saMgama MARCH — 2016 – 17 YEAR 7 Qaaima-k samanvaya ISSUE NO - 2 ³ ´



Every religion has its dignity; in freedom of expressions there are limits. – Pope Francis

Religion is the set of beliefs, feelings and practices that define the relations between human being and sacred or divinity. The majority of religions have developed starting from a revelation based on the exemplary history of a nation, of a prophet or a wise man who taught an ideal of life.

A religion may be defined with its three great characteristics:

 Believes and religious practices  The religious feeling i.e. faith  Unity in a community of those who share the same faith: the Church. It is what differentiates religion from magic.

While religion dictates peace and good will, many battles and divisions have taken place because of religion. Religious belief plays an important role in the history of the world.

Since the early times of Paganism, religion has diversified and grown to include major monotheistic religions like Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, as well as Indian and Far Eastern religions like , Buddhism and Sikhism. Iranic religions like Zoroastrianism and Bahai, and African indigenous-based religions like Santeria. Other belief systems, including Atheism and the Mormon Church, have also developed with time.



Islam and its beliefs:- Islamism, an Abrahamic religion that is also monotheistic, is based on the teachings of the Quran. Followers believe that the Quran is the verbatim word of God.They worship Allah (the Arabic word for 'God'), believe in angels, and consider Muhammad as the most recent prophet.

Hinduism and its beliefs:- Hinduism worship one God and eternal soul called . Hinduism recognizes different deities. It is currently the world's third largest religion, after Christianity and Islam.

Buddhism and its beliefs:- Buddhists worship the Buddha. It strives to attain spiritual enlightenment and freedom from the continuous cycle of life and death.

Christianityand its beliefs:- Christians believe in a loving God who has revealed himself and can be known in a personal way, in this life. With Jesus Christ, the person's focus is not on religious rituals but on enjoying a relationship with God and growing to know him better.

Jesus performed miracles, forgave people of their sins and said that anyone who be- lieved in him would have eternal life. He made statements like, "I am the light of the world; he who follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life. "As Don Bosco says “Walk with your feet on earth, but in your heart be in heaven”. Christians regard the Bible as God's written message to humankind. In addition to being an historical record of Jesus' life and miracles, the Bible reveals God's personality, his love and truth, and how one can have a relationship with him. Very soon we will be celebrating Christmas. Each household will once again be filled with lots of sweets and gifts for the festive season.We need to cleanse and prepare our soul allowing for the infant Christ to be born within us this Christmas. Let us put in all our celebrations to have a wonderful Christmas. To conclude, all of us belong to one religion of love. We worship God and honour him in our own ways. Let us put God in our life to make our lives happy and meaningful in service of others. Wishing you all Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year.



From the Principal’s Desk

Dear all, This year at Don Bosco Nerul we have dedicated the year to Learning more about Religions of the World and respecting all Faiths. I would encourage all to appreciate the Good that prevails in all Belief Systems and find ways and means to Live in Peace and Harmony. I would like to suggest some practical ways to reach out to this cause.

Interacting with People of other Faiths. Religion is the belief that a group of people hold regarding the creation of our known universe and has been a major aspect in shaping civilizations for thousands of years. Religion continues to be a driving influence for billions of people across the world. Appreciating another religion may be difficult at first because of conflicting ideas or beliefs, but is necessary if you want to live in a diverse community and have a great- er understanding of people with different backgrounds.

Visit a place where people practice diverse religions. Surrounding yourself with people who practice other faiths will make it easier to make diverse friends. Visiting an area that has a diverse religious makeup also allows you to interact with people of other faiths.

Converse about theology with people of different faiths. Being open to talk to other people about a faith that you don’t believe in is important if you want to expand your perspective and appreciate people of different religions. While you may not agree with all their doctrines, you should be open to learning about their customs and beliefs.

4  Don’t argue and fight with someone of a different faith. Accept the fact that you may both believe different things.  Some people may not want to talk about their faith, and you should accept it and move on.  If someone of a different faith asks you why you are asking him so many questions, or why you are so open to talk about religion say, “I’m trying to expand my knowledge and understanding of different faiths. I don’t know a lot about your faith, and I’m trying to get a better perspective from someone who practices it.”

Remain respectful and back off the conversation if it gets tense. There are 5.8 billion people who are affiliated with a religion and for many; it plays an important role in their lives. For that reason, it’s important that you remain respectful at all times when discussing someone’s faith. If you feel the conversation getting tense, just back away from the topic and change the subject.

 Clearly communicating and remaining understanding and respectful will help you avoid conflict.

 Don’t tell people that your religion is superior to theirs.

 Never tell someone else that her faith is “wrong.”

Remain positive and practice tolerance. When you are tolerant towards other people, it creates a positive atmosphere, even in difficult situations. Try to stay positive and remember that other people may think differently than you, but that it doesn’t make them bad people.  If you don’t like someone’s customs, but it doesn’t affect you or harm anyone, keep your opinion to yourself.  If you really can’t get along with someone, just walk away and reflect on your inter- action. Revisit it later with a different person.

5 Compare similarities in your religion to other religions. While customs, traditions, and important religious figures might differ, many religions share the same moral standards, tenets and even sacred texts and holy sites. Find common ground and appreciate things that are similar, like the virtues of non-violence, treating oth- ers with respect and tolerance.  Judaism and Christianity use some of the same religious texts and both share the laws of the 10 Commandments.  Islam, Judaism, and Christianity share holy sites in Israel and Palestine.  Hinduism and Buddhism both share origins from India and have some similar beliefs, like the belief in reincarnation.

Don’t disrupt another religion’s customs or rituals. Interrupting another religion’s customs or rituals is a huge sign of disrespect, and could make people very mad. Even if you don’t understand what’s going on, or don’t believe in the custom, let the people complete it without interruption.  If you’re curious about a custom or ritual, wait until it is complete before asking any questions.  Remember to remain respectful and inquisitive and not judgmental.

Participate in positive activities with other faiths. Doing something positive as a community or friends will bring you together, even if peo- ple’s religions are different. Planting a community garden, joining a football team, or taking a class together will create a bond that transcends the differences in your religions.  There are non-denominational community groups that participate in community building. To find a community group search on for volunteer openings in your area.

My dear friends, as we are in the season of Advent and preparing for Jesus’s coming let us always be prepared and live life in the present. Wishing you all Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

God Bless.


 MANAGER’S MESSAGE ‘duinayaa ko ivaiBanna Qama-’ ivaYaya pr hmaaro ivaVaiqa-yaaoM  FROM THE PRINCIPAL‘S DESK ivacaaraoM¸ klpnaaAaoM evaM AnauBaUityaaoM sao BarI hmaarI ihMdI [lao@T/ainak pi~ka Aap saBaI pazkaoM ko ilae P`astut  FOREWORD hO. pazkaoM ko mana evaM ivacaaraoM maoM na[- saaoca ka saMcaar  EDITORIAL krnao evaM ]namaoM maanavaIya maUlyaaoM¸ jajbaataoM evaM ekta ka nayaa Akur pOda krnao ko ilae P`astut pi~ka maoM  PARENT’S SPEAK ivaVaiqa-yaaoM Wara ivaiBanna Qamaao-M evaM ]nako maUlyaaoM pr laoK

 BUDDING WRITERS AND POEMS kivataeÐ evaM ica~ P`astut ike gae hOM jaao pazkaoM kao AvaSya psaMd AaeÐgao. mauJao AaSaa hI nahIM bailk pUNa- ivaSvaasa  EDITORS SUMITRA ADHIKARI hO ik pazk [sa pi~ka ko ivaiBanna ivaYayaaoM kao pZ,kr AanaMd laoMgaoM evaM hmaaro ivaVaiqa-yaaoM ko ivanama` P`ayaasa kao PUSHPLATA VIND sahRdya svaIkar kroMgao.  LAYOUT NABILA SAYED pMkja raya  COVER PAGE DESIGN ‘sauprvaa[jar’ KIRAN MAHATRE


7 Qama- Á Aai%mak ivakasa kI AvaQaarNaa ip`ya pazkao¸ sava-p`qama Da^na baaskao saIinayar saokonDrI skUla nao$la kI ~Omaaisak pi~ka ka yah AMk Aapko haqaaoM maoM saaoMpto huyao hmaoM Apar hYa- kI AnauBaUit hao rhI hO. tknaIk evaM Aasqaa ko dao faTaoM maoM fMsaa huAa saMpUNa- ivaSva Aaja kayarta pUNa- ]nmaad sao jaUJa rha hO. kuC svaaqaI- t%va [sa ]nmaad kao Qama- ka caaolaa phnaakr maanavata kI pRYzBaUima kao dUiYat krnao ka p`yaasa kr rho hOM. ivaSva ko kuC BaagaaoM maoM vyaaPt [sa saamp`daiyak ]nmaad ko baavajaUd Aaja ka yauvaa vaga- jaait¸ samp`daya¸ BaaYaa evaM vaoSaBaUYaa kI saImaaAaoM kao taoD,kr ‘vasauQaOva kuTumbakma’ kI QaarNaa sao p`oirt ek na[- saMskRit ko saRja,na kI Aaor Aga`sar hO. [saI na[- p`gaitSaIla saaoca ko bala pr Qama- kao Aaja ko saMdBa- maoM pirBaaiYat krnao kI ek CaoTI saI phla [sa AMk kI rcanaaAaoM maoM JalaktI hO. Da^na baaskao kI ivacaarQaara ko Anau$p [sa pi~ka ka saMpadk maNDla saBaI pazkaoM sao yah AnauraoQa krta hO ik saamp`daiyak ivaGaTna¸ WoYa evaM AaoCI p`itWindta kao %yaagakr ek esao Qama- kI pirklpnaa kroM ijasamaoM AapsaI saaOhad`-¸ p`oma¸ kt-vyaprayaNata AaOr p`akRitk saMsaaQanaaoM ko saMrxaNa ko p`it jaaga$kta ka samaavaoSa hao. saQanyavaad sauima~a AiQakarI puYplata ivaMd

8 Religions of the World

Before I could start writing today, all I could think was about the WIFI which was not working and that, shouldn’t I do a little research before I can put forward some facts to be read? At the end of the day, when the blinking lights, finally started shining brightly, I thought again, is the information on the websites enough for me to know all the religions of this world? Really? There is surely enough information there, however they would only tell me about the aspects like, the names of various religions, the faiths, the belief systems and also the number of people following them.

Today, lets talk about the very many people, who are of moderate views. Apparently, they all know their own religion and believe that each religion is a way of living ones life peacefully and in harmony with other beings. So then, every extremist thought itself defeats the purpose of religion all together. I can’t quite get over the irony of this.

As a result of the endless search of the truth, over many years, I realised that all I needed to know was always right in front of me. Love. Love for every other human being. Respect for their beliefs too. Yet, a common question which arises today is, if the purpose of religion is love and peace, then why is there so much chaos and blood shed in it’s name? In any case, the ones promoting hatred do not belong to any of the religions of this world.

Furthermore, if every religion defines ‘The Almighty’ differently, does He really exist? Every religion calls people having such thoughts, as doubters. They also believe that these people belong to the Satan.

However, all I can think about is how on one hand we want our children to think and question, and on the other hand, we condemn the very fact when we don’t have a just answer. The answer to find God is always within us. This search should always be inwards. So, at last, all discussions boil down to one, ‘The Self’. Every individual.

A wise person once said, “One day when man met God, both exclaimed, ‘My creator!’ SMITA HEBBALKAR (Parent of Aryan Hebbalkar)

9 CHRISTIANITY Christianity believes that there is only one God in all existence and that God created the universe. God created the earth and the seas, the sun and moon and stars, the animals, birds, the fish in the sea and the reptiles all in five days. On the sixth day , God created man (Adam )and woman (Eve) in his own image or likeness. This means, that humans did not evolve from a single celled organism to rational beings. God gave man the freedom to choose between right and wrong. Doing what is contrary to the will or nature of God is called 'sin'. For eg. God does not lie; therefore lying is sin. The holy book of the Christians is the Bible. It is also called the "Word of God". It is divided into two sections: Old testament and the New testament. The Old testament records the prophecies and laws that had to be strictly followed by people who lived in a period before the death of Christ. The New Testament records the birth of Jesus Christ, the teachings of Jesus, the miracles done by Jesus, the death of Jesus on the cross, the resurrection of Jesus on the third day after His death and the ascension of Je- sus. The New Testament also records teachings by some of the apostles of Jesus. Christianity teaches that God is Trinity (God the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit) and not three gods. Because of the sinful nature of man and because no amount of sacrifice or good works of man, could reconcile the relationship between man and God, God had to send his Son Jesus Christ into this world. Jesus Christ was born into this world as the son of Mary and Joseph. He lived as an obedient son to his parents. God the Father, had send his son Jesus Christ with the mission to teach man to live a holy life and to also pay the price of the sins of all mankind by dying on the cross. Man now is reconciled with God. Where all other religions in the world teach that we must do some sort of good in order to achieve the right to be in God's presence, Christianity is the only religion that teaches salvation by grace. This means that we are not made right before God by only our efforts, sincerity, or works. Instead, we are made right before God, by faith in what Christ did on the cross. Therefore if a person is a Christian, he is supposed to let go of the sinful nature and experience a true relationship with God. Christianity teaches about eternal life. Eternal life is a gift from God that comesto those who believe in Jesus Christ. Contrary to popular belief, eternal life does not start after death, but starts at the moment a person exercises his faith in Jesus Christ. Eternal life is a close, intimate, personal relationship with God our Father and Jesus Christ His Son. Although the body dies and is buried or cremated, their unique soul lives on eter- nally. The Bible teaches of a Day of Judgement which will decide whether the soul lives eternally in Heaven or in Hell. Christianity is now the largest religion in the world. Through history the three main groups or "denominations" of Christianity have been the Orthodox, the Catholic and the Protestant churches. However, not all Christians use these titles. True Christians be- lieve that Christianity is bigger and includes everyone. CHRISTINE JACOB X C



Christianity is the world's largest religion, with about 2.4 billion believers known as Christians. Christians believe that Jesus is the Son of God, fully divine and fully human, and the savior of humanity who’s coming as Christ or the Messiah was prophesied in the Old Testament. One of the most important concepts in Christianity is that of Jesus giving his life on the Cross (the Crucifixion) and rising from the dead on the third day (the Res- urrection). Christians believe that there is only one God, but that there are three ele- ments to this one God: God the Father, God the Son, The Holy Spirit. Christians worship in churches. Their spiritual leaders are called priests or ministers. The Christian holy book is the Bible, and consists of the Old and New Testaments. biblical teaching that all humans come from ‘one man/blood’ Christianity hs been at the forefront of other humanitarian causes, such as literacy, hos- pitals, orphanages and abolition of child labour. The biblical teaching that all humans come from ‘one man/blood’ is the best antidote to racism. ANNIE KEERTHANA IX B

11 [-saa[- Qama-

[-saa[- Qama- sabasao AcCa¸ dao SabdaoM maoM pirBaaiYat ikyaa jaa sakta hOÁ vah hO yaISaU masaIh.laaokip`ya Qama- ko Bagavaana hOM.Aaja [sa duinayaa kI AaQaI janasaM#yaa [sa Qama- kao Apnaae hu[- hO. [sa Qama- ka piva~ ga`Mqa baa[ibala hO.yah mauid`t ikyaa jaanao vaalaa duinayaa ka phlaa iktaba hO.yah ga`Mqa 1455 maoM p`kaiSat ikyaa gayaa qaa. [-saa[- kovala ek Bagavaana maoM ivaSvaasa rKto hOM . vao iT/inaTI maoM ivaSvaasa rKto hOM¸jaao hOM¸ ipta pu~ piva~ Aa%maa. yaISaU prmaoSvar ko baoTo ka naama qaa. ]nhoM ËUsa pr caZ,ayaa gayaa AaOr hmaoM Apnao papaoM sao mau@t krnao ko ilae ]nhaoMnao ApnaI jaana do dI.[-saa[yaaoM ka maananaa hO ik yaISaU QartI pr vaaipsa AaeÐgao AaOr saaro laaogaaoM kao nyaaya idlaakr AnaMt jaIvana ka vardana doMgao. yaISaU masaIh kao bahut saaro naamaaoM sao jaanaa jaata hO. masaIha ]war krnao vaalaa piva~ Aa%maa ]namaoM sao kuC naama hOM . inasaI pI jaaosa navaIM ‘sa’

jaIvana data yaoSaU

Aaja sausMaskRt jagaalaa dhSatvaadacyaa maaQyamaatUna vaozIsa Qarlao jaat Aaho.ASaa vaoLI Aaplyaa maarok¹yaaMnaa xamaa AsaavaI mhNaUna yaacanaa krNaara yaoSaU kovaL AakaSaapya-Mt ]Mca haot naahI tr svagaa-pya-Mt ]Mca haot Aaho. yaoSaUnao %yaacao jaIvana maanavaalaa Kro Qyaoya samajaavaUna saaMgaNyaat Gaalaivalao.jyaa [st`a[-laat jao$salaoma yaoqao yaoSaUvaa janma Jaalaa.toqaIla Qama-ga`Mqaat nyaaya AaiNa iSax\aobad\dla Asao saaMigatlao kI kuNaI kaoNaacaa DaoLa faoDlaa tr %yaacaa DaoLa faoDNyaat yaavaa .kuNaI kaoNaacaa hat taoDlaa Asaola tr %yaacaa hat taoDNyaat yaavaa pNa yaoSaUnao maa~ Aaplyaa Anauyaayaasa saaMigatlao kI duYTalaa ADvaU naka jaao tumacyaa ]javyaa gaalaavar maartao %yaacyaasamaaor dusara gaala kra.jaao tumacaI baMDI ihsakavaUna Gaotao %yaalaa tumacaa AMgarKa saud\Qaa dyaa. yaoSaUnao mhTlao Aaho kI tumhI Sa~UvarhI p`oma kra .ASaI iSakvaNa sava- jagaacao klyaaNa krNyaasaazI idlaI. iK`stI Qamaa-caa saMdoSa: 1.dova tumacyaavar p`oma krtao AaiNa tao tumacyaabaraobar Aaho. 2.ekmaokaMvar p`oma kra. 3.p`%yaok vya@tIcaa maana raaKa. 4.dovaalaa SarNa jaa tao tumhalaa maaf krola. ku. Alaivara iDsaujaa 8 A

12 The Rich Man and Lazarus There was once a rich man who lived a very luxurious life with his family and friends. There was a poor man names Lazarus covered with sores, who used to come to the rich man’s house and sit at his doorstep hoping to eat the bits of food falling from his table. One day the poor man died and went to heaven. After a few years the rich man also died but landed in the fires of hell. When the rich man saw Lazarus sitting with Father Abraham, he started crying out for help. Abraham told the rich man, that he was given all the riches and good things of the world in his lifetime but he never shared them and only enjoyed it on his own. While on the other hand, Lazarus got all the bad things. Now in heaven, it is Lazarus’s turn to enjoy all the good things. Thus, Jesus wants us to be sensitive to the needs of the poor and underprivileged. God wants us to share our wealth, talents and help one another. He wants us to build his king- dom on earth as it is in heaven.


13 hr pat maoM [-Sa naama kI JaMkar

Bagavaana ¸[-Svar¸ prmaa%maa ¹ naama Anaok hOM laoikna Sai@t ek hI hO AaOr yahI Sai@t duinayaa ka saMcaalana kr rhI hO.?gvaod ko Anausaar ‘ekM sat bahuQaa ivap``a vadint’ Aqaa-t\ ek hI prma sa%ya kao ivad\vaana k[- naamaaoM sao baulaato Qama- maoM [-Svar ko saMbaMQa maoM ApnaI AvaQaarNaa haotI hO jaao Apnao [YT ka naama va sva$p inaQaa-rNa krtI hO.vah ]sao p`kRit ¸jaIvaaoM ¸maUit-yaaoM ¸rIit¹irvaajaaoM ¸saMt ¹pOgambaraoM¸AvataraoM evaM Anya sva$paoM maoM idKtI hO. [-Svar ko saMbaMQa maoM yah klpnaa [tnaI AiQak ivastRt haotI hO ik [saka Anaumaana lagaanaa kizna hO laoikna trIko caaho ijatnao BaI Alaga¹Alaga @yaaoM na haoM ek baat tao samaana hI hO vah hO [-Svar kI sa

[-Svar Ñ ek mahana sa%ya hO.ek eosaI Sai@t ijasao iksaI nao doKa nahIM .saidyaaoM ko manana ¸icaMtna ¸AQyayana ko baavajaUd Aba tk Saayad hI iksaI nao jaanaa hao.hma [-Svar kao maMidraoM maisjadaoM gauÉWaraoM igarjaaGaraoM maoM AaOr na jaanao khaйkhaÐ tlaaSato hOM.[-Svar tao hr ]sa vastu¸ vyai@t maoM doKa jaa sakta hO jaao inasvaaqa- Baava sao maanavata kao baohtr banaanao maoM yaaogadana do. naI$ inagama ³iSaixaka´

14 Qama-

‘Qama-’Sabd kI ]%pi

P`aacaIna kala maoM maanava kI [-Svar kao Kaojanao kI laalasaa jaagaRt hao ga[- qaI. saaro saMsaar maoM Alaga ¹Alaga p`kRit jalavaayau rhnao sahnao ko ZMga tqaa ]plabQata ko Anausaar [-Svar p`aiPt ko Alaga ¹Alaga maaga- banaae gae jaao Alaga ¹Alaga Qama- yaa saMp`daya ko naama sao p`cailat hue.saMsaar maoM Aaja AnaokaoM Qama- ivad\yamaana hOM prMtu Qama- p`aNaI maa~ ko ilae ek hI hO vah hO Apnao saiccadanaMd sva$p kao pUNa- $p sao QaarNa krnaa. Qama- hmaoM ApnaI Aa%maa Aqaa-t\ prmaa%maa sao jaaoD,nao ka saaQana hO na ik taoD,,nao ka.

Qama- kao laokr laaogaaoM ko mana maoM k[- trh kI Ba`aMityaaÐ hOM.Qama- ka galat ina$pNa krko Ba`imat krnao ka p`yaasa ikyaa jaata hO.Qama- palana ko ilae baahr ko icah\na maanyataAaoM AaOr prMpraAaoM pr Qyaana donao ko bajaaya Apnao AMdr prmaa%maa kao QaarNa krnao pr bala donaa caaihe. P`a%yaok Qama- [-Svar pr ivaSvaasa ]sako gauNaaoM Sai@tyaaoM tqaa xamataAaoM pr ivaSvaasa krnao kI iSaxaa dota hO jaao ik vaastva maoM jaIvana kao nakara%makta sao sakara%makta kI Aaor lao jaata hO.dyaa Qama- ka maUla hO.jaIva maa~ pr kÉNaa evaM AnaukMpa ko Baava rKkr ]sako duK kao samaJanaa caaihe. jaIvana maoM p`aNaI maa~ kI saovaa ka laxya inaQaa-irt krnaa caaihe. samast jaIvaaoM kI saovaa ka p`Na tba tk pUra kroM jaba tk svayaM maoM p`aNa hOM yahI saccaa Qama- hO.

]idtI maalavaIya navaI ‘A’

15 Qama- maoM iva&ana ka p`itibaMba

Aaja kI yauvaa pIZ,I ko ilae Qama- [-Svar tk phuÐcanao ka maaga- na haokr ek ibalkula ivaprIt baMQana bana gayaa hO ijasao vao ApnaI vaOcaairk svatM~ta tqaa maaOilak ivacaaraoM ko rasto kI ek baoD,,I samaJato hOM .vao Qaaima-k maUlyaaoM prMpraAaoM tqaa ivaSvaasaaoM maoM kimayaaÐ ZUÐZ,nao kI kaoiSaSa krto rhto hOM. iva&ana kao p`gait kI QaurI samaJaa jaata hO AaOr Qama- [sa p`gait maoM baaQak.prMtu [nhIM Qaaima-k saMskaraoM ko BaItr basaI maaima-k sauMdrta va vaO&ainak ivacaarQaara Saayad ]nako samaJa sao pro hOM ijanamaoM sao kuC ]llaoKnaIya p`qaaeÐ hmaaro doSa maoM hI janmaoM ihMdU Qama- maoM pa[- jaatI hOM. ]dahrNaaqa- isa@kaoM kao nadI maoM foMknao kI prMpra ijasao saaOBaagya va [cCapUit- ka Vaotk maanaa jaata hO.bahutaMSa laaogaaoM nao yah saaocaa BaI nahIM haogaa ik [sako pICo BaI ek vaO&ainak karNa hO. puranao samaya kI maud`a taMbao kI banaI rhtI qaI jaao manauYya ko SarIr ko ilae ek AavaSyak Kinaja hO. ]sa samaya jaba nadI ka panaI hI poya jala ka sa`aot qaa [sa prMpra ko karNa hI jana saaQaarNa ko SarIraoM maoM taMbaa pyaa-Pt maa~a maoM jaata rha. ivavaah ko samaya haqaaoM va pOraoM pr maoMhdI lagaanao ko calana ko pICo BaI ek maUlaBaUt vaO&ainak karNa hO. haqaaoM kao rMga donao ko saaqa hI maoMhdI AaOYaiQa BaI hO. tnaava sao Baro ivavaah ko idnaaoM ko daOrana maoMhdI SarIr kao SaItlata p`dana krtI hO AaOr tnaava mau@t krtI hO. [saI p`kar dixaNa kI trf pOr krko saaonao sao kao[- pap nahIM lagata )dya kI cauMbakIya trMgaoM QartI kI trMgaaoM sao maola nahIM KatI ijasasao )dya kI maaMsapoiSayaaoM pr tnaava Aa jaata hO. v`at ]pvaasa kovala Bai@t ka sva$p na haokr SarIr kI pacana p`NaalaI kao p`itkUla pdaqaao-M sao mau@t krta hO va SarIr maoM eisaD kI maa~a kao BaI kma krta hO. pIpla ko poD, kao pUjanao kI p`qaa yah inaiScat krtI hO ik laaoga ek eosao poD, kI rxaa kroM jaao p`kRit maoM rat kao p`aNavaayau p`dana krnao vaalaa saMBavatÁ ekmaa~ vaRxa hO. }prI taOr sao tqyahIna p`tIt haonao vaalao Qaaima-k p`qaaAaoM ko pICo [saI trh ko maUlaBaUt vaO&ainak karNa hOM.AadIkala maoM yah jaanaa gayaa ik hr p`qaa ko pICo ka vaO&ainak karNa kao phuÐcaanaa vyavahairk taOr sao AsaMBava hO.AtÁ p`qaaAaoM kao Qaaima-k sva$p donao sao yah inaiScat hao jaata qaa ik hr iSaixat AiSaixat vyai@t [naka SabdSaÁ palana kr sako.[sa trh Qama- samaaja ko ilae $Z,I va baMQana na haokr SaarIirk va maanaisak svaasqya ka ek AnaMt sa`aot bana gayaa. yaid vat-maana kI yauvaa pIZ,I Qama- maoM iva&ana ka p`itibaMba doKnao lagao tao ]sao BaI [samaoM p`gait va AaQauinak ivacaar SaOlaI kI naIMva imala saktI hO.

P`aaMjalaI pujaarI dsavaIM ‘sa’

16 ivaSva ko p`mauK Qama-

Qama- iksaI ek yaa AiQak parlaaOikk Sai@t maoM ivaSvaasa tqaa ]sako saaqa jauD,I rIit – irvaaja ¸ pUjaa¹pwit¸ tqaa prmpraAaoM ka imalaa – jaulaa $p hO. saMskRt maoM kha gayaa hO ‚Qaaryait [it Qama-Á‛ Aqaa-t ijasao hma QaarNa krto hOM ¸ vahI Qama- hO. ivaSva maoM mau#yatÁ paÐca Qama- hOM¹ ihndU Qama- Á¹ ivaSva ka ek Ait p`acaIna Qama- jaao vaodaoM pr AaQaairt hO. Yah Apnao Andr k[- Alaga – Alaga ]pasanaa pwityaaoM ¸ mat – matantraoM evaM samp`dayaaoM sao saMbaw dSa-na samaoT- hue hO. Anaunaa[yaaoM ko AaQaar pr yah ivaSva ka tIsara sabasao baD,a Qama- hO. [saa[- Qama-Á¹ halaaMik [saa[- Qama- maUlatÁ ekoSvarvaadI hO¸ tqaaip vao [-Svar kao i~yak ko $p maoM samaJato hOM. ‚prma ipta prmaoSvar¸ ]nako pu~ [-saa – masaIh AaOr piva~ Aa%mmaa‛. [nakI piva~ pustk ‚baa[ibala‛ hO¸ jaao ivaSva kI sabasao laaokip`ya pustk hO. [slaama Qama-Á¹ [slaama ek ekoSvarvaadI Qama- hO¸ jaao ]sako Anaunaa[yaaoM ko Anausaar Allaah ko AMitma rsaUla AaOr nabaI¸ maurmmad Wara manauYyaaoM tk phuÐcaa[- ga[- AMitma [-SvarIya pustk ‚kurana‛ kI iSaxaa pr AaQaairt hO. baaOw Qama-Á¹ baaOw Qama- Baart kI ‚Ba`maNa prmpra‛ sao inaklaa huAa Qama- AaOr mahana dSa-na hO. [sa Qama- ko saMsqaapk Bagavaana bauw hOM. baaOw Qama- ko AnauyaayaI ‚ AYTaMigak maaga- ‛ pr calakr A&anata AaOr duÁK sao maui@t AaOr inavaa-Na panao kI kaoiSaYa krto hOM. isaK Qama-Á¹ yah Qama- ek hI [-Svar kao maanata hO. barabarI¸ sahnaSaIlata¸ bailadana¸ inaDrta ko inayamaaoM pr calato hue ek inaralao vyai@t%va ko saaqa jaIto hue ]sa [-Svar maoM laIna hao jaanaa ek isaK ko jaIvana ka ]_oSya hO. [naka Qama- ga`Mqa ‚gau$ ga`Mqa saaihba‛ hO. kuSaaga` gaaOtma ‘AazvaIM sa’



Anamaaolavacana gaaOtma baud\Qa ko vacana : sa%ya ko maaga- po calato hue kao[- dao hI galaityaaÐ kr sakta hO.pUra rasta naa tya krnaaAaOr [sakI Sau$Aat hI naa krnaa.. Bagavaana mahavaIr ko sauivacaar : iksaI Aa%maa kI sabasao baD,I galatI Apnao Asala $p kao phcaananaa hO AaOr yah kovala Aa%ma &ana P`aaPt kr ko zIk kI jaa saktI hO. gau$ naanak dovajaI ko sauivacaar : kuC tao tUnao saaocaa haogaa, maorI tkdIr ilaKto hue, eo maoro sa%gau$ tBaI tao hr baar iksmat ko baMd drvaajao ko Aagao tU KD,a imalata hO.

-parvaI tIsarI ‘D’


hOPpI dSahra Aaja dSahro kI GaD,I Aa[-. JaU``z pr saca kI jaIt hO Baa[-.. ramacaMd/ nao ravaNa maara. taoD, idyaa AiBamaana BaI saara.. ek baura[- raoj,a hTaAao. AaOr dSahra raoja, manaaAao..

Baart ka %yaaohar har ko BaI vaao jaIta ravaNa. Baart ek doSa eosaa hO maui@t pa[- ko carNana\..

ijasamaoM savaa-iQak %yaaOhar SaIooiSar tIsarI ‘D’ BarI hu[- [na %yaaoharaoM maoM dIpavalaI baccaaoM doKao KuSaI Apar dIpk kI raOSanaI haolaI maoM saba imalakr kaOna , pTaKaoM kI Aavaaj,a rMga gaulaala lagaato hO , saUrja kI ikrNaoM AaOr [-d ko SauBa Avasar pr , galao saba imala jaato hOM KuiSayaaoM kI baaOCar, dugaa- pUjaa SauBa idvaalaI caMdna kI KuSabaU, naagapMcamaI ka %yaaohar ApnaaoM ka Pyaar, maubaark hao Aapkao kr dota hO Gar AaÐgana maoM , AiBanava KuiSayaaoM kI baaOCar.. dIpavalaI ka %yaaohar..

$jaUta tIsarI ‘sa’ inahairka tIsarI ‘D’

19 HARSHIT KACHROO ‘II baaOQd Qama- baaOdQa Qama- ha isaQdaqa- gaaOtma³ gaaOtma bauQd´ yaaMnaI sqaapna kolaa Aaho. gaaOtma bauQd ho ek EaImaMt rajaa haoto. maanavaI AayauYyaatIla du:Kacao mauL kaya yaa ivacaaranao %yaaMcao mana Asvasqa haot Asao. %yaacao ]%tr SaaoQaNyaasaazI %yaaMnaI rajamahalaacaa ¸ EaImaMtIcaa %yaaga kolaa. ibaharmaQaIla gayaa yaoqao ipMpLacyaa vaRxaaKalaI Qyaanast basalao Asatanaa %yaaMnaa idvya &anaacaI p`aPtI JaalaI. baaOdQa Qama- mhNajaoca gaaOtma bauQdaMcyaa AnauyaayaaMnaI isvakarlaolaa Qama- Aaho. baaOdQa Qama- hI iSakvaNa dotao kI laaoBa [Yyaa- k$ nayao va A&anaI rahU nayao.vaa[-T kmaa-caI caaMgalaI fLo imaLtat. caaMgaulapNaa svat:var inayaM~Na baaOiQdkta SaaMtpNaa va p`oma hI sagaLI baaOQd Qamaa-caI maUlyao Aahot.

bauQdM SarNaM gacCaima² Qama- SarNaM gacCaima² saMGaM SarNaM gacCaima² AaiQaSa 2 rI k

20 ihMdU Qama- ihMdU Qama- sabasao p`acaIna Qama- hO. [sako maananao vaalao laaoga kraoD,aoM kI saM#yaa maoM hOM. yao dovaI¹dovataAaoM ko pUjana maoM ivaSvaasa krto hOM. ivaWanaaoM ka mat hO ik ‚sanaatna‛ Sabd ka Aqa- hO SaaSvat¸ sqaayaI¸ AaOr p`acaIna. [sa karNa sao ihMdU Qama- kao sanaatna Qama- BaI khto hO.Aaya- samaaja ko saMsqaapk svaamaI dyaanaMd sarsvatI nao ihMdU Qama- kao vaOidk Qa,ma- kha hO. yah baat saca hO ik ivaSva ko Qamaao-M ko [ithasa maoM sabasao puranaa Qama- ‚vaOidk Qama-‛ hO .vaOidk Qama- vahaÐ sao Sau$ haota hO. jahaÐ sao vaodaoM kI Sau$Aat haotI hMO. Pauranao samaya ko saBaI Qama- samaaPt hao gae hO laooikna vaOidk Qama- ABaI BaI jaIvaMt hO.[saka mau#ya karNa yah hO ik vaOidk Qama- AaQyaai%mak t%vaaoM pr iTka hO. yao AaQyaai%mak t%va eosao hO ijanho iva&ana BaI svaIkar krta hO. ihMdU Qama- ko baD,o¹baD,o ivaWanaaoM nao Apnao Qama- pr Aae saMkTao kao samaaPt kr idyaa. [na ivaWanaao maoM vyaasa¸ vaiSaYT¸ SaMkracaaya-¸ svaamaI dyaanaMd sarsvatI¸ svaamaI ivavaokanaMd Aaid ko kaya- sa- rahnaIya hO. ihMdU Qama- ek eosaa vaT vaRxa hO ijasakI ijatnaI SaaKaeÐ hO ]tnao hI dovaI dovata BaI hO. ]na saBaI dovaI dovataAaoM kao maananao vaalao ihMdUAao kI saM#yaa BaI bahut baD,I hO.ihMdUAaoM ko p`mauK dovaI dovata hO ba(a ivaYNau AaOr mahoSa. ihMdU Qama- maoM [na dovaI dovataAaoM ko Aitir@t EaI rama AaOr EaI kRYNa kao ivaYNau ka Avatar maanaa jaata hO.ihMdU Qama- kI bahut baD,I ivaSaoYata hO ik ]samao ]pasanaa ko AMtga-t s~I AaOr pu$Ya kI samaana $p sao BaagaIdarI hOM.

kuhU ]paQyaaya tIsarI ‘ba’


21 ARNAV PANINDRE ‘II C’ baaOQd Qamma AaiNa t%va&ana bauQd mhNajao jyaalaa samyak &ana p`aPt Jaalaolao Aaho Asaa.bauQd ho vya@tIcao naava navho to manaacyaa isqatIcao ikMvaa Avasqaocao naava Aaho.manaacaI ASaI Avasqaa kI jaI maanaisak ivakasaacyaa A%yaucca iSaKravar paohcalaolaI Aaho AaiNa baaoQaIsa%va mhNajao bauQd haoNyaacaa p`ya%na krNaara manauYya. baaOQdQamma ha Qama- naIit AaiNa t%va&ana yaacaa sauMdr saMgama Aaho. baaOQd Qamma maanavaasa AMQaEaQdocaa %yaaga k$na %yaa jaagaI &anaacaI mhNajao p`&ocaI sqaapnaa kravayaacaI iSakvaNa dotao. baaOQd Qammaacaa isaQdaMt qaaoD@yaat KalaIlap`maaNao Aaho. 1.sava- vastU karNaamauLo ]d\Bavatat.kaoNatIhI gaaoYT svayaMBaU naahI. 2.sava-ca vastU pirvat-naSaIla Aahot. 3.kaoNaI ina%ya Aa%maa ikMvaa [-Svar Aist%%vaat naahI. 4.vat-maana jaIvanaacao Aist%%va pUva-jaIvana p`vaahamauLo Aaho va puZIla jaIvanaacao Aist%%va kma- inayamaavar Ava- laMbaUna Asato. 5.saMsaaracao ³jaIvana maR%yaUcao´du:Kacao cak` Aaqa­AaYTaMigak- maagaa-cao AvalaMbana k$naca qaaMbaivata yaoto va inamaa-Na p`aPt krta yaoto. Aayaa- kaMbaLo 2 rI k

22 maharaYT/acaI vaarlaI saMskRtI

vaarlaI ica~klaocaa pirpaoYa vaarlaI saMskRtI ¸prMpra va %yaacyaa saBaaovatalacyaa pirsaratIla inasaga- saMp%tIcaa AaQaar Gao}na Jaalaolaa Aaho.%yaamauLo vaarlaI ica~klaot Qaaimak- ivaQaI ¸dovadovata ¸dOnaMidna jaIvana¸ laaokjaIvana va %yaacabaraobar AajaUbaajaUcaa pirsar¸ pirsaratIla pSaupxaI ¸vaRxavaolaI ¸nadInaalao ¸DaoMgar¸ phaD ¸ vanao¸ naacanaR%yao ¸Gardar ¸SaotIcao hMgaama iSavaar pirsar ja~a [.ivaYayaalaa Qa$na iBaMtIica~o roKaTlaolaI idsatat. Anaok AaScaya-kark Aakar va roYaaMcaI p`orNaa ASaIca %yaalaa saaQyaa saaQyaa roYaa AaiNa vaLNao yaaMcyaa AvalaaokatUna imaLalaI. inasaga- AaiNa saRYTIlaa samajaUna GaoNyaacaI va ica~akRtI p`kT krNyaacaI %yaacaI ih saaMkoitkta ivacaar krNyaasaarKI Aaho. vaarlaI ica~atIla Aakar va roYaa p`maaNabad`\Qa nasalyaa trI vaarlaI ica~karacyaa inairxaNaacaI va klpnaaSa@tIcaI dad hI ica~o baGat Asatanaa dyaavaI laagato. saaQyaa roYaaMcyaa maaQyamaatUna saMkot vya@t kolao jaatat.pNa %yaathI vaogavaogaLyaa saaOMdya-kRtIMcaI jaaNaIva patLIvar klaakaOSal- ya imaLt Asato. tSaa AakaralaahI saaopopNaa p`aPt haotao.SahrI ica~kar JaaD kaZtanaa %yaacyaa naomako ]laT mhNajao va$na KalaI roYaa kaZtat.vaarlyaaMcyaa mato KaalaI BaUmaIkDUna var ]gavaNaaro JaaD mhNajao jaIvanaacaa ivakasa krNaaro ]dyaaonmauK jaIvana Asato. ?tUjaa Kra 5 vaI A


 This Symbol is made up of three Sanskrit letters, aa, au and ma which, when combined together, make the sound Aum or .  It is said to be the basic sound which is considered a mantra or a prayer in itself.  This mantra when repeated with the correct tone echoesthroughout the body and the sound enters into the soul. Varun V-D

23 Siddharth to Buddha Prince Siddharth Gautama was born in Lumbiniin Nepal. One day while on a stroll outside his palace he saw an old man, a sick man and a dead body. He learnt that age, sickness and death were the unavoidable fate of human beings. He was deeply affected by this knowledge and the pain faced by people. He left his kingdom in search of away to relieve sufferings of life. He led the life of a monk and meditated. Under a Bodhi tree in Bodhgaya he attained Enlightenment. He was then called Gautama Buddha –the enlightened one. He spent his life teaching people the way tolead a happy, content and peaceful life. Buddhism is the religion founded by the teachings of Gautama Buddha.

Rajita Bhandari II-C

HINDUISM Hinduism is a religion followed by majority of people in India and Nepal. The word ‘Hindu’ comes from the river Sindhu near which the religion is believed to have originated. Hinduism is the name given to a very broad collection of religions with regional variations. Unlike most other religions, Hinduism has no single founder, no single scripture, and no commonly agreed set of teachings. Hinduism is believed to have originated in the Indus Valley and is revered by many to be one of the oldest religions of the world. believe in a supreme god who is portrayed in different forms by an inestimable number of deities. The most widely accepted Hindu scriptures are the ‘’ and their derivatives which unlike other scriptures is a guide to life and explains the ‘code of conduct’ to life or ‘.’ Hindus believe in the existence of cycle of birth and rebirth governed by ‘’ or deeds performed in the antecedent life. Hinduism is a religion based on strict non-violence and tolerance towards other human beings and nature. Alike all other religions, Hinduism encourages people to live in Harmony and uphold humanitarian values. The purpose of all religions of the world is to create better citizens for this world and the ‘core’ of all the religions are complementary. “Religions are like diverse paths up a mountain, all of them leading to the same place. So it doesn’t matter which path you take. The only person wasting time is the one who runs around the mountain, telling others that their path is wrong.” Gopikrishnan X A

24 HINDUISM The whole world is scattered into different religions having their own rituals, signifi- LYNDEL FERNANDES cance and ways of life. Today I am going talk about Hinduism, which is one of the oldest II E religions of the world. Hinduism is the world's third largest religion, with over 1 bil- lion followers or 15% of the global popula- tion. People who follow this religion are called Hindus. The majority of Hindus re- side in India, Nepal, Mauritius and Bali (Indonesia). Hinduism – generally referred as “Santana Dharma” means - “the eternal law" or the "eternal way" beyond human origins. Scholars regard Hinduism as a fusion of various Indian cultures and traditions. This "Hindu synthesis" started to develop between 500 BCE and 300 CE, following the Vedic period (1500 BCE to 500 BCE). Major scriptures include the Vedas, the , the etc. Most Hindus observe religious rituals at home. The rituals vary greatly among regions, villages, and in- dividuals. Hindus perform daily rituals such as worshiping at dawn after bathing (usually at a family shrine, and typically includes lighting a lamp and offering foodstuffs before the images of deities), recitation from religious scripts, singing devotional hymns, , medi- tation, chanting mantras and others. Vedic rituals of and chanting of Vedic man- tras (hymns) are observed on special occasions, such as a , festivals or major life-stage events such as rituals after death etc. These ceremonies weave individual and social life to dharma. Hinduism has many festivals throughout the year, where the dates are set by the lunar calendar , many coinciding with either the full moon () or the new moon (). Some festivals are found & celebrated regionally. Some major regional festivals are Ram Navami, Diwali, Holi, , Navratri, Maha Shivratri etc. The major Pilgrimages in the Hinduism religion comprise of the followings:  Char Dham (Famous Four Pilgrimage sites): The four holy sites Puri, Rameswaram, Dwarka, and Badrinath (or alternatively the Himalayan towns of Badrinath, Kedarnath, Gangotri, and Yamunotri) compose the Char Dham (four abodes) pilgrimage circuit.  : The Kumbh Mela (the "pitcher festival") is one of the holiest of Hindu pilgrimages that is held every 12 years; the location is rotated among Allahabad, Harid- war, Nashik, and Ujjain Major Temple cities are Puri, which hosts a major Jagannath temple and Rath Yatra celebration; Katra, home to the Vaishno temple; Mahakal Jyotirling at Ujjain etc . The other temples which are also very prominent are Tirumala - Tirupati, home to the God Venkateswara & Sabarimala, where Swami Ayyappan is worshipped. Vaishvi khandelwal VI B


Hinduism, with about one billion followers is the world's third largest religion, after Christianity and Islam. It is the oldest religion in the world. It is vastly practised in India. Hinduism includes a diversity of ideas on spirituality and traditions. Hinduism has no central doctrinal authority and many practicing Hindus do not claim to belong to any particular denomination or tradition. Prominent themes in Hindu beliefs include Dharma which means ethics/duties, Samsāra, the continuing cycle of birth, life, death and rebirth, Karma meaning action, intent and consequences, , liberation from samsara or liberation in this life, and the various . are referred to as (masculine) and Devi (feminine). The root of these terms mean "heavenly, divine, anything of excellence". The worship performed by Hindus is known by a number of regional names, such as . This practice in front of a (meaning an idol or statue of god) may be elaborate in large temples, or be a simple song or mantra muttered in home, or offering made to sunrise or river or symbolic anicon of a deity. largely states about the and , triads of gods and goddesses playing three roles in cosmic affairs, i.e., creation, maintenance and destruction. is the creator, the preserver and the destroyer. The tridevi include (goddess of wealth), (the goddess of knowledge) and (goddess of strength). It is a vast religion having many scriptures, Upanishads, epics, traditions, festivals, customs, beliefs, rituals and places and forms of worship. Hindu festivals include Makar , , , , , , Holi, , , , , Ram Navami, Guru , , Janmastami, Ganesh Chaturthi, , , Dussera, or , Diwali, Bonalu, Rath Yatra and . The main idea of victory of good over the evil prevails in almost all of them. Hinduism treats both men and women equally right from the beginning. This is the religion which teaches to treat followers of all other religions with respect and love. I would like to conclude by the famous Sanskrit shloka which is one of the fundamental concepts of Hinduism: Asato Ma Sadgamaya Tamaso Ma Jyotir gamaya Mrityorma Amritam gamaya Om Shanti Shanti Shantihi Meaning, lead me (by giving knowledge) from the unreal to the real; from darkness (of ignorance) to the light (of knowledge); from death (sense of limitation) to immortality (limitless liberation). Manasi Gogate XII Science

26 [slaama Qama- Qama- kI kao[- inaiScat pirBaaYaa nahIM hO. yah kha jaa sakta hO ik Qama- ‘ek savaao-cca dovata’ yaa dovataAaoM maoM ivaSvaasa hO. hr [Msaana ka Qama- Alaga hao sakta hO. yah [naka ivaSvaasa hO ik iksaI [-Svar nao hI saaro saMsaar ka inamaa-Na ikyaa AaOr ]saI dovata ko karNa ]naka [sa QartI pr jaInaa maumaikna hO. [slaama Sabd ka ArbaI maoM Aqa- ‘Allaah kao samap-Na’ hO. yah ek eosaa Qama- hO jaao Allaah kI trf sao AaiKrI rsaUla evaM nabaI mauhmmad Wara [MsaanaaoM tk phuÐcaa[- ga[- AMitma [-SvarIya iktaba ‘kurana’ kI iSaxaa pr sqaaipt hO. mausalamaana ]nhoM kha jaata hO jaao Apnao Aap kao Allaah kao samaip-t kr doto hOM AaOr [slaama Qama- ko inayamaaoM ka palana NICOLE Q. I C krto hOM. [slaama Qama- maoM Allaah kao sava- Sai@tmaana ekmaa~ [-Svar evaM jagat ka palak tqaa huja,Ur mauhmmad kao ]naka pOgambar evaM saMdoSavaahk maanaa jaata hO. [slaama maoM ‘klamaa tyyabaa’ kao bahut Eawa dI jaatI hO.¹ ‘laa [laaha [lalallaah mauhmmadu rsaUlaullaah’ Aqaa-t ‚Allaah ek hO ]nako Alaavaa kao[- dUsara nahIM AaOr mauhmmad ]nako rsaUlaÀpOgaMbar hOM.‛ mahk AlaI dsavaIM ‘sa’ [slaama

[slaama Qamaa-laa mauislama Qama- AsaohI mhNatat.mauislama Qamaa-t mau#ya paca Ainavaaya- kt-vyao Aahot. %yaat prmaoSvar va %yaacao P`aoiYat maaohmmad yaaMcyaaivaYayaI Ead\Qaa namaaja raojaa jakat va hja yaaMcaa samaavaoSa Aaho. mauslaIma Qamaa-cao daona mah%%vaacao saNa mhNajao [-d ]la iftr va dusarI [-dujjauhI. [-d iftr [-d hI AanaMd saajara krNyaacyaa [-d maanalaI jaato. [slaamacao Aad\ya p`oiYat hjart [ba`aihma ho prmaoSvaracao prmaEaoYz Allaahcao inassaIma Ba@t haoto.Allaahacyaa maagaa-t %yaaMnaI AaplaI sava- saMPPatI va pirvaaracaa %yaaga kolaa .%yaa gaaoYTIcao smarNa mhNaUna sava- mauislama baaMQa- vaMcyaa AMgaI baaNavaNyaakirta [-d ¹]la ¹jauha saajarI kolaI jaato. Aaplyaa ip`ya gaaoYTIcao bailadana prmaoSvarasa ip`ya Aaho.haca saMdoSa AapNaasa [-d ¹]la ¹jauha maQaUna imaLtao.

kuu.ASa- SaoK ‘8 A’


The Pillars of Islam

Islam is one of the religions of the world. Its followers have spread all across the globe. The literal meaning of the word Islam is peace. Holy Quran is the religious book of Islam. It contains the guideline that helps Muslims to stick to the path of righteousness. There are five major pillars of Islam. 1. Shadah – where a Muslim testifies to the oneness of Allah and the prophet hood of Mohammad from tongue and from heart. 2. Salah – As per which offering five times prayers on their prescribed time. 3. Sawm – As per which it is obligatory upon every Muslim to fast in the month of Ram- zan. 4. Zakah – As per which a Muslim has to give certain ratio of his or her wealth in charity. 5. Hajj – expectation to make a pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in their lifetime if they can afford it. Muslims celebrate festivals like Ramzan Eid (Eid-ul-Fitr), Bakri Eid (Eid-ul-Adha) and Milad - ul- Nabi (Prophet Muhammad’s Birtday). Meet. Patel I-C


28 Islam – the way of life. Islam is the second most popular religion in the world with over a thousand million followers.It is more often thought of as a complete way of life rather than a religion. The prophet Muhammad who was born in A.D.570 at Mecca in Saudi Arabia is regard- ed as the last prophet to be sent by Allah. The Arabic word ‘Islam’ means submission and obedience, and is derived from a word meaning ‘peace’. Islam began in Arabia and was revealed to humanity by the prophet Muhammad. Those who follow Islam are called Muslim. Muslims believe that there is only one God, called Allah. Muslims have 6 main beliefs

 Belief in Allah.  Belief in Angels.  Belief in Holy books.  Belief in the Prophets.  Belief in the Day of Judgment.  Belief in Predestination. RHEA M. EDEKAR I C


29 ISLAM Islam means peace of submission to the will of Allah. It is a religion which has been revealed to the prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him). The religion of Islam is the religion of Allah since Allah sent the message to mankind to guide them to the right way. Prophet Adam was the first prophet and Prophet Muhammad was the last one. A true Muslim firmly believes in all the prophets whose names are mentioned in the holy Quran as his own prophets and he believes in the vreation of angels and also in the day of judgement, believes in the holy books- Zaboor, Torah, Injeel and the Quran revealed to Dawood, Moosa, Isa and Muhammad (Peace be upon them). The messenger of Allah stated that Islam is based on 5 pillars. 1. The Shahadah (Testimony): ‘La-Ilaha illa Allah, Muhammadur Rasulullah’ (None has the right to be worshipped but Allah). 2. Igamat-as-Salat (To offer the compulsory congregational prayers dutifully and per- fectly) 3. To pay Zakat (Zakat is mandatory charity. When a Muslim owns 85 grams of gold or its equivalent in cash, 2.5% must be paid after processing this quantity for a year.) 4. Hajj: (The greater pilgrimage to the house of Allah in Makkah) for whoever is able to do so. 5. To observe Saum (fasting during the month of Ramadan):*With the intention to abstain from the start of dawn until sunset from food, drink and everything else which invalidates the fast+ There are 2 sources of Islam:- The Quran is the word of Allah, the almighty revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) in Makkah and at Madinah. Hence the holy Quran is the first source of Islam. The second source of Islam is the prophets Sunnah or the prophets sayings and ac- tions. Islam considers that all human beings are equal. There is no difference between them. The first verse of the Quran which was revealed to the prophet ordered him to read ‘Read in the name of thy Lord, who created and taught man which he knew not’. Thus leads us to understand that Islam lays great deal of stress on education and gaining knowledge.

Bilal ( X A )



Islam means to submit freely to The Commandments and Will of The One and Only – Allah swt. It is the religion that preaches the Oneness of God, the Oneness of mankind and the Oneness of the Message. People are created equal in the sight of Allah. There is no superiority of one over another for any reason except piety and righteousness. Prophet Muhammad said: "Surely Allah does not look at your faces or your bodies, but looks at your hearts and your deeds". Islam teaches people to be moderate in their life. Muslims should not give up totally this life for the hereafter, nor give up the work for the hereafter totally for this life only. The Islamic Shariah (Laws of Islam) Shariah is the divine code of practice which guides a Muslim in all affairs of his life, it is divided into two categories: Ebadat (system of worship), and Muamalat (system of dealing). The main source that governs all the laws of Islam is Allah through two channels; the first is the Quran, the book of Allah, and the second is the Sunnah, which is the authentic recording of the sayings, traditions of the Prophet and whatever his companion said or did to which he showed no objection. Women in Islam Islam looks at the woman as an equal, mature and capable partner of a man, without whom a family cannot exist and teaches that men and women are all the creation of Allah, existing on a level of equal worth and value. Islam preserves women's honor and dignity, and requires that she must be treated with respect and honor. Her femininity should not be exploited in any way. Islam puts priorities for the husbands and wives. The responsibility for providing for the family is on the husband, while the responsibility to care for the house and raising the children is on the wife. These are the main priorities, but cooperation between the husband and the wife is required and highly recommended.

The adherence to Islam (as with other religions) varies with the strength of the beliefs of the people. Sometimes culture and traditions interfere with religion, or even overshadow the religion. Some people claim that something in their culture or tradition is part of the religion, when it is not. Or do things that have no justification in Islam and are prohibited; yet that gets portrayed by others as the tenets of the religion of Islam.



iSaK Qama- iSaK ha jagaatlaa pacavaa savaa-t maaoza Qama- Aaho . gau$ ga`Mqasaaihbaa ha SaIKaMcaa Qama-ga`Mqa Aaho.SaIKaMcao ekUNa dha gau$ Jaalao.dhavao gau$ gaaoivaMdisaMga yaaMnaI Aaplyaa AnauyaayaMnaa saaMigatlao kI maaJyaa maR%yaUnaMtr gau$ ga`Mqasaaihbaa yaalaaca Aaplao gau$ maanatat.%yaat saaMigatlyaap`maaNao AacarNa kra.%yaamauLo puZo gau$caI prMpra puZo baMd JaalaI.SaIK ha Sabd mauL saMskRt maQaUna Aalaa. %yaacaa Aqa- haotao iSaYya iSaK ho ekoSvar vaadI doovaalaa vaaho gau$ mhNatat.tao Akala va inarMkar Aaho Asao to maanatat.Qaaima-k kaya- krNyaapoxaa to caaMgalao kR%ya krNyaalaa p``aQyaanya dotat.pujaosaazI to gau$d\vaarat jaatat.idvaaLI ¸ baOsaaKI gau$pva- ho saNa maaozyaa ]%saahanao saajaro krtat.

ku.AidtI ‘7 A’

Service, Humility and Equality - the way of Life for Sikhs.

Sikhism preaches a message of devotion and remembrance of God at all times, truthful living, equality of mankind, social justice and does not believe in superstitions and blind rituals. Sikhism is open to all through the teachings of its 10 Gurus enshrined in the Sikh Holy Book and Living Guru, Sri Guru Granth Sahib. Sikhs are free to read the Guru Granth Sahib in the Gurdwara or in their home. People of all religions are welcome to the Gurdwara. A free community kitchen can be found at every Gurdwara which serves meals to people of all faiths. Guru Nanak first started this institution which outlines the basic Sikh principles of service, humility and equality. A way of life and philosophy well ahead of its time when it was founded over 500 years ago, The Sikh religion today has a following of over 20 million people worldwide.

The most significant historical religious center for the Sikhs is the Golden Temple at Amritsar in the state of Punjab in northern India. It is the inspirational and historical center of Sikhism. All places where Sri Guru Granth Sahib are installed are considered equally holy for Sikhs.

Shishir III D


yahUdI Qama- yahUdI Qama- kI Sau$Aat pOgaMbar Aba`ahma sao maanaI jaatI hO.jaao [-saa sao 2000 vaYa- pUva- hue qao. yahUdI Apnao [-Svar kao yahvaoh yaa yahaovaa khto hO. yahUdI kI Qama-BaaYaa "[ba`anaI" ihba`U AaOr yahUdI Qama-ga`Mqa ka naama 'tnarva' hO jaao [ba`anaI BaaYaa maoM ilaKa gayaa hO [sao talamaud yaa taora BaI khto hO. [-saa sao lagaBaga 1500 vaYa- pUva- Aba`ahma ko baad yahUdI [ithasa maoM sabasao baD,a naama" pOgaMbar maUsaa" ka hO. maUsaa imas~ ko fraAaoM ko jamaanao hue qao. eosaa maanaa jaata hO ik ]nakao ]nakI maaÐ nao nadI maoM baha idyaa qaa.]nakao ifr fraAaoM kI p%naI nao palaa qaa. baDo, haokr vao imas~ ko rajakumaar banao. Aadma Aba`ahma ko Alaavaa maanyata hO ik rajaa 'mana'u kao hI yahUidyaaoM ka 'naUh' maanaa hO. naUh nao

[-Svar ko AadoSa pr jala p`laya ko samaya baD,I¹saI ikStI banaa[- qaI AaOr ]samaoM saRiYT ko saBaI p`aiNayaaoM kao rKkr saRiYT kao bacaayaa qaa. yahUdI %yaaohar: Sau@kaoh¸ huna@ka¸ pUrIma¸ raoSana Sanaah¸ pasaAaovar¸ yaaomaifpur. Aica-t p`%yaUYa ‘phlaI [’


PARSI RELIGION Parsi is one of the two Zoroastrian communities (the other being Iranis). Primarily located in south Asia . According to the Qissa-i-sajan , parsis migrated from greater Iran to Gujarat and Sindh between the 8th and the 10th century CE to avoid the persecution of Zoroastrians following the Muslim conquest of Persia. Zoroaster taught that good and evil were opposite forces and that it was a person's duty to make a choice between the two.

The two paths are of asha or righteousness and of druj, the lie. Good is represented by Ahura Mazda and evil by Angra Mainyu. The Zoroastrian holy book, called the Avesta, was written in the Avestan language, which is closely related to Vedic Sanskrit. Two centuries after their landing, the Parsis began to settle in other parts of Gujarat, which led to "difficulties in defining the limits of priestly jurisdiction." These problems were resolved by 1290 through the division of Gujarat into five panthaks (districts), each under the jurisdiction of one priestly family and their descendants. Zoroastrianism festivals were originally held outside in the open air; temples were not common until later. Most of the temples were built by wealthy Parsis who needed centers that housed purity. Fire is considered to represent the presence of Ahura Mazda, and there are two distinct differences for the types of fire for the different temples.the two types of temple are:- Atash Behram and Dar-i Mihr.

Marriage is very important to the members of the Parsi community, believing that, in order to continue the expansion of God’s kingdom, they must procreate. Up until the mid-19th century child marriages were common even though the idea of child marriage was not part of the religious doctrine. Consequently, when social reform started happening in India, the Parsi community discontinued the practice. The pollution that is associated with death has to be handled carefully. A separate part of the home is designated to house the corpse for funeral proceedings before being taken away. The pollution that is associated with death has to be handled carefully. A separate part of the home is designated to house the corpse for funeral proceedings before being taken away.

Christine Rose VI B

34 The Fravashi

We know Parsis as mostly dressed in white, wearing prayer caps. They cook great food and are very industrious. The name ”Parsi”, denote “charity”. The community “Parsi” refers to the Persian name. The term “Parsi” in Sanskrit means “one who gives alms”. Parsis belong to the ancient Zoroastrian Religion. They worship Fire and the son of Ahura Mazda, the representative of God. The Zoroastrians External Flame teaches us that light represents wisdom while darkness represents ignorance. Ignorance and darkness are the absence of wisdom and light.

“Fravashi” is the best-known symbols of Zoroastrianism. Fravashi is the divine, spiritual essence and guarding spirit. The three layers of feathers in the tail depict Humata (Good Thoughts), Hukhta (Good Words) and Huvarashta (Good Deeds). The five layers of feathers in the wings represent the five gahs (periods) of the day and the two hooks depict the two opposing forces of good and evil that exists in the universe. The raised hand depicts the truth and the central ring, represents the power of righteousness. We learn that human beings are constituted from both, material and spiritual existences. Our spirit shapes and determines the nature of our attitude, mentality, every thought, word and deed. So Think Good, Speak Good and Do Good.



RELIGION– THE BEDLOCK OF HUMANITY “Every man, either to his terror or consolation, has some sense of religion.” - Heinrich Heine

The word ‘religion’ comes from the Latin word ‘religare’, meaning ‘to bind’. Since time immemorial, religion has indeed been a binding force for the human race. Today, of the 7.345 billion people around the world, over 84% identify themselves with one reli- gion or the other. Effectively, over 6.18 billion people worldwide believe in some form of supernatural being. Over the centuries, religion has evolved to mean different things to different people and communities. For some, religion is a ‘law’, a constitutionally supported way of living that encompasses every sphere of life. Others see religion as a faith, a way of belief and a path to spiritual enlightenment. For yet others, religion manifests itself subtly in day to day life, a guiding force in practices, behaviors and deeds. Over a wide variety of beliefs, religion sees itself reflected in sacred scriptures, narratives, verses, symbols and holy places – mediums that attribute religion with more concrete, tangible aspects as contrasted with mere thoughts, faiths, views and beliefs. There are an estimated 10,000 distinct religions around the globe, but a vast majority of the 6.18 billion people who view themselves as religious are affiliated with one of the 5 largest faiths – Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, or folk religion. Every religion, through its moral teachings, has been aimed at helping its followers choose between right and wrong paths of life. For many, religion is a beacon of hope in times of uncertainty and difficulties – supplementing the souls of believers with faith, courage and patience. All religions are founded on the bedrock of kindness, compas- sion, truth and fraternity. In its purest form, religion has the capability to change lives, touch souls and free minds. As with science, technology, and nearly everything else in this world, what religion becomes for the human race – either a boon or a bane – depends entirely on how we choose to perceive it, interpret it, and integrate it in our lives. PRANJALI X C