Bulletin Issue 18
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Copyright c 2011 Free Software Foundation How to Contribute 51 Franklin Street, 5th Floor Boston, MA 02110-1301 Associate Membership: (617) 542-5942 Become an associate member of [email protected] the FSF. Members will receive www.fsf.org a bootable USB card and e-mail Issue 18 Bulletin June 2011 forwarding. To sign-up or get This bulletin was published by more information, visit member. the GNU Press (gnupress. fsf.org or write to membership@ Welcome to the org) and produced using only fsf.org. In this issue of free software – Inkscape, GIMP, Bulletin Markdown, and LATEX. Online: Use your credit card or the Bulletin... PayPal account to make a dona- by Matt Lee Remember, if you have any ideas, tion at donate.fsf.org or con- Welcome to the 1 Editor feedback or suggestions for things tact [email protected] for more Bulletin you’d like to see in future editions information on supporting the Why should I care 2 elcome to the first FSF Bulletin of the FSF Bulletin, we’d love to FSF. about that? Wof our 26th year. In this issue hear them! LibrePlanet 2011 4 we have insights on some of the excit- Jobs: List your job offers on our Recommending licenses 5 ing developments in free software, as jobs page. See fsf.org/jobs for The articles in this bulletin are for new projects well as articles reminding us of poten- details. individually licensed under the Thedangerofebooks 6 tial threats to our freedom and auton- Creative Commons Attribu- United Way: As a 501(c)(3) Spotlight: Merlin Cloud 8 omy. tion No Derivative Works tax-exempt organization, the GNUPressnews 10 We also have some changes at the 3.0 United States License. FSF is eligible to receive United Free Technology 10 Free Software Foundation. After ten To view a copy of this license, Way funds. See fsf.org/uw for Academy years with the Foundation, our former visit creativecommons.org/ more information. executive director Peter Brown has de- licenses/by-nd/3.0/us/ or cided to move on to new pastures — write to us at the address above. Free Software Directory: handing over the reins to a familiar Browse and download from thou- face, John Sullivan. John has held sands of different free software a number of positions in the Founda- projects at directory.fsf.org. tion, most recently serving as opera- tions manager. He has returned to Volunteer: To learn more, visit Boston after his brief dalliance with fsf.org/volunteer. life on the West Coast. Josh Gay, who some of you may remember as a Image credits: GNU artwork by Free Software Supporter: campaigns manager from a few years Etienne Suvasa. Make sure you’re getting all the very latest news from the FSF at ago, has also returned to continue that fsf.org/fss. work. Finally, throughout this issue you LibrePlanet: Find local groups will see various pieces of GNU artwork. in your area or start your own at These were recently rescued from our libreplanet.org! decaying archive and scanned. Our thanks go to Etienne Suvasa for all of Come on in! his work over the years providing us with these glorious pieces of art. 12 1 example, should not come with restric- restrictions; and more specifically to such as public bodies, entertainment, tions that say you can’t use it to write contribute to the building of a critical embedded systems, mobile computing, Republican campaign materials. Be- mass in the use of free technologies. etc. The FTA courses cover these fields cause running a program on a com- form several points of view: technical, puter to do something one wants to • The Free Technology Academy economic, organizational, and legal. do is the minimal definition of what consists of an advanced virtual campus with course materials it means to use a computer at all, the For whom? importance of this freedom is easy to that are followed entirely online. FTA is for people who want to acquire explain. • The contents of the program are knowledge about these topics and ob- Likewise, Freedom 2, the freedom focused on free technologies and tain a certificate that is accepted at the to redistribute copies so you can help designed by e-learning experts. your neighbor, is straightforward. Like master level by the university partners. freedom 0, it is not hard for every- • The Free Technology Academy is However, holding a university degree is one who encounters computers to see specially oriented to IT profes- not required to enroll. Typical partic- how this freedom directly impacts their sionals, students, educations and pants are ICT professionals, educators, lives. When using a computer, it is decision makers. students, civil servants, and decision- prima facie beneficial and empower- makers from different countries. • All learning materials used in ing to be able to exchange with oth- the FTA are published under li- ers copies of programs that do useful censes that allow them to be Learning methodology things. freely used, modified and redis- So far, so good. But now we are All courses provided by the Free Tech- tributed. Learners who enroll left with the two freedoms for which nology Academy are conducted en- in the FTA receive tuition from access to the “source code” is a pre- tirely online at the FTA Virtual Cam- the partner universities’ teaching Why should I care about condition: Freedom 1, the freedom to pus. The FTA learning methodol- staff, and FTA credits are recog- study how the program works and to ogy allows learners to define their own that? nized by these universities. change it to make it do what you wish; study schedules: asynchronus commu- nication tools, few deadlines, and ac- by John Sullivan and Freedom 3, the freedom to subse- • The FTA aims to share the bur- tivities that can be joined at different Executive Director quently distribute copies of your mod- den and benefits of developing ified versions to others. and exploiting course modules dates and times. This model allows for The importance of these freedoms related to free technology. Or- anyone to follow FTA courses, regard- t the FSF, we have a goal of in- less of their location and job, as long Acreasing the size and strength of has always been difficult to explain to ganizations interested in joining people who aren’t familiar with how forces are welcome to strengthen as they have regular access to the In- the free software movement. To ex- ternet. pand the movement, we need to get programs are written. We lack an the Partner Network. the attention of people who have never equivalent of Schoolhouse Rock’s “How heard of free software before, and ex- a Bill Becomes a Law” showing how Why? plain why it’s important. We have to source code becomes a running pro- make the case for the four freedoms gram. Even if we had one, we couldn’t The use of free technologies is con- that characterize free software, and to expect everyone to be interested. sidered a key factor for sustainabil- succeed fully, we must be able to do Unfortunately, things on this front ity: Free standards guarantee interop- this for people who don’t care to know have recently taken a turn for the erability and provide a level playing more than they have to about comput- worse. As of this writing, the top re- field for developers; free software im- ers. sult when searching Google for “source plementations help to prevent the for- Freedom 0, the freedom to run the code” is not a definition talking about mation of monopolies that hinder free program for any purpose, is the eas- the human-readable language in which competition in the ICT sector. iest to explain. A word processor, for programs are written. It’s a Jake The presence of free technologies Gyllenhaal movie. I haven’t seen this is steadily growing in many sectors, 2 11 We use it internally to provision We’ve also introduced a new ad- movie, but I’m told that in it, the for everyone, and that’s okay. I believe new virtual machines within our pri- dition to the GNU menagerie, the “Source Code” is a government experi- we can also earn the support of people vate cloud. Merlin will then provision adorable and soft baby gnu. We still ment revolving around a program that who can think of nothing they would these instances and even register them have our traditional stuffed gnu as well, enables one person to cross over into like to do less than learn or change how automatically in DNS. It makes the but for a limited time only. another’s identity in the last eight min- their computer works. rapid creation of large numbers of pro- Looking ahead, we expect to release utes of life. I’ve mostly gotten over In this effort, we are up against visioned virtual machines particularly a new edition of the GNU Emacs Man- the theory that this movie is in fact a powerful marketing machines like Ap- quick and easy, which I would say is ual soon, updated for Emacs 23.3. conspiracy designed to make our jobs ple, who spends millions of dollars to a general, if unwritten, expectation of As always, FSF associate members harder.1 tell us repeatedly that nobody should cloud computing. can get a discount of 20% off all pur- The prominence of Gyllenhaal’s want anything more than for their chases at shop.fsf.org. Source Code is just more buckshot for technology to just work, in the pro- naysayers who claim we will never be cess paradoxically defining freedom to able to convince people on a large scale mean the antithesis of both the de- that the freedom to modify a program sire and the ability to change anything is critical, because most people in their about one’s circumstances.