Fall/Winter 2019-2020 Nature

For Special Friends & Donors of Riverbend Environmental Education Center

Riverbend Learning Outside is So Much More Than Fun

Many of you are familiar with the groundbreaking book Last Child in the Woods: Saving our Children from Nature Deficit Disorder by Richard Louv. This book sparked a grassroots movement that changed our country’s conversation around the benefits of spending time outside. Richard Louv spoke at Riverbend in 2007 as part of Michael Smerconish’s book club. We were thrilled to have this leading-edge thinker and storyteller inspire a local audience and share evidence supporting nature-based education. The movement to connect children to nature has evolved since Mr. Louv’s visit, and so has the urgency with which we must respond.

Education and a stronger connection of people and our communities to nature are key components that will help advance climate change mitigation and adaption. Education, especially for children, can change attitudes and behavior while guiding them to make informed decisions and take action. The UN Summit on Climate Action called for “Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) to reinforce the value of ecosystems services and encouraging investments in nature…The coalition calls for greater recognition of the interconnection between humans and nature and the integration of natural systems into concrete climate action. Nature-based solutions are effective, long-term, cost-efficient and globally scalable approach for climate action”.

The benefits of positive and meaningful experiences in nature are clear: kids demonstrate pro-environment behaviors and enhanced social, emotional, and physical well-being. Additionally, learning outside can improve academic outcomes. As students now have limitless access to information and resources through technology, it’s important for them to experience real-world, tangible opportunities for learning.

“Outdoor learning is so much more than fun; it is one of the richest pathways to inquiry, communication, and problem-solving. Every child deserves the opportunity to see where that path takes them.”

Kate Ehrenfeld Gardoqui, Senior Associate, Great Schools Partnership

Viewed as a nice to have when, in reality, the benefits of living and learning grounded in nature are essential to all of us. There is a cost to the children and to our communities when these opportunities are not experienced, and it most often negatively affects children growing up in impoverished urban areas.

Through our Access programs, in 2019 Riverbend will reach an estimated 3,575 students from underserved communities with 11,700 program visits. This includes our longest-running partnership with Norristown Area School District, serving every third and fourth grader in all six elementary schools. We are excited about our newest program partner, Upper Darby School District. Thanks to the tremendous generosity of our Farm to Table guests, 1,000 fourth graders will participate in a multi-visit program focused on building science skills, practicing investigations, and exploration. Ultimately, students will make connections to the ways that living creatures interact with the other elements of the habitat and how the ecosystem works. Riverbend’s Access programs serve children in five different school districts in the Greater area, from Head Start students through 5th grade.

We are so grateful to our supporters who have enabled Riverbend to evolve since that visit with Richard Louv 12 years ago. We have become a stronger and more impactful organization over the years. In 2007 we served 5,953 individual students through our school programs, and this year we will serve an estimated 13,200 school students, a 122% increase. We know that these experiences enrich their school experiences, help boost their academic performance, and promote their motivation to learn. Thank you for your generous support and for making Riverbend a place for nature-based learning for 20,000 people every year.

Doris Del Tosto Brogan Laurie Bachman Chair, Board of Directors Executive Director

2019 Board of Directors Key Staff Doris Brogan, Esq., Chair Monica Alston Laurie Bachman, Executive Director David Copas, Esq., Vice Chair Gretchen Cooney Rosie Arnold, Education Programs Manager Michael Haines, Vice Chair Bryan Franey, Esq. Lorna Atkinson, Habitat & Volunteer Manager Glenn Barenbaum, CPA, Treasurer Simon Herriott Michael Barcus, Aquaponics Specialist Ellen Jordan, CFP, Secretary Jimmy Owens Pamela MacCormick, Office Administrator Angela Allevi, MD Neal Shah Erin McCool, Director of Education & Strategic Initiatives MaryKate O’Brien, Development Manager Peter Sturtevant, Education Programs Coordinator Rhonda Viscusi-Babb, Communications & Marketing Manager Nature is Our Classroom Progress Updates on Riverbend’s School Programs

Nature-based STEM

During the 2018-2019 school year, Riverbend made great progress enhancing the depth and breadth of our Nature-based STEM education program for elementary students. This comprehensive 4-part program improves the science education of students through inquiry-based learning opportunities and access to the natural world. The program supports increased hands-on, minds-on investigations, both in and outside the classroom and a greater connection to nature along with the ability to make good choices around environmental issues.

We are excited to announce in Fall 2019, Riverbend partnered with the Upper Darby School District to offer our Nature-based STEM program to over 1,000 4th grade students in the District!

Photo: Beth Riches of the Upper Darby School District, Laurie Bachman, Rosie Arnold, and Erin McCool plan fall programs for students.


Riverbend’s Aquaponics program provides teachers with the tools they need to build their STEM classroom, bringing theoretical principles to life and enabling students to see for themselves the real impact of sustainable systems on the environment. In 2019, over 2,200 students and teachers participated in our Aquaponics program!

We are also thrilled to share that this June Chelsea Ingram and the CBS Philly Green Team featured Riverbend’s Aquaponics program as an innovative learning tool and a sustainable way to grow food.

Photo: Meteorologist Chelsea Ingram and Riverbend’s Aquaponics Specialist, Mike Barcus review the basics of Aquaponics for a CBS Philly Green Team news segment.

Philadelphia Children Access Nature (PCAN) On August 4th, Riverbend welcomed 26 teachers from schools throughout Greater Philadelphia to our Summer Science Inquiry Institute. This week-long program is just one part of our Philadelphia Children Access Nature Program (PCAN) that focuses on exposing teachers in grades 3 to 5 to inquiry-based instruction and strategies for incorporating these principles into their classroom and in outdoor settings. Following the Summer Science Inquiry Institute, we look forward to inviting 15 teachers for our year-long Teacher Fellowship. During this Fellowship, teachers will gain the skills and confidence needed to provide authentic learning opportunities for their students and create a connection to nature that will persist throughout their lives.

Photo: Teachers discuss lesson plan segments during the Summer Science Inquiry Institute. Continuing Education The essence of Riverbend’s education programs is using the vast potential of nature as our teacher. Nature-based STEM education uses hands-on, direct experiences outdoors and inquiry-based learning to teach environmental principals. To provide high-quality activities, it is essential that our education staff participate in their own life-long learning opportunities. Their ongoing development enables us to keep pace with current thinking in the realm of informal teaching methods and to make sure that Riverbend remains at the forefront of environmental education.

The highly selective BEETLES (Better Environmental Education, Teaching, Learning & Expertise Sharing) Leadership Institute is focused on methods of teaching best practices for outdoor education. BEETLES seeks a senior Erin McCool with teachers at the 2019 Summer Science leader from an organization alongside a boots-on-the-ground Inquiry Institute (SSII). manager who will both implement programs and help to train others in their methods. Riverbend’s Director of Education and Strategic Initiatives, Erin McCool and Rosie Arnold, Manager of Education Programs, were accepted to a one-week, immersive training session held in December 2018 at a retreat center in California.

The program was developed by the Lawrence Hall of Science, a part of the University of California at Berkeley. BEETLES is focused on creating a framework and strategies for outdoor informal science education settings such as Riverbend. Funded by the National Science Foundation, the goal of BEETLES is to improve the overall quality of this type of science instruction. Additionally, they offer resources that may be shared with teaching professionals and provide a network of organizations who have attended the institute.

At the beginning of this year, Riverbend reviewed our processes and found that the BEETLES methods aligned well with programming already in place. BEETLES teachings helped us to make incremental adjustments that improved overall program quality for students and teachers. Erin and Rosie Arnold runs a training session at SSII. Rosie worked with a core group of Riverbend educators to examine models and created standards to measure all programs. These are designed to help students improve observation skills; to help staff facilitate science discussion; and to help students better communicate about science by presenting evidence, disagreeing productively, and building on each other’s ideas.

Throughout 2019, the education team focused on the creation of programs that better support the learning cycle. By offering ongoing Professional Development sessions to educators, Riverbend’s education leadership has also become more focused on teaching instructors about how people learn and how best to use nature as a platform for STEM learning. All of this effort is to create the best overall experience for students.

Education Programs Coordinator, Peter Sturtevant, has been accepted to the NISE Network’s Sustainability Fellowship in January of 2020. The National Informal STEM Education Network (NISE Net) is a community of informal educators and scientists dedicated to supporting learning about science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) across the U.S. Peter Sturtevant teaches about Aquaponics at Riverbend. Environmental Studies Riverbend’s Summer Interns Share a Common Connection and a Bright Future by Linda Huang Riverbend offers a habitat internship program that provides Elad Shdaimah is a sophomore at the students an opportunity to gain hands-on experience in habitat University of Maryland, College Park. Elad restoration and preservation. Thanks to a grant from the Kate is an environmental and technology major Svitek Memorial Foundation, four undergraduate college students with a concentration in ecological and were chosen to work with the Habitat and Volunteer Manager, technology design. His own experiences, Lorna Atkinson, this summer. Like a growing number of students, family, and teachers are all essential these four interns married their passion for environmental studies influences that inspired his passion for the with their other interests in the realms of technology, business, environment. The summer internship at politics, and education. Their time spent learning and applying the Riverbend provided Elad with an important opportunity to gain knowledge in a real-life situation enriched their understanding of experience in his field of study. While interested in STEM, he is the natural world, as well as paved the way for success in their excited to study more in the field of technology and learn more future careers. about the different ways he can apply it to address environmental issues. Ultimately, Elad seeks a career working in a non-profit or a Amelia Baker is a senior environmental government organization to promote environmental awareness and science major with a business administration sustainability. minor at Elizabethtown College. Through her internship, she learned a lot of applicable Molly Sutter is a senior at Goucher College knowledge and practical skills by working in pursuing environmental studies with a the meadow, building secure barriers, and double minor in education and psychology. planting trees around the wooded chip trails. Throughout her internship, she learned a Amelia finds it important for individuals to lot of practical skills such as combating spend time in nature to understand and reignite our bond with the invasive insects, as well as understanding natural world. She also values the importance of those working the meaning and impact of conservation. behind the scenes to support and run a non-profit. By building Molly particularly enjoyed helping with camp experiences in business and environmental work, she hopes to and learning from educators as they interact with children. The one day run a nature preserve of her own. time spent at Riverbend offered her a memorable experience that aligned with her interest in the environment and education. In the Carina Ricciardi is a senior majoring in future, she is eager to be an environmental educator and work with environmental studies and minoring in people of all ages to develop an understanding of the natural world. political science at Temple University. Her With the memorable experiences of her elementary teachers, she positive experiences in nature and courses wants young children to have a positive experience in nature, and in school contributed to her interest in grow up to become informed citizens. environmental work. Instead of listening to a classroom lecture about ecology, she enjoys Thank you to our Marketing and Development taking action in the field by identifying Intern, Linda Huang, for her assistance with invasive species, finding solutions, and protecting native plants. this article. Her favorite part of the internship is the learning experiences that she gained through the different projects she worked on in the Linda spent six weeks at Riverbend over the preserve. Carina is also interested in environmental policy. She summer, assisting with various assignments enjoys informing people about the current laws to encourage for communications and development, and greater activism in regards to policy support. In the future, she for our summer camp program. Linda spent envisions herself working for the Environmental Protection Agency her previous summer at Riverbend as an Educator-In-Training and or the National Parks Service. shadowing Riverbend’s development and marketing team.

After her internship finished this summer, Carina joined Riverbend Linda is a sophomore at Penn State’s Smeal College of Business. as a part-time member of our education team. She is deciding between accounting or marketing as her major and spends time in community service activities at State College.

Lorna Atkinson works with interns and teen volunteers. Interns enjoy time with Riverbend’s summer campers and educators. Farm to Table Raises $40,000 for Upper Darby School Programs

On June 2nd, 2019, Riverbend welcomed 194 guests at Home Once students begin to make those connections and understand Bred Farms for our annual Farm to Table event and raised the benefits of nature for themselves and how they learn, they will $90,000 for Riverbend. grow as students, classmates, and citizens.”

Despite concerns of rain, guests were greeted by sunshine on Riverbend will be spotlighting our Upper Darby partnership a lovely Sunday evening and enjoyed farm-to-table delights, throughout the year to provide our community with an seasonal cocktails, live music, and farm animals, most notably understanding of our deeper Nature-based STEM programs. Keep Arnold, Home Bred Farms potbellied pig! Featured presenter, Dan an eye out for more information on our website, in mailings, social Lammot delivered an impactful program about how “our world is media posts, and emails. at a threshold moment” and emphasized the importance of data and technology to advance environmental literacy that fuels social change.

Catalyzed by our honorees and gracious hosts, Ed & Brucie Baumstein, paddle raise contributions at Farm to Table reached a record high $40,000! This support funded the expansion of Riverbend’s Nature-based STEM program to the Upper Darby School District. In September, Riverbend officially launched our partnership with Upper Darby, which serves 1,000 students from 41 classrooms in 10 schools.

According to Beth Riches, Curriculum Supervisor for Science in the Upper Darby School District, providing opportunities that connect children to nature is a vital role of her position. “Most of our students live in areas with very little opportunity to get outside into nature. Parents are reluctant to allow children to explore the nearby park due to concerns about violence and drug activity. Even the schoolyards have more pavement than grass. Riverbend’s program allows children to connect with nature on a deeper level. Executive Director Laurie Bachman supports the paddle raise.

Board Chair Doris Brogan speaks to the audience. Guests enjoy cocktails at Home Bred Farms. Financial Report 2018 Year Ended December 31, 2018

Statement of Financial Position Property & Equipment...... $1,848,320 Current Assets...... $431,696 Other Assets...... $4,539 TOTAL Assets...... $2,284,555

Statement of Activities Revenues & Other Support Education Programs...... $529,688 Fundraising Contributions...... $315,608 Fundraising Events...... $170,047 Grants...... $11,317 Other Income...... $4,840 Interest Income...... $5,795 In-kind Donations...... $26,710 TOTAL Revenues & Other Support...... $1,063,975

In-kind Donations 2.5%

Other Income Education .4% Programs

Interest Income 50% .5%

Fundraising Grants Events Fundraising 1% 16% Contributions 30% Expenses Program Services...... $808,155 Fundraising...... $123,623 Management & General...... $145,608 TOTAL Expenses...... $1,102,170 Change in net assets...... ($38,195)

Management & General 14%

Program Fundraising Services 12% 74% CMS Logistics Sherry & Bart Haines Donors Barbara & Harry DeVerter The Hassel Foundation E. Murdoch Family Foundation Henkels & McCoy Enterprise Holdings Henrietta Tower Wurts Memorial Foundation Federal Home Loan Bank of Pittsburgh Mr. & Mrs. Simon Herriott Jamie & Michael Haines Jill Miller & Associates 2018 Independence Blue Cross John B. Ward & Co. Jane Koppelman Ellen & Eben Jordan $10,000+ Johnson & Johnson Christine V. Kanter Manko, Gold, Katcher, & Fox Kate Svitek Memorial Foundation The 25th Century Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Edward S. Baumstein Jessica & Brett Keller ASTM International Mr. & Mrs. Neal Shah Sharon & William Littleton Doris & Jim Brogan Mr. Peter & Dr. Kristie Ressler Lundy, Beldecos & Milby, P.C. Exelon Neubauer Family Foundation Caroline & Christopher Manogue Germeshausen Foundation, Inc. Angela Allevi & Jason Newman Doreen Masalta Janssen Pharmaceuticals Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts Program Nancy H. McCahan PECO Riggs Distler & Co., Inc. Mirowski Family Foundation Philadelphia Insurance Companies Rosenlund Family Foundation Nottingham Custom Painting Powell Family Foundation Dr. & Mrs. H. Edward Seibert Orsolya Lazar & Michael O’Grady Emily & Richard Reiner Solomon Edwards Group, LLC The Philadelphia Contributionship Wright-Cook Foundation Tired Hands Brewing Company Rorer Foundation, Inc. Rothman Institute $5,000 to $9,999 $1,000 to $2,499 Meriam Zandi & Thomas Jay Rush Schiel Family Foundation Asplundh Tree Expert Co. The Alex J. Ettl Foundation Shreiner Tree Care Specialists, Inc. Bryn Mawr Trust Drs. Melissa & Paul Anderson Site Engineering Concepts, LLC Connie & David Lees Ardmore & Central City Toyota Kimberly & Jeffrey Spann Deborah & Nicholas Adams Laurie Bachman Mr. & Mrs. Shanin Specter Ernst & Young Dr. Melissa & Mr. Glenn Barenbaum Michelle & Samuel Stanford Gretchen & Gordon Cooney Bartlett Tree Experts TD Bank InfraSource Gwen Goodwill Bianchi Viola & Christian Terwiesch Laura Tseng & Trey Katzenbach Katie & Paul Binnion Lisa & Jeffrey Thomas Lainey & Trip McMahon Mr. Frederick L. Bissinger, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. James J. Tornetta Lavinia & Michael Smerconish Mr. & Mrs. James M. Buck, III Vanguard Group Lily Foundation Canon Solutions America, Inc Christina T. Webber The Mill Spring Foundation Carr and Duff Inc The Wetherill School TreeVitalize Wateshed Grant Program Central City Steel Drs. Tamara Davis & Bruce Wightman TE Connectivity The Connelly Foundation Lisa & Lars Williamson Township of Lower Merion Amanda Masucci & Michael Daly Tracy & Douglas Wilson Davey Tree Expert Co. Sonya & Christopher Yohn $2,500 to $4,999 Design Concepts Plus Janine & Bryan Franey Aqua , Inc. $250 to $999 Jennifer Vollmer & David Copas Drs. Suzanne Reiss & Howard Grant Kathryn & Alan Grant BHHS Fox & Roach-Bryn Mawr The Nancy Greene & Peter Grove

Thank you to our many Friends of the Bend for their longterm suport of our mission. = White Oak - Friends who have given annually for 20 years or more. = American Holly - Friends who have given annually for 10 to 19 years. = Eastern Redbud - Friends who have given annually for 5 to 9 years. Rhonda & Andrew Babb Mirarchi Brothers, Inc. Megan & Patrick Corn Kurt Barkley Momenee, Inc. Vince D’Agostino Christine & Leif Beck Melissa & Steve Nielson Mary Jo Daley The Benevity Community Impact Fund Laura & Andras Olah Nancy & Ken Davis Amy & Jeff Bodle Dyana & Jimmy Owens Dr. & Mrs. Ernest Dellheim Brooke Madonna & Bryan Boyle Lauren & Nicholas Pennington Erin McCool & Bill DeLong Carrie & David Brodsky Pennoni Associates, Inc. Sara & Matthew Doelger Jill & Guri Bronner The Pennsylvania Trust Company Dr. & Mrs. Richard C. Drummond Bryn Mawr Dermatology Mr. & Mrs. William J. Petrauskas Beth Rittenhouse & Steven Dupont Cherokee Construction Co. Philadelphia Country Club Kelly Dunn Jody & Chris Coghlan Keith Pryor Dr. & Mrs. Gerald E. Dworkin Sarah & Cole Collier Jon Reichlin Mr. & Mrs. Roger Early Elsie & George Collier Cynthia & Bill Roberts Linda & Nick Eiteljorg Comcast Corporation Marjorie & Ken Roshkoff Haley Erdlen Concrete Service Materials Company Pam Stites & Rich Rowe Joanna Mattis & Colin Evans Diane & Pasquale Croce Mr. & Mrs. Scott Rowell Michele & Jonathan Fenkel Mr. & Mrs. Jack Crowley Janet & Robert Samuels Katharine Fisher C&V Landscaping Nancy & Ken Scott Lori & Robert Flanagan-Cato Mr. & Mrs. Charles Davidson Aliza & Joshua Shinefield Dr. & Mrs. Franz Fogt Nancy Davis The Four Counties Garden Club Sarah DeLeo Sila Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. Joan F. Fouracre Linda Dooney Mr. & Mrs. David Silvera Phillip & Nancy Franey Erin & Nicolas Durant Suga & Jared Smith Dr. Leonard Frank Betsy Luo & Michael Dutka Christine & Jon Stallkamp Lori Franzke Kristin & Scott Edwards Tracy Steele Mr. & Mrs. W. Edward Frazer, Jr. EisnerAmper LLP Mary Virginia Stieb-Hales Gaye Coppock-Freeman & Tim Freeman Exelon Foundation Matching Gift Program Schaunel Steinnagel & Matthew Taylor Donna Pironti & Matthew Frey Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Fascione Maggie & Jesse Taylor Lauren Friedman Fleming Consulting, LLC Texada Landscaping, Inc. Lauren & William Fulmer JoAbby Frankel John Troncelliti Caroline & Adam Gamse Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Gadsden Susan & Drew Tucker Ashley Gehman Mr. & Mrs. William Giles Lillian & Mark Wang Leigh Anne Smith & James Gicking Megan Quigley & Eric Gill Sara Moyn & Paul Weiner Jocelyn & Duncan Gilmour Glackin Thomas Panzak, Inc. Drs. Susan & Gregory Weinstein Gladwyne Sunoco, Inc. Gladwyne Animal Hospital Jennifer & William Wermuth Julia & Brian Glass Alexandra Glickman Mr. & Mrs. Jay Goldberg Norah & Howard Goldfine Up to $249 Pam & Andrew Goldman Goldman, Sachs & Co. Alison & Chad Graham Michelle & Michael Goldstein AmazonSmile Foundation Sarah & Jarrad Gunther Mr. & Mrs. S. Matthews V. Hamilton, Jr. Banny Ackerman Dr. Brian Haber Lisa V. Hancock Laura Hribar & Daniel Alvarez J. Barton Harrison Michelle Haslam & Brittany Sandlof Jeanne Anastasi The Hartstein Family Kendra Hearon & Matthew Kelly Shari Appel Michael Heisler Kimberly Heuer Kate & Renado Ashburn Linda & Jeremy Heller Anne Stokes Hochberg Lorna & Charles Atkinson April & Benjamin Henry HopDial Daria Auerbach Barkai Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Hepler Integrations, Inc. Diana Ayubcha Nicole Herman Annabelle Irey Amber & Robert Baer Jody & Joshua Holton Jewish Federation of Greater Phila. Mr. & Mrs. Gary Barbera Home Depot Meg Daly & Craig S. Johnson Michelle & Michael Barcus Steve Jordan JTA Associates, Inc. Anne V. Barker Katharine & Bobby Joyce Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Keating, Jr. Liz Bastian Mr. & Mrs. Bennett Keiser KKR Capstone Cyndy & John Baxter Caitlin & Mark Knight Nancy & Dick Klavans Erika Becker Alex Kobitz Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Lambert Virginia Berwick Lakshmi Iyer & Balaji Krishnapuram Mr. & Mrs. Brian Lobley Brinker Simpson & Co, LLC Courtney Kronenthal Patricia & Scott Mackay Dennis Brogan Monika Krug Jacqueline & Justin Mackey Jennifer & David Brosso Soojin Kwon Jennifer & Alexander MacLeod Mr. & Mrs. Chris Campbell Lori Wernersbach & Bruce Labaw Main Line Reform Temple, Beth Elohim Sabatino Campellone Catherine Lanois Main Line Unitarian Church Professor David Caudill Nan Lansinger Sarah & Brad Marshall Maureen & Robert Charbonnet Elizabeth Barrows & Jason Lavigne Mathnasium Cathy & Paul Chicos Aubrey Lax Mr. & Mrs. Howard McCoy Mary Coe Elizabeth Lazenka Robert McNeil Joseph E. Colen, Jr. Ulrike Altenmuller- Lewis & James Lewis Damon Michels Mr. & Mrs. David Comroe Lezzer Lumber Miller Bros. Aulikki Copas Jovana & Boris Loncarebik Up to $249 Continued Kirsten & Seth Walton In Kind Donations Warren Claytor Architects Alida Lovell Lynne Webb 13th Street Cocktail Catering Alexander R. Vaccaro Dara Lovitz Van Naarden Wegmans Asplundh David Lowe Mr. & Mrs. Carter Williams ASTM International David Luk Sherrie Willner Barbara Herbert Qing Li & Charlie Lyu Mr. & Mrs. Alan Willoughby Benjamin Grant Pam & Dennis MacCormick Dr. & Mrs. Richard P. Wilson Brownstein Group Alicia Walker & Eduardo Martinez Donna Winsor Catering by Design Anne Mathias Mr. Bertram Wolfson Connie Lees Conshohocken Brewing Company Lisa & Timothy Matthews Young Sports Dan Sullivan John Messantonio Susan & Thomas V. Zug, Jr. Gladwyne Firehouse Mr. & Mrs. David Miller Herban Design Erika & Matt Miller Home Depot Katie Murphy Jessica Keller Iris & Elad Nafshi JPM Catering Celeste & James Nasuti Jules Thin Crust Susanna & Saman Nazarian Kevin Silverang Lavinia Smerconish Meta B. & Benjamin R. Neilson Littleton Contractors Dr. & Mrs. Harvey L. Nisenbaum Morgan, Lewis & Bockius Non Profit LA Oscar’s Catering Barbara & R. Barrett Noone Palace Mission, Inc. Wendy & Peter Norman Pam MacCormick Laurel & Edward O’Connor Pennsylvania Horticultural Society Philadelphia Country Club Mona Parate Radnor High School Honors String Quartet Kathy & Chris Parker Seal Events Dr. & Mrs. David Pegues Shreiner Tree Care Specialists, Inc. Keith Pension Sweet Trading Company Arlene & Albert Perlstein TC Management, Inc. Martin Phillips Valley Forge Flowers Rodney Platt Victory Brewing Company

Jeanne & John Polidori Port A Bowl Restroom Co. Gifts in Honor & Memory Phyllis H. Powell In honor of Laurie Bachman Mr. & Mrs. Mark Pulos Mr. & Mrs. Charles Davidson Susan & Jeff Ramage In honor of Gretchen Cooney Sneha Reddy Jon Reichlin Richard Regueiro Linda VanOcker Mary Ann & Kurt Reiss In honor of Michael Haines Michele & Christian Ritter The Hartstein Family Dr. & Mrs. Fred Ritterman Mr. & Mrs. Carter Williams S&B Organic Cleaning Mary Ann & Kurt Reiss Mr. & Mrs. Ryan Schloer Dr. Brian Haber Wendy & James Schmid Dr. & Mrs. William Simon Celia & Dan Shaykevich In honor of Ellen Jordan Mr. & Mrs. Barton M. Silverman Mr. & Mrs. David Miller Dr. & Mrs. William Simon Annabelle Irey Cynthia & Stephen Sinclair In honor of Max & Hannah Stewart Alex Slawter Melanie & Laike Stewart Valerianna Amorosa & Duncan Speidel In honor of Michele & James Tornetta Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Spergel, Esq. Christine V. Kanter Sarah Spurgeon In honor of Anna Wetzel Jay Staple Lauren Friedman Bob Stein In honor of Tracy Rucker Wilson Melanie & Laike Stewart Anne Mathias Mr. & Mrs. Philip Sullivan In memory of Harris Fox Susan & Eric Swanson Michael Haines Mr. & Mrs. Lee Tabas In memory of John Newhall Robert Tasch Nancy Greene & Peter Grove Amy Thompson In memory of Elaine Phillips Porter Thompson Dr. Martin Phillips Ernest Ulrich In memory of Dorothy Quinn United Way of Greater Atlanta Michael Haines Maya van Rossum & David Wood In memory of Mr. Smerconish Linda VanOcker Michael Haines Mercy Varghese In memory of Alec Williamson Dr. & Mrs. Gerald Dworkin Drs. Jonathan & Tracy Waasdorp Lisa & Lars Williamson Volunteers 2018

Thank you to all of Jess Keller Alex Vaccaro Individual Habitat Dyana Kimball Michele Vessal Volunteers our Volunteers for Tessa Klimowicz Jennifer Vollmer 2018! Jason Krain Will Wermuth Estelle Atkinson Kim Kupka Jennifer Wermuth Gerry Atkinson Event Volunteers Emily Lambert Tracy Wilson Griffin Gallagher Robert Lambert Chris Yohn Michael Giresi Angela Allevi Connie Lees Sonya Yohn Anney Guiseppe Katie Arnold David Lees Camille Haines Charles Atkinson Jini Loos Teen Summer Habitat Dillon Howard Estelle Atkinson David Lowe Volunteers Shane Kent Gerry Atkinson Dennis MacCormick Jason Krain Michelle Barcus Erica MacCormick Gerry Atkinson Jon Linton Mike Barcus Marissa MacCormick Estelle Atkinson Alice Nacey Glenn Barenbaum Scott Mackay Ava Brookshier Ryan Parker Melissa Barenbaum Tricia Mackay Fletcher Burton Vivian Piasecki Anna Berman Jennifer MacLeod Ryan Byrne Sara Robinson Mark Berman Alexander MacLeod Ben Chermside Hallie Zeller Ally Bernstein Caroline Manogue Ruby Davis Moiz Fakhruddin Chomelawala Katie Binnion Chris Manogue Eagle Scouts Paul Binnion Doreen Masalta Taha Fakhruddin Chomelawala Julie Gianinnini Karnit Biran Amanda Masucci Niall Pegues, Radnor Troop 284 Frederick L. Bissinger Lainey McMahon Justin Gianinnini Doris Brogan Trip McMahon Dylan Masalta Summer Camp Teen Jim Brogan Erica Milby Siera Masalta Volunteers (EIT) Jill Bronner Megan Milby Kevin Melton Guri Bronner Emily Morrissette Homa Mirzai Estelle Atkinson Ava Brookshier Neha Mudalgikar Niall Pegues Xander Brodeur Scott Burkholder Minu Naik Luke Roman Fletcher Burton Cole Collier Archit Naik Sarina Smith Sarah Conlan Sarah Collier Jason Newman Sara Takenaka Wilson Davis Gordon Cooney Laura Olah Maya Taylor Teddy Del Duca Gretchen Cooney Andras Olah Cole Tralies Ken Guadagnino David Copas Tiffany ONeill Mia Tralies Linda Huang Corey Deller Jimmy Owens Joseph Wolff Allison Wightman Erin Durant Lauren Pennington Sean Yoon Nick Durant Nicholas Pennington Office Volunteers Bryan Franey Ryan Pilconis Days of Service: Fran Kelly Janine Franey Kate Powell Corporate, School, and Sondra Koch Alan Grant Sneha Reddy Community Groups Loretta Marley Kathryn Grant David Ritz Aqua PA Barbara Nelson Fred Greenspoon Zachary Sandler Agnes Irwin School Sylvia Nunez Carmen Greger Krista Schloer Baldwin School Matt Gregory Ryan Schloer Comcast Christopher Guadagnino Neal Shah Dow Ken Guadagnino Shweta Shah Bart Haines Celia Shaykevich Friends Central High School Sherry Haines Lavinia Smerconish Grant Thornton Michael Haines Michael Smerconish Goldman Sachs Jamie Haines Jared Smith Barbara Herbert Sarina Smith The Jim Herbert Suga Smith Junior League of Philadelphia Jill Herriott Emily Sorbello Leadership Philadelphia Simon Herriott Jeffrey Spann PECO Megan Hoppel Christine Stanko Shipley School Eben Jordan Maggie Taylor TE Connectivity Ellen Jordan Jeff Thomas Karine Karpati Lisa Thomas Brett Keller Lauren Vaccaro Riverbend

1950 Spring Mill Road Gladwyne, PA 19035 NatureConnect

“Earth and sky, woods and fields, lakes and rivers, the mountain and the sea, are excellent schoolmasters, and teach some of us more than we can ever learn from books.”

- John Lubbock English Statesman and Scholar