BLACK ROCK FOREST NEWS Spring-Summer 2015 Black Rock Forest Consortium Volume XXV, No.2

Benefit Luncheon: About Our Communicating Science . . . Effectively Annual Report

r. Neil deGrasse Tyson, speak- tium’s research, education, and conser- f you have contributed time, services, ing in conversation with Dr. Kim vataion programs. and/or financial support to Black DKastens, was the highlight of the Sibyl R. Golden welcomed everyone, IRock Forest Consortium, this is the Black Rock Forest Consortium’s benefit thanked the luncheon’s supporters, and moment when we hope to show our luncheon and the recipient of the William told guests that the tree seedlings and appreciation formally! On pages 4 & 5, T. Golden Award, named for the Consor- tree rings at their tables came from you will find our annual report with tium’s founder, for innovative leadership Black Rock Forest. Commenting that audited financials for Fiscal 2014 and a in science and science education. Held on “communicating science effectively is summary of impact in pursuing the Con- May 4 at the Metropolitan Club, the lun- vital for the future of this country and sortium’s mission of increasing scientific cheon’s theme was Communicating Sci- indeed the world, as only informed and understanding of the natural world. ence Effectively. It was chaired by Sibyl scientifically literate people can make How well did we serve our audiences? R. Golden (chairman of the Consortium’s decisions about many of the difficult is- In education, we invested in a formal board), with vice-chairs Catherine Morri- sues we face and will face in the years evaluation of student engagement that son Golden, Samantha Kappagoda, and and decades to come,” she introduced has the potential to unite Consortium Dr. David K. A. Mordecai. The luncheon Dr. Tyson. She said that “when we first educators in conversations about how to also featured remarks by Lisbeth Uribe, came up with this year’s luncheon theme, increase effectiveness of science educa- a teacher at The School at Columbia, on we could think of no one we would rather tion. Participants in last summer’s pilot the role of teachers in communicating have speak than Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson, used the consultant’s feedback to mea- science. science communicator extraordinaire.” surably improve instruction techniques. A sold-out crowd of more than 265 peo- She noted that he requested that the To improve service to researchers, ple gathered for the festivities. Many Consortium choose the format of a con- we created the Calvin Whitney Stillman member institutions took tables, as did versation, rather than a speech. Research Archive, putting the Forest’s board and Leadership Council members Dr. Tyson is the director of the Hayden long-term research data online. So far, and other friends of the Consortium. All Planetarium at the American Museum of in Fiscal 2015, scientists accessed this provided vital support for the Consor- (continued on page 3) data nearly 70 times, with a majority in January, presumably to help plan studies for the next field season which typically extends from April to October. Some of the year’s most promising developments were in conservation, as native tree saplings have sprouted abun- dantly in the Forest for the first time in decades. This is only possible when deer population size falls below a threshold level. The Consortium’s ecosystem man- agement plan includes a carefully regu- lated deer hunt, in association with the Department of Environmental Conser- vation and local hunters. It also includes protection for threatened bird popula- tions, and we have applied to become a designated Audubon IBA (Important Bird Area). Nothing achieved in Fiscal 2014 would have been possible without our Friends of the Forest. Thanks to all of you who Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson and Dr. Kim Kastens, in conversation. Photo: Jen Strader helped make it a great year.  Black Rock Forest News

Report from the Executive Director

Black Rock Forest Consortium hosted its ninth Among the dozen most recent papers is one biennial Research Symposium this year on by Vladimir Ovtsharenko and colleagues docu- Monday, June 22. We invited anyone doing menting the biodiversity of spiders in Black Rock research in Black Rock Forest or elsewhere in Forest: 279 different species including some the Highlands region to attend and present a found for the first time in State. Ina short talk about their work. The volume of pa- study of animal responses to loss of forest can- pers and posters presented at the Symposium opy trees, Katie Keck and colleagues found that has increased over time, from 10 - 20 in the small diversity decreased overall but first few years to 30 - 40 or more presented at that white-footed mouse populations increased each of the last several symposia. with major canopy disturbance. In another recent Research in Black Rock Forest dates back paper by Meng Xu, Joel Cohen, and me, we found to 1930, and thanks to support provided by that Taylor’s Law, a mathematical relationship members of the Stillman family, descendents between the mean and variance of population of the Forest’s founder Ernest Stillman, last densities, holds for groups of forest trees regard- fall we were able to provide online access to less of how they are grouped. And in another new the first 46 research papers produced in Black paper published in New Phytologist by Owen Atkin Rock Forest through our website (http:// and many co-authors including Consortium Pres- ident Kevin Griffin, Black Rock Forest comprises one study site acy-data). Research topics in those early years ranged from in a worldwide plant respiration database from 100 sites. The pioneering studies of soil fertility, tree nutritional status as re- results clarify how this important parameter varies with global vealed by leaf chemical analysis, and tree root distributions and temperature and aridity patterns and will help improve models relationships with soil fungi to many practical topics in what of the terrestrial biosphere. was then the relatively new field of . Black Rock Forest Consortium’s efforts to advance scientific Over time, the research programs in Black Rock Forest have understanding of the natural world include being open to new broadened and evolved, mirroring trends at other places and lines of research as they arise over time and to new ideas and institutions. As a recent report of the National Academy of methods. The Consortium’s website makes it clear that inves- Sciences stated, field stations like Black Rock Forest “place sci- tigators do not need to be affiliated with a Consortium institu- entists on the front lines of our changing Earth, helping them tion to work in Black Rock Forest; indeed anyone can propose a gather the data needed to better understand shifting climate research project which will be reviewed for compatibility with and ecosystems and make robust projections of future condi- ongoing research by Consortium scientists. The Forest’s diver- tions.” Authors of Black Rock Forest research papers in recent sity of landscapes, organisms, and ecosystem processes are years have ranged from undergraduates to seasoned scientists, available for all to study, in a permanently protected setting, time scales from nearly instantaneous to millennia, and spatial and with a great deal of background information freely avail- scales from microscopic to global. Our website now also makes able. And for so many of you with something to share with oth- many of these recent Forest research papers available online ers, we were glad to see you at the Forest on June 22. ( — Dr. William Schuster

Board of Directors of the Consortium The Black Rock Forest Consortium Institutional Members Teachers College Sibyl R. Golden, Chairman advances scientific understanding through American Museum of Natural History Dr. Kevin Griffin, President research, education and conservation Avenues: The World School Urban Assembly for Applied Math Michael Brooks programs. It is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) and Science Terri Carta organization supported by membership The dues, grants, and gifts. Valerie Colas-Ohrstrom The Editor: Sibyl R. Golden Geoffrey W. Dann, Treasurer Design: Jenkins & Page (NYC) William T. Golden (1909-2007) Vivian Donnelley © 2015 Black Rock Forest Consortium Christopher J. Elliman Founding Chairman Cornwall Central School District Francesco Filiaci The Deborah Gardner Consortium Staff Hunter College Helene L. Kaplan William Schuster, Ph.D., Executive Director Marine Biological Laboratory at Woods Liam Kavangh John Brady, Forest Manager Hole—The Ecosystems Center Sam Keany, Vice President Emily Cunningham, Director of External Metropolitan Montessori School Dr. Ryan Kelsey Affairs Newburgh Enlarged City School District Dr. Mary Leou, Vice President Jack Caldwell, Operations Manager New York City Department of Parks Caryn L. Magid Barbara Brady, Office Manager and Recreation David N. Redden Matthew Munson, Data/Network Manager New York – New Jersey Conference Anne Sidamon-Eristoff Kate Pavlis, Research Associate/ Beatrice Stern Environmental Educator Queens College 65 Reservoir Road, Cornwall NY 12518 Linda Stiiman The School at Columbia University Phone: (845) 534-4517 Lisbeth Uribe The E-Mail: brfoffice @ Christie Van Kehrberg, Secretary Web:

2 Spring-Summer 2015 • Volume XXV, No.2

Benefit Luncheon (continued from page 1) Natural History and the recipient of the NASA Distinguished Public Service Medal. He has served on two presidential com- missions and on NASA’s Advisory Coun- cil. He has also hosted Cosmos: A Space- Time Odyssey, PBS’s Nova ScienceNow and Origins, and StarTalk Radio, and is the author of ten books, including Death by Black Hole, which luncheon guests re- ceived as a gift. Dr. Kastens is a Special Research Scientist at Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia Univer- Scott Godsen and colleagues from the Spence sity and served as Distinguished Scholar School. Photos: Jen Strader at the Education Development Center from 2012-2014. She developed the first innovatively.” She concluded by noting student activities using data from the Lisbeth Uribe discussing effective education. that “talent is universal, but opportunity Consortium’s environmental sensor net- is not. If you respect, encourage, and in- work, and received the Award for Excel- In conclusion, Dr. Tyson noted that “if clude people, you will also empower and lence in Geophysical Education from the everybody were scientifically literate, inspire them” and that “scientific literacy American Geophysical Union. that’s all you need to completely drive is not just specialized knowledge for the When Dr. Kastens asked Dr. Tyson about society into the 21st century; it’s not just gifted few or those who choose science how to handle people, in classrooms or for the STEM elite, it is for everybody.” or engineering as a career, but essential elsewhere, who deny things that are ac- After guests enjoyed their main course, for citizenship.” cepted as scientific findings, he replied, Dr. Kevin Griffin, the Consortium’s board Finally, Dr. William Schuster, execu- “this science denial phenomenon is not president, discussed the role of scientists tive director of the Consortium, spoke a new thing. People have been denying in communicating science. “As a college about the role of the Consortium itself science since the beginning of science. professor,” he said, “I have found that in communicating science effectively, The challenge then is communicating rather than simply lecturing to my stu- explaining the various ways in which the the consequences of science denial. . . . dents, the single most important thing I Consortium promotes science commu- I would like an adjustment in the school can do is to get them involved. I strive to nication, from education to research to curriculum where students could spend a provide the opportunity for students to conservation. He noted that “matching year not learning any particular science learn by doing – experiencing the scien- the flexibility of our non-profit with the but learning why and how science works, tific process, collecting data, and testing resources of great member institutions, and learning how the methods and tools their own ideas. And of course my favor- we can customize educational experi- of science inform an objective reality ite way to do this is by bringing them to ences, and incorporate hands-on sci- about this world.” Black Rock Forest.” He also highlighted ence.” He went on to describe the Sum- Among a wide range of topics, Dr. Kas- the role of both technology and creativ- mer Science Camp, experiences for earth tens also asked Dr. Tyson about emerg- ity in opening up research opportunities science teachers in training, and efforts ing technologies and their importance in for citizen scientists. to maximize student engagement, all engaging the public with science. He said Dr. Griffin then introduced Ms. Uribe, in collaboration with member institu- that “the future of apps” is really excit- a lead science teacher at The School at tions. He discussed research activities ing as they can embed technologies that Columbia, where she created a Lego ro- including training new scientists, holding enhance or completely replace the hu- botics curriculum for grades 2-4 with her a biennial research symposium, mak- man body’s senses. He envisions a future colleagues and a K-8 gender and sexu- ing research papers accessible online on “molecular analyzer” app that would al- ality curriculum in collaboration with the Consortium web site, and planning low the user to read the spectrum of gas- Columbia University physicians. She for a postdoctoral position. Finally, he es in the air, for example, showing read- won the National Geographic Hands- described the role of effective science ings of high CO2 or methane (swamp gas), On Explorer Challenge in 2007, and her communication in informing conserva- and more. There might one day be apps after-school robotics team has won top tion activities, including the new con- such as seen on Star Trek, that can detect awards in every national RoboCupJunior servation easement and the new Visitor all electromagnetic information, such as competition for the past 10 years. In Access Pathway (see articles in Winter microwave, UV, and infrared radiation. 2014, she was named a New York State 2015 newsletter). Human sight is “narrow compared to the Finalist for the Presidential Awards for “Thanks to our event leadership, insti- total spectrum” of electromagnetic in- Excellence in Mathematics and Science tutional members and other supporters,” formation that could be made “visible” Teaching. Ms. Uribe described the pro- said Dr. Schuster, “this was a great event. by apps. He added that “the portfolio of cess whereby students create robots, We were honored that Dr. Tyson and scientific devices has 30, 50, possibly 100 explaining that “educational robotics the other featured speakers shared their senses . . . there are other things you can gives children the opportunity to find thoughts with us, sending us away with measure that there’s no way your body new ways to work together, express new ideas for creating a future with bet- could do even any part of.” themselves, problem-solve, and think ter public understanding of science.” 

3 Annual Report 2014

The Consortium’s Impact in Fiscal 2014


Sensor cameras reveal presence of at least two bobcats and several bears, indicators of rebounding ecosystem health

Abundant native tree sapling regener- ation for the first time in decades, re- sponding to ecosystem management and reduced deer populations

Application submitted, and communi- ty support built, for designating Black Rock Forest as an Audubon Important Bird Area

Bobcat caught on motion sensor camera.


Entomologia Americana publishes a Consortium scientist’s study of 279 spider species in the Forest, the most comprehensive study in New York

Calvin Whitney Stillman Archive makes Forest long-term data available online for the research community

Six early career scientists complete research studies in Black Rock Forest, supported by Consortium scientists and staff

A female orb weaver spider (Araneus sp.).

4 Annual Report 2014


BROMP (Baker Rodriguez Observation Monitoring Protocol) evaluation by in- dependent consultant measures stu- dent engagement to improve science education at the Forest

Record attendance of 112 students at Summer Science Camp, including international students and 40% atten- dance on need-based scholarships

Staff supported approximately 13,000 student visitor days at the Forest

A teacher training workshop in Black Rock Forest.

Audited Financial Information for Fiscal Year 2014


Lodging and Other Institutional Dues Fundraising $104,788 $333,099 $174,404 (8%) (25%) (13%)

Management $210,234 (16%)

Contributions and Grants Programs $915,372 $939,851 (68%) (71%)

*Percentages total more than 100% because of rounding.

5 Black Rock Forest News


The Black Rock Forest Consortium is committed to encouraging collaboration inter deer density in Black among member institutions and also between researchers and students. Rock Forest has been unchar- acteristically stable at 9-13 Nitrogen Fixation and Nutrient Cycling Experiments in Black Rock Forest. W deer per square mile for the past three Duncan Menge (Columbia University). Contact: [email protected] years. This has been confirmed by two methods in fairly close agreement. For- Are Garlic Mustard Effects on Soil Processes and Microbial Communities est Manager John Brady and helpers Reversible? Kristina Stinson (Harvard Forest) and Serita Frey (University have been tracking deer groups and de- of New Hampshire). Contact: Kristina Stinson ([email protected]) termining group sizes for decades. This winter had many snowfalls and enough Mercury Concentrations and Exposure Levels in Terrestrial Foodwebs: snowpack to allow many good tracking Pathways for Mercury Bioaccumulation in Insectivorous Songbird days. From these data, John calculated Communities in New York State. David Evers (Biodiversity Research an average of 12.5 deer per square mile. Institute). Contact: [email protected] The other method uses counts of deer Analysis of Avian Diversity in Relation to Human Activity in Black Rock scat piles in April after the snowpack Forest. Marissa Wasmuth and Terryanne Maenza-Gmelch (Barnard College). melts. Thirteen people including volun- Contact: Terryanne Maenza-Gmelch ([email protected]) teers (thank you!) walked 22 miles of transects across the Forest, examining Scaling of Variability in Populations, Individuals, and Ecosystems: Taylor’s 854 eight-foot diameter plots, producing Law and Beyond. Joel E. Cohen and Meng Xu (Rockefeller University) and an estimate of 8.6 deer per square mile. William Schuster (Black Rock Forest Consortium). Contact: Joel Cohen These are similar to numbers from last ([email protected]) year and the year before. Some areas like Glycerine Hollow ap- Physiological Response to Temperature across Nine Tree Species in a pear to have higher deer densities, while Northeastern Temperate Forest. Angelica Patterson and Kevin Griffin others like the Eagle Cliff area have low- (Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University). er densities. In previous years, average Contact: Kevin Griffin ([email protected]) density was as high as 30 or more per square mile and fluctuated substantially The Future of Forests. William Schuster (Black Rock Forest Consortium), from year to year. Kevin Griffin (Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University), Complete failure of the oak acorn Shahid Naeem (Columbia University), Kathleen Weathers and Amanda Elliott crop in the fall of 2011 and 2012 is like- Lindsey (Cary Institute for Ecosystem Studies), and Jerry Melillo (The Ecosys- ly a factor in lowering deer density. But tems Center, Marine Biological Laboratory). Contact: William Schuster acorn crops were good in 2013 and 2014 ([email protected]) and there has not been a corresponding increase in deer population size. Annual Native Plant Performance along an Urbanization Gradient. Kevin Griffin mortality appears to be roughly equiva- (Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University), William Schus- lent to the new fawns born each spring. ter (Black Rock Forest Consortium). Contact: Kevin Griffin New tree reproduction has been evident ([email protected]) across the Forest for the past few years, probably responding to reduced deer Loss of Foundation Tree Species: Consequences for Small Mammal browsing. But indicators of deer health Assemblages in Forest Ecosystems. Katie Keck (USGS), Katie Pavlis and such as weight and antler size have William Schuster (Black Rock Forest Consortium). Contact: Katie Keck shown only slight improvement. Deer ([email protected]) health may continue to improve and we will keep monitoring the indicators. And Effects of Tree Girdling and Herbivory on Mesofauna Communities in a if anyone wants to get into the woods Temperate Forest. Natalie Bray (Columbia University) and Kevin and help our deer surveys next April, just Griffin (Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory). Contact: Natalie Bray contact us! ([email protected]) — Dr. William Schuster Ecophysiological Functions of Urban and Rural Forest Trees: Testing the “Urban Ecosystem Convergence” Hypothesis. Nancy Falxa Sonti (US Forest Service). Contact: Nancy Sonti ([email protected]).

Historical and Archeological studies on Whitehorse Mountain in Black Rock Forest. Christopher Lindner (Bard College). Contact: [email protected]

6 Join Us! Become a Friend of Black Rock Forest.

New Member Renewal   Name  American $10,000 Address  Red Oak $5,000  White Oak $1,000 Phone  Tamarack $500 E-Mail Moosewood $250 My company will match my gift.   Company name and address  Sugar Maple $100

 Individual $20 Student / Over 65 $15 I am interested in receiving information on how to  remember Black Rock Forest Consortium in my will. Family $25  Prefer giving online? Please visit us at and make Please make checks payable to the Black Rock Forest Consortium. Your contributuion is tax-deductible; the a gift today. To make a gift of $5000 or more, please Consortium is a 501(c)(3) organization. Thank you! contact the Development Office at 845-534-4517 ext.26 Black Rock Forest Consortium 65 Reservoir Road Cornwall, NY 12518

Forest News in Brief

Linda Stillman Joins Board. Linda Still- to three people and can get almost any- um specimens, thus making them more man, an artist and a granddaughter of where within a tree canopy, providing readily usable, and to make digital scans Forest founder Dr. Ernest Stillman, has the tree is within about 30 feet of an where possible. joined the board of the Black Rock For- area that the lift can drive to. It is already est Consortium. She has taught art in the being used every week for this purpose Fall Family Days October 3 and 10. Summer Science Camp and with other and could make new lines of research Please save the dates for the Consor- relatives created the Calvin Stillman Re- possible. tium’s Fall Family Days on two Satur- search Archive, named for her uncle who days, October 3 and 10, from 1:30 to 4 published two Black Rock Forest Papers New Honey Hill Trail Opens. The new PM at the Forest. We will have a variety in the 1960s. Honey Hill trail is open and ready for use. of activities for families with kids aged It begins at Mailley’s Mill bridge, crosses 3-17. On October 3, we will be delighted Thank You Time Warner and Other Sci- the Reservoir Trail, and goes over the top to welcome Dr. Rafael Yuste of Columbia ence Camp Supporters! Thanks go to the of Honey Hill and down the other side, University for “Neuroscience and Behav- supporters of this year’s Summer Science continuing to Aleck Meadow Reservoir. ior of Hydra,” a hands-on introduction Camp: the Cornwall In addition to providing a nice view of to neuroscience featuring hydra from Lions Club, the Dyson Black Rock Mountain, it is now the easi- Forest ponds. To receive details on Fall Foundation, the Og- est and shortest way to reach one of the Family Days, please contact Emily Cun- den Foundation, and Forest’s summits and is the quickest way ningham in the Forest office. Time Warner Cable all to get to Aleck Meadow from the Science provided funding for Center. Metropolitan Montessori School Sold-Out Events! Both Birding By Ear needs-based scholar- was involved in the project from the be- Workshops, held on May 30 and June ships for the Camp. ginning, working with the Forest Crew. 6 quickly sold out. Participants in the first bird workshop heard and saw 34 New Truck Supports Canopy Research. Grant Supports Curation of Natural bird species, and 36 in the second. These In April, the Consortium purchased a History Collections. A generous grant workshops were led by Dr. Terryanne new 65-foot JBL extension boom lift from the Peck Stacpoole Foundation Maenza-Gmelch of Barnard College. The truck, primarily to support forest can- will enable the Consortium to catalog Family Biodiversity Blitz on June 27 was opy research. The platform can hold up its collections of tree rings and herbari- cancelled due to thunderstorms 

7 65 Reservoir Road Cornwall, NY 12518

Inside This Issue 1 Benefit Luncheon 1 About Our Annual Report 2 Report from the Executive Director 4 Annual Report: The Consortium’s Impact 5 Annual Report: Financial Data 6 Winter Deer Density 6 Research in the Forest 7 Forest News in Brief

Report from the Forest Manager

The snow and cold of winter were both invigorating and December and January had little snow, helping Metropolitan educational here at the Forest. Early snows in November Montessori School continue work on the new Honey Hill Trail blanketed the autumn leaf drop, securing acorns in a hidden, (see “Forest News in Brief,” p. 7), and complete their field moist winter nursery, but not before the third graders at work, uncovering 120-year-old artifacts, at the Honey Hill Willow Avenue School in Cornwall were able to collect and archeological site. Cold created a deep ground frost as a sample the Forest acorn crop. Nearly 100 trees were measured foundation for the snows of February and March. and cataloged into tree diameter classes by species. Acorns Snowshoes sank deep in the powdery snow during February, were then gathered under the outlined tree crowns during a frustrating deer tracking for about two weeks. When conditions stopwatch-timed two minutes. improved, the change in wildlife movement was evident in the The acorns were counted and weighed. The acorns per snow tracks. The prolonged cold and snow up to 30 inches deep pound calculations were related to scientific data about the caused deer to restrict their movement. Beginning at depths diets of acorn-eating animals. For example, deer can eat three of 15 inches, single travel lanes formed. Adult females lead pounds of acorns per day. After students completed a one-acre and plow for the family group. Additional snows caused family inventory of trees, their conversion of acorns per acre was groups to combine, a survival instinct known as “yarding.” applied to the larger Forest. They used pictures and colored During this time, deer groups swelled to eight to ten containing string to display the acorn food web and to demonstrate the three to four family groups. tracks were sometimes connections, complexity, and potential of the Forest’s major seen in the deer’s restricted pathways. Seldom harassing but energy source. Acorns, a factor driving Forest mammal health, optimistic of potential winter mortality, coyote presence did then led to predictions of wildlife population trends. not threaten healthy deer, strong from a very good fall acorn The acorns were then returned to the Forest in front of a crop. motion-activated camera. Photos showed mice, chipmunks, The winter snowfall total was 85 inches. During the 120-day squirrels, fox, , turkey, and deer being drawn to the period from December 1 to April 1, 102 days were in snowcover, pile of acorns. Black bears, , bobcats, and mink were with 31 continuous days over 18 inches. The cold ground frost photographed visiting the dam at Continental Road. kept the snow until April 15 at the Stone House. — John Brady