Have you been looking for quick tips and tricks on how you can be the best parent that you can be? Maybe you don’t want to read a whole giant blog post or book on each topic. Maybe you’re confused as to what is right because everything on the Internet can seem so contradictory! Well look no further. I compiled this list of 55 tips all from personal experience. They really work!


I really cringe every time I go to the grocery store or a hardware store and see the line of plants where you "Just Add Ice." Folks, this is a marketing gimmick. You'll see this with moth orchids (Phalaenopsis) and other types of plants as well.

Unless you see a monkey with a popsicle stick, please don't use ice. your plants the old fashioned way and save the ice cubes for your cocktail or iced tea. Your plants will thank you!

If you want a video demonstration on how I water my moth orchids, check out my YouTube video showing how I do this. TIP #2: A CLEAN PLANT IS A HAPPY PLANT

Do you have a dusty houseplant? Sure, we all do! If you expect your plant to be happy, it's a good idea to clean those filthy, dusty leaves every so often.

Give them a good rise in the shower, or wipe them off with a sponge or moist paper towel.

Make sure you don’t leave any water stuck in the crown of the plant in order to help prevent it from rotting. Especially orchids and succulents. It is better to be safe than sorry.

And don’t be scared to wet the leaves of your plant! So many people get scared to do this. Which makes zero sense. After all, what do you think happens when it rains outside? Plants did not evolve indoors.

That being said, try to avoid getting plants like African Violets wet. Cold water can spot the leaves or worse under average indoor conditions. You can also have the plant rot if you get water stuck in the crown of African Violets. TIP #3: READ A GOOD HOUSEPLANT BOOK

There is SO much information out there on the Internet. Some of it is true and much of it is NOT! Information on the Internet related to houseplant care is abundant, and so much of it is contradictory and confusing.

There are many sites that just regurgitate what other sites have and have no personal experience with growing plants themselves.

This is NOT to say that if you read contradictory information that one of the parties is necessarily wrong. There are many approaches to plant care. The right way is what WORKS. And what works for one person, may not work for another person. This is because everyone’s conditions are different.

So don’t be afraid to experiment and see what works for you. Now there ARE some things that are just flat out wrong. How do you know who to trust?

Why not learn the old fashioned way, from a trusted source?

Check out my blog post on some of my favorite houseplant books. TIP #4: JOIN A PLANT SOCIETY

Never underestimate the power of crazy plant people! You will find many characters in plant societies, and there seems to be a society for everything.

Check out the American Orchid Society for a wealth of orchid information.

If begonias are your thing, check out the American Begonia Society.

If you have an aroid fetish, consider joining the International Aroid Society.

Crazy plant people unite! That way you can swap plants and geek out with other plant crazies like yourself.

These plant societies are amazing resources and you will encounter many people that are truly knowledgeable and everyone learns from each other. After all, no one knows absolutely everything. TIP #5: USE A TURKEY BASTER TO REMOVE EXCESS WATER

Did you water your large floor plant and now you have a lot of water in the tray underneath but the plant is too big and heavy to pick up?

Use a turkey baster to suck up the extra water so your plant isn't sitting in water! Plants sitting in water for extended periods will be prone to root rot, so take out that turkey baster. TIP #6: AIR DRY YOUR SUCCULENT AND CACTUS CUTTINGS BEFORE PROPAGATING

When you make a succulent or cactus cutting, you need to let them air dry for a few days and the cut needs to callous over.

This will help prevent the cutting from rotting when you are trying to root it.

Check out the interview I conducted with an expert on propagating succulents. He is in the floral industry and learned from commercial succulent growers. TIP #7: REPOT YOUR PLANT

Is your pot full of roots? Maybe roots are coming out of the drainage holes?

Perhaps there is a hard mass of roots on the surface? Have you had your plant a long time and never took it out of its nursery pot?

It might be time for you to repot!

To know when and how to repot, check out my blog post on repotting a houseplant. TIP #8: FERTILIZE

In nature, plants have a constant stream of from decaying plant and animal matter. In the home, your potted plant only has the in its pot. The nutrients will be used up rather quickly in a pot.

Some potting mixes have added and it may tide your plant over for 6 months or so. Then after that, it is our job to make sure we fertilize our plants during the growing season.

Check out my fertilizing blog post for all the that I like using for various plants.


I rarely use any potting mix straight out of the bag anymore. Indoor plants need excellent drainage. And it's not just succulents that need excellent drainage.

I like using Miracle Gro potting mix for most . For succulents and cacti, I like the Miracle Gro cactus, palm and citrus mix.

I'll start with these two mixes (or use your favorite mix) and add at least 1 part perlite or pumice to 3 parts potting mix in order to provide additional aeration in the potting mix.

This will also help prevent soil compaction. You will be shocked at how much this improves the soil drainage! TIP #10: INSPECT YOUR HOUSEPLANTS AT THE TIME OF PURCHASE!

Don't skip this! Carefully inspect any plant before you purchase it. Look for any indication of pests such as white, cottony mealy bugs on the leaves or stems, spider mite webs, fungus gnats flying around the plant, etc. If you do notice any pests, don't buy the plant! Time to visit another nursery. TIP #11: SUMMER YOUR HOUSEPLANTS OUTDOORS

The great outdoors can work miracles for your houseplant that has been cooped up indoors. Fresh rainwater, air circulation, increased light, and the temperature gradient between day time and night time will quickly whip any plant into shape.

Check out my blog post on how I prepare my houseplants for their visit outdoors.


Do you become a nervous wreck every time you go on vacation and you have to worry about who will care for your plants?

You may not have to have anyone come to your home!

Check out my vacation houseplant care hack blog post to sustain your plants while you are gone. THEY WORK! TIP #13: CHANGE YOUR WATER FREQUENTLY IF YOU ARE ROOTING CUTTINGS IN WATER

Are you trying to root your houseplant cuttings in water? Be sure that you change the water frequently to keep it fresh and clean and to increase your chances of rooting.

Aim for at least once a week, or more frequently if you notice that the water is dirty or cloudy.


You don't absolutely NEED to, but it can greatly speed up the process! Simply dip the end of your cutting in water, then in the rooting hormone, and then put the cutting right into soil if you are choosing to soil propagate. TIP #15: STOP MISTING BECAUSE YOU THINK IT WILL INCREASE HUMIDITY

...because it won't! You can certainly whip out the mister for other purposes, but if your goal is to increase humidity, you're wasting your time.

It will give you a good forearm exercise though. TIP #16: GROUP PLANTS TOGETHER TO INCREASE HUMIDITY

Did you know that if you group plants together, they will increase their own humidity?

Plants transpire water through their leaves, so by grouping them closely together, they'll create their own microclimate with higher humidity. TIP #17: JUST GET A HUMIDIFIER TO INCREASE HUMIDITY

Duh, right? I purchased a new humidifier for my sun room that I absolutely LOVE. Check out my humidity blog post for all the details on this humidifier as well as on the humidity topic in general.

Before you worry about humidity though, the more important topic is to make sure your watering practices are sound.

Get your watering practices down first, and then worry about increasing humidity otherwise you will be wasting your time. TIP #18: WATER YOUR PLANTS THOROUGHLY

If you are adding just a little water each time you water, you are not watering the proper way. Of course, there are many factors in houseplant care and watering is just one of the topics that needs to be correct.

Learn about the top watering myths of watering houseplants and how you really should be watering.

This is one of the most misunderstood topics in houseplant care, so make sure you read my blog post above. TIP #19: LOOSEN THE ROOTBALL WHEN YOU REPOT A PLANT

Have you ever simply taken a pot bound plant out of its original pot and transferred it to a bigger pot without loosening the root ball? If so, your plant's roots may stay that way and never grow into the new soil!

You'll need to loosen the root ball. Check out my blog post on repotting a pot bound plant for the proper procedure so your plant can thrive in its new pot. TIP #20: INCREASE LIGHT

Do you have a plant that isn't growing because it's sitting in a dark corner of your home? Enough said. Plants need light to grow. They manufacture their own food utilizing light.

Deprive your plant of light, and deprive it of food. Deprive it of food, and the growth will be disappointing. It’s really quite simple.

Also, just because a plant label says “low light” doesn’t mean that it wants to sit in a dark corner. Many “low light” plants like Sansevieria, actually do much better when they have brighter light, including some direct sunshine. TIP #21: SHAKE THOSE AIR PLANTS!

Have you ever had an air plant rot out on you? After you water your air plant (whether by misting it or soaking it), be sure to give it a good shake so excess water isn't lodged between the leaves and cause rotting.

Check out my air plant care guide post for more information on caring for your Tillandsia plants! TIP #22: AIR LAYER YOUR LEGGY HOUSEPLANTS

Do you have any larger houseplants that have gotten leggy and you wonder how on earth you will rejuvenate them? Try air layering!

This method works for lots of different plants including rubber plants, fiddle leaf figs, any Dracaena, and many more.

Although it takes some time, the process is rewarding and minimizes shock as you're propagating your houseplant.


Are you stuck in the "water once a week" philosophy? Your watering should not be dictated by your calendar. You should water when your plant needs to be watered. If a week goes by and the surface of your soil is still moist, there is no need to water. You should be regularly checking in with your plants and monitoring the . I simply like to use my finger. When the surface of the soil is dry (anywhere from 1/2 inch to 2 inches depending on the pot size), then you can think about watering again. TIP #24: USE THIS HACK TO GET YOUR CHRISTMAS CACTUS TO REBLOOM

Has your Christmas cactus failed to rebloom for you? Did you know that if your Christmas cactus doesn't receive uninterrupted darkness at night, it may not rebloom for you?

If you have a lamp or overhead light on during the evening hours, it can be deterring your plant from reblooming.

Another way to help your Christmas cactus rebloom is by giving it cooler night temperatures. This may trigger it to rebloom despite even having light interruption at night.

For more details, read my Christmas cactus blog post so you can finally learn these techniques and other tips for care. TIP #25: CAN’T DISTINGUISH BETWEEN OR FLOWER SPIKE OR A ROOT ON A MOTH ORCHID?

Check out this blog post. I will visually show you the difference so you don't have any false alarms! TIP #26: IF YOU TEND TO HABITUALLY WATER TOO FREQUENTLY, SWITCH TO TERRA COTTA POTS

If you tend to go heavy on the watering can and love watering, try switching to terra cotta pots. Terra cotta pots are very porous and dry out much more quickly than other types of pots. TIP #27: BE SURE TO SOAK YOUR TERRA COTTA POTS BEFORE USING THEM

Did you know that you really need to soak your terra cotta pots before using them? Soak them in warm water for about half an hour before using them.

Terra cotta already dries out quickly, so this process will help condition the pots before using them. Otherwise, they'll dry out even more quickly.


Anytime you are using orchid bark mix to repot your orchids, soak the bark chunks in hot water for 1/2 hour before using.

You will be conditioning the bark to accept water. Otherwise if you don't do this, water will run straight through and lose moisture much too quickly. TIP #29: TURN YOUR PLANTS FOR EVEN GROWTH

Is your houseplant growing towards the window? This is a phenomenon called phototropism where your plant will be reaching towards the light source. You'll need to turn your plants regularly, perhaps weekly, to encourage even growth.

One exception for this is if your moth orchid is growing a new flower spike, don't rotate your plant. Always leave it in the same orientation so your flower stalk can grow evenly towards the window. Otherwise if you keep turning it, you'll end up with a crooked mess of a flower stalk. TIP #30: WHEN YOU REPOT, LEAVE A SPACE BETWEEN THE SOIL LEVEL AND TOP OF THE POT

This way, you'll be creating a water reservoir. When you water your plant, the water will be contained.

If you fill the pot all the way to the top with soil, it will be easy to make a big mess every time you water. TIP #31: ARE YOU A FERN KILLER? TRY

Can't keep your fern moist enough? Or perhaps you have another moisture loving houseplant that dries out much too quickly?

Try adding vermiculite to your potting blend. It will loosen the soil mix and also retain more moisture. TIP #32: POKE HOLES INTO YOUR SOIL TO AERATE YOUR POTTING MIX

Is water just sitting on top of the soil surface when you water your plant and takes forever to soak in? Your soil may be too compacted.

One quick way to remedy this is to take a chopstick from your Chinese carryout and use it to poke a few holes into the soil.

This will help to aerate the pot and improve the drainage. When you repot the plant though, consider Tip #9 and amend your potting mix! TIP #33: DON’T USE WATER FROM YOUR HOME WATER SOFTENER SYSTEM TO WATER YOUR PLANTS

…because it is toxic! These systems typically replace calcium and magnesium from tap water and exchange them for sodium.

And sodium is toxic to plants! So your options could include buying distilled water or collecting and using rainwater for your plants. Rainwater would be the best choice anyway! TIP #34: CHOOSE THE RIGHT PLANT FOR THE RIGHT SPACE

You need to select your plant based off of the area that it will be growing in, not the other way around. I had a friend that tried to grow a cactus in an area with no window. That didn't work too well.

Conversely, if you have a large super-sunny window, you won't want to put a peace lily there because it will burn. Learn about the light requirements of a plant before you place it in its growing location. TIP #35: DO YOU HAVE A WINDOWLESS AREA AND STILL WANT TO GROW PLANTS?

There ARE plants that will grow in lower light, including areas with no windows! You just have to choose the plants wisely.

Check out this blog post that I wrote on plants to grow in windowless areas. I grew a nice variety of plants in an old windowless office that I used to have at work and some of them even thrived. TIP #36: BE SURE TO GROW PLANTS IN POTS THAT HAVE DRAINAGE HOLES

This might seem very obvious, but you can't imagine how many times I've had to remind people that you need drainage holes in pots.

I'm not saying it's impossible to grow a plant in pots without drainage holes, but it will be too much of a risk if you're not caring for it properly. TIP #37: ON A STRICT BUDGET AND STILL WANT PLANTS?

How about grow your own avocado plants after you're done making guacamole? Here is a quick, illustrated tutorial that I found on how to grow an avocado from a pit.

Or how about growing your own pineapple? Check out my blog post on how you can grow your own pineapple from a grocery store fruit! TIP #38: GROW YOUR OWN GINGER FOR COOKING!

Did you know that you can easily grow your own ginger for cooking? It is super easy and I've done it multiple times! You'll be shocked on how much ginger you will harvest in less than a year.

Check out my blog post on how I grow and preserve my own ginger. I also made a YouTube video showing my harvest! TIP #39: REUSE YOUR BROKEN CERAMIC OR TERRA COTTA POTS

Why not use the broken pieces to cover the drainage holes in your pot? I save all my broken pots and use small pieces for this purpose.

Every time I repot, I place a piece of a pot shard to cover the drainage hole. Water will go through, while keeping the soil in place.

Make sure to orient it so that it is like an upside-down U though, so there is a small gap for water to actually get through the drainage hole. TIP #40: TIME TO REPOT AND CAN’T GET YOUR PLANT OUT OF ITS PLASTIC NURSERY POT?

Why not cut it off with scissors? It's not worth risking damaging the plant by pulling too hard if it just won't come. Carefully take a pair of good scissors or pruners, and cut the plastic pot off carefully. TIP #41: TIME TO REPOT AND CAN’T GET YOUR PLANT OUT OF ITS CERAMIC OR TERRA COTTA POT?

Take a hammer to it! I once repotted a prized Anthurium that I've had for over a dozen years. It was growing in a plain terra cotta pot. I didn't want to damage the root system, so I simple took a hammer to it and safely removed the plant so I could repot it.

The plant was worth WAY more to me than an inexpensive terra cotta pot. After you take a hammer to it, you can save the broken pieces to use them as pot shards to cover drainage holes as previously described. It's fun and effective! TIP #42: DON’T WANT TO MAKE A MESS WATERING YOUR HANGING PLANTS?

Why not take them to the shower or bathtub with you and water them there? You can even take a portable coat rack and place it in the shower and allow the hanging plants to drain for a bit before returning them to their growing location. TIP #43: DON’T WANT TO BOTHER MIXING FERTILIZER SOLUTION EVERY TIME YOU WATER?

Save some gallon plastic jugs, label them, and mix up a batch of fertilizer and store them somewhere handy. TIP #44: DO YOU FIND FERTILIZING TOO MUCH OF A HASSLE?

Although I use Osmocote mainly for my outdoor pots, you can use it for indoors plants as well! Simply mix the small, dry spheres into your existing pots, or in the soil when you repot, and your plant will be good to go for months!

It is a time-release fertilizer so your plant will be slowly fertilized over time each time you water. TIP #45: DON’T THROW AWAY THOSE EGG SHELLS!

Eggshell water can be a great and free way to supplement your plant's needs. Check out this great post I found on the benefits of eggshell water and how to make it right in your own kitchen. TIP #46: STILL WAITING FOR THAT TINY POTHOS TO TURN INTO A BIG, LUSH PLANT?

Well, you'll have to give it a little help. Fortunately, I made a YouTube video showing you exactly how I do this!

Otherwise you will be waiting forever. Even then, it may never happen if you don’t take some extra measures! Be sure not to miss my video. TIP #47: DID YOU ACCUMULATE TOO MANY AIR PLANTS AND FIND IT A HASSLE TO WATER ALL OF THEM INDIVIDUALLY?

I eventually got tired of managing my air plants, so I simply mounted most of them on a piece of grapevine! You can use anything really. Grapevine, driftwood, etc.

Check out my YouTube video showing exactly how I mounted my air plants. Be creative! It made it a lot easier to care for them. TIP #48: MAKE YOUR OWN FERTILIZER WITH BANANA PEELS!

You can really reuse a lot from your kitchen! So why not make your own fertilizer and spare the landfill? Check out my blog post on growing Queen of the Night (Epiphyllum oxypetalum) where I also have a section on how to dehydrate banana peels and use them as fertilizer. TIP #49: WANT TO INCREASE OXYGEN LEVELS WHILE YOU ARE SLEEPING?

Keep some Sansevieria (snake plants or mother-in-law’s tongue) in your bedroom. These plants use up carbon dioxide and give off oxygen during the night...which is the opposite of what most other plants do at night. Not to mention, they tolerate low light. TIP #50: WANT TO IMPROVE YOUR INDOOR AIR QUALITY?

Did you know that NASA conducted research on the ability of various houseplants in removing indoor air pollutants? Indoor air can be up to 10 times more polluted than outdoor air.

Check out my blog post where I chose what I believe are the 9 easiest plants from that list of plants that NASA studied. Indoor air quality is a serious problem. So load your house up with plants! TIP #51: STRUGGLING WITH LOW LIGHT IN YOUR HOME, ESPECIALLY DURING THE WINTER?

There is nothing wrong with supplementing natural light with various grow lights, especially during the darker winter months. T5 light fixtures are amazing overall grow lights for your plants.

I'm not much of a fan of the purple LED lights that have become a craze everywhere. It's not pleasing to my eye. But if you don’t mind, go for it. TIP #52: WANT YOUR VINES TO GROW ON YOUR WALL BUT DON’T KNOW HOW TO SUPPORT THEM?

Try using Command hooks, or even clear fishing string, to train your plants against a wall! I currently use the command hooks in my office at work to train my Pothos.

In an old office that I used to be in, which was windowless, I used clear fishing string to train it against the walls. The vines totally took over the wall and I had many random guests stopping by admiring my wall!

Have fun with it! Check out my blog post if you're wondering how I grow Pothos. TIP #52: NEED TO REPOT A CACTUS BUT DON’T WANT TO GET PRICKED?

Take some bubble wrap, or even newspaper, and wrap it around the cactus as you're working with it so that you don't prick your fingers. TIP #54: LIKE THE LOOK OF TERRA COTTA POTS BUT NOT A FAN OF WATER SEEPING THROUGH THE SAUCER AND RUINING YOUR FURNITURE?

The solution is simple!

There are terra cotta saucers that are glazed in the interior.


There is a solution for that...plant caddies with wheels! I love using these for my larger floor plants when I need to move them. Save your back!

That concludes my 55 top houseplant care hacks and tips! Hopefully you've learned a few new tips that will help you out with your houseplant care!