Ting of the Board of Education It Was Voted to Have Every, Community Has Its LISTEN for AIR RAID Jelly Makers Welcome the Concord! STONY CREEK Faults
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, i~if>V....<-T>MV'««Vi(»-'*«»>*~^-^»^-H-". / IfcRCuaan L.tbrary Eoat Haven,Conn PAGE EIGHT THE BRANFORD REVIEW, BRANFORD, CONN., OCTOBER IB, 1942 At the last meeting of the Board of Education It was voted to have Every, community has its LISTEN FOR AIR RAID Jelly Makers Welcome the Concord! STONY CREEK faults. In the go-ahead towns, Motor Vehicle the bulkhead at the. Stony Creek EAST HAVEN people are so busy doi^ig use AliAUM PUIDAY BVENINQ school rebuilt. A public college whist will be ful and progressive things, AT 7 O'CLOCK Bulletin Lists KEAL ESTATE TKANSFERS The American Legion Auxiliary held tomorrow at 8 P. M. in the that they don't notice these Louis Palma has been called for defects. Borrniann Grace to J. C. OgUvle et win meet Friday evening at 8 In Three Elm.s, Stony Creek, spon military service and will leave soon. tirfje IHranforb l^bieto 1942 Fatalities ux, 9 Rowe St. the Legion rooms. sored by the Woman's Auxiliary of Lledke C. F. to Marie Espo.slto, AND EAST HAVEN NEWS the Church of Christ, Stony Creek. Miss Lorraine De Bay Is a student Massachusetts Ave. Riverside Hose Co. Auxiliary meets During the first nine months of Mrs. Charles Madeira and Mrs. RussD B. A. to H. W. Edwards et this evening at 8::30. this fall at Stone's College, New VOL. XV—NO. 27 Branford, Connecticut, Thursday, October 22, 1942 this year, 03 Connecticut towns were PRICE FIVE CENTS ux, Florence St ' Kenneth Brookes are In charge of Haven. without an automobile fatality while Quit Claim Deeds Miss Margaret Harrison spent the the sale of tickets . i 70 town.s recorded a total of 210 fa weekend In New York City. Audrey Rogers of Stony Creek Is talities. It was reported In a Motor Durso Marg. J. to C. H. O'Connor ct al, Forbes Place. Scrap metals will be collected In leaving on a two weeks vacation In Vehicles Dopartmoiit bulletin re Stony Crock tomorrow. Pittsburgh and Wllkes-Barre, Pa. Citizens Rally Defense Alarm Women Work On War Orders At The M.I.F. Co. OPA Director Hearty Thanks leased today . HOLC to Mildred Robertson, 204 Roger Chamberlain of East Ha Kimborly Ave. ven has returned from a visit to Last year 73 towns had "deathless" O'Connor Charlotte H. to Marg, J. New York City. Mrs. Ruth Bunnell Is Instructor Mrs. Maude Blschoff has taken an Chairmen Set To Be Changed records for the flr.st nine months of a class In homo nursing which Sets Prices Given For Aid Durso, Forbes Place. apartment at the home of Mr. and while 00 others had a total of 270 starts Monday evening at 8 In the Mortgage Deeds The St. Andrew's Sun.shlne As Mrs. John Russell. ,• fatalities. OgUvlc J. C. et ux to First Fed. casualty station, Christ Church. November 20 On October 26 Of Firewood To Red Cross Flfty-slx towns were without fa sembly will hold a food and fancy Since this class will function only Sav. & Loan A.ssn., 0 Rowe St.; Bat- work sale In the chapel Saturday talities both last year and this dur- If e,^iough are enrolled it Is impor Plans for the coming Citizens pa Pound It Impossible To Alert Ci Maximum Priooa Eatabllshed For station Wagon Fund Reaches tor Bldg. Mat. Co.. afternoon. ln(5 thti first nine months. These Robertson Mildred E to HOLC, tant that all who are Interested at SALVAClli: IS A TANGIBLli; triotic rally were formulated Thurs vilian Defense Workers With Branford And East Havon Ooal —Offloial Exprosaos Ap-• towns are: A.shford, Barkhamstcd, 204 Klmberly Ave. tend this first meeting. Those who day night at a meeting In the high Foxon Grange will visit Hamden out Undue Overloading of Tel Zones. prociation. nottcon Pall.s, Bethany, Bethel, Beth Van Horn Elsie to Community B. cannot bo present but intend to TASK THAT ANYONE CAN school John Donnelly was appoint lehem, Bolton, Bozah, Brldgcwater, Grange Monday evening. take tho course please call Mrs. ed chairman of the meeting, Miss ephone Lines on Present System •& T. Co., Foxon Road. In order to encourago tho cutting Some little time ago, Branford Brookllcld, Brooklyn, Burllngtun, Bunnell 182-14 or Mrs. Hooghkirk PEHF0K5I Roberta Pellegrini, secretary, and A.s.sl|{nnienl of AIortBagos of llrowood to supplement a sharp Branch, Red Cross started a quiet Canterbury, Canton, Chester, Clin 557-5 Mrs. Walter Delon, chairman of a Local civilian defense workers will Baer Louise T. est. to F. F. Baor, NEW VOTERS MADE ly reduced fuel oil supply, Conneotl- campaign for funds with which to ton, Colchostor, Colcbrook, Colum program committe to arrangs for a be mobilized by an audible signal In «nnllli! Ornpo for nimions," li sllnlnt; ronslnnlly. Then In Inn to a from aul.seppe'Slnl.scalchl, Main St. Mit wood dealers will be allowed to buy and equip an Emergency Sta-" bia, Derby, Durham, Eastford, East The registration of voters held master of ceremonies, a speaker, the 109 communities In Connecti X wlmt Hoi'nc'i- tticelny k>i'nicil Jllll tdlUiiu boitatvl boll hacd li Release of Mornrage charge up to $14.50, $17 or $20 per tlon Wagon. , nduutii. _. ! Ortuiby, Eastoii, E.'ssex, Franklin, Saturday added 43 now electors to musical numbers, and other enter cut In event of a blackout or air tllo Conooi'd Biiipp. Tlil/f bliin-liliult TaiT C. 8. to C. W. Kees et al, cord for delivered llrowood, depend Krupii IH n iiiillvu at MnBancliiiniillK Remove from fire, sklni, pour Oo.shen. the list. Veteran registrars antici tainment features appropriate' to raid, according to regulations an Because it was a purely local pro Thompson Ave. ing on the area In which it Is sold. and Ims long been ri'Ouijntr.LMl ns fiulrkly. rahilUn hot Jolly at onco. pate a total registration of about such an occasion, the purpose of nounced by State Defense Admin ject, and definitely not connected uno of tlm nnoHt Ki'itpos nvallalilu •2 cups llubt corn ayrup nuiy bo Also, Haddam, Hampton, Harwln- Judgment Men State OPA Director Chester Bowles 20 per cent of last year duo to tho which is to bring together as a istrator Wesley A. Sturges, which with tho Annual Red Cross Roll for Jully nmklnK. Koi'luiinloly for BUlistllutod for 2 cups of thu sUBai', ton, Lcdyard, Monroe, New Fairfield, Baldino Nun/.latta by Working- announced. lionicniakdi's, tho Contoril Bn'l'o number of local men In service who body those who are united in the will take effect at 12.01 A. M. on Call, no great amount of publicity RIPE CRAPE JAM North Branford, North Stonlngton, men's Investment Co., 2 pes, Gor October 20. Previously this mobili Tho price celling order, signed by was used. 1ms now found Ita way'lo nlmuat Oxford Pl.ymoulh, Pomfrot, Preston, have reached voting ago. The common bond of giving those near o\'ory Hccllon of our c'ounlry,', ...M C'/j cups prepared fruit don St. zation was by telephone following State OPA Director Chester Bowles, A few letters of appeal were sent 7 cupH suKur* ticddlng, Woxbury, Salem, Scotland, aboU.shment of the to-be-made list to them to the service of their coun ConcordB—iiliniB Willi many otlior Ui.slrlbulioM a so-called "confidential" or "yel Is the first to orlglntite In the Con to Individuals, and Industries, but 1 box powdered fruit pnclln Sherman, Southbury, Sterling, Un precludes an estimate of the number try. vilrlotlos—Bpoll tliu end of sumnior. Bailey Sarah E. est to S. M. Bailey, low" signal received at the local necticut Office of OPA. It establishes aside from these, and a news item If we hiivo procriiRllnnU'd and tullod ^ To prepare frull, slip skins from ion, Voluntown, Warren, Washing of new voters expected by the re nbiuit 3 pounds fully rlpo Brapoa. 2, pes. Pleasant Ave. Since the first meeting Willys Report Center. ileflnlto dollars and cents celling now and then in local columns, It to tnko ndvanloBo .of (lio mnny ton, Waterford, Weston, Wllllngton, spective party leaders. truilB nnd Uonios In oilr mnrkulH, Add 1 cup water to pulp, bring to a Pratt has been selected to be-mas- prices oii standard sizes and vari was a very quietly conducted cam boll, and ulainier, covored, Ti mla- Wlnd.sor Locks, Woodbridge, Wood Because the civilian agencies have ' now Is tho timo to got bnny wllh ter of ceremonies and the date will eties of firewood. Prices depend on paign, for tlie rcoaon given above. our Jolly mnkluB nnd ruplonlHli utuH. llomovn seeds by slevInK, bury. Tho selectmen will make now be November 20th . Increased in personnel various tests Chop or grind skins; ndd to pulp, conducted in the larger communities whether the wood is picked up by For a time It looked as If i\\\s , tlioso vncnnl BIIOIVQB. Towns with no fatalities this year voters Saturday, October 17 from Although not all groups had Tho flliorl Ijoll rcclpuH koep thut It desired, tho Rraled rind of an Rural Towns as well as in many other showed It the buyer at the wood lot or at a method was not going to get; rer from January through September I) A. M. to 8 P. M. at the town hall. sent delegates to this meeting InlrlguhiB (lunllty of fully rlpo oi'snge nniy bo added. ; was Impracticable and often im dealer's yard or delivered to the suits, and. the outlook was far firom Krupos.