Utah GOT SALT? Endless visibility. Mysterious and surreal. Unbelievably barren, yet strikingly beautiful. And it’s the fastest place on earth. Welcome to Tooele County’s Bonneville Salt Flats.


A land-speed racer gets ready to launch on the world-famous Bonneville Salt Flats. ■ TOOELE COUNTY BUSINESS & VISITOR’S GUIDE  Take a Look — Take a Glimpse For every phase of your life, we’re here for you. TAKE A PEAK SPECIAL EVENTS Whether you play softball, Deseret Peak Stampede ride the challenging June 5 & 6 BMX/Motocross tracks, Deseret Peak Demo Derby cool off at the pool, or June 21 get inspired at one of the Bit & Spur Rodeo museums, there’s plenty July 3 & 4 of room for you for year- Tooele County Fair round fun. Hope to see July 25 - August 1 you at The PEAK!

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/.BJO4USFFUt5PPFMF 6UBI  ■ TOOELE COUNTY BUSINESS & VISITOR’S GUIDE (435) 843-3600 ■ TOOELE COUNTY BUSINESS & VISITOR’S GUIDE  INSIDE 2009 Business & Visitor’s Guide 10 The Chamber Things may have slowed down a little since 2000, but new people, and businesses of all sizes, continue to discover Tooele County as a pleasant 2009 Chamber ChairmAn and profitable home. What drives this interest are several things that make Joyce Hogan the county unique—and attractive. By Tim Gillie 2008 Chamber ChairmAn Jack Bell

Chamber Executive Director 16 Business Debbie Winn The transformation of Tooele County into a center of business and commerce could be deemed as astounding. More than ever, it’s the place Publisher where new, expanding or relocating businesses can set deep roots and succeed. By Doug Radunich Scott Dunn Transcript Bulletin Publishing

Account Executives Clayton Dunn 24 Quality of life Keith Bird Perhaps at no other time in Tooele County’s 157-year-old history have so Angie Maxfield many opportunities existed for residents to enjoy a full, fun and productive life. From shopping and dining, to education and health care, Tooele County Shane Bergen continues to raise the bar. By Abby Palmer Mark Dunn

Editor in Chief David Bern 30 Deseret pEAK complex Art Director Deseret Peak Complex is Tooele County’s one-stop, four-season destination John Hamilton for recreation and excitement. And the poolside beach scene is hard to beat. The place is poised to enjoy even greater popularity with those who Graphic Artist love to play hard. By Sarah Miley Jeff Blosch

Ad Design Liz Arellano Jeff Blosch 34 Tourism Benjamin Nielson From the track to the trail, to the back roads and enigmatic Bonneville Salt Flats, Tooele County has something big in store for you. And whether the Contributing Writers county’s wilds merely fascinate or outright convince you, you’ll be glad you made it here. By Clint Thomsen Tim Gillie Doug Radunich Abby Palmer Sarah Miley 42 Our friendly faces Clint Thomsen A community’s quality of life has a lot to do with having a healthy Photography business district, plus good public safety, schools, healthcare and Maegan Burr recreation. The rest has to do with the character of the people who live Troy Boman there. Meet some who make a difference every day. David Bern

© 2009 Tooele County Chamber of Commerce 46 Demographics 59 Calendar of Events and Tourism. Tooele County, Utah: Business and Visitor’s Guide is published once per year for the Tooele County Chamber of Commerce and Tourism, and the Tooele County Commission by Transcript Bulletin Publishing, Tooele, Utah USA. 47 Tooele County Map 61 Dining & Lodging Created, published and distributed by Transcript Bulletin Publishing. All rights reserved, Transcript Bulletin Publishing. All advertising, editorial and photographic content is the property of Transcript Bulletin Publishing. No part of this publication 48 Business Directory 63 CAMPING AND RV may be reproduced in any form without written permission from the publisher. For additional copies, contact the publishing company at (435) 882-0050 or the Tooele County Chamber of COVER: The stark beauty of the Bonneville Salt Flats and the Silver Island Mountains attract thousands of visitors every year. © David Bern/TBP Photo Inset photo of land-speed racer © Troy Boman/TBP Photo Commerce and Tourism at (435) 882-0690 or 1-800-378-0690.  ■ TOOELE COUNTY BUSINESS & VISITOR’S GUIDE ■ TOOELE COUNTY BUSINESS & VISITOR’S GUIDE  From The ChairmAn 1-/, Ê"* ,/" -oÊ Ì iʏ>ÃÌʓ>œÀÊ>}i˜ÌÊV>“«>ˆ}˜ /""  Ê   Ê /Ê -*"-Ê /9

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2008 Chamber Chairman œÀiÊÌ >˜Êx{]äääÊ£xx““Ê«ÀœiV̈iÃÊ >ÛiÊLii˜ÊÃ>viÞÊ`iÃÌÀœÞi`°Ê/ iʘi>ÀÞÊÓääÊ Jack Bell inside Quality Chevrolet’s showroom. Ài“>ˆ˜ˆ˜}Ê«ÀœiV̈iÃÊV>˜˜œÌÊLiÊ`iÃÌÀœÞi`ÊLÞÊVœ˜Ûi˜Ìˆœ˜>Ê“iÌ œ`ÃÊLiV>ÕÃiÊÌ iÞÊ>ÀiÊ © David Bern/TBP Photo L>`ÞÊVœÀÀœ`i`°Ê"˜ViÊÌ iÊLiÃÌÊ`ˆÃ«œÃ>Ê“iÌ œ`ʈÃÊV œÃi˜]ÊÌ iÊ`i“ˆˆÌ>Àˆâ>̈œ˜ÊV>“«>ˆ}˜Ê œvÊÌ iÊ£xx““Ê«ÀœiV̈iÃÊ܈ÊVœ˜Ìˆ˜Õi°ÊÊ

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employees until the economy improves. Chamber Executive Director Debbie Winn But I’m also aware of something else: when it comes in her office at the Tooele to economic hard times, Tooele County is a survivor. In County Chamber of Commerce and Tourism. fact, Tooele County takes that one step further. It finds a © Maegan Burr/TBP Photo way to thrive during hardship. For proof, just look at the realignment of Tooele Army Depot in the early 1990s. Prognosticators claimed that with more than 3,000 lost jobs at TEAD, the area’s econ- omy would crash and result in an epidemic of business closures and foreclosed homes. But that didn’t happen. While the depot downsized, Tooele County’s quality of life, lower housing costs and close proximity to the Wa- satch Front were “discovered”—and new residents began to arrive in droves. Since 1990 the county’s population of 26,600 has more than doubled. This growth is so sig- nificant the U.S. Census claimed that Tooele County was the 25th fastest growing county in the nation from 2000 to 2003. With all those new people and rooftops has come greater—and healthier— diversification of the local econ- omy. Instead of being overly dependent on one category of industry for jobs, Tooele County is home for several new businesses, from industrial to retail, which help fuel the area’s growing economic engine. I say, “growing” to describe our local economy, and I mean it—with enthusiasm. Despite the national eco- nomic slowdown, look at what happened here during 2008. In addition to ATI Rowley Operations continu- ing to build its new $450 million plant near Rowley, three major businesses opened their doors: Sears, Big 5 Sporting Goods, and Gold’s Gym. And the word is other industrial and retail businesses are either waiting in the wings As I write this introduction for the or are closely eyeing Tooele County for future expansion or TOOELE relocation. To me, that’s exciting news. I’m looking forward to 2009 Tooele County, Utah: Business and see what new business opportunities and developments await COUNTY Visitor’s Guide, Tooele County throughout 2009. our national On the topic of business opportunities, the Tooele County economy—in Chamber of Commerce and Tourism begins its 61st year in KNOWS fact the global 2009. And I’m happy and proud to say the Chamber again has economy—weighs more than 300 active members. I believe the Chamber’s robust heavily on the membership is the direct result of two things: first, business minds and wallets HOW TO owners are eager to become involved, and second, the Cham- Team Tooele. of just about ber works hard to serve every one of them, and to be a conduit everyone. Unless of useful information, marketing assistance and networking. WE DON’T JUST SERVE THE COMMUNITY, WE’RE PART OF IT. At Rocky Mountain THRIVE you’ve been living For me, it’s an honor and a privilege to be part of all that. underwater for much Power we believe in the notion that if you want to serve a community the way it deserves to be served, It’s also an honor for me to present this new edition of the of 2008, you’re well aware of the reasons behind that concern. be local and be involved. As Tooele’s local energy partner, this involvement is what makes it possible to plan Tooele County, Utah: Business and Visitor’s Guide. I hope that You’re also well aware of the consequences that have occurred: you enjoy it. And if you’d like to join the Chamber, please don’t for the future of us all, and to better serve our community’s needs. Rocky Mountain Power is committed to financial market instability, closed businesses, rising unem- delay further. Become part of the Chamber and let us take care serving and growing along with our community, because it truly is ours too. ployment, homes in foreclosure, and more. of you. Give us a call today at (435) 882-0690. Although Tooele County is far removed from Wall Street, For more information on the programs and services we have to offer, visit our Web site at its overall economy doesn’t operate in a vacuum. To a degree, rockymountainpower.net. what’s happening nationally and globally is being felt here, too. I know that I’ve felt it. My husband owns a business that’s directly involved in the construction industry. I’m also aware Debbie Winn, Executive Director of local businesses that have closed, or are operating on fewer Tooele County Chamber of Commerce & Tourism


6779-1_TooleService_TooeleProgressInsertion.indd 1 12/19/08 2:21:27 PM From the County Commission Chamber of Commerce FREQUENTLY REQUESTED and Tourism in presenting NUMBERS FROM THE CHAMBER MILLER MOTORSPORTS PARK the new 2009 Tooele County, Utah: Business OWOW and Visitor’s Guide. ANIMAL SHELTER ...... 435-882-4607 NOWN Over the past several BENSON GRISTMILL...... 435-882-7678 YOU DON’T KNOW years, the Guide has WHAT YOU’RE distinguished itself as a BOYS & GIRLS CLUB...... 435-843-5719 publication that tells the CHAMBER FAX...... 435-833-0946 MISSING! Tooele County story to COUNTY ASSESSOR OFFICE ...... 435-843-3110 residents, visitors—even the world. Filled with COUNTY BUSINESS LICENSE...... 435-843-3140 beautiful photography COUNTY COMMISSIONERS...... 435-843-3150 and informative articles, the Guide captures COUNTY COURTHOUSE...... 435-843-3100 the essence of Tooele DESERET PEAK AQUATIC CENTER. . . . 435-843-4035 County every year. We are DESERET PEAK COMPLEX...... 435-843-4000 honored to be part of the publication’s purpose and DESERET PEAK TICKET OFFICE. . . . . 435-843-4020 Tooele County Commissioners Bruce Clegg (left), Colleen Johnson and Jerry Hurst inside success. DONNER REED MUSEUM...... 435-884-3348 the Commission Chamber at the Tooele County To keep that essence Courthouse. © David Bern/TBP Photo intact, we understand DRIVERS LICENSE ...... 435-843-8046 the area’s breathtaking EAGLES NEST...... 435-833-5582 growth demands careful navigation. Business and tourism FOOD BANK ...... 435-882-1278 development, which will provide short and long-term economic Miller Motorsports Park features racing events almost A LASTING good, is something we are committed to encourage, yet GRANTSVILLE CITY HALL...... 435-884-3411 every weekend from April to October, and offers fun guide with a discerning hand. We want present and future HEALTH DEPARTMENT...... 435-277-2300 activities for the whole family including the Ford Racing IMPRESSION development to provide balance and opportunity for every KENNECOTT VISITORS CENTER. . . . . 801-252-3234 citizen. By doing so, jobs that are created today are available High Performance Driving School and the Miller Kart ON THE for our youth of tomorrow. In light of these economic times, the LANDFILL...... 435-833-9520 Track, where racing karts are available to rent by importance of that cannot be over emphasized. MEMORIAL PARK ELECTRONIC SIGN . . 435-843-2104 fans of all ages. Miller Motorsports Park has received COMMUNITY’S The Chamber shares this goal with us, and has been a (Mayor’s Office) international acclaim as one of the world’s fi nest road valuable partner and leader in local economic development for OBSERVATORY (SPOC)...... 435-882-1209 racing facilities and hosts many of the world’s top SUCCESS over 60 years. The Chamber’s members and leaders work hard motorcycle and auto racing series. Tooele County is renowned as a special to promote the area for business retention and expansion, and OUTREACH OFFICE...... 435-882-3773 place where its citizens, businesses and we are grateful for their dedication and professionalism. PRATT AQUATIC CENTER ...... 435-882-3247 organizations work cooperatively to build To continue as a valuable partner, the Chamber needs See you at the races! and sustain a community that offers an uninterrupted support from the commission, as well as RAILROAD MUSEUM...... 435-882-2836 exceptional quality of life. This cooperation has from citizens, businesses, organizations and other units of SCHOOL DISTRICT ...... 435-833-1900 government. If you’re not a member, we urge you to join. Your TICKETS AND INFO: 435-277-RACE contributed greatly to the county’s residential and business SETTLEMENT CANYON BOOTH . . . . . 435-882-9041 active participation will leave a lasting impression on the KARTING: 435-277-8575 growth over the past several years. Despite the current national (Apr 1-Nov 1) economic slowdown, we see this cooperation continuing to business community’s success. DRIVING SCHOOL: 435-27-SPEED encourage even more positive developments during 2009 and Tooele County is indeed a special place that offers an TOOELE ARTS FESTIVAL ...... 435-882-8282 beyond. exceptional quality of life—and a spectacular view. If you’re a TOOELE CITY BUSINESS LICENSE. . . . 435-843-2132 visitor, we welcome you to our special place and wish for you to Although Tooele County continues to be a significant area TOOELE CITY HALL...... 435-843-2100 for residential and business growth, it hasn’t lost a bit of its return soon. If you’re a resident, please enjoy the great lifestyle endless horizons, breathtaking mountain and desert vistas, our area of Utah provides, and please do your part to help keep TOOELE CITY LIBRARY...... 435-882-2182 and inspiring sunsets. If you need proof, just keep turning the it that way. TOOELE CITY PARKS & REC...... 435-843-2140 pages. With great pride and pleasure, we join the Tooele County TOOELE POST OFFICE...... 435-843-9598 2901 N. SHEEP LANE TOOELE, UTAH TRANSCRIPT BULLETIN PUBLISHING. . . . 435-882-0050 UTAH INDUSTRIAL DEPOT...... 435-843-4500 3 0 M I N U T E S W E S T O F SALT LAKE CITY WENDOVER AIRPORT ...... 435-665-7050 J. Bruce Clegg Colleen Johnson Jerry Hurst WENDOVER WELCOME...... 775-664-3138 Tooele County Commissioner Tooele County Commissioner Tooele County Commissioner OR 866-299-2489 MILLERMOTORSPORTSPARK.COM



An aerial view looking south over Tooele City to the Oquirrh Mountains. © Troy Boman/TBP Photo Things may have slowed down a Furthermore, Tooele County has announced a little since 2000, but new people, and new commercial park on Sheep Lane across from businesses of all sizes, continue to Deseret Peak Complex, which will be anchored by discover Tooele County as a pleasant a distribution center. And a new retail center is and profitable home. So much in planned for Stansbury Park with a major grocery fact, the U.S. Census Bureau recently store. proclaimed Tooele County as the ninth Chamber Executive Director Debbie Winn has fastest growing county in the nation. her own theory as to why business continues to grow in the county. When you take into consideration there are “Tooele County has several things that make 3,066 counties across America, such a ranking is it unique,” she said. “There still is a lot of space not small news. in Tooele County for businesses and industry Listen to Jack Bell, outgoing chairman of the of all sizes that are looking to relocate or build board for the Tooele County Chamber of Commerce new facilities. And Tooele is also close to major and Tourism, and you wouldn’t know the country transportation: an interstate, railroad, and an is in the middle of a recession. Bell is the new airport are all nearby and convenient. We also have vehicle inventory control manager for the Blue Q lower property taxes than other counties.” auto dealership in Tooele. The Chamber works closely with the Tooele “We are very pleased with who we are, where we County Economic Development Department to help are, and where we are going,” he said, while talking market the county to new businesses, Winn added. about the Chamber and Tooele’s overall business She sits on the department’s advisory committee. climate. Along with working with the county, the Chamber THE TOOELE COUNTY CHAMBER OF Bell rattled off a list of businesses that have or fields dozens of calls each week from businesses will soon open. that are inquiring about Tooele County. YOUR COMMERCE AND TOURISM “Big 5 Sporting Goods, Sears, Gold’s Gym, and “They want to know how big we are, what kind the ATI Rowley Operations titanium plant will of stores we have, and they often want to know if open in March,” he added. “Miller Motorsports we think their business would do well out here,” Park continues to grow, and there are new medical she said. “What also helps sell offices and facilities being built on the north end the county is when prospective ALLY FRIEND of Tooele. Then we have to look at the rest of the businesses come and look around Illustration by Jeff Blosch & county. Grantsville has had several new businesses and see a vibrant community by Tim Gillie open this last year, and there is a new restaurant dedicated to a good lifestyle. in Stockton.” Things like the new city ➤➤➤

10 ■ TOOELE COUNTY BUSINESS & VISITOR’S GUIDE ■ TOOELE COUNTY BUSINESS & VISITOR’S GUIDE “Whether we are representing business concerns to the city council or county commission, or just placing your information Enjoy on our web-site, the chamber is your ally and friend.” –Debbie Winn, Chamber Executive Director the Chamber members also receive a free raises money through an annual golf monthly newsletter, free listing in the tournament and putting on a community Tooele County, Utah: Business and Visitor’s 4th of July breakfast. Taste of Guide, and exposure on the Chamber’s Involved in civic affairs, the Chamber web-site. Opportunities to be visible sponsors an annual “Meet the Candidates” at community events, and updates on luncheon before each general election. state and local government issues that The Chamber is also involved in a Authentic are critical to business, are available to partnership for education with Utah Sate Chamber members. University, Salt Lake Community College, Mike Fields, owner of Oxygen For You, Salt Lake-Tooele Applied Technology Chinese a medical equipment and supply company, College, Tooele County School District, feels membership in the Chamber has plus with officials from Tooele County, helped his business. Tooele City, Grantsville City, and with “We have been open now for seven other business leaders. The overall effort Food years,” he said. “I started up the company is to find out what skills local businesses because there was really nothing out here need from employees—now and in the filling the need. People were going into Salt future—and providing educational Lake for their medical needs. The benefits opportunities here. of the Chamber, the advertising, web-site, “We’ve talked about growth in the ribbon cutting ceremony and networking business sector, now look at what’s going The Chamber’s 2009 Board of Directors were all very helpful.” on in education,” said Bell. “The growth photographed outside of Gold’s Gym The Chamber maintains involvement there has been phenomenal. We opened (front row, left to right): Jolene Thurgood, with the community through its annual a new elementary school last year, a new Debbie Winn, Marilyn Gillette, Joyce Easter Egg Hunt and sponsorship of the high school will open this fall, and a new Hogan, Vicki Griffith, Berna Sloan and Tooele Mayor Pat Dunlavy. (back row, left Christmas parade. The Chamber also applied technology center is being ➤➤➤ to right), Tye Hoffmann, Dr. Michael Grif- feth, Dr. Gary Gowans, Jeff England, Ken Christensen, Jack Bell, Kelly Duffin, Kris King and Dr. Jed Winder. Not pictured: Commissioner Colleen Johnson, Grants- ville Mayor Byron Anderson, Mike Fields

and Chad Fullmer. © David Bern/TBP Photo The Tooele County Chamber of Commerce and Tourism was established in 1948 to further strengthen the county’s business community. The chamber’s first eight presi- dents (left) were honored in 1955 during a special banquet. (Left row, bottom to top): Sidney J. Bellamy - 1955; O.T. Barrus - 1953 and Brent Caldwell - 1950. (Center row bot- tom to top): J. Wallace Thompson - 1952 and Dr. J. Herbert Millburn - 1949. (Right row, bottom to top): James F. Dugdale - 1954; Jess P. Allen - 1951 and LaVar Tate - 1948. Photo courtesy of Joleen Miller Hours Sun - Thurs 11am - 9:30pm pool, great parks, and new schools all helps new businesses put down solid roots the Chamber is your ally and friend.” Fri & Sat 11am - 10:30pm help sell the community as a place to do as well as provides strength and support Membership in the Chamber brings Closed Tuesdays business.” for existing businesses. such benefits as monthly luncheons; Amidst all this growth the Chamber “When you join the Chamber, you breakfast educational meetings where is thriving. Last year it added 65 new aren’t alone,” Winn noted. “Whether we topics such as business taxes, customer 229 North Main members reaching a total of 348, according are representing business concerns to the service, and business disaster plans are Tooele to Winn. With a mission of helping local city council or county commission, or just discussed; and networking opportunities Administrative Assistant Gloria Kershaw (left), Office Manager Margie Morgan (center) and business to prosper and grow, the Chamber placing your information on our web-site, like business after hours hosted meetings. Administrative Assistant Susan Cummings keep the Chamber’s daily operations running 843-8379 smoothly and warmly greet Chamber visitors. © David Bern/TBP Photo

12 ■ TOOELE COUNTY BUSINESS & VISITOR’S GUIDE ■ TOOELE COUNTY BUSINESS & VISITOR’S GUIDE 13 Today, Utah Industrial Depot is home to 54 companies that employ over 1,200 people. Although the military presence remains important to Tooele County, the depot has diversified Tooele’s employment base and contributed to a vibrant economy that continues to grow. The Chamber also promotes local businesses to local people. “Part of what we do is to keep local people informed about the area’s business and tourism possibilities,” said Winn. “We want to encourage local people to shop locally.” The Chamber promotes tourism by publishing this magazine every year and having it distributed to nearly every home in the county, and also having it available to visitors here and at visitor centers across Utah. The Chamber spends over The Chamber’s annual golf tournament at Oquirrh Hills Golf Course serves as an excellent fund $600 a year sending out visitor guides raiser for the organization, and gives members and guests an opportunity to network and relax. © Maegan Burr/TBP Photo to people who request information about Tooele. At its office the Chamber also maintains literature racks of brochures that promote local tourist attractions and historical sites. “Miller Motorsports Park has become one of our largest tourist attractions,” said The annual Tooele County Business to Business Expo and Taste of Tooele is organized and Winn. “It’s bringing the world to our own sponsored by the Chamber, and attracts thousands of residents and visitors to Tooele backyard.” Memorial Park. © Maegan Burr/TBP Photo Despite some tough times nationally, planned. USU broke ground on a new treatment, feeling it was based more business in Tooele is still growing and extension to its facility, and the Applied on fear than reality. They formed the more people are coming to see what’s CRS, TCRES Technology College just opened up in new Chamber as a show of solidarity, to going on in this fast growing county. The Andrea rented facilities. And its enrollment has promote business in Tooele and to sell the Chamber is right there in the middle of been growing.” county as a thriving place for business. the action, supporting local businesses, The Chamber office today is buzzing The effort met with success. Slowly, and spreading the word about what makes CahoonA House with business. Staff fields calls from financial institutions and state officials Tooele County such a great place to live, The annual Easter Egg Hunt is another Chamber-organized event, and instead of swinging golf prospective companies, talks to tourists changed their opinion of Tooele and saw it work and play. ● clubs, excited children scramble for candy and other treats. © Maegan Burr/TBP Photo SOLD and school children, sends out information as a community with potential. packages across the country, and plans The Chamber’s founding fathers, LaVar Name! community events. Tate and O.T. Barrus, committed the All this evolved from a quiet start just Chamber to be service oriented and a voice Dr. James T. Webber over 60 years ago. for local business. It may be hard to imagine for a new That commitment lives on in today’s Board Certified Radiologist resident, but back in 1948 the county’s Chamber. FREE Home Warranty largest employers were Tooele Army Depot, Later, in 1993, Tooele Army Depot still • MRI for every closed transaction Dugway Proving Ground and Wendover remained the largest employer in Tooele, Airfield. With an economy dependent on but then the federal Base Realignment • CT Relocating, the military, the county thrived during and Closure Commission recommended • Mammography Buying or Selling World War II. But three years after the a major cut back. State officials and local war ended, it was feared that the economy civic leaders worried how Tooele would • Ultrasound a Property? would collapse. Banks located in Salt survive the loss of its major employer. Lake City regarded the county as a poor Business leaders, including the Chamber, • Nuclear Medicine Call me, I can help! investment. Loans for businesses, homes, sprung into action. As a result, the federal even automobiles, were hard to get if you government deeded over 1,600 acres of | | • Diagnostics 435.850.8167 were from Tooele County. property from TEAD to Tooele City and 843-3645 2055 N. Main Tooele UtahsHouseSOLDname.com Local businessmen objected to the Utah Industrial Depot was formed. Located in Mountain West Medical Center • Interventional



A forklift raises a load of wood to the roof of a new home under construction at Stansbury BUSINESS IN Park. © Troy Boman/TBP Photo TOOELE COUNTY REACHES FOR THE SKY By Doug Radunich

While enjoying a scenic drive through Tooele County, it’s observed in Lake Point, Stansbury Park and Erda, along with a new from attractive new homes to the Wal-Mart Distribution Center are full, and the traffic that pulses on Main Street makes it impossible to ignore just how much this community has grown and high school and new strip malls in Stansbury Park. on the west side of town. clear this is a community that’s on the move—and business is changed over the years—and has become an impressive center of While driving south on Sheep Lane, the enormous Miller But the place that reveals the biggest growth and change flourishing with more on the way. business and commerce that serves 58,000 residents. Motorsports Park comes into view, and next to it, the equally is Tooele City, tucked directly below the snow-capped Oquirrh The transformation of Tooele County could be deemed as This isn’t evident at first while proceeding west on Interstate 80 impressive Deseret Peak Complex. Miller’s 4.5-mile long race track, Mountains and between Middle and Settlement Canyons. astounding, because after decades of being mostly a quiet, rural past Black Rock, that two-story high, flat-topped plug of grey stone, which hosts professional auto and motorcycle racing events, and Established in 1853 by Mormon pioneers, this county-seat hamlet 35 minutes west of Salt Lake City, the place has become a which serves as a natural demarcation between Tooele and Salt Lake Deseret Peak’s numerous recreational, educational and historical of more than 30,000 residents, is lined by streets filled with hot property. More than ever, it’s the place where new, expanding Counties. venues, stand impressively in the middle of Tooele Valley. new homes, from first-time buyer models to high-end luxury or relocating businesses can set deep roots and succeed. But after taking Exit 99 at Lake Point and proceeding south Motoring west on state Route 138 toward Grantsville, the craggy, residences. on state Route 36, the evidence begins to emerge. As Tooele 11,031 foot-high summit of Deseret Peak, and the rest of the Deseret The evidence continues with new retail and office buildings, The starting point of that transformation can be linked back to Valley opens broadly, with the Oquirrh Mountains to the left and Peak Wilderness Area, fills the windshield with a spectacular view. box stores and strip malls that have been built on Tooele City’s the mid-1990s, when the county’s lower housing and land costs, Stansbury Mountains to the right, new home construction is quickly Pulling in to Grantsville, new or recently new developments abound, north end over the past decade to the present. The parking lots and quick access to the Wasatch Front, were discovered. ➤➤➤

16 ■ TOOELE COUNTY BUSINESS & VISITOR’S GUIDE ■ TOOELE COUNTY BUSINESS & VISITOR’S GUIDE 17 With that discovery, new residents—lots of population jumped from 26,600 in 1990 to area’s military-dependent economy would year it increased to $47 million. In 2006 it them—began to arrive. Soon to follow were 40,700 by 2000. irreversibly plummet. Business closures and was $55 million, and 2007 a staggering $75 new stores, restaurants and more. Next, the first three years of the new an outward migration of residents would million. By 2004 the U.S. Census Bureau called century saw the county’s population result. Besides growth indicators of gross Tooele County the 25th fastest growing increase by another 7,200 residents. By The depot’s realignment did contribute taxable sales and non-residential county in the nation from 2001 to 2003, and the end of 2004 the population stood at to the closure of a few businesses and some construction costs, there are also just recently, the Census Bureau jumped nearly 51,000. According to the Utah families moved away to find new jobs. But total wages earned by residents and that ranking to ninth fastest in the U.S. Department of Workforce Services, the economic collapse and a mass exodus of unemployment rate figures. In 2000 the The biggest portion of business growth has county’s population was 58,214 as of July residents never occurred. To the surprise of total wages earned by county residents was mostly occurred since the start of the new 1, 2008. That is a three percent increase many community and business leaders, the $335 million. That number stood at $574.5 century and intensified shortly afterward. from 2007. According to the Governor’s opposite happened: People started to come million by the end of 2007. Slightly more Local officials at the time said the Office of Planning and Budget, by 2020 the here for a better life. than a decade ago, residents earned $268 “exciting” growth held promise of positively population is projected to reach 92,000. One plausible explanation for million. impacting the area’s quality of life. But With so much progress in just a short that reversal can be traced back to Tooele County’s overall unemployment they also underscored that such a promise period of time, it seems implausible that approximately one year before Washington, rate suggests that the area’s continued required careful stewardship. One of the less than 15 years ago Tooele County’s D.C. announced that it would realign business growth has resulted in more jobs. foreseen positive impacts was this: All of economic future appeared bleak. In 1993 it Tooele Army Depot. In fact, 1992 could be In Nov. 2008, the number of employed the new residents and rooftops would mean was feared that Tooele County was about to considered as a defining year in the county’s citizens in the county was 26,590 with businesses could no longer ignore Tooele fall on desperate, economic hard times with history, for it was about that time when 1,106 unemployed for a four percent County. With new business, residents and the news that Tooele Army Depot, the area’s Tooele Valley became “discovered” and its unemployment rate (At press time, Dec. the tax base would benefit from more retail largest employer for over 50 years, was population began to rise. 2008 figures were not yet available). choices and jobs. on the list to be “realigned.” Its workforce Due in part to lower local land costs, Salt Lake Valley is considered to be the And new residents are the primary was about to be cut from 2,500 to 700 and property availability in Salt Lake Valley economic hub of Utah, and is a brief 30- force that has been driving new retail employees or less. growing scarce and expensive as a result minute commute from Tooele Valley. But development, plus the construction of As the cutbacks occurred, the county’s of an overall growth boom in Utah, new as Tooele County continues to experience several new schools and scores of new business community dreadfully awaited an home and retail store construction exploded residential and business growth, the subdivisions in recent years. According economic collapse. With the loss of many here and continued at an accelerated rate number of residents who make the drive Gossamer Steel Fabrication is one of more than 50 privately-owned companies in operation to the U.S. Census Bureau, the county’s high-paid employees, it was feared the throughout the 1990s and into the new east every morning may choose to work on at Utah Industrial Depot. Overall, UID has more than 1,000 full and part-time employees. century. this side of the Oquirrh Mountains to be © David Bern/TBP Photo In most cases, while a community’s closer to home. residential base grows, so too does its Although 2009 may be faced with a Where would you like your backyard? Serving Tooele County Since 1955 business district, from retail to new job nationwide recession, employment options creation. If that residential base grows in Tooele County should not be overlooked quickly and enormously, the business by job seekers. There’s the Wal-Mart Allen Insurance Corp. district usually follows suit—although at a Distribution Center, Detroit Diesel, Carlisle- Independent Insurance Agency more cautious pace—in response to market Syntec, Energy Solutions and others to Utah Real Estate and opportunity demands. consider. Numbers provided by the Utah Division Plus, there’s Utah Industrial Depot, Tooele County to a community that is We are skilled negotiators of Workforce Services, show that as Tooele located at the former Tooele Army Depot characteristically our own and vigorously oversee County’s residential population started to just minutes away from Tooele City. UID Professionals style. But even more, every detail of each real Auto • Home • Business • Boats • Rv’s • Motorcycles • Liability increase, retail and general business did is home for over 50 successful, privately Prudential agents are we are professional real estate transaction. There is experts on the lifestyle | | too. For example, in 1994 the total gross owned companies. Several former depot estate consultants with the simply no better solution 84 South Main Tooele 435.882.2306 of Tooele County. We collective wisdom of over to buy or sell property than taxable sales in Tooele County was $189.4 buildings, warehouses, offices, and storage live and work here, and 50 years of experience a dedicated, conscientious million. In 2005 that number was $447.7 facilities totaling 2.5 million square feet are spend every day dedicated and 2,200 transactions. Prudential realtor. million, and $548.1 million in 2007. marketed for private-sector use. That increase is astonishing, but there’s UID was established in 1999, and its more. From just 2003 to 2004 total gross businesses employ approximately 1,000 taxable sales jumped 28.6 percent from full and part-time employees, who make a $335 million to $418.3 million. Meantime, significant contribution to the area in terms purchases of wholesale durable goods hit of salaries and wages. What makes UID $23.6 million in 2005, and increased to appealing to businesses is that it has the $28.8 million by 2007. infrastructure already in place and ready for Data on new, non-residential use, such as buildings, roads, rail service, For more information, construction costs also runs large. In 2003 storage capability and close proximity to contact our Tooele o ce: the number of dollars spent on new, non- Salt Lake International Airport. A business 435.882.4111 residential construction in Tooele County that wants to expand, relocate, or even totaled $69 million. In 2004 that number begin initial operations, “won’t find a better 205 N. Main dropped to $22 million, but the following place in Utah,” UID officials say. ➤➤➤ www.pureutah.com

18 ■ TOOELE COUNTY BUSINESS & VISITOR’S GUIDE ■ TOOELE COUNTY BUSINESS & VISITOR’S GUIDE 19 people from different nationalities and walks added. “We still have several opportunities Every floral arrangement of life,” she said. “Because of our smaller for growth business-wise in Tooele County.” is lovingly and creatively size, there are still so many opportunities for Bryant said she enjoys Tooele County’s unique businesses and types of businesses even mix of national big-chain stores prepared for you. we don’t have. and unique, independent boutiques or “I think a lot people here don’t want other shops carrying items not found just to have to go into Salt Lake as much for anywhere. She also said that the county’s their needs, so many more businesses are business growth helps bring other needed Tooele Floral welcome out here,” she added. businesses into town. 351 North Main • Tooele Messºer said an even larger variety of “I’ve also seen business that came into businesses will be the key to keeping more town a few years ago still do well now, so I Tooele County residents shopping locally in think that kind of lures other businesses in,” the future. she said. “We’re also not close to the services 882-0669 “We need a big variety of businesses of a big city, which is a good opportunity out here to keep people shopping in Tooele for the local businesses here to attract County, but I’m sure there will continue customers. I think people appreciate not Tooele Auto Body to be a lot more businesses coming in over having to drive to Salt Lake for things they time,” she said. “We also have to make can already find here.” 435-882-5708 sure that the ones already here will still be Nicole Cline, director of the Tooele Tooele’s new Big 5 Sporting Goods opened its doors in 2008, bucking the national trend of an thriving in the future. In my opinion, what County Economic Development Department, Fast Friendly Service economic slowdown and further diversifying Tooele County’s economy. © Maegan Burr/TBP Photo I’d like to see is more family-style, sit-down said that more businesses have expressed Affordable Prices Furthermore, the workforce from Tooele attractive to homebuyers and business restaurants come into town, or restaurants interest in setting up shop in Tooele County. 'VMM4FSWJDF$BS8BTIt%FUBJMJOH County and surrounding northern Utah interests. With more consumer choices with different styles of foods than what we One is a United Kingdom-based firm that is renowned for a strong work ethic, being available, the area is becoming more already have.” manufactures household products like educated and highly skilled. independent of the Wasatch Front on several Becki Bryant, owner of Homebodies, Lysol, Woolite, and Spray & Wash. )35PXJOH830-3046 Utah Industrial Depot is zoned for heavy levels. which is also located on Tooele’s historic “We’re working with several other Main Street, said she loves being part manufacturing companies to get them in industrial activity and accommodates Several business owners in the area MPDBUFECFIJOE#JH most industrial requirements. Because appreciate being situated in Tooele County, of Tooele County’s mixture of local, here as well,” she said. “We will put forth a of such on-site flexibility, UID provides because of its significant distance from the independently-run businesses. good package for all that we’re working with, businesses with one location convenience crowded and heavily-populated Wasatch “I enjoy owning my own business here and I think it will be difficult for them not to for manufacturing, assembly, storage and Front, and for its open space and room for because it gives me the opportunity to know choose us. We can provide a good workforce distribution. Plus, UID offers an affordable further growth. the community as well,” she said. “I get for them.” option with its low lease rates on building, Jeannie Messer, one of the owners of to make friends with all of the people who Cline added that having more big office and storage space. Grandma’s Closet on Tooele’s historic Main come in here, and even though my business companies come here will, “benefit our local Because the county’s overall retail- Street, said she’s excited to see the area is for profit, I feel like I’m doing something to economy at a time when we could really shopping choices continue to expand, bloom even more with future business help out the community. use it, and it will put a lot of construction residents don’t drive as much to Salt Lake growth. “We’re a good distance from Salt Lake, workers back to work.” City to satisfy their consumer needs as they “Tooele County is a community that’s and we have a lot of room to grow or for Bryant also credited Tooele County as once did. This makes the area even more growing all the time, with a diverse crowd of more big businesses to come here,” she not only a good place for business, but also a healthy environment for people still raising their children. “We have wide open spaces and are not as crowded as Salt Lake is, and this is GreatGreat forfor We’ll Take a great place to raise a family,” she said. “Our local economy is also pretty strong, BusinessBusiness MeetingsMeetings Care of Your compared to the rest of the state and the OfficeOffice LuncheonsLuncheons country. I can definitely see why people && FamilyFamily ReunionsReunions would want to settle down here.” To fully understand the business We are a full service Credit background of Tooele County, one must Union and our look at the timeline of the area’s existence. membership is Economic independence and diversity has open to all been a business goal for Tooele County 1206 N. Main • Tooele • 833-0606 Tooele County leaders and citizens ever since the area was Residents 225 East Main • G-ville • 884-9595 settled in 1849. In September of that year, five Mormon pioneer families entered Tooele Hours Monday - Friday 9:30 am - 6:00 pm Valley and built meager dwellings near the 50 Commercial Ave. | Grantsville | 884.3804 mouth of Settlement Canyon. ➤➤➤

20 ■ TOOELE COUNTY BUSINESS & VISITOR’S GUIDE ■ TOOELE COUNTY BUSINESS & VISITOR’S GUIDE 21 Lighting, Wiring Devices, Grow with Us Tools, Controls & More ;dgNdjg Home, Tooele County’s growth pace is expected to continue throughout 2009 and entice even more new businesses to expand or relocate here. Business, Farm, © Troy Boman/TBP Photo The first reported business enterprise beyond Ophir and Mercur. Major mining training site for the B-29 squadron that in Tooele Valley was a sawmill erected near and smelting operations lasted for years at dropped the atomic bombs on Hiroshima Commercial & Settlement Canyon. Built shortly after 1849, Stockton, Tooele and Gold Hill. The pioneers and Nagasaki in Japan. Industrial Jobs the mill processed logs harvested from the quickly learned that Great Salt Lake’s water Tooele County now owns the airfield, and thickly forested Oquirrh Mountains. Lumber contained vast quantities of salt and other inside the main flight building is a museum from the sawmill was immediately used to dissolved minerals. Salt plants were built that tells the story of the Enola Gay and the build a gristmill for grinding grain. and are still in business today, annually facility’s involvement in WWII. Other agricultural-based communities harvesting millions of tons for commercial The county’s deep military ties prevail began to emerge after 1850. Because use. in Rush Valley, where the Army’s Deseret legal tender was scarce, many commerce Also extracted from the lake is Chemical Demilitarization Facility destroys transactions involved trading of goods and magnesium chloride, which is processed into chemical munitions. The Army built the Royal Wholesale Electric services. But that quickly changed around magnesium at U.S. Magnesium, located on plant during the early 1990s to meet a A CED Company 1860 after U.S. Army soldiers discovered the lake’s southwestern shoreline at Rowley. congressional order to destroy all unitary 332 S 1200 W • Tooele, UT 84074 silver ore in the Oquirrh Mountains east of By the first quarter of 2009, the new ATI chemical munitions stored in the U.S. today’s Stockton. Rowley Operation titanium plant at Rowley Another significant business development (435)882-4787 Virtually overnight, encampments dotted is expected to open and employ up to 150 in Tooele County’s history began during the the Oquirrh foothills as California-bound workers. Another important product of the late 1980s. After more than a year of public goldmines heard the news. By the 1870s Great Salt Lake is brine shrimp, which is debate, the county commission created pm those encampments became the bustling harvested and shipped worldwide as fish the West Desert Hazardous Industry Area, After 5 Weekdays (Pictured right to left) mining towns of Ophir and Mercur. While food. a 100-square-mile corridor for compatible driving through Ophir today, it’s hard to For over 80 years Tooele County’s industries to locate. All Day Weekends Dr. Jim believe the tiny hamlet was once home to economy was driven by agriculture and The 1990s also saw county leaders WE WELCOME WALKINS Gould, MD over 5,000 people, and contained dozens of mining, but that dramatically changed after take steps to further diversify the area’s A Beautiful shops, hotels, bars and brothels. The town’s the start of World War II. In early 1942, the economy. Marketing campaigns were Jennifer population today currently sits at less than War Department and Congress established initiated to promote the area’s historical Place for any 20 permanent residents. Dugway Proving Ground, Tooele Army Depot significance, geographical diversity and Occasion! Avery, PA-C Mercur’s story is even more colorful. and Wendover Airfield. recreational opportunities. Those campaigns We Can Provide: Located in Lewiston Canyon, Mercur was the Dugway, located 40 miles southwest continue today, attracting visitors to the • Tables Gary quintessential Old West mining town. From of Tooele City, was originally created for area from around the globe. And with Miller • Chairs Fulkerson, PA-C the 1870s until the early 1900s, Mercur chemical and biological warfare testing. Motorsports Park, which attracts thousands • Table Linens went boom and bust several times, and it Tooele Army Depot was built in the south of racers and spectators to the area every • Backdrops also burned down twice. By 1910 the city’s end of Tooele Valley for military ammunition year, the need to promote county attractions Indoor and Outdoor Facilities population was estimated at 8,000. Less storage and tactical vehicle maintenance. has become even more important. Mountain West Pediatrics & for Day or Evening Use than a decade later, the place was again Over 100 miles to the west, a simple Army Because of the number of residents who deserted when recoverable ore ran out. airstrip was converted into Wendover commute daily to Salt Lake Valley for work, Weddings • Family or Class Reunions Business Meetings • Club Functions In the early 1930s mining briefly resumed Airfield. observers say that Tooele Valley has become Bedtime Kids Care at Mercur but then ceased as World War II DPG and TEAD became crucial a bedroom community of the Wasatch Front. M-F 9am - 10 pm • Sat. 11am - 10 pm • Sun. 1pm - 10 pm began. More than 40 years passed before contributors in the war effort. Such However, take a scenic drive through Tooele commercial mining operations, armed contributions continued during peacetime County, and what stands on the landscape with new mining technology, returned to and also while American soldiers fought in terms of business and commerce 196 E. 2000 N., Ste. 104 • 843.8380 Lewiston Canyon. After more than 15 years in Korea, Vietnam and the Persian development suggests the area is anything (Behind Mountain West Medical Center) of successfully recovering micron-size gold Gulf. Although Wendover Airbase was but a place that people just come home to at particles, Barrick Mercur Gold Mine closed drastically downsized following World War night from work. Speirs Farm STARTING JULY 2009 — NEW ADDRESS in the 1990s and the site was reclaimed. II, the facility’s contribution had global Instead, Tooele County is truly open for Barbara Barlow, Owner Tooele County’s close ties to mining go implications: the airfield was used as the business. ● 394 W. 200 S. • 882.0006 2356 N. 400 East, Ste 202 • Tooele


An aerial view of a Stansbury Park neighborhood. © Troy Boman/TBP Photo

Perhaps at no other time in Tooele economic slump, the county still saw an economy help to further diversify and By County’s nearly 160-year-old history have so increase in new business. As the year expand consumer choices, which in turn Abby Palmer many opportunities existed for residents to closed, a Sears Authorized Dealer and a encourage residents to spend more of their A LIFE LESS enjoy a full, fun and productive life. Big 5 Sporting Goods opened their doors in dollars here than elsewhere. From shopping and dining, to education Tooele. Both were quickly followed by the Although significant residential and and health care, Tooele County continues opening of Gold’s Gym just down the street business growth has occurred since the to raise the bar, creating a quality of life in Tooele. 1990s, Tooele County hasn’t lost any of its that’s second to none. These additions to Tooele County’s rural Utah charm. The place still offers a COMPLICATED For example, despite 2008’s emerging overall business community and unique atmosphere with inspiring views ➤➤➤

24 ■ TOOELE COUNTY BUSINESS & VISITOR’S GUIDE ■ TOOELE COUNTY BUSINESS & VISITOR’S GUIDE 25 State-of-the-art diagnostic services and treatment The Tooele Pioneer Museum Complex offers a glimpse into the area’s colorful past. © David Bern/TBP Photo deliver quality healthcare in the county. © David Bern/TBP Photo

don’t have to travel to Las Vegas or the here versus nearby Salt Lake Valley with entertained. southern U.S. to enjoy their sport. Miller some of the lowest priced new homes At the end of every summer comes the Motorsports Park opened in 2006 and available in the region. According to the beginning of a new school year, and the features a world-class 4.5-mile long 2000 U.S. Census Bureau, Tooele County Tooele County School District makes sure racetrack just north of DPC. The facility is $30,000 cheaper to live in than Salt Lake that students have the opportunity to hosts several professional auto and County, and about $29,000 less than Utah experience an extraordinary public school motorcycle racing events that attract racers and Davis counties. education. Due to recent residential growth, Over 1,000 Tooele County women gather at Tooele High School every spring for a “Healthy Woman” health expo, dinner and guest lecture. and spectators from around the world. The county also has some of the several new elementary schools, plus junior Organized and sponsored by Mountain West Medical Center, the event underscores the community’s commitment to high quality healthcare for the To name a few, in 2008 Miller state’s oldest communities, like Tooele high and high schools, have either been or entire family. © David Bern/TBP Photo Motorsports Park hosted the HANNspree and Grantsville cities, which have long- are being constructed to accommodate more Superbike World Championship Series, the established quality of life opportunities pupils. of snow-capped mountains, verdant valleys, Grantsville. Its Olympic-size swimming DPC is also home for the annual Tooele Honda Summit of Speed and WERA racing. that other newly established suburbs don’t Such a commitment to quality education the Great Salt Lake and the Great Salt Lake pool, and wading pool filled with water County Fair and Junior Livestock Show, Some of these races brought in top names provide. Both cities offer great events, is also available for adults at the Tooele Desert, all of which include sunsets that attractions, provide Tooele County’s “beach plus several entertainment events like like Patrick Dempsey and NASCAR racer including parades, games at the parks and Campus of Utah State University. The take your breath away. scene” for visitors and residents alike. rodeos, demolition derbies and concerts. Greg Biffle. good food. popular campus, which offers associate, Plus, with a broad range of recreational In addition to Deseret Peak Aquatic DPC isn’t the only place in the county to Several economic and quality of life Plus, every summer, the communities bachelor and master degrees, has activities, from hiking, camping and fishing Center’s popular pool, there are more than get a good swim. The Pratt Aquatic Center factors have contributed to the area’s of Ophir, Rush Valley, Stockton, Erda, experienced phenomenal growth along with in nearby wilderness areas, to watching 20 other recreational, educational and in Tooele is a wonderful family environment residential and business growth since the Stansbury Park and others, hold a Tooele County. Moreover, local students who professional auto and motorcycle racing, entertainment venues to experience at for swimming. With its indoor slide, leisure mid-1990’s—and keep that growth moving celebration day during which residents and seek higher education elsewhere don’t have there is always something to do. DPC. This includes soccer fields, softball pool, children’s pool and lap pool, the center forward today. The cost of living is lower visitors gather to eat, play games and be to travel far. There are colleges and ➤➤➤ Deseret Peak Complex and Miller diamonds, playgrounds, indoor and outdoor has something for everyone. And new in Motorsports Park are two popular places arenas, pavilions, Motocross/BMX/ATV 2008 was the splash pad on the back patio. that quickly fall into the “always something racetracks, and more. There’s also the Utah Water squirts out of the ground as children to do” category. DPC is centrally located Firefighter’s Museum and Memorial, and the of all ages run—and squeal—through it. in Tooele Valley between Tooele and Oquirrh Mountain Mining Museum to see. Automotive or motorcycle racing fans

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From rural to urban settings, Tooele County has a variety of homes. Tooele City’s tree-lined main street welcomes shoppers. © David Bern/TBP Photo © David Bern/TBP Photo 26 ■ TOOELE COUNTY BUSINESS & VISITOR’S GUIDE ■ TOOELE COUNTY BUSINESS & VISITOR’S GUIDE 27 in nearby Wendover, Nev. see Western icons in action, Although residential and business there are several rodeos every growth has boomed in the county during summer in Tooele County that the past decade for more, the area hasn’t come complete with colorful lost its unique characteristics and historical cowboys and cowgirls, bucking traditions. For example, every year since broncos and bullfighting clowns. 1884, the Grantsville Old Folks Sociable The rodeo season gets under has been held in Grantsville. The sociable way in early June and continues attracts residents and visitors for a day of through September at venues in celebration, food and entertainment. The Rush Valley, Grantsville and at people to whom the event honors are just as Deseret Peak Complex. legendary as the sociable itself. A look at the new subdivisions In addition to the sociable and and businesses that have been The Tooele County Fair gives residents of all ages an opportunity The Tooele County School District works hard to provide students with a celebration days, there are several museums built over the past decade, to be creative. © Maegan Burr/TBP Photo quality education. © David Bern/TBP Photo and historical attractions throughout the plus the shopping and vehicle county where residents and visitors can traffic increase on Tooele’s Main big-name universities along the Wasatch of emergency situations, from simple to and women’s services. learn about the area’s rich history. One Street, it’s easy to see why Tooele Front, including Brigham Young University, widespread community disasters. There’s also CT scan imaging equipment, such place is the Tooele Valley Railroad County remains one of the University of Utah, and Weber State To make things even safer is the high an expanded surgical center, a nuclear Museum in Tooele, which features fastest growing counties in the University. quality, convenient healthcare available to medicine unit, digital radiology imaging fascinating displays about the area’s deep U.S. In addition to excellent education, residents thanks to outstanding physicians and a full diagnostic lab. The hospital was roots in railroading and mining. Indeed, perhaps at no Tooele County is fortunate to have highly and a modern hospital. designed and built to take Tooele County At the museum there is an old steam other time in Tooele County’s trained and dedicated public safety officials. Mountain West Medical Center in Tooele well into the future. locomotive that once transported employees 157-year-old history have so Police, fire and emergency response crews is a privately owned, 76,000-square foot Joining the hospital in providing and material to and from mining sites just many opportunities existed for contribute enormously to the county’s hospital located only moments away from high quality medical care are dozens of outside of Tooele. But for the children, the residents to enjoy a full, fun and quality of life. Because of the area’s unique many neighborhoods. It features nearly two- physicians and healthcare professionals. The annual Tooele Arts Festival offers three days of arts, museum’s highlight is taking a ride on the productive life. And that good life food and music at Tooele City Park. © Maegan Burr/TBP Photo categories of industry, public safety agencies dozen departments, including an emergency Their services are further enhanced by miniature-powered trains that roll on tracks will continue to expand well into the maintain highly trained personnel who room, intensive care unit, laboratory, labor private clinics throughout Tooele Valley, throughout the historical property. future for the benefit of all. ● are prepared to respond to a broad range and delivery, surgery, pharmacy, radiology and the University Health Care Stansbury Other museums include the Tooele Health Center in Stansbury Park. Pioneer Museum Complex in Tooele; the As a result of these professional and Daughters of Utah Pioneers Museum in convenient health care resources, residents Stockton; the Donner-Reed Museum in and businesses experience a higher level of Grantsville; the Historic Wendover Airfield safety and security than other communities Museum in Wendover; the Benson Gristmill #1 in Tooele County in Utah. at Stansbury Park; the new Ophir Historical Tooele County is also a haven for District in Ophir; and the Miller Motorsports outdoor fun that contributes to the area’s Park Museum at the racetrack. quality of life. In addition to its picturesque Real Estate Sales Another great place to learn about the landscape, the county has streams, lakes Voted #1 Burger Joint in Tooele County area’s history is the Tooele City Library. Outstanding Food Service Award and reservoirs that produce trout and other Recently built, the modern facility is Famous for Greek Food & Massive Burgers fish for anglers. filled with wonderful books and other 38 SHAKE FLAVORS The area’s mountains and canyons publications to educate and stimulate one’s are well known for outdoor activities like mind by the wonders of reading. The library hiking, horseback riding, rock climbing often holds special reading programs, and camping. Tooele County also has such as story time and other events that an abundance of roads and trails that encourage literacy skills for all ages. are ideal for OHV’s, mountain biking or Beyond the museums and library, snowmobiling. outstanding community events are plentiful. Near the county’s western border with The Tooele Arts Festival is held every Nevada, spectators are thrilled every August June and offers three days of visual and while watching land speed record attempts performing arts, plus some of the best 777 N. Main Street, on the Bonneville Salt Flats, as well as cultural food around. Every September rocket launches during the annual Hellfire there’s the Tooele County Festival of the Tooele, Utah 84074 event. For residents and visitors who have Old West, which features a Mountain Man 1-435-882-2100 a passion for golf, the county has three 18- rendezvous, and a gem and mineral show. hole golf courses in Tooele City, Overlake Great cultural food is part of that event, too. For information on more of our listings, visit our website: 490 North Main Tooele • 882-3608 and Stansbury Park. A fourth golf course is For residents and visitors who like to www.utahhomes.com Mon - Sat 10 am –10 pm • Sunday 11 am – 10 pm or call our office

28 ■ TOOELE COUNTY BUSINESS & VISITOR’S GUIDE ■ TOOELE COUNTY BUSINESS & VISITOR’S GUIDE 29 DESERET PEAK COMPLEX Deseret Peak Complex, situated in the middle of Tooele Valley, is the perfect place for recreationalists who are looking for fun and adventure any time of the year.

The soccer fields at The Peak get a lot of use every year from players of all ages. © Troy Boman/TBP Photo

place is to provide a safe and high-quality in which it resides, and it’s getting better, by Sarah Miley environment where residents and visitors too. In 2009, a convention center, which Deseret Peak Complex, situated in the can bring their coveted recreational toys— is being added onto the existing indoor middle of Tooele Valley, is the perfect whether it is horse or fuel driven—and arena, will be able to accommodate all place for recreationalists who are looking play hard from sunrise to sunset. kinds of events, says Lindsay Sundloff, for fun and adventure any time of the year. And what Deseret Peak delivers so Deseret Peak marketing director. The complex boasts a variety of venues well has resulted in growing attendance Festivals, community events, corporate sure to please any interest. Among since the facility opened in 1999. Some events, luncheons and conventions will all those are an enormous aquatic center; of that recent attendance growth may be be welcome here. The convention center exceptional facilities for Motocross/BMX/ attributed to Miller Motorsports Park. will contain several meeting rooms with ATV racing; outdoor and indoor arenas; The racetrack, which opened in the option of opening the rooms into 2006 and hosts professional auto and a large hall. Depending on the event, A motocross rider churns up horse stables; an equestrian race track; mud on one of Deseret Peak a motorized arena; softball, baseball and motorcycle racing on its 4.5-mile long the convention center will be able to Complex’s award-winning soccer fields; an archery range; a pitch circuitous course, draws racers and accommodate any need. race tracks. spectators from around the globe. Deseret The Deseret Peak Aquatic Center is © Troy Boman/TBP Photo n’ putt golf course; indoor and outdoor venues for concerts, community events, Peak is right next door to provide relief one of the largest draws at the complex. It and family reunions. from the sun with its big pool. In addition, features an outdoor pool built to Olympic- And right next door is the world-class the complex provides overnight camping size standards with lap lanes and a diving Miller Motorsports Park. and RV hookups for those visiting the board area. It’s filled with 750,000 gallons For those who are more history- racetrack or the county. of refreshing water that does the trick to minded, the Oquirrh Mountain Mining As attendance at Miller Motorsports escape a hot summer day. SOMETHING FOR Museum, and the Utah Firefighter’s Park continues to grow, its racers and “It’s the largest one-body outdoor pool Museum and Memorial, aren’t to be spectators, and the fact that Utah in Utah,” said Sundloff. “It’s probably our missed. Both on-site museums are filled Jazz owner Larry H. Miller owns it, biggest draw locally and also statewide.” with fascinating artifacts, antiquities and are expected to boost Deseret Peak’s A wading cove, which is connected interpretive displays. marketability and visitor popularity as to the pool, is complete with water The two museums add a unique feel to well. amusements and a water slide. With EVERYONE! Deseret Peak. But the core purpose of the The Peak is indeed big like the county all that the aquatic center has to offer, ➤➤➤

30 ■ TOOELE COUNTY BUSINESS & VISITOR’S GUIDE ■ TOOELE COUNTY BUSINESS & VISITOR’S GUIDE 31 there’s no need to travel to the coast for beach time. The aquatic center is open Memorial Day through Labor Day. Hours are from noon to 8 p.m. Monday through Saturday, and noon to 6 p.m. on Sundays. The center CLEAR is available for private groups and birthday parties after regular operating hours. Swimming lessons and water aerobics are also available. While the aquatic center is definitely one of The Peak’s AND most popular spots to have fun in the sun, other venues are also big players all year-round. The dirt tracks are also popular by the riders who use them. They feature berms, jumps and other challenges. The 1,200-foot-long BMX track is open spring and FAIR. summer and is a great track for any extreme sport enthusiast. The track is particularly hailed as among the WE PROMISE. best in Utah and even the West. It is a technical track with a variety of “doubles” and “table tops.” To most people, insurance is a mystery. But it doesn’t have to be. There are three motocross tracks at Deseret Peak to Carnival rides to ribbons, the Tooele County Fair celebrates the best of summer. © Maegan Burr/TBP Photo accommodate various ages, vehicles and skill levels. There We know that it’s our is a main track, a beginner ATV track and a peewee track, responsibility to help make all designed by professional motocross riders. People everything clear to you. To help from all over the Intermountain West race and hone their you to understand your options. skills on the tracks, which are open year-round, weather So you know what to expect. permitting of course. And so you’re never surprised. Deseret Peak’s outdoor and motorized arenas are used From our first handshake to for concerts, demolition derbies, motocross racing, rodeos handling your claims. and equestrian events. We want to be the most trusted The multi-purpose indoor arena is ideal for equestrian and valued insurance source events, trade shows, graduations, festivals, banquets, car you could ever have. sales, concerts and related activities. The building covers 42,000 square feet. Not every company is prepared to For those who want to delve into history, the Oquirrh make this commitment. Mountain Mining Museum offers a fascinating and But we are. Because this is how educational overview of historic mining operations in the American Family has been doing Two big demolition derbies are held each year at Deseret Peak and attract Oquirrh Mountains and across Tooele County. business for 80 years. Just ask thousands of spectators. © Maegan Burr/TBP Photo The Utah Firefighters Museum and Memorial houses one of our customers. more than 60 meticulously restored old-time fire engines— Have time for some clear talk? no two of which are alike. In addition, there is also a memorial wall for fallen firefighters. Interactive displays, The Oquirrh Mountain Mining Museum gives visitors a fascinating look into Tooele County’s rich and colorful mining past. artifacts related to firefighting across Utah, and a gift shop © David Bern/TBP Photo awaits visitors. Besides regular activities, Deseret Peak fills the calendar year with special events like concerts, award ceremonies, banquets, demolition derbies, carnivals and more. One of the biggest events is the annual Tooele County Fair, for which Deseret Peak Complex was originally built. STEVEN R SMITH Insurance Agency Indeed, Deseret Peak is Tooele County’s one-stop, 968 North Main Street four-season destination for recreation and excitement. Tooele, UT 84074 And the poolside beach scene is hard to beat. With Miller (435) 833-9541 Bus www.srsmithagency.com Motorsports Park nearby, the place is poised to enjoy even greater popularity with those who love to play hard. For a full schedule of Deseret Peak Complex’s venues and events, call (435) 843-4000 or visit www. deseretpeakcomplex.com. Deseret Peak is located between Tooele and Grantsville at the intersection of SR-112 and Sheep Lane. ● American Family Mutual Insurance Company The Deseret Peak Aquatic Center features an Olympic-sized outdoor pool and and its Subsidiaries is a great place for kids to learn how to swim. © Troy Boman/TBP Photo Home Office - Madison, WI 53783 Rodeos are a major attraction at Deseret Peak every summer. © Maegan Burr/TBP Photo © 2007 002967 - 11/07 32 ■ TOOELE COUNTY BUSINESS & VISITOR’S GUIDE ■ TOOELE COUNTY BUSINESS & VISITOR’S GUIDE 33 ON THE OUTSIDE

For a few weeks each fall, the silence on the Bonneville Salt Flats is interrupted by land-speed racers who scorch across the barren

salt in pursuit of glory. © Maegan Burr/TBP Photo

Space. Empty, silent space. It’s the and Rush Valleys, both of which are rimmed years, including an amusing scene in first thing you notice as you step off the by scenic mountains with the names of Disney’s “Pirates of the Caribbean: At pavement and onto the glaring white playa. Oquirrh, Stansbury, Onaqui and Sheeprock. World’s End.” Diffused solar rays paint the seemingly From the sun-baked volcanic ranges of Where the philosopher sees an existential infinite horizon a brilliant orange. It’s the west desert to the lush forests of the experience, the racer sees an opportunity sunrise on the Bonneville Salt Flats. Deseret Peak Wilderness Area, the county’s for unbridled speed. The Bonneville Salt The landscape is incredibly simple, yet diverse terrain is an explorer’s paradise. In Flats are a Mecca for vehicular land speed WHETHER OUR WILDS MERELY stifling and somehow deceptive. Jagged addition to outdoor adventure, the county racing—and have been since 1914 when contours of distant hills provide the only boasts museums, rich historical points Teddy Tezlaff drove his Blitzen Benz to a FASCINATE OR OUTRIGHT CONVINCE YOU, anchor to your gaze. Between them and you of interest, and a variety of entertaining record 141.7 mph. Records of 200, 300, YOU’LL BE GLAD YOU MADE IT HERE. ■ By CLINT THOMSEN is nothing but miles of smooth hardpan. community events. If racing of any kind is and over 600 mph have since been set and At some point between I-80’s Exit 4 and in your blood, take a seat. The county is broken on the flats. Events like Speed Week, the small town of Wendover, you passed into famous for the sport. and World of Speed, occur when the salt is THIS IS THE PLACE WHERE a surreal world where the fine line between The salt flats are one of the best spots completely dry from August through October. heaven and earth becomes ambiguous— to begin discovering the wonders of Tooele To get there, head west from Tooele on where mountains seem to detach themselves County. The dry, expansive playa’s intrigue Interstate 80 for approximately 80 miles and from their ranges to float freely on the lies in the mind’s futile attempt to visually take Exit 4 just before Wendover. Follow the horizon—a place where interminable space comprehend it. The absence of normal access road north and east for five miles to overwhelms the senses. visual cues short-circuits the mind and the salt flats. For information on restrictions Writer William Fox described the ancient lays the groundwork of human fascination. and safety on the flats, contact the Bureau of remnant of Lake Bonneville as, “the absolute The flats’ visually arresting topography Land Management’s Salt Lake office at (801) BIG THINGS visual sink in the core of the void, a white has provided the backdrop for numerous 977-4300. hole into which our imaginations vanish.” television commercials and films over the While in Wendover, stop to see one of our The salt flats in many ways nation’s most significant historical sites: ➤➤➤ are a personification of Tooele

County: vast, wild, and full of © David Bern/TBP Photo opportunity. In the 2005 movie, “The World’s Fastest Indian,” Burt Munro, Anthony Hopkins’ motorcycle-racing character from ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ New Zealand, looks out across the ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ white and profoundly remarks, HAPPEN “This is the place where big things Photo © David Bern/TBP happen.” Big indeed. With an area of nearly 7,300 square miles, Tooele County presents an inexhaustible range of Great Basin landscape, encompassing the Great Salt Lake Desert, over a dozen mountains and ranges, and broad valleys carpeted in fragrant sagebrush. The majority of Tooele County residents live in Tooele Photo Boman/TBP Troy © While in Wendover, stop to see one of our nation’s most significant historical sites: Historic Wendover Airfield.

34 ■ TOOELE COUNTY BUSINESS & VISITOR’S GUIDE ■ TOOELE COUNTY BUSINESS & VISITOR’S GUIDE 35 badgers, and eagles are just some of the wildlife Even though the summit of Deseret Peak Historic Wendover Airfield. This punches into the sky at 11,031 feet, that doesn’t that calls the Stansbury is where the 509th Bomb Group stop seagulls from gorging on airborne insects Mountains home. blown up from the desert floor below by strong trained to drop the atomic bombs There are five Forest winds. © David Bern/TBP Photo on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan Service campgrounds in in Aug. 1945. Over 100 historic South Willow Canyon World War II era structures remain that are surrounded on the base, including the hangar by beautiful white that housed the B-29 Superfortress bark aspens, towering “Enola Gay.” Another attraction on the airbase is the C-123 aircraft fir, and pines. A called “Jailbird,” that was featured turbulent, ice-cold in the 1996 movie “Con-Air,” starring mountain stream also Nicholas Cage. runs nearby. For Historic Wendover Airfield is more information The Miller Motorsports Park Museum. © David Bern/TBP Photo an active airport with private and on the Deseret Peak Aside from fantastic views, Tooele commercial flights arriving daily. The Wilderness Area and the County’s history brims with important Old airport houses a fine museum and gift Stansbury Range, call the Wasatch-Cache West events. A significant portion of the shop, and a series of interpretive signs National Forest at (801) 466-6411. Pony Express and Overland Stage National provide a self-guided tour. The airfield Nearly as tall as the Stansbury’s are the Historic Trail runs through the county. presents an air show each fall. For Camping in Settlement Canyon. © David Bern/TBP Photo Oquirrh Mountains, which flank the eastern Beginning at old Camp Floyd, the trail more information, call (435) 665-2308 border of Tooele Valley and contain peaks stretches over 100 miles to Ibapah and on or visit www.wendoverairbase.com. National Forest, which was designated by over 10,000 feet high. Both Middle and into Nevada. Unlike the Bonneville Salt Flats, Congress in 1984. The wilderness area Settlement Canyons above Tooele City offer The harsh terrain, which was fearfully a significant portion of the county’s offers miles of backwoods trails for hikers ample opportunity for hiking, horseback referred to in the 1800s as the “Great geography climbs upward. The and horseback riders. The areas beyond its riding, mountain biking, and more. A wealth American Desert,” looks virtually the same Stansbury Mountains that flank boundaries abound with paths for mountain of scrub oak and maple trees makes Middle western Tooele Valley are similar in bikes, dirt bikes, and ATVs. Canyon one of the best in the state for today as it did in 1861, when Pony Express elevation and climate to the Wasatch Mule deer, mountain lion, bobcat, viewing fall foliage. riders carried such important messages ➤➤➤ Range east of Salt Lake Valley. At 11,031 feet above sea level, Deseret Peak is the tallest summit in the Stansbury Range and highest point in Tooele County. It’s jagged ridges tower high above the desert floor, making it a dominating Bonneville landmark. The peak has a 5,812-foot topographic prominence, making it Seabase one of just 57 mountains in the lower 48 states that qualify as “ultra” peaks. This designation makes Deseret Peak a popular destination for die-hard peak- baggers the country over. The Deseret Peak Trailhead is located at the end of South Willow Canyon Road and the peak is Proud to Support accessible via two major trails, which climb through forests DESERET PEAK IS THE CROWN of aspen and old growth Tooele County JEWEL OF THE 25,000 ACRE Douglas fir, alpine meadows, Abundant Marine Life • Snorkel • Dive DESERET PEAK WILDERNESS and glacial cirques. Snow Open Water Referrals typically lingers in the crags Chamber AREA OF THE WASATCH-CACHE and couloirs well into summer. 435.884.3874 (local) NATIONAL FOREST From the peak’s summit, the 866.866.3483 (distant) clear 360-degree view of Tooele County pulls at the soul. Just 5 miles northwest of Grantsville Deseret Peak is the crown jewel at milemarker 5 on Hwy 138 of the 25,000-acre Deseret Peak www.seabase.net Wilderness Area of the Wasatch-Cache

36 ■ TOOELE COUNTY BUSINESS & VISITOR’S GUIDE ■ TOOELE COUNTY BUSINESS & VISITOR’S GUIDE 37 Both mountain biking (left) and road cycling (far right) are popular sports in Tooele County. The Tooele County Trails Committee (inset photo) celebrated the opening of the new Mid-Valley Trail last year. © David Bern/TBP Photos.

as the news of “Shots Fired” at Fort Sumter, and golden eagles. One of the most unexpected recreational equipment to swim with many species of and President Lincoln’s inaugural address. The Pony Express Trail is now a Scenic attractions in Tooele County is the tropical fish and two nine-foot nurse sharks. Before the Pony Express, the dusty road Back Country Byway and can be traveled Bonneville Seabase diving facility northwest For information, call (435) 884-3874 or visit was a stage route. The modern road was by most vehicles in dry conditions. of Grantsville. At each of the pools there www.seabase.net. built parallel to the original trail, which However, because of the trail’s remoteness, is a natural hot spring with temperatures Tooele County’s rich pioneer history is is marked by three-foot tall carsonite high-clearance SUV’s with good tires are ranging from 70 to 90 degrees, depending prominently displayed at the historic Benson posts. Interpretive signs mark locations of recommended, and motorists are advised to on depth and season. The facility boasts Gristmill near Stansbury Park. The mill station sites and ruins along the route. The carry emergency supplies—especially spare three top-notch diving bays complete with is considered to be the oldest and best- highlight of the drive is the reconstructed tires. For maps and information, contact landmarks, training platforms, and an air- preserved historic building between Salt Lake station at Simpson Springs. Expect to see the Bureau of Land Management’s Salt Lake filled underwater habitat. City and Reno. It’s also a living museum pronghorn antelope, mule deer, wild horses, office at (801) 977-4300. Visitors can rent snorkeling and diving and visitor’s center where farmers markets, festivals, and pageants are held annually. The mill is located at 325 State Route 138. For information call (435) 882-7678 or visit 4BWJOHGPSBSBJOZEBZ www.bensonmill.org. With so much open space, Tooele County is a camper’s heaven. From improved campsites in area canyons to secluded primitive spots in remote mountains and 500&-&      /.BJO 400 45"/4#63:1"3,  .JMMQPOE valleys, camping opportunities are plenty. (3"/547*--&    &.BJO The improved sites in South Willow Canyon /035)500&-&   &/PSUI 4065)+03%"/   84PVUI in the Stansbury Range offer tables, grills,       and restrooms. BLM campgrounds at Clover XXX)FSJUBHF8FTU$6DPN Springs and Simpson Springs also provide tables, grills, and vault toilets. Another popular camping destination is the Sheeprock Mountains above Vernon and the nearby Vernon Reservoir, where you can $PNFVOEFS fish for rainbow trout. For information, call UIFTFDVSJUZPGUIF the Uinta National Forest at (801) 798-3571. Other places to fish include Grantsville and )FSJUBHF8FTUVNCSFMMB Settlement Canyon Reservoirs. OHV riders who prefer open riding have 5 'SPNDFSUJmDBUFTUPNPOFZ Mile Pass at the southern end of the Oquirrh NBSLFUT ZPVSEFQPTJUTBSFTBGF  Mountains, and Knolls OHV Recreation Area next to I-80 in the Great Salt Lake Desert. TFDVSF BOEGFEFSBMMZJOTVSFE These sites are managed by the BLM and *UTUIFQFSGFDUQMBDFUPTBWF offer terrain that includes juniper-forested mountains, salt flats, sand hills, and dunes. GPSUIPTFSBJOZ BOETVOOZ  Primitive camping is available at both sites. ➤➤➤ EBZTBIFBE

38 ■ TOOELE COUNTY BUSINESS & VISITOR’S GUIDE ■ TOOELE COUNTY BUSINESS & VISITOR’S GUIDE 39 One of the most unexpected recreational attractions in Tooele County is the Bonneville

Seabase diving facility northwest of Grantsville. © Maegan Burr/TBP Photos

The popularity of Oquirrh Hills Golf Course increased multifold after it opened a new back nine during 2008. © Troy Boman/TBP Photo

For the motor racing enthusiast, the all ages can drive racing karts at adrenaline- $100 million Miller Motorsports Park is inducing speeds. The 30-foot-wide kart track truly a gift. Its 4.5-mile, 24-turn track is is nearly a mile long with a main straight the longest of its kind in the U.S. and hosts approaching 900 feet in length. It is one of Tooele Dental professional and amateur regional, national the fastest in the nation, yet still has a wide • general GARAGE and international auto and motorcycle road Bob's range of different-speed corners. It has also racing events. been designed to serve as a motorcycle riding Associates • family The track’s professional events and race-training course, and incorporates • cosmetic & DIESEL include renowned racing series such dirt loops for Supermoto action. For more Dr. Michael Wells & Dr. Brett Wells dentistry as the HANNspree FIM Superbike information, call (435) 277-8000 or visit www. “Engines Are Our Business” World Championship, AMA Superbike MillerMotorsportsPark.com. Engines • Transmission • Drive Axle Front End Championship, American Le Mans Series, Next door to Miller Motorsports Park is A/C • Power Steering • Tune-ups • Engine Diagnostics Grand-Am Rolex Sports Car Series, and the sprawling Deseret Peak Complex, which the NASCAR Camping World West Series. offers a range of attractions for the entire 1676 N Progress Way • Tooele • 882-0313 or 882-1273 Races take place nearly every weekend from family, including an aquatic center, motocross April through October. Ticket prices are and BMX/OHV tracks, museums, baseball reasonable, and on most weekends kids 12 parks, soccer fields, and rodeo grounds. The and under are free. Peak is home to the annual Tooele County The track features six covered grandstands that seat about 1,100 each. Fair and hosts a variety of recreational and www.SweatFitnessut.com The facility also includes a gift shop, a kids’ entertainment events throughout the year. playground, a clubhouse, the Larry H. Miller From the track to the trail, to the back Auto Museum, and the Miller Performance roads and enigmatic salt flats, Tooele County THIS... OR THIS? Training Center, which offers a variety of has something big in store for you, as it did for driver-training programs. New for 2009 is a Burt Munro in “The World’s Fastest Indian.” See our website “mini-Moab” off-road course. And whether our wilds merely fascinate or for special offers! North of the main track is the popular outright convince you, you’ll be glad you made 24 Hour Service • Se Habla Español Miller Kart Center, where participants of it here. ● 34 S. Main • 882-6680 435.882.1381 • 668 N. Garden St. • Tooele


Clint Sagers When it comes to patience and perseverance, 86-year- old Clint Sagers of Rush Valley is the embodiment of both words. After joining the Army in his early 20s, Clint was on the front lines at World War II’s Battle of the Bulge. Hit with shrapnel and bleeding, Clint was taken prisoner and forced to walk for miles by his German captors. Miraculously, he survived five months in a POW camp. Because his injury was treated by a fellow prisoner, there was no official record of his wounds—a requirement to receive the Purple Heart. However, after more than 60 years, Clint’s injury was acknowledged by the Army and he received his medal during a ceremony at the Utah State Capitol Building in 2008. His family, plus officials and dignitaries, worked since 2002 to set the record straight—and to give a man, who fought courageously community’s quality of life has a © Troy Boman/TBP Photo A for his nation, the Purple Heart he deserved. lot to do with having a healthy business district, plus good public safety, schools, healthcare, parks, recreation and more. Zair Lincoln Most patients feel vulnerable and anxious before But that’s only part of the story. going in for surgery. And they want to feel they’re in the best of hands, even if they’re undergoing a simple, The rest has to do with the character routine procedure. Zair Lincoln knows this well. A veteran registered nurse at Mountain West Medical of the people who live there. How friendly Center in Tooele, Zair prepares patients before they go in for surgery, and cares for them afterwards in and gracious are they? How eager are the recovery room. The job requires a lot of nursing skill; but just as importantly, it requires a lot of they to volunteer their time and talents for compassion, understanding and care. Zair joyfully balances all of those requirements with every patient she serves, and her work hasn’t gone unnoticed. In the good of the community—or to 2008, patients voted her as the hospital’s “Nurse of the Year.” Zair chose to become a nurse after being help someone in need? Come meet some inspired by one who worked in a newborn intensive care unit. But her love of people, and to serve them, citizens who do on a regular basis. comes from an inspiration all her own.  © David Bern/TBP Photo

42 ■ TOOELE COUNTY BUSINESS & VISITOR’S GUIDE ■ TOOELE COUNTY BUSINESS & VISITOR’S GUIDE 43 Leana Jackson Veda Dickerson Leana Jackson is the kitchen manager at Copper Canyon Elementary in Tooele. She’s a fabulous cook, They are the unsung heroes of the American electoral and knows how to refuel the engines of young students process. On Election Day, from typically 6 a.m. and until with delicious and nutritious lunches—approximately well into the night, election judges make sure that the 500 of them—every school day. But what makes her orderly transition of governmental leadership prevails. even more astounding is the joy she gives while working One of these heroes is Veda Dickerson. For the past with her “kitchen team,” and the joy she gives while 20 years, Veda has been there on every Election Day, connecting with young students as they file through her verifying registered voters and making sure the day kitchen with lunch tray in hand. For 2007, her kitchen proceeds without a glitch. She has done this, and yearns staff nominated her for Tooele County School District’s to continue, because of a desire to give something “Classified Employee of the Year.” They nominated her, back to the community. And at an even deeper, soulful not only because she’s fun and a pleasure to work with, level, she wants to give something back to the country but also because of the simple, caring way in which she she loves. “I think we’re very fortunate to have the interacts with students. To her, student hugs and the opportunity to vote, and to live in a free country,” she little stories they tell, are priceless gifts. Needless to says. Thank you, Veda, for reminding us that Election say, school district officials couldn’t have agreed more Day is much more than an American right. It is a sacred and Leana won the award hands down. privilege never to be taken for granted.

© Maegan Burr/TBP Photo

© David Bern/TBP Photo Riley Lloyd George McKellar There are people in this world whose presence reminds For over 55 years, George McKellar has dedicated his us daily what truly is most important in life. Tooele’s life to sharing the principles and ideals of Boy Scouts Riley Lloyd is one of these people. Born with Cerebral with Tooele County youth. As a scoutmaster, he has Palsy, Riley’s smile and enthusiasm for life fills the had the privilege of challenging thousands of boys to darkest room with light, and warms the coldest heart. live in goodness and service. For his hard work, the Despite his physical challenges, Riley shows up for life presented its highest volunteer every day and gives each moment his best. By doing award—the Silver Beaver—to George in 1996. Despite so, he inspires the rest of us—with what we have and all the years, George says his passion for is as don’t have—to do the same with our lives. Riley is so strong as ever. The source of that passion? When he was inspiring that local contributors raised over $16,000 a small boy, he watched helplessly as one of his friends in 2008 to help his family buy a $46,000 wheelchair drowned in an irrigation reservoir. “If I had only known accessible van. Thanks to the new van, Riley’s joy and how to swim and do life saving, my friend may still be access to the world have increased tenfold, along with alive today,” he says. When George was old enough to his family’s quality of life. Tooele County citizens are become a Boy , he wasted no time in learning how renowned for being kind and generous—and mindful to swim. He encourages every young Boy Scout today to of what is truly important. The heart-warming evidence do the same. radiates from Riley’s cheerful smile.

© Maegan Burr/TBP Photo

© Maegan Burr/TBP Photo

44 ■ TOOELE COUNTY BUSINESS & VISITOR’S GUIDE ■ TOOELE COUNTY BUSINESS & VISITOR’S GUIDE 45 BY THE NUMBERS ON THE MAP POPULATION TOOELE COUNTY Demographics 2006 007 A B C D E F TOOELE COUNTY . . .56,536 . . . 58,214 TOOELE CITY ...... 28,457 . . . 29,460 GRANTSVILLE ...... 7,845 . . . 8,464 WENDOVER ...... 1,597 . . . 1,617 2000 POPULATION PER SQUARE MILE . . . . . 5.9 PERSONS 1 SIZE ...... 6,923 SQUARE MILES

MUNICIPAL 2 Full Time Policemen Libraries Grantsville . . 10 County . . . . 3 Local Hospital Tooele City . . 33 Total Beds . . . . 29 3 Tooele County Lodging Sheriff’s Dept . . 35 Hotels/Motels . 17

HOUSING COSTS 4 Median Home Price - $192,000 • Sales Tax - 6.25%

CLIMATE 5 Average Annual Precipitation . . . . . 15.48 inches Elevation (Tooele City) ...... 4,820 feet MSL Average July Temperature ...... 76 degrees F. Average January Temperature . . 28.7 degrees F. 6

L ABOR DATA Tooele County Labor Force . . 27,696 (July 2008) Area Unemployment Rate . . . 4.0% (Nov. 2008) 7 Average Family Income 2001 ...... $46,470 2003 ...... $46,454 Redesign by Benjamin Nielson 2004 ...... $48,723 © 2008 Transcript Bulletin Publishing 2007 ...... $62,130 Average Family Size 3.56 GEOGRAPHICAL LOCATIONS RECREATION AREAS POINTS OF INTEREST FOR MORE Information provided by the Utah Department of Workforce Services Bonneville Salt Flats, ...... A1 Clover Campground, ...... E5 Barrick Mercur Gold Mine, . . . . . F5-6 INFORMATION CONTACT: Carrington Island, ...... E1 Danger Cave, ...... A1 Benson Gristmill (Stansbury Park), . . . . .F3 MAJOR EMPLOYERS Cedar Mountains, ...... D2-5 Deseret Peak Wilderness Area, . . . . E3-4 Daughters of Utah Pioneers Tooele County Chamber of Deep Creek Mountains, ...... A6-7 Deseret Peak Complex, ...... F3 Museum (Stockton), ...... F4-5 Commerce and Tourism Private Sector Dugway Range, ...... C7 Deep Creek, ...... A6-7 Donner-Reed Museum (Grantsville), . . . . .E3 (435) 882-0690 †oll free 800-378-0690 ATI Rowley Operation Heritage West Credit Union Floating Island, ...... A1 Delle ATV area, ...... D3 *Donner-Reed Trail, ...... A-F1-3 Historic Wendover Airfield, ...... A2 Tooele County Commission Cargill Salt Maceys Granite Peak, ...... C6 Dry Canyon, ...... F4 Grassy Mountains, ...... C-D, 1 Five Mile Pass ATV area ...... F6 Iosepa Cemetery, ...... D-E4 (435) 843-3150 Carlisle Syntec/Hunter Panels Morton Salt Jacob City ghost town, ...... F4-5 Great Salt Lake, ...... E-F1 Grantsville Reservoir, ...... E3-4 U .S . Bureau of Land Management Christensen & Griffith Mountain West Medical Center J . Reuben Clarke Ranch, ...... E3 Great Salt Lake Desert, ...... A-B1-6 Hickman Canyon, ...... E4 (801) 977-4300 Clean Harbors Transcript Bulletin Publishing Lakeside Mountains, ...... D1 Knolls ATV area, ...... C2 *Lincoln Highway, ...... A-F3-6 Onaqui Mountains, ...... E6 Middle Canyon, F3-4Miller Motorsports Park .F3 Pony Express Route: U .S . Forest Service Detroit Diesel U.S. Magnesium National Back Country Byway, . . .A-F6-7 Oquirrh Mountains, ...... F3-6 North Willow Canyon, ...... E3-4 EG&G Wal-Mart Distribution Center Ophir Historic District, ...... F5 (801) 943-1794 Puddle Valley, ...... D1 Ophir Canyon, ...... F5 Tooele Valley Railroad Museum (Tooele), . .F3-4 Energy Solutions Wal-Mart Super Center Rush Valley, ...... E-F5-7. Rush Lake, ...... E-F4 Utah Travel Council Tooele Pioneer Museum Complex (Tooele), .F3-4 Sheeprock Mountains, ...... E7 Settlement Canyon, ...... F3-4 (801) 538-1030 Public Sector Silver Island Mountains, ...... A1 Settlement Canyon Reservoir, . . . . .F3-4 Utah Travel and Recreation Simpson Mountains, ...... D7 Silver Island Back Country Byway, . . . . A1 * WARNING: Public access to the Donner-Reed Deseret Chemical Depot Tooele City Corporation South Mountain, ...... E-F4 Simpson Springs, ...... D7 Trail and Lincoln Highway west of the Cedar Information Center Stansbury Park Dugway Proving Ground Tooele County Corporation Stansbury Mountains, ...... E3-5 South Willow Canyon, ...... E3-4 Mountains is prohibited due to military property . (801) 538-1467 and the Oquirrh Geographical features, highways, locations and Stansbury Island, ...... E2 Vernon Reservoir, ...... E7 Mountains. Grantsville City Corporation Tooele County School District designations on this map are only approximate Transcript Bulletin Publishing © Troy Boman/TBP Photo Skull Valley, ...... D-E3-6 West Canyon, ...... E3 Tooele Army Depot Wendover City Corporation renderings and do not represent relative scale . (435) 882-0050 Tooele Valley, ...... E-F3-4. White Rock, ...... D5

46 ■ TOOELE COUNTY BUSINESS & VISITOR’S GUIDE ■ TOOELE COUNTY BUSINESS & VISITOR’S GUIDE 47 THE CHAMBER LISTS ALPHABETICAL MEMBER LIST ★ GOLD MEMBER Canton City Restaurant...... (435) 884-3888 Driving School...... (435) 843-9088 Healing Horses...... (435) 843-7774 ◆ SUSTAINING MEMBER ◆ Cargill Salt...... (435) 884-0123 ◆ Dugway Proving Ground...... (435) 831-3757 Heritage Financial Group...... (801) 652-6729 OUR SPECIAL MEMBERS 2 Brothers Communication ...... (435) 843-8900 ◆ Carlisle Syntec/Hunter Panels . . . .(435) 843-2440 Economic Development Corporation of Heritage Home Health Care...... (435) 843-9900 24/7 Janitoral...... (435) 884-1424 Utah...... (801) 328-8824 CCSC Enterprises LLC...... (801) 580-2791 ◆ HeritageWest Credit Union/...... Stansbury THE CHAMBER PROUDLY PRESENTS 435 Design Co ...... (435) 840-5189 Edward Jones Investments...... (435) 833-9440 (435) 833-7200 Century 21...... (435) 843-1200 A Company Portable Restrooms. . . . (801) 264-1200 Edward Jones, Grantsville ...... (435) 884-6036 ◆ HeritageWest Credit Union/ ◆ Christensen and Griffith Construction (435) 882-1529 Grantsville...... (435) 833-7200 ITS 300 PLUS ACTIVE MEMBERS A D’LUX TAN, LLC...... (435) 843-1169 ◆ EG&G Defense Materials, INC. . . .(435) 833-7405 Civil Constructors...... (435) 884-1044 ◆ HeritageWest Credit Union/ Academy Mortgage...... (435) 882-4372 Elizabeth’s Custom Catering ...... (801) 359-7184 Clar’s Auto Center...... (435) 882-0371 Main Office...... (435) 833-7200 Ace Disposal ...... (435) 882-7009 ★ Energy Solutions...... (435) 843-9366 ◆ ◆ Clean Harbors...... (801) 323-8915 HeritageWest Credit Union/ North...... (435) 833-7200 Advanced Practice Medical Clinic . . . .(435) 843-8881 Ensign Engineering& Land Survey Inc .(435) 843-3590 Clegg, J . Bruce...... (435) 882-0765 High Uinta Pack Goats...... (435) 882-2567 Advantage Signs ...... (435) 882-7474 ENT Surgical Associates...... (435) 833-9600 ◆ Click Audio Video...... (435) 843-8265 Holiday Inn Express...... (435) 833-0500 Alert Cellular...... (435) 882-1479 Enterprise Rent-A-Car ...... (435) 843-1288 Cold Stone Creamery...... (435) 228-0120 Holmes Homes...... (801) 572-6363 All Star Lanes Tooele...... (435) 833-0999 Erda Auto Shop 4 Less...... (435) 830-5704 Coldwell Banker...... (435) 882-2400 Home Touch...... (435) 843-0129 All-Tech Electric...... (435) 843-0185 Excelsior Academy...... (435) 840-1966 Com-Tek Services Home Town Grocery...... (435) 882-0874 Allen Insurance Agency...... (435) 882-2306 - Head Shot Computers...... (435) 884-3151 Exit Realty Home Team ...... (435) 843-8326 Allen’s Floor Coverings ...... (435) 843-0658 ◆ Comcast ...... (801) 401-3277 Eye Health Professionals...... (435) 882-6452 Homebodies...... (435) 882-0650 Allied Waste...... (801) 924-8458 Common Cents Casino Parties. . . . .(435) 843-1706 Factory Flooring Direct...... (435) 833-0203 HR Block ...... (435) 843-8877 The Chamber proudly presents Alpine Academy...... 1-800-244-1113 Community Nursing Services...... (435) 882-3913 Fashion Windows...... (435) 882-8979 HR Block 2...... (435) 882-4011 Always Perfect Photography, LLC. . . .(435) 228-8384 Conestoga Wood Specialties Corp. . . .(435) 884-7980 FBLA- Grantsville High...... (435) 884-4500 HR Block Grantsville ...... (435) 884-3076 its 300-plus active members American Cancer Society. . . . (801) 483-1500 EXT:130 Copy Cottage...... (435) 843-9945 FBLA- Tooele High...... (435) 833-1978 Hunan Village...... (435) 843-8379 American Family Insurance ...... (435) 833-9541 Costco Wholesale...... (801) 996-9008 Fields Quality Concrete ...... (435) 884-3252 Impact Grafix...... (435) 849-0594 American Inn & Suites...... (435) 882-6100 Countryside Animal Clinic ...... (435) 882-4100 Fieldstone Homes...... (801) 301-3302 Impact Learning...... (435) 849-1719 American Mobile Lock Service. . . . .(435) 840-5551 Credit Union Investment Services . . . .(435) 833-7220 First American Title...... (435) 882-8000 Insurance Network, LC...... (435) 882-0707 Anything Cute Boutique...... (435) 833-9016 CST Body & Paint...... (435) 882-8925 ◆ Geneva Rock Products...... (435) 833-9116 J & J Jewelry...... (435) 882-3783 Anytime Fitness...... (435) 882-7478 Cygnus Labs...... (435) 882-0609 Gentle Touch Family Dentistry. . . . .(435) 882-3700 Jackrabbit Press...... (435) 840-0679 Anytime Fitness-Grantsville...... (435) 884-5565 D&J Advantage Embroidery ...... (435) 843-0095 Gold’s Gym ...... (801) 361-8689 Jim’s Family Restaurant...... (435) 833-0111 Applebee’s...... (435) 882-0064 Dairy Delight...... (435) 882-6400 Gowans, James ...... (435) 882-2120 JL Johnson CPA ...... (435) 882-0300 Arbys...... (435) 882-2700 Dan Dee Construction, Inc...... (435) 830-3335 ★ Grantsville City...... (435) 884-3411 Jump ‘n’ Joeys Inflatable Bouncers . . .(435) 843-7656 Arnie’s Produce...... (435) 884-9655 Daughters of Utah Pioneers Museum (435) 843-0771 Grantsville Clinic...... (435) 884-3578 K-9 P .I .T ...... (435) 843-4347 ◆ ATI Rowley Operations ...... (801) 433-9958 Davidson Realty Inc ...... (435) 833-0233 Grantsville Family Dental, LLC. . . . .(435) 884-3476 ★ Key Bank of Utah (Grantsville) . . . .(435) 884-3461 Axiom Financial, LLC...... (435) 882-1873 DDI Vantage...... (435) 833-0725 Grantsville Federal Credit Union . . . .(435) 884-3804 ★ Key Bank of Utah (Tooele)...... (435) 882-6506 B&V Lawn and Pest Control...... (435) 843-0206 Delicious ...... (435) 843-7247 Great Salt Lake Council Boy Scouts. . .(801) 417-1228 Kids Park of Stansbury...... (435) 843-0807 Bargain Buggy’s...... (435) 882-7711 Denny’s Restaurant...... (435) 843-8200 Griffeth Vision Group...... (435) 843-8333 Kiwanis Club of Tooele...... (435) 224-2046 Barrick Mining Museum...... (435) 843-4000 Department of Workforce Services. . . .(435) 833-7310 Griffeth Vision Group, Grantsville. . . .(435) 884-3800 Knight Investment Group...... (435) 849-5238 Beehive Homes ...... (435) 833-0202 Depot Home Furniture Warehouse. . . .(435) 843-4265 Group 1 Real Estate...... (435) 840-5031 Kravers...... (435) 843-1688 Benson Grist Mill...... (435) 882-7678 ◆ Deseret Chemical Depot ...... (435) 833-4575 GTM Builders, Inc ...... (801) 301-8591 L & B Development ...... (435) 882-1168 Best Western Inn - Tooele...... (435) 882-5010 Deseret Industries ...... (435) 882-7100 Habitat For Humanity...... (801) 263-0136 La Frontera Restaurant...... (435) 882-0000 BIG ‘’O’’ TIRES ...... (435) 882-4061 Deseret Peak Aquatic Center...... (435) 843-4000 ◆ Hale’s Oil Company, Inc ...... (435) 884-3404 Lakeview Apartments...... (435) 843-7900 Birch Family Pharmacy...... (435) 882-7775 Deseret Peak Complex...... (435) 843-4000 Hamlet Homes...... (801) 281-2223 Landscape Construction Supply. . . . .(435) 882-8556 Bob’s Garage & Diesel...... (435) 882-0313 ★ Detroit Diesel...... (435) 843-6015 Hampton Inn...... (435) 843-7700 LDS Employment Resource Center. . . .(435) 882-8646 Bonneville Seabase ...... (435) 884-3874 Diamond Rental & Sales ...... (435) 843-7354 Harmony Home Health & Hospice. . . .(435) 843-9054 Leigh Pratt Aquatic Center...... (435) 882-3247 Broken Arrow/Mcfarland & Hullinger .(435) 882-3942 Digidocs, LLC...... (435) 249-0540 G . Greg Haroutunian, MD Inc ...... (435) 882-7644 Les Olson Company...... (801) 486-7431 Burger King...... (435) 882-2911 Dimitri’s Cafe...... (435) 882-4203 Harris Air Systems, INC ...... (435) 882-1069 Les Schwab Tires ...... (435) 843-8270 Cahoon, Andrea/ RE/MAX ...... (435) 850-8167 Donner Reed Museum...... (435) 884-0824 Head Quarters Salon...... (435) 882-7275 Liberty Tax...... (435) 882-0768


48 ■ TOOELE COUNTY BUSINESS & VISITOR’S GUIDE ■ TOOELE COUNTY BUSINESS & VISITOR’S GUIDE 49 Liddiard Home Furnishings...... (435) 882-0964 Premier Hair Academy...... (801) 966-8414 Spot Free Window Cleaning...... (435) 228-8082 Tooele Valley Nursery...... (435) 843-5959 ★ GOLD MEMBER ◆ Lifestyle Tooele Magazine ...... (435) 249-0020 Premier Mortgage Services ...... (435) 843-0919 ◆ Staker & Parson Companies. . . . .(801) 298-7500 Tooele Valley Railroad Museum. . . . .(435) 882-2836 SUSTAINING MEMBER MEMBERS BY CATEGORY Linares Law Office...... (435) 882-7334 Price Mine Service...... (435) 843-7561 Stansbury Medical Center U of U. . . .(435) 843-3000 Tooele Valley Ready Mix...... (435) 882-6626 3D Prototyping Air Conditioning Utah Hotel and Lodging ★ Quality Chrysler/Dodge/Jeep ◆ HeritageWest Credit Union/ Bookstore (801) 359-0104 (435) 882-2000 Stansbury Little Grins Portrait Studio...... (435) 833-9447 Proforma Best/Way ...... (435) 884-3000 Stansbury Pediatrics for Kids...... (435) 882-1288 WB Manufacturing Harris Air Systems, INC. Jackrabbit Press & Books Tooele Valley Rotary Club...... (801) 557-9778 (435) 882-1069 150 West 500 South 1141 N . Main St . (435) 833-7200 (435) 840-0679 (435) 837-6200 Salt Lake City, UT 84101 Tooele, UT 84074 http://www .tfcu net. 272 N . Broadway #101 http://jackrabbitpress .net LLEW-CO...... (435) 833-0407 ◆ Prudential Utah Real Estate. . . . .(435) 882-4111 Stansbury Real Estate, LLC...... (435) 843-5323 Tooele Valley Spine Center...... (435) 833-9200 Fax: (435) 837-6193 ★ 200 Millpond http://www .wbmfg .com Tooele, UT 84074 Veterans of Foreign Wars Quality Discount Outlet 272 N Broadway (435) 882-4211 (435) 882-2211 Stansbury, UT 84074 Logowear...... (435) 882-0492 QC Finance...... (435) 882-8532 Steadman’s Recreation ...... (435) 882-3344 10 S . Garnet Bldg 669 Ste 5 Tooele, UT 84074 Tooele Valley Urgent Care ...... (435) 882-3547 Tooele, UT 84074 All Terrain Vehicles 824 Newmark Drive 668 North Main Street ◆ HeritageWest Credit Union/ Steadman’s Recreation Tooele, UT 84074 Tooele, UT 84074 Grantsville The Purple Cow Bookstore Maceys Food & Drug...... (435) 843-8722 ★ Quality Chev/Pontiac/Buick. . . . .(435) 882-1300 Stowe Family Music...... (435) 833-9500 Tooele Vision Center...... (435) 882-3233 (435) 882-3344 ★ (435) 833-7200 (435) 882-9805 Accounting Attorneys Quality Ford 916 N . Main St . (435) 882-7000 http://www .tfcu net. Fax: (435) 882-9806 Manny’s Painting...... (435) 882-0874 ★ Quality Chrysler/Dodge/Jeep. . . . .(435) 882-2000 Sun-Cottage...... (435) 882-3225 TooeleMommies .com...... (435) 882-9006 HR Block Tooele, UT 84074 Linares Law Office 1141 N . Main St . 430 East Main http://thepurplecowbookstore .com (435) 843-8877 (435) 882-7334 Grantsville, UT 84029 992 N . Main St . ★ Animal Services Tooele, UT 84074 McCall, Dave...... (435) 843-2440 Quality Discount Outlet...... (435) 882-2211 Sweet Jumps- Inflatable Jumpers. . . .(435) 840-5181 Tracks Restaurant & Brewery...... (435) 882-4040 1361 N Main St . Tooele Animal Outreach Fax: (435) 882-1352 ◆ Tooele, UT 84074 52 South Main Tunex of Tooele HeritageWest Credit Union/ Tooele, UT 84074 (435) 830-4049 Main Office McDonalds (Lakepoint) ...... (801) 250-6872 ★ Quality Ford...... (435) 882-7000 Syracuse Casting West Corp ...... (801) 544-5728 Tooele, UT 84074 (435) 882-1989 ◆ Transcript Bulletin Publishing . . . .(435) 882-0050 HR Block 2 http://www .petfinder .com Fax: (435) 843-8993 (435) 833-7200 Business Consulting (435) 882-4011 121 N . 150 West 1521 N . Main St . http://www .tfcu net. 16 N . Main St . Audio/Video Salt Lake Community College Small McDonalds (Tooele)...... (435) 882-3811 Radio Shack...... (435) 837-4225 Tate Mortuary ...... (435) 882-2894 Tooele, UT 84074 Tooele, UT 84074 562 N . Main St . Tunex of Tooele ...... (435) 882-1989 Tooele, UT 84074 ◆ Business Development Center Click Audio Video Tooele, UT 84074 (801) 957-4654 Media One...... (801) 237-2964 Rainbow Hotel & Casino...... 1-800-217-0049 TC United Soccer...... (435) 830-8352 Apartments (435) 843-8265 Tooele RV & Auto Repair Turf-It Landscape...... (435) 884-3377 HR Block Grantsville ◆ HeritageWest Credit Union/North Fax: 801-957-3488 (435) 884-3076 Lakeview Apartments (866) 768-6377 (435) 882-2676 Fax: (435) 882-2784 (435) 833-7200 http://www .saltlakesbdc .com Meier & Marsh Prof . Therapies. . . . .(435) 843-1311 Ralph’s Catering & Decorating. . . . .(435) 882-4075 The Difference, LLC...... (435) 840-8427 120 W . Main St . (435) 843-7900 Fax: (435) 843-5680 9750 So 300 West Turner Concrete, Inc ...... (435) 882-4455 Tooele, UT 84074 70 E . 1100 North http://www .tfcu net. Grantsville, UT 84029 742 N . 100 East 88 East 1000 North Sandy, UT 84070 Tooele, UT 84074 Tooele, UT 84074 Metro National Title...... (435) 843-7744 Red Tag Outlets/Apparel Her’s N His .(435) 882-0566 The Local Pages...... 1-888-249-6920 x 222 JL Johnson CPA Auto Body Repair Tooele, UT 84074 Ultimate Catering...... (435) 882-3415 (435) 882-0300 Remington Park Apartments Cake Decorating CST Body & Paint Automobile Sales ★ Key Bank of Utah (Grantsville) ★ Miller Motorsports Park...... (435) 277-8000 Redux...... (435) 843-9100 The Purple Cow Bookstore...... (435) 882-9805 Fax: (435) 882-7081 (435) 843-0717 Maceys Food & Drug UNEV Pipeline, LLC...... (575) 748-8967 169 N . Main Ste 2 495 W . Utah Ave . (435) 882-8925 Bargain Buggy’s (435) 884-3461 50 W . Main St . (435) 843-8722 Millpond Spa & Retreat...... (435) 843-8800 Reflections by Cindy...... (435) 833-9618 The Reading Revolution...... (435) 882-8567 Tooele, UT 84074 Tooele, UT 84074 1685 N . Progress Way (435) 882-7711 Fax: (435) 882-8855 Grantsville, UT 84029 972 N . Main St . Upgrades, Etcetera Computers. . . . .(435) 843-9316 Liberty Tax Tooele Gateway Apartments Tooele, UT 84074 Tooele, UT 84074 Modern Victoria...... (435) 882-2817 ReMax Lakeside...... (435) 833-9000 The Tax Specialist...... (435) 882-8297 (435) 882-0768 (435) 843-4400 Tooele RV & Auto Repair 426 Cimmarron Way ★ Key Bank of Utah (Tooele) Tooele, UT 84074 Soelberg’s ◆ US Magnesium, LLC...... (801) 532-1522 1202 N . Main St . 232 E . Fenwick Ln . (435) 882-2784 (435) 882-6506 ★ (435) 884-5531 Montego Bay Casino...... (775) 664-9100 Remington Park Apartments ...... (435) 843-0717 The UPS Store ...... (435) 833-0501 Tooele, UT 84074 Tooele, UT 84074 Fax: (435) 992-2784 Quality Chev/Pontiac/Buick 201 N Main St . 213 E Main . St . USANA Health Sciences, INC ...... (435) 843-2903 Sam Woodruff, CPA Vine Street Courtyard 70 E . 1100 North (435) 882-1300 Tooele, UT 84074 Grantsville, UT 84029 (435) 882-7379 (801) 205-3883 (877)BLUE-Q-55 Moran Eye Center ...... (435) 843-3040 Rent-A-Center...... (435) 843-0162 This ‘’N’’ That Gifts...... (435) 843-0772 Tooele, UT 84074 Mountain America Credit Union ◆ ◆ Utah Fabrication, Inc ...... (435) 843-8317 185 N . Main St . Suite 301 34 West Vine Street http://www .theblueq com. (435) 843-1220 Wal-Mart Super Center (435) 833-9017 ◆ Morton Salt...... (435) 884-3631 Retain-It-Plus...... (801) 560-4274 Tooele Animal Outreach...... (435) 830-4049 Tooele, UT 84074 Tooele, UT 84074 Automobile Rentals 1041 N . Main St . 1475 North Main The Tax Specialist Tooele, UT 84074 Tooele, UT 84074 99 W 1280 North Utah Hotel and Lodging...... (801) 359-0104 Apparel Enterprise Rent-A-Car Tooele, UT 84074 Mountain America Credit Union. . . . .(435) 843-1220 Ridgeline Land Surveying, LLC. . . . .(435) 843-0484 ◆ Tooele Army Depot ...... (435) 833-3216 (435) 882-8297 (435) 843-1288 ★ Quality Chrysler/Dodge/Jeep 60 So . Main St #103 Modern Victoria Washington Mutual Bank ★ Utah Industrial Depot ...... (435) 843-4500 516 N . Main St . (435) 882-2000 (435) 833-9451 Candle Sales Tooele, UT 84074 (435) 882-2817 1141 N . Main St . Mountain West Family Practice. . . . .(435) 882-2350 Rio Tinto...... (801) 204-2910 Tooele Arts Festival ...... (435) 882-8282 Tooele, UT 84074 Fax: (435) 833-9589 Salt City Candles William Lintner Tax Fax: (435) 882-2817 Tooele, UT 84074 Utah State Firemans Museum. . . . .(435) 843-4040 ★ Quality Discount Outlet http://www .wamu .com (435) 843-8190 ★ ◆ (435) 882-8597 http://www . modernvictoria com. ★ Mountain West Medical Center. . . .(435) 843-3600 Rocky Mountain Care ...... (453) 843-2000 Tooele Beverage Company...... (435) 882-1443 (435) 882-2211 Quality Discount Outlet (inside Wal-Mart) 1424 N . 380 E . 234 So . Broadway 80 W . Vine St . (435) 882-2211 Utah State University-Tooele...... (435) 882-6611 668 North Main Street 99 W . 1280 North Tooele, UT 84074 Mountain West Orthopedics...... 435-843-3859 ◆ Rocky Mountain Power...... 1-888-221-7070 Tooele Chemical Stockpile Outreach Tooele, UT 84074 Tooele, UT 84074 Tooele, UT 84074 668 North Main Street Nu Cleaners Tooele, UT 84074 scentsy.com/georget Office ...... (435) 882-3773 Utah Transit Authority ...... (801) 287-4547 Advertising Tooele, UT 84074 (435) 882-7351 (435) 882-2963 ★ ◆ Mountainland Physical Therapy. . . . .(435) 843-7466 Rocky Mountain Therapy Services. . . .(435) 882-1263 Lifestyle Tooele Magazine Automobile Repair and Service Quality Ford Wells Fargo http://www .scentsy .com/georget 53 E . Vine St . (435) 882-7000 (435) 882-0411 Tooele Cinema 6 ...... (435) 843-5738 Valley Mental Health...... (435) 843-3520 435-249-0020 Tooele, UT 84074 BIG ‘’O’’ TIRES 234 International Avenue Mountainland Physical Therapy Roni’s Signs and Window Design. . . .(435) 833-9330 http://www .lifestyletooele .com (435) 882-4061 1141 N . Main St . Fax: (435) 882-6207 Tooele, UT 84074 (Stansbury)...... (435) 882-4144 ★ Tooele City Corporation...... (435) 843-2100 Veterans of Foreign Wars...... (435) 882-4211 P .O . Box 1199 Appliances Tooele, UT 84074 204 N . Main St . Royal Wholesale Electric ...... (435) 882-4787 Fax: (435) 882-0394 Tooele, UT 84074 Liddiard Home Furnishings 855 N . Main St . Salt Lake Valley GMC Tooele, UT 84074 Carpet (801) 265-1511 Mullins Lock & Safe...... (435) 830-7816 Tooele County Board of Realtors. . . .(435) 882-7444 Vine Street Courtyard...... (801) 531-7501 Media One (435) 882-0964 Tooele, UT 84074 Zion’s Bank Allen’s Floor Coverings Salt City Candles...... (435) 843-8190 725 W 3300 So . (801) 237-2964 2502 N . 400 E . (435) 882-6344 (435) 843-0658 Nelson & Sons Inc...... (801) 262-2991 Tooele County Chamber of Commerce (435) 882-0690 Vine Street Lockshop...... (435) 849-2742 http://www .nacorp .com Tooele, UT 84074 Bob’s Garage & Diesel Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Salt Lake - Tooele Applied Technology (435) 882-0313 740 N . Main St . Fax: (435) 843-0958 4770 S 5600 West www .liddiardhf .com 24 North Main West Valley City, UT 84170 Fax: (435) 882-5201 Bakeries Tooele, UT 84074 New Hope House-Teen Challenge. . . .(435) 843-5602 College...... (801) 493-8700 Tooele County Childrens Justice Volunteers of America, Utah ...... (888) 893-7949 Sears Authorized Dealer Store 1676 N . Progress Way Tooele, UT 84074 Center...... (435) 843-3440 PDC Pages Corp. Costco Wholesale (435) 843-4450 Tooele, UT 84074 (801) 996-9008 Beauty School Factory Flooring Direct Nu Cleaners...... (435) 882-2963 Salt Lake Community College Small Business ★ Wal-Mart Distribution...... (435) 884-5100 1-800-443-0801 http://sears .com Fax: 801-225-0991 Clar’s Auto Center Fax: (801) 966-9339 Premier Hair Academy (435) 833-0203 Development Center...... (801) 957-4654 ★ Tooele County Corporation. . . . .(435) 843-3150 162 N . Main St . 7666 N . Highway 36 Nunley Insurance Agency - Allstate 135 South Mountain Way Drive Tooele, UT 84074 (435) 882-0371 http://www .costco .com 801-966-8414 ◆ Wal-Mart Super Center...... (435) 833-9017 3747 S . 2700 W . Lake Point, UT 84074 Insurance Co ...... (435) 882-7885 Salt Lake Valley GMC...... (801) 265-1511 Tooele County Emergency Provo, UT 84603 64 E Vine St . http://thepremieracademy .com West Valley City, UT 84119 Liddiard Home Furnishings Management...... (435) 843-3260 Wal-Mart Vision Center...... (435) 833-9043 Roni’s Signs and Window Design Asphalt Tooele, UT 84074 4062 S . 4000 West Ophir Historic District...... (435) 882-4256 Sam Woodruff, CPA ...... (435) 882-7379 (435) 833-9330 ◆ Geneva Rock Products Erda Auto Shop 4 Less Home Town Grocery West Valley, UT 84120 (435) 882-0964 (435) 882-0874 Tooele County Girls Softball...... (435) 840-8807 Warr Enterprises, LLC...... (435) 830-5745 Fax: (435) 833-9329 (435) 833-9116 435-830-5704 2502 N . 400 E . http://www .ronissigns .com 99 N . Broadway Tooele, UT 84074 Oquirrh HIlls Golf Course...... (435) 882-4220 Sam’s Club...... (801) 282-5600 Fax: (435) 833-9275 96 E . Delgada Lane Beer & Ale Retail 32 West Vine Street 1730 N . Highway 112 Tooele, UT 84074 www .liddiardhf .com Tooele County Health Department. . . .(435) 277-2300 Wasatch Blinds...... (801) 856-7548 Tooele, UT 84074 Stansbury Park, UT 84074 Oxygen For You ...... (435) 882-7306 scentsy .com/georget ...... (435) 882-7351 Tooele, UT 84074 Maceys Food & Drug Tracks Restaurant & Brewery ◆ ◆ Hale’s Oil Company, Inc. Transcript Bulletin Publishing ◆ (435) 843-8722 (435) 882-4040 Casinos Tooele County Housing Authority. . . .(435) 882-7875 Washington Mutual Bank ...... (435) 833-9451 (435) 882-0050 Staker & Parson Companies 435-884-3404 Papa Murphys Take-N-Bake Pizza. . . .(435) 833-9800 Sears Authorized Dealer Store. . . . .(435) 843-4450 (801) 298-7500 972 N . Main St . Fax: 882-8758 http://www .tooeletranscript .com Fax: 435-884-3546 Tooele, UT 84074 Montego Bay Casino Tooele County Republican Party. . . . .(435) 840-5031 WB Manufacturing...... (435) 837-6200 Fax: (801) 295-7440 http://www .tracksbrewing .com (775) 664-9100 58 N . Main St . http://jayssinclair .com Sam’s Club Pawsitively Purrrfect ...... (435) 843-7154 Security Title Insurance ...... (435) 843-8884 Tooele, UT 84074 151 W . Vine St . 1641 N . Main St . 100 Wendover Blvd . Tooele County School District...... (435) 833-1900 Murray, UT 84107 6 E . Main (801) 282-5600 Tooele, UT 84074 Wendover, NV 89883 ◆ Wells Fargo Bank...... (435) 882-0411 Grantsville, UT 84029 PDC Pages Corp ...... 1-800-443-0801 Select Health...... (801) 442-5000 Advertising (Specialty) Fax: (801) 282-5623 Peppermill Hotel & Casino Assisted Living Les Schwab Tires www .samsclub .com Tooele County Showcase of Homes. . .(435) 241-0410 Western Excavating...... (435) 882-5337 Impact Grafix Beverages-Wholesale (800) 648-9660 Peppermill Hotel & Casino...... 1-800-648-9660 Skydive Utah...... (435) 833-9999 Beehive Homes (435) 843-8270 7571 S . 3800 West 680 Wendover Blvd (435) 849-0594 West Jordan, UT 84074 Tooele Dental Associates...... (435) 882-1381 (435) 833-0202 1162 N . Main St . Costco Wholesale Wendover, NV 89883 White, Beverly...... (435) 882-0515 Tooele, UT 84074 464 South Main Pete’s Auto Repair, LLC...... (435) 882-4014 SLS Real Estate/Equity Real Tooele, UT 84074 Soelberg’s (801) 996-9008 Estate-Solid...... (435) 238-0071 Tooele Floral...... (435) 882-0669 PDC Pages Corp. Tooele, UT 84074 (435) 884-5531 Fax: (801) 966-9339 Rainbow Hotel & Casino Petunia’s House of Flowers ...... (435) 882-7323 William Lintner Tax...... (435) 882-8597 1-800-443-0801 ◆ Rocky Mountain Care Pete’s Auto Repair, LLC 213 E Main . St . http://www .costco .com (800) 217-0049 435-882-4014 1045 Wendover Blvd Smart Tile, Inc ...... (435) 882-0149 Tooele Gateway Apartments ...... (435) 843-4400 Fax: 801-225-0991 (453) 843-2000 Grantsville, UT 84029 3747 S . 2700 W . Wireless Beehive...... (435) 837-6933 135 South Mountain Way Drive Fax: (435) 843-2090 46 E . 500 N . Wendover, NV 89883 Phil’s Glass, Inc ...... (435) 882-4976 Tooele, UT 84074 ◆ Wal-Mart Super Center West Valley City, UT 84119 Provo, UT 84603 140 E 200 South Soelberg’s ...... (435) 884-5531 Tooele Main Street Coin Laundry. . . .(435) 882-9855 Phil’s Glass, INC. (435) 833-9017 Sam’s Club Catering Platt Electric...... (435) 843-0067 Workman, Dennis TC School District Job Sample Proforma Best Way Tooele, UT84074 (801) 282-5600 (435) 884-3000 (435) 882-4976 99 W 1280 North Elizabeth’s Custom Catering Solar Mountain, Inc...... (801) 201-0832 Tooele Pioneer Museum...... (435) 843-0771 Program ...... (435) 833-1978 Fax: (801) 282-5623 Polished Digits and Permanent (866) 294-3830 Associations 635 N . Main St . Tooele, UT 84074 (801) 359-7184 Tooele, UT 84074 www .samsclub .com Fax: 801-359-6033 Cosmetics...... (801) 556-1093 Southridge Pediatric Dentistry...... 435-882-9800 Tooele RV & Auto Repair...... (435) 882-2676 Y .E .S . Program ...... (435) 840-2125 747 Sagewood Cir . Grantsville Business Alliance Grantsville, UT 84029 435-249-0540 ★ Quality Chev/Pontiac/Buick Banking 7571 S . 3800 West 1645 W . 2200 S . Ste A www .grantsvillebusinessalliance .com West Jordan, UT 84074 West Valley City, UT 84119 Porter Family Chiropractic ...... (435) 833-0977 Speirs Farm ...... (435) 882-0006 Tooele Title Company...... (435) 882-1120 Zimmerman, Mike Well Service . . . . .(801) 250-1400 The Local Pages (435) 882-1300 Grantsville Federal Credit Union (888)249-6920 x 222 Tooele County Board of Realtors (877)BLUE-Q-55 (435) 884-3804 Tooele Beverage Company Maceys Food & Drug Fax: (801) 988-1171 (435) 882-7444 http://www .theblueq com. Fax: (435) 884-6071 882-1443 (435) 843-8722 Pre-Paid Legal ...... (435) 241-0318 Sports Depot, Inc ...... (435) 830-6307 Tooele Trophy and Plaque ...... (435) 882-1382 Zion’s Bank ...... (435) 882-6344 4910 W . Amelia Earhart Dr . Ste 1 36 North Main Street #7 1041 N . Main St . 50 Commercial Ave . 121 E . 1280 N . 972 N . Main St . Salt Lake City, UT 84116 Tooele, UT 84074 Tooele, UT 84074 Grantsville, UT 84029 Tooele, UT 84074 Tooele, UT 84074 ➤➤➤


T o o e L E C o u NT Y C H A M B E R o f C O MM E RC E A N D T o u R I S M • M E MB E R S B Y C A T E G O R Y T o o e L E C o u NT Y C H A M B E R o f C O MM E RC E A N D T o u R I S M • M E MB E R S B Y C A T E G O R Y

Ralph’s Catering & Decorating Chiropractors ◆ Wal-Mart Super Center Tooele Valley Ready Mix Platt Electric The UPS Store Tooele Dental Associates Salt Lake - Tooele Applied Engineering Services Eye Care Fire Alarm Systems Garden/Nursery (435) 882-4075 Porter Family Chiropractic (435) 833-9017 (435) 882-6626 (435) 843-0067 (435) 833-0501 (435) 882-1381 Technology College Ensign Engineering & Land Eye Health Professionals Click Audio Video Tooele Valley Nursery 416 So . 500 W (435) 833-0977 99 W 1280 North 26 W . Vine St . Fax: (435) 843-0068 Fax: 435-833-0499 668 N . Garden St . (801) 493-8700 Survey Inc. (435) 882-6452 (435) 843-8265 435-843-5959 Tooele, UT 84074 275 So . Main St . Tooele, UT 84074 Tooele, UT 84074 http://www .platt .com http://www .theupsstorelocal . Tooele, UT 84074 (888) 850-9797 (435) 843-3590 http://www .eyehealthpro .net (866) 768-6377 Fax: 435-843-0083 Soelberg’s Tooele, UT 84074 Turner Concrete, Inc. 1183 North 80 East com/3370/ Fax: (801) 493-8750 http://www .ensignutah com. 88 East 700 North #A Fax: (435) 843-5680 425 E . Cimmaron Way Coffee Shops 772 N Main Street (435) 884-5531 Tooele Valley Spine Center (435) 882-4455 Tooele, UT 84074 Department Stores http://www .sltatc .edu 169 N . Main #1 Tooele, UT 84074 Tooele, UT 84074 Erda, UT 84074 213 E Main . St . Denny’s Restaurant Tooele, UT 84074 ◆ Wal-Mart Super Center 66 West Vine Tooele, UT 84074 Fitness Grantsville, UT 84029 (435) 833-9200 Fax: (435) 882-6646 Ridgeline Land Survey, LLC Griffeth Vision Group (435) 843-8200 ◆ Transcript Bulletin Publishing Tooele, UT 84074 Ridgeline Land Survey, LLC 1244 North Main 26 W . Vine St . (435) 843-0484 (435) 833-9017 (435) 843-8333 Anytime Fitness Gift Shops Tracks Restaurant & Brewery Tooele, UT 84074 925 N Main Street Tooele, UT 84074 www .ridgelineLS .com (435) 882-0050 99 W 1280 North Salt Lake Community College Small (435) 843-0484 (435) 882-7478 (435) 882-4040 Tooele, UT 84074 http://www .tbpublishing .com Business Development Center www .ridgelineLS .com Fax: (435) 843-8334 Copy Cottage Civic Groups 272 N . Broadway Tooele, UT 84074 196 E . 2000 N . #109 Fax: (801) 968-8863 Fax: 882-8758 Consignment 58 N . Main St . (801) 957-4654 272 N . Broadway http://www .anytimefitness .com (435) 843-9945 Computer Sales Tooele, UT 84074 http://www .tracksbrewing .com Kiwanis Club of Tooele Tooele, UT 84074 Disabled Services Fax: 801-957-3488 Tooele, UT 84074 Tooele, UT 84074 500 E . Village Blvd Suite 103 500 E . Village Blvd . #101 1641 N . Main St . P .O . Box 1122 Home Touch Smart Tile, Inc. Com-Tek Services/Head Shot (435) 843-0129 http://www .saltlakesbdc com. Griffeth Vision Group, Grantsville Stansbury Park, UT 84074 Stansbury Park, UT Tooele, UT 84074 Tooele, UT 84074 (435) 882-0149 DDI Vantage Engraving Computer 10 N . Main St . Craft Stores (435) 833-0725 9750 So 300 West (435) 884-3800 Anytime Fitness-Grantsville Delicious Ultimate Catering Tooele Valley Rotary Club (435) 884-3151 Fax: (435) 882-7848 Sandy, UT 84070 Fax: (435) 884-3801 Tooele, UT 84074 Tooele, UT 84074 Home Touch Fax: (435) 882-2678 Proforma Best Way (435) 884-5565 (435) 843-7247 435-882-3415 772 N Main St # 305 67 N . Center Street 822 E . Main St . Ste 16 http://www .anytimefitness .com Homebodies (435) 843-0129 http://www .ddivantage .com Tooele County School District (435) 884-3000 Fax: (435) 843-0331 Fax: (435) 882-8657 Tooele, UT 84074 Grantsville, UT 84029 Tooele Valley Ready Mix (435) 833-1900 Fax: (866) 294-3830 Grantsville, UT 84029 225 E Main Ste I 295 N . Main St . 525 N . Broadway (435) 882-0650 10 N . Main St . 165 S . Main St . #200 Volunteers of America, Utah Cygnus Labs (435) 882-6626 http://www .tooele .k12 .ut .us/ www .proformabestway .com Grantsville, UT 84029 Tooele, UT 84074 Tooele, UT 84074 1 N . Main St . 26 W . Vine St . Tooele, UT 84074 Tooele, UT 84074 Sam’s Club 66 W Vine Ste 2 (435) 882-0609 92 Lodestone Way 747 Sagewood Cir . (801) 282-5600 Gold’s Gym ◆ Wal-Mart Super Center Tooele, UT 84074 Tooele, UT 84074 Homebodies Healing Horses Head Quarters Salon (888) 893-7949 1612 E . Erda Way Tooele, UT 84074 Grantsville, UT 84029 Fax: (801) 282-5623 801-361-8689 (435) 833-9017 (435) 882-0650 435-843-7774 Fax: 801-426-8599 (435) 882-7275 Fax: (801) 519-6710 Erda, UT 84074 Construction Turner Concrete, Inc. Utah State University-Tooele Sports Depot, Inc. www .samsclub .com 500 E . Village Blvd 99 W 1280 North www .voaut .org 1 N . Main St . http://www .healinghorsesutah .org http://www .bestgymever .com (435) 882-4455 (435) 882-6611 (435) 830-6307 7571 S . 3800 West Stansbury Park, UT 84074 Tooele, UT 84074 Tooele, UT 84074 Upgrades, Etcetera Computers All-Tech Electric Fax: (435) 882-6646 Tooele, UT 84074 Tooele, UT 84074 250 N . Main St . (435) 843-9316 Fax: (435) 882-7916 http://www .sportsdepotutah .com West Jordan, UT 84074 Cleaning Service (435) 843-0185 26 W . Vine St . Tooele, UT 84074 Home Touch Cellular Services http://www .uecomputers .com Fax: (435) 833-0155 Discount Stores http://tooele .usu edu. 168 Millcreek Way (435) 843-0129 Tooele, UT 84074 Data Management Consulting 1021 W . Vine St . Stansbury Medical Center U of U The Difference, LLC 2 Brothers Communication 24/7 Janitoral 38 West Vine 318 S 1200 West Costco Wholesale Tooele, UT 84074 (435) 843-3000 10 N . Main St . Warr Enterprises, LLC Click Audio Video Tooele, UT 84074 (435) 840-8427 (435) 843-8900 (435) 884-1424 Tooele, UT 84074 Tooele, UT 84074 (801) 996-9008 Tooele Trophy and Plaque 220 Millpond Dr . #100 http://www .thedifferencept com. Tooele, UT 84074 Tooele, UT 84074 (435) 830-5745 (435) 843-8265 Workman, Dennis TC School District http:// Fax: (801) 966-9339 (435) 882-1382 Stansbury Park, UT 84074 220 Millpond, Ste 104 Homebodies Broken Arrow/Mcfarland & Fax: (435) 884-1299 (866) 768-6377 Job Sample Program www .2brotherscommunications .com Clothes Cleaning Computer Service & Repair Hullinger Fax: (435) 843-5680 http://www .costco .com 542 Blueridge Dr . Tooele Vision Center Stansbury Park, UT 84074 (435) 882-0650 915 North Main Street UT (435) 833-1978 Nu Cleaners Com-Tek Services/Head Shot (435) 882-3942 Tooele, UT 84074 3747 S . 2700 W . Tooele, UT 84074 (435) 882-3233 1 N . Main St . Tooele, UT 84074 Western Excavating Tooele, UT 84074 Flooring (435) 882-2963 Computer Fax: (435) 882-6911 West Valley City, UT 84119 Fax: (435) 882-1626 Tooele, UT 84074 (435) 882-5337 Digidocs, LLC Y.E.S. Program Allen’s Floor Coverings Alert Cellular 53 E . Vine St . (435) 884-3151 8960 N . Highway 40 Sam’s Club Entertainment http://www .tooelevision .com J & J Jewelry Tooele, UT 84074 Fax: (435) 843-1895 (435) 249-0540 (435) 840-2125 (435) 843-0658 (435) 882-1479 67 N . Center Street Lake Point, UT 84074 Fax: (435) 884-1299 (801) 282-5600 All Star Lanes Tooele 300 So . Main St . Fax: (435) 843-0958 (435) 882-3783 Fax: (435) 882-1479 820 West Vine Fax: (435) 833-7345 Tooele Main Street Coin Laundry Grantsville, UT 84029 ◆ Christensen and Griffith Tooele, UT 84074 225 E . Main St . Ste F Fax: (801) 282-5623 (435) 833-0999 Tooele, UT 84074 24 North Main 111 N . Main St . 1197 N . Main Ste A (435) 882-9855 www .samsclub .com http://yes@slco .org Tooele, UT 84074 Cygnus Labs Construction Grantsville, UT 84029 305 N MainSt . Suite 249 Fax: (435) 843-7698 Wal-Mart Vision Center Tooele, UT 84074 Tooele, UT 84074 Fax: 435-843-1959 (435) 882-1529 Convenience Stores 7571 S . 3800 West (435) 882-0609 Tooele, UT 84074 http://www .allstarlanes .com/index .php (435) 833-9043 Factory Flooring Direct Red Tag Outlets/Apparel Her’s N His ◆ Comcast 752 N . Main St . 30 S . Tooele Blvd . ◆ Hale’s Oil Company, Inc. West Jordan, UT 84074 (435) 833-0203 Tooele, UT 84074 1612 E . Erda Way Decals, Custom 1111 N 200 West 99 W . 1280 N . (435) 882-0566 (801) 401-3277 Erda, UT 84074 Tooele, UT 84074 435-884-3404 Tooele, UT 84074 Tooele, UT 84074 7666 N . Highway 36 Fax: (801) 401-3290 Clothing Fax: 435-884-3546 Impact Grafix Driving Instruction Educational Sales Lake Point, UT 84074 http://www .redtagoutlets .com Civil Constructors Common Cents Casino Parties 213 N . Main www .comcast .com Anything Cute Boutique Upgrades, Etcetera Computers (435) 884-1044 http://jayssinclair .com (435) 849-0594 Driving School The Reading Revolution (435) 843-9316 Tooele, UT 84074 (435) 843-1706 Facility Leasing Liddiard Home Furnishings Tooele, UT 84074 9602 S 300 West (435) 833-9016 752 E Main St . 6 E . Main (435) 843-9088 (435) 882-8567 (435) 882-0964 Sandy, UT 84070 33 N Main St http://www .uecomputers .com Grantsville, UT 84029 Grantsville, UT 84029 7 So . Main St . Ste . 100 183 Crystal Bay Dr . Fax: (435) 882-7559 ★ Utah Industrial Depot scentsy.com/georget 38 West Vine Decorating http://www .commoncentscasinoparties .com (435) 843-4500 2502 N . 400 E . Tooele, UT 84074 Dan Dee Construction, Inc. Copiers & Service Tooele, UT 84074 Stansbury Park, UT 84074 Tooele, UT 84074 (435) 882-7351 Chamber of Commerce Delicious Tooele, UT 84074 Ralph’s Catering & Decorating 53 Benchview Drive Fax: (435) 843-4550 http://www .scentsy .com/georget (435) 830-3335 Les Olson Company Tooele, UT 84074 http://www .utahid .com www .liddiardhf .com Tooele County Chamber of (435) 843-7247 Tooele, UT 84074 (435) 882-4075 Dry Cleaning Electrical Supplies 234 International Avenue (801) 486-7431 416 So . 500 W 545 N . Lodestone Way Commerce Fax: (435) 843-0331 Concrete Fax: (801) 486-7494 Nu Cleaners Royal Wholesale Electric Jump ‘n’ Joeys Inflatable Bouncers Florists Tooele, UT 84074 295 N . Main St . Fields Quality Concrete Tooele, UT 84074 Tooele, UT 84074 (435) 882-0690 http://www .lesolson .com (435) 882-2963 (435) 882-4787 (435) 843-7656 Petunia’s House of Flowers The Purple Cow Bookstore (800)378-0690 Tooele, UT 84074 Fields Quality Concrete (435) 884-3252 Fax: (435) 843-7656 Fax: (435) 884-3736 3244 S . 300 W . 53 E . Vine St . Fax: (435) 882-5584 (435) 882-7323 (435) 882-9805 Fax: (435) 833-0946 Deseret Industries (435) 884-3252 Dental Care 1801 North 210 West 40 W . Vine St . P . O . Box 713 Salt Lake City, UT 84165 Tooele, UT 84074 http://royalutah com. Family Services Fax: (435) 882-9806 http://www .tooelechamber .com 435-882-7100 Fax: (435) 884-3736 Gentle Touch Family Dentistry 332 S . 1200 West Tooele, UT 84074 Tooele, UT 84074 Grantsville, UT 84029 Copying Tooele County Childrens Justice http://thepurplecowbookstore .com 86 South Main St . 1575 N . 30 West P . O . Box 713 (435) 882-3700 Economic Development Tooele, UT 84074 ★ Tooele Floral Tooele, UT 84074 ◆ Miller Motorsports Park Center 992 N . Main St . Tooele, UT 84074 Grantsville, UT 84029 Geneva Rock Products Copy Cottage Fax: (435) 882-4588 Platt Electric (801) 563-4250 (435) 882-0669 Tooele, UT 84074 (435) 833-9116 (435) 843-9945 Economic Development (435) 843-3440 Check Cashing Logowear ◆ Geneva Rock Products 271 S . Main St . (435) 843-0067 www .millermotorsportspark .com http://www .co .tooele .ut us/children. . 351 N . Main St . Fax: (435) 833-9275 500 E . Village Blvd . # 101 Corporation of Utah This ‘’N’’ That Gifts (435) 882-0492 (435) 833-9116 Tooele, UT 84074 Fax: (435) 843-0068 2901 N . Sheep Lane htm Tooele, UT 84074 QC Finance Fax: (435) 843-9067 1730 N . Highway 112 Stansbury Park, UT 84074 (801) 328-8824 (435) 843-0772 (435) 882-8532 Fax: (435) 833-9275 Grantsville Family Dental, LLC http://www .edcutah .org http://www .platt com. Tooele, Utah 84074 25 South 100 East Funeral Services 163 E . 100 So . http://www .elogowear .com Tooele, UT 84074 Digidocs 1183 North 80 East 124 N Main Street 62 Alberta Dr . 1730 N . Highway 112 (435) 249-0540 435-884-3476 201 South Main Street, Ste 2150 Tooele Arts Festival Tooele, UT 84074 Tate Mortuary Tooele, UT 84074 GTM Builders, Inc. Fax: 435-884-6790 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 Tooele, UT 84074 (435) 882-2894 Tooele, UT 84074 Tooele, UT 84074 Tooele, UT 84074 (801) 301-8591 225 E Main St . Ste F (435) 882-8282 Tooele County Health Department Grantsville, UT 84029 14 N . Hale Street http://tooeleartsfestival org. (435) 277-2300 tatemortuary .com Glass Companies Child Care Red Tag Outlets/Apparel ◆ Staker & Parson Companies Stansbury Park, UT 84074 110 So . Main St . Her’s N His Grantsville, UT 84029 Education Embroidery Tooele, UT 84074 http://www .tooelehealth org. (801) 298-7500 Hamlet Homes Jackrabbit Press Tooele, UT 84074 Phil’s Glass, INC. Kids Park of Stansbury (435) 882-0566 (435) 840-0679 Southridge Pediatric Dentistry 151 N . Main St . Fax: (801) 295-7440 (801) 281-2223 Alpine Academy D&J Ad-Vantage Embroidery Tooele Cinema 6 (435) 882-4976 (435) 843-0807 http://www .redtagoutlets .com http://jackrabbitpress .net 1959 N . Aaron Dr . Ste E (435) 843-0095 Tooele, UT 84074 Furniture 635 N . Main St . 199 Millpond 151 W . Vine St . 308 E 4500 So . 1-800-244-1113 (435) 843-5738 213 N . Main 272 N Broadway Tooele UT 84074 Fax: 435-843-5416 (435) 843-0508 fax Tooele County Housing Authority Depot Home Furniture Warehouse Tooele, UT 84074 Stansbury Park, UT 84074 Tooele, UT 84074 Murray, UT 84107 Murray, UT 84107 1600 N Pine Canyon Road Tooele, UT 84074 435-882-9800 http://www .alpineacademy .org 42 E . 400 North (435) 882-7875 (435) 843-4265 Tooele, UT 84074 Tooele, UT 84074 118 E Vine St . 210 N . Lodestone Way Golf Courses and Equipment 1280 Whispering Horse Drive Tooele, UT 84074 Erda, UT 84074 Logowear Tracks Restaurant & Brewery Tooele, UT 84074 Oquirrh HIlls Golf Course (435) 882-0492 (435) 882-4040 Deseret Industries (435) 882-4220 Driving School Fax: 882-8758 435-882-7100 (435) 843-9088 Fax: (435) 843-9067 Financial Planning 1575 N . 30 West 1255 E Vine Street http://www .elogowear .com http://www .tracksbrewing com. Tooele, UT 84074 7 So . Main St . Ste . 100 1641 N . Main St . Axiom Financial, LLC Tooele, UT 84074 Tooele, UT 84074 62 Alberta Dr . Homebodies Tooele City Mayor and staff Tooele, UT 84074 Tooele, UT 84074 (435) 882-1873 Government Agencies Excelsior Academy Fax: (435) 882-3621 (435) 882-0650 ★ Grantsville City P .O . Box 712 Proforma Best Way Envriomental Contractors/ Engineering http://www .axiomfinancial com. 1 N . Main St . “ (435) 884-3000 Tooele, UT 84074 (435) 884-3411 Tooele, Ut 84074 Western Excavating 614 N Main Street 435-840-1966 Fax: (866) 294-3830 Tooele, UT 84074 Liddiard Home Furnishings 429 E . Main St . www .proformabestway .com (435) 882-5337 Grantsville, UT 84029 excelsior-academy .org Credit Union Investment Services (435) 882-0964 747 Sagewood Cir . Fax: (435) 843-1895 2502 N . 400 E . FBLA- Grantsville High (435) 833-7220 ★ Tooele City Corporation Grantsville, UT 84029 820 West Vine Tooele, UT 84074 (435) 884-4500 Tooele, UT 84074 562 N . Main St . (435) 843-2100 welcome you 155 E . Cowboy Dr . Tooele, UT 84074 www .liddiardhf .com 90 N . Main St . Employment Services Grantsville, UT 84029 Rent-A-Center Tooele, UT 84074 Department of Workforce Services Evening Gowns Edward Jones Investments (435) 843-0162 ★ Tooele County Corporation to the FBLA- Tooele High (435) 833-7310 Modern Victoria (435) 833-9440 1485 N . 30 West (435) 833-1978 Fax: (435) 833-7395 (435) 882-2817 974 N . Main St . Tooele, UT 84074 (435) 843-3150 in 301 W . Vine St 305 N . Main St . Fax: (435) 882-2817 Tooele, UT 84074 http://www .co .tooele .ut .us greatest city Utah! Tooele, UT 84074 Garbage Removal 47 S . Main St . Tooele, UT 84074 http://www . modernvictoria com. Edward Jones, Grantsville ” Tooele, UT 84074 Impact Learning LDS Employment Resource Center 80 W . Vine St . (435) 884-6036 Ace Disposal 435-849-1719 (435) 882-8646 Tooele, UT 84074 225 E . Main St . Ste D (435) 882-7009 Tooele County Emergency Tooele City staff from front to back, left to right: Kami Perkins, Human Resource Director; Kathy Bell, http://www .impact-learning com. Fax: (435) 843-9425 Grantsville, UT 84029 http://www .acedisposal .com Management 808 Country Club 1595 N . 30 W Event Planning P . O . Box 2608 47 South Main Parks and Recreation Director; Sharon Dawson, City Recorder; Michelle Pitt, Assistant Redevelopment Heritage Financial Group Salt Lake City, UT 84110 Stansbury Park, UT 84074 Tooele, UT 84074 Common Cents Casino Parties 801-652-6729 Tooele, UT 84074 Director; Patrick Dunlavy, Mayor; Lisa Carpenter, Deputy City Recorder; Ron Kirby, Chief of Police; (435) 843-1706 Allied Waste Tooele County Health Department K-9 P.I.T. Price Mine Service Fax: 801-355-2092 (801) 924-8458 Milo Berry, Communities that Care Coordinator; Cary Campbell, Community Development and Public (435) 843-4347 435-843-7561 Fax: (435) 882-7559 http://www .heritagefinancialgroup . Fax: (801) 924-8550 (435) 277-2300 http://www .k-9pit com. Fax: 435-843-7565 http://www .commoncentscasinoparties .com com http://www .alliedwaste .com http://www .tooelehealth .org Works Director; Roger Baker, City Attorney; Glenn Caldwell, Finance Director; and Paul Hansen, City 3849 North 570 West Richard Arellano 53 Benchview Drive 261 E . 300 S . Suite 200 675 South Gladiola 151 N . Main St . Engineer. Missing from the picture is Karen Emery, City Librarian and Kris Garcia, Fire Chief. Erda, UT 84074 Tooele, UT 84074 Tooele, UT 84074 Salt lake City, UT 84111 Salt Lake City, UT 84104 Tooele, UT 84074 ➤➤➤


Tooele County Housing Authority ENT Surgical Associates Stansbury Medical Center U of U Hamlet Homes Individuals Edward Jones Investments Turf-It Landscape Vine Street Lockshop US Magnesium, LLC Museums-historical attractions Networking Small or Home Office Organizations- Fund Raising (435) 882-7875 (435) 833-9600 (435) 843-3000 (801) 281-2223 Clegg, J. Bruce (435) 833-9440 (435) 884-3377 (435) 849-2742 (801) 532-1522 Barrick Mining Museum Com-Tek Services/Head Shot American Cancer Society Fax: (435) 882-4743 118 E Vine St . 220 Millpond Dr . #100 308 E 4500 So . (435) 882-0765 974 N . Main St . 324 E Main Street 11 East Vine St . 238 N 2200 West (435) 843-4000 Computer 801-483-1500 EXT:130 Tooele, UT 84074 1244 North main Stansbury Park, UT 84074 Murray, UT 84107 Fax: 435-882-0765 Grantsville, UT 84029 Tooele, UT 84074 Salt Lake City, UT 84116 2930 W Hwy 112 Tooele, UT 84074 Tooele, UT 84074 (435) 884-3151 http://www .cancer .org Stansbury Pediatrics for Kids Holmes Homes 358 East Church Raod Utah Fabrication, Inc. Tooele, UT 84074 67 N . Center Street Government Contractors Eye Health Professionals Edward Jones, Grantsville 941 East 3300 South (435) 882-1288 (801) 572-6363 Erda, UT 84074 Legal Services Mailing Services (435) 843-8317 Benson Grist Mill Grantsville, UT 84029 ◆ EG&G Defense Materials, INC (435) 882-6452 http://www .holmeshomes .com (435) 884-6036 Salt Lake City, UT 84106 210 Millpond Gowans, James Linares Law Office Copy Cottage Fax: (435) 843-8321 (435) 882-7678 (435) 833-7405 http://www .eyehealthpro .net Stansbury Park, UT 84074 1703 North Aaron Drive 225 E . Main St . Ste D Upgrades, Etcetera Computers Habitat For Humanity (435) 882-2120 (435) 882-7334 (435) 843-9945 www .utahfab .com http://www .deseretpeakcomplex . (435) 843-9316 11600 Stark Rd . 88 East 700 North #A Tooele, UT 84074 Grantsville, UT 84029 Fax: (435) 882-1352 (801) 263-0136 Tooele, UT 84074 Tooele County Health Department 240 South 200 West 500 E . Village Blvd . # 101 1485 W . James Way com/files/venues/bensonmill htm. Stockton, UT 84071 52 South Main 325 SR 138 http://www .uecomputers .com Fax: (801) 263-0727 (435) 277-2300 Home Health Tooele, UT 84074 Insurance Network, LC Stansbury Park, UT 84074 Tooele, UT 84074 38 West Vine Grantsville Clinic http://www .tooelehealth .org (435) 882-0707 Tooele, UT 84074 Stansbury Park, UT 84074 716 East 4500 South Graphic Design (435) 884-3578 Community Nursing Services McCall, Dave The UPS Store ★ Utah Industrial Depot Tooele, UT 84074 822 East Main Ste 7 151 N . Main St . (435) 882-3913 843-2440 Fax: (866) 411-5552 Pre-Paid Legal (435) 833-0501 Daughters of Utah Pioneers Salt Lake City, UT 84107 Jackrabbit Press Tooele, UT 84074 (435) 241-0318 (435) 843-4500 Museum (435) 840-0679 Grantsville, UT 84029 Fax: (435) 882-6209 223 Millcreek Way 510 N . Main St . Fax: 435-833-0499 Fax: (435) 843-4550 Kiwanis Club of Tooele Tooele Dental Associates 601 N . Main St . Tooele, UT 84074 Tooele, UT 84074 http://jayecollier .com (435) 843-0771 Newspapers http://jackrabbitpress .net Harmony Home Health & Hospice http://www .theupsstorelocal . http://www .utahid .com http://www .duptooeleco .org/index . P .O . Box 1122 (435) 882-1381 Tooele, UT 84074 224 Millcreek Way com/3370/ Media One 272 N Broadway (435) 843-9054 White, Beverly Metro National Title Tooele, UT 84074 545 N . Lodestone Way htm Tooele, UT 84074 Tooele, UT 84074 Fax: (435) 843-1120 668 N . Garden St . Harmony Home Health & Hospice (435) 882-0515 (435) 843-7744 772 N Main Street (801) 237-2964 Tooele, UT 84074 Tooele, UT 84074 39 East Vine Street Veterans of Foreign Wars Proforma Best Way 1929 Aaron Dr . Suite H (435) 843-9054 122 Russell Avenue Fax: (435) 843-1852 Tooele, UT 84074 Tooele, UT 84074 http://www .nacorp .com Tooele, UT 84074 Tooele Valley Spine Center Fax: (435) 843-1120 Tooele, UT 84074 http://www .metrotitle .com Loans WB Manufacturing 4770 S 5600 West (435) 882-4211 (435) 884-3000 Donner Reed Museum Heritage Home Health Care (435) 833-9200 1929 Aaron Dr . Suite H 1212 N . Main St . Axiom Financial, LLC (435) 837-6200 West Valley City, UT 84170 824 Newmark Drive Fax: (866) 294-3830 1244 North Main Industrial Medical Equipment Fax: (435) 837-6193 (435) 884-0824 Tooele, UT 84074 www .proformabestway .com (435) 843-9900 Tooele, UT 84074 Tooele, UT 84074 (435) 882-1873 Tooele, UT 84074 Oxygen For You http://www .wbmfg .com http://www .donner-reed-museum . ◆ Transcript Bulletin Publishing 747 Sagewood Cir . 2970 S . Main Heritage Home Health Care ◆ ATI Rowley Operations Nunley Insurance Agency - Fax: (435) 882-3621 org/index phtml. (435) 882-0050 Volunteers of America, Utah Salt Lake City, UT 84115 Tooele Valley Urgent Care (435) 882-7306 10 S . Garnet Bldg 669 Ste 5 Grantsville, UT 84029 (435) 843-9900 (801) 433-9958 Allstate Insurance Co. http://www .axiomfinancial com. 90 N Cooley http://www .tooeletranscript com. 66 W Vine Ste 2 (435) 882-3547 2970 S . Main Fax: (801) 433-9979 (435) 882-7885 Fax: (435) 882-1374 Tooele, UT 84074 ◆ Transcript Bulletin Publishing Meier & Marsh Prof. Therapies 614 N Main Street Grantsville, UT 84029 58 N . Main St . (888) 893-7949 1244 North Main Street Ste 201 Salt Lake City, UT 84115 http://www .allwghenytechnolo- Fax: (435) 882-3827 http://oxygenforyou .com (435) 882-0050 (435) 843-1311 Tooele, UT 84074 ★ Miller Motorsports Park Museum Tooele, UT 84074 Fax: (801) 519-6710 1226 N . Main St . Tooele, UT 84074 gies .com 220 Millpond #108 1214 N . Main St . http://www .tooeletranscript .com Hospitals Mortgage Companies (801) 563-4250 www .voaut org. Tooele, UT 84074 Tooele Vision Center 12633 N . Rowley Road Stansbury Park, UT 84074 Grantsville Federal Credit Union Tooele, UT 84074 58 N . Main St . ★ (435) 884-3804 Academy Mortgage www .millermotorsportspark .com Tooele, UT 84074 Millpond Spa & Retreat (435) 882-3233 Mountain West Medical Center Grantsville, UT 84029 Select Health 2901 N . Sheep Lane Nursing Homes Tooele, UT 84074 (435) 843-3600 Fax: (435) 884-6071 Mental Health Care (435) 882-4372 (435) 843-8800 Fax: (435) 882-1626 ◆ Carlisle Syntec/Hunter Panels (801) 442-5000 Tooele, Utah 84074 ◆ Rocky Mountain Care Groceries http://www .themillpondspa .com http://www .tooelevision .com 2055 N . Main St . (435) 843-2440 Fax: (801) 442-4272 50 Commercial Ave . Valley Mental Health 514 N Main Organizations- Political Tooele, UT 84074 4646 W . Lake Park Blvd . Tooele, UT 84074 Ophir Historic District (453) 843-2000 Home Town Grocery 25 Plaza Court 300 So . Main St . Fax: (435) 843-2457 Grantsville, UT 84029 (435) 843-3520 (435) 882-4256 Fax: (435) 843-2090 Tooele County Republican Party (435) 882-0874 Stansbury Park, UT 84074 Tooele, UT 84074 Salt Lake City, UT 84120 Fax: (435) 843-3555 Axiom Financial, LLC Hotels-Motels www .carlisle-syntec .com ◆ HeritageWest Credit Union/ 52 Main Street 140 E 200 South (435) 840-5031 99 N . Broadway Moran Eye Center Valley Mental Health 1600 West B Ave . Internet Sales Stansbury http://www .vmh .com (435) 882-1873 Ophir, UT 84071 Tooele, UT 84074 503 E . 700 N . Tooele, UT 84074 American Inn & Suites 100 S 1000 West (435) 843-3040 (435) 843-3520 Tooele, UT 84074 Red Tag Outlets/Apparel Her’s N His (435) 833-7200 Fax: (435) 882-3621 Speirs Farm Tooele, UT 84074 (435) 882-6100 Tooele, UT 84074 http://www .axiomfinancial com. Maceys Food & Drug 220 Millpond Rd . #100 Fax: (435) 843-3555 UNEV Pipeline, LLC (435) 882-0566 http://www .tfcu .net (435) 882-0006 Tooele Downtown Alliance Stansbury Park, UT 84074 http://www .vmh .com Fax: (435) 882-6102 614 N Main Street Obedience Training (435) 843-8722 (575) 748-8967 http://www .redtagoutlets .com 200 Millpond 394 W 200 South (435) 843-2104 100 S 1000 West http://www .americaninnandsuites .net Military Facilities Tooele, UT 84074 972 N . Main St . Mountain West Family Practice 491 So . Main St . Fax: (575) 748-9739 213 N . Main Stansbury, UT 84074 Tooele, UT 84074 K-9 P.I.T. 90 North Main Tooele, UT 84074 (435) 882-2350 Tooele, UT 84074 Tooele, UT 84074 ◆ Deseret Chemical Depot (435) 843-4347 Tooele, UT 84074 http://unevpipeline .com ◆ HeritageWest Credit Union/ Premier Mortgage Services Tooele Pioneer Museum Tooele, UT 84074 Soelberg’s Fax: (435) 882-2350 Health Care Informational Services (435) 833-4575 435-843-0919 (435) 843-0771 http://www .k-9pit .com Best Western Inn - Tooele 324 W . Main, Ste 103 Internet Services Grantsville (435) 884-5531 1929 N . Aaron Dr . Suite 1 American Cancer Society 11500 Stark Rd . Bldg 5108 Fax: 435-843-7205 http://www .tooelepioneermuseum . 3849 North 570 West (435) 882-5010 Artesia, NM 88210 (435) 833-7200 213 E Main . St . Tooele, UT 84074 801-483-1500 EXT:130 ◆ Comcast Stockton, UT 84071-0250 http://www .utahsbestmortgage .com org Erda, UT 84074 Organizations- Youth 365 N . Main St . ★ Wal-Mart Distribution (801) 401-3277 http://www .tfcu .net 47 East Vine Street Grantsville, UT 84029 ★ Mountain West Medical Center http://www .cancer .org Tooele, UT 84074 ◆ Dugway Proving Ground 36 N . Main St . #3 FBLA- Grantsville High 941 East 3300 South (435) 884-5100 Fax: (801) 401-3290 430 East Main Tooele, UT 84074 ◆ Wal-Mart Super Center (435) 843-3600 (435) 831-3757 Tooele, UT 84074 Optometrist (435) 884-4500 (435) 833-9017 Salt Lake City, UT 84106 Hampton Inn 929 N . State Rd . 138 www .comcast com. Grantsville, UT 84029 CSTE-DTC-DP-PA Tooele Valley Railroad Museum 2055 N . Main St . (435) 843-7700 9602 S 300 West 155 E . Cowboy Dr . 99 W 1280 North Tooele, UT 84074 Grantsville, UT 84029 ◆ HeritageWest Credit Union/ Dugway, UT 84022 (435) 882-2836 Eye Health Professionals Grantsville, UT 84029 Health Products 461 So . Main St . Sandy, UT 84070 Mortuaries (435) 882-6452 Tooele, UT 84074 Main Office ◆ Tooele Army Depot http://www .tooelecity .org Mountain West Orthopedics Head Quarters Salon Tooele, UT 84074 Industrial Development Tate Mortuary http://www .eyehealthpro .net FBLA- Tooele High 435-843-3859 Wireless Beehive (435) 833-7200 (435) 833-3216 35 N Broadway Groceries Wholesale (435) 882-7275 Holiday Inn Express ★ Utah Industrial Depot (435) 837-6933 (435) 882-2894 88 East 700 North #A (435) 833-1978 196 E . 2000 N . #105 http://www .tfcu .net Bldg 1 Tooele, UT 84074 Costco Wholesale 500 E . Village Blvd (435) 833-0500 (435) 843-4500 2000 Sunset Road tatemortuary .com Tooele, UT 84074 301 W . Vine St Tooele, UT 84074 562 N . Main St . Tooele, UT 84074 Utah State Firemans Museum (801) 996-9008 Stansbury Park, UT 84074 Fax: (435) 833-0500 Fax: (435) 843-4550 Lakepoint, UT 84074 110 So . Main St . Tooele, UT 84074 Fax: (801) 966-9339 (435) 843-4040 Griffeth Vision Group Mountainland Physical Therapy USANA Health Sciences, INC. http://www .utahhospitality .com http://www .utahid .com www .wirelessbeehive .com Tooele, UT 84074 Mining, Manufacturing and Industrial Tooele, UT 84074 Great Salt Lake Council Boy Scouts http://www .costco .com (435) 843-7466 http://www .deseretpeakcomplex . (435) 843-8333 (435) 843-2903 1531 North Main 545 N . Lodestone Way ◆ HeritageWest Credit Union/North com/files/venues/dpfire .htm (801) 417-1228 3747 S . 2700 W . 29 S Main Street Janitorial Services Cargill Salt Fax: (435) 843-8334 Tooele, UT 84074 Tooele, UT 84074 Tooele, UT 84074 (435) 833-7200 (435) 884-0123 Deseret Peak Complex Fax: (801) 963-1279 West Valley City, UT 84119 Tooele, UT 84074 24/7 Janitoral Motorcycles 196 E . 2000 N . #109 Millpond Spa & Retreat http://www .tfcu .net Grantsville, UT 84029 Tooele, UT 84074 Tooele, UT 84074 http://www .gslc-bsa .org Sam’s Club Mountainland Physical Therapy Heating and Air Conditioning (435) 843-8800 (435) 884-1424 Steadman’s Recreation Information Services 88 East 1000 North Clean Harbors 525 Foothill Blvd (801) 282-5600 (Stansbury) Harris Air Systems, INC. http://www .themillpondspa .com Tooele, UT 84074 (435) 882-3344 Music- Sales/ Rental/ Sheet Griffeth Vision Group, Grantsville Salt Lake City, UT 84113 Fax: (801) 282-5623 Tooele, UT 84074 (801) 323-8915 (435) 882-4144 (435) 882-1069 25 Plaza Court Tooele Chemical Stockpile Outreach 916 N . Main St . Redux (435) 884-3800 www .samsclub .com 272 N . Broadway #101 Jewelry ★ Key Bank of Utah (Grantsville) P .O . Box 22750 Fax: (435) 884-3801 Healing Horses Fax: (435) 882-4151 Stansbury Park, UT 84074 Office Tooele, UT 84074 (435) 843-9100 435-843-7774 7571 S . 3800 West Tooele, UT 84074 Delicious (435) 884-3461 Salt Lake City, UT 84122 822 E . Main St . Ste 16 220 Millpond Ste . 109 Montego Bay Casino (435) 882-3773 1351 N Main Street http://www .healinghorsesutah .org West Jordan, UT 84074 (435) 843-7247 50 W . Main St . Conestoga Wood Specialties Corp. Stansbury Park, UT 84074 Home Builders-Developers (775) 664-9100 http://www .cma .army .mil Movie Theatres Tooele, UT 84074 Grantsville, UT 84029 Tooele, UT 84074 Health Care Fax: (435) 843-0331 Grantsville, UT 84029 (435) 884-7980 ◆ Rocky Mountain Care Fieldstone Homes 100 Wendover Blvd . 54 S Main Street Tooele Cinema 6 Stowe Family Music Stansbury Medical Center U of U Advanced Practice Medical Clinic 295 N . Main St . ★ Fax: (435) 884-7997 TC United Soccer (453) 843-2000 801-301-3302 Wendover, NV 89883 Tooele, UT 84074 Tooele, UT 84074 Key Bank of Utah (Tooele) (435) 843-5738 (435) 833-9500 (435) 843-3000 435-830-8352 (435) 843-8881 Fax: (435) 843-2090 Fax: 801-233-9210 (435) 882-6506 http://www .conestogawood com. Fax: (435) 833-9535 220 Millpond Dr . #100 Fax: (435) 843-8802 Peppermill Hotel & Casino Tooele County Health Department Homebodies 1600 N Pine Canyon Road http://tcunited .org 140 E 200 South http://bighomessmallprices .com (800) 648-9660 201 N Main St . 600 N . Industrial Loop Road 40 N Main Street Stansbury Park, UT 84074 300 South Main Street #3 1265 E . Fort Union Blvd . #350 (435) 277-2300 (435) 882-0650 Tooele, UT 84074 772 N . Main St . Ste 132 Tooele, UT 84074 680 Wendover Blvd Tooele, UT 84074 Tooele, UT 84074 Tooele, UT 84074 Tooele Vision Center Tooele, UT 84074 Tooele, UT 84074 Midvale, UT 84047 http://www .tooelehealth .org 1 N . Main St . Select Health Wendover, NV 89883 Mountain America Credit Union ◆ Detroit Diesel Movies- DVD/VHS Music-CD’S (435) 882-3233 Community Nursing Services Habitat For Humanity 151 N . Main St . Tooele, UT 84074 TooeleMommies.com (801) 442-5000 Rainbow Hotel & Casino (435) 843-1220 (435) 843-6015 Redux Redux Fax: (435) 882-1626 (435) 882-9006 (435) 882-3913 (801) 263-0136 Tooele, UT 84074 J & J Jewelry Fax: (435) 882-6209 Fax: (801) 442-4272 Fax: (801) 263-0727 (800) 217-0049 (435) 882-3783 1475 North Main 100 S Lodestone Way (435) 843-9100 (435) 843-9100 http://www .tooelevision .com http://www .tooelemommies .com 601 N . Main St . 4646 W . Lake Park Blvd . 716 East 4500 South 1045 Wendover Blvd Tooele County Housing Authority 111 N . Main St . Tooele, UT 84074 Tooele, UT 84074 1351 N Main Street 1351 N Main Street 300 So . Main St . 37 W . 200 South Tooele, UT 84074 Salt Lake City, UT 84120 Salt Lake City, UT 84107 Wendover, NV 89883 Tooele, UT 84074 Tooele, UT 84074 Tooele, UT 84074 Tooele, UT 84074 (435) 882-7875 Tooele, UT 84074 QC Finance ★ Energy Solutions ➤➤➤ 118 E Vine St . Red Tag Outlets/Apparel Her’s N His (435) 882-8532 (435) 843-9366 Tooele, UT 84074 (435) 882-0566 124 N Main Street 86 S Main Street http://www .redtagoutlets .com Tooele, UT 84074 Tooele, UT 84074 Injection Molding 213 N . Main ◆ Tooele, UT 84074 ◆ Wells Fargo Morton Salt WB Manufacturing (435) 882-0411 (435) 884-3631 Sam’s Club Grantsville, UT 84029 (435) 837-6200 (801) 282-5600 Fax: (435) 882-6207 Fax: (435) 837-6193 Fax: (801) 282-5623 204 N . Main St . Nelson & Sons Inc http://www .wbmfg .com www .samsclub .com Tooele, UT 84074 (801) 262-2991 10 S . Garnet Bldg 669 Ste 5 7571 S . 3800 West Zion’s Bank Fax: (801) 266-7126 Is proud to be a part of Tooele, UT 84074 West Jordan, UT 84074 (435) 882-6344 http://www .silvercup .com Landscaping & Lawn Care 740 N . Main St . 118 West 4800 South a great community. Insurance Tooele, UT 84074 Landscape Construction Supply Murray Utah 84157 Allen Insurance Agency (435) 882-8556 Rio Tinto (435) 882-2306 Fax: (435) 882-8758 Locksmiths (801) 204-2910 Fax: 801-322-2221 http://www .rockscaper .com 4700 Daybreak Parkway 84 S Main Street 995 N . Main St . American Mobile Lock Service (435) 840-5551 South Jordan, 84095 Tooele, UT 84074 Tooele, UT 84074 Tooele, UT 84074 Syracuse Casting West Corp. American Family Insurance Tooele Valley Nursery 435-843-5959 Mullins Lock & Safe (801) 544-5728 (435) 833-9541 Fax: 435-843-0083 (435) 830-7816 Fax: (801) 544-9571 Grantsville, UT 84029 968 N Main 425 E . Cimmaron Way 513 Valley View Drive 58 South 1200 West Tooele, UT 84074 435-884-5100 Erda, UT 84074 Tooele, UT 84074 Tooele, UT 84074


Painting Sam’s Club Rocky Mountain Therapy Services G. Greg Haroutunian, MD Inc. Proforma Best Way Sports Depot, Inc. Group 1 Real Estate Deseret Peak Aquatic Center Rainbow Hotel & Casino Restaurant/Greek Tooele Valley Ready Mix Screen Printing Manny’s Painting (801) 282-5600 (435) 882-1263 435-882-7644 (435) 884-3000 (435) 830-6307 (435) 840-5031 (435) 843-4000 (800) 217-0049 Dimitri’s Cafe (435) 882-6626 Logowear (435) 882-0874 Fax: (801) 282-5623 Fax: (435) 884-0930 Fax: 435-882-2284 Fax: (866) 294-3830 http://www .sportsdepotutah .com Fax: 800-517-0493 2930 Hwy 112 1045 Wendover Blvd (435) 882-4203 26 W . Vine St . (435) 882-0492 496 Sleepy Hollow www .samsclub .com http://rmtsinc .com http://tooelepediatrics .com www .proformabestway .com 168 Millcreek Way www .tooelehomes4sale .com Tooele, UT 84074 Wendover, NV 89883 76 W Vine Street Tooele, UT 84074 Fax: (435) 843-9067 196 E . 2000 N . Ste 110 Tooele, UT 84074 7571 S . 3800 West 822 E . Main St . 747 Sagewood Cir . Tooele, UT 84074 Tooele, UT 84074 Deseret Peak Complex Tracks Restaurant & Brewery Tooele, UT 84074 http://www .elogowear .com Tooele, UT 84074 Grantsville, UT 84029 Western Excavating West Jordan, UT 84074 Grantsville, UT 84029 Holmes Homes (435) 843-4000 (435) 882-4040 Jim’s Family Restaurant (435) 882-5337 62 Alberta Dr . Party Rentals/Planning Grantsville Clinic (801) 572-6363 2930 Hwy 112 (435) 833-0111 Tooele, UT 84074 Stansbury Medical Center U of U ◆ Transcript Bulletin Publishing Publishing Fax: 882-8758 Fax: (435) 843-1895 Common Cents Casino Parties (435) 884-3578 http://www .holmeshomes .com Tooele, UT 84074 http://www .tracksbrewing com. Fax: (435) 833-9752 (435) 843-3000 Physicians (435) 882-0050 Jackrabbit Press 820 West Vine Proforma Best Way (435) 843-1706 822 East Main Ste 7 http://www .tooeletranscript .com 1703 North Aaron Drive 1641 N . Main St . 281 N . Main St . Fax: (435) 882-7559 220 Millpond Dr . #100 (435) 840-0679 Healing Horses Tooele, UT 84074 (435) 884-3000 Krista Anders, M.D. Grantsville, UT 84029 58 N . Main St . Tooele, UT 84074 435-843-7774 Tooele, UT 84074 Tooele, UT 84074 Fax: (866) 294-3830 http://www .commoncentscasinopar- Stansbury Park, UT 84074 http://jackrabbitpress .net Speciality OBGYN Mountain West Family Practice Tooele, UT 84074 Knight Investment Group http://www .healinghorsesutah .org www .proformabestway .com ties .com 196 E . 2000 North #107 (435) 882-2350 272 N Broadway Restaurant/Cafe Restaurant/Ice Cream 53 Benchview Drive Wal-Mart Super Center (435) 849-5238 Tooele, UT 84074 Salons 747 Sagewood Cir . Tooele, UT 84074 Fax: (435) 882-2350 Private Clubs Tooele, UT 84074 Cold Stone Creamery Tooele, UT 84074 (435) 833-9017 934 N . 620 E . Jump ‘n’ Joeys Inflatable Bouncers Dimitri’s Cafe A D’LUX TAN, LLC Grantsville, UT 84029 99 W 1280 North 435-843-3678 1929 N . Aaron Dr . Suite 1 Tracks Restaurant & Brewery Media One Tooele, UT 84074 435-228-0120 Jump ‘n’ Joeys Inflatable Bouncers (435) 843-7656 (435) 882-4203 (435) 843-1169 Tooele, UT 84074 Tooele, UT 84074 (435) 882-4040 (801) 237-2964 76 W Vine Street 1197 N . Main St . Scuba Diving (435) 843-7656 Scott Anders, M.D. L & B Development Fax: (435) 843-7656 Tooele, UT 84074 134 W 1180 N Suite 9 Speciality Family Practice ★ Mountain West Medical Center Fax: 882-8758 http://www .nacorp .com (435) 882-1168 1801 North 210 West Tooele, UT 84074 Bonneville Seabase Fax: (435) 843-7656 4770 S 5600 West Tooele, UT 84074 Photography 210 Millpond Drive (435) 843-3600 http://www .tracksbrewing .com Fax: (435) 882-0615 Tooele, UT 84074 Dairy Delight (435) 884-3874 1801 North 210 West 1641 N . Main St . West Valley City, UT 84170 (435) 882-6400 Head Quarters Salon Tooele, UT 84074 Always Perfect Photography, LLC Stansbury Park, UT 84074 2055 N . Main St . http://www .southrimutah com. ★ Miller Motorsports Park Museum Restaurant/Chinese Fax: (435) 884-0132 (435) 228-8384 Tooele, UT 84074 Tooele, UT 84074 ◆ P .O . Box 41 Canton City Restaurant 46 W 100 S (435) 882-7275 http://www .seabase .net Speirs Farm 435-843-3647 Transcript Bulletin Publishing (801) 563-4250 Tooele, UT 84074 South Rim, UT 84071 www .millermotorsportspark .com 500 E . Village Blvd 9390 W Hwy 138 (435) 882-0006 http://www .alwaysperfectphotog- Eye Health Professionals Stansbury Medical Center U of U Private School (435) 882-0050 (435) 884-3888 Metro National Title 2901 N . Sheep Lane Stansbury Park, UT 84074 Grantsville, UT 84029 394 W 200 South raphy .com (435) 882-6452 (435) 843-3000 http://www .tooeletranscript .com 822 E Main Street #9 220 Millpond Dr . #100 Alpine Academy (435) 843-7744 Tooele, Utah 84074 Restaurant/Mexican Tooele, UT 84074 461 Manchester Lane http://www .eyehealthpro .net 58 N . Main St . Grantsville, UT 84029 Millpond Spa & Retreat Security Stansbury Park, UT 84074 1-800-244-1113 Fax: (435) 843-1852 La Frontera Restaurant Stansbury Park, UT 84074 88 East 700 North #A Tooele, UT 84074 Oquirrh HIlls Golf Course Hunan Village (435) 843-8800 Sweet Jumps- Inflatable Jumpers Fax: 435-843-5416 http://www .metrotitle .com (435) 882-0000 Click Audio Video Tooele, UT 84074 Stansbury Pediatrics for Kids (435) 882-4220 (435) 843-8379 http://www .themillpondspa .com (435) 840-5181 Little Grins Portrait Studio http://www .alpineacademy .org 1212 N . Main St . Fax: (801) 364-3847 (435) 843-8265 (435) 882-1288 Real Estate 1255 E Vine Street 229 N Main Street 25 Plaza Court 695 Country Club (435) 833-9447 Christopher Belton, D.O. 1280 Whispering Horse Drive Tooele, UT 84074 Tooele, UT 84074 494 S Main Street (866) 768-6377 210 Millpond Erda, UT 84074 Tooele, UT 84074 Stansbury Park, UT 84074 Fax: (435) 843-5680 Stansbury Park, UT 84074 Fax: (435) 833-9227 Speciality Orthopaedic Surgery Stansbury Park, UT 84074 Cahoon, Andrea/ RE/MAX Prudential Utah Real Estate Tooele, UT 84074 http://www .littlegrinsps .com 196 E . 2000 North #105 Skydive Utah Polished Digits and Permanent Tooele, UT 84074 (435) 850-8167 (435) 882-4111 (435) 833-9999 Restaurant/Deli 500 E . Village Blvd . #204 Tooele, UT 84074 Ronald Trudel, M.D. Produce-Wholesale Fax: 866-814-8687 Cosmetics Pest Control Speciality Internal Medicine, Geriatric Fax: (435) 843-5364 http://skydiveutah .com Maceys Food & Drug Restaurant/Pizza Signs Stansbury Park, UT 84074 435-843-3859 Arnie’s Produce http://utahshousesoldname .com http://homesintooele .com (801) 556-1093 B&V Lawn and Pest Control Medicine 4645 N . Airport Road (435) 843-8722 Papa Murphys Take-N-Bake Pizza Tooele, UT 84074 Advantage Signs Reflections by Cindy Ermita Bort, M.D. (435) 884-9655 1185 N . Main St . 205 N Main Street Erda, UT 84074 (435) 843-0206 19659 North Aaron Drive, Suite #C 388 W Cherry Street 972 N . Main St . (435) 833-9800 (435) 882-7474 (435) 833-9618 Stansbury Springs Clinic Tooele, UT 84074 Tooele, UT 84074 Tooele, UT 84074 Premier Hair Academy Fax: (435) 578-8363 Grantsville, UT 84029 Tooele County Girls Softball Tooele, UT 84074 Fax: (435) 833-9817 801-966-8414 Utah Industrial Depot, Bldg 605 http://www . bvpestcontrol .com http://www .reflectionsbycindy .com 210 Millpond Drive 435-882-1644 CCSC Enterprises LLC ReMax Lakeside 435-840-8807 1341 N Main Street Tooele, UT 84074 Sam’s Club (435) 833-9000 Wal-Mart Super Center http://thepremieracademy .com 812 Country Club Tooele, UT 84074 Stansbury Park, UT 84074 Eldad Vered, M.D. (801) 580-2791 571 Newmark Drive Tooele, UT 84074 Digidocs (801) 282-5600 220 Millpond STE 103 (435) 833-9017 4062 S . 4000 West Stansbury Park, UT 84074 Sun-Cottage 435-843-3647 Speciality OB/GYN 7 S . Main St . #101 Tooele, UT 84074 (435) 249-0540 Fax: (801) 282-5623 Stansbury Park, UT 84074 99 W 1280 North West Valley, UT 84120 (435) 882-3225 Blaine Cashmore, M.D. 1959 North Aaron Drive #A Tooele, UT 84074 TC United Soccer Tooele, UT 84074 Retail Services 225 E Main St . Ste F Speciality General Surgery Tooele, UT 84074 www .samsclub .com Century 21 SLS Real Estate/Equity Real (435) 830-8352 Grantsville, UT 84029 Pet Grooming/Supplies http://www .sun-cottage .com 7571 S . 3800 West Deseret Industries 4545 N . 7 C Lane 196 E . 2000 North #106 435-833-9111 (435) 843-1200 Estate-Solid Tooele, UT 84074 Restaurant/Fast Food Satellite TV Impact Grafix K-9 P.I.T. Tooele, UT 84074 West Jordan, UT 84074 (435) 238-0071 435-882-7100 (435) 843-4347 Erda, UT 84074 Portable Restrooms Fax: (435)843-1400 Arbys 1575 N . 30 West LLEW-CO (435) 849-0594 435-843-4930 768 N Main Street Fax: 1-866-679-5338 Rentals-Equipment Tooele, UT 84074 http://www .k-9pit .com ◆ Transcript Bulletin Publishing A Company Portable Restrooms Promotional Products http://www .SharronSturges .point2a- (435) 882-2700 Tooele, UT 84074 (435) 833-0407 Marlee Dalton, C.N.M. Tooele, UT 84074 Diamond Rental & Sales 251 S Main Street Fax: (435)833-0407 Proforma Best Way 3849 North 570 West (435) 882-0050 7774 W . 2400 S . D&J Ad-Vantage Embroidery gent com. (435) 843-7354 Hale’s Oil Company, Inc. Speciality Nurse Midwife, Nurse Coldwell Banker Tooele, UT 84074 362 S Main Street (435) 884-3000 Erda, UT 84074 http://www .tooeletranscript .com Magna, UT 84044 (435) 843-0095 296 Drysdale Way http://diamondrental .com 435-884-3404 Practitioner 801-264-1200 (435) 882-2400 Tooele, UT 84074 (866) 294-3830 Pawsitively Purrrfect 58 N . Main St . (435) 843-0508 fax Tooele, UT 84074 1601 N 30 West Burger King Fax: 435-884-3546 1959 North Aaron Drive Suite #A www .acoinc .com Fax: (435) 882-7243 435-882-2911 747 Sagewood Cir . (435) 843-7154 Tooele, UT 84074 Tooele, UT 84074 42 E . 400 North Stansbury Real Estate, LLC Tooele, UT 84074 http://jayssinclair .com 777 N Main Street # A 2400 N . Main St . Grantsville, UT 84029 http://www .pawsitivelypurrrfectpetg- 435-843-3642 Tooele, UT 84074 (435) 843-5323 Miller Motorsports Park 6 E . Main Schools rooming .com Physical Therapy Printing Tooele, UT 84074 Tooele, UT 84074 Grantsville, UT 84029 Roni’s Signs and Window Design An Dinh, M.D. Impact Grafix Fax: (435) 843-5324 (435) 277-8000 Excelsior Academy (435) 833-9330 82 S Main Street Meier & Marsh Prof. Therapies 435 Design Co. Davidson Realty Inc. Dairy Delight Family Practice (435) 849-0594 http://www .stansburyrealestate .com Fax: (435) 277-8008 Radio Shack P .O . Box 712 Fax: (435) 833-9329 Tooele, UT 84074 (435) 843-1311 (435) 840-5189 (435) 833-0233 500 East Village Blvd . #109 http://www .millermotorsportspark . (435) 882-6400 (435) 837-4225 Tooele, Ut 84074 1226 N . Main St . 210 Millpond Drive Fax: (435) 882-5488 Tooele, UT 84074 http://www .ronissigns .com Fax: (435) 884-1199 Stansbury Park, UT 84074 com 46 W 100 S 1485 North 30 W . 435-840-1966 32 West Vine Street Tooele, UT 84074 Stansbury Park, UT 84074 http://435design .com Logowear 2901 N Sheep Lane Tooele, UT 84074 Pharmacies 435-843-3647 7 South Main Street Tooele County Board of Realtors Tooele, UT 84074 excelsior-academy .org Tooele, UT 84074 Mountainland Physical Therapy Stansbury Park, UT 84074 (435) 882-0492 Tooele, UT 84074 Tooele, UT 84074 Kravers Birch Family Pharmacy Curt Dustin, F.N.P. Fax: (435) 843-9067 (435) 882-7444 Rent-A-Center Salt Lake - Tooele Applied Sun-Cottage (435) 843-7466 Jackrabbit Press 36 North Main Street #7 (435) 843-1688 (435) 843-0162 (435) 882-7775 Speciality General Medicine http://www .elogowear .com Exit Realty Home Team Residential Care Home Technology Collage (435) 882-3225 29 S Main Street (435) 840-0679 Tooele, UT 84074 500 E . Village Blvd . Ste 202 1485 N . 30 West Fax: (435) 882-7779 1959 North Aaron Drive, Suite C http://jackrabbitpress .net 62 Alberta Dr . (435) 843-8326 (801) 493-8700 http://www .sun-cottage .com Tooele, UT 84074 Fax: (435) 843-9353 Alpine Academy Stansbury Park, UT 84074 Tooele, UT 84074 (888) 850-9797 4545 N . 7 C Lane 758 N Main St . Tooele, UT 84074 272 N Broadway Tooele, UT 84074 Tooele County Showcase of Homes 1-800-244-1113 Mountainland Physical Therapy 1094 N . Main Street McDonalds (Lakepoint) Salt City Candles Fax: (801) 493-8750 Erda, UT 84074 Tooele, UT 84074 435-882-1644 Tooele, UT 84074 Proforma Best Way (435) 241-0410 Fax: 435-843-5416 (Stansbury) Tooele, UT 84074 Fax: 1-866-813-5920 (801) 250-6872 (435) 843-8190 http://www .sltatc .edu Maceys Food & Drug Robert Garr, D.O. Media One (435) 884-3000 http://www .alpineacademy .org Sky Diving (435) 882-4144 895 Poplar Lane 8727 N Hwy 36 1424 N . 380 E . 66 West Vine (435) 843-8722 Speciality Cardiology (801) 237-2964 Fax: (866) 294-3830 First American Title 1280 Whispering Horse Drive Lakepoint, UT 84074 Fax: (435) 882-4151 196 E . 2000 North #106 Grantsville, UT 84029 Erda, UT 84074 Tooele, UT 84074 Tooele, UT 84074 Skydive Utah 972 N . Main St . http://www .nacorp .com www .proformabestway .com (435) 882-8000 (435) 833-9999 220 Millpond Ste . 109 Tooele, UT 84074 McDonalds (Tooele) Sears Authorized Dealer Store Salt Lake Community College Small Tooele, UT 84074 Stansbury Park, UT 84074 4770 S 5600 West 747 Sagewood Cir . 1193 N . Main St . New Hope House-Teen Challenge http://skydiveutah .com 435-843-3643 West Valley City, UT 84170 Grantsville, UT 84029 Tooele, UT 84074 Real Estate Investments (435) 843-5602 (435) 882-3811 (435) 843-4450 Business Development Center 970 N Main 4645 N . Airport Road Knight Investment Group 205 N 4th Street http://sears .com (801) 957-4654 Erda, UT 84074 (435) 849-5238 Tooele, UT 84074 Tooele, UT 84074 162 N . Main St . Fax: 801-957-3488 934 N . 620 E . Tooele, UT 84074 http://www .saltlakesbdc .com Restaurant/American Restaurant/Fine Dining Snow Removal Tooele, UT 84074 Stowe Family Music 9750 So 300 West All Star Lanes Tooele Applebee’s Turf-It Landscape (435) 882-0064 (435) 833-9500 Sandy, UT 84070 (435) 833-0999 Fax: (435) 833-9535 (435) 884-3377 Reception Centers 1280 N 30 West Tooele County School District 324 E Main Street Fax: (435) 843-7698 40 N Main Street Speirs Farm Tooele, UT 84074 (435) 833-1900 Grantsville, UT 84029 http://www .allstarlanes .com/index . Tooele, UT 84074 (435) 882-0006 php Jim’s Family Restaurant http://www .tooele .k12 ut. us/. Snowmobiles 394 W 200 South 1111 N 200 West (435) 833-0111 Retaining Walls 92 Lodestone Way Tooele, UT 84074 Tooele, UT 84074 Fax: (435) 833-9752 Tooele, UT 84074 Steadman’s Recreation 281 N . Main St . Retain-It-Plus (435) 882-3344 ,% --")%--.,/.-1" &- Applebee’s (801) 560-4274 Utah State University-Tooele Recreation (435) 882-0064 Tooele, UT 84074 916 N . Main St . Grantsville, UT 84029 (435) 882-6611 Tooele, UT 84074 All Star Lanes Tooele 1280 N 30 West Montego Bay Casino Western Excavating Fax: (435) 882-7916 (435) 833-0999 Tooele, UT 84074 (775) 664-9100 http://tooele .usu .edu Social Services 100 Wendover Blvd . (435) 882-5337 Fax: (435) 843-7698 Denny’s Restaurant 1021 W . Vine St . Tooele County Childrens Justice http://www .allstarlanes .com/index . (435) 843-8200 Wendover, NV 89883 Fax: (435) 843-1895 Utah’s gUaranteed 820 West Vine Tooele, UT 84074 Center php 925 N Main Street Peppermill Hotel & Casino (435) 843-3440 Tooele, UT 84074 Tooele, UT 84074 1111 N 200 West (800) 648-9660 Scrapbook Supplies http://www .co .tooele .ut .us/children . lowest tire prices! Tooele, UT 84074 Dimitri’s Cafe 680 Wendover Blvd Rock, Sand, & Gravel Products Copy Cottage htm (435) 882-4203 Wendover, NV 89883 25 South 100 East Bargain Buggy’s (435) 843-9945 (435) 882-7711 76 W Vine Street Rainbow Hotel & Casino Geneva Rock Products Tooele, UT 84074 500 E . Village Blvd . # 101 Fax: (435) 882-8855 Tooele, UT 84074 (800) 217-0049 (435) 833-9116 Stansbury Park, UT 84074 Tooele County Health Department 426 Cimmarron Way Montego Bay Casino 1045 Wendover Blvd Fax: (435) 833-9275 (435) 277-2300 855 n. Main st. Tooele, UT 84074 (775) 664-9100 Wendover, NV 89883 1730 N . Highway 112 The UPS Store http://www .tooelehealth .org Bonneville Seabase 100 Wendover Blvd . Tracks Restaurant & Brewery Tooele, UT 84074 (435) 833-0501 151 N . Main St . (435) 884-3874 Wendover, NV 89883 (435) 882-4040 Staker & Parson Companies Fax: 435-833-0499 Tooele, UT 84074 tooele • 882-4061 Fax: (435) 884-0132 Peppermill Hotel & Casino Fax: 882-8758 (801) 298-7500 http://www .theupsstorelocal . Tooele County Housing Authority http://www .seabase .net (800) 648-9660 http://www .tracksbrewing com. Fax: (801) 295-7440 com/3370/ (435) 882-7875 9390 W Hwy 138 680 Wendover Blvd 1641 N . Main St . 151 W . Vine St . 772 N Main Street 118 E Vine St . Mon-fri 7:30aM-7pM • sat 7:30aM-5:30pM Grantsville, UT 84029 Wendover, NV 89883 Tooele, UT 84074 Murray, UT 84107 Tooele, UT 84074 Tooele, UT 84074


Valley Mental Health JL Johnson CPA Security Title Insurance Transit Service Website Design Window Cleaning CALENDAR OF EVENTS (435) 843-3520 (435) 882-0300 (435) 843-8884 Utah Transit Authority 435 Design Co. Spot Free Window Cleaning Fax: (435) 843-3555 Fax: (435) 882-7081 614 N Main Street (801) 287-4547 (435) 840-5189 (435) 228-8082 http://www .vmh com. 169 N . Main Ste 2 Tooele, UT 84074 3600 S 700 West Fax: (435) 882-5488 Fax: (435) 843-5074 100 S 1000 West Tooele, UT 84074 Tooele Title Company Salt Lake City, UT 84130 http://435design .com Tooele, UT 84074 Tooele, UT 84074 Liberty Tax (435) 882-1120 Trophies Stansbury Park, UT 84074 PLACES TO SEE,THINGS TO DO (435) 882-0768 Fax: (435) 882-1111 Solar Power 1202 N . Main St . http://www .tooeletitle .com Sports Depot, Inc. Com-Tek Services/Head Shot Window Coverings Solar Mountain, Inc Tooele, UT 84074 123 W Vine Street (435) 830-6307 Computer Fashion Windows http://www .sportsdepotutah .com 801-201-0832 Sam Woodruff, CPA Tooele, UT 84074 (435) 884-3151 (435) 882-8979 January May-September 3 JULY Fax: 435-843-8911 168 Millcreek Way Tooele City Garden Club Graduation Ceremony . Tooele High (435) 882-7379 Tooele, UT 84074 67 N . Center Street 468 Country Club http://solarmountaininc .com 185 N . Main St . Suite 301 Tool Design Grantsville, UT 84029 17 Youth grades K-12 . Register soon, space School Dugway High School, Tooele 4th of July Tooele Trophy and Plaque Stansbury Park, UT 84074 184 Lakeview Tooele, UT 84074 WB Manufacturing Tooele County Chamber of Commerce is limited . 435-843-2143 South High Tooele City Week Long Celebration (435) 882-1382 Wasatch Blinds Stansbury Park, UT 84074 The Tax Specialist (435) 837-6200 Installation & Past Presidents’ Banquet . (exact dates pending) 542 Blueridge Dr . 801-856-7548 (435) 882-8297 Fax: (435) 837-6193 Tooele, UT 84074 Well Digging Service St . Marguerite’s Social Hall . Guest 1 5 Rodeo, parade, park activities, Karaoke Spa/Retreat 60 So . Main St #103 http://www .wbmfg .com Zimmerman, Mike Well Service Fax: 435-843-1160 Speaker: Chad Hymas . Benson Gristmill Opening Day Graduation Ceremony . contest, movie in the park and a 10 S . Garnet Bldg 669 Ste 5 www .wasatchblinds .com Millpond Spa & Retreat Tooele, UT 84074 Tuxedo Rentals (801) 250-1400 Contact: 435-882-0690 Contact 435-882-7678 TCSD Adult Education concert—a different activity each day of (435) 843-8800 Tooele, UT 84074 37 Benchmark William Lintner Tax Modern Victoria 7888 W 2400 South www .tooelechamber .com www .bensonmill .org the week! http://www .themillpondspa .com (435) 882-8597 (435) 882-2817 Magna, UT 84044 Tooele, UT 84074 5-6 25 Plaza Court 234 So . Broadway Tourism Fax: (435) 882-2817 15-17 Deseret Peak Days & Stampede 4 Stansbury Park, UT 84074 Tooele, UT 84074 http://www . modernvictoria .com MarcH Tooele Arts Festival Miller Motorsports Park PRCA Rodeo Tooele County Chamber of Commerce (435) 882-8282 80 W . Vine St . Sporting Goods Tooele, UT 84074 9 American LeMans Series . Larry H . Miller www .deseretpeakcomplex .com July 4th Breakfast 7-8:30am Telephone Directory Services http://tooeleartsfestival .org MWMC Senior Circle Concert featuring Dealerships Utah Grand Prix Sports Depot, Inc. Tooele, UT 84074 Nu Cleaners Veterans Memorial Park (435) 830-6307 PDC Pages Corp. (435) 882-2963 Doug Gabriel Contact: toll free 866-297-2636 12 Barrick Mining Museum Contact: 435-882-0690 http://www .sportsdepotutah .com 1-800-443-0801 53 E . Vine St . Tooele High Auditorium www .MillerMotorSportsPark .com Tooele County Chamber of Commerce (435) 843-4000 Tooele, UT 84074 www .tooelechamber .com 168 Millcreek Way Fax: 801-225-0991 Contact: 435-843-3691 Annual Charity Golf Tooele, UT 84074 135 South Mountain Way Drive 2930 W Hwy 112 16 www .2wheelah com. Tooele, UT 84074 www .mountainwestmc .com Wal-Mart Super Center Provo, UT 84603 Utilities Ophir Historic District Opening Day Tournament . Oquirrh Hills Golf Course . (435) 833-9017 The Local Pages Benson Grist Mill Rocky Mountain Power Contact: 435-882-0690 4 (435) 882-7678 28 Contact: 435-882-4256 99 W 1280 North (888)249-6920 x 222 (888) 221-7070 Tooele City Independence Day Parade & http://www .deseretpeakcomplex . www .tooelechamber .com Tooele, UT 84074 Fax: (801) 988-1171 http://www .rockymountainpower .net Grantsville Old Folks Sociable Activities . Contact: 435-843-2143 com/files/venues/bensonmill .htm 29-31 www .2wheelah .com 4910 W . Amelia Earhart Dr . Ste 1 Contact: 435-884-6487 Miller Motorsports Park HANNspree FIM Salt Lake City, UT 84116 325 SR 138 Veterinarians 4 Sports- Hiking/ Backpacking Stansbury Park, UT 84074 Superbike World Championship . 15 – October High Uinta Pack Goats Countryside Animal Clinic Contact: toll free 866-297-2636 Tooele Bit N’ Spur Rodeo Daughters of Utah Pioneers (435) 882-4100 April Farmers Market June 15 - Oct . 4 pm to (435) 882-2567 Telephone Services www .MillerMotorSportsPark .com Deseret Peak Complex Museum 254 S Main Street dusk every Friday at Veterans Memorial (877)PACKGOAT ◆ Comcast (435) 843-0771 Tooele, UT 84074 2 Contact: 435-882-8826 or 434 South Coleman (801) 401-3277 http://www .duptooeleco .org/index . Mountain West Medical Center Healthy Park . 435-843-2104 . 435-840-8152 Tooele, UT 84074 htm June Fax: (801) 401-3290 Vinyl Lettering Woman Annual Event www .tooelecity .org/TDDA www .deseretpeakcomplex .com www .comcast .com 39 East Vine Street Advantage Signs June - September Stamp Equipment Tooele, UT 84074 Tooele High School . 9602 S 300 West (435) 882-7474 Tooele City Fridays on Vine . Various 15 4 LLEW-CO Sandy, UT 84070 Donner Reed Museum Utah Industrial Depot, Bldg 605 Contact: 435-843-3600 National Pony Express Association Re- Grantsville City Parade & Activities (435) 833-0407 (435) 884-0824 Tooele, UT 84074 www .mountainwestmc .com artists perform on Fridays 7pm . PDC Pages Corp. Ride . Utah Section . at the park . 435-843-3411 Fax: (435)833-0407 1-800-443-0801 http://www .donner-reed-museum . Impact Grafix Contact: 435-843-2104 362 S Main Street Fax: 801-225-0991 org/index .phtml (435) 849-0594 11 www .tooelecity .org/TDDA http://www .xphomestation .com/ 11 Tooele, UT 84074 135 South Mountain Way Drive 90 N Cooley Tooele, UT 84074 Tooele County Chamber of Commerce Grantsville, UT 84029 DUP Pioneer Day Benson Gristmill Provo, UT 84603 Proforma Best Way Annual Easter Egg Hunt June-July 18 Storage Contact: 435-882-8678 The Local Pages ★ Miller Motorsports Park Museum (435) 884-3000 Tooele City Summer CRAZE . Day Camps Fun at the Mill: Benson Gristmill Deseret Peak Complex . www .bensonmill org. ★ Utah Industrial Depot (888)249-6920 x 222 (801) 563-4250 (866) 294-3830 for youth ages: 1st Grade and up . Every Contact: 435-882-7678 (435) 843-4500 www .millermotorsportspark .com Contact: 435-882-0690 Fax: (801) 988-1171 747 Sagewood Cir . week - different theme . 435-843-2143 Fax: (435) 843-4550 4910 W . Amelia Earhart Dr . Ste 1 2901 N . Sheep Lane Grantsville, UT 84029 www .tooelechamber .com www .bensonmill .org 17-18 Tooele, Utah 84074 http://www .utahid .com Salt Lake City, UT 84116 Roni’s Signs and Window Design Erda Days 545 N . Lodestone Way Ophir Historic District June-July 20 Contact: 435-882-4479 or Wireless Beehive (435) 833-9330 Tooele City Field Trip Fridays . Day Field Tooele County Demolition Derby Tooele, UT 84074 (435) 837-6933 (435) 882-4256 Fax: (435) 833-9329 May 435-882-8177 2000 Sunset Road 52 Main Street http://www .ronissigns .com Trips for youth ages 1st grade and up . Contact: 435-241-0037 Ophir, UT 84071 May-August Survey/Land Lakepoint, UT 84074 32 West Vine Street Every week - different location . www .deseretpeakcomplex .com 18 Speirs Farm Tooele, UT 84074 Oquirrh Hills Junior Golf 435-843-2143 Miss Tooele County Scholarship Pageant . Ensign Engineering (435) 882-0006 Clinics and Camps for Boys and Girls 26, 27, 28 (435) 842-3590 Sun-Cottage Deseret Peak Complex Temporary Staffing 394 W 200 South (435) 882-3225 ages 8-17 . Register at Oquirrh Hills Golf 2 Tooele Arts Festival, Tooele City Park . 169 N . Main #1 Tooele, UT 84074 Contact: 435-843-3150 www .ensignutah .com Price Mine Service http://www .sun-cottage .com Course, 1255 E . Vine Graduation Ceremony . Grantsville High Contact: 435-882-8282 Tooele Pioneer Museum 4545 N . 7 C Lane www .deseretpeakcomplex .com Ridgeline Land Surveying LLC 435-843-7561 435-882-4220 School & Wendover High School www .tooeleartsfestival .org (435) 843-0771 Erda, UT 84074 (435) 843-0484 Fax: 435-843-7565 http://www .tooelepioneermuseum . ➤➤➤ 272 N . Broadway 915 N Main St Tooele, UT 84074 Tooele, UT 84074 org Vision Care 47 East Vine Street Eye Health Professionals Swimming Pools Tooele, UT 84074 (435) 882-6452 Deseret Peak Aquatic Center Tires Tooele Valley Railroad Museum http://www .eyehealthpro .net (435) 843-4000 BIG ‘’O’’ TIRES (435) 882-2836 88 East 700 North #A 2930 Hwy 112 (435) 882-4061 http://www .tooelecity .org Tooele, UT 84074 Tooele, UT 84074 Fax: (435) 882-0394 35 N Broadway Griffeth Vision Group Leigh Pratt Aquatic Center 855 N . Main St . Tooele, UT 84074 (435) 843-8333 (435) 882-3247 Tooele, UT 84074 Utah State Firemans Museum Fax: (435) 843-8334 55 N 200 West Les Schwab Tires (435) 843-4040 196 E . 2000 N . #109 Tooele, UT 84074 (435) 843-8270 http://www .deseretpeakcomplex . Tooele, UT 84074 1162 N . Main St . com/files/venues/dpfire .htm Griffeth Vision Group, Grantsville Tooele, UT 84074 Deseret Peak Complex (435) 884-3800 Tax Return Preparation Tooele, UT 84074 Fax: (435) 884-3801 HR Block 822 E . Main St . Ste 16 (435) 843-8877 Title Companies Towing Grantsville, UT 84029 1361 N Main St . First American Title Clar’s Auto Center Stansbury Medical Center U of U Tooele, UT 84074 (435) 882-8000 (435) 882-0371 (435) 843-3000 HR Block 2 1193 N . Main St . 64 E Vine St . 220 Millpond Dr . #100 (435) 882-4011 Tooele, UT 84074 Tooele, UT 84074 Stansbury Park, UT 84074 16 N . Main St . Metro National Title Training/Employee Development Tooele Vision Center Tooele, UT 84074 (435) 843-7744 Impact Learning (435) 882-3233 HR Block Grantsville Fax: (435) 843-1852 435-849-1719 Fax: (435) 882-1626 (435) 884-3076 http://www .metrotitle .com http://www .impact-learning .com http://www .tooelevision .com 120 W . Main St . 1212 N . Main St . 808 Country Club 300 So . Main St . Grantsville, UT 84029 Tooele, UT 84074 Stansbury Park, UT 84074 Tooele, UT 84074 Deseret Peak Complex © Maegan Burr/TBP Photo Tooele County Fair © Maegan Burr/TBP Photo Miller Motorsports Park © Maegan Burr/TBP Photo

58 ■ TOOELE COUNTY BUSINESS & VISITOR’S GUIDE ■ TOOELE COUNTY BUSINESS & VISITOR’S GUIDE 59 DINING & LODGING July 30-Aug 1 September 12 October 31st Tooele County Fair & Livestock Show . Ophir Fest Celebration, Ophir Historic Downtown Trick or Treat . Take your little ★ Hunan Village 1 - 11 229 N. Main, Tooele Contact: 435-241-0037 District . Contact: 435-882-4256 ghosts and goblins through Tooele’s Phone: (435) 843-8379 www .deseretpeakcomplex com. Municipal Primary Election Early Voting . downtown for toys, treats and candy 4-7 pm . ★ CHAMBER Hours: Sun ., Mon ., Wed . & Thurs . 11 a m. . to 435-843-3143 15 MEMBER 9:30 p .m .; Fri & Sat . 11 a m. . to 10:30 p .m .; July 31 - Aug.1 Municipal Primary Election . HUNGRY? SLEEPY? www .tooele .ut .us/clerk .htm November Closed Tuesday Miller Motorsports Park NASCAR 435-843-3143 ★ Canton City Country Pride at TA Travel Center Type of food: Chinese Camping World Series www .tooele .ut .us/clerk htm. 3 Dining 822 E. Main, Grantsville 8836 N. Hwy 40 Lake Point Average price: $6 to $8 2 Famous for: General’s Chicken, Sesame Contact: toll free 866-297-2636 Municipal Elections . 435-843-3143 A&W Restaurant Phone: (435) 884-3888 Phone: (801) 250-8585 Tooele County Chamber of Commerce 16-19 Hours: Monday thru Thursday 11 a .m . to 9 Hours: Always Open Chicken and Rice www .MillerMotorSportsPark .com www .tooele .ut .us/clerk .html 230 E. Main, Grantsville Business Expo/Taste of Tooele County . World of Speed . Utah Salt Flats Racing Phone: (435) 884-5508 p .m .; Friday & Saturday 11 a .m . to 10 p .m . Type of food: American Ixtapa Type of food: Chinese AUGUST Contact: 435-882-0690 Assn . www .saltflats .com Hours: Monday thru Sat . 10 a .m . to 10 p .m .; Average price: $6 .99 1205 N. Main, Tooele 28 Average price: $8 to $10 Famous for: Breakfast Buffet Saturday and Phone: (435) 843-1496 www .tooelechamber .com 801-485-2662 Sunday 7 a .m . to 9 p .m ., Drive Thru 7 a .m . Famous for: Sour Chicken 1 Grantsville City Santa Parade to 10 p .m . Sunday Hours: Sunday thru Thursday 11 a .m . to 10 www .2wheelah .com Ophir Days, Ophir Ball Park 18 - 20 Contact: 435-884-3411 Type of food: Fast food Carl's Jr/ Green Burrito p .m .; Friday and Saturday 11 a .m . to 11 p .m . Average price: $5 ★ Dairy Delight Type of food: Mexican Miller Motorsports Park Grand-Am Rolex 1291 N. Main 46 W. 1st South, Tooele 7-8-10 Famous for: A&W Root Beer Floats Phone: (435) 843-5541 Average price: $4 .95 to $15 95. 3, 4, 5, 10, 11, 12 Sports Car Series . Contact: toll free Phone: (435) 882-6400 Famous for: Fajitas & Steak Carnitas Benson Gristmill Performing Arts Tooele County Showcase of Homes 866-297-2636 American Burgers Hours: Mon .- Thurs . 6 a .m . to Midnight; Fri . & Hours: Everyday 10 a .m . to 9 p .m . December Sat . 6 a .m . to 1 a .m .; Sunday 8 a .m . to 10 p .m . Jana’s Java Production/ Tom Sawyer Musical Contact: 435-241-0410 www .MillerMotorSportsPark co. m 490 N. Main, Tooele Type of food: Fast Food www .bensonmill .org Phone: (435) 882-3608 Type of food: Burgers & Burritos 402 N. Main, Tooele cshowcaseofhomes@gmail .com Average price: $6 Average price: $6 Phone: (435) 833-9383 25 - 27 5 Hours: Monday thru Saturday 10 a .m . to 10 Famous for: Old Fashioned Burger TBA Tooele County Chamber of Commerce p .m .; Sunday 11 a .m . to 9 p .m . Famous for: Burgers Hours: Monday thru Friday 5:30 a .m . to 8 4 - 6 Festival of The Old West/Gem & Mineral p .m .; Saturday 6 a .m . to 8 p .m .; Sunday 7 Stockton Days Type of food: Fast food ★ Denny’s Miller Motorsports Park Cycle Fest Show . Contact: 801-554-0527 Christmas Parade Average price: $5 to $6 Casa Del Ray a .m . to 6 p .m . Contact: 435-882-3877 535 E. Main, Grantsville 925 N. Main, Tooele Type of food: Coffee, Snacks Contact: toll free 866-297-2636 & Visit with Santa . Famous for: American Burger (a .k .a . pastrami Phone: (435) 843-8200 burger) Phone: (435) 884-3663 Average price: $3 8-14 www .MillerMotorSportsPark .com October Contact: 435-882-0690 Hours: Monday thru Saturday 11 a .m . to 9 Hours: Always Open Famous for: Coffees, Mochas, Smoothies Bonneville Salt Flats (Speed Week) www .tooelechamber .com ★ Applebee’s p .m .; Closed Sunday Type of food: American 7 - 10 1280 N. 30 West, Tooele Type of food: Mexican Average price: $7 Jen’s Southern California Timing Assoc . 5 - Oct. 10 www .2wheelah .com 235 E. Main, Grantsville Contact: 559-528-6279 Bonneville Salt Flats World Finals Phone: (435) 882-0064 Average price: $6 .50 Famous for: Breakfast Slams Benson Gristmill Harvest Days/ Hours: Monday thru Saturday 11 a .m . to 11 Famous for: Fajitas Phone: (435) 884-6623 www .scta-bni .org www .scta-bni .org 9 Hours: Monday thru Saturday 8 a .m . to 10 Farmers Market Southern Calif . Timing 559-528-6279 p .m .; Sunday 11 a .m . to 10 p .m . ★ Dimitri’s Cafe Tooele County Chamber of Commerce Type of food: American ★ Checkered Flag Sports Grill 76 W. Vine, Tooele • (435) 882-4203 p .m .; Sunday 10 a .m . - 7 p .m . 15 Type of food: Fast Food, Burgers, Sandwiches 11 -12 16 -17 Christmas Open House Average price: $5 .99 to $12 .99 1111 N. 200 West (Inside All Star Hours: Tuesday thru Saturday 7 a .m . to 9 p .m .; Stansbury Days Famous for: Great Food Average price: $5 .95 St . Marguerite’s Annual Fall Festival Benson Gristmill Pumpkin Walk Lanes) Sunday 7 a .m . to 3 p .m . Closed Monday Contact: 435-843-7512 Contact: 435-882-0690 Phone: (435) 833-0999 Type of food: Greek/American Famous for: Best Burgers, Shakes & Fry Sauce Contact: 435-882-3860 Contact 435-882-7678 Apollo Burger www .tooelechamber .com 1288 N. Main, Tooele Hours: Mon .- Thurs . 11 a .m . to 10 p .m .; Friday Average price: $8 to $10 ★ Jim’s Family Restaurant 28 www .bensonmill .org www .2wheelah .com Phone: (435) 843-5510 11:00 a .m . to 1 a .m .; Saturday 10 a .m . to Famous for: Lime Rice Soup 281 N. Main, Tooele Tooele County Chamber of Commerce 12 1 a .m .; Phone: (435) 833-0111 Tooele High School Winter Tree Festival . Hours: Monday-Thursday 10:30 a .m . to 10:30 Community Charity BBQ Museum Day at the Mill, Benson 20 - 30 p .m ., Friday & Saturday 10:30am-11pm, Sunday 1 p .m . - 9 p .m . Domino’s Hours: Everyday 6 a m. . to 10 p .m . Tooele City Park Gristmill . Contact: 435-882-7678 Municipal Election Early Voting . Contact: 435-833-1978 Sunday 11 a .m .-9 p .m . Type of food: American 1206 N. Main, Tooele Type of food: American/Greek Contact: 435-882-0690 Type of food: Fast Food Average price: $6 to $7 Phone: (435) 833-0606 Average price: $5 to $7 www .bensonmill .org 435-843-3143 Tooele High School Famous for: Pizza, Cheese Fries, Steak Wrap www .tooelechamber .com Average price: $6 .75 Hours: Sunday thru Thursday 11 a .m . to 11 Famous for: Prime Rib & Breakfast www .tooele .ut .us/clerk html. p .m .; Friday & Saturday 11 a .m . to Midnight ★ Arby’s Clover Creek General Store ★ Kravers 225 E. Main, Grantsville 500 E. Village Blvd, Ste. 202, Stansbury 251 S. Main, Tooele 400 E. Hwy 199, Rush Valley • Phone: Phone: (435) 884-9595 Phone: (435) 882-2700 (435) 837-2525 Park Hours: Sunday thru Thursday 11 a .m . to 11 Hours: Monday thru Sunday 6 a .m . to 12 p .m . Hours: Monday thru Friday 5 a .m . to 8 p .m .; Phone: (435) 843-1688 Type of food: Fast food Saturday 8 a .m . to 8 p .m .; Sunday 10 a .m . p .m .; Friday & Saturday 11 a .m . to Midnight Hours: Mon . thru Thurs . & Sunday 8 a .m . to 10 Average price: $8 to 5 p .m . Type of food: Pizza p .m .; Fri . & Sat . 8 a .m . to 10:30 p .m . Famous for: Roast Beef & Curly Fries Type of food: American Average price: $10 .99 Type of food: Fast food Average price: $5 .99 Famous for: Wings, Cinnasticks, Cheesy Bread Average price: $5 Bajio Famous for: Good Working Staff/Food that 1197 N. Main, Tooele Famous for: Home Cooking and Killer 5 Buck Pizza you’re “kraving” for Phone: (435) 882-1437 73 E. 1280 North Hours: Monday thru Thursday 11 a .m . to 9 Phone: (435) 843-8600 Kentucky Fried Chicken/Taco Bell ★ Coldstone 737 N. Main, Tooele p .m .; Friday & Saturday 11 a .m . to 10 p .m . 1197 N. Main Hours: Monday thru Thursday 11 a .m . to 10 Type of food: Fast Mexican Phone: (435) 882-7887 Phone: (435) 228-0120 p .m .; Friday & Saturday 11 a .m . to 11 p .m ., Hours: Everyday 11 a .m . to 10 p .m . Average price: $8 Hours: Monday thru Friday 11 a .m . to 10 p .m .; Sunday Noon to 9 p .m . Famous for: Shrimp Taco Type of food: Chicken/Taco Saturday & Sunday 11 a .m . to 11 p .m . Type of food: Pizza/Wings/Breadsticks Average price: $7 to $8 ★ Burger King Type of food: Ice Cream Average price: $10 Famous for: Signature Original Recipe Chicken Chevron • 2400 N. Main, Tooele Average price: $4 .30 Famous for: Pizza Phone: (435) 882-2911 Famous for: Ice Cream ★ La Frontera Hours: Monday thru Saturday 6 a .m . to 12 Zoolanders 494 S. Main Tooele p .m .; Sunday 7 a .m . to 11 p .m . Country Market at Flying J 150 W. Main, Grantsville Phone: (435) 882-0000 TA Travel Center • 8836 N . Hwy 40, Lake Point 1605 E. Saddleback Blvd., Lake Point Phone: (435) 884-4434 Hours: Everyday 10 a .m . to 10 p .m . Phone: (801) 250-8585 Phone: (801) 508-7411 Hours: Mon thru Thurs 7 a .m . - 9 p .m . Type of food: Mexican Hours: Everyday 6 a .m . to 10 p .m . Hours: Always Open Fri and Sat 7 a .m . - 10 p .m . Closed Sundays . Average price: $7 Type of food: Fast food Type of food: Buffet & Menu Dinner Type of food: American Famous for: Smothered burritos Average price: $8 .50 Tooele Arts Festival © Maegan Burr/TBP Photo Tooele Junior Livestock Show © Maegan Burr/TBP Photo Tooele Arts Festival © Maegan Burr/TBP Photo Average price: $3 .50 to $6 .50 Average price: $7 to $10 Little Caesars Famous for: The Whopper Famous for: Pizza Famous for: Fantastic Food 235 N. Main, Tooele Year Round Phone: (435) 882-7300 heated indoor pool & hot tub • jacuzzi suites • satellite • free wireless internet Hours: Monday thru Thursday 11 a m. . to 10 Tooele County Commission Tooele City Planning Grantsville City Planning Stockton City Council Meeting p .m .; Friday & Saturday 11 a .m . to 11 p .m .; Sunday Noon to 10 p .m . Meetings, Every Tuesday 3pm Commission Meetings Commission Meetings. 3rd Tuesday of each month 7pm 47 S . Main, 435-843-3100 2nd Thursday of the month . 429 E . Main Magic Dragon at Flying J 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month . Stockton Town Hall 1605 E. Saddleback Blvd., Lake Point Tooele City Family Recreation 90 N . Main Street, 435-843-3411 . 435-882-3877 Phone: (801) 508-7400 A family activity is held one night Council Chambers 7:00 p .m . Ophir Town Council Hours: Everyday 11 a .m . to 10 p .m . each month . Hospitality Type of food: Chinese 1st Tuesday of each month 7pm Stockton City Planning Average price: $6 to $8 435-843-2143 Missoula Children’s Theater Ophir Town Hall & Zoning Meeting Famous for: Chicken Sweet & Sour

Community Art Classes Sponsored Sponsored twice a year 1st Tuesday of each month 7pm ★ McDonald’s Rush Valley Town Council Stockton Town Hall 970 N. Main, Tooele by the Tooele City Arts Council (generally April and September) Phone: (435) 882-3811 Classes for all ages and abilities 4th Wednesday of each month 7pm 435-882-3877 For Youth K-8th Grade Rush Valley Town Hall Hours: 5 a .m . to 11 p .m .; Drive Thru 24 hours, A full class listing can be found at 435-843-2143 7 days a week www .tooelecity .org 52 West Park Lane, Rush Valley Wendover City Council 8727 N . Hwy 36, Lake Point Phone: (801) 250-6872 Tooele City Council Meetings Grantsville City Council Meetings 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month 7pm Hours: Lobby 6 a .m . to 11 p .m .; Drive Thru 24 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month . 1st & 3rd Wednesday of the month . Rush Valley Planning Commission (775)664-3081 hours, 7 days a week 90 N . Main Street, 365 N. Main Type of food: Fast food 435-884-3411 . 429 E . Main 2nd Wednesday of each month 7pm Average price: $5 Council Chambers 7:00 p .m . Rush Valley Town Hall 882-5010 Famous for: World-famous 435-843-2100 French fries, Big Mac 52 West Park Lane, Rush Valley conference rooms • group rates • continental breakfast • in-room coffee, refrigerator, microwave ➤➤➤

60 ■ TOOELE COUNTY BUSINESS & VISITOR’S GUIDE ■ TOOELE COUNTY BUSINESS & VISITOR’S GUIDE 61 RV AND camping New China Buffet Stockton Miners Café Wendy’s Heritage Motel 778 N. Main Tooele 47 N. Connor Ave., Stockton 975 N. Main, Tooele 505 E. Wendover Blvd., Phone: (435) 843-0628 Phone: (435) 882-4418 Phone: (435) 833-0997 Number of units: 50 Hours: Everyday 11 a m. . to 10 p .m . Hours: Monday thru Saturday, 5 a .m . to 9 p .m . Hours: Everyday 10 a .m . to 1 a .m . Wendover • Phone: (435) 665-7744 Type of food: Chinese Type of food: Family Restaurant Type of food: Fast food Avg. price: $29.95 -$39.95 Average price: $6 29. to $8 .49 Average price: $7 .95 Average price: $5 to $6 Famous for: Chinese Buffet Famous for: Food Cooked to Order Famous for: Bacon Burger • Fitness Facility • Cable • Non-smoking units • Suites NighTime Donuts Subway Refrigerators and microwaves available . 299 N. Main, Tooele 444 N. Main, Tooele Wingers Phone: (435) 882-8503 Phone: (435) 882-8822 1211 N. Main, Tooele ★ Holiday Inn Express Hours: Monday thru Saturday 5 a .m . to 3 p .m .; Hours: Mon . thru Sat . 7 a .m . to 9 p .m . (10 Phone: (435) 882-1441 1531 N. Main, Tooele • Number of Closed Sunday p .m . drive-up); Sun . 10 a .m . to 6 p .m . Hours: Mon . thru Thurs . 11 a .m . to 10 p .m ;. Fri . units: 64 • Phone: (435) 833-0500 Type of food: Bakery 99 W . 1280 N ., Wal-Mart & Sat . 11 a .m . to 11 p .m ;. Avg. price: $120-$170 Average price: $8 per dozen Phone: (435) 882-5105 Sunday Noon to 9 p .m . • Suites • Handicapped Accessible Famous for: Fresh at 5 am! Donuts, Bagels & Hours: Monday thru Saturday 9 a .m . to 10 Type of food: American • Pool • Hot Tub • Laundry Sandwiches p .m .; Sunday 10 a m. . to 6 p .m . Average price: $10 • Fireplace • Cable Type of food: Sandwiches & Salads Famous for: World Famous Wings & Fingers, • Non-Smoking Units ★ Oquirrh hills cafe at golf course Amazing Sauce Average price: $5 .50 Microwave and refrigerator available . © David Bern/TBP Photo 1225 E. Vine St., Tooele Famous for: Foot Long Phone (435) 882-4220 ★ Millpond Spa & Retreat Hours: Seasonal, typically April thru October 8 Subway 25 Plaza Court, • Number of units: 6 How to get there: From Grantsville’s Main Street, turn a .m . to 6 p .m . 42 E. Wendover Blvd., Wendover LODGING Stansbury Park • Phone: (435) 843-8800 Type of food: Quality Fast Food Phone: (435) 665-2310 south on Cooley Street and proceed for five miles on ★ • Avg. price: $80-$145 Average price: $5 Hours: Everyday 10 a m. . to 10 p .m . American Inn & Suites • Handicapped accessible • Heated Spa Pool ENJOY A CAMPFIRE Mormon Trail Road to South Willow Canyon turn-off . Turn Famous for: Tooele's Best Hot Dog 8793 N . Hwy 40, Lake Point 491 S. Main, Tooele • DirecTV • All Non-Smoking Units right onto canyon access road and continue for 5 .4 miles to Panda Express Phone: (801) 250-7770 Number of units: 56 • Free Wifi Hours: Mon . thru Thurs . 7 a .m . to 8 p .m ;. Fri . & Phone: (435) 882-6100 Redwood Sauna and Euculyptus Steam Room . campground . 1181 N. Main, Tooele Sat . 7 a .m . to 9 p .m .; Sun . 9 a .m . to 7 p .m . Phone (435) 882-6656 Avg. price: $69 - $95 Continental Breakfast . Contact: Salt Lake District Type of food: Sandwiches & Salads • Suites • Handicapped accessible • Pool Hours: Mon . thru Thurs . 11 a m. . to 9 p .m .; Fri . Motel 6 UNDER THE STARS Average price: $6 (801) 943-1794 . www .fs .fed us/r4/wcnf/. & Sat . 11 a .m . to 9:30 p .m .; Sundays 12 pm • Hot tub • Kitchen • Laundry • Cable 561 E. Wendover Blvd., • Wendover to 8 p .m . Sun Lok Yuen • Non-smoking units Tooele County has both developed and How to get there: From Grantsville’s Main Street, turn Type of food: Fresh Chinese 615 N. Main, Tooele Free High Speed Internet . Free local phone Phone: (435) 665-2267 • Number of Upper Narrows Campground Average price: $6 Phone: (435) 882-3003 calls . Microwave & refrigerator in every room . units: 130 • Avg. single price: undeveloped/primitive campsites, most south on Cooley Street and proceed for five miles on Famous for: Orange Chicken Hours: Monday thru Thursday 11:30 a .m . to Complimentary breakfast . Sunday - Thursday $29.99 of which are managed by the U.S. Forest Mormon Trail Road to South Willow Canyon turn-off . Turn Location: Three miles from the U .S . Forest Service bound- 9 p .m .; Friday & Sat . 11:30 a .m . to 10 p .m ;. Friday - Saturday $39.99 ★ Best Western Inn Tooele • Pool • Handicapped accessible Service, the Bureau of Land Management, right onto canyon access road and continue for 4 .7 miles to ary in South Willow Canyon . Due to rugged access, RV’s are ★ Papa Murphy’s Pizza Closed Sun . and Tooele County. The camping/RV 1341 N. Main, Tooele Type of food: Chinese & American 935 E. Wendover Blvd., • Laundry • Cable • Non-smoking units campground . not recommended . Phone: (435) 833-9800 Average price: $6 Number of units: 24 Room rates change for holidays locations listed below are not all Elevation and season: 6,920 ft . Late May through mid and special events . Contact: Salt Lake Ranger District Hours: Monday thru Saturday 11 a .m . to 8:30 Famous for: Combinations, Family Dinners Wendover Phone: (435) 665-7811 inclusive. Please see Tooele County map October (weather permitting) p .m .; Friday & Saturday 11 a .m . - 9 p .m ;. & Rice Avg. price: $69 weekend; $59 weekday Oquirrh Motor Inn on page 47 for specific locations. (801) 943-1794 . www .fs .fed .us/r4/wcnf/ Closed Sun . • Pool • Handicapped Accessible Facilities: Eight campsites with six tables and five fire Taco Bell at TA Travel Center • Hot tub • Cable • Non-Smoking Units 8740 N. State Highway 36, Type of food: Pizza Number of units: 41 Lake Point Boy Scout Campground rings . Each site can hold eight people and one vehicle . Average price: $8 8836 N. Hwy 40, Lake Point Complimentary breakfast . Cottonwood Campground Phone: (801) 250-8585 Phone: (801) 250-0118 • Avg. price: $57-$68 Vault toilet, but no water or garbage service . Trash must be Famous for: Chicago Style Pizza • Suites • Handicapped accessible Location: 1 .7 miles from the U .S . Forest Service boundary Hours: Everyday 10 a m. . to 10 p .m . Best Western Salt Flat Inn Location: One mile from the U .S . Forest Service boundary packed out . Type of food: Taco's & Burrito's • Kitchen • Laundry • Satellite • Non-smoking in South Willow Canyon . Due to rugged access, RV’s are not Pepperoni’s at Flying J 935 E. Wendover Blvd., units • Fitness Facility in South Willow Canyon . Due to rugged access, RV’s are not Reservations: Upper Narrows Campground can be 1605 E. Saddleback Blvd. Lake Point Average price: $1 .29 to $5 .50 Number of units: 24 recommended . Famous for: Burritos Microwave and refrigerator . recommended . Phone: (801) 508-7400 Wendover High Speed Internet . Elevation and season: 6,320 ft . Late May through mid reserved as a group site . Call (877) 444-6777 or see www . Hours: Everyday 9 a .m . to 10 p .m . Phone: (435) 665-7811 • Avg. price: Elevation and season: 6,080 ft . Late May through mid ReserveUSA com. Type of food: Pizza Taco man October (weather permitting) 196 W. Main, Grantsville $69 weekend; $59 weekday The Kirk Hotel October (weather permitting) Average price: $3 50. to $5 • Pool • Handicapped Accessible 57 W. Vine, Tooele Facilities: Five campsites with tables and fire rings . Each Availability: Check in 2 p .m .; check out 1 p .m . No access Famous for: Specialty Pizza Phone: (435) 249-0555 Facilities: Two campsites with tables and fire ring . Each Hours: Monday thru Saturday, 9 a .m . to 9 p .m . • Hot tub • Cable Number of units: 50 site can accommodate eight people and one vehicle . Vault 10 p .m . to 6 a .m . Maximum stay seven days . Fee: $5 per • Non-Smoking Units Phone: (435) 882-1372 • Avg. price: $70 site can accommodate eight people and one vehicle . Vault Pizza Hut Type of food: Mexican toilet, but no water or garbage service . Trash must be day per site; $21 75. per day for entire campground . 540 N. Main, Tooele Average price: $5 .00 Complimentary breakfast . • Suites • Handicapped Accessible toilet, but no water or garbage service . Trash must be Phone: (435) 882-3924 Famous for: being "The Taco Man" • Fitness Facility • Kitchen • Laundry • Cable packed out . Restrictions: Dogs must be leashed in camp and picnic Bonneville Motel • VCR/DVD • Free Bus/Shuttle packed out . Hours: Mon . thru Thurs . 11 a m. . to 11 p .m .; Reservations: None . First come, first serve basis . areas . Fires in rings only and bring own firewood . Fri . & Sat . 11 a .m . to Midnight; Sun . Noon Taco Time/Big rod's burgers 375 E. Wendover Blvd. • Phone: Quality historic structure . Reservations: None . First come, first serve basis . Availability: Check in 2 p .m .; check out 1 p .m . No access How to get there: From Grantsville’s Main Street, turn to 10 p .m . 209 S. Main, Tooele (435) 665-2500 • Number of units: 85 Valleyview Motel Availability: Check in 2 p .m .; check out 1 p .m . No access Type of food: Pizza Phone: (435) 882-4520 Avg. price: $27 Sun.-Thurs.$43 Fri.- Sat. 10 p .m . to 6 a .m . Maximum stay seven days . Fee: $5 per south on Cooley Street and proceed for five miles on Hours: Monday thru Saturday, 10 a .m . to 11 p .m . • Suites • Handicapped accessible • Pool 585 Canyon Road, 10 p .m . to 6 a .m . Maximum stay seven days . Fee: $5 per Average price: $8 - $12 Number of units: 16 Tooele day . Mormon Trail Road to South Willow Canyon turn-off . Turn Famous for: Pan Pizza Type of food: Fast Food • Laundry • Cable • Non-smoking units day . Average price: $4 .95 to $6 .95 Free High Speed Internet . Complimentary Phone: (435) 882-3235 • Avg. price: Restrictions: Dogs must be leashed in camp and picnic right onto canyon access road and continue for 6 .3 miles to Famous for: Crisp Burrito & Great Burger! breakfast . 2-beds $230 wkly $700 mo.; 1 bed $150 Restrictions: Dogs must be leashed in camp and picnic Quizno’s wkly $550 monthly areas . Fires in rings only and bring own firewood . campground . 1209 N. Main, Tooele areas . Fires in rings only and bring own firewood . Contact: Salt Lake Ranger District (801) 943-1794 . Phone: (435) 843-1236 Thai House Days Inn of Wendover • Kitchen • Handicapped accessible How to get there: From Grantsville’s Main Street, turn • Non-smoking units How to get there: From Grantsville’s Main Street, turn www .fs .fed .us/r4/wcnf/ Hours: Monday thru Thursday 10:30 a .m . to 9 297 N. Main, Tooele 685 E. Wendover Blvd., Most rooms have kitchenettes, phones south on Cooley Street and proceed for five miles on p .m .; Friday & Saturday 10:30 a .m . to 10 p .m .; Phone: (435) 882-7579 south on Cooley Street and proceed for five miles on Number of units: 80 and voice mail . Mormon Trail Road to South Willow Canyon turn-off . Turn Sunday Noon to 6 p .m . Hours: Monday thru Saturday 10 a .m . to 9 p .m . Wendover • Phone: (435) 665-2215 Mormon Trail Road to South Willow Canyon turn-off . Turn Type of food: Fast food Type of food: Thai Villa Motel right onto canyon access road and continue for 4 .7 miles to Loop Campground • Avg. price: $59-$89 right onto canyon access road and continue for 4 .2 miles to Average price: $8 Average price: $8 .50 • Suites • Handicapped Accessible 475 N. Main St., Tooele campground . Location: 4 5. miles from the U .S . Forest Service boundary Famous for: Oven Toasted Subs, Salads, Soups Famous for: Classic Rice Noodles / Stir Fry Number of units: 9 • Phone: (435) campground . • Pool • Hot Tub • Laundry • DirecTV Contact: Salt Lake Ranger District (801) 943-1794 . in South Willow Canyon . Due to rugged access, RV’s are not • Non-Smoking Units • Mini Bar in Suite 882-4551 Contact: Salt Lake Ranger District (801) 943-1794 . Salt Flats Café at Amoco ★ Tracks Restaurant & brewery Free breakfast . Avg. price: $50-$69 www .fs .fed .us/r4/wcnf/ recommended . I-80 Exit #4, Wendover 1641 N. Main, Tooele • Hot Tub • Kitchen • Cable www .fs .fed .us/r4/wcnf/ Elevation and season: 7,400 ft . Late May through mid Phone: (435) 665-7550 Phone: (435) 882-4040 • Private Club Econolodge • Non-Smoking Units • Smoking Units Hours: Everyday 9 a .m . to 9 p .m . Hours: Everyday 11 a m. . to 1 a .m . October (weather permitting) 245 E. Wendover Blvd., Family owned . Weekly rates available . Each Intake Campground Lower Narrows Campground Type of food: American/Mexican Type of food: American room has refrigerator, microwave and cable . Facilities: Nine campsites with tables and five fire rings . Average price: $5 Average price: $7 - $10 Number of units: 99 Location: 1 .5 miles from the U .S . Forest Service boundary Location: 2 .2 miles from the U .S . Forest Service boundary Wendover • Phone: (435) 665-2226 Western Motel Each site can hold eight people and one vehicle . One site Famous for: Beer in South Willow Canyon . Due to rugged access, RV’s are not Silver Sage Café • Avg. price: $34.95 to $79.95 619 E. Wendover Blvd., in South Willow Canyon . Due to rugged access, RV’s are not is a double site and holds 16 people and four vehicles . State Route 36, Vernon Uncle Charley's Mercedes • Pool • Handicapped accessible Number of units: 25 Wendover recommended . recommended . • Hot tub • Cable • Non-smoking units Vault toilet, but no water or garbage service . Trash must be Phone (435) 839-3450 100 S. Lodestone Way, Tooele Phone: (435) 665-2230 Elevation and season: 6,320 ft . Late May through mid Elevation and season: 6,840 ft . Late May through mid Hours: Monday thru Saturday 7:30 a .m . to 7 Phone: (435) 843-6393 • Laundry Avg. price: $29-$59 packed out . Pet friendly . Pool and hot tub are open October (weather permitting) p .m .; Sunday 9 a m. . to 6 p .m . Hours: Monday thru Friday 7 a .m . to 2 p .m . • Kitchen (some) • Cable October (weather permitting) Reservations: None . First come, first serve basis . Type of food: American/Mexican Type of food: Deli seasonally . Nearby restaurants: Casino restaurants, Facilities: Four campsites with tables and fire rings . Each Facilities: Five campsites with tables and fire rings . Each Average price: $4 to $6 Availability: Check in 2 p .m .; check out 1 p .m . No access Average price: $4 .50 ★ Salt Flats Café, site can accommodate eight people and one vehicle . Vault Famous for: Specialty Burgers & Burritos Famous for: Catering business Hampton Inn China Town, Subway site can accommodate eight people and one vehicle . Vault 10 p .m . to 6 a .m . Maximum stay seven days . Fee: $5 per 461 S. Main, Tooele toilet, but no water or garbage service . Trash must be Western Ridge Motel toilet, but no water or garbage service . Trash must be day . Sonic - America’s Drive-In Virg’s British Fish & Chips Number of units: 51 packed out . 1118 N. Main, Tooele • Phone: (435) 4025 N. Hwy 36, Erda Phone: (435) 843-7700 • Avg. price: 8956 E. Wendover Blvd., packed out . Restrictions: Dogs must be leashed in camp and picnic 843-9034 Reservations: None . First come, first serve basis . Phone: (435) 833-9988 $99 - $105 Number of units: 55 Wendover Reservations: None . First come, first serve basis . areas . Fires in rings only and bring own firewood . Hours: Monday thru Thursday 7 a .m . to 10 Hours: Sunday 8 a .m . to 3 p .m .; Monday thru • Suites • Handicapped accessible Phone: (435) 665-2211 • Avg. price: Availability: Check in 2 p .m .; check out 1 p .m . No access Availability: Check in 2 p .m .; check out 1 p .m . No access p .m .; Friday & Saturday 7 a .m . to 11 p .m .; Thursday 7 a .m . to 3 p .m .; • Fitness facility • Pool • Hot tub • VCR/DVD Sun.-Thurs. $29.95 Fri. & Sat. $39.95 How to get there: From Grantsville’s Main Street, turn 10 p .m . to 6 a .m . Maximum stay seven days . Fee: $5 per Sunday 9 a .m . to 9 p .m . Friday & Saturday 7 a .m . to 9 p .m . • Laundry • Cable • Non-smoking units • Pool • Laundry 10 p .m . to 6 a .m . Maximum stay seven days . Fee: $5 per south on Cooley Street and proceed for five miles on Type of food: Fast food Type of food: American • Continental Breakfast • Handicapped Accessible • Cable day . day . Average price: $4 Mormon Trail Road to South Willow Canyon turn-off . Turn Average price: $6 All rooms are mini suites . Award winning . • Non-smoking units Restrictions: Dogs must be leashed in camp and picnic Famous for: Fast, Friendly Car Hops Famous for: Breakfast Burrito Fireplace in lobby . Nearby restaurants: Casino restaurants Restrictions: Dogs must be leashed in camp and picnic right onto canyon access road and continue for 7 .7 miles to areas . Fires in rings only and bring own firewood . areas . Fires in rings only and bring own firewood . ➤➤➤ 62 ■ TOOELE COUNTY BUSINESS & VISITOR’S GUIDE ■ TOOELE COUNTY BUSINESS & VISITOR’S GUIDE 63 campground . Restrictions: Check for signage at campground . Availability: Check in anytime . Maximum stay seven days . Contact: Salt Lake Ranger District (801) 943-1794 . How to get there: From Tooele City proceed south on No daily fee . Quality Auto www .fs .fed .us/r4/wcnf/ SR-36 for 30 miles to Vernon . At Vernon the state highway Restrictions: Fires in rings only and bring own firewood . turns left and heads east . Continue approximately one mile How to get there: From Tooele City Hall, proceed south Grantsville Reservoir and turn right onto Forest Service Road 005 . Proceed south on Main Street (SR-36) for one-half block to stoplight . Turn Location: About four miles south of Grantsville on Mormon for six miles on gravel road to campground . left onto Vine Street and continue east for two miles to Trail Road . RV accessible . Contact: Spanish Fork Ranger District at (801) 798-3571 . canyon’s mouth . Continue up canyon . Campsites are found - inside back cover Season: Open year-round on either side . Facilities: 24 RV pads, four pavilions, 24 picnic tables, 24 Simpson Springs Campground Contact: Tooele County Corporation at (435) 843-4000 . barbecue grills, vault toilets, no water . Dumpster available . Location: About 60 miles southwest of Tooele City next to (full page) Reservations: First come, first serve basis . the famous Simpson Springs Pony Express Station . Deseret Peak Complex Availability: Check in 24 hrs . Maximum stay seven days . Elevation and season: 5,100 ft . Location: At the intersection of SR-112 and Sheep Lane No daily fee . Open all year . between Tooele and Grantsville Cities . Restrictions: Fires in rings only and bring own firewood . Facilities: 14 campsites with tables and fire rings . Vault Season: Year-round How to get there: From Grantsville’s Main Street, turn toilets, but no water, hookups or garbage service . Trash must Facilities: Six RV pads with full hookups . south on Cooley Street and proceed for four miles to be packed out . Reservations: Call (435) 843-4000 year-round . Reserva- Grantsville Reservoir . Follow signage to campground . Reservations: None . First come, first serve basis . tions are recommended . Contact: Tooele County Corporation, (435) 843-4000 . Availability: Check in 2 p .m ;. check out 1 p .m . No access Availability: Check in and check out 10 a .m . No access 10 10 p .m . to 6 a .m . Maximum stay seven days . Fee: $5 per p .m . to 7 a m. . Monday through Saturday; 6 p .m . to 7 a .m . Settlement Canyon day . Sunday . No maximum stay . Fee: $15 per day . Location: Approximately one mile inside Settlement Restrictions: Horses are not allowed inside the camp- Restrictions: No open fires allowed . Canyon and three miles from downtown Tooele City . RV ground . How to get there: From Tooele City Hall, proceed north accessible . How to get there: From Tooele City head south on SR-36 on Main Street (SR-36) for one half block to stoplight and Elevation and season: 5,500 ft . April 1 to Oct . 31 for 24 miles to Faust . Follow signs and turn right onto to turn left onto SR-112 . Continue west for six miles to Deseret (weather permitting) Backcountry Byway, which is also the original Pony Express Peak Complex . Stop at gate and see attendant before Facilities: One group campsite (100 person capacity) with Trail . Road is asphalt for five miles and then becomes gravel . proceeding . amphitheater and vault toilets . No water . Volleyball pit . Also Proceed over Lookout Pass . Total distance from Faust to Contact: Tooele County Corporation or Deseret Peak eight individual campsites with tables and fire rings . Twelve Simpson Springs is approximately 30 miles . Complex at (435) 843-4000 . RV sites with full hookups (electricity, water and sewer) . Contact: Bureau of Land Management, Salt Lake Field Reservations: Call (435) 843-4000 Jan . 1 through March Office . (801) 977-4300 . Other areas across Tooele County 31 . Locations mentioned below offer mostly unimproved to Clover Springs Campground Availability: Check-in and check-out is 10 a .m . Access is primitive campsites with limited to no RV access . Call The Quality Automotive Group offers Tooele County the best selection of vehicles, closed from dusk to 8 a .m . Maximum stay seven days . Location: About 23 miles southwest of Tooele City off of contact numbers ahead of time for availability, restrictions Fee: Group campsite $100 per day; RV sites $15 per day; SR-199 on Johnson’s Pass . and road conditions . the best service and the best Quality buying experience. campsites $5 per day . Elevation and season: 6,000 ft . April through October Silver Island Mountains at Bonneville Salt Flats Restrictions: No ATV’s allowed . Dogs must be leashed in (weather permitting) Contact: Bureau of Land Management, Salt Lake Field camp and picnic areas . Fires in rings only and bring own Facilities: 11 campsites with tables, fire rings, horse feed- Office . (801) 977-4300 . We also provide a complete line of factory authorized maintenance including firewood . ing stations and a feeding trough . Vault toilets, but no water White Rocks in Skull Valley How to get there: From Tooele City Hall, proceed south or garbage service . Trash must be packed out . Contact: Bureau of Land Management, Salt Lake Field transmission service, cooling system flush, fuel injection cleaning, and more. on Main Street (SR-36) for 2 .2 miles to Settlement Canyon Reservations: None . First come, first serve basis . Office . (801) 977-4300 . Road . Turn left and continue one-half mile to entrance gate . Availability: Fee: $4 per day . Horse Shoe Springs in Skull Valley Stop and see gate attendant before proceeding . Camp- Restrictions: None Contact: Bureau of Land Management, Salt Lake Field ground is less than one mile after entrance gate . How to get there: From Tooele City, proceed south on Office . (801) 977-4300 . Quality Dodge (435) 248-4070 Quality Ford (435) 248-4071 Contact: Tooele County Corporation, SR-36 for 16 miles to junction with SR-199 . Turn right and Lookout Pass on Pony Express Trail (435) 843-4000 . proceed eight miles . Campground is on the left . Contact: Bureau of Land Management, Salt Lake Field Quality Chevrolet (435) 248-4073 Quality Discount (435) 228-4784 Contact: Bureau of Land Management, Salt Lake Field Office . (801) 977-4300 . Vernon Reservoir Campground Office . (801) 977-4300 . Five Mile Pass at southern end of Oquirrh Moun- Location: Approximately six miles southeast of Vernon tains and nearby the Sheeprock Mountains . Light, non-motorized Middle Canyon Contact: Bureau of Land Management, Salt Lake Field boating is permitted on reservoir, which is stocked with Location: 4 .5 miles from the U .S . Forest Service boundary . Office . (801) 977-4300 . trout . Due to rugged access, RV’s are not recommended . Pony Express Trail from Five Mile Pass to Ibapah Elevation and season: 6,500 ft . Late April through Season: Canyon is closed during winter months . Contact: Bureau of Land Management, Salt Lake Field November (weather permitting) Facilities: Several improved and unimproved campsites Office . (801) 977-4300 . Facilities: Ten campsites with tables and vault toilets . No can be found throughout the canyon . Improvements include Knolls OHV Area in the Great Salt Lake Desert water or garbage service . Trash must be packed out . fire pits, picnic tables . No water . No disposal available; must Contact: Bureau of Land Management, Salt Lake Field Reservations: None . First come, first serve basis . pack out all trash . Office . (801) 977-4300 . Availability: All sites are free . Reservations: None . First come, first serve basis .

The Stansbury Mountain Range provides excellent camping opportunities. © David Bern/TBP Photo 64 ■ TOOELE COUNTY BUSINESS & VISITOR’S GUIDE www.theblue■ TOOELE COUNTY BUSINESS & VISITOR’S .com GUIDE 65 The best built homes in Stansbury Place are built by award-winning Holmes Homes.

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