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The eY llow Springs American Local Newspapers

6-11-1953 The elY low Springs American, June 11, 1953 Cedarville University

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Elementary School ,-.xc • Kettering Laboratory, New ;M fl To Sponsor m School, North Hall Progress Kettering Laboratory By Jltm Truestar architects. The flatter at construction Work. Harold Tanner, director of re­ {Friday Evening in Yellow Springs is competing with search for the foundation will he j A patriotic lecture open to the ! the clatter of the cicadas these in charge of the Yellow Springs ‘ public designed to alert citizens to f THE PURPOSE, AIMS AM) POLICY days. The song of the male < icada' laboratory, l the dangers of Communism will he| may be sweet music to its mate, but Another building project made j! held at the Yelow Springs high no sweet* r, we’d Imagine, than; possible by the Kettering Founds* j ! school gymnasium under the mis- OF THIS NEWSPAPER what the constructive noise of the* »,,« wilt be the now Antioch Col- |pic« ftf Ul(i Association For Civic Workers on three local building j lege library, which will ho local- Action in Miami township on Fri-j This newspaper— the Yellow Spring* American—comes to you projects, is to the civic-minded real- j o,i on South College Street bo- : day, June I t beginning at 8 p. w, today us un migmentary organ of (irecuc County event* and beliefs. dents of Hi'1 town. tween the «ie«ee kidding and | Featured speakers wil be Martha It is fitting, therefore, that WC state the purpose of our existence, And the justhii.de pride will he tlie gymnasium, Ground wilt he - and Ed Edmiston, former under- J the aims of our common, endeavors and the policy of our operation. men greater when the three proj­ broken on this project early next ; cover agents for the FBI. Mr, and It also is proper and fair that wc correct certain false rumor that has iiccn spread, Inadvertently or purposely, as to the res-seii ects are completed. They ares Spring. ' Mrs, Edmiston are well-known In f for the birth of Inis newspaper. The Kettering Foundation build­ An interesting fact on the recon- [ Ohio for their stimulating and in­ ing and the reconstruction of struction of Old North Hail is that formaU?c ta5ks concerning their THE PLAIN, unvarnished fact Is that this newspaper seek« to „North...... Hail...... at the„ college______and the a fire like the one which destroyed ; * » * * * » experiences in the Com- render a service to a wide segment Of Greene County including bcautifui now elementary school f the stroctiire in February wilt be ' I7lUn st par_>j Yellow' Springs, Our goal wifi be to aid in the advancement o f the Yeiow Springs area; to give Voice to alt men with worthy Causes, fer Yellow* Spring*. prevented by the new steel floor- While living In Columbus tit 1339 the couple observed the ac­ denying none; to protect all the freedoms the American public wow Work on the Kettering building ing. Corrigaled steel floor reih-| enjoys; to disseminate news happenings as they occur; to criticise tivities o f the Communist parly began in mid-March and is expect- forcements are now in the process ! that which Is not good for the majority of the people and to Cd to be completed in mid-January, of being installed. This steel will | and being alarmed at what they1 condone and praise that which endeavors t«r build the town, playing 3954. When lit complete operation support a four-inch reinforced con- saw and heard, they contacted the puppet to no special Interest but for thfe good Of all mankind 50 to 200 people will be employed at eret** fioor and Will serve as a FBI and, Within a few months everywhere. the research center; 25 people will wiling for the floor below, Were trusted party members, but were making daily reports to the WE DC NOT SEEK TO REPLACE ANY NEWSPAPER NOW be employed at the start Of opera-1 ELEMENTARY SCHOOL BEING PRINTED IN YELLOW SPRINGS OR ELSEWHERE, tions, 1 Here is a brief thumbnail sketch FlpL They were expelled from the party lit 1941 when their Un- j The three-story brick laboratory ot the work on the new elementary We believe In the right of free enterprise as guaranteed by the (leftover activities were discover- j tinlted States Constitution and ask only that we may operate th«r. building with 3000 square feet of,schools ed. It Is from this backgronnd t enterprise on an equitable and just business basis. floor space Will consolidate alt the* Architects: E. 0. Lnndcburg that the two draw Upon to give I Kettering research art photosynlhe-; and Associates, Those are our purposes and aims. Our policy is to be free in tho their Comprehensive talks to J editing of the news and the selection; of our material for editorial sis into one bulidirtg With the ex- \ General Contractors: Wood gatherings in the Miami Valley, s comment—the right of any newspaper—and to be always upright, ception of small contract WOrk now' Fabricators Ijsc. Bcllefontaine, Mr. and Mrs. Edmiston are now J frank and fair in the printed presentation of such material, being done by other university la- j HCfitlWf Mtt& FlumbSng: Gas- AT NO TIME will tve seek to undermine the Yellow' .Springs ling Company,, Lancaster living in Wayncsvilie. A former at- j boralorics, News or any other newspaper, even though we may disagree tqaut Electric Work: Silver Elec» torhey and newspAperman, he is? The Kettering research Oft now* employed with an advertising; OCassir with views as presented in other papers, Their views are photosynthesis, that mysterious trie Compshf, . _ , , „ , their ,it 'rican: right, guaranteed them h.V the blood and sweat in Value of Building: Approx. 53911-; ? seruy i” and ^ 1 Our forefathers' fight for freedom' nnd independence. And while we way in which lfu» energy of the ■ ton is public informatioon officer s sun is utilized by aii growing 090 plus 160.099 federal aid. may take an opposite view* at times, we ask only that we, have the .Sub-walks, grading, sliding, tree at Wright Patterson Air Force : same right to present our own views. Like Voltaire, although wo plants, first Jiegan at A n t i o c h Base. * | when Charles F. Kettering gave and stump removal Frank Ca* might disagree with what others say, we wilt defend unto the j A spokesman for the Association , death their right to say it, 5 tho science building to the col­ rano, For Civic Action states that the) lege in 1830, In recent scars work Dfamage Tiic and Catch Basins— ANY EDITOR who expresses his opinions in a frank manner, * pubtic is invited to the meeting Fri- > on this project has also been done i Don Waidren--L’ rbana. and with courage, continues to stand on his convictions is more In bo day and that there is no admis-j In Mr, KetterinV* own labora­ 1 Tree Trimming - Davey Tree Ex- admired than condemned. It is not at ali American to render,>» a t sion charge. i tory in Dayton. Both Uic wofk'nt i pert* -Kent, Ohio, man simply because his beliefs do not coincide with yours. That was one of the concepts upon which this country was founded. the science building and the work ' Blacklopping $3214—A. J, Johnston,tary rhythm danci- at the Spring- being done in Dayton will be mov­ Work Started: May 1, 1952. field high school on Tuesday eve­ We seek subsidy’ from no source ami will try only to operate ed to the new building upon its ning, June 2 in connection with this enterprise, on a sound, fair and friendly competitive btisine*« basis so that our only "allegiance is to the people who buy and read Completion, In Dance Review j the KJingboil-Sheer studio review this newspaper. The $500,000 building Is being Harold Fogg, son of Mr. and Mrs,! where he is a dance student. Robin constructed by th e Maxon Con­ Kingsley Fogg of Yellow Springs. Goodfellow, daughter of Mr, and Our hope is that we may he, a welcpme addition to your homelife struction Company of Dayton, Lor­ dio on Wednesday evening. ‘.Mrs. Douglas Goodfellow Was in a ieltch week and our aim is to serve you, enz and Williams of Dayton are the was one of the members of a mill- j fiesta tap revelw for the same stu- GERALD H, COY, I’CBOHHER (tRKKNK- COVIfTT 1‘IUVIINf; CO. Tcltorr Hprtmn* A m erica* The vacation Bible schoof direct­ fM t- ,!■•)<* 11 JnmtHiarrn Junraiil ' " mr K.ny, .ntne it <:«.4iar,iiic dtcraM Cedarville and SameslownCop ed by Miss Pauline Ferguson is Twin Bill in CCSLPldy being held at Clifton School each day from 9 to li;30 A. M. It; U Twin bill action in the Cedarville >nC Jamestown 4n the first game sponsored by the Presbyterian, and Cedarville AC going against Community Softball League Friday Baptist and United Presbyterian Morris Bean in the finale. Sum­ night before more than BOO fans Churches, » raw the Oliver Carp, go down to mary: R H E defeat at the hands of Cedarville Let us sell your Real EUste, AC In the opener 4-3, and the Oliver Corp. ,, £00 003 &-~3 6 1 City Property or Farms. FOR HOLIDAY Jamr stow n nine top L e a hay's Cedar A C ...... CM 034 x~4 s l Shamrocks of Xenia in the night­ Batteries; Oliver Corp., Elborfeld Courteous, Efficient IlealLjEstate, and VACATION... cap 4-2. • and Puianey; Cedar AC, C. Jones and Auctioneering Service. and McPherson. Farm Lonns, Record Players Tape Recorders The opening game saw all tallies scored in the sixth inning as Oliver R H E C. E. LONG : Newest Records Portables Ccrp. pushed home three runs on Leahy's ...... 000 200 0 -2 3 1 a pair of singles and a home run. Jamestown .... 000 301 x—-4 8 1 — r e a l t o r —* I nsiruments Method Books Cedar AC came back with a single, ‘Batteries; Leahey's, Zellars and Phones - Office 4-78U Res, - 4-780L Radios Needles two triples and a home run to cop Morgan: Jamestown Guy Easter Limestone. St., Jamestown, O. the win. The AC rallcy was Started and R, Stafford. Sheet Music Band accessories on a single by pitcher Chet Jones. “ Everything in Music Three big runs in the last of the fourth. Inning spelled doom for the’ Shamrocks as a rally-starting single by pitcher Guy Easter, followed by ToWorfc homers by Ed Brill and Jack Rich­ CASH ardson, accounted for the James­ •Complete .Band town' tallies, Loahcy's picked up its Or Y «r Farm two? runs in the top. .of the fourth, 6 Tuesday night action will return Instrument Rental Plan to: the Cedarville-park with the, South Charleston Merchants' play-

| Fop Farm Use * Atixiliary .Names nione*2-3331 S«nla- 9 W . Second St. 1 .$300— S5(K) — SIOOO New 195$ Officers ' Csa'It now-on your farm to make a profit; Bag a -baraaia..- Betteer Here' are the«ffleers elected by yourself. Repay in 6 monthly.. paytxeatH^or 2 quarterly paymeatsr- Lcgiaai Auxiliary, . at small cost* even Lag;. I’ ltsiA m l, Get It fast on Just your own signature and farm - it«wsse'N#.,nead»: Mn. .lolui Nickwnn; firsts vice- president* Mrs. William Alexand­ to disturb other financial arrangement* you may; have.- Repay--? WE JOIN IN THE er; 2nd. vice president, Mrs. Sid­ easily on terms to suit you up to 2 years. ney Davis; secretary, Mm. Jiunes- Dalrymple; treasurer, Mrs. Albert Be sure to use our low -cost finance/plawfor any new* Johnson; Chaplain, Mrs. Donald. or used equipment you want to buy . . , Up to $3090; WELCOME Shialcle; Historian, Mrs.- Ray­ You are sure to like this special service-for quick*, mond Dihrkpp; sergeant-at-arms, farm needs; See us or your dealer at once. Mrs. Richard Anderson. Mrs, Clara Stancllff was elected to a three year? term on the executive council* T O T H E News Briefs' Stevie Griffith, son of Mr; and I AND SAVINGS CO. 44 Mrs, Roger Griffith, Springfield,I {■ AMERICAN” spent the week end with his• ? 12 Nr Detroit: St. Phone 23501 Xenia grandparents* Mr. and Airs. Charles j j “ Financing' Ohio Farmers Since 1912” Hickman.

W e lc o m e “ The Place to Buy Fnduhnre” TO TH E K S $ SALES SERVICE AMERICAN k 108DAYTON ST* YELLOW SPRINGS, O. ► ★

wr'-fjpp. rw j|.! DR. C. J. GENSLER DOS

M »«*•& ., ,4 m ,, m . * ., .-JU » 233 Xenia YELLOW SPRINGS Phon* .*>7311 *!**•?$*

UMUEt-TYK. HOMENAS'lffOSEItir ON YOUR FI Rif* ISSUE OF ■ v Wife. “Oil m& If KUCHIN- i M u m i i r High in popular favor in. the ramble-style home* witlrJUP-characteristic. loag, low silhouette. This three-bed room example, designed by Architect Jerome Wood, of Roches­ ter, if. Y., can be built its fit a budget; yet dt of lets every modern com* fort, and convenience. It’ hae-a Mod sen "U” planned, kitchen, delightful to any housekot-per, with compact breakfast area. There's semi-separate dining space. Plenty “Buy the tfm Make and Make the BestBuy” ' of storage area is provided, plus extra closets. The bedroom closets are equipped with sliding doors. Other features include the impressive stone chimney; the natural fifepiacc;. the sheltered, entrance, and the awning-type upper sash of I* the corner picture-window for efficient ventilation. Working, plans for this home, from the new Colatex Book of Homes, a<*d- for many other homes of moderate cost may be obtained through it..- . it,

HMr Company also extends g ^ropt oaiuulHaMew .yacvica, an^pianaiog W iAffUH STIEfT' YELLOW SWUMCS kuMdhMMiw*’ financing ,, ' , Velktw fz r iu s Aat«rfe«a I Junana Jnnra) c h e e s b c«wrrrfwim»« ca,^ OHIO TRA FFIC DEATHS - CcSHrvIlIc U«raM y, June u Page • HOLIDAYS. PEAK DAYS, WEEK-ENDS Houoav QgaTH TOLLlfr hKBiTM'- peak m m, Girl Seoat Day Camp Is In Full WA I Mr, and Mrs, Richard I', Kughn Mr* Vsa F* teriJwHi-ur osuat I CMstSS are announcing the birth of a T lb, mmomu. o*r (w , sck.iv Swing At Camp Greene: Parents, y r 9, ox. daughter! Suzanne, on Monday souatM or julv ------,* June 8, ° las os orrtun.i)^d» Friends Invited To Open House ia»~ T r ^ ‘ * —1 Eighty Girl Scouts from six com­ Fred Wilburn, CedarvUIe, smia- THE LIVE WIRE munities attended the first day’s tant director; Mrs. Quentin Reipc ■i-r session of the “Younger Intermedi­ Fairborn, business manager ; Mrs. By Jack Cochran Wendell Carter, Beavercreek, ate" Day Camp Which is being held nurse. Leaders for the period are This Is the season of the year this week at Camp Greene on Grin- Mrs. Hartman, Mrs. Hart, Mrs, that the merchants and industries nelll Road, The comp program, Morrell, Mrs, Matlock, alt of Fair­ are asking themselves how they which runs from 9:00 A. M , to 3:06 born; Mrs. Wells, Mrs. Patterson, ever got along without the valu­ P. M., each day, incudes flag rais­ of Beuwrcreek; Mrs. Beam, Mrs. ing and lowering ceremonies, set­ able aid of Bryan High School stu­ Werner, Mrs, Glass, all of Belle- ting up and maintaining a “unit brook; Mrs. Schofield and Mrs. dents, The service stations around homoe" out of doors by each camp Bryant of Xenia. Janice Kay Wil­ town seem to employ more than unit (12 to J5 girls with their burn of CedarvUIe is assisting as their share of high school students auMots or oearw lenders), nature study, nature hand­ Senior Aide. and recent graduates, Hon Williams crafts, outdoor housekeeping, camp Operating staff for the second is the boss of his shift at the ,to,«i i, *•<,««•) Special events include a tour of tor; Mrs. Stanley Wise Yellow old Gibbs are employed at Beal's UASICM 1.Z.S . Glen Helen with leaders familiar Springs, assistant director; Mrs. Marathon station. There Is always SPOIL A.B.S (Frl,»•!,»*•) With the Glen; a tour of the camp­ Mary Haiders, Fairborn, business a friendly business rivalry between mat SO. St Jyg ing area with Greene County Con­ manager; Mrs, Schloss, Fairborn, this crew and Morrfswisc and Bee JUHE. tt| servationist Jim Bennett, who will nurse. Leaders will Include Mrs. Johnston who are employed by the juEm a J point out how to plan for and care Jewell, Mrs, Hisey, Mrs, Hagen- Pure Oil Station. Harold Black­ W----,------J for the grounds for their best use buch, Mrs. Groves, Mrs. Altman, all wood are rsponsible for the trim­ Prl,9«l,Sv*|. ------»» now and in the future. of Fairborn; Mrs, Henderson, Mrs. med hedge and other maintenance S.ta (Fjl.C»t,Sw)______-2* All friends and parents of Scouts Mornings tar, Mrs. Clark, all of jobs at Carr’s nursery. You can not BCR B.B.IO (SsI.Sm .Mm )------—S» : are Invited to the “open house" on Beavercreek; Mrs. Jane, Mrs.Moore go into 'Furay's drugstore without ’OCCCVBCR B .2 4.U JTvs.Srsa.Oiiwi------. . - . a t ’ Friday afternoon (June 12) from 1 of Xenia; Mrs. Woodson, Mrs. Seeing the smiling faces of three to 3 P, M. to see the camp and Pierce of Wilber/orcc, Mrs. Sallume sophomore girls, Marcia Olesiager, what the girls have been doing, of Yellow Springs. Sldrley Miller, and Evelyn Garmen. YS, girls at camp arc Natalie Jolly Bixler is helping at the Col­ Wright, Ann Johnston, and Susan lege on the maintenance crew. Ron­ Peterman, all of Troop 18. MARSHALL nie Bingo is I< anting the carpentry Next week (June 15-16) 4 similar trade from his father ns he is help­ Day Camp will be held for older Motor Company ing him in his father ns he is help­ Joe Zeller Hurls 3-Hitter As Yellow intermediates of the six commun­ ing his father landscape houses. ities at Camp Greene. 82 girls have Chrysler If you are wondering what these Springs Edges Lewis Corners Tuesday registered for this camp. The camp people are doing In their spare program will be similar to the first Plymouth Behind the stellar three-hit locals to three hit, but a 4th inning time you might go into the mills week, ending with an “open house" pitching of Joe Zeller, the Yri- Dealer house on the second floor. There three-bagger by ‘'Beacon" Dolwlck Friday afternoon, June 19. low Springs softball squad eked you would see the makings of a brought home Sam Icluda with the Oiienillng skiff for this week’s out. a hard-earned 1-0 decision teen canteen. It will lsc ope* very winning tally. For the locals it was camp includes Mrs. Marvin Birch, XENIA' OHIO from the Lewis Corners nine in a shortly for all high school pupils Girl Scout Executive Director for Open 8 ’til 9 Except Wed. regular Clark County open league the season’s second win over Lewis and receint graduates between the Greene County, Director; Mrs. game Tuesday evening to bring Corners. In the opening encounter ages of twelve and eighteen. It con­ their season’s total tip to four Of the 1653 season, Yellow Springs sists of three rooms where the ac­ wins and two losses, declsloncd them, 8-3. tivities will range from ping-pong, Fritts, the opposing hurter also C'arl Knoedei and Icluba Were pool, and Other competitive games did a sterling job by holding the the only other local players Tues­ to dancing to the music oof a juke day to his safety, each garnering box. The plans now arc for the painting to start Monday. A few a single. Kenton Leach Is WITH FAMOUS TRADE NAMES more things along the carpentry Last Friday evening on the local line arc still needed to be done, Pat Among 925 Youths diamond a reshuffled Version at Sayer reports that four couches the local aggregatioon Succumbed WESTINGHOUSE have been donated and any furni­ At Boys* State * * to Bugler’s Radio by a 6*4 margin although they outhlt the winners, DUMONT—RCA ture, magazines and labor would be Kenton Leach, son of Mr, knd appreciated. 10-4, Costly errors In the 3rd and Mrs, Howard Leach Is one of an es­ senior girl troop 7th innings when the visitors scor­ The scout con­ timated 625 selected high school Gas and Elec trio Ranges Refrigerators Of Gabriele Knecht, Eleanor ed three markers each, was the sisting juniors, representing communities Circulating Heaters Radios Wise, Elisabeth Whitmore, Dtantha Contributing factor to the club's throughout Ohio, who will arrive Electric Washers Sweepers IVliitiii#ref Louisa Rothermund, downfall. at Camp Perry Friday, June 12 to Wster Coolers Ironers Xarifa Sallume, Joan Schfckcdantz, Top hitters for* the” lo ^ s"F ri- become citizens of the 16-day Buck­ knd Bonham day were Don Shinkle, with 2 for their advisor, Mrs, eye Boys’ State, operated by the 3 and Bob Van Pelt With 2 for were finally rewarded for all there: state American Legion organiza­ You can depend on Hoover —< Westinghouse, Work trying to 4. I’erry Stewart Went the route hard raise enough tion, funds for a trip to New York City. for the losers and allowed Only ----- Youngstown Cabinets-—Hotpdint They left Yellow Springs by train W. L, DeWcese, long-time dean the four hits, but ragged support at about 5:39 A, M., Monday and of the mythical "49th state/’1 who marked the defeat, “ J7teBest Costs So Little Morew said the young men will spend the arrived in New York at 6 A, M., Yellow Springs will meet Steel Tuesday. They saw all the sights of j first week end learning the know­ Products of Springfield on the local New Y o rk including the tf. N,| how of political politics and en­ diamond at 8 P. M* Friday eve­ GRINNEL APPUANCE SALES Building which greatly impressed gaging in campaigns fof offices in ning, N»Xt Tuesday the squad Will them. Their trip was highlighted the 20 cities, four counties and the play Buglers In a league game at by attending the hit braadway play, state government*. After the elec­ Springfield Lagonda Park begih* The King andw I, They left New tion on Monday, ait will become rung at 8:30. elective or appointive offlcei's or York on Friday evening and arriv­ ed in Y e llo w springs the next enter such occupations ns lawyers, Several members o f the James­ morning, tired but safe, newspapermen, and members of the town Grange met With the Xenia lost More teen news Over the Live BBS highway patrol, Grange Friday evening. Wire in two weeks,

Mr. and Mrs. Richard McKnlght and family of were Sun­ 4STEAKSm I tm w M k 1 % 4m day guests of her parents, Mr, and Mrs, M- K, Rltonour and daughter,' Cut From Prime Beef Susan, Prepared To Your Order » a > a i a « M s M M » us atadnais W 'T sn ua Breakfast— Lunch— Dinner*

f, Bscorstivs flooring

1sn sg sa. aa sshasM* glasses Hts-tiks n i l , 6 A s astitst aggitath is » M ltim l ali-gargss* Rn iIr i yst dsvtlsgsd. Its «•!#«• i« Isas, ll It aaltsmaly m iliw ), »U1 n » * u slhtr lygt* si ttsiiisai WE DO IT . . . flat Hags. UaaMsnad by grasst sad ail, slfcslisa aitittsit sad mild scid talaris as. Cta Its ssMy IsM am ssasttlt llaan la dlrsst asalssi with CEMENT BLOCKS A WORK ska yrtaad . Idas! h r aiHass, shags, IsMtlss, Itaagst, dray rtn tr, EXCAVATING AND GRADING m WMJWWfwoiP i lK V lC E hlwhsas, tMltsrsam, hshstiss, ntaalsnariag stats, sis. Isrily tad -SAND AND GRAVEL; LAND ttoaaulinlly uaiasalaad. CLEARING; PONDS A LAKES —NOW SERVING LlMONADlW CaU us tor sam pks and lurthrr Information, OPEN TILL, MIDNIGHT W. B. DAWSON SpriRgs Lumksr G«. COAL COMPANY . DICK and TOM'S Yellow Spring*, Ohio ___ Ph, 77211 Yelfo# Spring*, O. YELLOW SPRINGS Appi ov('rl JOHNS MANV1LLE Flooring Contractor IIIUHUKK COUNTS” MINTING CO/ Tvilow Bprlm*m Am iricaa expected. J» ralse. bat we bough t •Puff* ^ 4 ThurKtlnv'. J JinrHtir.j, Jim* June T1 -li ^ . r r i l f r HtmW ”lt*d be inore tharf'ihat," He then y e ll Child !Clinic cited neighboring Jamestown a* * CardS»19f-' *■ ' an example# w k r* In a council- conducted test of public opinion Nineteen children were dared,lor ‘Bon’t Want Electric after the company's case had been at the monthly conference of the publicized, "70 per cent voted for Yellow Springs well Child Clinic the Increase.’ ’ which was conduetd at Mills House After Mr. Honnemari's talk, it on June 4, DP&L TeHc Yellow was broought out that council Is

C«.L SERVICE. t <• Call for Dairy Market. Washington C. H. 0., Phone 2599 Cottier Carry and Xenia, — YELLOW SPRINGS — Phone 7-


1 9 5 2 F o rd (MILEACE AS LOW AS 3,000 MILES) $422.00 Down per mo. If

Assortment, Cars Can’t Bo ■6s*%

Yradfe Old €ar Your Gredit is- Gomi J'

Your Ford Authorised Dealer- F ib o n e 77347 Open Till 11 P .M . YELLOW SPRINGS i S

“ $ c y r n c ii o f c o n 7:30 P. AT Closing -exercises of CHRIST OF CHRIST It'W A, M."«Marnlng service, 9:30 A M. - Junior Sunday school. C, Palmer, pastor: the Daily Vacation B;ble School. (Rowemvi Ur) EPISCOPAL (Rockford Chapel) 10:30 A, AT, Church service, MWi John .Murphy, organist Wed neMl.-iy; James AI» Grange, pastor 8:0-5 A, M .-M rst -Sunday of ■ • .* * J0:00 A, n Sunday School 8:00 P. AT, Prayer meeting, 10:00 A, M ,-Bible School. month, .. CENTRAL CHAPEL AJltjB, Mrs. David Slrobridge supt Thursday: 13:445 Communion. • • e 'Rev, Isaac, R. Louden, pastor li;t)0 A, At. -Children's I*a> pro*, 8.00 P. AT. Choir rehearsal. FIRST BAPTIST 8:00 P. M.—Evening Evangelistic 9*30 A, AT.--Sunday school, gram. (Yellow Springs) Service. 10:40 A. At—Devoltnos. 'Vacation Bible School program. FIRST JJAPTIST CHURCH 8:00 P. At, Atonday, youth meet­ Itev. W’m, L, WllUamH, pastor 11:00 A M.—Morning worship, 7;39 f*. At, V P i'tv.nk Jamestown ing. 19:05 A. At,—Sunday School, <1 • • 7:43 P. St. Midweek |»ny{ r sitv- 10:30 A. AT. Sunday School, Paul • « :« 11:00 A M.-.Morning worship, CLIFTON PRESBYTERIAN ieo Wednesday evening. Lnngdrsn, stij*, Howard McGinnis, pastor Richard S. Smilie, Minister • * • 11:00 A AT,-Morning Worship. 9:30 A. At—Bible School. FRIENDS ROCKFORD CHAPEL 10:oo A. AT.-Bible School, FIRST PRESBYTERIAN Kent Smith, guest speaker, 10:30 A. ,AT.-Morning Worship. id.30-11:30 A. M.- Meeting for 11:00 A. M,—Worship service, * ( r m w ’H 7:20 P, At,—Young people meet, worship, • • • '(Ccdm-villd BOWERSVII.EE METHODIST 8:00 P. M..-Evangelistic service. C*. Wilbert Sterner, pastor 1>, Alerle Hill, pastor METHODIST IQT.O’A. k The Church at Study THE METHODIST* CHURCH (Yellow Springs) 10:00 A. AT Church School. Nntluin "Bidor. suis-rmiender!. ] Rev, Harry F, Baker, pastor 11:00 A. At, -Worship, Rev, Groh (Jamestown) This being "Children’s Day” the j preaching, El wood L, Rose, pastor 9:30 A, At - Sunday School, Rob­ Attendance Sunday'School hour will h«gin at 9:2 ) A. At-Church School, The ert Dunevant, Supt,, Kenneth 7 .*«-;] 10:30 AJSt Since this is a combined NEW JASPER METHODIST story hour for kiddies begins at ; ley. asst, supt, i Sunday'icliool and Church service.j 10:40 A, M, — Morning worship. I), Merle Hill, pastor 9:30 A. M. With each day bringing new pu« the program will begin at l >:*D and Holy Communion and period of 10:01 A. At- Church School, 10:20 A, A t-M opiing Worship, | pi is to the Daily Vacation Bible continue until 12 noon meditation. Rev, Harry F. Baker, 11100 A. AC Worship. with nursery for toddlers. Chil­ I School, the enrollment continues to The sdcrJimont of baptism will he dren’s Day program, 7-,'10 P. M. -MYF. PRESBYTERIAN { grow- -taxing ah available facilities,. given, at this, service 1 Tuesday.; 6:30 P. At The Church Youth \ (Yellow Springs) , acccording to the Cedarvite ATin- AIT, TABOR "METHODIST 7:0) P. A t—Cub .Scouts. 1 istcrial appointed directors Rev, Nancy Creswril moderator in ] Wednesday; Dr, Buckley, S. Rude, minister I>, Merle Hill, pastor j James Patterson and Rev, C. W il- charge of meeting'. 1 7:20 P. AT.—Choir rehearsal. 10:3) A, M. Morning worship. 7:80 P, At - Closing esc raises for* 2:00 P Al -Church School, 10:30 A, A?.- Dedication service of j b, rt Sterr,er’ D. V, B. S. to he in the U P church 3:00 P. M. Worship, Baptismal PILGRIM HOLINESS rcmodelcd basement rooms. | - Highlights this w eC k included f sendee, (Boweravllle) 10,20 A. At- Church school. j taking* movie pictures of teachers .JAMESTOWN UNITED Marshall H, Robbins, pastor • • | and pupils by photographer Nelson 1’RESKYTKR1A.V ( Hl’KCH RENTE COST A I, V, of C- 10:33 A. A t- Sunday School. ST» PAUL CATHOLIC iCreswell. These pictures will bo. R.* A. .Jamieson. Pastor Rev. AT. O. Scott, jmstor 11:00 A. AT, Worship service, (YellowSprings) jp^ade available for the.local 10:00 A. M ,"‘Sunday School. I0 '>a a . At -Sunday School. 7:15 P. At “ Youth ATeetings, Rev, John H. Antony, pastor j churches in assisting with meat 10:30 A. Af.« Children’s Day Pro­ 12:00 to 12’30 broadcast over sta­ 8;->3 P, A t- Evaigelistic -Service, Sunday Masses, 7:30 and 10:00, years pre-registration gram. ” tion WCHO Washington C. H di­ • • • A. AT. I T he pifRie Friday finished Hhbi Serraonette by the Paster. rect from the church, Jamestown Friends Church Saturday, Confessions at 5:30 -,VftCks sA ool acuvitka with the. "Automobile Rehgfen ” 7:80 P. At ■ -Evangelistic service. Dewitt Foster, pastor and 7;30-8;3d P. M, closing exercises to be held Sunday Junior Sbciety wiP meet In the I 7 so P. At., Wednesday prayer 9:30 A, At—Church School. Regular Week-Day Masses, 7:30 -at 7 :33 p. Af„ in the United Prea- church Saturday at 2: <53 P. M Imeeting, 10:30 A At—Divine Worship, A- k . liyb-rlan Church. CLIFTON* UNITED BETHEL LUTHERAN Immediately following this pro* UNITED* PRESBYTERIAN f CHURCH OF CHRIST PRESBYTERIAN 9:39 A. At Sunday school, Leroy5 *!*!!! f « r f CHURCH (Grape Grovel t o f the D. V, B, Si will take home John Collins, Correspondent Shaw, supt, Jam?s“!fl. .Patterson. Pastor J 10M0 A, M .-Bible -School, their work projects competed dttr* Mrs* El wood Shaw*, organist W;S0 A, M,“ Worshlp service. 13.2.1 A.. At -Children's Day pro-J 11:0*1 A. AT-worship Service, 13:00 A. AL—Sabbath school, lag the two week Bible school. gram .' P At.-Young .People. The large expense of the school, 7:00 11:3-5 A. M,—Preaching .service, BYRON EVANGELICAL 0:30 P. A t-Junior Atiasionary «:00 P. AT, Evening Worship, and REFORMED due to the record breaking enroll* Alerting, 7:30 Pi AT.-Midweek Bible Study CLIFTON ZION BAPTIST Rev. Eugene Davis, pastor meet, will be cared for by a free­ 1:30 P. M.- -Young People's-Meet­ and Prayer Service each Wednes­ Rev, Richard Phillips, pastor 9:30 A, At—Sunday School, CTif- will offering Sunday night a t thd ing, day night, 19:0-5 A. M.-Sunday School. ford Smith, supt cosing program. R E D A L E R T Patriotic Lecture


GYMNASIU June 12th - 8 p. m


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; flip* XT nwVTlKfc TO. lelbtw Sp.riB.jB* AtneirlefcA ■ the following distinguished gaesstst Pave t> Tim ratal, June H < rtlmr% Ulfr Herald Mrs, Lee .E Moore, Department Flower Show Prize Whinners Listed— Secretary of the American Legion * Here are the prize winners at the fourth annual flower show co- Auxiliary, Mrs. William Clmton, sponsored by the Friendly Gardeners of Yellow Springs and the, Clifton YS Legion Auxiliary Nets $125 Amlinry hospital representative at Green Thumbs held at Yellow' Springs over last week end. the Dayton V. A. Hospital and Fire On Poppy Sales; Mrs. Fink And Chief. L. It Warner. Civil Defense Blue ribbon awards were made to I f participants. In addition, head from Pai thorn. blue slur ribbon nnnrd was made to Mrs. Floyd Bailey, Re­ ceiving the blue ribbons werct Mr, Pearl Sexton, Mrs. Anna Rul- Mrs. Stanoliff Are Given Honors Mrs. Lee E. .Moore spoke n few ten, .Mrs. Elmer Sparks, Mrs, Maynard Neff, Mrs, Paul Rife, M rs.. Poppy |*Av nr ,, JilSIv tt-v ti,r’ I’nit honored, Mrs, Wtllmr Fink nunttux about Auxiliary wart* and dark Kmhner, .Mrs, Na«mi Van Tress, MKs .lean Finney, Miss Yellmv Fptu)g« Mm i« i»n lirgsrtB ami Mrs. Harmon stoncliff sit a then ititroduiLd Mrs CJuvton who ,lane Rife, Miss Norma Jean Bulleu, Evoritt Bailey, Mr, Robert it »•»* i l Ts: f jjtjri-i * *'!><•('i-|| iiH't-'ljnK with the Post for spoke on I t habitation work at l)e\V me. airs* Wilfred Itoiitrong, and Miss Ruth l'nlton. The rib­ ntfl ’Wfii i.-*,< jtiiHf *> i i,i; j their unselfish demotion to the what it means to hospitalized vet­ fw> .*;■! rchaluJf <■ •' .«b T«* I ’i ■;*« '• Ti Imbit.itkm work for the Unit erans Then she asked tlu* Sgt -al­ bons were awarded for entries In the arrangement and specimen classes. py f*iy tlwwmar for the past five jrars. arms to bring Mrs. Fink and Mrs. Hturdde rvn-ri-i* !'•>s u nr.l:- nmi This spoiled meeting was presid­ Stam’Uff to the speaker's table Ib.l’ sf the Us.,- !*> She |'( ■•>£»>'ed nvor by both She Legion offerers Mrs Ciuxion reminded the mem* j W'tin -t> fimr-x > *. to arid the Auxiliary officers. Mrs. bets present of the work. Mrs I this ,? ,»ku*b A Du’rpnpk* president. Fm); and Mrs. iStandiff had doth..] Ilia prior lo Poppy Dav the i !*t'"iv.-d the meeting and presented Mrs, Cluxton then dedteated th e' WHITEHALL FARM * Thomas Edwin Bailey Post BST and Yellow Springs, Ohio Auxiliary Unit Gravel Bell in honor 3 of Mrs Fink and Mrs Stanehff. j WB'.welcome visitors to the WhiU'haH Farm, but Mrs John Xu koson vice pre.si- * : dent, presented the guests o f honor ] there are th.-e who have taken advantage. THE WHITE THAT REALLY' with corsages as a personal mem­ ento of the occasion , Please Drive Carefully! STAYS « i » DIAL 7 7 7 l 6 r A Am erican Needs " Y O U ARE TRESPASSING

______WITHOUT PERMISSION j A Vlll > | ) o r t Xews Is the life Mood of any newspaper and all newspapers are dependent upon readers to sup­ ply}' them with news, notes, tips and articles of interest. Why not help us help give you readers a better, newsier paper each week l Contact THE AMERICAN' by phone or In person or leave your QUALITY j notes and tips In the Office dow'n- WONDER WHITE tow'n. MEATS and GROCERIES L I Q U J 6 EXTERIOR You are the boss. Help us to cover the town better and you’ll be helping yourself to more In­ AT HOUSE PAINT formative reading and more ad­ EXTREMES WHITE » SELF CLEANING » EXTRA COVERAGE* vertising coverage, i An effort was made to contact A rintarWy* »«!f t'.ttnnj nHra* kxu* p»:**»**3 * tt %* rsArftt try to bring you a good paper p«im •« u», each week. So remember t h a t Phone 7*7349 phone number » . , . "-TT40 , » , tVE NERD YOUR HELP! YELLOW SPRINGS, OHIO THE YELLOW SPRINGS LUMBER CO Try our Classifieds — they get YELLOW SPRINGS. OHIO results. Read by over IfWKlft per­ sons e.wh week.

SPECIAL 1SSI I’. Commemorating Iieani m m , SBQUCI'NTl^NIU OF XHNI \f {HFFXE COINI V & OHIO “Don't Take any Wooden KivMesW C.ILCBRATION JUNE 29 to JULY 4, 1953 See fhe< Mahwteffj Spectacle | ,j,« tH K \\ t t M l R W * " " N.ghtiy, Greene County Fairground at SsIS p. m. Don’t You Believe It! VWSAVSesisANO*SiA^

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Urn *em SAT! RDAY AT YOUR FAVORITE STOKE THIS WOODEN NICKLE CERTIFICATE . * * . ASK FOR 'EM AT ANY is issued as a unique souvenfr by Greene County Sesquicentennial Association, Inc f XENIA, OHIO Unbroken, this certificate is gmS in trade at any store itt Greene County, or Is redeemable at face value at thy Greene it CdME ON, mEENE — LETS SEQUI SPIRIT' County bank on Of before 12 noon, duly J, 1953. Robert F# Seller Vera T. Schneider General C h«lr«a« Association Pres, s* t t * I » * * * m * a w


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EXTRA SAVINGS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT COUPON This coupon good Boscul, drip or regular 100 % all pure b.eef lor a dime on the 3 »m. SI .00 * '■* » • *> 2 A'!; SI .59 Ground Beef • • * purchase of a can Grade A Beef of Boscul party pea- All Flavors Club Steak . , M». o ;k * nuts, when present­ Jello . . . . . , . . 3 tor 23c Fine for seasoning ed at the store. Reg­ Ham Shanks u». 25e ular price 29c with Strawberry time for short cake's large sire Skinless coupon 49c, Bisqoiek . . «. « * . Etuii 39c Weiner’s

Velveeta Cheese . . , . 2 89c Golden Ripe , i) Pure Cane Banana's . • * * • • i£i M 29e Sugar . , Sin* 1% . lO^OTe New White Potatoes * * . . 10 id 39e Beechnut or Heinz Large 4 doz. sizfe Babv Food .... 3 , ‘>0r # " jtr, " *' Head Let tue<* • * * . 4 2 1'r 29r

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MON. 8-6 — TUES* 3-9 THIJR, 8-9— FITI, ACCEPTED ■•&n#tnm'Ww*fnin< '***wjreW*n w i ’AKn J * Th«r«liOy June 11 (Jii’mnKixrii journal ‘ * ' ('

m m m n A M T v s p o t l ig h t . ief Sees Department Grow in Service in Seven fears tt.V ulm Trwo.te* buHinoHH, hut devoted •full-time to bww .enforcement i.i .csftvnfcial to his police:-duties. the IA> of iuiy»ooimiJunKy .And no­ From lftoffiuntH he hold-the bwd- where irf i.hrre*.iny ,belter jprmlp'of ■vumH ,tojddia*Wiciio»ott BrotJiers in )hw enforcement officials :thnn in iwn, Chief -Bradley’s -wife,’ Roby ■Widow Si>i'iup.. Residents of the •helped hi the ojjemUon of the cab, village' can indeed be j»i nnd of the which included driving duties. The of their police department couple reside: aMOfeLivcrmore with ami of toe imur who* provide the their tiirec children, OUio Jay, IS, mjuitnnvor to .protect w i lives Arid Barlmrn,* 14-nnd Ronnie, 10. Much —xir .property A fmiiiilnr ftouru • ndrgmml tfoi- of -Mlrs Bradley's time at present i is taken up with a telephone an- 4«w %irii«irM in neuijd teohce Chief I swerlng service in their home. She atiipwjll A t Bradley, ' ltrud" as j also answers calls to the police de- A * «* kTM>»'(itio utofttv touring the jpartnienfc when no one is in the mltort- woven year* since Chief d'rpartnumt office through an ex­ Sltnulley tltuftbeOn with the. depart* J tension fit their home. -Vnmil. inj|ir«veme«4n ftnd forward* MieppiiiK «lr>ve|o|»i!oiilw ill the pro- At the present time .tlie depart­ ‘‘tentioji of tlie imv:i have lieen ment I hi as to of one radio-equipped rein C.F 'HHAULISX IS pictured here instructing safe -y puwrof hoy* in their duties. It is this sart of pore *r:ay»»d»ly -hMdireomiftR. * And n»o cruiser owned by the town and two sons! contact with the youth of the community by which he hopes to install in them regard for Ui» safety >mthtU part in due (« the drvo- privately-owned ears which are also of others and respect for law enforcement agencies. ■tion io*«ln tymnd -Mtoiifthpire:! tead- rtuho-wjuipiied and hence, can be •eniWtr<£ -Of Behind thy purchase of the mo- forts of these men and the eon- clared, but added that it was no .police hi no better than tlm men Idle radio seta lies a story typical tribti'mns of many, m&iy Yellow ! from the local goods exchange urt- i speed trap, but just un .attempt on | d-r the supervision of Mrs. Clyde | under him. He. citesalio ability of of the spirit and determination of Springs citlzi-ns. Uie Si3.yj was rais­ the part of tlie focal department | Adams, } iiis-twi assist situ,. ILtel Boggs and tlui man. Ip -((Mil dhe only way to ed to buy the first two mobie ra­ to allay complaints oof speeding on AJHurles Gmlwoll, *« .being »w Jess contact a police official was to dio sets An additionai set was pur­ j Supervision - and Instruction In - Xer. ft and ether avenues "through instrumental m Jli * improved pro* c iu *ameo«c at too power plant, chased for the department later j proper traffic control and courtesy j town. through a used gfoods aacf .«* sale, tectiow of Mie vlliagi* Utah himself. who in torn would see that the j of the IS boy# in the achoot safety * All in all, a policeman's life is Sradtey .also being highly instrw* Mitt -rdnee Uib. wrUcle in alKiut tlie emergeiicy Right on the Xenia, 1 patrol is still unotlmr activity -that] not an easy life and especially a I m-ntal in th<« ■ formatias of thin nwhihei one man In the depart- street downtown was lighted. A I warrants a policeman's time. The police chief's life, hut personal sat­ j idea for added funds. »B0rtS,ilel'in»r*kn * abort'look Kt tJie patrolman seeing this light would | hoyg, ranging In age from 8-13 are isfaction in a job well dono-oan be ymui, UKTikrtow (list he tyas wan tod. Although each member of the ; elected from tiicir class rooms and a great compensation In police itrwi, realizing that this was '•d*l«ikd” *h»s a a*rifed badtgrbuhtl department is theoretically act up j choose their own Lieutenant and work, whloit im'ludca vriikmgmt W right-1 wliolely inadeqnatoiycrtee^oator on a AMsour week, the ch H Is on ! Captain JhaitesMiH Air Forwtlimo ftmtetof? a Auwa of nearly 3804 residents call at all times and does a douhte ‘These bays «re an integral part i,a d iK8 *At o" At tiifrni ••Mtmtitig Of A tux I kOMhicSS m ’/cl-1 went hefonre council with toe shift on Saturdays tfai works front of the law enforeement o f th« com­ Mrs. Warner Cummings -eniere low .fipriuipi Paradoxical as It] SMPipMlion tliat two ntohili seta* 8 until 4 Saturday* afternoon and munity and the good that they do ta!m*d too Ladies Aid of toe Brape Aet*un.*tlmt>Uml ohualhMa-. j»«what bre purehastvi. Xfeo village mayor then back again at 10:30 until dawn can n e v e r he “overemphasised,** Grove tlHirch of Christ at -her brought him to town in the first luui previously discussed the need ■ ns does the * to 12 patrolman, Thip Chief Bradley declared. homeThursday afternoon, Mrs. place. He founded wiou, we have for mobile seta with flrwllely and* added protection on Saturday Through excess funds from the Oscar Smith conducted toe busi­ been told, was lb - first successful 'vrttlfwwwHr evwry'W'B In-wuthor- nights and "arly Sundays is needed goods exchange run by Mrs, Clyde ness meeting, appbintlng» a nomi­ fulltime taxi eomiwny hr Yellow ity in«Uie towmragreeU tos,t -tor according to Bradley, because of | Adams the boys have been able nating committee to select officers -Aipiihig.'i in tJH6 and shortly toefa- sefei ■weew needed, money was not tlie number of people who are In I to enjoy summer outings per year, for next year and mine amommitteo ,r»ftor was ujipobitoil air a deputy‘ in f available, the town during thoa* hours. An­ | whlsh Include trips to see the Cin- to plan the annual picnic to be the dcpartmmit while still running i It was tb or that Chief Bradh-y other little known fact about the i, clnnatl Reds play, trips to London held in August the Aasl husiitats 4Vhe»j nppolntisl j ashed reirmtotoii tif goBadl If ho department hi that toe town is ’ Pr.son Farm and airplane rides, Mrs, Cummings served wdeligbt- Oder i f #difo«4ir iota, Mrarlley-atiU i could get up* money by private afforded cruiser protection on a 24* i They are also to receive certificates fut refreshments during toe social retain."si maJiagefiieiit of Uie taxi f sbilcltaa.h toe Xenia Patrol Post I’gcdd assyriinee that In the future » Kalmrt M.tehiiiii Another f.iret oof the work Of | Yellow Sprmgs wdi hold on to its;: nlao toe department cunrerm the sum* ! tow etitm rate, an honor any town * JtTti Ho, t merit me swimming project which has a right to be proud of, f * MONTANO BELLE Was tnUinted three Jears ago and ' A mist recent innovation to thei; with which is open to all boys in toe non;*i! c£ traffic throt,girr-t Yel»|; ■lane Xasorll & tieorge Sire.it town under competent polhe su* tor is the poita&f ' Hit Na, 3 penislcfi. The department fur* sf-T-d .control unit, w.ttls was?. MIDNIGHT SHOW nXfir# traesportotion to and from “*i*iy pufchsatid- by too tb-iort* - •‘THE GHOST OF the fwt jh pool at Jehu Hcy.LV r.t cctl put in use j 1 a\ ir, th e; U f, *» , 4, FRANKENSTEIN" ltt'A ^t,av IH Itftl&a; pHtmeJ with a grea* ef safety boy* MARK'M- itfii AW4W'A *'&■**■■*'** + Ore sre 40 «»■*•«*» «<*- m Rw the Im:>s were e:i • i Saturday June il a** routo to fbiicimiaW | » sec. a big league b.ywjhs/1 game. The other FBW4T TIM?) tig XENIA adul. plctprivi is \VemW„> (5rimes from tn.« As ter'cmt to * 0.'. VTEl.CO.MK!: t S w S'.|«(rmih,iinl TO TH E *'A DAY IN THE COUNTRY" Mrs, Homer Smifli " nmiMlayp h m *l!'* PatRH*« "V Dr. Karl Compton «RI?KWK Ml. * A* * ' WgrtsgnA merino* Hostess To O A R ’ aisontat * s Crdsrflllr'itrra W MKIEQive Address Airs " Homer Smith was- Ubalrwi #•* to the George S l a g l e Chapter Mm, Mas Hrifiwiy Mts, N W; dun- lb flnttoofi Grads Daughters of .the American Re von teir, MiK.Aiarplil fxwlst Mrs, Ilbhert * littk.n Tuesday afternoon, National l-uras, Mrs. John Hurray, Mrs, O. . Centennial er.jsnHnftaGrs't flctlvi- news was given an response to the F. Reeves, Airs, J. Karl H.pjii’flscd, • ■* ' ties ic t AeMfteh Cfclic&c are mating roil call. and plant! are being completed for M rn, John Sheeicy, Mrs, Hradeit^; A paper "National Defense" was tbfr tbi-tv-day affair whseb wilt lie Smith, Mm. 0, E, THkmot M**. J* read by Margaret Gllcrest. Mm eiimnxcd l;y the commencement ad­ E Talbott. Guesta, Mrs,.-Joltin'Frr-. • J. H. Talbott read a Setter front dress of Dr. K a r l T. CMnpton, gUHtm, Mrs, J-’ranif BlK-’innUrr* o f - her grandson concerning - n para­ chairman of the Corporation of Monticedio, RU«*ol!i,.Mr«. M. Ft. "Mu- .■ chute jump.- Mtfffifftchusctta Institute of Techno­ eis of Xoulavtile, Krntvwihy, Members and go eats attending logy on the frc.nt steps c>f Main ■ " ^pi il -■ • , this cove-red dish luncheon were, AdvixrilHSpg in this paper Hall on Saturday .June 20 beginning at 7:30. Airs. Myron Fudge, Mrs. Jl. Cl. •reaches ove.r 10,0Dwnt 3:45 p, int~Antioch Area Theatre Harold Fogg: Janet Varner, Debbie Touchman and PatrkdaJHjtUer; the Id ten ri-.^ N U fS m M tM .iM Peyrnenhw— 4--pfree*».tf,f«hrreaf' presents "Testament of Faith", a Second row; Ronald Heaton, Wayne Sayer, Atix Folkmai)*, David on Future-Pnyrivc.Ki. I-'unAi.:— bio Re»c*v»tvh>rs: Horace Mann play by Paul Trcich- Whitmore, Baiba Foiltmanls, Kathryn Beatty, Dorothy Bittner, Linda Jcr Front steps, Alain Hall. In case r If Dcpi-ension SDukcm, Be. of ran, piny will be given in the Williams. Standing in the foreground are the teacher in the pro­ Foundry Eu.Jding. duction, Barrel! Brewer and Producer Roolthokl. The second re­ SATURDAY, .U SE 20 hearsal for the group will lie held at the Mills house Monday at 7:80. sib 32:T* p. m - 25th Anniversary SAiic. ®- smom In&Btirfit it* Arthur E- Morgan, For s- rs. a!umni. faculty, guests. WITH THE SICK V/rit»s or Call ♦ ■Curl $yrinnslam eAdvance reser­ Mrs, Margaret Payne was taken:! vations neeeasajy*, to the Greinc Memorial Hocp.taj ] HAJtl,. SlfilllilffGB, .:Soo.rM«ry-Trw»»»,w** Z:TJ-l..?y p. tii President's rc- cm Thursday. ceptitn frr seniors, parents, faexty. K...y Straley, son « f Mr. and M rs.. SPRIlWSiFUELD N A T m g l,' The hr-sif c f President and Mrs. La„r,s Sfmicy received severe in- J! McGregf r to h.a foot fin Saturday wfciJt*!• 7:20 p, at ■-Commencement en* r.d.rg a traitor, w.th Jua brMiitr,; FARM I M I ASSOCBA^-JOSI creisra Front steps, M a in Hail Hosted. He »»'l be on crutches for Speaker, Dr, Ceajit'n, the- nrr.t few weeks. '9M. M, BnUdiug, SprisgtioM.' Ohls M:e . L. H. ly-ng, has return'd te her heme here after having been ,! ift '-fH-ra .Memorial IJbapitai for J I N © sgrgtry. s

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FARM LOANS— If you are an operating farmer we are eager to serve you with financial assistance. The Xenia National Bank is prepared to*make loans for live­ stock and crops , , , and this financial assistance is given you . . , right here in your home com­ munity.

REAL ESTATE LOANS— Hundreds of Greene County homeowners have av­ ailed themselves of the Xenia National Bank’s ser­ vice in the purchase* of a home. Advice and guid­ ance .... coupled with loans at attractive rates and methods of payments are at your commmand when you deem the time and opportunity is right in the purchase of a new home. We invite your consultation.

PERSONAL LOANS— Need a personal loan? You’ll find this institution has understanding ,» , a grasp on the problems of today. A friendly, helpful service awaits you — avail yourself of our Personal Loan Departments services. 1835 ' History of the Xenia National Bank ' 1953

June 1st, 1835 John Hivling opened a private bank in Xenia, the first bank in Greene County of which there is any re­ cord. In the year 1845 the State of Ohio General Assembly established a State Banking System under the control of com­ missioners appointed by the. governor, John Hivling, whose bank at Xenia had joined the State System,was one of those commissioners and his bank was known as Ohio State Bank, Xenia Branch, The branches issued bank notes and several of Xenia Branch notes are in the possession of a Xenia resident, The Xenia Branch was located in the building known today as the Message Building on the corner of Detroit and Sec­ ond Streets, The old cash vault of this bank is still intact and is used by the Western Union office. The Xenia Branch Bank continued to operate successfully until 1863 when the first National Bank Act was passed under the guidance of Salmon P. Chase, Lincoln’s Secretary of the Treasury, Under this act all banks which joined the system were chartered for twenty years. The Board of Directors of the Xenia Branch applied for a national charter under the name of The First National Bank of Xenia* Ohio, This organisation continued in business in the old location until 1866 when they, purchased the lot on the southeast corner of Main and Detroit Streets and erected the present build­ ing on this lot, which has undergone very little outside chan ges since if was constructed. At this corner The FirstjNationei continued business until its twenty-year charter expired and in 1883 if applied fora new charter, asking that the name be changed to The Xenia National Bank, its present name. , *.During all of the 118 years of continuous banking, this organization has enjoyes the confidence and patronage of the people of this community for which we express our sincere appreciation. W e have safely and securely piloted our pat­ rons through The Mexican War* The War Between the States, Th Spanish-American War, The First World War, The Second World War and are carefully and faithfully carrying on in this our ‘’Police Action in Korea,” W e have seen de­ pressions and booms come, and go, and have guided our bank safely through them all, ■a With firm faith in the people of our community, we look forward to many years of pleasant and mutually profitable association,

We Want You To Feel You Are Always Welcome: That Your Financial Problem W ill Get a Respectful, Sympathetic Hearing.

W&hiMm&ymtimll find an account at our bank helpful, convenient and profitable The Old Xenia National MEMBER F, D. I. C. XENIA’S GRAND OLD BANK , . . . MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE PERSONAL SERVICE IN ALL BRANCHES OF LEGITIMATE BANKING . aYou Are Never A Stranger After Yow- FirstAiftsiit'*”" . Tlwiraday, Jime, tl. r.nKKincN•ucticrr r»n«urnnn '*>f AwmAfaw-*. S JnMtiilcmt1 Jexmnl ’ Oilnrrllle flt^raM- |

n O T t fll 'I'O < II ATIT it AO't'nMiT 1 KTAWMMItr-nMlll«W 1) OKi'AM'piauarn tin nit>*n nta m i « i <>aTr rmraMsiiiN'i'ivAM'ivr on the 15th clay of June, 1953 at] Healed i»r»)inn»4«mv 19S3, at the west door of the Court ^ , * E i T 4 “ ceptions to said inventory most file on help. Apply In nemnn , FVauJfc. Ijnprevmm niti mi G reene.. Cmtatfr*, ment of Sable M McMillan, de­ them at* least five days prior to rmwwie, men tW. Yellow ve * ^ Ohio, on existing -Irlve artd pa«64n|t*. House, in Xenia, Ohio, at 10 o’clock Spr! n«». tf men. wIUUu irronipbii of tlniKHfeae a, jn. the following described real ceased, vs Alice "Wilson, et al., de­ the day set for hearing. fendants. Given under my hand and seal of Kojdlurn.urul HailoCft M oim v-ln.XcnUt-. estate, to-wlt: POR SALE-— One-lOO I)>.- potato*) Towmililp, by araditur, dralnlntf.ta^d-, MILLER lu»Ui<« comprelie-au, TRACT 1. Situated in the County Attorneys, Xenia, Ohio 1953, power (’omprcHHir. Prank*JMWIite, ehiNnifled .cmbanKmeiU . mat,-riot: i* , Glen Cure, Yellow ,5'pninpn; 'Width; Pavement' iOj.leeb;. Roa*w*Vt Of Greene, in the Stale of Ohio and Rhone 2-3531 34 fe e l, j In the-Village of Ceclnrvllle, bounded WILLIAM B. McCALLlSTER, CHARLES H. STORMONT Judge. F O R WAGE— One frond 10 k « b rood - Uenirtn D+3- fcl*t o r 0. tf*2 "mlHjy « and described as follows; Being the 1 (*r hoaao, 1'el.,^-25SA, .WaKhlocton VT7I« its I ef tfrV-t nr» eomnlotlort^rf-tlih*- Cednrvclle. Ohio, LUELLA BOWSER, w ork shall bn an net forth- In (Ho one-third 0 /3 ) part of the South Rhone 6-2622 C. H S-4-p btdrtlnai’pwpnnftl,:* end of Lot tNc. 14) fourteen in the Clerk. The mini, nimi ^vaaec to bo-paid'Jo* As Executor of the' Estate FOR HAI,E—OPR Clubre: 4 iWoral*, ,tU Inlmrcmfiloyie r>« 4h i 'elr*ct- original plat of said Village of Ce- of SaJ)ie M. McMillan, de­ Bobby Jones Junior, 8 Bobby Jone* slial I - be In vaucsTraauoeip wiMa-tkaH-" darvllle, Greene County, being 44“ ceased. LEGAL NOTICE iron*, Write F. I,, Carry, I*,. 0„ "SCh«*duic' of •'.PrcvKlUnk Maurjic, feet of frontage on Main St. and .BOX No. J, Y ellow Kprmtni, (), )Y«k« iln t eir-Aar n«ent bid m certified. *)(, ,;W In ilie .nmiuaa of the cistern located about on the that deadens Die Infected nkin. )( Of *500.00. 28th day of May, 1953, Pauline Lac­ Fatterson, Dayton, O, filed certain tlien peels off, ex nos I up more irerinM . Plans aiut.t specifIrattans arn One north line of the property hereby key 1322 E. Main, Xenia filed certain petition against him for Annulment Jb its klllingr union. Cel T-4-1,, a file.In the dobadtm'enlxnfVhlatnMk)ln» conveyed, second party agreeing to petition against him for divorce on beorfi the Common Pleas.CourL of Itoratolytlo. nt any drug shore; If.nob and .tKOiofflira efsiliU.dleialonrdnautyi dlensert m ONK HOUR, your 4»c rtiK'ctor. keep up half of the expense of re­ the - grounds’ oi Gross Npglect Of Greene County, Ohio, said case be- Mack, Today at GARHI8 OHUOM The director ,rscree.*, ilie,l ip 1st tut. pairing said cistern. Duty before the Common Pleas jngsfNo. 28218 on. the dockets of said rep-rt any and .a ll *bt«tc," “ TRACT 2, Situated in the County Court of Greene County, Ohio, said Court and will come on for hearing, of Greene, in the State of Ohio, and case being No, 28293 on the docket on or after the 31th day of June, FIRM' QUALITY in the Village oi -CedarvlUe, and Of said court and will come on for 1953: bounded and described as follows: hearing on'or after the 8th day of SEYMOUR D. RAMEY, I ftkl 2“ ARMSTRONG QUAKER” LioolciimrRugv Beginning at the Southeast corner July, 1853, 420 Callahan Bldg, | In Large Selections f £>.49 of lot now owned by James A. MASON DOUGLAS, Dayton, O, 5 Folding Type Yacht &. Dcelf ChaiiM«. McMillan and the line of the street Callahan Bank Bldg,, Attorney for Plaintiff, at South end of Lot No, 11. of said Dayton, Ohio * 7-14-21-28-4-11 I . - -All* Mtrtal Pfirch GhoitW • Village, as described in Volume 65 Attorney for Plaintiff July 9 1 NEWEST 8TYL15 page 109 of the Deed Records of LEGAL NOTICE Greene County; thence east with « Choice of Colors fS,49 the line of the street 41* 3" In line NOTICE or APPOINTMENT Charles Y, Coprich, whoee place of of Cora Trumbo; and North alohg Estate of Idle K. Conner, aka Lyle R. residence is unknown, and Cannot | " POrctrRiigf 3x5to 6*9 $3.9 * Xitttia, Ohio . • We Del W west with said line 4T 3** to the line administrator with tile will annexed her certain action 1 or divorce on of James A, McMillan: thence south of the estate of Lfie f t , Conner, aka grounds of willful absence for more 44* to the place of beginning con­ Lyle ft, Conner and L. R, Conner de­ than one year, before the Common taining 18162 square feet, more or ceased late of Ross Township, Greene Pleas Court of Greene County. less, County, Ohio, Ohio, being civil cause No, 28278 on the docket of said Court, and that Said James R, Orr ana Josephine Dated Oils 18th day of May, 1953, «_ fF o r tlri: ’ hW )iR«t InfZ Conner Merritt, R. R. 1950 Dodge Sedan 11 cords of Greene County, Ohio, j Jamestown, Ohio; Catherine Conner, raw Plymouth Conveftnhfe ft&Ht Call * Being the same premises described 1 ^ ! ” , CtaVlSrf ecm.jdWg at 746 e . Circle Drive, Day- northeast corner of Main and Mil- ten, Ohio, and Methodist Chulrircns burn streets m the Village e,f Ce- Home, Worthington. Ohio. Ohio, you are hereby nfetiflrd that

W e ft! Having Our Fireworks Now y j t % H ot Vtiiife&i ExpIcHleil F’rireh -mv-T: "v-im summer corn! 0 * 4 * t f ifif** o Chrysler Samtoga (Tub Coupe . R&H (’hrysler New Yorltw 4 Ur, , , , . &&II Dtalm *u Ton Truck ...... MH 0 ¥ Plymouth Ceanbrltlge 4 U r...... If Plymouth CjtmbmlKe (Tub Coupe H ■IMA Plymouth Crnnlmmk 4 Ur. RAH

•6 i Plymouth 2 Ur, * * 4 * * g® R&H Ford Custom 8 4 Ur, R&H Ford Custom *1 Ur, R & H i Dodge 2 Dr. ------— ...... R&H Chrysler Windsor 4 Ur. R&H Chrysler Windso'r Chib Coupe , R & H F t I UNIrT^WHtflllClSHrKf^ , Olds 88 Station 'Wagon R&H* a -mmmmm svsjtm tiw m * ■ UsSoto Custom 4 Door ...... R&H, y z u * fe m 4 * \ • - DeSoto Custom 4 Dr...... R&H* A , * Chrysler Windsor 4 D r ,...... R&H Nash Amb. Club Coupe ...... R&H ★ 5 YEAR WAlWilifirY Plymouth Special 4 Dr. R&H* Chrysler Windsor 4 Dr. R&H ★ Til ERMl0#TA®lir/COfltnEBil!AH’ WHlEX'riliA C tm * * Chrysler Royal 4 Dr...... R&H Nash 600 4 Door ...... R&H- ★ a.E4VN%€ooitsf}iiiaiAjiwBCT m m m m m Plymouth 4 'D o o r ...... R&H Olds 2 D r.* ..,...... R&H R H International, Pickup, ...... H , ' Phone W m Mkrsftaft m ‘ 2 1 1 '. YOUR FRIENDLY CftRYSLER-PLYMOUTIjt DEALER •wdl-•mdl' ‘ <| S#, Walnut smryuKi ^ Ogett- 9 'Til 9 Daily, Karcdpt- Wcdnfcpdny. YIUOW SWHMCS , HfJITIKC-SliVIGI. m 8. Dftrbft St. Xenia, Ohio 1'hbnc 2-8WH GlUSliariS C f lC W JMUNTLVG CO. yeltew Sbrits** Awerten* . Mr*. Clyde Adams attended the S N » J * Thursday, .Juns n ABOUND YELLOW SPRINGS \ regular moiithiy^meeting Wcdnes-. j day afternoon sof-the Greene CounV Miss Pat Suyer and Billy Mefford Mr, and Mrs, Roger Bair and fa m -ily library hoard of w h ich she'is. Community Conncerts Association both of Bryan high school have liy of 122 West Davis Street. f vice president. received the honors of being select­ *4* ed* to he representatives to Girls Mrs, George S1 d e n s 11 c k was a j The Womfth’* 'Association of this Holds Kickoff Dinner of New Season and Boys State which will convene guest Sunday of her son and dough-; YeUow Springs MethmUat church The kirk.off dinner m eting of ble Humphreys; anti Airs. R, M. from June 20 until June 28, The ter-in-law, Mr, and Mrs. John Ski- met Thursday morning at the homo the Greene Comity < ‘ o m m u n i t y Small, captain with her team con­ '**!* State will 1« Iwld at Capital ^ W wt %nm m d . Concert® Association was) hod at sisting of Mrs, R. H. Dll). Mrs. Roy University this year and will be a i ‘ of Mrs. Herbert Wise,. the First Methodist Church, Xenia, Handing. Mrs. W, H- Henry, Miss concentrated course in government, Monday evening, June 8. This ban­ Jwwis, and Mrs. Hell Pcttdry. Mr. The seloetees are eivoosen by Bryan quet began the annual membership Willard Thum a, Jamestown, Is high school teachers on the basis campaign under the direction of chairman of Division Three, cover of good schools raid p and all-round Marcus Khoup. membership chair­ trig all of etnstern Greene County. character and achievement The man, and Margaret L. Kampman, AH muslc lovers are invited to con­ expenses of the trips are paid for Care-free headquarters secretary, The head­ tact any one of these members for by the American Legion and the quarters for the drive is at “Adairs" tickets for the 1953-51 season. Legion Auxiliary. COMFORT in Xenia, Representatives of the organization in the Jamestown- The Antioch Chapter -145 of the Mr. and Mrs, Walter Squires are B o w c r » v i 11 e area incude Mrs. Order of the Eastern Star will meet on vacation in Tampa, Florida, You can enjoy that, •Blanche Stuckey, captain, and her Friday evening beginning at eight While there they will visit Mrs. "hoi a core in the world" team consisting of Miss H a z e l In the Masonic Hail, A covered dish Squire's brother, Mr, and Mrs. Et- feeling when your home it equipped Chaffin, Mr, Paul Van Dyne, Mr, supper will follow the meeting ier. They will be gone for ten days. with a WILLIAMSON Gat-flred, warm-air healing system. Willard Haines, Mrs, Willard Hain­ which will be the last for the sum­ •v * • - Thrifty and automatic. es; Mrs. Hall J. Hill, and Mrs. Ma- mer, „ J)r. and Mrs. Clyde Adams Visit­ ed last week end in Newark with Pb One for dcfaiU and Mr, Adams* father, Thomas ,E. Ad­ imptdiofi of your turnout today. ams of that city. * • * BROWN and RITENOUR Thrifty Meals Mr. nnd Airs. Edgar Cochran of Jamestown, Ohio — Route 1 at Mount Vernon were Sunday guests of their son-in-law and daughter, Jamestown, Ohio — Route 1, Phone 4-8088 Thrifty Prices Gold Medal li», FLOUR . . 5 Hag 49c Jack Frost >

SUGAR . . 10 £ 99ci Maxwell House

COFFEE . ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 1 c1,86c The Giant Package

FAB . . a ■ ■ ■ ■ , ■ ■ , 69c Van Camp Yellow Springs Market PORK & BEANS . ■ ■ '21»33c Assorted wishes to extend KOOL AID . ■ ■ * a a 6 25c All Flavors Best wishes to JELLO ______a ■ . . 3" 25c Campbell

TOMATO SOUP a ■ a ■ 3 35c YELLOW SPRINGS NEW Stokelys a a ■ i a a 18c c i T H E AMERICAN fei ICED TEA BLEND . . . . 47c Market &kbtrvWe Ohio 64201

I f Von Waril T o liny or Sell Tour Farm or Town Properly CALL OH WHITE LEON H. KLING McSavaney & Co. London, Ohio Phone til Wft Special!*® in Farm Loan* at 4 Hi per cent Interest . • SHORT SLEEVE ORLON! NYLON! RAYON! COTTON!

at Erbaugh’s Largs * Srvsslf and jyiedfifrri Size* SUNTAN LOTIONS WHiTB and PASTEL SHADES BATHING CAPS SWIM GOGGLES m f t SWIM MASKS \ S t SWIMMING POOL -89 st*iJ T UP VA A Ilenlafrreil l'linrniiicUt AlWnj* at Vonr Scrvlre

Ei’liaugh & Johnson Xenia Ave. Ar Glen St, oe.s YELLOW' SPRINGS FATHER'S DAY - JUNE 21st derma form PLENTY FRE1 p m m ® J *1

t k. *,*.

t h e m e r i c a n wa y ./ /•A ..... ; ,

i n i o i i • • • I * Good Citizens Salute To Coinpetilion In the highly competefcive retail field it* is a time-tried axiom that business goes A businessman has a plaque cm a wall where it is invited and stays where it is above his desk which reads as follows: well treated. "My competitors do more for me than As part of their constant program of my friends do ; my friends are too polite giving better service to customers many to point out my weaknesses, but my com­ retailers, both chain and independent, petitors go to great expense to advertise are working with towns and cities in them. which they are located to help iron out "My competitors are efficient, dili­ the problems that harass* legions- of gent and attentive; they make me communities today. Anybody who has search for ways to improve my products ever tried to park a car on a busy down­ and services. town street can certainly appreciate the "My competitors would take my busi­ magnitude of the job to be done. ness away from me, if they could; this This is just one more Way in which keeps me alert to hold what I have. the local retailer, serving his own best "If I had no competitors I would be interest, is a god citizen of the com­ lazy* incompetent, inattentive; I need munity. By helping his home town he the discipline they enforce upon me. helps himself. “ I salute my competitors; they have been good to me. God Bless them all!" Keep After Reds Business competition takes many Criticism of the Un-American Activities Com­ forms. Sometimes it is in price. Other mittee sounds hollow when set against the re­ times it is in the quality of service. Other cent statement of FBI Director J, Edgar Hoover. times still it is in some innovation which He said the Reds are busy in every field of people find interesting and attractive. American activity, and that they are working Whatever the form, competition— which mote intensively than ever. Unless we wish to brush off the alarms of one exisits in its true state only in a free of the head men, we bad better be on our guard. economy — is the greatest force for pro­ This doesn’t mean we should Call everybody who gress that exists. disagrees with us a Communist. It does moan we can't afford to let critics stop such investigations, unless the critics offer a better method at ex­ Happy Combination posing subversives. From the health standpoint, meat is a After Mr, Hoover's warning we can see that first class buy. an entire organization should not be condemned The average American, according to a Behind The Scenes in if evidences of Red influence are found in Its Department of Agriculture study, spends background. With few exceptions, such evidence 24 per cent of his food budget for meat. is to be discovered in all our groups. Churches, The meat he gets in return for this ex­ American Business . . schools, clubs, social, political, and educational organizations have been Infiltrated, and are still penditure supplies 63 per cent of the ne­ By Reynolds Knight cessary protein, 47 per cent of the ne­ In danger. Ever since World War II ended, annual battles over wage rates During the 30's many Intellectual Americans cessary food iron, 28 per cent of the ne­ have been based on the contention that wages weren’t keeping were beguiled Into becoming fellow traveler!' with cessary phosphorous, 42 Per cent of the up with prices. Communists. Fabian Socialism was also trans­ necessary vitamin B-l, 24 per cent of This year wages have stayed up and prices have receded. Even planted here from England find thousands of our the necessary vitamin B-2, 79 per cent so, ibis does not mean that wage demands have been silenced. young people flocked to its banners, of the necessary niacin and substantial United Steelworkers demand a substantial raise, amount not specified. Benjamin Fairies* of U. S. Steel says there's nothing It Is to our everlasting shame* that so many amounts of other B vitamins. doing. United Auto Wo'rkers Insist that thfiirrdong contract with were ready to desert our principles at the first The importance of substantial meat General Motors bo aUered td provide thatthe eost-of-llvlng escalator hint of financial trouble. With magnificent re­ consumption to mental and physical which carried wages Up shall bo disconnected before It takes them sources at our command, and an administration vigor has been proved beyond question down again, t which moved quickly to improve conditions, thous­ in recent years. Much was learned dur­ STEEL NEGOTIATIONS will probably decide the outcome once ands of men and women joined forces with g ing World War II, when it was found more. This Is because steel is vital to ail Industry, When steel costs gang which is out to destroy our Government. that the strength and endurance of - and steel prices* rise, other price rises become inevitable. The In many respects, it is a black page in Ameri­ steel users simply tack on a little more and with it pacify their can history - * * Mrs, Walter Ferguson in Hr rif f a­ American fighting men resulted in large llaward Newspapers. part from the high meat content in the working forces. diet adopted by the services. And medi­ No other industry is In a similar kiy position. If the Fairies* stand is unyielding- and not a prelude, as some expect, to a 5-ccnt On Thei r Ow n Doorstep cal studies and experiments have shown boost in hourly pay. we have probably seen the last general pay that meat is of direct and lasting bene­ raise for a while. But not. possibly, the last big steel strike, For the first time, weekly newspaper! have won the Pultizer prize for "disinterested and mi n* fit to people suffering from a long list FIGHTING PLASTICS—A trend toward greater use of piastre* of illnesses — including some that# in In America’s combat airplanes Is reflected In Republic Aviation won the Fultizer prize for "disinterested and past days, were believed to require a Gorp's. new F-84F Thtinderstreak, now being produced In volume at meritorious public service,” They are the White- viilfe (N, fti News Reporter and the Taber City diet containing little or no meat, the company’s main plant in Farmingdale, N, Y, Tribune. Almost everyone. Likes meat » « and More than 1500 plastic parts -valued at dose to $7000- go into the sweptwing fighter-bomber. Ifi contrast to a figure of approxi­ These papers were cited "for their smtess- meat is good for almost Everyone. That ful campaign against the Kit Klux Rian, waged makes a happy combination of circum­ mately 43500 for models In Republic’s Thumlerjct series. In addition to being lighter and stronger, plastic parts cost about on their own doorstep at the risk of cttnttnic stances. a third as much as do mental ones to da the same job. Resultant loss and personal danger, culminating in life con­ savings, say Republic officials, will amount to millions yearly, * viction of ever loo Klansmen and an end to terror­ Lost lit The Shuffle THINGS TO COME—A Maryland company has devised a water ism In their communities," cut-off to fit between the business end of the hose and the water We have often thought how easy it is for the Writing in tbe Oregon Voter on that sprinkler, so you needn’t walk back to the faucet to shut it o ff, editor of a big city daily to sit bark in hie easy eternal problem, taxation, Ralph T. Nylon bearings replace steel bails in a new line of hinges. No rust, chair and prescribe nostrums for aofial Mis in Moore said, "The idea of taking from no squeak, no oiling „, * Plastic of the polystyrene family makes a the hinterlands, and how difficult "it must t» Sot each In accord with ability to pay ,... new guitar. First one cost 4360,000, yielded know-how sufficient to the country editor to take position* width hi was irresistible in the days when we had tnake later one* for $30, . , Awkward server* of drink* will welcome knows in reason will subject him to finannal, If the rich to tax. But itjs losing its glam­ A tray with eight cork-Hned well* tot the glasses , , , Now there’s not physical, reprisal, The small town idiler a handbag with a light like a refrigerator. Goes on when yoi* open deals not so much with intellectual abstnidiois our in these days when tbe poor man as with his neighbors orf a personal basis. finds that he is the fellow with the pre­ Ihe bag no you can see what’s inside, VITAL TO OUTPUT—A half-century of development has *cen And so it seems to tis that tbe editors i f tho sumed ability to pay. Somehow the two weeklies in North Carolina have perfirmid ability part has been lost in the shuffle. Instalment buying become the essential mass financing underpin­ ning of American mass production. Economist* and business leaders in the finest traditions of a free press awt are Only the pay part remains." Watch instalment loan totals as a barometer of financial well-being. fully deserving of the highest honor their ji.uy* The lowest federal income tax is 22.2 Credit is healthy today, Arthur O, Dicta, president of C, I. T, naiistic colleagues nrc capable of conferring. Wo salute them for doing a good job "on their own per cent and it applies only to taxable Financial Corporation told stockholders at the recent annual meet­ incomes Under $2,000. In other words,* ing, Despite the postwar boom, all consumer credit outstanding In doorstep,” That IS always the beat, but neldom those with extremely modest means January, 1041. Mr. Dicta said: the easiest, place for reform. - - - Toledo Blade must pay out almost a quarter of their ’’The majority of economist* as well as many government of­ taxable earnings to the U. S, Treasury ficials agree that the volume of instalment credit is not excessive.’* On consumer credit in general he observed: •— and the rate rises very swiftly there­ "If market* were restricted to customers who could pay cash after. All other taxes must be piled on for goods the economic* of mass production would largely disap­ top of this levy.-The great mases of the pear , , , Prices of automobiles^ refrigerators, kitchen ranges and people have the most to gam from econ­ the like would be out of reach of most American families,” omy in government, MUSICAL CHAIRS—A New York management firm found American companies since the war adding executives 40 per cent “ The plain fact is that good govern­ faster and losing them 2d per cent faster than they did in 1938-42, ment comes from good men," — The in a check of 100 companies In 14 industries. Wall Street Journal Reasons for leaving: First, to take bigger job. Second, to have bigger future. Third, ter*make more money. Fourth, fighting with old boss. One-sixth of the job leavers were simply laid off. THE GREENE COUNTY The difference between those added and those departing Is • accounted for by industrial expansion and retirements and deaths, PRIMING CO* There still seems a lot of room for an agile job-seeker to find A scat in the’ shuffle, Jamestown Journal —* 4-9031 BITS O’ BUSINESS—Auto production fell 5 percent from the Cedarville Herald — 6*1711 week of April 20 to that of April 27, but was still 52 per cent above .Yellow Springs American — 7-7740 the year-ago week , . , First-quarter profits of 27 major industries were 10 per cent ahead at last year's . , * Lenders said they would GERALD H. COY ...... Publisher find more mortgage money now VA home loans yield 4V4 per Safc*erl»finn rale* ftt.SA per Ten* In ftreeate, cent . , . The National Bureau of Economic Research reports the f irk, MendrsWery, Fayette urn* Gllnfnn Cm r * si elsewhere J3.M per rear, AdrertlMiag rates rich have been getting poorer and the poor richer every year since .apaa re*ae*t. 1939, thus spoiling a fine old gag. Who gets the children* now? J . . 18 Thuradny, June 11 watch for their feeding marks on Ralph Richards ' CRKKlXi? CflUHTV S’lllXTINC; CO. corn wbeaj- and barley especially. to ireiMir S*ri*«* AmttWum ■ »*»«*< « u rnn J Toxapheno, be stated, is the .boat On.RioA[Eigh WELDING..-. . ■Ce^aryUle Jlernldll#*' poison c o n t r o l for them, but at Sgt. Ralph Richards Is home cm present la In short supply in most “ NO JOB TO SMALL—NO JOB TO BIG’’’ stores, Your yetwg corn crop can. ft SO day furlough from the Pana­ Around and About be destroy, d almost overnight if ma Canal Zone where he has .been flUV H ALTERLAN ' I your farm is unlucky enough to ho J stationed far the past eight yearn.* So, Xenia Ave. Yfclkrw .Springs. Phone 74561 | invaded in numbers by the thtn«8.jJl<, fca contestants for the Scs-. ] county will be made. The Greene huicentennial Queen's crown gnfh-d JDYERS & CLEANERS County Historical Museum and the Icrcc* there to be briefed on the rules j j — LA.UNDRY— • Galloway Cabin will be open for j and regulations of the contest The * 7-7398 inspections. j lucky girl lend her court will reign j P ick V p A Ufllwrj Service 122 W est Daytcn Yellow Springs Friday, July 3-ChUdren’s pet l for a ful> w« k of activities. And :! Group Rates nud decorated bicycle parade. All ! i»*Rt to make the honor complete, ■ Special Trips county youngsters Invited to par­ J $150 will In given her as a prize.: j ticipate, Special children's prices | Beauty may be only skin deep, but ; YELLOW SPRINGS Will prevail In the afternoon on ' oftentimes it's very praclicat ,sn t ^ the midway. This will he Youth ■It j Activities Day, Saturday, Jtdy 1 Patriotic and Homecoming Day. Returning na­ Anniversaryw * Bay •■ tives will be Introduced and honor- f Termed S accent ed Gigantic fireworks display fol-f lowing Inst performance of page- j 'Die Cedarville Hardware sport- j nat al Fairgrounds. ! sored their annual Anniversary P a y! There w ill be 20 rides for young last Saturday with many people ’ and old oh the midway In Xenia, registering for the nice group of,' and historical window displays will prizes offend by Mr. LuUenhurger. • abound throughout the county. , Mr. Luttcnbtirger is in Pittsburgh, Hhis week purchasing toys for* Rlmvydas "Frank” Sitbaforis, An-, Christmas for Cedarville Hardware, •. Loch College senior and a native of f The foiiowing is a list cf winners ? FOR ALL TIMES Lithuania, will be given ft chance to ? for the prizes offered on Annivrr- j windy tltc nation which conquered 1 snry Day: | € : hJ cc of it Monurfiont di-ypr- hm < ,vn. Frank is one of 62 stu­ Anna Lee Bravard, gun; Robert ■ dents to receive a John Hay Whit­ ves as much thought as cue Guthrie, f.a-dd.glst; E M, Buifeit- j ney Opportunity Fellowship, He ffives to selecting a home. II burger, garden rak*; Rotom Jean : w,4 attend Columbia Omvers.ly's must last so much longer. Rader, bail bat; ID ny Deity, ball; ’ Itass.mi institute in the fall. Endure so much more Iseati- A farm-tractor tragedy struck Edna Mae C'oiSwr. brean rake; fulfyv Iliscuss the matter George Dunn, gallon of Super Kem- with us. It will eert jr-'U nol - Friday afternoon when John M. v \ McC ulrnont. fit, a Xenia township tone. Ron.iid Jonrs. ball bat set; ; lsai:g If may benefit you tanner was kitted Instantly When Phikv Shar. fishing plug: Marilyn" rnkach! a tnwtor he was operating plung­ Murphy, beach ball m t ; Charles;: ed over « steep enlmnknicnt on Jeff' rise>, set of dishes. Douglas - his farm on Hilltop Road Off Ferguson, fishing rod; Jo«;i Me* 5 Fairground Road, three, mites t’ieiian, skates; Ray Tu2d, grass : northwest of Xenia. Ite suffered Shears; Ernes: Wilkams. fishing:. a broken neck, crushed left chest t|Hp; Margie Stevens one-haif gat- j and a fractured left shoulder, Ion wax; Louise Elks, folding fake* | VISIT OUR COMPLETE EXHIBIT OF Services were Held Tuesday after­ Margaret W.iborn. hammer, Shu*f MASTERCRAFT MEMORIALS noon at the Neelif Funeral fiptne man Dotton, ash tray; Wanda .Mil-1 in the county seat. hr, saw; Lawrence Strniey. set A m y worms, those "pests with ww nelies; Martin tViiner. baking the ravenous appetites” are wide* dish; Helen Williams, fait: FIossIp HpfeM In the county according to Acton, medscuHb cabinet; Mrs Bet- viftHtum K, A, Drake, county ex­ ty Chapman,

« KHMII ; % I I iDErpsq'ftAkK Meo*iw t i FJ1.1XI. * . * . (km N « . A 4 3 ■High .St, & Fairfield Pike W ‘

1-. f . - . a . 1

J Thursday, June 11 iSjk to M ABOUT JAMESTOWN PEOPLE Cedrine Clnb Concludes Year; i.hk e .Sb coUNTy i'iuaTiNO co. .Yellow Sprtag* Awerlea* Jovfm I Dr. anil Sirs, Stanley A, Hctzlcr is spending several days with her (VUnrvIllr llrrnlU and son Stephen were Sunday din­ sister, Mrs, Archie Gordon, Officers Elected For 1953-54 Mrs. David McElroy, StcVenSon treasurer, Retiring officers a r c ner guests of Mr. and Mrs, Albert * • ■ Road, was elected president of the Pike, prosfdoht; Mrs. Edna Shep­ Qadc of Columbus, in the evening, Mr, and Mrs, Bert Jacks a nd Cedrine Club (or the coming year herd, vice president; Mrs, J. Harry Cedarville they attended the annual picnic daughters, and Mrs. Ida Hughes when the club held its final meet­ Nngley, secretary and Mrs, James of graduate students of the de­ were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. Patterson, treasurer, Members of partment of sociology at Ohio-State ing Of 1952-53 at the home of Mrs. Names Officers and Mrs. Hubert Fields and daugh­ Lawrence Hnrner, Jamestown Pike, the Nominating Committee were University. Installation of officers was held ter Eleanor of Mlamlsburg. Thursday afternoon. Mrs, Jennie Crawford, Mrs, Mar­ • • • when the Woman's Society of Mrs, it. H, Dill, Mrs, Roy Head­ The new officers will assume garet Blckctt and Mrs, Anna Boyd, * David Walker of Philadelphia Christian Service of Cedarvtiie met ing, and Mrs, R, M. Smith attended spent Wednesday and Thursday of charge In September, Others elect­ Mrs, William H, Gowdy, Upper Wednesday in * the Method 1st the kick-off dinner for the Greene last week with Kent Smith, They ed were Mrs. Orville Ellis, .vice Bellbrook Pike, was guest speaker County Community Concert Asso­ were both counsellors at Shadow- president; Mrs. Paul Harncr, secre­ and reviewed the book. ’'Grandma Church. ciation at the Second street Metho­ brook, a boy's camp, near Phila­ tary, and Mrs. Ralph O. Spahr, Moses”. Miss .Barbara Nordlund Mrs. J. W. Johnston conducted dist Church Monday night, delphia for the past two summers. played two piano solos, "Sonata, the Service. Devotions were led by No, l” by Beethoven and "Puck” Mr. and .Mrs. D. U Fields and * * • Mrs. Flynn Bach. Mrs. David Rey­ Mr. and Mrs. Mark Bingamon by Grieg. Members of the program Hannah and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Brooks-Johnson nolds showed slides of Japan, and Mr. and Mrs. John Shcely, committee were Mrs, J. Earl Mc­ Robinson attended a rose show at showing the work of Miss .Doris Clellan, Mrs. Carl Ervin and Mrs. Whetstone park Sn Columbus last visited Everybody's Farm at Mason Wedding Vows To Hartman there. Plans Were made Cameron Biekett, Guests on the Sunday. on Sunday, for the officers to attend officers • . • • • ,• • Be Spoken June 20 program were introduced by Mrs. training day at Anderson Hlllf Juno Mrs, Guy Garmnn is attending Mr. and Mrs. George Smith and McClellan. 19th. 1 , The Yellow Springs Methodist the Springfield College of Com­ | family returned Monday f rom Twenty-six members and tw o There will be no July meeting, Church will be the scene on Sat­ merce and Business this summer. Canada after visiting Mrs, Smith's guests Were present and roll call but a picnic is planned for* Aug­ urday evening, June 20 of Dm nupti­ • • » parents for a few days. responses were "Musical News”. ust, Luncheon was served by Mrs. al vows of Miss Vera Brooks, Mr. and Mrs, Willis Glass spent • • e Earner assisted by Mrs. Paul Mc­ Goldie Taylor, Mrs, E, R, Biggs, Monday in Cincinnati visiting Mr. Mr. Richard Hufner of Lima daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Willard Clellan and Mrs. Paul H, Cres- Mrs, Aden Barlow and Miss Maude and Mrs. E. Is1. SteUging and fam­ Spent the week end here with rela­ Dorset! of Zimmerman, Ohio and well. Burrell. ily. Their daughter Rebecca, re­ tives. His Wife returned home with George Johnston, son of Mr. and turned home with them. him after having spent the week Mrs. Fred Johnson of Yellow • • • with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Springs. The Rev, Harry Baker, Mrs. William Haupt. of Nocona, H. Long, pastor of the local church will of- j, ^ Texas is spending three weeks with • ■ « ficinte at the double-ring service at h j Mr. and Mrs, Wayne Houpt, east Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Cummings 6:30 In the evening. ffj of Jamestown. 8 • • and son Gary of Hamilton, spent a Miss Brooks will be attended by The Jamestown Grange held a few days this week with his par­ he rsister, Roberta and the best |; | birthday supper in the grange hall ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A, Cum­ man duties will be performed by ’ !: mings, last week. All having birthdays • • • the brother of the groom, David ■ : during the quarter, April, May and Johnston, Sirs. W. O. SU John, near New June were honored. Following a reception at the home Jasper, left Wednesday for Silver * • • Following a reception at the Mrs, Ilershel Long has returned Spring. Md., to visit her son and home of the groom the young to her home from Greene Memorial daughter-in-law, Col, and Mrs. Cle­ cotipie will depart on a short honey­ Hospital, She Is Improving slowly. ment F, St. John, From there she • • •" will go to Scarsdale, N, Y. to attend moon trip. They will be at hom e! Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Haupt have the wedding of her grandson, Mr. with the groom’s parents upon ■ just returned from an eight day William Rife Collins, ,Tr„ of Rnpl- their return. | trip to Hew York City, Washington dart, Va„ and Miss Barbara Mc- Miss Brooks is a graduate of D, C., and Niagara Falls, Conway Horn on Saturday at JiiO Beavercreek high school and Is an * « • employ#* at Wrlght-Patterson Air Mrs. C. M. Thompson and Mr, P, M, The wedding will take place Force Base. Mr. .Johnston is a grad­ and Mrs, Richard Thompson and in Hitchcock Memorial Church in uate of YclfOW Springs Bryan and daughters Linda and Gayle were Searsdalc and will be followed by is employed at Morris Bean and Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Mon­ a reception at the home of the Company. roe Mallett of Springfield. The din­ bride’s parents, Mr, and Mrs. Nor­ ner was in honor of Mrs. Thomp­ man E. Horn, in that city. Mr. Col­ Friends of the couple will attend son's birthday. lins is the son of Mr. and Mr*. from Zimmerman, VandOlla, Fair­ • * * William R, Collins Sr„ of Sapidan, born and Jamestown, as well as Mrs. Bruce Frye of Chillfcothe former Greens Countians. from Yellow Springs, m*

0 0 0 0


CIVIC *t ■ we

F . D • JL#

m m m m m MMKk m m m m ■>iw' 'v e e e f e . srp*vi«r1J Col. Hostler Gives *' ‘floniiBiw’CoiM-ri'-' rwiarriwG «o. A ROU ND YELLOW SPRINGS . fell»w l«ha|» iwiicw . •M awtra* ttaamtal Inspiring Talk On TsEktlOWissr* fVOnlllt MtniK ______Mr*. Charles law of the Dayton the dlfton Bike with about 60 per­ Road is confined to her homo by sons Attending. Memorial Day illness, Miss Carol Schaub has also Hr. and Mm. *Henry Federishi Election oi offlcem wdU highlight been confined to her home on CEDAKVraE • Yellow Springs’ Citizens paused had the -unusual pleasure last the meeting of Coitmumty Council in work nnd In piny May 80th to Whiteman Street by illness. Coffiirtg Events' • • • week end and this week to see on June 17 at Mllis Mouse begin­ honor the nation's war dead as on­ The annual picnic for chemistry both their sons graduate at differ­ ning at R F, M. Alijo on the agenda ’ Thc.2H Bible Class of the United lookers and through participation faculty and families and senior ent schools. On Th*'«day they mo­ is the reading of l^ie Revised ver­ Presbyterian Church will meet Frl- in the Memorial Day parade, thus chemical students was held May 31 od to Bloomin* 1 ><' ana to sion of tire csnstltsUojh -and it wlO *B«y evening, June 10th. witness their son, Enrico graduate be submitted for tjjlobfion. *v expressing their devotion to the at the J, C. Corwin residence on from Indiana University, Ben Kattsit, prjiswit^ chairman The Home* Culture Club will meet ideals for which Wien of all wars Will be in charge jo'ri the. meeting. •U-.the BMtcrn Star Room-at 2!00 have died fighting for their coun­ Pageant Ticket vt>r. and Mm. Henry Federighl Other outgoing oflfiakmf arc: Vice P. M., Tuesday; June 16. Mrs. S. C. try, * motored to Bloomington, Indiana, chairman, Paul Rdtriwan; ^treasurer,* Wright and Mrs. J, S.’ West are Participating In the parade were Sales h Setting last Thursday with their son, En­ Don Wacchter andl/aifcretary, tMrs, 'e»rhostc**es. marching units representing the rico, who will1 do graduate Work at Walter Kleeman. the University of Indiana this fall. Thomas R. Bailey Post 657’Amer­ A Brisk Pace *' • " • There will be nominations front The'regular stated meeting of the ican Legion, the V r y an Hlgh_ the floori antf tht*. flo w in g can­ R* H.- Rockhold, producer for Dr. and Mm. Henry Federighl fO. E S. Chapter will be'held Mon- School Band, Boy Scouts of Amer­ and son,’ Enrico motored to Ober- didates will be offbfed’: Chairman, “Out of The Wilderness.” the his­ flSftWBhii:. June 15/afc 8!00*P,'M; ica, GM Scouts Of America, Hus­ lin, Monday to -witness their son Stanlry Wise; victl'chairman, Mrs,, •hNtlfts Masonic *Hall. ky Hustler’s 4-II Club and the As­ torical pageant in connection with and brbtlwr graduate from Ober-. Dean BJrch; trea^Wf^ Job ..Holly sociation for Civic Action of M - the Greene County Sesquiccntfcn- iln College. Dr. Federighi is Biology and secretary Mrsj'Margaret "Mer­ The Home Culture Club will meet, low Springs and Miami Town­ nlal, has announced that omney professor at Antioch College. cer. , I* ' in. the Eastern Star Room • at 2:00 ship. At Cjlen Forest Cemetery, Further busine*<|■ ®^?TJhe meeting for 2100 advance tickets have been T:*M. Tuesday, June 16. Mrs. S. C Rev, Buckley S. .Rude, pastor of Mr. and Mrs. James McKee, of: will concern tiiej 'fsraaibility ,o f 'Wright' and 'Mrs. J, S. West are co- the Presbyterian: Church deliver­ received at the Xenia office. South College Street, spent 1 a s’t changing the lo4fl. GoaainUnity hostesses. ed the benediction. Tile queen of the pageanet will week-end In Columbus visiting Mrs, Chest drive into j»: .Red Feather be chosen on the basis of which McKee’s sister, Mrs. Ed Jordan for­ campaign to take ^dvturtrige'of na­ L t Col. R, M, Hostler, USAF, Who ‘ The regular stated meeting of the glr] sells the most tickets for the merly Miss Charlotte Adams of tion-wide publicity’ and 'also for accepted the invitation, extended by 0. E, S. Chapter wni"bo-heid Mon- production. Advance tickets, Air, Marshall St, better ojgrmtion djf the drive. The the Association for Civic Action, rday evening, June 15 at 8:00 P, M. Rockhold stated, arc sold through * * • meeting is opep tojthe public, gave the principal address and his Mrs. Konstantins Folkmanls, of in-the Masonic Hall, the Queen candidates only and will 833 Xenia Ave„ spent last week th^me “Why Memorial Day" ap­ be three fl tickets for only $2. propriately intended to awaken all end (May 20-June 3) in Chicago and YS Womei\ Taking The Rebekah Lodge Will meet Each Queen candidate receives In Kalamazoo, Michigan, visiting Tuesday evening, June 16, in regu­ Americans to their individual re­ 1000 votes fer every tsrfp of three Girl ScouCteaders sponsibility to revere this solemn her sister in Kalamazoo and attend­ lar session in the I. O. O. F, Hall, tickets that she sells. • day for those whelikd in the serv­ ing a nation-wide .Latvian, folk The competition for Queen closes Training bourse ice of their country, including the festival In Chicago. The Kensington Club will meet June 24 and from then On all tic­ Mrs. George Malewmey. Mazzolini 24,000 soldiers who have lost their Thursday, June 13 at the home of kets will be ?1. Advance tick* is Apartments left Wednesday for lives in the Korean War. Col. Host­ Mrs. John Davis, This will be a may be change d to the night de­ Like To Co To Camp Whlppcrwill, Daytno Girl ler reminded the large gathering regular me'tir.g and net guest day sired. Strawberry Feed? SCout camp, where. ryitliMrs. Mncy that too many Americans today n« planned, Hern arc stare ef the present G.fcbs ot Wdbtrforct and Mrs. Pat- look upon Memorial Day w ee 3y as The Fresfey-Weds of the Yellow Springs Frcstytoriar* -Church will' a holiday, a day fer fishing, a day kadtrs in the esateat* B* tty Bo­ avtml -cf'Fakbtrn, §ibc will take a- gan, Springfield, first* Margie have an etd-fashioned Strawberry' ten-day training course for camp tc: hold a picnic or even to repair| Brakful-J, J„*sestiWa, second: Ow- Festival at 0 in the evening, Satur- j the root. He reee,anted that fd*| (Urrcicrs, «n Knistly Fa.rtrrn, third a n d day, Jure 13,


AMERICAN ■*»EiiJo^ nil the Hot wafer your family ftieftty cilwoyi on fapl Sofe, silent, clean—no MAY It CHOW t«t Mosrts m m , no stovepipe, You can depend Oft. Hotpolnf. More than a million families dof

m » i f*m *k • Saicftd-M snemsf Unkti H M * InwEferiMH-tMsi, h p t fc**te (Only Hotpolnt Gives - o w e s snd SCHOOL SURPLUS Money-Serving

B2-fldIk>n eopocity • h s • MAGIC CIRCIE <*: '* » P m iw tid Cotrod units pvt elf t m t m m o K f o u n t a in pe n s Other size*— INie been Into lft« water. Ne we*fA^ . ewVes yev. meney. ■end pm SETS ter everyr

35 CftltNt ST, - ' XENIA, O. THK PAYTOW: BOW R A Iila/H eHT. C O M B iM lT

t * > *• '■$r, . ■ ■ ■■ J jt r } A ttift.i ii# I f fa i,| ytldti-M. t * *51 Jt * tit i *ntnf atnwu Uourn*I manager, Mrr„ Wendell Garter, ON 30.DAV GRAVE .urml&y* *Junr ll Page 51 nurse. IJeutcnant and Mrs. Richard Al­ Mrs. Raymond Williamson tiltMFXM W l W W H vi'ivo «0. The week of June Bth through ien and yon are hack from Florida YrUnw Sprtn** imrrlrou XSHiWJlw'(Wlirvilii* liffwlu -• * Ukh the older interffiedlates will where Lt, Alien has lawn taking be at the camp, Ninety-fire girls training as a Jet pilot, After a 30* Fetes have registered far that week. day leave here, he will be headed Mrs, Raymond T. Williamson, of Janssen; Mrs, Joe Stoke*; MW* lirlStoats Their staff wilt be; Mrs, Garnet for overseas assignment, Mm. Allen Cedarville very graciously enter­ Uoyd Confnrr; Mrs, Walter Cum-tv Birch, director, Mrs. Mary Wise, is the former Miss Alice Fink of tained. a group of guests to dessert rrilngs: Mrs. Frank Crbawett; Mwif- Enrolled at assistant direetor^Mw. Mary Httlti- Yellosv Springs, bridge on Thursday evening, Harry Hammon; Mrs, FtMpIt Gflnr~ emtan, business manager, Mrs, mings; Mrs. Fred Dobbins; Mr*, Aw Schlosn. nurse. The party honored Mrs. Orey Camp Greene Jftnssen of Florida, who Is visiting B, Creswell; Mrs, Ralph TownslsyM The public is invited to visit the GIRT- SCOUTS MEET Mrs. Nathan” Elder; Mrs. Pref* Day Camp la now in H-.H.'iicm at relatives hero. Mrs. Janssen Is the camp on Fridays of each week Brownie Troop NO. 30 held their sister of Mrs. J. C. BtbKW. Townsley; Mrs. Paul Cummings;•• Mrs. Charles Stormont; Mrs. Ray, Cftmp Greene, for fifth grade in­ from l to 3 o’clock in the after­ investiture ceremony last week at The guests enjoyed a delightful Carzoo; Mrs. Ralph8 Ferguson; Mrs, termedin to Girl Scouts. Eighty-five noon v {he shelter house. Fifteen girls took dessert course after which four Robert MacGregor; Mrs. “Ham« Idy girls arc?" registered for June 3th and received their Girl Scout pins, tables Of bridge were played with Reinhardt Mrs, John Davis; Mrar, through ith. There are six house­ part in the "Fly Up” Ceremony high score price going to Mrs, Rob­ MET SCRAP DRIVE Mrs, Delraer Jobe; andfthe boeteo*;, keeping dnlts with two leaders to After the ceremony was completed, ert MdeGregor. ’ the unit. The staff tor this week A Scrap Drive is to be held Sat­ leaders of the troop, Mrs, Ralph Mrs. Williamson. urday. June 13 by the Westminister Cummings, Mrs. Waiter Cummings Mrs, Janssen also received a gift includes; Mrs, Garnet Birch, Fair­ The Williamson home was beau­ born director, Mrs. Faye Wilburn, Fellowship of the Cedarville Pres­ and Mrs. Tom Hamer served rc- from Mrs. Williamson, tifully decorated with spring flow-- Cedarvilte assistant director, Mrs. byterian Church. Scrap paper and ! freahments of punch and cookies Those present to enjoy the eve­ Mary Reape, Fairborn business scrap iron will be collected,^ } to the troop. ning were the honored guest, Mrs. ers. .? ■ C-- ?0R. *.■ w*-*'- *s <4 OWSSSJJAl ..— ., J .- . -i.J-u-.O' ■■

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America Is a land of free peoples, where there Is freedom of press and self expression; where we can raise oisr children to live without fear and danger* May So d give us the foresight to recognize and the courage to destroy fhe foreign elements endangering this freedom* m m -V%- We, as an American family, serving fhe needs of people in ■ ■"*> Y eTiQ w Springs and surrounding communities, wish to congratu­ late the publisher and staff of the Yeflow Springs HAmerican". We sincerely hope that the ideals of ail Americans, for which this paper stands, may continue to be expressed, free of personal opinions and influence,, bringing its readers a complete news cov­ erage as items of Interest to our community* Our Very Best Wishes- ' EARL N. YODER gidseme MVtivr m wtwa <"«•, Tfllow .Dprlnso American Fund* Inc., and president of the ; cation, and the recent book by Pi»82 ' Thursday, June tl Torch Club, \ Arthur E. Morgan, "Industries for Chemists To Ceriiirrllt# lirmtil Mrs. Robinson, who will aeeom* ‘ Smalt Communities," The current Honor Crane, l puny her husband and participate (May-June) Issue of COMMUNITY in the sessions, has also had much SERVICE NEWS Is devoted to the Kettering “Small Community” In Yellow experience Ip community leadership ; conference subject, with articles on being at present a member of the "What Causes Community?”, The trl-clly meeting or the Amer­ Springs Next Week To Discuss Kalamazoo City Commission, one s "School Consolidation, A Process ican Chemical Society wil be held of the two women who have ever Calling for Social as Well as Edu- at Antioch College this Saturday Community Schools, Fellowship Groups served on the commission. f catlonal Insight," "Fellowships May afternoon beginning at 2 p, nt, and Other leaders at the conference 1 Grow into Communities," and will be highlighted by the honoring The Tenth Annual Conference on Division, University of Virginia, Will be: T. A, Gantz, Superintendent "Community for All Means Unity of Dr, E, J, Crane, editor of "Chem­ the Small Community, bringing to­ and consultant to numerous wel- of Schools, Morrow County, Ohio, with All," ical Abstracts," for the past 38 gether educators and professional ifare and social agencies Including and member of the Ohio Commun­ Registration for the conference years and professor emeritus ot people, businessmen, housewives, j the Oak. Ridge Welfare Services, ity Schools Association; John Rine­ should be sent to Community chemistry at Antioch. farmers and residents of smalt and I the Knoxville Community Chest and hart, Superintendent of Schools at Service, Inc-, Yellow Springs, O., Dr, Crane will be awarded tho larger communities, will be held In ] the Tennessee Department of Pub- Pcrrysburg, Ohio, and former su­ (phone 7-2161). Advance registra­ Austin M. Patterson award which Yellow Springs Juno 29-July 1, Un­1 lie Welfare. He has been vice pres­ perintendent at Yellow Springs; tion is not required, but is neces­ Was established four years ago by der the general theme of T h e ident of the Southern Sociological John Ramsey or, Director of the sary for those who desire lodging the Payton seetion^pf the Society. lamely Croud Vs, Community, the Society and chairman of Its Com­ School Community Development reservations. A small registration Another highlight of the confab conference will discuss two topics: mission on Teaching of Sociology. Study, Ohio State University; Fred fee is charged. will be a talk by Charles F. Ket­ •’Fellowship Groups In the Com­ He Is at present on leave of ab­ Vescolanl, Superintendent, Nadeau FOR YELLOW SPRINGS: While tering to lie given in Kelly Hall munity" and "School Reorganiza­ sence from the University of Ten­ Township Schools, Carney Michi­ out-of-.town members of the at 4 p. in. tion." nessee to carry on his work with gan; and P, W. Brown, chairman Small Community Conference are The Dayton, Cincinnati and Co­ The conference will be held In the Save the Children Federation. of the Green** County Board of Ed­ asked to pay a registration fee, lumbus sections ot the Society will the Antioch School, on the .Mouth- Under the topic, "The School as ucation, Xenia, Ohio, Yellow Springs residents will not comprise the parley which will be given a tour of the Antioch cam­ east corner of the main campus an Integral Part of the Commun­ Concluding the sessions on school be charged a regular fee, Eleanor at Antioch College, with the open­ ity,” William McKiney Robinson, reorganization will be a discussion Switzer, secretary of Community pus, the Fels Institute, the Vernay ing session on Monday, June 29, Director, Department of Rural Life meeting on Tuesday evening, June Service stuted, Voluntary contri­ Laboratories, the Science building, the Kettering Foundation and oth­ at 9:00 A, M. Speaking on the and Education, Western Michigan 30, at 8:00 P, M., devoted to the butions toward conference ex­ er spots of Interest. A trip through topic "The Smal Community — College of Education, will address formulation of conclusions and rec­ penses will be welcome, Miss Integrator Of Idle and Person­ the conference on Monday evening, ommendations, Switzer said. Glen Helen led by Kenneth W. alty/* Arthur E. Morgan, presi­ June 29, at 7:30 P, M, Dr, Robinson Wednesday morning’s sessions In­ Hunt, Glen Director will follow the dent of Community Service, Inc., will direct further discussions on clude a discussion of "Intentional Local Members field trips, Arrangements are in will open Monday morning a n d Tuesday on the subject of com­ Communities as'Pioneers In New charge of Dr, James F. Corwin of afternoon discussions on fellow­ munity schools and school reorgan­ Educational Possibilities, and a In Conference the Chemistry department at An­ ship groups in the community. ization, assisted by a number of tour Of the industries of'Y ellow tioch, Mrs. John Mills of Cedarvllle is A prominent educator, Hilda other leading educators, laymen and Springs, described in the recent attending the Annual Ohio Confer­ Hughes, and a leading sociologist, sociologists, book, "Industries for Small Com­ tV. It, Jones, Jr., will also speak ence of the Methodist Church held Class Holds Picnic Dr, Koblnsoon’s experience in munities," this week in Lakeside, Ohio. Mrs, The Junior High Sunday School in these sessions. Dr. Hughes, Di­ the field of rural education has Community Service, Inc., sponsor Mills la a delegate from the local class of the United Presbyterian rector of Student Training and included close study of rural life of the small community confer­ church. Church had a welnor roost at the Professor of Education at Antioch in 21 countries, service as presi­ ences, the first of which was held Rev, and Mrs, E. R. Biggs and home of Lamar Spracklen, Tues­ College, has had long experience dent of the Department of Rural ten years ago, Is an educational Mrs, David Reynolds plan to spend day, June 9, Mrs, Nancy Wright U ns tin educator. She was principal Education of the National Edu- and research organization with the of the Milford Township (Indi­ the week-end at Lakeside. teacher of the class. cationo Association Association, aim of strengthening community ana) high schools, county Super­ chairman of the National Con­ life and drawing attention to the intendent in LaGrnnge County, gress of Parents and Teachers' significance of the small commun­ Indiana, and rural supervisor in rural service, committee, and ity. Formed in 1940 by Arthur E. Wilton, Conn. Before joining the member of the Town and Coun­ Morgan, former president of An­ Antioch fnculty lit J9S0, she was try Committee, National Council tioch College and first chairman of supervising principal of the Pop­ of YSICA's. He has held similar the TVA, Community Service has lar )tranch, Is”, C., high school. positions In the state of Michigan conducted a lecture oond consulta­ Dr. Jones, Professor of Sociology, and has been chairman of the tion service, collected information University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Michigan Committee on Educa­ on successful and unsuccessful and American Program Director, tion In Rural Areas, He is presi­ community endeavors, and issued Save the Children Federation, has dent of the Kalamazoo County a number of publications, including served as Specialist In Community Council of Social Agencies, presi­ COMMUNITY SERVICE NEWS, Organization with the Extension dent of the Community Chest now In Its eleventh year of pubtl- * « m4 m

ASPHALT u. iii liW illi l i l i i l i ■grg--jfiH1n RUBBER TILE CEMENT Moderilii& your kitchen, game room, powder room or bath with handsome dubber or asphalt CHOOSE PftOM; tile Only fop skill guaranteed work Call for free low estimate KEN f ILE GOLD SEAL— MOSAIC ELORIVER Ask About Ask any couple how many phone calls add up to a wedding * ,, from the first Our Low dating calls to the^fJurry of wedding arrangements*, , lining up Brides* Price* maids, . , making dates for fitting! , t * STEVENSON TILE CO, planning the honeymoon . * , apart* Fkonc 7*7109 —« Yeltaw Spring*, Ohio ment-luiming. Ask any 'family how many steps are saved, errands run and joys shared By telephone duriogsuehBusy*happy times* TERM Yes * , * your telephone playsa Big part In the Big moments of your life, It’s a real Buy in joy, comfort and convenience«* * foe pennies a day! Helen tRog» fining INSTRUCTOR

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Thuraday, Juno U Page 23 freshmenUi were served by the Attends Commencement cinnati, received a certificate in 4 -H NEWS Sherdlans’ after the meeting. The Mr, and Atm. Herbert Whitting­ pleting a course In professional oh i:i;m : c o p s 'I’ v I'niM'iSO co» Y ellow Si>rlii»fK ,4inrrl«nn next meeting will be held at Tom ton of Cednrville attended com­ study lit the university’s evening Jnnirntnwii Jaornnl Cfiinrilll* llrriil.l The seventh meeting of the Hus­ college. He la employed by the A ""’"* "•■ - ■ ■ ■ a*--.."i and Steve Frlffs Friday the itith. mencement exercises at the Uni­ ky Hustler was held at Keith Cincinnati Allllng Machine Com­ versity of Cincinnati Friday night. News Reporter pany In Oakley, The exercises were Yellow Springs Sherdlan’s home. Our business con­ ■ Robert Acton Their son, Air, James F, Whitting* sisted of discussion of our potluek held in Nlppfirt Stadium, ton, 5333 Indiana Mound Aye., Cin­ mechanical engineering after com- Man’s Cow Tests supper which was held Wednesday, 4-H Potluek* Supper High in Milk June 10th at Bryan High School. The Husky Hustlers 4-H Club We also worked on our project held there annual potluek supper By George L. Zeis books, There are seven members In the Bryan'High School cafeteria The present farm program will be on June 10, 1953. The supper start­ in effect for another year, within going on the County Tour to Cin­ this next year there Will be many cinnati today (Thursday). Club ed at 7:30 P, At After the supper there were demonstrations given proposals as to what the new farm baseball practice was held Sunday prbgram should be. by Keith Sheridan, Harold Stan- BATHING SUITS Prom how until new proposals are afternoon at Ralph Acton’s. Rc- cllff and Frank McGowan. There Incorporated Into a farm program was a safety talk given by Keith will be a time for deep, soul-search­ Artlflcial Breeding with 7580 pounds Sheridan. After the demonstrations ing meditation by farm folks and of milk and 300.2 pounds Of butter- and talk there was a movie shown city people alike. fat with an average test of 4,8 per on the trip Air, Elder Welch took CHOOSE FROM OUR This, certainly, Is no time for any­ cent, This cow milked 314 days, one to draw In their shell and say It to South' America. The movie was LARGE SELECTION OF Next high coW In butterfat, was shown by Donald Welch, our ad­ is * no concern to them. History "Stanruth Susanne” 5 years ol program containing the thinking of all. Lei us not pit one group of ii people nginsl another by saying only! 0 IVm*nt S i Y i i f i Serving You From iJppr nml one segment has a hand in the form­ ing of ft farm program. Ilt‘or mill rft Wine ID ■■ • i ^ ...... «k» Wine Take out Change Due In Farm Program : Bjy Next Year O. ft, Meredith's Registered Gu* I errfxey herd, Yellow Springs, Rl, 1, /It An Old Timmnr W& completed a year of D, H, I. A. Test­ ing with nn agerage of 3606 pounds of milk and 2643 pounds of fat, They Welcome A New Comer had, an Average of 86 dry days each. They had an average test of 4.7 per [eefifc. THEII IB 1H .^O.flVfliAMERICAN nMi ■ « H V « This was a twelve cow herd with . OPEN I oh§. cow sold during the years leav* m m OPEN |ln£lo,9 cows average on test for the 7 Days g g 7 Days | year, Three of these were heifers A WEEK I tbit only filker part of the year, H H A WEEK High cow In both butterfat and 6 a.m, til 1 rt.m. Imtik was "Merebrook Charming Pat- ■ 5 5 : 6 a.m. til I nr.m* I rick” a three year old cow with Jfe pounds of milk and 450,2 pounds iofnat, She had an average test of CAFETERIA III’per cent and milked 350 days. . JKmmk! high cow was "Mercbrdok1 V | U | i AU f lowin'' a* two year old heifer from ^ 'Np# viliow sraiNGS , .

.1 0 .1 I'ngn <1 ThurwIn.V, Juno 31 “ Our Ttmm Wkmmm? 1$Theme'* ~ tiiwuHti w«’rl«iui Jl.mm.lUW,. Ift'imntl (iptlm'tlit iluiwta Rawer ?Jiww Atlrads 413 Visitors- to Yellow iF ir}i Foster Sliaw, Mr and Bfrtnrday' and'Sondfry. DUring the" tionai conimercial exhibit a variety A silver tea again proved to be Diamonds Mrs. iPioyd Bailey and Mr and two* days 430 v'jiltors refil.'iteftid at of IrthelM roses, evergreetja, and a a refreshing and popular feature Mrs. llveictl* Bailey, nil of Yclibw Sterling SIlvcDvam the allow d'aplsvy of toe neWCat fertilizer and Of the 1853 flower show. S> f-fpringn n l tended the wedding in Trifart Jewelry Tim apple f,risen scrolled back­ pest control materials. Pamphlets Both Mrs. Haltermnn and Mrs, Mayton, Sunday of Mins Nancy El- Hamilton Watelxsi- ground irifide a fitting frame tor anthese were available to the pub- Sldensticlc wish to express their )en Wnlkcr of Dayton and P«ter the individual classes and educa­ , tie. Toereate an old-fashioned gar- thanks to each person, family, busi­ Kepalriog' jLuazirf Forte of Cincinnati which iden acerie, white Item iaWtt forni- ness firm, and chureh who contri­ 'Diamonds Kecefc took piece in the Grace Methodist tional csliiii ts which were Sogrc- iFttcd" h^'fj«r»indh of toy, In keep- * ton* was us'-d in keeping with the buted so lunch to malting our show Church The fte.v. Harry Balter of Gem IdenUficarion1 a success. toe Vel)ow Springs M at h o d i a 11 ? * ° sesgohccntoamal J c *otenhia! atmosphere of the show1. Church p-rformed toe ceremony, ! celehrationp hostoas tags were de-| The aim of toe show was to stim- | signed" like old -faaliloijea. bonnets * uiate flower growing and er.cotir- Follbwhm the nuptial vows, a|,tnd: progvfuw leaflet ts. r.f which 13 of Mt-.-i Albert Fultz, af Vallow * vij«rne To c n.iplea* toll theme the i v/erft mode by Jetdom. Forty gar- ,-pm igi and* hhk vimied here fre • i .>n|Ap floor rlinp'aw fe itur jc' th’* f dm chil: members were limited and •«XO*Mi|y The young cm jii* w*!5 *:* -pg ■ of Oc.-> outlined with pink ’ permitted to m a k e only 32 nr- ■ud * ib J’lacmwftO while ’/ru Forij j oamatirass foi ’ r uigrmento with ror.-EirUed priv- » inrtpleie,, b**r training T via* ( d s\j„, j;y„, pf}ji*'h>‘r the word •’Ohio" in » of i«C* entri -ae were made in 15 *J,i»wdmly of CtWmii ill 1 tin->* >nt**,U| ots no eveigrwn bacb-, riasneh Mi Km in o ;;r,im,.i!>* of the , j ‘•.c=:hl rcc-r.n;*, or \ra« given j ” a*..* tirmly of lindupeui W»i; ami in omv luh.ig; j«wl pre h, Mr and Mm • H t* t«MO ril t.oo otar wuymr of the j fj j;t i fd.Tl * ywirtj at the t'u.wrr.ilv Of; SpJvV.i, i'in*. finer fi Kr«-U.} •if 'jv«- J.j f.lra J, A Ft-org. Dayton, f '**01 < X,!< iftll 111 •IMf.ll* 1«X,V led by She Ftvcr.i' s> f>! s» waa weed tot* m'uit syatoni j IVii*if.*'#*»! ■*. fifthP’tttk t.t -}Ju*» mi J ,.f * •fiCd to <• U«* o' jibdfiiMg I HI el ’iHiiiti, - i T b i “ t-,i<* *M* f">!-•<• tJimul <***!!> t- %v* : i/jnsi-wt. p oj.tir.-a o?*s| A u x i i i a n yV.“ *>!" .raid « c.ttjh ...... ?n :£ V r J - t A l a *5 «f o»— r; -w. i i"*!;1**:' y,rt! «* d is.,.! tv P Tim rpip mv «*p«*i>f, o;. tht» Amw* | a I/»u or A»,.-,hary c a f I t? on? i- >4 , *- -* w -J in tl =■- r*rt «'■ fartff v.i-ti-'f.’i. -t ivcnog i*o Legioni ; An * ii l ift'.’l a* % o t ;oj h | --‘•'■iiriod a i • •*! ve ■ ir..oj . <. - i*fcti«''):» v (’Si . f * i- fn.» - th •} W i i! i H Ittf1 j*a. i ri m l? * x % ««.* cfate-, A tu), !r>? rT - ' .1.* foe offltov.'i to ft i a c tl-o! . ,t:;*J nt who a; . J.MTtDrt, IdUf »'■»,'» v.’ ?a a f;|»AC.ut fr-jp « ■ 1 i «>dut*tt<; ora' pul'i1" ,t .tamos A r p ’ ryo'*'-.1. virt* i ifj.’dntod nt pU'iiph’oti; gifdon'rtgl i iT,5'fh'nf, lira, John 2nd ? mg.i'%1, ini linoit) on' ptooidi-Bt Mta Jar.lt Grate; i / i > r it c* g f, * j? f{ l r» « sc- cv'ue,., M n Im iA ts-kio; trcM- Ccstshes every passing breez* I »»•,>=*, iHa E-lwin Bratty, l .rAcrifjti,. lUiUllW SHill’ .••.h c j»r -..-I J fir miiditntfiU «a* juv'ii •»* at this l»M?mtarc* d>of.lay. I’.'sw B'.h'ft Ptwrner; J You Imve n ‘Mouljtc exposure” lo nix the Heat wlieit you’re [ rs’jfwi SiKnbip and aargcafit’dt- V,* ft* •,.»«»•<* . —K » - «.»wl « a ejHHs 'vs'ioii i»«h is, p «*j,3 I wearing a pairuf our Jarman Miracle Mesh slyles that caleli ;>y \immit Malt, a t, -ifai vs'iP * n Mm EjvftL’d Fnraslo , YSIS.M* f JIlMUTl.i M H t.u'i »,«.inl*or, Included- it « r ] ©if. Msygatish every pissing breeze dm! keep you coot and comfortable, , cctimj » ' ' u.w..r» roalhi, nt i,*p'ti’a Come in today and sec wliat’s new in Jarmans at our Hotixo, ii iso. h ‘.via used pod,i, nod but- ' C »J D m3 fRs2 si3!e « f S pQ sh cst At Ssuffcerw Jiliirsois U. £r. Arthi.r E. Morgns*, proiidont tjf rdmttotlitf Service, Ir.o., wus co!«fr.eitce»e«t speaker "at Soutii • cm tuitaia University, Ciruordale. tCittam, w Sunday, J.ne 7. *Ad* dressing toe graduates ch toe sub­ ject, “iRd-iStrial T3em&pmmt In M 6 H S W E A R s-’Kiiitom Illinois,’* Or. Morgan out- p ifs (i m w MAYTAG it ytwr kttif! lifted: toe prospects Idr ifictassfui eeiftOK? ? develoiTtenl is tZv* r-'gioh X I NS A • O K I O m m tos aid of toe Uftitaralfy*# c*- tefeaiem and m m m programs, Phone:2-0051 -


W |E L C 0

A Tovm u

L a c k "HROM FOUNDATION TO THt! FIN- at fissse terms: ishbo -wause wem m ro m w m r it's (bo only nuiomniic witlij Dow monlhlf par* tJUlhDiNO N itD, famous Gyrnfoani. washing ineiils! P aclirtu for1 elehnefit do

B€AiTW HARDWARE P%sw**Yl»H«rwr 7**74!jl

YEU.QW c e F o r urbcuia, lei 0 ning., * era, .MMMInfe iSni.e- evening*!© 'spend, two weekir visit* tmaumm/oopirrx* •'•curer *'*►1 Clifton lug in ^Centnchy, 7«mu«*scc, and CSrvde No. 5 of the Presbyterian ‘Death, will’* hiiysotbe Pible Study, f k '-— *-■-*- ■■ ■ _ M Myrtle Peach, South Carolina, Church will meH at the hornet of and Mrs, Julia Martin, -the* tafia ,. JaawsfasrsuuauiMat • • • Mrs, Martha PeMe Hopping, 'Wed- ‘ T*> .Dr interpvrtcra," Social, Notes Mr. and Mrs, Jack Levec.lt and sons David and Jackie of Fntnskn- Xsdttan Aid of the Clifton Presby­ la, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Charles Bek man. terian Church held their meeting • • • Wednesday, June 3 at the home of Childrens Day will be obscrvetl nt Mrs, Flatter. Mrs, Xolson Stretcher the Presbyterian Church Sunday Jed the devotions, and refreshments, morning at ID o'clock. were nerved, • 9 • Mr. Eketle Mangua entered Greene and William Smilie, M r. *Mr*.* Memorial Hospital, Xenia a week Mary P, Smith, and Mrs. Jenny ago and remains quite ill. -Smith from Peoria, Illinois are visiting Rev. and Mrs, Richard The members of the Emanon So­ Smilie of Clifton, » ciety of the Presbyterian Church * . • • will meet at the home of Mrs, Eula The Children's I»ay program of Harris, Springfield Pike on Thurs­ the Clifton Presbyterian Church to day evening of this week, ■he hold Sunday, June 34 will be ^ ^ 2 £ from ten to twelve o’clock and the Mrs. Walter Finney gave a mis­ worship service will be incuded in cellaneous shower In honor of Mrs, the program, Lawrence Finney (Deloras Rosse- # ■» m 3cr) recent bride at the "United Mr. and Mrs. James Swanton Presbyterian Church basement and Mrs. "William Swanton spent Thursday evening. 24 were present. Thursday, June 4. in Greenville • « ft Dr;M. -N; Wfliicws where they visited Mr. Swanton’s Mrs. Ralph Rife, Fishworm road aunt, Mrs. Rose Frost. is convalcsing at her home after a recent operation at Greene Memori­ Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Smilie, Miss al Hospital, Xenia, Mary Smith and M m W, S, Smith • • • of Peoria, 111., are spending a Mr. and Mrs. Pearl Sexton and weeks visit with Rev. and Mrs, son Allan, Mr. land Mrs. Lester 509 XFiMA AVJt. Y ltU O W SPRINGS Richard S. Smilie and family. Heck and family, Mr, and Mrs. Mrs. Sarah Ann Morris and Miss Om& Sparrow, Dr, and Airs, John j \V. Pickett, Cedarville, attended the | wedding and reception of Mr. Law-| ronce Finney and Mias Deloras j Rosseier at The Trinity Lutheran' *


7 i

•M A**.

BETHROTHED • • # MISS BRTTV GOETZ, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Billy E, <,oetx of Allen Street,, Wilms Spring**, will fsehangp vows «n August 21 In rivatslan, IPinc.o with -Owen tl'edtlen <*t Livonia. Michigan. Both iis» future Mr. .tut! Mrs. ♦!r:l:l“ n it gr.uiu.de from V;- Borh 'InTege later this nirsth. L. iPRy rece.vuig a t!egrt»i» in noics a;ij Mr. H«*d le.i :: *v- MemifaS «\-.’g:fte*r*ng. The t \ \ ex.i’F » '1 reside in l^hstfffjge, i;> "'.»,!T4f their ;utp5 ,.. J vo . Mlw “.lyptz ft.w hr n ,rv..r.J- etf a well- Jats&iji fa "INe M.:ss j ■* jj» ■.elf# 2;t*fl{t.le of T«lim lng* 3 1 I *1r. IPCjea w'P f*» IMuirMny , ' : 1- taut **i f?;e *,.nif> a. h i\

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*- • ' +$*, Thorebrarit ©ft bai!i with extra pircuonfeecfcl* U*«i« W«o!ily-—tboV* why Ihsy t Holton*111 B O S O W t O cr« NOW backed by Iht ilronpesl written fvar- 1,oH^ & m Im i »v*r, Feisafaty— |1 SwMMtffc* far iovlri|t— Ociytan 3 y r — TherebitdiarcyourHJT lira bay, $•« dbcitrtoday« Vm motion Jhorinj foe a t o r c s , o r n c E s , s h o w ROOMS/ RASIM ENTS I K hiphail-Tils n a k isa csiw a d JEI k **m*f' M ytvs • Isag wwutay rosiM- OM Wan ing whlsh :t»;ss»a» itssl. sad1 twf hmhiiisf & L ' 'AmBssbJein a Jargt ss/sef/oa a t fhrt* mid mathUittd colors,

Tfic YELldW SPRINGS S E O d m y * m «iw m m ' 'A otto rm * . iO;M ilt CO. *' ' ;fNhMw 9-Y426 tw’ :

u>»> '» ji t Jamestown. Two sisters a brother Cedarville Girl Return Here From Pitfe 2« Thursday, June 11 preceded him in death. Mountain Visits (SHEENE COUNTY S'lHSTl.NO CO, Services were held Wednesday at Yellow Spring* America* Engaged To We d Grlscom Morgan and Eleanor •fnmentowa Journal 2 P. M„ at Powers Funeral Home Cedarville llernld In Jamestown with burial In James­ Mr. and Mrs, Orville B, Miller, Switzer, of the Community Service, MUS. LESTER TH>» town Cemetery. Wilbcrforcc-Cilfton Pike, Cedarville Inc,, staff, took Ashadevi Aryana- kam continued her trip with a visit Route 1, are announcing the ap­ yakam, leading Indian educator Services for Mrs. Mary Ann Tidd, OMER W, ERWIN at Planner House, in , proaching marriage of their daugh­ and associate at Gandhi, on a short 66^ widow of Lester Tidd, who died Omqr W. Erwin, 87, of 908 Lin­ nationally famous community cen­ ter, Miss Alice Jane, to Mr. Byron tour of Southern mountain com­ Irt tier steep at her home on S, den Ave„ Springfield, son of Mr, Leo Holt, son of Mr. and Mrs. munities last week, They returned ter, and a trip to several rural Limestone St.. Jamestown, .early and Mrs. C, C. Erwin, N, Main Johncy Lee Holt of Cincinnati, on Thursday, June 4, after visiting communities In Texas related to the Saturday, will be held at Powers St., Odarville, died Friday at 3:30 communities In Kentucky, Tennes­ Flanncr House program. She will Funeral Home, Jamestown,* Tues­ P, M,, in University Hospital, Co­ The couple Will be married Sun­ see and Georgia. Mrs, Aryanoya- return to India by air next week. day at 3:80 P. M. Burial will be in lumbus, Where he had been a pa­ day, June 14, at 4:30 P, M. in the Jamestown Cemetery. tient nine months, open service in Clifton Presbyter­ Born at Sabina, March 3, 1887, Mr. Erwin was born In Sleoto ian Church. Rev. Richard S. Mrs. Tidd passed the greater part County, Jan. 4, 1916, and formerly Smllio, pastor of the church, will at her life in the Jamestown com­ officiate at the Ceremony. Miss was employed as an eiqetrian in 1935 i * , i 1953 munity and was a member of Springfield. He is survived by his Dorothy Marie Miller will: attend Jamestown Church of Christ. She Widow, Mrs. Mildred Erwin; his her sister os maid of honor and is survived by two sons, Elmer of parents; two brothers, James R., Mr, Donald Holt of Piq.ua, brother The Dayton and Robert, Orient, O.; near Cedarville, and William of of the bridegroom-cicct, will serve two daughters, Mrs, Goldie Wil­ Clifton and two sisters, Mrs. Mil­ as best man. j liamson, Xenia, and Mrs, Helen dred Spahr, Dayton, j n d Mrs, Following the service a reception] Xenia National Bank Harpiiton, Yellow Springs. Helen Lightfoot, Springfield. for the immediate families will be | ALBERT B. GARRINGER Services Were held Monday at 2 held at Clifton Opera House, ' Albert Benton Garringer, 86, re­ P. M., at Sprague Funeral Home Miss Miller Is a graduate of Bry- i tired farmer, died Saturday at 10 in South Charleston with burial in an High School, Yellow Springs, I p. m. at his home on Garringer South Charleston Cemetery, and is employed at Gallagher D rug; Store in this city. Mr, Holt is cm- I R'd., four miles east of Jamestown. HOYT F. GRAY Seriously ill the last four weeks, ployed by the Singer Sewing M a-! COMPLETE BANKING SERVICE Hoyt Franklin Gray, 48, died chine Company in Dayton. lie had been in failing health since suddenly at his home, 155 Cedar AT REASpNABLE c6sT November, St„ Cedarville, Thursday morning, The son of Albert, T. and Ange- In failing health a number of Wesleyan Service line Little Garringer, he was born years, death resulted from natural Guide Holds Meet April 18, 1868 in Fayette County causes according to Coroner H. C. The regular monthly meeting of but had passed the greater part of Schick. the Wesleyan Service Guild will be his life in the Jamestown commu­ The son of Charles Arthur and held at the home of Mrs. Paul We invite you to open your account with us. nity. Ho was a member of Pleasant Martha Jane Sherrod Gray, ho Furay on Xenia Avenue on Mon­ Valley Baptist Church, was born In Clark County, May 29, day, June 15th. Mrs. Edwin C. Loo You are never a stranger after your • Mr, Garringer was married 1905, and had resided In Cedarville Is program chairman. twice. His first wife, Mrs Jennie 38 years, first visit Johnston Garringer, died in 1886 Mr. Gray Is survived by his par­ and his second wife, Mrs, Mary ents in Cedarville; two sisters, Mrs. EICHMAN’ S Ella Dorsey Garringer, died 1 n Cena Josephine Deck, Cedarville, 1044. Serviving are the following and Mrs, Marjorie Lcota Hiller, GAS AND ELECTRIC sons and daughters: Ray Garringer Springfield; two nieces, a nephew APPLIANCES and Mrs, Paul Ary» near Bawers- and a number Of uncles ftnd aunts. Vliie; Albert, Jamestown; Paul and The Old Xenia Services were held Sunday at 2 WIRIN MATERIALS Mrs, Homer Harness, hear James­ P. M. at McMillan Funeral Home and town; Arthur and Misses Blanche In Cedarville, Rev, Norman New­ LIGHTING FIXTURES and Lucille Garringer, at home; man, pastor of Cedarville Methodist two grandchildren, two great­ Church, was in West Lancaster, O, 12 West Main SL Xenia! National Bank grandchildren; three brothers, W» Friends may call at the funeral Phone 652 > F, Stephen and Ward Garringer,; home Saturday afternoon or eve­ Xenia, Ohio and two sisters, Mrs, Ida Clcmmcr ning, and Mrs. George Pcrstnger, ail of near Jamestown, A daughter, Lil­ lian, preceded him In death. Services will be held Tuesday at 2 P, M. at Powers Funeral Home, Jamestown, With burial In James­ town Cemetery. Friends may call at the funeral home Monday from 7 to ft P. M. j BURGESS M. LEACH In falling health since suffering a paralytic stroke a number of years ago, Burgess M, Leach, 61, •jrs retired farmer, died Saturday at m 6:45 P. M , at his home on Route 35, a mile w^-st of Jamestown. Born in Fayette County, March 25, 1892, Mr, Leach had passed the greater Tart of hfs life In the Jamestown community. His par­ ents were GeOrgc and Carrie Hidy Leaeh, He was a member of Grape RECORD-BREAKING Grove Church of Christ Mr. Leach is survived by his wid­ ow, Mrs, Flossie Webb Leach; six children; Howard Leach, Mrs, Lil­ lian Goodbar and Mrs, Glada Smith near Jamestown; James and George L«ac|i, Bellefontulne, and MISS GAS MILEAGE Clara Faye Leach, at heme; 31 grandchildren; two sisters, Mrs. Faye. Murry of Bcllefontaihe and MrS, Alice Huston, South Charles- tpn, and a brother, Charley Leach, ~h MIAMI MENS CLUB The regular monthly meeting of . v \ y the Miami Men's Club will be held This ytor’s Chtvroitt brings you lb# most impor­ on Thursday, June 18, with Lewis tant gam iff Mommy In Chovrobt history, ibid Gegncr In charge. R’s tbl kind of ivtryday ttonomy that saves D ELU X E . ym money wktrtvtr and h M im yw drivel HAMBURGER >f Inch along through heavy traffic. Roll up the miles in steady highway w it h '•cruising. Long trips or short errands, byroads or boulevards, you get , Lettuce far more miles per gallon in this great new Chevrolet. A <* t< New high-compression power is the reason. Both the new 115-h.p, y Tomato "Blue-Flame" engine in Powcrglide* models—and the advanced 108-h.p, J "Thrift-King" engine Iri gearshift models—deliver more power on less More People Buy f o r CHEVROLET gasoline. Acceleration and hill-climbing ability are greater, fuel con­ sumption is lowerl Chevrofets then £ This is the kind of economy that counts the most—important gasoline savings for the drivingryuM do, together with lower over-all costs of Any Other Corl upkeep. And along with it, you enjoy all the other advantages that only b r e a k f a s t - l u n c h the new Chevrolet offers you. Come in and see for yourself! Av

STEAKS — DINNER Combination o/ IlS-h.p, ”Blue-Flame" engine and Power glide automatic Irani- s ? i l . FOUNTAIN SERVICE mlsxlon available on "Two-Ten” and Bel Air models only- ' m i *-,.. DICK A TO M ’S CEDARVILLE Open ta 12 T. M., Yelkw Springs Cummings Chevrolet Sales OHIO

Mm AB0OT DEOARVIIXE PEOPLE .iiVlKWiday^^unv- II - r a g n » « " YS Archers Piace (itWBWjc .(joT/raxy 'xwme.UMi, uov » let low f)prln*t« Ai»«rlflin . H im , W iliam Lister and son Bill, i Mr#, loo Haglcr of Xenia, Sunday ‘ JMHwttnn Joilrnnl -* visited Mr. and Mrs. Carl Norris of { at ft birthday dinner In honor of b IrcwmCc. __eroilnrvlll* Jlrrnltl __ X.umberton, Sunday, June 7, | her husband. Mr. Hagler, Several members of the Yellow Fourteen winners In the soil con­ j town; Michael Gmlg and AniwMor- servation contest conducted in the Spring# Archery Club altended’ the • an, Xenia St. Brigid Parorldat; Jim Stanley Alnd* attended a M.nrni- I Mrs. Mabel Lawrence spent the annual Brown L'a.inty Dprxl Arch- Grm ic fiounty aohbbi syslwm.enrll- Jncob# sfihn si pienie a La pari: mar! ,ve« U-end ,n Dayton, Ohio. <*r Lhis year were guest.# on a two- |.NtvRh Bellbrook; Ben Dayton on Sunday, Jane 7. i • 4 cry Sheet held recently at the day,tour of ColUitobu# Wednesilay ,:Rpss, and Riehard Diicdlng? fu^l" • • • Air, and Airs. Frank Cooper and J Brown County Indiana State Park and Thutsdny. Gayle Ferguson, Beavercreek, Mr. A. It, PI vans t# Lying to Chi­j mn Garry from Dayton spent Sai- under the sponsorship of the Biro*' The contest hi uponuoied AtjriM.ttL *, On Wednesday they Inspectgri fa - cago w,th bis brother-in-law Mr. ! urdny, June B. with Mr. and Mrs. clnnafi District Arehcru. iy by the Greene Cetiniy Farm Bu* Craig Bm.lft of St, Lous# to attend Fred Engk, elllea of the Ohio Farm Bureau, J reau in cooperation with the Crerne a meeting of the board of Meat l • # • Varying wind# from all directions . visited the Htnle Capitol whentthey County Bait Conservation Dial rich Parking Cnmpanios over the ecun- j Rev, and Airs, O M. Hooten of made the ISO participant# frem six I watched the* General Asenunijiy la j Spr.ngffeld *vm> Sunday dinner Farm Bureau Manager Henry N. try. He w.,’1 leave Tuesday, June 30, surrounding counties work extra .session nnd attended a rjiuilo j guest# of Mr, anti Mrs, Melvin Heath and Mrs. Esther Freeman and May ur.tfl “Saturday. hard for their scores, Attending • • • { Charles. accompanied the group to the state broadcrutt at WBMS. They agent capital. ‘Mr. and 'Mrs, Paul Ramsey went ! s from Yellow Springs were Miss the night at tlip Null IHouse and to Knoxville. Tennessee over the j Nancy Charles from Washington Lena Oster, Mr and Mrs. W. J. Bv- County winners were Ronald on Thursday loitred a milkjplnrlt «C. H„ is sju r.d.r.g a week with her trman and son, George and Mr. and week-end. They are bringing Miss Mott Oruea, Cedaryillc, first! Rob* and visited Oiiio State- University. Ruth Ramsey home for the sum­ | grandpare nts, Mi, and Mrs, Melvin Airs. Ira R. Barr. art Henderson and Peggy A. a n mer vacation. f Charles. Rotating trophies were given for Duncan, both of Fairborn, second ( BDYS • • • first place, m-dals in the shape of and third respectively. i Rev. John H, Slali of Cleveland, ! Dr, and Mrs. E. M. Finney and Captain and Mrs. G. I., Markle S.ttle Proven jugs for second and Winners from other schools were i Registrar ef the new college hero | family from Alarsbailvh.’e, Mr. and of Norwood, Mass., are visiting h a third places. The following Y&AC Susan Alexander and Delores Rot.h - J hns. purchased the Donald Haines I Mrs. Joe Finney from Kurton, Air. parents. Mr. and Mrs 1 C. L',»vis members pla-std: well, Jefferson of BownrsviUe; ; property on 'Walnut Street and will Howard Finney and daughter from this weds. Capt. Markie is chap- Cadet Boys (12 years and un­ Jeanne Hall. CedarvWlc; Gretchen move into hi;; new home at an Connersv.Iic. Indiana, ar.d Helen lain fit the first Naval District with der) — Target, first — George Bliekler and Alberta Smith, Spring : eariy date. Sale of the prtjpeely Finney who is a nurse 5b Louisville, headquarters in Boston. The Mar- Bverman j Flight, seooruf—tieoyge Valley; Beverly Crowd and Barham : was commmal.il through A. E. ; Kentucky, spent the ■week-end with kies and Mr. and Mrs. Davis were Everrminj Clout, first ^— George Peterson, Sll v e r e r e e k of James-•Richard# ami Dallna Mar*halt : Mrs. E. E. Finney to celebrate her dinner guests or Mr. and Mrs. John Everman; Junior Boys (ages 16- ; birthday. T&sssassea Z3BB3S3 Davis and daughters on Sunday, 18) Target — Honey Orkerrsnin, • ft ft * * * first In the women's division Vir­ Mis# Helen Mat! of Kent, Ohio Mr. and Mrs. Morris Boggs of ginia Hersh placed first in Bight was a week-end guest of Miss i Cedarvilk visited Mr. and Airs. Pork & Beaans I Amur Houseman of Bowersville on and clout, Myrtle Everman plan­ Maude Hastings and Mrs, J. E, ed second in clout and .Marion m Hastings. i Sunday and also Mrs. James Boggs. • * • Other guests of Airs, Beggs were Barr, third. Mary Orkerman plac­ Mrs# Walter Cummings and Air. and Airs Darmol Whitaker and ed third in target and also won the 60 yard range medal. daughter# and Miss Linda Gordon family of Joplin, AUssouri. Sweet Corn are spending the week at Indian • • • Red Everman' won the CO yard Lake. Carole Lillieh. daughter of Mr. range medal In the men’s target • • « and Mrs. Lewis Lillich and Barbara competition and also third in the J h a n s Rev. and Mrs. Day Kennedy Randall, daughter of Air. and Airs. Clout. The range medals go to the (Lena Hastings) of PembervjllG! Ralph Randall of Xenia appeared person making the greatest gcore iCidney spent n few days last week with j in Katheryn Haas dance review at the different distances shot. her mother, Mrs. J, E. Hastings, at Springfield High School. Tues­ Red Everman and Ira Barr were Mustard and her sister, Mrs, Maude Hast­ day. June 0. members cl the men's winning ings. * • ft team at the short, the Dayton In­ • I* • 1 Mr, and Airs. Fred Dean a n d dustrial Athletic Assn. S a r d k m s The McKibben (lass meeting of daughter Nancy entertained as the U. P. Church was held Friday; their Sunday guests, AD. and Airs. RESEARCH CUBB Ice Cream Topping evening, June s at the home of Mr, C. M. Antrim. LSENTEUTAINED and Mrs, Lauris Straley. Devotions; • Papers were read by Mrs. Ray­ were conducted by Mr. Raymond, Airs. John. Mills is attending the mond C« moo and Mrs. J, Lloyd Hjersfiey Symp Bpradslrn, The evening featured a Annual Ohio Conference* of th e Confarr at a meeting cf the Re­ covered u.sb supper and social hour Methodist Church held this week in search Club dl the Jp me of Mrs. after a bus.r.e as meeting. Lakeside Ohio, Airs. Aiil.'s is * B. E, Finney, near Cedarvilk, • • * delegate* from the local church. All obovc iiemn IDc Rev mum Buy J cim or « ease, Mr. and Airs. Flynn Bach enter­ ilicv. mid Airs. E. R. Biggs and Thursday afternoon. Mrs. 'Garaoo's subject was "Traveling in" the tained Mr. and Mrs, Earl Davis Airs, David Reynolds plan to spend Sjjec|»l fov liloloo-np, BBe per «h. West*’ and Airs, Cenfarr's theme and Jot* and Jim Davis from Win­the week-end at Lakeside. chester, Kentucky; Mrs, Flossie Da* was “Traveling In the South'*. vi# of Xenia and Air#. Nancy Baoh, V tolTIN.tillN JDAiaT Mrs* Mery) Ftormoat presided Sa Mr, Bach’s mother from Elyah, Atr, and Airs, F. A, Jackson are the absence oi the rrcs.dent, Mrs, Kentucky,, Sunday, June f. visiting for a weak In the East. Air, Joseph Ftokcs. Fckwing Use pro- W e DtStver Jackson la principal of Yellow gram a salad ccarse was served oy Rev. K. tC Briggs- attended tbc r Springs Lemeatary aehaai. Urn. Fimey. if fusergl service of Rev. Melvin Cun* sssi# n'sgham retired minister ef the| W.'vj.sgt.m DiStr.et at Dayton,? June 8. The men w in former | r.flghbte.ng pastors of churches { ftfat O'.ft-. Insati. Rev D-ggs css-si-*. e l >a trw* service. j « * • 9 PROVED Alls# Nancy Bach is vlsstlrg her sister Airs, James Wtsccup .'hi V.nsh.r gterj L% C , for a few weeks. flu e * .t The Youth Fellowship group t f !! the Methodist Church was awarded j a pursue which was cawed ty vav> cu£ aativ.ties and service# which they peri t r m ed Eight-hEsr.drid }M,;r,ts are required to win the award and the local group had f.f- ites-hur.dtcd. points, » ■* • Mrs. fftiast t'mi** and children and im nsfcfhtr*m*law Airs. Bostic of Si Albans, West Virginia, are spend rig a week here with Alias W uhted and Afr. Herbert Myera, ft ft « Mr. Fred Luitenhurger is Spend­ ing the week in Pittsburgh, He Is purchasing toy# for Christmas for the CedarvIHe Hardware, m - •' il.H IM A l l ik iM ECONOMY RUM fiinnf f V a! "tHe#. Robert Turnbull ha# re­ 'SBeFe:s official proof of iDod^e sayings: dodge in r*ed 'home .after a weeks vaca­ W tion in-Miehigan. ioutperforme.d all 8’* in faroom 1206-mile I H 'Mobilgas Economy ?Run. rMr«. R.


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