Salah A-Din St, +972-4-6015533
0 10Km Local Map & Boutique Tourism > Western Galilee Now (NGO) 16 5 33 18 1. Stern Winery 17. Noalush 35. Hasia Naveh Studio Boutique Winery, Tuval Bakery, Delicatessen and Restaurant Patch Work. Cloth Coloring and 054-3034361 Tarshiha, 04-6000068 Workshops, Bustan Hagalil 18. Shula from Shtula 054-4770015 2. Yiftah’el Winery Kurdish Home Cooking, Shtula Boutique Winery, Alon HaGalil 052-8366818 36. Omanya 41 04-9861466, 052-2824644 Leather Handcraft Visitors Center 13 39 19. Hagit Lidror Workshops, Courses and Shop, Afek 3. Lotem Winery Cooking Classes & Home-Cooked 052-8391797, 04-8784330 37 Boutique Organic Winery, Lotem 11 32 Vegetarian Food, Klil 054-4661552, 054-7915868 052-6464884 37. Blacksmith Yuval Telem & Rushka 21 9 Gallery Cafe 4. Kishor Winery 20. Galil Eat Boutique Winery, Kishorit Cooking Classes & Galilean meals, 9 04-9085198 Workshop, Gallery and Cafe, Mattat 21 Arcross the Galilee 054-4371414/5 055-8810727 44 38 5. Jullius Craft Distillery 19 Kibbutz Hanita 050-8880858 38. Dalit Benshalom - Studio for 21. Brioche Mosaic & Sculpture 24 6 17 Catering and Workshops 6. Malka Brewery Nahariya 077-4260520 25 34 Malka Queen’s Court, Yehiam Creation in Mosaic and Scultpture 22 40 6 The House of Malka, Tefen 22. Janet’s Kitchen in Iron and Concrete, Yehiam 23 050-9957489 Druze Home Hospitality 052-3224431 42 Jat, 04-9561720/054-6503090 7. Alto Dairy 35 39. Blacksmith Walied Khoury Goat Cheese & Cafe, Shomrat 23. Aya Natural 7 4 04-9854802, 054-5614644 Natural Cosmetics, Bayt Jan Workshop & Gallery, Fassuta 04-9805886 054-7980606 1 8. Shirat Roim Dairy Boutique Goat Cheese dairy, 15 24.
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