Lambourne Road

Planning ● Heritage August 2016 Specialist & Independent Advisors to the Property Industry Planning Authority: District Council

Site centred at: NGR 545776, 192970

Author: Hannah Smalley BSc (Hons) MCIfA

Approved by: Cathy Patrick BA DipArchaeol MPhil MCIfA

Report Status: FINAL

Issue Date: August 2016

CgMs Ref: HS/22563

© CgMs Limited

No part of this report is to be copied in any way without prior written consent.

Every effort is made to provide detailed and accurate information, however, CgMs Limited cannot be held responsible for errors or inaccuracies within this report.

© Ordnance Survey maps reproduced with the sanction of the controller of HM Stationery Office. Licence No: AL 100014723 Archaeological Desk-Based Assessment Road, Chigwell, Essex


Executive Summary 1.0 Introduction and Scope of Study 2.0 Planning Background and Development Plan Framework 3.0 Geology and Topography 4.0 Archaeological/Historical Background and Assessment of Significance 5.0 Site Conditions, the Proposed Development and Impact on Heritage Assets 6.0 Summary and Conclusions Sources Consulted


Fig. 1 Site Location Fig. 2 1777 Chapman and Andre map of Essex Fig. 3 1799 Ordnance Survey Drawing Fig. 4 1839 Chigwell Tithe Map Fig. 5 1863 Chigwell Enclosure Map Fig. 6 1872 Ordnance Survey Map Fig. 7 1896 Ordnance Survey Map Fig. 8 1963-69 Ordnance Survey Map Fig. 9 1972-88 Ordnance Survey Map Fig. 10 1992 Ordnance Survey Map


Plate 1 Looking south along the entrance driveway to Woodview from Lambourne Road Plate 2 Former manager’s office/residence to Woodview Care Home Plate 3 In the north-western extent of the study site, looking south-east towards Woodview Plate 4 Western elevation of Woodview Plate 5 Entrance Porch to Woodview Plate 6 Looking west along the southern elevation of Woodview Plate 7 Basement entrance to Woodview Plate 8 At the southern end of the study site looking north towards Woodview Plate 9 View of the south-eastern boundary wall Plate 10 Ancillary buildings to the east of Woodview Plate 11 View of the eastern elevation of Woodview Plate 12 Looking north-west towards the southern elevation of Woodview Plate 13 Woodland in the north-eastern extent of the study site

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Plate 14 Area of hardstanding to the east of Woodview Plate 15 Woodland area to the south-east of Woodview Plate 16 Area of lawn surrounded by mature trees to the front of Woodview


Appendix 1: Historic Environment Record and Historic Archive plans and data

Appendix 2: Estate Agent Sales Particular – Woodview c.2011

Appendix 3: Proposed Site Plan

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No part of this report is to be copied in any way without prior written consent. Every effort is made to provide detailed and accurate information, however CgMs limited cannot be held responsible for errors or inaccuracies within this report. © Ordnance Survey maps reproduced with the sanction of the controller of HM Stationery Office. Licence AL100014723

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Executive Summary

This archaeological desk-based assessment has been researched and prepared on behalf of ADG Architects and their client and assesses the archaeological potential of land at Lambourne Road, Chigwell. The report forms the desk-based assessment required by paragraph 128 of the NPPF to identify the presence of heritage (archaeological) assets and, where present, to assess impact on their significance.

This report addresses archaeological issues as required by the NPPF and provides detailed information on the archaeological potential of the study site and its surrounding area.

This assessment has identified that there are no designated archaeological assets located on the study site itself or in its immediate surrounding area, such that their significance or setting may be affected by proposed development within the study site.

Based on current evidence available in the HER and HEA, a low potential for significant archaeological deposits has been identified for all periods on the study site. Any sub- surface features that may survive are likely to be limited to that of former agricultural practices of limited significance. Development of the study site in the 19th and 20th century is likely to have truncated or potentially removed earlier archaeological deposits within the footprint of Woodview, should they have been present.

The proposed development has the potential to impact upon below ground archaeological deposits, should they be present. However, parts of the development site have been previously impacted by 19th and 20th century development and archaeological deposits within these areas are likely to have been severely truncated or removed by this former development. Any archaeological remains that may be present within the study site are likely to be of no more than local significance and should not preclude or constrain the proposed development.

It is considered that no further archaeological work is required in support of the proposed development. Should further limited archaeological mitigation be warranted, such works could reasonably be secured by a condition of planning consent.

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1.1 This archaeological desk-based assessment has been researched and prepared by James Archer and Hannah Smalley of CgMs Consulting, commissioned by ADG Architects on behalf of their clients.

1.2 The assessment considers land off Lambourne Road, Chigwell, Essex (hereafter referred to as the study site) which is being considered for a retirement block development. The study site has an area of approximately 1.2ha hectares and is centred at National Grid Reference 545776, 192970 (Fig. 1).

1.3 In accordance with government policy on archaeology within the planning process (Section 12 of the National Planning Policy Framework) and local policy, this assessment draws together the available archaeological, topographic and land-use information in order to clarify the archaeological potential of the study site.

1.4 Additionally, in accordance with the ‘Standard and Guidance for Historic Environment Desk-Based Assessments’ (Chartered Institute for Archaeologists (CIfA) 2014), it incorporates an examination of evidence in the Essex and Greater Historic Environment Record (HER), the Historic England Archive (HEA), Essex Record Office, incorporates published and unpublished material and charts historic land-use through a map regression exercise. A site visit was conducted in July 2016.

1.5 As a result, the assessment enables relevant parties to assess the significance of any designated and undesignated heritage assets within the study site, assess the potential for as yet to be discovered archaeological assets and enables potential impacts on assets to be identified, along with the need for design, civil engineering or archaeological solutions.

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2.1 In March 2012, the government published the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). The National Planning Policy Guidance (PPG) was published online in March 2014.

2.1.1 Section 12 of the NPPF, entitled Conserving and enhancing the historic environment provides guidance for planning authorities, property owners, developers and others on the conservation and investigation of heritage assets. Overall, the objectives of Section 12 of the NPPF can be summarised as seeking the:

x Delivery of sustainable development x Understanding the wider social, cultural, economic and environmental benefits brought by the conservation of the historic environment x Conservation of England's heritage assets in a manner appropriate to their significance, and x Recognition that heritage contributes to our knowledge and understanding of the past.

2.1.2 Section 12 of the NPPF recognises that intelligently managed change may sometimes be necessary if heritage assets are to be maintained for the long term. Paragraph 128 states that planning decisions should be based on the significance of the heritage asset, and that the level of detail supplied by an applicant should be proportionate to the importance of the asset and should be no more than sufficient to review the potential impact of the proposal upon the significance of that asset.

2.1.3 Heritage Assets are defined in Annex 2 of the NPPF as: a building, monument, site, place, area or landscape positively identified as having a degree of significance meriting consideration in planning decisions. They include designated heritage assets (as defined in the NPPF) and assets identified by the local planning authority during the process of decision-making or through the plan-making process.

2.1.4 Annex 2 also defines Archaeological Interest as a heritage asset which holds or potentially could hold, evidence of past human activity worthy of expert investigation at some point. Heritage assets with archaeological interest are the primary source of evidence about the substance and evolution of places, and of the people and cultures that made them.

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2.1.5 A Designated Heritage Asset comprises a: World Heritage Site, Scheduled Monument, Listed Building, Protected Wreck Site, Registered Park and Garden, Registered Battlefield or Conservation Area.

2.1.6 Significance is defined as: The value of a heritage asset to this and future generations because of its heritage interest. This interest may be archaeological, architectural, artistic or historic. Significance derives not only from a heritage asset’s physical presence, but also from its setting.

2.1.7 In short, government policy provides a framework which:

x Protects the significance of nationally important designated Heritage Assets

x Protects the contribution made by settings of such designations to that significance

x In appropriate circumstances seeks adequate information (from desk based assessment and field evaluation where necessary) to enable informed decisions

x Provides for the investigation and recording of the significance of heritage assets to be lost (wholly or in part) in a manner proportionate to their importance and the impact, and to make this evidence publicly accessible.

2.2 In considering any planning application for development, the planning authority will be mindful of the framework set by government policy, in this instance the NPPF, by current Development Plan Policy and by other material considerations.

Local Planning Policy

2.3 Local Planning Policy is currently provided by a number of policies from the adopted Council 1998 Local Plan and the Adopted 2006 Local Plan Alterations. The Heritage Conservation policy relevant to the study site is listed below:



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2.4 The study site does not lie within or adjacent to an Ancient Landscape, Registered Parkland, Protected Lanes, Commons and Village Greens, Epping Forest or a Conservation Area as identified on the Proposals Map. No designated (archaeological) heritage assets are present within or in proximity to the study site for their significance or setting to be harmed by development.

2.5 This assessment aims to clarify the specific archaeological potential of the study site and, in accordance with the NPPF and Local Plan policy, to identify the significance of any archaeological assets which might be impacted by development, enabling appropriate mitigation measures to be formulated.

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3.1 Geology

3.1.1 The solid geology of the study site is clay, silt and sand of the Claygate Member. (British Geological Sheet 285, 2000). Overlying superficial deposits of diamicton of the Lowerstoft Formation are also mapped across the study site.

3.1.2 Soils across the study site are mapped as “slowly permeable seasonally wet slightly acid but base-rich loamy and clayey soils” (Soilscape 18 on the LandIS online soil database).

3.1.2 No geotechnical information was available for the study site at the time of writing (August 2016).

3.2 Topography

3.2.1 Chigwell lies to the south-east of Epping Forest and the within a gently undulating landscape interspersed with minor tributaries to the River Roding and drainage channels. The study site is located to the west of Country Park, in Chigwell Row, a hamlet to the south of Chigwell which runs along a high ridge and which extends eastward towards Lambourne and Romford. The study site lies on top of a small hill at an approximate height of 87m AOD.

3.2.2 The River Roding is situated over 3.3km to the north-west of the study site. Minor drainage channels are noted c.500m from the study site, located on the lower slopes of the hill and feeding the tributaries of the River Roding.

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The timescales used in this report are as follows:

Prehistoric Palaeolithic 800,000 - 12,000 BC Mesolithic 12,000 - 4,000 BC Neolithic 4,000 - 1,800 BC Bronze Age 1,800 - 600 BC Iron Age 600 - AD 43

Historic Roman AD 43 - 410 Saxon/Early Medieval AD 410 - 1066 Medieval AD 1066 - 1485 Post Medieval AD 1486 - 1800 Modern AD 1800 - Present

4.1 Introduction

4.1.1 This assessment is based on a consideration of evidence in the Essex and Historic Environment Record (HER), Historic England Archive (HEA), the National Heritage List for England (NLHE) for the study site and a zone 1km in extent surrounding its boundary. The Essex Record Office was also visited in order to examine historic maps relating to the study site.

4.1.2 There are no designated heritage assets recorded within the study site or within the wider search radius.

4.1.3 The study site is not located within an Ancient Landscape, Registered Parkland, Protected Lanes, Commons and Village Greens, Epping Forest or a Conservation Area as identified on the Local Plan Proposals Map. No locally listed buildings are present within or adjacent to the study site.

4.1.4 This assessment considers archaeological heritage assets only.

4.1.5 Non-designated archaeological assets recorded by the HER or HEA (i.e. archaeological finds/features within the study site and its surroundings) are reviewed below; their distribution is illustrated at Appendix 1.

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4.1.6 This chapter reviews existing archaeological evidence for the study site and the archaeological/historical background of the general area and, in accordance with the NPPF, considers the potential for as yet undiscovered archaeological evidence on the study site.

4.1.7 Chapter 5 subsequently considers the study site conditions and whether any theoretical potential identified in this chapter is likely to survive.

4.2 Previous Archaeological Investigations

4.2.1 The study site itself has not been subject to archaeological investigation and there are no records of any archaeological events within the search radius of the Essex Historic Environment Record. Event records present within the Great London Historic Environment Record are sited over 900m to the south of the study site, the results of which have no direct relevance to the study site.

4.3 Prehistoric (Palaeolithic – Iron Age)

4.3.1 Although there is known Prehistoric settlement associated with the Lower Lea and Roding valleys (O’Connor 2005), evidence for the presence of Prehistoric activity within the search radius is limited to the discovery of a late Iron Age coin recorded as part of the Portable Antiquities Scheme (MEX 1043588) 900m to the north-east of the study site. During this period the study site may have occupied a predominantly wooded landscape, associated with the later known Epping and Hainault Forests. The clearance of woodland on higher ground may have begun in the late Bronze Age period and continued into the Iron Age (O’Connor 2005, 8). It is considered likely that Iron Age occupation occurred within the local landscape although current evidence is very limited (ibid).

4.3.2 There is currently no evidence to suggest the presence of significant settlement or occupation activity within the study site or its immediate vicinity. Although this, in part, may be a reflection of the absence of previous archaeological investigation conducted in the vicinity of the study site, the archaeological evaluation works conducted over 900m from the study site identified no archaeological deposits predating the 19th century (GLHER ELO3993). A low potential is therefore identified for significant Prehistoric activity within the study site.

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4.4 Roman

4.4.1 No Roman activity or settlement sites are recorded on the study site or within close proximity. Current evidence for Roman activity within the search radius is limited to the route of a possible Roman road from Lambourne to Walthamstow, recorded to have passed some 360m to the south of the study site (GLHER MLO106810). A roman coin is also noted to have been discovered near Hainault (locality grid reference provided only) (HEA915213). It is also congectured that Chigwell may have been the documented Roman site of Durolitum, c. 3km to the north of the study site (O’Connor 2005, 6).

4.4.2 Given the distance of the study site from the Roman road/Durolitum and the absence of known Roman activity within or in proximity to the study site, a low potential is identified for any significant Roman activity within the study site.

4.5 Saxon – Medieval

4.5.1 Documentary evidence suggests that a settlement at Chigwell, located over 1.7km to the north-west of the study site, was in existence prior to the Norman Conquest (Domesday Survey entry - Williams and Martin 2003). The possible site of Chig Well is recorded some 450m to the south-west of the study site (EHER MEX-14447), which may represent a spring from which the settlement derives its name (‘Ciccingawielle’ - the spring of Cicca’s people EHER MEX14447). However, the study site during this period is located well beyond the limits of any settlement focus. The roadside hamlet of Chigwell Row, in which the study site is located, is likely to have been established around the 17th century.

4.5.2 The study site is located well beyond any focus of known settlement activity at this time and would have lain on the edge of Hainault Forest. The study site is likely to have been an area of undeveloped common or partial woodland, possibly utilised as pasture.

4.5.3 As such, a low-nil potential for the study site to contain any previously unrecorded significant archaeological remains of Saxon-Medieval date is identified. Archaeological activity, if present, is likely to be limited to that of agricultural practices only.

4.6 Post-Medieval and Modern

4.6.1 As mentioned above, the early development of the roadside hamlet of Chigwell Row occurs around the 17th century, with the primary focus of settlement activity c.900m

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to the east of the study site. The possible site of a Post-Medieval windmill is noted to be located within the southern area of the study site. The post mill constructed roundhouse windmill continued in use until at least 1828 but was struck by lightning in 1842 (EHER MEX14608/ HEA408298). Although the HER denotes the windmill location in the proximity to the southern site boundary, review of the map regression denotes a windmill to the west of the study site (EHER 14449). The 1839 Tithe map also records Millers House (plot 572) to the west of the study site and a circular feature to the north-east of the cottage, most probably representing the mill. It is therefore likely that EHER MEX14608 is incorrectly positioned and should be sited to the south- west of the study site and may represent a duplicated record of EHER MEX14449.

4.6.2 Additional EHER entries noted in the surrounding area predominantly relate to the Post-Medieval development of Chigwell Row and World War II home land security infrastructure and do not have any direct bearing on the study site.

4.6.3 The HEA incorrectly locates Woodlands Farmhouse, a Grade II listed 17th century house (HEA 1307048), to the west of the study site. This house is correctly located over a 1km to the north-east of the study site, sited to the north of Lambourne Road. Similarly, the HEA also records the location of High View, a 17th century house originally named Woodlands, within the study site. This may also be incorrectly located, as the description entry noted in the Victoria County History to which the record refers (Powell 1956) bears no resemblance to the 19th century large detached residence known as Woodview present within the study site. Although late 18th century mapping of the site does suggest the presence of buildings fronting Lambourne Road within the study site, the study site has been subject to re- development by 1839 with the construction of a large residence, later known as Woodlands. The site of High View, formally Woodlands, may be associated with Woodland Farmhouse sited over a kilometre to the east of the study site.

4.6.4 In this period, understanding of settlement, land-use and the utilisation of the landscape is enhanced by cartographic and documentary sources which can give additional detail to data contained within the HER.

4.6.5 As briefly mentioned above the 1777 Chapman and Andre map of Essex illustrates the early development of Chigwell Row (Figure 2). A roadside dwelling and associated enclosure is depicted on the study site and a windmill is noted to the south-west. The 1799 Ordnance Survey drawing (Figure 2) shows a similar arrangement.

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4.6.6 The 1839 Chigwell Tithe Map (Figure 4) provides the earliest detailed map of the study site. The map shows the study site occupied by a substantial dwelling, known as Woodlands (owned by Joseph Walford Q.C.), set back from Lambourne Road. A pond is shown in the south-western corner of the study site. It is unclear whether the earlier buildings depicted on the late 18th century maps have been incorporated into Woodlands or whether these were demolished prior to the construction of the 19th century house. The 1863 Chigwell Enclosure Map (Figure 5) illustrates a similar enclosed property boundary, although no detailed layout of the house is shown. Between 1850 and 1870 Chigwell Row was greatly altered by the increased demand for residential and agricultural land (O’Connor 2005, 14).

4.6.7 The 1872 Ordnance Survey (Figure 6) illustrates a similar house plot to that depicted on the earlier Tithe map; although a range of ancillary buildings is noted extending from the south-eastern wing of the house. An outbuilding or greenhouse is shown at the southern site boundary. A pond is still shown in the south-western corner of the study site.

4.6.8 By the 1896 Ordnance Survey (Figure 7), Woodlands has undergone re-development, with extensions to the west and north-eastern part of the building and demolition of the northern wing. This work was completed in in 1881, as recorded by a date plaque on the exterior of the building. Bettley and Pevsner record the architect as W. G. Bartleet (Bettley and Pevnser 2007). It is understood that the house was occupied by a prominent land owner (the current owner claims that this was the Savills family) and it is reputed that Charles Dickens and Sir Winston Churchill were guests at the home (see Appendix 2).

4.6.9 By 1963-69 (Figure 8), the range of buildings shown to the east of Woodlands has been removed, although the house itself remains unchanged. The house is now referred to as High View (a home for the aged). An area of terraced landscaping is depicted to the rear of the house and much of the surrounding grounds are shown as wooded.

4.6.10 The study site itself remains unchanged on the 1972-1988 and 1992 Ordnance Survey maps (Figures 9-10), although modern development is shown to the immediate west and north of the study site. By 1992 the building is known as Wood View and remains a home for the aged.

4.6.11 From information provided in c.2011 Sales Particular (Appendix 2), it is understood that Wood View was sold in the mid-1990s and underwent an extensive programme of refurbishment to convert the house back to a residential dwelling.

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4.6.12 Current evidence would suggest that the study site was predominantly utilised as an area of agricultural land throughout the Post-Medieval period. The current HER reference to the possible location of a windmill on or in close proximity to the study site. However, the map regression has demonstrated that this is incorrectly located and would have been sited to the south-west of the study site. The late 18th century maps of the area show roadside dwellings within the study site. It is unclear whether these structures were incorporated into the Woodlands residence depicted on the 1839 tithe map. However, it is clear that there is little or no evidence from external inspection during the site visit and internal photographs from the sales particular (see Appendix 2) of any structural remains pre-dating the 19th century. The series of 19th and 20th century development and renovation is likely to have substantially removed or altered any earlier fabric, if present. The construction of Woodview (formerly known as Woodlands) and its later alterations and extensions is likely to have removed, obscured or truncated earlier archaeological deposits present within the footprint of this building, should they have been present. Overall, a low potential for significant Post-Medieval archaeological activity is identified for the study site. The majority of any activity, if present, is likely to be limited to that of former agricultural practices and former structural remains associated with Woodview.

4.7 Designated Archaeological Heritage Assets

4.7.1 There are no designated archaeological heritage assets located within the 1km search radius of the study site boundary.

4.8 Historic Landscape

4.8.1 Historic mapping of the area shows that the study site was an area of predominantly agricultural land up until the development of the residential dwelling of Woodview in the early 19th century and earlier roadside structures noted on the late 18th century mapping. By the mid-20th century, Chigwell Row has been subject to extensive residential development. Although the western and eastern property boundaries of the study site reflect the location of known Post-Medieval enclosure boundaries (and has been postulated to be of an earlier Medieval origin (O’Connor 2005)), the survival of historic landscape elements in the area is limited and piecemeal and the area is predominantly experienced as an area of residential and urban development.

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4.9 Assessment of Significance

4.9.1 Based on current evidence, a low potential for significant archaeological activity has been identified for all periods, suggesting that the study site was not the likely focus for settlement, but would have predominantly been in agricultural use from at least the early Medieval period onwards. Any archaeological deposits that may have been present within the study site are likely to have been subject to truncation or removal by later 19th and 20th century development, especially within the footprint Woodview.

4.9.2 Although it is unclear whether earlier pre-19th century structural remains were incorporated into the development of the Woodview (formerly known as Woodlands) residence, it is considered if such remains are present; these have been considerably altered or removed. The limited level of archaeological potential recognised for the study site is further considered to be reduced as a result of the construction and development of Woodview and associated landscaping of the grounds. Based on the anticipated nature of potential archaeological remains to be present within the site and the probable level of truncation and impact by 19th and 20th century development, archaeological deposits (if present) are anticipated to be no more than of local significance.

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5.1 Site Conditions

5.1.1 The study site was visited on 28th July 2016. The study site comprises the 2.5 storey building of Woodview (Plates 3-12) and its surrounding grounds (Plates 1, 8-10, 13- 16). The building, a large detached residential house and former care home, is sited in the central area of the study site, the main building has a cellar (although the dimensions of this are unknown) and there is evidnce of terracing and landscaping of the grounds to the rear of the house. A modern detached 3 bed house and garage is sited off the main access driveway to the east of Woodview (Plate 14). A tarmac car park area extends along the eastern side of Woodview (Plate 2). The remaining study site area forms the surrounding lawn to the property, with the periphery of the study site covered in woodland planting (Plates 13-16).

5.1.2 The construction and development of Woodview (formerly known as Woodlands) in the 19th and 20th century is likely to have removed, truncated or obscured any earlier archaeological deposits that may have been present within the footprint of this building complex.

5.2 The Proposed Development

5.2.1 The proposed development would comprise the demolition of Woodview and the construction of three residential apartment blocks, with associated access, car-parking and gardens (see Appendix 3). The apartment blocks would be partially sited across the footprint of Woodview and its former ancillary buildings to its east and the current modern detached dwelling and garage (former care home manager’s residence) in the eastern part of the study site.

5.3 Impact on Heritage Assets

5.3.1 There are no designated archaeological assets located within the 1km radius search of the study site. Although Woodview represents a large 19th century residential dwelling, it is not a designated heritage asset and is not included on the local list of buildings.

5.3.2 Groundworks associated with the proposed development have the potential to remove or truncate any archaeological features that may be present within the study site.

5.3.3 However, this assessment has identified a low potential for the study site to contain any significant previously unrecorded archaeological activity dating to all periods.

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Should archaeological features be present within the study site, it is considered that they would be of no more than of local significance and should not preclude or constrain development. Furthermore, the 19th and 20th century development of Woodview (formerly known as Woodlands) is likely to have truncated or removed archaeological deposits that may have been present within the footprint of the existing and former buildings. The proposed development would partially occupy the footprint of the 19th and 20th century development. Therefore, the potential for archaeological remains to be present within the area of proposed new development is further diminished due to probable truncation and removal of archaeological deposits by the construction and associated landscaping of Woodview (formerly known as Woodlands).

5.3.4 It is considered that no further archaeological work would be required in support of a planning application. Should further limited archaeological mitigation be warranted, such works could reasonably be secured by a condition of planning consent.

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6.1 This report addresses archaeological issues as required by the NPPF and provides detailed information on the archaeological potential of the study site and its surrounding area.

6.2 This assessment has identified that there are no designated archaeological assets located within 1km of the study site boundary.

6.3 Based on current evidence, a low potential for significant archaeological activity has been identified for all periods within the study site, with any activity likely to be limited to that of former agricultural practices only. The limited potential identified by this study is considered to be further diminished as a result of late 19th and 20th century development of Woodview (formerly known as Woodlands), the effects of which are likely to have severely truncated or entirely removed any sub-surface remains within the footprint of the existing and former buildings.

6.4 Current evidence suggests that should archaeological remains be present within the study site these are likely to be of no more than local significance and should not preclude or constrain its proposed development. It is therefore considered that no further archaeological work would be required in support of a planning application. Should further limited archaeological mitigation be warranted, such works could reasonably be secured by a condition of planning consent.

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General Essex Historic Environment Record Greater London Historic Environment Record Essex Record Office British Geological Survey National Planning Policy Framework Epping Forest Local Plan Policy Historic England National Heritage List

Bibliographic and Documentary

Bettley. J and Pevsner. N. 2007. The Buildings of England: Essex. Yale University Press

Cadel. T. and Davies. W. 1796. The Environs of London: Volume 4, Counties of Herts, Essex and Kent

O’connor. T. 2005. Chigwell: Historic Settlement Assessment. Essex County Council and Epping Forest District Council

Powell. W. R. (ed). 1956. A Historic of the County of Essex: Volume 4, Ongar Hundred. Victoria County History

Walford. E. 1985. Village London: the story of Greater London, part 2: North and West

Williams, A. and Martin, G. 2003. Domesday Book; A Complete Translation

Cartographic Sources

1777 Chapman and Andre Map of Essex 1799 Ordnance Survey Drawing 1839 Chigwell Tithe Map 1863 Chigwell Enclosure Map Ordnance Survey, 1872 1:2500 Ordnance Survey, 1896 1:2500 Ordnance Survey, 1920 1:2500 Ordnance Survey, 1963-69 1:2500

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Ordnance Survey, 1964-71 1:2500 Ordnance Survey, 1964-88 1:2500 Ordnance Survey, 1992 1:2500 Ordnance Survey, 1981 1:10560 Ordnance Survey, 1898 1:10560 Ordnance Survey, 1921 1:10560 Ordnance Survey, 1938 1:10560 Ordnance Survey, 1951 1:10000 Ordnance Survey, 1953 1:10000 Ordnance Survey, 1970-73 1:10000 Ordnance Survey, 1990 1:10000 Ordnance Survey, 1999 1:10000 Ordnance Survey, 2006 1:10000 Ordnance Survey, 2016 1:10000

© CgMs Limited 20 HS/22563 M:\Cheltenham\live\Archaeology\Current Jobs\22000-22999\22563 - Lambourne Road, Chigwell\01 Graphics\01 GIS\Figure 1.mxd EP / 28.07.16

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Goff's Oak A41 4 Greenst ed BROXBOURNE DISTRICT Cuffley EPPI NG Common Cobb in's Brook Nine Ashes Cheshunt Toot Hill Cuffley A10 (T)

Fidd lers Ham let Theo balds Grove M25 Upshire Stondon Massey EPPING FOREST DISTRICT Little End Crews Hill Hertfordshire J2 5 J6 J2 6 A10 55 ESSEX CO UNTY Wyatt's Green Essex A10 4 Enfield Lock A10 05 Forty H ill A12 1 Dodd ingh urst High B each Gordon Hill Sew ar dsto ne Passingford Bridge A113 Navestock Heath A10 Brimsdown M11 ENFI ELD Bentley Po nders End A112

Lamb ourne BRENTWOOD DISTRICT Winchmore Hill Coxtie Green Po nders End J5 A1112 Bush H ill Park ENFIELD LONDON BO RO Pilgrims Hatch A116 8 St aplefo rd Abb ott s Winchmore Hill Chingford Lamb ourne En d Shenfield SOUTHGATE Noak Hill CHIGWELL So uth Weald Chigwell Row CHINGFORD Bren twood A10 04 or Lee Palmers Green Havering-atte-Bower Brook Street J2 8 Angel R oad Grange Hill Haro ld Hill Woo df ord G reen WO OD GRE EN Hainault Wh ite Hart L ane WO ODFO RD Woo df ord Bridg e WA LT H A M FO RE ST LON D ON BO RO Harold Wood A10 9 J4 TO TTE N H A M Gidea Park Haro ld Wood Great Warley Bruce Grove WALT HAMSTO W LONDON Greater London A14 00 A12 5 Woo d S treet Blackhorse Road Gidea Park Childerditch Hornsey REDBRIDGE LONDON BORO Seven Sisters ROMFORD St James Street A12 7 A119 9 Romford J2 9 A12 01 Harringay Stamford Hill Emerson Park HAVERING LONDON BORO Cranham Crouch Hill HARINGEY LONDON BORO WANS TEAD Goo dm ayes Finsb ury Park LEYTON Leytonstone High Road A40 6 Rush Green UPMINSTER Clapton A10 83 Il f or d

Rectory Road A114 HACKNEY LONDON BORO Ma n or P a rk BARKING AND DAGENHAM LONDON BORO DAGENHAM HACKNEY ISLINGTON Forest Gate BARKING Becontree HORNCHURCH Dalston Hackney Central A1112 North Ockendon A12 5 A1 Barking A12 40 A115 3 A52 00 Haggerst on STRATFORD South Hornchurch FINSBURY BETHNAL GREEN Hoxton West H am WE S T HAM Dagenh am Do ck TOWER HAMLETS LONDON BORO Ockendon Old St reet NEW HA M LON DON BOR O EAST HAM Creekmouth Rainham (Essex) Farrin gd on ( Lon don ) BOW Wh itechap el A10 11 Beckton Mo to r W or k s THURROCK City Th ameslink ( Lon do n) RAINHAM A12 06 Holborn Sh adw ell A10 20 A20 41 North Stifford A20 16 A30 0 PO PLAR A112 Wenn ing ton A117 Lon don Bridge Wapp ing BEXLEY LONDON BORO J3 0 GREENWICH LONDON BORO A13 (T) A10 12 A30 2 GREENWICH LONDON BORO A10 90 SOUTHWARK LONDON BORO Canada Water Tham esmead 193500 193000 192500

545000 545500 546000 546500

Scale at A4: 1:10,000 0300 m

Lambourne Road, Site Boundary ± Chigwell Figure 1: Site Location Planning ● Heritage

© Ordnance Survey maps reproduced with the sanction of the controller of HM Stationery Office. Licence No: AL 100014723 Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right [2013] \\CHEL-BH-01\Mdrive\Cheltenham\live\Archaeology\Current Jobs\22000-22999\22563 - Lambourne Road, Chigwell\01 Graphics EP/July 2016

Not to Scale: Illustrative Only Legend

Site Location N Lambourne Road, Chigwell

Figure 2: 1777 Chapman and Planning • Heritage Andre Map of Essex

© Ordnance Survey maps reproduced with the sanction of the controller of HM Stationery Office. Licence No: AL 100014723 \\CHEL-BH-01\Mdrive\Cheltenham\live\Archaeology\Current Jobs\22000-22999\22563 - Lambourne Road, Chigwell\01 Graphics EP/July 2016

Not to Scale: Illustrative Only Legend

Site Location N Lambourne Road, Chigwell

Figure 3: 1799 Ordnance Survey Planning • Heritage Drawing

© Ordnance Survey maps reproduced with the sanction of the controller of HM Stationery Office. Licence No: AL 100014723 \\CHEL-BH-01\Mdrive\Cheltenham\live\Archaeology\Current Jobs\22000-22999\22563 - Lambourne Road, Chigwell\01 Graphics EP/July 2016

Not to Scale: Illustrative Only Legend

Site Boundary N Lambourne Road, Chigwell

Figure 4: 1839 Chigewell Tithe Planning • Heritage Map

© Ordnance Survey maps reproduced with the sanction of the controller of HM Stationery Office. Licence No: AL 100014723 \\CHEL-BH-01\Mdrive\Cheltenham\live\Archaeology\Current Jobs\22000-22999\22563 - Lambourne Road, Chigwell\01 Graphics EP/July 2016

Not to Scale: Illustrative Only Legend

Site Boundary N Lambourne Road, Chigwell

Figure 5: 1863 Chigwell Enclosure Planning • Heritage Map

© Ordnance Survey maps reproduced with the sanction of the controller of HM Stationery Office. Licence No: AL 100014723 \\CHEL-BH-01\Mdrive\Cheltenham\live\Archaeology\Current Jobs\22000-22999\22563 - Lambourne Road, Chigwell\01 Graphics EP/July 2016

Not to Scale: Illustrative Only Legend

Site Boundary N Lambourne Road, Chigwell

Figure 6: 1872 Ordnance Survey Planning • Heritage Map

© Ordnance Survey maps reproduced with the sanction of the controller of HM Stationery Office. Licence No: AL 100014723 \\CHEL-BH-01\Mdrive\Cheltenham\live\Archaeology\Current Jobs\22000-22999\22563 - Lambourne Road, Chigwell\01 Graphics EP/July 2016

Not to Scale: Illustrative Only Legend

Site Boundary N Lambourne Road, Chigwell

Figure 7: 1896 Ordnance Survey Planning • Heritage Map

© Ordnance Survey maps reproduced with the sanction of the controller of HM Stationery Office. Licence No: AL 100014723 \\CHEL-BH-01\Mdrive\Cheltenham\live\Archaeology\Current Jobs\22000-22999\22563 - Lambourne Road, Chigwell\01 Graphics EP/July 2016

Not to Scale: Illustrative Only Legend

Site Boundary N Lambourne Road, Chigwell

Figure 8: 1963 - 1969 Ordnance Planning • Heritage Survey Map

© Ordnance Survey maps reproduced with the sanction of the controller of HM Stationery Office. Licence No: AL 100014723 \\CHEL-BH-01\Mdrive\Cheltenham\live\Archaeology\Current Jobs\22000-22999\22563 - Lambourne Road, Chigwell\01 Graphics EP/July 2016

Not to Scale: Illustrative Only Legend

Site Boundary N Lambourne Road, Chigwell

Figure 9: 1972 - 1988 Ordnance Planning • Heritage Survey Map

© Ordnance Survey maps reproduced with the sanction of the controller of HM Stationery Office. Licence No: AL 100014723 \\CHEL-BH-01\Mdrive\Cheltenham\live\Archaeology\Current Jobs\22000-22999\22563 - Lambourne Road, Chigwell\01 Graphics EP/July 2016

Not to Scale: Illustrative Only Legend

Site Boundary N Lambourne Road, Chigwell

Figure 10: 1992 Ordnance Survey Planning • Heritage Map

© Ordnance Survey maps reproduced with the sanction of the controller of HM Stationery Office. Licence No: AL 100014723 \\CHEL-BH-01\Mdrive\Cheltenham\live\Archaeology\Current Jobs\22000-22999\22563 - Lambourne Road, Chigwell\01 Graphics EP/Aug 2016

Plate 1: Looking south along the entrance driveway to Woodview from Plate 2: Former manager’s office/residence to Woodview Care Home Lambourne Road

Plate 3: In the north-western extent of the study site, looking south-east towards Plate 4: Western elevaon of Woodview Woodview

Plates 1-4 \\CHEL-BH-01\Mdrive\Cheltenham\live\Archaeology\Current Jobs\22000-22999\22563 - Lambourne Road, Chigwell\01 Graphics EP/Aug 2016

Plate 5: Entrance Porch to Woodview Plate 6: Looking west along the southern elevaon of Plate 7: Basement entrance to Woodview Woodview

Plates 5-7 \\CHEL-BH-01\Mdrive\Cheltenham\live\Archaeology\Current Jobs\22000- EP/Aug 2

Plate 8: At the southern end of the study site looking north to Woodview Plate 9: View of the south-eastern boundary wall

Plate 10: Ancillary buildings to the east of Woodview Plate 11: View of the eastern elevaon of Woodview

Plates 8-11 \\CHEL-BH-01\Mdrive\Cheltenham\live\Archaeology\Current Jobs\22000-22999\22563 - Lambourne Road, Chigwell\01 Graphics EP/Aug 2016

Plate 12: Looking north-west towards the southern elevaon of Woodview Plate 13: Woodland in the north-eastern extent of the study site

Plate 14: Area of hardstanding to the east of Woodview Plate 15: Woodland area to the south-east of Woodview

Plates 12-15 \\CHEL-BH-01\Mdrive\Cheltenham\live\Archaeology\Current Jobs\22000-22999\22563 - Lambourne Road, Chigwell\01 Graphics EP/Aug 2016

Plate 16: Area of lawn surrounded by mature trees to the front of Woodview

Plate 16 Archaeological Desk-Based Assessment Lambourne Road, Chigwell, Essex

Appendix 1

Historic Environment Record and Historic England Archive plans and data

© CgMs Limited HS/22563 Archaeological Desk-Based Assessment Lambourne Road, Chigwell, Essex

Listed Buildings



Essex HER


MonUID EHCR_No Site_Name MonType MEX1009311 33911 Clare Hall HOUSE MEX1009312 33912 Pump approx 3m N of Clare Hall PUMP MEX1009313 33913 1 and 2 Chapel Lane TIMBER FRAMED HOUSE MEX1009314 33914 The Chase TIMBER FRAMED HOUSE MEX1009321 33921 2 and 3 Doves Cottages TIMBER FRAMED HOUSE MEX1009322 33922 1 Doves Cottages HOUSE MEX1009323 33923 Millers Farmhouse TIMBER FRAMED HOUSE MEX1009360 33960 Oaklands Farmhouse TIMBER FRAMED HOUSE MEX1009361 33961 1 to 4 Sockets Cottages TIMBER FRAMED HOUSE MEX1009362 33962 88 Lambourne Road HOUSE MEX1009363 33963 Woodlands Farmhouse LOBBY ENTRY HOUSE MEX1009368 33968 The Mews and The Cottage STABLE, COACH HOUSE MEX1009369 33969 Forest House HOUSE MEX1009370 33970 Dairy approx 10m NE of Forest House DAIRY MEX1013659 38213 Hainault Hall HOUSE MEX1013660 38214 The Post Office TIMBER FRAMED HOUSE MEX1031700 18112 East of Latchford Place AIRCRAFT OBSTRUCTION MEX14447 4036 Chigwell SPRING MEX14449 4038 Site of windmill, Chigwell WINDMILL MEX14608 4088 Possible site of windmill, Chigwell WINDMILL

© CgMs Limited HS/22563 Archaeological Desk-Based Assessment Lambourne Road, Chigwell, Essex

Road Barrier (destroyed), Lambourne MEX31934 10368 Road ROAD BARRIER Road Barrier (destroyed), Lambourne MEX31936 10369 Road ROAD BARRIER Road Barrier (destroyed), Lambourne MEX31936 10369 Road ROAD BARRIER Anti-Tank Blocks (destroyed), MEX31937 10370 Lambourne Road TANK TRAP MEX31938 10371 Pillbox (destroyed), Lambourne Road PILLBOX A Portible Antiquities Scheme findspot MEX1043588 51897 of Late Iron Age date. Findspot A Portible Antiquities Scheme findspot MEX1044685 52994 of Medieval to Unknown date. Findspot A Portible Antiquities Scheme findspot MEX1045599 53908 of Post Medieval to Unknown date. Findspot A Portible Antiquities Scheme findspot MEX1046575 54884 of Post Medieval date. Findspot A Portible Antiquities Scheme findspot MEX1046579 54888 of Post Medieval date. Findspot A Portible Antiquities Scheme findspot MEX1046980 55289 of Roman to Early Medieval date. Findspot National School at Lambourne Road, MEX1037729 45865 Chigwell Row SCHOOL Protestant Nonconformity chapel, MEX1037717 45853 Chigwell Row CHAPEL MEX1037707 45843 Historic manor of Appletons, Chigwell MANOR MEX1037705 45841 Historic settlement of Chigwell SETTLEMENT Road Barrier (destroyed), Lambourne MEX31936 10369 Road ROAD BARRIER Anti-Tank Blocks (destroyed), MEX31937 10370 Lambourne Road TANK TRAP MEX14449 4038 Site of windmill, Chigwell WINDMILL MEX14608 4088 Possible site of windmill, Chigwell WINDMILL MEX1031700 18112 East of Latchford Place AIRCRAFT OBSTRUCTION MEX1037713 45849 Parish Church of All Saints, Chigwell. CHURCH MEX1037427 45715 Hainault Forest ROYAL PARK

Greater London HER


MonUID PrefRef Name MonType MLO105857 MLO105857 189, New North Road, Hainault. PILLBOX MLO12455 060235/00/00 FOREST RD DITCHED ENCLOSURE Manor Road (Nos 195 to 209 MLO90723 MLO90723 (odd)), Chigwell {Terraced houses} TERRACED HOUSE, TERRACE MLO21192 060949/00/00 FOREST RD ILFORD ROAD, ROAD, ROAD MLO21192 060949/00/00 FOREST RD ILFORD ROAD, ROAD, ROAD MLO22415 060948/00/00 ROAD

© CgMs Limited HS/22563 Archaeological Desk-Based Assessment Lambourne Road, Chigwell, Essex

Fairlop Oak Recreation Ground [now Redbridge Sports Centre, London Playing Fields, and Hainault Recreation Ground], Forest Road, MLO105667 MLO105667 Fairlop. ANTI LANDING TRENCH Hainault Central Line Underground MLO105669 MLO105669 Station, New North Road, Hainault. ANTI TANK CUBE Hainault Central Line Underground MLO105670 MLO105670 Station, New North Road, Hainault. ANTI TANK CUBE Adjacent to Central Underground loop line from Hainault to Grange MLO105674 MLO105674 Hill, Grange Hill PILLBOX MLO105856 MLO105856 189, New North Road, Hainault. ANTI TANK BLOCK In front and rear gardens of 193, MLO105858 MLO105858 New North Road, Hainault. ANTI TANK BLOCK MLO105859 MLO105859 197, New North Road, Hainault. ANTI TANK BLOCK Adjacent of Central Line loop from Hainault to MLO105675 MLO105675 Grange Hill. ANTI TANK CUBE Possible Roman road from London MLO106809 MLO106809 to Possible Roman road running from Lambourne to Walthamstow. MLO106810 MLO106810 {Possible Roman Road} ROAD? Romford Road [Hainault Forest], Hainault, Redbridge {Medieval MLO22752 MLO22752 Forest} FOREST Hainault Road, [Fairlop Quarry], RECTANGULAR ENCLOSURE, DITCH, Redbridge, {Late Iron Age to early PIT, ROUND HOUSE (DOMESTIC), MLO74124 MLO74124 Roman occupation} GULLY, CREMATION BURIAL FIELD SYSTEM, RECTANGULAR ENCLOSURE, FIELD BOUNDARY, DITCH, DITCH, BOUNDARY DITCH, DROVE ROAD?, CREMATION Hainault Road, [Fairlop Quarry], BURIAL, RUBBISH PIT, STRUCTURE, Redbridge, {mid to late Roman POST HOLE, FLOOR?, MLO74126 MLO74126 landscape and structures} AGRICULTURAL BUILDING? Hainault Road/Painters Row, [Fairlop Quarry], Redbridge, {site of DITCH, CREMATION CEMETERY?, Middle Bronze Age ring ditches and RING DITCH, CREMATION BURIAL, MLO74121 MLO74121 cremations} CREMATION PIT Forest Road, [Fairlop Waters Country Park], Fairlop, Redbridge {RFC Hainault Farm 1st and 2nd MILITARY AIRFIELD, AIRFIELD, MLO101001 MLO101001 World War Airfield} MILITARY AIRFIELD Forest Road, Fairlop, Redbridge MLO72794 MLO72794 {Modern Landfill Site} LANDFILL SITE Manford Way, IG7 {19th century MLO73406 062851/00/00 cultivation soil} BURIED SOIL HORIZON Forest Road, [Forest Road Cemetery & Crematorium] CEMETERY, CREMATORIUM, MLO103928 MLO103928 Hainault, Redbridge, IG6 3HP {21st CEMETERY CHAPEL

© CgMs Limited HS/22563 Archaeological Desk-Based Assessment Lambourne Road, Chigwell, Essex

century cemetery/crematorium} Elmbridge Road [Gardens of Peace Muslim Cemetery] Hainault, Ilford, Redbridge IG6 3SW {21st century MLO103929 MLO103929 Muslim cemetery} MUSLIM CEMETERY Hainault Road, [Fairlop Quarry], Redbridge, {possible Late Bronze SETTLEMENT?, HEARTH, POST MLO74123 MLO74123 Age to Early Iron Age settlement} HOLE, PIT, CREMATION, PIT

Archaeology Priority Area

DesigUID PrefRef Name Grade Descriptio Summary and Definition

The Archaeological Priority Area covers a DLO38176 DLO38176 Fairlop Plain (Central) Tier II large part of the Fairlop Plain. Summary and Definition

The Archaeological Priority Area covers DLO38183 DLO38183 Hog Hill Tier II part of Hog Hill and is bounded to Summary and Definition

Tier The Archaeological Priority Area covers DLO38199 DLO38199 Fairlop Plain (Fringes) III the northern and western parts of Summary and Definition

Tier The Archaeological Priority Area covers DLO38199 DLO38199 Fairlop Plain (Fringes) III the northern and western parts of


OBJECTID EvUID RecordType Name Hainault Road, [Fairlop Quarry, Redbridge: Excavation and 2339 ELO8536 EVT Watching Brief Forest Road/Romford Road [Land at Hog Hill], RM6: archaeological 3820 ELO7668 EVT evaluation report Forest Road/Romford Road, [Land at Hog Hill], Hainault RM6: Desk 1072 ELO7247 EVP based assessment 5959 ELO11758 BL Fairlop Plain, Redbridge: Aerial photographic interpretation 3433 ELO8535 EVT Hainault Road, [Fairlop Quarry], Hainault, Redbridge: Excavation Manford Way, [former Hainault High (Lower) School], Hainault: 5856 ELO3993 EVT Evaluation

Historic England Archive

© CgMs Limited HS/22563 Archaeological Desk-Based Assessment Lambourne Road, Chigwell, Essex


HOB_UID NAME DESCRIPTION Second World War pillbox stands no more than 3ft above the ground, although there is no evidence to suggest that the ground level has risen. Adjacent to Central Underground loop line from 1416473 Hainault to Grange Hill, Grange Hill. 408298 Site of a Medieval windmill recorded as being at this location. Site of a Medieval well, probably as suggested by Ekwall, 'Cicca's 408288 CHIG WELL spring' with the same personal name which is found in Chigwall. An early 17th century lobby-entry house with evidence of a phase circa 1700 and alterations from 1733 onwards and in the 20th WOODLANDS century. Plastered with a roof of handmade red clay 1307048 FARMHOUSE tiles. It is two storeys with an attic and as a central rear Fifty Second World War anti-tank blocks. Adjacent of London 1416477 Underground Central Line loop from Hainault to Grange Hill. 408287 HIGHVIEW 17th Century house, originally named Woodlands. In May 1903 a 6.25 mile long line, the Fairlop Loop Line, was opened FAIRLOP LOOP from a triangular junction with the Romford line at Ilford to a south- 1368992 LINE facing junction north of Woodford on the Loughton Branch Railway. The Central London Railway, authorized in 1892 and opened in 1900, linked Shepherd's Bush with the Bank (5.75 miles), traversing London's busy quarters on the west-east axis along the line of 1310448 CENTRAL LINE Oxford Street. Once it had replaced its original electric loc 1043747 Possible Roman road running from Lambourne to Walthamstow. Congregational chapel at Chigwell Row built in 1804, altered or rebuilt in 1845, and heavily embellished externally in the late19th century. Stock brick and slate, three-bay front with pedimented 1489969 gable and two tiers of windows. Grange Hill was opened on 1st May 1903 by the Great Eastern Railway on their Ilford-Woodford loop line. For the Central line GRANGE HILL projection from Liverpool Street, as laid down in the 1935-40 New 1314256 STATION Works Programme, Grange Hill was to become an Underground stat 915213 Roman coin dated circa 55-50BC, discovered near Hainault.

© CgMs Limited HS/22563 \\CHEL-BH-01\Mdrive\Cheltenham\live\Archaeology\Current Jobs\22000-22999\22563 - Lambourne Road, Chigwell\01 Graphics\01 GIS\Appendix 1 - Designated Assets.mxd EP / 28.07.16 194000

Planning ● Heritage

Site Boundary 1km Radius

1111203 1337252 Listed Buildings OAKLANDS FARMHOUSE THE POST OFFICE Grade II Grade II 1165247 1317306 1165466 1111226 DOVES COTTAGES 193500 88, LAMBOURNE ROAD THE COTTAGE THE CHASE Grade II Grade II THE MEWS Grade II 1111229 1165252 Grade II DOVES COTTAGES MILLERS FARMHOUSE Grade II Grade II

1111204 HAINAULT HALL Grade II


1111225 1317314 1 AND 2, CHAPEL LANE DAIRY Grade II Grade II 193000 1111224 1111207 CLARE HALL FOREST HOUSE Grade II Grade II 1337261 PUMP APPROXIMATELY 3 METRES NORTH OF CLARE HALL Grade II

1081003 195-209, MANOR ROAD Grade II 192500


Scale at A3: 1:8,500 0 250 m

Lambourne Road,

192000 Chigwell

Appendix 1: Designated Assets

544500 545000 545500 546000 546500 547000 © Ordnance Survey maps reproduced with the sanction of the controller of HM Stationery Office. Licence No: AL 100014723 Contains, or is based upon, English Heritage's National Heritage List for England data © English Heritage. M:\Cheltenham\live\Archaeology\Current Jobs\22000-22999\22563 - Lambourne Road, Chigwell\01 Graphics\01 GIS\Appendix 1 - Essex HER Data.mxd EP / 28.07.16

51897-MEX1043588 A Portible Antiquities Scheme findspot of Late Iron Age date.

194000 54888-MEX1046579 A Portible Antiquities Scheme findspot of Post Medieval date.

52994-MEX1044685 Planning ● Heritage A Portible Antiquities Scheme findspot of Medieval to Unknown date.

45843-MEX1037707 Site Boundary Historic manor of Appletons, Chigwell 33963-MEX1009363 45865-MEX1037729 1km Radius 33921-MEX1009321 Woodlands Farmhouse National School at Lambourne Road 2 and 3 Doves Cottages 55289-MEX1046980 Essex HER A Portible Antiquities Scheme findspot of Roman to Early Medieval date. 33922-MEX1009322 33960-MEX1009360 Monument Point 45715-MEX1037427 1 Doves Cottages Oaklands Farmhouse 54884-MEX1046575 Hainault Forest Essex HER A Portible Antiquities Scheme findspot of Post Medieval date. 33914-MEX1009314 The Chase Monument 38214-MEX1013660 Polygon

193500 The Post Office 53908-MEX1045599 A Portible Antiquities Scheme findspot of Post Medieval to Unknown date. 33913-MEX1009313 33962-MEX1009362 33923-MEX1009323 1 and 2 Chapel Lane 88 Lambourne Road Millers Farmhouse

10368-MEX31934 Road Barrier (destroyed), Lambourne Road 33912-MEX1009312 33970-MEX1009370 Pump approx 3m N of Clare Hall 45849-MEX1037713 Dairy approx 10m NE of Forest House Parish Church of All Saints, Chigwell. 33911-MEX1009311 33968-MEX1009368 Clare Hall 38213-MEX1013659 The Mews and The Cottage Hainault Hall

45865-MEX1037729 National School at Lambourne Road, Chigwell Row

33961-MEX1009361 18112-MEX1031700 1 to 4 Sockets Cottages

193000 33969-MEX1009369 East of Latchford Place Forest House 45841-MEX1037705 Historic settlement of Chigwell

10369-MEX31936 Road Barrier (destroyed), Lambourne Road 18112-MEX1031700 10371-MEX31938 East of Latchford Place Pillbox (destroyed), Lambourne Road 10369-MEX31936 Road Barrier (destroyed), Lambourne Road 10370-MEX31937 Anti-Tank Blocks (destroyed), Lambourne Road 4038-MEX14449 Site of windmill, Chigwell 10370-MEX31937 Anti-Tank Blocks (destroyed), Lambourne Road 4088-MEX14608 Possible site of windmill, Chigwell 45853-MEX1037717 Protestant Nonconformity chapel, Chigwell Row 192500

4036-MEX14447 Chigwell ±

Scale at A3: 1:9,000 0 250 m

192000 Lambourne Road, Chigwell

Appendix 1: HER Data Plot (Essex HER)

544500 545000 545500 546000 546500 547000 © Ordnance Survey maps reproduced with the sanction of the controller of HM Stationery Office. Licence No: AL 100014723 Contains, or is based upon, English Heritage's National Heritage List for England data © English Heritage. \\CHEL-BH-01\Mdrive\Cheltenham\live\Archaeology\Current Jobs\22000-22999\22563 - Lambourne Road, Chigwell\01 Graphics\01 GIS\Appendix 1 - GL HER Monuement Data.mxd EP / 28.07.16 194000

Planning ● Heritage

Site Boundary 1km Radius Greater London HER Monument Points Greater London

193500 HER Monument Lines Greater London HER Monument Polygons 193000

MLO22752 Romford Road [Hainault Forest]

MLO90723 Manor Road (Nos 195 to 209 (odd)), Chigwell {Terraced houses} MLO106810 Possible Roman road running from Lambourne to Walthamstow. {Possible Roman Road} 192500

MLO105674 Adjacent to Central Underground loop line from Hainault to Grange Hill, Grange Hill MLO105675 ± Adjacent of London Underground Central Line loop from Hainault to Grange Hill.

062851/00/00 Scale at A3: 1:8,500 Manford Way, IG7 {19th century cultivation soil} 0 250 m

Lambourne Road,

192000 Chigwell

Appendix 1: HER Monument Data (Greater London HER) 544500 545000 545500 546000 546500 547000 © Ordnance Survey maps reproduced with the sanction of the controller of HM Stationery Office. Licence No: AL 100014723 Contains, or is based upon, English Heritage's National Heritage List for England data © English Heritage. \\CHEL-BH-01\Mdrive\Cheltenham\live\Archaeology\Current Jobs\22000-22999\22563 - Lambourne Road, Chigwell\01 Graphics\01 GIS\Appendix 1 - GL HER Event and Other Data.mxd EP / 28.07.16 194000

Planning ● Heritage

Site Boundary 1km Radius Greater London HER APAs Greater London HER Event

193500 Polygons 193000

DLO38199 Fairlop Plain (Fringes) Grade Tier III 192500

ELO7668 Forest Road/Romford Road [Land at Hog Hill], RM6: archaeological evaluation report

ELO3993 Manford Way, [former Hainault High (Lower) School], Hainault: Evaluation ±

DLO38199 Fairlop Plain (Fringes) Scale at A3: 1:8,500 Grade Tier III 0 250 m

Lambourne Road, Chigwell 192000

Appendix 1: HER Event and Other Data

544500 545000 545500 546000 546500 547000 (Greater London HER) © Ordnance Survey maps reproduced with the sanction of the controller of HM Stationery Office. Licence No: AL 100014723 Contains, or is based upon, English Heritage's National Heritage List for England data © English Heritage. \\CHEL-BH-01\Mdrive\Cheltenham\live\Archaeology\Current Jobs\22000-22999\22563 - Lambourne Road, Chigwell\01 Graphics\01 GIS\Appendix 1 - GL HLC Data.mxd EP / 28.07.16 194000

Planning ● Heritage

Site Boundary 1km Radius HLCUID 4036 4166

193500 4167 4170 4171 4172 4215 4216 193000

4215 192500

4036 ±

Scale at A3: 1:8,500 0 250 4171 4166 m

4167 Lambourne Road,

192000 Chigwell

Appendix 1: 4172 Historic Landscape Data 4172 (Greater London HER) 544500 545000 545500 546000 546500 547000 © Ordnance Survey maps reproduced with the sanction of the controller of HM Stationery Office. Licence No: AL 100014723 Contains, or is based upon, English Heritage's National Heritage List for England data © English Heritage. \\CHEL-BH-01\Mdrive\Cheltenham\live\Archaeology\Current Jobs\22000-22999\22563 - Lambourne Road, Chigwell\01 Graphics\01 GIS\Appendix 1 - HEA Data.mxd EP / 28.07.16 194000

Planning ● Heritage

Site Boundary 1km Radius Monument Point Monument Line Monument Polygon 193500

1489969 Congregational chapel at Chigwell Row built in 1804


408298 Site of a Medieval windmill

1310448 1043747 CENTRAL LINE Possible Roman Road

1314256 408288 GRANGE HILL STATION CHIG WELL Site of a Medieval well

915213 Roman coin 192500

1416477 Fifty Second World War anti-tank blocks. ±

Scale at A3: 1:8,500 1416473 0 250 Second World War pillbox m

1368992 FAIRLOP LOOP LINE Lambourne Road, 192000 Chigwell

Appendix 1: HEA Data Plot

544500 545000 545500 546000 546500 547000 © Ordnance Survey maps reproduced with the sanction of the controller of HM Stationery Office. Licence No: AL 100014723 Contains, or is based upon, English Heritage's National Heritage List for England data © English Heritage. Archaeological Desk-Based Assessment Lambourne Road, Chigwell, Essex

Appendix 2: Estate Agent Sales Particular – Woodview c.2011

© CgMs Limited HS/22563 Woodview Lambourne Road | Chigwell | Essex

Woodview Lambourne Road, Chigwell, Essex, IG7 6HX

16.2 miles from Central London 28.7 miles from Stansted Airport 50.8 miles from Cambridge

A truly substantial Victorian residence dating back to 1851 providing 17,500 square feet of accommodation with a wealth of character that is set within secluded grounds of 2¾ acres (STLS) and enjoying a southerly aspect.

Character Entrance Porch & Entrance Vestibule | Grand Reception Hall | Lift Service | Six Reception Rooms | Snooker Room | Gym Room | Sauna Room with En-Suite Wash/Shower Room | Kitchen | Utility Room | Cloakroom | Two Cellars | Twenty Bedrooms | Three Bathrooms | One Bath/Shower Room | Two En-Suite Shower Rooms | Detached Three Bedroom House | Two Garages | Extensive Parking | Grounds of 2¾ Acres (STLS) | Southerly Aspect | This is what the owners say

In speaking with the family, this is what they explain, “We had been looking for something rather special and to be able to accommodate a large family and we rather think the decision to purchase this truly substantial Victorian residence was made before we even stepped inside. There was a stately feel to the house and whilst it was evident that the accommodation was in need of improvement, it would be a fantastic home for our family and we have lived here very happily for the past 15 years.”

The family adds, “We understand the home was built in 1851 and was occupied by a prominent land owner within the Chigwell area. It is also reputed that Charles Dickens and Sir Winston Churchill were guests at the home.”

“We acquired the property at a time of needing work, so we had to undertake a refurbishment programme,” explains the family. “It took us two and a half years to restore and renovate the house and we were careful to preserve the elegance and period features of the home. The house sits in the middle of approximately 3 acres,” adds the family. “The grounds are surrounded by mature trees and it adds hugely to the feeling of privacy and tranquility that exists here. We have enjoyed sharing the house with family and friends over the years and held many parties and functions here. It would be fair to say that entertaining here is easy. The house and grounds just absorb every demand made upon it.”

“The location has been excellent,” explains the family. “We have this feeling of being away from it all, yet it is so easy for getting into the City and Central London with Grange Hill station being within approximately half a mile together with a local parade of shops which is just beyond the tube station. Education is well served with EWIPIGXMSRSJWGLSSPW[MXLMRXLIEVIE;IWLEPPHI½RMXIP]QMWWPMZMRK in such a unique home.” Woodview

Woodview equals family living on a grand scale. This imposing and truly substantial residence is believed to date back to 1851 and has been restored during the mid to late 1990s. There is approximately 17,500 square feet of accommodation which provides a sense of scale that only comes with a home like with a wealth of character and charm including high ceilings and an abundance of English Oak panelling. Once through a character entrance porch and inner vestibule, you are greeted by a grand reception hall with a 12’ high ceiling and measuring 26’3 x 11’. The walls have oak panelling up to a dado rail level. The hall serves via solid oak doors three reception VSSQWERHEWXYH]EWXSRI½RMWLIHEVGL[E]VIWXMRKSRQEVFPITMPPEVW provides access to a continuation of the hall with an impressive wide XYVRMRKSEOWXEMVGEWIPIEHMRKXSEKEPPIVMIH½VWX¾SSVPERHMRK[LMPWXE QEKRM½GIRXWXEMRIHKPEWWEXVMYQGVIEXIWEJIEXYVIEXXLIXSTSJXLI stairwell. An inner hall measuring 66’2 x 5’ again with oak panelling PIEHWXSXLIVIQEMRMRKKVSYRH¾SSVVSSQWXSKIXLIV[MXLEGGIWW XSXLIGIPPEVERHEWIGSRHEV]WXEMVGEWIERHEPMJXWIVZIWXLI½VWX ERHWIGSRH¾SSVW*SVXLSWIFY]IVW[LSIRNS]ELSFF]XLIVIMWE snooker room with an adjacent room being used as a gym. There is also a sauna room with en-suite washroom.

The grounds approaching 3 acres (STLS) are paraded by a variety of trees and are approached via an electric gated entrance leading to a driveway that splits and leads to the front of the house for guests together with extending to the side of the home for further parking.

Set within the grounds is a 3 bedroom detached residence which can be used as an annexe or alternatively could be rented out to create an income to the home.

Woodview EPC

Utility Room

Store Room Ground Floor Approx. 571.5 sq. metres (6151.1 sq. feet)


Dining Room Dining Room Drawing Drawing Room Room

Walk-In Larder

Sitting Room 2 Lift Entrance Vestibule

Snooker Room Bedroom Gymnasium

Sitting Room Study

Sauna Cabin Outer Porch First Floor Approx. 4119.3 sq. feet

Bedroom Bedroom Bedroom Bedroom Bedroom Bedroom

Bedroom Lift


Bedroom Bedroom Second Floor Approx. 271.1 sq. metres (2918.0 sq. feet)

Bedroom Bedroom Bedroom Bedroom Bedroom

Store Room Bedroom


Bedroom Bedroom Bedroom


Ground Floor Approx. 481.7 sq. feet First Floor Approx. 455.8 sq. feet

Dining Room Kitchen Bedroom 3 Bedroom 1

Lounge Bedroom 2 Directions *VSQ'LMK[IPP'IRXVEP0MRIXYFIWXEXMSRXYVRVMKLXERHEXXLIQMRM roundabout and turn right again. At the T-junction, turn right into Hainault 6SEH4VSGIIHYTXSXLIXVEJ½GPMKLXWERHXYVRPIJXMRXS1ERSV6SEH Continue along this road passing Grange Hill station. The road then automatically links with Lambourne Road. The property can be found on the right hand side opposite a turning on the left called Shillibeer Walk. Viewing 7XVMGXP]ZMEXLIZIRHSVWWSPIEKIRXW*MRI 'SYRXV]´WSJ½GIMR Chigwell on 0208 500 5075 102 High Road, Chigwell, Essex, IG7 6PJ )QEMPGLMK[IPP$½RIERHGSYRXV]GSQ




Appendix 3: Proposed Site Plan

© CgMs Limited HS/22563 Extra Care Apartments 795m² per floor - 3 Storey Total Floor Area - 2385m²

Care Home 1135m² per floor - 3 Storey Total Floor Area - 3405m²

Extra Care Apartments 795m² per floor - 3 Storey Total Floor Area - 2385m²

Layouts have been revised to accommodate additional E 27/04/16 apartments JB JB Floor areas have been added D 23/02/16 JB JB Existing building demolition hatch added C 23/02/16 JB JB Building outlines have been updated B 23/02/16 JB JB Layout has been adjusted to show building moved away from the trees A 22/02/16 and reduced in size JB JB Original Drawing - 08/02/16 JB JB

Rev Date Revision Description Drawn By Approved By

ARCHITECTS 6 Pioneer Court, Darlington, DL1 4WD t: 01325 464 111 e: [email protected] w:

Client Atkar Corporation

Project Information Comprehensive Senior Living - Woodview Lambourne Road, Chigwell

Drawing Title Proposed Site Plan

A1 Scale A3 Scale 1:250 1:500

Job Number Drawing Number Revision H.16.01 (9-) 3 E

Drawing Issue FEASIBILITY C Copyright 2015 ADG Architects Ltd