Vallejo News April 16, 2020 | Issue 437

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Vallejo News April 16, 2020 | Issue 437 Vallejo News April 16, 2020 | Issue 437 Sign up for other City Communications: Subscribe to City Email Notifications Get Social! Contribute on Open City Hall Like us on Facebook Follow us on: Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn In This Issue: - Solano County Women of the Year - Autism Acceptance Virtual Lunch Hosted by TUC - Joey Chestnut Competing in First Virtual Major League Eating Competition - Solano County Earth Week Solano County Woman of the Year Peggy Cohen-Thompson has been named 2020 Woman of the Year by Senator Bill Dodd. Peggy is the president of the Solano County Board of Education, a longtime advocate for African- American business, and Vallejo civic leader. She has an extensive background having been a school’s trustee since 2014, a Vallejo planning commissioner, past president of Vallejo Community Access Television, president of Vallejo-Solano County Black Chamber of Commerce from 2004 to 2015, and was appointed twice by the Vallejo City Council to planning and budget committees. “I am humbly grateful that Sen. Dodd would determine my community engagements worthy of such honorable recognition,” Cohen-Thompson said. “My initial involvement in community and civic affairs began years back when I opened my first business in ‘downtown’ Vallejo, which at that time was beginning the first phases of redevelopment. As a business owner, I was notified of various changes and was encouraged to attend meetings, participate on task forces and join committees. Today, I find myself heavily involved in my community as we create more equitable solutions and improve the quality of life for all.” To read the full press release, click here. Autism Acceptance Virtual Lunch Hosted by TUC Touro University, along with Arc-Solano and the Special Olympics, will hold a virtual conversation on April 22 from 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m., to celebrate neurodiversity during Autism Month, and will discuss what resources are available throughout shelter in place. Experts include Stacy Martinez, Executive Director of The Arc- Solano, Amanda Young, Special Olympics Healthy Athletes Manager, and self-advocates. “We’re excited to partner with Arc-Solano and the Special Olympics to provide resources to support the ASD community while maintaining social distancing as part of the response to COVID-19,” said Gianna Brown, AADMD President and DO Candidate for the Class of 2023. Topics of discussion will include autism acceptance and how people can show their support, a discussion on COVID-19’s impact on the developmentally disabled, including alternatives for athletes who would like to remain active during shelter in place, and what resources are available for the developmentally disabled and their supporters during shelter in place. There will be time set aside for self-advocates to share the kind of adaptations they’ve used to succeed during this time and for participants to ask questions. The virtual lunchtime event is free and open to all on Zoom. Participants are encouraged to register in advance online. Joey Chestnut Competing in First Virtual Major League Eating Competition Major League Eating has announced that it will launch the BetOnline Quarantine Challenge, a bracket- style elimination eating tournament sponsored by, to meet overwhelming demand for sports content from fans. The series will launch April 17 and end on April 22, all times starting at 7:00 p.m. eastern standard time on various platforms, including MLE’s YouTube channel. The challenge will feature eight of the world’s top eaters facing off via video from their homes. The challengers consists of Joey Chestnut, the #1-ranked eater in the world and 12-time winner of the Nathan’s Famous Fourth of July Hot Dog Eating Contest; Matt Stonie (255 Peeps in five minutes); Darron Breeden (528 oysters in eight minutes); world-renowned chugging champion Badlands Booker; Miki Sudo, the #1-ranked female eater in the world; Gideon Oji (25 lbs of kale salad in eight minutes); Michelle Lesco (176 gyoza in 10 minutes); and Nick Wehry (11 lbs of strawberry shortcake in eight minutes). Foods for each first-to-finish round are as follows: April 17: Qualifying Round: Sliced Bologna – two pounds April 19: Quarterfinals: Milk and Cookies – one family pack of Oreos and a half gallon of milk April 21: Semifinals: Baked Beans – 1.125 gallons (or 10 pounds) April 22: Finals: Ramen Noodles – 10 individual ramen cups “Competitive eating is most powerful when conducted on-stage in front of a large audience, but it is also one of the few sports that professionals can perform from the confines of their own home,” said MLE Chairman George Shea. “While there has been substantial discussion about which professional sport would be the first to return – with baseball, basketball, golf and MMA all floating recent potential return plans – competitive eating is first to come back. It is a powerful statement of American resilience.” The competition will feature $11,500 in prize money, with $5,000 going to the winner. In addition, MLE and will donate $10,000 to Feeding America. Those wishing to make a donation can do so at To read the full article, click here. Solano County Earth Week Vallejo Flood and Wastewater District has collaborated with Solano Resource Conservation District in order to continue promoting Earth Day online. Join in a week-long digital event celebrating the 50th anniversary of Earth Day. From the week of April 19 to April 25, there will be activities, eco-friendly tips and resources, and free water, energy, and waste audits available that can be done at home. On April 22 at 1:00 p.m., there will be an Earth Day webinar with the California Coastal Commission. For more information, visit Sign up for other City Communications: Subscribe to City Email Notifications Get Social! Contribute on Open City Hall Like us on Facebook Follow us on: Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn Vallejo News is published by the City of Vallejo. We welcome your input and suggestions at [email protected] Past Issues of Vallejo News POWERED BY OPENGOV.
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