
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA Vol. 90, pp. 6434-6438, July 1993 Medical Sciences advanced glycosylation: Pathway for lipid oxidation in vivo (low density lipoprotein/atherosclerosis/aminoguanidine/lipofuscin) RICHARD BUCALA*t, ZENJI MAKITA*, THEODOR KOSCHINSKYt, ANTHONY CERAMI*, AND HELEN VLASSARA* *The Picower Institute for Medical Research, Manhasset, NY 11030; and tDiabetes Research Institute, Dusseldorf, Germany Contributed by Anthony Cerami, March 18, 1993

ABSTRACT To address potential mechanisms for oxida- unpaired electrons at the ir antibonding level (31g). Thus, the tive modification oflipids in vivo, we investigated the possibility reaction ofoxygen with molecules of singlet multiplicity such that phospholipids react directly with to form advanced as unsaturated fatty acids is spin forbidden. Singlet glycosylation end products (AGEs) that then initiate lipid (1Ag and 1lg) may add directly to unsaturated bonds to oxidation. Phospholipid-linked AGEs formed readily in vitro, produce allylic hydroperoxides; however, this reaction does mimicking the absorbance, fluorescence, and immunochemical not initiate the abstraction of allylic hydrogens (6, 7). Fur- properties of AGEs that result from advanced glycosylation of thermore, there is insufficient singlet oxygen available under . Oxidation of unsaturated fatty acid residues, as normal, physiological conditions to initiate lipid peroxida- assessed by reactive aldehyde formation, occurred at a rate that tion. Significant amounts of the superoxide anion (O -) do paralleled the rate of lipid advanced glycosylation. Ami- form in vivo (0.1-1.0 AM), but superoxide also is incapable of noguanidine, an agent that prevents advanced glyco- abstracting bisallylic hydrogens from unsaturated bonds. sylation, inhibited both lipid advanced glycosylation and oxi- Under acidic conditions, superoxide may initiate oxidative dative modification. Incubation of low density lipoprotein modification by forming perhydroxyl radicals (HOO ) or by (LDL) with glucose produced AGE moieties that were attached reacting with transition metals to form reactive hydroxyl to both the lipid and the apoprotein components. Oxidized LDL radicals (HO') (8, 9). Nevertheless, low trace metal concen- formed concomitantly with AGE-modified LDL. Of signifli- trations, the high availability of ligands that form tight cance, AGE ELISA analysis of LDL specimens isolated from coordination complexes with metals, and the abundant an- diabetic individuals revealed increased levels of both apopro- tioxidant capacity of plasma suggest that metal-catalyzed tein- and. lipid-linked AGEs when compared to specimens autoxidation and reactive oxygen species play little, if any, obtained from normal, nondiabetic controls. Circulating levels role in mediating lipid oxidation in vivo (10-12). of oxidized LDL were elevated in diabetic patients and corre- In the present study, we investigated the possibility that lated significantly with lipid AGE levels. These data support the glucose-mediated advanced glycosylation reactions initiate concept that AGE oxidation plays an important and perhaps oxidative modification in vivo. Advanced glycosylation is a primary role in initiating lipid oxidation in vivo. major pathway for the posttranslational modification oftissue proteins and begins with the nonenzymatic addition of The oxidative modification of in vivo has been pro- such as glucose to the primary amino groups of proteins (13, posed to play a central role in atherogenesis and to contribute 14). These early glucose-denrved Schiff base and Amadori to the diverse vascular sequelae of and aging (1). products then undergo a series of inter- and intramolecular Oxidation of the lipid component of low density lipoprotein rearrangement, dehydration, and oxidation-reduction reac- (LDL), for example, leads to the loss of LDL recognition by tions to produce the "late" products termed advanced gly- cellular LDL receptors and in the preferential uptake of cosylation end products (AGEs). Excessive accumulation of oxidized LDL by macrophage scavenger receptors (2-4). The AGEs on tissue proteins has been implicated in the patho- enhanced endocytosis of oxidized LDL by vascular wall genesis of many of the sequelae of diabetes and normal aging macrophages transforms them into the lipid-laden foam cells (13-15). Protein-linked AGEs act to crosslink connective that characterize early atherosclerotic lesions. This is fol- tissue (16) and to chemically inactivate nitric oxide lowed progressively by the development of fatty streaks and activity (17); they also act as recognition signals for AGE the complex, proliferative lesions that ultimately cause arte- receptor systems that are present on diverse cell types rial insufficiency and occlusion (1-5). (18-20). Despite increased investigation into the biological role of The presence of reactive, primary amino groups on phos- lipid oxidation, there has been little insight into the biochem- pholipids such as phosphatidylethanolamine or phosphati- ical processes that initiate lipid oxidation in vivo. In vitro dylserine led us to consider the hypothesis that glucose also studies have demonstrated that metal-catalyzed peroxidation reacts with lipids to initiate advanced glycosylation. Inter- reactions occur readily at the unsaturated bonds within fatty molecular oxidation-reduction reactions might then occur to acid residues. Polyunsaturated fatty acids are particularly oxidize fatty acid residues-in the absence ofexogenous, free sensitive to peroxidation because bisallylic hydrogens are radical-generating systems. more easily abstracted by free radical processes. Diene conjugation then occurs and hydroperoxides form. Once lipid MATERIALS AND METHODS oxidation is initiated, fatty acids decompose readily to a variety ofreactive aldehydes that rapidly propagate oxidative Reagents. Glucose, EDTA, butylated hydroxytoluene (2,6- reactions (6, 7). di-t-butyl-p-cresol) (BHT), L-a-phosphatidylethanolamine, It is important to note that in the absence of transition metals or free radicals, oxygen itself is a poor oxidant. The Abbreviations: AGE, advanced glycosylation end product; LDL, electronic structure of triplet (ground state) oxygen has two low density lipoprotein; MDA, malonaldehyde bis(diethyl acetal); PC, phosphatidylcholine; PE, phosphatidylethanolamine; TBA, thiobarbituric acid; BHT, butylated hydroxytoluene. The publication costs of this article were defrayed in part by page charge tTo whom reprint requests should be addressed at: The Picower payment. This article must therefore be hereby marked "advertisement" Institute for Medical Research, 350 Community Drive, Manhasset, in accordance with 18 U.S.C. §1734 solely to indicate this fact. NY 11030. 6434 Downloaded by guest on September 24, 2021 Medical Sciences: BucalaMedicalet al. Sciences: Bucala et al. ~Proc. Nati. Acad. Sci. USA 90 (1993) 6435 dioleoyl {1,2-di[(cis)-9-octadecenoyl]-sn-glycero-3-phos- at 370C. Aliquots then were subjected to AGE-specific phoethanolamine} (PE), and L-a-phosphatidylcholine, dio- ELISA (23). leoyl {1,2-di[(cis)-9-octadecenoyl]-sn-glycero-3-phosphocho- Analyses. Lipid samples were diluted in methanol (125-0.5 line} (PC) were obtained from Sigma. Malonaldehyde bis(di- mg/ml) and absorbance and fluorescence spectra were re- ethyl acetal) (MDA) was purchased from Aldrich and corded as described (23). aminoguanidine-HCI was from Alteon (Northvale, NJ). Lipid oxidation was assessed by formation of thiobarbitu- Glucose-Lipid Incubations. PE or PC dissolved in chloro- ric acid (TBA)-reactive substances (24). After reaction with form/methanol (1:1) was aliquoted into sterile scintillation TBA, samples (1 ml) were extracted into 1 ml of 1-butanol vials and the solvent was evaporated under . One prior to fluorescence measurement (emission at 553 nm upon milliliter of deaerated buffer containing 0.1 M sodium phos- excitation at 515 nm) (25). TBA-reactive substanfces were phate (pH 7.4), 1 mM EDTA, and various concentrations of quantitated by comparison of duplicate samples to a MDA gl'ucose and test reagents then was added under nitrogen. The standard curve (expressed as pmol of MDA equivalents per vials were sonicated in an ice water bath for 30 min to produce Ag of lipid). lipid suspensions and these were incubated in the dark at 370C Protein-linked AGEs were measured by competitive (21). At different time intervals (0-50 days), 1 ml of chloro- ELISA (23). One unit of AGE activity was defined as the form/methanol (2:1) was added to extract the lipid-soluble amount of -reactive material equivalent to 1.0 ji&g of products from unreacted glucose. The vials were gently an AGE bovine serum (BSA) standard (23). Lipid rocked for 10 min, the interface was cleared by centrifuga- AGEs were measured in a direct, noncompetitive ELISA. tion, and the extraction was then repeated two additional Triplicate 100-/4l aliquots of lipid-soluble material (dissolved times. In various experiments, the content of in methanol) were added to round-bottomed, 96-well plates lipid-soluble and the was were material was quantitated by weighing 1-ml aliquots that were solvent evaporated. The wells then washed evaporated in preweighed microcentrifuge tubes, by reaction three times with phosphate-buffered saline (PBS)/0.05% with and visualization Tween 20. Antiserum (final dilution, 1:1000) was added, the 1,6-diphenyl-1,3,5-hexatriene (21), by were incubated for 1 hr at room and with after on plates temperature, the 12 thin-layer chromatography silica gel GH (22). wells were washed and in the same manner as the Human LDL was as described developed purified below. Samples (5 competitive ELISA (23). Control samples were developed mg) were incubated under nitrogen in 2 ml of sterile, deaer- with preimmune serum in place of anti-AGE antiserum. ated buffer containing 0.2 M sodium phosphate (pH 7.4) and Results were quantitated with reference to a standard curve 1 mM EDTA together with glucose (100-200 mM), ami- that was obtained by assaying dilutions of an AGE BSA noguanidine (300 mM), or BHT (0.02-0.2 mM) as indicated. standard that were absorbed to wells in a concentration range Incubations were terminated by dialysis at 40C against phos- from 0.3 ng/ml to 3 ug/ml. phate-buffered saline containing 1 mM EDTA. To analyze the Patient Analyses. Plasma LDL (d = 1.025-1.063 g/ml) was content of lipid AGEs and apoprotein AGEs, lipid-soluble isolated from healthy, nonhyperglycemic individuals and material first was extracted with chloroform/methanol (2:1). patients with diabetes mellitus by sequential ultracentrifuga- Denatured apoproteins were pelleted by microcentrifugation, tion (26), using 2.7 mM EDTA. The isolated and recentri- washed three times with ddH2O, and digested with proteinase fuged LDL was dialyzed extensively against PBS containing K prior to analysis by a competitive AGE ELISA. For 2.7 mM EDTA and 0.2 mM BHT. The nondiabetic patient , 1 mg of proteinase K (Boebringer Mannheim) group (n = 8) had a mean age of 34.6 ± 9.6 years. The diabetic was added to 2-4 mg of apoprotein and incubated for 18 hr group (n = 16) consisted of 5 patients with type I diabetes and A B i nn. PE + glucose

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200 300 400 500 250 350 450 550

Wavelength, nm Wavelength, nm

FiG. 1. (A) Ultraviolet and visible absorbance spectra of lipid-soluble reaction products formed by incubation of 14 mM PE with 500 mM glucose for increasing time intervals (0-50 days as shown). Incubations performed with PE alone, PC with glucose (500 mM), and PC alone showed absorbance changes at 50 days that were equivalent to the day 0 spectrum shown. (B) Fluorescence excitation and emission spectra for lipid-soluble reaction products formed by reaction of PE with glucose. No significant fluorescence changes were observed in control incubations that contained PE alone, PC and glucose, or PC alone. Downloaded by guest on September 24, 2021 6436 Medical Sciences: Bucala et al. Proc. Natl. Acad Sci. USA 90 (1993) 11 patients with type II diabetes. The mean age was 55.5 ± 16.3 years and the mean duration of diabetes was 11.9 ± 5.6 years. The mean hemoglobin Al, level was 10.0% ± 1.7%. P 0 values were calculated by the unpaired Student's t test co statistic for comparison between groups. -;

RESULTS Two model phospholipids were incubated with glucose at physiological pH and temperature for increasing time inter- vals. PE contains a free amino group that can react with glucose-derived carbonyls to form Schiff base and Amadori products. PC was used as a control. In contrast to PE, PC contains a blocked, tertiary amine that cannot react with glucose to form the initial Schiff base. Anaerobic, buffered suspensions of PE or PC (14 mM) were prepared and incu- bated at 37°C with glucose (500 mM) and EDTA (1 mM). PE FIG. 2. Time course for but not PC was observed to react with glucose to form 1.20 production of lipid-bound products with the absorbance and the fluorescence properties chromophores (A), fluoro- of AGEs (Figs. 1 and 2). The lipid-derived fluorophores phores (B), AGE immunoreac- showed an excitation maximum of 360 nm and an emission wllJ tive products (units of AGE maximum of440 nm. Progress curves for the development of 0.6 per Mg of lipid) (C), and lipid lipid-derived AGEs are shown in Fig. 2. The time-dependent oxidation products (pmol of formation of lipid-derived AGEs was confirmed by immu- MDA equivalents per ug of 0. lipid) (D). e, PE (14 mM) incu- noassay with a specific anti-AGE antibody (Fig. 2C) (23). bated with glucose (500 mM); Immunoreactive AGEs formed in incubation mixtures that o, PE (14 mM) incubated alone contained PE and glucose, but not PE alone, PC and glucose, 15 (same as PC incubated alone); or PC alone. D- *, PE (14 mM) incubated with To assess the contribution of advanced glycosylation re- glucose (500 mM) and ami- , 10 I actions to lipid oxidation, the PE and PC used in these 0s' noguanidine (100 mM); v, PE experiments contained esterified oleic acid, a monounsat- a) (14 mM) incubated with glu- urated fatty acid. Monounsaturated residues are 10- to 30-fold 05 cose (500 mM) and BHT (0.2 less susceptible to oxidation than polyunsaturated fatty acids mM); o, PC (14 mM) incubated (7) but, once oxidized, can undergo ,3scission to form with glucose (500 mM). Values - shown are representative of reactive aldehydes that are representative of initiation reac- F lb 40 60 two or three independently tions. Polyunsaturated fatty acids, although more susceptible Incubation, days performed experiments. to oxidation, readily undergo complex rearrangement and free radical propagation reactions (6, 27-29). Diene conjuga- prevent formation of AGEs, however, indicating that it tion is a frequently measured early parameter of polyunsat- prevents oxidative modification of lipid independent of any urated fatty acid oxidation (6, 7). However, this analysis effect on advanced glycosylation. cannot be performed in glucose-containing incubations be- AGE formation generally follows complex, higher-order cause of ultraviolet absorbance changes that result from reaction kinetics that reflect in part the generation ofreactive advanced glycosylation. intermediates, which produce AGEs at a faster rate than the Buffered phospholipid incubation mixtures were extracted with chloroform/methanol to remove glucose and the lipid- starting reactant, glucose (13, 14). Curvilinear, time- and soluble material was then assayed for the presence of reac- concentration-dependent increases in advanced glycosyla- tive, fatty acid-derived aldehydes by reaction with TBA. tion occur when glucose reacts with protein or amino acids. Under defined experimental conditions, TBA condenses with Similar curvilinear increases in the formation of AGEs were a variety ofreactive aldehydes to form addition products that observed by incubating glucose with PE (Fig. 2). Logarithmic can be quantitated by reference to a standard solution of transformation of measurements that were obtained with PE MDA (24, 25). As shown in Fig. 2D, lipid oxidation products and increasing glucose concentrations demonstrated that formed at a rate that was slightly delayed but parallel to the four measured reaction products: chromophores, fluoro- rate of AGE formation. Control incubation mixtures that contained either PE alone, PC and glucose, or PC alone did 100 20 not produce significant lipid oxidation. Of note, the inclusion 0 .;- of (50 mM) in aqueous suspensions of PC and glucose .7n did not lead to the formation of lipid oxidation products, Cl)n 1-, pointing to the necessity for proximity of AGEs to unsatur- ._ ated residues (data not shown). C)a) Aminoguanidine interferes with the formation of cU a) protein- a) bound AGEs and was found to also inhibit the formation of CD a)O AGEs that result from the reaction ofglucose with phospho- 0 lipid. Aminoguanidine appeared to inhibit only partially the formation of AGE-associated chromophores (Fig. 2A). This 10 L 2 may be explained by the formation of aminoguanidine AGE 50 addition products, which themselves absorb in the near Glucose, mM ultraviolet (30). Inhibition by aminoguanidine of lipid ad- vanced glycosylation also resulted in inhibition of lipid oxi- FIG. 3. Concentration-dependent reaction between glucose (5- dation. Aminoguanidine inhibited lipid oxidation in a fashion 500 mM) and PE (14 mM). AGE is expressed as unit per ug of lipid; analogous to the lipophilic antioxidant, BHT. BHT did not MDA is expressed as pmol of MDA equivalents per ug of lipid. Downloaded by guest on September 24, 2021 Medical Sciences: Bucala et al. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 90 (1993) 6437

0.03, I removed at intervals and analyzed for advanced glycosyla- A tion and oxidative modification. Portions of LDL were frac- 0.02 tionated into the lipid and apoprotein (ApoB) components, w and the AGEs were measured by an AGE-specific ELISA. CD Incubation of LDL with 200 mM glucose for 3 days resulted 0.01 in the formation ofreadily measurable levels ofAGEs on both A lipid and apoprotein (Fig. 4). These measurements indicate 0' ---.- 0 that lipid-linked AGEs are present at a specific activity that 3r is 100-fold greater than apoprotein-linked AGEs. Because of B A possible differences in the immunoreactivity of anti-AGE antibody with lipid AGEs versus apoprotein AGEs, it may 2 w A not be possible to compare quantitatively AGE modification Co on lipid versus protein. Nevertheless, it can be concluded that in vitro there is a markedly higher rate of formation of AGEs on lipid than on apoprotein. Measurements of oxida- p--A Aaua A tive modification revealed that LDL was oxidized during the 0 formation of AGEs. Lipid oxidation products formed at a 50 more rapid rate than was observed during the incubation of C PE and glucose (Fig. 2D) and this most likely is due to the A presence in LDL of polyunsaturated fatty acids that rapidly U1) propagate oxidative reactions. Aminoguanidine inhibited sig- 251 A A A nificantly both the advanced glycosylation and the oxidative 0 modification of LDL. To begin to define the relationship between advanced o O-OTM-*e..I glycosylation and LDL oxidation in vivo, LDL was isolated 0 4 8 12 16 from both nondiabetic and diabetic individuals and analyzed Incubation, days for the presence of lipid AGEs, apoprotein AGEs, and FIG. 4. Time-dependent reaction of human LDL (2.5 mg/ml) oxidative modification (Fig. 5). In agreement with prior with glucose (200 mM). Samples were dialyzed and portions sepa- studies (33), LDL from diabetic individuals showed signifi- rated into apoprotein (unit ofAGE per pg ofapoprotein) (A) and lipid cantly greater oxidative modification than the LDL from (unit ofAGE per pug oflipid) (B) components for AGE determination nondiabetic individuals [nondiabetics (n = 8), 3.7 ± 1.25 or assayed for the presence of oxidized LDL (pmol of MDA pmol of MDA equivalents per ,g of LDL; diabetics (n = 16), equivalents per pug of LDL) (C). A, LDL incubated with 200 mM 6.8 ± 1.2 pmol of MDA equivalents per ug of LDL (mean ± glucose; A, LDL incubated with 200 mM glucose and 300 mM < aminoguanidine; o, LDL incubated alone; e, LDL incubated with SD); P 0.0001)]. Both the lipid- and the apoprotein-linked aminoguanidine. Values shown are means of duplicate determina- AGEs in the diabetic LDL specimens were found to be tions. markedly elevated when compared to LDL obtained from nondiabetic individuals. Lipid AGE levels were elevated phores, AGE , and oxidized lipids appeared to follow almost 4-fold in diabetic patients [nondiabetics (n = 8), 0.11 similar, nonlinear reaction kinetics (Fig. 3). + 0.03 unit of AGE per jig of lipid; diabetics (n = 16), 0.41 Aminoguanidine prevents AGE formation by reacting with ± 0.25 unit of AGE per pg of lipid; P < 0.005)]. Apoprotein glucose-derived products that form at intermediate stages of AGE levels were increased >2-fold in the diabetic samples the advanced glycosylation pathway. Early Amadori prod- [nondiabetics (n = 8), 0.0028 ± 0.0006 unit of AGE per pg of ucts, for example, rearrange to dideoxyosones that react with apoprotein; diabetics (n = 16), 0.0068 ± 0.004 unit of AGE aminoguanidine to form triazine or dihydrazone products per pg of apoprotein; P < 0.0001)]. These measurements (30). Thus, aminoguanidine also might react directly with the revealed a similar quantitative ratio between LDL oxidation aldehydes that form during fatty acid oxidation. In agreement and the level of lipid AGEs and apoprotein AGEs that was with recent reports (31, 32), the addition of aminoguanidine observed during LDL advanced glycosylation in vitro (Fig. to MDA inhibited the formation of TBA-reactive substances 4). There also appeared to be a marked increase in the level in a concentration-dependent manner (data not shown). of lipid AGEs relative to the level of apoprotein-associated These data suggest that aminoguanidine inhibits AGE- AGEs. Linear regression analysis of these data revealed a mediated fatty acid oxidation by two mechanisms: inhibition significant correlation between the level ofAGE modification of lipid advanced glycosylation and by direct reaction with and LDL oxidation. For the measurement ofAGE apoprotein reactive aldehydes that form during fatty acid oxidation. versus LDL oxidation, this analysis showed a correlation The contribution of advanced glycosylation to the oxida- coefficient of r = 0.52 and P < 0.01. For AGE lipid versus tive modification of LDL first was assessed by incubating LDL oxidation, the corresponding values were r = 0.63 and LDL with glucose in vitro in the presence ofEDTA. LDL was P < 0.005.

0.02. 1.0 10.o FIG. 5. Measurement of AGE A 0 B C and oxidative modification of 0 LDL from normoglycemic, nondi- 0 i abetic individuals (NL) and pa- 0 ., LL w I tients with diabetes mellitus (DM). 05 0 CD 0.01 I CD 0.5 I (A) AGE modification ofLDLapo- 0 0) protein (unit of AGE per pg of I 0 3I apoprotein). (B) AGE modifica- 0 tion ofLDL lipid (unit ofAGE per I 0 pg of lipid). (C) Oxidative modi- 0.00 0.0 I 0- fication of LDL (pmol of MDA NL DM NL DM NL DM equivalents per pg of LDL). Downloaded by guest on September 24, 2021 6438 Medical Sciences: Bucala et al. Proc. Natl. Acad Sci. USA. 90 (1993)

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