Ricketts esq. i..s a modern mansion of stone.. The Right 106 inhabitants, and has an area of 44~ acres? rateable Hon. A. H. Smith-Barry M.P. is lord of the manor. :Miss value- £1,317. ' • Isabella .Ashley, of Frodsham, Mrs. Edgerley, of the Letters by road conveyance from Frodsham, which is Manor Hou~e, and Henry Lowe esq. of . Hall, are the nearest telegraph office. Kihgsley ~s the nearest the chief landowners. The township in 1891 contained money order office · KINGSLEY. Harvey Samuel, wheelwright & far- Ravenscroft Stph. frmr.Hall o' th' Hey Chadwick Samuel B mer, Westbrook farm Rigby Thomas, farmer, Finney house Falkner .A. H. Westbrook house Hedges John, fish dealer & fruiterer Robinson Hannah (Mrs.), shopkeeper Falkner Robert, Castle Hill house Holland Joseph, cattle dealer Robinson John, blacksmith Gleave John Thomas, Peel hall Holland William, farmer & cattle Robinson Samuel, chemist & druggist Hale William Henry, The Firs dealer, The Cross :road 1\Ioreton Henry, Crewood hall Horton lVilliam, farmer, Bellar Robinson Thomas, cooper Price Dennis Hough John, bricklayer & mawn Rowe James, farmer Reynolds Rev. .Alfred Phillips (vicar), Hughes James, shopkeeper Shallcross Josh.frmr.&cttle.dlr. Tan ho Vicarage Hunt H11gh, baker & shopkeeper Shallcross Wm, brick maker & farmer Kay .r ohn, farmer Shaw 'Wilson, beer retailer COMMERCI.AL. Kay Mrs. farmer, Burst Shawcross Wilfred Lightfoot,catt1e dlr Aidley Samuel, farmer, Dodgley gate Lewis Edwin, coach builder Starkev John, farmer · Aidley William, farmer Lewis John, farmer Taylor.Thomas, farmer, Hare hayes Alderman Edwin, coal mer. & farmer Lewis John, joiner Thomas George, draper,grocer,general Badcock Tryphena (Miss), ladies' Lewis Samuel, farmer & timber dealr dealer & post office school, Common side Lewis Saml.plmbr.& paintr.Green bnk Tickle Jane (Mrs.),farmer, Catten hall Birkenhead John, farmer Lewis Samuel, Red Bull inn Walker Henry, tailor Blinston John, farmer, 'Wigganslake Light.foot Isaac, cowkeeper Warburton George, cattle dealer Booth William, farmer, Meeting ho Lightfoot John, timber dealer Warburton John, butcher & farmer Clarke Edwin, farmer Lightfoot Samuel, butcher Warburton William, butcher Clarke George, farmer Littlemore Isaac, shoe maker & agent Warburton Wm. farmer, Depmore Darlington Thomas, shopkeeper Prudential Assurance Co. Limited '\Voodward Samuel, farmer,Hurst frm Faulkner Henry, jun. farmer, Dark la Maddock Mary (Mrs.), shopkeeper Worrall Abraham, cow keeper Faulkner Hy.sen, farmer, 'Wigganslake l\Ioreton Henry, farmer, Crewood hall Wrench Sa,muel, shoe mak,er , Fellowes George, farmer, Castle hill Mort James, farmer 1-Vright Denis, farmer, Green bank_ • Fletcher Wm. shopkpr. & flour dealer Mountfield John, butcher, Brookside · Frodsham Daniel, grocer Naylor Thos. farmer, Mill Lane farm NEWTON-BY-FRODSHAM. Frodsham James, farmer, Offal pits Nicholls James, Bleak House farm Dutton Miss, Newton cottage Frodsham John, farmer, Finney hill Norcross John, farmer, King!ley Hall Edgerley Mrs. Manor house Fryer Thomas, Horse Shoe P.H. & Brookside farms Lewis Henry, The Lodge farmer & engineer; picnic parties Okell .Ann (Mrs.), farmer Ricketts James, Newton ball supplied, good accommodation for Okell Charles, farmer & cattle dealer, co:.nnmcu.L. cyclists Forest farm Dykes William Eaton, farmer Gerrard Charles, farmer Onltram Daniel, timber dealer &c Edgerley Annie (Mrs.),frmr.Manor lia• Gerrard Thomas, land surveyor & Oultram Edward, clogger Ford Elizh. (Mrs.), frmr.Lowr.Ho.frm schoolmaster Oultram George, ahoe ma. Staniford Frodsham Owen, farmer & cowkeepBr- Gibson Alfred, miller,The Water mill Oultram James, tailor, Burst Fryer William, farmer Gleave Joha Thos. farmer, Peel hall Oultram John, shoe maker, Staniford Boose William, farmer Green Oatherine (Mrs.), shopkeeper Oultram John, shoe maker Lightfoot J sph. cattle dealer & farmer · Grice Joseph, beer retailer Oultram John, tailor, Slack Moss William, farmer, Old Hall farm . Hall John, farmer, Mill lane Onltram Jn. Yould, shoe ma.Qom.side Okell George, farmer Hall Peter, farmer, fruit grower & Potts Samuel, farmer Parker George, farmer thrashing machine prptr.Pike's nook Randles George, shoe maker Pickering Thos. farmer, Newton bank . Harvey George, wheelwright Ravenscroft Jn. farmer,Hall o' th' Hey Rowe James, blacksmith

WEST KIR:SY iS~ a township and parisB., bounded on style, consisting at present of clerestoried nave of five b~s. the west by the estuary of the river Dee and on the north aisles and north and south porches,and affords 350 sittings. by the , and a large and increasingly populous There are Wesleyan and Primitive Methodist chapels here, village, situated on rising ground, with stations on the a Presbyterian Church of at Little Meals, erected· Wirral railway and on the Great Western and London and in 1890 and seating about 700 per·sons, and a Welsh chapel North Western Joint railway, 8 miles west from Ilirken­ in Grange road. The Children's Convalescent, Home, head, in the Wirral division of the county, lower division erected in 1889 and supported by voluntary contributions,. of the hundred and union of Wirral, petty sessional division is a spacious edifice of red brick and is available for 40 of Wirral, county court district. of Birkenhead, rural children. The charities for distribution include Bennett's deanery of Wirral and arch deaconry and dioce~e of . charity of £310 yearly, derived from land in the townships West Kirby affords ample facilities for sea-bathing, and of Grange; Sanghall Massie and N ewton-cum-Larton, and on this account is rapidly becoming a favourite place of other benefactions, amounting together to £r76 14s. 6d. residence. which is mostly distributed in pensions of 6s. a week for The parish is governed by the Hoylake and West Kirby life to the aged poor, and in clothing, bread and coal. Urban District Council. Madame De Falbe, of Luton Boo, Beds, the trustees of the· The church of St. Bridget is an ancient edifice of red late John Robin esq. and Miss .Ashton, of London, are the· sandstone in the Gothic style, and formerly had a chancel, principal landowners. The soil is sandy; subsoil, rocky. nave and aisles, but the nave and aisles were thrown The chief crops are potatoes and turnips. The area of together by injudicious alterations about the year 1789 : the township is 481 acres of land, 713 tidal water and 1:,564. in 1870 it was restored and reconstructed, and now consists foreshore; rateable value of township, £17,709; the popu­ of chancel, nave of four bays, aisles, north and south lation in 1891 was 2,441 civil and 2,990 ecclesiastical' porches and an embattled western tower containing 8 parish, and urban district 6,545. bells: the stained east window is a memorial to the Robin Parish Clerk, John Rowland. family; one at the west end was erected by his family Post, M. 0. & '1'. 0,, S. B., Expre!!ls Delivery & Annuity & to the Rev. Thomas Eaton M . .A. Canon of Chester, rector Insurance Office.-Mrs. Ellen Evans, sub-postmistress. here 186o-8g, who died 16 July, 1889, and there are ten (Swb-Office. Letters should have S. 0. Cheshire added.) others, all memorials: in December 1893 a new organ Letters arrive at 6.5 a.m. & 2.35 & p.m.; delivered was provided at a cost of £r,ooo and a set of new lamps by 5·5 Mrs. Eaton: the church! affords 5oo sittings. The register 7 a.m. & 3 & 5.30 p.m.; dispatched g.2o a.m. & 2.15, dates from the year r6g2. The living is a rectory, average 4.15, 8.r5 & g.r5 p.m.; sundays, 5.20 p.m tithe rent-eharge £346, net yearly value £425, with 37 Sub-Post Office, The Village.-Samuel J ones, sub-post­ acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of the Dean and master, 4 Village ro!)d. Letters dispatched at 9 a.m. & Chapter of (Jpester, and held since 1889 by the Rev. .Alfred r, 3.45, 8 & 9 p.m Jarnes Blencowe M.A. of St. John's Colleg-e, Oxford, canon Letter Boxes :- residentiary of Chest-er and surrogate. The church of St. Church road, cleared 9 a.m. & r, 3-45, 8 & 9 p.m.; mn­ .Andrew, locally in Little Meols and erected in 1891 from day, 5 p.m the designs of Messrs. Douglas and Fordham, architects, Dunraven road, 9 a.m. & r, 3·45, 8 & 9 p.m.; sun. 5 p.m at a cost of £4,000, is a building of stone in the Gothic • Riversdale road, 9 a.m. & r, 3·45• 8 & 9 p.m.; sun~ p.m CHESHIRE 21*