The Ann Arbor Democrat
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versify Librnry THE ANN ARBOR DEMOCRAT. VOLUME XXIX. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, JANUARY 22, 181)7. NUMBER 26. ARMENIAN MASS MEETING. E. Hall; Frepdom J Buss; Lima, T. W. W. WED1MEIEK, THE INSTITUTE. Fletcher; Lodi, S. L. White; Lyndon, J. HOMEOPATHIC. TAPPAN. Resolutions Adopted—Indemnity Demand Clark; Manchester..I. (I. English; North- Our Hustling Young: Republican well ed for Turkish Outrages on Americans Cared for by the Administration. field, E. E.Leland; Pittsfield, II. D. Platt; TRIALS OF THAT DEPARTMENT THE PKES15YTKKIAN* ASSOCIATION —Massacres of Armenians Denounced. AN ENJOYABLE AND PROFITABLE Salem. .1. P. Savory: Saline, C. M. Fel- W. W. Wedemeyer of this city has FOB YOIN<; l'EOPIE. The following resolutions were adopt MEETING AT CHELSEA. lows; Scio, G. A. "Peters: Sharon. E. DRAWING TO A CLOSE. been appointed Deputy Hailroad "Com- ed at the mass meeting held at th Crafts; Superior, J. A. McDougall; Syl- missioner for this state. This is a Lectureships and Reading; Booms to l>e Presbyterian church last Sunday after van. Geo. F. English; Webster, W. E. Faculty United as Well as A1>1<—Clinics Papers Cover a Wide Range of Topics— much sought for position, and a great Maintained—Own 3I<'Millan and Narki-11 noon to collect funds for the Armenian I'oyden; York. A. I). Mclntyre; Ypsi- Gaining in Numhers and Interest—Stu- honor, esp -daily as it cime without so- orphans: The Farmer's Importance in the Com- lanti, A. R. Graves. dents Increasing—School Now in Favor 11 :> 11s—VI no Library—Closed This Year for licitation ou the part of Mr Wedemeyer. Whereas, our American fellow-citi munity Emphasized—Officers Elected for VFTERNOON SI>SION. With the Profession. It isa very responsible position, and Mr. Lack of Funds. zens in Turkey, engaged in lawfu Next Year—Strong Resolutions Adopted J. S. McDougall of Ypsilanti, read a Wedemeyer is probably the youngest Among the earliest of the associa- pursuits guaranteed by treaty, hav( paper; on the subject of "Roads and It is hoped that the end of the long man who will be appointed "to so im- tions to be formed for the benefit of been and are being subjected to peri ITnderthe auspices of the Washtenaw Lload Making." The theme of his and vigorous light that has been made portant a plice. Those who know him the young people of the University, was and insult, and ty Institute Society an institute argument was, that it would be unwise against the Homeopathic department best, though, are satisfied that lie will the Tappan Presbyterian Association Whereas, in Xovember 1895, at Har was held 'n Chelsea last Tuesday and to subject the people to the added ex- is now near at hand. This department lill the place with credit to himself of the University of Michigan, named poot and Marash, bouses and property Wednesday, with sessions in the morn- pense of manufacturing new roads, j lias been, as one might say, on the and the state. Mr. Wedemeyer has after Dr. Tappan. once pi esident of the of American citizens were bombarded mg, afternoon and evening of each when the present system of road work- 'ragged edge of nothing" for so many been a faithful supporter of (i'ov. Pm- University, and designed to look after burned and plundered to the extent 0! daV. Some very interesting papers ing, if properly carried out, would be years that the prospects ahead of it now gree throughout the entire campaign, the spiritual life of Presbyterian stu- over if 100,0110, by the Turkish soldiery we're read by prominent men of the efficient. Mr. Nathan Pierce of Lima, are very encouraging to its friends. A seconded his nomination before the dents, and those attending the Presby- and mob, and state and county at each session. We i" discussion, with a compai determined effort has been made for a convention in a rousing speech, and terian church of this city. It is designed Whereas, no indemnity nor the feel sure that the publication of all the of the expense of making- and repair- long time to compel its removal to De- has upheld him with ability and vigor to also establish and maintain series of punishment of a single offender has speeches would prove interesting to ing roads in France and this country. troit, it is not our purpose to go into on all occasions. Gov. Pingree. who lectures on church history and Chris- been secured, but on the other hand everybody, but owing to lack of space He showed that even with the cheap the arguments pro and con, but we be- has a reputation for standing by his tian topics, and several courses of such the Turkish Government, emboldenec we can only give a curtailed account, labor and easily repaired roads of lieve the best interests of the depart- friends, has now shown his friendship lectures have been given. Eventually by its immunity, is proceeding to stil, Showing the general idea on the dif- France, it would"cost tiiis county four ment would be met by leaving it where in a substantial way. Mr. Wedemeyer ferent subjects under discussion. it is, an integral part of the great Uni- has been wonderfully successful ever it is also hoped to establish some per- further outrages, and is plotting oi times as the total county tax. to build versity, wiiii all the other departments manent chairs of instruction, which false and malicious charges to drive TUESDAY MORNING. new roads. He recommended the use sin^e he entered politics, and he has shall be such as to aid students to do all Americans from the land, there- of the French wide tired wagon, as thein which students can have so many undoubtedly a brilliant career before The institute was formally opened by advantages right at hand. Last week him. while here, some work which shall fore, an address of welcome by the lion. .1. method of keeping the roads in repair. there was given to the public the fol- shorten their course in the seminary, Resolved, that we, citizens of Ann S. Gorman, giving the visitors a hearty The speeches of both Mr. McDougall lowing letter from a number of the and enable them to get into the work Arbor. Mich , in mass meeting assem- welcome to our pleasant little village". and Mr. Pierce were so well received, leading Homeopathic physicians of the TEACHERS' ASSOCIATION. of the ministry more quickly. bled, hereby express our indignation An apropriate response was given by that the secretary was instructed to state, which is self explanatory:— Through the liberality of the late and call upon our Government to take It. M. Kellogg of Three Rivers, follow- have them printed for general distribu- Interesting Program to l>e Presented at Mrsi H. Louise Doe Backett, the asso- such steps as shall be necessary to se-ing which a paper was read by R. C. tion. D. 15. Taylor of Chelsea gave a ••My Dear Doctor:-We write you Saline, February 6th. ciation became owner of the property cure full and immediate satisfaction for Reeves of Dexter, upon "A Farmer short talk on the subject of the road concerning' the homeopathic college at The next meeting of the Teachers' on the corner of Huron and estate the damages already inflicted on ourand His Changed Conditions." lie tax. Ann Arbor. Whatever may be our in-Association of Washtenaw county will streets, and the building there standing fellow-citizens in Turkey, and to guar- spoke of the great changes which had .10. E. Croman of Grass Lake, a mem- dividual views of the question, we be held at Saline, Saturday, tebruary is now known as Sackett Hall, in mem- antee them full protection of person trtkeu place in the methods of farming, ber of the Grass Lake Creamery Co., consider it unwise to further publicly tith. The following program will be ory of Mrs. Sackett's only son. Senator property and rights, in the prosecution and showed that the general depres- took up the remaining time with a dis- agitate the removal. carried out: James McMillan erected on the adjoin- of their lawful occupations. sion of the country was caused by un- cussion of the best methods to be em- The regents are demonstrating their FORENOON SESSION, 10 O'CLOCK. ing lot a fine building now known as Resolved, that we express our abhor- prosperous condition of the fanner. ployed in fe?ding stock, and in the intention to treat the homeopathic de- Music. partment fairly, and the new faculty Paper. "Qualifications of the Teacher" McMillan Hall. These two buildings rence of the colossal and barbarous The farmer had been legislated against caring of milk for butter making. Prof. R. O. Austin adjoining and communicating give the massacres in Armenia, that have left an and shut out at the caucu ses and con- Prof IT. K. Tedder, Agr'l Col., erave a members are administering its affairs Paper, " Composition in the District School ".i. association a fine equipment for its indelible stain upon the world's record ventions. He believed that it was lecture on "Bridges and Culverts for in a way to command universal re- Miss May Wheeler spect. So long as this happy comhi- Paper. " Language Work in the Lower Grades of work They contain a number of living in the closing years of the 19th century, time to assert their manhood. He also Country Highways'. Prof.Vedder is an the District School " . Mr. D. A. Townsend rooms, a line library, study rooms, an and that we show our sympathy for the advocated the income tax law and the engineer, and having been in the em-i nation continues, it seems clear to us Music.