Handgun Roster Board
The following is a list of handguns manufactured after January 1, 1985 that have received final approval by the Handgun Roster Board. HANDGUN ROSTER July 2021 Rachel Rosenberg Handgun Roster Board Administrator Maryland State Police PREFACE Be advised that the Handgun Roster is a live, electronic document and that this publication represents only those firearms that appeared on the roster as of July 1, 2021. Current roster listings can be found on the Licensing Division’s portal of the Maryland State Police, https://licensingportal.mdsp.maryland.gov/MSPBridgeClient/#/home. Effective, July 1, 2021, handgun model numbers were no longer considered by the Maryland Handgun Roster Board (HRB). Questions regarding this publication or the roster as it appears on the portal can be directed to the Handgun Roster Board Administrator, Ms. Rachel Rosenberg. Ms. Rachel Rosenberg Handgun Roster Board Administrator 1201 Reisterstown Road Baltimore, MD 21208 410-653-4247 Maryland Department of State Police Official Handgun Roster July 1, 2021 make model model number caliber 9 mm, 38 Spl, 40 S&W, 45 ACP, 10 Accuracy X, Inc. Frame N/A mm 9 mm, 38 Spl, 40 S&W, 45 ACP, 10 Accuracy, Inc. Frame N/A mm 410 Gauge, 20 Adler (Chiappa Firearms) 301 Honcho N/A Gauge, 12 Gauge Advanced Armament MPW N/A, 102869 300 BLK Advanced Weapon Systems (AWS) Trench 12 N/A 12 Gauge Agrozet National CZ -83 N/A 380 ACP 9mm, 40 S&W, 45 AKAI Custom Guns, LLC 1911 Frame N/A ACP, 10mm 9mm, 40 S&W, 45 AKAI Custom Guns, LLC 2011 Frame N/A ACP, 10mm 9 mm, 40 S&W, 45 Alchemy Arms Spectre N/A ACP Alchemy Custom Weaponry Anomaly N/A 45 ACP 38 Spl, 38 Colt, 44 Aldo Uberti & Co.
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