WEEKEND EDITION MIAMIOK.COM Have a great day! TWO OF STATE’S TOP Thanks for supporting SMALL SCHOOLS TANGLE your local paper! SPORTS, PAGE B1 6 54708 10125 7 MIAMI NEWS-RECORD Serving Miami and the surrounding communities since 1903. Friday, November 20, 2020 | Vol. 116 No. 93 | $1.25 Miami plans to seek federal grant money to work on flood issues Jim Ellis
[email protected] MIAMI — Calling it a potential game changer, Miami officials are forging ahead with an attempt to land a portion of as much as $750 million in federal grant money to alleviate the flooding that almost annually swamps the city. “This definitely could be a game changer for us and that’s what I am banking on: this to be that shot in the arm that Miami has needed for many, many years,” Miami mayor Bless Parker said following a special meeting of the Mayor’s Flood Advisory Board Wednesday, Nov. 18. “There’s $750 million worth of FEMA grants available for flood-prone areas, so we’re trying to get as much of that money as we can,” said Parker, who has been mayor since July. “Our city manager has gone over it really well. He thinks this grant was kind of designed for us and what we go through as a community. “We want to take advantage of this JIM ELLIS MNR Members of the Mayor’s Flood Advisory Board look over a map of Miami during a special meeting Wednesday, Nov. 18. Pic- SEE FLOOD, A3 tured are (from left), Bless Parker, Rich Lillard, Ben Loring, Amanda Davis and Larry Smith.