Operation “Green Hunt” in India social practices of the genocidal counter- insurgency strategy “hearts and minds” adolfo Naya Fernández Foreign Languages Press Foreign Languages Press Collection “New Roads” #8 A collection directed by Christophe Kistler Contact –
[email protected] https://foreignlanguages.press Paris, 2020 First Edition ISBN: 978-2-491182-40-3 Translated from Operación “Cacería Verde” en la India: Las prácticas sociales genocidas de la estrategia de contrainsurgencia “Corazones y Mentes” published in 2018 by UNO Editorial, Albacete. This book is under license Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/ To Xosé Portela, in memoriam. CONTENTS Introduction 1 Methodology 14 Chapter 1 – Planning for Death 18 1.1 Genocide 19 1.2 Counterinsurgency 21 1.3 Operation “Green Hunt” 24 Chapter 2 – The Language of Perversion 30 2.1 Genocide 31 2.2 Counterinsurgency 32 2.3 Operation “Green Hunt” 34 Chapter 3 – Hunting the Human 38 3.1 Genocide 39 3.2 Counterinsurgency 40 3.3 Operation “Green Hunt” 44 Chapter 4 – Sexual Violence Against Women as a Weapon of War 52 4.1 Genocide 53 4.2 Counterinsurgency 55 4.3 Operation “Green Hunt” 57 Chapter 5 – Concentration Camps 62 5.1 Genocide 63 5.2 Counterinsurgency 64 5.3 Operation “Green Hunt” 65 Chapter 6 – The Economic Interests of Terror 68 6.1 Genocide 69 6.2 Counterinsurgency 71 6.3 Operation “Green Hunt” 74 Conclusion 82 Bibliography 96 Introduction Introduction “In war, they will kill some of us; we shall destroy all of them”.1 Thomas Jefferson Like a snail walking through a razor blade, where one cuts oneself slowly, I intend to start this research work.