Sovereign Military Order of Anthem: Hail, thou the White Cross

Capital: Palazzo Malta in

Prince and Grand Master: H.M.E.H. Fra'

Palazzo Malta

Fort St. Angelo as seen from Allies SMOM has formal diplomatic relations with 106 states and has official relations with another six states and with the European Union and International Committee of the Red Cross and a number of international organizations Its international nature is useful in enabling to pursue its humanitarian activities without being seen as an operative of any particular nation.

Culla is the ceremonial outfit With the white cross symbol on the chest area, it’s shape depends of the rank . Dames are wearing capes with Mantilla On the diplomatic meetings the knights are wearing red outfits modeled like the XIX c. outfits

Air Force In 1947, after the post-World War II peace treaty forbade to own or operate bomber aircraft and only operate a limited number of transport aircraft, the Italian Air Force opted to transfer some of its Savoia-Marchetti SM.82 aircraft to the Sovereign Military Order of Malta In the early '50s, when the strictures of the peace treaty had been much relaxed by the Allied authorities, the aircraft returned under full control of the Italian Air Force. One of the aircraft transferred to the Order of Malta, still with the Order's fuselage roundels, is preserved in the Italian Air Force Museum.

The Sovereign Military Order of Malta has a history of operating hospital trains through its military branch, known as the Military Corps of the Order. The operation of such trains reached its peak in the Second World War, but SMOM continues to operate such trains today. These include trains of carriages to provide shelter to refugees, with basic medical provision, and more technically equipped trains, on which a wide range of medical services may be provided.