Minutes of the 25th meeting of the Coastal Zone Management Authority held on 10-04-2015

The 25th meeting of the Gujarat Coastal Zone Management Authority (GCZMA) was held on 05-01-2015 under chairmanship of Shri P. K. Taneja, IAS, Additional Chief Secretary, Forests & Environment Department and Chairman, GCZMA in the Committee Room, F&ED, and . A list of the members and other participants, who attended the meeting, appears at Annexure A. Also a list of the representative of various project proponents, who have made presentation before the Authority is, appears at Annexure-B. Initiating the meeting, with the permission of the Additional Chief Secretary, Forests & Environment Department, and Chairman of GCZMA, the Member Secretary, GCZMA, welcomed all the members of the GCZMA and other participants. He briefed the Members of the GCZMA about the agenda items for the meeting and various actions taken by the Department in compliance of the various decisions taken during last meeting The agenda wise discussion and decisions taken thereafter is as under: Agenda item No: 25.1:-  Compliance report with respect to the decision taken in the 24th meeting of the GCZMA, which was held on 05-01- 2015.  Preparation of an action plan for development of Bio- Shielding project for entire area between Dahej and Hazira by way of planting various species of vegetation, such as mangroves, seaweeds, sea grass, casurina to control the soil erosion, stabilize the areas and for protection in case of Tsunami in association with any institute/Organization having some experience in this Field The Authority was apprised that as decided in the 24th GCZMA meeting, the GEC has been requested vide this office

1 letter dated 30-01-2015 to submit report before the date of next GCZMA meeting It was also apprised that PCCF and Head of Forests Force, Gujarat had been requested to provide all necessary guidance and support to GEC for taking up this task for development of Bio-Shielding. The GEC appraised the authority that they have started work related to development of bio-shielding as decided by the GCZMA, a team from the GEC visited potential sites as recommended by the MS University and the work is under progress. It was further submitted that the GEC has prepared an Action Plan for development of Bio-Shield project. The ACS, F&ED and Chairman, GCZMA asked GCZMA to make a presentation on entire proposal for finalization of it. The Authority discussed the issue and after detailed deliberation, the GCZMA decided to ask GEC to prepare a comprehensive report and action required to be taken for implementation of plan prepared by the GEC before the date of next GCZMA meeting.  Pollution problem near Harbour, Veraval , Dist: . The Authority was apprised that as decided in the 24th GCZMA meeting, the Urban Development and Urban Housing Development Department, GMB, Fisheries Comissionerate , GEC and GPCB have been requested to take necessary actions vide this office letter dated 30-01-2015. GPCB, submitted that actions are being taken against the erring industries and untreated effluent in this area is not allowed to be discharged in to sea. The representative of the Fisheries Commissioner submitted that they are also taking necessary action in this regard.

2 The Chairman, GCZMA asked all concerned Departments to submit Action Take Report (ATR) to the GCZMA before the next meeting. The Authority deliberated the issue and decided to ask UD&UHD, GEC, GMB and GPCB to take all necessary actions and submit an Action Taken Report to Forests and Environment Department before the next meeting.  Study of Shore line Change maps prepared by the Anna University, Chennai to be done by MS University The Authority was apprised that as decided in the 24th GCZMA meeting, the Narmada , Water Resource, Water Supply & Kalpasar Department , has been requested to submit the Action Taken Report vide this office letter dated 30-01-2015 . The reply was awaited The Authority took a note that the Narmada , Water Resource, Water Supply & Kalpasar Department , Government of Gujarat Irrigation Department has constituted a Task Force for Coastal erosion works under Chairmanship of Dr. M. Baba , Trivandrum vide Resolution No-SIC/2011/2200/64/J dated 06-08-2012. The Chairman, GCZMA desired to know the scope of the work assigned to the Task Force alongwith its function and duties. The Authority deliberated the issue and decided to send reminder to Irrigation Department to submit progress in the matter and submit an action taken report in this regard. It was also decided to call Secretary, Irrigation Department, Government of Gujarat and concerned officials from irrigation Department, in next meeting of GCZMA  Representation received from Conservation Action Trust(CAT) regarding alleged destruction of mangroves in

3 State of Gujarat and alleged violations of CRZ Notification thereof. The Authority was appraised that as per the decisions of the GCZMA, all actions have been taken by the F&ED. Based on the decision of GCZMA, the GEC constituted a committee to carry out site visits for verification of the alleged mangrove destructions and violations of the CRZ Notification. The GEC has prepared a report in this matter based on site visit carried out by the Committee constituted by it. The same has been submitted to the NGT. The Authority was also apprised that SCNs were issued to the Essar Ports Limited and Kandla Port Trust based on the observations of the Committee constituted by the GEC. The Authority was further apprised that Shri Debi Goenka, Executive Trustee, Conservation Action Trust, Mumbai has filed an affidavit before the NGT about the proposal for development of Multi Product Port based SEZ at Kandla and Tuna, Kutch by the Kandla Port Trust, wherein they have proposed destruction of mangrove in the area of @ 312.50 ha, and sought directions from the NGT for not allowing destruction of mangroves for this proposal considering the NGT’s order dated 09-12-2013. The Authority was apprised that Directions under Section 5 of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 have been issued to the KPT on 27-11-2014 to ensure that there shall not be any destruction of mangroves in their port area under KPT jurisdiction by any of existing as well as proposed activities, and to ensure that existing mangroves are protected. The Authority was further apprised that a team under Chairmanship of Director, GEC visited the proposed site for development of Multi Product SEZ of KPT on 2nd January,

4 2015. The report is under preparation and the report is awaited. The Authority decided to ask GEC to submit report immediately in this matter, Further to this, Authority took a note of it and appreciated the action taken by the Department. The Authority has also decided to follow up matter in the NGT through Advocate and submit latest status about the Hon’ble NGT’s order in the matter in next meeting of the GCZMA.  CRZ Clearance for proposed expansion of existing jetty by construction of two additional berths C&D at Vadinar Dist: by M/S Vadinar Oil Terminal Limited(VOTL) The Authority was apprised that during the last meeting of GCZMA held on 05-01-2015, it has already been decided to recommend the proposal of M/S VOTL to the Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change, Government of on receipt of the report from the PCCF(WL), for which it the PCCF(WL) has been requested to submit the report. The PCCF (WL) submitted report with his opinion. The Authority took a note of it and decided to send recommendations to Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change, Government of India as decided in the 24th GCZMA meeting.  CRZ Clearance for the proposed project for construction of administration building and Staff quarters at Okha ,Dist: Devbhumi Dwarka by M/S Gujarat Maritime Board The Authority was apprised that as decided in the 24th GCZMA meeting, recommendations have been forwarded to Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change on 24- 02-2015. The Authority took a note of it and appreciated the action taken by the Department.

5  CRZ Clearance for Six laning of –Bamanbore- Samakhiyali &Bamanbore- section of NH8A & 8B in State of Gujarat by M/S National High Authority of India(NHAI) The Authority was apprised that as decided in the 24th GCZMA meeting, recommendations have been forwarded to Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change on 18-02-2015. The Authority took a note of it and appreciated the action taken by the Department.  Clarification regarding applicability of CRZ Notification 2011 for total 6 maps received duly superimposed regarding location at Jamnagar, , , district The Authority was apprised that during the 24th GCZMA meeting, it was decided to carry out site visit that each site should be visited by the Technical Committee for physical verification of the site. It was further apprised that the detailes agenda is as per Agenda Item No 25-10 The Decision of the GCZMA is as per Agenda item no- 25.10  Other Issues The Authority was apprised that in the 24th GCZMA meeting it was decided to frame mangrove policy. This task was to be taken up by the PCCF (WL) and Director, GEER Foundation, and Director (Environment). The authority was further apprised that as decided in the 24th GCZMA meeting, the PCCF(WL) and MS,GEC and Director, GEER Foundation have been requested to take necessary action in this matter. However, there is no progress in the matter The Authority deliberated the issues and after detailed discussion, it was decided that now this task would be taken up by the PCCF (WL) and Director, GEER Foundation, and Director (Environment) and MS, GEC. This policy

6 should framed comprehensively considering the various decision taken in the Steering Committee constituted for mangrove and Coral development in the State. 25.2 CRZ Clearance for widening from 2 lane to 4 lane with paved shoulder of Bhavnagar to Veraval Section of NH8E in the State of Gujarat by M/S National Highway Authority of India(NHAI) M/S National Highway Authority of India (NHAI), vide its letter dated 19-04-2014 had approached this Department seeking recommendations from the GCZMA for obtaining CRZ clearance for proposed widening from 2 lane to 4 lane with paved shoulder of Bhavnagar to Veraval section of NH8E in the State of Gujarat The Authority was apprised that the proposal of M/S NHAI was scrutinized by the Technical Committee in its 11th meeting , which was held on 17-05-2014, wherein representative of the NHAI made a presentation before the Technical Committee about the activities to be carried out in CRZ area, EIA report prepared by the STUP Consultants & Limited , and CRZ map duly demarcation of HTL CRZ Boundary etc. Prepared by the Space Application Centre, Ahmedabad (An agency authorized by the Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India). After detailed discussion and deliberation on the presentation made by the representative of the NHAI, it was decided by the Technical Committee to ask various details from the NHAI, including details about forests land required for the project and Clearance for diversion of forests land under FCA thereof from the concerned Authority, updated EIA report including the identification of impacts on marine environment due to proposed activities and mitigation measures thereof, CRZ map in1:4000 scale as per provisions of CRZ Notification and a copy

7 of the NABET accreditation certificate for carrying out EIA for Highway projects. Accordingly, the NHAI was requested to submit above details on 19-06-2014. The NHAI, vide its letter dated 20-03-2015 has submitted CRZ maps in 1: 4000 scale prepared by Institute of Remote Sensing, Anna University Chennai alongwith updated EIA report . The representative of NHAI made a presentation before the GCZMA and submitted that the total area of highway passing through CRZ area for Bhavnagar-Veraval section would be 33181 sq.m. Major bridge of 63m length is proposed at existing major bridge location and existing bridge will be reconstructed. Minor bridge There would be four minor bridges having length of 10.2m, 27.0m, 10.2 m and 52.2 m, which are proposed at existing major and major bridges locations. There is total 429.105 ha protected forests land is required to be diverted for this section of National Highway. Out of which 173.881 ha is fall in Bhavanagar District, 108.004 fall in and 147.220ha fall within Gir Somnath District. All these proposals are with CCF, Rajkot. The representative of the NHAI submitted that construction activity will increase sediment load to the recipient water bodies i.e ponds and rivers. That will restrict the penetration of solar energy in the water bodies, which will affect photosynthesis of the aquatic flora, which in turn will have adverse impacts on the aquatic fauna. Since, most of the water bodies remain dry during non-monsoon months, this impact will be negligible. Construction equipment can increase noise level and can adversely impact the benthic and pelagic fauna. Accidental fuel spillages and overflowing of excavated material can also affect the marine ecosystem by dredging the water quality and increasing turbidity. Best practicable technology and operating methods shall be used to minimize adverse

8 environmental impact. Construction of bridges and culverts shall be accomplished during the non-monsoon periods. Filling up of ponds wherever required shall be done during non- monsoon months. Disposal of waste material shall be on the basis of proper scientific/modeling studies at designated sites and during time interval so that there are no damages to surface, ground water quality and marine productivity. Dumping of waste material on coast will not be permitted in case it is likely to cause adverse impact on marine ecology. Temporary bund shall be constructed to contain surface run off from the land sites. Collected run-off shall be passed through retention ponds to collect suspended solids before discharge. To prevent discharge of sewage, oily waste , and other liquids waste into marine environment, adequate system for collection , treatment and disposal of liquid wastes including shoreline interceptor for receiving liquid wastes from the shoreline installation and special connections to receive wastes from ships must be provided. Adequate noise control measures shall be provided to maintain noise levels within prescribed limits in the work place to avoid adverse effect on workers as well as marine life. Installation of Dust suppression System and Regular water sprinkling on haul roads , proper maintenance of Transportation vehicles , Checking up for overloading of transportation vehicles and regular Air Quality Monitoring to check increment of pollutants etc would be adopted as mitigation measures to reduce the dust generation, noise pollution and emission of gaseous pollutants like SO2 and NOx during loading, unloading and transportation of materials. There is no impact of the proposed activities on turtle habitat, as habitat are on sea phase. As per CRZ map duly demarcation of HTL CRZ Boundary etc. Prepared by Institute of Remote Sensing, Anna University,

9 Chennai , alonwith superimposition of proposed activity on it, the proposed activities fall within CRZ-I(B),CRZ-III and CRZ-IV Category. The Authority deliberated the proposal of National Highway Authority of India and after detailed discussion, it is decided to recommend to the Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change, Government of India to grant CRZ Clearance for widening from 2 lane to 4 lane with paved shoulder of Bhavnagar to Veraval Section of NH8E in the State of Gujarat by M/S National Highway Authority of India with following specific conditions: 1. The NHAI shall ensure that there shall not be any blockage of creek and free-flow of water is maintained. 2. The NHAI shall construct settling ponds and the installation of the oil receptor to prevent the entry of the surface run-off from fuel and other contaminants into the wells and other surface water bodies along the corridor. 3. No vehicles or equipment shall be parked or refueled near the water- body, so as to avoid contamination from fuel and lubricants. 4. Hot-mix plants/Concrete mix plants shall be located and operated in such a way that there shall be no Air Pollution. 5. The NHAI shall ensure that the quarry works, from which they will purchase raw materials, shall conform to the norms and having necessary clearances from the respective authorities. 6. The NHAI shall make MOU with the raw material supplier quarry/hot mix plants e.t.c , in such a way that they will comply with all the terms and

10 conditions mentioned in the CCA/NOC issued by the Gujarat Pollution Control Board. 7. The NHAI shall explore the possibility for using the Fly Ash @ 5%-10% to comply with the Fly Ash Notification. 8. No activity shall be carried out in the forestland or area having natural plantation /forest and all mandatory clearances under various Forest Acts including the Forests Conservation Act shall be obtained, if necessary. 9. The NHAI shall have to carry out mangrove plantation in 50 ha in consultation of Gujarat Ecology Commission/Forests Department. 25.3 CRZ Clearance for 4 laning with paved shoulder of Gadu to Dwarka Section of NH8E in the State of Gujarat by M/S National Highway Authority of India(NHAI) M/S National Highway Authority of India (NHAI), vide its letter dated 19-04-2014 has approached this Department seeking recommendations from the GCZMA for obtaining CRZ clearance for proposed widening from 2 lane to 4 lane with paved shoulder of Gadu to Dwarka section of NH8E(extn) in the State of Gujarat The proposal of M/S NHAI was scrutinized by the Technical Committee in its 11th meeting , which was held on 17-05- 2014, wherein representative of the NHAI made a presentation before the Technical Committee about the activities to be carried out in CRZ area, EIA report prepared by the STUP Consultants & Limited , and CRZ map duly demarcation of HTL CRZ Boundary etc. Prepared by the Space Application Centre, Ahmedabad (An agency authorized by the Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India).

11 After detailed discussion and deliberation on the presentation made by the representative of the NHAI, it was decided by the Technical Committee to ask various details from the NHAI, including details about forests land required for the project and Clearance for diversion of forests land under FCA thereof from the concerned Authority, updated EIA report including the identification of impacts on marine environment due to proposed activities and mitigation measures thereof, CRZ map in1:4000 scale as per provisions of CRZ Notification and a copy of the NABET accreditation certificate for carrying out EIA for Highway projects. Accordingly, the NHAI was requested to submit above details on 19-06-2014. The NHAI, vide its letter dated 20-03-2015 has submitted CRZ maps in 1: 4000 scale prepared by Institute of Remote Sensing, Anna University Chennai alongwith updated EIA report . The representative of NHAI made a presentation before the GCZMA and submitted that the total length of highway passing through CRZ area for Gadu to Dwarka section would be 26813 m. Existing 2-lane road is on ground is proposed to be strengthen and paved shoulder on both side is proposed. Existing 4 major Bridge-having length of 98m, 480m, 650.40m and 831.60m to be retained after repairs to crash barrier. There is total 379.541 ha protected forests land is required to be diverted for this section of National Highway. Out of which 82.06 ha is fall in Gir Somnath, District, 63.39ha and 102.824 ha fall in District and 131.24 ha within Devbhoomi Dwarka District. All these proposals are with respective CCF. There would be impact on 618 sq.m of mangrove areas due to proposed project. They have assured to take up mangrove plantation in 50 ha. The representative of the NHAI submitted that construction activity will increase sediment load to the recipient water

12 bodies i.e ponds and rivers. That will restrict the penetration of solar energy in the water bodies, which will affect photosynthesis of the aquatic flora, which in turn will have adverse impacts on the aquatic fauna. Since, most of the water bodies remain dry during non-monsoon months, this impact will be negligible. Construction equipment can increase noise level and can adversely impact the benthic and pelagic fauna. Accidental fuel spillages and overflowing of excavated material can also affect the marine ecosystem by dredging the water quality and increasing turbidity. Best practicable technology and operating methods shall be used to minimize adverse environmental impact. Construction of bridges and culverts shall be accomplished during the non-monsoon periods. Filling up of ponds wherever required shall be done during non- monsoon months. Disposal of waste material shall be on the basis of proper scientific/modeling studies at designated sites and during time interval so that there are no damages to surface, ground water quality and marine productivity. Dumping of waste material on coast will not be permitted in case it is likely to cause adverse impact on marine ecology. Temporary bund shall be constructed to contain surface run off from the land sites. Collected run-off shall be passed through retention ponds to collect suspended solids before discharge. To prevent discharge of sewage, oily waste , and other liquids waste into marine environment, adequate system for collection , treatment and disposal of liquid wastes including shoreline interceptor for receiving liquid wastes from the shoreline installation and special connections to receive wastes from ships must be provided. Adequate noise control measures shall be provided to maintain noise levels within prescribed limits in the work place to avoid adverse effect on workers as well as marine life. Installation of Dust suppression System and

13 Regular water sprinkling on haul roads , proper maintenance of Transportation vehicles , Checking up for overloading of transportation vehicles and regular Air Quality Monitoring to check increment of pollutants etc would be adopted as mitigation measures to reduce the dust generation, noise pollution and emission of gaseous pollutants like SO2 and NOx during loading, unloading and transportation of materials. There is no impact of the proposed activities on turtle habitat, as habitat are on sea phase. As per CRZ map duly demarcation of HTL CRZ Boundary etc. Prepared by Institute of Remote Sensing, Anna University, Chennai , alonwith superimposition of proposed activity on it, the proposed activities fall within CRZ-I(A) ,CRZ-I(B),CRZ-III and CRZ-IV Category. The Authority deliberated the proposal of National Highway Authority of India and after detailed discussion, it is decided to recommend to the Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change, Government of India to grant CRZ Clearance for 4 laning with paved shoulder of Gadu to Dwarka Section of NH8E in the State of Gujarat by M/S National Highway Authority of India(NHAI) with following specific conditions: 1. The NHAI shall ensure that there shall not be any blockage of creek and free-flow of water is maintained. 2. The NHAI shall construct settling ponds and the installation of the oil receptor to prevent the entry of the surface run-off from fuel and other contaminants into the wells and other surface water bodies along the corridor.

14 3. No vehicles or equipment shall be parked or refueled near the water- body, so as to avoid contamination from fuel and lubricants. 4. Hot-mix plants/Concrete mix plants shall be located and operated in such a way that there shall be no Air Pollution. 5. The NHAI shall ensure that the quarry works, from which they will purchase raw materials, shall conform to the norms and having necessary clearances from the respective authorities. 6. The NHAI shall make MOU with the raw material supplier quarry/hot mix plants e.t.c , in such a way that they will comply with all the terms and conditions mentioned in the CCA/NOC issued by the Gujarat Pollution Control Board. 7. The NHAI shall explore the possibility for using the Fly Ash @ 5%-10% to comply with the Fly Ash Notification. 8. No activity shall be carried out in the forestland or area having natural plantation /forest and all mandatory clearances under various Forest Acts including the Forests Conservation Act shall be obtained, if necessary. 9. The NHAI shall have to carry out mangrove plantation in 50 ha in consultation of Gujarat Ecology Commission/Forests Department. 25.4 CRZ Clearance for proposed development of Salt pans/ salt farms at Village: Kukadsar, Taluka: , Dist: Kutch by M/S Vasta Govind Chavda Salt Industries. M/S Vasta Govind Chavda Salt Industries(VGCSI) , vide its letter dated 17-11-2014 had approached this Department seeking recommendations from the GCZMA for obtaining CRZ

15 clearance for proposed salt production in 400 acres of intertidal region on lease at Survey no- 211 near Village: Kukadsar, Taluka: Mundra, Dist: Kutch. The Authority was apprised that the proposal of M/S VGCSI was scrutinized by the Technical Committee in its 14th meeting , which was held on 11-12-2014, wherein representative of the VGCSI made a presentation before the Technical Committee about the activities to be carried out in CRZ area, , EIA report prepared by the Envisafe Environmental Consultants, Ahmedabad prepared in November 2014 , CRZ map duly demarcation of HTL CRZ Boundary etc. Prepared by the Institute of Environmental Studies and Wetland Management, Kolkata (An agency authorized by the Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India). During the discussion, the representative of the VGCSI has been directed to submit CRZ maps duly superimposed for the proposed project covering entire salt works on it. The VGCSI submitted the details The proposal of the VGCSI was also discussed in the 24th meeting of the GCZMA, which was held on 05-01-2015. After detailed discussion and deliberation, it was decided to ask project proponent to submit details about maintaining of free flow of water in existing mangrove areas. It was also decided to carry out site visit by the Director, GEER Foundations to verify the existence of biologically active mudflats in the proposed area and whether there is any existence of mangrove potential area or not. On receipt of the visit report and details from the project proponent, the proposal would be decoded in the next GCZMA meeting. Accordingly, details were called for from the VGCSI on 03-01- 2015 and Director, GEER Foundations was requested to carry out site visit and submit the report. The VGCSI, vide its letter

16 dated 25-03-2015 .The Director, GEER Foundation & APPCF has submitted his report dated 22-02-2015 vide letter dated 25-03-2015 concluding that the proposed site is a biologically active mudflats, and proposed site is a mangrove potential areas per study report “Potential Area Mapping for Mangrove Restoration in Kachchh , Gujarat by Dr. C.N.Pandey et.al. 2014” as well as site inspection dated 22-02-2015. The representative of the VGCSI made a presentation before the Authority and submitted that they have proposed to construct the embankment of proposed salt pan by keeping minimum 50m buffer zone from the mangrove patches. There will be a minimum approach of 200m on seaward side between the two salt pans for the free flow of tide water. Further to this They have planned to construct culvert on the approach road of the proposed salt pan to maintain the free flow of water of tide water in existing mangrove area. As per the data on tidal height of this region available from Kandla Port Trust for the nearest port Kandla, the maximum tidal height attained is 7.567 m & minimum tidal height is 0.13m and the areas where the mangroves are growing is completely drained out during low tide and get filled up during the subsequent high tide period. After the embankment of the proposed salt farms, the sea water ingress during the high tide period in the existing mangrove area will be definitely more than seawater level experiencing now, as the embankment constructed all along the seaward portion of proposed salt farms will restrict the sea water inlet towards that region and in order to maintain and balance the tidal height in the sea, the seawater has to rush landwards only through entry point of mangrove zone. The Authority was apprised that as decided in the 24th GCZMA meeting, which was held on 05-01-2015, the site was visited by the Director, GEER Foundation alongwith officials from

17 GEC, GEER Foundation and Forests Department. The salient features of the reports are as follows:  The proposed site is a biologically active mudflat.  There exists some patches of dense and sparse mature mangroves, dense and sparse patches of natural mangrove regeneration and one patch of mangrove plantation in the proposed site.  The proposed site is a mangrove potential area as per the study report “Potential Area Mapping for mangrove Restoration in Kachchh, Gujarat by Dr.C.N.Pandey, et al,2014” as well as the site inspected on 22-02-2015  Some of the areas are already getting converted into salt pans  On west side of the proposed site south of OPG Thermal Power Station , it was observed that a new bund was being constructed with heavy earth moving equipments and covering mangrove patches between two bunds.  The bunds are also blocking creeks thereby preventing tidal water flow on the shores of creek. One such bund was observed on the North –Western corner of the proposed site which had blocked creek and tidal water flow for latge mudflats in the North . However, on the site inspection day, it was observed that bund was broken and creek tidal flow was observed. The Authority was further apprised as per the observations of the Committee, the District Collector, Kutch has been asked to investigate the matter and to take necessary action against the violators and submit the report. As per the CRZ map duly demarcation of HTL CRZ Boundary etc. Prepared by the Institute of Environmental Studies and Wetland Management, Kolkata, the proposed activities fall

18 within CRZ-I(B) area. However as per the observation of the report from GEER Foundation, it also falls within CRZ-I(A) area The Authority deliberated the proposal of M/S Vasta Govind Chavda Salt Industries, report received from GEER Foundation, and after detailed discussion, it is decided to defer the proposal of VGCSI and ask the project proponent to submit revised proposal avoiding the biologically active mudflat and potential mangrove areas. It was also decided to ask the District Level Committee to investigate the matter regarding construction of bunds for salt pans without obtaining necessary permission from the competent authority and identify the violators in the area and take necessary actions immediately. 25.5 CRZ Clearance for Developing Integrated facility within the existing Kandla Port at Kandla, Dist: Kutch by M/S Kandla Port Trust The Kandla Port Trust(KPT) , Kandla vide its letter dated 09/10/2013 had approached this Department seeking recommendations from the GCZMA for obtaining CRZ clearance for proposed development of Integrated facilities within the Kandla Port at Kandla, Dist: Kutch. The Authority was apprised that the proposal of the KPT was scrutinized by the Technical Committee in its 12th meeting, which was held on 21-07-2014, wherein representative of the KPT made a presentation before the Technical Committee about the activities to be carried out in CRZ area, EIA report prepared by the Mantec Consultants Pvt Ltd, New Delhi and CRZ map duly demarcation of HTL CRZ Boundary etc. Prepared by the Institute of Remote Sensing, Anna University, Chennai (An agency authorised by the Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India).

19 Representative of the KPT submitted that at present following marine facilities existed in KPT:  12 Dry Cargo Berths (Total 16 berths, 13th & 15th Cargo Berths and Barge Jetty by IFFCO also started commercial operation),  6 Oil Jetties,  4 moorings for mid stream handling of cargoes. The KPT has proposed following activities in CRZ areas: 1. Development of Barge jetty at Tuna ( 500 Mx12m, Capital Dredging: 4,50,000 M3, Maintenance Dredging: 2,30,000 M3/year, Back up area: 15 ha, optimal capacity: 6.57 MMTPA) 2. Development of Oil jetty to handled liquid cargo and ship bunkering facilities at Old Kandla( Jetty: 300m X15m, Approach: 450mX10m, Back up area: 5.5 ha, Capacity, 3.39 MMTPA, Capital Dredging: 1,73, 660 M3, Maintenance Dredging: 1,56,294 M3) 3. Development of Barge handling at Khori Creek , KPT( Length of the Wharf, 1000, Width of the Wharf, 12M, Total back up area: 25 ha, Capacity, 8.57 MMTPA, Capital Dredging: 6,33, 333 M3, Maintenance Dredging: 5,70,000 M3/year) 4. Up gradation of Barge handling capacity at Bunder Basin at Kandla 5. Providing Railway Line from NH 8A to Tuna Port; 6. Multipurpose cargo Terminal at Tekra off Tuna :Stage II( T-shape jetty-600m X 80m, Capacity:9.08 MMTPA, Back up area: 80 ha) 7. Contraction of Rail Over Bridge at NH-8A near Nakti Bridge 8. Mechanized of Dry Cargo Handling facility at Kandla Port(Berth 7&8) 9. Development of Ship Repairs/Building Facility at Kandla

20 10. Mega container Terminal at Tuna off Tekra on BOT Basis( Jetty: T-shape 1100m X54m, Capital Dredging: 33.56Million M3,, Stack yard Area:41 ha, Break water : 1500m on each side) 11. Strengthening of existing Oil Jetty 1&2 12. Modification and Strengthening of Cargo berths 1 to 6 at Kandla Port 13. Construction of Port craft jetty of SNA Section at Kandla Port The Authority was apprised that the representative of KPT submitted that there is no land acquisition as the land is owned by KPT and proposed activities are within limit of Kandla Port Trust. @ 11 KLD of water would be required for construction and @8 KLD of water required for domestic use. The water requirement would be met through reservoir near Bhachau through 18’’ pipeline of Gujarat Water Supply and Sewerage Board. No Biosphere Reserves, Wildlife sanctuary, National Park or area of Cultural importance is present near the project. The project site does not touch any State or National boundary. It was submitted that based on the EIA study, the baseline environment was found considerably good and after proposed project there would not be any visual difference in the baseline condition. Almost all the impacts of the proposed projects operations would be restricted to the premises only. There would not be any considerably negative environmental as well as social impacts due to the propose projects. The KPT shall effectively implement the mangrove Development , protection, and Management plan for control of impacts on mangrove habitat. The Committee asked about the exact details of railway line alongwith its route, length, methodology to be adopted for

21 laying of railway line, exact details of foot print of railway line, details of mangroves required to be removed/cut(Density, area, No of plants, girths etc) due to all proposed facilities etc. Neither representative of KPT nor consultant was able to explain the details. Also the Committee observed that proposed route of the railway line was not superimposed on CRZ map. After detailed discussion and deliberation on the presentation made by the representative of the KPT, it was decided to ask various details s from the KPT. The KPT was asked to submit required details on 25th August, 2014 . The details has been submitted by the KPT vide its letter dated 10-121-2014. The proposal was discussed in the 24th meeting of the GCZMA, which was held on 05-01-2015 alongwith the visit report of the Technical Committee dated 02-01-2015 and based on the observations of the Technical Committee, it was decided by the GCZMA to issue Directions under Section 5 of Environment (Protection)Act, 1986. Accordingly, Directions under Section 5 of the Environment(Protection) Act, 1986 were issued and KPT was directed to stop all the construction activities, which were started in violations of CRZ Notification 2011. In the meantime, the District Level Committee has also submitted site visit report dated 17-01-2015, which shows that KPT has started construction of some proposed activities without obtaining necessary clearance . The KPT has submitted its reply vide letter dated 23-02-2015, submitting that they have started some of the activities because of their concession agreement with M/S Adani Kandla Bulk Terminal Pvt Ltd and for strengthening some structures which were badly damaged in the cyclone of 1998 and the Earthquake during 2001. They have requested to send recommendations to MOEF&CC, GOI. The BISAG, Gandhinagar has also submitted Time series satellite imageries for mangroves in KPT for month

22 of February, 2006 ,December, 2011, April,2014 and January 2, 2015, which shows that from 2011to 2015, destruction of mangroves had taken place. The representative of the KPT made a presentation before the GCZMA and submitted that they have stopped all the activities ,which were started without obtaining necessary clearance from the competent Authorities and they have assured that they would carry out only those activities, which are not in violations of any environmental laws and they would ensure that they would bot destruct any mangrove for the proposed activities , which may be allowed by the GCZMA. They will submit revised proposal for Development of Ship Repairs/Building Facility at KPT, development of Barge handling at Khori Creek , KPT, Mega container Terminal at Tuna off Tekra on BOT Basis. They have dropped project for development of Barge Jetty a Tuna. They have further submitted that now they would now take up project for strengthening of existing Oil Jetty 1only, Modification and Strengthening of Cargo berths for 6 only at Kandla Port As per the CRZ map duly demarcation of HTL CRZ Boundary etc. Prepared by the Institute of Remote Sensing, Anna University, Chennai, proposed facility falls in CRZ-I(B), CRZ-III and CRZ-IV categories.

The Authority deliberated the proposal of Kandla Port Trust observations made by the Technical Committee, report submitted by the District Level Committee, satellite imagines submitted by the BISAG, Gandhinagar and assurance submitted by the KPT, and after detailed discussion, the GCZMA has taken following decisions: 1. To recommend to the MOEF&CC, GOI for following facilities only with the conditions mentioned thereunder:

23  Development of Oil jetty to handled liquid cargo and ship bunkering facilities at Old Kandla( Jetty: 300m X15m, Approach: 450mX10m, Back up area: 5.5 ha, Capacity, 3.39 MMTPA, Capital Dredging: 1,73, 660 M3, Maintenance Dredging: 1,56,294 M3)  Up gradation of Barge handling capacity at Bunder Basin at Kandla  Multipurpose cargo Terminal at Tekra off Tuna :Stage II( T- shape jetty-600m X 80m, Capacity:9.08 MMTPA, Back up area: 80 ha)  Contraction of Rail Over Bridge at NH-8A near Nakti Bridge  Mechanized of Dry Cargo Handling facility at Kandla Port(Berth 7&8)  Strengthening of existing Oil Jetty 1  Modification and Strengthening of Cargo berths 6 at Kandla Port

1. The KPT shall have to ensure that there shall not be any damage to the existing mangrove area. 2. The KPT shall prepare an emergency plan to protect existing mangrove in case of any eventuality/accident . 3. The KPT shall have to make a provision that mangrove areas get proper flushing water and free flow of water shall not be obstructed. 4. The KPT shall have to abide by what ever decision taken by the GCZMA for violations of CRZ Notification 2011 2. The necessary actions regarding violations of CRZ Notification by the KPT by way of starting construction activities without obtaining necessary approvals from the competent authorities and for destruction of mangroves, would be decided in next GCZMA meeting 25.6 CRZ clearance for proposed development of multi product SEZ/FTWZ, DTA including Power Plant and Desalination

24 Plant at Layja Mota, Dist: Kutch by M/S Sealand Ports Private Limited M/Sea Land Ports Private Limited(SLPPL), vide its application dated 16-01-2015 has approached this Department seeking recommendations from the Gujarat Coastal Zone Management Authority for obtaining CRZ Clearance from Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change, Government of India for their proposed project for development of Multi product SEZ/FTWZ, DTA including Power and Desalination Plants at Village: Layja Mota, Taluka: Mandvi, Dist: Kutch The Authority was apprised that the proposal of the SLPPL was scrutinized by the Technical Committee in its 15th meeting, which was held on 27-02-105 , wherein the representative of Sea land Ports Private Limited made a presentation about various activities to be carried out in the CRZ area, EIA report prepared by the L&T Infrastructure Engineering Limited (formerly known as L&T-RAMBOL Consulting Engineers Limited), and CRZ map prepared by the National Institute of Oceanography (NIO), Visakhapatnam and submitted that the SEZ area is away from CRZ area and only utilities corridor consists of Intake /Outfall pipeline , Coal conveyor etc is passing through CRZ area. Total land requirement would be 3,473 Acres + 124 Acres (utility corridor) and there are no rehabilitation and resettlement issues. There is no existence of ecologically Sensitive Areas such as wildlife, Sanctuary/National Parks etc, within 50 km from project site. It was submitted that they have obtained necessary certificate from the PCCF (WL) During the presentation and discussion, it was observed by the Technical Committee that there may be existence of Sea turtle grounds and sand dunes as ESA. The committee also felt that activities within CRZ area should be given alongwith

25 dimensions of all activities, which fall within ambit of CRZ Notification 2011. It was also felt necessary to obtained necessary clarification from the PCCF(WL) for existence of sea turtle at the project area. After detailed discussion, it was decided to ask various details from SLPPL. Accordingly details were called for from SLPPL on 12-03-2015. The SLPPL has submitted details vide its letter dated 01-04-2015. The representative of the SLPPL made a presentation before the GCZMA and submitted that this project is for development of Muli Product SEZ, Free Trade Warehousing Zone (FTWZ), Domestic Tariff Area(DTA) including Power and Desalination Plants .The Government of India has accorded in-principal approval to SEZ in June, 2010 and issued official letter in May, 2014. For this project vast uninhabited land available ( Total land -3473 Acres + 124 Acres(utility corridor) ) Out of which 2318 acres is in possession and 416 Acres land is under transfer. No ecologically Sensitive Areas such as Wildlife Sanctuary/Nationa Parks etc, are located within 50 km from project site. There is no major industries within 15 kms radius. The proposed SEZ area is away from CRZ area and only utility corridor consists of Intake and Outfall pipeline Coasl Conveyor etc would pass through CRZ area. The Dedicated utility corridor 8.33 km consisting of activities like covered coal conveyor, 22m wide road, intake and outfall pipelines , Natural gas pipeline, potable water supply pipelines and 66 kv D/C Power transmission line The representative of SLPPL submitted that there would be power requirement of @ 5MVA and 692.5MW for construction phase and operation phase respectively. During construction phase, the power requirement would be met through 66 kv substation at Bayali Village and partly from DG set. The power requirement for operation phase would be met through

26 proposed power plant within SEZ. It was further submitted that @ 1.0 MLD water would be required for construction phase, which would be obtained from GWSSB. Approximately 1206.4 MLD sea water would be required for operation phase, and 54.63 MLD fresh water would be required for operation phase. There would be generation of @780.9 MLD return cooling water from power plant, @111MLD would be generated as reject brine from Desalination Plant and 19.4 MLD treated waste water would be generated from CETPs. The treated waste water would be discharged through marine outfall. It was submitted by the representative of the SLPPL that seawater intake would be within breakwaters at (-) 9 m CD and 1.34 Km away from shoreline with velocity cap arrangement. Marine Outfall system would be at (-) 10.3m CD towards the west of western breakwater of Shipyard cum captive jetties, which would be at 2.3 km away from the Land Fall Point(LFP). Excess salinity @100m distance would be 0.5 ppt and @500m , it would be 0.25 ppt. Excess temperature @100m would be 0.250 C and @500m, it would be 0.150 C. The maximum excess salinity was 0.54 ppt and maximum excess temperature was .0.30 C. These variations are comparable with the seasonal variations of temperature and salinity of coastal waters. Other CETP discharge pollutants would attain about 21 times dilution. The representative of SLPPL submitted that SEZ site is located about 8 Km from the HTL of open sea and about 6 km away from tidal influenced (CRZ )area of river Kharod. The project development area does not fall or contain any environmentally sensitive areas It was further submitted that the proposed SEZ/FTWZ and DTA associated facilities i.e Intake/outfall/coal conveyir/gas pipeline etc., are permissible activities as per CRZ Notification 2011.

27 The representative of the SLPPL submitted that none of the plant and faunal species recorded from the core area belongs to the rare/endangered/ endemic/ threatened category. However, in study area , plants having medicinal values Commipjora wightii and Tribulus terrestris were observed. Also , the species such as Oliv Ridly Seaturte , Green Seaturtle , long billed vulture etc .were reported No mangroves were reported in 10 km radius. The representative of the SSPL submitted that detailed studies on fisheries has been carried out by MART and International Fisheries Expert Dr. Munnir Ahmed. 5 fishing villages in study area of 15 Km radius with a total 344 house holds, 2716 population and 650 active fishermen. Proposed project integrates adequate improved safeguards and mitigation measures in the project design to eliminate or reduce or mitigate the impacts due to the project on the fishermen. Very small scale fishing with 20 boats are there in village Nana Layja with low fish catch , high value fish sold to one local traders and low value fish sold in local market. Based on the socioeconomic, livelihood and value chain assessment , the livelihood enhancement plan for fishermen has been prepared. The Authority deliberated the proposal of Sea land Port Pvt Ltd observations made by the Technical Committee, and after detailed discussion, the GCZMA decided to carry out site visit by the Technical Committee alongwith representative of Fisheries Department for verification about the existence of Eco Sensitive Zones like Sand dunes, Sea turtle nesting, fishing activities in the area , erosion and accretion due to proposed project etc. On receipt of the report from the Technical Committee, the proposal would be considered in next GCZMA meeting.

28 25.7 CRZ Clearance for proposed development of Ship yards cum Captive Jetties including LNG Terminal at Nana Layja, Dist: Kutch by M/S Gujarat Integrated Maritime Complex Private Limited. M/S Gujarat Integrated Maritime Complex Private Limited (GIMCPL), vide its letter dated 16-01-2015 has approached this Department seeking recommendations from the GCZMA for obtaining for proposed development ship yard cum captive jetty including LNG Terminal at Village: Nana Layja, Dist: Kutch The Authority was apprised that the proposal of the GIMCPL was scrutinized by the Technical Committee in its 15th meeting, which was held on 27-02-2015, wherein the representative of GIMCPL made a presentation about various activities to be carried out in the CRZ area, EIA report prepared by the L&T Infrastructure Engineering Limited (formerly known as L&T-RAMBOL Consulting Engineers Limited), and CRZ map prepared by the National Institute of Oceanography (NIO), Visakhapatnam. During the presentation and discussion, it was observed by the Technical Committee that there may be existence of Sea turtle grounds and sand dunes as ESA. The committee also felt that activities within CRZ area should be given alongwith dimensions of all activities, which fall within ambit of CRZ Notification 2011. It was also felt by the Committee to obtain necessary clarification from the PCCF (WL) about existence of the sea turtle at the project site. After detailed discussion and deliberation on the presentation made by the representative of the GIMCPL , it was decided by the Technical Committee to ask various details from the GIMCPL. Accordingly, details were asked from the unit on 11-03-2015.The GIMCPL has submitted details vide its letter dated 01-04-2015.

29 The representative of the GIMCPL made a presentation before the GCZMA and submitted that they have proposed captive jetty , LNG Terminal, Shipyard, Breakwater, Approach channel & turning circle, Dredging , reclamation at above mentioned location. The power requirement for construction phase would be 4 MW and the same would be met through Gujarat State Electricity Board and @ 77.5 MVA power would be required, which would be met from proposed Power Plant in the Mota Layja SEZ. 0.7 MLD& 4.41 MLD water would be required during construction phase and operation phase respectively. The water requirement during construction and operation phase would be met through GWSSB and from Desalination Plant at proposed SEZ. They have also proposed one effluent treatment plant of 1.4 MLD capacity in the shipyard area for treatment of effluent and a Sewage Treatment Plant of 1.7MLD capacity for treatment of sewage, which would be used for toilet flushing and green belt development. The representative of the GIMCPL submitted that plant species recorded from core area do not belong to rare/endangered/endemic/threatened category. Faunal species recorded from core area do not belongs to rare/endangered/endemic/threatened category. No mangroves observed at proposed project site. Olive Ridley Sea turtle and Green Sea turtle were reported in the study area. It was submitted that significant wave height is generally within acceptable limits for both 6 hr/month and 6 hr/year conditions for all directions, and within 1.5 m in turning circle and within 0.8 m and 1 m at the coal berths and LNG berth and ship yard area. An average net deposition rate are with magnitude of 0.05 kg/m2/day . There would be generation of 22.0 MM3 Capital Dredging, 2.0 MM3/year maintenance dredging. Infill rate into the channel is estimated to be in order of 2.0 MM3/year .Two

30 locations have been identified at greater than 25 m water depths. The dumping shall be in such a way that the height of dumping shall not exceed 0.3 m. The dredged spoil disposal study shows that the net deposition in both location is very low , which is confined to a small area close to disposal site and sediment do not reach approach channel. The representative of GIMCPL submitted that present navigation study has confirmed adequacy of navigational channel layout for 210,000 m3 LNG and 23,000 DWT Bulk carrier vessels. Accretion of is likely to occur at the west of the West breakwater in tune of -50m/year. Erosion is likely to occur towards east of east breakwater in tune of 7-8 m/year due to the blockage of the eastward littoral net drift. It was further submitted that accretion western side of west breakwater may block the Kharo river mouth over the period of 2 years. Periodic dredging of accreted material from the western side till Kharod river mouth is recommended to nourish the eroded beach on eastern side. The down drift (east) erosion does not affect any assets located immediately behind the shoreline . Sand bypass scheme is recommended where accumulation of sand on the western side is dredged and transported to the eastern side to nourish the eroding coast. It was further submitted that the project site and study area have low intensity of sporadic nesting of turtles and adoption of proposed mitigation measures would minimise potential impacts on turtles. There is existence of total 145 pagadiya in Banda, Bambhadai and Kantha villages and very small scale fishing with 20 boats in village Nana Layja. Proposed projects integrates adequate improved safeguards and mitigation measures in the project design to eliminate or reduce or mitigate the impacts due to proposed project on the fishermen

31 The Authority deliberated the proposal of Gujarat Integrated Maritime Complex Private Limited, observations made by the Technical Committee, and after detailed discussion, the GCZMA decided to carry out site visit by the Technical Committee along with representative of Fisheries Department for verification about the existence of Eco Sensitive Zones like Sand dunes, Sea turtle nesting, fishing activities in the area , erosion and accretion due to proposed project etc. On receipt of the report from the Technical Committee, the proposal would be considered in next GCZMA meeting. 25.8 CRZ Clearance for rerouting of 42’’ SBHT pipelines at Umbhrat, Dist: by M/s Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited M/s Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited(ONGC), vide its letter dated 15-01-2015 has approached this Department seeking recommendations from the GCZMA for obtaining CRZ clearance from the Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change, Government of India for proposed project for rerouting of 42’’ South Bassein Hazira Trunkline(SBHT) pipelines at Umbhrat, Dist: Navsari. The Authority was apprised that the proposal of the ONGC was scrutinized by the Technical Committee in its 15th meeting, which was held on 27-02-2015 , wherein, representative of the ONGC made a presentation before the Technical Committee about the activities to be carried out in CRZ area, , Marine Environmental Impact Assessment report prepared by the National Institute of Oceanography, Mumbai , CRZ map duly demarcation of HTL CRZ Boundary etc. Prepared by the National Institute of Oceanography (An agency authorized by the Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India).

32 After detailed discussion and deliberation on the presentation made by the representative of the ONGC , it was decided by the Technical Committee to recommend to GCZMA for further approval on receipt of the Undertaking from the ONGC that they will ensure that there will not any damage to the existing environment and shoreline change and all necessary precautions would be taken during construction and original conditions would be restored after construction is over. The ONGC , vide its letter dated 23-03-2015 has submitted details and undertaking. Representative of the ONGC made a presentation before the GCZMA and submitted that ONGC Hazira plant receives sour gas & condensate from Mumbai offshore through 36’’ & 42’’ SBHT pipelines for processing and thereafter supplies sweet gas to HBJ line through GAIL spanning about 3000 kms across all northern States for downstream industries including CNG supply in Delhi and to local consumer industries like KRIBHCO, RIL, ESSAR, GGPL, &GSPL, Hazira plant producers & supplies products of LPG , Naptha , HSD and ATF and Kerosene to consumers like IOCL, BPCL, HPCL , RIL etc. Thus 36’’ & 42 ‘’ dia SBHT lines from Mumbai to Hazira are life line of India and it is essential to secure safety, stability and security of the pipelines. It was further submitted that the 42’’ SBHT line got exposed to the extent of 769 mtrs in 2011-12 at Umbhrat beach. Based on design and engineering by consultant Engineers India Limited(EIL), ONGC carried out protection measures in 2012 with geotextile tube, Geobags and Gabion boxes. The necessary NOC was obtained from GMB on 28th February, 2012. The representative of the ONGC submitted that due t0 high tide and cyclone storm on 15th and 16th June 2014 about 500 mtrs of 42’’ has got exposed , its previous protection measures

33 got damaged and the line got shifted by 30-40 mtrs towards seaside. In view of this, ONGC has engaged EIL consultant for permanent remedial measures of the 42’’ SBHT line at Umbhrat and EIL has submitted scheme of re-routing of 42’’ line at Umbhrat as per permanent solution as per drawing no. A634- 000-11-12-30006 Rev B. The re-routing scheme include installation and laying of @ 1.9 KM long 42’’ dia rerouted pipeline between hook point (HK-1) before Land Fall-2 near land fall to downstream of existing SV- 1(HK-2), fabrication and installation on new SV station , installation of new insulating joint near HK-1 , Isolation of existing section of pipeline using smart plug, hook up to the rerouted line at HK-1 & HK-2 and decommissioning of the exposed pipeline section. The new rerouted line from hook up point 1 to HDD entry (approx. 400mtrs) will be laid to a depth of about 6 mtrs or scour depth +2.5 mtrs , whichever is higher by open cut trenching method. Thereafter about 1.1 km re- routed line from HDD entry point to HDD exit point will be laid by Horizontal Directional Drilling technique trenching method. The representative of the ONGC submitted that Gujarat Martime Board has issued permission on 23-09-2014. They have obtained Forests Clearance on 16-10-2014. The District Collector, Navsari has recommended proposal and forwarded proposal to revenue Department, Gandhinagar for approval on 16-01-2015. It was further submitted that the major portion of the project fall in the CRZ –I(A)& CRZ-I(B) area. The area between HTL and 500m setback line is mostly covered with sand dunes and vegetation of thorny bushes. The major portion of the proposed new route of the pipe line passes through sand dunes. Tourism activities observed at Umbhrat beach. No mangroves observed in the project area. The pipeline re-routing would be taken up at the earliest. Internationally accepted

34 codes and practices to be followed in pipeline system design. Sectionalizing valve to be provided as per OISD guidelines. Pipeline in intertidal and subtidal areas to be buried. Temporary colonies for work force to be located at sufficient distance from HTL. It was further submitted that based on modelling suggested by CWPRS, Pune , the rerouted section has been identified and required burial and shore protection measures shall be adhered. As per EIA report and Technical suggestion, the construction will not affect the Coastal Eco- System. As per CRZ map alongwith demarcation of HTL CRZ Boundary etc. and superimposition of the proposed activities and re- routing of pipeline on it, by the National Institute of Oceanography, the proposed activities fall within CRZ-I(A), CRZ-III area and are permissible activities as per CRZ Notification 2011. The Authority deliberated the proposal of Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited and after detailed discussion, it is decided to recommend to the Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change, Government of India to grant CRZ Clearance for rerouting of 42’’ SBHT pipelines at Umbhrat, Dist: Navsari by M/s Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited with following specific conditions: 1. The ONGC shall ensure that there shall not be any blockage of creek and free-flow of water is maintained. 2. The ONGC shall ensure that there should not be any damage to the existing environment and shoreline change and all necessary precautions would be taken during construction and original conditions would be restored after construction is over.

35 25.9 CRZ clearance for additional Salt works (2846.15 acres) located at village Kalatalav & Narmad, Ta. & Dist. Bhavnagar by M/S Nirma Limited The Nirma Limited(NL), vide its letter dated 16-03-2013 had approached this Department seeking recommendations for obtaining CRZ clearance from the Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India for their proposed project for additional Salt works(2846.15 acre) at Village: Kalatalav, and Narmad, Taluka: Bhavnagar, Dist: Bhavnagar. The Nirma Limited submitted that they are having solar salt works in 29764.16 acre area. Now the Nirma has planned to increase the solar salt production to meet the solar salt requirement for the expansion of Soda Ash/Caustic Soda plant. The Government of Gujarat has allotted additional government waste land of 2846.15 acre(Narmad-289.15 acre+Kalatalav- 2557 acre) for development of salt works. The Authority was apprised that the proposal of the NIL was discussed in the 20th meeting of Gujarat Coastal Zone Management Authority which was held on 21-11-2013, and after detailed discussion, the Authority decided to recommend to the Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India to grant CRZ for proposed Additional Salt Works( 2395.15 acres), near Nirma Chemical Complex, Village: Kalatalav, Dist: Bhavnagar by M/S Nirma Limited. Accordingly, proposal has been recommended to the MOEF&CC,GOI on 08-08-2014. The Nirma Limited vide its letter dated 15th December, 2014 approached this Department informing that the Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change, Government of India has amended CRZ Notification 2011 vide amendment notification no.S.O.3085( E ) dated 28-11-2014, has authorized SEIAA to issue CRZ Clearance for the project for which Environmental Clearance under EIA Notification 2006 is not

36 required, and requested to issue CRZ clearance for additional salt works as per the powers vested in SEIAA vide amendment notification dated 28-11-2014. The MOEF&CC, GOI has been requested to advise whether CRZ Clearance for this project would be issued by MOEF&CC, GOI or it is required to be issued by the SEIAA, to avoid duplication in issuance of the CRZ clearance The Authority deliberated the issues of Nirma Limited , and after detailed discussion, it is decided to recommend to the SEIAA after receiving necessary advise/ clarification from the Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change, Government of India. 25.10 Clarification regarding applicability of CRZ Notification 2011 for total 8 maps received duly superimposed regarding location at Jamnagar, Surat, Bharuch , Total 8 CRZ maps for various locations at Jamnagar, Surat, Bharuch and Bhavnagar District have been received from the Space Application Centre(SAC), Ahmedabad for verifying applicability of CRZ Notification 2011 based on various request made by the project proponents. Based on the CRZ map prepared by the SAC, Ahmedabad and co-ordinates furnished by the project proponents, the BISAG has superimposed the proposed locations on the CRZ maps. This matter was discussed by the Technical Committee in its 14th meeting, which was held on 13-12-2014 and it was decided that each site should be visited by the Technical Committee for physical verification of the site. The Authority was further appraised that site visits of Bhavnagar area were carried out by the Technical Committee and it was observed that there are some variation about the Latitude and Longitude submitted by the project proponent and

37 also map submitted by the Space Application Centre, Ahmedabad. For other areas, site visits are pending The Authority deliberated the issues and after detailed discussion, as the maps for Gujarat Coastal Zone Management Plans are under preparation and likely to be finalized within two to three months, it was decided to hold this proposal and it was also decided to ask all project proponent to re-verify site location and to submit actual details about their location. 25.11 Appointment of office attendant and data entry operator. The Authority was apprised that as decided in the 21st GCZMA meeting, which was held on 07.02.2014, the Member Secretary, Gujarat Ecology Commission was requested to depute two suitable persons viz. office attendants from the GEC to work for the Gujarat Coastal Zone Management Authority. The GEC has deputed two office attended as requested. The Term has been expired The Authority was apprised about the need of the office attendant, It is proposed to request the GEC to provide services of two office attendants, for 11 months. After deliberation, the Authority decided to request GEC to depute two suitable persons as office attendants on a contractual basis for a further period of 11 months after the expiry of their terms. The consolidated emoluments of the said staff to be paid from the CRZ Management Authority Accounts being managed by the Gujarat Maritime Board. It was decided by the GCZMA to pay 6000/- per month to the Office Attendants

The meeting ended with a vote of thanks to the Chair