Volume 18 Community High School

Summer Term 2014 In Federation with Bilbrook (CE) and Middle Schools


Trip to London from CCHS Excellent Year and Cheshire Oaks


This year began with us receiving an award from the SSAT for JAVA / MATRIX our outstanding value we add to students at GCSE. The value added of 1026 puts us in the top 20% of schools in he country. OBERON / VECTOR

All students have been working extremely hard, especially years 6th FORM NEWS

11 and 13. we look forward to some excellent exam results in Farewell Year 13 August.

Next year sees the introduction of a new uniform for Year 9. All STUDENT NEWS other years continue with their current uniform. Working in the Community Congratulations to Perton and Bilbrook Middle Schools who have Duke of Edinburgh Award achieved good SATS results. Bilbrook‘s results are the best in the school‘s history. History Faculty on Tour

Academy status is currently on hold as we try and address a Y11 Dress for Success Day number of issues that have arisen. I will keep you informed when we move forward. Y11 Prom 2014

I would like to thank you all for your continued support over the Art Exhibition last year and hope you all have a good holiday and a well deserved rest. Music in the Park STAFF NEWS Term starts again on Tuesday, 2nd September. Saying Goodbye….


Sports Presentation Evening

Football Academy USA trip


Marjorie Tunnicliffe

Page 2 Volume 19


Mrs clark – T HIS TERM WE SAID Assistant Head Teacher and teacher of Biology who is retiring after 26 years at Codsall High School. GOODBYE TO….. Mr GLINKA – Teacher of History, who is retiring after 13 years at Codsall to tend his almond and fruit trees in Spain.

Mr Perrin – Senior Pastoral Manager who is leaving after 10 years service to operate his Training & Consultancy company on a full-time basis.

BACK TO SCHOOL Mr burrell – Business Studies teacher and Head of Oberon House who is leaving after 13 years to teach in Shropshire.

The Autumn term Mr harris – Development Teacher of Art, who is leaving after 12 years to start his own business. begins on Tuesday, Mr Williams – 2nd September, Maths teacher who is leaving after 13 2014 years to enjoy his retirement.

Mr cheetham – Head of Humanities who is leaving after six years to be Assistant Head Teacher at Highfields School. Miss knight – Citizenship teacher who is leaving after seven years to become Head of Citizenship at Highfields School.

Mr LewIs – Head of English who is leaving after 2½ years to take up a Head of English role at a school in Devon.

Mrs wall – Work Experience Co-ordinator and Admin. who is leaving after 25 years.

The library is collecting MrS DEMPSEY-ROBBINS – Exams Secretary who the Nestle ―box tops for is retiring after nine years and is looking forward to having holidays books‖ vouchers found during term time!! on Nestle cereal and MrS yardley – cereal bar boxes. Food Technician who is leaving to spend more time with her grandchildren. A collection box is in the library. MISS nICHOLSON – 6th Form Mentor who left in June at the end of her contract to study a PGCE in Secondary English through the Teach First Programme.

MISS wickSON – Teacher of Psychology left in May after 13 years.

All the best for the future from everyone at Codsall High

Codsall Community High School

invite you on a Trip to London on Saturday 15th November 2014

Departs Codsall High School at 8.00am The coach leaves London at 6.00pm. Only £20 return Go shopping, to the theatre or sightseeing. (No unaccompanied students under 16) Contact: [email protected] to book a place. Summer Newsletter Page 3


Year 9 students were involved in a community initiative to support the ‗Friends of Bilbrook‘.

Our students were very productive during the litter pick with the winning team collecting 9kg of litter, including a parking ticket and a bicycle tyre.

The Friends of Bilbrook are a non-profit making group whose main aim is to improve the environment around Bilbrook and also to develop open spaces which can be enjoyed by everyone. Their latest initiative has been to For more information about ‗Friends of secure the funding and planning for a multi-use games Bilbrook‘, their website is: area at Joeys Lane playing fields. www.friendsofbilbrook.org

On 3rd April students attended the South Duke of Edinburgh‘s Award Presentation at the Mercure Hatherton House Hotel in Penkridge.

Students from schools across the were present to collect their awards. Codsall High School students collected 19 Bronze and 7 Silver awards in total.

Deputy headteacher Mr Wakelin and DofE Leader Mr Wakelin attended the event to celebrate the success of these students with friends and family.

Adult Education Courses on offer at Codsall Community High School

Some of the courses available from September 2014:

Art ICT Modern Foreign Language Art for beginners - drawing, Basic computing, internet and French Basic - beginners proportion and light e-mail and how to find FREE French - Intermediate Painting for beginners downloads Holiday French Painting moving on Art –Intermediate How to use your i-pad Italian Advanced Beginners How to use your e-book/Kindle Italian Advanced Art Master Classes: How to register, sell/buy on eBay Italian Conversation Portraiture Computing for the terrified Holiday Italian Life Drawing Introduction to the Internet Manipulate your digital images For more information, or a copy of Sport How to use Facebook and Twitter our prospectus: Therapeutic Yoga How to trace your family history Tel: 01902 907566 or Yoga e-mail: [email protected] Page 4 Volume 19

taking charge of a new tutor group in Matrix. We are Mrs Joyce sorry to see him leaving the best house in the school Head of House and going over to the green side! Java house would like to thank all tutors for their support this year.

Well done to all students who were nominated for

“No Limits” Celebration Evening. You should feel very proud of your achievements this year and it was lovely to see so many Javarians getting up to receive awards. As I Dear Javarians type this we are in the process of getting team sheets The summer holiday is nearly here and soon you will sorted for International Day and the sporting events; be enjoying the sunshine and a well-deserved rest. I‘m very much hoping for another win. Go Africa! For those of you who recently sat exams, I hope you Next year will be a fresh start and a chance to gain the results you deserve. On 2nd July we succeed and achieve. Remember our new motto, welcomed Y8 students who will join us in September. 'Proud to be Proactive' and I hope you have a lovely Thank you for helping them find their way around and summer. making them feel comfortable on induction day.

On returning in September, your Head of House will At the end of this term we are saying goodbye to a be Mr Pickering as I will have started my maternity few of our tutors. Mr Cheetham will be leaving, we leave. I will be back in September 2015! wish him well in his new job. He has been an excellent tutor to J6 and we are sorry to see him leave. I am pleased to welcome Mrs Cheetham to Java who will now take over J6.

We are also saying goodbye to Mr Asbury as he is Mrs Joyce

You raised: Miss Painter  £64 from a cake sale to help children in hospices Head of House and hospitals at Christmas

 £72 from a sponsored swim for Sport Relief  £80 from selling heart badges during Valentine‘s week for the British Heart Foundation Summer holidays already!  £130 from a sponsored walk up The Wrekin to help

orphans in Malawi.

As we reach the end of another Thanks again for all your support - it really does go a academic year it‘s time to reflect on the efforts we long way. have made and success we have achieved. Matrix attendance has continued to improve and I Matrix house charity total this year was an amazing have presented a record number of praise postcards! £941 and that‘s all down to YOU! Thank you for your Good luck in the end of year draw. contributions and well done in raising so much money for excellent causes. I know Promise Dreams, is I was proud of the Matrix students who received grateful for our hard work and support. Here is the personal awards at the Y9 and Y10 Celebration breakdown of what you raised for them: Evening and PE Presentation Evening. Well done to you all. On top of £355.09 we had already raised this year, a further £100 came from raffles during school events I hope that come exam results day our Y11 and Y13 and in December we also raised £139.92 by wearing students achieve the grades that all their hard work and effort truly deserve. Christmas jumpers. Have a well deserved break and remember: Many of you wanted to help other charities through- out the year and thanks to everyone‘s kind “Dream It, Believe It, Achieve It”. contributions, we managed to do just that…. Miss Painter Summer Newsletter Page 5

Mr Burrell The summer term has seen us welcome in our new Head of House Oberons, and I was really pleased by the way we made the new Year 8s feel during the three academic induction days. Don‘t forget that they will need that same level of support in September!

The Aldersley sports day gave us the chance to come together as a house to challenge the other „We leave nobody behind… as an Oberon you‟ll houses in sporting combat. I was very proud to see never walk alone‟ all our individuals and teams trying so hard for As the summer term draws to an end, we can reflect on Oberon and our two house banners looked fantastic another great Oberon term and look forward to our on the day too. summer holidays! I am very sad that this will be my last ever news- As always I am delighted with the efforts Oberon have letter piece as Head of Oberon. As I leave for made with attendance. The summer term has seen you pastures new, Miss Kerin will be taking over in achieve over 94% as a house, which is a terrific effort September and I am sure she will do a fantastic job and shows the commitment we are making to ensure for Oberon House. our attendance continues to go from strength to strength. I would like to thank our fantastic team of Oberon

It was a memorable moment seeing so many Oberon tutors and the hundreds of Oberon students who it students receiving their awards at the Y9 and 10 has been a pleasure and privilege to lead over the Celebration Evening. This evening recognises students past seven years…… who have made a real effort to improve and achieve success in specific subject areas. In addition to this You‟ll Never Walk Alone! evening, I have seen evidence of more success each Friday morning when so many Oberon students come Mr Burrell to receive their praise postcards, awarded for achieving praise points in lessons….. Fantastic!

I am also looking forward to taking some of you to the Harry Potter Studios. This reward trip is to recognise Miss York all the hard work and positive contributions you have Head of House made throughout the year and a chance to let our hair down and enjoy the day!

Summer is very nearly here, so can I wish you all happy and safe holidays… Miss York Another academic year nearly over and as we all grow that little bit older we can reflect on another great year. Over the last term we have seen Year 11 and Year 13 leaving us to start their examination period, and we wish them all the very best of luck.

We are also embarking on our journey to the annual International Days, the host tutor rooms are coming along nicely and the ideas for stalls are all very inspiring. Remember to sign up for the Olympics and even if you are unsure, remember every contribution counts! I am hoping this is one event that Vector will win! Page 6 Volume 19

During the Spring term, the History department ran study trips for Y10 to the American Museum and the Worcester Medical Museum and a very memorable GCSE and A-level trip to the WW1 Battlefields of Ypres and the Somme.

On 13th May, Y10 History students visited the Ameri- can Museum in Britain outside Bath and the George Marshall Medical Museum at Worcester.

The American Museum has displays on the life of the plains Indians as well as outlaws and lawmen.

We had a chance to see how many students we could get into a Tipi and look at a prairie wagon but there were also work- shops where we were able to work in groups and investigate real artefacts from the ‗Wild West‘ as well as dressing up George Edwards as a Cowboy Summer Newsletter Page 7

“The best school trip I have ever been on” are the words of Josh Piggott following our return from France.

In early April we ran a three-day study trip to Ypres and the Somme which took in the reconstructed ‗Yorkshire‘ trench from the recent ‗Meet the Ancestors‘ series. We also visited the Menin Gate and Last Post ceremony at Ypres.

Of particular use to both the GCSE Modern History students and the A-level students was the visit to Serre on the Somme where the ‗Pals‘ battalions were decimated on the first day of the battle of the Somme in 1916.

The Ulster Tower (Somme) Ryan Thomas as a 1916 soldier and Jade Whittingham as a military nurse

Mr Hallett had put together readings and accounts from eye-witnesses in each location and this really helped the past to come to life.

Ypres also took in Essex Farm where the ‗In Flanders Field‘ poem was written by Doctor John McCrae and where the youngest British casualty of the First World War, Joe Strudwick, is buried.

We also visited the German cemetery at Langemark, a reminder that all nations suffer through war. On our way home we spent time at the underground V2 rocket base out- side Calais where the tunnels built by slave labour have become a museum to science and rocket warfare.

The atmosphere on the trip was ab- solutely superb throughout with good humour as well as a lot of learning and, of course, a visit to the famous chocolate shops of Ypres!

The sun shone throughout on what I think was the best trip we have ever run. Thanks to Miss York as group leader, Miss Knight and Mr Currell for all their help and as battlefield guide - Mr Hallett. Page 8 Summer Newsletter

Year 11 students took part in their final assembly on Tuesday, 20th May, their Dress for Success day.

They were entertained in their final assembly by Geo Slawinski, Emily Riley, Alanna Scarle, Tom Chambaud-Boudet, Dan Foster and Alicia Barnes. Volume 19 Page 9

What an amazing group of young people we said farewell to this year. GOOD LUCK FOR THE FUTURE Page 10 Volume 19

Thursday, 3rd July saw our Year 11 students dressed up and ready for their Prom at The Park Hall Hotel, in .

As you can see, they all looked sensational…..!!

How many pictures can Mr Currall get on? Summer Newsletter Page 11

Page 12 Volume 19

Charley Hill and Tyler Croxall Best Dressed Boy and Girl 2014

Dan Foster and Geo Slawinski Prom King and Queen 2014

The room looked beautiful …... … and the staff scrubbed up quite well too…. Summer Newsletter Page 13

This year the Art department‘s annual art exhibition included exciting and high quality artwork from GCSE, BTEC and Photography students in Year 11 and AS and A2 work from 6th formers.

Work on show included painting, drawing, printing, craft and sculpture.

The work was well received by both students old and new, parents, teachers and governors. We had a steady flow of guests who were all very impressed by the quality of the work on show.

Well done to everybody involved and we wish them well for the future.

Above - work by .Megan Crook (GCSE)

Above - parents and students admiring the work. Above- work by Anna Huetson (GCSE) Below - more work by students and below by Lauren Patterson (A2) Page 14 Volume 19


Wishing the Year 13 students well at their Leavers Assembly on Friday, 23rd May.

Year 13 are leaving us after five years at the school to start their study leave before their exams, and before they embark on their lives at university, college, or in work.

We wish them success is all they do in the future.



Following the success of the Lake Garda trip during the Easter holidays, the videos from the concerts in Italy were posted on the Lake Garda blog. As a result, the pupils were invited to play a concert at Baggeridge Country Park on Saturday, 14th June.

Fifteen music students from the High School played in the band stand and entertained parents and the public with fabulous music during the after- noon.

All pupils performed wonderfully and were a credit to the school. A lovely afternoon for all. Well done! Summer Newsletter Page 15

Sport enthusiasts in Bilbrook will soon be able to play whatever the weather thanks to a brand new all-weather pitch.

A Multi-Use Games Area (MUGA) will soon be available on Joey‘s Lane playing fields, thanks to a £46,057 grant from waste disposal giants Biffa. The facility is due to be installed in early August 2014.

The project will include a complete resurfacing of the existing court, which will be marked out for three sports. The installation of a new fenced area will have basketball posts, goal posts and cricket wickets. There will also be a picnic bench and a bike rack.

The Friends of Bilbrook are spear- heading the project. As well as money from Biffa Award‘s Recreation scheme, the group have managed to secure donations from Council, South Staffordshire Housing Association, South Staffordshire Community Budget and Bilbrook Council.

Pupils from Codsall High also carried out a fundraising event to support the project in November 2013 organised by Jess Yates in Y13, they raised £150.

Thanks must also go to Mr Straw who has given huge support with the consultation process.

The Friends of Bilbrook is a local voluntary organisation dedicated to enhancing community life in Bilbrook. The group work tirelessly to improve and enhance open spaces in the area. Annette Lloyd, spokesperson for the Friends of Bilbrook said, ―With the help of Biffa Award and donations from other organisations in the area, our vision and hard work over the past two years will be real- ised. We will finally be able to install an all-weather, freely accessible sporting facility that the vil- lage can be proud of. We hope this will be a lasting legacy to support the health and wellbeing of future generations of the Bilbrook community.‖

Please look out for more details advertising the grand opening by a surprise special guest, to in- clude a fun day of sports coaching. Friends of Bilbrook have also been awarded funding to pro- vide on-going free coaching sessions so again, please keep an eye out for future announce- ments.

If you are interested in attending free coaching sessions in basketball, cricked and football, please e-mail us at [email protected]. For a closer look at what is planned, please visit www.friendsofbilbrook.org. Page 16 Volume 19

On 26th June, the PE department held the annual Awards Evening to acknowledge the abundance of sporting talent and acknowledge the efforts made by many of the students.

Students collect a ‗colours‘ award for attending school clubs and representing the school. They also had to demonstrate a commitment to the team by showing an all-round sporting manner and ability to be a team member. Awards were given for:-

One Year - Silver awarded to 74 students (61 in Y9; 12 in Y10 and 1 in Y11)

Two Year - Gold awarded to 49 students from Y10

Three Year - Trophy awarded to 35 students from Y11 and two from Y12

Academic awards are awarded to students for outstanding achievement in Physical Education lessons.

Year 9 GCSE: Charlotte Willis Year 12 (BTEC): Steven Newman Year 10 GCSE: Lucy Selby Year 13 (BTEC): Robson Seal

Year 11 GCSE: Luke Pugh KS5 Dance: Ashleigh Richardson

Year 9 BTEC: Dan Newman KS3 Sportsman of the Year: Ollie Billson

Year 10 BTEC: Andrew Gibbs KS3 Sportswoman of the Year: Ruby Meeson Year 11 BTEC: Gemma Bird KS4 Sportsman of the Year: Tyrone Groucutt

KS4 Sportswoman of the Year: Neve Macnamara Year 9 BTEC Dance: Ruby Hitchcroft KS5 Sportsperson of the Year: Robson Seal Year 10 BTEC Dance: Lauren Worley Year 11 BTEC Dance: Molly Paskin

The Michael Bristow Award this year was awarded to Geo Slawinski who is in Year 11.

It is an award for a student who surpasses the expectations of the PE department. A student who is not only reliable in attending practice and fixtures, but who displays social skills, leadership and a positive attitude beyond the norm.

Geo Slawinski, winner of the Michael Bristow Award 2014 Summer Newsletter Page 17

Coaches Player of the Season - A-team: Ben Lycett Coaches Player of the Season - B-team: Tom Morris Coaches Player of the Season - C-team: Jake Davis

Year 12 BTEC Student of the Year: Dan Powers Year 13 BTEC Student of the Year: Jordan Shippey

American Tour Player of the Tournament: Musa Ndhlovu

Back row L to R - Mr Jones, Jordan Shippey (Y13 BTEC student,)) Tom Morris (B-team Player of the Year) Dan Powers (Y12 BTEC student), Musa Ndhlovu (USA tour Player of the Tournament).

Front row L to R - Mr Asbury, Bobby Glencorse and Ben Lycett (A-team captains with League and County Cups), Mr Shearer

Bilbrook Middle School PSA invite you on a Christmas Shopping Extravaganza on Saturday 6th December 2014

Departs Penkridge 8.00am and The coach leaves for home at approx 6.30pm. Bilbrook Middle School at 8.30am Only £11 per person! stopping at Cheshire Oaks, and (£5 deposit will secure your place) into Chester Town Centre Tel: 01902 840910 or call in at the school office Page 18 Volume 19


In May the Football Academy went on their annual trip to the USA to enter the Needham Memorial Day u17 Tournament.

The tournament attracts teams from all over North America; this year over 1000 teams competed.

In 2013 we won the u17 Tournament and were once again hoping to get to the latter stages of the competition.

Having entered two teams for the u17 competition, we were playing twice as many fixtures as the other teams as we used the same set of boys for each team. All was going very well until both teams qualified for the semi-finals and had to play them both at the same time with just 21 players!

Mr Straw preparing strategies… or is it his shopping list for New York? Summer Newsletter Page 19

We managed to win one of the semi-finals but were at a serious disadvantage in the final as the whole squad had just played a full 60-minutes just one hour before the final started, in excessive temperatures.

The final was decided on a golden goal penalty in extra time, a heart breaking way to finish a really successful tournament.

On the plus side, every boy attracted the attention of at least one College Soccer Coach, so hopefully some of the boys will further their education at college in the USA in 2015.

Group and Preliminary stages: v GPS Milan - WON 3-1 (Maydew (2), Russell) v Global Premier Soccer (MA) - WON 3-0 (Kerry (2), Bernard) v Jersey Premier Soccer (NJ) - WON 4-0 (Bradley (3), Kerry) v Galway Rovers - WON 1-0 (Maydew) v Greater Nashua (NH) - WON 3-0 (Dworzycki (2), Bradley) v Middlepath (NY) - WON 2-1 (Dworzycki (2)

Semi Finals Codsall Whites v GPS Crusaders (MA) - Lost 1-0

Codsall Reds v GPS Milan - WON 1-0 (Bernard)

Final Codsall Reds v Academica (CT) - Lost 2-1 with an extra time golden goal. Mr Shearer talking tactics (Bradley)

At Fenway Park, home of the Boston Red Sox

Well earned rest….?

Out on the town in New York For more information about the Football Academy and how to join, please see the website: www.cc-hs.com/football

Dates correct at time of going to print - Latest information is shown on the school website.

Thursday, 17 July  P4 - Final assembly 1.20 p.m. - END OF TERM Monday, 21 July - Monday, 1 September  SUMMER HOLIDAY

Thursday, 14 August  A-level exam results - 10 a.m. - 12 noon

Thursday, 21 August  GCSE exam results - 10 a.m. - 12 noon

 Monday, 1 September  STAFF TRAINING DAY Tuesday, 2 September  AUTUMN TERM BEGINS—school re-opens for all students Wednesday, 10 September  School photographs - All Years

Thursday, 11 September  6.00 - 7.30 p.m. - UCAS Information evening

Thursday, 18 September  7.00 p.m. - Duke of Edinburgh Parent Information Evening Thursday, 25 September  11.30 a.m. - 1.00 p.m. - Open Day 6.30 - 9.00 p.m. - Open Evening Friday, 26 September  STAFF TRAINING DAY Saturday, 27 September  9.00 a.m. - 11.00 a.m. - Perton Middle School - Open Day 10.30 a.m. - 12.30 p.m. - Bilbrook Middle School - Open Day Saturday, 4 October  9.00 a.m. - 12 noon - Codsall Middle School - Open Day Tuesday, 14 October  5.30 - 7.30 p.m.– Governors Curriculum meeting

Thursday, 16 October  6.00 - 8.00 p.m. - Y12 ‗Helping Your Child‘ Evening Y12 AS Geography trip - Borth (and Friday, 17 October) Tuesday, 21 October  5.30 - 7.30 p.m.– Governors Finance meeting Thursday, 23 October  6.00 - 8.00 p.m. - Y11 into Y12 Options Evening Monday, 27 October - Friday, 31 October  HALF TERM HOLIDAY Monday, 3 November  School re-opens for all students Wednesday, 5 November  5.30 - 7.30 p.m. - Governors Student meeting

Thursday, 6 November  6.00 p.m. - 7.00 p.m. - Y11 ‗Helping Your Child‘ Evening

Booking Holidays

Please avoid booking family holidays during term time. The Government has instructed schools not to authorise family holidays during term times. Exceptional reasons will be looked at once a letter has been received by the Headteacher at least two weeks before the request. Thank you

Don‘t forget our MAIN SWITCHBOARD 6th FORM CENTRE DIRECT LINE telephone number 01902 907560 01902 907564


communication 01902 907565 www. cc-hs.com