431 Columbus Avenue Sandusky, Ohio 44870 firstconguccsandusky.com January 2019 As the new year was ushered in I wanted to shout for all the world to hear, “WE DID IT!” In spite of a few nay-sayers over the past 30 years or so, our “small, but mighty” congregation is now in our 200th year of existence! Not only are we still alive, but with our Center for Peace Through Understanding, we are making more of an impact on the community than ever before. So, how shall we celebrate this momentous occasion? Some of us have been thinking about that for years already. In 2014 we reserved the garden on the town square by the big clock. In the spring city workers will plant a flower display acknowledging our 200th anniversary. On Sunday, May 19th (our actual anniversary date is May 28th) we will have an Anniversary Service and luncheon at the Yacht Club. The guest preacher that day will be Dr. David Greenhaw, President of Eden Theological Seminary in St. Louis. Not only did I graduate from Eden, but Bob Bottoms and John Rainey did as well. Hopefully you noticed our anniversary logo on the front cover of this newsletter. It was designed by Mark & Cathy Pifer’s son, Kevin. We will use it throughout the year on our bulletins and letterhead. Other anniversary activities are being planned as well. It is my hope that each of our Boards will create a historical display related to their area of responsibility. I originally planned to update the church history book I wrote 15 years ago for our anniversary back then. Unfortunately, I’ve only had time to think about it, nothing has been written. Instead, starting with this newsletter, each month I will write a one-page historical reflection as an insert to the newsletter. At the end of the year they can be bound together as a supplement to the book I wrote. We’ll have more copies of the book printed for those of you who don’t have one. If you have any celebration ideas, please tell me or one of the members of the Leadership Team. This only happens once in every 200 years - we want to be sure to do it up right! Shalom, Rev. Lenore WELCOME! Pictured here are our newest members: Sammy and Sam Greenman, Meredith Holman and Kathy Hunscke. They officially joined the church December 16th after Sam and Sammy were baptized. BOOK CLUB NEWS At the January 4th meeting of the Book Club the selection for February, Dark Tide Rising, will be distributed. When a ransom exchange turns deadly in this thrilling mystery from New York Times best selling author Anne Perry, Commander William Monk faces an unthinkable possibility: betrayal by his own men. All are welcome to join the group. Copies of the book are available from the church office. They meet the first Friday of the month at the Parkvue Health Care Center at 2:00 p.m.. EPIPHANY POT LUCK Following the Shine on the Shore event, at approximately 6:15 p.m., there will be a pot luck back at the church. Chili will be the main dish. Following the meal we will take down any Christmas decorations that weren’t taken down after worship that morning. Please bring a dish to share and a friend or two! MEMBERS TO EXPERIENCE BORDER ISSUES FIRST-HAND Rev. Lenore, along with Bob & Phyllis Bottoms and John Rainey & Gene Finnegan, will be attending the Border Issues Fair at Good Shepherd UCC in Sahuarita, Arizona. This is the church our friend Carrie Scheufler attends during the winter. Rev. Lenore will be gone January 15- 21. If you should have a pastoral emergency during that time, please call Rev. Jerry Fenske at 419-626-1612 or 952-797-3590. Rev. Rick Dorsch will be preaching on January 20th. In February the group hopes to make a presentation about their experience. MOVIE NIGHT Isn't She Great will be the featured film for Movie Night, January 22nd. The hilarious Bette Midler stars in this outrageous comedy based on the life of Jacqueline Susann, an ambitious woman of dubious talent who writes Valley of the Dolls, the sexy best-selling novel that takes the world by storm. Jacqueline’s irrepressible sense of humor, inimitable spirit and adoring husband Irving Mansfield (Nathan Lane) eventually rocket her from struggling starlet to international celebrity. Showtime is 7:00 p.m.. All are welcome! Popcorn provided. UNITY SERVICE Wednesday, January 23rd We will observe the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity by joining our church neighbors in hosting a worship service Wednesday, January 23rd at Zion Lutheran Church at 7:00 p.m.. The theme is Justice, and only justice, you shall pursue (Deuteronomy 16:18-20). Michele Murray, president of The Center for Peace Through Understanding board, will deliver the message. ANNUAL MEETING & POT LUCK Following the worship service on January 27th, we will hold our Annual Meeting to elect and install members of the Boards and the Leadership Team. Afterward there will be a pot luck. Please bring a dish to share. There will be a Peace Gathering Tuesday, January 29th, starting with a social time at 6:30 p.m.. The meeting will begin at 7. The Immigration Task Force will give an update on their activities and what help is needed. Then together we will plan our next peaceful steps in 2019 in the community, the world, and our own lives. Come and share your ideas. W e r e c e iv e d letters of thanks from Care & Share of Erie County and Crossroad Child & Family Services for our quarterly donations. To Our Church Family, Thank you for all the kindness shown to us over the Christmas season through your gifts, cards and holiday wishes. It is truly a joy to serve such a generous and appreciative congregation. We wish all of you a happy, healthy and prosperous 2019. In gratitude, Rev. Lenore, Marc, Jerry, Robin, and Charles HOW WILL I KNOW IF CHURCH IS CANCELLED? If the weather is unfavorable and you aren’t sure about leaving the house for worship or any other church event, please check the “iAlert” on News Channel 3 WKYC or go to wkyc.com. You can also sign up for free text alerts at http://www.wkyc.com/news/mobile/text/. If you do so, i-alert notifications will be sent directly to your mobile device. Radio stations WCPZ(102.7 FM) and WLKR(96.1 FM) will also be notified of any cancellation involving the church. Obviously, if a level 3 snow emergency has been declared, everything is cancelled! You can also call Rev. Lenore to find out what is, or isn’t, going on (419-366-8729). Please pray for Jud Brandes, Jeanne Gilbert, Rebecca Howell, Debbi Keller, Mary Ann Monday, Kathie Simon, Jack & Rhonda Neese, Evalyn Vroman, Usha Vyas and our homebound members and friends: Ruth Baker, Anne Johnstone, Dot Malinovsky, Dorothy Moore, Elmeda Schwartz, and Christine Vroman JOIN OUR ELECTRONIC PRAYER CHAIN Praying for others is an important ministry anyone can engage in. If you have e-mail and wish to do so on a regular basis, please join the Prayernet, our electronic prayer chain. A prayer list is sent out at the beginning of each week and participants are asked to pray for those on the list. If you would like to join, please e-mail the church at [email protected]. Directory Update Ann Wyn Williams 6311 Granaby St. Apt. 431 Norfolk, VA 23505-4457 Marty & Trudy Anderson 1/06 Mark Pifer 1/09 Hope Petersen 1/22 Dyson Leffler 1/24 Gary Lickfelt 1/31 REPORTS FROM OUR BOARDS Christian Education Jacki Warrren-Chairperson At the December 4th meeting the following was discussed: Book Club: Plans were finalized for the Christmas Tea. Sunday School: All is going well. The girls present December 2nd helped with the Advent Candle lighting. The class needs new chairs and a table which will be purchased with memorial money designated for Christian Education. The classroom will be divided into two areas, one for the older children and the other for younger. We may need another teacher if a younger group develops. Study Group: The “Reclaiming Jesus“ series will end on Dec. 13th. Rev. Lenore will lead a book review December 16th (Joy Sunday) and a discussion with the Study Group Thursday, Dec. 20th on The Book of Joy, Lasting Happiness in a Changing World. The Stdy Group will decide if they will meet on January 3rd or not, and what the next topic of study will be. Board of Deacons Kim Nemeth-Chairperson There will be a pot luck after the Annual Meeting January 27th. Please bring a dish to share. Fellowship sign up sheets for the new year are on the clip board on the serving table in the Boardman Room. If you enjoy this social time, please take a turn hosting. Board of Mission & Outreach Barb Petersen-Chairperson The Board met on December 7, 2018. They reviewed the thank you notes received for mission donations in November and December and approved donations of $300 to the Red Cross for disaster relief and $100 to Erie County Habitat for Humanity. Following the December 23rd Congregational Meeting they plan to send the Association office the estimate of giving in 2019 for OCWM and CUE. They wish to thank everyone for their donations to the Christmas Fund. The collection totaled $390. SHINE ON THE SHORE January 6, 2019 5:45 p.m. Shoreline Park The City of Sandusky is wasting no time in making sure the positive energy generated in its Bicentennial year rolls into the new year to fuel efforts to put its Welcoming City Resolution into action.
CLINTON GREYN (1933-2019) The great legacy of CLINTON GREYN (1933-2019) is as one of the 1960s' British adventure series' unsung heroes. His Captain Robert Virgin in ATV's Virgin of the Secret Service (1968) stands as one of the classic English gentleman swashbucklers of the decade, alongside Gerald Harper's Adam Adamant and Patrick Macnee's John Steed in The Avengers. Created by Ted Willis, Virgin of the Secret Service (thankfully available on DVD since 2013) was an entertaining, tongue-in-cheek, Boys' Own-style saga of derring-do and stiff upper-lip, in which Captain Virgin, aided by the glamorous Mrs. Cortez (Veronica Strong) and his loyal batman Doublett (John Cater) defended far-flung corners of the British Empire from its foes, most frequently the scheming Teutonic villain Karl Von Brauner (Alexander Doré). Imperial in theme, sardonic in tone, the jury's still out on whether Virgin of the Secret Service was short-lived because by 1968 it was too old-fashioned or, instead, because it was ahead of its time. But the fact that it was filmed in grainy black-and-white wouldn't have helped. Clinton Greyn also guest-starred in other adventure series of the era, such as The Champions and Department S, and he lent distinguished support to several prestigious films of the 1960s: Otto Preminger's Exodus (1960) starring Paul Newman and Eva Marie Saint; Ralph Thomas's The High Bright Sun (1964), with Dirk Bogarde, George Chakiris and Susan Strasberg; Peter Yates's Robbery (1967), starring Stanley Baker; the Shirley MacLaine vehicle Woman Times Seven (1967), directed by Vittorio De Sica; and Herbert Ross's good-looking but ill-advised musical adaptation of Goodbye, Mr.
Ronald Davis Oral History Collection on the Performing Arts
Oral History Collection on the Performing Arts in America Southern Methodist University The Southern Methodist University Oral History Program was begun in 1972 and is part of the University’s DeGolyer Institute for American Studies. The goal is to gather primary source material for future writers and cultural historians on all branches of the performing arts- opera, ballet, the concert stage, theatre, films, radio, television, burlesque, vaudeville, popular music, jazz, the circus, and miscellaneous amateur and local productions. The Collection is particularly strong, however, in the areas of motion pictures and popular music and includes interviews with celebrated performers as well as a wide variety of behind-the-scenes personnel, several of whom are now deceased. Most interviews are biographical in nature although some are focused exclusively on a single topic of historical importance. The Program aims at balancing national developments with examples from local history. Interviews with members of the Dallas Little Theatre, therefore, serve to illustrate a nation-wide movement, while film exhibition across the country is exemplified by the Interstate Theater Circuit of Texas. The interviews have all been conducted by trained historians, who attempt to view artistic achievements against a broad social and cultural backdrop. Many of the persons interviewed, because of educational limitations or various extenuating circumstances, would never write down their experiences, and therefore valuable information on our nation’s cultural heritage would be lost if it were not for the S.M.U. Oral History Program. Interviewees are selected on the strength of (1) their contribution to the performing arts in America, (2) their unique position in a given art form, and (3) availability.
1) ALICE in WONDERLAND 2) AMERICAN PSYCHO 3) 1001 ARABIAN NIGHTS 4) Friday Night Lights 5) Gone with the Wind 6) Grimm's Fairy
1) ALICE IN WONDERLAND 4) friday night lights By Lewis Carroll By H.G. Bissinger “We’re all mad here.…But I’ll tell High school football is king. you a secret - all the best people Prepare to be transported to a small are!” Join us for a delicious (and town in Texas where Friday Night delirious) evening in Wonderland. is what we lie for. No doubt about On this side of the Looking Glass, it, our tailgate is sure to get you all whimsical and fantastical attire is a fired up for the big game. must. Tick! Tock!…Don’t be late for a very important date! 5) gone with the wind By Margaret Mitchell AMERICAN PSYCHO 2) Calling all southerners! Whether By Bret Easton Ellis you are Team Rhett or Ashley, Have what it takes to get into the spend an evening at “Tara” enjoying hottest Manhattan club circa 1987? “fiddle-dee-dee tea”, mint juleps, Join the poshest party in town set pimento sandwiches and peach during the decade of excess. But cobbler. Dress in your southern be careful who you go home with finest and enjoy the night because - that banker could turn into your “after all, tomorrow is another day”. biggest nightmare. 6) grimm’s fairy tales 3) 1001 ARABIAN NIGHTS By Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm By Ibn al-Nadim We invite you to the world of the On this magical November night, Brothers Grimm. Indulge in pure, imagine the tale Scheherazade old-world charm and unparalleled would conjure next while savoring fantasy realities, while enjoying a Middle Eastern and South Asian magical dinner in an enchanted delights.
VALLEY OF THE DOLLS PDF, EPUB, EBOOK Jacqueline Susann | 432 pages | 30 Jun 2016 | Little, Brown Book Group | 9780349008325 | English | London, United Kingdom Valley of the Dolls PDF Book You are washed up when you are old. This is probably the 5th time I've read this novel, the first being sometime in the late 90s Log In. Quotes Harris Allsworth : I want it, I need it, I love it when a beautiful woman licks between my toes. Already have an account? Director Joey Bishop This is my ghost typing these words. Views Read Edit View history. And, the book turned out to be quite good, in the kind of depressing way when you read something that you know will not end on a happy note. Was this review helpful to you? Email address. Retrieved January 13, Into The Dark: Season 2. Chelsea Phillips-Carr. Valley of the Dolls Theatrical release poster. Valley of the Dolls From metacritic. Other editions. Alternate Versions. Everybody over sixteen and under twenty-five should see this movie. Los Angeles Times. Helen fears newcomer Neely O'Hara will upstage her, so she has Anne's boss pressure Neely to quit their upcoming show. Anne is warned, especially by Henry, not to get involved with Lyon, a known heartbreaker. Photo Gallery. This book is a cult classic and I can definitely see why. External Reviews. Technical Specs. And that should give a young writer some hope. Not now but yes after. Her first marriage to the doting Mel fails because of her vanity and infidelity. Lovely Me , p.
{PDF EPUB} the Love Machine by Jacqueline Susann the Love Machine PDF Book by Jacqueline Susann (1969) Download Or Read Online
Read Ebook {PDF EPUB} The Love Machine by Jacqueline Susann The Love Machine PDF Book by Jacqueline Susann (1969) Download or Read Online. The Love Machine PDF book by Jacqueline Susann Read Online or Free Download in ePUB, PDF or MOBI eBooks. Published in January 1st 1969 the book become immediate popular and critical acclaim in fiction, romance books. The main characters of The Love Machine novel are Robin Stone, Amanda (the fashion model). The book has been awarded with Booker Prize, Edgar Awards and many others. One of the Best Works of Jacqueline Susann. published in multiple languages including English, consists of 511 pages and is available in Paperback format for offline reading. The Love Machine PDF Details. Author: Jacqueline Susann Book Format: Paperback Original Title: The Love Machine Number Of Pages: 511 pages First Published in: January 1st 1969 Latest Edition: December 14th 1997 Language: English Generes: Fiction, Romance, Womens Fiction, Chick Lit, Drama, Classics, Womens Fiction, Adult Fiction, Novels, Contemporary, Literature, 20th Century, Main Characters: Robin Stone, Amanda (the fashion model), Maggie Stewart, Judith Austin, Gregory Austin Formats: audible mp3, ePUB(Android), kindle, and audiobook. The book can be easily translated to readable Russian, English, Hindi, Spanish, Chinese, Bengali, Malaysian, French, Portuguese, Indonesian, German, Arabic, Japanese and many others. Please note that the characters, names or techniques listed in The Love Machine is a work of fiction and is meant for entertainment purposes only, except for biography and other cases. we do not intend to hurt the sentiments of any community, individual, sect or religion. DMCA and Copyright : Dear all, most of the website is community built, users are uploading hundred of books everyday, which makes really hard for us to identify copyrighted material, please contact us if you want any material removed.
Judith Krantz, Whose Tales of Sex and Shopping Sold Millions, Dies at 91
Judith Krantz, Whose Tales of Sex and Shopping Sold Millions, Dies at 91 By Margalit Fox June 23, 2019 Judith Krantz, who almost single-handedly turned the sex-and-shopping genre of fiction into the stuff of high commerce, making her one of the world’s best-selling novelists if not one of the most critically acclaimed, died on Saturday at her home in the Bel Air section of Los Angeles. She was 91. Her publicist, John Tellem, confirmed the death. Though she did not publish her first book until she was 50, Ms. Krantz reigned for decades afterward as the international queen of poolside reading. Her 10 novels — beginning with “Scruples” in 1978 and ending with “The Jewels of Tessa Kent” in 1998 — have together sold more than 85 million copies in more than 50 languages. Most became television movies or mini-series, many of which were produced by Ms. Krantz’s husband, Steve Krantz. What drove Ms. Krantz’s books to the tops of best seller lists time and again was a formula that she honed to glittering perfection: fevered horizontal activities combined with fevered vertical ones — the former taking place in sumptuously appointed bedrooms and five-star hotels, the latter anywhere with a cash register and astronomical price tags. A hallmark of the formula was that it embraced sex and shopping in almost equal measure, with each recounted in modifier-laden detail. “Recklessly she flung herself out of her clouds of chiffon plumage only to appear in her resplendent flesh, lying totally naked on a pile of horse blankets, laughing softly as she watched Stash Valensky, momentarily bewildered and taken by surprise, struggle out of his dinner jacket,” Ms.
Grove Press Atlantic Monthly Press Black Cat the Mysterious Press
Grove Press Atlantic Monthly Press Black Cat The Mysterious Press Spring/Summer 2016 APRIL “No volume serves juicier dish on punk’s New York birth . Tales of sex, drugs and music that will make you wish you’d been there.”—Rolling Stone Please Kill Me The Uncensored Oral History of Punk 20th Anniversary Edition With a new afterword by the authors Legs McNeil and Gillian McCain MARKETING “Ranks up there with the great rock & roll books of all time.” —Time Out New York 20th anniversary festivities to kick off nce the most reviled musical movement in history, now a global rally- with New York launch event and include ing cry for the young and rebellious, punk has energy and power that celebrity and author events around the remain undiluted. A contemporary classic that has inspired scores of country and media interviews O other books, Please Kill Me is the definitive oral history of the most nihilist of 40th anniversary of infamous first Ramones album will bring attention and music fans to all pop movements. Iggy Pop, Richard Hell, Dee Dee and Joey Ramone, Mal- the book colm McLaren, Jim Carroll, and scores of other famous and infamous punk tie-in to two 1-hour radio specials syndicated figures lend their voices to this decisive account of that outrageous, explosive nationally to National Public Radio affiliates era. From its origins in the twilight years of Andy Warhol’s New York reign to and college stations in April and May 2016 its last gasps as eighties corporate rock, the phenomenon that was known as cross promotion on pleasekillme.com punk is scrutinized, eulogized, and celebrated by the people who were there.
Uif!Ofx!Zpsl!Ujnft!Cftu!Tfmmfs!Mjtu This July 18, 1976 Last Weeks Week Fiction Week On List 1 TRINITY, by Leon Uris. (Doubleday, $10.95.) One family's meander through a 1 17 century of modern Irish history. 2 THE DEEP, by Peter Benchley. (Doubleday, $7.95.) Fed-up Manhattan lawyer 2 8 doth findeth adventure, a girl; the reader shall find peace far beyond perfection. 3 THE LONELY LADY, by Harold Robbins. (Simon & Schuster, $8.95.) Guess-who 3 7 story of ex-actress who writes best seller about show-biz. 4 AGENT IN PLACE, by Helen MacInnes. (Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, $8.95.) 5 10 Soviet agent seeking NATO document vs. reporter; typical MacInnes. 5 1876, by Gore Vidal. (Random House, $10.) Sequel to "Burr," revolving around the 4 18 disputed Presidential election. 6 A STRANGER IN THE MIRROR, by Sidney Sheldon. (Morrow, $8.95.) Famous 6 12 comedian falls for a sensual Hollywood beauty. 7 CROWNED HEADS, by Thomas Tryon. (Knopf, $8.95.) Four knowing novellas 7 2 about Hollywood greats and near-greats. 8 DOLORES, by Jacqueline Susann. (Morrow, $6.95.) Fanzine stuff about a -- 1 widowed First Lady. 9 THE WEST END HORROR, by Nicholas Meyer. (Dutton, $7.95.) Sherlock Holmes 8 6 encounters the likes of George Bernard Shaw in this latest caper. 10 THE CANFIELD DECISION, by Spiro T. Agnew. (Playboy Press, $8.95.) 10 4 Washington thriller, written in Washingtonese. Hawes Publications www.hawes.com Uif!Ofx!Zpsl!Ujnft!Cftu!Tfmmfs!Mjtu This July 18, 1976 Last Weeks Week Non-Fiction Week On List 1 THE FINAL DAYS, by Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein.
The Bestseller and the Blockbuster Mentality McGowan, P. (2018). The Bestseller and the Blockbuster Mentality. In K. Curnutt (Ed.), American Literature in Transition, 1970-80 (pp. 210-225). (American Literature in Transition). Cambridge University Press. Published in: American Literature in Transition, 1970-80 Document Version: Peer reviewed version Queen's University Belfast - Research Portal: Link to publication record in Queen's University Belfast Research Portal Publisher rights Copyright 2018 Cambridge University Press. This work is made available online in accordance with the publisher’s policies. Please refer to any applicable terms of use of the publisher. General rights Copyright for the publications made accessible via the Queen's University Belfast Research Portal is retained by the author(s) and / or other copyright owners and it is a condition of accessing these publications that users recognise and abide by the legal requirements associated with these rights. Take down policy The Research Portal is Queen's institutional repository that provides access to Queen's research output. Every effort has been made to ensure that content in the Research Portal does not infringe any person's rights, or applicable UK laws. If you discover content in the Research Portal that you believe breaches copyright or violates any law, please contact [email protected]. Download date:26. Sep. 2021 Chapter Twelve: The Bestseller and the Blockbuster Mentality Philip McGowan The 1970s was a decade of important cultural and literary interest in the history of the United States for manifold reasons: aside from the first attempted impeachment of a president in over a century, and the celebration of the nation’s bicentennial marked by events that ran from April 1975 to July 4, 1976, the American literary world underwent a transition of irrevocable proportions.
ARA Broadcasting Books EXHIBIT A-1 COLLECTION LISTING CALL # AUTHOR TITLE Description Local Note MBookT TYPELocation Second copy location 001.901 K91b [Broadcasting Collection] Krauss, Lawrence Beyond Star Trek : physics from alien xii, 190 p.; 22 cm. Book Reading Room Maxwell. invasions to the end of time / Lawrence M. Krauss. 011.502 M976c [Broadcasting Collection] Murgio, Matthew P. Communications graphics Matthew P. 240 p. : ill. (part Book Reading Room Murgio. col.) ; 29 cm. 016.38454 P976g [Broadcasting Collection] Public Archives of Guide to CBC sources at the Public viii, 125, 141, viii p. Book Reading Room Canada. Archives / Ernest J. Dick. ; 28 cm. 016.7817296073 S628b [Broadcasting Skowronski, JoAnn. Black music in America : a ix, 723 p. ; 23 cm. Book Reading Room Collection] bibliography / by JoAnn Skowronski. 016.791 M498m [Broadcasting Collection] Mehr, Linda Harris. Motion pictures, television and radio : a xxvii, 201 p. ; 25 Book Reading Room union catalogue of manuscript and cm. special collections in the Western United States / compiled and edited by Linda Harris Mehr ; sponsored by the Film and Television Study Center, inc. 016.7914 R797r [Broadcasting Collection] Rose, Oscar. Radio broadcasting and television, an 120 p. 24 cm. Book Reading Room annotated bibliography / edited by Oscar Rose ... 016.79145 J17t [Broadcasting Collection] Television research : a directory of vi, 138 p. ; 23 cm. Book Reading Room conceptual categories, topic suggestions, and selected sources / compiled by Ronald L. Jacobson. 051 [Broadcasting Collection] TV guide index. 3 copies Book Archive Bldg 070.1 B583n [Broadcasting Collection] Bickel, Karl A. (Karl New empires : the newspaper and the 112 p.
Drug Themes in Fiction. National Institute on Drug Abuse Research Issues 10
DOCUMENT RESUME ED 112 300 CG 010 073 AUTHOR Diehl, Digby TITLE Drug Themes in Fiction. National Institute on Drug Abuse Research Issues 10. INSTITUTION Documentation Associates, Los Angeles, Calif.; National Inst. on Drug Abuse (DHEW/PHS), Rockville, Md. REPORT NO DREW- ADM-75-191 PUB DATE Nov 74 NOTE 50p. AVAILABLE FROM Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 21;402 EDRS PRICE MF-$0.76 HC-$1.95 Plus Postage DESCRIPTORS *Content Analysis; *Drug Abuse; *Fiction; Literature; *Literature Reviews; *Social Attitudes ABSTRACT This essay is a survey of selected literary works of fiction with drug-related thematic content. The themes represented in the survey reflect popular American attitudes toward drugs from pre-World War II through the 1970s. The roots of these themes, beginning with 17th century French cultural attitudes are explained. The subject has been treated broadly; there is no attempt to analyze literary characters who used drugs (for example, Sherlock Holmes), nor to consider the effect of drugs on the creativity of any authors who may have used drugs. An annotated bibliography of 41 novels is included. (Author) *********************************************************************** Documents acquired by ERIC include many informal unpublished * materials not available from other sources. ERIC makes every effort * * to obtain the best copy available. Nevertheless,. items of marginal *e. * reproducibility are often encountered and this affects the quality * * of the microfiche and hardcopy reproductions ERIC makes available * * via the ERIC Document Reproduction Service (EDRS). EDRS is not * responsible for the quality of the original document. Reproductions * * supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original.