1 The sweetener that the world needs.


In the last few years, sugar has gained a very unfavorable reputation. It may well be the worst of times for anyone with a love for sugar. This wonderful, sweet substance that seemed to once fill our lives with joy and fun is under attack as a vicious, dastardly poison. 3

You've probably heard these things in the news, maybe in a blog, or as hearsay from friends and colleagues: It is empty calories. It leaches nutrients. It rots the teeth, makes bones brittle. It stops proteins from entering the muscle. It doesn't give you energy; on the contrary, it depletes your energy. It causes obesity. It gives rise to insulin resistance and diabetes. It lowers the body's immunity.

You know you should stay away, but it is as addictive as any narcotic. Spend time away from it and you get withdrawal symptoms.

Have a little bit and you want more - you can't help it, it makes serotonin rise. It blunts leptin, the hunger - regulating hormone.

It is slowly killing you. 4

This applies to , , high corn , and to other sweeteners that claim to have health benefits.

With an average consumption of 126 grams per person, which translates to 20% to 25% of daily calories for adults in the United States, it is slowly killing millions of people.

All the above is what is currently believed. A health scare, no doubt, but the reality is certainly more nuanced and complicated.

This is ONLY true when talking about processed and refined white sugar, brown sugar, high fructose , etc.

Fresh raw sugar, however, is a whole different story. 5

One of the world's oldest sweetners is back with PolicaneTM

Policane™ is not a calorie - free like stevia or sucralose. As it is made from , it has calories, but in spite of that, it may well be a healthier option.

But how can that be?

Let's start with cane sugar in its original form - sugarcane, and the fresh juice that is extracted from it. It is not unhealthy. Far from it in fact. Straight from the naked sugarcane stalk comes raw sugarcane juice. This is the juice many sugar products come from. It has to be pressed out of a sugar cane stalk. In Spanish, this juice is called "guarapo". Its coIor is deep green, its flavor is rich and sweet. Its health benefits are numerous and extensive. 6

Fresh sugarcane juice is:

It a source of iron, manganese, zinc, thiamine (vitamin 81), riboflavin (vitamin 82), and NUTRITIOUS niacin (vitamin 83). Instead of rotting teeth, the mineraIs in it help keep them strong and healthy.

Each 100 gram serving has 63 mg of sodium, 63 milligrams of potassium, 10 mg of magnesium, and 13 mg of calcium. In a study that appeared in the Asian Journal of Sports RICH IN ELECTROLYTES Medicine in 2013, researchers gathered a group of athletes to compare the effects of sugarcane juice against a sports drink and plain drinking water. Sugarcane juice turned out to be equally as rehydrating as sports drinks and plain water. 7

Fresh sugarcane juice is:

A study done in Sao Paolo, Brazil that appeared in The Journal of Chromatography in 2006 RICH IN showed that sugarcane juice contains a significant amount of flavonoid and phenolic compounds - around 0.6 mg/ml to be precise. These compounds are known to have anti - ANTIOXIDANTS inflammatory, anti - allergy and even anti - tumor properties. Instead of lowering the body's defenses, it heals.

LOW IN THE In spite of its richness, it only has a Gl ranking of 43. It has a lower Gl than white sugar (64), high fructose corn syrup (62), and (55). That means that blood sugar readings GLYCEMIC won't go haywire when you drink fresh sugar cane juice. INDEX 8

Basically, it shows the opposite of all the reported downsides of processed sugar. Historically, sugarcane has been used in Ayurvedic Medicine in India for thousands of years. In ancient Greece, Rome and Persia it was considered a medicine, not a food. To the people of these ancient cultures, it was a life giving elixir.

But it has one major drawback: THIS SUGAR HAS A LIMITED SHELF LIFE 9

From the moment it is first pressed out of the cane stalk, only lasts for 6 hours. It will then begin to ferment and to spoil. You would be lucky if, with refrigeration, you could make it last for 12 hours. This is why you don't see fresh - packed sugar cane juice either sold at grocery stores or used as a sweetener. This is why you have sugar with all its nutrients sucked out of it - an empty shell of the richness that it once had.

But there is something made from fresh sugar cane juice that is not only healthy but also lasts longer than fresh sugar cane juice. It goes by many names. In Colombia it is known as "." In India and it is known as "" or "gur." Rapa dura" in Brazil, "piloncillo" in Mexico, "kokuto" in Japan, and so on; wherever sugarcane is grown and harvested, there is a name or it.

For now, we'll call it panela, as it is the name we are most familiar with. 10

In order to make panela, the fresh sugar cane juice is prepared in iron vessels over blazing - hot furnaces. The intense heat destroys a special nutrient compound that is believed to be so powerful, so beneficial to humanity, that it has the worldwide medical establishment paying attention.

But what is this special nutrient compound? POLICOSANOLS Most people probably never heard of them. They haven't become part of the popular lexicon yet, but that is bound to change soon: because policosanols may help combat against high cholesterol and heart disease. 11

In 2002, Policosanols started to get attention from the medical and scientific community when Cuban researchers studied these alcohols. After all, sugar cane is one of Cuba's main crops with vast fields covering the island nation. The National Center for Scientific Research in Havana, Cuba conducted clinical trials with over 90,000 volunteers to find out how policosanols could be used to treat high cholesterol and cardiovascular disease. This has made policosanols one of the most extensively studied and tested substances. In 2002, researchers from the University of Bonn, Germany, compiled and re - viewed all the available peer - reviewed literature on policosanols from Cuba. Here are the results spanning across 60 clinical trials and 3000 patients*: Policosanols, at doses of 10 - 20 mg per day, reduce total cholesterol by 17%, decrease LDL (the "bad" cholesterol) by 29%, increase HDL (the "good" cholesterol) by 15%, and decrease triglycerides by 12%.

*Gouni-Berthold I, Berthold HK. Policosanol: clinical pharmacology and therapeutic significance of a new lipidlowering agent 12

These results are equal to the same as those with statins, cholesterol - lowering prescription drugs. In a study conducted in the Medical Surgical Research Center in Havana, Cuba in 2002, Policosanols were put up against Lovastatin in a randomized, double - blind study.

Note: the effects on total cholesterol, LDL, HDL and triglycerides were nearly identical.

How do policosanols almost lower cholesterol just as effectively as statins... WITHOUT side effects?

Statins are the #1 go - to prescription drugs for treating high cholesterol. But statins can have DlRE side - effects. Nerve damage, liver failure, muscle damage, and increases in fasting insulin levels are just of a few of 300 known side - effects!

But what about policosanols? Which side effects do they have? Side effects are either very minor or absent. 13

Toxic effects have been studied extensively on animals. Rats have been given extremely high doses - up to 1500 times the normal dose a human would consume - without adverse effects. To the best of our knowledge, there are no adverse effect in humans of taking high doses of policosanols. 14

Advantages of Policosanols

Policosanol is nothing less than the most promising nutritional supplement in recent history. It is composed of a combination of long - chain fatty alcohols (without a biological resemblance to ethanol) isolated and refined from sugar cane. Of these isolated fatty alcohols, octacosanol is the most prevalent and most important, followed by seven other highly aliphatic (open - chain structure) alcohols. This unique extract was originally studied in Cuba as a cholesterol - lowering agent and is an approved treatment for high cholesterol in over two dozen countries. In studies, it has been shown to be as effective as and safer than most popular cholesterol - lowering drugs. Moreover, policosanols improve blood circulation to the brain and limbs. Clinical studies on policosanol with more than 30,000 participants demonstrate the efficacy of policosanol by measuring the dose - dependent response. For example, a dose of 10 mg per day will generally reduce LDL cholesterol by 20 - 25% after 6 to 8 weeks, and a dose of 20 mg will reduce LDL by 25 - 30%. In the same 6 - 8 week period, the levels of "good" HDL cholesterol increase by 15 - 25%, thus greatly improving the HDL / LDL ratio. Besides improving these crucial markers, policosanols have been shown to reduce the rate of cholesterol synthesis in the liver and increase the hepatic reabsorption of low - density lipoproteins (LDL). 15

Policosanols have also been shown to increase high - density lipoprotein levels (HDL). A high total cholesterol level increases the chance of developing health problems like heart disease. There are five types of cholesterol, but in this document we’ll analyze HDL and LDL cholesterol with regards to their potential for the development of chronic disease. HDL (aka "good cholesterol") removes cholesterol build - up in the arteries and also removes it from the body. LDL (aka "bad cholesterol”) is involved in the accumulation of fat on the arterial walls. This is known as atherosclerosis or "hardening of the arteries" which is linked to heart disease. Up - to - date research indicates that low HDL levels are a strong indicator of cardiovascular disease. One of the important functions of policosanol is the reduction of accumulated cells in the arteries by inhibiting the oxidation of LDL. 16

Oxidized LDL poses a danger because it promotes the destruction of blood vessels thus creating a chronic inflammatory response. Oxidized LDL can also cause the formation of metalloproteinase enzymes. These enzymes promote the destruction of blood vessels, in part by interfering with the protective effect of HDL. As healthy arteries are lined with a soft layer of cells that allow blood to pass unhindered, the arteries are then dominated by cells, causing blood flow to narrow - and eventually block - which can eventually lead to cardiac arrest and a myocardial infarction (heart attack).

Policosanols do much more than adding to our lives. They have been shown to promote the reduction of heart problems, strokes, varicose veins, inflammation in hemorrhoids, sexual impotence and much more.

Nutritional value: iron, manganese, zinc, thiamine (vitamin B1), riboflavin (vitamin B2), niacin (vitamin B3), electrolytes and antioxidants, among other nutrients. 17

Policosanols may also be useful against other aliments Besides being able to reduce cholesterol levels safely they may also help with other conditions. Studies have indicated that policosanols may:

Policosanols stops blood clotting by counteracting against Platelet Activating Factor IMPROVE (PAF). Since it clears the way for the blood to circulate policosanols have been used to BLOOD treat intermittent claudication (poor circulation to the legs and feet). They may also be CIRCULATION used to treat angina (chest pain as a result of poor circulation).

HELP In the Medical Surgical Research Center in Havana, Cuba, healthy volunteers with type II TREAT diabetes were given policosanols in daily 5 mg doses. Their cholesterol levels low ered TYPE-2 without any adverse effects to their insulin levels. The cholesterol - producing enzyme HMG DIABETES CoA reductase is highly active with elevated insulin levels but policosa nols may regulate its production even with higher insulin levels. 18

Researchers in Yeungnam University, Gyeongsan, South Korea conducted a clinical trial LOWER in which participants, healthy male and female volunteers, took between 10 to 20 mg of BLOOD policosanols over the course of 24 weeks, with careful measuring of their blood pressure. PRESSURE Their blood pressure lowered, on average, from systolic 138 mmHg to 126 mmHg, and diastolic 87 mmHg to 79 mmHg.

Octacosanol alone (as aforementioned, makes up 60 - 70% of policosanols) has been shown to treat insomnia, Parkinson's disease, and to slow down tumor growth. In a study TREAT done at the University of Tsukuba, Okinawa, Japan researchers gave octacosanol to mildly OTHER stressed mice to see effects on sleep regulation; the mice were able to sleep soundly. In CONDITIONS another study done at the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing, China, researchers treated Parkinsons - infected rats with octacosanol. Researchers from the University of Mysore, India applied octacosanol onto chicken chorioallantoic membrane and rat cornea and observed that it inhibited tumor cell growth.

Aren't policosanols amazing? 19

A major Japanese study confirms that... octacosanol and policosanol prevent high - fat diet - induced obesity and metabolic disorders by activating brown adipose tissue and improving liver metabolism.*

A major Korean study confirms that... Cuban Sugar cane wax acid and policosanol showed similar atheroprotective effects with inhibition of LDL oxidation and cholesterylester transfer via enhancement of high - density lipoproteins functionality.** 20 If you want the best source of policosanols, you will find it in the PolicaneT M Concentrated Cane Juice

Policane™ is fresh cane juice PRESERVED to have the highest policosanols content possible.

It has been a grueling process of trial - and - error with the single - minded pursuit of one goal: A shelf - stable product that preserves all the bounties, all the nutrients, all the minerals, all the flavors preserve and, of course, all the policosanols of raw sugarcane juice. 21

Many major food and beverage companies have tried and failed to make sugar cane juice shelf - stable. To make sugar cane juice last, to make it shelf stable and maintain its flavor has proven elusive... many in the food and bev erage industry were convinced that it was an impossible feat.

And it was... until we came along.

Then there is another part challenge about preserving the poIicosanoIs. You've aIready learned that sugarcane has policosanols. You already know all the wonderful, miraculous benefits that they may bring.

But did you know just how fragile these policosanols are?

Policosanols are found on the epicuticular sugarcane stalk wax. This is a thin, waxy film on the outer layer of a sugarcane stalk. This layer is light, thin, and translucent. You can actually scratch off this wax with your fingernail. The policosanols are very fragile and they evaporate easily. 22

To preserve the policosanols, the most important part of the process was to keep temperatures below a specific point, which is fully described in two United States Patents. Any hotter than that and the policosanols disappear.

Most of the time in sugar production, temperatures rise to boiling and beyond; high heat is the norm. And it wasn't just the temperature that had to be regulated - we had to be cautious of not having the product get contaminated, letting air seep in when it was supposed to be in a vacuum - sealed environment and so many other factors that threatened to destroy the policosanols.

It was a matter of tweaking and monitoring these factors to a point where you could still go through an industrial process starting with raw, unwashed cane and finishing with a pure, clean product.

But in the end, we were able to achieve perfection. 23 The Final, Finished Product

Policane™ originally started as a syrup, and that was how we were able to preserve so many policosanols.

Through the pro duction process, we were able to make a dry, granulated version never exposed to high temperatures thus preserving the flavor and the properties of fresh sugarcane juice. In all our research, we have not come across another industrial process that pre serves policosanols in fresh sugar cane juice.

If you wish to take policosanols, what better way to take them than with Policane™? 24

The color is a dark but translucent gold. It is lighter in color than agave , maple syrup, and bee's .

The taste it's richer than white or brown table sugar. It almost tastes like It is fresh sugar cane juice, but stronger. It is somewhat like panela, yet gentler. While it tastes as good or better as the above sweeteners, it does have its a food own unique flavor. I would say that it captures the aroma of the entire cane - growing region from which it came from - there is earth, there is rain, there rather is the taste of minerals and nutrients so perfectly preserved, there is a hint of acidity but it recedes into the background. It is many flavors and yet one than a flavor at the same time. supplement! When you first taste it, the flavor hits you gently, subtly. It takes a few seconds inside your mouth for the flavor to have its full effect. Then, as you swallow and it slides down your throat, there is a faint warmth, a pleasant sensation that is left behind and then spreads throughout your entire body before dissipating. You will need to taste it again and again for your mind to fully comprehend what it is tasting and experiencing. 25

You can have the minimum single teaspoon serving of Policane™ Cane Juice Concentrate every day just for the benefits.

One great, easy - to - make recipe is a soothing nighttime lemonade that needs nothing other than lemons, boiling water, and Policane™. Mix it with rum and you have the original Cuba Libre. You can use it to sweeten your coffee; you can sweeten cereal, pancakes, and oatmeal.

You can cook with it; make home - made sauces and condiments, bake with it; use it any way you wish.

However you choose to have it, or in whatever quantity, we have no doubt that by the first time you try it you will fall in love with it.

By the time a week passes, you will have already felt its healing, restorative effects. And it will be only a matter of time until you will wonder... “How did I ever live without it?'” Are you ready to try this miraculous sweetener for yourself? 26

*Scientific Reports: Octacosanol and policosanol prevent high-fat diet-induced obesity and metabolic disorders by activating brown adipose tissue and improving liver metabolism. Recovered from https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-019-41631-1

**HindawiCardiovascular Terapeutics Volume 2019, Article ID 8496409, 11 pages. Cuban Sugar Cane Wax Acid and Policosanol Showed Similar Atheroprotective Effects with Inhibition of LDL Oxidation and Cholesteryl Ester Transfer via Enhancement of High-Density Lipoproteins Functionality. Recovered from https://www.hindawi.com/journals/cdtp/2019/8496409/

Antti Jula, MD, PhD; Jukka Marniemi, PhD; Risto Huupponen, MD,PhD; Arja Virtanen, MSc; Merja Rastas, MSc; Tapani Rönnemaa,MD, PhD “Effects of Diet and Simvastatin on Serum Lipids, Insulin,and Antioxidants in Hypercholesterolemic Men.” JAMA, Vol. 287 #5,pp. 598-605. No. 5 Recovered from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11829698

Appleby, Maia. (n.d.). “Nutrients in Sugar Cane Juice.” Healthy Eating | SF Gate. Recovered from http://healthyeating.sfgate.com/nutrients-sugar-cane-juice-2281.html

Bourre, JM. Roles of unsaturated fatty acids (especially omega-3 fattyacids) in the brain at various ages and during ageing. J Nutr HealthAging. 2004;8(3):163-74. Recovered from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15129302

Castano G, Mas Ferreiro R, Fernandez L, Gamez R, Illnait J, Fernandez C. A long-term study of policosanol in the treatment of intermittent claudication. Angiology 52(2):115-25 Recovered from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11228084

Castano G, Mas R, Arruzazabala ML, et al. Effects of policosanol andpravastatin on lipid profile, platelet aggregation and endothelemia inolder hypercholesterolemic patients. Int J Clin Pharmacol Res1999;19:105-16. Recovered from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10939028

Castano G, Menendez R, Mas R, et al. Effects of policosanol and lovastatin on lipid profile and lipid peroxidation in patients withdyslipidemia associated with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Int J ClinPharmacol Res 2002;22:89-99. Recovered from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12837046

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