General Index
( 411 ) GENERAL INDEX. Abergavenny, Henry,Lord (ob. 1587), Austen, Mr. (1658),82'7; Sir Robert, 47,215; George, Lord (1522),59. 345,850. Abraham and Isaao, a MedioovalPlay, Avis, Mr. (1658),321-2, 336. so, 14'7. Aylesford, 4'7; Church Plate, 254. Aorise Churoh Plate, 241. Aylwin, Rev. John, 284. Adam, John (1429), 18. Adamson, Rev. William, 64. Badlesmere Churoh Plate, 25'7. Addington Chm:ch Plate, 242. Bagfi.eld,"goodman" (1658),322. Adisham Churoh Plate, 242. Baker, Clement (1514),20. Albemarle,Duke of, 879,880. Balle, John, of Canterbury (]514),'77. Aldersey, Margaret, 42, 279, 804 ; Banoroft, Rev. D1·. John, 282-8; Chris- Mary, 42, 804:; Terry, 42, 279; topher, 288; Archbishop, 288. Thomas, 42,279 ; William, 42, 279. Bapohild Church Plate, 25'7. Aldington Churoh Plate, 244. Barfreston Churoh Plate, 259. Aldowsey, Thomas, 202. Barham Church Plate, 259. Alkham Churoh Plate, 245. Ba.rkham, Doroas, 38'7; Sir Robert, Allard, Francis, 42. 88'7. Alleyn, Sir Christopher, 227. Barming Churoh Plate, 260. Allhallows (Hoo) Church Plate, 246. Barnard, Messrs, (plate), 248, 2'70, Allington, 154; Church Plate, 24'7. 299,801. Alsnoth, William (1589),27. Barnham, Robert (1668), 1'73; Sir Andrewes, William (plate), 287. Robert, 29'7-8; Philadelphia.,298. Anne of Cleves at Rochester, 75, 76. Barnjet, 261. Antiphoner bought, 85. Barrell, Sarjeant, 212. Appledore Churoh Plate, 24'7. Barrett, Valentine, of Perry Court, Arlington, Lord, 888-4. 46. Arnold, A. A., on Quarry House, 169· Bateman (plate), Ann, 258; Hester, 180; on Roman Remains there, 189· 253; Jonathan, 253, 289; Peter, 192; on Roohester Bridge in 1561, 258,289 ; William, 253.
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