T Elizabethtown-Kitley
RVCA Work In Elizabethtown-Kitley he strength and Serving your Municipality resiliency of our local It’s hard to find a municipal service that RVCA’s programs don’t support either T communities rely on directly or indirectly. We provide watershed knowledge and expertise that guides the Rideau River and municipal decision-making, assists with emergency management and ensures its surrounding watershed. sustainable development. Without lakes, rivers, streams, forests, wetlands, floodplains, Our programs also support local economic development, tourism and recreation and natural shorelines and we provide these programs in a consistent cost-effective manner across the watershed. groundwater aquifers, we wouldn’t have air to breathe, • Source water protection — develop and implement local policies to protect water to drink, places to boat, sources of municipal drinking water and regional groundwater swim and fish, water and soil • Flood protection and warning — reduce the threat of loss of life and property to support agriculture and damage, helping municipalities prepare and deal with potential flooding and industry or green spaces to flood emergencies explore and relax in. Simply • Low water response — enable communication amongst water management put, natural areas sustain life. agencies and water consumers and facilitate optimal management when They also support economic resources are scarce development and property • Development regulations — regulate development on hazard lands values, reduce flood, erosion (floodplains, steep slopes, unstable soil) and in environmentally sensitive areas and drought impacts and they (wetlands, shorelines and valley lands) under Ontario Regulation 174/06 — are the best defense against Development, Interference with Wetlands and Alterations to Shorelines and climate change.
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