ISSUE #71 - March 2013 ) ) m m o o c c . . r r k k c c i i l l F F ( ( d d a a D D s s ' ' a a l l l l E E : : o o t t o o h h P P GGRROOWW YYOOUURR FFAAMMIILLYY TTRREEEE USING PERSONAL ANCESTRAL FILE IN WINE full circle magazine #71 1 Full Ciircle Magaziine iis neiither affiiliiated wiith,, nor endorsed by,, Canoniical Ltd.. contents ^ HowTo Full Circle Opinions THE INDEPENDENT MAGAZINE FOR THE UBUNTU LINUX COMMUNITY My Story p.36 Programming Python 40 p.08 Columns

LibreOffice - Part 22 p.12 Command & Conquer p.06 Ubuntu News p.04 My Opinion p.37

Using PAF in Wine p.15 Ask The New Guy p.30 Ubuntu Games p.52 Review p.39

Letters p.47 Blender - Part 3 p.22 Linux Labs p.34 Q&A p.50


Inkscape - Part 10 p.25 Linux Certified p.53 Ubuntu Women p.XX Web Dev p.27 Graphics Web Dev

The articles contained in this magazine are released under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license. This means you can adapt, copy, distribute and transmit the articles but only under the following conditions: you must attribute the work to the original author in some way (at least a name, email or URL) and to this magazine by name ('Full Circle Magazine') and the URL www.fullcirclemagazine.org (but not attribute the article(s) in any way that suggests that they endorse you or your use of the work). If you alter, transform, or build upon this work, you must distribute the resulting work under the same, similar or a compatible license. Full Circle magazine is entirely independent of , the sponsor of the Ubuntu projects, and the views and opinions in the magazine should in no way be assumed tfoulhl acivrecleCamnaognaiczainlee#nd7o1rseme2nt. contents ^ EEDDIITTOORRIIAALL

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e have the usual Python, LibreOffice, Inkscape and Blender HowTo's. Joining them W this month is an extensive HowTo on the genealogy app Personal Ancestral File. A Windows app! Fear not, David O. Rowell shows you how to install it using Wine, then how to use PAF for entering your family history. Yes, Linux has GRAMPS, but there's not much else should you need an alternative. Thankfully, PAF works pretty flawlessly using Wine.

No doubt you've all heard about Ubuntu for phones and tablets by now. This month, we have two articles dealing with just that. First is Lucas (Command and Conquer) who discusses what it is. Later in the issue, Copil (Ask The New Guy) mentions it in his roundup Full Circle Podcast of what else Ubuntu has to offer and what its future might hold. Released monthly, each episode covers all the latest Ubuntu news, opinions, reviews, interviews and Need something to keep the kids busy over the coming holidays? Check out Copil's listener feedback. The Side-Pod is review of Python For Kids (from No Starch Press). And, if Copil can understand it, your kids a new addition, it's an extra will find it a breeze. Just kidding, Copil! On the subject of reviews, you might like Art's (irregular) short-form podcast which is intended to be a branch review of Chrome OS. Is it even a threat to Windows or OSX? Art thinks so. So much so that of the main podcast. It's it might even be a threat to our beloved Linux! Speaking of crazy things, I'm hoping that the somewhere to put all the general opinion piece from Knightwise will prompt some discussion (the one from former FCM technology and non-Ubuntu stuff podcaster Ed didn't). He even mentions Windows. I told you he was crazy! that doesn’t fit in the main podcast.

As ever, keep sending in your articles, desktop screens, reviews, stories, opinions, and Hosts: anything else Linux related. • Les Pounder • Tony Hughes • Jon Chamberlain All the best, and keep in touch! • Oliver Clark Ronnie [email protected] http://fullcirclemagazine.org

full circle magazine #71 3 contents ^ UUBBUUNNTTUU NNEEWWSS Written by The Ubuntu News Team

UBUNTU UNVEILS TABLET which can be used in the Galaxy will take place around the same display server and QML. Nexus, Nexus 4, Nexus 7, and time as the originally scheduled According to what Ries calls their EXPERIENCE WITH MULTI- Nexus 10 devices. They also physical UDS in Oakland.” ambitious goal, Unity will TASKING mention the features included as http://fridge.ubuntu.com/2013/02/ transition back to Qt/QML, and well as a guide on how to 26/ubuntu-developer-summits- will replace Xserver in 2013. his week Canonical announced contribute to the current project. now-online-and-every-three- http://fridge.ubuntu.com/2013/03/ T the availability of an SDK for http://developer.ubuntu.com/2013 months/ 04/mir-unity-qml-unity-apis-unity/ Ubuntu for tablets. Ubuntu for /02/releasing-the-ubuntu-touch- tablets provides manufacturers developer-preview-and-sdk-alpha/ LET'S DISCUSS INTERIM NOT CONVINCED BY ROLLING with an alternative to Android that can be managed with the same http://developer.ubuntu.com/2013 RELEASES (AND A ROLLING RELEASES tools as Ubuntu server or desktop. /02/taking-ubuntu-touch-to-new- RELEASE) Ubuntu for tablets is an elegant, levels/ ark Shuttleworth, responded non-fragmented solution that ick Spencer kicks off M to the case of rolling releases. Shuttleworth expresses provides a secure multi-user UBUNTU DEVELOPER R discussion about the Ubuntu experience. development list of a proposals that he is not convinced of the idea http://www.canonical.com/content SUMMITS NOW ONLINE AND which suggests “dropping non-LTS as it injects uncertainty where /ubuntu-unveils-tablet-experience- EVERY THREE MONTHS releases and move to a rolling certainty is needed, among other multi-tasking release plus LTS releases right issues. The proposal rose up again ono Bacon announces a change now.” this year and Shuttleworth allowed the core engineering team at RELEASING THE UBUNTU J to the Ubuntu Developer https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/u Summit schedule which will be buntu-devel/2013- Canonical to create a “trial TOUCH DEVELOPER PREVIEW exclusively online and take place February/036537.html balloon” proposal. Shuttleworth AND SDK ALPHA AND every three months, writing that noted that the proposal put forward by Rick Spencer was not TAKING the “new format of UDS provides MIR + UNITY QML + UNITY an enhanced level of openness and final action as it was not put DEVELOPER PREVIEW TO transparency that is optimized for APIS = UNITY forward to the Technical Board and NEW LEVELS online participants.” Bacon that, though the Community announces that the “first online lli Ries, Engineering Director Council was briefed on it, they had not taken action either. avid Planella and Daniel UDS will be taking place next week O for Unity and Display Server Holbach write about the new on March 5th-6th, 2013 from 2pm at Canonical, announces and shares D Shuttleworth indicated that Ubuntu Touch Developer Preview UTC – 8pm UTC, and the next event some insights about the Mir

full circle magazine #71 4 contents ^ UBUNTU NEWS there were unexpected findings by submitted to the Technical Board MANY THANKS TO THE the team putting the proposal later in March. together. The releases, the http://www.markshuttleworth.com UBUNTU NEWS TEAM FOR mechanisms for releases, and the /archives/1228 THEIR CONTRIBUTION THIS release paradigms all presented MONTH. conundrums that needed to be 13.04 (RARING RINGTAIL) untangled. Shuttleworth also News this month comes from: indicated that some expectations BETA 1 RELEASED! expressed by stakeholders, such as téphane Graber, on behalf of https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuW providing support for PowerPC eeklyNewsletter/Issue305 architecture, were unrealistic S the Ubuntu release team, based on the nature of today’s announces the release of the 13.04 (Raring Ringtail) Beta 1. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuW consumer market. eeklyNewsletter/Issue306

Beyond that, Shuttleworth Beta 1 includes a number of software updates that are ready https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuW called for an end to what he eeklyNewsletter/Issue307 termed as “melodrama” and for wider testing. This is an early indicated that the “sky was not set of images, so you should expect some bugs. For a more https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuW falling.” While noting that there eeklyNewsletter/Issue308 has been a paradigm shift from detailed description of the changes im Lunn announces, on behalf integration to leadership, in the Beta 1 release and the T of the Ubuntu GNOME Shuttleworth also stated that known bugs (which can save you developers, that their flavour, those who feel the need to move the effort of reporting a duplicate which “aims to bring a mostly pure on should not “poison the well bug, or help you find proven GNOME desktop experience to behind them.” Shuttleworth noted workarounds), please see: Ubuntu.Ubuntu GNOME Remix” that there is now - what he calls - a http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/ has been accepted as an official once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for flavour by the Ubuntu Technical Ubuntu to dominate in the Full announcement here: Board. consumer electronics space, and it https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/u is time to strike while the iron is buntu-devel-announce/2013- Congratulations to the Ubuntu hot. March/001024.html GNOME developers!

The post ends with questions to UBUNTU GNOME IS https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/u buntu-gnome/2013- try to steer the discussion back APPROVED AS AN OFFICIAL into debating the rolling release March/000035.html proposal prior to it being FLAVOUR

full circle magazine #71 5 contents ^ CCOOMMMMAANNDD && CCOONNQQUUEERR Written by Lucas Westermann UUbbuunnttuu TToouucchh

manager user. originally wanted to write this WHAT IS UBUNTU TOUCH? interface buttons and options until I article on my first impressions required). There are, of course, many for the developer preview of For those of you who missed • A lock screen that is “tailored to other features too. However, these Ubuntu Touch. However, as I the announcements, Ubuntu Touch you”. Essentially, the lock screen are the ones that had me nodding couldn't get the work-in-progress is a version of Ubuntu being should display information along in agreement when they version working on my TF101 (Asus developed for android-based relevant to you based on your were presented. Transformer), and as I wasn't devices with screen sizes between frequent tasks. willing to sacrifice my brand new 4” and 10” screens. The Further •Minimize steps in order to get to Nexus 7's warranty (and data) to Reading section has links to the the apps you want. For example, WHAT'S KEEPING YOU ON the app tray is revealed by swiping test a very basic version of Ubuntu official announcement pages. A ANDROID? Touch, I had to head back to the few interesting features that the in from the left side, regardless of drawing board. When sharing my where you are (even on the lock end product is aiming to have are I used an Asus Transformer situation with Ronnie, we ended screen), allowing you to jump as follows: TF101 for a good couple of years, up having a discussion on whether straight into the application, and only recently replaced it with a or not Ubuntu Touch would be instead of having to first unlock • The ability to dock to a keyboard, Google Nexus 7. While I mainly replacing Android for us. Ronnie and then locate the launcher for mouse and screen for a full Ubuntu used either device for productive was skeptical about it, while I was the app. desktop experience (similar to tasks (checking email, testing fairly open to the idea. Long story • Ability to run phone apps Ubuntu for Android). websites, reading articles or books, short, I decided to write up my (such as • The ability to and, occasionally, for writing up opinions on why Ubuntu Touch texting/chatting) seamlessly move notes/articles), I did occasionally could be interesting to mobile alongside tablet work between enjoy a game or two. Productivity users, and why it might not apps (media devices tasks should be as easily manage to lure you away from applications, (phone, accomplished on Ubuntu Touch as Android. I will be ignoring any video chat, tablet, TV, on any Ubuntu desktop, or any other mobile operating systems, as etc.). This is desktop). Android device. The “problem” lies Ubuntu Touch can, at least for the available • Utilize the with those apps that occupy roles moment, be installed on only only for the entire screen we wouldn't usually associate with Android devices. For those of you larger screen space desktops. This includes who were expecting my typical sizes, but (accomplished touchscreen-based games (for how-to articles: they should be appeals greatly by utilizing example, the Simpsons Tapped back as of the next issue! to me, who is an swiping in from Out, Draw Something, or anything edges, and hiding the avid tiling window

full circle magazine #71 6 contents ^ COMMAND & CONQUER of the sort), and any productivity DOESN'T UBUNTU TOUCH share for itself, and be especially functional (and device support is a apps that were developed with a interesting to businesses. The little better), I'll be sure to give touchscreen device in mind. Due to USE ANDROID? reason for this is the fact that, installing it on my TF101 another the fact that Ubuntu Touch is once enough phones meet the shot. aiming to offer desktop Ubuntu Touch is based off requirements, Ubuntu Touch can applications which can be found in CyanogenMod 10.1 (jelly bean). easily be used as a desktop (with As always, I hope at least a few Ubuntu on a mobile device, many However, besides the device the correct docking tools). It will readers have found this article applications geared towards the support, and the system with probably appeal to those interesting. If you have an opinion mobile will probably be more which Ubuntu is flashed/booted, companies who are currently on Ubuntu Touch (or simply error-prone when the first devices there isn't a lot left of the ROM. assigning each employee a work agree/disagree with my opinions), are released. This is simply due to Ubuntu itself is being run from a phone, a work laptop, and/or a feel free to send me an email at the fact that Ubuntu Touch is new, chroot environment the moment work tablet. With Ubuntu Touch, [email protected]. Please put while Android has been around for all device drivers are loaded from you could issue a phone and a “C&C” or “FCM” in the subject, so a number of years now. As such, the Android framework. The dock, and simply fill your offices that it doesn't get lost in my inbox. some apps are more matured, and reasoning for this, I imagine, is that with docks, keyboards, mice and could very well cause some it enables wider support for monitors. How feasible this is adopters to hesitate before devices, and avoids the need to depends entirely on the actual Further Reading looking for alternatives in Ubuntu. write new drivers for every piece implementation of this desktop Canonical is trying to improve this of hardware. I don't see a lot of feature in the final product. http://www.ubuntu.com/devices/t situation by integrating small- potential downsides with this ablet (Tablet page) method. screen support into their API, in CONCLUSION the hopes that developers will http://www.ubuntu.com/devices/p start adding support for Ubuntu DOES UBUNTU TOUCH HAVE There is little anyone can say for hone (Phone page) Touch long before the stable A FUTURE? certain. However, knowing FOSS release. Ultimately, you can't do development, we'll be sure to see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/De anything besides waiting for the I think it most definitely will rapid progress as we approach the vices (List of devices and their release before deciding whether continue to be developed. If the estimated late 2013/early 2014 current port progress) or not it's worth it. speed with which the developer release date for Ubuntu Touch preview was ported to different devices. The basic premise, and the Do you have any Android apps devices is any indicator, it may features Canonical is trying to you don't think you could live grow very, very quickly. I doubt it integrate, are both things I am Lucas has learned all he knows from without? Let me know in an email will replace Android, just as Web extremely interested in. If they can (address in the last paragraph of repeatedly breaking his system, then OS, Windows Phone and iOS failed pull it off, I will definitely be giving having no other option but to this article). to eliminate other mobile OSes. It the Ubuntu devices a fair chance. discover how to fix it. You can email will probably carve out a market The moment it becomes more Lucas at: [email protected].

full circle magazine #71 7 contents ^ HHOOWW--TTOO Written by Greg Walters PPrrooggrraammmmiinngg IInn PPyytthhoonn:: PPtt 4422

... et's assume that you have According to XBMC, you should Doctor Who 2005 Now we will get started with Season 1 L decided to create a multimedia name each of your tv episode files the first part of our project. Create like this: ... center for your family room. You Season 2 a file called "tvfilesearch.py". Be have a dedicated computer for the ... Tv.Show.Name.SxxExx.Episode sure to save it when we are done wonderful program called XBMC. name here if you this month, because we will be You've spent days ripping your care.extension and so on. Now that we know what building on it next month. DVD movies and TV series onto the we will be looking for and where it computer. You have done the So, let's use the very first will be, let's move on. Let's start with our imports: research and named the files the episode of NCIS as an example. The correct way. But let's say that one filename for an AVI file would be: A very long time ago, we import os of your favorite shows is "NCIS," created a program to make a from os.path import join, NCIS.S01E01.Yankee White.avi getsize, exists and you have every episode that database of our MP3 files. That import sys you can get on DVD. You found a was back in issue #35 I believe, import apsw place that provides the current and the very latest episode which was part number 9 of this import re episodes as well. You want to find would be: series. We used a routine called out what the next episode is and WalkThePath to recursively dig As you can see, we are NCIS.S10E17.Prime Suspect.avi when it will be broadcast. Plus, you through all the folders from a importing the os, sys and apsw want to create a list of all the TV starting path, and pull out the libraries. We've used them all If you have a show name that episodes that you have to impress filenames that had a ".mp3" before. We are also importing the has more than one word, it could your friends. extension. We will reuse most of re library to support Regular look like this: that routine and modify it for our Expressions. We'll touch on that quickly this time, but more in the This is the project we will be Doctor.Who.2005.S07E04.The purposes. In this version, we will be starting this month. Our first task Power of Three.mp4 looking for video files that have next article. is to dig through the folder one of the following extensions: containing your TV shows, The directory structure should Now, let's do our last two grabbing the series name, and be as follows: .avi routines next (next page). All our .mkv other code will go in between the each episode – including the name .m4v and season number, and the TVShows .mp4 imports and these last two 2 Broke Girls routines. episode number. All this Season 1 information will go into a database Episode 1 Which are very common for easy storage. Episode 2 extensions for video files in the This (next page, bottom right) is ... our main worker routine. In it, we Season 2 media PC world.

full circle magazine #71 8 contents ^ HOWTO - PROGRAMMING PYTHON Pt42 create a connection to the SQLite we create it. #======database provided by apsw. Next def main(): we create a cursor to interact with Now we'll create the global connection WalkThePath routine (right, global cursor it. Then we call the MakeDatabase # Create the connection and cursor. routine which will create the second from bottom). connection = apsw.Connection("TvShows.db3") database if it doesn't exist. cursor = connection.cursor() When we enter the routine (as MakeDataBase() My TV files are located on two hard drives. So I created a list to #======hold the path names. If you have def MakeDataBase(): # IF the table does not exist, this will create the table. only one location, you can change # Otherwise, this will be ignored due to the 'IF NOT EXISTS' clause the three lines to be as follows: sql = 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS TvShows (pkID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, Series TEXT, RootPath TEXT, Filename TEXT, Season TEXT, EPISODE TEXT);' startfolder = cursor.execute(sql) "/filepath/folder/"

WalkThePath(startfolder) we talked about way back when), #======we give the filepath that we are def WalkThePath(filepath): showname = "" Next, we create our "standard" going to search through. We clear # Open the error log file if __name__ routine. the showname variable, which we efile = open('errors.log',"w") will use later, and open an error for root, dirs, files in os.walk(filepath,topdown=True): #======log file. Then we let the routine do if __name__ == '__main__': main() its thing. We get back from the call subdirectories in the path, and the target extensions. (os.walk) a 3-tuple (directory path, filenames is a list of non-directory Now all the dull stuff is done, so directory names, filenames). The names. We then parse through the for file in [f for f in files directory path is a string which is if f.endswith we can move on the the meat and list of filenames, checking to see if (('.avi','mkv','mp4','m4v'))] potatoes of our project. We'll start the path to the directory, directory the filename ends with one of our : with the MakeDataBase routine names is a list of the names of (middle right). Put it right after the #======imports. # Set your video media paths #======We discussed this routine startfolder = ["/extramedia/tv_files/","/media/freeagnt/tv_files_2/"] for cntr in range(0,2): before when we dealt with the WalkThePath(startfolder[cntr]) MP3 scanner, so I'll just remind you # Close the cursor and the database cursor.close() that, in this routine, we check to connection.close() see if the table exists, and if not, print("Finished")

full circle magazine #71 9 contents ^ HOWTO - PROGRAMMING PYTHON Pt42

Now, we split the filename into if isok: the extension and the filename showname = data[0] season = data[1] (without the extension). Next, we episode = data[2] call the GetSeasonEpisode routine print("Season {0} Episode {1}".format(season,episode)) to pull out the Season/Episode else: print("No Season/EPisode") information that is embedded in efile.writelines('------\n') the filename, assuming it is efile.writelines('{0} has no series/episode information\n'.format(file)) correctly formatted. efile.writelines('------\n\n')

OriginalFilename,ext = sqlquery = 'SELECT count(pkid) as rowcount from TvShows where Filename = os.path.splitext(file) "%s";' % fl try: fl = file for x in cursor.execute(sqlquery): rcntr = x[0] isok,data = if rcntr == 0: # It's not there, so add it GetSeasonEpisode(fl)

GetSeasonEpisode returns a try: sql = 'INSERT INTO TvShows (Series,RootPath,Filename,Season,Episode) boolean and a list (in this case VALUES (?,?,?,?,?)' "data") which holds the name of cursor.execute(sql,(showname,root,fl,season,episode)) the series, the season, and the except: print("Error") episode numbers. If a filename efile.writelines('------\n') doesn't have the correct format, efile.writelines('Error writing to database...\n') the "isok" boolean variable (top efile.writelines('Filename = {0}\n'.format(file)) efile.writelines('------\n\n') right) will be false. except: print("Error") Next (middle right), we will print('Series - {0} File - {1}'.format(showname,file)) check to see if the file is in the database. If so, we don't want to should only be a 1 or a 0. If it's a 0, program from aborting. We will, file duplicate it. We simply check for efile.close then it's not there, and we will however, log the error so we can # End of WalkThePath the filename. We could go deeper write the information to the check it out later on. and make sure the path is the same database. If it is, we just move Now, let's look at the as well, but for this time, this is past. Notice the Try Except We are simply inserting a new GetSeasonEpisode routine. enough. commands above and below. If record into the database or writing something goes wrong, like some to the error file. #======If everything works as it should, character that the database ======def the response from the query doesn't like, it will keep the # Close the log

full circle magazine #71 10 contents ^ HOWTO - PROGRAMMING PYTHON Pt42 GetSeasonEpisode(filename): Continuing on, the search Prime.Suspect.US.S01E08.Under filename = We create a list to include the water.avi filename.upper() returns a match object that we can show name, season and episode, resp = look at. "resp" is a response that is and return it along with the True and so on. You can shorten the re.search(r'(.*).S\d\dE\d\d(\ empty if there is no match, and, in .*)', filename, re.M|re.I) boolean to say things went well. output to keep the screen from this case, two groups of returned driving you crazy if you would like. information. The first one will give ret = The re.search portion of the As we said earlier, each entry we us the characters up to the match, [showname,season,episode] code is part of the re library. It return True,ret find gets put to the database. and the second including the uses a pattern string, and, in this Something like this: match. So, in the case above, case, the filename that we want to Otherwise, if we didn't find a group(1) would be "tvshow", and parse. The re.M|re.I are parameters match, we create our list pkID | Series | Root Path the second group would be | Filename that say that we want to use a containing no show name and two "tvshow.S01E03.". This is specified | Season | Episode multiline type search (re.M) "-1" numbers, and this gets 2526 | NCIS | by the parens in the search "(.*)" combined with an ignore-case returned with a boolean False. /extramedia/tv_files/NCIS/Sea and "(\.*)". son (re.I). As I said earlier, we'll deal 7|NCIS.S07E04.Good.Cop.Bad.Co with the regular expressions more else: p.avi | 7 | 4 if resp: ret = ["",-1,-1] next month, since our routine will showname = return False,ret match only one type of resp.group(1) As always, the full code listing is series|episode string. As for the That's all the code. Now let's available on PasteBin.com at We take the show name from search pattern we are looking for: see what the output would look http://pastebin.com/txmmagkL group number one. Then we get ".S", followed by two decimal like. Assuming your file structures the length of that so we can grab numbers, followed by an are exactly like mine, some of the Next time, we will deal with the series and episode string with uppercase "E", then two more output on the screen would look more Season|Episode formats, and a substring command. numbers, then a period. If our like this... do some other things to flesh out filename looked like our program. shownamelength = "tvshow.S01E03.avi", this would len(showname) + 1 Season 02 Episode 04 match. However, some people se = SELECT count(pkid) as See you soon. filename[shownamelength:shown rowcount from TvShows where encode their shows like this amelength+6] Filename = "tvshow.s01e03.avi", or season = se[1:3] "InSecurity.S02E04.avi"; "tvshow.103.avi", which makes it episode = se[4:6] Series - INSECURITY File - InSecurity.S02E04.avi harder to deal with. We'll modify Season 01 Episode 08 Greg Walters is owner of RainyDay this routine next month to cover Next, we replace any periods in SELECT count(pkid) as Solutions, LLC, a consulting company the showname with a space – to be rowcount from TvShows where in Aurora, Colorado, and has been the majority of the instances. The Filename = more "Human Readable". programming since 1972. He enjoys "r'" allows for a raw string to be "Prime.Suspect.US.S01E08.Unde cooking, hiking, music, and spending used within the search. rwater.avi"; time with his family. His website is showname = Series - PRIME SUSPECT US www.thedesignatedgeek.net. showname.replace("."," ") File -

full circle magazine #71 11 contents ^ HHOOWW--TTOO Written by Elmer Perry LLiibbrreeOOffffiiccee PPtt2244:: IInnttrroo TToo MMaatthh

ave you ever been working in window. The preview pane at the formulas into the formula editor: into the editor with as H a word processor and needed top shows you your formula as it is through the Elements window, placeholders for the variables of to insert a formula into the text? created. The formula editor at the through a context menu, or by the element. The first placeholder Perhaps you were writing a math bottom is where you enter your direct entry. is highlighted. Use the F4 key to or scientific paper for college, or formula. The floating Elements move to the next element. Shift-F4 even answering a question about window provides you with THE ELEMENTS WINDOW will move backwards through the statistics. If you need to enter shortcuts to different formula placeholders. anything beyond elementary math, elements. Think of the elements as The Elements window is divided you will quickly run into formatting building blocks for creating your into two sections. The top section To get you familiar with the issues. LibreOffice overcomes this formula. is the category section, and the Elements window, I will walk you problem by providing us with the lower section contains the through the steps to write a Math or Formula module. You can THREE WAYS TO ENTER elements in that category. If you formula using the Elements use the module independently to window. Starting with a new FORMULAS select a category then click on one create formulas, or use it directly of the elements in that category, formula window, select the in the other modules of Relations category, then the There are three ways to enter the program will enter the element LibreOffice. Today, we will learn equals element. = appears how to enter formulas in the Math in the formula editor. The first editor, and, in later articles, we will is highlighted. Enter the letter “h”. learn how to use formulas in Press F4 to move to the other . Writer. Select the Functions category, then the square root element. The Open a new Math window by is replaced with sqrt{} and clicking on the Formula button on the placeholder in the brackets is the LibreOffice Start Center, or highlighted. Select the through the menus with File > New Unary/Binary category, then the > Formula. addition element. The program inserts + into the square root's brackets. Select the Formats THE FORMULA WINDOW category, then the Superscript Right element. ^{} replaces The formula window has three the highlighted placeholder. Enter pieces: the preview pane, the the letter “a” and press F4 to move formula editor, and the elements

full circle magazine #71 12 contents ^ HOWTO - LIBREOFFICE Pt24 to the next placeholder. Enter the a special character not listed in the As you work with Math and OTHER SPECIAL the number “2”. Press F4 to move learn the elements, you can enter special characters, you can even to the next placeholder. Select the the formulas directly in the add your own. CHARACTERS Superscript Right from the formula editor. By far, this is the Formats category. Enter the letter quickest way to enter a formula. ADDING GREEK CHARACTERS Other special characters are “b” and press F4 to move to the Now that you have created the found in Tools > Catalog under the last placeholder. Enter the number formula twice, using the Elements Through the menus Tools > Special subset. Select the symbol “2”. The final result will look like window and context menu, see if Catalog, you can access the Greek you need and click the Insert this: you can enter it directly into the letters through the character button. As you use and learn the editor without using the element subsets Greek and iGreek. Greek is names of the symbols, you can tools. If you need help, just the letters in plain text and iGreek enter them directly using the % reference the editor text shown is the letters in italics. Just select and then the name of the symbol. above. the letter you want and click the and the text in the formula editor Insert button. When finished, click NOTE: The lowercase “i” for italics is: works with only the Greek letters. SPECIAL CHARACTERS the Close button. For direct entry, type in % We will discuss inserting italics for h = sqrt{a^{2} + b^{2} } other elements in the next How- You won't find everything you followed by the Greek letter name. For example, to get the Greek To. THE CONTEXT MENU need in the Elements window and context menu. Many equations use letter pi, enter %pi. To get the Greek characters and other uppercase letter, make the name ADDING SPECIAL The context menu (shown uppercase, %PI. To make the below right) is much like the symbols. LibreOffice Math allows CHARACTERS you to enter special characters into character italics, place a lowercase Elements window. Right-click in “i” before the letter's name, %ipi. the formula editor, and you get a your equation. If you find you need If the catalog does not have the menu of all the categories. Each special character you need, you can category has a submenu of the add it to the catalog. One such elements. Click on the element to character is the prime symbol. insert it into the formula editor. Let's add it to our special subset. Follow the example above again, Tools > Catalog and select the but this time use the right-click Special symbol set. Click on the context menu to create the Edit button. This bring up the Edit formula. You should get the same Symbol dialog. For the font select results. DejaVu Sans, and for the subset select General Punctuation. The symbol you want is Ux2023. For DIRECT ENTRY the symbol name type in prime.

full circle magazine #71 13 contents ^ HOWTO - LIBREOFFICE Pt24 Click the Add and OK buttons. The quickest way to create a formula. prime symbol has now been added to the Special symbols list. You can In the next LibreOffice How-To, use it by selecting it from the we will look at ways to format our catalog, or enter it directly by formulas so they look the way you typing %prime. want them.


Math allows you to create formulas you can insert into your documents. You have three methods for entering formulas into the formula editor: through the Elements window, through the context menu, and by direct entry. The Elements window and the Elmer Perry's history of working, context menu help you to learn and programming, computers how to enter the different involves an Apple IIE, adding some Amiga, a generous helping of DOS elements of a formula, but once and Windows, a dash of Unix, and you know how to enter an blend well with Linux and Ubuntu. element, direct entry is the

full circle magazine #71 14 contents ^ HHOOWW--TTOO Written by David O. Rowell UUssee PPeerrssoonnaall AAnncceessttrraall FFiillee iinn WWiinnee

f you're interested in genealogy, LDS. No, the Mormons won't try to works well with the Ubuntu As an aside, this latest version I but don't want all the “features” convert you or subvert your binary), and follow the should also allow Ancestral Quest found in the latest programs (such research, it’s truly free. No strings instructions. Get and then install and the Windows version of the as Gramps), perhaps Personal attached. PAF 5 will do almost the latest stable version. Kindle reader to install. Ancestral File, PAF, will be your anything that a family history • Open your distribution's Software best bet. PAF is certainly great for researcher needs, and do it well. Manager, Software Center or beginners – thanks to its simple Furthermore, PAF will not expose whatever they call it, search for INSTALL PAF 5.2 uncluttered interface, bullet-proof any of your data on the Internet. It Wine, then choose and install the data handling, and ability to export runs strictly on your computer with Wine default meta-package. In my Open a browser and navigate to seamlessly to just about any no Internet connection required. experience, this choice often has http://www.familysearch.org/eng/ serious genealogy program. But it’s available only for Windows, considerable difficulty with the paf/ Provide any required so we first need to - 'ttf-mscorefonts-installer' – which registration information – LDS Why am I touting a Windows is part of Wine. won't spam you – you're safe here. Click to download the latest program in a Ubuntu magazine? INSTALL WINE Well, Gramps is just too feature You may have difficulty version for your language – save the file in your 'Downloads' folder. rich for many beginners or more As usual in Linux, there are installing wine when it comes to casual researchers. The myriad installing 'ttf-mscorefonts- several ways to do this: Install the “official” way: features and the wealth of places • Open your distribution's package installer'. MS wants you to agree to record data seem to overwhelm with their license. This spawns a • Navigate to your 'Home > manager – Synaptic Package Downloads' folder. many would-be users. They Manager for Ubuntu and child window, requesting your certainly overwhelm me – and I've response, that you may find hard • Right-click derivatives – click Reload to update 'PAF5EnglishSetup.exe' been researching family history the database, type “wine” in the to see. Once you've agreed and since the 90's. Then too, much of clicked OK, the installer will do its • Select 'Open With Wine Windows search box, choose and install the Program Loader' from the 'Open the richness comes from add-on default Wine meta-package. See job – go get a cuppa! subprograms that don't necessarily With' option. the note regarding 'ttf- • Choose the installer's defaults update along with the main mscorefonts-installer'. You'll want to review the program. “installation and configuration and PAF5 should install correctly. • To install the latest version of Let the installer place a shortcut wine directly from the author’s how-to” when done. Wine will PAF is available at no cost from install a “Wine” entry on your on the Desktop because the link in site, open a browser and navigate the Wine Menu might not work the Family Search website thanks to http://www.winehq.org/ , click menu. Programs you've installed to the generosity of The Church of may be found there or in an right! 'Download', select the right binary • You will probably want to un- Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, for your distribution ( “Other” menu entry.

full circle magazine #71 15 contents ^ HOWTO - USE PERSONAL ANCESTRAL FILE IN WINE select the 'Use LDS data' block unless you're a Mormon.

Install the other way: • Open your 'Downloads' folder. • Right-click an empty place and select 'Open in Terminal'. If you lack that option, open a terminal and navigate to your 'Downloads' folder. • Type 'wine PAF5' and press [Tab]. “paf5.pdf”. Give some thought to the (Upper- and lower-case are storage location. Maybe you have program so that it can mark the important here.) The full filename For the rest of us: Double-click an existing Home/Genealogy various reports it generates. Might will fill-in for you. Press [Enter] and the icon on your desktop and an folder, but it is, or will be, pretty as well fill it in now. you're on your way. empty PAF window will open, a cluttered with other information. • Select the 'General' tab and check • Choose the installer's defaults 'Welcome' window will then open Perhaps a better choice would be your choice of boxes. Some and PAF5 should install correctly. briefly, followed by another giving Home/user-name/PAF suggested choices are selected in Let the installer place a shortcut user choices. Your obvious choice (z:\home\user-name\PAF in wine the example. on the Desktop because the link in here is 'New'. Choosing 'New' will terms) folder reserved for the data • If your display is unclear select the Wine Menu might not work open the 'New File' window – file, backups, and a Media folder. I the 'Fonts' tab. The fonts I've right! where you should give the file a wouldn't suggest using the Wine selected are the ones used in the • You will probably want to un- meaningful name and choose c:\ drive because it is hard to find various screenshots. This may be a select the 'Use LDS data' block where to store it. except when Wine is active. The non-issue on your machine. unless you're a Mormon, that is. New File dialog will allow you to navigate back to your home folder WORKING WITH PAF and create the PAF folder.

IF you're the patient sort, The window will transform into reading the “User's Guide” file will a blank working screen with the help you more than this brief note. main 'Individual' tab selected. On After installing PAF, the user guide top of that, 'Preferences' will open. can be found by using Wine's 'Browse c: Drive' to navigate to • The first tab open will be where C:\Program Files\Family you enter your preparer data. This Search\PAF5. The guide is named data will be available to the

full circle magazine #71 16 contents ^ HOWTO - USE PERSONAL ANCESTRAL FILE IN WINE • Select the 'Names' tab. I suggest 'Select'. the selected choices. The 'Edit Source' window will open; fill in the details for this specific source.

Enter the first person's name in Add dates and places as the order you selected in the appropriate to this individual. Click preferences dialog. A small the small 'S' to the right to enter window will open asking you to your source for the event. • You can return to 'Preferences' at confirm that the program “knows” any time by selecting the right surname – it denotes Tools>Preferences on the program As you use the program and add Think of the top part of this surnames with / /. I generally add sources, they will be listed here. toolbar. Some data-entry screens them as I go. Be sure to select the window as if it were a bibliographic will also have this screen available. You can select a listed source or entry, and the bottom as the correct gender – in any program add a new one. Select 'New', enter • Click 'OK' to exit 'Preferences'. it’s difficult to fix it later. specific citation. In the middle is a the source details then click button to add the repository PAF's working window will be (library, web page ...) where you displayed with the main 'Individual' actually found the source. The tab selected. bibliographic entry can be reused (think of a book), while the citation Either right-click in the name is very specific (think page field or click the 'New Person' icon number). I've not been very on the program toolbar, and the rigorous in this example. For a 'Add New Individual' window will source like that shown, quoting the open. 'Actual Text' in the space provided would be a fine idea.

full circle magazine #71 17 contents ^ HOWTO - USE PERSONAL ANCESTRAL FILE IN WINE

At some point, click the • The icon looking like a mail Click 'Save' to enter the Marriages' block will appear above 'Repository' button and fill in the envelope allows you to enter person's data into the database the spouse block. Clicking the location where you found the cited contact information for that and return to the main window. arrow will open a screen allowing source. person. you to exchange the spouses • The camera icon allows you to link Select the 'Family' tab (shown (spice?). If the family you're mainly multimedia to the person. My below). A family window will open interested in isn't the one preference here is to create a with data for the person you just displayed by default, you can use multimedia folder in the same entered highlighted as the the 'Edit>Order Spouses' tool to place that the main PAF file is 'selected' person. bring the focus to the spouse so located. The first picture here will that you can select which one be the default shown on many You'll note that the upper right appears. screens. Cropping and editing a corner of the blue selection is It is accepted that you will have copy here will make the picture missing. That indicates that the Right-click an empty space in a personal file where some of your more relevant and it won't mess up person has source data or notes. the 'Children' block and you can specific documents are located. the original. Multimedia does not Having multimedia files adds a select 'Add Child' – you know how You should create a formal have to be a picture – an item could small square to the corner. to handle the screen that will repository for that. be a scan of a birth certificate for open. If you don't enter the instance. Click the space for spouse or children in order, use the The five icons to the right? • 'Individual Sources' will open the either parent, and the New Person 'Edit>Order Children' tool to • The one that looks like a 'Select Source' window allowing screen will open – you know how arrange them in oldest to youngest notebook and pencil opens the you to add sourcing for the to handle that. If multiple spouses order. 'Notes' window where you can add individual rather than for an event. have been added, an 'Other information as you choose. A great Right-clicking the 'Marriage' place to record residences the block, and then clicking 'Add', will person occupied over time - jobs, open the 'Edit Marriage' screen. education, research notes, to-do lists ... If you begin a new line in notes with the tilde '~' followed by a space, that note becomes private. You can control whether that note is included in GED files or printed in reports. • The icon that looks like a book allows you to examine all of the Dates, places, notes and sources cited for that individual. sources are entered in the way you've done it already. Note there

full circle magazine #71 18 contents ^ HOWTO - USE PERSONAL ANCESTRAL FILE IN WINE is a box for divorced. Adding a will generate a five generation spouse will also open the 'Edit pedigree (shown below) for the Marriage' screen. When there are person highlighted in the previous multiple spouses a double-headed tab. arrow will appear to the right of the appropriate name. The illustration shows the data I've entered in my example At some time, you will come database. Note that hovering the across a GEDCOM file containing cursor on a person drops down a information you'd like to add to list of more complete information. your data. Ideally it will incorporate sourcing information. BACK-UP your file, then use the 'File>Import...' tool to bring it in. I urge you to more fully explore I'd suggest closing your working the functions available from the file then creating a new file and main toolbar: importing the GEDCOM into it. Do • You'll want to visit this before you even think of 'File>Check/Repair' if you have adding it to your main file. After problems especially after a merge importing a GED into an existing session. file a window will open offering • I'd back up using the file help in linking the imported data 'File>Backup...' tool after any into the existing database. Reading significant work has been done, it will help avoid really messing up and especially before importing your hard work! Be especially anything into the database. PAF careful in merging information will automatically back up the file contained in both files – it’s not at as often as you selected in all unusual to have people with 'Preferences'. similar or even exactly the same • 'File>Print Reports' will open the name in the same place at the 'Reports and Charts' screen (shown same time! In Onondaga County, above) where you can choose to NY, there are apparently two print several different detailed George Wellington Wilsons – both reports based on your data. born at roughly the same time! Your default printer should be Select the 'Pedigree' tab. PAF

full circle magazine #71 19 contents ^ HOWTO - USE PERSONAL ANCESTRAL FILE IN WINE available for your use under Wine. • And, yes, you can generate the to avoid confusion. Enter as much • If you're married, record your You may also have the Linux PDF basic files for a web page using the of the date as you know. Some spouse's and children's data in the printer installed on your system, it 'Create Web Page' tool. useful common abbreviations are – same way. All this information is too should work. PDF Printer • Can't remember whether old Sam cal, Calculated; bef, Before; aft, recorded on a 'family group sheet'. should be available from the was your fourth cousin or third After; ca, Circa; abt, About; est, Your genealogy program will make Software Manager or through the cousin twice removed? The Estimated; bet, Between. it for you. ; I'd suggest 'Relationship Calculator' will help • Place names are generally • Now it’s time to record yourself installing it. you remember. entered in small-to-large order - as a member of your parents’ • I recommend that you maintain a • The 'Date Calculator' is a nifty parish, township or city; county; family. Record your siblings too. notebook of 'Family Group Sheets' tool that will calculate a birth date state; country, e.g. Lysander Again, secure copies of documents for each family. from a tombstone's 64 y 4 m 23 d Township, Onondaga County, NY, that verify the data. • “Printing” reports to PDF is a inscription. Works the other way US of A. It is important that places • Genealogy isn't just dates and great way to share information too. be entered as they existed when numbers. Try to flesh out your through e-mail. Hint – PDF Printer the event took place. Knowing that knowledge with pictures, puts its output in a folder GENEALOGY HINTS FOR will help in locating primary recordings, letters, medical 'Home/PDF'. records. For example, the present information, precious objects and • Once in a while, you should visit BEGINNERS: Oswego County, NY was formed interviews. Talk to your parents the 'Lists' tab to generate a list of from Oneida and Onondaga about events that have special unlinked individuals (people with Before you begin to record your Counties in 1816. Hinmansville and meaning to them. Have them no family), duplicate individuals family history, here's some hints its records would have been in identify people and places in (careful here), and 'Possible gained from many researcher's Onondaga County in 1810, even pictures. Problems'. experience and mistakes. though it is in Oswego County now. • Working backward in time, record • DO NOT start by trying to find You won't find an 1810 census for your parents as members of your The 'Tools' tab contains many family data on the Internet. Oswego County. grandparents’ families. You may useful tools: • Begin by recording what you • I guarantee that you will want to begin to find that documentation • After importing a GED file you know about yourself – your birth revisit your source data at some is getting hard to find. Record might use 'Match/Merge' to date and place. How did you know time in the future. Data on the what you know and make a to-do merge-in duplicate people. that? Gather copies of your birth Internet had to come from list for the unknowns. Try to find • If you've consistently misspelled record if you don't have it already. somewhere else. Cite the source of pictures and get your your hometown's name 'Global In the US, a birth certificate will your source. In that manner, you grandparents to talk about the Search and Replace' is the tool to generally include only a minimum have some assurance of finding the people and places in them. fix it. of extracted data. Try to get a copy data even if the site changes. It • If you don't know a person's name • The old naming convention was of the actual courthouse journal may seem a tedious waste of DO NOT enter unk or unknown – to use all caps for surnames. entries. effort to find and record the that will bite you, guaranteed! I 'Change Names to Mixed Case' tool • Dates are usually entered in day- source information for your data, type [–?–] and there's no question will fix that. month-year (08 Jun 2011) format but it’s not. Just do it. that that’s a symbol – and not a

full circle magazine #71 20 contents ^ HOWTO - USE PERSONAL ANCESTRAL FILE IN WINE name. seek further information on the have generously provided these the most complete on-line digital • Contact your cousins, aunts and Internet. Learn to develop a services for our use at no cost and content. Remember the “Who do uncles. Find out about your family skeptical attitude toward what you with no strings attached. You Think You Are?” TV series? You history from “the horse’s mouth” find – some “researchers” aren't at • At some time, you will need to can search for events, names or so to speak. One day, my cousin all careful about what they record. visit places, find and view original and and I looked at each other and There are even known cases of http://www.rootsweb.ancestry.co secondary sources, and participate realized that we were 'the older fraud. There's a lot of garbage and m/ to consult and register for some in online training. Considering generation'! copies of garbage out there. You of their lists. You'll find a wealth of Ancestry's vast content, the price • Start some sort of filing system want to get back to hard evidence background information on is reasonable. to keep track of the paper – original records if they exist. RootsWeb. RootsWeb is hosted by • Google is your friend even for documents you're gathering. Some • As a newcomer to genealogy I'd Ancestry, but has remained free genealogy! file by person, some by family. suggest that you visit and independent of commercial Some use notebooks, some use https://www.familysearch.org/lear influence. I find it hard to rationalize this – folders in a file; your choice. But do n/getting_started, and work • Other resources include I use Linux Mint for my OS, but I'm something, or you'll find yourself through some of the guides www.worldgenweb.org, which will uncomfortable using Gramps – my staring at a pile of half- provided. The Family Search site is link to www.usgenweb.org primary system is Ancestral Quest remembered papers! Develop a provided by The Church of Jesus www.canadagenweb.org and other (on Wine) – but I'd rather work system to preserve the names and Christ of Latter-day Saints, the national sites. The information with PAF 5 than any of the others. places you've identified in those Mormons. I understand that family you'll find here is organized old pictures. I generally use long history is very important in their geographically and may contain This brief note should get you filenames. religion. LDS have undertaken information you need. well started on the path to • It is helpful to keep a record of some very large international • There is a tutorial and other building a good sound family places (books, web sites ...) you've projects to digitize original records helpful guidance at history database. Don't forget researched, what you searched for – much of this work is available for http://paftutorial.byu.edu/introfh. those sources! and what you found. “Nothing” is a your research on the Family Search htm perfectly valid and useful fact! This website at no cost. They also have • There is a PAF5-USERS Group at practice will help prevent a worldwide network of http://groups.yahoo.com/ with lots searching again for the same item FamilySearch Centers. At these of helpful members who don't in the same place. Of course, this Centers you can view microfilm of mind helping beginners. isn't strictly true in the case of these original records and use • The Silicon Valley Computer searching on the Internet since some for-fee sites at no cost on Genealogy Group has a very URL's and content vary with time. their computers. Microfilm not helpful free download section and • At some point, hopefully after found at a Center can be rented an online store. They're at you've recorded some data for very reasonably from their main http://www.svpafug.org/ your grandparents or even great library in Salt Lake City. No, I'm not • If you can afford it, grandparents, you will want to evangelizing here, it’s just that LDS www.ancestry.com has, probably,

full circle magazine #71 21 contents ^ HHOOWW--TTOO Written by Nicholas Kopakakis BBlleennddeerr -- PPaarrtt 44

extures and materials are very object mode (shown below). like the one shown right. T crucial. Without them, for example, what we have created so Notice the small icons at the As you can see, there are a lot far is a grey snowman, with a grey right of your 3D view window. The of things that we can tweak, but nose, grey hands and a grey hat. fourth icon from the right we will introduce the very basics to Not so realistic. So, materials and (highlighted) is the Materials tab. create a kind of realistic textures is a way to add realism to environment (maybe, in a later the look of our models with stage of this article-series, we can images, plain colors, etc. focus on materials and textures Select the hat and press the explaining all in detail, but, for You must have a material to New button: now, feel free to experiment with apply a texture on it (by default those). blender adds a material to your objects in order to see their Name your material “Hat”. Your Blender gives us a preview surfaces). material tab has to look something window where we can inspect the

So, for this month we will introduce materials – leaving textures for next month, as it is impossible to fit them both in an article.

But, before anything else, let’s upgrade blender. A new release (2.66a) is available at http://www.blender.org/download /get-blender/ with a bunch of new features and over 250 bugfixes.

Let’s load the snowman blend file that we created last month. It has to look something like this in

full circle magazine #71 22 contents ^ HOWTO - BLENDER Pt 4 color of our material. Also, on the 0. community as a test model for right, we can change the basic materials, textures, lights, etc. The object that we are previewing (this Under Specular, there is also a Suzanne awards (something like doesn't affect our object at all, but white strip. From there we choose the Oscars awards) are held helps us to understand how the the color of the reflection on annually for blender artists. color looks – for example on shining objects. For example http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suzan spheres or boxes). choose for diffuse: color Red = ne_Award 0.015, Green = 0, Blue = 0.24, and Under Diffuse, there is a white for specular: Red = 0.915, Green = Now, let’s go back to our strip. Press with your LMB (Left 1, Blue = 0. snowman. Reload the Mouse Button) on it to change the Also on the preview window, snowman.blend file, select the color. Select the color of your change the basic object to monkey. plane that we use as ground and choice from the color wheel, or LMB on the material tab. enter manually the values of Red, Looks like the image below? Green and Blue below the wheel, or you can use the color picker – well known from other graphic Press New to create a new applications. material and rename it from Now, with your RMB, select “Material” to “Ground”. another button of the snowman. You can use the HSV button to Under the material tab, you can choose your color by Hue Under Diffuse, press LMB on see the New button that we used Saturation and Value, or you can the white strip and put the values earlier to create a new material. use the Hexadecimal numbers that 0.5 for Red and Blue and 0.8 for Left of this there is an icon similar are commonly used on web pages Green. On the 3d view window, you to the “materials” one in blender. to specify colors. I personally use can see that the color of the only the RGB values. The values ground changes to a green looking Press it and select can vary from 0 to 1 indicating the surface. Button from the list: percentage of the color (0.2 = 20% for example). Select one button of the snowman, and press the new On the right of the wheel there Button on the material tab. Name is a slider controlling the intensity NOTE: The monkey of blender is it “Button”, and, under Diffuse, of the color. If you slide it all the actually a chimpanzee, called color it red (by now you must know way down we have absolute black. Suzanne. This 3d mode, created by the way to do that, but, in case you Also notice that values of Red, Willem-Paul van Overbruggen, was don't, just put R = 1, G and B to 0): Green and Blue are all changed to introduced to the blender

full circle magazine #71 23 contents ^ HOWTO - BLENDER Pt 4

The materials that we create are stored for later use in the CCOODDEEWWOORRDD blend file, and many different Every number in the grid is 'code' for a letter of the alphabet. objects can share the same Thus the number '2' may correspond to the letter 'L', for instance. material. All - except the difficult codeword puzzles - come with a few letters to start you off Keeping that in mind, create materials for the hands, the hat, the nose, and the pipe. Also assign the Button material to the other For this month, I recommend buttons, or create a new material that you download and play a for each button if you like. game created in blender with the blender game engine. Yo frankie! http://www.yofrankie.org/

Also you can check out blenderguru.com. A site dedicated to blender, with a lot of tutorials for beginner and advanced users, created and hosted by Andrew Price, a very talented blender artist. Enjoy. http://www.blenderguru.com

For the hat I created a material with a Halo behavior – just to make a Saint snowman with two Halos!!!! Very Saint! Nicholas lives and works in Greece. He is working for a post-production You can experiment with the house (commercials - films) for several years. Three months ago he Solutions are on the second last page. other two kinds of materials migrated to Ubuntu because “it behavior: Wire and Volume. renders faster”. Blender found him Puzzles are copyright, and kindly provided by, two years ago. The Puzzle Club - www.thepuzzleclub.com

full circle magazine #71 24 contents ^ HHOOWW--TTOO Written by Mark Crutch IInnkkssccaappee -- PPaarrtt 1111

n this instalment, we'll be respectively, and holding down the I continuing our investigation of Shift key whilst performing any of Inkscape's text tools. Previously, these movements will select the To begin with, you need to have you learned how to create SVG appropriate section of text. The some text to modify. If you're Text (compliant with the SVG 1.1 mouse isn't without its uses either: stuck for ideas as to what to type, spec, and supported in many other click to immediately position the why not try the Lorem Ipsum applications), and a couple of ways caret, or click and drag to select a extension, which will generate to create Flowed Text (not contiguous section of the text. paragraphs of the classic nonsense compatible with any official SVG Double-click to select a word, Latin text that typesetters spec, so practically restricted to triple-click to select a whole line. traditionally use as a placeholder. use within Inkscape). Whichever Simply select the Extensions > Text sort of text you use, when the Text With a portion of the text > Lorem Ipsum menu item, pick tool is selected, you are presented selected, it's time to play with the some values for the three fields, with the same Tool Control Bar. style. Start by setting the fill to a and click Apply. A Flowed Text Last time, we looked at the left different color, or perhaps adding object will be created on a new half of this toolbar, where you can a stroke. You can set the stroke- layer, with its flow box set to the differentiate it from the mouse select a font, size, style and width and join-type using the Fill size of the page. You may want to cursor or cursor keys on the justification. and Stroke dialog, but adding change the size of the flow box by keyboard). Alternatively, if the markers will have no effect. Other double-clicking on the text and Select tool is active, you can just We used these controls to parts of the dialog affect the text then moving the small diamond double click in the flowed text to choose the settings for an entire in different ways: you can set an handle at the bottom right, or you both position the caret and switch block of text at a time, but alpha level on the fill or stroke to could just make it flow into a new to the Text tool in one fell swoop. Inkscape also lets you apply most give it some transparency, but object using the Text > Flow into of them to individual words or changing the opacity setting has Frame menu that we looked at last With the caret happily flashing characters within a text object. The no effect. If you try to use blur, time. in the middle of your text, you obvious use for this is to gradients or patterns, you'll find should be able to move it around emphasise particular words by the whole text object is affected, With the Text tool selected, using the cursor keys, just as you making them bold, italic, or bold rather than just the selected click in the flowed text at the point would in a word processor. and italic, but you can also change section. Setting a dash style on the that you would like to place the Pressing the Home and End keys the font, size and color of parts of stroke will also affect the whole text editing cursor (from now on, will jump the caret to the start or your text, should you need to. text object, though you won't I'll use the term caret to end of the current line, notice it on any words that don't

full circle magazine #71 25 contents ^ HOWTO - INKSCAPE Pt11 have a stroke applied. values are in pixels, but, in my experience, typing a value directly On the text control bar, you can into these – even if your document to investigate the less frequently The first of the spacing controls change the font for the selection, is set to use pixels as the default used icons and controls that affects the spacing between lines alter its size, or use the bold and units – results in the value being remain on the rest of the bar. in a paragraph of text. The value in italic buttons. The justification converted to something different. here is multiplied by the font size buttons work for only the whole In practice, it's not too great a The first of these you may in order to produce the final text object, not individual problem as it's rare to need recognise as Superscript and spacing. You can reduce this as low selections. This does, however, specific values in these fields. Subscript. Although you can apply as 0, in which case all the lines will mean that, if you want to left- More usually you will adjust them them to an entire text object, they be on top of each other, but it justify one paragraph and right- up and down to make your text a work best on a selection of just a doesn't allow negative values so justify the next, you'll have to split little tighter or looser. These fields few characters at a time. They have you can't use it as a way to make them into separate text objects. will allow you to enter negative the effect of reducing the font size your paragraphs run from bottom Nevertheless, by playing with values, if you really do want your for the selection, and adjusting the to top. Typically it's set to 1.25 for fonts, fills, strokes and more, you text to run backwards! text's baseline up or down. The normal paragraphs, though you can easily create some truly awful size can subsequently be modified may wish to adjust it for a looser or text designs. using the toolbar, but adjusting the tighter design. This image shows position isn't so straightforward, three paragraphs of our Lorem so although these buttons are Ipsum text, set to 0.75, 1.25 and useful for simple super- and sub- 2.0 respectively. scripts such as chemical formulae, they're not very useful if you want to finely position your text.

Fine positioning is precisely The next control is used to what the next six controls are all adjust horizontal kerning on SVG about. The first three work on both Text. Kerning is the term used to SVG Text and Flowed Text, describe the spacing between two whereas the last three are disabled individual characters. By adjusting for Flowed Text objects. The the kerning, you can arrange for former all deal with the general The next two controls are used characters to slot together a little spacing of your text, whereas the to set the standard spacing more neatly, giving a more latter allow fine control over between individual letters, and the Now that you've got the hang pleasing look to text, with fewer individual characters. spacing between words. The of positioning the caret and blank areas that can form visual tooltips claim that both these selecting parts of the text, it's time “rivers” of white on a page. Using

full circle magazine #71 26 contents ^ HOWTO - INKSCAPE Pt11 this field is as simple as placing the with changing the font size, this for the whole text object, but worth using. The first is that the caret between the pair of letters can give you more fine-grained won't remove any changes to the Firefox developers have that you wish to kern, and then control than you get from using line, letter or word spacing specifically rejected the idea of entering a value to adjust the the Superscript and Subscript controls. supporting SVG fonts, due to their spacing. Negative values are most buttons. lack of some layout and commonly used, to encourage the The final buttons on the toolbar internationalisation features that second character to tuck-in to the The last of this group of let you switch between creating are available in other font formats. white space within the shape of controls lets you rotate individual horizontal and vertical text. In the Their concerns are certainly valid the first, but you can also use a characters, with the value being a latter case, the individual for a general purpose font format, positive value to force a pair of figure in degrees. Positive numbers characters are the right way up, but I think that misses some of the characters further apart. This rotate clockwise, negative but the words run vertically down advantages that SVG fonts can image shows the effect on a few numbers counter-clockwise. the page – as opposed to simply offer when used in an SVG image, pairs of characters with no kerning, Placing the caret will cause it to rotating the text object, in which and which no other format can. and then with a negative value. rotate just the following character. case the characters are also Selecting some text will rotate the rotated. An even bigger reason not to individual characters of the use SVG fonts, ironically, is selection, not the whole selection There's one big elephant in the Inkscape itself. Although it has an as one. It's not possible to select room which can't go unmentioned interface to help create them, it the rotation centre, but using the when discussing text and SVG files: has no mechanism to actually use Horizontal Kerning and Vertical SVG fonts. The SVG specification them once they've been created. After the Horizontal Kerning Shift controls can allow you to includes a font format where the The Font Editor, therefore, is control, there's a similar field for compensate for this if you need to. individual glyphs are defined using useful only if you're creating SVG adjusting the vertical position of standard SVG objects. In theory, fonts as an interim step towards your characters. If you simply In practice, the Horizontal this should allow fonts to be generating a TrueType or position the caret, then it shifts Kerning, Vertical Shift and created that contain colour and Postscript font using an the text from that point to the end Character Rotation controls are animations, and that can be application such as FontForge. of the line up or down. often best adjusted using keyboard dynamically changed by using Alternatively you can select shortcuts. Holding ALT while using standard Javascript code in a web specific characters or words to the cursor keys will adjust the browser – all while still presenting limit its effects – although, if your kerning and vertical shift, whilst understandable text content to selection spans more than one ALT-] and ALT-[ can be used for search engines. Mark has been using Linux since line, the behaviour can be a little character rotation. The Text > Although Inkscape contains a 1994, and uses Inkscape to create unexpected. Negative values in Remove Manual Kerns menu entry dedicated interface for creating two webcomics, 'The Greys' and this field will move your text will remove all the Horizontal SVG fonts, via the Text > SVG Font 'Monsters, Inked' which can both be found at: upwards, positive numbers will Kerning, Vertical Shift and Editor menu, there are a couple of http://www.peppertop.com/ move it downwards. Combined Character Rotation adjustments reasons why it's probably not

full circle magazine #71 27 contents ^ HHOOWW--TTOO Written by Ronnie Tucker WWrriittee FFoorr FFuullll CCiirrccllee MMaaggaazziinnee


he single rule for an article is • Images should be JPG, no wider than 800 pixels, and use low GAMES/APPLICATIONS T that it must somehow be linked to Ubuntu or one of the compression. When reviewing games/applications please state clearly: many derivatives of Ubuntu (, , , etc). • Do not use tables or any type of • title of the game bold or italic formatting. • who makes the game • is it free, or a paid download? RULES • where to get it from (give download/homepage URL) If you are writing a review, • is it Linux native, or did you use Wine? • There is no word limit for articles, please follow these guidelines : • your marks out of five but be advised that long articles • a summary with positive and negative points may be split across several issues. When you are ready to submit • For advice, please refer to the HARDWARE your article please email it to: When reviewing hardware please state clearly: Official Full Circle Style Guide: [email protected] http://url.fullcirclemagazine.org/7 5d471 • make and model of the hardware TRANSLATIONS • what category would you put this hardware into? • Write your article in whichever • any glitches that you may have had while using the hardware? software you choose, I would If you would like to translate • easy to get the hardware working in Linux? recommend LibreOffice, but most Full Circle into your native • did you have to use Windows drivers? importantly - PLEASE SPELL AND language please send an email to • marks out of five GRAMMAR CHECK IT! [email protected] and • a summary with positive and negative points we will either put you in touch with • In your article, please indicate an existing team, or give you where you would like a particular access to the raw text to translate You don't need to be an expert to write an image to be placed by indicating from. With a completed PDF, you the image name in a new will be able to upload your file to article - write about the games, applications paragraph or by embedding the the main Full Circle site. and hardware that you use every day. image in the ODT (Open Office)

full circle magazine #71 28 contents ^ https://spideroak.com Get 25% off any SpiderOak package with the code: FullcirclemagFans

full circle magazine #71 29 contents ^ AASSKK TTHHEE NNEEWW GGUUYY Written by Copil Yáňez

i, everyone! Welcome back to idea of a new OS like a first level box, well, that’s exciting, too, but For the longest time, the single H Ask the New Guy! mage on your inaugural dungeon not in the same way. And it means biggest lament for many users who campaign, exploring dark corners, the community, a great source of didn’t want to make the switch to If you have a simple question, discovering treasure, gaining XP camaraderie and entertainment, Ubuntu was that there weren’t and want an answer that doesn’t (experience points), and leveling gets bypassed by some new users. enough games for it. This was require you to enter your up as you became more confident never really true, of course, there superuser password, contact me at in your abilities. Becoming a power user brings have always been decent titles for [email protected]. its own excitement, of course, and Linux, and the Ubuntu Software Eventually, though, you’re means you’re likely to encounter Center made it criminally easy to Today’s question is: sitting in a tavern, drinking mead and overcome bigger challenges as download the best ones. from the hollowed out skull of a you go. But this is Ask-the-New- Q: Ubuntu seems pretty mature. lowland Orc, and huffing drunkenly Guy, not Ask-A-Guy-Who-Knows- Most things just work. Is there as some new explorer stops in for What-The-Hell-He’s-Talking-About. anything left to be excited directions to a nearby dragon’s lair. So what do average Joes like me about? have to look forward to? What’s “Look at thish guy overhere,” exciting about Ubuntu other than A: Well la-dee-da, you poor thing, you mumble. “Probably neverbeen the fact that it just works? sitting over there bored out of attackedby a Throat Leach or your superior mind. What, your shmelledthe insides ofa deadIce Plenty! pygmy giraffes, and your heated Lizard. Think you can make it out toilet seats, and your shoes that here?I don’t think sho.”Eventually In many ways, new and casual are shaped like human feet (and someone calls you a cab. users are the ones who have the made from ACTUAL human feet) most to look forward to over the not exciting enough for you? My point is, sometimes it’s hard next few years. Not only does But Steam, a popular digital Maybe if to sustain that level of excitement, Ubuntu get better with each distribution platform with a deep included a free trip to the especially when things are going release, the project is expanding inventory of gaming titles, was International Space Station with right. If you’re trying to figure out into some really exciting areas. recently released for Linux and is every install, you’d be less fatigued how to get your laptop to see your available from the Software by life? wireless router, seeking help from Let’s take a look at what’s on Center. I believe this is a game- a forum of fellow enthusiasts can the Ubuntu horizon. changer (pun totally intended I know how it is. If you’re like be fun and social. But if everything exactly two seconds after I realized me, you probably approached the works almost perfectly out of the GAMING I had unintentionally made it). By

full circle magazine #71 30 contents ^ ASK THE NEW GUY downloading the Steam software, yourself: that web browsing and memo you can browse, download, and UBUNTU ON TABLETS http://youtu.be/h384z7Ph0gU. writing we do. (And seriously, we buy the ever-growing list of games could probably knock out the that work on Linux – including The biggest surprise at Be warned, the video involves memo writing altogether – who are Counter-Strike and Runner2. And Ubuntu’s recent unveiling of its some of Mark Shuttleworth’s chest you writing all those memos to?). A this is just the beginning. Valve, tablet OS was not that it had one, hair, a 70’s-era peace sign belt decent tablet with a good the maker of Steam, has promised but that the one it exhibited buckle, and a weird self-help vibe keyboard and a fast Internet to release Left 4 Dead 2 and other seemed so polished and close to that may be disturbing to former connection will handle something long-awaited titles in the next few being ready for prime time. Early cult members and recovering like 99% of our needs. It’s like months. preview versions of heavy-use hippies. Mark, talk faster! By. The. driving to work. Our average software like this usually include Time. . .You. . . .Get. . . . .To. . . .The. . commute is something like 32 Soon, you too will feel the several blank screens, lots of ...... Next...... Word. . . . .I...... miles round trip, so we don’t need horror as Boomer, a bloated freezing, and a couple error .. . forget. . . . . what...... I’m. . . . 8-mile-per-gallon Ferraris when zombie with infectious bile, messages that say “And then a ...... watching. Elon Musk’s Tesla will do it in stumbles into your room looking miracle happens here.” Sure, there carbon-neutral style. for night-night cuddles. will be growing pains as Ubuntu Tablet and phone devices, in my moves from a developer version to very unhumble opinion, are the Holy Steaks! The most glorious Some people might argue that the end user install, but there’s a future of computing. Most of us fantasy just occurred to me! What this is just one more company lot to like here. Take a look for don’t need a Cray Titan to do all if Elon Musk got into the Linux looking to make money off Linux game, and suddenly you had two users with no real love for its super-rich brainiacs competing ideals. But even putting aside with each other to come up with Valve’s past support for the Linux software indistinguishable from community, that’s just the cynical, magic?! It’d be like two Bond eightieth-level mage in them Villains battling at the command talking. I believe this will line! Can self-aware dishwashers, encourage other developers to and nanobots that turn human fat port their popular free titles over into gold, be far behind? The to Linux to engage a whole new answer is no. No, they can’t. community of players. UBUNTU TV Gaming isn’t going away and neither is Linux. This is a good If Matthew’s death in the marriage, more Julie Andrews and Season 3 finale of Downton Abbey Blake Edwards than Kim was ruined by someone you follow Kardashian and Kris Humphries.

full circle magazine #71 31 contents ^ ASK THE NEW GUY on Twitter, then Ubuntu TV was That apps ecosystem, in my built for the way you watch TV, as opinion, is what makes this OS a an interactive experience with a game-changer. All the most community component. If popular paid apps will likely make Mathew’s death was ruined by me their way over relatively quickly at the start of this paragraph, then because mortgages on Finnish you need to catch up on your S&M dungeons don’t come cheap recordings more often. C’mon, (and don’t tell me you didn’t know TiVo is not a license to keep the that’s exactly what Rovio was FireFly series finale in stasis in the doing with all that avian loot unhinged belief that the series they’ve been raking in). The more might still be picked up for another interesting apps, however, are season. Time-shifting is a privilege, merely gleams in a Linux not a right, people! developer’s eye right now. I can’t wait to see what Linux enthusiasts Imagine you’re watching your on the market mated with your bring to the phone world. When favorite episode of So You Think For my money, Ubuntu’s phone SETI-Phone-Home becomes the You Can Dance? and a commercial favorite . Yes, it’s OS has the potential to be the quite possible that Canonical’s most popular app on the Ubuntu comes on for some kind of hybrid most disruptive. The first phone, and we discover alien life breakfast cereal/pain reliever. master plan is to combine all smartphone I owned completely digital products and make them shortly thereafter, I want to be Instead of watching a cartoon changed the way I interacted with named ambassador to Kepler 22b. I spinal disk sing about how operable from the most the Internet and the services I comfortable seat in your house. If will finally be able to say Klaatu Ibuprophen-O’s are found there. Having my favorite OS Barada Nikto unironically. contraindicated with milk, you you see them, buy Ikea – on my phone, with all the remember, I told you so. switch over to YouTube and call up philosophical and practical changes And, of course, the Ubuntu clips of Mary Murphy screaming it brings with it, could have a philosophy of doing more with less about the Hot Tamale Train! See? Check out this video similar effect, at least on me. http://youtu.be/jq_WaOLjdyQ will also be ported to the smaller The future is awesome! The phone OS seems to have all screen. If you’ve ever run a which champions the idea that the features you’ve come to expect DVRs don’t need to be separate perfectly stable and useful Ubuntu If that doesn’t excite you, then from a smartphone. The things install on a machine others had think about Ubuntu TV giving you boxes, the functionality can be that make it Ubuntu are tweaks built directly into the TV. Plus, given up for dead, you’ll probably the functionality of a DVR coupled familiar from the desktop OS – like appreciate having all the modern with integrated social media and apparently creepy giant bunnies lens-based search options and figure prominently in our future. conveniences of a powerful access to all your media files. It’s customizable side panes that give smartphone running on a handset not so much a revolution as an you access to frequently-used a few generations old. evolution of the smart TVs already UBUNTU ON PHONES programs and apps.

full circle magazine #71 32 contents ^ ASK THE NEW GUY

One of the really interesting back in the late 90’s. They’re not things about the phone OS is that, going to be happy with this new for many people, this may be their world where Ubuntu is as popular first point of contact for Ubuntu. as a Happy Meal (albeit much Once these new users discover healthier). that the powerful, stable and secure OS they’re using on their But the rest of us are likely to phones is available also for their enjoy new campaigns and desktops (and tablets and TVs), the treasures as we slay dragons and time of massive Ubuntu take-up fight orcs in the Sauronic pursuit of could be upon us. one OS to rule them all!

Check out this video for more Good luck and happy Mark Shuttleworth chest hair: Ubuntuing! http://youtu.be/cpWHJDLsqTU. cloud-based files and services There’s also a project to put More likely, the real challenges should be available across all will come from hardware Ubuntu on Android handsets and devices along with apps, make your phone a full-fledged manufacturers and existing service bookmarks and settings. And providers who have a vested desktop by adding a full-sized familiar functions, like side panes keyboard and monitor. I’m not interest in keeping existing and drawers, should work similarly revenue streams in place (*cough* entirely clear on how the Ubuntu on all screens. phone OS overlaps with Ubuntu for wireless carriers *cough*). Android, or if that docking What stands in the way of this The idea of opening the world functionality is part of the former. seamless Ubuntopia? Not the But the idea of having one device of phones, tablets and TVs to software, certainly, since its neckbeards like me must just scare that works like a Transformer, greatest strength is that it can without any Michael Bay quick-cuts the hell out of them. And that may become whatever its users need it be the most exciting thing of all. to make me dizzy, is pretty to be. Even if the first versions of appealing. each OS are mere shadows of their Copil is an Aztec name that roughly I know, I know, this is all a little translates to “you need my heart for mature potential, the energetic too fangirl for some of you. And what again?” His love of women’s CONCLUSION give-and-take between Canonical forget about Ubuntu hipsters, the shoes is chronicled at yaconfidential.blogspot.com. You and the community will produce, as ones who talk about seeing The operative word for all these it has so far, a decent compromise can also watch him embarrass Ubuntu Warty Warthog doing open himself on Twitter (@copil). OSs seems to be convergence. Any between competing interests. mic nights at smoky Dublin pubs

full circle magazine #71 33 contents ^ LLIINNUUXX LLAABB Written by Charles McColm CCrruunncchhbbaanngg 1111 oonn aa DDeellll NNeettbbooookk

everal years ago, netbooks Center). It served that purpose for Xubuntu or Lubuntu, both of which installing using unetbootin. The S were all the rage. I got my Dell a couple of years until I recently run lighter than Ubuntu 12.10, but Inspiron Mini 10 uses a 64-bit Atom Inspiron Mini 10 (1012) at the replaced it with a desktop a friend suggested I give processor so I installed the 64-bit height of the netbook boom. For machine. As much as I don’t like Crunchbang a try. version of Crunchbang. two days I tried to use the craning my neck down to look at Windows 7 Starter Edition that the netbook, I’d been missing it at Crunchbang is -based so Once I figured out how to get came with the netbook, but, after the local Ubuntu hour meetings I it shares some of the roots of Crunchbang to the USB key, the removing all the junkware and hold each month. My notebook is a Ubuntu. Installing it to USB key rest of the installation was very making a backup to an external bit big for the cramped desk space wasn’t as simple as other Ubuntu- similar to a graphical Ubuntu DVD burner, I still found the where we have the meetings (the based distributions I’ve installed. install. Crunchbang uses the netbook extremely slow. I gave desk is usually covered with food). Normally, I use the usb-creator-gtk Openbox window manager, so it’s Windows a shot, it didn’t work out, application to install distributions very lightweight. The initial so I tried Ubuntu 10.04 from USB, Initially I tried Ubuntu 12.10 on to a USB key, but Crunchbang kept installation installs a handful of and the experience was magical. the netbook. Ubuntu ran on it, but failing at the bootloader install desktop programs: Abiword, Not only was Ubuntu 10.04 just barely. Performance was as stage. I ended up unmounting the Gnumeric, Gimp, VLC, XFBurn, significantly faster, it came with bad as, if not worse than, Windows USB key, running mkfs.vfat to gFTP, Transmission and XChat are software I actually use. It was an 7 Starter Edition. I could have tried format the key, pulling it out and among the more common easy decision to erase Windows 7 programs. and install Ubuntu. To keep things lean and mean, I already had a notebook, so I Crunchbang doesn’t include found myself not really using the LibreOffice, but installing netbook. The small keyboard made LibreOffice is one of the options of it somewhat difficult to type (long the firstboot program that loads in fingers), and looking down isn’t a terminal when Crunchbang boots great for the neck. So I decided to for the first time. The firstboot put the netbook to another use: it program asks if you want to became our family media center update the system, install after I added a remote control, development packages, install receiver, a couple of drives OpenSSH server, install a LAMP attached via USB and XBMC (Linux Apache MySQL PHP) stack, (formerly known as XBox Media and install LibreOffice. Though it

full circle magazine #71 34 contents ^ LINUX LAB seems very developer-oriented, I options, almost all of which require programs like the web browser, a P.S. if you like conky, the .conkyrc still like Crunchbang for the speed. knowing the format of some terminal, VLC, and text editor, in I’m using can be found here: configuration file. While the addition to Logout and a couple of http://charlesmccolm.com/2011/0 One of the Openbox claims is configuration files are well menus. 7/10/conky-modded-for-my- that it’s infinitely configurable. documented (and somewhat notebook/ This does appear to be true, but obvious), it might be a bit much for From the perspective of configuration isn’t quite as easy as someone new to Linux. someone who doesn’t mind editing the days when Gnome 2 was a .config file, I really like actively developed. Part of the Many of the hot keys that work Crunchbang. Crunchbang is fast, Openbox configuration can be in Gnome 2, such as Ctrl+Alt+arrow the super hotkeys make doing the found in Settings > Openbox > GUI to switch workspaces, work in the most common tasks easy, it’s Config Tool the other part in Openbox window manager. When based on Debian, and everything Settings > User Interface Settings. Crunchbang first loads, it also worked out of the box for me after If you want to set the background loads a Conky file that shows some the install (including the wireless). you need to use a third menu common hotkeys to do things like option Settings > Choose launch VLC, control volume, open I’m not quite sure Crunchbang Wallpaper, and, if you want your the Geany text editor, or launch will appeal to everyone, but, if you own wallpaper, you’ll need to click the run dialog. The super key don’t mind doing a bit of editing, the Preferences button in (Windows key) based programs are and love your system fast, Nitrogen’s (the wallpaper generally commonly used Crunchbang might just be for you. program) UI to add the path to the wallpapers you want to add. I suppose this could be following the UNIX philosophy – one tool doing one thing really well, but a single tool to do all three activities would be nice for new Linux users. I found Nitrogen to be buggy; it seemed to forget the path added the next time I launched it. The Charles is a step-father, husband, path remained in the preferences, and Linux fan, who hosts a not-for- but the images didn’t show in the profit computer refurbishing Nitrogen wallpaper selection. project. When not breaking Looking through the various hardware/servers, he maintains a blog at: Settings, you’ll see there are a http://www.charlesmccolm.com/ large number of configuration

full circle magazine #71 35 contents ^ MMYY SSTTOORRYY Written by Amichai Rotman

stumbled upon the free another copy would have delayed needed works, even my TV Capture in as the root user by default. I I software world entirely by me another day or two. I installed card worked better in Linux – I think this strategy saves a lot of accident. It was around 1999. I was it alongside my Windows 98, and backed up my files, formatted my grief from inexperienced users. living with roommates and one of tried to see if everything worked. entire hard drive, and made the Another thing I love about Ubuntu, them started a software And it did. Well, except my modem, move to the Free Software world – although controversial, is the Unity development course at his college. which was a Winmodem. But that and never looked back! interface. It takes some time to get I had Windows 98 installed on my was easily fixed after searching the used to, especially for experienced PC, and an analogue TV Capture Internet, using AltaVista Search in The first Ubuntu I installed was Linux users, but once you get used card that refused to work at full- the pre-Google days. version 5.04, back in 2005. to it, it is a cinch to use and screen, even with all drivers I read up a lot about prevents clutter on the desktop. updated and reinstalled! I started my it in the Linux From my experience, it is easier for journey with news sites, and I computer illiterate people to One day, I saw my roommate computers at the grew tired of understand, once you spend a few playing around with a brand new age of 13, back in KDE at the minutes to explain the basic use. system on his computer: Red Hat the mid 80s, with time and They are so used to working with Linux. He used the command line a a Commodore wanted to try badly designed User Interfaces, it lot, typing in a black-and-green 64. I used it something takes them a few minutes to window – but still, I was mostly for new. I stuck understand how Ubuntu / Unity is mesmerized. It seemed very easy gaming, of course, with Ubuntu simpler... to use it, and he claimed it all but I even tried to since then. I tried worked out of the box: no drivers program a bit of BASIC LiveCD versions of necessary. I asked if I could try it with it. I then moved to the Fedora now and then, on my own PC. He then revealed to PC world using DOS 1.0 and all but none of them were as usable me it is free and no license key is through Window 3.1, Windows 95 (I and stable as Ubuntu. I also liked needed – that last bit made the even touched Windows Millennium the fact that all new applications sale – no more tinkering endlessly Edition for a bit!), so I was no come out with Ubuntu clients first just to get my PC to work without stranger to the command line. I (eg, Steam by Valve), and the way crashing every 5-10 minutes.... always liked to see how things it's set up out of the box: the most Amichai has been a computer worked under the hood, so I felt popular applications in each solutions provider for the last 13 years. He specializes in FOSS He burned me a copy of the CD. right at home with my new Linux- category, and the fact the primary solutions in his home town. You can Those were the 14.4 Kbps dial-up based machine. After two weeks – user has to use the “sudo” ask him anything Ubuntu/Linux by modem days, so downloading during which I made sure all I command and is not allowed to log emaiing: [email protected].

full circle magazine #71 36 contents ^ MMYY OOPPIINNIIOONN Written by Knightwise

s I’m punching this out on my this one coming, and had been different from anything they had But never mind all that. A old but trusty HP Pavilion tooting their horns on how done before. Not only did they Windows 8 is here, and this week I DM1, I’m somehow overpowered “different” it was from Windows 7. launch a version for the PC, there decided to dive in deep and install by a sense of nostalgia, and … The Redmond company had had was also a unified interface for the it on one of my laptops. After irony. rough times. The ‘Vista disaster’ mobile world and their own tablet poking it with a stick in a VM on my had left its mark, and, even though device. Microsoft, being Microsoft, Linux machine, I was confident (or I remember getting into Windows 7 was a decent project, did make a simple strategy like this should I say ‘Daring’ ) enough to try computers years ago, starting out the flame of innovation was lost in very complicated to explain, and out a full install. And I must say, I’m on machines like these, back in the Balmer’s ranks. Windows was pretty soon you had Windows 8 quite impressed with Windows 8. days when they were home-built going the way of the Blackberry … Pro, RT and Phone, and we even Because it is radically different beige boxes, using a predecessor or was it? thought we would get an oreo- from anything Microsoft has done (or should I say forefather) of the flavored version of the OS the last couple of years. It is BOLD! operating system that is running Windows 8 brought a unified sometime later this year. The Metro interface takes some today. The last couple of years I ‘metro’ interface that was radically getting used to, and everywhere I have swayed from that path of hear people spouting tips and using a ‘Redmond Based’ operating tricks on how to get “past” it and system on my primary machines in crawl back to the Start Menu... but favor of the one created in I say to you: embrace it. Give it a Cupertino. The last year or so, I try for a couple of days, and give have even moved away from that your human brain (that has been one, to start using ‘the penguin’ accustomed to the Start Button full time. For those of you baffled approach for years) a chance to by my ramblings, I’m a slider. I adapt. Because, even beyond the move from operating system to ‘in your face’ start menu, the operating system, and use the one operating system performs fast that works for me. From Android enough, and lets you do what you to IOS, from Windows to OSX to want to do. So, as a passionate Mac Linux … and today .. back to and Linux user I dare to say, I like Windows again. The new Windows Windows 8. 8 Metro interface was not something that stalked in quietly And now for me to tell you why. in the night. The press had seen

full circle magazine #71 37 contents ^ MY OPINION Windows 8 has one specific You decide to dislike something (or To bring something to market that and neither should you. Windows 8 quality that is very VERY important someone) without getting to know is not perfect (it has its flaws), but might be your thing, or not (you to an operating system. You hardly it or him. DIFFERENT from the competition. should at least try it). As for me, it know it’s there. Once you are And, in times of economic crisis, has one good quality of a good working in your application full A lot of this bias is based on the that takes balls. operating system: it is invisible. In screen (or in a window), you do not fear of change. The uproar – when the end, I forget what device runs notice the operating system is Canonical decided to go for the And, before you decide to burn what OS: in the end, it does not there. When you NEED it, all you Unity interface – has still not died ME at the stake for my heretical matter anymore. need to hit is the Windows button down. The rage against Microsoft – suggestions, let me finish up and to bring up the menu, or poke the because of the Metro interface – get out of here. Computers are sides of your screen with your will surely echo into eternity. The about YOU. They are the enablers mouse. And the rest is business as reason for this? We are afraid of of your digital power. They are usual. Using cross platform change. We are the generation coated with the fine slime of an applications like Chrome, Firefox, that is in the transition between operating system that should Thunderbird don’t even give you a the ‘Classic OS’ with the tiled facilitate the smooth interaction clue that there is in fact a windows (not Windows) and the between you and your ‘different’ OS running under the start buttons. You can find them applications. Your applications hood than the OSX or Linux flavour back in rock-paintings of the very should be your toolset to interact of your choice. first version of Xerox-OS through with your data... and whatever you many versions of both Windows do with that data should be So what’s the deal then? and Linux. But that ship has sailed. directly tied to whatever personal We are going to have to adapt and goal you have. Nowhere, nowhere Humankind is genetically learn how to work with our in this process should you hinder designed to gang up on a certain computers differently. The age of yourself by making an uninformed individual and make fun of him. the “visible” OS is over, and, with choice about why you should not Microsoft-bashing is SO OLD that the advent of ‘full screen want to use X or Y. Computers are its first instances are now the applications,’ comes the clear about YOU, not about computers. subject of historical re-enactments message that the OS is but a at county fairs. It’s easy to bash means... not a goal. So, let me slide back to another Microsoft. We always did, so why computer lying around the house. not now? The problem with this So, put down your pitchforks Whether that’s my Macbook Air Knightwise is a blogger, and approach (and the scoffing at and step away from the angry mob running Ubuntu, my Macbook Pro producer of the Knightwise.com anything that is ‘different’) is the to take a good look at Windows 8. running Mountain Lion, I might get podcast. His website offers hacks, tips and tweaks for cross-platform fact that it is somewhere based on A product from a very ‘old’ a call on my LG Nexus 4 (running geeks. Knightwisemoves with ease bias. And bias is a self-inflicted company that has been bold Android) or pick up my book where across Linux, OSX, Windows, OIS, restriction of personal freedom. enough to innovate and to change. I left off on my iPad .. I don’t care .. Android and more.

full circle magazine #71 38 contents ^ BBOOOOKK RREEVVIIEEWW Written by Copil Yáňez PPyytthhoonn FFoorr KKiiddss

example), require careful I am clearly the right For non-Ubuntu platforms, the explanations that nest comfortably demographic for this book. I’m not book offers clear installation within one another like coded a kid, but I pretty much eat like a instructions along with screen Matryoshka dolls. Leave out one of teenager, so it’s almost the same caps. Another point for No Starch: the dolls and you have an thing. Plus, I have no working the screen caps in each chapter incomplete arrangement and, knowledge of programming, barely typically looked exactly like what I likely, a non-working program. any knowledge about computers, was seeing on my screen. It’s a and only a passing familiarity with small thing, but I always hate it Now imagine scaling that the English language. If Python for when you have to take a moment complexity down so that a child or, Kids can teach me to program, it’s to make sure you didn’t do say, yours truly can understand it. quite possible it was written by a something wrong because your Now you’re talking orders of wizard. picture doesn’t match up with magnitude harder than simply what’s in the book. teaching someone how to code. The first thing I learned from Publisher: No Starch Press Not only do you have to explain this book was that Python was I also had to install the latest Pages: 318 non-intuitive concepts carefully, named after Monty Python, the version of Idle (which allows you to Ideal For: Anyone with an interest you also have to do it in an English comedy troupe. If that’s all run Python programs) and that in programming, no previous entertaining way. It’s like a I’d learned then the book would be took about 3 seconds. What is knowledge necessary pediatric dentist who dresses like a worth its cover price, because I taking so long?! Kidding. clown to keep her patient from LOVE Monty Python. But the riting a book on learning to running away in tears at the first learning continued, mostly After installing Idle and running program has got to be W sound of drilling. because the book is well-written, through the first few chapters, I difficult. Most of us think we know engaging, and full of simple words had my first “Hello World” moment what programming entails, right? Cavity prone kids have Dr. Funny for simple people like me. finished in under 5 minutes. Not You type in some goofy-looking Tooth, and kids interested in bad, especially when you consider code that tells your computer what programming have No Starch Installing Python for use with the attention span of the average to do and, voila, Skyrim! How hard Press. Python for Kids basically the book seems like it would be kid, which is on par with the can it be? dresses up the complexities of very straightforward. I say seems attention span of the average door programming in a fun package, and because Python came pre-installed knob. Source: I’m the father of two Very, it turns out. Even the tries to keep things light, while still in desktop Ubuntu. Woohoo, I’m a kids. most basic concepts in working toward a functional programmer already! programming (functions, for program. As I progressed through the

full circle magazine #71 39 contents ^ BOOK REVIEW book, I learned about calls, simple recreations of what had direction, action, etc), I felt like I book to interested kids, or picking functions, strings, lists and loops. been done already but were, was peeking behind the curtain of up some more beginner Each time a concept was themselves, extensions of existing the earliest text-based dungeon- programming books for myself. introduced, I was given a small concepts. I actually got a little crawling games I played as a kid. There’s nothing quite like seeing snippet of code to enter, and an clammy-handed working through Modern kids, with their Facetube the simple lines of code create explanation of how it worked. The them, feeling like a high-school and their YouBooks and their X- something on the screen and only time something didn’t work as student taking a pop quiz. Wiis, probably won’t have that knowing how and why it happened. expected was when I had entered Thankfully, all the answers are sense of nostalgia, but maybe their the code incorrectly. Since the available at parents will. I only have a few complaints code was short and simple, it was http://nostarch.com/pythonforkids about the book and none of them an easy matter of looking through By the end of the book, I had a would keep me from it to identify the problem. One of the neat things about cute little ball-and-paddle game up recommending it (although they reading beginner programming and running and a rudimentary might be helpful in managing At this point, allow me to rant books is that you start to see the understanding of the concepts expectations for potential on an issue all programming books evolution of games. As I read used in its creation. While I’m not readers). have in common. Why the $#%! through the creation of classes and likely to get called up by Rockstar aren’t these books spiral bound so objects, and learned about Games to work on Grand Theft First, of the games you get to that I can read them comfortably functions asking for the user to Auto VI: Life in Sing-Sing, I do feel program yourself, the first one, a while, you know, TYPING ON A input information (age, number, comfortable recommending the ball-and-paddle game, doesn’t KEYBOARD?! make an appearance until page 190. While all the concepts leading /rant up to the creation of the game are explained clearly, and make up the Within an hour of opening the bulk of what you’re learning, I felt book, I was drawing squares using the game came a little late. An the turtle module (which, since it easy fix for anyone interested in leaves a trail, is really more getting the book who thinks this accurately referred to as a snail or might be an issue: simply a hobo - presumably those are download the final version of the different modules we learn about ball-and-paddle game (available later). free at the publisher’s website), run it, and then take a look at the Each chapter builds on the code. It will seem like gibberish at previous, and puzzles at the end of first, but, as you go through the each chapter test your knowledge. book, you’ll start to see how I have to say, these were not certain modules and functions

full circle magazine #71 40 contents ^ BOOK REVIEW could be used to create the game. touch. I have some perfect fart jokes analogies for explaining Second, while the book says it’s inherited classes. 1166xx1166 SSUUDDOOKKUU for kids, it is important to explain to young readers what the book Until my spiral bound New York Numbers 0 to 9 and letters A to F are to be filled into the can and cannot do. When I showed Times Bestseller comes out, 16x16 grid so that every row, every column, and every the book to my seven year old, he Python for Kids is a perfect 4x4 box contains 0 to 9 and A - F. got very excited and came up with substitute! a laundry list of things he wanted to see in the game I was apparently going to program for him, none of which I could accommodate (with the exception of naming the game Kitchen Confidential: The Ginsu Offensive - yeah, my kid is weird). If the target reader has a deep interest in programming, and understands that the final result will be rudimentary by comparison to even the simplest iPad app she might be familiar with, age shouldn’t be an issue. Otherwise, younger kids with unreasonable expectations and/or short attention spans are not likely to make it all the way through the book without boredom or frustration.

Copil is an Aztec name that roughly As a side note, whenever translates to “you need my heart for someone is ready to pay me to what again?” His love of women’s Solutions are on the second last page. write a beginner programming shoes is chronicled at book using the Diary of a Wimpy yaconfidential.blogspot.com. You can also watch him embarrass Puzzles are copyright, and kindly provided by, Kid model (basically bathroom himself on Twitter (@copil). The Puzzle Club - www.thepuzzleclub.com humor and silly cartoons), get in

full circle magazine #71 41 contents ^ RREEVVIIEEWW Written by Art Schreckengost CChhrroommee OOSS

n personal computing, choices Since the Acer release sales no guarantees. Those itching to It’s the operating system that I include Windows, Apple, or have skyrocketed, and finding a give Chromium OS a shot can go to warrants the most attention, Linux, while tablets make do with new one can be tough (go to http://chromeos.hexxeh.net/ for though. iOS, Android, or RT. However, Google, they still sell them for the downloads and detailed Google has been working in the list price instead of the $40 to $50 instructions. Pay close attention MS, Apple background for the past couple markup seen elsewhere) but I got and Linux (you, too, Android, even years to polish its Linux/Android mine the old-fashioned way -- got Chrome OS is the release if Google does own you), here’s a knock-off, Chrome OS. it from a kid who bought one and product, and isn’t publically lesson for all of you in ease and got another for Christmas. Ah, how available unless you fork over $200 efficiency in 3 easy steps. Overwhelm is not a word you’ll I love a discount! to $600 for the dedicated desktops find to describe the early $600 or laptops. It comes with daily 1. Turn on the power. Chromebook laptops with their But does it live up to the hype? updates (with Chromium you’re 2. Choose your wireless signal puny 16GB flash drives, weak ARM Can Chrome OS be the next best stuck with what you get, it’s never or plug in your landline connection. processors normally found in OS and a serious threat to the big updated), and security features 3. Enter your Gmail account tablets, and 12-inch screens. Those boys? such as data encryption, verified info, or opt for Guest Mode if you on a budget could opt for the logon and sandboxing. don’t have Gmail yet. $300+ Chromebox, a desktop Before we get to that question, looking suspiciously like a Mac Mini it would be wise to give a brief As for the computer, you’ve That’s it. All of maybe 2 but still packing the small flash history of this operating system seen it a million times before from minutes, some of which was spent drive, and requiring that a monitor, and a little background on this sub- the Acer netbook class. Sporting a fishing for my wireless security keyboard and mouse be purchased $200 laptop. standard 11.6” glossy screen (all code. Add another few minutes as separately. Chromebooks, for whatever Chrome syncs the info from your First there are two versions, reason, don’t come any larger), it Gmail account, and you’re out all of No, the flurry of interest both based upon current Google has 3 USB ports, no optical drive, 10 minutes. wouldn’t peak until the release of browser offerings. Chromium OS is HDMI out, wireless (plus an the $200 Acer C7 Chromebook in the beta testbed that anybody can Ethernet jack), and the ubiquitous And what of the reviews that late 2012, sporting a beefier attempt to run and/or install on SD card slot. The only Chrome state Chrome OS boots in under 10 (although much maligned) Intel their computer (have fun, it works identifier is the logo on the lid, seconds? True, but only for the Sandy Bridge Celeron processor on a limited few). Although otherwise it’s similar to the flash drive models. Those with and a more adequate 320GB releases are issued daily, it’s Windows 7 or 8 variation seen in standard hard drives will see that spinning hard drive. Same basic possible to find a dud or two and stores for at least $100 more. time doubled, but 20 seconds is screen size, though. they come with zero support and nothing to gripe about, and is still

full circle magazine #71 42 contents ^ REVIEW better than even the much is an area for wireless signal, either installed or held in the Also, unlike the Chrome browser ballyhooed OS X running off a battery life, and the time. In cloud, Chrome OS apps are merely used in Apple, Microsoft, and Linux flash drive. addition, the photo chosen by the icons that link to websites. Nothing systems, this version does not list user is also displayed at the far is physically installed other than installed apps when a blank page is Truly impressive is the recovery right bottom and this acts as a the linked icons. Those desiring to opened -- everything goes into the time from deep sleep mode menu for settings when clicked. install and run programs like Apps library. If you see an online (initiated, as always, by closing the Microsoft Office, Quicken, Skype, screenshot with app icons on the lid on an active session and then While additional icons can be etc, will be dismayed to discover desktop outside of the browser, reopening it), which often was less added to the launcher, the right programs don’t work -- Chrome is it that’s an older version (apparently than a second! Those interested in one is set with no adjustments in that respect; however, there are discontinued probably because it shutdown figures will be amazed allowed. In fact, other than workarounds for some programs required the browser to be at times averaging 2 seconds. changing position and allowing for and that’ll be discussed shortly. minimized in order to see apps). autohide, there is nothing else to How can this machine be so be done with either taskbar. Might explain why my hard • Google recommends creating a quick? First the OS weighs in at just drive space never decreased. recovery flash drive (a 2GB unit will 250MB, which puts it in the At this point one should notice do) and there’s a reason. Should flyweight class along with Puppy that Chrome OS didn’t get its name Expect more of the same with Chrome OS die, the only other way Linux and the like. Second, the from the metal coating, that honor peripheral devices, too. USB flash to get a copy of the recovery file is BIOS is locked, prohibiting the comes from the only native and hard drives work fine along to go online, something that may introduction of other operating program included -- the Chrome with some (but not all) DVD be a tad difficult if your systems. Press F12 all you want at browser. Everything else you players and mice, but you can kiss Chromebook won’t boot and you boot, but all it’ll do is ignore you choose to add is an app that works your standard printers and DVD don’t have another computer. (in normal operation post-boot, in that browser. burners goodbye -- no drivers and There is no buying a DVD or F12 brings up the page elements no way of installing them. bumming someone’s flash drive info area). Third, it doesn’t use Open Chrome (first time users since the recovery files differ from programs, it uses apps (more on will get a blank page), and click the But there are other curiosities, one unit to another; however, this later). link in the lower right corner for too. For example: Google is more than happy to give the Web Store. That opens a bevy you a copy for later use. Another reason for the quick of apps under various categories. • Apps are thrown into the Apps boot time can be attributed to Click on any one of these and the library as they are installed, not • The included Chrome browser is what you see post-boot, mainly an option to “Add to Chrome” alphabetically. After a couple nearly identical to what you’re abbreviated desktop consisting of appears. Click on that and it’s hundred entries it became so probably using now, but it does a background image and two installed, or is it? confusing I had to install yet have subtle differences. Pinning taskbars at the bottom. The left another app (Simple Launcher) to tabs (right clicking to reduce them one is called “launcher” and Actually, no. Unlike your put everything in order (another to ¼ size and leaving them consists of app icons. To the right Android tablet where apps are hint to Google -- correct this issue). permanently in the windows area

full circle magazine #71 43 contents ^ REVIEW for future use) doesn’t work here. repeats with different names. Yet apps that can be run without drive can be reset to formats Pin all the tabs you like but they’ll other apps linked to websites having an active connection (but, including .docx, .txt, .rtf, and even be gone at next boot (Google is offering a boatload of additional of course, you have to have an .odt (normally associated with working on this one). The apps in addition to the one I active connection to get apps that open document formats used by minimize/maximize/close buttons initially picked, so I guess it all work without one -- how ironic). LibreOffice Writer). found in most other browsers evens out. don’t exist here, at least not So, if you can’t run programs, Word of warning, though. together. Maximize pulls multiple • One could assume that if it’s in and you’re limited to apps, how do Google Drive’s office offerings duties, but you wouldn’t know that the Web Store, it should work in you perform basic office functions cannot open Open Document by just looking, and the only way to Chrome OS; however, that’s not such as word processing? (.odt) files. I found this out when I expose the other options is by the case. Much like Linux and created a review in Docs, doing a mouseover at which time Android, what you see is not Enter Google Drive, a poor downloaded it as .odt and then several choices are presented always what you get. man’s version of MS Office. Those decided to go back for editing only (move window right or left, buying new Chrome OS devices get to discover Docs couldn’t open it minimize, restore, and go back). • Updating is done in the 100GB storage space free for 2 again. background like Windows, and this years (at $5 monthly as the normal • Like the idea of a Recycle Bin, process may produce a noticeable fee, that represents a savings of One good point about Google trash can, or whatever your current slowdown in system operations. $120), and with that comes a series Drive is that you can set the OS calls the place to hold deleted Since there is no warning about of online programs (or are they parameters to allow for offline files? Well, there is a slight bent background issues, it’s easy to apps, too?) to handle office editing, with any changes made here. There is no trash receptacle blame a bad connection when such functions. This includes Google without an internet connection in Chrome OS itself, it’s in the may not be the case. Rarely Docs, Sheets, Slides, Forms and being uploaded the next time one Google Drive online. I’ve seen happens, but it’s an aggravation Drawings, all self-explanatory in is present. It does have a tick in many complaints about the when it does. naming (nobody can accuse Google that spreadsheets and drawings inability to retrieve deleted files, of wasting marketing funds on can only be viewed, but not but these users apparently don’t So, if nearly everything is cloud program titles). altered; yet documents and know its location; however, it is based, does that mean your presentations can be changed. odd that it doesn’t exist in the OS Chromebook is a brick if no These are worthy competitors but in the cloud. connection is available? to the likes of LibreOffice, and do For those tethered to contain most of the basic LibreOffice, there is the rollApp • There are thousands of apps Contrary to other reviews I’ve functions, with the major app which installs a link to available in the Web Store, but read, not true at all. Go to: difference being the method of www.rollapp.com (any OS can use many of them are repeats, just like https://chrome.google.com/webst saving files. For example, instead this site). Pay a visit and you’ll be in any other app store I’ve seen. ore/category/collection/offline_en of the usual .doc you might find in greeted by nearly all of the Hardly scientific, but I’d be willing abled?utm_source=chrome-ntp- Word, Docs uses .gdoc, but files programs normally found in nearly to bet that nearly a third are icon, and you’ll find roughly 500 downloaded away from the Google all Ubuntu variants, even games,

full circle magazine #71 44 contents ^ REVIEW but there is a price to pay. Since its file manager Files, but the name aware printer and finishes the job. 3 hours of your time (most of these are actual programs isn’t the only thing lacking pizzazz. which is spent downloading a attempting to operate in a browser Opening Files presents the user Notice the word eventually. In special version of Ubuntu just for window, there is some lag (I could with a gray box consisting of two my testing of two documents (both Chrome OS), and a thorough outtype the cursor), but I got used folders marked Downloads and just one sentence) one took nearly review of the tutorial at to it. Google Drive. 5 minutes to finally print, and the http://liliputing.com/2012/11/how- other took almost an hour. to-install-ubuntu-12-04-on-the- What of music and video files? What about Pictures, Checking online, I discovered some 199-acer-c7-chromebook.html. Take your choice of Play Movies or Documents, Videos, and the like? complaints that jobs were delayed Play Music, and, while either one is Sorry, no folders for them, nor can nearly a day before finally printing. If all goes well, you get as plain as beige paint, they are you add any to the Files area Welcome to server based printing – ChrUbuntu, an Ubuntu variant in instant (less than 2 seconds from directly. The only option is to add where you’re at the mercy of which user ID and password are set click to play), and do an admirable subfolders to either Downloads or somebody’s server in Timbuktu. to “user”. Otherwise, the only job even if controls are limited to Google Drive, or insert a flash drive major difference is the method of volume, rewind, reverse, and or SD card at which point a new Not only that, but this OS is introduction. Since Chrome OS stop/play. The only failure folder is created. snotty about the printers it’ll play doesn’t allow for USB or optical experienced on my end was an nice with. Go to drive booting, this OS is strictly a inability to play .flv files, but those In short, anything you download http://www.google.com/cloudprint “download and immediately are easily converted to mp3 or or add to your computer from flash /learn/printers.html# for a current install” affair. mp4 and then played. or other external drives goes to and extremely limited listing. Downloads, never mind the fact Unless you have one of these The other limitation has to do Chances are if you look long you may not have downloaded any hanging around, the only other with the locked BIOS. With no dual- and hard enough in the Web Store, of it. Anything you want shifted to option is to have a Windows, Apple booting allowed, users have to you’ll find something to replace the cloud goes to Google Drive or Linux computer with the choose early-on which OS they your favorite program. For (yes, you can use Dropbox, Chrome browser installed in which desire at boot, and there is no Facebook and Skype, that Spideroak, and others, too). End of case it can be set to accept your switching back and forth without replacement was imo messenger story. Chrome OS documents for printing doing a reboot. In fact, to go from (all lower case), and, for Quicken or (not as complicated as it sounds). one OS to the next requires code MS Money, the Finance41 app will Ah, but now for the bizarre entry before shutting down, and, probably do the trick (for those aspect of Chrome OS -- printing. Finally, what of reviews that while it’s just one line, it’s not as needing just a checkbook, there Unlike wired, wireless or state Ubuntu 12.04 can run quite easy as keying in “switch to are several nice templates in networked printing formats, this fine on this unit? No fiction there ChrUbuntu” (see the website Sheets in Google Drive). OS uses Google Cloud Print, a and it does work, but be aware of mentioned early). system in which your files are sent the limitations. Carrying the minimalist to a server that eventually The good in doing this? Ubuntu tradition forward, Chrome OS calls connects to your wireless cloud- Essentially, you’ll need roughly runs quicker on the Chromebook

full circle magazine #71 45 contents ^ REVIEW than on my dual core i3 pushing and fast to operate, even if apps machines. Unless you jump Although I rarely recommend 8GB RAM. You also now have are only as good as the website through hoops to add Ubuntu, computers, and usually programs instead of apps, so posting them. When I tested the you’re pretty much stuck with what concentrate on the operating online access isn’t as critical, and, MS Windows 8 RT tablet, I was you see. No testing of anything systems, I can see no reason not to since the computer’s hardware is appalled at the lethargic nature of else -- period. get this inexpensive Chromebook. generic, everything (sound, video, operations and equalled shocked If you can find another $200 laptop etc) works perfectly. by the $600 price tag. Chrome OS In addition, Google has taken that isn’t a beater, refurbished, or is a blessing by comparison. what I call the “Atari” position. foreign junk posing as a computer, The bad? You will have to Those who may remember the let me know. remember to key in Ctrl + D at Third, Google Drive and its original Atari gaming systems from every boot to bypass the Chrome office suite are a real threat, and I the 80s know they died because Overall, I give Chrome OS and OS checker and if you ever desire can see a day when it could the company made the systems the Acer C7 a solid 4 out of 5 stars. to return to Chrome OS by seriously hurt Microsoft’s Office but ignored those making the reinstating the checker, it may very offering (especially since the price games. Quality control became a well blow off the Ubuntu partition. is free). real issue with many games being If you forget to do the keystroke absolute garbage. Apps are great above, Chrome OS takes an Further complicating matters when they do what they are additional 25 seconds or so looking for the competition is the supposed to, but since Google’s for its boot order before giving up persistent rumor that Google may interest is in the OS, and not what and going to Ubuntu. actually establish Android you run on the app websites, compatibility opening up another quality control is somewhat lacking So, what’s the final verdict? million or so apps for general use. in this respect. Much like Android, To mix fruit metaphors, that’ll most of the apps are good to great If ever a threat to Apple, MS or really upset the apple cart. but those that are awful can really Linux existed, this is it. ruin your day: a couple have But this isn’t to say it’s all induced page freezing. First, you get a $200 computer peachy with Chrome OS. It’s fast with decent specs that can be and relatively easy to use (my This means it’s not quite up to upgraded. If that doesn’t corner neighbor still swears trying to standard computer replacement the market, I don’t know what will. decipher Windows 8 but he caught yet, but it may be quickly. Cripes, you can’t get a decent on to Chrome OS quickly), but it Remember that many laughed at tablet for that price, and, if you still doesn’t use programs, and the pre-Google Android, and got want a keyboard, that’ll cost even many may find the offline caught off-guard when it nearly more. capabilities somewhat lacking. In creamed the equivalent MS Metro addition, the one major thing it UI, and Chrome OS could prove to Second, it’s fast. Fast to boot, lacks is the ability to handle virtual be the next big breakout.

full circle magazine #71 46 contents ^ If you would like to submit a letter for publication, compliment Join us on: or complaint, please email it to: [email protected]. LLEETTTTEERRSS PLEASE NOTE: some letters may be edited for space. goo.gl/FRTMl WHERE IS FOSS? editors rather than vi or nano, commands as shown are safer than readers may be interested to know the original, although this is facebook.com/fullcircle magazine pps for sale everywhere. how to do this. As Jeremy already unlikely to happen in the A Google Play, Apple's App wrote, the way to edit cron is: thumbnails folder. twitter.com/#!/fullcirclemag Store, and now Ubuntu Software crontab -e linkedin.com/company/full- Centre. Now, I have nothing Paddy Landau circle-magazine against paying for a very good However, you can change the application, and I also realize that ubuntuforums.org/forum default editor to a GUI one as it takes a lot of time and effort to display.php?f=270 follows: SOLYDXK create an application. But, there are a lot of applications out there VISUAL=gedit crontab -e saw your facebook post the that shouldn't cost a cent. Now just I other day, and downloaded FULL CIRCLE NEEDS YOU! look at Ubuntu Software Centre You can replace gedit with SolydK to try it out. and the number of applications leafpad, or whatever your Without reader input that aren't free that have sprung preferred editor is. Or, you can set I am not a Linux guru, but I do Full Circle would be an up over the last year. My challenge VISUAL in your .bashrc file to make like trying new Distros. I have been empty PDF file (which I don't to the developers out there who this permanent and avoid having using various Linux distros think many people would find want to create great programs for to type it each time. exclusively for the last 3 years particularly interesting). We Ubuntu and the soon-to-be Ubuntu (hint, NO Windows). I think Solyd is are always looking for articles, phone is: Keep it free and Keep it The two find commands as used a great distro. I am using the live reviews, anything! Even small open. Then people will want to use can also be simplified to avoid version on my home-built desktop, things like letters and desktop Ubuntu over other devices. using the -exec option, as follows. after trying it out on my Toshiba screens help fill the magazine. laptop (which worked great). Chris Love find ~/.thumbnails -type f See page 29 to read our basic -atime +7 -delete I like it so much I planned to guidelines. Follow those and find ~/.thumbnails -type f install it alongside my Zorin 6, you're almost guaranteed -atime +7 -ls | more CRON + GUI which has not impressed me much. success. Zorin 6 doesn't seem that much You could substitute -print for read Jeremy Boden's interesting different from version 5, so I was Have a look at the last page (of -ls in the second command – article on cron, a useful and looking for something new. any issue) to get the details of I depending on how you prefer the sometimes under-appreciated tool. where to send your output. In certain cases, the For those who prefer to use GUI One thing that really appeals to contributions.

full circle magazine #71 47 contents ^ LETTERS me is the fact that, when I hover But...sometimes, I want to read over a file, I get a lot more info again an article about something than any Ubuntu version I've tried. specific I remember having read in a former issue. Finding the article Full Circle Podcast I have six old Windows virus again in my collection of FCM issue Episode 33, With infected hard drives that have is... very tedious and time The Ubuntu Podcast covers all music I want to keep. I used the consuming! the latest news and issues facing Added Horsepower recovery disk to get what ended up Ubuntu Linux users and Free being recovered files with not That is why I had this idea: how Software fans in general. The Your hosts: much info on them. A different and about building a compilation of all show appeals to the newest user • Les Pounder much, much better info with Solyd. articles published, let's say on a and the oldest coder. Our • Tony Hughes yearly basis. The list could be discussions cover the • Jon Chamberlain I read today that, on March 1st, sorted out by themes, making it development of Ubuntu but • Oliver Clark SolydK is coming out with another easy to find the specific FCM issue aren’t overly technical. We are and Freaky Clown version. I will happily use the live containing that article. lucky enough to have some version till March 1st at which time great guests on the show, telling from the Ill install it on my hard drive next Gilles Tournier us first hand about the latest Blackpool (UK) LUG to Zorin 6, and, hopefully, replace exciting developments they are http://blackpool.lug.org.uk it. I'm not badmouthing any Ronnie says: Goodidea, but we working on, in a way that we can Ubuntu distro, but am hoping the beat you to it. At the top ofthe FCM all understand! We also talk In this episode we are joined best for SolydXK. site is a button marked'Table of about the Ubuntu community by Freaky Clown, we talk Contents'which links to: and what it gets up to. about the Ubuntu Phone Dennis McClellan https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuMag release, Linux peripherals azine/FullIssueIndex. It's not bang The show is presented by and some events. Ronnie says: Check next month’s up-to-date, but it's close! Gordhas members of the UK’s Ubuntu FCM fora full review ofSolydXK also just releaseda Google Docs file Linux community. Because it is from long-time reviewerArt. which lists all how-to's andeven covered by the Ubuntu Code of questions answeredsince the Conduct it is suitable for all. beginning of(Full Circle) time: http://goo.gl/C6JiI. TABLE OF CONTENTS The show is broadcast live every fortnight on a Tuesday evening have been reading this (British time) and is available for I magazine for many years now download the following day. and I keep older issues on my laptop for reference. podcast.ubuntu-uk.org

full circle magazine #71 48 contents ^ full circle magazine #71 49 contents ^ If you have Ubuntu-related questions, email them to: Q&A [email protected], and Gord will answer them in a future Q&A Please include as much information as you can about your problem. Compiled by Gord Campbell issue.

Is there a guide to Ubuntu on the print option for Ubuntu than enough. Even if you dual-boot My goal is to install the Q the new UEFI motherboards? Manual: with Windows, it should be happy Q original Tomb Raider game http://ubuntu- with 80 GB, and then use 40 GB for that I have on CD, and that runs on Yes: manual.org/downloads /, and put /home on the hard drive. both Windows 95 and MS-DOS. I A https://help.ubuntu.com/com If you don't plan to have a hard tried to install it under WINE, but munity/UEFI drive, the important factor is how the window immediately closed. Q We have a network which much media (pictures, songs and Note that the starting point is includes Mint 12 and 13, and videos) you expect to have. I (Thanks to ibjsb4 in the 64-bit Ubuntu, versions 12.10 or Windows XP and 7. The Mint 12 consume a lot of media; my Music A ) For old DOS 12.04.2 -- and the point two is computer has a printer attached, and Pictures folders contain about games, use DOSbox, it's in the important. how can we use that printer from 15 GB each, but my Videos folder, software center. the other computers? and sub-folders, is over 200 GB.

Q Can I run the latest Adobe There's an excellent writeup I am using ClamAv with Linux Flash plugin on an old Athlon A in the community docs: Q How can I run Ubuntu from a Q Mint 14 and have just run it on XP CPU? https://help.ubuntu.com/communi USB stick without the some old files that were produced ty/NetworkPrintingWithUbuntu shopping lens? I have tried a using Windows MS Word. ClamAv (Thanks to Troon2 in the "persistent" stick, and it's very found viruses in 3 files, and it lets A Ubuntu Forums) No, the When I went through it, the slow. you quarantine or delete the file plugin requires a CPU instruction only discrepancy I found was that but not to repair it. My question is, set extension called SSE2, which my shared printers appeared after Install Ubuntu onto the stick, are there no Linux Viruses that we the Athlon XP does not include. If a few seconds in the Windows "add A formatted as EXT2. You might should worry about? you can find version 10.2 of the a printer" dialogue. The author also want to use "noatime," as plugin, it should work. calls that a miracle! explained here: There was one Linux trojan http://tldp.org/LDP/solrhe/Securin A mentioned in the news a few g-Optimizing-Linux-RH-Edition- issues back, and there was a How can I download the Q I'm building a high- v1.3/chap6sec73.html follow-up describing how to Q "Ubuntu Desktop Manual" so performance computer, what ensure it can not be installed on that I can get a printout? size SSD do I need? Then, of course, turn off the your system. (FCM#67, Q&A) shopping lens: sudo -get (Thanks to deadflowr in the If you will also have a hard remove unity-lens-shopping ClamAV searches for Windows A Ubuntu Forums) You can use A drive, 120 GB should be more malware, so you avoid the

full circle magazine #71 50 contents ^ Q & A embarrassment of infecting your number or information through Lexmark X1240 multi-function Today I wanted to scan friends. Also, a lot of people run terminal? printer/scanner at Walmart, for something, so I decided to try the mail servers on Linux, with about $60 (Canadian) if memory Lexmark. I connected it to my Windows clients. To the best of my This is from a source who serves. It was connected to the XP computer, turned it on, Linux said, knowledge, Word viruses can not A should know: "keyboards do machine, and worked fine. "a Lexmark 1200 series has infect a Linux system. not, as a rule, communicate about However, it had the usual problem appeared." The ink cartridges have what they are to the computer." of ink cartridges drying out when been dry for years, so I wasn't able There are mixed opinions about Mice are even worse. you don't print much, so by 2009 it to test that it can actually print, Java. I'm no expert, but it appears became a scanner, and I bought a but I could run "simple scan" and that Java is inherently insecure; networked Brother laser printer scan documents to my heart's many experts suggest removing it Q What do you sages use for WITH NO INK CARTRIDGES. content. Total setup time, 30 from your system. However, that automatic backup of your seconds to plug in the power cord means some web sites don't work. systems? and the USB cable. I have it installed on my system, Soon after getting the X1240, I and visit sites which use it. Note Good question! I don't use an moved to Ubuntu. When I The Lexmark software had an that Java is not the same as A automatic backup. upgraded my wife to a newer OCR option, which Simple Scan Javascript, which is OK. Somewhere around here, I have a computer running Windows 7, I doesn't include. However, there 250 GB hard drive which contains couldn't find the driver disc for the are a couple of programs I could I am convinced that the biggest my historical "good stuff." I don't Lexmark. OK, go online, I still use to go from image to text, if I danger is responding to fake bother with backup of downloaded couldn't find the drivers. (I later ever need to. emails. If you get an unexpected videos; if they all disappeared, I found not just the drivers, but all email, hover over any links, and you would say, "oh, well." I use the software which was included Everything should work this will find they don't go where they Dropbox for the stuff I'm currently with the multi-function unit -- but easily. say they will. working on, which means it gets it took several tries.) synched to my other computers.

How can I run the Shrew Soft The downside of Dropbox: if I Q VPN client in Ubuntu 12.10? delete a file, it gets deleted everywhere. See post 4 of this thread: A http://ubuntuforums.org/sho TIPS AND TECHNIQUES wthread.php?t=2078420 So Easy

ometime around 2006, I How can I find couldn't resist buying a Q Keyboard/Mouse serial S

full circle magazine #71 51 contents ^ UUBBUUNNTTUU GGAAMMEESS Written by Jennifer Roger KKRRUUNNCCHH

t’s safe to say that most games so you’re never without a sense of level. But death is certain in this are never intrusive or annoying and I require a certain degree of skill urgency. There is a speed boost to game, and it’s not shy about always fit the mood of the level. and precision, but KRUNCH is a help you outrun enemies, but this reminding you either. Each time game that takes it up a notch, or drains your life faster, and it’s you die, the following screen Overall, KRUNCH proves to be two... or three. KRUNCH is the limited to a certain amount that is taunts you with stats like how engaging, fast paced, and debut from LeGrudge & Rugged in reserved strictly for health. In most many times you've died in a certain rewarding – even after dying which your goal is to navigate levels, monsters are an infrequent amount of time and in what countless times. With over 100 through deadly obstacles and find nuisance that offer a slow demise manner. levels, boss battles, and the exit as quickly as you can. It rather than an abrupt end like leaderboards, there is a lot of gets more challenging and other obstacles. Keyboard controls are simple content packed into the game for frustrating as you progress, but it’s and intuitive, but, since you’re extra replayability. KRUNCH is always rewarding once you do Never be too certain that technically floating, there is an available now for Windows, Mac, advance. KRUNCH certainly you've made it through a level added element of movement. and Linux, at demands precision and speed, but, unscathed. There are sometimes Overdoing it with the space-key http://krunchgame.com/. You can without a little patience, you’ll find unpleasant surprises that await can send you flying into danger. purchase the game only for $9.99, yourself hacked in half or you. And don't bother trying to There’s little room for error so or you can get the game and electrocuted in no time. hide in a safe spot, because there even subtle movements can have soundtrack for $13.99. are none in KRUNCH. You can you bouncing into a wall of spikes. Oh, speaking of time, your never let your guard down; only Luckily, the game supports Pros: Challenging yet rewarding, health gauge gradually decreases timing, precision, and quick gamepads which does add a level great soundtrack thinking will help you survive a of smoothness to the controls and Cons: Sensitive controls worked perfectly with my Afterglow controller and Xpadder.

Aesthetically, KRUNCH is extremely polished and well done. It has great retro graphics, but the soundtrack is what really stood out for me. The tracks provide the Jennifer is a fine arts student from intensity and urgency throughout the Chicagoland area. You can follow the stages to keep up the flow of @missjendie on Twitter or visit her the game. The music and sounds blog at missjendie.com.

full circle magazine #71 52 contents ^ LLIINNUUXX CCEERRTTIIFFIIEEDD Written by Richard Philip Witt

et's face it, when done poorly, give orders. Instead, teach them to command and its options. There's a partitioning and filesystems is a L learning can be very dull yearn for the vast and endless sea." second salient point here. Within pragmatic option. indeed. My uninspired flashcard the confines of my everyday approach had been slowing my Before you can build your LFS Ubuntu-ing (reading email, playing *I haven't successfully created the operating system, you must chess, internet, FCM, watching partition yet. When I installed Ubuntu progress and, last month, brought 12.04 LTS, I created one huge ext4 it to a grinding halt. Hence my partition off about 10-15GB.* This films), I would never come to partition (110GB), and one swap partition missing article from FCM#70. As it task brought about a great deal of partition a hard drive. It just (10GB). I never thought I'd need to happens, this in itself is quite LPIC-relevant learning (Linux wouldn't enter my horizon, and partition further. Another lesson learned. ironic; I initially decided to write Professional Institute arbitrarily exploring partitioning monthly articles to act as a check, Certification). I learned how to use seems abstract and contrived. On to discipline myself to cover the fdisk and parted commands the other hand, when I successfully material in order to be able to and to interpret their outputs. partition my hard drive for my own report on it. Needless to say, it Output interpretation requires a operating system, I gain a sense of failed, but at the same time it basic understanding of file achievement. In short, LPIC is forced me to rethink my approach systems. This partition-task designed to train up System to learning, and the tentative focussed my reading, and here Admins: it's a professional solution came in the form of 'Linux LPIC-relevant texts are valuable. qualification. Until command-line from Scratch'. They give plenty of background LPIC training materials exist, information and clearly explain the making use of LFS to learn about PROWESS

To cover it briefly, as the name suggests, (LFS) is a guide to building your own from the ground up. What I've realised is that sexy is Richard Philip Witt, 30, living in motivating (yes engineering an Switzerland. I’ve been using Ubuntu operating system is sexy). As the desktop and server for roughly 2 adage goes: "If you want to build a years. But only for the basics. Now I want to discover its capabilities. Any ship, don't drum up the men to mentors out there? Email me: gather wood, divide the work, and [email protected].

full circle magazine #71 53 contents ^ Your chance to show the world your desktop or PC. Email your screenshots and MY DESKTOP photos to: [email protected] and include a brief paragraph about your MY DESKTOP desktop, your PC's specs and any other interesting tidbits about your setup.

Greetings from Ecuador! This is my desktop screenshot. As you can see, my desktop I'm new to Linux. Just started last September with Ubuntu uses Cairo Dock at the bottom and Conky on the right. 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) after Windows 7 crashed. I'm still learning the basics but honestly I can say I'm feeling satisfied. OS: Ubuntu 12.10 (quantal) 32-bit Kernel Linux 3.5.0-21- My laptop is much faster than before. generic GNOME 3.6.0 My specs: Processor: Intel Core i3-2100 CPU @ 3.10GHz x 2 Laptop: Dell Inspiron with Unity Memory: 3.9 GiB Memory: 2 GB Theme: Mac-os-x-theme Processor: Intel® Core™ i3 CPU M 380 @ 2.53GHZ x 2 Cursor theme: Macbuntu-Xii-Cursor Graphics: Intel® Ironlake Mobile Icon theme: Matrilineare Disk: 313.1 GB GTK+Theme: Mac-os-x-theme Francisco J. Robles Halidi Doank

full circle magazine #71 54 contents ^ MY DESKTOP

I run Ubuntu 12.04 on my laptop ASUS A42N. It uses LXDE and Metacity for window manager. Why did I choose Metacity? Because I think it has 'more colors' than the Long time reader; first time contributor. default LXDE's Openbox. I have been using Ubuntu since 7.04, and, apart from a brief spell gtk theme : Ambiance with Bodhi (which I loved, but which required a little more Metacity : Ambiance Squared maintenance than I like), have been an Ubuntu user all that time. Icons: Faenza I have used the BUUF icon set almost as long. It is beautiful, and Husni Amri it makes Unity look a little less glib and a little more homely. I found the wallpaper on Deviant art, and have stuck with it even though it's designed for Lucid Lynx and I'm now on 12:10. I love the texture of it, and the Ubuntu circle has never looked more beautiful.

It's not flashy, but this is my desktop, and it feels like home.

Peter Mason

full circle magazine #71 55 contents ^ PUZZLE SOLUTIONS D R O W E D O U C K O D U S

Codeword and 16x16 Suduko puzzles are copyright, and kindly provided by, The Puzzle Club - www.thepuzzleclub.com

full circle magazine #71 56 contents ^ Full Circle Team

HHOOWW TTOO CCOONNTTRRIIBBUUTTEE Editor - Ronnie Tucker [email protected] FCM#72 Webmaster - Rob Kerfia [email protected] FULL CIRCLE NEEDS YOU! Deadline: Podcast - Les Pounder & Co. A magazine isn't a magazine without articles and Full Circle is no Sunday 07th Apr. 2013. [email protected] exception. We need your opinions, desktops, stories, how-to's, Release: reviews, and anything else you want to tell your fellow *buntu users. Friday 26th Apr. 2013. Send your articles to: [email protected] Editing & Proofreading Mike Kennedy, Lucas Westermann, We are always looking for new articles to include in Full Circle. For help and advice Gord Campbell, Robert Orsino, please see the Official Full Circle Style Guide: http://url.fullcirclemagazine.org/75d471 Josh Hertel, Bert Jerred

Send your comments or Linux experiences to: [email protected] Our thanks go to Canonical, the many Hardware/software reviews should be sent to: [email protected] translation teams around the world Questions for Q&A should go to: [email protected] and Thorsten Wilms for the FCM logo. Desktop screens should be emailed to: [email protected] ... or you can visit our forum via: fullcirclemagazine.org Getting Full Circle Magazine:

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full circle magazine #71 57 contents ^