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Topic 1 Biodiversity information flow in REM and protected area in Marche Region Claudio Zabaglia Marche Region BID-REX Interregional thematic workshop - IMPROVING DATA FLOWS Budapest – 30-31 January 2018 Biodiversity information flow: at what point we are….. 1. Guidelines for planning at local scale (REC, REL) 3. Instrument 2. needs analysis REM Identification to collect and pilot areas - disseminate (Policy Application information Instrument) form 4.Implementa tion of REM in contexts of different territorial connotations 1. GUIDELINES FOR PLANNING REM AT LOCAL SCALE adress document to be examined by the Regional Council for the implementation of the REM in the territorial (river, coast, road) and urban planning tools (municipal, over municipal, parks) by L.R. n. 2/2013 art. 4 1. STEP TO IMPLEMENT REM AT LOCAL SCALE (over municipal, municipal) 1. Transposition of the 6. Identification 7. constituent of contact areas Definition of element of between models and REM natural system conservation and measures settlements 2. 5. Characterization Identification of of the ecological current and matrix potential threats 8. Monitoring of the results achieved over time 4. 3. Definition of Identification of the natural local nodes continuities of the local network 2. Identification of pilot areas gathering to lead to decision-maker Nome Comuni ALPE DELLA LUNA Carpegna, Borgo Pace, Mercatello sul Metauro, Apecchio MACRO PROGETTO DEL CONERO Sirolo, Ancona, camerino, Osimo, Offagna, Castelfidardo, Loreto, Porto Recanati, Numana. COLLINE COSTIERE DEL FERMANO Sant’Elpidio a Mare, Montegranaro, Monte Urano, Fermo FOCE DEL TENNA Porto Sant’Elpidio, Sant’Elpidio a Mare, Fermo MACRO PROGETTO PEDEMONTANA Fabriano, Cerreto d’Esi, Esanatoglia, Matelica, Gagliole, Castelraimondo, Pioraco, TRA FABRIANO E MUCCIA Camerino, Muccia FASCIA PEDEMONTANA DEI SIBILLINI Amandola, Montefortino, Montemonaco, Comunanza (FM-AP) MACRO PROGETTO P.N.
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