Global and Planetary Change 29Ž. 2001 1–29 www.elsevier.comrlocatergloplacha

Temporal and spatial patterns of Holocene dune activity on the of North America: megadroughts and climate links

Steven L. Forman a,), Robert Oglesby b,1, Robert S. Webb c a Department of Earth and EnÕironmental Sciences, UniÕersity of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL 60607-7059, USA b Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Purdue UniÕersity, West Lafayette, IN 47907, USA c Climate Diagnostics Center, Office of Atmospheric Research, National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration, 325 Broadway, Boulder, CO 80305, USA Accepted 7 December 2000


The Holocene record of eolian sand and loess deposition is reviewed for numerous presently stabilized dune fields on the Great Plains of North America. Dune field activity reflects decade-to-century-scale dominance of drought that exceeded historic conditions, with a growing season deficit of precipitation )25%. The largest dune fields, the Nebraska Sand Hills and ergs in eastern Colorado, and the Southern High Plains showed peak activity sometime between ca. 7 and 5 cal. ka. Loess deposition between ca. 10 and 4 cal. ka also signifies widespread aridity. Most dune fields exhibit evidence for one or more reactivation events sometime in the past 2 cal. ka; a number of localities register two events post 1 cal. ka, the latest potentially after 1400 AD. However, there is not a clear association of the latest dune remobilization events with up to 13 droughts in the past 2 cal. ka identified in dendroclimatic and lacustrine records. Periods of persistent drought are associated with a La Nina-dominated˜ climate state, with cooling of sea surface temperatures in the tropical Pacific Ocean and later of the tropical Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico that significantly weakens cyclogenesis over central North America. As drought proceeds, reduced soil moisture and vegetation cover would lessen evaporative cooling and increase surface temperatures. These surface changes strengthen the eastward expansion of a high-pressure ridge aloft and shift the jet stream northward, further enhancing continent-wide drought. Uncertainty persists if dune fields will reactivate in the future at a scale similar to the Holocene because of widespread irrigation, the lack of migratory bison herds, and the suppression of prairie fires, all of which enhance stabilization of dune fields in the Great Plains. q 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: dune fields; Holocene climate; Great Plains; USA; droughts

1. Introduction

) Corresponding author. Presently, stabilized dune fields are common on E-mail address: [email protected]Ž. S.L. Forman . 1 the Great Plains of central North AmericaŽ. Fig. 1 . Present address: Global Hydrology and Climate Center, Mar- shall Space Flight Center, NASA, 320 Sparkman Drive, Huntsville, These landformsŽ. Fig. 2B attest to periods of pro- AL 35801, USA. nounced aridity during the past 10,000 years that

0921-8181r01r$ - see front matter q 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PII: S0921-8181Ž. 00 00092-8 2 S.L. Forman et al.rGlobal and Planetary Change 29() 2001 1–29

Fig. 1. The Great Plains of North America with presently stabilized dune fields in black. Map derived from Ostercamp et al.Ž. 1987 and Muhs and WolfeŽ. 1999 . S.L. Forman et al.rGlobal and Planetary Change 29() 2001 1–29 3

Fig. 2. General distribution of dune fields, loess and sand sheets for Colorado, Nebraska and Kansas. InsetŽ. A shows dune fields of eastern Colorado andŽ. B Landsat image of compound parabolic dunes Ž modified from Forman et al., 1995 . . 4 S.L. Forman et al.rGlobal and Planetary Change 29() 2001 1–29 exceeded drought conditions in the 20th century. 2. Grassland-climate connections on the Great Periods of dune reactivation reflect sustained mois- Plains ture deficits for a number of growing seasons and herald broader environmental change with dimin- The Great Plains of North America support one of ished surface and groundwater resources and reduced the largest grassland biomes in the Northern Hemi- net-primary productivity of grasslandsŽ Schlesinger sphere and before European settlement covered 2.6 et al., 1989. . Future large-scale droughts, similar to million km2 in the US, Canada and MexicoŽ Lauen- Holocene events, would have a significant impact on roth, 1979. . This grassland reflects two prominent North American society with reductions in water climatic gradientsŽ. Sala et al., 1988 . Mean annual availability and quality, crop failure, rangeland stress, precipitation exhibits a strong west to east gradient, suspension of recreational and tourist activities, and increasing from ;250 mmryear at the Piedmont of heat-related deaths in nearby urban centersŽ Rieb- the Rocky MountainsŽ. 1078E,to ;700 mmryear same et al., 1991; Chestnut et al., 1998. . at the deciduous forest border Ž.;908W . Mean sum- Recent reviews underscore that droughts in the mer temperatures have a north to south trend ranging past 2000 years had broad impacts across North from ;188C in southern Canada to ;278Cin AmericaŽ Woodhouse and Overpeck, 1998; Stahle et northern Mexico. The occurrence of grassland al., 2000.Ž. . Multi-year droughts 2 to 10 years with a ecosystems generally parallels precipitation receipts range of severityŽ. Palmer drought indexes of -y2 Ž.Lauenroth, 1979 . Short-grass steppe vegetation pri- occurred at least once in each of the past four marily occurs in the western Great Plains to about ) centuries affecting 40% of the conterminous US. the 1008 meridian, dominated by the C4 grass, Tree-ring time series show particularly severe Bouteloua gracilis, with some C3 grasses and shrubs droughts in duration and extent prior to 1600 AD locally abundant. Mixed grass prairie occurs in the across North AmericaŽ Woodhouse and Overpeck, central part of Great Plains and supports a variety of

1998. . However, it remains unknown if local or short and tall C34 and C grasses. The tall grass regional dune reactivation and other land surface prairie extends east of the Missouri River and is changes are associated with these prehistoric dominated by C4 grasses. droughts. In turn, regional eolian activity provides a Net primary productivity of grasses on the Great definitive indicator of extreme climate conditions Plains is strongly correlated with precipitationŽ Fig. with drought impact, durationŽ. multi-decades and 3A. increasing from 80 grm2ryear at the western extent beyond historic eventsŽ. Forman et al., 1995 . margin to 700 grm2ryear at the eastern border near The history of dune mobilization on the Great the Mississippi RiverŽ. Fig. 3A,B . Grassland produc- Plains is critical to gauge the severity, recurrence and tivity dropped by 30% to 90% during 10% of the extent of megadroughts in context of the past 10,000 driest years in the 1960s and 1970s. The greatest years. There is compelling evidence on the Great decrease in productivity is registered in the central Plains for repeated large-scale droughts when many area of the grassland, encompassing most of Kansas, dune systems reactivated and challenged survival of southeastern Colorado and adjacent areas in northern indigenous peopleŽ. Meltzer, 2000 . Further under- New Mexico, Oklahoma and TexasŽ. Fig. 3C . As standing is also needed on the concomitant changes drought persists, productivity remains depressed with of the land surface, which can exacerbate or mitigate reduced grass cover, and a dominance of shrubs, regional drought. In this review, geomorphic and which exposes more topsoil to eolian erosion. The stratigraphic records of eolian activity for a number net effect of vegetation changes associated with re- presently stabilized dunes fields on the Great Plains gional drought is to reduce the availability of mois- of North America are summarized to assess spatial ture and nutrients across the landscape, favoring the and temporal patterns of dune mobilization for the heterogeneous expansion of shrubs and erosion of past 10,000 years. Potential climate system telecon- subsoilŽ. Judd, 1974; Schlesinger et al., 1989 . nections, synoptic controls and feedbacks that may The stratigraphic and geomorphic records of eo- cause and sustain megadrought and lead to dune lian dune deposition on the Great Plains provide activation are also considered. proxy information on the timing and magnitude of S.L. Forman et al.rGlobal and Planetary Change 29() 2001 1–29 5

Fig. 3.Ž. A The relation between mean annual precipitation and mean above ground net primary productivityŽ ANPP grm2 . for the Great PlainsŽ.Ž. Sala et al., 1988 . B Isopleths of ANPP for Great Plains grasslands during years of average precipitation for the period 1960–1979. Ž.C Isopleths of relative variability in ANPP between wet and dry years estimated by :Ž.Ž. ANPP wet years y ANPP dry years raverage ANPP. large-scale droughts when landscape conditions were from preexisting, but stabilized dune systems, and favorable for the movement and accumulation of from many low-gradient rivers with broad flood- eolian sand. Droughts associated with regional reac- plains. Wind velocity is not a limiting factor for dune tivation of dune systems exceed conditions during formation on the Great Plains. The drift potential, a the ‘dust bowls’ of the 1930s and 1950s, when unitless measure of the efficacy of wind to entrain precipitation fell )25% of the averageŽ Tomanek eolian sandŽ. Fryberger and Dean, 1979 is intermedi- and Hulett, 1970. . ate to high for the central and northern Great Plains Accumulation of eolian sediment occurs when Ž.Muhs et al., 1996; Muhs and Wolfe, 1999 . Thus, if there is adequate sediment supply, when winds ex- vegetation cover is reduced below a threshold of ceed the threshold velocity for particle movement ;30%Ž. Pye and Tsoar, 1990, p. 100 in response to and there is a lack of stabilizing vegetation or land- a decrease in effective moisture and other landscape formsŽ. Pye and Tsoar, 1990, pp. 127–145 . Sedi- disturbanceŽ. e.g. grazing, fire , dune systems on the ment supply is often adequate on the Great Plains Great Plains should reactivate with prevailing winds. 6 S.L. Forman et al.rGlobal and Planetary Change 29() 2001 1–29

The delivery of moisture to the Great Plains is rather than broad-scale climate-driven processes. Any controlled principally by the interaction of upper- one eolian sequence on the Great Plains provides a level air masses from the Pacific Ocean and surface conservative record of environmental events. This outflow from the Gulf of MexicoŽ cf. Barry and review provides a regional assessment of the tempo- Chorley, 1987, pp. 249–258. . Historic droughts in ral and spatial patterns of Holocene eolian activity the central US are associated with a weakened flux on the Great Plains. from the subtropical Atlantic and the Gulf of Mexico The majority of age control for Holocene dune and persistent zonal flowŽ. Oglesby, 1991 . activity is provided by conventional or accelerator mass spectrometryŽ. AMS14 C dating of soil organic matter. Most of the 14C ages are from dating bulk 3. Geomorphic and stratigraphic record of organic-matter or humic acid separatesŽ acid–base– Holocene eolian activity acid pretreatment. from buried-soil horizons. The Presently, stabilized dune fields are often adjacent soil A horizon is a reservoir of carbon of various to riversŽ. Fig. 1 , one of the potential sources for ages, and thus yields a 14C age older than the known sediment, with cover sands and loams and loess age of the surface horizonŽ. Sharpenseel, 1971 . The common within and beyond the dune fieldsŽ Oster- presence of AoldB organic matter in a soil, mostly in camp et al., 1987. . Initial studies concluded that disseminated form, is termed the mean residence formation of these eolian landforms occurred during timeŽ. MRT effect. Radiocarbon measurements indi- glacial periods in the Pleistocene with only minor cate that the MRT effect of bulk organic matter and reworking in the HoloceneŽ. Smith, 1965 . Early humic fractions in the upper 5-to-10 cm of A hori- investigators asserted that the Nebraska Sand Hills zons of mollisols on the Great Plains varies from 100 formed entirely prior to the Holocene during glacial to 500 yearsŽ Broecker et al., 1956; Harrison et al., intervals based on sedimentologic and geomorphic 1993 and references therein. ; to as much as 1400 assessmentsŽ. Warren, 1976; Wells, 1983 and the years oldŽ. Muhs et al. 1999 . Modern contamination analysis of interdune lake recordsŽ Wright et al., may dominate some shallowly buried Ž.-2m 1985. . However, fluvial deposits found directly be- paleosols and yield 14C ages that are underestimates. neath the Nebraska Sand Hills yield 14C ages be- To ease comparison with luminescence ages and tween 3 and 10 cal. ka and indicate a more recent other records, all 14C ages are calendar corrected and complex historyŽ. Ahlbrandt et al., 1983 . The Ž.cal. ka; Stuiver and Reimer, 1993 and presented morphology of surface and buried soils developed in with two sigma error ranges. stabilized dunes in Nebraska and Colorado also indi- Many studies have utilized luminescence geo- cate recent activity, with two potential dune forma- chronometry to decipher the timing of eolian events tion events in the past 10 cal. ka, and the latest in the in midcontinental North America, which yields an past ca. 1.5 cal. kaŽ. Muhs, 1985 . age reflecting the time since the sediment’s last There is a rich geomorphic and stratigraphic record exposure to sunlightŽ e.g. Forman et al., 1992a, of Holocene eolian activity across the Great Plains. 1995; Stokes and Gaylord, 1993; Maat and Johnson, Many studies identify intercalated soils within eolian 1996; Stokes and Swinehart, 1997; Rodbell et al., sand sequences that indicate repeated dune reactiva- 1997. . Eolian sediments are preferred for lumines- tion during the Holocene. This stratigraphic sequence cence dating because the requisite sunlight exposure, is first order information indicating landscape stabil- that resets the luminescence, readily occurs prior to ityŽ. paleosol that was repeatedly disturbed by depo- deposition. Another advantage of eolian deposits for sition of eolian sand and silt associated with drought luminescence dating is the physical homogeneity of conditions. At most sites, the thickness of eolian sediments simplifies calculations of environmental sediments and preservation of intercalated soils varies radioactivityŽ. dose rate , which controls the rate of laterally, reflecting spatial and temporal discontinu- luminescence ingrowth within silicate minerals. Early ities in eolian erosion and deposition and ensuing studies demonstrated the concordance between 14C pedogenesis. Uncertainty remains if dune migration and thermoluminescenceŽ. TL ages for eolian se- in one field reflects primarily an endemic response quences in the mid-continental North AmericaŽ For- S.L. Forman et al.rGlobal and Planetary Change 29() 2001 1–29 7 man and Maat, 1990; Forman et al., 1992a. . The vide improved temporal resolution for deciphering advent of optically stimulated luminescence in the past eolian depositional events. 1990s provides a more sensitive geochronometer, with solar resetting of the luminescence signal occur- 4. The Southern High Plains ring in minutes versus hours for TLŽ Godfrey-Smith et al., 1988; Stokes, 1992. . The recent development A variety of eolian sediments dominate the low of quartz single aliquot and ultimately quartz single relief surface of the Southern High Plains, a plateau grain regenerative optically stimulate luminescence covering about 130,000 km2 in northwest Texas, analysis provides increased precisionŽ. errors"5% eastern New Mexico and western OklahomaŽ. Fig. 1 . for dating eolian sands deposited in the past 10 ka Dune fields occur in distinct landscape positions Ž.Stokes, 1999 . either parallel to the Pecos River Valley or built Records of dune activity and associated loess against the west-facing High Plains escarpment or deposition are summarized for Chaco Dune Field in trending west to east, breaching the escarpment New Mexico, eolian systems on the Southern High through low passes. The Holocene record of eolian Plains, ergs on eastern Colorado, Kansas, and activity is culled principally from sediments exposed Wyoming, the Nebraska Sand Hills and smaller dune in the many AdrawsB, headwater tributaries of the fields on The Northern High Plains in the US and Red, Brazos and Colorado rivers, and associated CanadaŽ. Fig. 1 . Holocene records from Elk and Ann archaeological excavationsŽ. Holliday, 1995, 1997a lakes in Minnesota are also included, although Ž.Fig. 4 . A key locality, amongst many on the South- marginal to the High Plains, these systems reflect ern High Plains is the Lubbock Lake Archaeological regional eolian activity and aridityŽ Keen and Shane, Site in Yellowhouse Draw, one of the best-dated 1990; Dean, 1997. . These lake records provide a archeological sites in North America, with over 100 more continuous time series of environmental change, 14C agesŽ Holliday, 1985, 1995, 1997a; Johnson, but spatially restricted. Integration of key lake records 1987. . Another eolian record considered is the with stratigraphic and geomorphic studies may pro- stratigraphy of lunette dunes, which form down wind

Fig. 4. Calendar and14 C ages for eolian sedimentsŽ. shaded accumulated on the Southern High Plains for the Holocene Ž modified from Holliday, 1991. . 8 S.L. Forman et al.rGlobal and Planetary Change 29() 2001 1–29 from playa basins on the Southern High PlainsŽ Hol- tent with diminished groundwater and surface water liday, 1997b. . resourcesŽ. Meltzer, 2000 . Five distinctive stratums are regionally recognized Less is known about eolian activity in the late that infill draws on the Southern High PlainsŽ Holli- HoloceneŽ. 4–0 ka on the Southern High Plains. day, 1995. . The base of the stratigraphic sequence Two localities, Mustang Springs and Plainview, have shows a succession from alluvial to lacustrine envi- eolian sands that date between ca. 3 and 1 kaŽ Fig. ronmentsŽ. stratum 1 . The top of this stratum is 4.Ž . A number of archaeological sites Lubbock Lake, deposited between 13 and 10 cal. ka, with Clovis Mustang Springs and Clovis.Ž. show soil s buried by cultural materials from alluvial facies. Episodic dry- eolian sand ca. -1 ka agoŽ. Fig. 4 . One lunette ing led to deposition of eolian cover-sands most dune stratigraphic sequenceŽ. Tobosa Ranch contains recently associated with Folsom occupation ca. 12.5 two paleosols14 C dated at 450"30 years BPŽ A- to 11 cal. kaŽ. Holliday, 2000 . Stratum 2 is com- 6913.Ž. and 755"35 years BP A-6912 and a bone posed of eolian sands that accumulated along the from the lowermost sand yielded a 14C age of 850" flanks of draws or on upland surfaces, with paludal 60 years BP, which indicates dune reactivation at ca. muds occurring in the valley axis. Spatially discon- 900 and 500 cal. year BPŽ. Holliday, 1997b . The tinuous eolian depositionŽ. stratum 3 occurred during earlier of these events may be correlative with in- potentially numerous events in the early Holocene ferred regional drought-induced entrenchment of the Ž.11 to 8 cal. ka across the Southern High Plains Arkansas, Red, Trinity, Brazos and Colorado rivers Ž.Holliday, 1989, 2000 . Carbon isotope values from ca. 1 ka agoŽ. Hall, 1990 . buried soil A horizons, though not a closed system post-burial, indicates varying dominance of more 5. Chaco Dune Field, New Mexico heat tolerant C4 grasses between ca. 13 and 9 cal. ka Ž.Holliday, 1997b, 2000 . The Chaco Dune FieldŽ 3600 km2 . lies on the Regional aridity was pronounced at ca. 8.5 cal. ka Colorado Plateau and is situated on the western and occurred as two distinct regional episodes of margin of the Southern High PlainsŽ. Fig. 1 . A eolian sedimentation between ca. 7.0 and )5.0 cal. combined geomorphic, pedologic and stratigraphic kaŽ. stratum 3 ago and from ca. 5.5 to 4.5 cal. ka assessment, with age constraints provided by 14C Ž.Žstratum 4 Holliday, 1989, 1995, 2000 . . Wetter dating of included organic materials and associated conditions and landscape stability prevailed between cultural materials, identifies three major episodes of these eolian events and is indicated by spring activity eolian activity in the past 20 kaŽ.Ž Fig. 5 Wells et al., and deposition of alluvial sediments and marsh clays 1990. . The first episode of eolian deposition, some- in the draw axis. Middle HoloceneŽ 9 to 4 cal. ka; time between ca. 20 and 14 cal. ka, deposited exten- Altithermal. eolian sand deposits are also identified sive sand sheets and parabolic dunesŽ 3- to 4-m at a number of archaeological sites on the Southern thick. , upon late Pleistocene alluvium. In places, a High PlainsŽ. Fig. 4 . The principal episode of dune well-developed paleosol with argillic and carbonate building for the Sand Hills Dune Field between the horizonsŽ. stages 1–2 formed in the lowest eolian Blackwater and Yellowhouse draws was between 7.0 sand indicating an appreciable period Ž.)2kaof and 5.0 cal. kaŽ. Gile, 1979; Holliday, 1989, 1991 landscape stability subsequent to eolian deposition. Lunettes on the Southern High Plains also show This paleosol is traceable in section for kilometers, maximum Holocene activity between 8 and 5 cal. ka thus providing evidence that older eolian and other agoŽ. Holliday, 1997a,b . An archaeologic assessment sediments are not the prime source for younger further underscores the extreme aridity of the middle eolian depositsŽ. Wells et al., 1990 . HoloceneŽ. 9 to 5 cal. ka on the Great Plains, with Parabolic dunes, sand sheets and sand ridges are severest conditions in southern areasŽ. Meltzer, 2000 . associated with a second major period of eolian The human abandonment of drought-sensitive occu- deposition initiated at ca. 6.5 cal. ka, with the bulk of pation sites, the redigging of wells to tap deeper dune accretion between 4.0 and 2.8 cal. ka. These groundwater sources, and the shift of the diet to deposits are massive, moderately sorted, medium- include more grain and nuts and less bison is consis- to-fine-grained and attain maximum thickness of S.L. Forman et al.rGlobal and Planetary Change 29() 2001 1–29 9

and internal stratification is often well preserved. These eolian features formed since ca. 1.9 cal. ka with some forms active today.

6. Central and western Kansas

The Great Bend Sand Prairie is situated in west- ern Kansas along the and covers an area of 4500 km2 Ž. Fig. 1 . Simple, compound, and complex parabolic dunes and sand sheets character- ize this erg. The dunes exhibit two predominant orientations, reflecting distinct periods of formation. Parabolic dunes accreted with winds from the north- west are associated with the Late WisconsinanŽ 25 to 12 ka. , whereas Holocene dunes show southwesterly alignmentsŽ. Arbogast, 1996 . The surficial deposits of the Great Bend Sand Prairie are composed of two diachronous Quaternary unitsŽ. Fig. 6 . The lower unit is a widely occurring fluvial and playa silt, clay, and sand; organic matter from the lower part of this deposit yields a 14C age of ca. 19.5 cal. kaŽ. Arbogast, 1996 . The upper unit is a complex sequence of Holocene eolian sands that are moderately well sorted and display both horizon- tal and cross stratification. Organic matter recovered from waterlain sediments immediately below 3.5 m of eolian sand gives a maximum limiting 14C age of 8.8 cal. ka for early Holocene eolian activity. A closer limiting age on dune mobilization is provided by a 14C age of ca. 7.7 cal. ka on a buried A horizon developed in the lower eolian sands. Widespread eolian activity occurred south of the Arkansas River in southwestern Kansas, where proximal eolian sand and distal loess facies buried a paleosol that yielded 14 Fig. 5. Composite stratigraphy and C ages on eolian sand 14C ages of 7.0 to 7.5 cal. kaŽ. Olson et al., 1997 . deposition in the Chaco Dune Fields, New MexicoŽ Wells et al., 1990. . A dark horizontal line with connected vertical lines indi- The duration of an potential eolian event starting at cates a buried soil. The horizon development of buried soils is ca. 7.7 cal. ka is unconstrained, but dune sand was indicated by letter designationsŽ. Birkeland, 1999, p. 5 . deposited at ca. )6.7 and )3.5 cal. kaŽ Arbogast and Johnson, 1998. . about 1 m. The total volume of sand for the middle There is compelling evidence for dune reactiva- Holocene episode is about 20% of sand accumulated tion in the Great Bend Sand Prairie in the late during the late Pleistocene. Holocene. Up to three weakly developed buried soils The third and latest period of eolian deposition Ž.ArC profile; Birkeland, 1999, p. 5 occur in the produced the most diverse suite of eolian landforms upper 1-to-4-m of sequences of eolian sands. Radio- and associated deposits, including barchan, linear, carbon dating of the A horizons of these paleosols ridge coppice and parabolic dunes and sand sheets. indicate potentially five episodes of eolian deposition Thickness of deposits varies from -1 to about 4 m during the past 2.5 cal. ka at ca. 2.3, 1.4, 1.1, 0.7 and 10 S.L. Forman et al.rGlobal and Planetary Change 29() 2001 1–29

associated with the Cimarron River and tributaries. A tripartite relative age dune sequence is assessed by elevation from the valley axis and extent of soil developmentŽ. Brady, 1989 . The youngest dunes, transverse ridges or barchanoid forms, occur on the modern floodplain often in association with former channel banks. Alignment of dunes indicates accre- tion by winds from the southwest. The next oldest dunes are the ATivoli dunesB, which are single and compound parabolic-dunes 100’s m in length. Dune and slipface orientations indicate paleowinds from two directions, southwest and northwest. A 14C age of 1200"70 years BPŽ. GX-14706 from a paleosol A horizon beneath a 2-m thickness of eolian sand provides the sole maximum limiting age constraint on dune activity. The dunes on the highest and oldest terrace are predominantly parabolic forms, though isolated barchonoid transverse and barchan dunes do occur. Like the Tivoli dunes, dune orientations indi- cate accretion by southwesterly and northwesterly winds. Three14 C ages of 6385"285Ž. GX-14709 and 7645"380Ž. GX-14708 and 11,345"425 years BPŽ. GX-14707 from buried A horizons within the oldest dune sequence provides maximum limiting ages on Holocene eolian activityŽ. Brady, 1989 .

8. Eastern Colorado

Fig. 6. Composite stratigraphy and 14C ages on eolian sand deposition in the Great Bend Sand Prairie, KansasŽ Abrogast, Studies in eastern Colorado have examined eolian 1996. . A dark horizontal line with connected vertical lines indi- dunes, sand sheets and loess that mantle more than cates a buried soil. The horizon development of buried soils is 20,000 km2 of the area east of the Rocky Mountains indicated by letter designationsŽ. Birkeland, 1999, p. 5 . Ž.Figs. 1 and 2 . Straddling the Platte River, kilome- ter-long parabolic and compound parabolic dunes are common with alignments indicating a northwesterly 0.3 cal. kaŽ Arbogast, 1996; Arbogast and Johnson, paleowind direction for dune migrationŽ Forman and 1998. . Maat, 1990. . Ergs near the northern tributaries of the Arkansas River also show dunes formed by north- westerly windsŽ. Madole, 1995 . However, parabolic 7. Northwestern Oklahoma, Cimarron River Dune dunes in southeastern Colorado, exhibit a southwest- fields erly orientationŽ. Madole, 1995 . Loess commonly occurs on interfluves in eastern ColoradoŽ Forman et Prominent dune fields occur north and south of al., 1995; Blecker et al., 1997; Muhs et al., 1999. . the Cimarron River in northwestern Oklahoma and A variety of eolian stratigraphic units spanning remain one of the least studied eolian systems on the the past ca. 20 ka are identified in eastern Colorado Great Plains. Dunes occur on the modern floodplain from dune morphology, soil development, stratigra- and on higher Holocene and Pleistocene terraces phy, and radiocarbon and luminescence datingŽ For- S.L. Forman et al.rGlobal and Planetary Change 29() 2001 1–29 11 man and Maat, 1990; Forman et al., 1992b, 1995; eolian sediments is well constrained by an AMS 14C Madole, 1994, 1995; Muhs et al., 1996; Muhs et al., age of 17 cal. ka on an in situ gastropod shell from 1999.Ž Fig. 7 . . The oldest eolian unit is characterized the sand facies and TL ages between ca. 20 and 14 by extensive sand sheets and low-amplitudeŽ 1- to cal. ka on eolian sand and loess faciesŽ Forman et 3-m high.Ž. dunes in lowland areas )1480 m and al., 1995; Madole, 1995. . Another study by Muhs et loess on upland surfaces Ž.)1500 m . A well-devel- al.Ž. 1999 also identifies loess deposited between 23 oped surface soil Ž)20-cm thick Bt and Bk hori- and 14 cal. ka and potentially a later loess deposi- zons. occurs where this eolian material is not cov- tional event between 13 and 11 cal. ka in eastern ered by younger eolian sandŽ. Madole, 1995 . A Colorado. Well-developed soils of the Vona and potentially correlative soil is buried by loess with the Osgood seriesŽ. ArBtrBkrC profile formed in the buried A horizon yielding 14C ages of between 20 sand sheet facies and are correlated with soil devel- and 23 kaŽ. Muhs et al., 1999 . The age of the lower opment on the Kersey Terrace of the South Platte

Fig. 7. Composite stratigraphy and chronometric constraints on eolian sand deposition for ergs of Eastern Colorado:Ž. A Forman et al. Ž.1995 highlights early and middle Holocene record with radiocarbon and thermoluminesenceŽ. TL ages. Ž. B Madole Ž 1995 . gives evidence for dune reactivation for the late Holocene with14 C ages and optically stimulated luminescenceŽ. OSL ages. A dark horizontal line with connected vertical lines indicates a buried soil. The horizon development of buried soils is indicated by letter designationsŽ Birkeland, 1999, p. 5. . 12 S.L. Forman et al.rGlobal and Planetary Change 29() 2001 1–29 mmed lakes in . Beds of eolian ritt Reservoir Stokes tes a buried soil. The Ž. Ž. Ž Ž. .Ž. Ž . Ž. Fig. 8. Composite stratigraphy and chronometric constraints on eolian sand deposition in the Nebraska Sand Hills: A Study sites at Whitman, Ne and Mer horizon development of buried soils is indicated by letter designations Birkeland, 1999, p. 5 . and Swinehart, 1997 .western B Nebraska. Peat Barchan andsand dune gyttja history near accumulate flanking the with the top formation Middle of of Loup Swan River the Lake sequence Muhs during indicate et a dune al., period sand 1997a of deposition . active Grey events dune represents in migration organic the rich past Loope zones. 1 et C al., cal. 1995; ka. History Mason A of et dark dune-da al., horizontal 1997 line with connected vertical lines indica S.L. Forman et al.rGlobal and Planetary Change 29() 2001 1–29 13

RiverŽ. Madole, 1995 . The upper part of this terrace parabolic dunes within ergsŽ Fort Morgan Dune Field; contains Clovis diagnostic artifacts and thus eolian Fig. 2.Ž of northeastern Colorado Madole, 1994, sedimentation is inferred to end at ca. 12 to 11 cal. 1995. . Exposures of this latest dune sequence reveal kaŽ. Madole, 1995; Muhs et al., 1996 . In addition, at least two buried soils with ArC profiles, indicat- 14C ages on organic coatings from sand grains recov- ing -1000 years of pedogenesis. Radiocarbon ages ered from the basal eolian sediments places dune on disseminated organic matter from these buried movement before ca. 10.5 cal. kaŽ Muhs et al., soils yield ages of ca. 1400 and 900 cal. yearŽ For- 1996. . man et al., 1992b, 1995; Madole 1994, 1995. , indi- Eolian stratigraphy, principally at the Kersey Road cating two dune reactivation events in the past 1500 siteŽ. Fig. 2 provides insight into landscape changes cal. yearŽ. Fig. 7B . during the Pleistocene to Holocene transitionŽ Fig. 7A.Ž Forman et al., 1995 . . The presence of a well- Ž.r r developed paleosol A Bt Bk profile in the lower 9. Wray Dune Field, Colorado and Nebraska eolian sand indicates relative landscape stability be- tween ca. 13.5 and 10 cal. ka. A buried A horizon is The Wray Dune Field straddles northeastern Col- over thickened by the addition of eolian silt and sand orado and southwestern Nebraska border and similar that buries this soil and demarcates a period of to other dune fields in eastern Colorado is dominated drying from ca. 9.0 to 6.5 cal. ka.Ž. Fig. 8 . This by northwesterly accreted compound parabolic and drying is probably regional indicated by loess de- parabolic dunesŽ. Fig. 1 . The Hoover blowout site on posits dated between 10 and 4 cal. ka in eastern the Nebraska side, provides 8 m of stratigraphic ColoradoŽ.Ž Blecker et al., 1997 , eastern Kansas Ol- exposure and dateable material to constrain the activ- son et al., 1997.Ž and eastern Nebraska Martin, 1993; ity of this dune fieldŽ Madole, 1995; Muhs et al., Maat and Johnson, 1996. . 1997a. . A maximum limiting age on dune accretion A major eolian event is indicated by the subse- is provided by a 14C age of ca. 16 cal. ka on shells quent truncation and burial of the AKersey soilB by from paludal deposits that floor the blowout. Overly- up to 10 m of low angle, cross-bedded eolian sands. ing the paludal sediments are )2 m of eolian sand, Luminescence and 14C dating place the burial of this indicating subsequent drying. A conspicuous com- surface and accumulation of the eolian sands be- pound buried soil developed in eolian sand is traced tween ca. 7 and 5.5 cal. kaŽ. Fig. 7B . A period of 100-m laterally in the blowout. Bulk organic matter landscape stability followed, indicated by a paleosol from this buried soil developed in the top of the with modest pedogenesisŽ. ArBw profile . This pale- eolian sand yield a 14C age of 8.7 cal. ka. These ages osol was buried subsequently by eolian sand; 14C indicate that deposition of the lowermost eolian sand dating of disseminated organic matter from the buried occurred sometime between ca. 8.7 and 16 cal. ka. A horizon place burial sometime between 6.3 and Radiocarbon ages of 290"6014 C years BPŽ CAMS- 3.7 cal. ka. A similar paleosol sequence yielded the 5301. and 360"6014 C years BPŽ. CAMS-3496 on AMS 14C age of 3.6 cal. ka from the interior of two bison bones from eolian sand immediately above pedogenic rhizoliths, providing a minimum age esti- the buried soil indicate dune reaction during the past mate for the enclosing eolian sandŽ Muhs et al., 500 yearsŽ. Muhs et al., 1997a . 1996.Ž. . Madole 1995 dated a buried A horizon in an analogous stratigraphic sequence, which yielded a younger burial age of ca. 2.9 cal. ka or may repre- sent a separate event. A 1q m-thick loess deposit in 10. The Nebraska Sand Hills eastern Colorado with a basal age of ca. 4 cal. ka capped by the present soil indicates an episode of The largest single erg in North America is the substantial aridity post 4 cal. kaŽ Blecker et al., Nebraska Sand HillsŽ. Fig. 1 , where eolian sand 1997. . deposits attain thickness up to 80 mŽ Swinehart, Recent evidence for eolian activity is visible on 1989. . This mass of eolian sand is largely derived in aerial photography as fresh-appearing compound the Pleistocene from eastward flowing rivers and 14 S.L. Forman et al.rGlobal and Planetary Change 29() 2001 1–29 streams like the Platte and NiobraraŽ Loope et al., overlying this A horizon gave luminescence ages of 1995. . A variety of eolian landforms exist in the 450 to 210 cal. year BPŽ. Fig. 8A . Nebraska Sandhills, but crescentric and barchanoid Muhs et al.Ž. 1997a provide insights into Holocene forms are most commonŽ. Swinehart, 1989 . A major- activity of megabarchan and barchanoid ridge dunes ity of dune orientation indicates paleowinds from in the western Nebraska Sands Hills, flanking the north to northwest, similar to present prevailing winds Middle Loup RiverŽ. Figs. 2 and 8B . Maximum Ž.Ahlbrandt et al., 1983 . Insights on Holocene eolian constraining age on dune migration is provided by activity in the Nebraska Sand Hills is culled from 14C ages of ca. 2.8 cal. ka on organic matter from stratigraphic studies of eolian sand sequencesŽ Stokes alluvial deposits subjacent to eolian sediments. The and Swinehart, 1997; Muhs et al., 1997a. and from recency of dune migration is indicated by 14C ages of new understanding of dune-dammed lakes in south- ca. 700 to 200 years on collagen and carboxyl ex- western NebraskaŽ Loope et al., 1995; Mason et al., tracts from bison bones recovered from eolian sands 1997; Loope and Swinehart, 2000.Ž Fig. 8 . . with weakŽ. ArC paleosols. Data from disparate The history of reactivation of megabarchan dunes sections indicate that eolian sand deposition occurred is investigated in the heart of the Nebraska Sand at least twice in the past 3000 to possibly three times Hills, near Whitman, NE and at the Merritt reservoir in the past 800 years. Ž.Figs. 2 and 8A , where there are 15- and 55-m-thick Important insights on the magnitude and timing of exposures of Holocene sediments, respectively dune migration in the western Nebraska Sandhills Ž.Stokes and Swinehart, 1997 . Beneath the dune are culled from new understanding of the interac- sequence are fluvial or lacustrine sediments that tions of dune movement with the low-gradient Blue contained organic matter that provide a maximum CreekŽ. Loope et al., 1995; Mason et al., 1997 . constraining age on dune formation of ca. 9.8 cal. ka Large-scale dune migration results in a succession of Ž.Fig. 8A . Quartz sand grains from the lower part of dune dams of a drainage and subsequent rise in a barchan dune yielded luminescence age of 5730" water table and formation of lakes. Radiocarbon 710 cal. year BPŽ. Oxod 884r1 placing initial dune dating of basal peat deposits formed in dune-dammed accretion at ca. 6 cal. ka. Sands approximately 11 m aquatic environments yield close constraining ages from the dune base gave a luminescence age of on dune migration. The blockage of Blue Creek 3810"640 cal. year BPŽ. Oxod 884r2 . There re- Valley by migrating dunes formed Swan Lake be- mains uncertainty if dune accretion was continuous tween ca. 10.5 and 12 cal. ka ago. A second episode between ca. 5.7 and 3.8 cal. ka because of the of dune blockage of this drainage, though not well presence of secondary clay immediately above the dated, occurred in the middle HoloceneŽ 8–5 cal. ca. 5.7 cal. ka luminescence age. However, deep ka. . Eolian activity during the middle Holocene pro- translocation of secondary clay into porous sand may duced the latest set of dune dams, which eventually relate to a significantly later period of landscape formed Crescent and Blue lakes by ca. 4000 years stabilityŽ. Gile, 1979 , thus, the dune sequence may agoŽ. Mason et al., 1997 . The accumulation of gyttja be conformable and reflect continuous deposition. in these lakes was mostly continuous for the past 4 Barchan dunes exposed at the Whitman Reservoir to 3 ka. Relatively thin alternating beds of eolian were reactivated in the late Holocene indicated by a sand and peat and gyttja at the top of the succession, luminescence age on eolian sand of ca. 2.1 cal. ka, possibly indicate brief periods of eolian activity at immediately overlying older agesŽ. Fig. 8 . Land- ca. 1.2, 0.7 and 0.6 kaŽ Loope et al., 1995; Mason et scape stability followed indicated by a paleosol, al., 1997. . which was subsequently buried by eolian sand; 14C dating of the buried A horizon places dune reactiva- tion sometime between ca. 2.0 and 1.4 cal. kaŽ Stokes 11. The Ferris Dune Field, Wyoming and Swinehart, 1997. . Higher in the section at Whit- man Reservoir is a paleosol buried by 2q-m eolian The Ferris Dune Field occurs at ;2000 m asl in sand. Organic matter from the A horizon of this an intermontane basin in southeastern Wyoming, paleosol yielded a 14C age of -0.5 ka, and the sand immediately west of the Great Plains.Ž. Fig. 1 . Eo- S.L. Forman et al.rGlobal and Planetary Change 29() 2001 1–29 15 lian landforms are dominated by parabolic and The stratigraphy of the Ferris Dune Field is char- blowout dunes of which approximately 85% are acterized by a nearly continuous sequence of eolian currently stabilizedŽ. Gaylord, 1982, 1987, 1990 . sand deposited during the past 10 kaŽ Gaylord, 1990; The water table in the area is persistently close to the Stokes and Gaylord, 1993. . Luminescence dating of surface and ponds or have developed in eolian sands and 14C dating of organic material from interdune areas, where vegetation is concentrated. interdune layers show that ;13 m of eolian sedi- Dune morphology and sedimentary structures indi- ments were deposited between ca. 8.2 ka and 7.4 cal. cate that paleowind directions were predominantly kaŽ. Fig. 9 . The interdune layers are relatively thin from the west and southwest, which is similar to the and in places discontinuous, suggesting that the eo- current wind regimeŽ. Gaylord, 1987 . The source of lian activity proceeded without major interruptions the dune sand is primarily the Battle Springs Forma- during the early Holocene. These eolian sediments tion, a fluvially derived Eocene unit immediately are overlain by ;1-m thickness of laterally continu- upwind from the Ferris Dune FieldŽ. Gaylord, 1982 . ous organic interdune silty-clay. This silty-clay layer contains wood, which yielded ages of ca. 7.4–6.7 cal. ka, and reflects wetter conditions, when eolian activity was limited. Above this interdune silt layer are alternating beds of interdune silty-sand and dune sand spanning from 5.2 to 4.0 ka, with a prominent eolian sand bed dated between 4.3 and 4.0 ka. Another organic-bearing interdune silt layer overlies the alternating beds and bone recovered from an interdune silt layer yields a 14C age of ca. 2.2 cal. ka. Dune sands cap the sequence, representing eolian deposition that has occurred within the past 2 cal. ka Ž.Stokes and Gaylord, 1993 . The record from the Ferris dune field shows that two major eolian episodes occurred from ca. 8.2 to 7.4 cal. ka and from ca. 4.3 to 4.0 cal. ka. There is evidence of sporadic eolian activity between ca. 6.5 and 5.5 cal. ka. Periods of relative landscape stability existed from ca. 7.4 to 6.7 cal. ka and from ca. 5.3 to 5.0 cal. ka. At least one episode of dune remobiliza- tion occurred after 2.0 cal. ka.

12. The Northern High Plains, US and Canada

Sand sheets and dune sands on the northern Great Plains are thinner and less extensive than counter- parts on the southern and central Great PlainsŽ Fig. 1. . Eolian sands sheets and dunes in northern locali- ties are mainly derived from glaciolacustrine and glaciofluvial sources and postdate the retreat of the

14 Laurentide ice sheet at ca. 15 cal. kaŽ Wolfe et al., Fig. 9. Stratigraphy and C and optically stimulated luminescence . Ž. 1995; Muhs et al., 1997b . Stratigraphic studies doc- OSL ages on eolian deposition at Ferris Dune Field, Wyoming r Ž.Stokes and Gaylord, 1993 . Sequence is composed of intercalated ument multiple weakly developed paleosolsŽ A C eolian sands and organic rich interdune silty sands. horizon. within an eolian sand sequence on the 16 S.L. Forman et al.rGlobal and Planetary Change 29() 2001 1–29

Northern Plains spanning the past 4 kaŽ Muhs and Wolfe, 1999.Ž Figs. 10 and 11 . .14 C dating of or- ganic matter from buried A horizons, included bison bones, and optical dating of feldspar grains from eolian sand provides age constraint. Dune orientation in the Minot Field in North Dakota suggests paleowinds were from the north- west, similar to the current wind regimesŽ Muhs et al., 1997b. . Radiocarbon dating of the organic matter from the lower most buried A horizon places the oldest recognized eolian event in the Minot Dune Field just prior to 1100–1300 cal. yearŽ. Fig. 10 . Subsequently, eolian sand buries soils demarking two dune migration events at ca. 1000 and 600 cal. year ago and possibly a third in the past 400 years. The Sheyenne Delta Dune Field, east of the Minot

Fig. 11. Composite stratigraphy and feldspar optically stimulated luminescence ages on eolian sand deposited at the Great Sand Hills Dune Field, Saskatchewan, CanadaŽ Wolfe et al., 1995; Muhs and Wolfe, in press. . A dark horizontal line with connected vertical lines indicates a buried soil. Dashed line indicates weak soil development. The horizon development of buried soils is indicated by letter designationsŽ. Birkeland, 1999, p. 5 .

system shows similar timing for eolian eventsŽ Muhs and Wolfe, 1999. . The Great Sand Hills in southwest Saskatchewan constitute the largest dune field on the Canadian PrairiesŽ. Fig. 1 . The eolian deposits comprise Fig. 10. Composite stratigraphy and 14C ages on eolian sand parabolic dunes, blowout dunes and dune crevasses deposition in the Minot Dune Field, North DakotaŽ Muhs et al., derived from underlying glacial sedimentsŽ Wolfe et 1997b. . A dark horizontal line with connected vertical lines . indicates a buried soil. Dashed line indicates weak soil develop- al., 1995 . Eolian sand is observed to unconformably ment. The horizon development of buried soils is indicated by overly a silty interdune deposit that gave a lumines- letter designationsŽ. Birkeland, 1999, p. 5 . cence age of ca. 4.8 cal. kaŽ. Fig. 11 . Cultural S.L. Forman et al.rGlobal and Planetary Change 29() 2001 1–29 17 material within interdune sediments range in age 13. Lake Ann: Anoka Sand Plain, western Min- from ca. 4.0 to 2.0 cal. ka suggests a period of nesota human occupation, and hence dune stability. Bison bones recovered from the same horizon yield 14C age Lake Ann is a closed basin situated downwind of 2973–2341 cal. year BPŽ. S-3553 . The stratified from a parabolic dune field on the Anoka Sand Plain dune sands, which overlie the interdune deposits in western MinnesotaŽ. Fig. 1 . The dunes are up to yield luminescence ages of ca. 940 " 60 cal. year, 20-m high and indicate a predominantly northwest- and 650"60 cal. year and four luminescence ages erly paleowind direction with later modification by between 70 and 210 cal. year, indicating potentially winds from the east and west. The sediments contain three episodes of dune activity in the past 1000 in situ biogenic material, slope wash, littoral and years. Inferred periods of eolian deposition at the eolian sand-grains from the adjacent dune fieldŽ Keen nearby Brandon Dune field, Manitoba are somewhat and Shane, 1990. . Eolian sand has distinctive ele- older at ca. 3.7, 2.2, 1.5 and 0.9 cal. kaŽ Wolfe and vated magnetic susceptibility, reflecting the glacial Muhs, 1999. . A similar suite of eolian depositional outwash source, which is used to track eolian input events at ca. 3.5, 2.4 and 0.8 cal. ka is reconstructed through the recordŽ. Fig. 12 . Chronologic control is for Pike Lake Dune Field in SaskatchewanŽ Muhs limited to two 14C ages of 4.9 and 8.1 cal. ka at 11.2 and Wolfe, 1999. . and 14.2 m, with a timescale generated by linear

Fig. 12. Quartz peak heightŽ. by X-ray diffraction and magnetic susceptibility for sediment records from Lake Ann and Elk Lake, Minnesota Ž.Dean et al., 1996 . Elevated values are associated with increased clastic input, associated with general drying and eolian activity. 18 S.L. Forman et al.rGlobal and Planetary Change 29() 2001 1–29 interpolation and extrapolation from these agesŽ Fig. between 7.0 and 5.8 cal. ka indicated by elevated Na, 12. . quartz, and plagioclase content, and maxima in mag- Near Lake Ann at ca. 10 cal. ka, a coniferous netic susceptibility and varve thickness reflecting forest gave way to prairie vegetation reflecting a increased flux of eolian sediments. Concordant with decline in precipitation and an increase in tempera- an increase in eolian grains is the presence of arago- ture. An increase in coarse silt and sand between 8.7 nite needles, the heaviest ostracod d18 O and an and 4.0 cal. ka, heralded by elevated magnetic sus- abundance of halophillic ostracod taxa, which indi- ceptibility levels is clear evidence for enhanced eo- cates evaporative enrichment. Pollen data suggest lian deposition into Lake AnnŽ. Fig. 12 . There are that lake level fell to an all time low, responding to three distinctive peaks in eolian sand at ca. 8.0, 6.8 both warm summer and winter air temperatures. and 5.2 cal. ka, concurrent with reductions in lake Elk Lake freshened between 5.4 and 4.8 cal. ka as organic matter, and increase in non-arboreal pollen. indicated by a reduction in clastics, a shift in ostra- A 15% to 40% depression in precipitation from the cod taxa, and a decrease of sagebrush pollen with a current meanŽ. 72 cm is inferred from pollen data concomitant increase in birch spores. Subsequent and is associated with maximum eolian activity for drying occurred between ca. 4.8 ka and 4.3 cal. ka the early to middle HoloceneŽ Keen and Shane, with an increase in eolian clastic input, similar in 1990. . magnitude to earlier in the Holocene. Decreasing quartz content and magnetic susceptibility between 4.0 and 1.0 cal. ka, parallel with succession from 14. Elk Lake, northwestern Minnesota birch, oak and hornbeam forests to pine forests reflecting progressive increase in precipitation. At Elk Lake at the northeastern margin of the Great least three peaks of detritalŽ. eolian quartz occur in Plains provides a subdecadal-scale sedimentary the past 1500 years at ca. 1300 to 1000, 900 to 600, record of environmental changes since retreat of the 400 to 200 years, indicating subsequent late Holocene Laurentide ice sheetŽ. Bradbury and Dean, 1993 . aridityŽ. Fig. 12 . This record contains millimeter-scale varves span- ning the past 11 ka and is composed of biogenic and autochthonous manganese oxyhydroxides and iron 15. Temporal and spatial pattern of Holocene phosphate and allochthonous siliciclastic grains eolian activity on the Great Plains Ž.Dean, 1997 . Quartz content, magnetic susceptibil- ity properties and elemental analysis identify periods Not one archive of eolian deposition on the Great of detrital influx associated with regional aridity Plains captures the total variability of the record. The Ž.Ž.Dean et al., 1996; Dean, 1997 Fig. 12 . apparent incompleteness of individual records re- Early Holocene pollen assemblages from Elk Lake flects vagaries of preservation and erosion associated show the transition from Spruce to Jack and Red with the eolian stratigraphic and geomorphic record. Pine forest reflecting increasing summer tempera- For example, MadoleŽ. 1995 reports details of late tures and annual precipitationŽ Whitlock et al., 1993; Holocene activity for eastern Colorado, whereas For- Bradbury et al., 1993; Dean, 1993. . A short dry man et al.Ž. 1995 presents the early to middle episode occurred between ca. 9.5 and 9.1 cal. ka Holocene record for a similar area; together these indicated by an increase in clastic sedimentation and studies provide a more complete chronology of eo- birch pollen and a decrease in Pine pollen. Pine lian activity. Assessing the age of eolian events and forests are greatly reduced and prairie grasses and regional correlation is difficult because of outstand- sagebrush dominate the pollen taxa between 9.0 and ing uncertainties in accuracy and precision of 14C 8.0 cal. ka, reflecting the eastward expansion of dating of organic matter from buried soils developed prairie environments. Ostracod and pollen assem- in porous eolian sand. Organic matter preserved in a blages and enriched d18 O values for authigenic car- paleosol is not a closed system, but reflects complex bonate indicate cold and dry conditions between 8.0 processes of carbon storage, degradation, and trans- and 7.0 cal. ka. Extreme arid conditions ensued location that lower the veracity of 14C ages. This S.L. Forman et al.rGlobal and Planetary Change 29() 2001 1–29 19 analysis underscores the need for multiple field as- tent with loess deposition on interfluvesŽ Blecker et sessments to more completely characterize the al., 1997. , reflecting regional drying. A number of Holocene activity of dune fields. There is also a clear lake systems in Minnesota and North and South need for a more accurate and precise chronometer Dakota between 10 and 9 cal. ka show falling lake for eolian systems, which luminescence dating is levels or other hydrologic changes consistent with poised to provideŽ. Stokes, 1999 . However, despite dryingŽ Keen and Shane, 1990; Dean et al., 1996; the acknowledged limitations in uniting records of Haskell et al., 1996; Laird et al., 1998. . eolian activity there is evidence for a sustained pe- Many dune fields on the Great Plains show evi- riod of dune activity in the early to middle Holocene dence of large-scale dune migration or maxima in Ž.10–5 cal. ka , parallel with regional loess deposition accumulation of eolian sediment between 9 and 5 ka in eastern ColoradoŽ. Blecker et al., 1997 , Kansas Ž.Fig. 13 . Activation of the largest dune fields on the Ž.ŽOlson et al., 1997 , and Nebraska Martin, 1993; High Plains, the Nebraska Sand Hills, Great Bend Maat and Johnson, 1996. . Whereas, in the last 2000 Sand Prairie in Kansas and ergs of eastern Colorado years, there are numerous discrete submillennial to is registered between 7 and 5 cal. ka. Accretion of subdecadal scale arid events. This pattern of eolian cover sands and activation of lunette dunes com- activity indicates ca. 10 to 5 cal. ka directional menced by 8.5 cal. ka on the Southern High Plains, climate change, from generally wet to dry conditions with distinct events starting at ca. 7 and 5 cal. ka. with variability, whereas the late Holocene shows Ž.Holliday, 1989, 1995 . The Lake Ann and Elk Lake solely high variabilityŽ. cf. Laird et al., 1998 . records from Minnesota show a sharp increase in The response of eolian systems on the Great clastic sedimentation after 9.0 cal. ka with peak Plains during the Pleistocene–Holocene transition clastic input registered between 7.5 and 5.5 cal. ka was variable reflecting a steeper north–south temper- associated with reactivation of nearby dunesŽ Dean ature gradient in response to reducing presence of et al., 1996. . However, dune reactivation, with the the Laurentide ice sheetŽ. Kutzbach et al., 1998 . On sedimentation of ;13 m of eolian sand, at the Ferris the Southern High Plains, temporal discrete eolian Dune Field, Wyoming occurred earlier between 8.2 deposition occurred ca. 12 to 11 cal. ka and possibly and 7.4 cal. kaŽ. Stokes and Gaylord, 1993 . Some other intervals between 13 and 10 cal. kaŽ Holliday, lacustrine paleoenvironmental time series also indi- 1995, 2000. . This inferred drying is recently associ- cate that peak aridity occurred earlier at ca. 9–8 cal. ated with loess deposition in eastern Colorado and ka particularly in the western part of Great Plains potentially western Nebraska between 13 and 11 cal. Ž.Fritz et al., 1991; Yansa, 1998 . kaŽ. Muhs et al., 1999 . In central Kansas, grasslands Uncertainty remains whether dune fields exhibited had fully developed by ca. 12 cal. ka, with sharp continuous activity through the early to middle fluctuations in water table into the early Holocene Holocene; a number of studies infer arrests in eolian Ž.Fredlund, 1995 . Pollen time series from the eastern activity, some associated with pedogenesis, between and northern areas of the Great Plains document a 7.5 and 5 cal. kaŽ. Fig. 13 . However, the accumula- diachronous vegetation transition from boreal forest tion of the loessŽ. Bignell between ca. 10 and 4 cal. to prairie-grasslands starting at ca. 11 to 9 cal. ka ka in southern Nebraska, northern Kansas, and east- with maximum eastward extension of prairies at ca. ern Colorado reflects landscape drying and supports 6.5 cal. kaŽ. Webb et al., 1993 . However, peak the dominance of arid conditions for this interval drying occurs later further eastward in Iowa between ŽMartin, 1993; Maat and Johnson 1996; Blecker et 6.0 and 3.5 cal. kaŽ. Baker et al., 1992 . al., 1997; Olson et al., 1997. . A succession of plant Dune fields on the Great Plains were sporadically macrofossils from southeastern Nebraska dated be- active between 10 and 9 cal. kaŽ. Fig. 13 . However, tween ca. 9500 and 6800 cal. ka indicates disappear- deposition of the Bignell Loess in southern Nebraska ance of upland trees and sparse riparian environ- began by 10 cal. ka; the source of this loess is either ments and high variability in grass and weed taxa nearby rivers or disturbed surfaces or hill slopes associated with peak warmth and dry conditions for upwind. In eastern Colorado, a paleosol enriched the HoloceneŽ. Baker, 2000 . A number of lacustrine with eolian additionsŽ. Forman et al., 1995 , is consis- records from the northern and eastern margin of the 20 S.L. Forman et al.rGlobal and Planetary Change 29() 2001 1–29 Length of solid bar ian input record from Lake Fig. 13. Summary of dune field activity and associated loess deposition for the Great Plains, US. The terrestrial eolian record is also compared to eol Ann and Elk Lake,reflects Minnesota. Note duration that of there eolian is events evidence and for inferred sustained dating aridity errors. between 10 and 5 cal. ka and numerous discrete events in the past 2 cal. ka. S.L. Forman et al.rGlobal and Planetary Change 29() 2001 1–29 21

Great Plains also register aridity between ca. 9.0 and at ca. 1.5–1.3, 1.0–0.8, 0.7–0.4 and )0.4 ka. Un- 5.0 ka with the driest interval between 7.5 and 5 cal. certainty remains whether if late Holocene dune ka, associated with highest inferred salinity, heaviest mobilization events reflect regional aridity or an oxygen isotopes andror, occurrence of Rupia pollen endemic response. There is not a clear association of or maximum in detrital inputŽ Valero-Garces et al., dune reactivation events with aridity indicators from 1995, 1997; Laird et al., 1996; Xia et al. 1997; lake records in the past 2000 years. The Elk Lake Schwab and Dean, 1998. . Pronounced dryness be- sediment record exhibits three broad periods of in- tween 9 and 6 ka is also well expressed in lacustrine creased detrital input associated with regional aridity systems at lower altitudes in southwestern Canada at 1300 to 1000, 900 to 600, and 400 to 200 years ŽMacDonald 1989; Sauchyn, 1990; Sauchyn and Ž.Dean, 1997 . Higher resolution lake records from Sauchyn, 1991; Vance et al. 1992, 1995; Last and North Dakota register up to 13 potential droughts in Sauchyn, 1993. and may be associated with persis- the past ca. 2000 years inferred from diatom taxa and tent zonal Pacific air flowŽ. Edwards et al., 1996 . ostracod MgrCa ratiosŽ Yu and Ito, 1999; Fritz et Eolian activity is apparently less prevalent across al., 2000. . Lacustrine systems also record an un- the Great Plains between 5 and 2 cal. kaŽ. Fig. 13 . known range of variability in hydrologic conditions, However, studies in WyomingŽ Stokes and Gaylord, whereas dune fields reactivate under extreme drought 1993.Ž , Nebraska Stokes and Swinehart, 1997 . and conditions. Thus, it is difficult to assess the magni- ColoradoŽ. Forman et al., 1995 indicate potential tude of drought signature in proxy data from lakes reactivation of dune systems sometime between 5 Ž.e.g. diatom and CdrCa that has a correlative ex- and 4 ka. A 1q m-thick loess deposit in eastern pression as reactivation of dune fields. The ampli- Colorado with a basal age of 4 cal. ka and capped by tude of diatom-based salinity estimates and CdrCa the present surface soil indicates an episode of sub- ratios for the 20th century is similar to century to stantial aridity post 4 kaŽ. Blecker et al., 1997 . Plant millennial scale variationsŽ. e.g. Fritz et al., 2000 macrofossils from fluvial deposits 5.8 to 2.7 cal. ka indicating a lack of sensitivity of certain proxies to old in southeastern Nebraska indicate generally moist capture extreme drought conditions. conditions with intermittent drying similar to earlier Dendroclimatic and other proxy time series from in the HoloceneŽ. Baker, 2000 . Elk Lake and Lake North America provide needed insight on potential Ann in Minnesota show an increase in detrital flux extreme droughts in the past ca. 2000 years between 4.8 and 4.3 cal. ka, also similar in magni- Ž.Woodhouse and Overpeck, 1998 . These proxies tude to arid intervals earlier in the HoloceneŽ Fig. show that droughts prior to the 16th century are of 13.Ž. . Arid interval s between 4 and 2 ka may have a longer duration and greater spatial extent than 20th more eastern representation with peak drying regis- century events. A recent analysis of tree-ring time tered in lacustrine records from the MidwestŽ Baker series further defines a AmegadroughtB that spanned et al., 1992. and southern Ontario, Canada, associ- the first half of the 16th century with clear expres- ated with weakened meridional flow off of the Gulf sion across the North American continentŽ Stahle et of MexicoŽ. Yu et al., 1997 . Eastern aridity is associ- al., 2000. . Tree-ring time series from the western ated with predominance in cool season precipitation margin of the Canadian Prairies also reveal a pro- during a period of sustained droughtŽ Denniston et longed 16th century drought, but the strongest al., 1999. . drought signature in the past 500 years is in the late There is clear evidence for the reactivation of 18th centuryŽ. Case and MacDonald, 1995 . Lacus- dune fields across the Great Plains in the past 2 cal. trine and tree-ring time series spanning the past 750 ka. Some studies identify a broad period post 1 to 2 years from Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming cal. ka characterized by eolian activityŽ e.g. Wells et identify three maxima in regional forest fires at ca. al., 1990; Forman et al., 1995. . Other studies docu- 1700, 1560 and 1440 AD, which may reflect prolong ment up to five stratigraphically distinct episodes of aridityŽ. Millspaugh and Whitlock, 1995 . At a num- eolian deposition separated by weakly developed ber of localities on the Great Plains up to two-dune paleosolsŽ. Arbogast, 1996 . Dune reactivation is reg- reactivation events are identified in the past 600 istered at three or more localities on the Great Plains yearsŽ. Fig. 13 , however the direct association of 22 S.L. Forman et al.rGlobal and Planetary Change 29() 2001 1–29 these events to dendroclimatologic-determined south Asia, show that models consistently under-rep- drought is unclear. resent the hydrologic response in North American compared to proxy paleoenvironmental data. This model-data discordance for middle Holocene drought 16. Climate controls on North American aridity in North America suggests that there are a variety of external and internal climate controls besides insola- Environmental changes in North America during tion that could lead to persistent arid conditions. the past 10 cal. ka are often ascribed to interaction A number of recent analyses demonstrate an in- between climatic effects of the waning Laurentide strumental-based relation between cooler Pacific ice sheet and seasonal variations in insolation sea-surface temperatures and central North American ŽKutzbach and Guetter, 1986; Kutzbach, 1987; droughtŽ Trenberth and Guillemot, 1996; Ting and COHMAP, 1988; Kutzbach et al., 1994, 1998. . Re- Wang, 1997. . A global statistical analysis utilizing activation of the largest dune systems on the Great the Palmer Drought Severity Index for the past cen- Plains between 9 and 5 cal. ka is parallel to elevated tury shows clear regional patterns of drought and wet summer insolation values, compared to today, which conditions that are correlated with phases of the El predominated after 7.5 cal. ka with demise of the Nino-Southern˜ OscillationŽ.Ž ENSO Dai et al., 1998 . . remnants of the Laurentide ice sheetŽ. Bush, 1999 . Of particular interest is the association of dry condi- The reactivation of dune systems is associated with tions across central North America and somewhat growing season droughts of greater duration and wetter conditions in North Africa during a La Nina˜ severity than recorded historically. These Amega- phaseŽ. Palmer and Brankovic, 1988 . An analysis of droughtsB reflect the dominance of drought condi- 130 years of instrumental and dendroclimatologic tions for a decade or more with at least a 25% deficit data also shows a relation between Pacific sea-surface in growing season precipitationŽ cf. Tomanek and temperatures and central North American hydrologic Hulett, 1970; Keen and Shane, 1990; Mock, 1991. . extremesŽ. Cole and Cook, 1998 . Modes of Pacific Numerous studies forward the correlation between Ocean variability and relation to drought relation solar forcing and centennial and decadal scale have changed, with La Nina-related˜ droughts extend- droughts, particularly for the past ca. 2 cal. ka in the ing throughout most of the conterminous US in the northern Great PlainsŽ Anderson, 1993; Laird et al., late 19th century, whereas recent droughts are more 1996; Dean, 1997; Yu and Ito, 1999. . One mecha- restricted to the southwestern US. Given the modern nism specific to North America is the modulation of and recent climate relation between equatorial Pa- the Earth’s geomagnetic field via increasing solar cific sea surface temperaturesŽ. SSTs and hydrologic winds, which leads to compression at the 700-mbar extremes in central North America, prolong droughts height and subsequent increase in westerly arid zonal on the Great Plains of North America during the flowŽ. Dean, 1997 . Holocene may be related to the persistence of La Paleoclimate modeling of Kutzbach and Guetter Nina˜ type conditions. Indeed, proxy ENSO records Ž.1986 and subsequent refined simulations that are from localities in EcuadorŽ. Rodbell et al., 1999 and driven largely by insolation changes show a small PeruŽ. Foutugne et al., 1999 indicate multidecade Ž.-10% reduction in moisture ca. 6 cal. ka ago dominance of La Nina˜ conditions between 10 and 6 compared to present for the midcontinental USŽ e.g. cal. ka. Kutzbach et al., 1994, 1998; Bartlein et al., 1998; La Nina˜ conditions would weaken the southwest- Vettoretti et al., 1998. . These results are inconsistent erly flow of air in the mid-to-high troposphere and with proxy environmental data summarized in this reduce moisture flux to the Great Plains. A relatively paper that document droughts of sufficient magni- small amount of water is associated with southwest- tude to reactivate dune systems. Furthermore, the erly flow but this flux can enhance cyclogenesis by Paleoclimate Modeling Intercomparison Project promoting the lift of low-level moisture off of the Ž.PMIP et al., 1999 , an assessment of more than a Gulf of Mexico with passage of storm systems dozen separate climate models focused on the middle Ž.Oglesby, 1991 . ENSO variability of the eastern Holocene monsoon responses in north Africa and tropical Pacific Ocean also has a downstream effect S.L. Forman et al.rGlobal and Planetary Change 29() 2001 1–29 23 on tropical Atlantic Ocean, Gulf of Mexico and on the Great PlainsŽ Palmer and Brankovic, 1988; Caribbean SSTsŽ Hastenrath et al., 1987; Enfield and Trenberth et al., 1988; Oglesby, 1991; Forman et al., Mayer, 1997.Ž. . Giannini et al. 2000 estimated the 1995. . Land regions, which absorb relatively more lag time between a warm or a cold ENSO event and heat, develop a thermal surface low while adjacent a response in the tropical North Atlantic Ocean to be relatively cooler oceans are subject to high pressure. on the order of 2 to 4 months. Whereas Penland and A ridge aloftŽ. 700- to 300-mb level accompanies MatrosovaŽ. 1998 find that the northern tropical this surface low-pressure, centered over the south- Atlantic and Caribbean SSTs anomalies can be skill- western US. The positioning of this ridge aloft, fully predicted with about a 6-month phase lag of the relative to the Bermuda High is crucial. If the ridge El Nino˜ sea surface temperature anomalies. These is positioned slightly towards the west, southerly modern studies suggest that following the winter surface circulation will strengthen that enhances impacts of a La Nina˜ Spring and Summer Caribbean moisture transport from the Gulf. Conversely, if the SSTs can be expected to be anomalously cold. A ridge shifts to the east there is no enhancement of cooler tropical sea surface would weaken the low moisture flux to the High Plains. Shifts of the ridge level jet, a critical circulation element that funnels aloft in the western US and the Bermuda High are surface moisture northward from the Gulf of Mexico recognized as important controlling factors in recent to central North AmericaŽ Oglesby, 1991; Kroczyn- droughts and floods in the mid-continental US ski et al., 1993; Higgins et al., 1997; Dirmeyer and ŽTrenberth et al., 1988; Dirmeyer and Brubaker, Brubaker, 1999. . 1999. . Regional aridity on the High Plains is principally controlled by variation in precipitation during the spring and summer growing seasons. Most thunder- 17. Landscape-climate links on the Great Plains storms that produce localized and frequently heavy precipitation over the High Plains originate as small Reduced soil moisture during late winter andror storms over the Front Range of the Rocky Moun- spring over midcontinental North America could help tains, from differential heating of the mountain slopes induce and amplify regional aridity during the sum- providing the initial atmospheric lift. Systems of mer by reduction of evaporative cooling and by updraft and downdraft associated with these storms changing atmospheric circulation patternsŽ Namias, are maintained and enhanced by moist air at low 1991. . Model studies found that reductions in soil levels as they drift eastward over the adjacent plains. moisture led to an increase in surface temperature, If the low-level air is sufficiently moist and unstable, lower surface pressures, and reduced regional pre- relatively weak storms can expand into massive, cipitationŽ Oglesby and Erickson, 1989; Oglesby, even severe supercell storms over the High Plains. 1991; Dirmeyer and Brubaker, 1999. . Synoptic scale The source of this moist air is the low level jet changes with soil drying include increase ridging flowing inland off the backside of the Bermuda aloft, a northward shift of the jet stream, and a strong High, which moves air, conditioned by the Gulf of reduction in moisture transport from the Gulf of Mexico, to the north and west. More widespread Mexico to the central US. Thus, droughts can be occurrences of thunderstorms can occur when cool perpetuated by synoptic feedbacks associated with air near the surface lifts a similarly low-lying layer depleted soil moisture, particularly during the late of warmer, moist air; this is enhanced by a south- springŽ. Oglesby, 1991; Atlas et al., 1993 . westerly flow of dry air at mid-levels. These occur- Dune reactivation on the Great Plains not only rences are frequently associated with a significant signifies a reduction in precipitation and soil mois- southerly shift and intensification of the subtropical ture, but a widespread disturbance of vegetation. The Jet StreamŽ Kroczynski et al., 1993; Dirmeyer and immediate response to past droughts on the Great Brubaker, 1999. . Plains would be an )30% drop in primary produc- Synoptic climate analysis indicates that relatively tivity of grasslands, exceeding the historic response small changes in atmospheric circulation in the to droughtŽ. Sala et al., 1988 , particularly in the four Northern Hemisphere can lead to widespread drought state area of Colorado, Kansas, New Mexico and 24 S.L. Forman et al.rGlobal and Planetary Change 29() 2001 1–29

Nebraska. This drop in grassland productivity would remobilized across the Great Plains numerous times significantly reduce forage for )30 million bison during the Holocene, with sustained eolian activity in that existed on the Great Plains prior to European the early to middle Holocene and numerous discrete contactŽ. Dary, 1974, p. 29 . The presence of bison events since 2 cal. ka ago. The largest dune fields, tracks in Holocene eolian sequences indicates that the Nebraska Sand Hills and ergs in eastern Col- large herds of bison may be a factor in landscape orado, Kansas and the Southern High Plains, show stabilityŽ. Loope, 1986; Swinehart, 1989 . Continued peak activity sometime between ca. 7 and 5 cal. ka, grazing by bison with a precipitation-driven drop in but prominent eolian deposition is also registered at grassland productivity could lead to denudation and ca. 9 to 8 cal. ka and 5 to 4 cal. ka for some fields. exposure of underlying soil with tramplingŽ Schle- Regional loess deposition in eastern Colorado, Ne- singer et al., 1989. . Regional warming would be braska and Kansas between 10 and 4 cal. ka indi- augmented by the loss of evapotranspiration cooling cates widespread drying. Most dune fields exhibit associated with less soil and vegetation coverage. evidence for one or more reactivation events some- The lack of soil cover would promote additional time in the past 2 cal. ka. In the central and northern erosion with excessive rilling associated with peri- Great Plains, up to three events is registered post 1 odic high rainfall events. The net effect of aridity is cal. ka, the latest potentially after the 15th century. landscape heterogeneity, where grass cover is sparse However, associating dune mobilization events to the and shrubsŽ. e.g. yucca and sage with deep root 13 potential droughts identified in dendroclimatic systems predominateŽ. Schlesinger et al., 1989 . and lacustrine records in the past 2000 years remains Uncertainty persists if dune fields on the Great unresolved. Plains will reactivate with future droughts similar to Periods of persistent drought are associated with a earlier in the Holocene. Historic observations indi- La Nina-dominated˜ climate state, with immediate cate limited local reactivation of dunes on the Great cooling of the tropical Pacific and later of the tropi- Plains for the 19th and 20th centuries droughtsŽ Muhs cal Atlantic sea surface temperaturesŽ. SST , which and Holliday, 1995; Wolfe et al., 1995. . An ecosys- weakens cyclogenesis into North America. Cooler tem model for western Nebraska that extends 1930s SSTs in the Gulf of Mexico would significantly drought conditions for ;30 years shows a sharp reduce the strength of the low-level jet to funnel reduction in above ground vegetation, but is an moisture northward in the lower troposphere. As insufficient change for dune remobilizationŽ Mangan drought proceeds during the growing season, reduced et al., 1999. . Other model experiments indicate that a soil moisture and vegetation cover would lessen severe, extended droughtŽ ca. a )30% reduction in evaporative cooling and increase surface tempera- growing season moisture. could deplete vegetation tures. These surface changes enhance eastward ex- sufficiently to initiate dune mobilization and that the pansion of a high-pressure ridge at the 700–300 mb impact of extreme drought on land cover is amplified level and northern shift of the jet stream, which by fire, grazing, and shifts to shrub-dominated com- further enhances continent-wide drought. It is uncer- munities. However, the current presence of tain whether dunes will reactivate in the future at a widespread irrigation, the lack of open rangeland scale similar too earlier in the Holocene. The current affected by bison herds, and the suppression of fires and widespread use of irrigation, the lack of migra- reduce landscape disturbance factors necessary to tory bison herds, and the suppression of prairie fires expose the underlying sand to eolian activity. enhance stabilization of dune fields on the Great Plains.

18. Conclusion Acknowledgements Periods of dune mobilization reflect the domi- nance of decade to century scale drought that ex- The impetus for this paper arose after a ceeded 20th century events with a )25% deficit in NOAArNASA workshop in 1999 on North Ameri- growing season precipitation. Dunes formed or were can Droughts and Land Cover Changes. This paper S.L. Forman et al.rGlobal and Planetary Change 29() 2001 1–29 25 benefited significantly from the reviews of M. Wa- In: Bradbury, J.P., Dean, W.E.Ž. Eds. , Elk Lake Minnesota: ters, D. Loope, E.A. Bettis and an anonymous re- Evidence for rapid climate change in north central United State. Geological Society of America, Special Paper 276, viewer. Boulder, pp. 309–328. Brady, R.G., 1989. Geology of the Quaternary Dune Sands in eastern Major and southern Alfalfa counties, Oklahoma. Okalahoma State University PhD Dissertation. References Broecker, W.S., Kulp, J.L., Tucek, C.S., 1956. Lamont natural radiocarbon measurements III. 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