Jesus said to Nicodemus: “Just as lifted up the serpent in the desert, so must the Son of Man be lifted up, so that everyone who believes in him may have eternal life.” John 3:14

1801 Sage Road | Houston, Texas 77056 | Tel (713) 621-4370 Fax (713) 850-8341 | THE LENTEN SEASON AT ST. MICHAEL THE ARCHANGEL

SPEAKER SERIES ON ZOOM Recreated: He Makes All Things New Thursdays | 7:00-8:00 pm on Zoom Next date: March 18 – A Reflection onthe Man Born Blind passage with Mary Caprio Become recreated in Christ and reflect upon our meaning and purpose as human persons created by ! Access the Zoom meeting link on the church website

STATIONS OF THE CROSS Fridays during Lent | 7:00 pm in the Church

A video of the Stations of the Cross is available on the church website.

RECONCILIATION Tuesday | 6:00-7:00 pm Saturday | 8:45-10:00 am Or by appointment with a .

More information and other Lenten resources can be found on our Lenten Activities page here: STMICHAELCHURCH.NET/LENTEN-ACTIVITES ST. MICHAEL THE ARCHANGEL FOURTH SUNDAY OF LENT

The Man Born Blind (Note: This Gospel is also optional for Years B & C with Scrutinies)

As passed by he saw a man blind from birth…

He spat on the ground and made clay with the saliva, and smeared the clay on his eyes, and said to him, “Go wash in the Pool of Siloam” — which means Sent —. So he went and washed, and came back able to see. John 9:1, 6-7

Who was this man? Interestingly, he does not have a . He is only referred to as the “man blind from birth.” This is significant in the Gospel of John because the lack of a name is also seen, for example, in the story of “the woman at the well.” The fact that there is no name indicates that we should see ourselves in this story.

“Blindness” is our inability to see the at work all around us. We struggle to see the daily miracles of God’s grace alive in our lives and alive in the lives of others. So the first thing we should do with this Scripture is strive to see our lack of sight. We should strive to realize that we so often do not see God at work. This realization will inspire us to desire a spiritual healing. It will invite us to want to see God at work.

The good news is obviously that Jesus cured this man, as He willingly cures us. To restore sight is easy for Jesus. So the first we should pray as a result of this story is simply, “Lord, I want to see!” The humble realization of our blindness will invite God’s grace to work. And if we do not humbly acknowl- edge our blindness, we will not be in a position to seek healing.

How He heals this man is also significant. He uses His own spit to make mud and smear it on this man’s eyes, which is not immediately that appealing. But it does reveal something quite significant to us. Name- ly, it reveals the fact that Jesus can use something exceptionally ordinary as a source of His divine grace!

If we look at this in a symbolic way we can come to some profound conclusions. Too often we look for God’s action in the extraordinary. But He so often is present to us in that which is ordinary. Perhaps we will be tempted to think that God only works His grace through heroic acts of love or sacrifice. Perhaps we are tempted to think that God is not able to use our daily ordinary activities to perform His miracles. But this is not true. It is precisely those ordinary actions of life where God is present. He is present while washing the dishes, doing chores, driving a child to school, playing a game with a family member, carry- ing on a casual conversation or offering a helping hand. In fact, the more ordinary the activity, the more we should strive to see God at work. And when we do “see” Him at work in the ordinary activities of life, we will be healed of our spiritual blindness.

Reflect, today, upon this act of Jesus and allow our Lord to smear His spit and dirt on your eyes. Allow Him to give you the gift of spiritual sight. And as you begin to see His presence in your life, you will be amazed at the beauty you behold.

Lord, I want to see. Help me to be healed of my blindness. Help me to see You at work in every ordinary activity of my life. Help me to see Your divine grace in the smallest events of my day. And as I see You alive and active, fill my heart with gratitude for this vision. Jesus, I trust in You.


Rev. Wayne Wilkerson, Pastor

In Residence Business Office OFFICE HOURS Rev. Leon Strieder, S.L.D. John Amalokwu [email protected] Parish Accountant Monday-Friday [email protected] 8:00 am-5:00 pm Deacons Angelica Aguilera Deacon Lu Hill School Bookkeeper [email protected] [email protected] SUNDAY MASS Deacon Thomas Newhouse Administrative Support Saturday Vigil [email protected] Deacon Denny Hayes Matthew Lydick 5:00 pm* [email protected] Baptism Coordinator [email protected] Sunday St. Michael Catholic School Minnie Romo Dr. Kathleen Cox Sacramental Records 7:00 am | 9:00 am* [email protected] Principal 11:00 am | 1:00 pm [email protected] Mattia Maldonado Main: (713) 621-6847 Weddings [email protected] DAILY MASS Administrative Directors Community Ministries Monday & Friday Bob Basye Administration, Human Resources, Deacon Lu Hill 8:15 am | 12:10 pm Accounting, and Facilities Director of Social Outreach [email protected] [email protected] Tuesday, Wednesday, Mary Caprio Deacon Denny Hayes & Thursday Evangelization, Faith Formation, Pastoral Care and Natural Family Planning [email protected] 8:15 am [email protected] Ann Cashiola Communications Liturgy, Sacraments, and Music Christine Subervie PRIVATE PRAYER [email protected] Communications and Bulletins [email protected] Monday-Friday Music Noon-2:00 pm Christopher Popelka Receptionists Director of Music Carol Page [email protected] Daytime Receptionist RECONCILIATION [email protected] Children Faith Formation Rene Gomez Tuesday (CFF) Evening Receptionist 6:00-7:00 pm Pre-K through 5th Grade [email protected] Lana Jezierski Saturday Children Faith Formation Coordinator Facilities Management [email protected] Derek Roy 8:45-10:00 am Director of Facilities or by appointment Youth Faith Formation (YFF) [email protected] 6th through 12th Grade Silvino Anuario, Maintenance Jankowski *Available via live stream Director of Youth Faith Formation Jose Moreno, Maintenance [email protected] live-streaming

AFTER HOURS EMERGENCY LINE FOR GRAVE ILLNESS OR DEATH: (713) 621-4370 – OPTION 1 FOURTH SUNDAY OF LENT ST. MICHAEL THE ARCHANGEL CATHOLIC CHURCH SACRAMENTAL CARE A WARM WELCOME BAPTISM TO OUR NEW Infants and children under 6 years old: All Engaged couples wishing to marry in the PARISHIONERS parents are required to participate in a Catholic Church should formally inquire on baptismal preparation process prior to the the parish website. The form can be found Edgar & Angela Castro baptism of each child and are strongly under Liturgy and Sacraments: Matrimony encouraged to attend the classes during the here Dr. Anthony Costales second trimester of pregnancy. Please visit Once the inquiry form is submitted and for more received, the couple will be invited to attend Michael Davidson information on baptism class and to Introduction to Marriage at St. Michael, a schedule baptisms. For questions, e-mail class held monthly at the Church. Additional Jeanne Dini [email protected]. questions about marriage preparation can Children over 6 years old: Please contact the be addressed to Mary Caprio at Michelle Godbold Office of Children Faith Formation at (713) [email protected]. 403-4122 for information on the Rite of Michael & Natalie Mercer Christian Initiation adapted for children. PASTORAL CARE & HOLY COMMUNION TO Carmine & Alessandra FIRST RECONCILIATION THE SICK & HOMEBOUND Roberto & FIRST EUCHARIST Do you know someone who is ill, home- Second grade students must be baptized in bound, in the hospital, or in an assisted living the Catholic faith and be in their second facility and in need of pastoral care? For continuous year of Faith Formation at those in need of prayer, Holy Communion, a St. Michael the Archangel, or in their second pastoral visit and/or those who are interested KEEP IN TOUCH TO GET continuous year of religion classes in a in visiting the homebound or assisted living in ALL THE LATEST NEWS! Catholic school. Please contact the Office of need of prayer should contact Deacon Denny Children Faith Formation at (713) 403-4122. Hayes at (713) 403-4110.

CONFIRMATION ANOINTING OF THE SICK High school students: Contact the Office of Parishioners scheduled for serious Youth Faith Formation at (713) 403-4117. surgery should receive the Sacrament Adults: Contact the Office of Adult Faith of the Anointing of the Sick prior to their Formation at (713) 403-4114. hospitalization. Please contact the parish RITE OF CHRISTIAN office at (713) 621-4370. INITIATION OF ADULTS (RCIA) Non-Catholics (non-baptized or baptized in a non-Catholic, Christian denomination) who are interested in learning about the Catholic faith and may want to become Catholic should contact the Office of Adult Faith Formation at (713) 403-4114. To receive our Flocknote communications, text SWORD PASTORAL COUNCIL to 84576 or sign up on the church website. Nick Lanza, Chair Members John Barry | Beatriz Havre | Mark Gerlich | Jessica Matuszak Eugenia Miro | Kyle Koehler Please contact the Pastoral Council with any comments or concerns about our parish: [email protected]

FLOWER DONATIONS BULLETIN SUBMISSIONS If you would like to make a flower Submissions are due Wed. by 9:00 am, donation, please contact Ann Cashiola at 10 days prior to the bulletin issue date. (713) 403-4161. Your name and dedication Please e-mail info to: will appear in the bulletin. Thank you! [email protected].

FOURTH SUNDAY OF LENT ST. MICHAEL THE ARCHANGEL CATHOLIC CHURCH MASS INTENTIONS & READINGS 5:00 pm* + Michael LaCorte 2 Chr 36:14-16, FOURTH REFLECTING ON Vigil + Mary Elizabeth Smith 19-23 SUNDAY + William N. Wilson Ps 137:1-2, 3, 4-5, 6 OF LENT Eph 2:4-10 THE GOSPEL 7:00 am Gena Lewis Jn 3:14-21 C.P. Tan DAYLIGHT These verses are part of a passage + James Eugene Barnes SAVINGS in which Jesus is talking with the TIME STARTS March 9:00 am* + Gloria Rios Pharisee Nicodemus. It’s not clear The People of the Parish if Jesus or the evangelist is speak- SUN 14 ing at this point. Nicodemus has 11:00 am + Antoinette Bonno approached Jesus at night, which + Bertha Guerra Gonzales suggests the Pharisee is drawn to Je- + Helen Hegwood sus but hesitates to believe in him. 1:00 pm + Ben Hall + Matt & Jennifer Harris When the complained about their struggles in the desert, 8:15 am Eldho & Catherine Is 65:17-21 God punished them by sending Caesar Hobayan Ps 30:2 & 4, 5-6, deadly snakes that bit them. When March The Tan Family 11-12a & 13b the people repented, God told Jn 4:43-54 Moses to make a bronze statue of MON 12:10 pm Bland Lucas 15 Ricardo a snake. Those who looked at the + Anthony Apollo statue were healed. Jesus, the Son of 8:15 am Casear Hobayan Ez 47:1-9, 12 Man, will also be lifted up like that March + Rosario Pascual Ps 46:2-3, 5-6, 8-9 bronze statue. He will be lifted onto + Annalise Ticzon Jn 5:1-16 a cross and lifted or raised from the TUES 16 dead. Those who believe in the sav- ing power of this “lifting up” of Jesus 8:15 am Caesar Hobayan Is 49:8-15 ST. PATRICK Ps 145:8-9, 13cd- will be healed of suffering and death. March 14, 17-18 Jn 5:17-30 WED God sends his Son to save the very 17 world that will become so hostile to Jesus it will send him to an excruciat- 8:15 am Caesar Hobayan Ex 32:7-14 ST. CYRIL OF ing death. The world doesn’t deserve + John Sherman Sellingsloh Ps 106:19-20, 21- March 22, 23 salvation, but God loves the world Jn 5:31-47 so much that he saves it nonetheless. THURS 18 Thus, Jesus’ mission isn’t about con- 8:15 am Marion Runnels 2 Sm 7:4-5a, 12- SOLEMNITY demning people but saving them. + Robert & Dorothy Hall 14a, 16 OF ST , March Ps 89:2-3, 4-5, 27 Jesus reveals God’s love so that peo- & 29 HUSBAND OF ple can accept it and be saved by it. FRI 12:10 pm Josephine Perez Rom 4:13, 16-18, 22 THE BLESSED 19 Mt 1:16, 18-21, 24a MARY Those who deny that Jesus is from The Prodigalidao Family God can’t be saved because they’ve chosen darkness rather than the light. 5:00 pm* + Anthony DeToto Jer 31:31-34 Vigil + Carl McCutcheon Ps 51:3-4, 12-13, This Gospel-writer presents Je- March + Jim-Joseph Perez 14-15 Heb 5:7-9 sus as being on trial. People like SAT 20 Jn 12:20-33 and the woman of Samaria give testimony in de- fense of Jesus. Ultimately we must 7:00 am JeJe Coca Barnes Jer 31:31-34 FIFTH + Leroy Sebesta Ps 51:3-4, 12-13, SUNDAY render our own verdict; we must 14-15 OF LENT judge for ourselves who Jesus is. Heb 5:7-9 9:00 am* Annell + Larry O’Donnell Jn 12:20-33 + Norma Banuelos Haugen People reveal who they really are March + Lysa Milander when they encounter the light. Those who oppose God and all SUN 11:00 am Ramases Wright 21 + Antoinette Bonno that comes from God – love, + Les Hewitt forgiveness, justice, goodness, and so on – will turn away from 1:00 pm The People of the Parish the light. They will reject Je- sus, who embodies God himself. *Live-streamed Masses Source: God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him might have eternal life. FOURTH SUNDAY OF LENT ST. MICHAEL THE ARCHANGEL CATHOLIC CHURCH STEWARDSHIP St. Michael Collections

Collections Report

March 7, 2021 $71,889.41

Last year: March 1, 2020 $58,515.47

% Change 23%

Year-to-Date Collections Please support our parish! Through Week 34 of Fiscal Year To donate online, text the word "give" 2020-2021 $1,768,731.30 to (832) 720-7360 or visit the church website at online-giving. 2019-2020 $1,988,235.22

Thank you! % Change (11%)

The impact of your gift to the Diocesan Services Fund:

Your gift truly makes a difference! To donate, please visit www.archgh. org/dsf.


We pray for the sick and the homebound, especially:

Carri Caprio Tracey Hearne Peggy Cole Lisa Osborne Patricia Donovan Janet Smith June Flaherty Larry Sorenson Susie West

We pray for the victims of COVID-19 and for those The LORD is my shepherd; who have recently died, especially: I shall not want. In verdant pastures he gives me repose; Michael Ciarivino James Sterling Reckling beside restful waters he leads John Jennings Sadtler me; he refreshes my soul. William McLean Jacqueline Tower Psalm 23

If you are ill, or know someone who is ill and in need of prayer, please contact Ann Cashiola at [email protected] or (713) 403-4161.



Jesus tells us: “Everyone who does wicked things hates the light…”

His love of us made clear in his crucifixion is the light of our life and salvation.

May we live in the light of his love.

-Deacon Tom

FOURTH SUNDAY OF LENT ST. MICHAEL THE ARCHANGEL CATHOLIC CHURCH 2021 Worldwide Fertility Care Week March 21-27, 2021 | FertilityCareTM Centers of America |

Choose life and find your freedom by unraveling the mysteries of the menstrual cycle – from puberty to menopause. Choose life and understand how you can naturally avoid or achieve pregnancy.

Worldwide FertilityCare Week is a week-long celebration each year of the Creighton Model FertilityCare System (CrMS) and NaProTECHNOLOGY.

Free introductory classes about these fertility awareness-based methodologies are offered here at St. Michael the Archangel! For more information to sign up, visit the church website at

Choose Life! Celebrate life by supporting organizations here at St. Michael the Archangel.

The Project provides assistance to women experiencing difficult circumstances during pregnancy. Vol- unteers are needed to answer the Help Line and provide practical advice and help, as well as spiritual support, to mothers in need. Bilingual volunteers are especially helpful. If you or someone you know is a mother-to-be in need of help, call the Gabriel Project Help Line at (713) 225-5826. If you would like to volunteer or donate baby supplies, please contact Elizabeth Labanowski at [email protected] or (281) 660-6720.

The Society of St. Vincent de Paul brings the love and compassion of Christ to those in need and provides assistance in overcoming a temporary crisis. These friends-in-need are living “on-the-edge” financially due to low wages, disabilities, or age. Often times, they are facing a crisis from losing their , experiencing a personal or family illness, pay cuts from staying at home with a sick child, or other unexpected expenses. SVdP relies upon your generosity to reach out to those who need emergency assistance with food, clothing, rent and utility payments, and other basic necessities. To donate, visit the church website at If you would like to volunteer, please contact us at [email protected]. If you or someone you know needs assistance, call our Help Line at (713) 403-4102.

Forgiven & Set Free is a 9-week study that guides women to bring their emotional scars from abortion "out of the dark past and into His holy light," where true and lasting healing can take place. Appropriate scriptures help women deal with issues such as relief and denial, , forgiveness, depression, letting go, and acceptance. For more information on this healing journey, contact Janet Northrup at (832) 651-2304 or [email protected]. Please pray for all women who have experienced or are considering abortion. FOURTH SUNDAY OF LENT ST. MICHAEL THE ARCHANGEL CATHOLIC CHURCH Adults

Comes with French Fries, Mac & Cheese, and condiments Fried Dinner FISH FRY-DAY ...... $12 Fried Shrimp Dinner DRIVE THRU ...... $15 Fish & Shrimp Combo ...... $15


The Knights of Columbus are frying up some Comes with French Fries, delicious fish and shrimp for your meatless Fridays Mac & Cheese, and condiments during Lent. The Catholic Daughters of the Americas are also selling slices of cake for dessert. Due to the Fried Fish Child's Plate limitations of the pandemic, a smaller menu is being offered this year. We hope you enjoy! ...... $6 **Please place orders online by 6:00 pm on Thursdays for pick up the following Friday Desserts to help us ensure enough quantity. We can't guarantee that walk-ups will be able to be served. Pick up orders on Fridays from 5:30-7:00pm in the parking in front Pineapple Upside Down Cake of the school. German Chocolate Cake Proceeds benefit local charities supported by KoC Council 14700 and CDA Court 2258. Cherry Pie ORDER ONLINE HERE: ...... All $2 per slice

BECOME A KNIGHT! These yummy desserts are made by the If you’re searching for something more, the Knights Catholic Daughters of the Americas. of Columbus at St. Michael the Archangel is a good place to find it. We want you to join us! Membership is All Catholic women age 18+ are invited open to all Catholic men age 18+. Visit our website at to join our sisterhood! For more infor- or contact John Sicola for more informa- mation, contact Tina DeGeorgio at (713) tion at (832) 722-5555 or [email protected]. 907-9667 or [email protected].


The journey begins April 2021 6:30-8:00 pm Forgiven & Set Free is a 9-week Bible study that guides women to bring their emotional scars from abortion "out of the dark past and into His holy Location light," where true and lasting healing St. Michael the Archangel Catholic Church can take place. Appropriate scriptures 1801 Sage Road, Houston, Texas, 77056 help women deal with issues such as Contact our facilitator for information on this Healing Journey. relief and denial, anger, forgiveness, Janet Northrup: (832) 651-2304 | [email protected] depression, letting go, and acceptance.

“For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world might be saved through him.”

Bring God into your marriage to honor Him by going on a virtual Worldwide Marriage Encounter weekend!

May 14-16, 2021 September 10-12, 2021 November 5-7, 2021

Contact Brian & Tina Little at (281) 773-4014 for more information, or go online to




The Hippocratic : Countering a Secularist Bioethic Ashley K. Fernandes, MD, PhD End of Life Decision Making and Palliative Care E. Hetue Hill, PhD Accompanying Patients in the Midst of Suffering Father Philip G. Bochanski Public Health and Pandemics: Economics, Access to Care, and Health Care Disparities Dominique J. Monlezun, MD, PhD, PhD, MPH Moral Decision Making in Difficult Situations Sarah E. Hetue Hill, PhD and Dominique J. Monlezun, MD, PhD, PhD, MPH Is There Such a Thing as “Catholic Medicine”? Kathryn A. Karges, MD; Arland K. Nichols, PhD (cand.); and Theodore J. Trumble, II, MD, CMD The Physiological Impacts of Contraceptives Continuing education credits for Kathleen Raviele, MD, FACOG healthcare professionals will be offered.


For more information, visit CONVERGINGROADS.COM or contact Conference Coordinator Erin Ellwanger at [email protected] or 832-779-1070 Converging RoadsTM is an initiative of the St. John Paul II Foundation.




FOURTH SUNDAY OF LENT The Sponsors Who Appear On This Bulletin. It Is Through Their Support That This Bulletin Is Made Possible. MARQUEZ Business Owners Interested In Advertising Please Call HORTICULTURAL SERVICES, LLC J.S. Paluch 832.646.1594 1-800-833-5941 [email protected] GRAND OPENING SPECIAL




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