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«W«MM am K['" h,<> t ' Beaver Island: Our ®&$!kv*. I Walter's is 'Emerald Isle,' ID

Volume £5 Number 13 Monday, July 31, 1989 Westland, Michigan 44 Pages Fifty Cents

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By Tedd Schneider similar contracts with the Allen showing that we're a member of the Park-Melvindale school districts. school level opens up more spaces at staff writer Park and Northville public school community at large," Ferguson said. The majority of its estimated 1,800 the center for other students. districts. "The center can benefit from those students this fall will come from the Students from two parochial The new agreements mark the outside the Wayne-Westland Com­ Wayne-Westland district. . "I don't see where you're going to schools will be using the Ford Voca­ first time the center will be used by munity School District as well as in­ nave a problem with our students Some 166 students from outside getting bumped to make room for tional/Technical Center this fall. private school students. side, and that includes private districts were enrolled at the center places The Wayne-Westland school board Edwin Ferguson, vocational/tech­ schools." outsiders," he said. The contracts in 1988-89, according to fourth Fri- with other schools also stiplulate Monday approved pilot agreements nical center principal, said Friday day attendance figures turned in to and faces to accept tuition students from Lu­ he expects a total of 12-15 students "BESIDES, A number of students that the intent isn't to displace the state. Wayne-Westland students to make theran High School in Westland and from the two private schools will be who attend Lutheran High actually Tom Svitkovich, associate super­ Cabrini High SchooUn Allea Park at enrolled at the center for the fall se­ live in the district," he said. room for students from outside the THE JOHN GLENN high intendent for communications and district. the center on Marquette, east of mester. The center also attracts students finance, told the board Monday that school football stadium will move Newburgh. The board also renewed from the Crestwood and North Allen up a notch this fall, matching the "I think what's important is we're declining enrollment at the high Please turn to Page 2 first-class performance of the team that plays in It. The Wayne-Westland school board last week approved construction of a new press box hop own at Irma Kionka Stadium. Taking the plunge The press box will be built with ¥53,610 in bond issue moneyT(A $12.9 million bond issue for building repairs and equipment Wedding contmu purchases was approved by district voters in January, 1988.) Completion of the project Is to feature expected by Sept. 1 and in case of delays, the current press box for legislation won't be demolished until the new one is finished. swimwear The new press box will feature By Janice Brunson an improved public address -« By Leonard Poger stall writer system, school officials said editor Joe Gagnon, self-dubbed "The Ap­ Monday. :iiv The current PA setup, with two Karen Starr and Kerry Byrd will pliance Doctor," slept poorly last •••*••/ :>.-•>•.• ^¾¾ small speakers on top of the press get into the, swim of things — fig­ week in anticipation of state hear­ ..•0, box, often isn't heard by fans on uratively — when they plan to ings to regulate the appliance repair the far side of the field. marry Saturday morning on the industry, which Gagnon maintains is t'W banks of the Rifle River near "bilking" consumers of some $50 Standish with a "color guard" of million annually. HALFTIME SHOWS at canoes. The hearings, held Tuesday in Glenn, Wayne Memorial and the They will wear specially de­ Lansing by the House Consumer four junior high schools are going signed wedding/bathing suit outfits Committee, are the latest and most to be new and Improved as well. for the ceremony. significant round In a fight started The board also approved the The groom's outfit will consist of four years ago by Gagnon, owner of purchase of $37,952 In band white tails and a top hat along with . Carmack Maytag Appliance Center instruments to be divided among his white bathing suit. on Ford near Venoy. the six schools. His bride-to-be will walk down Gagnon, a Westland resident who New instruments will Include a the'banks of the Rifle River appears on a cable television show to baritone saxophone, a tenor dressed in a white bathing suit, discuss appliance services, said the saxophone, a Violin, viola and bustle and carrying flowers. hearings were successful, "in that several percussion instruments Their wedding party will also be the committee had a chance to listen and accessories. The schools are dressed in swim wear, flanked l)y to the pros and cons of the Issue." also getting 180 music chairs and three decorated canoes and 18 Under consideration are House Joe Gagnon 80 orchestra music stands. other canoes on the banks of the Bills 4947 and 4948, introduced by wants regulation river. state Rep. Perry Bullard, D-Ann Ar­ "Small claims court works very THE LIONS are racing bor, requiring the licensing of all The swim wear Is meant to sym­ well. There Is the Better Business ducks. service dealers and repairmen, and bolize Byrd's activities In the Can- establishing registration fees. Bureau and the Attorney General's Got that? Well, let us explain. U-Canoe Club, of.which be has been office" as ways consumers can get The Westland Host Lions Club HB 4947 lists seven conditions un­ the only president In its 12-year der which the state Department of help. will join the Garden City Lions in history. And, he added, "87 percent of all a fund raising "duck race" to Licensing and Regulation might Im­ pose penalties on dealers or service­ consumers are satisfied with the ser­ benefit the children's services They talked about the upcoming men, Including making false or mis­ vice they receive," quoting a recent department at William Beaumont wedding in their Calumet Cour,t leading statements, performing in­ survey conducted by Wayne State Hospital. home in, the Norwayne neighbor­ ART EMANUELE/jUlLphOtogcsphW competent or_jiegligent work and University and the Detroit News. The event is scheduled for 1 • hood of Westland. "The only fraud (in the repair in­ p.m. Sunday, Aug. 6 at Elizabeth "willfully departing from or disre­ garding accepted trade standards." dustry) I've ever read about was en­ Park in Trenton. Pre-race_ -•-«IT--WAS-1teitpr,s"rdia~to get Ready to paddle down the aisle are Karen Starr and Kerry Byrd Gagnon Is confident both propos­ gineered by one man and he's the festivities for children begin at 11 married with a canoe theme," said who show off their swimsuit/weddlng outfits. They will be mar­ als will be enacted Into law. only reason this legislation has been a.m. Karen, 37, "I went along with It," ried Saturday morning on the banks of the Rifle River. suggested in the first place," Parry For more Information call Bill adding the type of wedding cere­ RALPH PARRY, owner of Sands said of Gagnon's campaign. Acton of the Westland Host Lions, mony didn't matter to her. State Rep. Nick Ciaramltaro, D- It is the second marriage for Starr, personnel coordinator for Appliance In Farmlngton Hills, Is 326-2607. -- Detroit, who chairs the House Com­ Byrd, 38, said his club has a both. Temporary Resources, has five equally certain there "isn't a mittee on Consumers, said "our pur­ canoeing trip the first weekend of Byrd, a 19¼ year employee at children from her previous mar­ chance" of enactment because such pose is to figure out answers, see If August every year and he wanted the Chevrolet-Pontiac-Cadlllac en­ riage. legislation "Is not needed." there Is a need and what is the most to combine the event and the wed­ gine plant in Romulus, has two The cost of the bride's outfit Is "Michigan has one of the toughest effective approach. what's inside ding into one. children from his first marriage. . $240 while the groom's Is $100. consumer protection laws in the country," he said. Please turn to Pago 2 Calendar . 5A Classifieds. .... C.E.F Auto C Employment: F Lions make life easier Index 1F Real estate E Creative living 1E Crossword 3E for asthmatic 6-month-old Entertainment . . . . .50 Obituaries . 5A By Tedd 8chno!dor making each breath the Infant takes back to the hospital for the night. -Sports 1C staff writer less x>f a chore. Schilling 33, is divorced and Street scene 1D "The difference Is unbelievable," unemployed. Caring for Megan and Taste 1B A 6-month-old girl — and her said Robin Schilling, Megan's her two other children takes up most mother — are breathing easier mother. "I don't think we're going to of her time, she said. Newsline ... .591-2300 thanks to the Westland Host Lions be going back to the hospital quite so And she's familiar with the In­ Sportallno. . . .591*2312 Club. much." fant's dilemma. Her son Erik, 9, also has asthma, Circulation . . .591-0500 Megan Schilling, wherhas suffered from acute asthma, bronchitis and * MEGAN HAS been In and out of although not as severe as Megan. Classified . . . .591-0900 other respiratory problems since Westland Medical Center since she "They (doctors) keep telling me he'll shortly after her birth last winter, was 5 weeks old. An alr-condltloned grow out of If, but so far he hasn't," Observer & Eccentric was the recipient of a 12,000-BTU environment 13 so vital that when the she said. air conditioner donated by the Lions "power to the Schilling's Norwayno Her 12-year-old daughter Is nor­ ART EMANUElE/itaff phofoflrephw Classifieds Workl recently. home In the Palmer^Merrlman area mal, Schilling said. The air conditioner removes hu­ was temporarily knocked out In an Robin Schilling holds Megan In front of the new atr conditioner midity and dust from Megan's room, electrical storm Wednesday* It was Ploaso turn to P090 2 "I placed an as Bill Acton, Westland Host Lions Club president, looks on. Observer & Eccentric garage sale ad. It cost me $45 but I made Couple honored for 33 years of volunteer work $1,000!!!" Gregcr and Margaret Grogereon of West- Garden City and Inkster. 18,000 hours of volunteer work at tho Ann Ar­ Doctors In the department have commented land aren't doctors. But with tho uncounted Tho program was Implemented by Beard In bor Veteran's Administration Hospital. on how much the patients of tho ward look for-, M. Linton hours they have donated to volunteer hospitals 1987, after she noted that thcro are many ac­ Gregcr served as the director of tho VA's ward to seeing Margaret come In to stay with for 33 years, they should have been doctors. tive volunteers In the area who deserve special volunteer 6crvlco program for several years them, and how they hato to see her leave. One call does If alll The Gregcrsons, Westland residents for 20 recognition for their dedicated service to their before retiring recently. He has received many Like her husband, - Margaret has also years, were recently honored by Wayne Coun­ communities. citations from the VA and other veterans rccclvcd_.yarlou3 citations for her dedicated groups for his volunteer efforts. ty Commissioner Kay Beard, who named them Gregcrson, 81, and his wife, 71, have volunteer work. WAYNE COUNTY Margaret spends most of her time working as the Outstanding Seniors of .the Year for been volunteers at veterans hospitals and • . /"*>-- ' « 591-0900 Westland. ' other medical facilities for 83 years.,Com­ In the psychiatric ward of tho Ann Arbor VA The Grcgcrsc-n3 received a wooden plaque Beard's 12th district Includes Westland, bined, tho couple has contributed more! than hospital, bringing cheer to patients. for their latest honor. i. Jr,

MitftitfttiiMiiki mm mni 2A(W) O&E MondayjJuly31, 1989 t^nVksianimw 1,^1.,-1:-..1.^,^^^.^^^^^1,^.^-^^1 .^y^.-.tjUi,. : i-ayCS •nrnnun i.i..jjwrB!a»«i.'nn»iifiP3wmwi>wt ~.hi->,u^t- i-^.^,'l.»u^.k^L.-:L, •: Hito.l.A.I,-,:-L-«'.l,--Klj.t,--? 33 Woman charged ^^ A HOMEOWNER on the man and Ann Arbor Trial, reported One of the men went to the cooler boys Wednesday afternoon as he 36600 block of Joy told police bur- that someone stole her 1985 Chevro­ and took the beer while the other rode his bicycle on the grounds of lars broke into her house, jor the sec­ let Monte Carlo from the complex two waited by the door, the employ­ P.D. Graham Elementary School, in fatal accident ond time in less than a week Tues­ parking lot late Monday or early ee said. 1255 S. John Hix. day. Tuesday. The employee said she tried to The youth wasn't seriously in­ A Westland woman has been Police said a 1978 Ford Granada The locked car, valued at $7,000 block the theives' path as they left charged with manslaughter in con­ ' driven southbound on Wayne Road In the latest incident, the thelves jured, police said. made off with a videocassette recor­ by its owner, was stolen between 10 the store, but one of the men grab­ nection with a July 23 head-on colli­ by Perry was struck head on by Gab­ p.m. and 8:30 a.m. bed her by the arm and shoved her The boy said his assailants began sion that resulted in the death of 26- bard's 1978 Ford pickup truck at der, stereo ampjlfier, cassette deck and cable television box. The stolen It was recovered by Detroit police aside. following him In a 1974 Chevrolet year-old woman, also from West- •' 3:02 . a.m. The pickup truck had Nova at about 3 p.m. Eventually, the crossed the center line, police said. merchandise had a total value of at 10:31 p.m. Tuesday on the 14800 The employee described the man land. block of Littlefleld. who took the beer from the cooler as assailants got out of the car and 'Police Issued an warrant Friday 1600, the woman said. Police believe the driver of the 'The woman said the most recent Police said the car's ignition and black, 6 feet tall and 285-300 pounds. chased him, the boy told police. against Michelle Gabbard, 22. No ar­ truck had been drinking. Results break-in occurred between 7 a.m, dash were heavily damaged. The man who grabbed her arm was The two assailants caught up to raignment date has been set, said of­ from blood alcohol tests hadn't been white, 6 feet tall and 230 pounds and ficer Thomas Hissong of the West- and 3:30 p.m. while nobody was him and threw him on the hood of returned by state police as of Frl- * home. the other man was white, about 5 1 land police traffic bureau. day, Hissong said. the car, the boy said. Then one at­ The culprits forced open a front THREE MEN stole two 12- feet 7 and 200 pounds, she said. tacker punched him in in the cheek If convicted on the manslaughter Gabbard's driver's license was door than was still be repaired after packs of beer from the Dairy Mart All three men were wearing shorts using a plastic cigarette lighter in­ charge, Gabbard faces a maximum suspended at the time of. the acci­ the first break-in, police said; store, 35035 Cherry Hill, Tuesday and T-shirts or tank tops, she said. side his fist and tried to kick him in l6-year prison sentence. dent, Hissong said, ^ night. The stolen merchandise was the foot. kilted in the two-car accident on Neither driver was wearing a seat valued at $18. Wayne Road near Glen was Annette belt at the time of the crash, police A RESIDENT of the A store employee told police the A WESTLANP youth told po­ The boy suffered a bruise below Perry. said. Hawthorne Club Apartments, Merri- men entered the store at 9:50 p.m. lice he was assaulted by two other his right eye, police said. I Appliance Doctor'continues his fight for I "The licensing provision contains little mom-and-pop operations," Continued from Page 1 repair centers. on the House Consumer Committee, IN JANUARY 1988, similar legis­ is not convinced Michigan needs new lation authored by Bullard died in no certification procedure," he said. Parry of Sands Appliance said, add­ "We want to make sure consumers "In the absence of a regulatory or ing the majority are honest opera­ similar system here, many repair regulatory laws. the House Committee on State Af­ "It's just going to create addi­ have all the tools possible, to assure fairs. tional cost but provide no additional tors that require little regulating. they get what they pay for," he said. operations have no fixed address. "I am not yet satisfied there is not safety," adding the number of ser­ In Tuesday's testimony, however, "This is a legitimate area to look Under existing Michigan laws, con­ already something out there. We The new proposals require service vice repair complaints is small and Gagnon said it is "the scams and fly- into. There is clearly a need for leg­ sumers are easily defrauded," Bul- have quite a Consumer Protection numbers for all repair technicians. adequate consumer protections are by-night operations" that need regu­ islation, not because all appliance lard said. Act in place. Sometimes legislation Such numbers must accompany all already in place. The Michigan Mer­ lating. It is time, he added, "to help Is in place but consumers don't take advertisement.estimates andblllings. dealers are dishonest but because The California law guards against chants Council also opposes the pro­ ourselves improve our tainted Im­ some are." advantage of it. Maybe consumer ed­ Each repair Job must first be esti­ posed legislation. age." both fraud and incompetence, and ucation is needed," she said. mated In writing. Licensing fees are has dramaticaljy reduced the inci­ Esther Shapiro, director of con­ -BULLARD, WHO AUTHORED Dolan did not attend Tuesday's set at $100, with annual renewal fees dence of both, according to John of $50. sumer affairs in Detroit, said to date similar legislation last year, said he Hayes of BEAR, who said the agency hearings. Nor did state Rep. Maxine this year, her office has received 79 -envisions a rcgulatory-system-simU "is empowered io~revoke licensing: _Bermani_P-Southfteld. also a con­ Jim Hallan of the Michigan Re- complaints amounting to $9,959 in lar to the Bureau of Electronic and sumer committee membeT'wIrtrde^- ~tailers-AssoclatiQn^a_group that op­ paybacks to wronged consumers. Like a Appliance Repair (BEAR) in Califor­ Newly elected state Rep. Jan Do clined comment on the subject "until poses both proposals, saTdlhFtrlUs——'iNlhel y percent of operations in nia that since 1972 has licensed all lan, R-Farmington Hills, who serves I know more about it." poorly drafted. Michigan are very small industries, -good neighbor^ IPL".l.!IM'g«l]!li»IWH« •JHW.-^J I MH»F-' State Farm Board approves contract stents? ZOTO?UTI S PERM is there. ^j^rVr *24" Reg. $35.00 See me for car home, Continued from Page 1 built in the late 1970s, provides Wayne-Westland $1 per student In >"VW^ STYLING HAIR CUT *B. hfe and health training in 22 skill areas for high tuition and a $26 per student admin­ Reg. $10.00 insurance Many communities don't have vo­ With This Ad school students and adults. istrative services fee. The $27 total OFFER EXPIRES 8/10/89 cational/technical training pro­ is refundable should the student drop grams equal td those in Wayne-West- out of the program before the fourth HAROLD J. CANNELL land, Ferguson said. The Ford Cen­ THE AGREEMENTS call Jor the Friday count. ter, a 100,000-square-foot facility schools or districts involved to pay Students may schedule a maxi­ 28910 W. Warren Ave. Forest Plaza 27532 Ford Rd. mum of 50 percent of their class 422-0084 1 Blk. West of Inkster time at the center, the agreement states. 425-4100 Each student Is counted as a half- NOTICE OF PUBLIC REARING Lions Club helps girl time full-time equivalent for pur­ August 7,1989 Continued from Page 1 poses of receiving state aid. \ CITY OF GARDEN CITY Bill Acton, Host Lions president, STATE FARM tne Wayne-Westland has no obligation NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Uut U* Mljw tod Council ol GinSco Clly will bold t PuMk Hearing oo . Schilling said insurance covers ^ club makes emergency to provide transportation to the cen­ Aopiit 7, 1589. »l 7 00 P.M.. In Us* CouDCll Ctirobera. it Ux Civic C*at*r. WOO MJddlctxlt Road. C»rd«o some, but not all, of Megan's medi- donations when the situation Is "des- ter for outside students. Cily. MichlgJD (¾¾) cal expenses. — tltute." li s on But Svltkovich said a district bus At(ut7. lM»,tt7*«PJI. "Not working, and having three " ' e more example of what which passes Lutheran High on its - Oa soliciting Public eomroeoU co laxoding the City Minijer StUry Ordinioct u follow*. tne Lions do kids, money gets kind of tight around for the community," Ac- scheduled route may be used for stu- posmoN EFFECTIVE JULY 1,1M» INSURANCE here," she said. - ton said. dents'from that school. Cabrini High Cltj Miuger l4t.71StO-SM.47SM ® .) ' • Schilling was surprised by the do- School students coming to the center nat n an RONALD D SHOWALTER ,'.' THE LIONS made the emergency l° <* grateful that somebody will use either a Cabrini bus or a bus City Clerk-Tre-unm " State Farm insuranceCoiifXjr.'es donation July 0 after receiving a call was thinking about her." from Allen Park Public Schools, he from Bill Hlney of the American "We just came home one day from said. Publish. July IB. 1859 Lung Association, who has worked the hospital and there it was," she with the Schillings. The club pur- said. "In today's society, with every- chased it from ABC Warehouse, ^dy out for themselves, it's nice to Iwhlch dropped the $349 price by know that somebody cared enough to >150. try and help out."

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ADVERTISEMENT FOR BID FOR ENERGY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM FOR KNEW YOU HAD. CHERRY HILL ADULT CENTER Board of Education Wayne-Westland Community Schools Eleven million people in the U.S. have diabetes. 36745 Marquette Street But almost half of them don't know it. / Westland, Michigan 48185 Untreated, diabetes can lead to heart disease, ^Project: - .:.....'.. '• a) Furnishing and installing a computerized Energy Management System and kidney disease, blindness and gangrene. associated controls. 2. Proposals to be Submitted: And for 150,000 people each year, it leads to a) Cherry Hill Adult Center Energy Management System death. 3. Dae Date and Place: Date: : Monday, August 28,1989 That's why you should be aware of the symptoms • Time: 2:00 p.m. Place: Wayne-Westland Community School* of diabetes: blurred vision, excessive thirst and fre­ Department of Buildings ^Grounds •". 3S4l5 Myrtle Street quent urination are just some of the warning signs. • Wayne, Michigan 48184 4. Usoe of Specification*: Because the sooner you find out if you have diabetes, a) Specifications may be obtained at the Department of Buildings & Grounds b) Deposit: $25.00 the more likely you are to get it under control, before 5. Proposal Guarantee and Security Bond*: a) A certified check or satisfactory bid bond made payable to: Treasurer of complications set in. the Board of Education, Wayne-Westland Community School*, and equal to five percent (5%) of the bid shall be submitted with each proposal. No bids Finding out you have diabetes can be scary. But may be withdrawn for at least sixty («0) days after bid opening/ 6. Rights of the Owner: not finding out can be fatal. a)The Owner reserves tho right to reject any and all bids and to waive any • Informalities therein. . ;•* ' SHARON SCOTT, Secretary Board of Education Wayne-Westland Community Schools NOTE: PROPOSALS WILL BE OPENED ON MONDAY, AUGUST 28,198» AT 7:00 P.M. AT THE BOARD OF EDUCATION BOARD ROOM LOCATED AT? TfMOTHtY J. DYER BUni)INQ FIGHT SOME OF THE WORST DISEASES OF OUR TIME. A American 1*74» MARQUETTE STREET I Diabetes WESTLAND, HiqitOAN OIM Support tne American Diabetes Assoeiaidbi. ArV.Associatio n PiibH* Wj >i »m AOJUJ» *, \m

•' 4

^•••tels^tattfMtetatalMHtai Monday, July 31, 1989 Q&E (W)3A

Outreach offic rves blind in a variety of ways By Leonard Poger records containing .the King James private, non-profit organization staff writer version of the Bible and other mate­ which provides a variety of services rials, contain the raised dots'which and programs to blind persons. The The Ford Road office display in­ are "read" by sightless persons. other office is in Lansing. cludes a Monoply boar,d and cards, a The table articles are the first Besides the games and records, Scrabble game, a Frisbee, and play­ thing visitors see when they enter the chapter's outreach staffers are ing cards. the National Federation of the also working to help blind persons But those games help blind per­ Blind/Michigan chapter's,communi­ fightsociety's stereotypes and preju­ sons enjoy the same quality of life as' ty outreach office on Ford, 1½ dices toward the sightless. sighted persons. blocks east of Merriman. Daniel Harman, executive direc­ The games, along with a set of It is only the second office of the tor of community outreach, said that the average blind persons — given proper training and opportunity — can compete with the average sight­ ed person in the job market. "AN ENLIGHTENED and in­ formed society should understand that the measurement of a person's eyesight shouldn't be the measure­ ment of the person's abilities," Har­ man said. He cited numerous examples of blind persons who are independent and achieved things on their own: o Allen Harris, the Michigan chapter president who has been blind since birth, is head of the social stud­ ies department at Edsel Ford High School in Dearborn, head of the wrestling department and a wres­ tling coach. © Steve Zielinski, who takes two Staff phot03 by ART EMANUELE/slaH ptwtographer buses from his Lincoln Park home to reach the Garden City community Dan Harman, executive director of the National director, display Scrabble, Monopoly and other outreach office. Federation of the Blind/Michigan community games designed with Braille dots for use by o The chiropractor for Harman's outreach center, and Diana Mahon, assistant sightless people. father in Iowa. —B-Thfi-iop jiew^fjaj>ej^carner in sight but their own sense of helpless- "Braille (with the familiar raised "It is the inability to travel. Sightless Nebraska who won a scholarship a" ness and soctety^s—perceptions—dots)_areto the blind whaUhe print- persons can grow up and gain unden year ago from the national federa­ toward the blind ed word is to sighted person," Har-~ ~sta~udiug, digulty and solf-respect- tion. "The Michigan Commission for man said. "A blind'person who can't He said the federation "helps peo- Harman, aided by assistant direc­ the Blind (a state agency) estimates read Braille is as illiterate as a pie help themselves and doesn't do tor Diana Mahon, said the Michigan that there are an estimated 89,000 sighted person who can't read print." things for them." federation has three objectives — visually impaired persons in the Harman said the national federa­ look for blind persons to make them state who are 65 or older," Harman THE TRAINING on how to read tion, formed in 1940, is the country's aware of the free services and pro­ said. Braille and the use of the white cane largest and oldest private organiza­ grams offered by the organization; "That number is expected to dou­ — the legal symbol of a blind person tion dedicated to helping; the blind. ; provide information to sighted soci­ ble in the next 20 years." — is important to all ages of sight­ To contact the community out­ ety, and to raise money to support Harman said that 90 percent of less persons, Harman said. reach office, write to P.O. Box 15, the group and its outreach programs. sightless persons have some vision "What isolates blind persons isn't Garden.City,.48135.or. Ml 427- while the remaining 10 percent are the. blindness," Harman pointed out. 0209,10 a.m. to 9 p.m. weekdays. HARMAN SAID the problem of totally blind. blindness is growing, mainly among "Many people are fearful of losing elderly persons although youngsters their sight," Harman said, with are also affected. blindness being the second most Many services available••; "One recent call was from a feared disease — next to cancer. Here are some of the free services or cassettes and records through the mother whose 18-year-old son was For blind youngsters, the federa­ or programs offered by the National Wayne County Library for the Blind. blinded after an auto accident," Har­ tion offers a variety of services and Federation of the Blind/Michigan • Variety of sources to obtain Blind people can "read" syndicated columns through the use man said. programs, including how to read chapter community outreach office Braille transcription service. —• ot Braille dots. The director said the biggest ob­ Braille, how to use white canes and on Ford east of Merriman: • Equipment for use by blind stacle to the blind isn't their lack of enrollment in a summer day camp. • Books and magazines in Braille persons. Subdivision seeks Model's career driving ahead

Jamie Lynn Kolodziej, who grad­ In June, she finished In the top 25 after entering Stevenson Junior rezoning to W-W uated John Glenn High School just of the 134 contestants In the annual High School, she got Involved in oyer a year ago, is in the driver's Miss Michigan United Pageant. dramatic productions and student seat where her career is concerned. Shortly afterwards, Kolodziej was government. She was president of The Westland woman was re­ named a video jockey for Enter­ the student council and the female due to bus ride cently picked as a Honda auto tainment Spotlight, a local cable- lead In five plays. Residents of a partially-completed Worthington, a subdivision resident. spokeswoman and model for the TV program, and hostess for Metro She also found time to join the Wayne subdivision are seeking a 198(¾¾ international auto show Spotlight, also on cable. Spanish Club and be a cheerleader change in schools for their children. "WITH OTHER kids going to their circuit, reported her father, Jim for the football and basketball £ Wayne-Westland school officials school living almost three miles Kolodziej. HER VIDEO appearances teams. said last week they would logk into away, they aren't able-to hop on a She will travel extensively this weren't limited to Westland audi­ fall and next spring, her father ences. She was seen in a commer­ At John Glenn, Kolodziej was the their request. bike and go visiting," another resi­ 7 lead In nine plays, voted Thespian A half-dozen residents of the Lega­ dent said. said. cial to be aired on the east coast, After graduating John Glenn Florida and the Caribbean, her fa­ Club vice president, elected Miss cy Estates subdivision appeared be­ One parent, who said his son need­ Junior Class, was a participant in fore the school board Monday claim­ ed to come home during lunch hour High, Kolodziej attended Henry ther said. Ford Community College, Dear­ As a youngster, she was active in many student leadership seminars, ing that busing the children two for asthma treatments, wondered basketball cheerleader, state final­ miles to Roosevelt Elementary whether he would have enough time born, majoring in mass media com- BrownieSj gymnastics, dance and munications. At the same time, she the Westland Youth Athletic Asso­ ist In a national homecoming queen School in Wayne would be incoven- to take the medication. competition, and class president lent and prevent their children from There are 18 homes already com­ enrolled at the John Robert Powers ciation, playing softball and bas­ Modeling Agency and pursued ketball. for her three years In the high Jamie Kolodziej developing traditional friendships. pleted in the subdivision, with 12 school. The residents requested instead currently occupied. There will be 54 modeling as a career. She moved up to Girl Scouts and Honda model that the subdivision, west of John homes when it is finished, according Hix and south of Glenwood (the to the city of Wayne planning de­ Wayne/ Westland border), be rezoned partment. by the district so that children would Although the children are in the attend either P.D. Graham or Roosevelt attendance area, the dis­ Schweitzer Elementary Schools, trict's open enrollment policy allows Now serving the both in Westland. Graham is about a them to enrolled at any school In the mile from the subdivision and district where there Is available Schweitzer is about 1 tt miles away. space. "The children arc apprehensive But the district doesn't provide -Canton about being bused and when they get transportation for those students and to junior high school they might lose the parents said they want to make out on after-school activities like sure they don't get "bumped" back -clubs- -and—spor4sA-said_Bojinle_ to Roosevelt If their chosen school Is full. • • • The district provides bus transpor­ Fund-raiser tation for elementary students who live at least a mile from the school Four new doctors in Obstetrics/Gynecology they are assigned. are accepting r\ew patients close to home. head named Yvonne Manber, MD $WestIan& St. Mary Hospital in Livonia has At the Arbor Health Building appointed Todd A. Rlcdel as its first ©bseruer director of fund development. (USPS 663-530) Luis Gonzalez, MD in downtown Plymouth: Rcidel will implement a fund-rais­ Published evory Monday and Thurs­ Duane Heilbronn, MP ing program for the hospital. day by Observer & Eccentric Nows- Norman Cove, MD The Plymouth resident earned a papors, 36251 Schoolcratt, Livonia, bachelor's degree from the School of Ml 48150. Second-class postage the Ozarks In Point Lookout, Mo., paid at Livonia. Ml 48151. Address At the McAuley Health Building-Canton where he worked on the school's all mall (subscription, chango ol ad- fund development team for two dross, Form 3569) to P.O. Dox 2438. on Ford Road and Lilley: _ Livonia, Ml 48151, Tclophono 591- years. Yvonne Manber, MD He also spent five months at ,0500. HOME DELIVERY SERVICE Luis Gonzatez,MD Southwest Missouri Stale University Nowsstand . . . . per copy, 504 as assistant director of development. Carrlor . . '. . . monthly, $3.00 Mall. . yoarry, $55.00 Norman Gove, MD Air advertising publlshod In the • Physicians wijl be on staff at St; Joseph Mercy Hospital \ Wostland Observer Is subject lo Iho Catherine McAuley Health Center In Ann Arbor Kids' luncheon set conditions stated In the applicable ratocard, copies of which arq avail­ able from Iho advertising depart­ Duane Hellbronn, MD • The latest in maternity care featuring A luncheon for handicapped chil­ ment, Wostland Obsorvor, 36251 labor-delivery-recovery rooms dren will be held at 10 a.m. Wednes­ Schoolcraft, Livonia. Ml 48150. (313) '*>•- day, Aug. 16, in the American Legion 591-2300. Tho Wostland Observer Post In Livonia. reserves tho right not to accept an Handicapped.children from Livo­ advortlsor'a ordqr. Observer & Ec­ For appointments, please call nia, Rcdford, Northvlllo and Garden. centric ad-iakors have no authority to bind this nowspapor and onty I City will be there for the luncheon, publication of an advertisement shad which Is open to the public, along constitute final acceptance of tho with their teachers and aides, and advertiser'* ordor. . 572-5500 professional clowns. ..- / : < * # , _ . 4A{L,R,W,0) O&E Monday, July 31. 1989

I , l.tii.ifci^Hit^Hr>Mi>fc;,fcir^tij^rtn'>Mi,ft^.u faltohdiiU jfrJsaL ra

; - «fc^».ri.ffTT.u-iu»«.-L* rfitj.i. .^. ,.i;. •.:.:• : :i '.'T'VI" \ ! I' :!' 1" •:•• "I , • .-1 from our readers Letters must be original copies and contain the signature and points of view address of Ihe sender. Limit letters to 300 words.

ist with 15-plus, medical related 4. Using public school transporta­ Women rights malpractice lawsuits and no mal­ tion and funding to visit Domino practice insurance is just a continu­ Farms is not in our children's best What's wrong when cash ance of males exploiting women for interest. I have tried to teach our being ignored profit, UWthe Observer & Eccentric .children that their consumer power and this, city and state government is reflected in the businesses they by its lack of action. patronize. For this reason, many of To the editor: j ' Lynn Mills, the "treats" in the grocery aisles are not credit, raises distrust Soon after the Webster Decision "off limits" because the corporation Livonia on July 3 the Observer & Eccentric has environmentally harmful poli­ I DID IT again. 2D lem, he said, as long as I showed him came out with a general statement cies or manufactures cigarettes. Created a commotion. Threw a my room key to prove that I was ac­ that they support a woman's right to I hope you can find field trip alter­ public fit. Embarrassed my family. tually a guest. I did, thinking that he "choose" abortion. But does the Ob­ natives for Aug. 23, 1989. The fact And it's all my mother-in-law's m- was not as good a judge of character server & Eccentric support women Opposed to . that my own children will not be at­ fault. as the desk clerk. having informed consent? (The dan­ tending this trip does not resolve the the check-cashing policies of /•£ Jack Back in the room a few minute,s gers of the surgery explained prior issue that Livonia Public Schools modern businesses have often been a later, my wife answered the tele­ to the abortion and the truth told Domino trip should not be giving Mr. Monaghan topic of discussion In our family and #2& Gladden phone. about the developing baby inside her funds. a major Irritant to me. "You have to go to the desk right womb?) Jo Lassers Isgro, Over the years, as I have paid for now and pay for the dinner," she said To the editor: Livonia as she hung up. "Something about us­ Does the Observer & Eccentric assorted purchases with personal THAT'S WHAT was going through support a knowledgeable decision on (An open letter to the Livoma checks, I have been photographed, my mind as my family and I checked ing cash." Board of Education): thumb-printed, asked for the name in to a motel a couple of weeks ago "What?" I demanded in a rather the subject, or do they only support and telephone number of my em­ for a one-night mini-vacation. loud voice. the decision to terminate unborn I am writing to voice my objection ployer and in whose name our fami­ "Cash," I said, in response to the "We only allow one method of life? If the Observer & Eccentric over the choice of Domino Farms as was truly in favor or women's rights, a field trip experience for the school- View given on ly telephone is listed. clerk's question. I handed him some payment,,slr," the clerk said. "If you they would be in favor of them re­ All this, of course, in addition to bills and braced myself, ready to go had used a credit card for the room, age child care program this sum­ ceiving all the facts, the ability to mer. My two sons, Geoffrey and Al­ the obligatory presentation of a driv­ into a tirade about not being a crook you could sign your dinner check. make a truly knowledgeable choice. lost toddler er's license and two major credit and getting fed up with being treated But since you paid cash up front for exander, are part of this group who cards. like one. the room, you have to pay cash for The Observer & Eccentric are currently at Bentley High To the editor: I understand the problems that But instead, he smiled, shoved a everything." wouldn't stop at a fair article of the School. Thvrsday, July 17, at 7:30 in the businesses — particularly large op­ key across the desk and said, that's when I threw my public fit. above mentioned and pictures of a The reasons for my strong opposi­ morning, I went to get in my car to erations — have with rubber checks. "You're in Room 36." That was it. I railed on and on about business developing baby in utero; it would in­ tion to this trip are: go to work. In the street in front of But the presumption is that we are No hassle. No request for ID. Noth­ people treating customers like crim­ vestigate the many tragadies at the my house 1 found a toddler about 1¼ all crooks unless we can prove other­ ing. inals, about the stupidity of check- Livonia abortion mills. 1. Tom Monaghan has revoked a years old, dressed in his pyjamas, permit to the Ann Arbor NOW Chap­ wise. "So," I thought to myself, "I must cashing policies being exceeded only Why did late last fall an ambu­ with no one else around. look more trustworthy than the m-i- by the mindless distrust of people ter to use the "Farms" because Mr. Running up and down the street, I lance take away a patient? When Monaghan says "they support.abor­ 1." I'd suspected that for a long time. who paid cash, about such policies called and asked, this mill was more took him to a of couple houses down When we got to the room, howev­ serving to drive customers away, tion." Americans have the right to where it looked like he may have IT WAS MY mother-in-law, how­ concerned about if I was a lawyer or their views. Mr. Monaghan has rent­ ever, who was subjected to the ulti­ er, my wife suggested that the real etc. It was a good, if unsuccessful, if I was working for one. When asked walked away from. There, a nice reason I was not asked for identifi­ tantrum. ed this facility to area groups as a woman answered the door, dressed mate hassle in attempting to pay a about why the abortionist had no fund-raising event. He has let Right cation was that she had used a credit And all the while I had in my head malpractice insurance for his last in her robe and slippers. She, too, he made the motel reser- an image of the m-i-1, standing fum- to Life, the Boy Scouts, and other had never seen the baby before. She She^a^nVlatb*^ __ two medical malpractice lawsuits, groups use this "community" facili­ vatlon Even thou h we -in&_and snarling in another motel the mill worker refused to answer. called the police while I went to stopped for the night at a motel on the managemen- t Balread y Pha d an of­ lobby and~Tu7n1)lmg--for.Jier driver's ty. Facilities should not ban those work. their way to Florida. When the clerk All of this abortionist's assets are in who hold opposing views. asked how they were going to pay ficial record of who we were. license in order to be allowed to pay_ •tos.._w_lfe's name. This sure would The officer was there in about 10 for the room, she said, "Cash." Maybe. I still liked the notion that a bill with U.S. currency. make itTiafd~for-an4njujed victim to 2. Tom Monaghan donated more minutes. He sat in the car and had I had an honest face. J knew exactly how she felt. But I the woman dressed in her robe and "Then I'll need to see some identi­ get one cent out of him ——tfciiU50(M)00 to the Catholic Church fication," he said. still think I look more trustworthy. in Rome ^Te^OlTi^ittie-fo^i-theS1]^!g° house to house. The baby What is the city of Livonia's role Thinking he had misunderstood, AT DINNER in the motel dining Catholics of Detroit who supporSUDDOTUUT^^^t his 0-^^1*4*^ the m-M attempted to clarify.things. room that evening, I asked the wait-' Jack Gladden is a copy editor in this Industry? Are there city ordi­ woman had to hand the baby, through nances that govern these abortlonar- businesses. He has done nothing for "I'm not writing a check," she er if I could sign the check and settle for the Observer & Eccentric those Detroit parishoners-who are- the (car door window,_ The officer said. "I'm paying cash. You know up at the desk the next day. No prob­ Newspapers. ies? If not, why not? trying desperately to keep their didn't even open the door to take the . . .bills. . .greenbacks." Mayor Robert Bennett and City churches open after their closings by baby. She had to partially fold the "Yes, ma'am," he said. "I under­ Council, don't fool yourselves. Just Szoka. baby in half. Then the policeman stand. I'll need to see some identifi­ because It's the law of the land drove off with the baby standing up, cation." doesn't mean your hands are tied. 3. During 1988, drivers for Domi­ not even buckled in the seat. The reason, he told the m-i-1 po­ Just because it's legal, doesn't mean no's Pizza were involved in acci­ 1. How in the heck does a baby litely in response to her less-than- know your government it's safe. dents which resulted in 30 deaths as walk off that way without someone polite demand for an explanation, a result of trying to meet a 30-min- noticing he's gone? was as simple as it was cynical. If Looking for information about The telephone service is paid for The mills in Livonia have no li­ ute delivery schedule. As a member 2. How can a policeman be so in­ she paid with a credit card, the mo­ state government? The League of by the league's education fund. The cense to practice by the state. If the of Mothers Against Dmnk Driving considerate? tel would have a record of her name Women Voters has a toll-free tele­ League of Women Voters is a non­ state doesn't check on them, Livonia, who devotes time and energy to 3. On the other hand, there are -and address. But If she paid cash, phone service (1-800-292-5823) that profit organization that works to you have to^ keeping streets safe for our children, very nice people, like the lady in the well... may be helpful. keep voters interested and informed I cannot condone giving mone^ to a robe! The Observer & Eccentric owes pizza king who cares more about 30- The implication was clear. She The league's Citizen Information about governmental Issues. women the truth and the city of I thank you, Eileen. was not to be trusted. What the mo­ minute deliveries than saving lives Mary Glnotle, Center in Lansing offers to help peo­ Livonia government must protect on our streets. V tel management expected her to do ple find out about such things as women. Even the staunchest, most Livonia was uncertain, but whatever it was, pending legislation, the state consti­ 0 O&i Classifieds work! left-wing radical femlnest must they wanted to be able to find her tution, election laws, voting regula­ agree with me that a male abortion- after she did it. tions or tax information. She was not pleased, and she let r -I the young man behind the counter The telephone is answered from SCULPTURED 10:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. weekdays. I I NAILS I know it. ymatrix I I l Full Set '25 OPTICURL PERM I 8, Jj-.vaJuri^feJ'.Ji: COWVER HAllDI'.N Designed (or I I Reg. «35 I WF all types of hair I I Full Set I $ AQ Includes With Tips *35 *f*J hair cut & styling I I I Fine Furniture... Long hair extra I I Reg. »45 I Good thru 8-31-89 l I Good thru 8-31-89 J Where Quality Closts It's A Hairy Business Full Service Unisex Salon • Walk-ins Welcome OKA, doiUeA, You Less! 27255 Joy Rd. (Just E. of Inkster Rd.) 562-0040 WE WILL NOT BE VNDERSOLD lui all you, ne&&> ta> G^eate* YOUR Tw l-EJOMAN MncKUCIOUll **{W* 0» Opening BRANDEIS (0 Nite Michigan's Largest m Aug. 16 Used Book Sale! o Classic Interiors Tel-12 Mall 20292 Middiebelt, Livonia • South of 8 Mile Telegraph at 12 Mile Rd.«Southfield SALE 474-6900 10 a.m. -9 p.m. Dally o Aug. 17 Mon.. Thurs.. Pri. 9:30-9:00, Wed., Sat. 9:30-5:30 Sunday-Mall Hours o thru Arthritis Today Aug. 23 Joseph J. Weiss, M.D. Rheumatology 18829 Farmington Road PREVIEW Livonia, Michigan 48152 > Sponsored by. EVENING Phone: 478-7860 GREATER DETROIT CHAPTER BRANDEIS UNIVERSITY Wed AUa 16 UPDATE ON DIET & ARTHRITIS NATIONAL WOMENS COMMITTEE fTl " Proceeds benefit... 9:30 p.m. • Midnight In a column in May 1985,1 discussed the question of BRANDEIS UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES diet, nutrition, and arthritis. Medical opinion at that time _ ... ft PriceTues. A Wed., Aug. 22 A 23 Donation: $3.00 concluded that a good diet was a good arthritis diet. Since then, two questions • - " have arisen on diet and arthritis. One Is: can arthritis be caused by a food allergy? Several studies looked into this possibility. One Involved 20 patients who thought that their arthritis was caused by specific foods. Another Investigation followed 33 patients wilh arthritis using elimination diets- withholding dairy products and milk. No patients in either study showed a relationship between their arthritis and their dlt. The second question Is: can the use of fish oils prevent or treat arthritis. The theory Is lhat the fish oils would substitute In'the body for a chemical, prostaglandin, which causes Inflammation. However, studies to date show that fish oil, eve~n when taken at the highest tolerable amount, has little effect on flares, activity, or remissions of joint pain and swelling. Nor has any information come forth that would give credence to assertions that taking extra vitamins, using selinlum, avoiding meat, or eating only fish will treat arthritis.- ••-... ' • ,,_ ... •' WAREHOUSE CLEARANCE SALE Thus, the original point remains: a sensible diet is a sensible arthritis diet.»• Thursday & Friday 10 am-8 pm V. 11,.1. | IIUII..H .,• ...I I. . ••! I .1 | * jl—.UIIMI II I** ,s» Saturday 10 arrt-Mldntght Sunday 10 am-6 pm -. —\ ^ V...1- / -Jw ADDITIONAL "Please, my little girl 10% Off needs blood? Selected items throughout the; store

On sale through •SfPalm August 5, 1989 Imogine if you hod to ask for blood fo Jove rh« life of iomeorie YOU love. NOVI WATERFORD 43?36NOYi Town Center Next time me Amerkon Red Crojs oik*, give blooo, please. 7350 Highland Rtf.(M4ty Jl Beach Grand RiveriMovlRd. /rnlteswejIolTetegtaph WARREN 7734500 NOVI TOWN «NTCR 3471940 South 011-98 nearPonliacAlrporl 13 Mite Rd. ftSkhotnhtrr SE comer of 1-96 & Novl Rd.

•M^MtetetatfBto MriMt Monday, July 31. 1989 O&E (W,Q)5A cz & community calendar IWIIJIJIJCII CI^O^B lCl"IlC^i^

0 YMCA SWIM and one free skate per week. For Through Aug. 18 — Wayne-West- more information, call 729-4560. land Family YMCA will offer a Mayor Young urges Detroit, suburbs unity youth summer swim camp for chil­ © CONCERT IN THE PARK dren ages 5-17. Session will run Wednesday, Aug. 16 — The West- land Cultural Society will sponsor a By Keith Postlor The suburban stretch between De­ through Aug. 18. Fee is $40. For staff writer more information, call 721-7044. free Concert In the Park with the troit and Ann Arbor, be said, also has Blue Grass group to perform. It wilt the potential to be the next great hi- .Detroit Mayor Coleman A. O JAYCEES start at 7 p.m. at the Bailey Center tech corridor In America. Detroit gazebo, behind City Hall on Ford Young's message last Thursday, to and its suburbs should work together Thursday, Aug. 3 — The Garden the 200 persons who heard him speak City Jaycees will hold a membership near Carlson. Patrons are asked to toward this goal, first by setting up a bri^g a lawn chair or blanket. at the Mayflower Meeting House mass transportation system along meeting at 8 p.m. in the Silver Sa­ was simple but powerful. loon banquet room, 5651 Middlebelt- that route and then developing outly­ 0 HOCKEY . The big city and Its suburbs are ing areas. north of Ford Road. Guests are wel­ Saturday, Aug. 19 — Garden City dependent on one another and need come. Interested people may call Young offered two solutions to Over-30 Hockey League will hold to emphasize the commonalities be­ crime — education and Jobs. Tim Graham at 721-3544. registration for,1989-90 from 11 a.m. tween each, not the differences. to 4 p.m. at the Log Cabin (adjacent During his opening remarks, 0 WESTLAND YAA BY PROVIDING a stronger edu­ to Garden City Arena) on Cherry Hill Young said of Detroit and the sub­ cational system and luring Jobs back Thursday, Aug. 3 —The Westland east ohMerriman. For more* infor­ urbs, "There is a mutual dependence to the city, the crime rate would Youth Athletic Association will hold mation, call after 7 p.m. Bill Trefney between us that far outweights any slowly decline. He also said that pro-, a membership meeting at 7:30 p.m. at 525-3691 or Gordy Loud at 722- differences we have." viding education for future genera­ at the Bajley Center, 36601 Ford, be­ 4610. Reaction among those in the audi­ hind city hall, Westland. For more tions should be a state-wide respon­ O SOCCER CAMP ence after the mayor's speech was sibility, not the burden of Individual information, call Keith Demolay at generally positive. 722-1251. Monday-Friday, Aug. 21-25 - Bri­ school districts. tannia Soccer Ltd. will conduct in­ "Impressive," said Plymouth fire Mary Roehr, executive director of structive activities for soccer play­ chief Al Matthews. "It was the first the Plymouth Community Chamber O OPEN HOUSE ers at the Wayne-Westland YMCA. time I've heard him speak, and I was of Commerce, said, "I think that he's Saturday, Aug. 5 — The Garden Professional players and coaches very impressed. I think he has some a master at speaking and sizing up City Jaycees will host a police sta­ will perform. Players of all skill lev­ very good ideas." his audience and he came across as tion open house from 10 a.m. to 4 els are encouraged to participate Said Kay Arnold of Plymouth, "I very genuine. p.m. at the police station on Ford and admission is fr^e. For more in­ felt it was very positive. It made us "I think there were some good Road west of Middlebelt. For more formation, call 721-7044. aware that we do connect with the questions that focused on the Issues, information, call Sally at 525-0099. city. I felt he gave us all a lot to and I think having him come to the O WEEKEND COLLEGE think about regarding education surrounding communities furthers O WWCS MEMBERSHIP Thursday, Wednesday, Aug. 24 & being the responsibility not of each all our goals," she said. "And I do MEETING 29 — Wayne State University's city, but for all of us as parents and agree with him, that what affects Tuesday, Aug. 8 — The Wayne Weekend College Program will offer taxpayers." Detroit affects us and vice versa." Westland Schools' Senior Adults will fall courses leading to a four-year "He was very smooth," said John hold a membership meeting for the degree at the Bentley Center, 15100 YOUNG TOUCHED on a variety Stewart, a lawyer and Plymouth Tuesday and Wednesday Clubs in the Hubbard at Five Mile, Livonia. A of subjects, Including the Impact of Township trustee. "He presented a Dyer Center, on Marquette at Carl­ counselor will be available for infor­ technology on the demise of the auto thorough picture of what condition son. A social h_our will be at 1 p.m. mation and registration noon to 6 industry and "Detroit, and its part In he thought Detroit is In. Tm very Im­ with the meeting at 2 p.m. People p.m. For more information, call 577- the growth of the suburbs. pressed that the guy gave an 18-mln- attending may get their tickets to an 0832. Young called on suburban and De­ ute speech with no notes. I was a lit­ upcoming DRC trip, pay dues and troit leaders to work together to en­ tle surprised at his emphasis on eco­ e CONCERT sure the future of the auto Industry get a program of activities for the Wednesday, Sept. 20 - The West- nomics being the answer to many 1989-90 year. in metro Detroit and to help lure In­ problems." land Cultural Society's Concert in dustry, back to Michigan. the Park Series will have the Euro­ Not everyone was taken by JIM JAGOFELO/slaff photographer O COUNTRY/WESTERN By doing that, he said, Detroit and Young's visit. pean Brass perform at 7 p.m. at the its suburbs would benefit and be able Friday, Aug. 11 — Senior citizens Bailey Center gazebo, behind City "I think the mayor needs to spend Detroit Mayor Coleman A. Young, speaking in Plymouth last can enjoy a country-western barbe­ to better'compete with the onslaught more time building a sense of com­ Thursday at a Kiawanis Club meeting, said suburban leaders Hall, on Ford near Carlson. People of foreign corporations that have en­ cue at the Westland Friendship Cen- are asked to bring a lawn chair or mitment in his own city," said Wll- should emphasize commonalities their communities have with —ter-~ufider-the_Day_ilion. 1119 North tered auto and other hi-tech Indus- -bla nket ilam Joyner, a public relations exec- Detroit, not the differences. ——-—•——•—: — Newburgh Road. There will be tiles. utlve. "chicken, baked beans, corn on the-• OPEN SWIM cob, beer and beverages, entertain­ The Wayne-Westland YMCA has ment, door pri2es, bingo, cards and daily open swim available 2-4 p.m. horse races. Tickets available at the and 7-8 p.m. Monday-Friday, and 1-3 Senior Clubs and at the Friendship p.m. Saturday. Family Swim is 8- Center front desk for $3 for residents 8:45 p.m. Friday and 3-4 p.m. Satur­ obituaries and $5 for non-residents. day. The YMCA is at 827 South EUGENE L.ELERY shall Town, Iowa. NELLIE E.SHERIDAN 17,1927 In Pennsylvania. . — . Wayne Road, Westland. For more in­ Survivors are her husband, F. Ml- - formation, call 721-7044. 9 ICE SKATING Services for Mr. Elery, 62, of Gar­ A chemist, Mr. Elery la survived Services for Mrs. Sheridan, 61, of .chael; two daughters, Mary".Beth"' Monday-Thursday, Aug. 14-17 — den City were held July 28 from the by wife, Edwardlne; children, David, Garden City were held June 29 from Pondell and Maureen Parker, four The Westland Sports Arena will hold • KARATE John Santeiu and Son Funeral Home Air Force Tech. Sgt. Reed, Leslie the John Santeiu and Son Funeral grandchildren; mother, Nellie Ka- registration for its summer session Karate classes will be held Tues­ with Fr. William Sayers of St. David Harper, Laurie Anderson, Lynn, Bar­ Home with Deacon Michael MarKu- zen; sister, Marie Cohn, and broth- .'•'. of ice skating classes from noon to 6 days and Thursdays at the Wayne- Episcopal Church officiating. Intern­ bara Kates, Christopher Kates, Ray­ like of St. Dunstan Catholic Church ers, Alfred and John Kazen. Preced- > p.m at the arena on Wlldwood at Westland Family YMCA. 827 S. ment was in White Chapel Cemetery, mond Kates, Steven Kates, and officiating. Internment was In St. Ing her In death was a son, Kevin. Hunter. Classes are available on Wayne Road, Westland. Bob Preville Troy. Christopher Kates; sue grandchil­ Hedwlg Cemetery, Dearborn Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturday will instruct classes for children A rosary service held June 28 by ' dren, and sister, Sharon Rogers. Heights.. •-••.,•'••'' the Women'o! the Moose. '.'..."' mornings. The five-week session be­ 6:30-7:45 p.m. and adults 7:30-9 p.m. Mr. Elery died July 23 in West- Mrs. Sheridan died June 26 In Gar­ gins Aug! 21 and costs $18.75. The For more information, call the Y at land. Memorials may be sent to the. den City. .'•";. Memorials may be sent to the • class includes five 30-minute lessons 721-7044. He was born Dec. 2. 1926 in Mar­ Michigan Heart Association. A homemaker, she was born July Michigan Cancer Foundation. What kind of a kid do you suppose Thomas Edison was? •it

* •>» • *.

Bet he looked at problems Bet he watched how And you know that small If you're wondering if it's and saw solutions; Like things work and thought of genius can grow up to all worthwhile, just imagine Maurice Scales who ways to avoid wasting time become big genius—with what Edison would have invented Baby No-Mash to or effort. Like Caitilin the capacity to make said. prevent doors from closing McGracken who invented America number one again, •;• Invent America! on little fingers. the Orphan Kitten Feeder To participate, just write For now—as never u Bet he saw how things for Three. Invent America!, 510 King before—our country needs ¢: were done, and imagined Maurice, Lillian and . Street, Suite 420, " - an inventive spark; - better ways to do them. Caitilin were three of the Alexandria, VA 22314, or Like Lillian Lukas who thousands of winners in the call 703/684-1836. ?!

Invent America! education •f invented the Puddle r '? prograin. •f Detecting Cane for the blind. •I •t BrlMlM MiM litis 9 n\ it fiim minds •f O&E Monday. July 31, 1989 6A** JL- : err.:, r; ;m>.i--i,t. *: i :.-1-1. ^..^'Scr:^;h...'t<^.gj».hi«iiinir>iYi> .irt«fLv.rvf - i.-j-j-i,,-*c:;~i.,L>..i.,L.!TJ~;.:i i,r-...,:i~ Tnrrr-Ti.v.nii'Jvr ""fli'iTHy-arTm

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)..-. i - -.- iElfe ©bseruer & ?£ccentric Newspapers

Ethel Simmons editor/591-2300

g*J»JC.»f-gSCg» Monday. July 31. 1989 O&K *1B r.- > WLai-yTTA—gy -ryes taste buds

i.7 . chef Larry Janes Herb lady

tells how N she began Occasionally in this business, I to do cross paths with other foodies who, like myself, enjoy playing in the kitchen. We swap recipes, sto­ ries and techniques over the phone, standing in line at the supermarket and in the strangest ";4 of places. -¾ By Qerl Rlnochlor I met Diane Steinhauer of special writer Westland one afternoon while she *t •/-". was volunteering as a- room •HETHER YOU'RE pic­ mother in her daughter's kinder­ nicking on the patio or garten class. Seems that in addi­ \ ""v "cruising down the St. \ /: Clair River, chilled tion to helping out at school, she •/' \ summewr soup s can soothe anyappe- also makes time for a family of five while helping out as volun­ \ *"• tlte. If you've never attempted to make teer for the herb study group at \ Matthaei Gardens in Ann Arbor. one, keep this-In mind: they're versa­ She also has a 10-by-50-foot herb X 16/ tile, digestible and so easy to make. and vegetable garden at home Most of tbem can be made in ad­ H ^. £- and is involved in countless other •{•>-. vance, require little or no cooking activities. ••'. i- and travel wejt. What more could^a- —An—active—member—of—the- "•'/J good cook ask for? - American Herb Society, From its beginning as a mixture Steinhauer tends to more than •At of stones and water, soup has 150 assorted herbs in her own evolved into many different forms, backyard. She can also be seen from France's gorgeous pot-au-feu, tending to the herb and botanical a broth enriched with daily lefto­ gardens at Matthaei. This sum­ vers, to an elegant chilled con- mer, she will attend the national t sommq. conference for the American It's difficult to document when the Herb Society, which is hosting first chilled soup appeared since few noted cookbook author and her- 11* European cultures embraced the botogist Sol Gilbertie. Idea. Tracing back through Ameri­ Anyone who has more than 150 P i can fooM history, chilled soups didn't herbs in a garden is, in my book, a V : A' appearVin cookbooks until the early self-appointed herbologlst. x 1920s. I . : .: ' ••'•&;';•

Steinhauer's garden runs the .-•';••:»"-'*;• Today, cold soups' such as the gamut.of her Westland backyard, Spanish gazpacho, French chilled cu­ creeping down the sides of the cumber or Hungarian sour cherry house toward the street. She have become standard summer fare. claims her garden Is more experi­ . J/ -1-:--. But, if yqu've.trled these and you're mental than functionary. • - i. l>. •:*--.• • yearnlngjor;sbrne Inspiring new ide­ -: .'•> ? '•£>,. as, reap! $p. .'<-;•1¾ : ^ THE PLOTS ARE laid out In '. Not;aU;ho\l50up>'transform nicely Chinese fashion, using raised ; Into chjlfed squp?; Vegetable purees beds. ;the herbs are used mainly ^aqdifr^ft>pwee;bass that this year's sale will feature' 2 tablespoons unsaltcd butter d*VSlowly add cream and enough stock boll. Add wine and simmer for 5 covered two hours. Serve very cold. sugar if needed. ."<< an amateur flower and plant margarine to mako a. smooth creamy soup. minutes. Remove from heat and add At serving time you may need to show, In addition to a kitchen cup­ 1 cup carrots, peeled and sliced Cool. Season and add orange juice. cream and spices, then llmo juice. whisk or re-blend for a few seconds, Refrigerate 3-4 hours. Serve In \ board sale of; homemade vine­ 3 cups medium, russet potatoes, Refrigerate 2-4 hours. Tastxfand cor- Cool completely, refrigerate 2-4 Garnish each bowl with a dollop of bowls, adding 3-4 sliced Btrawberrlcs •; gary oils and dried wreathes. peeled, sliced rect seasonings before serving. hours. Taste just before serving. Add sour cream topped with a slice of per bowl and 3-4 silvered mint!; Ploa8oti)rntoPago2 V* cup diced leeks, white part only Garnish with.largo Italian parsley more seasonings If needed. Garnish lime. leaves. Serve chilled. \ «1 m -, 2B* O&EMonday, July 31, 1989 .. Microwave Health facts vs. fiction chicken dijon Herb lady tell Since the ancient days, people i«w have wanted to believe that certain AP — Yea, you can enjoy mi­ foods hold special curative proper­ crowave oven-fried chicken and still get a crisp coating. It's not how it all b ties and powers. At one time, it was quite as crispy as pan-fried but believed that garlic would give you Continued from Page 1 keep her garden healthy. added strength and that eating choc­ much lower In fat and more health­ olate would prolong life. Lois Thieleke ful. For more information on how to home economist, Cooperative Extension Service IN THE FALL, she sows annual, Wouldn't It be great If that were The secret? Coat only the meaty get in on this, she may be reached at rye grass to help keep the garden the truth? No more steroids for ath­ side of each piece and cook meaty Matthael Gardens, 1800 N. Dlxboro from eroding and to add valued nu­ letes, and we'd all live forever. tend to decrease consumption of carrots, apricots, cantaloupe, pump­ side up. That way there's no coat­ Road, Ann Arbor. Folks Interested in kin, squash (butternut especially), trients, not to mention that the grass, More and more scientific studies foods that contain lots of fat. Also ing on the bottom to absorb juices entering the amateur horticultural "looks great in the late fall when ev­ show there is a relationship between eating complex carbohydrates auto­ sweet potatoes and spinach are all and become soggy. Cover with pa­ sale may contact her directly at 763- i excellent §ources of beta-carotene. erything has been turned under for a the diet people consume and the inci­ matically increases your intake of fi- per towels — not a cover, plastic 7061. winter's sleep." dence of the leading diseases. ber. The best way to ensure you're get­ wrap or waxed paper — so mois­ And If all of that Isn't enough, the Look for the words, whole wheat ting beta-carotene daily is to eat an ture can escape. Steinhauers are also active environ­ If you are into herbs and garden-' Take care about products, with ing as much as Steinhauer, you will health claims when choosing a par­ or whole grain on ingredient lists for orange- or yellow-colored fruit or MICROWAVE CHICKEN DIJON mentalists. She abhors the use of breads, and cereals. vegetable or a dark green vegetable. pesticides and says that the best pes­ want to stop by Matthaei Gardens- ticular breakfast cereal to avoid 1 tablespoon margarine or butter Maybe you will be lucky and she will cancer, or eating a certain oat bran FIBER IS BENEFICIAL for dia­ Adding fish to the diet can also be Vi cup fine dry seasoned bread ticide of all Is "your own two hands." betics. The maintenance of normal beneficial to one's health.,Fish are She composts clippings and garbage have a pot of chamomile tea brew­ to lower cholesterol, cap­ crumbs ing on the portable stove. sules to protect you against heart blood glucose levels is of primary lower in fat than foods that come 1 tablespoon dried parsley flakes and uses the natural fertilizer to disease and on and on. concern, to diabetics. from animals, and they contain a ¼ teaspoon paprika BE WISE enough to distinguish be-', Recent research attention has wide variety of nutrients. 2 whole medium chicken breasts tween popular, current hype and re­ been placed on the role of fiber in Inexpensive fish that contain the (12 ounces each), skinned and ality. this process. Soluble fiber absorbs now famous Omega-3 fatty acids in­ halved lengthwise • Here are a couple of herb lady Di­ Oat bran therapy just may be a water and forms gels in the stomach. clude canned mackerel, sardines and Ltablespoon Dijon-style mustard ane Steinhauer's tried-and-true re­ Strain the herbs as low-cost way of lowering cholesterol This gel formation slows the rate at herring. Canned salmon and white cipes. soon as the tea levels. If you add oats to your daily which food is emptied from the meat albacore tuna are also good For coating, in a 1-cup measure stomach. sources. reaches desired diet but continue to follow a high fat, cook margarine, uncovered, on 100 HERBAL CAMOMILE TEA high cholesterol diet, your cholester­ In the small intestine, gel forma­ Some studies have suggested that percent power (high) for 30 to 40 strength. Serve with tion leads to slower digestion and ab­ two fish meals a week may decrease seconds or until melted. In a small 10 tablespoons flower heads of ol level will probably Increase. chamomile honey, lemon, orange To the degree that low-fat oat sorption rate. the risk of developing heart disease. mixing bowl combine bread Preliminary research has shown However, don't binge on fish to the crumbs, parsley flakes and papri­ 4 cups fresh water, brought to roll­ slices or fresh herb products replace fatty items in a ing boil healthy diet, the value increases. Oat that eating two carrots a day will exclusion of other healthful foods. ka. Toss with melted butter. sprigs. bran is only as good as your entire also lower cholesterol levels signifi­ WHILE NOT ALL the answers are Rinse chicken pieces and pat dietary pattern. cantly. Just as with the oat products, available on which foods may truly dry. On waxed paper brush pieces First, bring fresh cool water to a Eating quantities of oat muffins it's the soluble fiber in carrots that is protect us against, or contribute to, with mustard. Dip each piece into rolling boll. Then rinse a china, pot­ will add to the fiber in your diet; believed to be responsible for the the development of various kinds of crumb mixture, coating the meati­ tery or nonmetalllc teapot with 1 small clove garlic, minced fine however it also will add lots of benefits. diseases, there is sufficient evidence er side and leaving the other side some of the wat^r. Toss in the herbs 4 cups good chicken stock unwanted calories. Here again, two carrots a day is to make some personal food habit uncoated. In a microwave-safe 8- (2 tablespoons fresh or 1 tablespoon 1 cup heavy or whipping cream Having a "fiber fest" everyday by not helpful if you have eggs and changes. Make sure you "glean" fact by-8-by-2-inch baking dish arrange dry). Add the water and allow the salt and pepper to taste eating a high-fiber breakfast cereal croissants for breakfast, a fatty from fiction in balancing nutrients to pieces, coated side up, on a rack, tea to "steep" for about 5 minutes. will prevent cancer. If it were only luncheon meat sandwich for lunch maintain good health. with meaty portions toward edges Strain the herbs as soon as the tea Wash and pat dry sorrel leaves that simple. and fpied chicken for dinner. We keep our cars in good running of the dish. reaches desired strength. Serve with Chop fine. In a heated saucepan, add Increase consumption of breads, CHANCES ARE that by increas­ order but sometimes neglect the pre­ Cover with paper towels. Cook honey, lemon, orange slices or fresh butter or oil and saute chopped herbs cereals, fruits, vegetables and le- ing fiber you'll also increase con- ventive maintenance that can keep on high for 8-10 minutes or until no herb sprigs. To make iced tea, follow with the garlic for 1 minute. Stir in thft same procedure, using 3 table- chicken stock and simmer for "10 •gumts, these complex carbohydrates sumj iroccot r-bodies-Ftffining-smootaly,— -pink—remains, giving—the—dish -a- half-turn every 3 minutes. Makes 4 spoons of fresh herbs per one cup of minutes. Place soup in a blender or servings. water. The extra allows for melting processor and process until pureed Nutrition information per serv­ ice. Raise the temperature of the cream ing: 167 cal., 21 g pro., 5 g carb., 6 g with a little hot soup, stirring con­ FOOD fat, 54 mg chol., 379 mg sodium. CREAM OF SORREL SOUP stantly, making sure not to boil. Cor­ U.S. RDA: 62 percent niacin, 19 1 cup fresh sorrel leaves rect taste with salt and pepper, if de­ MARKET percent phosphorus. 1 tablespoon butter or oil sired. • Full Grocery Line • Fresh Meats* Produce* Deli* Liquor* Beer & Wine* Lotto OPEN MON.-SAT. 8 A.M.-11 P.M. • SUNDAY 9 A.M.-10 P.M. LOCATED AT 8177 SHELDON RD., JUST S. OF JOY • CANTON • 459-7751 mmmwimmmm^ r Porterhouse Boneless BOB'S and Chuck T-Bone $ Roast 1.49 LB. OF CANTON Steaks 8611 Lilley Road • Canton s N.Y. Strip (Sliced Free) Across from airport In the Golden Gate Shopping Center Prices Effective 7-31 thru 8-5-89 3.99 LB. 454-0111 , Joy Road & Lilley SS 5E m Whole 53.99 B WE SPECIALIZE IN OVER-THE-COUNTER 8ERVICE. NO WAITING. WE •COJACKor PRIDE 0UR8ELVE8 ON GREAT PRICES ON HIGHEST QUALITY BEEF- • MONTEREY JACK PORK-POULTRY-LAMB-VEAL-AMI8H CHICKENS & AMI8H BEEF N.Y. Strip Steaks We Reserve the Right CHEESE HOURS M-SAT. 9-8: SUN. 10-6 to Limit Quantities • 99 LB. BOB'S OF CANTON THANKS YOU FOR JOINING US DURING CONSTRUCTION. ONE MORE WEEK! SALADS mmm TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY ONLY SPECIALS Coca Cola Specials 1 • MACARONI HJ7T 8 Pack $ • COLESLAW USDA Choice Vz Liter 2-29 • POTATO Porterhouse or $ Plus Deposit T-Bone Steak 3.59 LB. H3oneles_8jTop^ $ WE FEATURE USD A CHOICE MEATS Sirloin Steak 2.59 FULL WEEK SPECIALS 38741 ANN ARBOR RD. • LIVONIA USDA Choice Beef a $ DELI DEPT. ..-.. x» Home 464-0410 Bone-In Delmonico Roast 2.99 LB Epicure qUalltV II OlEveryday MON.-THURS. & SAT. 9-7 $ Low Paces FRI. 9-8 SUN. 12-5 Roast Beef or _ '^ - and More! Boneless Delmonico Roast 3.69 LB $ •roduce & deli Prlces.Good.7-31-89 thru 8-6-89 $ CornedBeef 3o39f LB PRODUCE Bone-In Delmonico Steaks 3.39 Bilmar - $ Turkey Boneless Delmonico Steaks Home Grown 3.99 Breast HEAD USDA Choice Beef > $ Porterhouse B> 2.89 LETTUCE ea. T-Bone Steak LB Lipari2001 Low Salt 6oheje^Top v Smoked A_ • Home Grown California Sweet & Juicy $ Sicfoitt Steak *ii99 LB. Ham 2,99 NECTARINES Maria . . LB. SWEET USDA Choice Boneless *i ••#*' BabySwiss$2 69 English or Chuck Roast .--1.59- LB. CORN Cheese * LB. 661 Hamburgerrnadeirom Fresh SEAFOOD DEPT. DELI DEPARTMENT Ground $fl /|T l# # LB. Medium"Size Shell-On Low Cholesterol & Low Salt Round FAMILY PACK* 5-7 LBS. Shrimp ALPINE LACE SWISS CHEESE ,-"^< USDA Grade A Fryer Spjit ^^ «%*% <**• lb. BreaS.t (No Back or Wing) I »39 LB. S»5TL0 MOZZARELLAor CHUNK $ New Zealand Boneless Breast 2.89 1 MUNSTER CHEESE. .»„... lb. LB. Orange Roughy ^¾ TURKEY HAM or PRODUCE DEPARTMENT $ 4.99 B.LB, j I MI6hlgan Homegrown *%*% P h L TURKEY PASTRAMI•«•••••«••«««. « lb. Fresh (Small) 1 "•-' ™• Bi-Color Super Sweet Corn oror 99 Ocean Perch $ Bulk Idaho *%g% Baking Potatoes 39' LIPARI HARD SALAMI • •*»«••*«•, 2.19 lb. PEPSI PRODUCTS DAIRY DEPARTMENT Eagle Brand 16 02. Vz Liter Potato Chips moioi 8 Pack farms BUY ONE, GET ONE Save 30* *, _- Save H.88 FREE v2.69 + dep. MILK M.59fial. Nestea AA. ePack *4 4»A p Qans...... " «©11+ dop. ICE TEA 00 V2 gal. Out Om %-StM SpuhUt

tfBfc MHMMMMMi )

Monday. July 31. 1989 O&E *3B a •A IT .1 use! W<@st together, ,r ii---::- m asygoing dlshei A'e - Sludhur Jaffrey's Cookbook: ^J i,.r..;. i ii'i^-T ••T.?'7" '**(&* t.usy F.usi/West Menus for Fam­ ily utid Friends," Madhur Jaf- !>ey, Harper & Row, 1989, $22.50. ^¾^ cook's books The one and only time I met ' Geri Madhur Jaffrey was in the summer ? .I ^ We were both enrolled in a >.>King .lass taught by James Beard Rinschler *y*. •'mided "Tasting *' Along with other en Stewed with Chickpeas' or Stir- 1 fresh jalapcno pepper or 5-6 fresh •••tdbk: cooks in the class, Jaffrey Fried Gingery Eggplant will tell you hot green chilies, very finely *>ts Introduced as the author of the that you've got to like spices to enjoy chopped (with seeds) -HJkoook "An Invitation to Indian most of the dishes in her collection. 2 teaspoons very finely grated, «. uoking," as well as an actress and The majority of the recipes are peeled, fresh ginger i' lend of Beard's. written to serve four-six people. The 2 tablespoons chopped, fresh green V During one of the lectures on "sea- menus are grouped into chapters coriander (Chinese parsley) •« igs " Beard remarked that Jaf- based on the ingredients of the main T^> flight him to grind all cooking dish such as fish, chicken or meat. Preheat the oven to 400 degrees. **?f>.' ••;-.<; *; 'jju-fcs such as fennel seeds, allspice There are few dessert recipes — Pour l tablespoon oil into an 8- iuo ^ mnamon just before using among them are cookies and a dev­ inch-square metal cake pan and heat v ' .t . - •. •"hern Later that summer 1 took il's food cake - most of them con­ over a medium-low flame. When nen advice and ground some cin- tain fruit. very hot, put in the mustard seeds. ^L idnion pieces in an old electric cof­ This is a refreshing, innovative As soon as they begin to pop, put in JOHNSTORMZAND fee grinder. Jaffrey was right. The cookbook with tasty dishes for sum­ the sesame seeds. Stir them about Icy Carrot Cream Soup combines carrots with russet potatoes and leeks, among other •iiiierence was phenomenal. mer cooking as well as hearty ones for 10 seconds. Remove the pan Jeffrey's latest book is "Madhur for ihe winter. from the fire. Spoon out the seeds ingredients. See recipe on 1B. ini^i ey's Cookbook: Easy East/West After all this, if you're still yearn­ and put them in a saucer. Some will Menus for Famil) and Friends " And ing to tr\ some Indian food, "A Taste remain clinging to the pan. This is as i s just what the title implies, a per of India, Madhur Jaffrey's Far East it should be; leave them there. Just viiidi collection of her favorite re­ Cookery' will be arriving in book­ push what remains toward the bot­ ives Although she is regarded to be stores in September. tom. umrb r soups a cool choice itie v-ooking authority of Indian food, Following is a recipe from Combine the cornmeal, flour, sug­ most of what she prepares are dishes Madhur Jaffrey's Cookbook: Easy ar, baking powder and salt in a bowl. Continued from Page 1 i-oin Mexico, Korea, Japan and the East/West Menus for Family and Mix slightly. Add yogurt, milk, egg, nited States Friends." jalapeno or chilies, ginger, green Other than gazpacho, most vegetable The editors of Jaffrey's book sum when garnishing oi serving chilled coriander (Chinese parsley) and 4 soups Sprigs of thyme or a few long u> ner cooking style beautifully in GOLDEN SESAME CORN BREAD tablespoons oil. Stir gently and mix puree soups need to be cooked either tut introduction: "When a woman 1 tablespoon peanut or corn oil pieces of chives will dress up cold thoroughly. cucumber, cauliflower, potato or n UII India who has lived in Europe 1 tablespoon whole yellow mustard Spoon the corn bread batter into in water, vegetable stock or a light marries from America whose seeds squash soup. Sprigs of apple mint or the cake pan. Scatter the seed rnjx- tiny edible flowers such as johnny chicken stock. taihei e6mts~iT0rrrKeTttucky —ex- -HablespooD-whole sesame seeds -tur-e from the-saucer-over the top as one things are bound to happen." I cup commeal -jttmp-ups-add a bit of glamour-.tQ_ayi_ evenly as you can. Bake for 25-30 ocado, cantaloupe, blueberry or Recipes throughout the book are 1 cup all-purpose flour minutes or until golden brown. other cold fruit soups. imriguing, appetizing and healthy 3 tablespoons sogar This bread is best served straight Most of the time, pureed soups can side salad, some cruochy French Most of them are simple to prepare 4 teaspoons baking powder from .the oven. I cut it into squares be stored in the glass blender. Some­ bread and a slice of cheese or pate and use ingredients which can easily Vs teaspoon salt or thick slices and put them in a A TRADITIONAL rim soup dish times fruit soups will separate dur­ and you will have the makings for a Oe found in the grocery store or 1 cup plain yogurt lightly beaten bread basket lined and covered with or cream soup dish is always appro­ ing refrigeration and may need to be delightful luncheon or light supper. health food markets. Reading V* cup milk a single large napkin. However, it priate for serving cold soups. But re-blended just for a few seconds. For a summer dinner menu, either through recipes such as Spicy Chick- 1 egg, lightly beaten can be made ahead of time, wrapped don't be afraid to use a glass dessert the" cold vegetable or fruit soups can in foil and reheated in a 400-degree or berry bowl for individual serv­ All chilled soups can be served as be followed by a simple seafood or **f*ip*x^n oven for 10-12 minutes. ings. an appetizer. Just add a mixed green fish fillet, poultry or lamb entree.

• r • cooking calendar O AUGUST EVENTS Kitchen Shop in Birmingham. MORE AND MORE. HI 'School Snacking Smarts!" will be Jaoobson's will offer Chantel offered at 7 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 24, ookware demonstrations from 2-4 in the Lounge of Jacobson's Roches­ YOU NEED ^ m Saturday, Aug. 12, at the Kitch­ ter store. The program is designed en Shop in Birmingham. for 5-7 year olds, who will be taught GOOD FOOD. Cooking demonstrations with Peg the importance of eating good, Watson will be held from 1-3 p.m. healthy snacks. Also, a lunch bag fhur§day, Aug. 17, at Jacobson's decorating event will be featured. O Kitchen Shop in Rochester. Kitchen appliances demonstra­ Panasonic's Bread Baker demon­ tions will be held from 1-3 p.m. Sat­ strations are scheduled for 2-4 p.m. urday, Aug. 26, at the Kitchen Shop Saturday, Aug. 19, at Jacobson's 11 in the Dearborn store. ~ LD GRILL MASTERS D n o f DDDO Outdoor Catering and ODD JJIfl/o DODQ B-B-Q Chicken Our Specialty

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Michigan hospitals are suing the Hospital, Farmington Hills, is the Calling it a matter of economic ward • W. Sparrow, Lansing, Ionia state for what they term Inadequate only Wayne or Oakland county hospi­ survival for many hospitals, the County Memorial, Ionia; Lansing payment on behalf of needy patients. tal so involved, though the South- MHA claims a statewide Medicaid General; Macomb Hospital Center, • The Michigan Hospital Association 'field-based MHA said another met­ shortfall of more than $75 million. Warren; Mercy Memorial Medical Center, St. Joseph; Saint John,. De­ filed sultln U.S. District Court last ropolitan area hospital may be add­ A recent MHA-coftimlssioned week, charging state and federal ed to the suit. troit; St. Luke, Saginaw and School­ study found hospitals received less craft Memorial, Manlstlque. Medicaid payments fall short of than 80 cents Medicaid payment for costs Involved In providing care for every $1 of care provided to needy Simmons declined to name, the Medicaid patients. The MHA and Its "HOSPITALS WERE chosen be­ patients. member hospitals allege the state cause they represented the average other metropolitan area hospital violates federal requirements for ad­ hospital in terms of Medicaid pay­ Other hospitals that are party to that was considering Jonlng the suit. equate reimbursement. - ments — not too high above the av­ the suit Include: Bay Medical Center, ''They're board hasn't voted on it yet Twelve hospitals are direct par­ erage, nor too low," MHA spokes­ Bay City; Berrien General, Berrien and we wouldn't comment until they ties to the suit. Botsford General man Steven Simmons said. Center; Carson City Hospital, Ed­ bad," he said. state park fees to increase through 1995

By Tim Richard Opposed were Cruce, George Hart, staff writer D-Dearborn, and Rudy Nichols, R- The annual vehicle permit, which has - Waterford. State park fees will go up by half Richard Fessler, R-Commerce, next year and keep going up through been at $10 since 1980, would go to $15 had an excused absence. 1995 under a bill on its way to Gov. next year, $18 in 1993 and $20 in 1995. Current fees are "ridiculously James Blanchard's desk. low," according to a staff analysis. The Michigan Senate last week Meanwhile, staffing is down, toilet had to vote twice on the controver­ facilities are sometimes in disrepair, © A bigger chunk of the annual sial bill before giving it 24-8 approv­ © The annual vehicle permit, and stairways are deteriorating.: which has been at $10 since 1980, permit money would go for park op­ al. "The money goes into a special, "It's amazing the increase we've would go to $15 next year, $18 in eration and maintenance, a smaller 1993 and $20 in 1995. proportion into capital outlay and restricted fund," said Sen. .Phil had in the state budget in the '80s," Arthurhultz, R-Whitehall. "It is used said Sen. Doug Cruce, R-Troy, one of o Daily permits would go from special maintenance. This is due to the current $2 to $4 for Michigan voter passage of a $140 million rec­ for day-to-day operations- — the no votes. rangers, trucks. Fees have not been residents. reational bond issue last year that is "For us to increase fees while the increased in a number of years, ^his a Senior citizen fees would go to be used solely for capital outlay. tax base Is expanding so rapidly is does not meet inflation, c unthinkable. There should be enough from $la-year to half the general o The Department of Natural Re­ tax revenue to operate the parks," admission price. sources could raise fees for camping "The DNR budget is based on,this Cruce said in an interview. © Non-resident fee would go from reservations and camping fees, fee increase," said Arthurhultz._ • $3 to $6. which are paid on a daily basis over Debate was brief as senators THE VEHICLE admissions pro­ o Commercial buses and vans and above vehicle entry fees. waded through a stack of budget vide $2.8 million a year for park op­ holding more than 12 passengers no conference reports in the cramped erations and maintenance, about 20 longer would be able to buy annual SUPPORTING the bill were Sens. quarters of a committee roomrThe percent of the operating budget. sticker. They would be charged daily William Faust, D-Westland, Jack Senate chamber has been torn apart Here's how fees would rise under fees of up to $15 to be set by the Faxon, D-Farmington Hills, and during extensive renovations of the House Bill 4681: Natural Resources Commission. Robert Geake, R-Northville. State Capitol Building. ^ *ri DISCOVER Marvin vfindaWa 1 SUMMER JIM JAGOFELD/start photographer SALE AUSTIN DOUBLE HUNG WINDOWS THAT BEND OYIR BACKWARDS DIRECT FACTORY PRICES Nature walk GALLERIES TO PHASE YOU. NOW AVAILABLE TO YOU

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6B* O&E Monday, July 31, 1089 icano mulls options after jail lo By Wayne Poal this sets a bad precedent. But there through "mismanagement". tor Pete Wilson had been adminis­ staff writer has been cooperation lately between Ficano, steadfastly denying Kauf­ tering the jail under an informal our office and the executive." man's findings, said he's never agreement between both branches. Wayne County Sheriff Robert Fi- The state appeals court upheld received his day In court to properly While Ficano said he assumed the cano said Friday he was mulling his chief Wayne County Circuit Judge argue them. informal agreement would continue, options after last week's Michigan Richard Kaufman's Feb. 16 ruling "There's never been a full hearing Duggan said the agreement, "was in Court of Appeals decision that cost awarding the Jail to McNamara un­ in open court," Ficano said. "We effect until the (appeals court) opin­ him control of the county jail. der terms of a 1971 prisoner lawsuit. never had the ability for cross-exam­ ion came out." Ficano said he wa3 meeting with In March, the state Supreme Court ination." his attorneys to determine whether temporarily overruled Kaufman, re­ "We're going to do this in coopera­ to continue his case before the state turning the jail to Ficano pending A spokesman for the executive's tion with the sheriff, but Ed Supreme Court in the wake of Thurs­ the appeals court ruling. office said McNamara would "move McNamara is the jail administra­ day's-appeals court ruling favoring promptly" to assume jail control. tor," Duggan said. "He's the one who county Executive Edward "We're going to move in promptly will be reporting to Judge Kauf- .McNamara. IN THAT ruling, Kaufman said "to.clean up the jail and bring the .man." ~TZ8£V? "We're weighing our options," Fi­ the sheriff wasn't doing enough to budget into balance," said deputy The jail would return to the sher­ TlMNOWICKI/illustrallon cano said. "We feel there are consti­ bring the jail into compliance and county executive Michael Duggan. iff, Duggan said, once terms of Kauf­ tutional Issues involved and we feel had hampered improverr|ents The ruffed grouse is among fowl that enjoy dust bathing. Former county youth home direc­ man's ruling were met. The function of dust bathing is not known, but it is thought 4 to remove excess lipids from the feathers that are fed ^ Marvin wfhdow8 * upon by feather mites. It may also help fluff the feathers More state students need aid • - ™ •••-•- ", •• , -— ••-. •- and aid in their alignment. A BEAUTIFUL CASE to complete collegia education mn SfFHCHENCY. One of the finest wood windows jn in the world un bathing — Eighty percent more state college rising tuition and changes in enroll­ 34 percent of state students' finan­ N. students are using financial aid pro­ ment patterns, the economy and the cial aid, private sources 33 percent, Excellent grams to complete their studies financial aid system, said state Su­ weatherstfipping the state 18 percent. Colleges and •i and unique frame compared with those enrolled in col­ perintendent of Schools Donald universities themselves provided 15 lege during the mid-1970s. design give the It, ^ lUl lllw UllUw Bemis. percent of all financial aid. Casemaster an Students at public universities •> Increased aid levels occurred ^ extremely low air Summer is indeed the time for among all types of colleges and uni­ received the most aid, $235 million. ri-^^lx-'. infiltration rate. bathing. On hot sticky days, or af­ versities, but was most pronounced Students at independent colleges" UP T015% OFF "*. Saves energy. ter one has been sun bathing, it M nature among community and independent received $158 million in aid. Com­ WHtLE SUPPLIES LAST We Install or jeels cool off in the show­ colleges, according to a just-released munity college students received $62 AH Your Favorite Brands You can do the job easily er. Michigan Department of Education million in aid. ~\ with our expert advice Well, man Is not the only animal The federal government provided Heil '* Timothy study. York Visit Our Showroom that bathes. In fact birds do not al­ The study compared the years Rheem ways use water to bathe with ei­ j Nowicki 1986 and 1974. Janitrol TM WINDOW PRODUCTS ther. We are all familiar with birds JUST LIKE HOLLYWOOD Arocaire 24539 W. Warren splashing in a shallow puddle While state higher education en­ FAMILY VIDEOS ADD VOICE. Luxalre i Dearborn Heights Not long ago I had the opportuni­ Comfoftmaker I—, or Call 277-0280 formed by the sprinkler. Wetting rollment increased by 14 percent TITLES. PHOTOS. SLIDES. FILMS. *nd miny mor* feathers with water can help con­ ty to watch a ruffed grouse dust over that period, 80 percent more DELETE. OR CHANGE AS THE trol their body heat and help align bathing. Like most birds that dust students had qualified for state, fed­ PROS DO YOU BE THE DIRECTOR FREE ESTIMATE their feathers. bath, this individual rocked back eral or private aid. CALL THE TRANSFER ZONE FOR Immediate Birds also sun bathe. On hot sun­ and forth to form a slight depres­ Michigan's public and independent INFORMATION Installation JANES HAS ny days one may_see a robin, or sion in an old ant mound. It was TASTE very deliberate in its movements colleges reported nearly 170,500 stu­ 548-7580 cardinal in the yard resting on the dents were eligible for financial aid HEATING A COOLING INC. And TASTE has Janes— ground with its wings outstretched and would lie on one side with the -upper w|ng extended. This allowed in 1986. The figure represents more OAKLAND COUNTY WAYNE COUNTY Read hirri every. Monday_ and head arched Ttownwardrltroay -than "OM-third of the state's under- - ^81=6*30 533-3770 appear that the bird Is suffering dust to get into the underwing area. 50% OFF n*mciKaAVM.Acit graduates. EXPIRES SEPT 1.1989 from heat exhaustion, but it is ac­ There were times when it rolled The increase can be attributed to tually sun bathing. onto its back while rocking and Sun bathing is believed to force rolling to and fro insuring dust ectoparasites to regions of the body landed everywhere. In between where "the bird can easily remove bouts of rocking it would remain them. Exposing the skin to sunlight still for long periods as if soaking may stimulate the production of vi­ in pleasure. Though this behavior tamin D. There is also a strong cor­ made the bird more vulnerable to relation between molting and sun predation, it stayed in its "tub" for bathing. Sunlight may help to about 40 minutes. soothe the skin when it is irritated The exact function of dust bath­ by the replacement of new feath­ ing is not known, but it is thought to ers. remove excess lipids from the feathers which are fed upon by SEVERAL species of birds have feather mites. It may also help been reported bathing in the rain fluff the feathers and aid in their and In the dew on leaves. But dust alignment. bathing Is not as common. Fowl like birds, such as, quail, pheasants, The writer is a naturalist at and grouse are those most com­ Independence-Oaks Parks monly observed dust bathing. Oakland County. small yellow investment 7^e OA& 'lattvtu 483-4520 of Ypsilanti J^ Classic Oak Furniture into 6ig green profits. 12¾ W. Michigan Ave. Downtown

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Brad Emons, Dan O'Meara editors/591-2312

Monday. July 31, 1989 O&E

%J %J III 1^^ % \J V V 8 I

By Brad Emons staff writer JOE STURTZ, the left fielder from North Farmington High headed "Wallyball" isn't Just a cute slogan for Indiana University, started the anymore. surge with a double and scored on Crabtree's single. Walter's Appliance capped an im­ ..,^..-.-.- 5,..'i;-:': " ' Dropiewski then reached base on •?••-•'•.- --- ;--.-. ••'-,-r-^.v1 i.',> >?•'• >,v*'>*--r^f '• •'•.'•••' pressive three-game sweep of the ^•'o^.•-,.':.^ >:-'-,...;-'-•.•A..•:;•;>_• •;•:•;.',.'',-':• •*->;..,., Livonia Collegiate Baseball League of off-speed pitches with a lively an infield hit and advanced on a playoffs Friday night at Ford Field sidearm fastball to handcuff the op­ Hines Park infield error. with a 7-2 victory over Hines Park position. With the bases loaded, Jeff Pen- Lincoln-Mercury. Buchler is no stranger when it dell walked to make it 2-0. Marly -^v1^'.'. Wolfe followed by sending a hard Pitcher Randy Buchler made his comes to winning the big one. !¾';A=%:;.^v'>V'::::^;-;^r;•¾^v•'.^k^-^^^>;:;v^^^;^:•; 45-minute ride to the ballpark from In 1987 he and Walter's catcher smash past Hines Park first base­ his home in Grass Lake a memora­ Tim Crabtree led Grass Lake High man Derek Humphries, scoring two ART EMANUELE/Slaff photographer ble one, winning his second playoff to the Class D state crown. As a more runs. John Gotts' then earned game on a two-hitter. The right-^— freshman this past season at Hills­ credit for an RBI on a ground out. Rick Rutlegde (left) of Walter's Appliance nia Collegiate Baseball League playoffs at Ford hander went the distance, striking dale College, he was vole

By Brad Emons "Everybody thought that I would play basketball in lot tougher," said Grazulis, who was voted team MVP as staff writer high school," said Laura. "But I ran cross country. It a senior. "We did pretty well considering that we only coincided with the basketball season so I couldn't do had seven players. We finished 18-11." ERHAPS LAURA Grazulis has upstaged the both. I wanted to run cross country because of track, so great Bo Jackson. people in sports I never got into it (basketball) even though everybody WITH A VOLLEYBALL career at an end, Grazulis The 22-year-old athlete from Westiand can thought I should have." turned her attention back:Co-track where she dabbled in P do a little bit of everything and more, as the (The indoor playing surface is 44 yards long by 22 yards During her senior year at Glenn, Grazulis was one of the javelin throw. popular Nike shoe commercial dubs Jackson, the pro wide.) the area's top distance runners. In the winter she was "I needed to get into something to keep in shape be­ baseball and football star who has become the man for "There's quite a bit of contact," said Grazulis. "You standout in volleyball. cause I knew I was going to be trying out in team hand­ all seasons. can strike a person from throwing the (leather) ball, but "It was a fluke that I even got into volleyball," she ball," Grazulis said. At John Glenn High (class of 1985), Grazulis ran cross there are also two-minute penalties for being too rough. said. If all goes according to plan, Grazulis will graduate country and track, played a year of tennis, and stood out There are also penalty shots taken for flagrant fouls." from Tulane in December with a degree in sociology. in volleyball. At 6 feet, 3 inches, Grazulis uses height to her advan­ AFTER^GRADUATING, Grazulis was set to run She would like to work for Covenant House, an agency At Tulane (La.) University, Grazulis performed four tage. track at Miami of Ohio before a couple of college vol­ which deals with runaway children. years on the women's volleyball team and held the Jave­ But she remains a relative novice, having tried three leyball coaches intervened during a summer AAU tour­ Headquartered in New York, Covenant House has nu­ lin record for a month in track (during her senior year). different positions Including goalie, circle runner and nament in Chicago. merous locations throughout the western hemisphere. And now Grazulis has entered a new arena — team__ left back during her stint at the Olympic Festival. Convinced her future was in volleyball, coaches from Grazulis realizes she has plenty of options. handball — where last week she played for the South "I'm not sure I'm good at any," chuckled Grazulis. Miami of Florida and Tulane each offered scholarships. "I'd like to go to Alaska, but there are a lot of other team at the Olympic Sports Festival in Oklahoma City, The volleyball coach at Tulane, Dorothy Franco, was Grazulis suddenly changed her mind, enrolling at the places — South America, Cleveland . . . they even have Okla. (The South competed Sunday for the bronze Instrumental In providing Grazulis a tryout for the New Orleans campus. a branch in New Orleans, but I'll go wherever I'm as­ medal.) Olympic Festival. But in four years of volleyball at Tulane, she played signed." "It's a little bit of basketball, volleyball and some in relative anonymity. Meanwhile, Grazulis is unsure about her newly-found soccer, although you can't actually kick the ball," Gra­ "MY COACH was an Olympian in 1984 and because of Because of a national scandal involving the men's team handball career. (The top players from the Olym­ zulis explained. "It's a lot like water polo, only it's on her I was able to get an invitation," said Grazulis. "Be­ basketball program, which was censured by the NCAA, pic Festival will be selected to play for the U.S. Nation­ land. It's a lot bigger over In Europe and right now cause of my background, she felt 1 was worth a look." all Tulane athletic teams lost their membership to the al Team.) they're trying to create Interest over here." Considering her athletic history, it's not surprising Metro Conference. The volleyball team played as an in­ that Grazulis earned a berth on the team. She comes dependent ("We didn't have much of a schedule," Gra­ "I'D LIKE to stick with it because it's fun," she said. TEAM HANDBALL is played by two sides of seven from an athletic family. zulis said) and despite two sparkling seasons (28-9 and "It's a more of an aggressive game than I'm used to, so players (including a goalie) and five substitutes. The ob­ Three of her brothers were college basketball players 32-7), the Green Wave never earned an invitation to the it's different in that respect. ject Is to score most the goals with attackers passing or including 6-9 Paul, who played at Eastern Michigan NCAA tournament. "It depends how much time I put Into It. It Isn't easy dribbling the ball with their hands until a shooting op­ University; 6-5 Mario, who Just finished at Kalamazoo And to make matters worse, the coach who recruited to get a group together and start playing." portunity Is created. When a team loses possession it College; and 6-6 Andy, a reserve forward for NCAA Di­ Grazulis, Kathy Trostclalr, died of cancer just before Knowing the multi-talented Grazulis, it appears she immediately forms a defensive formation around the vision I tourney qualifier Siena (N.Y.) College. her senior year. can adapt to just about any sport. goal, which Is three meters wide by two meters high. All three brothers also played tennis at Glenn. "We lost quite a few girls and the competition got a But can Bo play team handball? Junior Olympics Jeff Badarak (left photograph), 13, of Redford competes in the high jump during last week's Redford Township Junior Olympics held at Kraft Field. In the 50-yard dash, Julia Fitzpatrick (lett), 4, of Redford is nipped at the wire by Joann Brzya, 5, of Livonia. Complete results will appear in Thursday's Observer.

r '•-

1 I 1 t

photos by JIM JAQpFELD/tUtt photographer ~~ V. . . ' 2CU..nLW,_Q) O&B Monday, July 31.1969 Pitcher a pain in neck Tie gives Boyle modified crown By Dan O'Moara for five Innings, with Boyle Chevro­ staff writer let taking the lead and Rogin Buick for Ohio tourney foes always producing the tying run a The game was men's modified short time later. ) Thq tournament might have been » fast-pitch softball, but football came Scott Collins' RBI groundout made over before it got started for the to mind Monday night (July 24) at it 1-0, but McCrohan tripled and con­ Pat Boyle Chevrolet men's modi­ Ford Field. tinued home in the second when the fied fast-pitch softball team. The regular-season finale between relay throw went high into the : But it wasn't, and the-team re­ first-place Pat Boyle Chevrolet and screen behind home plate. The teams bounded to win the Fostoria Metro John Rogin Bulck was supposed to exchanged runs again on Don 'League Tournament with a 4-0 decide the championship of the Livo­ Dreher's RBI single and Bob See's ;record(July23). MCMANAWAY ALSO hit three nia circuit. sacrifice fly. • The team and ace pitcher Curtis home runs and led Boyle Chevrolet It did, but not quite the way every­ In the Boyle fourth, Dreher hit .Richards were nearly dealt an In­ with nine RBI, and the Drehers had one expected as Pat Boyle needed safely, stole second and scored when surmountable blow In the first In- five RBI apiece. ^ • .only a 3-3 tie — the result.of a time Brubaker's grounder rolled through •ning of the first game when Rich- In the second Caesars game, Jeff limit imposed by the parks and rec­ the second baseman's legs for an er­ lards was felled by a batted ball. Campbell was 3-for-4, and Don reation department"~ to win its sec- ror. Pat Malzone scored the tying ; On the fourth pitch to the leadoff Dreher, Dave Brubaker, Curt ondstraight title. run for Rogin Buick on See's fifth- batter, Richards was hit on the White and Steve Dawson had two Pat Boyle players invoked the inning single: right side 6f the neck with a line \\Hs each as Pat Boyle supported memory of Duffy Daughcrty after­ drive. ; . ' Richards with 14 hits and an 8-0 ward, but the outcome meant they "THAT ONE inning was a big in­ After being knocked down and lead. McManaway belted a solo ho­ also could relate to Ara Parseghian, ning," said Rick Dreher, refering to i dazed by what could have been a mer. the man who purposely played it the third when Pat Boyle loaded the dreadful injury, Richards regained In the first meeting, Boyle Chev­ safe and still won it all. bases with no outs and failed to 'his feet and composure, pitched to rolet needed 12 innings to hand " "This is like kissing your sister," score. "The shortstop made a great ' the next batter and led Boyle Chev­ Caesars its first loss. Rick Dreher's said Pat Boyle catcher Dave Bru­ play. If he doesn't get that, it turns solo homer and Campbell's RBI the whole ballgame.around." rolet to the title: baker. "You hate to win it like this. CHUCK HEINEY/stall photographer single pushed Pat Boyle over the Nobody comes out here to play for a After a single, error and fielder's '.. "IF I DIDNX&et right back up, I edge. tie." choice that didn't get anybody out But the winners also needed a Curtis Richards is Boyle Chevrolet's ace on the mound. He ^ don't know If I ever would have bounced back from a line shot to the neck to lead Boyle to loaded the bags, power-hitting Keith ; pitched again," said Richards, fear­ two-run seventh to stay In the PAT BOYLE, 10-1-1, went into the victory. (See related story.) McManaway, who hit three home ing he would have been gun shy if game. Don Dreher's sacrifice fly contest with a one-game lead over runs in the weekend tournament, . he bothered to dwell on it. with the bases loaded and Brubak- Total Foods, which finished with a smashed a line drive that was caught '• "I've pitched all my life and nev­ er's RBI single gave Pat Boyle a 5- 10-2 record. Rogin Buick ended up 8- Livonia title five of the last eight "I'VE PITCHED against this team by Chuck Robbins. Successive field­ er had a ball hit back at me like 4 lead, but Caesars scored a run in 3-1. years. It has won the Plymouth a lot of times, and they were hitting er's choices ended the inning and the that. "It puts the fear of God in the bottom of the seventh and Playing in ^ the late game that league eight consecutive years, but the ball tonight," Richards said. threat. , you." forced the game into extra innings. didn't get under way until nearly 10 that streak is in jeopardy since Boyle "They were swinging a nice bat. - Pat Boyle defeated Port Huron- In the opening game Saturday, p.m., the teams were tied after sev­ Chevrolet is two games out of first "The ball just wasn't popping as Boyle got a runner to second in the based Little Caesars, the defending Richards, after recovering from en innings at approximately 11:15 with four remaining. well as it does. Sometimes it comes sixth and seventh innings but left being hit, tossed a four-hitter to in flat, and good hitters will hit a flat him there each time. Rogin had only v outstate champion, twice to win p.m. Furthermore, the team was com­ the tournament. In the winner's beat Express Oil of Port Huron 7-1. They already had surpassed the 11 ing off a weekend high, having won pitch." one baserunner in the last two inn­ bracket final, Boyle Chevrolet eked Richards allowed only two hits af­ p.m. lights-out curfew and the one- the Fostoria Metro League Tourna­ The teams played cat-and-mouse ings. . out a 7-5 victory and whipped Cae­ ter the first inning and walked only hour, 10-minute time limit when the ment by beating the defending out- sars 9-i in the rematch. one for the game. umpires called a halt to the game, state champion, Little Caesars of $ . And it so happens Richards also McManaway's grand slam which drew a negative response Port Huron. '_ r plays for Little Caesars wnen ne s highlighted a five-run seventh m- from a handful of Total Foods play­ "1 ended up losing about six — 200 REBATE CAPITOL R.V. INC. not pitching ior Pat Boyle. The lat­ ning, which Pat Boyle entered with ers who stayed around to see the pounds over the weekend," said win­ AIR CONDITIONING ^ IN LIVONIA ter is considered his team, and a 2-1 lead. Kesson had two hits, Boyle-Rogin game. ning pitcher Curtis Richards, allud­ that's the one he chose to play for Dan Pierce had an RBI single and If Rogin Buick had beaten Boyle ing to the hot, humid weather. "It SALE Total R.V. Repair • in the tournament. Don Dreher an RBI sacrifice fly. Chevrolet, Total Foods and Patha s a little effect. You have to go to installed Parts & Supplies Boyle would have met in a playoff work in the morning, and it's a long For A$ "They wanted me bad," said IN A LATER game Saturday, Low A* **& >~«fc5jr Hitches game at some future date to deter­ day. nstalled Richards, who survived a 13-hit as- - Pat Boyle whipped the Fostoria mine the Division A winner. "The good thing about this (Mon­ «119500 sault in the first Caesars game and All-Stars 12-2 as Richards threw day game) is it was a night game. I tossed a five-hitter in the second., "It doesn't matter how you win City Permits | another four-hitter, walked one and it," Pat Boyle manager Rick Dreher was able to lie down for an hour." Extra "They wanted to hit me all over the struck out five. said. "It's whether you win it or not. Richards also gave credit to the park." McManaway blasted a three-run Carrier s "I can think of seven other teams Rogin Buick team for its aggressive­ 38THDLOteShown ! FAST OIL LUBE 27.95| Richards' teammates did some' homer in the first inning, and Rick out here that would like to kiss their ness at the plate. The opponent outh- serious hitting themselves, combin­ Dreher keyed a six-run third with a sister tonight. it Boyle Chevrolet 8-6 but never had Our EnginemAren't j 33794 CAPITOL ing for a .339 team average. Don two-run triple. Pierce added an the lead. Don Dreher, the only player Comfortable I htil )bu.Are. Dreher finished with a tournament RBI single in the big inning. Rick "WE KNEW what we had to do," with more than one hit for the 261-3390 average of .600, Keith McManaway Dreher was 3-for-4 with three RBI, he added. "We just didn't do it quite winners, went 3-for-3 and scored two TRU TEMP Mon.-Fri. Cooling, Inc. and Rick Dreher .417, Mike Kesson McManaway and Don Dreher 2-for- right, but we'll take it." runs, and Tim McCrohan, Mike Nev­ Heating & 8-6 .385 and Dan Pierce ;357. 2. Pat Boyle, formerly known as ille and Tom See were 2-for-3 for Garden City Canton Township Saturday FGS Radiator, has now won the Rogin. 427-6612 981-5600 8-12 111111600¾©tai^^Ml i^xoVJifewffl.QfaifoVxvr)! ^^So^M^^ I'ffff^lfNtl

p>WiV4|. ig^r^v-Ji |roV*>;*vii [g^frvoi [hy*V^ |rr*rezal l^oXoVJl l^rxox^l IhVtt^rfl l^cxo^j |hv*v>il jrox^xd IMPORTANT PUBLIC NOTICE: To Homeowners Who Italian & New American GARDENS Owners NEED MONEY Cuisine (RESTAURANT] IF BANKS, S&L'S, FINANCE COMPANIES OR PASTA-c EVEN YOUR OWN RELATIVES HAVE TURNED SPAGHETTI - 5.95 SEAFOODS YOU DOWN FOR A LOAN .. • SEE USt With meatballs or mushrooms 6.50 FISH & CHIPS - MOSTACCIOLI - 5.95 Cod fillets dipped in a beer batter then deep [nej until galdtn bn_»n With meatballs or mushrooms 6.50 BROILED ATLANTIC HADDOCK - FIRST MORTGAGE AMERICA RAVIOLI - Basted In wine & herbs With meatballs or mushrooms 7.50 ORANGE ROUGI1Y - approves your loan based on the equity We bake ours In white wlr.e i serve it with rice piUI LASAGNA - JUMBO FRIED SHRIMP - -- Homemade 6.95 in your home, NOT your credit record! Shrimp deep fried until golden brown 4 served with coeliail sate* FETTUCCINE ALFREDO - BROILED STUFFED FLOUNDER • We are mortgage lenders, NOT money brokers. We do our own « Tossed with a parmesao cheese SluKed with crab meat dreising arvj trotted to perfection approvals and give you the cash... that's why sauce 0.95 BROILED COD FETTUCCINE • Broiled with lenx-n and wire saece we can O.K. YOUR LOAN IN 24 HOURS! With meat sauce 5.95 PETITE BAY SCALLOPS CANNELLONI • Droiled in garlie and lemon ard wire sauce Filled with meal & topped with Use our loan toyoufort tomemade meat sauce 6.25 VEAL & CHICKEN DISHES • Paying Past Due Taxes • Dill Consolidation GNOCCHI- • Paying Off Mortgage or Land • Paying Delinquent State and CHiCKENTICCATA . Contract—Prevent Foreclosure Federal Tax Liens Potato dumpling topped with Chicken breasts sattced in a light lemon «!.•< u^ce 7,95 • Auto Purchase or Other • Any Kind of Home Improvement homemade meal sauce 5.95 MUSHROOM CHICKEN & MUSHROOMS - tiajorltems • Payoff Land Contract/Balloon Note MANICOTTl • Breasts of chicken, deep fried & smothered with saulced mushrooms, topped with melled rtKHtarella and served with fried mushrooms 7.95 LOW, rvao RATE, HOPRB-PAYMENT HOMB LOAN INTEREST Filled with cheese & topped with PEKALTT AFTER RATE3STOXTAX CHICKEN PARMIG1ANA > AFFORDABLE LOANS THRKBYEAR8I DEDUCTIBLE I homemade meat sauce 6.25 Erea it fbtart taUrat He* bu \m TirtuJj ilHixu tu Breaded chicken, topped with mozjarella cheese, parmesan arvj meat sauce 7.95 nt*» ibcnld mirtetnloe, •M fm toa« feu1 » p<7 of tuUattt Frein breast of chicken strips {sautccd with Ircsh veg( tables and scrvcJovtr i ice) 7«95. teH at ten Knta bto U3 it jta NOT roa/ credJt rttUjt CHICKEN PR1MAVARA . Fresh »rr»y of vegelibles & chicken strips in a parn.esan cheese sauce 7.95 CHICKEN MARSALA - FIRST MORTGAGE AMERICA NEW YORK STRIP Topped with Marsala wcee A mushrooms 7.95 We will cooperate with . makes homeowner loans SIRLOIN - CHICKEN DIJON • your attorney, financial repayable tn 5 years...we call Sautccd with white *ice. f-crbs Jir Dijon n.u-tatd topped with ham and iwiss cheese, served advisor and other lenders. them "bridge loans" Loans thai ' 11 oi. tender It joky over i bed «| iptnich 8.95 cooked to perfcctl&a 9.95 NOTE TO ATT0RNEY8: give you the time you need to VEAL SCALOPPINE • get back on y dux feet... a 20OZ.T-B6NE- Uan& tender veal sautccd with wir.e. rmnhrooms. green pepperi andonlcAs 8.95 Our loans can help your Tjridaje*' between hard times client avoid bankruptcy. and your brighter, future For the hearty appetite 13.50 VEAL PARMIOIANA . 395 prospects. PRIME RIB of BEEF AU JUS- A choice of breaded veal cutlet topped vnth inonarella crocd Otead ""l ' yw" from anywhere else lh Michigan I equal or less value. I Weekday* 8»turd»y | With this coupon after 4:00 p.m. i 24681 Northwestern Hwy. 9:00*m~ to 6pm lOim to 3pm I VALUABLE COUPON ] Located at Ford Rd. & Wlldwood, next to Coliseum Rac­ Southfleld, MI 48075 .- -."••.(' quet Club in WcsUand. Help a relative or friend... five thlWad Join us for cor Sucdt/ Brooch from 10-2 (or Just fS.95. Or our Sew Suodty to eomtone in need. Dinner Befftl from 3:30-8:30 for $395 or.Order Off Our St» Meoo. ' *W»V* earned the homeotenert trust* Btujiit Rcoro A Yilltblt (MFot ttformttka SAVE THIS AO WILDWOOD AT FORD RD. r t

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«v Monday, July 31, 1969 O&E (L.R,W.G>3C turn olfell 111

HE LADIES ARE COMING to The prize fund in the pro-am is $6,000, ^••K-jAM^.n^mwtafa.ue.^^.tauiJmr FT 33 • The action at Drakeshire Lanes In­ town! Lady bowlers, that is. with $1,000 guaranteed for first place. A volved a 300 game by Kenny Kosslck of The Ladie3 Pro Bowlere Tour nine-pin, no-tap format will be used. Canton Township while competingjn the T will stop at Satellite Bowl on The amateur participants also will 10-pin alley Men's Classic TTIO League. Mike Brown Michigan Avenue west of Telegraph receive a souvenir sweater and other hit an 802 series for three games while. Road, Aug. 6-10. The finals will be nation­ gifts in addition to the opportunity to Dick Beattie scored 1,040 in a four-game ally televised. bowl with three top professional lady Al block. For those bowling enthusiasts who are bowlers. A noteworthy event is the selection of interested, they can enter the pro-am The tournament features the world's Harrison Drakeshire and Nov! lanes as the sites for competition. This is a chance for amateur best professional women bowlers. Among the Michigan State Youth Tournament bowlers to bowl with the professionals. the participants will be Westland's Aleta next March and April. The tournament Sill {two-time Bowler of the Year), Dede" - • The Good Old Days are here again. If you are not a bowler but would like to will cover all Saturdays and Sundays In Davidson (1985 Rookie of the Year), De­ This annual promotion by the Bowling give It a try, balls and shoes are always those months.- troit's Cheryl Daniels (winner- of three Centers Association will take place Aug. available. The State Youth Jamboree will also tournaments in 1989) and Carol Glanotti 4-6. The participating centers will offer take place at Drakeshire on Oct. 28-29. (1989 WIBC Queens champion). open bowling throughout the weekend for • The recent hot weather hasn't af­ This will be an opportunity for any and Also competing will be past champions 50 cents per lane, and hungry appetites fected the scoring at Bel Alre.Lanes as all Interested parties U) become informed Dana Miller, Jeannie Maiden and Lorrle cao be taken care of with 50-cent hot the Un-Mixed Mixed League last Wednes­ about all levels of youth bowling from the Nichols and the winners of the last four dogs. day night had Dan Schumacher with a Bumpers all theway up to the collegiate U.S. Open tournaments — Wendy Mac- The participating bowling centers in 670 series on games of 243, 175 and 255. leveL Aleta Sill Pherson, Carol Norman, Lisa Wagner the O&E area are Bel Aire Lanes in Max Lynch was right up tb6re, too, with a and Robin Romeo. Farmington, Bowl One in Troy, Country 603 series Including a 243 game. Westland pro The pro-am part of the tournament Lanes," Drakeshire and Langan's Nor- In the Family Twosome, Gary Burgess takes place Sunday, Aug. 6, with the West Lanes lb Farmington Hills; Merri- Jr. had a 364 series. That was 127 pins • Town & Country Lanes In Westland • The kids instruction series is well; youth competition at 11 a.m. and the Bowl, Wonderland Lanes and Woodland over his average, which surely will go up. had some outstanding scores in its under way, and the youngsters are learn­ adult squads to follow at 1 p.m. The pro Lanes In Livonia; Garden Lanes and Sil­ In the Tuesday Trio League, the high Wednesday Nite Trio League as Harry ing quickly under the Instructional skills; portion of the tournament begins on Moo- ver Lanes in Garden City, Redford Bowl, game was rolled by Howie Gerenralcb Fill registered a 722.series and Dan Altlz- of Laura Podluszny. These kids may turn day, Aug. 7, with qualifying rounds and Redford Lanes and' Mayflower Lanes in with a 264 and Ted Middleton had the er came up with a 750 total. out to be tomorrow's superstars, like " . continues through match play, which be­ Redford; Oak Lanes, Westland Bowl and high set with 628. King of the Hill compe­ At Woodland Lanes in Livonia, the year-old Billy McMillan who is learning • gins Tuesday evening and concludes with Town it Country Lanes in Westland; Pla­ tition was won by Steve Herman as he Family Foursome League featured Ron the basic steps along with 11-year-old; the nationally-tele vised stepjadder finals za Lanes and Plymouth Bowl in Plym­ beat out Pro Shop owner John Fallows Spicer with a 268 game. In the Men's Kevin Green, who can deliver the ball at 7 p.m Thursday, Aug. 10. outh; Plum Hollow Lanes in Southfield, for the prize money. Doubles, Gary DeMea hit a 718 series on much better than he could two weeks' Pro-am entries and tickets to view the Super Bowl in Canton Township and West At Country Lanes, Dave Mahaz of a block of 267, 247 and 204. The Men's ago. He says he can really get the ball • tournament sessions are available at the Blpomfield Lanes. Westland came through with a 299 game Trio League, with a four-game format, "down the lane." These kids will have! Satellite Bowl. Ticket sale proceeds will These lanes will be open throughout in the Monday Men's Trio League. Coun­ saw Chuck Dobrick at 889, Pat Burger completed a six-week course which will benefit Special Olympics. For further in­ daytime and evening hours for everyone try Lanes has completed the lane finish­ 876 and Ken Kubit 874. In the Tuesday get them off to a good start If they wish' Cheryl Daniels formation call Mark or Diane Voight at to come out and bowl at the Good Old ing work and Is ready for those high-scor­ Trio League, Jim Gagnon rolled a 278 to continue bowling and perhaps join a local favorite 278-7400. Days bargain rates and have a lot of fun. ing league bowlers this fall. came in a foursome of 911. faille • •?

O SKYLINE ADVANCES O SENIOR SOFTBALL O GLENN GOLF MEETING For more information, call Mike The 76 Wolves captured the title • Tryouts for the Livonia Y Pre-; Troup (72B-0292) or Gerry Skocfn hy rfpfpaHng the Amhprst, N.V. mierrSoccer Club's '73 Titan boys- Winning four of its final five o The Suburban Senior Softball A meeting regarding tryouts for (522-4166). Sting, 1-0, after besting the Downing- (under-17) soccer team (1990 sea­ games, Livonia Skyline of the Little League will hold its annual picnic the Westland John Glenn High boys ton Spirit of Philadelphia, Pa., 5-1, in son), coached by Frantz Lamarre^ Caesars Mickey Mantle League (15- and all-star game between the golf team will be at 2 p.m. Wednes­ the semifinals. (The 76 Wolves out- will be at 6:30 p.m. Aug. 9 at Jaycee- 16-year-olds) has advanced to the American and National divisions, be­ day, Aug. 16, In Room 188. O LHA NEEDS HELP scored their opponents by a com­ Park. (All players should bring wa-' district playoffs. ginning at 10am.Thursday, Aug. 10, For more Information, call coach bined score of 14-2.) ter and a soccer ball with identifica­ tion.) For more information, call Members of the team, comprised at Livonia's Rotary Park. Dan Burtka at 595-2357 or 981-1752. The Livonia Hockey Association Is Members of the Wolves, coached John Courtney at 464-1753. primarily of players from Livonia o An open invitation is extended seeking Bantam House Division by Paul Scicluna and Jack Hensley, Churchill and Redford Catholic Cen­ to all seniors interested in partici­ (ages 14-15) coaches for the upcom­ include Adam Borchert, Daniel Bro- • Tryouts for the 74 Wolve3 Lit­ tral highs, include: George and Tom pating in Softball for the 1990 sea­ O CARDS 1ST ACE ing season. Those interested should dy, David Garlick, Neal Grode, Jam­ tle Caesars Ilitch Division boys Charnley, Bob Coppola, Dennis son. Players are urged to come out call the LHA office 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. ie Heitert, Bill Hensley, Adam Hunt­ soccer team (coach Rocco Mitkov) Creedon, Dave Hulgrave, Steve Ko- and play at 10 a.m. Thursday, Aug. 3, Reid Scott, 65, of Livonia, scored (Monday, Wednesday, Friday) or call er, Mike Jablonski, Matt Kopmeyer, will be held Tuesday, Aug. 1, and sutich, Blaise Krol, Jason Mahoney, and Tuesday, Aug. 8, at Livonia's his first hole-in-one Wednesday on Bantam director Bob Kozar after 5 Justin MarshaU, Alan Placek, Go Wednesday, Aug. 2, at 6:30 p.m. at Bill Morris, Mike Obidzinski, Vic Ford Field (diamond No. 2). The'th e 123-yard, No. 14 hole at Idyl p.m. at 464-8047. Rauker, Seamus Rustin, Tino Sciclu­ Livonia's Jaycee Park. Call Kathy Randall, Mike Thomas and Bob You- field is located off Farmington Road Wyld. na, Rich Walos and Jamie Whltmore. ' Coyne at 427-3336 for more informa­ mans. between Lyndon and 1-96. He used a 5-iron and scored 57 for tion. For more information, call Mike nine holes. * JUNIOR C TRYOUTS © SOCCERTRYOUTS • Tryouts for the 75 Wolves (B O OUTSTANDING CAGER Palizzi at 595-8833. team) will be at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, After a one-year hiatus, the Livo­ • Tryouts for Livonia Youth Aug. 1, at Livonia's Jaycee Park. Jay Laura, 9, who will be a stu­ 9 HOCKEY CLINIC nia Hockey Association will again be Soccer Club under-19 Ilitch Division For more Information, call Kathy dent this fall at Webster Elementary O SOFTBALLTRYOUTS The Westland Hockey Association featuring the Junior C Knights, a boys team (1990 spring season) will Coyne at 427-3336. School, was recently named the out­ travel hockey team for players 19 Tryouts for the Mid-America Mus­ will hold skating clinics from 6 to 7 be at noon Sunday, Aug. 6 and 13, at standing player for his age group at and under. Bicentennial Park (field No. 7). For the Benny White/Magic Johnson tangs, a girls youth USSSA/ASA p.m. each Wednesday (throughout sanctioned 15 and under slow-pitch August) and from noon to 1 p.m. Sat­ Tryouts will be in late. August at more information, call John Hynes Basketball Camp held at Detroit locations to be announced. Condi­ at 471-0218. SUMMER SALE Country Day School. softball team (1990 summer season) urday, Aug. 19 and 26 at the West- will be Aug. 12-13. land Sports Arena, 6210 N. Wild- tioning scrimmages, however, are Laura, who was runner-up in the being held each Saturday night at sAfo (it/i For more information, call Ray wood. free throw and outside shooting con­ Beech-Woods Arena in Southfield. 1^^^^¾¾^ tests, competed against 100 other Knickerbocker at 455-5893. The fee is $3 and full hockey gear BOATS IXC. SALE Qvtllty Trvck Ccwrt is required. For more information, call head players. coach Keith Uutinen at 471-5717 19'V130hp.. $7,995 (evenings) or 425-7300 (days). 0 RACQUETBALL TOURNEY © UMPIRES NEEDED 19'Cuddy130hp $8,995 * HOCKEYTRYOUT 21'Cuddy 175 hp.a..$ 12,995 The 1989 Racquettme Health Club Umpires are needed for the Michi­ The Wayne-Westland Over-30 • WOLVES 76 TRIUMPH , Invitational will be held Friday gan Special Olympics Softball Tour­ 24 Cuddy175hp.....$13,995 Quality Truck Acctttorlot through Sunday, Aug. 25-27 at the nament, Friday and Saturday, Aug. Hockey Association will host tryouts 25'Aft Cabin 260 hp..$24,995 Livonia club. 4-5, at the Canton Softball Center. at 6 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 20, at 8 p.m. The Livonia Wolves 76 soccer ^¾ SgnVbon J^V/„ team won the Penns Forest Interna­ The entry fee is $20 per person. The Wayne Civitan Club Is hosting and Sunday at Wayne Ice Arena. A tional Challenge Cup tournament AARA rules apply. Men's, women's the tournament with Friday games $5 fee for each ice session is re­ quired for those trying out. held July 22-24 near Pittsburgh, Pa. and junior divisions are open. Call beginning at 6 p.m. and Saturday's Tonrmu tournament directors Jim Earley action starting at 9 a.m. If you are a Com and Madonna McPharlin at 591-1212 sanctioned umpire, contact Ron for more Information. Swan at 722-3771 or 491-4550. VEHICLE OWNER'S - NEW OR USED BOATS mc. A Mechanical Breakdown? 6465 Tttograph, DMrtorn Ht». GRAND RIVER R.V. $-0-LABOR COSTS % W.N. of Ford Rd 26425 Omnd Rivrr • REDFORD UGLY KITCHEN CABINETS? Does this interest you? (313) 274-1600 592-1788 $-0- COSTS FOR PARTS DON'T REPLACE... 'REFACE' Would you want this? ra $-0- DEDUCTIBLE ON REPAIRS MODERN A EUROPEAN STYLES Would you want this? BERGSTROM'S INC. FORMICA SOLID WOODS ^-^ Would you feel more secure knowing you could get your car HEATING •COOLING • PLUMBING Oak. Cherry f «• \ Solid Colors repaired anywhere In the country, as long as the repair facility 25429 W. Five Mile ^35¾¾¾ STORE HOURS: and Woodgrain and Birch ( \j J 18 certified? If yes Is your answer, please call 443-2870, Mon. thru Sat. 9 am to 9 pm for detailed Information. Redford, 48239 v^Tfttt M0N.-FRL 9-6 SERVING WA YNE, OAKLAND & MACOMB MA A4*A / ilKV SATURDAY ...... 9-4 • FACTORY SHOWROOM THE AUTOMOTIVE 443-9870 A 532-2160 / /^v^WSUNDAY...CLOSED • FREE ESTIMATES ^WARRANTY ""*> «-wr*w ^_^ 1642 E. 11 Mile Rd„ Madiaon Hgta. * / CONTRACT CORP. 1 Block W. of Oequlndce Dally 9-5, Sun. 10-4 532-5646 n^r< Cabinet Clad...54i-5252 Tuff-Kote Dinol Auto Appearance Professionals SCRATCH & DENT FREESUNSHADE 0 twice a week Abetter o Twice a woefcis bettor WITH THIS AD SUMMER SAVINGS WHILE SUPPLIES LAST! SALE! Window Tinling Running Boards /* FARMINGTON CYCLE WORLD HONDA Carrier CLEARANCE SALE Purchase a new Honda We aren't comfortable and Receive: Last Year until you ire. OFF Sale Prices. Fre^set- 25' • &**. iri>\ tf tnot-4 • CARRY FULL CARRIER WARRANTY ANY 3 WINDOWS ,99 s&l up and prep! Free 4 HP 0HV OR MORE Expires 8-21-69 I • FURNACE SIZES VARY BETWEEN FxolrA* ft-51-fia Lifetime Blade Engine 50,000 BTU THRU 100,000 BTU Sharpening! Sunroofs Aulo Security • Self Propelled • AIR CONDITIONERS 3½. 4, 5 TON Free 2-Qallqn ••21" or 19". • IN STOCK QUANTITIES ONLY! Qas Can • Urge Rear • PRICES VARY ON EXTENT OF DAMAGE Beg * CALL FOR DETAILS Built in U.S.A. Eety Starting! INSTALLATION AVAILABLE Easy Financing Available! IIOM>\ Uwto Rofl. 2-Year Warranty Power n©g.$i99 189 $250 SUPER SPECIAL SUPER SPECIAL For oolfrwm p«!«ma/>c« trA »a'ety « rrcommond you Expires 8-21-89 •MM H«ra$««Y»t Expires 8- 21-89 read tt* tf*w*'» m»ngjl be( c»^T->>4*r%« » ^(V* AJ p-^Kc* **~r**4 A* 4 FURNACE AUTO APPEARANCE PROFESSIONALS" 92% EFFICIENT :.V*>(\ J .St '•/. of F »' — •:;!.•' :- 3ALE SALE ^ 422-2004 $240«L0 0 •1171" Farmington Cycle World • WAS $1491.67 * , * • • • « , , 8 11900MIDDLEBELT 1 IWriMIA (LOCATEDIN AMERICAS 60,000 Reg. $486.00 SAVf-1300 470-0200 . LIVUINIA AUTOVILLAQE) BTU 80.000 BTU OUTPUT

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.»•. 644-1070 OaMaridqpuhtySQI^)^ •¥£ iwmfiiiinrl 825 Sport* & 856 Bulck 880 Chevrolet 882 Chrysler 868 Ford 868 Ford 868 Ford imported Cars LeBa/on 1986 4 door, automatic, air PARK AVE 1979- 4 door, loaded, CAVAUER 1984 - 5 spoed. am-fm EXP 1982 • deluxe two tone paint, MUSTANG. 1985. IX. only $3995 2 MERCEDES BENZ 380SE 85 25.000 good condition. $1000. 937-0518 cassette, air, much more. Excellent condition, ell the toys. $5,775 radial tires, cute little sports ca/. door Hatch, automalic. 49.000 condtlton. $2500 or besl. 464-8766 BILL BROWN miles After 6 669-1121 mites, flawless. $27,760. PARK AVE 1985- Immaculate, all FOX HILLS $1,379. Only at TYME. Plymoulh power, low mJ. vinyl top. new tires 4 CAVALIER 1984. 2 door. 4 speed, 455-5568 Chrysler-Plymouth Mustang 1986 air. am/tm. cruise, ERHARD BMW brakes. $7995. After 5pm: 471-5537 good condition, complete servlos USED CARS EXP 1984- Black, automatic, new greit buy for the money $4,242 records. »1500 or besL 455-480S 455-8740 961-3171 352-6030 REATTA. 1988. GM Exec, very low LEBARON. 1987. excellent eondi­ tires. Clean Interior. 20.000 miles on LOU LaRICHE mile*, rare sunroof, red/grey Interi­ CAVALIER. 1985. 2 door. air. auto­ llon. loaded, 60.000 miles, $6500/ engine, $2500. 255-3058 MOB 1979, now brakes, lop. shocks or, loaded, $18,500. 540-4455 mata, am-fm siereo, excellent con­ besl 476-686« "0". EXP: 1968. Red. auto, cruise, till, CHEVY/SUBARU 4 Interior. $2,400. Cell after 7 pm. dition. »3800/best offer. 363-5414 Plymouth Rd - Jusi West of 1-275 453-3517 REGAL STATION WAGON. I»82 air, am/lm cassette Sunroof. Mlnlll NEW YORKER 1984. loaded, new $5300/besl , 273-3756 Very good condition Best offer CAVAUER 1966. 4 door>4 cylinder, radiator, front o/akos 6 struts, high 453-4600 MO MIDGET- 1972, lots 0« extras! 534-9193 automatic, power steering, excefient mileage, very good condltlon,- DOWN!* FAIRMONT 1881 Wagon 4 speed, CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY Aft*'6pm. 680-1749 condition. $4250. 652-9054 MUSTANG 1986 Convertible Btacl REGAL 1977. excellent transporta­ »3250 421-4363 no rust, no dents, am-tm cassette on gray. Full power 26.500 mites $1350. Alter 4pm 255-5225 SECTION PEUGEOT. 1984. 505 SIl. Loaded. tion. $650. Ca« alter 6pm. 261-1975 Cavalier 1986 Automatic with ai/ NEW YOfiKER 1984. power steer­ TRUCKS Best oiler 62.000 miles Asking $4400 Of best. and siereo, a ra/e buy at $2,899 ing, brakes, windows, mirrors, seat. 4 wheo! drives 18 to chooso FIESTA 1979 - Runs well, new tires Days 546-2676 eves 569-76/6 Oerek. 585-1462 REGAL, 1984, Lid.. Burgundy, air, Wt. cruise, power locks, runs good, Air. cruise, am-fm stereo w/50 amp, 4:dutch. $550 or besl oiler MUSTANG 1986 LX • all black, dark Auto For Sale F-C PORCHE 1987 911 Turbo coop*, excellent condition. $3500.647-7635 • GORDON leather, a3 digital. voKer warning ESCORTS .454-4945 gray Interior, heavy duly radial tiros low mile*, excellent condition. system, $2500/besl offer. 462-3637 40 In stock power steering/brakes. LX modd REGAL; 1984. 2 door. 6 cylinder, CHEVROLET• FIESTA 1980. good transportation, $49,500. 646-9494 NEW YORKER 1982 - 4 door hard­ insldeoood. $600 or best otter. $3,799. or best offer. auto, power steering. brakes, air, ON FORD ROAD IN GARDEN CITY TYME-Plymouth 455-556« Help Wanted F PORSCHE, 1970. 911E. Terga.Flor. stereo, lift 4 cruise. $3900.427-3362 top dark red. real leather Interior, TEMPO'S ' 525-033« 427-6200 an options. $679 down. $3820 bi­ Good Seioclloo Ida ca/. very good condition, mHe>, FIESTA 1980 Outstanding- condi­ MUSTANG 1987. OT, 6 liter 5 $10,000. • 471-7163 REGAL 1988 - loaded, mint condi­ CAVALIER 1988. anvfm siereo. air. weekly, let us start your credit with spood. white/grey Interior, loaded. tion. $7500. 522-1625 this one. TYME Budget 397-3003 MUSTANG tion • wllh Air Conditioning. «1.300. automatic. $6800. 471-7166 459-9322 excellent condition. $9000/oHer Nome & Service Directory F PORSCHE 1974. 914. rebuilt en­ GTS 4 Convertibles ; 476-1955 gine, all receipts, very clean. REGAL 1988 - 2 door. Joedod. 5900 CELEBRITY EURO3P0RT 85 Auto­ mites. Estate, must liquidate. Ford Thundcrblrd 1982 ono owner, By appointment only 632-5087 matic. V-6. loaded! Only $4,488. 864 Dodge VAN CONVERSIONS air. automatic, like rw>« This clean MUSTANG. 1987 GT. dark grey, Days9am-5pni . 455-7400 Jack Cay ley Che v./GEO 655-0014 QoodSdection loaded, sunrool, 27.000 miles, re­ PORSCHE. 1978. 924. aJf. sunrool. ARIES IE 1986. 52.000 miles, power ol a car hard to find Hurry al »3.499 Merchandise For Sale REGAL: 1988. sunroof, am/lm cas­ mote alarm. 5 speed, excellent eon clean Interior, Florida car, 60.000 CELEBRITY Wagon 1984. 8 passen­ steering, brakes, locks, air. auto­ dition.Jt0.000 Rick 454-0440 miles. $5500 Also. Bertooe. 1986. sette, air. auto. 2 door. Loadedl Ex­ ger. V*. air. cruise, cassette, locks. matic, tilt whed. new brakes 4 bat­ AEROSTARS GQRDON Red. Targa lop. low miles. exceEenl cellent condition. CaH 853-0117 1M1. delogger. »3.900. 681-0627 tery. »4900. 283-6813 Loaded from $9,995 MUSTANG 1987 GT - Loaded condition. $5500. Must sdl. Moving • on approved credit plus tax 6 tag CHEVROLET 19.000 miles, limited winter driving, Real Estate E RIVIERA 1973. original owner, good CELEBRITY: 1989 Eurosporl. 4 ARIES. 1981. 2 door, air, power out ol state. Joe. 722-5518 body, good onglne. $1200.477-6852 Extra on sdoct models ON FORD ROAO IN GARDEN CITY aways garaged «9700 Can days, door, v-6. loadedll 25.000 m3es. steering/brakes, original owner. ask for Louie 471-6771 PORSCHE. 1982. Rare. 911SC RIVIERA. 1983, loaded, very good $10,500. Call 6pm. 538-2614 »1200 or besl offer. 681-1559 427-6200 Targa. Rosewood metallic. 27.000 condition. 69.000 miles. $4800. BILL BROWN GRANADA 1978 Good rdiable MUSTANG 1987. LX. SO. air. power Rentals E-F miles. Winter wealhor only 1 jrr. AH CELEBRITY. 1986. Station Wagon. ASPEN SE 1979 - beautiful shape, windows/lock a, cassette radio * 349-9971 Dark blue. Excellent condition auto. 6 cylinder. 2 door, air, stereo, transforation Power slocring. pow­ service records. Garaged. Meticu­ er brakes, amfm. ---363-6030 eoualier. $8,500 firm. 728-4334 lous condition. $26,000 or oiler. SKYLARK 1972. near mini. 38.000 $6500. After 6pm 451-1096 till, spotless. 69.000 miles. Wett FORD Call 642-0481 miles Many extras. Serious offers maintained Only $1,900 422-0421 GRANADA 1980. am/lm. power MUSTANG 1988 - GT. convertible. 5 825 Sports & CELEBRITY 1984 wagon, amfm speed, loaded rod. 15.000 miles only. Call alter 4pm 937-3488 cassette. Tlempo tires, average CHARGER. 1983. 22. 5 Speed. stoering. power brakes, air. Reli­ PORSCHE 1984 944 - Mint condi­ | ESCORT GLX 1985/4. 54.000 miles. able $900 or besl Call 422-9363 excellent condition. $15,500 or besi Imported Cars tion, low miieaga. Stored winters. SKYLARK 1980 - manual transmis­ miles, nice family car. excellent noe $2100. . goo522-003d condition, rust proofed.0 $300 0 olter. 347-0676 »16.000 547-6456 sion. 4 cylinder, power steering & & mechanical condition, looks good. 421-1691 ! or best oiler. 851-5071 LTO 1969. Looks good, runs great. COftVETTe 1984 - automatic. Mop. J2695. 476-9384 MUSfANG 1988 GT CONVERTIBLE Bose extras, excellent condition brakes, am-lm, air. good'l/anspor- CHARGER 1986, while. 53.000 many new parts. $800 or best ofter PORSCHE 1985-86, 911SC. Ta/ga, tation $800 After 5pm 464-1456 ESCORT GL 1985 - wagon, air. 981-3379 oory 6.482 careful miles, this car is $12,500. 651-4088 11.000 miles, loaded. No winters. Celebrity 1988 Air, 6 cycllnder. split miles, good condition. $4300. cruise. 5 speed 56.000 miles, now RED 4 BEAUTIFUL! $14,900 MORE Collectors Car Prussian Blue, black seats, am/fm stereo. »8.383 Afier 5pm, 356-0072 struts, tires, brakes. $2.000/besl LTO. 1977 Landau, by owner, extra Hines Park Uncoln-Mercury CORVETTE. 1984. 2500 miles. leather, whale fin. $32,000 858 Cadillac After 6 pm ' 538-7795 clean, 2 door hardtop. 66.000 miles. 453-2424 ext.400 Stored 4 yrs.J 16.500. 674-2773 Evenings: 338-2813 LOU LaRICHE COLT 1978, hatchback wagon, CADILLAC ELDORADO 1985 . flaw­ good transportation, automatic »1995 397-0811 CLASSIFIEDS CORVETTE 1985. red, all options, CHEVY/SUBARU ESCORT GL 1987. black, powor MUSTANG: 1988 IX, Red. 5.0 L. 5 PORSCHE 1987 - 944. red/Mack in­ less, sterling silver with red leather transmission. $550. . 721-2072 stoering, brakes, automatic trans­ spood, air. sunrool. premium sound 20.000. miles, stored winters, excel­ trim. Real wire whods, vooue tires. Plymouth Rd. - Just West ol 1-27S LTO 1979. Wagon, mechanical 4 terior, stored winters, mint, loaded, mission, automatic seal bdts. rust 4 body very good condition, am-fm Very clean. 397-0777 This Classified Sec­ lent, $18,600 firm. 591-3423 18.000 miles. 581-6009 Musi soet Warranty. Only $9,495 COLT 1981 hatchback, 55.000 453-4600 miles, stereo cassette, very oood paint proofed. Excdlent condition. cassette, al'. $1,500 397-3079 tion continued from CORVETTE 1986. stored winters. JEFF BENSON CAR CO. 34.000 miles. $4900 453-4681 MUSTANG 198«. IX 5.0 HO con­ PORSCHE 924s 87 5 spood. air. QUALITY AUTOMOBILES Celebrity 1987 Wagon Air. am/lm condition. $995. ROB'S GARAGE, LTO 1984 - loaded. 36.000 miles, vertible. 19.500 miles, rod with while 35,000 miles. All options. $18,000. power sunroof. Black Beauty 562-7011 26100 W. 7 Mile. Redlord 538-8547 Page 12 F. Excellent condition. 258-0494 stereo. 3 seats, vacation spocian ESCORT GT 1983. 61,000 miles, like new. $4600 or besl offer. top. loaded, mint, must sell. $6,868 sunroof, air. powor steering/brakes, $13,900. Grosse Pdnte: 885-6838 SUNSHINE HONDA CAVALIER CL: 1984. 4 door, load­ COLT: 1983. 85.000 miles. 38 mpg. 591-1939 ronvFTTF t987 - convertiblei,. ydyd-- new tires. $2,750. 474-9845 ed. Good condition. $3400. Can al- LOU LaRICHE stick shift. $950. Ca.1 after 5pm. LTD 1984 wagon Nice! Low mile. MUSTANG 1988. LX 2 door hatch low. charcoal gray & black \t\\>:erior . 453--3600——| Te75. ' 591-6448 474-7457 loaded, winter stored, garage kepi, Escort GT 1988 5 Spood. air. cas­ automatic, air; new exhaust, tiros, back. air. power steering /brakes/ PORSCHE 944 1984. guards red. CHEVY/SUBARU sette, only 12.000 miles, only $6,495 brakes, shocks. $3800. 427-2590 windows/locks, til. am/lm cassette -.'824 Jeeps & Other low miles, best oiler. 965-1040 CIMARRON. 1985, V-6. 47^00 --Pfymoum_Rd. - Jusi West of 1-275 COLT 1985 DL - 4 door, auiomatlc. leather. Waupunkt monterey. phone, air, new tires. Very dean! $2,600 or stereo, cruise, automatic, sunrool. mites. Ivory with tan leather Interior. MUSTANG CONVERTIBLE 1984 $7500 Call 344-1947 :- 4-Wheel Drives CORVETTE, 1988. MWnlght blue, radar, new tires, excellent condition. »5.750.776-4120 or 886-5509 -t>esJLaaer_^ 540-0183 FOX HILLS saddle Interior, an options, manual. »14.500 or best. Ask for Bob 453^4600—-— Chrysler- P lymout h 34,000 miles. Exlra. extra sharp. vTORO Bronco - 1985. 300, 8 cytirv- 853-6000 days. Or 258-9263 Celebrity 2 door, low miles, eir, au­ COLT 1987 Vista - automaker load­ $6,995 MUSTANG. 1988 XL. 2.3 Utre (EFI) $23,500. 476-8634 CIMERON. 1987, beautifully loadod. -45&£ZiQ_ 961-3171 manual 5 spood. 2 door. $6,950 •,'der, power windows/door locks/ Best Oder. After 7 PM. 451-0624 tomatic, at only »3.999 ed with cruise. 26.000 miles, mint t^flh P^tfwvt Ffvil 421-1376 ,'stecring/brakes. el/, tilt, cruise, am OATSUN - 1974 260Z. Florida car, 4 PORSCHE 944 86 Very nice. condition. A gem! $8,500. 644-7740 ESCORT L 1985. excellent condi­ «37--«5?8 523-32J7. speed, stereo, body good, new $18,500. COUPE OE VILLE 1976 - 500 on­ tion. 4 spood. $28O0/best. C&Ji be­ MUSTANG QT. 1989. loadod - sun fm stereo, heavy duty suspension, GORDON roof. 5500 mnes. lady's car. S spood, MUSTANG 1989 GT. 5 spood. load­ ,'$8600. 422-0619 paint. $850. Can anytime. 427-1296 glne. rust 464-8156 DAYTONA SHELBY 1987. t-tops. tween 8 am-5pm. 274-7190 ERHARD BMW CHEVROLET leather Interior, now tires, loadod. $13,500.7226910 or 523-8166 ed, sunroof, warranty. $13,900. DATSUN. 1982, 2O0SX, 5 speed, COUPE DE VILLE 1987 One owner, ESCORT L. 1988. wagon, low miles, 563-0987 . FORD 1976 F250 4x4. 390 engine, ON FORD ROAD IN GARDEN CITY Mini condition. $7,000. 683-2170 "new tiros & whods, sliding rear wtn- power windows, doors & minors, new car trade. »12.500 clean, automatic, air. stereo. $4600 MUSTANG GT: 1958. 5 spood. pow­ sunroof, amfm cassette stereo, new 352-6030 DAYTONA 1984. air. 5 spood. good or best. 851-1140 er group, alarm. Excellent condrtlon. MUSTANG 1989 LX. 50.3.000 adult "dOw.$2500. 981-0524 Hines Park Lincoln-Mercury miles, sun roof, alarm. 3 way dutch, new brakes, neods body SUBARU. 1983. Wagon. GL. orginal 453-2424 exl.400 ' 427-6200 condition $3,200. 425-1369 underrated. »10.950. 453-0422 ' .fORD - 1986, F-250. Lariat Heavy- work. »1400. 851-3665 CELEBRITY 87 Automatic, till. WW ESCORT 1982. 4 spood. new struts, protection, factory warranty, owner, good condition, low miles. MUSTANG GT. 1986 - 6.0. All op­ ' duty with extras. Excellent eondl- automatic. $3500. After 7. 288-0698 ELDORADO Convertible 1976- miles, cruise, air, $6,785. DAYTONA. 1985. automatic, air. tires, exhaust. 42.000 miles. Excd­ loadedl $11,900. 425-9782 DATSUN 1982. 2S0ZX. turbo, t-top, Last of the big ones. Beautiful pow­ Jack C&utey Chov./GEO 855-0014 lent condition, must see to appred- tions, low miles New tires, exhaust -Uon. 363-3448 alarm, more. Clean & sharp »4700 Excetieott»7.900./be5i 476-0897 PINTO 1980 4 spoed. powor steer­ automatic, air. 73.000 miles. $4,000. Subaru 1986 GL Wagon Automatic, der blue body, white top. loaded 388-3649 ate. $2495 or best. After 5pm or ,FORD. 1987. F-150, Lariat. Super 348-3427 loaded. 4x4. $7,575 with fun 6 extras. $5000. CHEVETTE 1984 - hatchback, very leave message 454-2187 ing/brakes, sunroof. Instrument MUSTANG GT 1988. black, alarm, Sport group ESS $975. 937-0394- • cab. A x 4, 302 auiomatlc, loaded. Call Targan: 476-8100 good condiUon. $ 1.295. DAYTONA 1987. silver, automatic, .' JJk9 now. Lear Cap. $12,500 or of- HONOA ACCORD OX 1987. 4 door. LOU LaRICHE ROBS GARAGE, 26100 W. 7 M3e. loadod. low mBeage. extended war­ ESCORT 1982, 7l.000mises. 4 loaded, perfect. 20.000 miles. 5 speed, air. cassette, premium ranty, excellent condition. $8900. speod manual, rvory. almost new $11,100. 625-0132 TAURUS LX Wagon 1986. • Jer. Day, 534-6739. Eve. 437-6119 ELDORADO 1982- 71,000 miles. 4 Redford 538-8547 35.000ml. krrytess entry, excdlent sound, $S500/best. 851-0519 CHEVY/SUBARU brand new tires. Many extras. Exed- Ca.1 alter 4pm. 651-1386 tires Good condition, runs well. '.CMC JIMMY 1987. Loadedl 50.000 Plymouth Rd. - Just West ol I-275 MUSTANG GT SO 1986 Converti­ condition $8500/best. 642-2153 lent condition. $5200./best. CHEVETTE, 1978. 4-spcod. runs $850. 357-4984 ble 5 speed. Mack, loaded, stored. • 'mites. Exceflonl condition. Asking OA ACCORD LX 1986. loaded, 495*207 good, looks good $500 or besl of­ DODGE 1981 • 024, manual trans­ - nl condition, low miles, 453-4600 mission. 67.000 miles, runs great, ESCORT: 1983. aJr. am/lm. crutso. 5 23.000 miles. $10,200 559-2746 TAURUS LX 1986. Loadod! Sunroof. ^*10.500. negotiable. ,665-6338 fer. Call afier 6pm. 525-9432 white. Excdlent condition $7595 $7150 647-0734 TRIUMPH 1977 Spitfire, restored. ELDORADO 1984. blue on blue, many new parts $850. 421-3626 SPOOd. »1000. Call 459-4837 .-JEEP WAGONEER. 1983. Ltd.. no Musiang OT. 1988 Loadod. auio­ Eves 645-1890 Days 581-7700 72.000 mPes. am-fm cassette, two original owner. 57,000 miles, leather CHEVETTE, 1979. runs good, noods matlc. only 14.612 rruies. Rod. must , fust, loaded. Best offer. 644-3955 HONOA ACCORD IX 1987 2 door, some work. $250/best 459-7252 DODGE 1984 600 • Turbo converti­ ESCORT 1683. Ideal for student, ex­ like new, 13.000 miles. Immaculate! lops & cover. $3,900 540-8467 Interior, wire wheels, loaded. Asking ble. Grosse Pdnte gray. btBCk leath­ cellent condition. 4 speod. sunroof, sed «10.850 Warranty! TAURUS LX. 1987. all power excel­ $5900. . .626-8000 JEFF BENSON lent condition. 35.000 miles Asking ' JEEP WRANGLER 1987 - 5 speed. 6 $8,995 VOLVO 1984 GL Wagon, loadod. Chevetle 1984. automatic with air er interior. • Spedal ol the week. cruise. $l600/boil 563-7933 ' tytjnder. hardtop & extras. $9,000 Bill BROWN USED CARS522-O03O and siereo. a back to schod spodal. $3,995 TYME- Plymouth 455-5506 QUALITY AUTOMOBILES «8.250 Can: 373-2260 runs great. Must sell I ELDORADO 1985 - BlarrlU. fully Escort 1983 $99500 Several to ' or best. AJier 5pm 647-8374 loaded, electric moon roof, no rust, $1,999 562-7011 HONOA ACCORD: 1983 SE, air. 4 $6.500/best offer . 453-0240 DODGE 440 1982, loadod. exedtont choose from. TAURUS. 1986 wagon well •JEEP: 1983, rebuilt, new paJnl, excellent condition. 49.000 miles, Mustang Gl. 1988 5.000 mPes. equipped. AMFM cassette, power door, auto, power wlndOAt/locks. VOLVO, 1984. 240GL. 4 door. air. $10,500. alter 6pm 278-4018 condition, must sdl. 626-7183 •57213 original miles. 33 In. Ores. leather, power moonroof. Best ster­ GORDON beautiful black, loadod. $10,999 windows/locks, excdlent condition. automatic, excellent condition. Lancer ES 1985 Turbo, loaded, real FOX HILLS $5,800 348-3029 •- Grey/Black. 6 off road Pghts. $2800/ eo. Immeoulatell $4795. 476-8958 $6700. 649-6268 ELDORADO. 1988, Black, simulated Chryslor-Ptyrnoum •>e$VCaJ1 397-8018 CHEVROLET dean $4,949 1 convertible, wire whods, Vouge 455-8740 961-3171 Taurus 1966 Wagon LX Exlra Nice HONDA ACCORD 1985 Automatic VOLVO 740 GLE 67 Turbo, red, ON FORD ROAD IN GARDEN CITY JEEP 1986 GRAND WAGONEER fun tires, alarm system. $19,900 or of­ LOU LaRICHE GORDON $6,795 air. cassette, one carehil owner. »15.900. fer. 628-9184 I 427-6200 ESCORT - 1983. Extellenl condi­ power. South Carolina car, low $8,995 CHEVY/SUBARU tion, 2 door. 4 spood. 60.000 miles, CHEVROLET jNorth Brothers Ford 4211376 '•miles. $12,500 Hines Park Lincoln-Mercury FLEETWOOD 1989. 4,400 miles. CHEVETTE: 1985. 2 door. 4 speed very clean. $1500. Can Julie alter ERHARD BMW Plymouth Rd. - Jusi West ol 1-275 ON FORD ROAD IN GARDEN CfTY TAUPUS: 1988, 5 spood. premium ••'.' Hlnes ParV UnoouvMorcury 453-2424 exL400 Usl: $33,500 Asking $24,400. manual, grey/red Interior. Good 5pm. 540-2034 sound, power windows, locks, mir­ 453-24246x1.400 349-5327 condition. 41800. 474-1121 HONDA CIVIC LX 1988. 4 door. 5 352-6030 453-4600 ESCORT 1984 - automatic, power 427-6200 rors, casl whoets. loadod «4.750/ best. 656-8216; 752-4473 /JEEP 1968 Laredo, black. CJ7. speed, red, sunroof, Alptno stereo 1987 MASDA 626 Automatic, air, SE0AN DE VILLE 1984. low, miles. I Chevrolet 4x4 S10 Blazer 1984 Au- OMlll 1984 - sun rool. automatic, sloertno/brekes. air. lilt, cruise, sil­ MUSTANG LX. 1986 Hatchback, , Karri, soft & bikini top, elr, automat- system, service maintenance good condition, has everything, i tomatic, Super Sharp al $5,999 59.000 miles, very dean. »1.995. ver Wife wagon with luggage rack. loadedl 50.000 m.ies. $5,400. ,X excdlent, »6000/b«st 788-9055 cassette, powet steering and TAURUS 1987 GL - Excdlenl condi­ records. $9800/best offer 549-8061 brakes. Only 23.000 miles. Priced to $6500 or best offer 422-3375 ROB'S GARAGE. 26100 W. Seven Thlswook only $1,479 646-1763 tion. 24.000 mWs. $7995. Mile 538-8547 TYME - Plymouth 455-5566 ' NISSAN PATHF1N0ER 1987 SE-V8. HGN0A CMC WAGON: 1984, Ex- sell. $7,695 GORDON Can after 6pm. 453-8230 PAGETOYOTA 352-8560 SEDAN DEVUIE, 1978 tuOy loadod. MUSTANG. LX. 1987. Convertible, ' loadedl Class III draw-tight hflch. coBent condition. $3300. Can alter excdlnet eondillon »3000 after 6pm ESCORT 1984 Station Wagon, air, loaded. Factory warranty. $10,900. ' 27.000mlles.»15.000. 347-3865 CHEVROLET SHADOW ES 1987. 2 door. red. air. laurus 1987 - new condition, fun 6:30 pm. 549-3417 261-4871 premium stereo, turbo, low miles. AM-FM cassette siereo, 61.000 Days. 353-1511. Eve 258-5065 eouipment plus alarm, sunroof, low ON FORD ROAD IN GARDEN CITY mnes, $2800. 535-2221 HONDA CIVIC 1987- 4 Door; air. 852 Classic Cars $6300. Call 349-5181 miles. $7600 or offer. 441-4156 : SEDAN DEVUie, 1977. needs en­ 427-6200 MUSTANG LX 1986, coupe. 66.000 : 825 Sports & em-fm cassette. very good condi­ gine work, newty rebuilt transmis­ SHADOW 1987 4 door. 5 spood, ESCORT 1964- 4 speed, tan with mHos. Brand new brakes, college TAURUS 1988 Automalic. air. ful tion, $6700. 352-7762" ANTIQUE 1948 Chevy pick up truck. sion. 477-5926 I Chevy Nova 1986 5 spoed. air. ster- $5500. Before 10 OOam or eftor tan Interior, good condition. Ptonoor bound, must sdl. 273-7127 power, only 21.000 mues $8,795 Imported Cars ! eo, red 6 ready at $4,995 5:30pm. 427-6013 supertuner with AmFm cassette. 4 HONDA CMC 1983. hatchback. Sharp! Must see 422-4158 SEDAN. De vale. 1985. very good MUSTANG LX 1985. excdlent con­ Hines Park Uncolft-Meroury ,;AU04 QT COUPE 1984. excellent PAGETOYOTA 352-8580 Kenwood speakerj, »1495. 453-2424 ext.400 aulo, runs good.»1500. 8U1CK 1959- Rare parts; Converti­ condition. 54.000 miles, $8,000 768-1335 Or 626-6366 dition. 55.000 miles. $3900. . j condition, loaded. «5500. 478-3647 leave message 459-9364 851-1721 CHEVY NOVA 1986 5 spoed. air ST. REGIS 1979-$1000. Call eves 363-8409 bles. 852-8458 Ca3efter4pm: 421-«120 TAURUS: 198« GL Excdlent coodl- , AUDI 1987. 5000. loaded. 20.000 condition, stereo. "Great cond.tion" ESCORT 1985'.*. air. am-fm cas- tlon. low miles. Cranberry/grey w- HONOA CTV1C 1981. body rvst, 6U1CK 1962 Skylark convertible, SEDAN OEVHIE 1985. burgundy, only $4,995 selle, 4 spood. 4 door, burgandy. MUSTANG 1973 - convertible, ex­ - mnes, very good condiUon, »14,000. mechanlcafiy good. Call: leather' Interior, 66.200 mnes, new cellent, no rust. 60,000 miles. 351 4 terior.t 10,300. 455-0293 ' 683-8980 excellent condition. $5000 or best PAGETOYOTA 352-8580 1987 DAYTONA, WcH ecjulppod. very good condition. 57.000 mflfiS. 6pm-10pm. 455-9121 offer. 453-6234 tires. $8300. 477-5648 $2600. Mike 421-2761 barrd englno. »7500. 420-0106 T BIRD 1976 maroon with vdour CITATION 19S1. V6. 4 door, hatch­ $8,450 » BMW 1983. 5331 Brorvit. 1 owner, HONDA CRX. 1956-5 speed, amfm SEDAN DEVILLE 1977. body 4 Inte­ Uvonla Chrysto-Plymouth 525-7604 MUSTANG 1973 Grande. 3S1C, au­ seats. 460 auiomatlc transmission, ' fuOy loaded, full service records, Bulck 1973 EJOCtra 225. onh/ 52.000 back. Reasonable offer. After 6 p m. ESCORT, 1985. new lires. brakes, new chrome rims. Runs but neods Stereo. 50.000 mites. Excellent con­ original miles. Looks and drives Dke rior very good. Recently re-bulH en­ 681-6695 exhaust, good condition. $1875/ tomatic transmission, good motor. '• 56.000 mnes. $11.000 or nearest of- dition. $5,700. 425-6402 gine Runs great. $3250. 356-4315 body Is no good. Good for parts or work. $300. or best 478-7318 ' fer. 644-0481 or 543-9440 new! $3,995 best. Tim 349-7368 Hlnes Park Lincoln-Mercury CORISCAS 866 Ford restoring. 453-4681 T B1R0. 1981. good condition, auto­ HONDAS 1984-88. ACCORDS, CIV­ SEDAN DE VILLE 1980, loaded, ex­ 1989 ESCORT, 1966. U Wagon, 4 speod, - BMW 1984. 3181. 5 speed, loaded, ICS, PRELUDES, Excellent selec­ 453-2424 ext.400 matic, air. $1400 or best Offer. cellent condition. $3500. I Special buy. 12 to choose from, CAVAUER 68 Automatic, low miles. premium sound, air. defogoer, 59K. MUSTANG. 1978. King Cobra, re- 'excellent condition, extras, tion, 100V. rocondiUonod and war- Farmlngton Hills, 347-2852 464-1108 r $7950.693-6647 or370-8219 CADILLAC, DEV1LLE, 1970. Con­ $8,888 air. $8,468. cruise, very sharp. $3650. 661-1252 buit motor, good condition, excd­ ranteod as only Sunshine could. We 1 vertible, 60,000 miles, excellent SE0AN DEV1LIE. 1985. 4 door, Jack Ceukry Chev./GEO 855-0014 lent tires, brakes, dual exhaust. T-BIRD, 1984 Elan, loadod. exed- .J BMW 198S. 3181. auiomatlc. silver, Offer 100% money back guarantee. original condition. $5500. After 6. LOU LaRICHE ESCORT 1966. power sieorlng 4 lenl eondillon. must tee. «5100 grey, 79.000 mDes. Good condition. CLUB WAGON XLT 65 Automatic, brakes, air, cruise. AM-FM. warran­ Runs great. »1.600. 437-7667 , 2 door, .loaded, 44,000 miles. SUNSHINE HONDA 386-6032 $6500. 680-4155 CHEVY/SUBARU After 6pm 459-6928 / $ 12.000 or best offer. 559-8725 V-8, kw miles, crulso. air, tilt, 8 pas­ ty. $3500. After 5:30PM. 281-3469 MUSTANG 1979. stereo, 1985 en­ CADILLAC, 1967 Convertible, looks Plymouth Rd. - Just West ol 1-275 sengers. »8,485. T-BIRO. 1985. Dan. loadod. black 453-3600 SE0AN DEVILLE 1987. btuO On ESCORT, 1986 Wagon. 5 spood. ex­ gine. + many new parts, 4 cylinder. ' BMW 1985 325 E, codo alarm, rear like new. 3900 miles. »3500. See at blue, leather Interior, loaded. Jack Cauley Chev./GEO 855-0014 4 spood. »699. Call: 459-0479 with gray Interior. 55.000 miles, ex­ '• spotter. OEaJer scrvloed. »13,600. HONDA 1982 CMc hatchback, sun 28829 Orchard Lake Rd.. between 453-4600 cdlenl condition. 47,000 miles. cellent condition. $5900 455-0461 $11.900. Ask for Controller: COUNTRY SQUIRE. 1965, Station »3.000 or bOSt offer. 625-7479 - 851-3765 roof, stereo cassette, extra clean. 12 4 13 Mile. Farmlngton Hills. 458-8000 CORSICA. 1988. automatic, air. 4 MUSTANG. 1980. 6 Cylinder, auto­ »1.295. Rob's Garage. 26100 W. more 9.000 miles. $7500 464-0324 Wagon. Loaded, trailer package. matic, many new parts. $1200 or T-BiRO. 1985 - exceflont condition, '• BMW 1985, 325«. 2 door. 6 speed, Seven Mile 538-8547 CHEVELLE 1972 SS, built. 400 »5,600 471-4705 ESCORT • 1986. Power nooring/ besl offer. 459-4450 or 262-1450 fuffy powered, sunrool. wltes car. SEVILLE 1985. Blue. Loadedl Lan­ brakes. 4 door, elr, stereo, asking '• ante blue, tinted windows," all op- small block, auiomatlc. very fast, dau rool. leather Interior, excdlenl IMPALA. 1979. V-6. 305. 90,000 381-0680 ' Uons, computer. Asking $12,000 or HONOA. 1984. Accord. 5 speed. new paint. »4800. 535-5887 miles, frre£e h tires, brakes, shocks. CROWN VICTORIA 1988 • fully $3,850. 478-4407 MUSTANG 1983 GT, Zlebart. elr. condition Best Offer. 349-4950 loaded, dark blue. 21.000 miles. T-BiRD 198« - Black, loaded, all • best offer. 585-6214 cassette. 4 speakers, sunroof, runs If ho answer, call 632-5134 j $1400. Before 4;30pm 522-4986 sunrool, 63.000 miles. Good condi­ great. Asking »4.300. 363-8423 CHEVY. 1960 B Camlno, red, excel­ »10.900 563-5371 ESCORT. 1937 Pony. 4 sooed. rear tion $4500. Alter 4:30. 347-8148 options, keyless entry, air. storeo. defrost, amfm cassette. »4300 or f, BMW. 1987 325(. 4 door. Brorujft, lent condition, 399-8858 SEVILLE 1988 - excdlent condition, IROC-Z 1988 Convertible, red. load­ «5.595. t, automatic, loaded, excellent condl- HONDA 1984 Accord LX, 3 door. ed. »16,000. 879-9030 CROWN VICTORIA, LX 198«. 4 best. 348-0877 473-7524 MUSTANG. 1984 CONVERTIBLE. TYME - Plymouth 455-5566 CORVETTE 1962. oood condition. loaded, unlimited mileage warranty. door, black, grey leather Interior. -. Don, plus extras, »17.000 862-2210 auiomatlc, loaded, excellent condi­ 38.000 miles. »18.500. Days. V6. automatic, midnight btuo, low tion, low miles, »4,975. 358-3562 Roman Red. $15,000. Can after MALI8U Classic 1981, 1 owner, wen every option, excdlent condition. ESCORT 1987, 4 speed, black, tan miles, elr. stereo. $5700 726-9683 BMW 3161 65 2 door, auiomatlc, 7pm. 737-4362 1-662-4439. evenings 1-426-2172 maintained, no'rust, an new tires, 44.000 mnes. $8400. 477-1184 interior, automatic salety bdts. T-BIRD 1988. black w/grey Interior. »10,900. HONDA*-1985 Prelude. Air. radio runs excellent. »1200. 537-3381 16.000 mnos, extended warranty, MUSTANG 1984. GT. 50. automat­ V8. loaded. 4 spood automatic, cassette, rvstproofed, new Mlchetln FIREBIRD- 1979. Classic coneclofs 880 Chevrolet CROWN VICTORIA 1988. 1 owner. mint condition. $5000. 399-5615 ic, air. sun-roof. 420-3290 premium sound, aluminium whods. ERHARD BMW tires, sunroof, gray, excellent condi­ dream, like new. automatic, air. low MALI8U I960, automatic, good power everything 60.000 miles. keyless entry. Excdlent condition tion. 5 speed. $7000. 354-2 54 2 miles, metallic brown, wire hubs. 1 BERETTA 88 Automatic, V-6. power condition, new tires, new brakes. New tkes. Tu-lone beige/cream. ESCORT 1988 2 door, priced right! MUSTANG. 1984. LX. Blue. V-6. air. $10,995. Oays-244-0117 owner, »3900.' 331-1990 steering/brakes. »!r, CL package »1200. After 5pm. 722-7285 $8,500. Birmingham 642-4909 »4.995 tilt, cruise 6 sunrool $2800. Eves 348-2728 352-6030 HONOA 1987 - CRX-SI, aJr, power North Brothers Ford 421-1376 Days: 485-4242 Eves: 476-9853 only $9,339. Monte Cario 1981. very nice, 8 cylin­ Crown Victoria 1989 LX only 6.533 ' BMW 318185 4 door, extended war- sunroof, am-fm, siereo cassette, FOR RENT - Traitor for hauling show Jack Ceuley ChevVGEO 855-0014 T-8IRD 1988. Turbo coupe. Immac-., ' ranty.J 10,900. $7400. after 6pm 478-3385 or antique cars. You tow or we low, der, power steering/brakes, was miles. SAVE $$». Call lor details ESCORT 4 door, 1984 manual MUSTANG 1985 GT. 5 spood. 5.0 dale, charcoal remote alarm sy»-" For reservations 4 rates, call: CAMARO IROC 1985, black, load­ $2800, In trouble $2000. 981-1084 Hines Park Uncdn-Mercury 57,000 miles. Good condition, liter, sunroof, loaded, excdlenl. Sdl tern, transferable warranty. 18.500 HONDA. 1987 HURRICANE 600. .852-8458 ed, all options except T-1op, $8,500 453-2424 ext.400 $1200 459-0922 today (or $6000 473-9467 miles »11,900. 728-9161 :«..-•• ERHARD BMW 1.700 miles. $3,400 981-5663 or best. Ask lor Mike 591-6155 M0NZA, 1980. 2 door. V8. cassette, CMC Handyvan 1964..350 V-8, au­ very dean. $925 455-1813 i". 352-6030 HONOA 1988, Prelude Si. yellow 4 tomatic; been in storage 12 yrs. CAMARO IROC 1987¼ - low mile­ NOVA 1975 • 48.000 original rrvles, >. BMW 3251 89 4 door. red. 7,000 black, automatic, loaded, 14,500 Needs work, body solid, »1,200 age, alarm, adult, loaded. Serious miles. »16.000. 545-8064 firm. 397-2741 good condition. »700. After 5pm >. miles. »21.900. Inquirers only. After 6 464-4464 981-6030 :: JAGUAR XJ6 67 28.000 mDes, MGA 1962. MKII, red. Week leather CAMARO. IROC 1985, black, 6 NOVA - 1978. V8. Automatic. Runs > ERHARD BMW »26 900 interior, complete restoration. speed, loaded wtih alarm and new »6000. 995-2514 good. Cold air. $300. Can days, until tires. Great condition. $8,000 or 3pm. :--541-7293 •:." 352-6030 ERHARD BMW best 464-3285 MUSTANG 1965. coupe. VS. auto­ NOVA 1988. automatic, air, power V BMW 526EA 85 Bahama Bdge. matic, new paint, sharp car. must CAMARO Z28 1982. new engine, , »14.900. 352-6030 , •leering/brakes, stereo, excellent, sell, »3,500. 397-1268 exlras. good condition. Asking, condition, $4.195/best. 591-2250 JAGUAR - 1974. XJ6L. Deep rod. »35O07best offer. 543-1045 : ERHARD BMW btscjue Interior, beautiful. Garaged. MUSTANG, 1965. 200-6. automate, power steering, no rust, runs good. NOVA 1986, auiomatlc. a!r. cas­ Must Sen. Best offer. 474-7928 CAMAR01978.. 350 V8. posi, air." sette, cruise, best offer. ' ' 352-6030 »2295. . 553-9283 1 owner. «1500. 643-9017 JAGUAR 85 XJ3 Soulhern car, Call: 453-4476 BMW 528EA 87 OeoMne. »17.900, 'beaut/'. Reduced to »18.995. MUSTANG 1965 - 2 door, hardtop, CAMARO: 1976 Z28. no rust. Excel­ t NOVA 1986, 5 speed, excoTont con­ 6 cylinder, burgundy/tan Interior, PAGETOYOTA . 352-6580 lent! T-top. 4 speed, built 3-65. Al- dition, $3500. Call evenings excdlenl. »3900/best. 591-1964 plno w/trunk amp. »4500553-7004.r ERHARD BMW JAQUAR 1985 • XJ6, exceOent con­ ' 644-1293 352-6030 dition, regent gray, 42,000 miles. CAMARO 1979 • automatic, burgun­ Spectrum CL 1988 Automatic, air, Call ' 357-8677 854 American Motors dy, black Interior, looks and runs am/fm, dean, $6,464 BMW 528E. 1984 • black, 5 spoed. good. $979. loaded, excellent eondillon. MA20A RX7 1988- Claret red, load­ ALLIANCE 1984 - Renault, 6 speed, TYMEBodgetLot 397-3003 LOU LaRICHE »10.800. 653-7219 ed, onr/ 8500 miles. Excellent condi­ 4 door, sunroof, air. »3500 or best tion. »14,000. 885-2882 odor. 355-5783 CAMARO 1983 Bertinetia • 8 cylin­ CHEVY/SUBARU BMW 5351A 85 Diamond Black, der, automatic, T-iops. $2,995. or Plymouth Rd. • Just West ol 1-275 Mack lntorlor.» 12.900. MA7.0A 1980 628. 2 door. 5 speed, ALLIANCE 1985, i7L, air. AM-FM with this ed, $2,997. sir. arnfm. new battery. Good tires. cassette, excdlenl eondillon. »2300 TYME-Plymouth 455-5566 Ctean ArUonacv, »1500 544-9192" or besl. After 4PM, Dan ' 421-1563 453-4600 ERHARD BMW CAMAR0.1984 Auiomatlc. elr. ster­ SPRINT, 1987. Silver rnatetic, 5 MAZOA 1984, 626. excellent condi­ eo, a ladys car, low mnes. »4.995 speed mahud, am-fm cassette. 55 352-6030 tion, loaded. After 6pm 540-3958 858 Bulck Nines Park llncoln-Meroury mpg »4200 540-368« 453-2424 6x1.400 • BMW 635 ISA 67 WNte, «19.900. MAZDA 1985 GlC-LX, 6 spood. BLKCK 1981. REGAL 2 Ooor, power SPRINT 1987, 4 door Sport, 6 stereo cassette, sunroof, air, alloy steering and brakes.'cruise, onh/ CAMARO: 1984. No rusll Sunroof, speed, elr, AM-FM stereo, rear de- > ERHARD BMW wheels. 48.000 miles. Great cond- 60,723 miles, like new. $3,395 New paint. Must sen. Leaving lor log, great MPG. »5450. 422-1131 Itoh. »4.600. 375-2145 or 370 5534 QUALITY AUTOMOBILES School. $3600Vbesl. 689-2422 f 352-6030 JEFF BENSON MAZOA 1986 - RX-7. GXL, gold, M QUAUTY AUTOMOBILES CAMARO 198«, Bertinetia, «1/1.0- 882 Chrysler "CONQUEST TSI 198« - loaded, power. Sunroof, 6 spood. 32,000 14,000 miles. Had twins 562-7011 msiks, cassette, axcenoni eondillon. mites. Perfect. 474663« »8,750. 679-0249 COROOBA • 1980. 2 door, no rust, must sen. 722-8478 CENTURY LIMITEO 6« Automatic, great Inlorior. $500. After 5pm. MAZOA 1987 RX7. excellent " »2-3664 CORVETTE 196«; convertible, powor windows/lock s/se a is, load­ CAMARO 1988 V6. loedod, wife's condition, alarm, low mileage. Must ed! »6.759. car. very sharp. 18,000 miles. wNte. rebuilt 327, body totally re­ Sdl. »10.300. 295-4615 COROOBA, 1981. $950 or best of­ stored, too much new to flat, JackCsuleyChovVGEO 655-0014 »9300. 673-4663 fer. Contactor caT alter 7 PM. »15.600 or best of fer. 540-6905 MAZDA, 1988, RX7. Model OKU 2 century 1983, air, 4 door, losdod. CAPRICE 1983 Estate Wagon, pow­ 420-3263 plus 2, 3300 miles. Leaded, auto­ er, air, bosutiful eondillon, »6300. CORVETTE 1975. WNtertan Interi­ extra clean, 1 owner, must see. E-CLAS3 1983. air. automatic, load­ matic, leather, sunrool, CO player, $3200 or besl offer. -420-0975 478-4927 or478-6108 or, loadedl Glass tops. 75,000 hwy. »15.000. 647-3346 ed, low mlioage. »3300. .Can even­ miles. Spedaii »i2,000.Joe Rtoci Contury-1983 limited Air, «m/fm CAPRICE 1984. While! ings or weekends 373-2493 Jeep Eagle, Used Car*. 343-5430 MAZOA 626 v 1988. 19.000 miles, stereo, ends*, tilt. »3.939 Good condition. 644-602« air. eulomatk:. Amfm cassette, FIFTH AVE 1988 - black cherry, CORVETTE 1976 Interior 4 body. power windows-locks. Excellent , LOU LaRICHE CAVALIER C3 85 Automatic, power loaded, electric sunroof, 9000 miles, excellent. Minor mechanical work condition! »11,500. 553-3743 locks, air, much more. »4.28«. »15.300. 476-2763 neoded. $6,800orbestoffer. CHEVY/SUBARU Jack Ceuley Chev./GEO 855MX)14 LASER • 1984, Turbo. Automatic, 4592471 MERCEDES BENZ. 1976. 280 Plymouth Rd. • Just West ot 1-275 Sedan. Ice while, pslomino Interior,. CAVALIER 1982. loadod, \Dry good air, cruise, am fm cassette, good , CORVETTE 1977 L-82. Very good N. Carolina car. Exce'leot condition, 453-4600 condition, »2.000. eondillon. 1 owner. $2800.656^0945 , condition. Mack) automatic, air, T- certified maintenance records. AH Workdays afier 6pm 354-4129 , top*, am-fm casseK*. 63,000 mfies, CENTURY 1984, power steering/ USER -198« XT Turbo, leather, T- power options Including power sun­ brakes/windows, cruise, am/fm ra­ , »«,000/offer. 477-0118 roof. »7,900 firm. Ask lor Bruce. CAVAUER: 19837 has engine prob- tops, loaded, mini, extra winter tires 531-6264; • 644-2887 dio, new exhaust, good ikes, oood loms. $800. Cftfl, 474-7110 4 whods, ««,000. 522-9079 CORVETTE, 197«. SHver Annfver- condition, must »«n, »3400453-7748 sa/y. 36000 mfi«. excdlent condi­ CAVALIER. 1983 WAGON, power LEBARON Convertible 198«, Turbo. MERCE0ES BENZ 66 I90E Black, CENTURY 1984. luxury Inteertor. S speed.»13K mnes, tlean.»14.600. tion. Ask lr»g »9. «0d. 641-7222 »14.900. / brake, am-fm stereo, fear defog. 5 stereo, cruise, air, Excdlenl condl- speed manud$ 1.650 . 261-0764 425-6811 Corvette 19?» You must »«4 tMs lionl »3.400. «81-1948 onealW.999 ERHARD BMW CAVALIER 1983-auiomatlc, 65.000 LEBARON GTS, 1986. Moving to actual miles. Looks and rum greaii France. Must sdl f«»l. Excellent GORDON 352-6030 E(,ECTRA, 1987, t-Typ*. leather, Spedel ihis week, »1,699 "" condition. New brakes, new front exeonefit condition, loaded. $9500. TYME Budget 397-3003 tires. »5100 or best offer. 652-9920 MERCEDES 1984, 230 SI. hard 4 645-5070 After 6pm: 489-4097 CHEVROLET •oft top. 4 speed. WNte with red CAVAUER. 1983. AV, power steer­ LEBARON 1982 • Mark Cross Interi­ ON F0R0 ROAD IN OAROEN CfTY leather. Showroom oondrtKm. best IE SABRE 1973- 2 Door, 67,000 ac­ ing 4 brake*, rear defog, anvfm or, power everything. 258-635« Offer, 737^0269 tual miles. Best offer. 476-73M •lereo, looki good, needs torn* re­ 427-6200 pel/. $900/besl otter. IE BARON 1984 convertible, mint , CORVETTE 1900. km nUtes. Stored MERKUR, 198«. loaded, automatic LESABRE 197», oood transporta­ Days: 538 -687 7 Ev»«: 453-8407 condition, Florida tar, low frOeege, (Bbtitxbti & %ttt\\txk , winters. Mint) Black cm N**l loed- factory warranty, »10,600 or best tion, runs good, title ruit. $800 loaded. Cafl Ale*, 336-2400 or , *>. Glass T-top*. »12.000. 737-2418 Offer. Days, 353-1511 Eve. 258-5065 981-4045 CAVAUER, 1984/ 2 door, power . after 6pm, 994-4529 PARK AVENUE 1988 black. lo»ded iteering, brakes; automatic Asklno CLq66IFIED ADVERTISING CORVETTE 1W« d*fk red rtt«<««o • MERKUR 1967 XR4T1 Aulomatlo. 6u. 'Oof. Leather. Bois- radio. »2400. After 6pm. .478-7819 •V, •urvoof. only 12,710 origVwJ ! bsacfc r«*th«« mwoor. 6o*« sl«r»o »7.950- 851-5543 644-1070 Oakland County 8&1-W0Q Wayne County 852-3222 Rochostor/Rochoater Hllla , Z-52 ^orrr*ric« p«<*#g* 12,000 Owner miles, LIKE NEW! »9,995 CAVAUER 1»«4 Hatchback, AmFm IEBARON 198« TuibO. exteflont , rrim. Exo»»«nt eondtiion. »2«,«« Hlne« Park Uncotn-MerOury PARK AVENUE, 1985. loaded, eassetie, sir, » speed, power steer. eondillon, toodod. Asking $8700. DIADLIHt*: $ PM. TU«»0AY FOMrlUASOAY tCXTrON/* P.M FRiOAY/Oli MONDAY tOmON or b«t offer. 4WJ748 453-2424 ext. 400 black. »8100. . -' : . «41-9001 Ing-bf»k». »2.»50./o«s(. «43-8523 Ask for JO« «1464 «738, 427-4838 V > % t

mmmmm Monday, JuJy 31, 1989 O&E *5C

666 Ford 874 Mercury 874 Mercury 876 Oldsmobile 878 Plymouth 880 Pontlec 880 Pontlac B82 Toyota 882 Toyota TOYOTA MR2, 1987, rod. 6 spcod. T6IRO 1988 Turbo. Automatic, Ct, SABLE. 1987 L8-SDS. 1 ol a kind, CUTLASS 1985 - Ciera. 2 door, H0FU2ON • 1987, S speed, stereo, ORANO A)4 6« Aulomatic. aJr, AM/ 6UNBIRO 1978. automatic, pood COROLLA 1583, 2 door, excellent OflAND MARQUiS. I960. 4 door, UansportaUon. 77,000 rr^es, $600. condition, low mileage, $2,760. teatrver, sun roof, loaded. Exco/lont, Hr.ii, tliwfcss, wwrenty. 18,000 loadod. Qood condition »1,650 or loaded! sod-top w/sunroot, leather loaded. 60.000 rrules. needs engir* c&ssen*. new Ures. great ahap*. FM stereo. fte*dy to rcJ al $5,965. nv*», »11.600. 474-7928 Interior, low mileage 646-6906 $3500/TX>st. ^ 354-372i JackCeuJeyCt*yJOEO «56-0014 C«* 722^)159 474-0336 condition, onr/ 17,000 mllos. orvdor best. 464-9745 work Must sen Day* 547-1734: warranty. As>.J>fl $8700 623-1050 After 6pm 471-3262 TEMPO GLX, 1984. 8 tpeod. powtr SABLE 1988. loaded, 15.000 miles. OfVANO PRIX 197«, oood condfUon 6UNBIR0 1964 - aulomatJc, po*er COROLLA 1985 LE UmHod. Load­ ORAND MARQUISE 1688 retiree RELIAMT 1963 staUon wagon. Ex­ TURCELL 198« - 24.000 m5es. am- iteerbrakel. CSSS8II*. buck«l excellent. 1 owner. CUTLASS - 1S65 Holiday. 2 doer, 4 good rwrviing thtp««. AsVJod •leorlngTbraJte*. tit. ton mHes, daw­ ed. Blue. 54,000 mie$. $6O00Vbcst. owner Low mileage. »8500. 1 cellent conditioa Buftj great. Load­ fm stereo cassette, tit, exceDem M3l».VerycKiaMt2.9S0. ¢91-6853 rul / loaded.'good condition, 60.000 $1200. ks* condition, tht* v,^ek only Oa/»:851-3493 Even^gs: 471-4888 663-5243 Call: .-- M5-0383 ed. Hen tires. $1700. 421-720« »3,4».UME-PVncvth 455-5566 condition, $7500. »32-0184 TEMPO GL 1984- pxwx bfftXe*- nvlcs. needs engine work. Best oi­ COROLLA 1966 - LE Limited, 4 door GRAND MARQUIS 1983 - Q<6/, SCORPIO 1988 Touring package. ler 347-1734, after Spm.471-3262 RELIANT 1965 • Wagon. »V. 36.600 ORANO PRIX 197» KAfU iterso, ttfrMln). lilt, cnjlw. ooo< locM, Tela Blue, low miles. $ 12.900 $Lt. crvH«, UJL Exc*3«nl condition, eUNBift01944,6 *pe*d. 4 door. air. sedan, beige, automatic, tit. sun­ trailer package, ajr. exoc-nent rrVloi. excoCont condition, factory power steering and brekes, am-fm roof, fuSy loaded. $6600 or best. automatic, excellent condition. condition. »3.000. 464-1994 Mines ParV Unco!n-Mercury CUTLASS. 1986 Sx/preme Broug­ warranty. Offer. 644-6967 »1v00rxbo»l. 347-3512 884 Volkftwagon 13300. 1 owner 476-0700 453-2,424 ext.400 ham. 4 door, excellent cond4lon, »tereo, many r>e-« p4rt», 76.000 MuslM.Bgo!ng0rerse»». 347-4541 Grand" Prix 1977 8J Or>« c«mor, tx- mB«», $1900. Eves: 427-9673 BUS. 1976 Superb beach mobile. $5650 or best olfor. 455-7021 Sundance 1989 automatic, tit. Bal­ COROLLA 1987 SR5, automatic, yel'«w & white. $975 • TEMPO OL 68 Automatic, tU, AW/ GRAND MARQUiS LS 1984. 4 door. TOPAZ LS 1985, 30,000 actual ance 7/70.17.W5 l/a dean, $1,6*8 FM »ler«o. much more. »4.695. miles 2 lone server. Excer.ont condi­ CUTLASS 1967. Clcra Brougham, Hine* Ptft. Uncotn-Meroury St/NBIRO 1965. convertible, auto­ loaded; exoeScot condition. $6,600, Leave message 545-690? jsdiCaLfcyChoy./OEO 855-0014 an power, air. ejceTenl condition matic, casjetie. 57.000 miles. f" 728-7812 82.600ml. »4400. 851-1179 tion Losdod. »5.000. 544-3422 pOAer door locks 6 wtrxJoo-s, IJily 453-2424 ext400 GOLF 19S6 good condition 24.000; equipc-ed. 642-1437 FOX HILLS $6.7&6. 879-0249 TEMPO. 1984. QL. 5 »p«eTnouth ORANO PRIX 1980 U, pow, »Jr, CORONA LE. 1981, 4 door sedan, m:'cs. $5,000/bc-st otttr. power lUerlng, brakeJ. CAM* con­ GRAHO MARQUiS. 1985. LS. Gray. more, M.000 mSes. ExooOent Ctt*. SUHBIRO, 1965. 6 speed, power white, 1 CATier, very good condition. 541-0322! 4 door, eiocilont condition. roof, loaded, new brakes, newer CUTLASS 1958 Supreme, a* op­ 455-6740 961-3171 _^^ ^^„_^ «.* trol, urvde-- 60.000 milei. 981-1985 tires. 69.000 miles. »2500. 397-3046 tions except sunrool, red on red. $1500/b««t 332-3303 sleering S brake*, At. am-fm stereo $2600. 626-2265 »6800. 261-6377 TC3, 1979. new motor, no mBes, no cassette, dean $3750 464-7424 -J TEMPO 1985, po*e/ iteertng/ Best otter. Must son> 471-3229 rusl 4 more. $1600. 427-236« CRESSlDA. 1985. 4 door ORANO MARQUIS 1960. 6 cytnder. TOPAZ 1986 - Flrethorn red. abso­ GRAND PRDC 1M1. « cyT-il* Oirytlor-PTvmouth 525-7604 • * TEMPO 1985. 5 apood. new braXej. h/Jy foaded. 31,000 m.tej, excenenl GRANO PRLX. 1965. 62*00 rriw, nrwtflec. Very clean. »3.200. cH*n w. many new p*rt«, tsUna 8UN8IR0 1987 SE, exce^nt. auto­ JETTA GL 1986. 5.ipc<-d. dr. cav condition. 427-3872 TOPAZ 1988. loaded, excellent con- DELTA 6« - 1966. Mosl options. wu After 4pm. 484-3630 d.lion. Please tail days 322-0052 $5750. Cafl t>et*.ccn earri-5pm »4250. Be(or« 6pm. 663-0119 matic, air. am/lm casseite. 46,000 uoo i*»7 iinoom-es muit ssa «- <8.0 miles. V/eB mairv, 880 Pontlac mees, $6^00. Atter 7pm 655-9242 - GRAND MARQUIS 1987. 4 door IS, evenings 476-0178 660-3070 After jftn A on weekends. ¢41-4010 K^'oftl , • Si!2l1v fair*d.excen«ntcondition.mu4t««; TEMPO 1986. Sport 4 door: loWoo . bcsl otter . WV21Z4 ., , 7 ft^068 or 266-352? black/grey Interior, loaded, excel­ BONNEVlLLe JSE 196«. loaded, ex- GRANO PRO, 1981. Automatic, V-«. TRANS AM 1977. rebufil 400 en­ ww/t)CS 7 50.500ml. $4200 474-607S lent cond.Uon. J9.9SO 454-1039 TOPAZ. 1987. GS Manual. 5 speed. OELTA 68 1968 - 4 door, automatic. ceneol condlOon. $11.600.679-2574 loaded. 47.000 miles ai. pOAer »teeririg/brakes/door power aleorlrig/braXe*, •m-fm cas­ gine, a*fc». $60 0 or best otter. JETTA. 1986, GL 4 door. 5 *p«*$ TEMPO 198«. OlS. fulf/ loadod, SUPRA 1987 Black Turbo. 5 speed. GRAND MARQUiS. 1983 Ml power. »5200 981-4802 tocks'wtndOAS. till, cruise, stereo, BONNEVILLE SE 198«, loaded, ex­ sette, many other option*. ortgtoaJ 271-3442 loaded. 48.000 rr.'cs. $6,000. -*"• 19.000 mi . aJf. orvis«. powe* fleer­ owner. Must toe. $1500 or best Targe top Loaded ExoeOenl condi­ nto/^tiable 476-382/] ' dean. 50.000 m:ie», $3500 undercoated; paint sealant. $6,499. cellent condition, all power, TRANS AM 1979 - lots ot r>e* parts. ing/ wakes/lockj. amlm cassette, WAGON 1979 trailer package, 427-2966 AfterCpm x 427-6139 tion. Original o*ncr. $16,600 interior, excellent cood lion. 344-1950 alt 7 30 255-5956 recse h.tch Loadedll 78.0W rrvles $12,500. 932-194« exoeBent condition. $4,500 or best After 5pai, 644-6744 RABBIT LS 1981. V door Air, surtf" »7700 Leave message at either s GRAND MAROU* 1984 - 46.500 Asking $1200/bes{. 421-7761 FiRENZA 1985. sport coupe hatch­ BONNEVILLE SSE .195», 6500 LEMANS 196«. low m.%40*. «m/tm Offer. Call alter 5:30pm 531-1761 roof, amlrn. 4 speed, gas engine Osy. 531-1333. eve. 563-8089 stereo, 5 tpeed. $5900. Art tor Dt- TERCEU 1980. 2 door. 5 spoed. good condition, $1250 437-160V milei.' 2 door, new brakes & ex­ back, automatic. aJr. options. Ike miles, leather, security, •xoeTient, TRANS AM 1979. 6.6 liter, runs am/fm cassette. Good condrw-n. haust, loaded. $4,500 533-4389 nerr. 22.000 ml. $3150. 455-3133 • 16.900 Alter 6pm 373-2761 an«orDe«W« 635-4515 THUNDERBIRO TURBO 198« 5 great, mint condition. C*a Tom. Hjgh miles. $ 1000. Can 646-4632 RABBIT 1979 - runs good. $600 or] 875 Nissan besl offer- 454-4946. Speed, toadod. only 13.000 mtev OLDS 98.Tourlng Sodan 1988. BONNEVILLE. 197«, 4 door, $ook»- LeUANS, 196«. 2 door; loaded. 1 348-3537 TERCEL 1085. 4 door. 74.00OmI . ,—t, c/iarcoaJ meta'lic. $»?.S00 GRAND MARQUIS, 1984 Loaded. OATSUN 1982. 280 ZX 5 Spsod. ex­ I5.000mi Astro root, loaded, excel- runs very good. eJr. $2SO0/best. owner, extended warranty. TRANS AM, 1981. 5.0 Icier, hurst 4 cellent running condition, some rusl, $4700. 764^1463 Rusl proofed, am/lm sterso. air. 5 RABBIT 1979-4 door. 4 spoed. rurij Hines Pa/k Uncoln-Mercvry Sharp »4.190 CaJl 229-7791 lenl condillorv Black 427-2866 Days. 557-3223 Eves; 659-9^69 tpood. 4 wheel disk, t-tops. very speed, cloth interior. Excesent con-' 453-2424 6x1400 $3500. 348-1028 great. $550/best " J LN-7. 1983 White, excellent BONNEVILLE, 1987, LE- Loaded. LeMANSL 1989. 4 door, toeded. pood condition, must %tA $2650/ dition $3400/best After 6pm j Caa alter 5pm 451-776?; besl k ave mes«ge 664-8964 conOit'ion. stick, sunrool. OLDS '98. 1979. Ue/i Uansmlssion. 26.000 miles. 2 yr. warranty remaiv 3600 mflcs, warranty. 658-95151 SUPER BEETLE 1975. 41.000 orlgt. $«500, 42t-664« THUNDERBIRD Best otter 333-0815 Nissan Maxima 1986 Aulomatic. air. $400 525-1094 ing. $9350. Eves: 655-56*4 TRANS AM 1984. low mneage. eJ- nal n-wes. 200 V/att Pioneer sterea/ leather, power sunroof, this one has TERCEL 1968. 2 door coupe, air, OLOS 98. 1985 Regency Brougham, Pontlac FVsro G.T. 1945 5 apoed. ceOont condition, am/lm cassette. auto, rear delog. casseite. excellent new punt, rrvjch more, excellertt TURBO LYNX 1983 - 35.000 rruies. automat­ ail the toys'»7.195 FIERO SE, 1984. Whrle. 60.000 condition $3.400or bosl. 335-4694 ic, amlm cassetle. exec-Cent shape dean. $6500 firm 489-0196 mflcs. Automatic, tit, stereo. extr»». loaded. 33.000 miles, ready lo go al $4,995 C«a 525-4100 condition Pal: 669-4728 • runs great. $1,600 Cal Al Sharp! $3.100/Best. Troy. 641-9615 $5,995 - COUPES PAGE TOYOTA 352-8580 REGENCY BROUGHAM 98 1988. TRANS AM 1984. T-top. AmFm cas- 533-7822 ksauier. wires, loadod. $10,500 or NISSAN MAXIMA 1986 Automatic. FlERO 1985. red. S speed, air. em/ Mtt*. $4,500. 981-3433 83-84-88-87 Lynx 1983 4 door, aulomatlc. power best olter Oays. 645-5070 or Even­ fm stereo cissotte. 45.000 mOes, GORDON USED CAR SAVINGS a,r. leather, power sunroof, btsita) ings. 247-3176 $4,200. 691-1523 TRANS AM 1985 Loaded. T tops. steering and brakes. Great Trans­ dash, loaded, extra clean Only FORD MOTOR B-PLAN CU8TOMERS WELCOME NICE SELECTION OF QUALITY. portation Onty $2,195 Everytfilng! Black Beauty. $7,000 or PAMPEREO ONE OWNER TRADES. $7,195 REGENCY 98 1979, runs great, Flsro 196« Automatic, tk. cruise, CHEVROLET best Must *eni CaJ before 12 noon ALL VEHICLES' SAFETY CHECKEO. Jack Demmer Ford PAGE TOYOTA 352-8580 loaded. 81.000 mCes. $1,050. Can­ tut. «m/lm cassette, ahirpl $5,555 OM FORO ROAD IN GARDEN CITY or after 5pm 453-4446 '86 MUSTANG GT '87 EXP : ROAD READY AND WARRATEEO AFFORDABLE USED CARS ton. Can alter 4pm 981-1752 5 speed, flip roof. a. 427-6200 loaded, mint condition, low mflss. power steering and 33.000 miles, automatic,- LYNX 1985¼ - 4 speed, em-lm ster­ CHEVY/SUBARU JEFF BENSON CAR CO sette. 5 speed. $9,000. 879-7785 AM/FM steroo. True luxury eirtomo- PONT1AC 8TE 1967- loaded, al lady driven. $9600- 427-6404 brakes, cruise, tilt, stereo, aJr. Nice car. Call For?, eo, ctea/i. new tires/exhaust system, b:le. One owner. Plymouth Rd. - Just West ot 1-275 power windows. QUALITY AUTOMOBILES body m great shape, runs great. power, powe/ door Jocka-atwta-mJr- TftANS AM 1946 • K/Ty loadod. t- Details! 23717 KEANST $1.000orbest 981-5443 876 Oldsmobile SUNSHINE HONDA 453-4600 rora-wtndowt, sunrool- New Micha- top».$9400. 363-964« $ OEARBORN.MI Bns. Stareo/casaetta on VH wheel. 7488 562-7011 MARQUIS WAGON 1983. Loaded!! CALAIS. 1987. Supreme. 40.000 453-3600 FIERO 1968 Gold. exotBenl condi­ Lfte new. Steal at »7450. 663-5475 TRANS AM 1987 OTA 350. futty ExcoCcnt condition! $2595 miles. aJr. power steering/brakes, tion. 31.000 mile*, manual, survool. loaded, new tires, asking $13,000. '88 TEMPOS THUNDERBIRO I960, landau roof. 477-6189 cr 476-5923 cassette, mint. Best offer. 425-4926 TORONADO 1979 Diesel, red, sun­ $3600. C«a aiter 6pm. 662-6993 PONT1AC SUNBiRD 1944 4 door. Ask lor Joe at 464-673«, - 427-4838 '84 MUSTANG GT luiury interior. po*er jtoclnj/ rool. leather, loaded. FVst $975. aulomatic, air, power, cassette and 4 doors 3 to choose Au­ txaXes. cruise control, am/lm tier- MARQUIS 1977. 4 door, loaded, CIERA 1982 - srtvor. toe gr«y 353-6649 FlERO 1964 QT, loaded Including sunroof, low mte, won't last - TRANS AM 198«. T-tops, rutty load­ 5 speed, T-Tops, air, rear eo $4200/besl otter 728-9430 black with vinyl top Georgia car. interior. V6. automatic. aJr, wire sun-roof. red. dean, »7,100/ofter. $2,695 ed. 13.000 (lady mfles). $14,000 defrost, stereo/cassette. tomatic and air Youi nonjst. »800 656-9322 wheels, immaculate condition. TORONADO 1983. lull power. »«1-5243 PAGE TOYOTA . S52-*5«v firm. CeJ; 665-1869 Choice T BIRD. l985Llmrted Edition Anni­ $1,899 TYME.8odgel Lot 397-3003 Excellent condition. $5,350. cr best versary, exoeOenl oorvJiOon. tu'Jy MAROUlS 1984 Brougham, loaded. olter. 517-548-4482 FIERO 1968, very clean, anvtm »t«r- PONTUC 1963, 6000 IE, loadexJ. «5695 loaded, tow low miles. »8200. Can CUTLASS SUPREME 1966. 15.000 eo caisetle. sfiver. S-*pood, 16.000 great ©ontfroon, »3^50. 669-4397 «7495 all options, (lawless condition, dark miles. $4200. After 6pm. 444-374« 882 Toyota between 9am-3pm 425-6718 . blue, dark blue crushed vetour Inle- m:les. excellent condition. $7500. TORONADO. 1983. SaWe/brown ; rior. this week only. $3,199. 453-9275 velour. V-8. 63.000 m.Tes, new PONTLAC 194«. 6000 8E. exoedant CAROUA, 1978. 5 spoed. 44.000 '86 MUSTANG LX , 1982 MUSTANG HATCHBACK 6 exhaust. $4800. 524-2737 FlERO 1987 automatic. aJr, alarm, condition, loaded, new brake*. CaS '87 TOPAZ GS SPORT I TYME Budget 397-3003 stereo, etc.. 14.000 mBaa. Adult miles, good condition. $1,000 or cylinder, automatic, air. stereo Onry CUTLASS SUPREME I960 Broug­ after 7 pm. 453-4517 best offer. 425-0370 29.000 miles. ESP War­ CONVERTIBLE : $2,495 , Mercury Lynx 1985 automatic, ster­ ham. 2 door, full power. 98K. no TORO 1985-very good condition, owned -Tike newt $6400 242-346« loaded, blue, landau top. 62.000- PONT1AO 6000 LE. 1644 - 2 door. CEUCA OTS Sport Coupe 198« 6 cylinder, automatic. a)r> eo, low mites, excellent transporta­ rust. $2000 455-4587 FIREBIRD 197». V-«. 302 •utOmaOC, ranty, air. stereo/cas­ tion for second car. $2,699 $6,300 271-2443 or 654-5819 Sharpt 1 owner. »3290 or boat oflar. Loaded!! Alarm, sunroof,fcke new . sette, cruise and tilt j power windows. Show­ CUTLASS Supreme 1976- 69.000 am/lm cassette, good condition, aa 524-1810 Cf 444-4409 tow mUe*. red »8900. 453-7662 room New! Jack Demmer Ford mi Clean In 4 out. sir. $1S00. or l*.$400orbe*t 772-2191 s AFFORDABLE USED CARS GORDON best offer 595-1889 878 Plymouth PONTLAC 6000 8TE. 194«, axceDerrt CEJJCA GT 1948- *porty. 5000 ml. 6695 721-5020 FIREBIRD - 1979. TA. Black, Hop*, condition. 27.400 mflea, $7400. exoeOenl condition, »12.700. «7788 CHEVROLET Attention College Students!! Ren- futry loaded. exoeOent condition, 471-2045 C«I after 4pm: 737-8746 1984 THUNDERBIRD automatic. aJr. ON FORD ROAD IN GARDEN CITY CUTLASS able inexpensive cars to fit your asking $4500. Musi tod. After 7pm •88 CROWN VICTORIA stereo, cassette, tut wheel, cruise back-lo-school budgeL Ca.1 525- weekday*. 643-0940 PONTIAC 6000 8TE. 1948 - Mmi CEUCA. 1945, GT8. 5 speed, red. '87 SABLE GS UMitiCrl. po»rry taati nnrtadegows. 427-6200 ©ondioorx Loaded. AS optjona. V-8's 5000. Ask for Dan NeaJ. FIREBIRD 1980. Aulomatk. 1 loaded, 28,000 mEee, mini condi­ Luxury 4 door, demo. 4 door. 30.000 miles 'oily electronic mirrors. Onty 4.700 actual MERKUR. 1986. red.'eTSfiWnrcon^ 23.000 ml. warranty. C*B for del***. tion. Evenings: 557-2487 miles. Ue rvewl »5.895 COLT 1985. onry 38.000 mEea. 38 owner. »1650 or best 477-0522 Oayt: 622-4940 Eventng*: 422-2445 $1000 Rebate, full power, loaded. dition, 30.000 mr,es. Don't pass this 1 "mpg:—good—rx>ndition_4_spoed. JJ7 CEUCA. 1987 QT ConYertibJa. Rod. likenewl Jack Oemmer Ford one up. $8,000. 349-0610 EBIRD 1944. 4 speed. 44.000 PONTUC NICE SELECTION OF QUAUTY. $2500 or be4t offer. 651^134-¾ as option*. 6 speed One owner. AFFORDABLE USED CARS mCe*. Exe^Rnt-eervfiOorv-Lfiadad. 357-1659 $7995 721-5020 MERXUR. 1988½ XR4T1. white, au­ PAMPERE0 ONE OWNER TRADES. FURY III. 1970. runs good. Stile rusL »4,500. Can after 6pm. 994-452T »12,995 tomatic, leather, every option, mint ALL VEHICLES SAFETY CHECKEO. $1800. 673-9032 -eeUCA^1»87, GT. 5 speed, hatch­ condition. $13 900/offer 427-1021 ROAD READY & STARTING AT FORMULA 350 FIREBIRD: 1948, PONTIAC 4000. 19«2_ 4 door. air. Bod, low mite*. Alarm. Mint condt- back. 36O50 m9e»T«>^ciTjtse. Omonth tj.000 nine hmit^a wa^mi, 872 Lincoln $2,495. FURY III 1973. 61.000 miles, new tin. 70.000 mitt*. Newfront brake* . c**»ette, met&Xie paJnL7~rOO^OO_ MONTEREY 1978. low mitos. good transmission, excellent interior, air. Uon. Extra*! 241-4690 Nr>w otterinq low used car interest r;it«': condition, no rust. $ 1200 or best oi­ Urea, rotor*. »3.000ybe*1 477-7757 mBe» warranty. Must sea. $4500. CONTINENTAL 1984 4 door. V-«. JEFF BENSON CAR CO. new M>chelins. $700. 421-5123 automatic, completely loaded, luxu­ ler. 491-0493 GRAND AM &e 1987. V-« fuel In­ PONTIAC «000 1944. LE, air. auto­ neaotlaWe. 473-4404 QUALITY AUTOMOBILES jected, white, loaded, dttn. 34.000 ry at an affordable price, onry 23717 K6AN ST. HORIZON - 1979. 4 spoed. Runs matic, bucket*, am-fm, aunroof. COROLLA FX 48 Automatic, a>. $6,695 SABLE IS: 1987, 3 liter, euto. Black. great. $450 or besl offer. 537-4794 triBea. Make offer. Eve*. 254-8175 Power steering, brakes, air. am/fm 0EAR80RN. Ml 44.000 mSe*. »6100. 422-4060 atereo. f^weriiteeringTbrakes, low Hluckwt Jack Demmer Ford stereo. $7900.553-0176 r 562-7011 HORIZON 1980 4 spoed. 4 door. GRANO AM 1944. black. 4 door, SUNBlRO 6E Turbo: 1949. toededn mBea, 5 to choose from $6,945. IF YOU DON'T KNOW USED CARS... AFFORDABLE USED CARS $1000 or best. 362-0224 good condition. »4.650. 454-4424 ExceBenl condruon. Fiaajry taat PAGE TOYOTA 352-6540 721-5020 SABLE 1986 LS Wagon. excoSent CUTLASS 1971. runs, needs ex­ haust, lor parts or *t»le. GRANO AM 1964 SE. airrer. loaded, 6.000 mSes- Usu «12,600. 8e« COROLLA SR5- 196«; air. am-fm, KNOW YOUR DEALER! condition, loaded. $6500. Horiion 1969 aulomatic. air conoV »10.000. 762-5576 CONTINENTAL Mark V. 1979. Air. Oays 435-1835. Eves 348-8798 Can 474-5407 Uon. 12.000 mite*. $7,395 excellent condition,low mile*. power tteerlng. 5 speed. $6500. 41001 Plymouth Rd . Plymouth leather seats, cruise, power win­ $6500. 553-0944 SUNSIRD SE 1944- S apeed. eJr. . ' 640-1478 dows Best offer After 5pm476-5508 CUTLASS 1985. Oera Brougham, dark leal blue, aluminum wheels. FOX HILLS GRAND AM. 194«. 2 door, 4 cyttn- •m-fm caaseoa. power tteerlng & COROLLA 1943. «111001*00. am/tm, 453-1100 453-1327 SABLE, 1986, LS Low mTeage. brake*, Hue, ctein, 42.600 rnJea. CONTINENTAL. 1985 - Loaded. best offer. 473-043« $3900. - 455-8522 Chrysler-Plymouth Otf. brown, aurvoot. luggage rack, 1 owner, 47.000 mfles, new brake*/ FORD MOTOR B PLAN CUSTOMERS WELCOME Perfect condition ImpressJv* sec­ 455-8740 961-3171 63.000 Irtfes. »4900 »«1-6442 $5300. J*n or Mark S. at; (55-2000 ftrfujust/ahoek*, $3,500. 449-4954 ond car. 97.000 ml »7000.646-6956 CONTINENTAL. 1983. excellent condition, loaded. 65.000 miles. $6100 855-5533 Ev«s626-83i9 CONTINENTAL; 1963. Snaaytl Ex­ cellent! Leather, keyless entry. MONTH-END $5600'best. 855-5533 626-8319 CONTINENTAL 1988 SIGNATURE SERIES. 18.000 miles, caa lor do- tails Hines Park UocotrvMercury CLEARANCE! 453-2424 ext4O0 LINCOLN CONTINENTAL 198« Fu3 power, dual 6 way teats, loather In­ 1986 8UNBIRD Q.T. 1986 LE8ABRE LIMITED terior. $12,295 TURBO COUPE Air. cassette, tilt wheel, cruise North Brothers Ford 421-1376 28.000 miles. «ir. automatic. control, power windows & locks, power windows & locks. Hit clean, one owner. MARK VII 1985 6iS Bla». Exccflont wtioe*. cruise *i condition. Warranty. »10.500 control, cassette. 549-9498 '5995 *5995 MARX VII. 1985 LSC. Leather, 1988 Q.M.C. JIMMY 1987 FORD moonrcof, loaded. »9.995. Nice- & FuH sLw, all options, Incfud- RANGER PICKUP clean. Ing sunroof. V-8 engine. V-6 engine, automatic, air, SPECIAL PURCHASE Hines Park Lincoln-Mercury 453-2424 ext 400 power, excellent tC/tQC '14,995 condition. . 0*l$70- MARK V - 1979 Continental. »1200 or best oiler. 292-3033 1 &S0 CUTLASS 1987 NI88AN 300 ZX TOWN CAR, 1984. Executive car. SUPREME BROUGHAM 26,000 one owner miles. '>v V > •> triple brown, loaded, dean. 43.000 miles, original own­ T-tops, leather, none finer. Serious onfy. 421-2235 er, really nice. $2995 TOWN CAR 1985. good condition. 12,995 72.000 miles. »7600. Ask for Judy, day»737-8700. Eves. 543-2142 1985FIEROGT 1982 DELTA 88 nWnv TOWN CAR, 1985, Signature Series, Air. cassette, tilt wheel, cruise Super nice car, gas V-8 loadod, 68,000 mife*. $9800 or control, power windows 4 locks, engine. trs low miles, none finer. fK\ best. 656-8739 $2995 TOWN CAR. 1985. 50.000 miles, »7395 good condition. »9.000. 454-4013 1988 CORSICA 1988½ O.M.C. EXPLORER TOWN CAR 1986 one owner, coach 9,000 miles, air. automatic, McDonald Ford has purchased 100 extra cars, trucks and vans from roof. Aluminium wboots. ooN/ 39.000 Hl-top, conversion van, 24, power, lilt wheel, cruise control, 000 one owner miles. miles. $11,600 sal* priced. Hines ParX Uncotn-Mercury Ford Motor Company which MUST BE SOLD THIS WEEK! These are 453-2424 ext 400 «7595 M2.995 TOWN CAR 1986 Signature Series, all new vehicles - triple Neck, loaded. 23.000 original show room condition. Beauit- PO N AC ful. »15.600. 346-1111 ART M0RAN O MC VERSAILLES 1979.. 60.000 mile*. SALE ENDS JULY 31,1989 UllW body rusL »2.500. or b*sl. 29300 Telegraph « OAHn 422-3531 oc HERE ARE JUST A FEW EXAMPLES MANY MORE ON DISPLAY VERSAILLE 1979. good cooditon. ' 7 Mile N. of 12 Mile OOO-^UUU $3,200. 563-8786 1989 ESCORT LX 1989 LORAINE LUXURY K\nM.M.rn\ HII.LS 874 Mercury Was »10,147 VAN CONVERSION CAPRI i960.. 2 3 Wre. 4 speed. CHRYSI.F.Rori.YMon'il ^88*27,288 Wen-maJntalned. $ 1.000. Discount »1798 Can before 3pm, 451-7526 "HOT SUMMER SPECIALS" Discount »5389 . :<^25 CAPRI - 198« 03. Aulorruilc. «Jr. Now Rebate »4000 ' tilt. cruis«. cassette, excellent condi­ SAVE ON ALL THESE USED CARS tion. $4800. . , 649-492» $ WITH AIR CONDITIONING! COMET, 1978, 92,000 fnflos. lOtoChoosrFrom 7599 StV.#T9855 NOW ^17.899 condition, $800. After 5. 531 COUGAR IS 1987. V8. loaded, 1989FESTIVA clean, tow mites, wcenont conoMion '87 DAKOTA &8 FORD TEMPO 1989 TAURUS 4 DR $9500.' 522-4609 :^¾^^ Was »13\243 Was »7139 I, cr6i Cougar IS 1987 Loaded. 16.000 PICKUP LE Tilt wtieel, ise control 3^ Discount »640 mites. $6,995, Ask lor Orog. end more UYON* Chrysler-Plymouth 625-7604 V-6, air automatic and Rebate »500 - _\ COLK3AR 1977 waoon. pood «4895 -Now condition, runjwoll, $70¾ ^¾ 726-7939 $ 2AtTM>Pr)c« $t*f%*\*% * COUOAR 197» XR7, AH povrtr, a.V, '86APJES 89 LEBAR0N Slk.#9235 11,499 5 At Similar Savings stereo. Runs oood! $650. 5999 After 6pm. 669-324$ Automatic, air, lu-tone, CONVERTIBLE COUOAR," 1985. L8. excenenl con­ blue. Nice! i, . •. . <• ••• • ••• • 1989T-BIRD dition, *ir, stereo, loaded, new «*• 1989 AEROSTAR 1989 BRONCO 4x4 havsl.AlrxttPM. ' 422-1424 •44«ySL M 4,995 Was «16,310 Was »23,014 SUPER COUPE COUOAR. 1985. l.S. srtvor (xlerlor, Discount »2511 Discount '4849 burgundy lnt6rior.-«)tc«r<«n| corvft- Was »22,509 ilo.- loaded, 68.000 mnos, $5900. R«bats*300 R«oat©*750 L«av*m«ssa94(t 879-7536 '84 CHRYSLER )DIscount*4610 88 DODGE SHADOW Now Now COUOAR 198$, V8, »u1oma0c, •>, NEW YORKER f^" Now + power everything, excellent condl- $ lion. Texas ca/. $5750. 689-5232 56,000 mllos. sharp car.' 3AtThltPric« •13.499" 8tK.#T8111S 17,415 Stk.#91374 Cougar 1985 V-8 Automatic, stereo 17,899 with cassette, losdod. «nd ready, $6,495 t • '6995 «4995 • ^4jack Dommer Ford SAVE EVEN MORE ON THESE DEMO'S AFf 0R0ABLE USEO CARS OHTM**OT ff XCtl I BUT UL tC -noN 1989 CROWN 19W CROWN 19t9tAURUS 198» ESCORT 1989 TAURUS 1989 RANGER . 721-5020 • WAMKA*frr§ A VAKAtLI Cougar 1984 loaded. Including wtr« nHAHcm VICTORIA LX VICTORIA «4.4 DR. OT . LX4DR XtT covert, snarp, $7,447 • WM 91,904 WM*ao,4* WM»1i,1i1 WMMM24 W*«'14,06a '' LOULaRICHE DlKOOfit*4«0S D(K«wrrtO«f2 DiKounlM440 Oftcount »67$ Dt»«KKrtH0W : IMIMIM.lnN Hills R*t»**1000 DitoeuntMMI Rtb*lf780 R»UH»750 CHEVY/SUBARU R«tMl»M0O0 R»b«H«rS0 R*b*t**S0b i !H^H.:'I * i'l V\I«'l i! Now Ptymoutti Rd. - Just W«t 0» 1-275 ( 4 Now Now Now Now Now 453-4600 GRAND RIVER AHO MIOOLESEIT 15 499 •8899* •9499* COUOAR 1968 18, V6. •vtomjlkj. 5318200 476-7900 9 •14,799 •11,699* •14,899* losded, black. 38.000 mil**. $7600. 8tk.f90M 8MH7J . 8t*.#90«3 Stk.«93M SHc.#T»112« Cafl*ncr 6PM, 455-0414 Conveniently Located BANKER'S OUTLET McOoniM llki WgMI 550 W. SEVEN MILE 22305 Grand River 535-8840 m) NORTHVILLE 300 CARS TO CHOOSE FROM! Between Norlhville Rd & Sheldon Rd. • Financing (or EVERY0NEI • ADC • Welfare Re-Ettabllihlng Your Credit • Bankruptcy • No Credit ! 349-1400 • Zero down • immediate Approval •rtvt t**, Mc*nt«, «K dMUmMon $ndt Mttgr ! 0( r*Mfe to MCODOHM Port*

vi i -'. WW

6C* O&E Monday. July 31, 1989


^V 1938 MODELS

'89 GALANT SPORT GS '89 GALANT SEDAN 5 speed. D.O.H.C.. air. fully loaded. 4 Air. automatic, stereo cassetle. til ftheSl AMS aMJ lock brakes. Ssocfc-. wheel, de'ogocr. end more Stock a 112? a nor WAS $13,557 WAS $18,853 $ 1988 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX NOW H6.4S0* «£ 11,250* 1988 ESCORT Automatic, air, stereo, cohsolo. power windows, ONLY • Wl- OR LEASE FOR ONLY Automatic, air, stereo, rear defroster, radial tires power locks, rear defroster and much more' ORLEA8E FOR ONLY and much, much more! Stock «348111-6. per month «325 SOOOWH 9688 4 to choose from! pjr month 9783 tO DOWN

19 MIRAGE '89 PRECIS LS 3 DOOR 3 DOOR HATCHBACK HATCHBACK 5 speed, power steering. AM/FM 1988 T-BIRD Slereo and more Slock cM2027. Automatic, air, cruise, till, rear letroster, power Automatic, air. alloy wheels. po<.er WAS $8703 1988 MERCURY COUGAR r, cruise, till, rear let steering a brakes stereo cassette Automatic, air, crulso. tilt, power windows, power windows, power locks and much more NOW $ er locks and much mor< s jkCTOR* ONLY locks, rear defroster and much more! HOW SPECIAL F^ 7350 $ ONLY 7960* OR LEASE FOR ONLY 7 to choose from! $ 9388 Hurry Only One Lelll" 157 per month 5 to choose from! JSSSS tO DOWN W--MW\ «1 ,>r_m^ ^^jy. UpTO 1988 MERCURY TRACER 1988 TOYOTA COROLLA WIIOHTEM2D0O84WKEIDRIVE '89 7 PASSENGER WAGON Automatic, air, radio, rear defogger. radial tires 0 Automatic, dual air. stereo cassette. Automatic, air, rear defroster and much more! V-i encr *. tjlocz'.K,. rear seat, stereo and much more' cassette, rear vya< owner, i&.ii ctock pOApr steering and, much more. and more Stock sWTlOM Stock =M6003. $ WAS - -.$18,022 WAS $17,475 © 188 NOW T488* $ ONLY 3 (6 choose from! ONLY M4,950* 3 to choose from! 13,250 •Ask about the cxcc'lem nationwide Kerti backed buyer protection plan 12 month/12.000 miles (whenever comes first) t.mitrx) OR LEA8E FOR ONLY OsR LEASE FOR ONLY power tra-n warranty on every car sold Ask (or fu^ldetals AH cars subject to prior sale. All cars are Iromihe Herlj Rental fleet $ 329 p«r month STOP IN AND REGISTER FOR MI month 287 SO DOWN YOUR FREE 19" COLOR T.V. tO DOWN .EiiRCHASE REQUIRED • Just add lax. title, plates AU lactory & dea'er Incentives included in prke SALE DATES: JCicsedtndle3iOfOf,TC.-.t t

~)/ia/l MITSUBISHI 14625 TELEGRAPH RD. • TAYLOR, Ml 29310 Telegraph Rd„ just North of 12 Mile, Southfield 287-8210 353-0910 MON. & THURS. 9-9; TUES., WED., FRI. 9-6; OPEN SATURDAY 9-3

r*-- *K*i mBmm m^mmMm, -•Wir iTI .il-.i-mj r .t„and so he 5Q^S; Vf y^ beat Hj/J LAT 2.9% A.P.R. ^75% HUPWYIDONT Ml$$ THE SAVINGS

1989 ESCORT GT 1989 ESCORT LX 1989 MUSTANG 2 DOOR HATCHBACK SANDS 2 DOOR 2 DOOR HATCHBACK Stereo cassette, 4 speakers, tinted 5 tpoed. * $p^). locks & windows, crulso control, styled lilt wheel, 4 window defroster, light and sofa, rear heat and cool/ soft shades. 302 CVJJ clock r:^ «*iv*« miv'i'oo {•*:»•}«, VICTORIA LX 4 DOOR wtltern mlrrorl. ^ar-<^«r>g ptel »•. CW*/*.*£• (g,M>. -AJn»odrb9nl IVKJ*V«SJ CrV uXi t*?s,« CWh ioC1 Uocn seaKXLT trim. heady**, 5 tp«d ««il». 1>1 »r«J, <». Bc« f^'t. ttit Overdrlvt Irt-jrfssion, Pi I $ $:«( be.1M tX JeiscVi AVAILABLE «VyrWv;flr> i»«:i. d.-*V.» torl/ol. t>«* 5H, •'tctronie kv H «<-tO/ «yjt«^\ c^p^f kxt ji £vf>, 6 » «y cOr.trx «tn*n*M rlint«r. Wp cor^Vw. i»v WVM}C-« »tp- fO*tl *fr«rt fcvl fHUnsti »«l. |f)V>l ISM : •r/KiU-^r. Pumlr-4:^ »ntry tyftn »M«d Cvlrol, »K« cc%v». r)«froi'«. luiury »j'.t/nce Ped/p/ey cloth bucket 6eats, stored, po»w Ah-w Mil. po** *v--*3»i 4 focH. Muher oreuC. IrCAt ctrpt'td fj ^«<. AU/TU iiKH t«»i»it#.- *K».Sl«kt»J1. »a"l frT*rrk KrjnS, vVJct rr>lnter-HX« rr«%'tOf, Stock «381. »>-»-H f tittnow M«i. e,«t;rxu<'


Wheelin' along Pick a street. . . any street. You're sure to find someone crulsin' by on a bicycle. Bicycling Is a favorite summer pastime not only for the fun of it, but for the physical fitness aspect. American Youth Hostels has cashed in on the pastime with bicycle "clubs" that meet weekly for jaunts on two wheels. See Page 6D.

Monday. July 17, 1989 b&E **1D

Dd^^ v Ln

HfctMtiu**. :--1-.: "XlU'liM An afternoon rush hour on Beaver island's main street, the King's Highway consisted of a pickup truck and a child on a bicycle.

By M.B.Dillon Star-gazers arein heaven here. Island has staff writer Beaver is the largest of an 11-island archipelago that from the air "looks like a scattering of emeralds Tranquility, natural beauty, solitude, simplicity and strewn by the hand of a playful giant against the deep old-fashioned friendliness — these are some of the blue of Lake Michigan," suggested one travel writer. a colorful things Beaver Islanders like best about their Lake Those en route to one of Beaver's two small airports Michigan home. are free to judge for themselves. They're also the reasons vacationers, looking to get away from it ail, fall in )(\VP with fhp plnpp If ynu— AqSlTORS opting for the 2½ hour ferry-ride ($21 Joeginnifig- can't relax here, there's just no hope for you. round trip) from Charlevoix are treated to eye-pleas­ Twenty miles northwest of Charlevoix, Beaver Is­ ing sights as well. The boat docks in the heart of St. land is 13 miles long and six miles wide — the largest James, a harbor town nestled in a bay lush with ever­ By M.B. Dillon island in Lake Michigan. greens and sandy beaches. staff writer Largely forested, Beaver boasts seven inland lakes,* A sign reading "Cead Mile Failte" {100,000 wel­ When it comes to colorful Mich­ 41 miles of beaches, 100 miles of scenic roads and nu­ comes in Irish) gives visitors their first clue that bea­ igan island history, Beaver Island merous hiking trails. Fishermen and hunters will tell ver dams notwithstanding, Beaver Island is.a friendly, has a lock on bragging rights. you the island is blessed with a rich variety of animal Irish place. and plant life. Need convincing? Visit the is­ There are wonderful restaurants; fascinating muse­ It's not unusual for newly-arrived city slickers to be land museum, better known as the ums; a biological station; marinas; lakeside camp­ offered a ride to their motel or cottage by a passer-by. Old Mormon Print Shop. On the grounds that operate on the honor system; delightful If they accept, travelers may learn how rare it is for National Register of historic shops with hardwood floors and wooden screen doors; an islander to remove the keys from the ignition. Local places, the museum is staffed by even an antique toy store where a note Invites you to wisdom has it that that's a good way to lose them. Beaver Island Historical Society leavethe money on the counter if Mary isn't around. One of the nicest customs on Beaver is the wave, and volunteers who'll confirm it in a not the kind you do at Tiger Stadium. You can bet that minute. (They'll also invite you to Islanders are proud of their quality schools, and help yourself to a paperback or their newest asset —a library funded chiefly by whether you're on foot or on wheels, an islander will Archie La Frenlere, Beaver's "unofficial governor-general," never pass you on the road without waving hello. two from a shelf on the front Land'sEnd retailer Gary Comber. swatted plenty of flies while presiding over the Shamrock Bar porch, as long as you bring it back, Sunsets on Beaver Island aresomething to behold. Please turn to Page 4 for 37 years. trade it for a book of your own, or make a small donation.) Beaver was formed nearly 10,000 years ago when a stubborn limestone lip scraped rocks and sediment from the belly of a pass­ ing glacier. Little is known about Beaver's first Indian inhabitants, but it's said Ojibways were around when the first white trappers and trad­ ers arrived. Christianity may have come to Beaver Island as early as the 1600s. Bishop Frederic Baraga built the island's first chureh In 1832. The only kingdom ever in exis­ tence In the United States was founded in 1847 by-self-coronated James Jesse Strang, leader of a Mormon colony on Beaver. From his By 1850, Mormons outnumbered plane, Beaver the "gentiles," mainly Irish, and Island's Roy by 1852, non-Mormons were Elsworth — re­ crowded off the island. altor, Erin Mo­ In the Old Mormon Print Shop, tel owner, pi­ the red-headed Strang started the lot, forestry first dally newspaper north of management Grand Rapids — the Daily North­ expert and elk ern Islander. hunter — can A flamboyant lawyer, Strang enjoy the view also served In the state legisla­ of Beaver Har­ ture. He appropriated land on the bor and the Island, contended he received di­ town of St. vine commands and practiced po­ James. lygamy.

pholos by STEVE CANTRElLWart pholoflrapfwr Please turn to Page 4 Wewp Factor Karlos Barney Once upon a time in Sveti Stefan mains off ancient history, enjoy By Irta 8ondorson Jonoo the sunshine and sun on the beauti­ contributing travel editor ful beaches. You can "pick your beach style — rock, spa-quality Q: Four of us are going to Du- mud, sand, pebble, nude, whatever. brovnlk, Yugoslavia, on a one- There is a huge double bay week tour, then staying another called the Gulf of Kotor between week on pur own. We plan,to spend Dubrovnlk and Svetl Stefan. Spend a few days sailing and a few days at least a day driving around it, land touring. The literature keeps stopping at Hcrclg-Novi and other referring to a hotel, or an Island, towns. . called Svcti Stefan. What's the sto­ ry on Svctl Stefan? DRIVE TO the top of the moun­ A: If you like sea tales, you will tain for a spectacular view and love the story of Svett Stefan on tour' the ancient city of Kotor, the Adriatic coast of what is now wrapped In a wall from sea to southern Yugoslavia. The story be­ mountain top and back again. gins In the 15th century. Drive across tho mountains to tho The walled city of Dubrovnlk sat walled city of Budva and six miles In Its jeweled setting beside the sea MICKY JON^S on to Svetl Stefan. You can take a 65 miles (o the north. The walled ferry across the gulf, but you city of Budya sat abovo tho sea six The island hotel of Svoti Stofan, situated south of Dubrovnlk, would miss all that wonderful tour­ miles north. The Turks controlled Yugoslavia, was ohco a fishing vlllago. ing. tho Adriatilc coast 40 miles south You first seo Svetl Stefan from a of the Island In what Is now Al­ go when tho fighting started. The the beautiful seaside city of Du­ hill abovo the Adriatic, an Island of bania and made regular forays Into Island was just offshore, so they brovnlk. Drive south along tho sce­ red roofs, trimmed around tho edg­ 8*rTHy tho area. . could walk across at low tide, To­ nic coast, with a stop for water es by a stone wall. When you turn e>\H

MMti^Mliiii flU i* 2D** O&E Monday. July 31.1989

MOVING PICTURES 1 : : , ir I0HHHH ^^^14^^1^-^^.^ ^ !'•*>?-••*••• = rf rVrir''>.,^>r.. tn t3 'Hooch' ALTERNATIVE VIEWING is dumb, Stewart shines in series By JohnMonaghan 22, provided Stewart with his first special writer big break. Though a clumsy hoofe^ he and Eleanor Powell introduced a 'drooly' A director once said that Jimmy sjew of Cole Porter musical num­ Stewart's success came from his bers, including "Easy to. Love" and ability to be so "unusually unusual." "I've Got You Under My Skin." It was a feature that proved Irresist­ . He teamed up with Katherine ible in "Mr. Smith Goes to Washing- Hepburn, Cary Grant and director d-u-m-b ton" (1939) and 'It's a Wonderful George Cukor for "The Philadelphia Life" (1946), where he played com­ Story" (1940), the stagey but breezy mon men in an uphill battle for dig­ film version of the Broadway play. nity. It screens Aug. 8. Welcome to the Wonderful World The Livonia Mall plays tribute to Stewart plays a reporter covering of Saliva — and if you think a big, Jimmy Stewart In a continuing se­ a society wedding only to fall in love ugly dog that drools in all directions ries of free films. Screening Tuesday with the bride

n r: Off fflMC/Centeipnve, one-quarter mile.^est of the Ha Ha Ha, Hee Hee Hee, corner of C^&efitervDriye_and0yerc)r|en Roads. I %gd& mdtch:^:4|3rn. 'i .JX \ V" -\ / "••<••.--// Yfc ;/ v^ « r \ Tickets^, in q«4lV^ ; V A S^teMB^w $1 clffiren; }2mmer \^u\x l ! ; " Advance tk:ketsp^a})c$)MW tr^^Southfi^ld-ibl^ Hall main lobby I JOIN THE GIGGLE GANG! per attire requested \

.1.1 'I I Moms and Dads, take note: Wednesdays For information Sqllthfield Comffi/iffe Retaiins Dept. •\ are Giggle Gang Days at Oakland Mall July 26 through August 30, Oakland Mall hosts six special , Wednesday events for you and your kids, The fun starts \i at 11:00 am. In the Mall's.Center Court; ,f mo»$y Suites Hotelot^Mf^ld August 2nd: The Melikin Puppet Show Contirtental C^evisftn of Botij Wield The giggles are guaranteed. Fortheperforrriance schedule and more information call 585-6000. :f centre i #11.

>f Detroit ?nte/ ^ev/spopers OAKLAND MALL ..„_....__ -,. ^ft$$octate$-. • 14 Mile at 1-75 } ;i W6RS-FM in Hudson's. JCPenney, Sears ond ovor 140 groot stores ond services ? : '•\ I1 - i Hoars: Mon.-Sat. 10 am.-9 p.m; Sun. 12=5 p.m.- III Moil gift cortificofoj avoilobie In mod o((lco 9 a rrv-5 prn. wookdayj.

\ mm tgPfywgfWIi^Pi^ w>)wtiHiwa»»w»gMwikjyiaBiaj^uui UK^ . I Ml UPPM !• •

Mynoa> J 31 1989 -, >,• •^-Uc- .1. i :4^-to?S| O K.D. LANG O CUBKODA 8y Larry O'Connor go-matt-go attitude about life, be­ kd lang will peifoim on Wednesday, Cub Koda will perform along with sue write. sides the fact he drank himself to Aug 1 al Saint Andrew :> Hall. 431 E. Syrant on Saturday, Aug. 6, at Blondie's, .. death in real life t.'oiigiiss bc-noit FOJ information, call Seven Mile Road, east of Telegraph, De­ Krom oit the street comes Hoger "The first song on the whole al­ at>i Mhl.l troit For information, call 535-8108. Manning bum, 'No 14 Blues,' has a line in it: The New York City folk artist has The sad bird chirping church steeple O BENEFIT O SCOTT MORdAM -.temped straight from the pavement down.' I didn't lift it from him, but Funhouse will perform along with Scott Morgan will perform on Satur­ guests. Dorian Gray, in a special "Smash and jmu me alternative music charts : day, Aug 5, at Alvin's. 5756 Cass, Detroit. that might have been the way he' & Trash Benefit Wednesday, Aug. 2. al Fot information, call 832-2355. : ; with h\* spikey acoustic sound., Be- would've-written it." MJliiE»Uu; 3-D Dancr Club 1815 N Main/north of 1 i.jre.-.,-stgniiig with SST Records, 12 Mile hoad Royal Oak Admission is O SEA MONKEYS E Maiming «vas a street musician in What's the state of the folk scene? tb with J $) loi beilboltoms or anything Sea Monkeys will perform on Satur­ ^. w , ^ik City He'd perform blue "The folk scene has been too re­ ooKesu-i All pr«x et-ds will be benefit day. Aug 5, at Skylights, 49 .N.'Saginaw, ; g'~as> numbers in the subways, most- laxed and too comfortable in my wellfi^ss Networks Koi information caU Ponliac For information, call 334-9292. , iiti Wit 3AU l> lo. a large black and Hispanic au­ opinion That's where you have the dience They seem to dig it. anti-folk scene. ... It wasn't so O CUPPA JOE So do several people on thealter- much being anti-folk music, but O WORLD STATE Cuppa Joe will perform on Saturday, • World Stale and Missionary Slew will Aug 5. at the Hamtramck Pub., 2048 Can­ ' music trail Manning more anti-bbring and comfortable perloi m on ThufMlay, Au& 3. al the Gar iff. ofH-75 v<-t:uiiy wrapped up a summer-long scene Today, you have people who den Bowl 4120 Woodward Ave Detroit •"tii., which included a stop at The are willing to go onstage and For mfoimation i with artists like Cindy Lee Berryhill. of Tracy Chapman and Michelle O PAN THE SIRENS vance reservations) For information, Jr, Hart of the movement is in response Shocked? Pans the Sirens wilt perform on Fri­ call 843-0700. 'ii wbat Manning says is a "comfort- "Did you read that review in Roll­ day. Aug 4, at Skylights. 49 N. Saginaw. 9 talkin' on the radio /they're put- whai the hell he was talking about. What's it like making a living as a crowd Aug 4 on the Boblo Midnight Cruise. The lion, call 961-MELT •>ig down the government what the Ik may have a point there. Chap­ street musician In New York City? "A lot of the folk scene, quote end cruise departs ai 11 pm from the De iMauK. 0» they know They gotta man writes in a more loftier terms "It's difficult. When you start out quote, dop't cveo Ibink about that iron dock at the foot of Clark Avenue. O GODFATHERS Jhn r:|j ll..-v .i.^kn mp sirl^-l^ny-imaf— -and-Mtthette Shocked is willing in in the street or subway, you never music it's important oiusie in this "Admission is Jid yj H'JMJ pel peison toi • >iiii[)jif\ ,.. eiythmg." this cutesy country way . . . where­ seem to make any money DO matter da> and age, even it was 10 years group> ol lo oi more with advance reser­ day. Aug. 10, at Saint Andrew's Hall, 431 it much foi being vague. Manning as maybe I'm just up there being how good you are. It's like you have ago One of ruj favorite anecdotes is vations) FoMofgrmation, call 843-0700. E Congress, Detroit. For information, call 961-MELT. i also direct offstage, discussing his confused self-absorbed and self- to collect some street dust before it that I was at one more established folk clubs and one of hobbies was to O THE BLANKS idvurite author Jack Kerouac, the nghttous I don't know." begins to work. The Blanks will perform on Friday, O CIVILIANS 'oik scene, busking and the influence "I chose to play less and less tn the covei Top-40s songs. 1 did a song by Aug 4, at Stanley's, 340 Pitt St.. Windsor. Civilians will perform on Friday, Aug. scjftK nas in his music. \Vh> is there a lack of song titles on street because people Just walk by Simple Minds, "Don't You Forget For information, call 833-3443 11. at Jameson's. 1812 N. Main, Royal h}0 author Jack Kerouac have an the album? and it's a distraction. About Me," that was in the movie Oak For information, call 547-6470. iitiutuce your songwriting? "That s just to screw with your "It's nice to play on the platforms "The Breakfast Club." O JIMMY BONES O GWAR Keroauc would write musically. head there It's a sort of anti-title (in the subway) because people are I did the song and the head of Jimm> Bonei and the Grave Robbers Gw3r will perform on Saturday, Aug. ' .'Hi reao Kerouac, you should read thing You get these guys, they get standing around waiting for a train. booking of the club comes up to me will perform on Friday. Aug. 4. at the 12. at Saint Andrew's Hall, 431 E. Con­ gress, Detroit. For information, call 961- Jierri last because they sort of bop onstage they sit on a stool, start I talk to people and say, 'This song is afterward and congratulates me on Hamtramck Pub. 2048 Caniff. off 1-75. MELT. along I never seen any Kerouac picking and say, 'This song is East about this and that.' First they look the new song 1 bad just written. Talk O FINAL WARNING about out of touch!" siuff until four years ago. Just the Chicago Ballad or something like at you kind of weird, but New York Final Warning will perform along with © CITYUMIT8 Bludshoi and Jammin on Friday, Aug. 4. City Limits will perform on Saturday, at Blondie's. Seven Mile Road, east of Aug. 12, at Jameson's, 1812 N. Main, Telegraph. Detroit For information, call Royal Oak. For information, call 547- MUSIC VIEWS 535-8108 6470. Some local gigs that left their mark

8y Larry O'Connor songs mixed with -Mlison's intensity staff writer onstage were an unbeatable combi­ nation Trie band: Bootsey X and the Love- Volebeats, June 1988, at Pay­ ones'The place: Paycheck's Lounge check's Louuge. The Voles were per­ in Rajntramck. forming as part of a Tremor Revue, Many tunes have since past so the set was short. Yet the tum- • luough these ears (which perhaps bleweeds were blowing down Caniff •xpiains why I have to say, 'Could Avenoi after (his countrified group V«JUrepeat that? a lot) took die suge jinwiding a very in­ Nonetheless, it's time to sit back, triguing M>und Scott Morgan and his band performs Saturday at Alvin's in • ogiiate, calculate and articulate Orange Roogbies, July 1987, at Oetroit. just what the hell we've been listen­ The Blind Pig: The purpose of the ing to for nearly two years. As a re­ visit was to check out The Hysteric sult, yours truly has come up with a Narcotics, but the opening act usi of local gigs that have had a pro- caught our eye. The lead singer was COUNTRY LOCAL tuund impact on his life, the ones bouncing off the walls while the gui­ H 'hai made him stay out late and en- tarist "continually drove home some Here areThetppjO songs receiving air­ •line the frying pan upside the head .... Here are the top 10 songs on WWWW- excellent guitar lines FM play on "Detroit Music Scene," which is 'i oin his wife. Gangster Fun has evolved into one of best groups in the area. Their" show at The Hamtramck Pub two years was one of our 3-D Invisibles. January 1989, at heard 4-5 p.m. Sundays {repeated 5:30-' Gangster Fun, July 1987, at The Saint Andrew's Hall: A friend told favorites of all time. 1. "What's Goin' on In Your World," 6:30 p.m. Tuesdays) on WDTR-FM 90.9. Hamtramck Pub: Ska never sounded me this band was hot. I didn't believe George Strait. 1. "What the Water Gave Me," Nemesis. ' M> good on this night. John Bunkley him. TheD.when Creeping Rick start­ 2. 'If I Never See Midnight Again," 2. "No Room to Swing the Cat," Rsbber. - possessed all the qualities of a frdnt-' .Blind Pig: The lead singer flopped ed to crank out some serious mon­ Sweethearts of the Rodeo.. 3. "1 Can't Change the World," Art bell's "Detroit Music Scene," we de­ : man, amiability, enthusiasm and cided to check them out. Only about around like perch on the Cleveland ster boogie, we were hooked. 3. 'Lovin' Only Me," Ricky Skaggs. School. . > • j'.: . . . j; polish. The band was called back for five people showed up to listen, but shore. The stage antics blended well Strange Bedfellows, January 1989, 4. "Cathy's Clown," Reba McEntlre. 4. "Pearl of Persia," Cfcastog the Pain. . 5. "She Don't Love Nobody," Desert Rose 5. "Muscles and Diamonds," Dancing;,! two encores, further enhancing a that didn't affect this energized out­ with some scorchinggultar work and at Hamtramck Pub: The striking threat night of music and everyone Band. 6. "Why'd You Come Hero !•- ' •-.,.-; Smoothies, fit In fact, Richards seemed to a crack rhythm section. thing about this show was the lead Like That," Dolly PartoD. 6 "I Don't Think So," Nine Pound >. Hammer. bejud members of the hard rock audience applaud;., March 1988, Nectarine Ballroom: about such obscure things as 8 '501 Blues," Merle Haggard. 7."Take495("Funhoise. ' . .- Hippodrome, December 1987, at ing. Frank and the rest of crew opened doughnuts. The nice harmonies with 9. "Timber. I'm Falling in Love," Patty 8. "It's the Fall," Doe Bo>». Toe Rilz: Having heard Chris Rich- for Adrian Belew and The Bears. back-up vocalist Beth Yates made Loveless. 9. "Gofer Holes," Len Puch* irds interviewed on Scott Camp- ADD Be Davis, April 1989, at The The sparse acoustic quality of the for some delightful music. 10. "One Good Well," Don Williams. 10. "Winner," Peter G. REVIEWS em ANDERSON, IN THE NEW BRUFORD, GOOD EVENING .( HITSVILLE WAKEMAN AND — Marshall X HOWE »--Crensha> w — The Gear

Over the past two decades, the art heyday. However, each player Is fea­ Verse, chorus, verse, chorus, gui­ my money on Junk and trash.") The Gear Is on the edge of some­ track off the four-song EP, Is a bit tnk ensemble Yes went through tured at the expense of the others, tar break, chorus, chorus, "Aaaah, through John Hiatt's "Someplace thing big or nothing at all. "In the more aggressive but still carves Its u.uitc a few personnel changes. And creating a disjointed piece of art. aaaah" backing vocals, Clean guitar . , » ("Surely there's somewhere in New Hitsvllle" EP (Chocolate Mus­ own niche with some spirited guitar V, the game of "musical chairs" contin­ The only song that comes close to sound, broken hearts, misguided this great nation, Where no one tache Records), there is a group at playing and forceful vocals. v ues, with bassist Chris Squire and remembering the glory days is the love. This Is pop, yeah, yeah. comes together just to fall apart.") the crossroads. Again, The Gear seems to hit the S guitarist Trevor Rabin now holding track now receiving album-rock air­ Marshall Crenshaw, Berkley's own and Warren's "Some Hearts" ("Some At times, the threesome has all the right groove and rides It. The same, on to the Yes name while vocalist play- "Brother of Mine." Rick and the closest person that modern hearts seem to have it so easy, some hooks and lyrics to wreak havoc on however, cannot be said for the other .Jon Anderson has reunited with the Wakcman and Howe temporarily re­ pop has come lo recreating Buddy hearts have the stars on their sides.") the music scene. Then there are numbers, "The Real You" and "Uud oand's early '70s core players. vert back to their prime form, and Holly, releases his fourth LP for back to Crenshaw's own "Whatever those signs that The Gear Is follow­ Hard and Fast."-They are not bad. In •t* You would guess that a reunion of Bruford proves that he's never lost Warner Bros, and his first since Way the Wind Blows" ("Whatever ing down the same path worn by fact, they're quite expressive guitar such capable players — charismatic it. In the final movement of the 1987. It Is definitely one of his wind of change goes tearing across many other sparse guitar punk numbers. tho world, I'm always going to bo keyboardist Rick Wakcman, versa­ piece, ex-Yesman Geoff Downes strongest. groups. But those are not the kind of songs close to ypu, girls.") things flow well. tile drummer Bill Bruford and (who also played with Steve Howe In On this LP, ho forgoes having all Oh please, let us believe that songs that will make people take notice. In HI al wart guitarist Stew Howe - Asia and produced part of Howe's Ill- his own songs showcased In favor of With some fabulously passionate like "Get Twisted" and "In the New fact, they make The Gear sound like might produce some memorable mu­ fated GTR collaboration with Steve strong songs which showcase his slide playing from Sonny Landrcth, Hilsvlile" are an Indication of where a handful of other Detroit bands. One sic. Unfortunately, the best playing Hackett) steps In for added support. ability to pick winners. solid and imaginative bass playing The Gear Is headed. If so, this band gets the feeling that there is a need this group will provide Is likely to* ' The rest of the album explores Amongst the featured from ex-Joe Jackson Band member has hope of breaking out. to conform to .the model of guitar coine during their concert tour, play­ some different musical planes, like are Richard Thompson ("Valerie"), Graham Maby and topped off by Undoubtedly, "Get Twisted" is the crashing heroes, such »s The Re­ ing songs from the old days. The al­ the totally Ill-advised "Teabols" - John Hialt ("Someplace Where Love Crenshaw's vocals (and Impressive song of the year In these circles. An placements or Soul A*ylum. which features a Catypso melody. guitar work), this album deserves, bum comes off sounding like an Can't Find Me"), The Isley Brothers engaging melody Is wrapped deli­ What The Genr will ,; '.i i.; 'i., , jj >.:.-g STREET SENSE •^iiiMiiiiMi'iigiM—• mm street seen To thine own self be true (\ur intrepid Street Scene reporter is always looking for the unusual and welcomes comments and suggestions from Dear Barbara, know how very sensitive he Is. He'll life? This new man Interests and at­ readers and entrepreneurs. Send those to this column in care I really enjoy your column and re­ be devastated, if I leave him, proba­ tracts me enormously in a way that of this newspaper, 36251 Schoolcraft, Livonia 48150, or call spect the way you speak to those bly wonder what be did wrong when my boyfriend never has. But my 591-2300, Ext. 313. who write you for advice. I hope he's done nothing wrong. How can I boyfriend Is the kindest, sweetest, you'll be able to help me out a little tell him, after all of this time, that most generous and thoughtful man bit with my dilemma. he Just doesn't "turn me on?" What a I've ever met. Girls tell me to "hold I've been going with a wonderful, thing to say!!! It would make him on to him" and I know I'm a lucky loving, faithful mail for 1¼ years feel like he's ugly or something, and. )ady. For my birthday last month, he now. We have a good relationship that's just not trae. bought me a diamond and emerald and others enjoy and admire it. I I know this letter Is very long al­ ring, though I told him I neyer want­ love and care about him deeply, but ready, but I must add one moreMm- ed a ring. I feel trapped and guilty sad to say, I don't think I've ever portant aspect of this dilemma. and I cry myself to sleep many been In love with him. I've never About three months ago, I met a goy nights. I desperately seek your ad­ a point thought about him In a dreamy, hap­ who just makes me crazy, and I vice. The Time Pyramid continu­ py way. I've never really desired want to go-out with him. I have been Janie ously changes form while him In "a passionate, romantic* sexu­ totally faithful to my boyfriend and Barbara Schiff al way, even-though he U very good I do not want to "sneak around" with Dear Janie, indicating time and com­ 4 looking and Is* an excellent lover. this new man. He hasn't asked me I enjoyed reading your letter very poses a pyramid every This has made me feel guilty and out yet, but I know he likes me and Is much and I'm going to take this op­ capable of generating the same in three hours. Add this unu­ dishonest throughout the entire rela­ attracted to me in return. I have portunity to thank all my readers the man she wants, she would be bet­ sual piece to your office or tionship. I have cared for him and "held myself back" out of loyalty to who have sent letters and given me ter going for that rather than set­ home interior. It can be treated him well, but I've always my boyfriend, but If I'm honest with such pleasure. tling for dullness and security. How­ ever, moving away from decisive­ found at Eaton Luggage, felt bad that my whole heart and myself, I know that that really If I understand your letter, you' soul wasn't with him. He really de­ makes me angry. I'm staying with a are not doing what is best for you or ness and clarity, a woman's age 300 S. Main, Royal Oak. would have a large weight in which ; ; ;l serves that much of me since he's -^>'- 7^V - <•*"•' ' <• •••' •'-••••' man I do love and care about, but it's you would not be so unhappy. In con­ given whole heartedly ofjilmself. mainly because I don't want to hurt mate to choose. The younger you •j* **. --.. •..,...-*. -••-•' tinuing with this man who you say He asked me to live with him and him, not because of blinding passion you love, you are not being true to are, the more my statement is true. marry him many times, but I just or a real want. And I'm not talking yourself. Also, for the sake of your Many women face this dilemma. could never do it. I have always of Just a physical thing; it's not sex security, you are being unfair to him Whatever choice you and others like voiced my hesitations, have told him that I yearn for, it's something muc and ieading him on only to let him you make, it is important to be able I am not ready to "settle down" or more all-consuming than that. Tve "down painfully when the time to live happily with the compromise. commit myself entirely like that, yet been in love before and I know this comes. still he hangs on and loves me as Isn't "it" for me with my boyfriend. My following statement is a vast Barbara strongly and devotedly as ever. I al­ And that makes me very sad because generalization and can easily be crit­ most wish he would treat me bad so It obviously is "It" for him. I wish I icized. I- will make the statement If you have a question for Bar­ I could have a reason to break up could say I feel the same, but in my anyway in the hope of gaining clari­ bara Schiff, a trained therapist ^wlth him. The last thing in the world heart of hearts, I know I don't. ty and decisiveness. If a woman is and experienced counselor, send I want to do Is hurt this man. We've Please, Barbara, help me decide capable of experiencing the excite­ it to Street Sense, 36251 School­ been through a lot together and I what to do about this situation in my ment you describe in yourself and is craft, Livonia 48150. IwldriU yi ifeH

Continued from Page 1 near the lumber mill where she. transportation to the restaurant, and Lisabeth has an in-house gift shop served luncheons and dinners." Bob often shuttles patrons in his own andhelps manage the condo associa­ False-front buildings, many dating LaFreniere, now 76, was the third van. tion. .Jto_the 1800s, give St. James the feel eldest of eight children. His mother ARLENE AND Richard'Bailey of Why do they love Beaver? of a TR5ntieT--town^_Anchoring_ St. died al 38 giving birth in the family Rochester began vacationing on James is the Shamrock Bar, kirty^ "The simplicity of things and the Pintsized sweats lioT^ trr~tow rt7-f» w 4he J^&enje re_ _Beaver 17 years ago. In 1978, they beauty of the island. Life is simpler corner from the dock in the heart of gift shop. boughrandrenovated-the Boavor Is- — town. The Shamrock stays open here. You get away from the-traffic- Mini-sweats for the 9- to 24-months-old set are the cre­ "It was her death that got a doctor land Lodge, a restaurant with rent­ and the people," said Arlene Bailey, ative "baby" of the Blue Kangaroo, based in West year-round for breakfast, lunch, din­ on the island," he said. able condominiums perched on a ner and evening diversion. whose husband is retiring this year Bloomfield. All outfits are handmade, oversized with Tourism has replaced fishing and bluff overlooking Lake Michigan. from Ford Motor's comptrollers' off­ many designs to choose from. Various prints and fab­ During the 37 years native Island­ logging as Beaver's primary indus­ They became full-time residents er Archie LaFreniere ran the Sham­ ice. rics are used as well as some small toys and charms try — something that gives rise to in April. Their son Mike, a School­ rock, he was known as Beaver's mixed emotions. LaFreniere wel­ craft College culinary arts product, For more information, write; or that are enclosed in plastic pockets. Machine wash and "unofficial Governor-General." comes the boost to the economy "as is chef at the lodge, a great place to call the Beaver Island Chamber of dry, with snaps in the legs for quick changes. Toddler Now retired, the harmonica-play­ long as the building doesn't get out of catch sunset. Mike's wife Jayne Commerce, Box 5, St. James, Beaver styles also. Prices range from $25 to $55 and are special ing LaFreniere has no Intention of hand. We're not about to let anyone manages the dining room, and Bai­ Island, Mich. 49782 or call (616) 448- orders. For more information, call 737-8688. leaving Beaver, even if he does have make a mess of our nice atmos­ ley's daugM Lisabeth, is an artist. 2505. to travel a ways to see Notre Dame's phere, the water and all that." Fighting Irish play football. Mrs. So-called "off-islanders," several LaFreniere, the former Frances from the metropo'litan Detroit area, Tack less Connaghan, also wants to stay put. are making a go of it in tourism, and Like their parents and grandparents enjoying themselves. and great-grandparents before them, Bob and Lll McGlocklin moved to traveler several of LaFreniere's children Beaver 20 years ago from Garden Say goodbye to tacky nail have settled on Beaver. City. In what was once a rectory, polish. Dry your nails in two they run the Circle M Supper Club, "I ENJOY IT here. It's a closer home of the Circle M Famous Big minutes with this portable knit community; It's just a peaceful nail dryer. Nails won't Burger with steamed onions, cheese place," said Mrs. LaFreniere, during and sauteed mushrooms, billed by smear or smudge when you a time out from preparing dinner. the Wall Street Journal as one of the carry this battery-operated "My paternal grandfather ,£ame top 10 burgers in the U.S. dryer on your trips. Great here in winter. He walked across The Circle M is a few miles out of for quick repairs, $12. Eaton from Goodhart near Cross Village," town. It sits all alone on a pastoral Luggage, 300 S. Main, Royal recalled the Governor-General. "My meadow ladgn with flowers and Oak. grandmother ran a boarding house trees. The McGlocklins offer free ^mm^*jjmw^ffy^>ti>ts,*-r' . Beaver Island has ^V^^B^Y^K^^BV^B^BV^I a 'colorful' history t A. "f.-IVj-... J KllrM^-^ ^'w l Continued from Page 1 that's stood the test of time. 1ft«&5* * V- *'5Lj r i One of the most treasured chap­ •m wp^T •/ J," IN 1856, HIS colony of 2,000 torn ters of Beaver Island history began *£M THK/f" ** ^ ^ fl^• dL MBHr V aZnB^ 7 1a! with strife, Strang was fatally shot In 1893 with the arrival of Feodor '•TEF * :M VF' *3|^^^^^^^H^B^B^V° * by two disgruntled Mormons. Protar, who came from a family of -,_?i .,JB^IB^BHB^BK>:> Leaderless, the Mormons left, eminent professors from the Russian making way for former islanders Baltic province of Livonia. uKT - . _« J«83EB9S*^^^S8B1^^^SMS STEVE CANTREllVetaH photographer [>-n and fishermen to return to Beaver The white-bearded Protar was ^¾¾^¾¾¾¾¾ from neighboring . Islands. Many said to be a haunted, desperate man Restaurateurs Lil and Bob McGlocklin left Garden City for Bea­ were Irishmen who'd left their coun­ who kept his troubled past to him­ ver Island not to get rich, "but for a way of life. There's a nice try on "coffin ships" during the pota­ self. Before moving to Beaver and slow pace here," they say. to famine. taking up housekeeping in a small Puzzling twist "Sociologically, Beaver Island Is cabin on Sloptown Road, Protar had Wooden brain teasers serve two purposes: a mental Just fascinating," said Shirley Glad- led successful careers In theater and- challenge and a fun way to create contemporary art ob­ Ish of Bever's Historical Society. newspaper publishing. jects that turn out to be tabletop conversation pieces. "Not every small town has experl- BuTirmot as easy as it looksr-Puzzies-rangeHronr enccd such dramatic eras. And any- UNTIL HIS death In 1925, he lived "on (he fruits of the land and $37.95 or $48.95. Puzzle Place, 32726 Grand River, Farm- thlng that happens on Beaver Island FITNESS Is highlighted by its Isolation. dispensed free medical help to Islan­ ington. . "In the mid 1800s, Beaver was ders, who gave him the title of doc­ LEADERSHIP PROGRAM open for homesteadlng. That attract­ tor. ed many people whose roots were in When Protar sensed his death was Certificate or Associate Degree Program northwest Ireland. They could have approaching, he wrote these. Instruc­ farms and they could fish, so to tions: come to Beaver Island from eastern "One strong bag and a heavy stone A new program in response to the demand U.S. cities, where Irish were told will cover all requlrernents. . . and for highly trained and certified exercise they need not apply, was a logical four friends. Let me slip Into the wa­ instructors. pathway. ter Is all what Is necessary." "In Ireland, they weren't permit­ It wasn't to be. In accordance with ted to own land. Here they could, so state law, Protar was burled on land Designed for: It wag Just like heaven. The fishing near his home. Islanders took up a was fabulous." collection and erected a tombstone. • Exercise Instructors The IrUh christened Beaver The spot Is entered In the National "America's Emerald Isle," a name Register. • Fitness Enthusiasts • Fitness Industry Employees lO

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Ron Miller leads a group of American Youth Hostels bicyclists on a Wednesday evening ride through a residential section in Birmingham. DAN OEAN/stall photographer

€3mm | q I clKInQ I ^^¢^¾¾^ I %Z

By Lynn Waldemilh IF YOU aren't sure of your ability, DeBaker recom­ BICYCLING can certainly cause you to work up an ride or any of 'he regular AYH rides, call the AYH special writer mends that you start at a low grade ride and move up appetite. Perhaps that's one of the reasons why the office at 545-0511. when you feel comfortable doing so. By the way, don't Sunday Morning Brunch Ride, held every Sunday, is To enjoy bicycling, all you really need is a bike Summer's here and the blkin' is easy. let the name American Youth Hostel fool you. People AYH's most popular biking event. that's in good running order and comfortable clothing Whether you're an avid cycling enthusiast or just a of all different ages participate in AYH rides, includ­ The brunch ride offers a variety of different routes, that won't get caught in the bike chain or spokes. beginner, biking is the perfect summertime activity. ing teenagers and senior citizens. some of the destinations include Birmingham, North­ R's fun, it's simple and it's an excellent form of aero- Riders are assessed $2 for each AYH-sponsored ride. ville and Plymouth. After meeting at Nine Mile and A WATER bottle is a good idea, as well as a bag of -bic-exercise.- _Mnsf nf thf> grnup riHpq arp havp a lparipr, hut on snmp Evergreen-roads-in Southfield,rriders-begin-theirwork-- S0Tt~to"carry a Jacket or sweater, a spare tube" Riding a bicycle allows you to stay in shape while of the simpler routes, r\ders are simply given a map out, which is approximately 25 miles with a brunch and patch kit, or any Qther items you might need. you enjoy the outdoors. One of the best ways to discov­ and directions. stop halfway. er new bike routes and meet new people is to partici­ The number of people who participate in an AYH But the best piece of advice is to wear a safety hel­ pate in a ride, sponsored by a local biking club or or­ ride varies anywhere from one to 50, but special event AYfL also offers a regular series of rides during the met when riding. ganization. rides, such as the Firecracker 100, can draw as many week. On Mondays, the Lakeshore Spin features a sce­ "If you break an arm or leg, you can fix that," De- American Youth Hostels Inc. in Berkley is one of the as 1,000 riders. nic 20- to 25-mile ride through the Grosse Pointes and Baker said. "But if you crack open your head, youjnay largest and best known biking groups in the trl-county Biking is especially popular on weekends and so are along the shore of Lake St. Clair. not be so lucky. We don't require riders to wear a nel- area. The organization sponsors rides every day of the the AYH weekend rides. The Ego-Opto Ride on Tuesdays is a 20- to 25-mile met, but we strongly encourage it. week except Fridays. ride through the country and suburban areas in Plym­ Every Saturday, AYH sponsors a ride, known as the "I consider the $25 to $50 that you spend on a helmet "We offer a diverse group of rides that match differ­ outh and Northville. Wednesday is the Cranbrook ClarkstonOrion Express, which gives bikers the op­ the best insurance policy that you can have." ent abilities and styles of riding," said Jim DeBaker, portunity to pedal through Clarkston and Lake Orion. Ramble. The 20- to 25-mile route goes through Cran­ If you're interested in biking through scenic north­ president of the AYH Bike Club. "And most of our Special Saturday rides are also available each month. brook and the Birmingham-Bloomfield area. ern Michigan, Michigan Bicycle Touring at (616) 263- rides tend to be on low traffic routes." The first Saturday of the month features a ride that On Thursdays, the M&M Ride takes bikers through 5885 and Bicycle Cruises at (800) 222-0072 offer a vari­ AYH grades its rides according to typical riding begins in Hartland in Livingston County, north of Berkley, Lathrup, Southfield and Birmingham at a ety of weekend and week-long bike tours. speeds. Although the average speeds will be lower be­ Brighton. Riders are provided with maps and have the very easy pace with a stop for ice cream. Information about other biking groups and tours are cause of stops, the grades are "D" for slow (7 to 10 option of biking anywhere from 25 to 75 miles. All AYH weekday rides begin at 6 p.m. available at local bike shops. mph) rides, recommended for the beginner or for those The third Saturday of the month highlights a ride Another popular ride is the Firecracker 100. Held on preparing for the more advanced rides, "C" for moder­ from Dearborn to Northville — approximately 50 the Fourth of July, the Fircracker 100 Is AYH's annual In addition, bike maps that show road surface type ate (10 to 13 mph) rides, "B" for moderately fast (13 to miles round trip, although riders have the option of fund-raising ride. The starting point is Milford, and and recreation facilities are available through the 16 mph) rides, "A" for fast (16 to 19 mph) rides, and going fewer miles. Much of the route consists of Ed­ bikers have a choice of completing a 25-, 50- or 100- Michigan Department of Transportation. The maps "AA" for very fast (20 plus mph), recommended only ward Hines Drive, which is largely closed off from mile route. highlight designated bike facilities, roads with paved for the very advanced bicyclist. vehicular traffic on Saturdays. For more information about the Firecracker 100 shoulders and roads with low traffic volumes. Hotel has Report: that fairy A new tale look' Continued from Page 1 family, Sveti Stefan appears be­ fore you like a fairy tale. 'blues' The turrets and their sentries have By Larry O'Connor gone, but otherwise the island looks staff writer much as it did centuries ago, build­ ings climbing step by step up the Once Donald Kinsey saw the fu­ rocky hill above the wall. ture in the face of a great bluesman, Ancient Montenegro was a tribal the brightness faded. society and each clan had 12 fami­ "We did a show with (Albert King) lies. The, Pastrovic clan built the in Pittsburgh not long ago," said wall, each family built a house inside Donald Kinsey, guitar player with the wall and whenever enemy ships The Kinsey Report. "It's almost like came into view the people would flee the years of the ups and downs and to the island. being used has taken its toll on him. The clan did that for about 200 It hurts me to see him like that be­ years. They moved into the walled cause I know him so well. I heard island permanently during the 17th him say, 'Donald, I don't give a damn century and built stone houses. about playing any more.' " The Kinsey brothers — Ralph, Donald and Kenneth — have been'trispTfecTby their father,blues legend Lester "Big Daddy" By the end of World War II, there The story of the blues artists has Kinsey, who introduced his sons to the blues at an early age, were only five families left on the often been a tale of woe. Bad man­ Island. Artists had discovered the agement and exploited by promoters helped open our eyes, not Just fo mu­ "" "Reggae music was new to me," place by then, and one of them had a have left some greats broke, alcohol­ sic but to things that are going on Kinsey said. "So much of It reminded great Idea of turning the whole is­ ics or drug addicts and, worse, dead. 7 think it's very important (to bring in around us, which, to me, is more im­ me of growing up in Gary, Ind. land Into a hotel. It took a few years The sight of a burned-out musician portant than music sometimes." TheVe are spots you can go to Gary, for the bureaucratic wheels to turn, who once set the stage on fire with new audiences). College radio has But there have been others who Ind., now and places In Kingston, and the five families didn't move his high energized style guitar play­ have made Klnsey's eyelids expand. Jamlaca, where you could hardly willingly to larger modern houses on ing was not only painful, but some­ been a great help in allowing us to do Three years spent.touring with Al­ tell the difference. the mainland, but in the 1960s, Hotel what frightening, especially to a that. I wish (commercial) radio would. bert King proved beneficial. He "I really felt I was somewhere Sveti Stefan opened to the public. member of a group that has been appeared on two of Klng's-albums "I where I was supposed to be. I got touted to be the blues band of the They are playing more of our music/ Wanna Get Funky" and "Montreux deep Into It. 1 wanted to see it grow. THERE ARE 116 rooms set In the 1990s, . , Festival." Wo started looking at It like, 'Wow, old houses and shops. The govern­ , The Kinsey Report has just re­ — Donald Kinsey Klni>6y later met reggae greats why can't a reggae tune by Bob Mar- ment built a causeway and a sand leased what Is undoubtedly the blues Marlcy and Tosh at an Island ley be In the Top 100 of Billboard.'" beach and spent millions of public album 6f the year, "Midnight Drive" Records press party Iri New York. Marley eventually hit the Top 100 and private money restoring the vil­ (Aligator). Several cuts are outstahd; He took up an Invitation to record Billboard with "Rastaman Vibra­ lage. |ng. Several cuts areydeserving of tion," on which Kinsey performed. 1 with Marlcy, only to find himself When you walk across the cause­ commercial radio play*. : . year musical odyssey that saw him think that people arc digging on the present when six gunmen made an Now, The Kinsey Report Is striving way and through the wall to the re­ "•'Yet, there are no guarantees that perform with King, and later, reggao Kinsey Report's,album should also for chart action. :, attempt on Marley's life. ception desk, you might be assigned , vyilt happen. v< ; '. • greats Bob Marlcy and Peter Tosh. have the chance to experience a per­ Kinsey was In the kitchen with , The group released "Edge of the a room in one of the old houses or ;."Wo Just played New York City a -When Donald Kinsey returned to son like my father — who Is more Marlcy when the shooting occurred. City" In 1987 and was well-rccelvcd ypu might get a whole stono house to couple of weeks back and this guy his hometown of Gary, Ind., and was traditional and Delta like — because He escaped Injury, but Marley was by critics but never rose above blues yourself. came tip to me and sAld, 'Wow you hack together with his father and you get a chance to see how It came circles. "Midnight Drive" (Alligator) wounded. Shakcncd, Kinsey returned The alternative Is to visit the hotel guys wero great. Whcn's tho new al­ brothers, a new sound had been cre­ to be, the now and the then." home. : could be the ticket bum coming out?,' "said Donald Kln- ated. Their brand of music would bo "When wo put the album out, ev­ for lunch, or dinner, about |20 for a: He reunited with his brother, latge meal, or pay about $3 Just to Sey, perhaps' best illustrating what a volatile blend Of funk, rcggaeand "BIO DADDY" Kinsey still tours eryone felt really good about it," he Ralph (who had spent time in the Air tqur the Island, and use the receipt The Kinsey Report is tip against. rock'n'roll while still rooted In blues. with his sons. He will appear this Force) and Ron Prince (longtime said, "So you never know how or for a cake and coffee at the bakery. „"I think It's very Important (to week at tho Motor City Blues Festi­ Kinsey Report member) and formed what's going to happen. Rent a car In Dubrovnlk. People ..-; THE KINSEYS remain strong. bring In new audiences)," Klnsoy val at the Michigan Stato Fair- the rock and reggao outfit The Cho-' "The Important thing Is that we who fly in and take the airport They dro family, both on and off f said. "College radio has been a great grounds. scnOncs. establish ourselves and our Identi­ stage. help In allowing us to do that I wish "Big Daddy" provides tho stabiliz­ ty.** - ' •.. •,"."* limousine to-sveti Stefan pay $75 for the wh61o car, full or empty. Or take Their fathery blues'legend Lester (commercial) radio would. They are ing influence for The Kinsey Report. DUR1NQ THAT Ilm6, Kinscy also The Kinscy Report will perform a bus toBudva "Big Daddy" Kinsey Introduced his - playing more of our music. "My dad and I just had breakfast toured and recorded with Tosh who on Sunday as part of the Motor ,, For more Information, contact the sons Donald, Ralph and Kenneth to' "My thing o;i that Is that It should together this morning, said Donald was killed In 1987 by a gunman. Tho City Blues Festival this weekend Yugoslav National Tourist Office, the music at an early age. They be a combination of both old and Kinscy, In a phono conversation group opened for tho Rolling Stones at the Michigan State Fair- 630 Fifth Ave, .New York, N.Y. toured from tho lato '(SOs until 1972., new becauso 11¾ a learning process from Ottawa, Ont., where tho group on their 1978 U.S. Tour, helping grounds..For ticket information, 10020, Then Donald Kinsey went on Alt* and history thing going on, too. I was performing that night. "He * bring reggae to a wider audlcnc*,- call 681-6020. ' M wmmmmm

(©bseruer $c lEccentrtc ^euispapers

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Marie McGeo editor/591-2300 .. TTTTKiJiatailteb^AflL'fcfl

Monday, July 31.1989 O&E *ie:

aB&TfV'r"^ organizing Resort class condos in golf Dorothy Dy Corlnno Abatt style brings a fresh, clean look to Lehmkuhl staff writer this new community. AS GOLF grows rapidly as a That is accomplished through the. /^ popular leisure time activi- use of brick, llmestone'and siding in Handling disliked tasks /-¾^ ty, builders and-developers combination with multlpaned win* Q. I travel on my Job and must, turn In have picked up on the dows and skylights, columns and, expense reports. When I get back though, I theme. Vacation condos and year- long, vertical rooflines with gable always find 10 other things that need doing around homes ring lush green fair­ ends. ' • and several days often go by before getting ways and offer stunning views of the The interiors of the models, don<5 it filled out. Does everyone have an aver­ tees and the manicured, bunkered by Sara Olesker Ltd. of Chicago, cap sion to expense reports? greens. ry on the bright, fresh, traditional/ country look. Olesker, as in her past A. You seern to be suffering from the One of the most recent to capital­ work here, has a nice touch for the "Working Hard To Get Out of Work" syn­ ize on the public's Interest In golf is sophisticated/country look — warm* drome. This Is a skilled procrastlnator's the Holtzman & Silverman/The inviting and quite chic. ploy which is amazingly effective. Here's Fisher Group who are developing the rule: When a disliked task needs doing, The Fairways, a condominium com­ This Is particularly^ case in the any other work ranks a higher priority. munity at the southeast corner three-bed room, 2¼ bath Baytree model where slie has used lots of pol­ One woman hates ironing, but dislikes Square Lake and Rochester Road in ished chintz, bright lemon carpeting, sending Christmas cards even more, so the Troy. Queen Anne and Chippendale pieces, only time her Ironing is caught up is — yep, Sylvan Glen golf course Is on the deep green accents and English ivy you guessed it — right before Christmas. southwest corner of the same inter­ wall covering in the kitchen. ^ When it's time to clean closets another section. So, while the course isn't woman can think of a million telephone connected to The Fairways, it is di­ calls she just has to make. rectly across the road — about two IN ANOTHER model, the two A friend of mine loves giving speeches. good wood shots away. bedroom, 2¼ bath Augusta, she went Although she knows the material inside out, The two- and three-bedroom units, for a jewel-toned, California look putting talks together is somehow excruci­ ranging in size from 1,400-2,000 and in the two-bedroom, 2¼ bath ating and she avoids it as long as possible. square feet, are priced from ranch, the Carmel, she created^an el- That's when her desk Is cleanest because ¢130,000. There will eventually be 98 egant interior using peach, celadof) her weaknesses overtake her and she will townhouse and ranch-style resi­ and ivory. do any "To Do" In sight rather than sticking dences, four or six to a building. The These different approaches give to outlining her speeches. building sites are^attractlvely ar~ ttre~visltor a good Idea of "how the Disliked tasks vary for different people. ranged on a well-landscaped site many choices of flooring, carpeting One person may mow the lawn as ajneans with a large, picturesque man-fiiade and cabinetry will look. All resi­ of getting out of paying bills while another pond in the center with tennis courts dences have full lower levels with may pay bills to avoid lawn mowing. "Hav­ Living room of the Bay Tree condominium. Award-winning Chicago designer Sara at one end and clubhouse and large full-size windows, large enough and ing'' to run errands Is a great excuse for not Olesker coordinated the Interiors. outdoor pool at another. with plenty of natural light, to be cleaning out the garage. At the office, tele­ completed as a pleasant guest suite phone calls, coffee breaks and "having to SEVERAL MORE small ponds, and/or a family activity area. Each discuss an issue" with someone else are ef­ fountains, extensive landscaping, residence has a separate courtyard fective avoidance factors. All too many par­ lots of plantings and trees, brick de­ entrance and attached garage (one ents feign being "busy" to avoid spending WHAT'S NEW ON THE MARKET tailing along the walkways and the ' and two car). quality time with their children. A pity. gently curving streets give the de­ Models are open noon to 6 p.m. daily. For information, call 879- To overcome the problem: 1) Identify dis­ 7 velopment a pleasant country look. tasteful tasks which aren't getting done 2) The exterior, "eastern seaboard," 0900. THE PRODUCT — A tape rule with adhesive the taking of objects and items from their de­ sen Acknowledge to yourself the excuses you backing. sired locations . . . that It is battery operated are using to avoid them and 3) Using self Manufacturer's claim — That this metal rule with no wires, no installation and cannot be discipline, do them first. Doing hated tasks has blades that Incorporate a peel-away turned off except by somebody who knows the first is well worth the effort because It's adhesive backing that enables them to be af­ security code. . . that it works with hotel doors, Homearama set to go such a relief to have them done. You can mobile homes, car doors, storage facilities, com­ fixed to most work surfaces for effortless mea­ In this seventh annual showcase of New hours this year will be: 3-11 then reqard yourself with more pleasurable puters, audio-video equipment, safes, copiers, suring . ,. that there are two models, one 8-feet "new Idea" houses by the Builders p.m. Monday through Friday, and activities the rest of the day while enjoying file cabinets and art work . . . and that the 9- long, the other 12-feet long... that the measur­ Association of Southeastern Michi­ noon to 11 p.m. Saturday, Sunday a feeling of freedom. Also, you can think yoU power supply unit is.easy to hide from in­ ing blades are ideal for workbench edges, layout gan (BASM), 10 6howcase houses and holidays. more clearly without the burden of dreaded and drawing tables, cbiuYte'r top arid any work" truders. . -•/; work hanging over1 you. built especially for Homearama in EACH HOUSE Is the creation of surface where speedand reliability are required the: $375,000-1675,000/ price range its own team Of a BASM builder, ad On your next trip, take an expense report ... and that both blades are protected with a with you, fill it out first daily and it will will be shown at Hills of Oakland architect, an Interior designer and a- plastic film for added durability and corrosion THE PRODUCT - A new line of programm­ Subdivision, developed by Moceri landscapes incorporating,4heir lat­ effectively be complete when you return. resistance. able electronic thermostats. You can obtain a booklet of Dorothy Development, Grand Blanc, on est and best ideas In design, lifestyle, Lehmkuhl's first 52 weekly columns by Adams Road, just north of Dutton construction techniques and materi­ THE PRODUCT — A 100 percent fabric Manufacturer's claim — That these thermo­ Road, in Oakland Township, north of als, Interior decoration and energy sending a long self addressed envelope blind. stats are powered by batteries to allow greater with 65 cents postage and a $5 check to Rochester. Homearama opens Aug. conservation. Manufacturer's claim — That this product compatibility and reliability with heating and 31 and runs through Sept. 24. "This year's Homearama homes Organizing Techniques, 6165 Worling- combines the "soft, elegant look of textured fab­ air conditioning systems. . . that they allow the ton, Birmingham 48010. Homearama hours have been ex­ will exhibit the very latest in housing ric and a translucent quality with the conven­ user to program each day of the week individu­ trends," said Dennis P. Dickstein of >• .^T-v.-:=^- - yu-fry-j^v.. i . „•••-; v...: .-^--. :;mu panded again this year. i~~ ience of a conventional horizontal blind-. . . that ally to meet the needs of the most demanding "Homearama's major focus con­ Ralph. Manuel Associates — Real­ the fabric construction permits a gentle level of lifestyles . . . that there are four temperature tinues to be to offer the finest homes tors, chairman of the 1989 Homeara­ : condo queries light to fill the room when the blind is closed and set points per day to provide automatic climate at the most convenient times for the ma. a stream of sunlight when it Is open . . . that control. . . that soft-touch keypads are similar general public," said James S. Bona- Admission Is $5 per person, which there are two types of fabrics available, one to those found on microwave ovens to assure deo, president of BASM and of Bona- Includes a plan book covering al| richly textured open weave, the other a more proper registration of programming . . . that deo Builders in Plymouth. Homearama homes. Robert M. tailored design . . . that the blinds have a cus­ there is a quick-touch temperature override to tom-crafted fabric valance and a fabric-covered allow consumers to accommodate changes in imr wjwarifiinLviwti Meisner bottom roll. . . that the blinds are treated with heating or cooling requirements : . . and that a fabric protector and an antl-statlc guard to the climate control Information center features Q. Our condo association has asked to in­ fj spect our unit for electrical problems. They repel dust and dirt. . . and that the same fabric large, easy-to-read liquid crystal displays. claim there is a safety hazard, and there is is available by the yard for special top treat­ some talk about them placing certain fix­ ments of the blinds. -• (The tape rule i3 manufactured by Stanley tures in the units. Do they have the right to Works, New Britain, Conn. 06050; the fabric THE PRODUCT — A loud alarm to guard blind by Window Covering Division, Hunter tin gain access to the unit for such inspection? ii y A. It depends on your condominium docu­ against the movement of objects inside the Douglas, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey ments, but most documents allow the asso­ hOuse. 07558; the alarm by Hart Technological Ind„ ciation reasonable access In order to in­ Manufacturer's claim — That this alarm pro­ 6520 14th Ave., Brooklyn, NY 11218; and the spect the common elements and to avoid tects against unwanted opening of doors, win­ thermostats by Jameson Home Products, 2820 safety problems to the extent that a condi­ dows and drawers of any type, as well as against Thatcher Rd., Downers Grove, 111; 60515.) tion In your unit may cause a safety prob­ lem for other units and/or the common TRANQUIL POND VIEW areas. The association has a good argument. Spacious all brick colonial In • lovely setting/Backs to a commons area for On the other hand, the association should be added apace and privacy. Beaullful neutral decor throughout with attention prudent in regard to the extent of the re­ to fin* detail. Master with cathedral celling and skylight, second floor faun- J169.9O0 H-49575 pairs to your unit to insure that it is not COLdNIAL ACRES dry, extensive decking. Farmlnaton Hill* k'. the cbntrctor for the association are proper! r«vSF . __Q._Caa you please describe what one pur­ Ed* .ii chases in buying a cooperative unit. 1 am r-"*»--: thinking of buying one in Detroit, and I am wondering how it differs from a condo. A. When you buy a cooperative, you are in < CONTEMPORARY WITH STYLE effect buying a share of stock in a coopera­ So many quality features plus UPPER STRAITS LAKE access make this home special. Oreat room with wall of windows, custom fireplace. Special tive association. Also, you sign a Come Share our dream, exclusive country living: For adults 55 and older. family area .with adJo4nfr>a >pa room and wet bar, luxurious mast*' •""• 9 proprietary lease with cooperative leasing No resident children under the age of 17 years. car g*f»g+. $4-,000 H-45WI out a particular unit In the cooperative project. If you default in the payment to the • 1&2Bedropm Ranch Units •Hotpoint Appliances cooperalve of the monthly service charge, •PrivateEntries ' -FullBasements the cooperative has the right to seek your • Clubhouse and Nature Area • Optional Fireplace, Family Room eviction and to repossess your stock certifi­ • Sandy Beach or Pool and Walkout Basements cate. Cooperatives generally are more diffi­ South Lyon Green Ook Twsp. Wllllarnston cult to finance as banks In this locale have COLONIAL ACRES CENTENNIAL FABM RED CEDAR. not been receptive to providing cooperative REO KtmuktM. t.MM iKinlUtl CEOAR financing. It is also sometimes more diffi­ I. CtwtK J cult to ascertain the true market value of a l cooperative unit. Caution is always the bet* lUU « * ter part of vator as in any purchaso of real Nl estate. -I ? I LIKE MEW Ifl •rmFJeWrOHAM Robert M. Meisner is a Birmingham j-f|l-Wj-| LoH o4 rtawfeature * m IMe charm* wHti prima feoelten. Fabvfoua meetar ] COIOWALI CENTENNIAL sutta with 10 FOOT JACUJGT4, extfa-larg* weft-ln ctoeet and dramatic dreae* attorney specializing in condominiums, ACRlt fARM log area. Haw kitchen wtth alt •pptlancae. Lower leva! family room. *MM001 real estate and corporate law. You are / invited to submit topics which you would ; From $65,900 From $73,900 From 3158,900 like to sei discussed in this column, by (313)437-1169 (313)437-6887 (617)655-3446 writing Mr. Robert; Meisner, 'ii!** ,;,%-, 3020O. Telegraph Road, Suite 467, Bir­ MODELS OPEN: Mon.-Fri.12-4 P.M./Sat. & Sun. 12-5 P.M. mingham, 48010. This column provides ALSO OPEN THVRSDAYSAlt* Cedar Closed Thurs. general information and should not be construed as legal opinion. CENTAUR CONTRACTORS, INC. •COLONIAL ACRES REALTY, INC.

J I/ tr

m^^tmammmmm i 2E*- O&E Monday. July 31,1989 ,'6HHI CREATIVE LIVING 591-0900 RE PL E6TPTE 591 -2300 Display Advertising

312 Livonia 302 Birmingham YOU MAY PLACE A Bloomfleld CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENT BUY IT. Open Floor Plan n-sa FROM You'll love thjj spacious 4 bodroom BLOOMFlELO BARGAIN colonial with huge master suite. REAL E6TATE 8:00 A.M.-5:30 P.M. Spadoos 3 bedroom colonial with SELL IT. BeautiM ail-new vinyl clad wlodo**. * . • open floor plan. VA baths, lamlry MONDAY-THURSDAY central air, 1st floor laundry.'and 1o- room. Inground pod. 2 fireplaces, caled on beautiful lot wlih slde-en Place your Classified fceal Estate all "on a private lot. A steal, al AND FROM FIND IT. trance garage. This Is a fussy buyer $109,900 8:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M. specialat$1<9.").900* . Advertisement In more than 160,00^•o\ ROCHESTER RED CARPET FRIDAY affluent Suburban Detroit Homes O CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY The Prudential KEIM . Harry S. Wolfe, BIRMINGHAM 645-5800 DEADLINES WESTBLOOWFlELOr- 1ROY FOR CLASSIFIED "LINERS- SECTION REALTORS BLOOMFlELO HILLS TWP. - Near BLOOMFlfeLD Lake. Lovefy ranch, 4 bedrooms, 2¼ MONDAY ISSUE: 5 P.M. FRIDAY 474-5700 dole Ui baths, famify room.. Florida room, THURSDAY ISSUE: 5 P.M. Auto For Sale P-C Independently Owned and Operated central air. basemehi, can be updat­ 302 arrrJfK^-vKoornWd BlRMIf- ed or expandod. Large lot. Bloom- TUESDAY OLD ROSEOALE • 5 bodroom. 2½ 303 West ekxmfieW-Orcrwd lake field schools. Must be seen to be balhs. 2½ car garage, pool. Built- apprecleled. $264,500. «26^55 Help Wanted Ins. finished basemen I. No realtors 304 FarrninoloivFifmlnglonK^ ONE CALL DOES IT ALL please! Call -. 525-7688 :305 Brighton, Hartand, Waled Lake BLOOMFlELO HILLS - BY OWNER 306 SouthfieW-Ufirvp FAfifcSlrdGTC* 3050 sq.ft. 5 bedroom colonial. 2½ OAKLAND COUNTY 644-1070 307 South Lyon, Muford, Highland " balhJ + don 4 large famJly room, country klichen, 2 fireplaces. In- Home & Service Directory F y 3M Roch«!er-TrffY on one ol the most beautiful ravine ground 40x20 pool w/dock. security WAYNE COUNTY 591-0900 lots In Lfvonla. Custom decks, pauo 309 Royal (hX-Oak Part system, 2 car plastered garage, on« and covered porcj% make enjoying Hun*ingloriWX)dJ acre, professionally landscaped, Merchandise For Sale F the view apodal. 4 very spacious 310 Wuorn-Coonrerce-lWon LaXe wail-malntalned. Bloomfleld ROCHESTER/ROCHESTER HILLS 852-3222 bedrooms, large kitchen, formal 311 Oakland Courjy Homes Schools. $276,000. Can 9 10 5. Mon. IhruFri. 645-0360 dining room and much more. This 312 Lh-onia PLYMOUTH one you must see al $ 184.900 : Real Estate 313 Canton 304 Farmlngton 306 Southfield-Lathrup 314 Plymouth BLOOMFlELO HILLS The Prudential 315 Norlhrite-NCM Bloomfleld Hlll3School3 Farmlngton Hills SOUTHFIELD. 3 bedroorpf VA bath 316 Wesiland-GardenCrty ranch, large corner lot. attached ga­ Rentals Harry S. Wolfe, "CUTE" rage, central air, finished basement. E-F 317 Redford CANTON By Owner. S ol Lone Pine. W of as a button, nicely decorated. 3 FrankHn. 4 bedroom. 3 balh Bl- lavna.. Jacuzzi, afl appliances, As- REALTORS 318 Oearbom-Oejfborn Heights bodroom ranch wllh dining room, svmable loan at 8¼%. ImmodUte us Level on wooded hillside lot. Large family room, wilh sliding door to 319 Grosse Poiiti rooms. Quiet family neighborhood. possession. By owner $131,900 474-5700 320 Homes-Wryne County fenced double lot. pool, 2 car ga­ 352-9527 312 Livonia 312 Livonia Independently Owned and Operated New kitchen, central air. $255,000. rage. Includes a-1 appliances, in the 321 Homes-Uwcs'on County Shown by appt. 626-9906 $50s THREE BEDROOM. VA balh coloni­ VMINT 3 bodroom, 2 full balh, 2 car Simple Assumption 322 Homes-Macorb County First Showing on this 3 bodroom brick ranch with BY OWNER, contemporary 3 bed­ al Large family room w/fireplace. gSrege, new kitchen. 14/89 lot. mss- 323 Homes . Florida room, finished basement, te> bedroom with balh 4 walldn Only 2 years old In Western Livonia. alt new kitchen with lots ol oak cup­ room. 3 bath ranch. Big Beaver 4 Quality buill brick great room ranch boards. The approach and founda­ Washtenat County Adams area. Birmingham schools. Century 21 central air, Birmingham schools. closet. Immediate occupancy. $115,000 646-6125 $71,800. Owner. 261-0243 otters 8 natural fireplace, 3 bod- tion Is In for a 2½ car garage. Great 324 Othtf Suburban Homes fl^^P| 1 |> 8eautifulty updated Inside and out. Home Center 476-7000 rooms, basement. 2½ car attached location. $63,500. 325 ReaJEsUts Services Large lot In quiet park LX* sotting, ATTRACTIVE Uvonla- MWdtebett/ garage. Wood Insulated windows, 326 Coodos $159,000. Open Sun. 2-5 or can FARMINGTON HILLS: Aluminum §0% plus furnace 4 oak cabinets. 419 MoNe Home Space Sided Ranch. 2 bdr. corner sot m 307 South Lyon W*. Chicago irea. 3 bodroom 1 anch, 327 New Horns Bidders 400 Apartments 258-0860 1-t>ath, 1100 so. ft Florida. room, Premium 60 x 120 lot. S158.900. 420 Rooms area of new homes. Completery re­ The Prudential 328 Duplexes 4 Twmhouses 401 Fumitura Rentsl many extras, finished basement. 421 IMng Quarters to Share BY OWNER. Sharp, wed maintalnod stored in last 3 yrs. $59,500. Re­ Milford-HIghland 330 Apartments 402 Furrushed Apartments Harry S. Wolfe, 42? Wanted lo Rent 3 bodroom home In popular quires rxrw mortgage. 478-6176 MILFORD VILLAGE 332 MoWe Hooes 403 Rental Agency Pembroke Area. Walking distance Lathers, $81,500,261-05 The Prudential 423 Wanted to Rent-Resort Property FARMINGTON HILLS - Elegant 4 REALTORS 333 Northern Property 404 Houses to schools, shopping 4 park. T- • Harry S. Wolfe, 405 ftooerty NgrmL 424 House Suing Service Call today 649-5585 bedroom Tudor on large Immacu­ Builders Close Out 334 WoITowftoperty lately landscaped lot. Full deck. immediate occupancy. 1.650 sq. ft. A WOODED RAVINE 474-5700 406 Furnished Houses 425 Convalescent Nursing Homes Setting best describes this 3 bed- REALTORS 335 TYneShars 426 Home Health Care CHARMING BIRMINGHAM Colonial Family room wllh natural fireplace. colonial. City sower and water. rojsm IH.bath brick colonial on Independents; Ownod and Opcralod 407 MoM« Hones Southfield-Lincoln area. 3 bod- Detxue noutral Interiors wllh verti­ Paved driveway 4 sidewalks. 3 bod- SPACIOUS 4 bedroom, two story 336 Southern Property 427 Fosler Care premium lot forma! dining room, 421-5660 337 Farms 403 Duplies rooms. VA baths, formal dinlhg cals throughout. 2 car attached ga­ rooms. VA baths, fireplace, 2'A car fireplace In IMng room, finished tec Independently Ownod and Operated home on 'A acre near Stark 4 Farm­ 410 fUU 428 Homes tor the Aged room, fireplace. 2 car attached ga­ rage 13 Mile 4 Haistead area. garage. Stained wood windows 6 lngton Rds. Many features. At 333 Country Homes room In basemenl, 2½ car garage, 412 Towhrxwses/CondorT»Wumj 429 Garages/Vim Storage rage, sunporch 6 large treed lot. $215,000. 661-1713 or 981-0340 trim. Many extras! $116,900. Only 3 fantastic brick pallo. Lots of charm Dl£ I ached garage. 425-9276 339 Lots 4 Acreage $205,000. 254-9703 building sites left. Ranch homes Coo! new offering In NortI h Uvonla. 413 Tma Share 432 Commercial/Relal and quiet. All this (or $148,900, Call; 3*0 UXeRrrei Resort Property 434 Indus trial/War ehouse FARMINGTON HILLS • assume land from $106,900. Take Millord Road. CMaishod 3-bedroom brick colonial | Spring Valley Special 414 Southern Rentals i!e I conu.act , Grand Rrvot—Mlddlaboft North to Abbey-Lane ^ mito north-of- GARY JONES or 3<2 UKe Ffentfwperty cease of Said 2 In tip-top condition. Features a (ami- Beautiful largo lot with 2¼ car side 343 Cemelerylols 415 Vacation Rentals person. French eoUege6tyte. *>od- area. 2 bodroom ranch. $28,900. VUlage. Shown by appointment: JOHN HOSKO fy room, fireplace, dining room, 2 entrance garage. Home offers 3 416 Hals 436 Office Business Space rooms. VA balhs, IMng room, kitch­ Immediate occupancy. 464-3330 J. T.KeOy Custom Homes 363-5927 car attached garage. Anderson win­ 351 Business 4 Professional bedrooms, la/ge country kitchen 417 Residence to Exchange en with dinette, sun porch looking dows and central air. Plus a beauti­ wtlh doorwa.1 to large pallo with Birlolngs onto Krvery private loL Birmingham FARMINGTON HILLS - New Hating MILFORO-WHITE LAKE, open Sun , ful 40 foot Ingrourid pool In a mani­ lootings, 2 Ml baths andi pprice d at 352 Commercial/nmi Schools. Asking price $148,000. 5 yra old In mint condition. Contem­ l-6pm. 2690 Erick Dr., (N. off Coo- cured back yard. Only $128,500. $85.0¾. 353 Indusiriil/fVa-ehouse Evenings: 626-5681 porary Cape Cod. 3 bodrooms.iH ley Lake. E. of Ouck Lake Rd.) new Remerica constructlon-3 bodroom. 2 bath Safe or lease EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY ^^^ baths, wllh 1»l floor master suite, SPACIOUS 4 bodroom quad. 3¼ large docks backing on commons. brick ranch. Full basoment. upstairs HOMETOWN REALTORS 354 Income Property baths, family room, new kllchon 4 Ail real estate advertising in this oc»sBorTnw any such pretetence. Imitation or discrimination." This newspaper wit possibly 4. 2 baths, family room, acre wooded ravine lot on pul-de- 474-5700 362 RealEstatsWihied . „. unowinQty accept any nhwtising lor real estate whlen is in STUDIO HOME with loft. 608 Em­ central air. 2'A car garege, marry aac, 2½ car attached garage, fit 421-5660 mons, between 14 4 Lincoln. 2 car Modern Amenities extras. $97.500. 437-8538 Independently Owned and Opera tod 364 Listings Wwled viola tion of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that ail dwellingf floor laundry room, 2 baths, hard- Independently Owned end Operated advertised in this novspapef are available on an equal opportunity garage, extra lot, newly renovated. Can bo yours In this 1986 buill ranch woodTlodr*. 1,652 eq. ft. and much S. LYON. 1st. lime oftered. To Garden Delight basis. Lease $750. To buy $115,000. home In Farmlnglon Hills. 3 bod- more! $79,500. After 6pm 474-7924 North Livonia M acre setting for this TRI-LEVEL SPECIAL Terms available. 541-2470 rooms, separate privacy mastor Gods UlUe H acre. Cozy 3 bod­ Al advertising pubtshed in'The Observer 4 Eccentric is subject lo the room ranch, formal dining room, well kept 3 bodroom brick ranch. Immaculate 3 bedroom home ready conditions stated m the eppccabi* rate card, copies of which era avalaWe bath, central tUe kitchen with oak Je The First Features ^'A baths, formal dining for youl Central air. 2½ car oarage, cablnels and all appliances, formal ftroplace In IMng room. Kitchen de­ from the Advertising Oepartment. Observer 4. Eccentric Newspapers. WALK TO signed wllh the homemaker In mind. To pleaaurfKt the sight ol (his stun­ room and 2 car-attached garage. close to shopping center. Call us! 36251 Schoolcraft Road. LVonia. Ml 48150. (313) 591-2300 n* dining room and 2'A ca/ garage. Of­ ning new offering In Northwest Livo­ $88,600. $89 900 BIRMINGHAM fers thermo wood windows aod ex­ Original owner. Premium yard!. Observer 4 Eccenirtc reserves tht right not lo accept an adven'oer's $92,500. nia's tByrefPark Sub. 1965 bulit. *der. Observer 4 Eccentric Ad-Takers hav» ho'euihotiry to bind this NOTTINGHAM FOREST tra insulation for very efficient heat­ Architect's own home. Tudor coloni­ OPEN FLOOR PLAN Large 5 bedroom homo nesilod ing. $88,900 On this 3 bodroom ranch thai backs newspaper and onfy cvbecaiion of an a<*rerteemont s.\al constitute Vial REALTY WORLD al with VA balhs, 1st floorlaundry , The Prudential acceptance 01 ihe advertiser's order deep on a private trood lot with central air, vaulted Greal room with up to nature preserve. 1st floor beautiful deck. Quality built with Robert Olson Realtors fireplace. Island kitchen, dining Harry S. Wolfe, laundry, natural fireplace, attached many hardwood doors, 6 panel The Prudential room or Irving room, tiered dock, REALTORS garage. Only $149,900. doors, first floor laundry, private 981-4444 brick walkways and sprinklers. COLDWELL BANKER dining room. den. plus completery Harrys. Wolfe, $173,900. 462-1811 314 Plymouth 316 Weatland 317 Redford new ramrty room. Now roof and fur­ "^- REALTORS 308 Rochester-Troy 421-5660 Garden City nace In past 5 years. $255,000. independently Ownod and Operated TWO STORY, 4 bodroom. top con­ BY OWNER - 2 story colonial. 9348 REDFORD 9342 Oale. 3 oedroom Ask for 421-5660 OESiRABLE Troy Meadows • tradi­ The Prudential Live Like Heidi dition! 2'A bath. Updated open Invanhoe Or., Plymouth Township. brick ranch. 2 car garage, central ETHEL JOHSON tional colonial. 4 bedrooms. 2H kitchen wilh-bulll Ins. Contra! air. Woodtore Subdivision - South, Bock air, large lot. appliances, tastefully tndependonlty Owned end Operated baths, family room, fireplace, li­ Unique In North Livonia. 2,765 Natural stone fireplace In family Road 4 Ann Arbor Road. $189,000. DON'T DELAY decorated. Immaculate, by owner RALPH MANUEL NEW LISTING Harry S. Wolfe, square loot 4 bedroom, 2¼ bath brary. 1st floor laundry, central air. room. Finished basement Mainte­ Appointment only 453-7465 Much sought after area ot Westiand. $65,000 Call: 276-2638 647-7100 Charm galore! 3 bedroom brick $169.900. 689-0357 ;••:• REALTORS spot level home on over V* ecr*. Bal­ nance (roe sWlng. trim 4 thermal Attractive 3 bodroom YA bath bungalow m move In condition. Fin­ cony QH each bodroom. huge 32 windows. 2 car garage. Pallo 4 Flor­ CALIFORNIA CONTERMPORARY home, brick 4 vinyl exterior, built In ished basement w/wel bar, newer ROCHESTER HILLS 2300 sq. ft. foot great room with fireplace. 21 x ida room overlook fenced yard with RANCH Eight tenths ol 1964. Spacious family room, out- 303 West Bloomfleld roof. 2 a/c unlls. lots ol storage, ranch, dean, 3 bedrooms, fun baso­ :" 421-5660 - 19 loot master bedroom, central air 318 Dearborn Independently Owned end Operated mature trees. Near Lyndon 4 Honry an acre secluded tot/gorgeous set­ slanding value at $63,900 fenced yard. $85,500. ment, all kitchen appliances, wood and 2 car attached garage. Ruff. $124,800. 427-3444 ting. 6011. pine trees surround prop­ Orchard Lake BREATHTAKING VIEW Ot woods $157,900. Dearborn Heights windows, air. $165300. 652-2889 arid winding'stream from largo dock erty, 4 bodroom. 2 bath, 14x20 liv­ NEW LISTING W1N0RIOGE VILLAGE ing room w/hardwood floors. buBt- DEARBORN • Charming cape cod In BLOOMFlELO HILLS SCHOOLS^ ROCHESTER HILL8 - 895 Stag of this' professionally landscaped Century 21 Very sharp 4 bedrooms, A'A baths; Attractive 3 bedroom ranch on Subdivision. 3 bodroom ranch with in bookcase, vaulted redwood pleasant neighborhood. Master country sire lot. Gorgoous natural Fudge. Affordable lamiiy home in ranch ]f> HMien Pine Sub. 3 bod- bodroom wtlh bum-In storage, fami­ famity room wllh.doorwaJI leading lo rooms wtlh den, 2M baths, alt ex­ The Prudential central air on oA da sac, $139,900 ceiling, fireplace. 16*23 glass en­ COMMUNITY fireplace, formal dlnlna room. 2 ca/ desirable Doer Run. 4 bedrooms. 478-0196 closed famJry room, newly carpeted, ly room with fireplace, 3 bedrooms, patio overlooking pond, finished 2'A baths. Don. $167,500. Open tras. Very prfvaie. 18687 Yorkshire, waTk-Out 4 library lool $375,000. garage. See II today. $94,900. $179,900. Uke new. Call 477-3199 Harry S. Wolfe, vaulted redwood ceiling, fireplace. 728-8000 1½ balhs. finished basement, 2 car Sun. 1-5. 651-0819 Wmdridge Village Colonial Dining room, ne* klichen, 16x24 garage. $94,900. Ask for 642-6533 REALTORS Sharp 4 bodroom. 2½ bath colonial, deck w/6ft. Kol fish pond, 2 car ga­ JACKIGEELHOOO ROCHESTER HILLS - $124,700. Im­ Brick Beauty. an docoratod In earth tones, addi­ rage. Exceptional landscaping. Great Starter Home BRICK ranch, with walk-out lower HBPPARD mediate occupancy. Terrific sub, air, Sparkling dean and tastefully deco­ 421-5660 tional J Include a large basement You'll not And another selling like Nice 3 bodroom ranch, finished CENTURY 21 level. 4 bodroom and studio. 3V* 3 bedrooms. 2½ balh, great house, rated new offering. Fine Uvonla sub­ Independently Owned and Operated that extends under lamity room. thlsl 2 mlnules from downtown. A basement. 1½ balhs. updated fea­ balhi. lacuzil. 3400 iq. II.. 855-6570 brick pallo. beautiful landscaping, division for this 3 bedroom ranch UVONIA4AREA $175,900 ust a few of ihe quality whirlpool, hardwood floors, brass •COLDWELL BANKER garage plus attached additional Much sought after N. Canion loca­ ing roorn, 1 st floor laundry, attached air. $85,900, Red Carpet Kelm. S. off Maple Rd., W. of Inksler Rd. sink fixtures, alarm lystem. profes­ SondraCurth 665-0450 features of ihis beautiful home. A :v; 347-3050 work room. $81,900 (L02Len) Call tion, Plymouth schools. Stetery 4 4 car garage, redwood deck m/ SPECTACULAR true value at $109,900. sional landscaping ere rust a few. 522-5333 bodroom colonial. 2½ baths, forma) secluded setting, $159,900. By ranch built In 1984. epproxlmatory LORIMER BUILOING CO., By owner. 540-3035 ' BY OWNER - a must seel Beautiful 4 1260 sq. ft. Great room, huge mas­ ' bedroom brick colonial - In Sto- dining room, family room with fire­ Owner 348-2639 646-4030 SCHWEITZER REAL ESTATE place, 2 car attached garage, cen­ ter suite with walk In closet, Insulat­ 320 Homes TROY-Coolidge 4 Long Lake. Pro- " nelelgh Village. 2½ baths. Formal NEW CONSTRUCTION The Prudential 1 BETTER HOMES 4 GARDENS tral air, $121,900. • ed windows, skyfights, 1st floor lessionalTy decorated English Tudor. dirilng room with bay window. Uving Novl-New Construction Wayne County Darb Lake prMBgcs. 2300 sq. ft. 4 bedrooms, 2'A baths. 3 fireplaces, Wooded 1 acre with a sprawling laundry, attached 2 car garage with Harry S. Wolfe, * ffjom. Kitchen wtlh bay. window. LIVONIA - Beautiful 4 bedroom co­ COLDWELL BANKER Openor $72,900 contemporary, 4 bedrooms, 2'A 2 itory loyor. ceramic lila in kitchen Le/ge famtty room. Professionally 2,000 square loot brick ranch 3 Detroit W. • Only $1500 down. 3 baths, great room/flreplace/wel lonial, cenler. enlrance, 1st floor 347-3050 bodroom. 2'A car garage, basement. REALTORS 4 foyer, kitchen Island, library, ca­ landscaped with largo dock Ptus laundry, 2¼ baths, 1st floor work bedrooms, plus don, 2½ balhs. bar, formal dining room, study, high thedral ceiling In master bedroom, many extras. 622-4496 LOVELY. MOVE-IN CONDITION 3 Great Room, nalural fireplace, fami­ appliances, $14,600. 6062 Slahoiln. efficiency turn see. 1st fir laundry, shop, family room/fireplace, dining Century 21 681-1000 474-5700 built-in stained glass light In family room, finished basement, 2 car at­ bedroom home. Finished basement ly room and 2 car attached garage. wood deck, beautiful wooded lot. room, professionally landscaped, BY OWNER, 3 bedroom. 2 bath $174,900. Independently Owned end Operated brick ranch, finished basement, 2 tached garage, 2-tovel deck and na­ for extra IMng areas Includes 4 th CASTELLI 525-7900 GOVERNMENT HOMES from $1.00. walk to Marshbank Pk. West Bioom- large deck, hoi tub, circular drrve- car garage, many updates. Uvonla ture lover* backyard. Asking bedroom, office, laundry room end U-Repalrl Also Tax Delinquent fieid schools. Oct., 1989 occupancy. UNBELIEVABLE way. $254.000. By owner. 641-0624 schools, $84,000. - . 622-9583 $175,900. Ask for. recreation room with bar. A new WESTLANO - BY OWNER. Large Properties. For current Ftopo List. Belter hurry a| $197,900. Builder: GEORGE APPICEILI children's playhouse, above ground The Prudential can 1-805-444-9533 ext. 671 626-6324, 626-0425 4 bodroom brick colonial. 3H baths, TROY, reduced by $11,600 Ousd Level, very deslreable area, formal dining room. Ebrary. family CLEAN 2 bedroom aluminum ranch. poof 4 • covered pstlo for summer extra large lot. Open Sun. 12pm- By owner. 5 bedroom, raised ranch, Breezeway,. garage, nice lot, gas cookouts. Oversfied garage, Prym Harry S. Wolfe, NW DETROIT - $8,500 and take W. BLOOMFlELO - 3 bedroom. 2½ room, fireplace, HI floor laundry, bunt In 1978. 3 fuB bath*. fuB fin­ CENTURY 21 5pm. 37027 Nerene. 'A mDe N. of balh brick ranch, central air, side flnlshod walk out basement, at­ ished basoment. aJr. sprinklers, heal, storms/screens, awnings, ap­ outh-Canton schools 4 much more. Michigan, off Newburgh. 721-2422 over payments of $221. 2 bed­ pliances, extras. Immediate occu­ ROW 464-7111 $87,900. Ask for RICHARD HANES REALTORS rooms, finished basement, 2 car ga­ entry attached garage, circular tached 2 car garage, central aJr, backs to woods, below markeL pancy. $45.900/Conv6ntional Mort­ Re-Max Boardwalk WESTLANO, 3 bedroom tri-level. 2 rage and pool. Call: 937-8558 drive, H acre lot, much more! spectacular indoor pool. Must see $158,000. 647-4135 gage. Serious? Leave message: . Nottingham West -- 459-3600 522-9700 421-5660 baths. 2H car garage, greal neigh­ $ 169.900. Owner/AgenL 651 -1993 $159,900 BuBt lo last m one ol Northwest indepcodentry Owned and Operated TROY - 4 bedrooms. 2 balhs, sepa­ ••••'• .-.- 344-3504 borhood. Wayne-Westiand Schools. W. BLOOMFlELO • 5 Bedroom Tri- Lrvonia's finer locations. Spadous NEW LISTING/GREAT VALUE NOW- 10 mile 4 MeadOAbrook Asking $79,000. Can 467-1273 302 Birmingham rate family room, large Sol backs to . COLONIAL Almost newt 2100 sq. ft. rooms In this 2,770 square foot co­ Urge 2,100 sq. ft. loaded 3 bed Rds. Meadowbrook Glens Sub. Very Level. 2700 sq. ft, 2 ca/ attached Century 21 city park. $109,900. LakevPe Real . 3 bedrooms 2½ balh, family room. lonial with a Florida room, carpeted room gorgeous brick, 1968 roof, is! clean 3 bedroom colonial, VA baths, Blcomfield garage, newty remodeled. Owner Esiate 332-9777 . fireplace, country kitchen, 1st floor ree room, 20 fool 1st floor laundry, floor laundry, central air, 1½ balhs, 1700 sqll., rear dock, 2 car garage, 317 Redford musl sell. $149,700. 655-6282 laundry. $159,000. 422-4954 famlfy room/fireplace, super 17 x 30 private court location with commons A RARE OPPORTUNE to buy one CASTELLI 525-7900 4 bedrooms with marry closets, 2½ ol the last greal downtown Birming­ balhs, central air, aluminum trim deck, basement, 2 car attached ga area. By owner. $128,000. 349-2501 EXECUTIVE RANCH 309 Royal Oak-Oak Park rage, large private lot. $119.900. Facing golf course. Luxurious IMng ham originals. Loads of charm. 3 304 Farmlngton What A Beautiful Home try I I and a beautifully landscaped 100 x bedrooms, forrhal dining room, fire­ 139 foot yard with sprinklers. Century 21. ABC. 425-3250 PICTURESQUE! In this 2.300 sq. ft. home. 4 bed­ This gorgeous colonial wilh 4 bod- Huntington Woods In Northwest Uvonla. All the com­ rooms, 2'A baths, modern krtohen place, honl and back porches, large Farmlngton Hills rooms. 2½ baihs Is the perfect forts of home are In this 4 bedroom. $215,000. Magnificent Tudor-style Colonial. OAK PARK - 3 bedrooms, appli­ Troes In back 4 a doflghifu) pond with bunt-Ins. 23x30 first floor family attic, ©ak moldings, wood floor* and "ACT" now tf you want lo see this homel Family room, central vacuum 2 fun balh home with large family unusually large lot. Many expansion ances, air conditioned, garage, N.CANTON nearby. Over 'A acre. 4 bedrooms, center perfect for onterta'ning. Ask­ gorgeoul 2 story, cut-de-sac loca­ lystem. Just redecorated. 2 car at­ $31,500. Can help wllh dosing cosl. ; room and fireplace. Enjoy the sum- WINDSOR PARK Sub Is the eonven ing $114,900. Call for list ot ameni­ possibilities. Prime location at: 815 tion, plush carpot. 3 car attached tached garage. Asking $159,900. - mer on the covered deck after a dip The Prudential 2½ baths, formal dining, family Quai.flod buyeri can 645-2118 lent location of 1hls 3 bedroom room fireplace, gigantic master bed­ ties Jim or Brian Pierce, $195,000. Open House Sun­ garage. Price Sfashedl in the beautiful pool. True value at "Crescendo" ranch. Specious, open day, 2-5pm. Oays: 258-776¾ Even­ $119,900. Harry S. Wolfe, room w/dresslng a/ea. Neutral de­ country kitchen leads to family room cor, mini-bay window* gM»-this ings: 258-0491 310 Wixom-Commerce REALTORS with vaulted celling 6 natural .fire­ home a 'spacious brightness'. Base­ BEVERLY HILLS: 2/bedroom fcrick Remerica place, paUo/deck surrounded by Im­ Century 21 ment garage, deck, central air. DUGGAN ranch, full basement, 2 car attached Union Lake i The Prudential 421-5660 pressive landscaping. Much more! sprinkling system; Includes riding Re-Max West 261-1400 HomoConter '476-7000 HOMETOWN REALTORS Wa* to elementary school within garage, heated enclosed porch, Independently Owned end Operated mowor. $205,000. contra) air, alarm syslem, corner lot, AREALSTEALI COMMERCE TWP. • H balhs. fami­ Jscvji - on 3 acres, dose to Xwiys. Cfl Hubbard. Charming 3 bedroom ly room with fireplace, and hard­ and roof. 2 car attached garage. DUGGAN Rd. area. 2650 iq ft. with large ai- $128,600. After 7pm. 685-961« CENTURY 21 $142.500 Re-MaxWest ranch, new furnace/central air, 2 3/4 wood floors throughout Including JUDY or DOUG A ileal al $47,500 251-140O 1 ached garage. 3 bedrooms, 3 car g vage, new windows. Beautiful­ CALL KEN W. AT baths. 2.8 acre bcauliful woodod Hartford South Re-Max Boardwalk 459-3600 kitchen. Energy efficient wlih central BEAUTIFUL FtANCH, fireplace, at­ ly romodefed kitchen 4 balh, fin­ air pump and sofa/ assisted heat. RED CARPET hilltop selling. Central air 4 vacuum, 311 Homes tached garage, mastor bath and Irl-levd deck, 38x40' formal bam ished basement. $81,000. 422-2672 261-4200 QUAO. 4 bedroom, 2½ baths, fin­ $275,900. bedroom. $137,900 (F24CO.SH) ished basement, attached 2 car ga­ Remerica KEIM with 12' clearance 4 workshop. Oakland County COLDWELL BANKER ERA-COUNTRY R1DOE . $225,000. By appt. evoi. 229-8739 rage, wood dock, gas ber-b-cue, HOMETOWN REALTORS BIRMINGHAM 645-5600 474-3303 many extras, $119,900. 981-0936 ' •-.. 459-6000 BIRMINGHAM • chaining 1V4 slory 0RJGHTON - 2300 sq. ft.. 4 bed­ ADDISON TWP. FARMINGTON HILLS 8PAQOU3 Colonial on prerrvum In Pembroke Manor. Completery r»- Builder's Closeout room, 2'A bilh colonial, air, gunite This 5 bedroom pttiared colonial Is court lot In N. Canton. 4 bedrooms, 318 Westiand 420-3400 , modolod. 3 bedrooms, 2 fu» baths, immediate occupancy m this new pool, automatic ipfinklor, acreage, perfeel for the large famify with 10 2½ baths. 1il floor laundry room, 2 car garage with alllc, biy windows construction Farmlngton Hits Cape ravine, itream, 3 car garage, mint gorgeous, roiling acres, meandering NEW SUBDIVISION bunt In wet bar, plus many extras. Garden City Nice ily Area 4 oik cabinets In new country kitch­ Cod on a court setting In condition. $198,000. 227-2295 veir-round creek 4. much more. Ready for occupancy. Alklng 3 bedroom brick bungalow wtlh 1V» en, fireplace, finished bisement. Moadowbrook Sub. 2,700 square Mon and Dad won't have to welt lo »128,900. 455-7771 baths, finished basement with fire­ $134,900. 2563 Wlndemore. Must feel with t 14 foot sun room, bridge 306 8outhflekMathrup gel ready tor work in the morning at From the high 80'$ BEST BUY! place and VV bath, good neiohbor- see. By appointment only- 643-8268 balcony overlooks greal room, 111 (here ere 3 M and 2 half biths. Sit In N.Westland wtlh Uvonla Schools. floor master suite end many mora on your deck off the Irving room or New Construction hood and much more. $58,900, BIRMINGHAM • prime location. 619 Four bedroom, 3'^ baths, 2400 sq. 314 Plymouth 3 bedroom an brick ranch with alu­ o^atityappoinimenls throughout. ft. ranch. 8. of Lincoln. E. of South- dinette and wilch ih« deer. A four minum trim, full flntshed bssement. COLDWELL BANKER Purdy. Celt before 6pm work, car g ar age it Included plui more. 8 floor plans to choose from 258-9414 after6pm.e44-1577 flefd. 2 car garage famtfy room with ADVANTAGES ABOUND covorod pailo. Klichen appliances, 459-6000 fireplace, neutral decor. Contra! air, Large Wooded Lots Lovefy 3 bedroom, 2 bath, fanch !n celling fans, window treatments. finished bssemenl, sprinklers, 4 ADDISON OAKS Twp, full basement, 2 car garage, NORTH REDFORO BIRMINGHAM spools - walk to Only $64,600. Can KEN W. today at Groves High. Attractrva 10 yr. old The Prudential much more. By owner. 433-34 4 4 Only 5 Lots Remain fenced backyard/underground Re-Max Boardwalk ' 622-9700 Sharp 1 bedroom starter. Brick and REAL ESTATE sprinklers, quiet neighborhood. aluminum Ranch, Florida room and ranch, 4 bedrooms, 2½ baths, fami­ ly room w/flreplaoe, 2 car attached Harry S. Wolfe, LAHSER-flV* MRE AREA. QuSd- dose to all services a 1275. By more! 8lmp*« assumption. levei, 4 bedroom», 2½ balhs. lamlry, 6152-1050 Owens Coming thermal crafted home builder owner $99,600. Call 455-3758 Country Living Realty America, 635-3300 gars?*, buyers onfy. 644-7359 REALTORS IMng 4 dWng rooms. 2 car garsg*. CLARKSTON HIDEAWAY ki the Crty. Largfpatlo rweriooklng BIRMINGHAM • Walk to town. Ar- dock, eating area m kitchen, fin. BEAUTIFULLY REM00ELEO got I course enhances the quietness 421-5660 OuSd kvel on 12 acres Easy ac­ Kitchen 4 bath, 2 bedrooms, main­ chltect'i house, newfy renovated • • Ished basemoni. Fkepface. ca/pot. cess lo 1-76. AH »pp>!4ncei kKJuded. Come see our models of this 3 bedroom brick ranch, at­ Why Rent? charmer. 3 bedroomi, 1H balhs. Vvd cpenden I ly Owned and Oper a t ed log. drapes. How roof. New schools. tenance free exterior, quiet city tached garage. $52,750. BY OWNER: FARMINQTOH $117,600. 625-6226 Slreel. $68,000 459-4932 Economy ownership can be yours. $116,000. Must teell Movo-lncond.tlon. 357-2341 Redford Township i bedroom ranch Cal between 6-7:30pm, 647-9822 3 bedroom. 2',t bath, ranch,.new ARBOR FARMS SUBDIVISION BEAUTIFUL RANCH designed for with malnfenanoe free aXmilnunn large cedar dock. ExceHonl condi­ SOUTHFlElO: OPen Sal A Sun, 1 lo The Warmth of Wood entertaining with w«!k-out 4 pool, CENTURY 21 siding, basement, and garage. Ideal BIRMINGHAM - 2 bedroom brick tion. 477-5369 5. Pierce, N. of 11 Mite. Colonial 3 Large California contemporary over 8,000 sq. ft. of Kvfna area. 4 HarUord 8outh for begrnneri or retireei. $54,900. home. 1V» car garage. Well kept, bedroom, m bith, )Mng 4 family- featuring 4 bedrooms, 2V* baths, 9 ft.m-6 p.m. weekdays bedrooms, 4H biths. 2 kftchens, 4 nice neighborhood. 1694 Melton. Farmlngton Hii's • 14 mile and room. $79,900. 443-2509 tamity room.itudy 4 Survool on 1 p.m.-fl p.m. weekends family rooms. Over 700 sq. fl. of 464-6400 Call . 6464460 Northwestern Prime ' Are\ Low over 2 roiling 4 wooded acres. Fir» outside deck 4 baloony, park-Hcs The Prudential Prlca. New Condo. Owner SOUTHFlElO • 27074 Charles Df^ walk out basement wllh exerdse selling on about 2 acres. The home GAROEN CITY • OAROEN 8POT BLOOMFlELO HILLS-EXECUTIVE Transfercd, Mull 6ea This 8uper Oescon Square Sub. Musi see. Spa- room, oak cabinets, soft! cherry Model 471-5402 has a large courtyard entry with tit- Custom bum 2 bedroom ranch on 2/ Harry S.Wolfe,' colonial 4 bedroom, 2 itory marble Unit for • sing'e or coupie. Now clous 3 bedroom plus den, 2 lull 2 paneling in loyer 4 wsinut paheflng cvlardrrve. $725,000. Offered by. 3 acres - targe Kvlna room with fire­ foyer, circular ststre, finished base­ $57,900. hall bith qusd. FVeplace/famlfy In itudy. Groveiind Twp. Brandon Office 768*0020 Buriey Associate* 459-4643 place, 2 bedrooms, family room, 2½ REALTORS ment w/Vrel bar, 2 fv», 2 Vi balhs, 2 Century 21 room, wet bar, central air, updated Schools. $192,900. > Broker* Welcome This home is not on mutii-fijt. hof- car attached gsrage, 26x19 shed car attached oa/age. Much much Cha'-et country kitchen. paHo/grlll. Mint WARE-PIOOINQTOU ASSOC. 1 ever, w« do cooper*!*. ,' wtlh loft. Dana fteslty. mo. 625-6880 421-5660 mora. $335,000 . 258-5284 477-1800 • condition. $107,000. 353-1394 627-2849 Independently Owned end Operated ~\ ?• 1 V h Monday, July 31,1989 O&E *3E"<

311 Homes 321 Homes 322 Homes 328 Condon 328 Condos 333 Northern Property Oakland County Livingston County Macomb County LAKE ORION - 1985 14X65 Schult WALLED LAKE - Our last Condo For Sale 2 bedroom $15,600. Can bemo-.ed 2 bedrooms, 1¼ baths, al appli­ CLARK8TON RANCH ELK LAKE EXECUTIVE HOME HOWELL. ly OWNER. Custom full CUNTON Twp • 2500 so., ft brick 373-7072, or 628-5957 ances, $46,600. Now lo ihe market this 3 bedroc« Quality built ranch with 300 ft. of ranch Is as cute as a but Ion! A must brick rancii. 5 acres, pond. 3 bed­ colonial. 3 bedrooms, greal room. Marabanlan 353-6877 be3utifuJ Elk Lake frontage Fea­ $oo with fun brick wan Ijeplac-.- In rooms. 2 baths, viiTK out basement, naturaJ fireplace, library. 1st floor Northvillo Township tures exercise room with sauna 4 Irving room, update kitchen, V/t fireplace, family room, deck, laundry. 2 car ellachod garage, cen­ V/ALLEO LAKE 2 bedroom. 1¼ whirlpool spa. bricx (.replace 4 2 + baths, 2 c&/ attached gi/aja & large $119,000 517-546-5524 tral ei/. $ 184,600. Owner. 228-2789 On the Water bath to*nhouse. M bascrrieni, at­ treed lot wllh lax* privileges. Pi iced tached ga/ago. central air Open car garage. Fine, manicured SHELBY TOWNSHIP: 3 bedroom ACROSS to MB at $113,900. Ask for 7560 Immediate move-In. design built Sun 12-5pm $78 900. 624-5653 grounds w/lenois court & large dock scete Anewer to Previous Puzzle brick ranch, large lam.ty room. 2'A LW. FENTOH-HARTLANO schoofS-CoS- wilh quality construction al B'ue at wale«'» edge. Exceptional vtews - unattached oarage, large treed lot 43 •— Like Us tom contemporary on 2 acres Heron Polnte Condominiums. 2 ol lake 4 sunsets Offered at 1 Bodies of cily water. $¢8.500. 731-4687 WESTLAND Oak kitchen cabinet*. 2 fun ceramic bedroom home complele with 2½ $450,000 Conlecl CON FE08X30N. water 45 Antitoxins p E Q S P B A T N E W balhs. 1st floor laundry, 'dnlng CASTLE WOODS jr for a prf/aie showing at 46 — baths, full basement with 8' ceilings. 35601 Hunier Ave., lust S ol V^est- 6 Lorenzo — JUST LISTED room, fireplace. walk-out lower 0 R A P R 1 M E A P E 3 car Insulated ga/age. loft/buM tn land Man 4 Warren Rd Ne« 2 bed­ Re-Max of Elk Raptds Pa/seQhlan Fabulous 4 bedroom. 2½ bath colo­ level. 2 car attached ga/age 11 Saturated bookcase, atlic Ian. great room/ room. 2½ bath lownhouse 2 car ga­ nial to Orion Twp. Built In 1987. 326 Cond08 $219,500. special 9½% fined 'ate fi­ 616-264-5400 12 Animals 48 Quarrels p A S 1 0 T A P 1 T vaulted ce>f.r>g & fireplace. 12x16 rage, private (oyer. Open daify 4 featuring formal living S dining. Is­ nancing 50 '•Adam's —' •s land kitchen with eating area, family deck, prepped for air. immediate Sunday l-6pm. closed Thurj HOUGHTON LAKE - 3 bedroom 14 Near IDHPIU R S E T^^H ALTERNATE CHOICE 51 Temporary • A room with fireplace. 1st floor laun­ occupancy $149,900. Call Town 4 Pr- 1-800-968-2627 3 Unusual course- By WC Homes al Paint Creek Ridge. Open floor plan and lull length dock tion. $70,500. By Owner 661-5026 Builders inits. with hoi tub. take advantage of CjHlenl condition. $51,900 36 Moment 4 Hawaiian '13 Stalks Orion Twp s up'4 coming new ad­ days 534-9490 eves 540-2768 H ROYAL OAK: 2 bedroom Town­ 7 Diphthong dress Localed just minutes N. ol view 3 bedrooms. 2 fireplaces in F J PINE HOLLOVr' BLULCMNG CO. 39 Royal wreaths 16 Ha/row strip house in beaulifol Covenlry Park LIVONIA AREA-JUST REDUCEO 335 Time Share 8 Deface Rochester'this ail new sub oilers city sprouting ranch with walk-out lower 42 Note of 5 Breaks BINGHAM WOODS CONOO Ca/port. New fu/n'ace. cc-n-rai air t 17176 Ellen olf 6 Mi, between Farm of wood, waier & sewer & choice lots Come level Huge (ooms Oua'ity ihrough- 9 — Minor IMMACULATE docoralmg $69,900. 2c8-0261 mgion 4 V/ayne 2800 sq ft spec For Sale suddenly 19 Secluded Out and See our model, or bring your Oul. $268,900. (C-1015) 10 Laid away home, (mrrx^diaie occupancy 4 bed­ OCEANFRONT condo. located In valleys • o*n plan, *e welcome custom REDFORLV Redford Ptaia. spacwxis rooms. 2% baths Emras $205,000 homes Model localed lust \V ol SOUTH LYON - Enjoy the country Loaded wilh extrasi Crown mold- 2 bedroom, kitchen, appt-inces. air. Dsyiona.Beach FL Week d5t Red 21 Rex or Willis 1 NORTHVILl^PRESTiGIOUS AREA lime division Can be exchanged 2 3 4 . 5 7 6 9 Orion Rd al 1264 Rxfgovic-* Circle quiet Lovely treed ya/d. generous Ings. chair railings, hardwood floors secure-peace!ul tocatiOfi Many e»- Haif ec/e lot sun lime lo choose yea/I/. Asking $7000 624-1147 6 22 Trial and — Model hours Mon . Tues . Wed 8 shaded deck Inviting room in kitchen 4- foyer. 3 fireplaces wilh trss $38,500 Sue. 12-8pm 637-4146 ' " Tremendous value an around Come gas lighters Private selling wilh your colors. 2700 so,. It. 4 bed Hi • 25 Chairs Fri l-7pm, Sal 4 Sun 11-6pm it 13 see lor yourself! $103,900. redwood deck and brick courtyard ROCHESTER HILLS - new 3 rooms. 2' V baths Located at end ol 27 The nostrils Model phone 693-16*3 Elmsmere. Northviile Estates • 3 bedrooms. 2% balhs Central air. bedroom. 2½ bath. 1st door laun­ 336 Southern Property 30 Trades 2 car ga/age $299,000. Call dry, forma) dining fireplace, court­ $220,000 Cil 348-2514 14 GREEN OAK HORSE FARM - De-.ei- FLORlOA. Homosassa- 2 bedroom. 17 32 Kind ol beer opers1 Horse Enthusiasts! Thor­ Janetlo Engelhardt 644-6700 yard palio. 2 ca/ garage, sw-.m 4 2 bath condo. furnished Swimming 34 Cut NEW LISTING lennis club Owner anxious After oughbred horse farm on 113 un­ pool, elevator On Ihe goll course One year young this con­ spoiled acres Perfect setting tor an 6pm 375-2342 18 20 22 36 Angry $83,900 904-382-0004 - temporary home oilers great room, equestrian village. CurrenUy opera­ 330 Apartments * 21 37 Sea nymph formal dming. huge kitchen 4 nook. ting money maker with 120 box ROYAL OAK, 2 bedroom. 13 M-10 MAXBROOCK, INC. 24 26 28 38 River duck 1st floor master suite. 2 bedrooms stalls horse pooi-mulliple pad- across Irom golf course, walk lo ALL NEW LUXURY SUBURBAN 337 Farms For Sale 1 • upstairs and it's better than new docks-iwo bunk houses. Even a BIRMINGHAM - 2 bedroom lown- Beaumont, move in condition. RenlaJ Condos 7 lo 210 un.ts 40 Gets up with landscaping done, lower level place lor your derrick! 2 miles E of hoose within wa."klng disiance to $49,500. 641-5932 $67,000 gross/7 unit. 2 bedrooms. 2 HOWELL 20 acre thoroughbred 29 30 41 - Day finished with 4th bedroom and (ami­ US 23 $5,000 an acre $565,000. downtown. Nev» ca/peiing through­ balhs. 2 ca/ ga/ages Management training laolity. training pod. Show- 44 Precipitous ty room A musl see at 1164.900 In­ (M-894) out new wale/ heater, air condition­ financing available. 313-230-6860 place 4 bedroom modern colonial. 47 Pay ihe cludes privileges on private all ing and decorated Immodiate occu­ SNEAK A PEEK 2 balhs. basement. 3 barns, pond, 33 i 32 kitty sports Voorheis Lake REOFORD - Room to roam - Sharp pancy. $89,000. 644-5445 apartment. $225,000. 937-3368 Ask for 3209S GREENPOINTE 332 Mobile Homes 49 Auction 4 » bedroom home on 3 lots Plenty BLOOMF1EL0 Condo. Spacious 2nd 36 37 • 39 40 41 of space tor the growing fam.fy. For­ LAPEER COUNTY 38 52 Article ftoor. desirable Long LaVe/VYood- AT COPPER CREEK For Sale mal d.nrng, eating a/ea in kitchen ward area. 2 bedroom/2 bath. den. 54 Capuchin FARMINGTON HILLS 74 ACRES and basement Loads of amenities. ADULTS ONLY - 55 4 over. Chateaj 42 45 CYROWSKI 4 ASSOC INC neutral docor. centra) air. allached 2 2 bedroom. 2½ bath townhouse 2 Lart 4 bedroom. 1'4 slory (arm monkey $56,500 (W-9581 ca/ garage, basemen! laundry, large Avon In Rochester Hills 2 bod- ca/ ga/age. hrepface. centra) air. home, dream kitchen. 2 baths, fire­ 57 Marinaro ID 391-0600 storage room. $160,000. 689-0357 rooms, 1½ balhs. Florida room. place 4 attached 2½ ca/ ga/»ge. private patio Pre-oonstnxuon pric­ 46 1 50 58 TV's Eliot Centra) air. carport. 2 storage areas LAKE ANGElUS SHORES (N ol es from $109,990 126 X. 36 barn eas.>y adapted lo BLOOMFIELO TWP - Spacious 2 Partially furnished. All appliances in­ r* Ness: inits. horses Yards Surrounded by 100 yr Pontiaci eiqulsite-prlvale. This is a bedroom. 2 bath, new ca/pet cen­ cluded Asking $15,000 Will 6©copl OW maples. $ 145.000. 51 60 Tellurium must bo at 1676.600. buyers only The tral air, fuU basement ce/porl. 661-4422 reasonable offer. • For appointment to see 853-5617 immediate occupancy. $85,900 Musi Sen 373-2260 ART MOLZON AGENCY " symbol ORION TWP. - 3 bedroom updated Allied FteaJ Estate 356-2274 SNEAK A PEEK 58 • 724-6902 » ranch with natural fireplace BAYVIEW 14X70 1987 mobile home. ft y 60 FARMINGTON HILLS - Cross GREENPOINTE Ike nenr Lived in 4 mos Washer/ t15 7 Calhredrat celling, skylights, Michigan Winds, contemporary ranch w/fin- mechan>c's garage On largo lot AT COPPER CREEK dryer, al appliances. 2 tun baths, i 339 Lota and Acreage 61 « ished entertainment area, deck, ga­ Iron! 1 rea/ bedroom. AH furnished. $74,900. By appo-ntment. 391-4275 FARMINGTON HILLS rage, emmacuiaie 681-8138 Must sell. $16.500/oHer. 697-0278 For Sale 2 bedroom. 2½ balh 2 • r • 7-31 Group FARMINGTON HILLS - contempo­ car garage, fireplace, central a:r. BAYYiEVr 1977. 14*65. 2 bed­ ACREAGE LOTS - WOODEO i© 198 9 United Feature Syndicate WATERFORO 3 bedroom. Colonial, rary 2 tedroom. 2 baih condo. Neu­ prrvale patio. Pre-construction pric­ rooms, new furnace, covered wood­ Lake Sherwood/Unon lake area surrounded by l3Kes New on mar­ Realtors tral docor. peaceful almosphere es from $109,990 en deck. 8X10 wood shed, no* elec­ Your buWer or ours ket. Lots of entrasll Sharpll Can Steve Rolonberg. Jack Chris­ tric sio.-e 4 refrigerator, washer 4 $30,900 - $44,900. Terms $10*900 68Z=3Tr34 —591-9200— tian son Heanors. T3Tzft&? 6S4-4423 OTyer" (^SJntryfcS IgTC-S. $14,000 Cdi'uij 21 8lthefce»< J Leave message 3 8-0427 AsktorKeiSey 363-1200 39 Lots and Acfeasa- 342 UkefronH'fop&rty- 360-Bu8inesa Opportunities BELLEVILLE HoL-y Park .1972. 2 ADDISON TWP (Just Northwest o< For Sale TRANQUIL, PRIVATE LAKEFRONT --bedroom, central air. 10*45 Ftochestcr) 3.8 acres. Bcaulrfuffy HOME in Southern Upoor. Wooded SALEM TYVP. 2V, pkis acre lots. FLORIST business & real estate In screened patio. 12i16&V.ngroom treod with pond $36,900 Land con­ selling wllh plctura perloct vle-rrt Wooded, rolling laroo trees, ponds. Brighton. AH equlpmenl Indudod. Call. 697-3763 tract lorms. 693-2557 Irom an vantage points. 3 bodrooms W. of Korthr^e, oil 7 Mils Rd. Property In excellent eondctiorL + den. Amlsh hickory cabinets, »25.000 por acre. Perk approved. LMng Qua/lersor addruonaJ area on, CARROLTON 1986. 14*56 Must 8LOOMFIELD SCHOOLS hand rubbed-oBed oak doors & trtm. 453-6172 or 522-8914 2nd floor. YleB established. A Turn­ sen. Exotftoil condition. 2 bod- CfTY OF TROY Must seel Ca.1 Jean. I rooms, air conditioning, shed. 4*6 v. acre lot heavtfy wooded, near key opporturu'ty. Raftary Real SOirTHFiEiO: Residential, aboul 1/ QUAKERREALTY (313)678-2215 ' wall. $ 12.000/oI1er 397-3747 Adams and So/jare Lake Road. Estate. 565-8900 2 acre wooded lot 9V* 4 Booch. orrrcs (313)676-2395 $85,000 540-3945 Oose to shopping center. Builder* FLOWER 4 GIFT SHOP CEOAR RIVER ESTATES - 1969 BRIGHTON TWP: 2 acres on Kens­ opportunity loo. »18.000. 559-2300 —WANT EXCLUSIVE— Corporate area. $95,000 plus Inven­ Homelto. 2 bedroom. 1 balh $8900. ington Rd. 2 mSes N. ol 1-96. Brigh­ Tnen come out and see ttVs! 10 acre tory. 476-0863 SOUTH LYON Can Charics Martin: 348-4126 ton schools $27,500. lakef/ont parcel. In boautjful Silver eeauuful 5 acre pa/eel In Qroon Oak FR02EN YOGURT STORE, new CeJ lor lnto.229-6873 Fox Estates. Brtjhton** finest lake- CHAMPION. 1985. 24X60. 3 bed­ Township. Perked $47,000. front c%ve!pmenl $175,000. Land modern design, northern Oakland room. 2 balhs. central a:r. 2 ceiling CLARKSTON. PiNE KNOB - Go.f (313)437-1174 Com/ad terms avaflabte. Kline Real County, on maivhSghway. Priced to tans 4 storage shed. $31 000 West- course home site which is luxurious, Estate. Ask lor ChJc.227-1021 sett . 661-0276' land Meadows Parti 561-6369 sophisticated with dcsJgn controls W. BLOOMFIELO, 4749 Maura Lane GARDEN CITY; Mechanic's Garage. to ensure lasting benefits North S. REDFORD End Realty Group 625-8877. Walnut Lake Excellent Vocation. Very good op- * CHILDSLAKE Residential Lot portunltyl FirJy equipped 6 ready lor 81oomr«ld Huls Schools. 5 bod- occupancy. 421-4181 . CLINTON TOWNSHIPS finest sub - room. 2¼ baths. wa-Tc out brtck". $16,000 ranch. $269,900. Michigan Condo & ICE CREAM IN BIRMINGHAM ' .' CLEARANCE Vilia DoFiore 263-0408 60' x 120' Real Estate Co. 737-0255! Doing exceTenl business. $165,000." FARMINGTON RDGE lot, the "hol­ with terms. SALE iest scjuare mile." 13 and Haggerty. 455-4889 Marebanian 363-5877,: Walk.-out basement, backs lo wood­ 348 Cemetery Lots LAPEER - Women's dress shop 6^-- ed commons. Hurry! last one left, TROY lot for sa-'e. must sen. OAKLAND HILLS Memorial Gar­ boutique. Fixtures & business. 4 MONTHS onfy $58,600. CaA 645-5858 Call: 465-2600 dens. Novt. 2 lots. Wit) ten below CaB Jean «1 QUAKER REALTY FREE RENT FRANKfORT-B.EN2)E COUNTY. 75 market vaJue. 517-741-aiOS (313)673-2215 socludod acres; prtme hunting land or eves. (313)676-2395 OAKLAND KILLS MEMORIAL oft Mack lop road. Property kv | $1000 REBATE 4 lols In Victory Gardens: 4 lots m LAYOI SERVICE for sale. Accounts, ciudes: 8lream. pond. taXe access 6 340 Lake-River-Resort Last Supper. Se3 bdow ma/ket val­ ecju'pment trailer. Make oMor. Jetl building sues $24,000 assumes my ue. Caa 474-4762 -464-636S j LITTLE VALLEY 685-7770 land contract al $200/mo. or Property ANN ARBOR School district home i EXECUTIVE 1978. 14*65.2 bed­ $43,000 cash Eves. 634-3732 PARXVlEW Memorial Cemetery. 3 MONTHLY RENT: $350/5 year on lake. Open House Sat rooms. Iron! living room.lge bath. 2 days. 641-2669 lots "Oarden ol Dcvollon." $1200. lease/Union Lake strip center. Avail- •" 906-226-2032 leave message: 517-851-7368: eb'^ by purchasing our leasehold" window a!r corvdiloners. 8x10 Shed FULLY 1MPROVEO Improvement CaS Unda. days,363-." On qulei court $18,500. 495-0109 LOTS FOR SALE GRAND TRAVERSE RESORT PARXVlEW MEMORIAL 1605. eves 363-2281^ 100x135 Furnished ShxOo/condo, BayfronLi DYonia. 3 lots togeiher. Last Sup-, FAIRMONT 14*60-Southflold area. AJWlA-Oot» • Rental Management, Sacrlflc*. 2 bedroom. $7,000 or best Oflor. per. Lot «37. After 8pm *5*4627 • PACKAGING 1SKIPP1VG $TOft€ " $49,900. ' 651-0*39 Established outlet tn a strong' < -Muslsoe .. -"s 648-6847 AUTUMN RIDGE SUB PARKVIEW MEMORIAL GARDENS Wesi eioomridd GROSSE ILE- 2 acres. 4 bodroonT franchise organization. $33,000 fuB •• FARMINOTON HIUS/NOV1 AREA Livonia. Lot «35 o/«ves 1 & 2. $500 price. Includes lods. ruduTes, ecjuip- * 8 a Phillips 737-0690 Tudor. famiTy room, 3 baths, fire­ Highland Hills Is located on each. 476-0063, ment. Inventory. WiH •ooepC'an-' place, bar, library, alarm, air. 3 ca/ Soeley Road H. of Grand liques, cart, property, etc es partial ga/age. $555,500. Owner. 675-4544 PARKVIEW Memorial Gardens - The R.Ver, \ (1--¾ west ol Hag- GOLFERS DREAM last 2 cemetery lots, in the old seo- payment 346-0600'• HABOR SPRINGS - 3 licdroom Uon Block G. Caa for more into. Lake Ofton- Intfianwood Country RESTAURANT AND LOUNGE > 14 X 60 SYLVAM 2 bedroom. 1 bath, Chalet, greal shape, furnished. 471-1515 club, lot 13. large bejutifulry For sale. Class C license- Nortmvwl -r e-'eclric range, refrigerator, EXCEL­ Great tor your use or rental. wooded lot c^erlooklng 18th fair, Suburb ol Detroit. W»nts to retire... LENT COS'OmOM. $14,500 way. $95,000. 373-5298 $76,500. Realtor 517-321-4567 ROSELANO CEMETERY In Royal 14 x 70 BENOCX 2 bedroon-j. 2 Oak. 6 plots In sets ol 3, reasonable. Buyers only can 9am-2flrn 549-7300 * IEELANO • Leelanau County. Sce­ LAKEPRONT ACREAGE, lepeer CeJcoOect •_ 517-665-9213 balhs. air. washer/dryer, stovevre- SHOE REPAIR BUiSNESS: Includes nic 1 acre. 8a/n/2 levels. 4.000 so., Twp. 80 picturesque acre lake sur­ frigeratof. IMMACULATE)! Premium equipment and 2 buildings-. ft Ne-« ROOTS, wtndow-s 4 door». rounded by 300 acres, genUy roCing ROSELANO PARK • Woodward « site. Immediate oocupancyl $ 17.520 12 Mile Rd, 6 adjoining graves; $164,000. Century 21. Cyrran & Ideal for studodrooms, washer/dryer, stove, re- 652-1050 2V< car heated allached ga/age w/ lest syile eyaJtable. 553-4043 Irtge/ator. waier sofieoer. cer.t/ei MiLFORO Area. 3 k>ti avanabie, all w-orVshop. In-ground 'sprinkler from 362 Real Estate Wanted. a:r. $25,000. 348-1327 over 1 acre. In prtvaia pavod eubdl- lake. Dock. 2 decks, patio. Profev vislon. underground ut*tk»», a/M ol slonally landscaped. Beautiful 352 Commercial I Retail .CASH TODAY ,- PATRIOT HOMES brand new homca.685-2143 neighborhood. Much more. ImmedV ForSale OR ,., ; GRANOOPENfNO B1» oocupsney •vaPaWe. $360,000. GUARANTEED SAIE 8rougM to )-00 by Byowtxy. 674-4265 ROYAL OAK- Two lots with bunding Also If In foreclosure > • MILFORD PINE on 11 Mae Rd, E. ol Main St Or Need Of Repair '-"-. MOBILE HOME BROKERS ELECTRIC GATE Entrance to pri­ & 541-28l9or54«-7671 MEADOWS vate pennlnsuta With 21 lakefront HOME TOWN USA deteohed condo homesites sur­ OPEN HOUSE ONLY 9 LOTS LEFT rounding landscsped part W/ Century 21 j: Free refreshments Join. the exckjslYO Milford PV>9 gazebo. Private boat launch to el Aug. Slh 10-6pm & 6lh 12-$pm Meado-w community Scenic 2-4 ecr» sports lake. Milford rMTCrtg. 123 X 354 Income Property CASTELU 525-7900* Weekend Specials horn* sitea adjacent to Kennslng- of lake frontage. 10 mlns. to Twelve DUPLEX Desirable Piymovth loca­ ' 59S^>6S1 tom Park. These spadou* sites tt» Oaks Malt Builder package. tion. Malntensnee-fee. AJumlnum $225,000. PATRIOT. »978.14X70. new kitchen located 2 rales North ol 1-96 on 8. skied, long term tenanls. $74,900. 400 Apia. For Rent ASKFORTOM MONTGOMERY & batlvoom floori. 1 yen old ca/. MJIord Rd. »50,000 - $87,500. Th'4 Terms: 11% • 25 yn., $15,000. peting. stove, relrtgerator. exce-lent Is Luxury Hying I For Free brochure down. See this beautiful bs/galn be­ ALLEN PARK condition, »14.500. 495-0146 and more Information call: Merrill Lynch fore somebody snaps It off the mar­ RENT . llnds Sterner 362-4150 ket ft Pe«y Realty. 476-7640 PEERLESS 12X50, partial fuf. Realty $410 nished, 2 bedroom, clean, *'th lool MILFORD RD. - Kensington Park SHAKTY.CREEK AJ.& 2 bedroom -_i^ shed. Beech & Joy. $8,990. A/ea, 24 ujrvey«d parted, totsriv* 646-6000-85t-1213 furnished-3 uh31"7Sntal "Condo: ' 589-3276 seres each, onotooered surveyed $154,900. 1988 gross Income • Air Conditioning ; HARTLANO. OS-23/M-59. Magnifi­ Twp. approved road plan. pond*. $22.000.CeJ 474-5291 • Free heat PLYMOUTH • Pa/VwOOd 1988. w/ streams, knoT.s. lofest,.»1 mTOon cent, private, approximate 1 wrood- central a'r & storage shed. Many discounted 40¾ for »3. 463-0114 ed acre. 100 feet face saMy beach • Close to South field 'A urvgue fealurea. located on a beau­ on »H sports lake. 3 buMings. Gor­ 356 MortgaseaeV Freeway "•'••• r j tiful corner lol of Plynvputh H'.is Mo- MiLFORO TY/P.-3 »cres scduded geous 3 bedroom brick ranch home bra Home Park. Owner* n>0Ytng oul private setting, end ol cul-de-sac, on hm. 3 natural fireptac*, 4 car ga­ Land Contract! HAMPTON SQUAREAPTS YOU'LL SMILE wooded 4 rolling. S. oI.GM Rd . E- ol Slate. Priced below maAet va\>e. rage, apt.tmcnt »«ith 2Vi car garage Cafltfler Spm. 451-726S ol Hickory Ridge. Area ol »300.000- next to 40 acres ol woods, fitness, AAA INVEST CORPORATION 274*3675 »750.000 homes. Underground irti3- must sea Immcdiatety. Offers now 43130 Ulice Rd. st Van Dyke. UNUSUAL CUSTOM bunt. 1 of a RICHARDSON - 12*60«. lease pur­ lies.Beauiifutt $89,000. 348-1111 being taken. Reduced lo $229,000. Why eefl land Contract el discount? kind specious 3 bedroom, 3 bath chase. $125 per monlh, zero do*n. Owner. IC. ~ 315 632-655$ For • better Idea, c*l 939-1200 Apt. Best buy - in BirrrJnghamI TOO! NORTHFIEIO TOWNSHIP 1 Soulhretd. Cal Tim 643 6W5 5 and 10 acre pa/cei». Beautiful vtc* CASH FOR.LAND CONTRACTS $1,200 per Mo. Including hest-l HK3HLANO - Ouck Leke tronlage. 2 year lease, please can: 642-5860 SKYUNE 1987, 14«70 • 2 bed- ol ooif course. Perked. bedroom, walk-out, fl/epface, re­ Immmediate quotes! Won't be roomj. 2 tuD baths, caihodral ccJ- {313) 43?-1174 modeled Inside Rout. $131,900. - outbid' Mortgage Corp. ol America BIRMINGHAM AREA Ing. wail In Ooset, sXylight Canton. M7-7723 1-800-466-9618 ...when you see the NORTHFlELO TOWNSHIP.. Wash- i bedroom. 2 balh luxury Apl. evsU »15.500, 397-5845 lonaw County el WMmore laVe, CONSIDERING PURCHASING »b!e. $$30 Mo. ALSO 3 bedroom, » LAKE CHAfUEVOOC Boyne City. 4 balh Apt. $1,200 Mo. No pets. .» results of a SKVUNE. 1937, 14 X 70, 2 bed­ 250 acre*. 8.000 fl. ol toad fron­ or refinancing? Can lor ihe towest bedrooms, 2 bath home. North Please caS: 642-5660 or 646-7500 room. 2 futi baih*. utility eoom. part- tage. N«xl lo a seww district Cal Shore, western exposure, magnW- rates, fastest service; yet modesi classified ad. lry. feVtoeraiof, stov^. with Ws ol Oron F. Nelson Realtor. 9163 Main. conl sunset*. dosing costs! Omegs Mortgsge BIRMINGHAM, beaulitul 1 bed* e«ira$. -Very Ivg* k>1 ki Weatianrj Whitmorelaxe. 313 449-44« Casper Real Estate 1-616-552-7500 Corp. friendly and personable. We loom, newty decorated, cerpeied, Meadows. Musi »oel ExcoHoni con,- spedalire Wi 5S down transections Immediate occupancy. $500 month* HORTHVHIE • 1 acre wciuded. LAKEFRONT home by erwner, locat- « dilton. »19.000. 721-0487 471-6000 N. Eton-Maple. Days; 356-2*00, wooded, residential bolding sites. 2 &i In Waterloo Recresiion ere* on Eves: 649-16JO WY RENT WHEN YOU CAN OWN tcfl. »125,000 and*i39,00O. Clear leke. between Ann Arbor & REFINANCE your home lor any pur­ Allordafeia Quality buill homes. • 349-1380 Jackson. 1 hr. drive from metro De­ pose . Prevent fore-closure, psy-ofl BiRMiNOHAM - Oefuxe 1 bedroom, By Patriot Now In Sloe* troit 100 ft of waterfront on «B tax Bens. Open dafiy unti 9 pm. 644-1070 Oakland County NOV! - Laxefronl lot. 75 x 141 centra) air, carport. W«* to »hol>x MUST SEE! Contact: •• sports private lake, year around FVsi Mortgage Americs. 661-6167 Beautiful vie-* o« Wared Uk* on ping. Heat Included. $495. fix Mobile Hom« Broken home, convoniional morlgege coly. South L«v« Dr.. E. ol Novt Rd. monlh. Cell Ann after 6pm 647-423< And Horn* Tcwn USA. Ha« acre, bscks up to stale owned Ma/abaman 363-5877 ^.-.y 852-3222 Rochester PTO-owned homes »'so ava'ab^. land. exoo"iont lor hunting. Cheisey 360 Buelnetf BIRMINGHAM . DeslratJ* toceiion! •59JO&61 HOVI. .1.2 acres, residential. Novl school distrtd. Nev excehenl goH OppotlunrHoe walk to town. J bedrooms.? School*. DoQ/oss St, Nov! Rd bo- courses. Immediate occupancy, a. $855/ir>o. Heat». hoi water : f>-con 12H M,l» A ^3 M^e. Call Usa moving oul ol country. II interested AVAILABlt • W. 8LOOMFIEID mcKjded. 644-6105 333 Norttwn Properly eel JacQue.lne Young el 661-0857 Set ol ofnee sottes for shared after $pm 281-611» BiRMlNGHAM-1 bedroom, treeMf 591-0900 Wayne County executive offices; answering, secre­ LOBOEIL UKE COTTAGE • 81ft decortied throughout. ne« For Sale N.OAKLANO COUNTY.1.5 tore*, tary service. 6S1-8SM Irontago. 4 5 mres H ol LtVoni*. New! d'shw»sh«r. »nd nnrcro. Kitchen t AIPENVR00ER9 CITY - 1-4.0 paved' subdivision. ClarVston kitchen, wen. sewers, pVmbtng, A | HAtR ATONING SALON bath remodeitd, mlniwir>d», heet • Krcs. Mob^JS, RV», C«mp!ng oV«y. fschoot* Forked. Tern-,1 negotiable.. eieclrkret $55,000 fWrrv v»»ter mcKrded. Assigned—'' Nothing down, from $59 per month. Mane Conneciion 8 M»«, £. ol 3W-3424 -, 313-427-5660 waMo town. $575. 64«-07! Diock Brother! 1-800 482-4974 Mkjdtebefl. Newfy decortled. 4697178 OAKIANOCOUHTY NEW RESOnT CONOO SUITES-_: CItARlEVOIX I +>\ buy your unr» antfd vkanX (oC FURNISHEO FROM $33,900 I CEAUTY SALON MysW Vi-'age. Twtoty fouf 2 t lak« CharKvol*, pubrk: marln», *har». FrarixKn Road & NoahY**'- 1(600)456-011 1 ootng. Mult secrffloe due to heefttv hou*e». Wsiking distune* to down* b«Kh 4 parV. Cfub hovs« trrlih »pa • 2 Bedroom: $563 classified Days: 816-547-0337 *r»d buOd your own homo, »74.««. ROSE TWP. • new lakefront home, Ev-os: «lft-547-29J8 Contact Ron Cook 459-3400 M1-5O40 pretiiest l&Ve In OekiervJ County. AIS0 AC & M Assoclales D*ve!c>pmont 1 bedroom epertmeni; M6S PONTIAC: Joj^Tx/Wa^on, h*s/ Pa- 1500 sq" fl. Cepe Cod. ws*oul ESTAeilSHEDbedy ClAlRE COITAOE: 2 bedroom! & lons Pa'ac* 50 x 130. •**«», wster, bssement hug* deck (6 M*e, N. ol •uburben eree. Serioue eCNErCKE»,KRUE ads (oft On Pond. Near i lake*. pav^d. »7500. Carl $59-9937 M 59 4 M ilford BoM 129,900. only. C»S belwwn IOerti-4 »12.600. Ce-levOAlngs. 729 4639 bath townhouse*. 1 & 2 Bedroom Bloomtleld Hills Area curiiy alarm. 24 hour gate house. Ne*iy decorated studio 4 1 bed­ Newty remodoled 1 & 2 bodroom Newty painted, central e!r. carpeted, room apartments. Central hoat 4 GARDEN CITY: Available Nowl Nice BIRMINGHAM apts. available fust E, ol Adams, Spacious 1. 2 4 2 bedroom a.1 appliances, washer, dryer. Ho Free Golf Cted.l icport 4 references reouUod FREE wiih den apartments on 25 ¢35-9066 635-9475 air, verticals, app'jances Specialrv 1 bedroom. 2nd door. Air condition­ TlMeEfllANE APARTMENTS near downtown Birmingham. Rate pels, from $350 to $475 + aocurity. Heal & Hot Water Free beautifully landscaped priced from $3S0 4/4-255} ing, laundry (aciiiiy. appliances, car. Include* heat, water, window treat­ port. $395. No pets. Agent 478-7640 In heart cl town • Newfy remodeled ment*. New kitchens, new appli­ acre*. ..starting at $495. Can office hours 9am-5pm Mon.-Frl. Carport Included O FARMINGTON© Vertical Blinds-Dishwasher ance*. Mirrored doors 4 upgraded Pool, carports, excellent lo­ 729-0900 Farmington H.iis GARDEN CITY • Msplewood/ APT cation. 728-1105 Disposalr-Central »Jr CHATHAM HILLS Middiebett. 1 bedroom, heat, water, carpeting. New tenant* receive one Please ca.1 Men. • FrL 9am- % Bedr com • Ff om $580- CANTON capretlng. appliances Included months rent tree for a limited time. 5pm, weekends 12 noon - 5 CANTON 2 Bedroom. From $$80. Ca» ' 64+-1300 $340mOnlhJy. Call 941-0790 pm. 335-6410 CARRIAGE COVE ' 1 Mo.'S FREE RENT betor* Aug. 1 LOCATOR VILLAGE SQUIRE $200 MOVES YOU IN BIRMINGHAM - OaX*ood Manor • 268-776« *ve*/>re«*end* 645-8736 FREE ATTACHED OARAQES Deluxe 2 bedroom, central afr. large BLOOMFIELDWEST LUXURY APTS. From $445 Free Heat Heated Indoor Pool. Saunas GARDEN CITY storage area, washor 4 dryer, car­ ORCHARD LAK6, RD. N. OF MAPLE (LILLEY 4 WARREN) Sound 4 Flreproofed Construction FREE BIRMINGHAM - uptown • titles port. l80Q/mo. 646-0949 welcome. Urge 3 bedroom, heat & MOST PRESTIGIOUS area of W. 1 BEDROOM SPECIAL M icr ow a re s • Ctshwa sh er s TERRACE • Save Time & $$ Btoomficld. Walk to a-1 conveni­ Private entrances waler lnokao>l 259 W. Brown St. BIRMINGHAM Free Heallh Ckib Memberships 1 bedroom apartments, ences, the most stia and amenities One Bedroom - $485.600 aq. ft. $200 Security Deposit $82$ mo. Agent. • $49-2000 Prime location, large 2 bedroom • Over 100.000 choices Luxurious LMng el tor only $8S0/mo. lor a 1400 ux ft. 2 Two Bedroom - $550. 1100 St. Ft 1 MONTH FREE RENT APT $400 per month. Includes Al lord able Prices apartment. Vri baths. Blinds, baso- • All Locations & Prices VortlcaJs. We ofler Transfer or Em­ • BIRMINGHAM bedroom. 2 bath Apt. Just $500 ae- Heat & Water. Office rnoniatorege. Please c*fl"649-6909 ployment Clauses In Our Leases. FROM $510 Newty remodeled 2 bodroom town- • Open 7 Days a Week curity deposit Open 10 • 6 week­ OPEN UNTIL 7:00pm days, 10-5 Sal. Rose Oohofty, property manager: Oreal Location - Park Setting On Old Grand bet hours: 9am-5pm, Monday Nxrw\jv«]l&W9, pdvila ent/anc*, BIRMINGHAM • atudio apts. avail­ 981-4490 Drake 4 Halstead 1 rVeplac*, cent/ej e.7. oatio. Great kn 626-1508 • 737-0633 Spacious - BiXe Trail - Heal LOCATOR thru Friday only. 522-0480 able Immediateh/. Located In Down­ calico, 6.1 ne-« residents reecho 1 town above Mrlano Fur 4 Leather. Pool-Tennis-Sauna APARTMENTS Sound Conditioned - Cable 476-8080 , G\ARO£N CITY 1 bedroom apart- mo*. rent Ireg lor « limited time-. $465 mo. Heat * water included. ,• CANTON O' Open Oily 9am-7pm ; ment. newty decoraled. kitchen ap­ PJeaMcan . 644-1300 $650 security deposit. 474-6013 UNLIMITED On Ford Rd . Just E.ol t-275 Sal llam-Spm Sun ttamlpm! BRIGHTON 981-3891 • Save Time & $$ pliances. $400/mo plus tecurily S0UTHF1EL0 OFFICE ! No pels. 585-3677 Beautiful, spacious 1 & 2 FRANKLIN Dally 9-7 Farrruiglon • Over 100.000 choices i . -^ . _^_^ ?9286 Northwestern Hwy GRAN0 RIVER - M1DOLEBEM K£EGOHAFv30R 400 Apt •.For Rant bedroom apartments. Sat 11-6 & Sun, 11-5 ' GREAT LOCATION • All Locations & Prices TROY Office Some of on/ amenities In­ • Open 7 Days a Week -SPECIAL 3726 Rochester Rd PAtMER Canton clude the following. « , MOVE IN SPECIAL WINDSOR CASS LAKE FRONT 354-8040 from-$440 Free Heat WOODS CEDARIDGE APARTMENTS APARTMENTS • Intercom. "In the Hea/1 of the Lake" 1-800-777-5616 Quiet country setting • Spacious LUXURY APARTMENTS Oeiuie 1 4 2 bedroom units UNLIMITED A Great Places Company • Air Conditioning sound-conditoned apartments 1 4 2 Sedrom Aparlmcnls W. Bloomf^ld School • Dishwasher Pool. Sauna, Cable. Large Closets. From $485^ SOUTHFIELO OFFICE Pel section available. ,. FROM $520 ?9286 Northwestern Hwy 1 Bedroom $499 BIRMINOHAM 2567 E. Maple 1 • Disposal Vertical Blends bedroom, carpeting blinds, slor- On Palmer, W. of Lilley carporl/baiconJes - svomm'og pool 2 Bedroom $620 • Swimming pool i Month Free Rent 1 ROY OFFICE ege. heat inctudod. Lease. $470. & cabana - <}uiet. sounOprool con­ New tenanis only • Laundry facilities 397-0200 struction - close to shopping 3726 Rochester Rd Can lor more information ALSO 0a.ly9-6 Sat. 12-4 Umiied time ofler 14½ 4 Crooks, large 1 bedroom, O And balconies 354-6303 681-3085 Other Times By Appointment 01( Warren between Sheldon/Lilley carpeting, drapes, dishwasher, car­ KEEGO HARBOR. 1 bedroom. $315 Canton Mon-Fri. 9-5pm. Sat 4 Sun 1-Spm INCLUDES 354-8040 port, storage. Heat Included Lease. VcrlKT^I blinds, carpeting, pal.os or per month » deposit UMitlei tree Brighton Cove Evening eppolntmonts available 1-800-777-5616 No pots. $500. 647-7079 ba:-con.os with doorwalls, Hoipont No pels Lake primlogrjs 682-U1S APTS 459-1310 appliances, security system, stcxage A Great Places Company BIRMINGHAM - 2 bedrooms. $600 wiihn aparlrnent font "Jew EnglandPlace Spacious l 4 2 bedroom apts with O Free Heat plush carpel, vertical t*ndi. sen Maple Rd - Ctawson 2 bedrooms O Large 1 4 2 Bedrooms cleaning oven, frostlrco refrigerator, LOCATOR 1000 sq. ft Heat 4 waief paid 471-5020 drshwashcr. ample storage, inter, 400 Apts. For Rent targe storage area. O 1 or 2 Year Lease com. carport, club house, sauna, ei- 4C5-5430 Mode' open daty 1-5 "Less than Except Wednesday VILLAGE OAKS ercise room, tennis courts, heated • Save Time & SS CLAWSON • 2 bedroom, an utilities. OFFICE: 775-8200 pools no t At. quiet buMmg. $450/mo 474-1305 435-6203 5 minutes • Over 100,000 choices FARMiNGTON HILLS - 7 mo sub 459-6600 FARMINGTON HILLS Joy Rd W of No-* burgh Rd • All Locations & Prices k\3sc. 2 bedrooms. 2 balhs. 1250 NOIITIIIiATE CROOKS & BIG BEAVER • on select unJls sq ll Washer 4 dryer 473-8322 • Open 7 Days a Week Large 14 2 bedroom apartments NEAR from Nov! & Hi LIVONIA MALL AREA - 1 bedroom, available early August Heat 4 water FARMINGTON HILLS • I bedroom I DOWNTOWN appliances, sundeck Overlooking included. Large storage area, Pool Carport Balcony 12 M le 4 creek Very quiet $550 Includes util­ dishwasher, air corxlrtioning and Orcf.ard 5515 monlh Alier &pm Farmington APARTMENTS ities Security deposit 52?-1611 carport available. FARMINGTON i 553-324 2 BEST APARTMENT VALUE UNLIMITED TOWNE APARTMENTS 362-192? Super Location FARMINGTON HILLS - 1 bedroom LIVONIA . Hills" Studios, 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments SOUTKFIELO OFFICE ai S<45 Includes heal. ar. carpet­ J 292e6 Northwestern Hwy Dearborn Hts ing apptanccs. cable available Suburban Luxury Pool " uncoin ENJOY Small 60 unit complex Call 398-3666 Apartments Security Services TROY OFFICE -Convanlentto-Twelve Oaks Mali (l01/2MJe) PEACEFUL LIVING! Farmington H.lls One Bedroom - $450 HoaUricJyderJj 3726 Rochester. Rd. Very large 1 bedroom unit "•Private Balcony/Patio ra Heat 4 water Included Air Conditioning _ Daily with patio - $485 14950 FAIRFIELD • Cable TV Available • £> 354-8040 CAMBRIDGE APTS Laundry facilities DEARBORN HTS Boulder Park 728-4800 421-3776 ——1-S0CU777-5616. Includes: carport, all appli­ Spacious 1500 SO ft 2 bedrooms. • Dishwasher HIM LIVONIA 1 4 2 bedroom apis start­ Storage Area Weekends ances, carpeting, verticals. 2 tun balhs. socunty System, ample • variety of Floor -* - n - N3RTKVOTi A Great PlaceTCom"pany- unity surroundings storage, modern kitchen, carports in ing at $510. includes vertical bfcnds. rt AAr beautifully I and scaped'jrocndST-e Swimming Pools 10-5 '*- ^Mw^-gLass_door1____ 16 unit complex Heat included carpeting and carpon. Please can Plans Available 024-9445 Community Rooms 10 Mile cedent locations.- within marking 477-6448 CANTON GARDENS APT : Sublet 2 .distance to shopping, church, res^°­ Shopping nearby. -$845 __ • Air Conditioning Tennis Court 968-8688 bedroom. V\ bath. Immediate oc­ taurants, spacious 1 4 2 bedroom 32023 W 1« M;ie Rd" cupancy. Canton schools. $435/ deiuie apis NeMy moderniied STONERIDGE MANOR Open Monday • Friday. 10 • 6 Weekends. 11 - 5 - FREE CABLE TV £qull /4xt\ Opportirt ty (W ol Orchard Lake Rd ) mo Joy 4 275 Alter 6pm. 453-4735 Freedom Rd W. otOrcnard Lake 932-0188 LIVONIA 274-4765 478-1437 " 775-8200 Fa/minglon Hills York Properties. Inc FARMINGTON HILLS BOTSFORD PLACE 7MILE&MIDDLEBELT TOWN 4 COUNTRY APTS GRAND RIVER-8 MILE Spacious studios and one bed­ Super Hot 8eh.nd Bolstord Hospital rooms, excellent location. Heat 4 Air Conditioned A BEAUTIFUL WAYNEWOOP appliances included. Ottering win­ Summer Special SPECIAL i dow treatments. Starting al $290. RENT NOW 4 SAVE $$ one month tree rent to new tenants Can or slop in lor specials on luxury 1 Bedroom for $489 $550 PLACE... TO LIVE ( A P A K T M \. N T t to Abbey Theater sons onty 476-1572 DETROIT - 7 Mile 4 Telegraph. Enter East olf Orchard Lake Rd. on 589-3355 \ bedroom starting at $-400 2 bed­ FoisumS of Grand River. Fcmdaie Madison Heights room - 450. Heal.-waler 4 pool in­ Model open daily 9-5 . - • COZY COURTYARD cluded. 534-9340 Except Wednesday 1 bedroom, first floor, very clean & SPECIAL 478-1487 775-8200 quiet 545-4386.399-4915 $100 SECURITY «4-4 in 1600 sq. ft/where 2 walk-in r> © 400 Apts. For Rent GREAT LOCATION LEXINGTON •tm VILLAGE («»• S 1 BEOROOM APARTMENT © MORGAN MANOR Includes: • Heat -1 • Stove 4 refrigerator APARTMENTS • Poof (¾ • Ner.ty decorated fail A YORK MANAGEMENT COMMUNITY • Smoke detector* s r> 1-94 & Wayne Road • FROM $+35 3 © 1-75 and 14 Mile across from Oakland Man O 3 Applications being 585-4010 C/) fcra taken for se^ NORTHVILLE GREEN K apartments. On Randotr at 8 Mile Rd '•* mile s only at west of Sheldon Rd. Wa."k lo down­ ft Included In rent, town Northvtlte. Spackxis 1 bed­ 3 the heat, hot water, room with balcony porch overlook­ 3 ing running brook. o Olympic swimming RENT $490 >> a pool, HBO. 2 tennis lnck>de$ carport, pfush carpeting. appliances. e 3 courts. « ft 349-7743 ft novi ft $450-$470 for 2 bedroom apartments of Farmington Hills c« U 626-4396 V5 $405 for 1 bedroom-apartment 0> YOU'VE Northv/estern Highway West of M'rdrJIebelt Rd. ft fjt Managed by Kaftan Enterprises, 352-3800 941-7070 SEEN THE REST... NOW COME SEE THE W SENIORS • •• BEST! Make reservations now to lease an apartment M that exceeds all your expectations. SADDLE CREEK &W* Affordable luxury 1 4 2 Bedroom "I like the privacy of a townhouse. Meal Pribram Apa/lmenla View our spacious 1 & 2 bedroom apartments, GwiniunJh Area* . What are my choices?" Aciiiilics PntRrjri) as well as our 2, 3 & 4 bedroom townhouses. KituhiTK Uu^'d Silc 344-9966 WOODS LtndNCjpcJ Courtyard Weatherstone • $200 Security Deposit Marlum Open Oaify • Choose From, 19 Floor Plans KmcTRtiKy <-tll Ny>lcfii Franklin Road exclusivity. Impressive 2 or 3-bcdroom One arxl Two licdrm NovlRd.Del.»4 10 • Dens, Fireplaces, Spiral Staircases Hoor Piarw from SSVi-'monih tovynhous'es with elegant formal dining rooms. Great Of WESUASD HOvl-NorlhvHa (brat liuludi-d) V Rooms with natural fireplaces. Large Vh baths. Lit­ • Carports tle things like instant hot water in (he kitchen. 2-car • Olympic Indoor Pool Now Under Construction. attached garages. And landscaping creating a peaceful • Fitness Center with Saunas Currently accepting refundable rcservaiions ambience for your very personal home; 350-1296 FREE • Short Term Leases Available for October occupancy. Don't wall. R.S.V. p. today. Covington Club. Located on Joy Road between Hix & Haggerty APT Our li'mporja lining ccnltr is locaud Farmington Hills luxury on a grand scale. Up to 2000 Open Monday-Friday 10-6, Saturday 10-5, In the Pine Tav X\X/A on )w Koad sq. ft. of spacious living in a 2 or 3-bedroom ranch Sunday 12-5. (between Iliv K«J

V •Mi Monday. July 31. 1989 O&E *5E • 400 Apte. For Rent 400 Aptt. For Rent 400 Apt*. For Rent 400 Apte. For Rent 400 Apts. For Ronl 400 Apts. For Ront 400 Apts. For Rent 400 Apt8. For Rent 400 Apti. For Rent ROCHESTER - You have a Four mid- SoulhU-id SOUTHFlELO - 1 bedroom. $460 SOUTHFlELO AREA 11 Mile Green­ SOUTHFlELO-Lo^/ 1 bedroom REDFORD AREA able friend In Rochester - Timberlea up 2 bedroom - $565 4 up Includes field Modem 1 and 3 bedroom carpeted apartment Includes uni­ SOUTHFlELO NORTHVILLE Telegraphs Mile. 1 4 2 bodroom. Viilaja Apartments, t & 2 bedroom he3l. water 4 pool This rerit apartrr.ents Heal hot water Includ­ ties, 6x12 Mcnen, S.-tng room. dock, WAKEFIELD APTS. apts. and 2 bedroom lovinfiomes free 557-0366 ed Air conditioning 443-5746 woodod tclliffa. prlrt'.e paAlno AHH NATURE clean, decorated, quiet, carpel, air TROY 12 Mile & Northv/estern conditioner, blinds, heat Included. starting from $470. Can Mon - Fn Between Somerset & 1-75 *450/mo. + socmity. 350-2157 For mature, professional people 9-6. Sat. 10-5. Sun: 12-5 652-3920 FREE Sne«m, woods, park • Do these Sojtr.f.eld - Highland Apis I S Lvon FIRST MONTH FRE6 RENT. ir-.ings appeal to you? We ti»v« your with references. From $3«5. SOUTHFIELD ROCHESTER-1 bodroom near park i bedroom apts. available Sen/x | 8c3jtrfuf large I 4 2 bodroom 2 4 3 bttn 13 M.'.e 4 356-3780 ROYAL OAX-Presentry avaiable. 358-1536 559-7220 BetA&en 104 11 MJe 2 bodroom i54S unfurnished. 1 bedroom, tie floors, LARGE DELUXE UNITS Soulhfield. 1 bedroom,- a>. pool, carport, epctfances. $475 month. SOUTHFlELO ROCHESTER blind*, appt.ances. heal, water in­ LOCATOR Rernode^d UnM» Available cluded. $350 mo Ho pet*. 626-5762 FOR LESS MONEYI 540-2312 Tro/ 348-9590 642-8688 BE8T DEAL IN TOWN 12 MILE & GREAT LOCATlONI 2 bedrooms Including heal, ottering ROYAL OAK - 1 bodroom ap6rt- 1 & 2 BEDROOMS • Save Time & $$ "SOUTHFlELO llo* renting 14 2 Bedroom Units GREAT APAfiTWENTSI 8enelcke4 Krve tor short time only FREE MOKTH3 • Over 10O.Q00 choices TELEGRAPH GREAT RATESI meni. large »lndo*vs. lot* of closets, Starting from $499 ONE BEDROOM from $410 RENT Short term leases consid­ new carpeting, hoat included. $430 • All Locations & Prices 1 bodroom from \5}5 NORTHVULE AREA • 1 bodroom ered. CaJtlo ace. 559-8720 permonlh 288-6451 SPECIAL RENT FROM »575 Including Kat & liot wate/ • Ul elec­ 2 bedroorns from *595 Apts available. UBb per Mo. in­ 1¼ Baths in 2 Bod Unit • Open 7 Days a Week $435 SECURITY DEPOSIT |150 tric Hcnen • tJ cor^litlorw^ • car- Rents irictude heat, prtrala gotf course, tenrvs courts, ifc-lmmlrig- ching heal 1 Yf. tease Please ca-T ROCHESTER ROYAL OAK Free H.B.O.& Carport O Intrusion Alarm Lu»ury 1 S 2 beCroom epts. with pelmg • pool • laundry 4 storage la- 348-9250« 646-7500 Custom designed 1 bedroom apart­ pijsri carpet, vertical bl^nos. {jour- ci';tiea • cable TV • no pets. pools, more. Ne jr B Jmlngham, Troy 11 MILE & MAIN ST. New Vertical Blinds otlico centers, Somerset Wa!l & 1-75. ments, private, quiet home atmos­ Beautiful, spacious 1 & 2 bedroom APARTMENTS O Ample Storage rr*t kli^ion. sett deanJng oven, NOVI RIDGE phere with deluxe features plus ga­ Washer-dryer/soma units- frost Irea rtfrigereior. C^Jmasher, Call: 643-*«' or ¢43-0193 apartment* Carpeted, decoraied, UNLIMITED O Walk-In Closet 437-3303 60MERSET PARK APARTMENTS 1 4 2 Bedroom aptt. »te/lir>g at rage, washor-dryer. exercise room. storage 4 laundry facilities iniercom s>-stem, tots ol closets. & O Free Heat carport, community center, exercise TELEGRAPH 4 7 MILE area. S4S5 2 bodroom lownnovses. sTart- No pets. $775 mo. 6S1-J540 FROM $430 • 24 Hr Mainlenance II%J at $595. fu3 basement, children SOUTHFlELO OFFICE room sauna 4 ^ated poof 1 bedroom, heat, water 4 appli­ TROY. Or^ bedroom *p1. $*0 per ROCHESTER - Cute. 1 bedroom Evening 4 weekend hours • Greai Storage space © 1 or 2 Year Lease «keek. ea utiuues paid, toourity 0'r>duaJ Central Ajr/Heat TRQY OFFICE 355-1069 Ho pels 6S2-1648 • Deluxe Appliances Including 3726 Rochester Rd 400 Apts. For Rent SOUTHFlELO disri*asher. disposal 4 poo) SOUTHFlELO Rochester TANGLEWOOOAPARTMEN1S TREE TOP Colony Park Apts. 354-8040 n/Greenf-eld area Spacious'850 From $625 1-800-777-5616 Sq Fl 1 c-edrco-T>. central air. krtch- en appliances, wa'k-m sloVe room MEADOWS 12Mile&Lahser A Great Places Company Laundry fa<-i!it*s on each floor Car­ FREE O 1 & 2 Bedrooms SUNNYMEDE APTS. port and cable available 569-6149 QUIET Ou.ei. convenient living comes with O Lovely Residential Area 561KIRTS treie newJ/ luxury apartments in ©Covered Parking ossireaNeHovl. Features Include (\ D!V S ol Big Beaver, 400 Apts. For Ront APT OWeil Appointed Club between Uverno-S 4 Crooks! - Over sue rooms & balcony ' house • Deluxe Mlchens DISTINCTION • Ajr conditioning 0 24 Hr. Monitors & Intru NOON-6PM • Covered parking LOCATOR sion Alarm • waging distance to shopping. restaurants 4 Houses of Worship 355-2047 '362-0290 Scotsdole Jlpaiiments IN-THE MIDST OF PLYMOUTH • Easy access lo 3 expressway* • Hotwaier • Save Time & $$ Nov/burgh between Joy & V/arren 400 Apts. For Rent TMiO units are freshly panted. , • Over 100.000 choices ^(b^Q>^ clean as a whistle and olle* old lash- • All Locations & Prices ion good value'' at these From cr^es EMO • Open 7 Days a Week Plym>|iHi Spacious 1 and 2 bedroom Quiet intimate setting. Large 1 Bedroom 1525 FREE HEAT 2 Bedroom t$6S APARTMENTS HILLCREST CLUB FREE COOKING GAS apartments. A community 1 and 2 bedroom apartments. Open Dairy 10-6 UNLIMITED Sat ,9-5. Sun 12-5 Best Vaim In Th* Ana 14 2 Bedroom • Vfi BathB • Central Air • Pool setting near downtown Close to central Plymouth. SOUTHFlELO OFFICE • Tennis * Carports • Clubhouse 348-9590 642-8686 29286 Nortrtwesiern Hwy FREI H1AT Laundry & Storage • Cable Ready Plymouth. Heat included. Separate entrances, pool and TROY OFFICE Model Open 9-5 Dairy BE.UEICKE A KRUE Special Full appliances. othe<> amenities. 3726 Rochester Rd 12-5 Weekends *200 MOVES YOU IN Senior citi7.ens welcome. Senior citizens welcome. OAK PARK - beautiful 2 bedroom 354-8040 Model Open 9-5 Daily w re!r>gerator 4 stove, carpeted. (Limited Time Only) Kat'waler furnished, nice area, 1-800-777-5616 m-jst see. $400 Can now 542-4230 A Great Places Company ' • Quiet Park Setting * Spacious Suites £) 455-4300 OAK PARK Outdoor Pool ' • Air Conditioning l bedroom apartment. Heat, not * Immaculate Grounds & Buildings PLYMOUTH MANOR Pi ^MOUTH Housr »ater. coin operated laundry, pool, ROCHESTER - Large 1 bodroom carpet No pets. $46-7524 apl . $455/rr>o. heat, water, new car­ Call Of stop by today, near Plymouth & Haggcrly APARTMF.MS pel 4 blinds Included, walking dis­ This APART MT.NIS OLO REDFORO. near Grand River. tance to downtown 828-3366 12350 Risman Modern. 2 bedroom, carpeting, cen- iraJ air. no pets. $330. Leave mes­ ROCHESTER LUDLOW APTS. sage 1-360-3662 645 Ludlo* 1 4 2 Bodroom Apts. 453-7144 Summer, Irom $445/month. $495 security. Daily 9-6 ' Sat. 12-4 Heal 4 Wator included 651-7270 455-3880 453-6050 -PLYMOUTH- OTHER TIMES B Y APPOINTMENT BROUGHAM Romulus MANOR OAKBROOK VILLA 2 and 3 bodroom lo*nhouses THE PINES APARTMENTS Enjoy FINE YORK MANAGEMENT COMMUNITIES APTS. ranging from $399 to $500 Includes al utdiDea 1 Bedroom U3S LrvtINAScmKXOScTTWG Living! 2 Bedroom $475 Open Won . V/cd Frl. 9am-5pm ON FRANKLIN ROAD Yea/ Lease. Hoat 4 Water Paid. Tues 4 Thurs. 9am-*pm Great address, cofNenient. From spacious one and two bedroom apartments No Pets. Sat I1am-2pm Closed Sun. -—— 455-1215 attoc&.tr/prced. with spectacular balcony views to a heated in­ PLYMOUTH — -i5£0JJ3JRANDT. 941-4057 Variety offloor plans . Downtown 1 bodroom. $420. Pool, corrfortiWe door swimming pool, Wesdand Towers offers AMBER APARTMENTS electricity. Effctoncy. $270. atmosphere, and al you everything vou need to enjoy living! 437-6947 Royal OaX/Ctawson/Troy. 1-stop tfflcftv65^ apt shopping Something lor every­ Because you treasure ©PLYMOUTH 6 one. Come Sunday. Aug 6lh. • Nine-story, high-rise luxury • Tennis courts 1245pm 4000 Crooks. Royal Oak HILLCREST or ce9 tor appt. 280-2830 • Sauna and Game Room • Ideal location the good things in life, CLUB " • Walking distance to shopping . you'll certainly Free Heat ROYAL OAK Ambassador East, 1 bloc* S. of 13 RENT INCLUDES HEAT want to consider SPECIAL Mile on Greenfield Rtf. Lovely 1 and $200 Moves You In 2 bodroom apts. new carpeting, vor- f fJWESTLAND MUIRWOOD'S luxury lical binds, from $465. heat Inctud- One Month's 1 (Limited Time Only) od 288-6115 559-7220 • Park setting • Spacious Suites Free Rent A ^TOWERS apartment homes! • AJr Conditioning • Outdoor Pool ROYAL OAK AREA APA61UFNTS • Immaculate Grounds 4 Bidga. PHONE 357-0437 locoled on Yole Pd.. one block wes! o( • Best v«.'u« In Area Mansfield Manor Apts. You 'II discover Noa/ Plymouth 4 Haggerty • OR ——— 721-2500 Wayne Rd.. between Ford 4 Warren Rds. large 1 & 2 bodroom starl­ 12350 Rlsman ing at $480. Centra) aJr. CENTRAL LEASING CENTER - 356-8850 extraordinary features at pool, laundry faciirtje*, pa­ (SEVEN DAYS A WEEK) 453-7144 tio or balcony, localed al prices that are sensible OaJy.9-tfm Sat. t0-2 5005 Mansfield, between PLYMOUTH: Urge luxury 1 bod­ Crooks & Coolldge. N. of and not just a mirage! room. stove, refrtg. washor. dryer.! 14MMRd. dishwasher, verttal bands, central: 280-1443 aJr. bdge decor. $535 plus security. Close to town 459-4199 ROYAL OAK CAMELOTAPTS • 24-Hour Manned Gatehouse • QUIET. 2nd. floor 2 bedroom, 1200 • Terrific Location • PLYMOUTH tq ft.. kltchon skylight. Oshwasher. -1 wa*-in closet*, dining room, dock, SENIOR * E*Cit»ng Pi-innc ^-x-i.i' C.T!^ VT\V • LIVE ON THE PARK blinds, pool. Heal Included, $650 1 Bedroom - $425 268-1544 CITIZENS • Professional staff that truly cares • Heat 4 water Included, ca/petod Irv­ ROYAL OAK. CLAWSON 4 TROY SPECIALI ing room 4 hall, central aJr. krtchon Fireplace*, vertical blinds 4 on the banks bullt-lns. parking, poo). Ready for d.shwashor In many Amber Apart­ occupancy. Soe Manager. ments. 1 4 2 bedrooms. Pets? Askl -of the 40325 Prymouth Rd.. Apt. 101 Days. 260-2830. Evas. 258-8714 1 and 2 455-3682 PLYMOUTH LUXURY APARTMENT Royal OaX Rouge Riverj bedroom 2 bedrooms. 2 baths, washer 4 dryor. carport. $600 mo. Blanch 1 & 2 bedroom Where the adventure begins! Street Apartment* 459-64()1 apartments, 2 bed­ 1 PLYMOUTH. Mayfiowor Hotel - 478-5533 $750 month atarting. Dairy room room, 1 Vt bath service. 24 hour messag* sorvico. FREE Heat townhouse, air Color TV. No leases- Immediate oc­ At Grand River and Drake Roads cupancy. Creon Smith. 453-1620. Included. conditioning, Treasure hunt Open House at the PLYMOUTH private balco­ NOW TAKING- RESERVATIONS APT FREE clubhouse, this Saturday and Sunday 1 & 2 bodroom apartment*. Balco­ nies with insu- " nies, central air, Individual (umace*. month's lated sliding ^ from 11a.m. — Sp.m Win money. TV's. CoranMc tile bath. GE- kitchen, n«k VCR s! Refreshments served and large basement »toreg*. Beautifully LOCATOR rent* glass doorwalls, landscaped starting at . i,. t< ... register to win a trip for two to Florida! $485 Including heat carpeting, aero­ Southslde of Ann Arbor TrtH, E- ol I- 275. olfice hour* are 9 - 5pm. Mon • Save Time & $$ bic classes & ihrv. Fri. • Over 100,000 choices cable TV available. Can 453-2800 • All Locations & Prices Huge closets — Gas heat — 2 PLYMOUTH • Open 7 Days a Week Old Village. 1 bedroom. $400. swimming pools — Ample parking — Efllclencv. $360. Washer/dryer available 455-8559 APARTMENTS' Carports available p Semta at your doorstep PLYMOUTH - Ok) Wage. 1 bed­ UNLIMITED room upper. stove, refrigerator, car­ RENTAL OFFICE peting. Immediate occupancy. No peta.*385/mo 459-4416 SOUTH FIELD OFFICE 29288 Northwester Hwy PLYMOUTH 421-4977 TROY OFFICE PARK MANOR APTS. 37626 Rochester Rd 30500 WEST WARREN 1 4 2 bedroom ranch unit*. ^±}*^^ $400./Mo./1 bodroom; $4 25/MoV BotwcenMlddlebolt Road and Merrlman Road 2 bedroom. Private entrance. Heat 354-8040 4 water Included. Adult community. Corporate Apartments Available No pet*. 444 Plymouth Rd. betwoon 1-800-777-5616 Haggerty 4 MiA. A Great Places Company 'tor selected apts. 459-9117 0 PLYMOUTH* FREE Plymouth Hills mm Apartments APARTMENT \C±\ LUXURY APARTMENT LIVING ^m IN FARMINGTON HILLS 768 S. Mill Si. LOCATORS! 3 Bedroom Townhomes f)iM~ J-<'f$ffid$§$ All;^llh<>\4 Ceo f^^roWi^i n g tt|N|:<<> rri -, ";r ^¾¾¾; f f Modern 1 and 2 Bedroom We help you find the best...FREE! • Lush 18 hole golf course • Indoor & Outdoor pool O Washer-Dryer in... • Washer ic dryer in every apt. • Tennis Courts Each Apt. • Saves you time and $$$ • Large walk-in closets • Convenient to expressways & shopping O Easy Access to I-275 • Over 100,000 choices • Built-in vacuum system • Social activities . ©Air Conditioned • All locations and prices • Clubhouse with sauna • Plus much, much more! • Fully Carpeted • Open 7 days ajweek _ • Dishwasher & Disposal *_ Presidential ti CorpOr»t< Suites Available 0 No Pots APARTMENTS Call or Stop By Todayl U NL I M I T E D SEE THB PEOPLE WHO CARE'' Grand RW «I From $445 477-01¾¾ .Halstcad Roads. (ncv» resident tonfy) SOUTHFlELO TROY OFFICE OFFICE HOURS: Sun -S»t. 10» m.-7 p m. Oarty Mon.-Sal. 12-5pm 2« 2 «« 354-8040 3726 Rochester fid. PrtKnrtiJbj Mid AtMttCt M£t. Corp. 455-4721 278-8319 Northwestern Hwy. 1-800-777-5616 PLYMOUTH • qvlet location, West of town, 1 bodroom »pt. Weal (of 1 A Groat Pine** ^nrv-^m/ porson, $350/mo kKluding heal. No pel*. „. 437-3610 PLYMOUTH: 1 Bedroom Upper rial. • Canton • appliances, prtvata entrance, very dean no pet*, ava^able Aua. f. »450/mo. + Mcurtty. 451-0410 VILLAGE SQUIRE pontia< Bursting with Features! ORCHARD LAKE ROAD From M45 - Free Heat hear Tc'oprapri. Beautrfut wooded Mlimg, 14 a bodroom apt*. Carpel. 1 BEDROOM SPECIAL Air conditioner, heal Included. • fuuWASHERSIHV0UR , {.».: ,;,v>^ l5uat'rnwtft^iil^s fpfJrt;i<>2$.;-'-v^ -^--^^1% t^V5^>'•'• FROM $375 s Sl ; ORCHARD WOODS APTS. 200 Security Deposit & DRYERS APARTMENT ;V^ ^^^tr^^r^rirTVfe^ : ' : H^: fe';^ &'<•. S34-1878 REDFORD AREA 1 MONTH RENT FREE • Stnlw Ciiiien Olscounls • fretGitiget & • Rtlulfij Siunn FROM • 24 Hr. HinnerJ fnltiftci Covered Cirpori* • filr.jn fiufi^ • lip Pool $375 i\ it <s«t • Lighted Parking v i :.i' ii >i ( •'M(i>tni"r-.'i OlftCe Kouri: Men. • frl. fr7. Sit. fr5 A S0rvT?5 • 1 or 2 Year Leaso i !!•;•• \ T> fi'i.'. • FrooHeat 358-4954 QLEN COVE 2327B niverelde Or. • SovlMleld 538-2497 (ulM Mn Kit N MwttA UMv «tiltf*;* REDFORD • Lovely 8 beovoom Cpp«lH Ru*K«He» 6eHt>rfU apartmonl h quiet, wen maAMalnM 981-3891 •dVjfi oommur.'tY, waBed In, no ihni tramo, ewtrrvnlrio (**>•. C*N« TV. • 7 • 1 1 b • Sun tarpon* •viflaMe. C»J*55-09M Mrtit it

v« A 6E* O&E Monday, July 31, 1Q89 400 Apia. For Ront 400 Apte. For Ront 4Q0 Apt«. For Ront 400 Apt8. For Rent 400 Apte. For Rent 400 Apte. For Ront 400 Apte. For Rent 400 Apt«. For Ront 400 Apte. For Rent WESTLAND ESTATES Troy Wa/ren WAYNE: 2 bedroom Apt. on Weslland Stelhvagon. V«y nice, with fireplace WARREN WesHand 6843 WAYNE TROY FORD/WAYNE RO AREA - TROY 4 garage. 1 Yr. lease. $475./mo. + RYAN/10 MILE AREA Spactcxj* J and 2 bodroom apart- FABULOUS (new Hudson *) An established apartment NINE MILE securlty. 487-1273 menu. Carpeted, decorated & in « OnJy $200 deposit/epproved cred.t community In a convenient SOMERSET AREA Beautlfication Winner lovt-ry area. Heat Included. SUMMER SPECIAL! 1 bedroom from $420 location. PRESTIGIOUS HOOVER AREA WARREN 3 years In a row. Evening 4 woek.end houra. SECURITY DEPOSIT 2 bedroom liom $465 THREE OAKS TOWNHOUSES Country Village Apts ONLY $200 Includes air conditioning - : FREE RYAN/10 MILE AREA boat - carpet - swimming V* mile E. of Crooks on LIVING Beautiful spacious deco­ 326-3280 POOL Wattles at 1-75 BoautiM spacious decorated 1 and Some of our amenities In* rated 1 and 2 bedroom pool. No pets. 2 bedroom apartments & studios. 8eautlf!catlon Winner Weslland WESTLAND AREA APT 362-4088 Some ol our amenities Include: elude the following 3 years In a row. apartments. Some of our 721-6468 • Owner paid heal FORD/WAYNE RD AREA SPACIOUS TftOY 4 ROYAL OAK • Swimming Pool MACARTHUR amenities Include the fol­ Spacious 1 and 2 bodroom apart- 1 4 2 bedroom »pl» Carpel, patio. WESTLATID - toblet dean 1 bed­ Presently available 1 4 2 bedtoom • Laundry facilities Beautiful spacious deco­ lowing: ».*nti. Carpeted, decorated 4 in a air Heal bxludod room. Ouiet. poor. air. Available now LOCATOR epa/lrrvenU. Fireplace, oak fioor* or • eaJconfe-s or patios MANOR lovery area. Heal Included. 1 BEDROOM-$4i5 thnj Oct. 3». M50/mo. Day*, ask tor carpeting, disnwasner, heal, water, • Parking rated 1 and 2 bedroom • Intercoms Evening 4 weekend houd. 2BEOKOOM-H7S Pel« MS-2«00 cooking gas Included in most. Many • Intercoms apartments. Some of our • Air Conditioning WESTLAND WOODS BLUE GARDEN APTS. with vert>caJ blinds. • Beautiful carpeting WESTLAND (Venoy - H. . and by appointment • Open 7 Days a Week Sat. & Sun. 1-Spm W. BLOOMFIELD . plus security. 728-2480 FORD/WAYNE Evening appointments ava-lable 400 Apt*. For Rent WAYNE. Van Born-Wayne Rd area.. AREA A BRAND NEW 1 bedroom. $395 month Includes APARTMENTS WESTLAND PARK LUXURY 2 BEDROOM heat, water, appliances, air. low 757-6700 UNLIMITED APARTMENT n move m cost. 695-6423 531-2523 Beautiful spacious 14 2 bodroom APARTMENTS •! apartments SOUTKFlELD OFFICE Across from City Park IS AVAILABLE NOW IN 400 Apia, For Rent 29288 Northwestern Kwy (CnerryHilf) W. BLOOMFELO Relax. Some ol CM' amenities include the (between Mlddieboil S MerrVnan) following. TROY OFFICE 1 & 2 bedrooms, VA baths • Attached ga/aoe 3726Rooheslef Rd. • Washer/dryer IncKidOd 0 Carpeted Pool • Futfyoqutppod kitchen/microwave One Month • Decorated • Private entrance O Park-like setting 354-8040 HEAT INCLUDED • W. BloomfieJd schools CHATHAM HILLS O Close to shopping 1-800-777-5816 4 much more... FDM Attached Garag* e Close to expressway From: $430 is • Owner paid heat A Great Places Company Ca.t Today Picture spring-fed Scenic Lake. Enjoy COUNTRY COURT APTS WESTLANO - Palmer 4 Veooy. One Monthly or Lease *200 MOVES YOU IN Bedroom. J3«0 mo Includes heat 4 the liquid delights of its sun drenched water. 729-6636 Chimney Hill pool...the fun of its tennis courts...And 721-0500 326-2770 Heated Indoor Poet • Sound A Firoproofed WESTLAND SHOPPING CENTEfl the month that is free in your comfort­ Construction • Sauna* • Microwave • Dishwashers Area - 1 & 2 bedroom epartmenls. 737-4510 • Full Health Club Membership 400 Apte. For Rent J48S-J560 Including heal. No pcu. able one two or three-bedroom apart­ PVAjoeeJi: 261-4*30 0» 648-7SOO ment. You'll love the location halfway From '510 between U of M and EMU, on the 400 Apis. For Rent A ATA bus line. On Old Grand River between MERRIMAN PARK Drake & Hatetead PBKEESEZESa saiiHn'-Miari.'fflr'mtBg A S200 Brianvood shop­ APARTMENTS Daily 9 a.m.-7 p.m. • Sat. 11 a.m.-5 p.m. ping spree is on the house when you Lakefront move into a Scenic Lake apartment. • Sun. 11 a.m.-4 p.m. A GREAT PLACE TO LIVE Call 476-8080 • Unique 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Apartment Living in Farmington/Livonia . CABLE TV NOW AVAILABLE ATTRACTIVE • Senior Citizen Special ' New Swimming Pool Scenic Lake 1 & 2 Bedroom THERE'S GOLD • Private, Tree-lined Courtyards & Clubhouse A P A R T M E N T S • See our 1 bedroom plus den Ask about ' Thru-unit design (or Apartments maximum privacy & • Pool/Clubhouse/Carports _Spaciate l IN THE COVE. cross unit ventilation from $400 %ga& QJk?vd&M ,.,^ Qiyi(mfy...60coiMe. 971-"2152 W Self-Cleaning 0veiw-gr4st*£ree ^C©nvefllent-te Westiand Shopping Refrigerator, Dishwasher, Microwave Center On 20 Beautiful Landscaped Acres Storage in apartment ( There's $539 in gold bullion at Schooner Heat Included Balcony or patio Air conditioning )AmKRRYPlACfc Cove mateys. (Translation: $539 off a 477-5755 > Dishwashers 1-bBdroom apartment). Swash your On Mfrriman Rojd (Orchard I^akt Road) available buckles over to Ford Lake and use your I Block Scmh c/8 Milt Road The difference between Oftt Qjil) 10-(. f.aj UtJtj NVt.) fn. CJOHJ ft J schooner, pirate's ship, sailboat, water ski ordinary and extraordinary boat, jet ski or wind surfer. Take a dip in the pool. Sun on the deck. Then look in­ 3ft!ANtHN6S apartment living side at the all-new interiors...the Located on Warren Rd. between patios...the window walls...all yours, at Wayne & Newbgrgh Rds. In Wertland The Apartments $539 off. Shiver your timbers if you miss Open Mon. • Sat. 10 • 6, Sun. 12 • 6 Spacious 1 and 2 bedrooms, this onel Phone; 729-5650 balconies, basement laundry and storage facilities, tiled baths a ivonderful place to come Country Living Home to MONTH The Location its Best!!! Near 1-75, walking distance to • Spacious 1 & 2 • Swimming Poo!. Somerset Ma)), 5 minutes from Bedroom Units Jacu?2i. Clubhouse Downtown Birmingham • Private Entrance • Lighted Tennis Courts a most desirable spot • Washer/Dtycr * Jogging Trail The Setting For thirty days you pay no rent on a Hook-ups Starting from Beautifully landscaped huge 1000 to 1280 sq. ft. one or two- • Patioot Balcony grounds, large, mature maples bedroom Parkcrest apartment. With a • Eufopean-Stjlc s and oaks microwave, walk-in closets, laundry and Cabinets w/Complete 595 a park in the middle of town Appliances Package central air. Also with: an attended The Extras gatehouse, elevators, carports, and swimming pool with whirlpool. And, a m social director who plans bingo, card nights, and bagel brunches just for fun. Country Ridge R\DKCE2E<5T On Haggerty Rd. •$. 353-5835 between 13 & 14 Mile Balcor Lahser Rd. North of 11 mile 1 ' G' Kaftan Enterprises 661-2399 l;r">nagemen t


NEW CONSTRUCTION Complete GE Kitchens Washer/Oryer in Unit "From this lofty perch, you can see how close Abundant Storage Window Treatments this new realm is to all that you desire in life," The Green Hill difference:^ Cathedral Ceilings Carports Included he purred. "Not only have you been given luxurious extras in this new homeTftuTalso Fully equipped health club the luxury of an excellent location." $200 MOVES YOU IN •In the heart of Southfield's business district Open Until 7 p.m. 348-1120 •Major thoroughfares such as US 10,1-696 Open daily 9 a.m.-7 p.m.-. Sat. A Sur» Noort-7 p.m. and US 24 within minutes Pavillion Drive olf Haggerly Rd. between d & 10 Mile •Convenient to groceries and other day-to-day necessities- ;~— L •Close to malls,"shopping centers and jin •'•qf entertainment •Restaurants just a heartbeat away ^Apartments Farmlngton Hills* Best Apartment Value Cable TV now available NEW 1 & 2 Bedroom Do you come home to an Apartments apartment or a 75-acre estate? Most apcrtment living measures 600+ sq. ft. Ours measures APARTMENTS From $460 over 3,000,000 sq. ft. Green Hill residents enjoy a gorgeous 75-acre estate setting of park and woodland, peace and On Halstcad Vi Mile North tranquility. You're right next door to the 1-275 corridor, of Grand River Michigan's multi-bill ion dollar explosive growth area and ,:..,,,..,: just minutes away from 1-96, a direct route to downtown Detroit 26300 Berg Road, Southfield, Michigan See our V and 2-bedroom luxury apArtments, terrace residence* Take Northwestern (US 10) to Lahser Road, go South and country townhouses on 9 Mile, 1¼ miles west of . to Northwestern Service Road, then West to Berg. Farmington Road In Farmington Hills SENIOR 352-2712 CITIZENS - green hill Sr SPECl4L!fc APAftTMtHTS IN FARMINGTON KILLS 2 MONTHS FREE RENT M00U« OflU OAILY 10» NiOXt 47<4t44 • r c* •o'ocled itpwimenu Corporis *pm*wfo mMH ON A ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT! OPEN Mon. • .Frl 9 • 6; Sat. 11.3; Sun. 12-5 FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY. . . CALL US TODAY! 471-3625 mm F V

V t •

Monday, July 31, 1989 O&E •7E

How do you plan a garage sale?

It'seasyl Just follow these simple guidelines:

1. Gather together the Items you have for sale. Sort them Into appropriate categories and price them fairly. 2. Place a classified advertisement In The Observer

3rHang signs throughout your neighborhood alerting residents tcr the upcoming sale. 4. Decide what to do with all the money you'll have after your sale!

Or, If you love to bargain-hunt and would rather shop then sell, be sure to look for our special garage sale listings every Monday and Thursday In your hometown newspaper. Observer & Eccentric classifieds make It easy to earn money and save money. Discover for yourself, today! 4^ & Eccentric CLfld&IFIED ADVERTISING- 044-1070 Oakland County 591-0900 Wayne County 052-3222 Rochester/Rochester Hills DtADllNIt:« P.M. TUESDAY POft THUWOAY KMTlON /6 P.M. HIIOAY FOft MONOAYtOmON

J v ; mm WVW HWWWi m wnit

8E* O&E Monday, July 31.1Q89 400 Apts, For Rent 404 Houses For Rent 404 Houses For Rent 404 Houses For Rent 412 Townhousos- 414 Southern Rentals 415 Vacation Rontals 421 Living Quarters 436 Office I Business Space WESTLANO • 2 bedroom. 2 balh. ANN ARBOa 8. Lyon, Royal Oak, 3 LAKEVllLE UK-10 mln. N. of IROY- Adams/16 area. Birmingham Condoa For Rent CnSHEY/EPCOT - Luxury 2 and 3 TRAVERSE CITY. Beautiful fa/nfly To Share *poclf)ceJty designed unit* for phy*>- bedroom, basemonl. kids, singles, Rochosler-3 bedrooms. fircpiaco, schools. 4 bedroom colonial, 2Vi bodroom. 2 bath condo. washer, resort. 1 and 2 bedrooms, kitchen, W. BLOOMFIELO - Professional CARRIAGE PARK OFFICE CENTER C*Iry Impaled persons. Immediate pet* okay. 273-0223. attached garage on prtvate peninsu­ baihs, 2 car garage, basemonl. nice BIRMINGHAM'S BEST dryer, microwave, pool, lacuiri, ten­ pool.-e^. Reduced weekly rates.t- ma'e lo share house with beach 2200 Canton Center Rd. S. of Ford rjcoupancy. Call 425-0987 la. No pets. Available through June V» acre, $1,450 mo. 642-5166 GETS BETTER nis court*. $495 end $525 Week. 600-942-2646 privileges on Upper Sirafts Lake. Rd.. 875-25.000 sq ft- Doc. I occu­ 1990.$»050/mo. 652-4460 OayS. 474-5150; Eves. 476-9776 NEWLY OECO RATED TRAVERSE CITY cm Lake locionau. Washer/dryer. $271 mo 553-3595 pancy. Pre leasing Incentives In­ W. BLOOMFIELO - contemporary BIRMINGHAM - Clean, 3 bedroom. WATERFORO. Otter/Sytran Lake- clude axceiknl buM-out 6 finish op­ LIVONIA • Lovely 3 bedroom, coun­ front. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, fire­ 2 or 3 Bedroom Apis. 4 Tow nhomes Aug. 19 to Sepl. 5. Boat, fishing beautiful 1 bodroom, in quiet neigh­ 1 bath ranch. Washer, dryer. Imme­ (with FuH Basement) portunity. CaJ: 971-3323 diate occupancy. 1700 per month. try kitchen, atovo 4 refrigerator. Irv­ place, attached garage, executive swimming, maximum 4. $.325 por borhood, dishwasher, air, pot» OK, ing room has fireplace. laundry FLORIDA - HAWAII week. 616-948-7848 422 Wanted To Rent •ybl«t Immediacy $450/mo Orchard CaJI alter 6PM. 646-2572 home. $1150. 681-6676: «72-7524 From $600 month EXECUTIVE OFFICE SUITES room. $665 ± deposit 477-2471 Immediate Occvpancy Northern Michigan - Caribbean CATERING 6 EVENT Planning Co AVAILABLE takeRd. 682-5603 BIRMINGHAM • Clean, attractive 2 WATERFORD". 2 Bedroom Ranch, Mexico. U.S. West' TPAVERSE CITY, East Bay. lake- Leasee Hour* from 9am-5pm Oalty front home, suoir sandbe3ch, 3 seeking very large, weii-malniained bedroom, screened ironl porch LIVONIA- Newer executive type across ATI-Sports Laketronl. Sal I0am-3pm or call CONDO 6 VILLA VACATIONS older home to lent On occasion (or $189 PER MONTH 1900 aq. N. ranch In prestigious bedrooms, 2 baths, weekly or week­ basamenl, garage, appliance! Remodeiod bath. Cieanl No Oogsl 6<6-1168 Goll 4 cruise packages corporate Thome parties. 673-6530 401 Furniture Rental fenced. $650/Mo'M . 642-8068 neighborhood. 3 bedrooms. 2 full 559-0190 Air - Car - Cruise Reservations end rental. After 6pm. 689-4687 • Free Use of Conference Room baths, 2¾ car garage, central air. BIRMINOHAM - 1o*nhouS9/condO EXECUTIVE TRANSFEREE • includes All UWties BIRMINOHAM IN TOWN. Charming deck * barbecue. Available August WATKINS LAKE • Walerford. Fur- 2 bedrooms, basement with washer- FURNITURE FOR YOUR v needs 3 bedroom. Z bath borne or • Excellent Parking Cape Cod, 3 bedroom. 2¼ bath, 15lh. at latest. $1350. month. nlshed, lakefront, 4 bedroom. 2 dryer, central air. $735 monlh. SUNCOASTTRAVEL 420 Rooms For Rent condo In excellent condition. North • Build^g Fully Secured . 3 Room Apartment For fireplace, appliances. e>, sunporch. ' HARRIMAN REAL ESTATE INC. bath, 2 car garage, lease September 681-3292 Farmlngton HiUs High School Dis­ • On Site Restauranl t-June 1. $795/mo. Prefer T>o pets. 313-455-5810 BLOOMFIELO HILLS, corner Tele- $110 Month 2 car garage. $1,350. 335-9438 graph/Long Lake Large, clean trict a must. Contact Bob Ogg. LIVONIA PAVILION 477-4464 CallMon-Frl. 9am-5pm: 353-9494 BIRMINGHAM - 2 bedroom condo 478-7667 • «AU NEW FURNITURE BIRMINGHAM In town, near Qua/, In secluded area. Walk to Birming­ 1-800-874-6470. room with private bath 6 laundry. MerriH Lynch Realty 669-8900 • LARGE SELECTION LIVONIA • Spacious, elegant. 4 bed­ WAYNE - 3 bodroom. basement. HILTON HEAD iSLANO CONOO $300 por mo. 647-6904 ton Pond. 3 bedroom modern bul room trt-level. 2 bath. 2 car attached ham schools/shopping Air. refriger­ PROFESSIONAL FEMALE Seek* FARMiNOTON HILLS - 12 Mile be­ . > OPTION TO PURCHASE charming Ivin house, fireplace, big $550 per month, first 4 last. 'A Oo»an front. 33' from beach tor garage, now carpeting, kitchen 6 ator stove, newer carpeting, wallpa­ BLOOMFIELO HILLS: Home Lke at­ room m Farmlngton HJls. Birming­ tween Orchard Lk. 4 Farmlngton back yard. 2½ car oarage. $1600/ month « security. 278-4324 per, vertiele blinds. fuU basement. rent, sale or partnership. 1st floor, Rd. 2 ofhees Approxjmalcly 180 sa * GLOBE RENTALS (sundry appliances. 1600 sq. ft. newty redecorated. Call 652-2888 mosphere. Professional. $85/weck. ham. Bloomfleid or RoyaJ Oak home mo. Days: 540-0260 Eves: 737-4446 $1200 month. WEST BLOOMFlELD-15 MCe and Avai'able. Aug 1. $690 mo. 334,6047 Many extras. CaJ Lois. 637-8400; w/other professlonaXs). Have furni­ ft. each. Utilities included. 553-8840 FARMINGTON, 474-3400 HARRIMAN REAL ESTATE INC. inkster. 3 bedroom, 1¼ bath, largo BLOOMFIELO HILLS: 2 bedroom HILTON HEAD SEA PINES Goll Vi­ after 6pm. 338-7681 ture lo use or wJ need lo store. BIRMINGHAM large 4 bodroom. 2½ Clean, non-smoker. 669-9809 bath, 2 car attached garage, fenced 477-4464 fenced yard. Furnished, all appli­ Condo. carport, basoment room. la. Excellent location, sports pack- FARMINGTON HILLS STERLING HEIGHTS, 826-6601 ances, 2 ear garage. Subtease Sept. age included, prrvale. bicycles. GAROEN CITY: pteasanl, furnished yard, finished basement, $1,600 LIVONIA Convcnlentl $750/mo. Includes sleeping room In prtvite tvome. Must STORAGE SPACE needed 2000- 23900 Orchard Lake Rd. month. Call; 640-4122 15 thru March 15. $900 per mo. hcal/waterVrnaintenance 668-6172 . 540-3303 SOOTHFIEIO. 3S5-4 330 3 bedroom. 2 car garage. $550 with be gainfully employed Over 40., heal required. Novl After 6PM 655-3938 Walled Lake. Farmlngton H.Hs area BIRMINGHAM: Newly doooratod 3 discount. Close to schools. Ink tier 6 BLOOMFIELO'HILLS HILTON HEAD. S.C. $50 per week. 422-4365 OFFICE SPACE TROY. 588-1600 Joyarea 561-0342 WEST BLOOMFIELO - 4 bedroom 1 bedroom ocean condo. Nnal female to GARAGE 1 or 2 car wanted tor stor SmaJt office available, pertect lor BIRMINGHAM - 1520 Bonneville, E WESTIAND - Nice 3 bodroom brick sort home: 2 levels. 4 bedrooms. 2 Manufacturer'* Rep. Secretary. Fax rplcrowave. From $895- Convenient­ tation, easy access to expressways. full baths, lireplace, cathedral ce-J- share 3 bodroom house. Non- age of car. Uvonla or Westiand pre­ ol Woodward btw- 14 & 15 Mile. SEE 100'S WHERE ranch. 2 batns. basement, 2 car ga­ $850 per. monlh. 851-6857 smoker, clean. No pets $376 month ferred. Jeff eves ' 421-3151 and Xerox available 651-2764 ly located In western suburb, easy Close to Lincoln St 2 bedrooms, Irv­ Ing. Includes a huge walkaround access to aH x-way» and airport. TENANTS 6 LANDLORDS rage. $750 per month. + 'A ulifitxs. 455-6069 ing room, modern kitchen, ru'J base­ SHARE LISTINGS • 642-1620 HARRIMAN REAL ESTATE INC CANTON, sharp, 2 bedroom coodo. dock wllh a grand view ol Lake LARGE STORAGE FARMINGTON HILLS: You too can ?ets welcome In selected unit*. Ca.1 ment (unfinished). For lease or sale. air. VA baths, basement, patio, car­ Michigan, sloeps 8. $799/wi. be a fuK floor user: 3.000 sq It. anytime. 459-9507 FREE CATALOGUE REOFORO LIVONIA area. Furnished 12x55. 9 M.le 4 Farmlngton By appointment. 549-3222 884 So. Adams. Birmingham. Ml 477-44134 port, microwave, washer/dryer, 462-1852 room with phone. $60 a week, $60 $285/MO available, new colonial structure. WESTLANO pool. After 6pm 517-655-2763 security. Prefer dean male ccsleoe After 5pm: 474-2290 very aggressive lease rates. w« BIRMINGHAM OAK PARK BOYNE CITY CONOO: on Lake divide. Ca.1 Randy Tarnow. • APARTMENTS 2Bcdroom duplax.prlva!* drive and Charlevoix, sloops 6; indudes boat student. 527-2887 2 bedroom. 1 balh with gar, very nice 4 bedroom home. 3'* full basement. He* kitchen and ap­ WANTED-GARAGE Byron W. Trerice Co. 540-1000 : MONTHLY LEASES Fenced yard. Washor. dryer. $6"85 baths. andTnany'more extras. slip; also Fall color weekends 6 win­ WAYNE - Furnished roomlno house, To store classic automot^e. Seven pliances Quiet (osldontla) setting ter ski. CaJI Mary Ann. 333-1639 FOR LEASE • 1.000 10 1.200 Sq Ft ' 14 PRIME LOCATIONS per month. 1-655-6340 879-6181 Or 652-9469 $450. private bedroom, shared frying M.le 6 Inkster area prelerred. Furnished with houseware*, linens, 537-9138 Build oul to suit occupancy wlihln 6 721-8111 CLOISTERS BRIGHTON AREA-Sma.1 quiet re­ uarters. Near bus. $65AfA. plus tolor TV 4 more. Utilities Included. BIRMINGHAM • 2 bedroom, refrig­ OAK PARK - 4 bedroom brick eposll. 721-7389 weeks. Prime Uvonla location Per­ erator & stove, newty remodeiod, ranch. 1½ baths. lamBy room Are sort. 4 lake chain, playground. 2 Q FROM$38.A0AY WESTLANO: 2 bodroom home In 14 Mile 4 Crooks Area tect for*attorney or accountant ' Unmatched Per sonaJ Service carpeting, hardwood floor*, walk 10 place, basement. $700/MO. plus 1½ bedroom house available July 29. WAYNE - good neighborhood, 432 Commercial / Retail Broker protected. 525-7870 downtown. $625. 653-9187 MO. security. 968-7648 966-7858 Norwayne. Largo backyard. $375. + AUg. 19 6 Aug. .26. 3 bodroom security. 721-4660 2 bedroom. VA balh luxury town- home privileges, ax mature person ' Executive Living Suites house available July 29. Aug 26 6 $235/mo 595-6898 FOR SALE or lease, QuaXertown BIRMINGHAM - 3 bedroom home, house. Fulry equipped kitchen, fun Labor Day. $350 por week. Row For Rent 474-9770 PLYMOUTH: attractive 3 bedroom WESTLANO: 3 bodroom. 1V4 balh, Medical Arts 6Wg./Condo. 740 sq redone Including bath 4 kitchen. ranch w/garege, Finished basemen!, basement, carport, centra) air. pri­ boat. No pets 437-2610 W. BLOOMFIELO - Nice room m BIRMINGHAM-DOV/NTOWN fenced ya/d. Appliances. $600 a mo. vate patio with fenced-in back yard. ft suite, medica) or general office. Downtown Birmingham - Troy New furnace. Central air. Carpel. centra) air, some appliances, fenced lovely private home, $300 month In­ Prime Retail Space Woodward Ave Last suite available. 553-4043 . FURNISHED 4 UNFURNISHEO Fireplace. Porch. Garage. Near first and last mo. rent, plus security Heat included. $695. EHO BRIGHTON, Ore Lake. Charming yard, no pets. $875/mo plus securi­ deposit. Call 274-2535 cludes everything CaJI eves. 682- exposure. Call: Somerset Mall. $950 per month. ty. Available Oct. 1. 455-5231 log cabin college, screened porch, 6951. Ssl. Sun. 661-4690 Kojalan Properties. 644-5530 FRANKUN/SOUTHFiELD- 1000 sq .MONTHLY LEASES 644-3368 spac us yard, canoe 6 row boat. ft suite McdioaJ/professiona) Out- PLYMOUTH-completely remod­ W. BLOOMFIELO. Pontiac Tr/ BIRMINGHAM - 600 sq h store • Executive Preferred Green Lake area, 2 bedroom du­ 642-8686 Evos: (or leave message) 531 - 2888 Standing location Ease of access 4 BIRMINGHAM - 3 bedroom ranch, 2 eled. 1 bedroom, fireplace, sun 421 Living Quarters rental beginning Sept 15th. Located parking Owner occupied. 358-5830 ' HIGHEST QUALITY car garage, fenced yard, appliances. room, dining room, basement, ga­ plex, ga/age. available Aug. 1. Bonecke4 Krue CADILLAC, Lake Mitchea, 4 bod­ on Woodward near 14½ In Birming­ FINEST SERVICE Mother-in-law suite or teenager* rage. Lease, security. No pels. $575 mo 335-7951; 549-8640 room home, sleeps 11. washer 6 To Share ham. 642-9107 KEEGO HARBOR- 2 room orhce retreat. New recreation 4 shopping. Available Immediately. $700/mo + FARMINGTON, Furnished, with dryer, beautiful new dock, available available; completely fu/nishod; cor­ W.BLOOMFIELD executive. 1960's view. I bodroom. Includes washer/ 8-4 thru 8-11 only. $400 427-6943 LUXURY AMENITIES! $985/mo. 644-2270 or 646-3135 utilities. 455-1726/591-6530 3 bedroom, huge temlh/ room, fire­ Apartment lo share. Near Halstad 4 ner of Otcha/d Lake 4 Middieben dryer. Air. clubhouse. Indoor pool. Drake, on Grand Rrver. 2 bodroom DOWNTOWN $350. mo. Month to monlh basis or Utilities Included BIRMINGHAM - 4 bodroom colonial. place, custom kitchen, attached oa­ CHARLEVOIX, beautiful 1 bedroom PLYMOUTH - Immediately available. rage, lake prMloges, $895,649-2649 $49S. Phone Greg 473-0181 1 bath. Fema^ wishes same over long term lease evaiab'-e Fteise Starts at $32.50/day 2½ bath, attached 2 car garage, 3 bedrooms. 1½ baths, family room, condo on Round Lake. Lake MicN- 30, responsible. $300 per monlh + ROCHESTER catHorappl: 332-2700 family room, finished basement, dock. 2 car garage, appliances, dra­ FARMINGTON HILLS - Twelfth Es­ an beaches, swimming pool, sun- '* utilities 4 security. Phone 10am- W. BLOOMFIELO - 6 bodroom tates. 1 bedroom condo. washer/ deck, beauiifui sunsets! Immaculate > For sale - commercial condo 649-1414 fenced In yard. $1350 644-6998 peries. Freshly painted, new carpet­ home on 2 acres. 4 car garage, 1pm or alter 11pm., 474-4819 1000 sq.ft. LI VONIA- FOR LEASE. Superb loca­ ing. $1,025 per month. 459-2654 dryer, pool, tennis. Before 5 pm condition. Ideal for couple. Avanabie EXECUTIVE GARDEN APTS. horse stable. Immodiate occupancy. • For Lease - Retaa/Otflce/Sorvtce/ tion, a center site. Attractive suite. BLOOMFIEIO HILLS • Sprawling 851-9443,. aflorSpm, 462-3930 Aug 12 lor 1-2 wks. CaH H. Griffin •A ROOMMATE SERVICE- 1100 sq. ft. Handy access 4 exit. Ex­ brick ranch. Conaut 4 Andover PLYMOUTH - immediately available. $ 1300 mo. plus security. 534-6560 616-947-4450. eves 816-547-2633 MedCa). 600-1200 eq. ft. GROSSE POINTE • spacious 2 bod­ • For Lease - Cafe/ OeH Location cellent practice visibility schools. 4 bedrooms, 3 batfis. 2 3 bedrooms. 1½ baths, family room, HOME-MATE Cfall : 478-7660 BIRMINGHAM fireplaces, lake privileges. Lawn ser­ deck, 2 car garage, appliances, dra­ 405 Property rooms. large Svtng room, dining CHARLEVOIX - large 5 bedroom, 3 335-1043 Absolutely gorgoous; furnlshod de­ vice. $»800/mo. Available thru AprtJ. peries. Freshly painted, new carpet­ area. Ca/port. Storage area. Appli­ bath. Close to Lake Michigan beach SPECIALISTS LIVONIA OFFICES - 3 locations: luxe apartments. Short or long term D S H PROPERTIES 737-4002 ing. $1,025 per month. -159-2654 ances. Central aJr. Heal Included. 4 town. Quiet. Wockry. Management $650 per month Call Louise or Loe Featured on; "KELLY 4 CO." TV 7 7 mlte/MWdlebell. 5 mile/MxJdio- leases. Prime In-town location. 616-984-2342, or 547-5100 FARMINGTON HILLS bell. 5 mrWFarmington. From 2 BLOOMRELO TWP - Birmingham PLYMOUTH - 2 bedroom brick on 573-0046 AM Ages. Tastes. Occupations. on10M2eRd. ABSENTEE OWNER CHARLEVOIX Backgrounds* Lifestyles. room* to 5549 sq ft suites. 540-8830 Farms Subdivision. 3 or 4 bodroom large lot Separate dining room. Hv- betwoon Helslead 4 Haggerty First class space from $10 sq ft quad level. 3 baths, air. fireplace. Ino room, possible 3rd bodroom 4 We personalise our service to moet NOV) area condo. 3 bodrooms. Ga- Lakeironl Condos. Sleeps 2-12. A)r. BIRMINGHAM DOWNTOWN - $1600 per yoorfediJinj AmdiidyuiiWilihrods^ r5$e."AlrrE£Irig6raior. sTove. Cable TV. pool, Jacuzzi, fireplace, -RETAtfc/eFFfGE- Call Ken Hale or Mike Tomes. BKxmitetd Hir.s schools. lamiry room In basement with balh 1566 thru 2600 Sq.FI.. Days: 525-0920 Eves 261-1211 1 bodroom, completely furnished. month. After 5pm 542-0418 2¼ car garage ExceCent condition • Associate Brokers - Bonded Flnishod basement. Dock. Pool. beach. Art Fair Week a>a.lable 644-6845 'Unens. dishes, color' TV. air, ground Mld-Aug occupany. $675 plus utili­ • Member Oakland Rental Housing $9S0./month. 349-0610 855-3300 or 363-3885 30555 Southfiold Rd.. Southed EXCELLENT EXPOSURE LIVONIA/PLYMOUTH AREA floor. Short torm lease available BLOOMFIELO TWP. - BtoomfWd ties CaS before «pm. 326-0240 Assoc. 8EAUTIFUL house In downtown Bir­ CERTIFIED REALTY. INC. 820 sq ft. Sulta. professional bond­ $895 month includes utilities. H.Its schools. 7 bedroom exocutrve • Before making a decision, can usl NOV1: Stooehoogo. 2 bdr. VA bath, CHEBOYGAN, Long Lake, lakeviow basement, garage. aJr. carpeted, cottages, sleep 6, screened porch, mingham. Fully fumlshod. $375 per 471-7100 ing. Ample parking. Lease includes Call: C42-0093 home, 3 full 4 3 hail baths. 3 car PLYMOUTH, 3 bedroom ranch, fin­ monlh. plus 1/3 ututies. 642-7342 all bul phone. 464-2960 garage, centra) air. pool, 8,1 appli­ ished basement, appliances, 2 car D&H pool, appliances, washer/dryer, picnic table, grin,. sandy beach, FARMINGTON. long lease ava"-able. ances. Occupancy Sept. 1. Minimum garage, walking distance from Income Property Mgmt. clubhouse. 525-2071 356-7953 boats. $27S/wV 1-618-625-2152 7000 sq II. plus. Prime retail store In LIVONIA/PLYMOUTH area. Private 1 year. $2000/monlh. 352-5272 BIRMINGHAM downtown, no pets. $850 per Farmlngton Hills 737-4002 N. CANTON - 3 bedroom. 1¼ bath COMPLETELY REMOOELEO ALLCfTlES • SINCE 1976 downtown Farmlngton. 40 car pari* office. 131 sq.ft. Monthly lease in­ PUTNEY MEWS month. 459-3145 condo Includes afl appliance, imme­ Chalet In the woods. Sloeps 8, pool. Ing. Gordon Grossman. 477-1030 cludes phone answering Secretarial BLOOMFIELO VILLAGE home, near service erasable. 464-2960 Completely furnished town- downtown Birmingham. 4 diate occupancy $650/mo ± VA 54 holes of goll. Including the Log- PAY NO FEE houses. 20 delightful 2 REOFORD. Rent with option 3 bed­ FORO RO./1-275 • Showroom ware­ bedrooms, 2Vr baths, air, 2 car room ranch, basement, fenced yard 406 Furnished Houses mlhs security after 6pm 455-7411 end. SchuS* Mountain, 1-293-7070 UnlJ You See Listings ol house Each unit 1580 aq. ft. up to bedroom uniis. TV. dishes, garage, $1,800 per month + utilities with patio. $650 month. 533-5728 PLYMOUTH - Brand new t bedroom GLEH ARBOR HOMESTEAD "QUALIFIED PEOPLE" 10.000 aq. ft. Main street. w/Jlghtod LIVONIA linens. Extendable 30 day 646-1763 For Rent SHARE LISTINGS • 642-1620 leases. Great location. walkout, fireplace, stove, relrtqora- Condo for rent. 2 bodrooms. 2 sign. Byron Trcrlee Co.. 540-1600 "The Medical Plaza" ROCHESTER area Executive Ranch. FREE CATALOGUE BRIGHTON • 4 bodroom, 2,600 »q. BIRMINGHAM - furnished colonial. lor. dishwasher, carpeting, etc. $550 baths on Lake Michigan. Available From $960 2½ acres. 2 baths, 2 fireplaces. For­ Choice location. Rental 4 length of MEDICAL SUITES ft. executive home. 2 fuB 4 2 half mal dlning/lMng/fam-ry room 4 month. Call Anne 478-3303 beginning Aug 27lh. 884 So. Adams. Birmingham, Ml. FRANKLIN ROAD lease negotiable. Ava^able Immedi­ Call alter 6pm, 426-2517 BIRMINGHAM: In-town Fabulous IN SOUTHFIELO 1080 thru 4500 Sq Ft. 644-0832 baths. 2 farnUy rooms w/fireplaces, more. $1195./mo. 568-6875 PLYMOUTH - 2 bedroom, 2'A bath Private Entrances attached garage. Appliances, dock, ately. 646-2925 house! Wood floor*. Roomy! Fire­ BIRMINGHAM/Royal Oak. Luxury 1 condo. Fireplace. 2 largo decks place. Socking neai. responsible Immodiate Occupancy 1 acre, beautiful sub. $1595 mo. ROCHESTER - Downtown. Impec­ CANTON - 3 bedrooms, 1½ baths. 2 GRAND TRAVERSE BAY. 4 bod­ 357-5566 bedroom coodo. newty furnished. cable older home. 3 bedrooms, VA overlooking Hlnos Pa/V. Afl appli­ room home, sleeps 8. Prtvate beach. Icmale lo share wllh same. 644-9099 Queen bed, color TV. linens, uten­ Oays.474.S150: Eves. 478-9778 car garage, central a'r. everything ances Including washer/dryor. mi­ ONLY CONSIDER THIS CERTIFIEO REALTY. INC. baths, fireplace, large covered furnished • linens, dishes, etc. Ref­ 10 mles N of Grand Traverse resort. sils, microwave. 737-9298 CANTON {North) 4/5 bedroom basement porch, dining room, kitch­ crowave, sido-fay-slde refrigorator. BIRMINGHAM - Roommate needed LOCATION IF YOU 471-7100 erences. $1,200 per monlh- Security Avanabie Sept 4-9, $325. WXs of lo share 3 bodroom house. $300 por LfVONtA • 200-1.000 sq. ft Prime Quad, 1½ balh. 2 car attached oa­ en, full basement, 2 car garego. One car ga/age. $795 month. Sept. 9. 16,23. $450. 816-264-9795 FARMINGTON, 1 bedroom condo deposit 453-2534 Call Ray Loo. The Michigan Group. mo. plus security deposit. Can eves WANT TO BE SEEN location. Access 10 Ireeways. with view. Includes washor/dryef. rage, no pels, $900 plus security. $ 1100/month. Before 5 pm: $1.50/sq. ft. gross. Broker* Realtor* 591-9200 HALE get away wockend in 646-8159 VlsibMy lo 100.000 car* per day. air. clubhouse. Indoor pool. $495. After 7pm. 274-6643 979-4400 After 6 pm: 652-3149 NOV! RANCH CONDO Ford Rd. 4 Mldd>bclt. Garden City. protected. 422-1360 PhoneGreg 473-0181 Fully furnished 3 bedroom. 1½ bath, the north woods. 5 bedroom 750 - 1250 SO. FT. CaJI 422-2490. CANTON: Quad level. 4 bdr. newty ROCHESTER-Nlce 3 bedroom cottage.lndoor tub.wooded DRYOEN AREA 15 miles N.ol Ro­ full basement, formal dining room, PLYMOUTH. 2 bedroom condo. car­ chester. Beautiful contemporary LIVONIA • 5 mile and Farmlngton HOME AWAY FROM HOME, INC. decoraied. Available Sept. 1. home. 2 baths. Walk to downtown, port, laundry room, all appliances, a/ea.517-345-0711. 517-873-3501 NEW STRJP CENTER, Weal lor retail Rd. 1 room with dMder, 160 sq. ft $lOSO/mo. plus security deposii. No ca/port and more. $800 month. 1-3 home in secluded 10 acre woods Short lease. Elegantly furnished 4 and schools. All appliances. $1000/ year lease. Call Grace Mikton. vaulted ceilings 4 skylights. $700. outlet, wholesale supply or what el!ulfttlea.$150rmo.Ca)l 422-2321 pets! Cafl after 6pm, 517-669-5594 mo. 879-5774 or 626-2866 HAR80R SPRINGS. Indoor-outdoor Private upstairs quarters. Including equipped 1. 2 or 3 bedroom apt*. Re-Max West 622-8040 Call Efhei. Real Estate Ono. loft, ful bath and 2 bod/ooms. ever. Fast growing residential com­ No pet*. From $890 626-1714 455-7000; 459-6937 pool, tennis programs with on-site UVONIA • 900-1.225 aq. ft Attrac­ CANTON: 2 bedroom ranch. V. acre, ROYAL OAK - large 2 bedroom. 1 pro 4 views ol Boyne Highlands Share the rest $400/mo. Single munity. 8700 Canton Center Rd. 356-2600 tive, secure, easy parking. Own heat partly furnished, contra) air. no In­ bath, appliances, bonds, hardwood 408 Duplexes For Rent PLYMOUTH • 2 yt old. 2 bedroom championship golf courses, - working female. 798-3937 6 air conditioning thermostat con- side pets, $600/month plus $1500 floor*, fuB basement, large yard. Trout Croek Condominium Resort HOME SUITE HOME condo. 1 bath, appliances, carport. FARMINGTON HILLS, responsible PLYMOUTH/DOWNTOWN IroL Long torm ava-Table 667-5955 Attractively furnlshod 1 and 2 security deposit. 699-3954 snow/lawn service. $725.288-4047 CANTON - 3 bodroom. excellent lo­ No pets. $730/mo t security 1-600-676-3923 Forest Place - 2 units ava-laWe. 640 female, non-smoker, share my 2 MEDICAL SUITE, 2200 sq. It., prima bedroom Apis, with ait amenities. CASS/ELIZABETH Lake FW. Water- cation, air, full basement, tvt baihs. 455-3592 bedroom, 2 bath apt have cat. $300 and 1,200 sq.fl each, immediate oc­ ROYAL OAK - Normandy 4 Coo- kitchen appliances, $745 month HARBOR SPRINGS - PETOSKEY location. Southfletd. Cal Mon. -Fri. 7 great locations. Monthly leases. ford Twp. 2 bedroom. 2 balh, stove, lldge. 2 bodrooms, 2 car garage, mo. 476-2199 cupancy. L 455-7373 AE_, M.C., Visa accepted. Available Aug 15. 553-8224 ROCHESTER: 1 bodroom. air. ell Fully furnished 1, 2. 3 4 4 bedroom 559-2922. refrkjorator, disposal, air, sun porch, carpet, appliances. No condominiums. Prestigious resort 1 appliances, pool. He3i 4 water in­ FEMALE NEEDED: To share 2 bed­ PRIME BIRMINGHAM Retail space attached garage, no basemonl. pets. $575. 682-6136 OEARBORN HEIGHTS - 1 bodroom cluded. $500. mo. Days: 727-1662 addresses, luxurious accommoda­ MEOICAL SUITE available 540-8830 $750/mo. with Optlon-io-purchase. room furnished apartment In West on Maple. 1600 sq. ft. immediate duplex. »3 appliances, 8. of Michi­ Evos 6 weekends: 656-9 584 tions. Laketronl unit*, tonnls court*, occupancy. Can B 6 C Properties. liOOsqtf. Farmlngton. 9½ mile & ROYAL OAK-Northwood* area. 1 Leave message 258-0335 ROYAL OAK, 14 Mile-Woodward pools. 8 elegant developments lo land. Pool 4 a>. $300 por mo. Orchvd Lake Rd. 569-7162 gan, E. of Boech Oaly. $360/Mo.. 1 Can 422-5463 649-6618 bodroom eompfeiery furnished )n area. 3 bedroom. 1W bath, full baso- Mo. security. 255-3056 choose from. eluding color tv 6 microwave. Short CASS LAKEFRONT - 4 bodroom, ment, large garage. Available Aug. SHORT TERM LEASE NOVI RD. at 10 Mile. 3600 sq ft off­ completely fumishod. Sept 9 • mid CALL CAROL PARKER FEMALE, professional 4 responsi­ RETAIL SPACEFOR RENT term lease available $S50/month 15. $750 plus deposit. 649-5974 NORTHVILLE - 1 bedroom country BIRMINGHAM . GARBEFt REALTY. INC. ice space. 1400 ft. shop. 1500 ft. May 1990. $700 pfus utiitles 4 se­ ble, win share with same, 3 bodroom Maple/lnksler Shopping Centor. storage on mezzanine. Lots of park­ 568-5755. R51-0111. c* 623-9430 apartment. Newty remodeled, large Available for 1 month to 1 yr ele­ 1-600-433-6753 471-4555 curity deposit. 681-8716: 561-3099 SOUTHFIELD - Country etmos- screened porch. $400/MO. Includ­ gantly furnished 1 bedroom condo home ti Commerce Twp.. $450 mo. ing. qual.ty building, light Industrial pherer 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, fire­ t H utaues. Message, 363-5731 ROYAL OAK/W.BLOOMFJELD ing heal. 349-5739 464-4119 apartmenl. Perfect for transferred HARBOR SPRINGS- On the bluff. ROCHESTER HILLS zoning.'Carl Evans 349-5100 Newty furnished luxury 1 A 2 bod­ CLARKSTOH - Elogant 3 bedroom place, Dining room. 2 car attechod cedar contemporary. Woodod acre­ executive. Can Available Immediately for ahort or FEMALE Smoker to ahare 2 bed­ CORNER OF AU8URN 4 JOHN R OFFICES IN W. BLOOMFIELO room. Color TV, linens, microwave, Qarege, No Petsl Subject to crodit NORWAYNE: 3 bodrooms. com. long term. 3 bedrooms, sloops 9. age. Orl-de-sac. Grestroom, cathe­ report, employment letter, etc. DENNIS WOLF room apartment wllh aama. West- JoVi Greal Scott Market, Arbor Orchard Lake Rd. Private entrance. from $825.737-0633 orS90-3906 pletory remodeled, newer carpeting. CaJlLorlWhltaVPN 616-341-7600 Drugs. Murray"* Discount Auto dra) ceilings, marble fireplace, dock­ $69S/MO. CALL ROY OR JOANNE: Utility room- $449/mo. plus VA mo LICENSEO BROKER land area- $265/mo. CaO Ronoa al 600 to 3200 sq". ft 651-6555 ROYAL. OAK: 1 6 2 bodroom apart- ing, near expr essways, $l600/mo. 476-7005 453-9525 Part* 6 many specialty stores. 1,382 security. 722-7924 HALL-WOLF PROPERTIES HARBOR SPRINGS on Lake Mlchl- lo 15.000 aq. ft. WH dMde. Brokers OFFICE SPACE wanted by Oct 1. rj>enU, from $540/mo. Short leases 0 4 H PROPERTIES 737-4002 oan. Private trails, beach, canoe. available. Dishes, color I.v.. micro SOUTHFIELD (northwest) on 2 trood FEMALE wanted to share South protected. 1989. 200-225 sq. ft. Require tele­ PLEASANT RIDGE. 2 bedroom vfy- 644-3500 $750/wock July. Aug. Less In Sept. Radford furnished ranch. $80. week wave. Ca9 10am/8pm. 855-2707 COMMERCE Lake area - family acres, upper half ol home. 1 bod­ ptf. IMng room, kitchen 4 bath. SOUTHFIELO - Luxurious condo - CaJI: 559-1160 phone, typ-ing support-6 copier socking mature couple to rent house Days: 642-9797 Evenings: 643-9393 Including utllies. Call: availability. Troy, Birmingham or room. $300 per month plus security. Completely remodeled, on quiet 3 bodrooms. IMng room, dming TROY 488 »q. ft. avail In 8.987 sq. ft. SOUTHF1ELO - For Immediate occu­ 6 care for efderty orandmother wtlh 283-3970 537-3962 Royal Oak Ideal. CaJ: 259-1711 pancy. Furnished 1 bedroom apart­ street. $500 month, gas Included. room. 2 baths, and swimming pool. HARBOR SPRINGS. Harbor Cc* II center. Suitable for office or reta.1. impaired sight. Rent negotlablo. 651-2764 condo End unit, sloops 8. across ment. $550 a month Induding heal. SOUTHFIELD, Oak Parte, rent with 352-9177 FEMALE WANTED to share 2 bed­ Uvernots/E. Long Lake Road. Call OFFICE S PACE. 8 Mila 4 Telegr aph. Please celt after 5pm lor Interview. from pools and tennis. Nature trails v Special security deposit: $200. Must have references. 360-4893 or without option to buy. several room house In downlown Birming­ Mr.ChosId 879-5100 Existng business has additional off­ SOUTHFIELD: 12 Mdfl/Greonfeld SOUTHFIELO - Sublet towflhousa. 3 and beautiful private sandy beach. ham. Non-smoker. $375/mo. + JA Flexible Vaase terms. 357-2503 beautiful single 3 bedroom homes are-a. 2 bodroom. hardwood floor*, ice apace available. Perfect for man­ bodroom, VA bsth. newty decorat­ August dates. 349-1165 utilities. 645-5141 WATERFORO. new 50.057 sq ft. ufacturer* rep, or equivalent. We DEARBORN WEST Clean 3 bed­ from $550 per month. Call Mon.-Frt. appliances, available August 1. ed, neutral tones, al appliances, West EDoomflcfd room brick bungalow, targe kitchen. Pine Tree Plaza. Spaces avaiiabe provide furniture, telephone, fax 9am-5pm 557-4970 $485/mo. 557-1038 heat, water Included Pool, carport HK3GINS LAKE, private lakefront FEMALE WANTED to share Dvonia from 633 sq ft. Immediate posses­ • BLOOMFIELO LAKES APTS. Fully carpeted. Window treatments. homes on MichJgans cleaneal \ay^. machine and lighl typing. SUMMER SPECIAL SOUTHFIELD. 13 Mlte/Groonfield. 3 Pets OK. $760 mo. Available Aug. house with mother ot 2. $212 per sion, caa Mr. ChosM 879-5100 Ask for Miss While 356-0366 eS appliances, with or without furn­ 28 (no security deposit). 827-1443 Fully furnished i won malnlalnod. month + utilities. 2 corporate apartments available in ishings. $1050/mo. References. bodroom. newty docoralod. base­ 410 Flate Summer 4 Fan rentals. 266-2415 CeilOonna: 471-5382 PLYMOUTH - Ann Arbor Rd/1-275. • small, private complex. Can 562-0694 or 562-7012 ment, garage, fenced ya/d. Birming­ ST CLAIRE Shores Goll Course. 7th STUDIO: $500 ham Schools. $750 mo. 549-5840 BIRMINGHAM-INTOWN 434 Ind./Warehouse Approximately 775 aq. ft. of office floor exocutrvfl penthouse. 2 bed­ HILTON HEAD ISLAND: Exclusive FEMALE, 23. looking for profession­ apace available Oct. 1.1969. Prrvale -. ONEBE0ROOM:$500-$65O FARMINGTON Hilts rental- Avail­ 2 bedrooms, central air, all appli­ Vacation Resort. Ooeahfronl Con­ SOUTHF1ELO - 2 bedroom, 2 bath, room. 2 bath, great view. $1050 ally employed, responsible Lease or 8a!e~ entrance, own bath. $750/mo. plus . TWOBEOROOM:$600-$750 able Sept. 1st. Excellent location. - ances. $795/month. 1776 Haynes or do. Negotiable Rentals. no * kitchen, newrarpoling, air con­ month includes appliances. Can Jim. male/lemale (23-29) to find 4 utUilles. Includes I axes. 455-2900 All of the apartments' include car­ Good schools, central air, 2 baths. 328 Brown - your choice. 293-4706 537-8260 share house or apt. In Birmingham. NEW HUDSON - Grand R.Ver 4000 peting, drapes, new decor a lor furni­ 2-3 bedrooms. lamBy room with fire­ ditioning, alarm system. Near Pru­ Jerry or Bob. 977-2812 or 644-1578 dential Center. 357-1324 Southneld. Rent range: $300 each. sq ft. building lor rent on 1 acre PLYMOUTH/OOWNTOVYN ture by Globe Interiors 4 are corn- place, garage, pool, private fenced TROY - Horthncld Hi3s, 2 bod­ HOMESTEAD CONOO. sloeps 6. Call Sheila at 335-2511 land. Includes moMa home DETROIT - Beautiful 2 bodroom. beacherub. Aug. 26-31, $975. 2 suites • 940 4 540 sq. ft each. Ex­ plet efy decorated. yard: .6 acre includes lawn anting. rooms, VA baths, $600 monlh. 268-5637 cellent parking: Close 10 banks 4 Pets ok. $1200. mo. plus security SOUTHFIELO: 8½ 6 Lahser. 3 bed­ carpeted, dishwasher, garbage dis­ Can 563-0915 . Washer 4 dryer on main floor. Heat rooms, large lot, garage, no baso- Avaasble Sept. 1. 641-9098 LARGE 3 bedroom country estate post office. 455-7373 4 water included. GE air condition­ deposit. 427-3336 posal, 2 car garage. $500 mor\th home with f/epiaoe on 14 acres wllh PLYMOUTH -Central Business Area meni, $550. por month; 1st mo., last utilities Included. 661-1449 TROY - 3 bodroom Townhouse, new HOMESTEAO. GLEN ARBOR Wa/rjhouse/ma/Hrfecturing space. ing. Second bedroom can be used mo. 4 security deposit. 354-6376 lake. barn. $290 t security. Avail­ PLYMOUTH/DOWNTOWN FARMINGTON HILLS • 9 Mite 4 carpel, paint. Air. fireplace, finished Great house. 4 bedrooms, 2'A\ able now! 459-5332 3.000-20.000 sq.ft. e* office or den. ideal for exocutrves DETROIT - Greenfield 4 Fenkeii, baths, Jacuzzi, beach dub, bar-b- Prime office space, from 1000 to or young business persons relocat­ Farminglon area. Cory 2 bodroom. basemcnl. dock, clubhouse, pool. CaJI Kim, dairy 9am-4pm, 455-3121 all appliances, schools across STERLING HGTS.-near Troy, newer 1.200 sq. ft., 2 bodrooms, squeaky que, cable. HBO. Available after 4000 sq. ft. Ca.1 tor deta-Ts: ing Inio area. Cleaning services 3 bedroom ranch, ivt baths, large 1.600 sq ft. $1000 mo. 546-7342 LOOKING FOR single or couple lo Deborah. 344-9369 street. $560 plus deposit 624-6524 clean, garaoe. basemen), fenced Aug. 19.3 night minimum. 642-7959 aha/a 2 bedroom apartment In Troy. TROY - Lease - light Industrial. 2720 available. Beach prrvCogea on Cais kitchen, Irving 4 family rooms, lire- yard, uppor 4 lower available, $400/ TROY - 3 bedroom condo. 17 Mile 4 aq ft. Near Maple between Crook* Lake. No pels, please. piece, bUnds, drapes, attached 2 car AJr, laundry faciUies, pool. Available PLYMOUTH/DOWNTOWN FARMINGTON HILLS - Grand Rrv- mo. plus 1½ security. 626-4953 Crook*. AH appliances Included. HOMESTEAD- 1-2-3 bodroom con­ Aug 30th. Melissa. 362-4537 6 Uvernois. Days 642-4554, Prime office space, from 1000 to 2920 Schroder Brvd. 2 blks. N. of er/Middleboft area. 2 bedroom. garage. $975. • 879-5829 $975. per month Including heal. do with outstanding; view and all qeves. 528-1469 Orchard Lake Rd. off Cass Lake Rd. FERNDALE-charmlng 2 bedroom 4000 »q. a Ca.1 for deta-is: v $450 per mo. No pets. Lease. De­ Can, 574-2020 after 7pm 641-0654 amenities. Available from Aug. 19 at MATURE female to share 2 bed­ Deborah. 344-9369 FORAPPOINTMENT: posit. C*S between 3-7pm. 477-3865 SYLVAN LAKE: Charming, spacious lower. New appliances, oarage, reduced rates. CaJI Owner - days, WESTLANO 4 CANTON oWer home on double fct, 4 bod­ room. 2 bath eondo In Farmlngton. 681.9161...681-8309...334-6392 newly decorated, beautiful hard 1-662-4439. evenings 1-426-2172 $325/MO. plus Vi utilities 4 security. Available Immediately. PLYMOUTH/DOWNTOWN FARMINGTON HILLS: Clean 3 bod­ rooms. 1¼ baths, lake privileges. wood floors/woodwork. Much morel Try A Townhouse! 476-7624 After 6pm: 471-5295 4000 to 25.000 sq.ft. Westiand room Ranch! 2 car garage, fenced $925./mo.Endo(Aug. 646-5167 LAKE CHARLEVOIX - 1 bedroom Approx. 1.400 sq. ft. prime office No pets. $460 + utwles. 476-3937 2 story townhomes for feol. Includes Aggressrye rates. 478-6070 spac*. Exoeflont parking. FULLY FURNISHED yard, el 4 appliances, no basement. mini brands, appliances Including condo sleeps 4, wllh pool & Jacuzzi Mature female seek* female (over $650./mo. NO PETS. 23051 Tulane; SYLVAN LAKE home lor rent, lake LIVONIA. FULLY FURNISHED CO»y close to downtown, $650 weekly. Can Deborah. pnMioges, 3 bedrooms, $600 per dishwasher, 10 large windows, pri­ 35) to share spacious 2 bedroom, 2 . 344-9369 CORPORATE SUITES N. ol» Mile. W. of! Middlcbeli. m on 1 bedroom, modern kitchen, prtvate vate drive 4 prtvate basoment. many openings. 878-3917 bath. BloomWd Hills apt. Smoker. 436 Office /Business Grayfleid. Can... Sherry or Crystal, month. No peta. Available Sepl 15. entranco, air, non-smoker, no pets. $335, H uUities ft security. Peggy, Westiand Towers Call evenings 669-0173 AM units a/a 2 bedrooms on 26 PLYMOUTH/OO WNTOWN Re/Max 100, inc. 34, $425 mo. includes heal 6 water plus park-Ska acres. S minutes off 1-75 In LAKE CHEMUNQ Outdoor Resort work: 355-4140,« home: 334-0923 Space Overlooking prtvale beach, goll Approx. 1,400 sq. ft. prime office Our 1 and 2 bedroom furnished Cor­ security. 427-1928 North Oakland county In • outet, tpace. ExoeOontparklng. FARMINGTON HILLS - Secluded 4 TROY - 1554 Bultcrtleld. 1 blk. S. of course, fcxioor pod. lenrJ* courts, MATURE nonsmoking female ABSOLUTELY THE FINEST location porate apartments lake the Incon­ Big Beaver, ofl Crooks. 3 bedrooms, professional environment. 334- Ca.1 Deborah. venience out ol your relocation bedroom colonial, 3,000 sq. ft, 2H OLO REDFORO: upper 1 bedroom, golf cart*. FuHy furnished. $500 per seeks »ame to share home, Plym­ In Michigan to Insure the success ol kitchen with eating area. VA baths. hardwood floor*, dining room, ga­ 6262. Hour*: Mon-Thur* 9-8. Frt 9- you/ business. 344-9369 transfer. Oocorator design high rise baths, den, family 4 Irving room, 5. Sat 4 Sun 12-4. week. 313-591,-0143. 617-548-3712 outh/Canton area. Win also housa/ fireplace. luO basemeril,' 2¼ car at­ living room with flrepfece, 2 car at­ rage/basement storage. Very clean. dog sit. Fuforences. Eves. 453-1592 apartment* feature fuOy equipped tached garage, fuB basemonl with LAKE MICHIGAN beach frontage-2 PLYMOUTH; 1100 lo 1800 sq. ft kitchens with utensils, maid servsoe, tached g vage. partly furnished, now $350, VA mo. security. 698-1219 1ST MONTH UTILITIES FREE The an new Maple Executive Suites office, at Sheldon 6 Ann Arbor Rd. kitchen appliances, i 1650/MO. cedar closets, storage shod, stove, bedrooms, stoop* 4, fireplace, dock, NON-SMOKiyG professionals sock located In the heart of downtown Ample parking. Ready for occupan­ Indoor nested swimming poof, ten- refrigerator, washer, $900 per mo. PLYMOUTH • 1 bodroom upper, 20 miles N.ol Manistee. Aug 6-12. lema^ housemate Bloomfleld HJls ftfs, excerlse and tauna. Month to HARRIMAN REAL ESTATE, INC. Birmingham. Every major office ne­ cy, hex-lease term*. 459-5434 477-4464 (Available Sept. 1L Can Mr. R. close to downtown. $350 month. Try A Townhousel $420. Sept 2-3 $125. 532-5934 home. $300 per monMi includes utili­ cessity Is now ava-iabia at a price month lease available. Wottman, Owner-Agent. 362-3333 Loavo message. 348-0084 2 story townhomes for rent. Includes ties. Call Jim after 6:30PM 338-6558 and location that surpasses an of FARMINGTON: Smaa - Charming 2 LAKE MICHIGAN cross vUtaga lake- our competition In the shared ©ffloa PLYMOUTH- 2 bedroom upper; mini bGnds. appliances Including front, 6 bedrooms, 2½ bath*. Jacuz­ REDFORD Westiand Tower* Is 1 bfk. W. of bodroom home, stained woodwork. TROY • 4 bodroom colonial, epp>ox- dishwasher. 10 large window*, pri­ REOFORD. house to shara with re­ «psca eoncepl. Wayne Rd., between Ford 6 Warren 'A acre. Spolless! Immeartatel 2 car Imatety 2400 sq.fl. Central air condi­ newty decorated 4 carpeted. Stove, zi, 2 fireplaces, beach, boats, krvens, sponsible non-smoker, fug house DELUXE OFFICE SUITES refrigerator. Heat 4 water paid. vate drive 6 prrvale basemonL Aug.27/S*pL 517-655-2753 Fjdj. Cafl 721-2500. garage. $560/mo. 348-3263 tioning. Long Lake Rd. 6 Uvernois AR units ere 2 bedrooms on 26 privileges. $225 per monlh + utili­ ar ea. $ 1500. per month. Fenced ya/d. $495. mo. No smok­ ties. Security deposit. 471-4717 Why settle lo* • Vofkswagon when FOR LEASE ing. - 459-9819 park-like acres. $ minutes off W In NEAR TRAVERSE CITY: 2 bedroom, you can have a Mercedes. 24350 JOY RD. GAROEN CfTY, 3 bedroom. W level. HARRIMAN REAL ESTATE. INC. North Oakland county In a quiet, 404 Houses For Rent IV* baths. 2½ car garage, large lot, 477-4464 clean furnished cotlege, shared 300 ROCHESTER HILLS • female room • BeautM 2 »tory building with $S25 month, Immediate occupancy WALLED LAKE/Novl area. 1 bed­ professional environment. ft. Ironiage on Green Lake near mala to share wtth same, 2 bed­ To preview our offorlng: RSVP to underground parking BIRMINGHAM, available Immodl- Call: 425-2127 WATERFORO • Exceptional home. room upper flal. Newty redocorated. 334-6262. Hour*: Mon-Thura B-6, Camp mtertocben. $325 per woe*. room. 2 bath apt. $345/ptus irRtea. Mary Brown. 644-5237 • Includes al urtwtlea atefy. 2 bedroom, 1 bath, ranch. Spacious ranch overtooklng Loon Qutel neighborhood. AC. Garage. Fr19-5,S»«4Surt12-4. Call eves 4 weekend».«16-946-3524 AvaXableScoll. 653-5625 • Ftedecor «ted thru-out Screened porch, full'basement and LAKEFRONT.Middle Sl'Sltt-all Lake. Excellent area. Air, 3 bod­ Washer, dryer. $375 mo. 624-7355 AIRPORT Is no! far from this now 1ST MONTH UTILITIES FREE NEW RESORT CONOO SUITES ROYAL OAK - Female to shara my Canton Offlo* Complex. One- of • 625 to 1.250 *q ft. fenced ya/d. Stove, dishwasher and kports. dock. W. etoomrtdd. 2 bod­ rooms, 2 baths. 2 tamUy rooms. • professionally managed refrigerator available. $650 per room bungalow. No smoking. No $1100 month, includes beach dock, . FURNISHED- home. $400 month, many extraa In­ Metro Detroit'* fastest growing WALLED LAKE -15 4 Docker area. eommunlile* now offer* Shared Off- CERTIFIEO REALTY. INC. month. 645-1119 peti.$650'MO. . 349-5380 tennis, lake prMloges. 625-6402 412 Townhouf es* - 2 bedroom. VA bath end unfl condo. The Water StreeUrm cluding pool, rVeptaco, central air, etc Eves. 661-6026 tee space. Start with a single office 471-7100 Condos For Rent Stove, dishwasher, refrigerator. on Lake Charlevoix In Boyne City of 150 sq ft 4 grow to as large as 434 Ind./"Warehousei Lease"or Sale 1600'mo. plus utKiiies, 1(800)456-4313 — SEEKING young professional non- you need In this 30.000 »q It. com­ AUBURN HILL8 - Attractive 2 bod­ Available Immediately. PETOSKEY/WALLOON IAKE-3 amoklng foma'e toommala to shara plex. Shared Secretarial Scrvlcea & work 974-3196 or home 1-231-4921 REDFORD •• — room condo. afl appliance* - $550 bedroom take house. Beautiful area. 2 bedroom, 2 both apartment In Conference faciEtlcs 4 month-to- 2 MONTHS FREE RENT per mo, plus utilities, security, pur­ Warren Many emonitiea. $600/wock. Avail­ Farmlngton HJls. Rent $312/mo month kases^availabte. Cal: Below market ralol Approx. 1,658 chase option avaJfable. Also smaller able Aug 6 through color season. pKrS utJtles.-^ — - -EVCS7473-0069 "Thief national Business Corner* *q. ft Modern office bldj Ncw^r 2 bodroom.-$500 644-8168 616-347-2854 SHARE MY HOME In Dearborn Ht» 433-2070 decorsted. Ample parking. 681-6088 Industrial. Warehouse & Office Space BIRMINGHAM - All new contempo­ NINEMILE PETOSKEY WALLOON LAKE: 2 wtih responsible porton. $210 oot ANNOUNCING SHAREO OFFICE ROCHESTER HILLS Office* from rary condo. Truly unique residency bedroom condo, *!e*p» 6. Tennis. month pkls utiBtics. 665-8205 SPACE ... Now locations Thru-Oul 2OO-10OOsqft. Ample parking, con­ features 3 levels, prtvate court entry, HOOVER AREA Goll. Swimming. $765 wookry. AvaJ- The Metro Area for tmanor Execu­ ference toom, excefienl location. Below Competitive Rates! wood floor*, 2 bedrooms, 2½ baihs, SHARE 2 bedroom house, down- ab>e Aug 12andSept.6l6-754-6380 lonnw Rochester. $350./mo. + V» tive Office needs. Sufles from 150 Compieta office service* 4 ameni. central air. 2 car attached ga/age. TOWNHOUSES *q ft. with shared telephone answer­ ties available. 651-2400 Location 4 condition Is exceptional. PETOSKEY * Walloon Lake. Fur­ utilities. CaS Tohy, days, 651-9411 or ave*. 852-7578 ing, secretarial services 4 confer­ Canton 1-275 & Koppernlck Rd. tor 2 year lease. $1,695. 647-9595 Somo of our amonUltos In- nished 4 bedroom. walerfroM ence facilities. Fkjxlbte thort-lerm home, beauiifui wooded location. SINGLE PARENT with t chSd lo leases 4 growth option* to conventi­ SINGLE ROOM OFFICE SPACE , Novi-9Mile&NovlRd. BIRMINGHAM. Graefleld eondo, cludoth© following Rent include* boat. Available Aug­ contemporary 2 bedroom. 1 bath, *hare home, H utilities. $175 per onal space. From 270 sq. n. up. Starting from ust 26, plus winter arid next wmrner month. $175 deposit. Joy Road/ BIRMINOHAM $295 Including utiliilo*. Ford Rd. & oak floor*. M basement, cenUai fecials. 616-347-4043 Warehouse space from 550 sq. ft, to 100,000 sq, ft. heat/air, appliances, $750,334-3806 Telegraph Area 681-1632 • CANTON/PLYMOUTH MWdVjbeil, Garden City. MAC ARTHUR PORT SANILAC: Country French »FARMINGTON HHi.8 Can 422-2490. . BIRMINGHAM - Immediate occu­ STRAIGHT MALE wishes to share a • TROY Office space from 100 sq.ft. to 18,000sq.ft. cottage, sandy bsach, on i acra, large house m N. RoyaJ Oak, al und­ SOUTHFIELO - Professional office pancy on this charming 2 bodroom MANOR «Jcop» 4, «3 a/nonltie*;no amoklna ANN ARBOR (10x15) wiuMn larory sutta. Storag*, lownnouso. featuring fWshod tec V ue* ahd appBsnces, $300/pe< mo, Cal: or pet*, $500 week. 652-6340 • Jim 588-7608 reception 4 waiting area IncKided. room, all window treatments 4 ap- Inter national Business Center* Possible secretarial. 358-1870 . IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY fiances. $600 month. Real Estate I. • 2 bedroom SUMMER RESORT8: S»hd lake 433-2070 • Central air conditioning TROY - Hon imoklrvg femala »«**» faurle Boil 659-2300 Inn, Sand lake {near E. TawasV •ame to *hv» 2 bedroom apart­ THREE MONTHS FREE RENT • Answering Service Available • Carpeting MolOl units 6 1, 2, 3 & 4 bedroom BEAUTIFUL ROCHESTER HILL8 Muiil doctor buMing wllh »i*v»tor, • Hardwood Floor* ment. $310. mo. include* he»l. 110 *q. ft. windowed Office *prK«- • New, beautiful complexes BIRMINGHAM • cottages 517-469-3553 Many extra*. 643-4531 riev Somerset. B^mlngham-Troy • Ful basoment 6lOh*y Shore* oh lake Huron: 3 Secretarial 4 receptionist *ofy*>es area. «49-2648 Uewfy fomodded 2 bodroom town- negotiable. Professional, friendly • Office areas air-conditioned house available, private entrance, bedroom cottages. 617-362-4609 TROY -toommala needed lo »har» 2 bedroom fumlshod apL m Somer­ atmosphere. Contact Gary at TROY Offlca Spac* for less*. 400 fireplace, contra! a'r,patld. Great lo­ All from $400 por monlh 853-7714 • All doore * exterior walls cation, aa hew resident* reoefva 1 TORCH LAKE • BeauUM home, set Pa/k. $275/mo. + MCurlty. •q. ft. Clean, ground level. »xc**ent *t<*ps». $600» week. expoiur*. No Broker*. CaJ after 4 rno». rent free tor a Bmitod.time. r leavamsg. 649-5968 Insulated Pleawcal 644-1300 6165334U4 BELOW MARKET RATE prrv 5*8-1099 WALLEO LAKE: Profmilonal OFFKE6PAC6 TROY • professional offlc*, **> BIRMINGHAM north condo. 2 bed­ 758-7050 TORCH LAKE - now 2 bedroom, 2 fema'e, non-smoker, d«d. Call lor our cellent kxaiion. Incfcjdes **cret*riai appliances, central a'r. pod, $700 a Knightibtldoe condo. professionally dock* overlooking lake. 474 5231 lege*. $300. + . Aflef 6pm. 669-7177 • High celling units month. Tonanl pays uti.ilie*. tmm«- jprxia"*. 2554000 4 feoeption area. Conference foorn decorated. 11350/monlh. TORCH LAKE. H. Of Tr«verM Oty. dieta occvpancy. C41-3986 394-027« WAN1EO ROOMMATE, lo »har« PRIME BIRMINGHAM Offk* Space 4 library. Zeroxlng tva/iabl*. CaS Large 4 bedroom cottage. *v»n*bs» horn* In RedlOld. Half uU1t*S, hall 816 SO FT. IrnmedUta rxouPancy. «41-0060. W. OtoomfWd • Brand now condos, Week of Aug. 6th, $650 per woe*. rent, $250. 833-4170 Rata ot 16 50 pVi* afocn^e utilities. BIRMINGHAM 2 4 3 bod/com. Areolae*, stova, r»- 1-301-469-6725 Ca" B 4 C Properties. 649-6618. TROY - 8HARE0 OFFICE SPACE WEST BLOOMFIELO ) Singi* Offices with compete One of a Kind frlgertlor. dishwasher, carpeting, TORCH LAKE • vacation In nicety tic. t1500/mo.Ca< Anne 478-3303 Maia lo shara la/ge condo with BIRMINGHAM • DOWNTOWN services. C*i: Convenlenl, el one floor, 8 bedroom decorated, immaculate houit. same," irAmporary O.K. $320, In­ Prirr* location; Otfle* Spac* for kitornalionel Business Cantera Damavolotes Properties townhouMi wtth very laroa country Sleep* 12. taffl* kitchen. 2 b»th- cludes v\H\m. Eves. 768-0553 r*»*».0**: 43^2070 kitchen. Prfvite basement, prtvalo 414 Southern Rentals foofn*. microwave, dishw»»her, Ko]*!*nProp«rtl«. «44-1530 ntrance, central air. No pala. washing machine, deck. TV, VCR, YOUNG Mala professional wisfwa lo W. BLOOMFIELO OFFrCE SPACE FOR MORE INFORMATION ON THI8 AND OTHER t615.CHO CLEARWATER Beach. 440 West. barbeou* gVw, play area lor chil­ shara baeut/M noma H 6eminc*» BIRMINGHAM SUBLEASE • 2000 Comp%t« wllh »«cf*t»rlal «*fY>C*, Gull (ronl. luxury 2 bodroom. 2 bath dren, boal dockirtg facilities, $800/ Hilt* (Pontile Area). Hon amoving. »q n. of luxurious offlo* acac* {prt- Umo aervVc*, With or wtthovA turnl- AVAILABLE PROPERTIES CALL: 313-344-9550 642-8686 348-9590 condo. POOL beach, war* to ahopsj w*. Av*Jitb!« 8/3. Other cottages 1360/Mo. s-ciudes utiiiii** 4 oarage v*t« •nuance). AvaXabH Jmrnadl- ruraptu* much mora. OooelckaAKrva 4 restaurant*. 653-4104 •v».1«b*»/26. \ 687-5593 ^aoa. A* for Paul 332-42lt atefy. Term* negotteW*. 624-5602 AakfofTViaai: 628-20T8
