How does God save people? DEAD TO GOD The Doctrines of Grace 1. 2. Unconditional Election 3. 4. Irresistible Grace 5. Perseverance of the Saints DEAD TO GOD

1. Total Depravity – Dead to God 2. Unconditional Election – Chosen by God 3. Limited Atonement – Purchased by God 4. Irresistible Grace – Drawn by God 5. Perseverance of the Saints – Kept by God DEAD TO GOD The Doctrines of Grace 1. Total Depravity 2. Unconditional Election 3. Limited Atonement 4. Irresistible Grace 5. Perseverance of the Saints DEAD TO GOD

Calvinism ➢Associated with French theologian DEAD TO GOD

Arminianism ➢Associated with Dutch theologian Jacobus Arminius DEAD TO GOD

The ➢Followers of Jacobus Arminius ➢Remonstrant (one who strongly protests or objects) ➢Published 5 Articles laying out their disagreements with DEAD TO GOD

Summarizing Calvinism Calvinism (or the reformed view of salvation) places emphasis on God and his sovereign choice to grant salvation to whomever he wills by his grace and for his glory. DEAD TO GOD

Summarizing Arminianism (or the non-reformed a few of salvation) places the emphasis on man and his to choose or reject salvation. DEAD TO GOD All people are born spiritually dead and totally unable to come to God unless God himself first makes them spiritually alive in Christ. DEAD TO GOD

1. The Dead Condition of Man DEAD TO GOD 3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places, 4 even as he chose us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before him. In love 5 he predestined us for adoption through Jesus Christ, according to the purpose of his will… Ephesians 1:3-5 DEAD TO GOD As for you, you were dead in your transgressions and sins… Ephesians 2:1 DEAD TO GOD “The doctrine of Total Inability, which declares that men are dead in sin, does not mean that all men are equally bad, nor that any man is as bad as he could be, nor that anyone is entirely destitute of virtue, nor that the human nature is evil in itself, nor that man’s spirit is inactive, and much less does it mean that the body is dead. DEAD TO GOD What it does mean is that since the fall man rests under the curse of sin, that he is actuated by wrong principles, and that he is wholly unable to love God or do anything meriting salvation.”

Lorraine Boettner DEAD TO GOD

2. The Divine Initiative of God DEAD TO GOD The Calvinist View Monergistic Work: God works salvation alone. DEAD TO GOD The Arminian View Synergistic Work: God works salvation with us.