VEGETATION A-N Map Unit Name Principal Species Vegetation Structure Physical Environment Area (ha) Map (Rounded) Unit Code WOLLONGONG - 9029 Rainforests RF Grey Myrtle Dry Trees: Backhousia myrtifolia. Shrubs: longifolia, Breynia oblongifolia, Hymenanthera dentata, Sigesbeckia orientalis. Climbers: Geitonoplesium cymosum, Pandorea pandorana, Aphanopetalum resinosum, Simple, low closed forest with sparse groundcover. Steep lower slopes of dry gorges below 500m, Picton, 290 p38 Rainforest Eustrephus latifolius, Cayratia clematidea. Groundcover: Adiantum aethiopicum, Asplenium flabellifolium, Pellaea falcata, Dichondra spp., Microlaena stipoides, Oplismenus imbecillis, Desmodium varians, Kowmung-Wollondilly, Shoalhaven-Ettrema. Plectranthus parviflorus, Stellaria flaccida. RF Temperate Dry Trees: Backhousia myrtifolia, Acmena smithii, Pittosporum undulatum. Shrubs: Pittosporum revolutum, Breynia oblongifolia, Ficus coronata, Notelaea venosa, Rapanea howittiana. Climbers: Morinda jasminoides, Simple closed forest with lianes and sparse Dry shale gullies below 400m, Hawkesbury-Deua. 10 p40 Rainforest Cissus hypoglauca, Eustrephus latifolius, Pandorea pandorana, Smilax australis, Marsdenia rostrata, Geitonoplesium cymosum, Parsonsia straminea. Groundcover: Doodia aspera, Pseuderanthemum variabile, groundcover. WARRAGAMBA 14 km BRINGELLY 8 km LIVERPOOL 18 km LIVERPOOL 10 km LIVERPOOL 11 KM Oplismenus imbecillis . 2 3 2 3 3 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 RF Subtropical Dry Trees: Streblus brunonianus, Alectryon subcinereus, Pittosporum undulatum, Diospyros australis. Shrubs: Notelaea venosa, Cassine australis, Clerodendrum tomentosum, Pittosporum multiflorum, Breynia Low closed forest with prominent shrub stratum Mainly dry basaltic slopes below 300m, Illawarra- 80 oblongifolia, Croton verreauxii, Rapanea variabilis, Maclura cochinchinensis, Pittosporum revolutum. Climbers: Geitonoplesium cymosum, Eustrephus latifolius, Pandorea pandorana, Parsonsia straminea, Marsdenia and sparse groundcover. Kiama lowlands & Milton. p111 Rainforest

35 36

rostrata, Smilax australis. Groundcover: Oplismenus imbecillis, Pellaea falcata, Pseuderanthemum variabile, Asplenium flabellifolium,Gymnostachys anceps, Doodia aspera.

CO B Trees: Livistona australis, Doryphora sassafras, Acmena smithii, Diospyros australis, Claoxylon australe, Dendrocnide excelsa, Pittosporum undulatum, Streblus brunonianus, Diploglottis australis, Ficus coronata, Complex closed forest with lianes and ferny Basalt lowlands at Kiama, latite bands on Illawarra B RF Subtropical Complex 540 I T T Y C Alectryon subcinereus, Toona ciliata. Shrubs: Pittosporum multiflorum, Cassine australis, Clerodendrum tomentosum, Pennantia cunninghamii, Eupomatia laurina. Climbers: Eustrephus latifolius, Arthropteris tenella, groundcover. scarp below 300m. K p112 Rainforest

34 35 Marsdenia rostrata, Microsorum scandens, Pandorea pandorana, Piper novae-hollandiae, Smilax australis. Groundcover: Gymnostachys anceps, Adiantum formosum, Pseuderanthemum variabile, Doodia aspera. DSFp502

d T B ow Bow ing GWp2 Cobb i R Trees: Acmena smithii, Livistona australis, Ceratopetalum apetalum, Cryptocarya glaucescens, Synoum glandulosum. Shrubs: Tasmannia insipida, Eupomatia laurina, Cyathea australis, Ficus coronata, Psychotria Closed forest with lianes and ferny groundcover. Clay loams, moist sheltered gullies below 400m,

h t RF Coastal Warm 2200 t " "Cobbitty y e e

R p113 Temperate Rainforest loniceroides. Climbers: Morinda jasminoides, Smilax australis, Microsorum scandens, Marsdenia rostrata, Palmeria scandens, Pandorea pandorana, Parsonsia straminea, Cissus hypoglauca, Pyrrosia rupestris, Illawarra scarp & Clyde district.


N d GWp 33 29 34 DSFp14 2 n o Arthropteris tenella, Eustrephus latifolius. Groundcover: Lastreopsis microsora, Blechnum cartilagineum, B. patersonii, Asplenium australasicum, Doodia aspera.

DSFp146 a N r

t d h

B R RF Sandstone Scarp Trees: Ceratopetalum apetalum, Acmena smithii, Doryphora sassafras. Shrubs: Cyathea australis, Todea barbara, Tasmannia insipida. Climbers: Morinda jasminoides, Smilax australis. Groundcover: Blechnum Closed forest with lianes and ferny groundcover. Moist gully heads below sandstone cliffs, 400-800m,

IL E R 30 K e L S C s B

ET a b R k r

K cartilagineum. mainly Blue Mtns, Budderoo. o P d d p114 Warm Temperate M into r N n g B EA m Raby

GW k p2 a R C a 32 l 3 R ly " 33 Rainforest

P 3

" e S d

d R ) l Y d k R d E Minto He ight s a N Trees: Acmena smithii, Guoia semiglauca, Livistona australis, Diospyros australis, Synoum glandulosum, Podocarpus elatus, botryoides, Pittosporum undulatum. Shrubs: Cassine australis, Eupomatia Closed forest with lianes and sparse groundcover. Sandspits and coastal gullies within 200m of the sea, m R RF Temperate Littoral

N ale Y o 30 s

ru n r D e E A s " Y b o J i laurina, Ripogonum album. Climbers: Marsdenia rostrata, Sarcopetalum harveyanum, Stephania japonica, Smilax australis, Eustrephus latifolius, Cissus hypoglauca, Geitonoplesium cymosum. Groundcover: Garie-Beecroft Peninsula. W D S p210 Rainforest t n w RFp W m 38 y e a e R 31 e a Oplismenus imbecillis, Viola hederacea, Pellaea falcata, Gahnia aspera. W e s 32 N E A ro y N le P n B GWp28 m l E RF Yarrawa Temperate Trees: Acmena smithii, Acacia melanoxylon, Doryphora sassafras. Shrubs: Dicksonia antarctica, Coprosma quadrifida, Hedycarya angustifolia, Rapanea howittiana. Climbers: Pandorea pandorana, Pyrrosia Closed forest with lianes and ferny groundcover. Moist basalt plateau, 650-800m, at Robertson. a a 120 b V i H H R n R de p516 Rainforest rupestris, Smilax australis, Marsdenia rostrata, Eustrephus latifolius, Microsorum scandens, Morinda jasminoides. Groundcover: Asplenium flabellifolium, Urtica incisa, Lastreopsis acuminata, Pellaea falcata. F d N e 62 m A a N a C arellan r N a e N 30 H ll N d 31 a t " R R A h n A r TAB E c Wet Sclerophyll Forests (shrubby) E R N T Leumeah ve R d o R i R C S t S E " R I e " Trees: Livistona australis, Syncarpia glomulifera, Eucalyptus pilularis, E. paniculata. Shrubs: Synoum glandulosum, Breynia oblongifolia, . Climbers: Eustrephus latifolius, barbata, Tall eucalypt forest with a moist open understorey. Sheltered slopes and gullies with loamy soils below WSF Illawarra Gully Wet K s S 2000 C W e R Lucas Heights 62 H C d K d T rg 29 U Hibbertia scandens, Glycine clandestina, Hibbertia dentata, Geitonoplesium cymosum. Groundcover: Lomandra longifolia, Pteridium esculentum, Dianella caerulea, Entolasia stricta, Oplismenus imbecillis, Imperata 400m, Illawarra-Batemans Bay. K p99 Forest o 30 O R 7 S e p8 ( F S Eldersl Y G W e ie cylindrica, Pseuderanthemum variabile. A l

Camden " W a H or WSF Lower Blue Mountains Trees: Syncarpia glomulifera, Angophora costata, Acacia elata, Eucalyptus deanei, Allocasuarina torulosa. Shrubs: Elaeocarpus reticulatus, Leucopogon lanceolatus, Persoonia linearis. Climbers: Cissus Tall eucalypt forest with a moist open understorey Sheltered sandstone slopes & gullies up to 700m, d a

K g n " G 1200 g I DSF p14 r a 2 DSFp r Rd 144 r H d F C 28 e Kentlyn K IRE C hypoglauca, Smilax glyciphylla, Eustrephus latifolius, Tylophora barbata, Clematis aristata, Billardiera scandens, Geitonoplesium cymosum, Pandorea pandorana. Groundcover: Lomandra longifolia, Calochlaena of shrubs, climbers and ferns. mostly in Blue Mtns, also lower Hawkesbury. u d Ca K 29 p102 Wet Forest v mbellto E wn R D A l B E i R " L I r dubia, Blechnum cartilagineum, Dianella caerulea, Pteridium esculentum, Viola hederacea, Lepidosperma laterale. S r M " N IB S

R o U e G U L v C O d i O U WSF Warm Temperate Trees: Acmena smithii, Livistona australis, Synoum glandulosum, Pittosporum undulatum, Cryptocarya glaucescens, Eucalyptus salignaXbotryoides. Shrubs: Notelaea venosa, Clerodendrum tomentosum, Eupomatia Tall eucalypt forest with dense subcanopy and Sheltered gullies with loamy soils below 400m, H 3900 H DSFp G 5 C M ount Hunter w R C m A a A k laurina,. Eustrephus latifolius, Smilax australis, Pandorea pandorana, Geitonoplesium cymosum, Morinda jasminoides, Marsdenia rostrata, Tylophora barbata, Stephania japonica. Doodia 27 Climbers: Groundcover: moist shrubby understorey. Illawarra-Batemans Bay.

p110 Layered Forest

m s K 28

" K 1 k

e C W g L E 7 C U N r o A I I aspera, Pseuderanthemum variabile, Oplismenus imbecillis, Gymnostachys anceps, Blechnum cartilagineum. e G T Brad G DSFp1 L A T bu 3 he ry 1 Oak Y s K L B M O A


FOWp C 33


R H Trees: Acacia melanoxylon, Eucalyptus fastigata, E. cypellocarpa, E. radiata. Climbers: Clematis aristata, Tylophora barbata, Eustrephus latifolius, Glycine clandestina, Hibbertia scandens, Hardenbergia violacea. Tall eucalypt forest with an open shrub layer and Elevated basalt slopes 650-800m on Robertson & WSF Southern Highlands A " " 10

" T

N Oakd K FO ale Wp33 A

E C Groundcover: Lomandra longifolia, Pteridium esculentum, Viola hederacea, Dichondra spp., Microlaena stipoides, Poa labillardierei, Dianella caerulea, Hydrocotyle peduncularis, Poranthera microphylla, Echinopogon moist herbaceous groundcover. Sassafras plateaus. Camde A p266 Basalt Forest

26 n Park H


K R m

k r " O ovatus, Geranium potentilloides, Helichrysum scorpioides, Schelhammera undulata, Stellaria pungens, Veronica plebeia, Adiantum aethiopicum, Austrostipa rudis, Galium propinquum, Stellaria flaccida.

C 2 N A D

B r d O Wet Sclerophyll Forests (grassy)


G R i ek Rd Wp29 R l e

r W WSF Highland Range Trees: Eucalyptus elata, E. radiata, E. fastigata. Shrubs: Leucopogon lanceolatus, Rubus parvifolius. Climbers: Clematis aristata, Glycine clandestina. Groundcover: Pteridium esculentum, Lomandra longifolia, Viola Tall eucalypt forest with an open shrub layer and Sheltered slopes on high ranges, mainly 600-1100m,

25 O <10 e C le e 26


p g d t g e hederacea, Microlaena stipoides, Dichondra spp., Desmodium varians, Poranthera microphylla, Echinopogon ovatus, Dianella caerulea, Veronica plebeia, Stellaria pungens, Plantago debilis. moist herbaceous groundcover. western Blue Mtns - Deua. W p66 Sheltered Forest r in n b n K r u DSFp146 WSFp1 p a rn 02 o C Cawdor R n d S

M e

G " 24 WSF Nepean Shale Cap Trees: Eucalyptus piperita, E. globoidea. Shrubs: Leucopogon lanceolatus, Persoonia linearis. Climbers: Clematis aristata, Billardiera scandens,Glycine clandestina. Groundcover: Dianella caerulea, Pteridium Eucalypt forest with open shrub layer and grassy Shale lenses on elevated plateau 300-600m, upper N M 25 660


" R p68 Forest esculentum, Lomandra longifolia, Pratia purpurascens, Viola hederacea, Poranthera microphylla, Gonocarpus teucrioides. groundcover. Nepean catchment.

R R A P 8 G 5

S p U Mena OW ngle Park F L

WSF Sydney Turpentine Trees: Syncarpia glomulifera, Eucalyptus punctata, E. pilularis, E. paniculata. Shrubs: Pittosporum undulatum, Polyscias sambucifolia ssp A, Acacia parramattensis, Breynia oblongifolia, Ozothamnus diosmifolius, Eucalypt forest with open shrub layer and grassy Moist sheltered gully heads on shale up to 500m, rim

23 D 350 SFp143 G 24 Wp28

GWp2 L p87 Ironbark Forest Pittosporum revolutum, Allocasuarina torulosa, Leucopogon juniperinus, Notelaea longifolia. Climbers: Eustrephus latifolius, Pandorea pandorana, Glycine clandestina. Groundcover: Dianella caerulea, Lomandra groundcover. of Cumberland Plain & lower Blue Mtns. U

G N O longifolia, Microlaena stipoides, Pratia purpurascens, Entolasia marginata, Dichondra spp., Entolasia stricta, Pseuderanthemum variabile, Imperata cylindrica, Oplismenus imbecillis. H T Y P

Trees: Eucalyptus muelleriana, E. smithii. Shrubs: Synoum glandulosum, Notelaea venosa, Elaeocarpus reticulatus. Climbers: Smilax australis, Tylophora barbata, Eustrephus latifolius, Geitonoplesium cymosum, Eucalypt forest with mesophyll understorey of Moist sheltered escarpment slopes 100-650m, WSF Escarpment Foothills 2800 22 23

Hibbertia dentata, Pandorea pandorana. Groundcover: Pteridium esculentum, Microlaena stipoides, Dianella caerulea, Oplismenus imbecillis. shrubs, vines & ferns. Illawarra-Eurobodalla. p100 Wet Forest K

C F Menangle

i A n n " d N WSF Southern Highlands Trees: Eucalyptus cypellocarpa, E. radiata, E. quadrangulata, E. globoidea. Shrubs: Leucopogon lanceolatus, Ozothamnus diosmifolius, Persoonia linearis. Ground Cover: Hardenbergia violacea, Lomandra Eucalypt open forest or woodland with a sparse Shale soils on the Southern Highlands plateau from W s d 930 21 ER R 22 WSFp87 Wedderburn U KDSFp R R R 140 Y h longifolia, L. multiflora, Microlaena stipoides var stipoides, Austrostipa rudis ssp nervosa, Dichondra spp, Gonocarpos tetragynus, Pteridium esculentum, Opercularia diphyla. shrub stratum and a dense groundcover Mittagong to Bundanoon, 600-700m I d C p268 Shale Woodland d

B " c L M a r d R a U R dominated by grasses and herbs E r

o E R G a n R i 62 N C A

d Grassy Woodlands e w R H

l p E E 20 I W S 21 g R d a C p I K P l l M

n l F GW Cumberland Shale Trees: Eucalyptus crebra, Eucalyptus fibrosa, Allocasuarina littoralis, Eucalyptus punctata. Shrubs: Persoonia linearis, Bursaria spinosa, Ozothamnus diosmifolius, Hibbertia aspera. Climbers: Glycine clandestina. Eucalypt woodland with open shrub layer and Transitional shale-sandstone soils, 50-350m, around o A A B E a I 5700 a O G a GW v G r p2 8 t H ule n A r d o N oun erc l K p2 Sandstone Transition Groundcover: Lepidosperma laterale, Cheilanthes sieberi, Aristida vagans, Pratia purpurascens, Microlaena stipoides, Entolasia stricta, Lomandra multiflora, Themeda australis, Panicum simile, Echinopogon grassy groundcover. the rim of Cumberland Plain. r M K I s e N e n k K C GWp51 4 C O C n e R M i o E 62 caespitosus, Pomax umbellata, Dichondra spp., Billardiera scandens, Opercularia diphylla. K Y Forest

r T 19 d E r s M a O 20 Mowbray P A ark E

L L GW South Coast Lowland Trees: Eucalyptus globoidea, E. longifolia, Melaleuca decora. Shrubs: Leucopogon juniperinus, Pittosporum undulatum, Ozothamnus diosmifolius. Climbers: Glycine clandestina, G. tabacina. Groundcover: Eucalypt woodland with open shrub layer and Rainshadow area on shales below 50m in Lake o D C 170 d B a H g U e " W R y m T d G a p3 Swamp Woodland Microlaena stipoides, Pratia purpurascens, Entolasia stricta, Themeda australis, Cheilanthes sieberi, Lagenifera stipitata, Lepidosperma laterale, Cymbopogon refractus, Dichondra spp., Echinopogon caespitosus, continuous grassy groundcover. Illawarra district. d w A E S P ve R i E r R E P Dianella longifolia, Imperata cylindrica, Arthropodium species B, Eragrostis leptostachya, Veronica plebeia. A D

d H e

18 k R L c 19

O n r a F Trees: Acacia melanoxylon, Eucalyptus viminalis, E. radiata. Groundcover: Microlaena stipoides, Stellaria pungens, Pteridium esculentum, Acaena novae-zelandiae, Dichondra spp., Geranium solanderi, Hydrocotyle Eucalypt forest with sparse shrubs and dense Undulating basalt tablelands, 600-1200m, Oberon- r GW Tableland Basalt Forest <10 b a N m e N R F p38 P m laxiflora, Desmodium varians, Echinopogon ovatus, Austrodanthonia racemosa, Austrostipa rudis, Plantago varia, Viola betonicifolia. groundcover of herbs & grass. Moss Vale. G e R p20 G R CK E U n Y L ALLAT H o M t 17 T e 18

K r Trees: Acacia implexa, Eucalyptus moluccana, E. tereticornis. Shrubs: Bursaria spinosa, Rubus parvifolius. Climbers: Clematis glycinoides, Glycine tabacina. Groundcover: Dichondra repens, Brunoniella australis, Eucalypt woodland with open shrub layer and Shale hills in coastal valley rainshadow, 50-300m, U GW Cumberland Shale Hills

o 2300


Fp1 02 6 d M 2 p28 Woodland Desmodium gunnii, Aristida ramosa, Microlaena stipoides, Carex inversa, Themeda australis, Cyperus gracilis, Dichelachne micrantha, Asperula conferta, Oxalis perennans, Cheilanthes sieberi, Desmodium grassy groundcover. Cumberland Plain. T 1 S p R A L H brachypodum, Sporobolus creber, Wahlenbergia gracilis. L s

16 F d d R 17 n gle GW Cumberland Shale Trees: Eucalyptus molluccana, E. tereticornis. Shrubs: Bursaria spinosa. Climbers: Glycine tabacina, G. clandestina. Groundcover: Dichondra repens, Cheilanthes sieberi, Aristida vagans, Microlaena stipoides, Eucalypt woodland with open shrub layer and Shale plains in coastal valley rainshadow below 100m,

Y la a n 560 l en HLp117 D o M Themeda australis, Brunoniella australis, Desmodium gunnii, Opercularia diphylla, Wahlenbergia gracilis, Dichelachne micrantha, Paspalidium distans, Eragrostis leptostachya, Lomandra filiformis, L. multiflora, grassy groundcover. Cumberland Plain. lh Hele p29 Plains Woodland N u Picton nsburgh


A Douglas Park Dianella longifolia, Oxalis perennans, Euchiton sphaericus, Goodenia hederacea, Aristida ramosa, Arthropodium milleflorum, Austrodanthonia tenuior, Cymbopogon refractus, Echinopogon caespitosus. " "


15 "

16 GW South Coast Grassy Trees: Eucalyptus tereticornis, E. eugenioides. Shrubs: Pittosporum undulatum, Breynia oblongifolia, Rapanea variabilis. Climbers: Geitonoplesium cymosum, Eustrephus latifolius, Glycine clandestina, Pandorea Eucalypt woodland with open shrub layer and Loamy soils in coastal rainshadow valleys below 590 FRWp129

p34 Woodland pandorana. Groundcover: Dichondra spp., Desmodium gunnii, Microlaena stipoides, Oplismenus imbecillis, Carex longebrachiata, Poa labillardierei, Commelina cyanea, Pratia purpurascens, Themeda australis. continuous grassy groundcover. 450m, Albion Park-Moruya. E GWp2 C M L O LA D D AH

a A B L

L q B DSFp142 E u IA 14 a O C r 15 Trees: Eucalyptus tereticornis, E. moluccana. Shrubs: Breynia oblongifolia, Clerodendrum tomentosum, Sigesbeckia orientalis, Olearia viscidula, Bursaria spinosa. Climbers: Cayratia clematidea, Glycine Eucalypt woodland with semi-mesic shrub layer Steep, shale hills in coastal valley rainshadow, 50- i GW Cumberland Moist e C 560 t N

K R K S W e G p514 Shale Woodland clandestina. Groundcover: Desmodium gunnii, Cyperus gracilis, Galium propinquum, Brunoniella australis, Desmodium brachypodum, Solanum prinophyllum, Microlaena stipoides, Arthropodium milleflorum, and grassy groundcover. 300m, Cumberland Plain.

d S g K F d C Thirlm i p C ere r K 1 Echinopogon ovatus, Einadia hastata, Nyssanthes diffusa, Oxalis perennans, Plectranthus parviflorus, Rumex brownii, Wahlenbergia gracilis. B Appin DSFp131 4 R 3 A " 13 " 14 Grasslands D O E C tf P R o GL Headland Grassland Shrubs: Banksia integrifolia subsp. integrifolia, Casuarina glauca, Acacia sophorae, Westringia fruticosa. Groundcover: Themeda australis, Cynodon dactylon, Microlaena stipoides, Poa poiformis, Lomandra Dense tussock grassland with occasional Exposed, steep or flat rocky coastlines with volcanic <10 D L GU i O T r c S d o C E longifolia, Isolepis nodosa, Centella asiatica, Glycine microphylla, Hibbertia scandens, Kennedia rubicunda, Commelina cyanea, Plectranthus parviflorus, Viola betonicifolia. scattered shrubs. clay-loam soils, 0-100m. t p434

o B GW p2 u R R 9 K m O k

12 n g Y Y d 13 F 0

l R 3

P R a N O A K d s B N C DSFp14 6 E N R Dry Sclerophyll Forests (shrubby/grassy) E E L S P E RT D E Y M D C a S N

N DSF Burragorang Hillslope Trees: Eucalyptus punctata, E. fibrosa, E. eugenioides. Shrubs: Persoonia linearis, Phyllanthus hirtellus, Lissanthe strigosa, Notelaea longifolia. Climbers: Billardiera scandens, Hardenbergia violacea, Glycine Eucalypt woodland with open understorey of Dry hill slopes with loamy soils 150-650m, K A <10

U r N DSFp C p 140

B 11 k A Tahmoor K p 12 NS p5 Forest clandestina. Groundcover: Pomax umbellata, Entolasia stricta, Lomandra multiflora, Goodenia hederacea, Aristida vagans, Dianella revoluta, Lepidosperma laterale, Cheilanthes sieberi, Pratia purpurascens. sclerophyll shrubs and grasses. Burragorang valley. R in


" FOWp31 d R C il T to d K O n P K ar 62 k Rd ES DSF Elevated Gorge Forest Trees: Eucalyptus punctata, E. agglomerata. Shrubs: Persoonia linearis, Phyllanthus hirtellus, Hibbertia obtusifolia, Olearia viscidula, Podolobium ilicifolium. Climbers: Hardenbergia violacea, Billardiera scandens. Eucalypt forest with open understorey of Dry upper slopes of rocky gorges 400-850m, upper 150

C 10 d Darkes Fo ACK G rest 11 Groundcover: Goodenia hederacea, Pomax umbellata, Dianella revoluta, Lomandra multiflora, L. filiformis, Opercularia diphylla. sclerophyll shrubs & grasses. Wollondilly & Shoalhaven gorges.

DSFp8 R B K D p11 8 U L " n a

to r l k WSFp110 i


Bar W s go R DSF Burragorang Trees: Allocasuarina torulosa, Eucalyptus punctata. Shrubs: Indigofera australis, Breynia oblongifolia, Persoonia linearis, Olearia viscidula. Climbers: Tylophora barbata, Geitonoplesium cymosum, Glycine Eucalypt forest with mixed understorey of shrubs, Sheltered hill slopes on loamy soils within rocky iv er R F 120 d 62 09 R o

10 clandestina, Billardiera scandens, Pandorea pandorana, Eustrephus latifolius. Groundcover: Desmodium gunnii, Lomandra longifolia, Dichondra spp., Adiantum aethiopicum, Dianella caerulea, Pratia purpurascens, vines, forbs and grasses. gorges 100-650m, Burragorang gorge. Wilton re RFp210 p88 Escarpment Forest o s t R c " d d Microlaena stipoides, Oplismenus imbecillis, Pteridium esculentum, Lepidosperma laterale. k R

f Trees: Corymbia gummifera, Angophora costata, Ceratopetalum gummiferum, Eucalyptus sieberi, E. capitellata, E. globoidea. Shrubs: Lomatia silaifolia, Banksia spinulosa, Persoonia levis, Acacia myrtifolia, Low eucalypt forest with mixed understorey of Shale lenses & adjacent ironstone on coastal plateaus o r

WSF Sydney Shale- 1300 r K d u 08 R C DSFp13 1 h K 09 p143 Ironstone Cap Forest Phyllanthus hirtellus, Micrantheum ericoides, Xanthosia tridentata, Epacris pulchella, Xanthorrhoea media, Lasiopetalum ferrugineum, Hakea sericea, Persoonia pinifolia, Platysace linearifolia, Bossiaea obcordata. shrubs, forbs and grasses. up to 400m around Sydney. d t C A r Y

Z N I a Climbers: Billardiera scandens, Cassytha pubescens. Groundcover: Entolasia stricta, Dianella caerulea, Pteridium esculentum, Austrostipa pubescens, Lomandra obliqua, Cyathochaeta diandra, Lepidosperma O c L

a d T s n a E t a laterale, Lindsaea linearis, Patersonia glabrata, Brunoniella pumilio, Gonocarpus teucrioides, Imperata cylindrica var major, Lomandra multiflora, Dampiera stricta. e s R h N est S M P F 07 08 DSF Castlereagh Shale- Trees: Eucalyptus fibrosa, Melaleuca decora. Shrubs: Daviesia ulicifolia, Lissanthe strigosa, Bursaria spinosa. Climbers: Glycine clandestina. Groundcover: Microlaena stipoides, Opercularia diphylla, Lomandra Eucalypt woodland with open layer of sclerophyll Transitional shale-gravel soils below 50m in a coastal d R 30 Buxton R K t W C multiflora, Cheilanthes sieberi, Aristida vagans, Pratia purpurascens, Themeda australis, Wahlenbergia gracilis, Poranthera microphylla, Desmodium gunnii, Dichelachne micrantha, Goodenia hederacea, Lomandra shrubs & grassy groundcover. rain-shadow, Castlereagh-Holsworthy. n " i p502 Gravel Transition p o Y

1 P filiformis, Dichondra repens, Brunonia australis, Dianella revoluta, Hypericum gramineum, Lepidosperma laterale, Oxalis perennans, Panicum simile. R FOWp Forest 58 2 s 9 D e 06 li Scarborough 07 Dry Sclerophyll Forests (shrubby)

r a " h DSF Coastal Foredune Trees: Banksia integrifolia subsp. integrifolia Shrubs: Acacia longifolia, Leucopogon parviflorus, Rhagodia candolleana subsp. candolleana Groundcover: Actites megalocarpa, Carpobrotus glaucescens, Isolepis Variable shrub stratum, occasional small emergent Restricted to foredunes along the coast, throughout C 60

nodosa, Lomandra longifolia, Muehlenbeckia adpressa, Oxalis perennans, Pteridium esculentum, Spinifex sericeus, Zoysia macrantha. trees and patchy groundcover. coast. e61 Scrub DSFp144 r D D 05 S 06 F LAKE e p v 1 4 a DSFp146 2 DSF Coastal Sand Forest Trees: Banksia serrata, Eucalyptus botryoides, B. integrifolia, E. pilularis. Shrubs: Breynia oblongifolia, Monotoca elliptica, Allocasuarina littoralis, Acacia longifolia. Climbers: Glycine clandestina, Hibbertia scandens. Eucalypt forest with mixed understorey of Hind dunes and alluvial sands mostly below 20m, r 10

Bargo CATARACT g Groundcover: Pteridium esculentum, Lomandra longifolia, Imperata cylindrica, Dianella caerulea, Gonocarpus teucrioides. sclerophyll shrubs, ferns, grasses & forbs. along coast Broken Bay-Moruya.

" r p64 a

04 GWp2 H 05

d e R c DSF Coastal Sandstone Trees: Corymbia gummifera, E. sieberi, E. racemosa. Shrubs: Leptospermum trinervium, Lambertia formosa, Persoonia levis, Banksia serrata, Platysace linearifolia, Acacia suaveolens, Isopogon anemonifolius, Low eucalypt forest with diverse sclerophyll shrub Coastal sandstone plateaus below 600m, Hornsby, 48600

o n g e r Dillwynia retorta, Petrophile pulchella, Banksia spinulosa, Bossiaea heterophylla, Banksia ericifolia, Acacia ulicifolia, Monotoca scoparia, Hakea dactyloides. Groundcover: Caustis flexuosa, Lomandra obliqua, layer and open groundcover of sedges. Woronora, low Blue Mtns & Jervis Bay. 7 a r p131 Ridgetop Woodland 8 B w p DSF 8 Dampiera stricta, Entolasia stricta, Actinotus minor, Cyathochaeta diandra, Lomandra glauca. 03 6 DSFp13 1 a S p L 04 F WSFp68 p143 F R Trees: Banksia serrata, Eucalyptus piperita, Angophora costata, Corymbia gummifera. Shrubs: Persoonia levis, Leptospermum polygalifolium, Lomatia silaifolia, Persoonia pinifolia, Banksia ericifolia, Acacia Eucalypt forest with diverse sclerophyll shrub layer Gullies on coastal sandstone plateaus below 500m, S DSF Coastal Sandstone W 16400

W K terminalis, Leptospermum trinervium, Platysace linearifolia, Banksia spinulosa, Ceratopetalum gummiferum, Acacia suaveolens. Climbers: Smilax glyciphylla. Groundcover: Lomandra longifolia, Pteridium and open groundcover of sedges. Hornsby & Woronora plateaus. N p140 Gully Forest

C Austinm er d A W esculentum, Gonocarpus teucrioides, Entolasia stricta, Caustis flexuosa, Dianella caerulea, Doryanthes excelsa, Lepidosperma laterale. " 02 R O E 03 a C

n P DSF Hinterland Sandstone Trees: Angophora costata, Corymbia gummifera, Banksia serrata, Eucalyptus piperita. Shrubs: Persoonia linearis, P. levis, Phyllanthus hirtellus, Leptospermum trinervium, Lomatia silaifolia, Banksia spinulosa, Open eucalypt forest with abundant sclerophyll Dry sandstone gullies up to 650m in rainshadow zone i 25500 r W SFp9 E 9

A HIC Platysace linearifolia, Ceratopetalum gummiferum, Acacia ulicifolia, Acacia terminalis. Climbers: Billardiera scandens. Groundcover: Entolasia stricta, Pteridium esculentum, Dianella caerulea, Smilax glyciphylla, shrubs and groundcover of sedges. surrounding Cumberland Plain. N K p142 Gully Forest S C K

6 K 6 DSFp131 Xanthosia pilosa, Lomandra longifolia, Lepidosperma laterale, Lomandra obliqua. 01 C 02 p d F DSFp140 N R DSF Wingecarribee- Trees: Corymbia gummifera, Eucalyptus piperita, E. agglomerata, E. sieberi. Shrubs: Lomatia silaifolia, Phyllanthus hirtellus, Persoonia levis, P. linearis, Banksia spinulosa, Leptospermum trinervium. Climbers: Open eucalypt forest with abundant sclerophyll Sandy loams on elevated sandstone slopes 250-800m, S r 9800 K E ly

W D L e C Billardiera scandens. Groundcover: Entolasia stricta, Lomandra obliqua, Pomax umbellata, Gonocarpus teucrioides, Dianella caerulea, Dampiera purpurea, Pteridium esculentum. shrubs and groundcover of sedges. mainly Nattai-Wingecarribee. A L s p144 Burragorang n v HEWIT 62 E H o A u T

o n S CK R O Yanderra O Sandstone Forest 00 s Th R D irroul 01 l t O i " a n " N m u DSF Sydney Hinterland Trees: Corymbia gummifera, Eucalyptus punctata, Angophora costata, Syncarpia glomulifera. Shrubs: Phyllanthus hirtellus, Persoonia linearis, Leptospermum trinervium, Acacia ulicifolia, Persoonia levis, Acacia Eucalypt woodland with open understorey of Loamy soils on dry ridges below 400m in rainshadow 14600 O E Rd o W M M linifolia, Banksia spinulosa, Pimelea linifolia. Billardiera scandens. Entolasia stricta, Lomandra obliqua, Pomax umbellata, Themeda australis, Lomandra multiflora, Lepidosperma laterale, S p146 Transition Woodland Climbers: Groundcover: sclerophyll shrubs, sedges, forbs & grass. zone surrounding Cumberland Plain.

P C i 62 Dianella revoluta, Austrostipa pubescens, Goodenia hederacea. c 99 K t B ulli 00 o K n RFp112 DSF Shoalhaven Sandstone Trees: Corymbia gummifera, Eucalyptus sclerophylla, E. sieberi. Shrubs: Lambertia formosa, Persoonia levis, Banksia spinulosa, Petrophile pedunculata, Leptospermum trinervium, Lomatia ilicifolia, Bossiaea Eucalypt woodland or forest with abundant Sandy loams on sandstone plateaus up to 700m from C " 30 R FOWp107 G d p148 Forest heterophylla, Hakea laevipes, Platysace linearifolia, Pimelea linifolia, Tetratheca thymifolia. Groundcover: Lomandra obliqua, Patersonia sericea, Entolasia stricta, Caustis flexuosa, Cyathochaeta diandra. sclerophyll shrubs and groundcover of sedges and Robertson to Mogo. N

K L O C forbs.

E 98 99 S Y Heathlands



W HL Littoral Thicket Trees: Banksia integrifolia, Leptospermum laevigatum, Acmena smithii, Eucalyptus botryoides. Shrubs: Breynia oblongifolia, Monotoca elliptica, Notelaea longifolia. Climbers: Stephania japonica. Groundcover: Tall dense scrub and forest with open Beach dunes and clay-soil headlands within 200m of

H 80 H D Lomandra longifolia, Commelina cyanea, Hibbertia scandens, Pteridium esculentum, Dichondra spp., Viola hederacea, Oplismenus imbecillis, Imperata cylindrica. groundcover. the sea. G p63 97 O I 98

O H Woonona

W S " HL Coastal Sandstone Trees: Corymbia gummifera. Shrubs: Isopogon anemonifolius, Banksia ericifolia, Lambertia formosa, Epacris microphylla, Leptospermum trinervium, Hakea teretifolia, Pimelea linifolia, Hakea laevipes, Banksia Open to dense shrub canopy with emergent Damp sandy loams on coastal sandstone plateaus 270 E

C oblongifolia, Pultenaea elliptica, Petrophile pulchella, Xanthorrhoea resinifera. Groundcover: Dampiera stricta, Lepyrodia scariosa, Actinotus minor, Cyathochaeta diandra, Lindsaea linearis, Lomandra obliqua. mallees and groundcover of sedges & forbs. below 600m, Hornsby, Woronora & Beecroft plateaus. p117 Plateau Heath 96 N 97 I

R M P Bellambi Eucalyptus stricta. Isopogon anemonifolius, Allocasuarina nana, Leptospermum trinervium, Lomandra glauca, Platysace linearifolia, Petrophile pulchella, Banksia ericifolia, Hakea laevipes, HL Blue Mountains Heath Trees: Shrubs: Open to dense shrub canopy with emergent Exposed sandstone plateaus with damp shallow sandy <10 o L U u " DSFp144 n RFp113 G I Brachyloma daphnoides, Conospermum taxifolium, Epacris microphylla, Leptospermum arachnoides. Groundcover: Dampiera stricta, Goodenia bellidifolia, Lepidosperma viscidum, Patersonia sericea. mallees and groundcover of sedges & forbs. loams 600-1150m, upper Blue Mtns.

LAKE t K BE B p124 95 LLAM e FO 96 Wp105 ir a K HLp63

C Corrimal HL Coastal Rock Plate Shrubs: Allocasuarina distyla, Darwinia fascicularis, Epacris microphylla, Leucopogon microphyllus, Acacia suaveolens, Banksia ericifolia, Kunzea ambigua, Leptospermum squarrosum, Dillwynia floribunda, Zieria Open to clumped shrub canopy with patchy Skeletal sands on massive sandstone pavements up R 90 CORDEAUX d S " " L p126 Heath laevigata. Groundcover: Lepyrodia scariosa, Lepidosperma viscidum, Actinotus minor. groundcover of sedges & forbs. to 400m, Broken Bay-Beecroft Peninsula. E K N E FRWp3 13 94 K Yerrinbool T C 95 ISH G

N DSFe61

A WSFp102 HL Coastal Sandplain Shrubs: Banksia serrata, Bossiaea ensata, Acacia suaveolens, Ricinocarpos pinifolius, Isopogon anemonifolius, Lambertia formosa, Bossiaea heterophylla, Leptospermum laevigatum, Allocasuarina distyla, Dense to open shrub canopy with open Podsolised sand dunes, usually perched on coastal WSFp1 R 10 00

T Towradgi p139 Heath Persoonia levis, Pimelea linifolia. Groundcover: Xanthosia pilosa, Gonocarpus teucrioides, Hypolaena fastigiata, Lomandra glauca, Dampiera stricta, Lepidosperma concavum. groundcover of forbs & sedges. plateaus up to 150m, Port Hacking & Jervis Bay. C " 93 A 94

LAKE R FR GE T W A A REE Freshwater Wetlands

p T B GWp3 1 C 2 B 9 A GWp34 M A K C FrW Tableland Swamp Shrubs: Leptospermum juniperinum, L. obovatum, Lythrum salicaria. Groundcover: Baumea rubiginosa, Carex gaudichaudiana, Eleochaeris sphacelata, Hydrocotyle peduncularis, Isachne globosa, Juncus usitatus, Dense groundcover of water-tolerant, soft-leaved Peats and humic loams in sediment-filled valleys from C <10 92 o u 93 p57 Meadow Lepyrodia anarthria, Phragmites australis, Ranunculus inundatus. sedges and forbs, occasionally with scattered the Blue Mountains to Braidwood, 300-1100m n AVON M trees and an open to dense shrub layer. t o O K DSFp 11 u y C n u Mount Ousley Hakea teretifolia, Banksia ericifolia, Epacris obtusifolia, Sprengelia incarnata, Xanthorrhoea resinifera, Baeckea imbricata, Leptospermum juniperinum, Banksia oblongifolia, B. robur.. Cassytha t FrW Coastal Upland Swamp Shrubs: Climbers: Open to dense shrub canopy with dense Humic sandy loams in headwater valleys on 3700

s w K e I 91 r " K l 92 H e y p129 glabella. Groundcover: Leptocarpus tenax, Empodisma minus, Lepyrodia scariosa, Selaginella uliginosa, Drosera spathulata, Dampiera stricta, Mitrasacme polymorpha, Lindsaea linearis. groundcover of sedges and forbs. sandstone 50-600m, Hornsby & Woronora plateaus. L D R m d raha L C i e G r I y a r Y r m a R W D H u d A N FrW Blue Mountains - Shrubs: Leptospermum juniperinum, Baeckea linifolia, Sprengelia incarnata, Epacris obtusifolia, Hakea teretiofolia, Banksia ericifolia. Groundcover: Empodisma minus, Leptocarpus tenax, Gymnoschoenus Open shrub canopy with dense groundcover of Humic sandstone soils in headwater valleys 450- 180 61 H O d l G A 90 S 91 sphaerocephalus, Lepidosperma limicola, Drosera binata, Xyris operculata. sedges & forbs. 1100m, Blue Mtns-Morton plateau. N p130 Shoalhaven Hanging

WSFp99 WSF O p110


RFp114 W

m Co E C K Norrr k th Wol L im longong

L Shrubs: Melaleuca ericifolia. Groundcover: Baumea articulata, Persicaria praetermissa, Phragmites australis, Triglochin procerum, Typha orientalis, Cladium procerum. Patchy but dense shrub canopy with dense cover Freshwater or slightly brackish coastal lagoons below

8 FrW Coastal Freshwater T 6 a T 1 100 U " l 61

G d A 5 W p S N 89 R of reeds. 10m, scattered throughout coast. F G 90 p313 Lagoon

O R t h I G t A u M T o T I 2 E S Fp14 M DS d E W Forested Wetlands l ollongong

O K M 88 Mount Kembla Kembla Heights " 89 FoW Burragorang River Flat Trees: Eucalyptus deanei, E. eugenioides. Shrubs: Rubus parvifolius, Leptospermum polygalifolium, Acacia spp., Breynia oblongifolia. Climbers: Glycine clandestina, Clematis aristata. Groundcover: Lomandra Tall eucalypt forest with an open shrub layer and Sandy alluvial flats along major streams 100-200m on C RI <10 ME C A A Fig E " " N " Tree longifolia, Pratia purpurascens, Pteridium esculentum, Adiantum aethiopicum, Gahnia aspera, Imperata cylindrica, Cheilanthes sieberi, Dichondra spp., Veronica plebeia, Entolasia marginata, Oplismenus aemulus, dense groundcover of grasses & forbs. Hawkesbury-Nepean, Wollondilly & Kowmung. G p31 Forest FOWp520 D K C I C K R Poranthera microphylla. K D B R I C 87 M B 88 Trees: Eucalyptus tereticornis, Angophora floribunda, E. amplifolia. Shrubs: Acacia parramattensis, Bursaria spinosa, Sigesbeckia orientalis. Groundcover: Microlaena stipoides, Oplismenus aemulus, Dichondra Woodland with open shrub layer and continuous Alluvial flats up to 160m along streams on the FoW Cumberland River Flat L 1200 A S

H L D spp., Entolasia marginata, Solanum prinophyllum, Pratia purpurascens, Echinopogon ovatus, Desmodium gunnii, Commelina cyanea, Veronica plebeia. groundcover of grasses and forbs. Cumberland Plain & Burragorang. E p33 Forest d SOUTH PACIFIC OCEAN M N OUNT KEM R B BLA ill D # O h A ng P DSFp144 ri 9 P 86 p Eucalyptus robusta. Leptospermum polygalifolium, Acacia longifolia, Melaleuca linariifolia, M. ericifolia, Leptospermum continentale. Gahnia clarkei, Selaginella uliginosa, Imperata 2 T S 87 FoW Coastal Sand Swamp Trees: Shrubs: Groundcover: Low eucalypt forest with open shrub layer and Drainage lines and depressions in coastal sand flats <10 F p1 O Unan O W derra

Y cylindrica, Baumea juncea, B. articulata. dense groundcover of sedges & forbs. below 10m, throughout coast. R p45 Forest F C N D " A SFp64 I C K H A A W R H

m C 85 FRWp130 E Trees: Eucalyptus ovata, E. viminalis. Shrubs: Epacris microphylla, Leptospermum continentale. Groundcover: Gonocarpus tetragynus, Lomandra longifolia, Microlaena stipoides, Poa sieberiana, Hydrocotyle Low woodland with open shrub layer and dense Poorly-drained flats in headwaters of streams 600- k 3 O FoW Tableland Swamp Fp11 A 86 90 C R

7 L C K E

1 peduncularis, Themeda australis, Centella asiatica, Helichrysum scorpioides. groundcover of grasses and forbs. 1100m, Jenolan-Deua. E GWp34 R p54 Forest L


S N S 0

O R 84 4 85 FoW Sandstone Riparian Trees: Tristaniopsis laurina, Ceratopetalum apetalum. Shrubs: Lomatia myricoides, Tristania neriifolia, Leptospermum morrisonii. Groundcover: Lomandra longifolia, Entolasia stricta, Schoenus melanostachys, Scrub or low forest with clumped shrubs and Sandy banks and sandstone beds of streams below 960 M 1 E p H F T U p58 Scrub Lomandra fluviatilis, Sticherus flabellatus. sparse groundcover of sedges. 450m, Sydney basin. WSF S Ke O p268 D mbla Grange S Cringila B

d " U " R We pto D Casuarina glauca, Melaleuca styphelioides. Parsonsia straminea. Commelina cyanea, Phragmites australis, Alternanthera denticulata, Carex apprssa, Centella asiatica, Cynodon Trees: Climbers: Groundcover: Low, rather dense forest with open shrub layer and Brackish coastal floodplain drainage lines and 83 D st Da RF FoW Floodplain Swamp i J p111 110 am HLp117 MOUNT LINDSAY 84 ond Fie Rd # O lds D FRWp313 N dactylon, Juncus kraussii. semi-continuous groundcover. depressions below 10m throughout coast. p105 Forest K I K G G C C

G Lak P G Wp3 e Heights ort Kemb la

E S SLp509 C D R K " " K R E S FoW Estuarine Fringe Forest Trees: Casuarina glauca. Shrubs: Myoporum australis. Groundcover: Juncus kraussii ssp australiensis, Samolus repens, Sarcocornia quinqueflora, Suaeda australis, Baumea juncea, Cynodon dactylon. Low, rather dense forest with open shrub layer and In sandy saline sediments fringing high tide mark in 82 C C DSFp148 FO N 83 <10 K E Wp45 or S K H th O c p106 continuous groundcover. coastal estuaries below 5m throughout coast. E WSFp100 A lif GLp434 f Warr O R L e awong R I L D C U A "

r G G 81 C FO K FoW Estuarine Creekflat Trees: Melaleuca ericifolia, Casuarina glauca. Climbers: Parsonsia straminea. Groundcover: Baumea juncea, Lobelia alata, Baumea articulata, Leptinella longipes, Samolus repens, Selliera radicans. Dense scrub with continuous groundcover of Estuarine shores and saline creek flats below 10m, <10 Wp54 82

M i

FOWp105 n sedges and forbs. south from Lake Illawarra. GOOSEBERRY IS p107 Scrub LAND g


0 G Wp20 DSFp131 d S 0 ong Bong R

0 B FOWp106 LAKE ILLAWARRA t HLp139 0 RF WSFp266 p40 S GW Tableland Swamp Flats Trees: Eucalyptus viminalis, E. pauciflora. Shrubs: Rubus parviflorus. Groundcover: Microlaena stipoides, Dichondra spp., Acaena novae-zelandiae, Hydrocotyle laxiflora, Stellaria pungens, Poa labillardierei, Open eucalypt forest with sparse shrubs & dense Poorly-drained flats in headwaters of streams 550- 60 8 L509 81 1

6 p520 Forest Echinopogon ovatus, Geranium solanderi, Desmodium varians. grassy groundcover. 1200m, Jenolan-Deua. 271000 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 380 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 290 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 300 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 310 11 12 13 14 15 16 Saline Wetlands 22 km KIAMA 22 km WINDANG 4 km SL Estuarine Saltmarsh Groundcover: Sarcocornia quinqueflora, Samolus repens, Juncus kraussii, Suaeda australis. Mosaics of succulent herbfield and sedgeland. Estuarine mudflats exposed to regular tidal inundation 40 p509 throughout coast. Non-Native/Not-Vegetated Areas NV Modified or disturbed Urbanised or bare areas largely without native vegetation; forests, shrublands, grasslands and herbfields comprised primarily of exotic species, including exotic plantations and pastures. May include variable land component of native species depending on seasonal conditions and regrowth rates.

This map forms part of the Native Vegetation Mapping Report Series 4, NSW Native Vegetation Mapping Program.

TEMPERATURE o C 35 Map compiled by staff of the Scientific Services Division, NSW Department of Environment, Climate Change & Water.

30 * Drainage data supplied by NSW Department of Lands, Panorama Ave Bathurst NSW 2795. LOCALITY DIAGRAM KEY TO ADJOINING SHEETS MAP LEGEND 25 LANDFORM GEOLOGY * Geological data supplied by the Department of Mineral Resources, PO Box 536 St Leonards NSW 1590. SCALE 1:100 000 Elevation (m) Geological Groups 20 Vegetation Community Boundary ...... 0 - 90 Alluvial Sediments 15 The information contained in and by this map has been compiled from several sources and may contain KATOOMBA PENRITH SYDNEY 8930 9030 9130 2 1 0 2 4 6 8 10 errors and omissions. No warranty or representation, expressed or implied, is made with respect to the " 90 - 180 Basalt 10 Town ...... accuracy of this information, or its suitability for any purpose. The NSW Department of Environment, 180 - 270 High Quartz Sedimentary 5 Kilometres ! Climate Change & Water disclaims all and any liability to any person in respect of anything done or Locality ...... 270 - 360 Low Quartz Sedimentary 0 omitted to be done in reliance, whether wholly or in part, upon this information. Marine Sediments J F M A M J J A S O N D TRANSVERSE MERCATOR PROJECTION # 360 - 450 BURRAGORANG WOLLONGONG PORT HACKING Mountain or Hill ...... Mittagong Formation 8929 9029 91 29 450 - 540 This map is only reliable at the published scale of 1:100 000. G N Water SYDNEY Horizontal Datum: Geodetic Datum of 1994. Highway ...... 540 - 630 RAINFALL Copyright New South Wales Government. All Rights Reserved. ° Numbered grid lines are 1000 metre intervals of the Australian Map Grid, Zone 56. 630 - 720 Disturbed mm No part of this map may be reproduced without permission. 110 Grid values are shown in full only at the south-west corner of the map. Road ...... Mean Annual Rainfall: 806mm 100 90 MOSS VALE KIAMA Railway ...... 80 8928 9028 Edition 3, December 2009 70 Built Up Area...... 60 Cartography by Steve Cox 50 40 River or Wetland ...... 30 20 Creek or Channel ...... 10 0 Waterbody ...... J F M A M J J A S O N D

Climatic Data Obtained from Meteorological Station: PICTON COUNCIL DEPOT