Grains and Your Health”
DVD – “GRAINS AND YOUR HEALTH” 1. People with wheat or gluten sensitivity may gain weight if eat certain grains. They have weight challenge and health issue. When eating a lot of gluten or wheat, they might feel bloated, heavy, and rings may feel tight. 2. What is Gluten? Gluten is the major part in wheat, rye, oats or barley. It’s the protein in those grains and makes baking goods crunch on the outside and chewy in the inside. Wheat has been genetically engineered to increase the gluten contents, and it can be as high as 100%. 3. Our ancestor didn’t eat much of wheat or gluten; they ate legume, nuts, seeds and berries. 4. Safe alternatives: millet, buckwheat, rice, yam, corn meal, legumes, lentils and beans. 5. Wheat itself can adversely affect immune system, skin, glucose and other health issues. It also triggers the water retain. It is a slow reaction and can happen 48 hours later. 6. How to tell the immune reaction is wheat or gluten? Do a two-week trial-run to go off wheat or gluten. Wheat is usually listed on label such as flour. Soy sauce has wheat. Don’t eat pre-packaged food in those two weeks unless it is clearly labeled that there is no wheat. It’s not in any vegetables, meat or seafood, even if the animals are grain fed. If you only go off wheat and eat oatmeal in the morning, and still get swollen after a few days, it might be gluten. Then try to go off gluten for two weeks.
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