TO FULFIL THE PROMISE OF HARARE RIGHTS MUST COME FIRST The Commonwealth Human Rights Unit: A Chequered History A report by the Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative COMMONWEALTH HUMAN RIGHTS INITIATIVE F1/12A Hauz Khas Enclave, New Delhi, India 110016 Tel: 91-11-2686 4678, 2685 0523
[email protected] TABLE OF CONTENTS Acknowledgements………………………………………………………………………1 Foreword………………………………………………………………………………….. 2 Rights Must Come First……………………………………………………………….. 3 Appendices………………………………………………………………………………. 33 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative wishes to thank the Commonwealth Secretariat for all its ready help in providing information for this report and in particular David Blake, its Librarian, for the trouble he took to access documentation. It is also extremely grateful to Linda Rosenstrom Chang for the diligent and speedy way in which she carried out the research in the short time available. 1 FOREWORD This report arose from CHRI’s deep concern about the current moves towards downsizing the Human Rights Unit within the Commonwealth Secretariat. Assurances have been made that human rights will be mainstreamed across the Secretariat and that therefore “more people than ever before” will be working to make human rights a realty. Nevertheless, CHRI believes that without concrete systems for enforcing and evaluating this policy, the Commonwealth Secretariat’s stated commitment to human rights hollow. This report makes practical recommendations for strengthening the ability of the Commonwealth Secretariat to promote human rights vigorously throughout the Commonwealth and to demonstrate proactively its commitment to such values in its internal structure and processes. 2 RIGHTS MUST COME FIRST Nervous states or a state of nerves? The Commonwealth is about democracy and human rights or it is about nothing.