To Help Flood Victims
08120 z á m JULY 8, 1972 $1.25 á F A 3 BILLBOARD PUBLICATION 1'V SEVENTY -EIGHTH YEAR z The International r,.III Music- RecordTape Newsweekly TAPE /AUDIO /VIDEO PAGE 28 HOT 100 PAGE 56 I C) TOP LP'S PAGES 58, 60 FCC's Ray To Clear NARM Spearheads Drive Payola Air At Forum LOS ANGELES -William B. Ray, chief of the complaints and To Help Flood Victims compliances division of the Federal Communications Commission, By PAUL ACKERMAN will clear the air on the topic of payola as a speaker of the fifth annual Billboard Radio Programming Forum which will be held here NEW YORK-A massive all - ing closely with the record manu- working out these plans in con- Aug. 17 -19 at the Century Plaza Hotel. Ray will be luncheon speaker industry drive to aid record and facturers, vendors of fixtures and junction with representatives of all on Aug. 18. tape retailers whose businesses accessories, even pressing plants industry segments. He indicated have been partially or totally wiped and we are drawing that final decisions would be up Seven other new up a speakers, including new commissioner Ben out by the recent floods is being plan whereby damaged stock and to branches. local distributors. rack - Hooks of the FCC, have been slated for the three -day Forum, the spearheaded by NARM executive fixtures may be replenished at jobbers. rather than a central largest educational radio programming meeting of its kind. Also director Jules Malamud, NARM cost. We are also hopeful that group. speaking will be Paul Drew, programming consultant from Wash- president Dave Press and the or- the victimized businesses will be Overall Plan ington, D.C.; Pat O'Day, general manager of KJR, Seattle; Sonny ganization's board of directors.
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