoll East Hotel to provide I RIV ER (C HECK ONE) 1 1_ them with a projected attendance number approx11nately one month pnor to the I function on January I8 . 2002. To guarante_e yourself enlry lo /his FREE eve11I, ~I>.: NAME OF LEAGUE CHAMPION COAC H ______please complete this form, detach and mill/ or Jax before Dec. 15, 2001 lo: .":i 1

1 LEAGUE CHAMPION'S STREET ADDRESS, CITY. STATE. ZIP_ 2002 Electric Football Convention/Friday Night Reception ,- , do Silverman Media&Markcting Group ~ 245 Fifth Avenue, Suite 604, New York, NY 10016 ~ Attn: Ira H. Silverman I • Fax: 212/686-8742 , LEAGUE CHAMPION 'S PHONE NO. ______I I I NAM E______I I I LEAGUE CHAMPION'S E-MA IL ADDRESS ______STREET ADDRESS ______t.-,;Y~ I, I CITY. STATE. ZIP CODE.______Please mail thi s form to: Si lverman Media&Markcring Group. 245 Fifth PHON E NUMBER ______I'I Ave .. Suite 604. New York . NY 1001 6: or fax it to: t212)686-87-i2. HOW MANY GUESTS WILL BE IN YOUR PARTY"7______I DEADLINE: Monday, January 14, 2002

~~~~~~~~~~~~~')&~~~ ■ TEACHER AT 40-STIIDENT HIGH SCHOOL STARTS EFL LEAGUE FOR COACHES AND TEENS Electric Football has often formed a great bond Halas;· claimed Roberts. "He has played Electri c fo r scouting purposes:· explained Roberts, who between people o r different ages and generati ons. Footbal l for li ve decades. For him. Electri c Football added amusingly, "We're hoping to get Steve Sabol. ancl nowhere is thi s fact more true than in the is not just a way of life. ii is life 10 him." head of NFL Films, clown here lo cover our games.'' small town o r Montrose, Missouri. At a school as small as Mont rose Hi gh Even if NFL Films doesn't find it's way to One-time disc jockey John Roberts. a 36-year- (Mont rose is located 65 miles southeast of Kansas littl e Montrose, MO, the league has made its old social Sludies teacher and basketball coach at C it y). teachers. coaches and student s obviously mark on the EFL landscape. tin y Montrose High School (e nrollment of just 40 spend a great deal or time togethe r. Now Electri c "We commend John Robert s and all of the Sludents). has taken hi s affection for Electric Football Footba ll has brought th e adults and the teenagers other teachers at M ontrose Hi gh School fo r their and brought it into the c lassroom where he has even closer. "Electri c Football dominates all o f dedicati on, unselfishness and devotion to their organi zed a very special Electri c Football League. our li ves ... Robert s stat ed mailer-of-fa ctl y. stu dents,'' stated Michael Landsman, president Just how did Roben s· love fo r the game begin '/ From Rube11s· perspecti ve. the Electric Football of Mi ggle Toys. "Once again , the Electric "M y firSL Electri c Football game was the one League at hi s high school bcnclits eve1yonc: "171e Football community has come together to show I received at C hristmas in 1972:· Robert s remcm- game will provide our students with great memori es how our social. chall enging and fun -fill ed game bered. " It was the Cowboys and the Chie fs. and I for a li fetime. It also helps with our coaching by help- helps adults and children relate lo--and benefit pl ayed it a ll the way th rough junior high school. ing us relate 10 these young people. And, the parents from- each other. Mi ggle Toys will support their At th at time, I thought I had outgrown it." love it because they know where their children are!" efforts in any ways we ca n ." ■ It took many years fo r Robert s lo reali ze how Whal also makes the Mont rose Hi gh EFL so wrong he had been. special is the extremes the adults and youn gsters " Last year. one of my pl ayers. ' Downtown' go to in order to acid reali sm to their games. "We Joe Ha1Ti s (ni cknamed fo r his three-point shooting have two stadiums in my classroom- we don' t ability) brought me a catalog that had the El ectri c call them fi eld s," Roberts conceded. "We put up Football game in it.'' recall ed Roberts. " I thought. li ghts and grandstands and other stuff. ·Hey. this looks cool.' So I went to the kids and told "We even play with 'realistic fi eld conditions,"' them about the Littl e hand-painted men and how they continued Roberts. "For example, we stick some almost magicall y play for you like the little guys tape on the fi eld if it 's muddy outside, or bl ast a on TV at home 1 I think that sold them ." fan at the fi eld if it's windy. We even open the According to Robe1ts, the youngsters jumped at windows for really chilly wind. Coach McIntosh the idea of playing in an EFL League in their school usuall y wears his parka for cold weather conditions Menm-s of tire Montrose (MO} EFL: Bottom Row (left 111 '9fl} and, together with two other teachers (Bob Mcintosh just like Soldier Field in Chicago-except we Keir &.,er, Eniy Swaters, Savrnli W~ Slrlcy Stoddird. 2nd Row: Matt Swatm, Caneron Htn, Tnwis Bmdter, Joe Hems, and Raymond Troup, who also serves as the school's pl ay good football. " Jam Roberts, Mire LirJer. 3n/ Row: W: .lo5fi Lauwiz. (Not in photo: Cole .Uytibllll!yllr.

Winning EFL Super Bowl Continued from page 4 Bowl wins-especiall y the local news coverage­ crazy when I was on the cover of the still had to demonstrate hi s great Electric helped ki ck-start a wonderful EFL in upstate South Inquirer's Sports Page-there was a huge picture Football skill and te nacity-and he did so twice. Carolina. Electric Football is alive and well of me next to a tiny one of Wayne Gretzky." Bell captured the Super Bowl 6 of EFL in again across America thanks to Miggle Toys and Daniels reponed that in addition to the January 2000 in Washington. DC, and successfull y Ira Silverman ·s office. Long li ve the EFL'" Inquirer, he also was the focu s of coverage in the defended his crown this past January at the Pro Philadelphia Daily News, a local radio talk show Football Hall of Fame in Canton, OH. His speedy PAUL DAVID DANIELS­ and three or four local newspapers and magazines. ' defense and pinpoint passing game on Winner of Super Bowl 5 "And there was a huge influx of phone call s from offense were ever-present at the 2000 and 2001 conven­ A new city (Philadelphia) and a new Super Bowl fri ends and family," he noted. tions-and so was the ensuing media frenzy each year. quali fy ing sche me (Wild Card Tourneys to deter­ But hi s fond memories don' t end there. "After my first win. there was a huge article in the mine two of the fo ur championship semifinali sts). "Winning the Miggle Championship was proof New Orleans Times-Picarnne. And then after the 2nd greeted visi tors to the 5th Annual Official Electric that I was capable of really applying myself to do victo1y, I did a li ve Electtic Football demonstt-a tion on Football Super Bowl & Convention in Janu ary we ll. I love telling people about it since it was Fox News on the night of the 'rear NFL Super Bowl 1999. With a large contingent of Philadelphia such a huge confidence booster." on li ve television. It nui numerous times ... area Coaches in attendance, it was no surprise that Daniels added that it is great that Coaches can Bell takes all of this celebrity in snide. recogni zing one of them would emerge fro m the competiti on now not onl y win their local league title. but that a the li ght-hearted and fun nature of the game. '·It was lots of fun ," he said enthusiasticall y. " I loved with the storied Miggle Trophy. U.S. Electric Football Championship is also at stake. The winner was Paul David Daniels, a li eu­ "The bar was rai sed in our hobby by having EFL doing the press. When I do these interviews, I usually do them tongue-in-cheek and sill y ... saying tenant with the Gloucester (NJ) po li ce department , leagues from around the country come together for stuff like my players had practiced hard and were who defeated fell ow Philacl elphian James Crews one Nati onal Championship," he concluded. ready for the game. Things like that. " in the championship game. And how have his comrades from hi s New " I was overwhelmed by the reacti on to my RON BELL- Orleans league treated him? .. As fa r as the local vi ctory from other players and the medi a, " Daniels Winner of Super Bowls 6 & 7 league is concerned. they all want ·a piece of me· stated to PLUGGED IN 1 "My home league is in Ron Bell, an assistant district a11 orney from New Philadelphia, so most of the guys from my league Orleans, qualified for the two most recent EFL now. I guess pl aying me is bi gger than just a were at the Convention. They were ecstatic that Super Bowls by sending in the winning videotapes regul ar game fo r the m because they arc all out to a Philly guy won th e tourn ament. It reall y got each year. But once he got to the Conventions, beat me-in a fri endly way of co ur se." ■