One Year Or Until Receipt of @Ncunence of Odisha Public Service Commission Whichever Is Earlier Subject to the Outcome of O.A
NOTtFtCATtOlit Datad, Bhubaneswer tlr6 l6h January, 2ol5 No. lll ORS(EPT) -1D015-)f ! ! tJR, ln pursuance of Rule. 4(c) of odisha Revenue SeMce Group 'Br (Recruihnent) Rules, 20d and pending @ncunence of Odisha Public Service Cornmission, the Govemment do hereby appoint the following Offioers as per the schedule talolv on adhoc basis in Odisha Revenue Service Gtoup 'B' in the scale of pay of Rs.9300-34,800 with Grade Pay Rs.4,600/- by tttay of Selection against the Recruitrnent Year, 201i as noted against each for a period not exceeding one year or until receipt of @ncunence of Odisha Public Service Commission whichever is earlier subject to the outcome of O.A. No.3119(C y2014 filed by Maoo.i module. 3. lnter-stseiiiority of the ofricars Odisha Fublic Service Commission. st. Place of postilig ' No. 1 2 3 4 5.. Sumati Panda, Lady Supervisor 6 Rajendra Kumar Khora, Statistical Investigator, Umedote Municioality. Nabaranopur 7 Addl. Tahasildar; Subdega I KuntiEni Naik, Asst. colleclor, O/O Suucollsclor, Lady Supervisor, ICDS. LeDhrlpada. Sambalpur I Bijaya Kumar Sahu, Social Education Organis€r, Naugaon Block. JaoatsinohDur 10 Namita Barik, Asst. c.ollector, collsctorata, Jajpur Jr. Asst. Teacher, klbahadur Uchha Sikshashram. Mehendiour. Kendraoara 't1 cuttdck 12 Bijay Kumar Sahoo, . Sr. ;Asst. Direc'torate of Fishedes, Odisha; Cuttack 13 Piadeep Kumar Sahu, Asst. T€acher, BJB High School, . Bhubane6war, Khurda 11 Asrvini Kumar Bhuyan, Addl. Tahasildar, Aul Asst. Teacher OGT-Arts), Kendrapara Hhh School- Kendraoara 15 Santosh Kumar Pati, Addl. Tahasildar, Phulbani Asst. Editor, State lnsliMe of Health & Family Wetfare, Odisha, Bhubaneswar, Khordha 16 Umakanta Nayak, lnsp€dor of Go-operative Society, ARCS, Khordha 17 18 Goura Chandra Pattnaik, lnspector of Gooperative Sociely, RMC.
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