Mono for Cross-Platform Control System Environment
monomono forfor crosscross--platformplatform controlcontrol systemsystem environmentenvironment H.H. NishimuraNishimura andand C.C. TimossiTimossi,, LBNL,LBNL, Berkeley,Berkeley, CACA 94720,94720, U.S.AU.S.A Work supported by the U.S. Department of Energy under Contract No. DE-AC03-76SF00098 .NET.NET FrameworkFramework z MicrosoftMicrosoft ÄÄ ECMA/ISOECMA/ISO z 1.01.0 inin 20022002 z 1.11.1 inin 20032003 z 2.02.0 inin 20052005 z 3.03.0 inin 2006?2006? z WindowsWindows VistaVista isis .NET.NET--based.based. z C#C# andand manymany otherother languages.languages. .NET.NET missesmisses 22 pieces..pieces.. WhatWhat isis Mono?Mono? z AnAn independentindependent implementationimplementation ofof .NET.NET FrameworkFramework byby XimiaXimiann ÄÄNovell.Novell. z Linux,Linux, FreeBSD,FreeBSD, UNIX,UNIX, MacMac OSOS X,X, SolarisSolaris andand WindowsWindows z s390/s390x,s390/s390x, SPARC,SPARC, PowerPC,PowerPC, x86,x86, x86x86--64,64, IA64,IA64, ARMARM z DualDual LicensedLicensed byby NovellNovell HPHP atat SearchSearch MonoMono atat WhoWho mademade Mono?Mono? z MiguelMiguel dede IcazaIcaza z CreatedCreated GnomeGnome withwith FedericoFederico MenaMena inin 1997.1997. z CreatedCreated MonoMono inin 20012001 atat XimianXimian.. z ““MonoMono andand GNOME.GNOME. TheThe longlong replyreply”” z 0606 FebFeb 20022002 z hackers/2002hackers/2002--February/msg00031.htmlFebruary/msg00031.html z NowNow underunder Novell.Novell. IsIs MonoMono aa CrossCross--PlatformPlatform .NET?.NET? z DefinitelyDefinitely YES!YES! z AsAs .NET.NET RuntimeRuntime EnvironmentEnvironment z AsAs .NET.NET DevelopmentDevelopment EnvironmentEnvironment z AA fewfew yearsyears behindbehind thethe ““.NET.NET onon WindowsWindows””.. z NonNon--graphicalgraphical classesclasses areare basicallybasically OK.OK.
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