Pap/2017/0156 Received 31/03/2017
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A. Scoping Correspondence with Warwickshire County Council Phase 2 - Spon Lane, Grendon, Warwickshire Project Number: 11711 Document Reference: 11711-100-R-3-2-3-TransportAssessment N:\Projects\WIE11711 - Spon Lane, Grendon\REPORTS\WORKING DRAFTS\2 - Transport\Phase 2\WIE11711-100-R-1-1-3- TRANSPORT ASSESSMENT\11711-100-R-3-2-3-TransportAssessment.doc Infrastructure & Environment SCOPING STUDY FORM PROJECT NAME: SPON LANE, GRENDON, WARWICKSHIRE – PHASE 2 LOCAL AUTHORITY: WARWICKSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL DATE: 16TH AUGUST 2016 Ref Item TA Methodology Local Highway Authority Comments 1 Site Location The development site lies on the northern edge of Grendon, adjacent to Spon Lane and would form an extension to the Bellway Homes residential development (Phase 1 – Penmire Rise) in Grendon. A plan illustrating the site boundary is provided on Page 5. 2 Level of planning approval Outline Planning Application 3 Size / description of development Residential development comprising of proposals approximately 80 dwellings. 4 Level of assessment We propose to provide a Transport Assessment and Travel Plan in support of the planning application. 5 Access Proposals Access to the proposed development would be achieved through Phase 1. 6 What level of car parking is required? Please advise on Warwickshire County Council’s parking standards. 7 What would be the person trip Person Trip rates would be derived from the latest generation for the proposals? version of the TRICs database. 8 Modal split 2011 method of travel to work census data would be obtained for the appropriate local ward in order to determine the % of people travelling by car. This percentage would then be applied to the person trips rates in order to calculate the number of vehicle trips to/from the site during the highway peak hours. Page 1 of 5 Infrastructure & Environment 9 What is the assumed trip distribution? Development trips would be distributed as per the development trip distribution used within the approved Transport Assessment for the Phase 1 scheme (see below). The proposed development site access is to be taken via a realigned section of Spon Lane. From this new section of Spon Lane, it has been assumed that all development traffic travelling to/from the north will access the wider highway network via the minor arm at Junction 2(northern Spon Lane junction). All development traffic travelling to/from the south has been assigned onto the local highway network via Junction 3 (Southern Spon Lane junction). From these points all development traffic has then been distributed on the basis of observed turning proportions at the junctions). 10 When are the critical periods for Weekday – AM and PM peaks periods assessments? AM peak – 07:30 – 09:30 hrs PM peak – 16:30 – 18:30 hrs Page 2 of 5 Infrastructure & Environment 11 Capacity tests / highway impact In the Transport Assessment for the Phase 1 application 4 off-site junctions were assessed. These include: 1. B5000 / Spon Lane priority junction; 2. Spon Lane / Spon Lane (northern junction); 3. Spon Lane / Spon Lane (southern junction); and 4. A5 Watling Street / Spon Lane / Boot Hill Roundabout (part of the strategic highway network managed by Highways England). We propose to assess the same junctions. Please advise if that is acceptable. Note: It should be noted that the A5 – Watling Street forms part of the Strategic Road Network (SRN) and on this basis the junction is under jurisdiction the Highways England). Highways England will therefore also be contacted to determine their assessment requirements in the local area. 12 Collision Data Obtain and analyse collision data for the local highway network (including the above 4 junctions). 13 What are the assessment years? Application year and 5 years after application year. 2016 (year of application) and 2021 (5 years post). 14 Traffic Flows Traffic surveys were undertaken for the Phase 1 application in 2013 (dated February 12th 2013). Are we ok to use this data and growth up to 2016 and 2021 respectively, or is this data considered too old for use now? 15 Traffic growth factors TEMPRO NTM Local Growth Factors using the zone ‘Atherstone (main) (44UB4)’ Page 3 of 5 Infrastructure & Environment 17 Details of any other developments to be The Bellway Homes scheme off Spon Lane would taken into account proposals in the be included (i.e. Phase 1 for 85 dwellings). Please vicinity of the application site? advise if there are any other committed developments in the local area, over and above the background traffic growth considered in TEMPRO for the Atherstone zone that would need to be included in the assessment flows. 18 Details of any highway improvement WCC to advise proposals in the vicinity of the application site by others? Page 4 of 5 Infrastructure & Environment Page 5 of 5 Margaret Cheetham From: Jones-Hill, Nick Sent: 15 November 2016 13:05 To: [email protected] Cc: Whalley, David M Subject: RE: Spon Lane, Grendon – Phase 2 Attachments: Spon Lane Grendon Indicative Master Plan 16-254-02A 071116.pdf Hi Michelle, Further to the email from my colleague David Whalley, I thought I would send the latest ‘draft’ masterplan for the Phase 2 Spon Lane site. As you can see, Phase 2 would be accessed via an extension of Spon Lane from Phase 1. Within the Transport Assessment a site access design would be included. As this would only be an extension of an existing road (no junction required as such) then I assume a Road Safety Audit would not be required? Also, further to the details below are you able to advise when a response will be forthcoming? We have agreed with highways England to take a similar approach to that set out by Alan Law (basic junction assessments using Junctions 8). So once a response is received, we can commence with our technical work. In addition to the information set out below, could you advise us of any committed developments which will need to be considered as part of our technical work? Thanks in advance and I look forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience. Regards, Nick From: Whalley, David M Sent: 11 November 2016 14:41 To: [email protected] Cc: Jones‐Hill, Nick <nick.jones‐[email protected]> Subject: Spon Lane, Grendon – Phase 2 Good afternoon Michelle Spon Lane, Grendon – Phase 2 I understand my colleague Nick Jones‐Hill has recently been in contact with you regarding the above site in Grendon. In order for us to complete the Transport Assessment report I would like to agree certain elements of our work with you. I have listed the approach we propose to take and would be grateful if you could confirm whether or not this is acceptable? Study Area The following junctions would be assessed. I. B5000 / Spon Lane priority junction; II. Spon Lane / Spon Lane (northern junction); III. Spon Lane / Spon Lane (southern junction); and IV. A5 Watling Street / Spon Lane / Boot Hill Roundabout (part of the strategic highway network managed by Highways England). Note: the location of the above junctions is shown on the attached plan. Traffic Surveys 1 New traffic surveys would undertaken at junctions I, II and III listed above. These surveys would be undertaken this month (November 2016) on a neural weekday between the hours of 7am‐10am and 4pm‐7pm. As you are aware, major road works are currently taking place on the A5 towards the M42 J10. As a result we would utilise existing survey data from the 16/06/2016 for the A5 Watling Street / Spon Lane roundabout. This would be obtained from Alan Law at WCC. Trip Rates The vehicle trip rate would be calculated by dividing the peak hour flow at junctions II and III above (both arrivals and departures) by the total number of dwellings currently served of Spon Lane (this would include those dwellings which are built/occupied in Phase 1 and the existing 61 dwellings on Spon Lane). This approach would give us a local trip rate. We consider this would better/more accurately reflect the trip rates to/from the site, than using the TRICS database. Trip Distribution Development trips would be distributed based upon the existing turning proportions at the above 4 junctions. Committed Developments & Traffic Growth The latest version of the TEMPRO database (TEMPRO 7) would be used to calculate future traffic growth. Those dwellings which are not built/occupied as part of the Spon Lane Phase 1 development would also be taken into account (added to the base traffic flows). No other developments would be included. Please confirm whether or not the above approach is acceptable. A quick response (particularly in relation to the traffic surveys) would be much appreciated as we would need to carry out the surveys before December. Thank you and I look forward to hearing from you. Kind regards, David David Whalley Senior Transport Planner Waterman Infrastructure & Environment Ltd Halifax House | Halifax Place | The Lace Market | Nottingham NG1 1QN t +44 1159 482 612 | LinkedIn | Twitter Please consider the environment before printing this e‐mail. Thank you! 2 Margaret Cheetham From: Jones-Hill, Nick Sent: 03 October 2016 10:39 To: Joanne Archer Cc: Whalley, David M Subject: FW: Spon Lane, Grendon - Scoping Form Attachments: WIE11711 - Spon Lane, Grendon - Scoping Study Form.docx Jo, Sorry to bombard you on your first day back, but we are also waiting for a response from you on the scoping for the above site, along with confirmation that the pre‐app fee and form is acceptable. I will need to raise a purchase order my end if the fee is correct, as this must be included on any invoice from you (WCC) otherwise our accounts wont pay it.