Topography of Great Britain Or, British Traveller's Pocket Directory : Being
^tm^^m THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES : TOPOGRAPHY OP <!lreat MviUi% OR, BRITISH TRAVELLER'S POCKET DIRECTORY; BEING AN ACCURATE AND COMPREHENSIVB TOPOGRAPHICAL AND STATISTICAL DESCRIPTION OF ALL THE COUNTIES IN WITH THE ADJACENT ISLANDS ntUSTRATEO WITH MAPS OF THE COUNTIES, WHICH FORM A COMPLETE BRITISH ATLAS BY G. A. COOKE, ESQ. VOL. xvn. CONTAINING LEICESTERSHIRE AND LINCOLNSHIRE. Printedy hy Assignment from the Executors of the late V. Cooke, FOR SHERWOOD, NEELY, AND JONES, PATEftNOSTER-ROW ; AND SOLD BY ALL BOOKSBLI. iRS. : j : A TOPOGRAPHICAL AND STATISTICAL DESCRIPTION OP THE COUNTY OF liEICESTER Ctntaining an Account of itt Situation, Minerals, Agriculture, Extent, Fisheries, Curiosities, Tor/ns, Manufactures, Antiquities, Roads, Trade, Natural Rivers, Commerce, History, Civil and Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction, &c. TO WHICH ABE PREFIXED, The Direct and Principal Cross Roads, Distances of Stages, Inns, a7id Noblemoi and Gentlemen's Seats, ALSO A LIST OF THE MARKETS AND FAIRS, Aiid an Index Table Exlibiting at one View, the Distances of all the Towns from London, and of Towns from each other : The v/hoUforming A COMPLETE COUNTY ITINERARY. BY G. A. COOKE, ESQ. Illustrated with a MAP OF THE COUNTY, AND FOUR INTERESTING VIEWS. SonDou Printed, by Anignment from the Executors of the late G. Cooke^ FOR. SHERWOOU, NEELY, AND JONES, PATER NOSTER-ROVr"* SOLD BY ALU, BOOKSELLERS. G. S^NEY, Printer, NvrtbnmJi>€rkaid Street, Strand. bSiS' A TABLE OF THE PRINCIPAL TOWNS IN THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER; Their distancefrom London^ Marktts, Number of Rousts and InhabitantSy -with the time of the arrival and departure of the Post.
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