Syllabus for HIST 12203 The Italian Renaissance: Dante, Machiavelli and the Wars of Popes and Kings CLCV 22216, ITAL 16000 RLST 22203 KNOW 12203 SIGN 26034 RENS 12203 MDVL 12203 Dr. Ada Palmer
[email protected] Spring 2018, Stuart 104 Office: Social Sciences 222 Class: Mon/Weds 1:30-2:50 PM Office Hours: Weds 3:15 to 5:00 COURSE DESCRIPTION This course covers Florence, Rome, and the Italian city-states in the age of plagues and cathedrals, Dante and Machiavelli, Medici and Borgia (1250–1600), with a focus on literature and primary source readings, as well as the rediscovery of lost texts and technologies of the ancient world, and the place of Church and theology in all aspects of Renaissance culture. We will consider such topics as humanism, patronage, cultural immersion, dynastic and papal politics, corruption, assassination, rivalry, art, music, magic, censorship, religion, education, rare books and manuscripts, science, heresy, reform, and the roots of the Reformation. Writing assignments focus on higher level writing skills and biographical research, with a creative writing component. Non-History majors are welcome. PREREQUISITES: None ASSIGNMENTS 1. Attendance (15%) 2. Class Participation OR class responses (18%) The teaching assistants will take note of which students speak up in class, asking questions or supplying comments. Students who do so will receive credit for class participation. If you don’t have a chance to participate in any given class, or if you prefer to listen rather than to speak, you may instead turn in at the next class a single paragraph (one page maximum) of written comments expressing your own views on the discussion that occurred in the previous class.