'I've Been Abducted by Aliens'
Cases That Test Your Skills ‘I’ve been abducted by aliens’ Patricia Kinne, MD, and Venna Bhanot, MD Ms. S is afraid to sleep at night because that’s when How would you the aliens come. Is she psychotic, or do her nocturnal handle this case? Visit CurrentPsychiatry.com experiences have another cause? to input your answers and see how your colleagues responded CASE ‘I’m not crazy’ fi culty falling asleep, so I add melatonin, 3 Ms. S, age 55, presents for treatment because to 6 mg at bedtime. Her sleeping pattern she is feeling depressed and anxious. Her is improved, but still variable. She also tries ® symptoms include decreased concentration, Dowdenquetiapine, 25 Healthmg at bedtime, Media but soon dis- intermittent irritability, hoarding, and diffi - continues it due to intolerance. culty starting and completingCopyright tasks. SheFor also personal As our rapport use strengthens, only Ms. S reveals has chronic sleep diffi culties that often keep that she has had multiple encounters with her awake until dawn. aliens beginning at age 3. Although she has Fatigue, lack of focus, and poor compre- not had an “alien experience” for about 5 years, hension and motivation have left her un- she does not feel safe sleeping at night and in- employed. She and her teenage daughter stead sleeps during the day. Her eff orts to stay live with Ms. S’s elderly mother. Ms. S feels awake at night strain her relationship with her tremendous guilt because she cannot be the mother. mother and daughter she wants to be. Initially, I (PK) diagnose Ms.
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