Concert Series
•~.t: 16,000 People Read th» opening with a salm $Afb e Published Every Tuesday - "Justice to ails Bf the 112th Fit-id Ar 1 Now Jersey Nation^ _L and Friday Noon. malice toward none. * rnof Moore was in. : ana there was SIR-;. and SUMMIT RECORD abined chorus as well FORTY'-THIRD YEAR. NO. 78 SUMMIT, N,JW FRIDAY AFTERNOON, JUNE 3, 1932 $3.50 PER YEAR lows In Summit - •."••'••• : \' • • • Three in Holehouse, chair- TWO COPS,FIND TWO COPS! smorlal committee of Concert Series Coddington Talks Lacking Money to Pay Fines Judge Williams Many Summit Girls "AreiitWeiirat brothers, is ami "Somebody's breaking into Day tarations for tin- Apparently Ends the Ash wood Pharmacy," the is to be held the excited voice of - a woman to the Old Guard Will Revoke Licenses-Traffic Court Cases Kent Place Seniors Hogs, it appears, were apparent- The Playhouse June, in the even, , shrilled over the telephone in ly offered a day In which to get all u the biting they- cared to do out of >yterlan Church at I Subscriptkig Concert s police headquarters Wednesday Justice Hobert B. Williams an- chanic. was arraigned for n 42-mlle Describes the Work of nounced last night In Traffic Court nu .hour, speeding charge preferred Twenty Will Graduate their systems. What is more, they Clever Super«Cast Pre- ie urges all t),S(i jf- .' night. e! Fails ^Receive Re- The sergeant In charge.,, hop- Growing and Creating that hereafter defendants lacking by Officer Van Tionk, lie received With Record Class Mon- apparently chose Wednesday, June ing to nip the probable bur- the amount of their fine will have a-suspended sentence when ho ox- 1st.
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