A Filibuster by Bryan Campbell: Politics, Diapers, and Empathy Interview with Bryan Campbell
Miranda Revue pluridisciplinaire du monde anglophone / Multidisciplinary peer-reviewed journal on the English- speaking world 17 | 2018 Paysages et héritages de David Bowie Janitor of Lunacy: a Filibuster by Bryan Campbell: Politics, Diapers, and Empathy Interview with Bryan Campbell Lea Stephan Electronic version URL: http://journals.openedition.org/miranda/14003 DOI: 10.4000/miranda.14003 ISSN: 2108-6559 Publisher Université Toulouse - Jean Jaurès Electronic reference Lea Stephan, “Janitor of Lunacy: a Filibuster by Bryan Campbell: Politics, Diapers, and Empathy ”, Miranda [Online], 17 | 2018, Online since 01 October 2018, connection on 16 February 2021. URL: http://journals.openedition.org/miranda/14003 ; DOI: https://doi.org/10.4000/miranda.14003 This text was automatically generated on 16 February 2021. Miranda is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. Janitor of Lunacy: a Filibuster by Bryan Campbell: Politics, Diapers, and Emp... 1 Janitor of Lunacy: a Filibuster by Bryan Campbell: Politics, Diapers, and Empathy Interview with Bryan Campbell Lea Stephan Websites 1 http://meteores.org/bryancampbell 2 http://leventdessignes.fr Interview Miranda, 17 | 2018 Janitor of Lunacy: a Filibuster by Bryan Campbell: Politics, Diapers, and Emp... 2 [Fig. 1] Visual of the show. © Brian Campbell 3 7 June 2018, 7pm – midnight, at Théâtre du Vent des Signes, Toulouse. 4 I met Bryan Campbell for an interview two days before his performance of Janitor of Lunacy: A Filibuster was scheduled to open at Théâtre du Vent des Signes on June 7, 2018. Given our discussion during the interview and my Civilization Studies perspective, I was slightly disappointed by the content of the performance, as I had expected something more obviously political.
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