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You can search for words in this file. First open the search box (in Adobe Acrobat or Reader) using the menu or the CRTL F short cut Then type the word into the search box A FORTUNATE LIAISON DR ADONIAH VALLACK and JACKEY JACKEY by JACK SULLfV AN Based on the Paterson Historical Sodety 2001 Heritage Address PUBUSHED BY PATERSO N HISTORICAL SOCIETY INC., 2003. Publication of this book has been assisted by funds allocated to the Royal Australian Historical Society by the Ministry for the Arts, New South Wales. CoYer photographs: Clockwise from top~ Jackey Jackey; Detail of Kennedy memorial in StJames' Church Sydney; Church ofSt Julian, Maker, Cornwall; Breastplate awarded to Jackey Jackey; Kingsand, Cornwall. (Source: Mitchell Library, Caroline Hall, Jack Sullivan) INDEX. (Italics denote illustration, photograph, map, or similar.) Apothecaries’ Compa ny (England), 82 Arab, ship, 197 A Arachne, barque, 36,87 Abbotsford (Sydney), 48,50 Arafura Sea, 29,33 Abergeldie (Summer Hill, Sydney), 79 Argent, Thomas Jr, 189-190 Aboriginal Mother, The (poem), 214,216-217 Argyle, County of, 185,235,242n, Aborigines, 101,141,151,154,159,163-165, Ariel, schooner, 114,116-119,121,124-125, 171-174,174,175,175-177,177,178,178-180, 134,144,146,227,254 181,182-184,184,185-186,192,192-193, Armagh County (Ireland) 213 195-196,214,216,218-220,235,262-266,289, Armidale (NSW), 204 295-297 Army (see Australian Army, Regiments) (See also Jackey Jackey, King Tom, Harry Arrowfield (Upper Hunter, NSW), 186,187 Brown) Ash Island (Lower Hunter, NSW), 186 Aborigines (CapeYork),
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