Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary 2020 Accomplishments

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Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary 2020 Accomplishments 2020 Accomplishments Draft Management Plan Released $IWHUDPXOWL\HDUSXEOLFUHYLHZSURFHVV LQYROYLQJLQSXWIURPVWDNHKROGHUVDGYLVRU\ FRXQFLOZRUNLQJJURXSVDQGDJHQF\ partners, the MBNMS draft management plan, draft environmental assessment, and SURSRVHGUXOHZHUHUHOHDVHG$VHULHVRI virtual outreach meetings were held to provide information on the proposed VWUDWHJLHVDQGDFWLRQSODQVGXULQJD GD\SXEOLFFRPPHQWSHULRG7KLVSURFHVV will culminate in an updated management SODQDQGSRWHQWLDOPRGL¿FDWLRQVWRUHJXOD- WLRQVWKDWZLOOJXLGH12$$LQXQGHUVWDQGLQJ DQGSURWHFWLQJWKHVDQFWXDU\¶VUHVRXUFHV RYHUWKHFRPLQJGHFDGH &UHGLW2FHDQ([SORUDWLRQ7UXVW12$$ Guide to Deep-sea Coral Restoration Whale Entanglement Risk Assessment 0%106DQG0RQWHUH\%D\$TXDULXP & Mitigation Program Research Institute (MBARI) have combined MBNMS served on the California Dungeness HIIRUWVWRLQYHVWLJDWHWKHEHVWPHWKRGRORJ\ Crab Fishing Gear Working Group and pro- IRUGHHSFRUDOUHVWRUDWLRQDW6XU5LGJH7KLV vided whale sightings data compiled from the research works to transplant live fragments Point Blue Conservation Science Data Portal from multiple coral species and measure their for Fall risk assessments process in prepara- VXUYLYDOUDWHVLQWKHGHHSVHDDQGLVWKH¿UVW WLRQIRUWKHFUDE¿VKHU\RSHQHU7KHPDULQH time these restoration methods have been life concentrations risk factor includes hump- WHVWHGLQWKH3DFL¿F2FHDQ3XEOLVKHGLQ back and blue whales, and the observations 2020, the Guide to Translocating Coral in the data portal helped to determine trends Fragments for Deep-sea Restoration provides in relative abundance and distribution of these DGHWDLOHGVWHSE\VWHSJXLGHIRUIDEULFDWLQJ ZKDOHVSHFLHVLQ&DOLIRUQLD¿VKLQJJURXQGV coral translocation modules and for processing Additional data sources from aerial and vessel FRUDOIUDJPHQWVIURPPXOWLSOHWD[D8OWLPDWHO\ ZKDOHVXUYH\VDQGWHOHPHWU\IRUOHDWKHUEDFN WKHVXVWDLQDELOLW\RIGHHSVHDFRUDOVPD\ sea turtles were used to determine level of EHHQKDQFHGQRWRQO\E\SURWHFWLQJH[LVWLQJ ULVNIRUZKDOHDQGWXUWOHHQWDQJOHPHQWV communities, but also repopulating damaged &UHGLW$F\:RRG12$$ DUHDVXVLQJWKHVHUHVWRUDWLRQPHWKRGV New Distance Learning Programs In response to school closures due to the 10th Annual Whalefest Monterey Staff Excellence Award &29,'SDQGHPLFVWDIIGHYHORSHG¿YH 7KH:KDOHIHVW0RQWHUH\ZDVKHOGLQ Sophie De Beukelaer, MBNMS Permit virtual distance learning programs for teach- -DQXDU\DWWKH0RQWHUH\&RQIHUHQFH&HQWHU Coordinator and GIS Specialist, was ers and students with the following themes: DQG2OG)LVKHUPDQ¶V:KDUIZKLFKEURXJKW awarded the prestigious 2020 National Protect your Watershed, Plankton Exploration, DQHVWLPDWHGSHRSOHWRWKHHYHQW 2FHDQ6HUYLFH¶VTeam Member of the Year Dive into Kelp Forests, Deep Sea Discovery, 3UHVHQWHGLQSDUWQHUVKLSZLWK)LVKHUPDQ¶V IRURXWVWDQGLQJDFKLHYHPHQWVLQVDQFWXDU\ and Sounds in the Sanctuary(DFKOHVVRQ :KDUI$VVRFLDWLRQWKHWZRGD\HYHQW UHVRXUFHSURWHFWLRQ:LWKRYHU\HDUVRI includes an online presentation, teacher FHOHEUDWHVJUD\ZKDOHPLJUDWLRQDQGELR service to MBNMS, she was instrumental in guide, and student activities that dive deeper GLYHUVLW\LQWKHVDQFWXDU\)HDWXULQJRYHU GHYHORSLQJVSDWLDOGDWDPDSVQHFHVVDU\WR LQWRWKHWRSLFZLWKYLGHRVDQG12$$ZHE marine science and education institutions inform management decisions and improved UHVRXUFHV/LYHLQWHUDFWLYHSURJUDPVZLWK hosting exhibit booths, live musical enter- characterization of the region with partners education staff were delivered to a total of WDLQPHQWDIRRWOLIHVL]HGLQÀDWDEOHZKDOH DQGVWDNHKROGHUV$VSHUPLWFRRUGLQDWRU VWXGHQWVIURPFODVVHVJUDGHV model, research vessel tours, kids activities, 6RSKLHHYDOXDWHVDQGDQDO\]HVUHVHDUFKDQG 7KURXJKWKHVHRIIHULQJV0%106ZDVDEOH cooking demos, and whale watching trips, coastal development projects and works to to reach more students from broader demo- the annual event brought the latest in local PLWLJDWHDQ\SRWHQWLDOHQYLURQPHQWDOLPSDFWV JUDSKLFVWKDQZLWKWUDGLWLRQDORQVLWH¿HOG marine science and conservation efforts to DVVRFLDWHG WULSV WKHSXEOLF Salmonscape Traveling Exhibit ,QSDUWQHUVKLSZLWK12$$)LVKHULHV86 )RUHVW6HUYLFH1DWLRQDO0DULQH6DQFWXDU\ Foundation, and Sea Studios, MBNMS completed a series of four interactive exhibit SDQHOVWKDWXVHFRORUIXODUWE\5D\7UROOWR KLJKOLJKWWKH&DOLIRUQLD³6DOPRQVFDSH´ Several themes, stories, and messages came together that focus on California VDOPRQOLIHF\FOHWKUHDWVWRSRSXODWLRQV UHFUHDWLRQDO¿VKLQJVDOPRQUHVHDUFK and highlights what people can do to help SURWHFWVDOPRQ7KHIRXUWKSDQHOFRPSOHWHG in 2020, connects salmon from California national marine sanctuaries to national IRUHVWVWKURXJKZDWHUVKHGKDELWDWV$OOIRXU SDQHOVZLOOEHDYDLODEOHIRUGLVSOD\LQSDUWQHU YLVLWRUFHQWHUVDVDPRELOHH[KLELWIRU\HDUV WRFRPH New Tools for Streamlining Ecosystem Volunteer Training Goes Virtual 9HVVHO7UDI¿F$QDO\VLV5HSRUW Assessment In response to the shelter-in-place orders due 0%106VWDIIDQDO\]HGDXWRPDWHGLQIRUPD- MBNMS contributed to the development of WR&29,'WUDLQLQJIRUQHZ%D\1HW7HDP WLRQV\VWHP $,6 GDWDIURP0DULQH7UDI¿F data products and online tools to more 2&($1DQG6DQFWXDU\([SORUDWLRQ&HQWHU DQG8QLWHG6WDWHV&RDVW*XDUG 86&* HI¿FLHQWO\JHQHUDWHPDQDJHPHQWLQIRUPDWLRQ volunteers was offered as an eight week WRHYDOXDWHFRPSOLDQFHE\FDUJRYHVVHOV IURPNH\GDWDVWUHDPVIURPORQJWHUP RQOLQHFRXUVH$VWKH([SORUDWLRQ&HQWHU and tankers with the International Maritime PRQLWRULQJSURJUDPVDORQJWKHZHVWFRDVW UHPDLQHGFORVHGWKURXJKRXWDQG%D\ 2UJDQL]DWLRQ ,02 UHFRPPHQGHGYHVVHO 7KHLQWHJUDWHGDSSURDFKOHYHUDJHVH[LVWLQJ 1HWDQG7HDP2&($1¿HOGSURJUDPVZHUH WUDFNV7KH2019 reportHYDOXDWHVDIXOO\HDU GDWDVHUYLFHVDQGSRUWDOVWRUDSLGO\LQIRUP put on hold, volunteers received additional RIGDWDDQGEXLOGVRQWKHUHSRUWZKLFK VDQFWXDU\FRQGLWLRQUHSRUWVLQWHUDFWLYH learning enrichment webinars with subject H[DPLQHGPRQWKO\GHYLDWLRQUDWHVEDVHGRQ infographics, and other science communica- matter experts, to expand their knowledge *,6DQDO\VLVRIKLVWRULFDO86&*$,6GDWD WLRQSURGXFWV7KHVHWRROVDUHDFROODERUDWLYH DERXWVDQFWXDU\UHVHDUFKDQGUHVRXUFHSUR- IURPDQG0%106VWDIIYHUL- effort with partners from Channel Islands WHFWLRQLVVXHV6RPHWRSLFVLQFOXGHGRFHDQ ¿HGLQVKRUHYHVVHOGHYLDWLRQVLQ 1DWLRQDO0DULQH6DQFWXDU\&DOLIRUQLD&XUUHQW DFLGL¿FDWLRQPDULQHKHDWZDYHVDQGGHHS ZLWKWKHPDMRULW\EHLQJFDUJRYHVVHOVZKLOH ,QWHJUDWHG(FRV\VWHP$VVHVVPHQW &&,($ VHDFRUDOV7KHQHZHGXFDWLRQPRGXOHVZLOO ZHUHWDQNHUVDQGZHUHYHKLFOH 0DULQH%LRGLYHUVLW\2EVHUYDWLRQ1HWZRUN be available for future trainings and serve as a FDUULHUV0%106VWDIIZLOOFRQWLQXHWRZRUN 0%21 &HQWUDODQG1RUWKHUQ&DOLIRUQLD UHVRXUFHIRUH[LVWLQJYROXQWHHUV ZLWK'LVWULFW:DWHUZD\V0DQDJHPHQWWR 2FHDQ2EVHUYLQJ6\VWHP &H1&226 DQG improve compliance with the recommended (FR4XDQWV//& WUDFNVWRSURWHFWVDQFWXDU\UHVRXUFHV :KDOHIDOODVVHHQLQ2FWREHU Black Abalone Translocation Project Octopus Garden and Whale Fall ,Q0D\WKH0XG&UHHNODQGVOLGH Revisited UHVKDSHGWKH%LJ6XUFRDVWOLQHFUHDWLQJ 0RQWHUH\%D\DQG*UHDWHU)DUDOORQHVQDWLRQDO DFUHVRIQHZODQGDQGH[WHQGLQJIHHW marine sanctuaries staff completed a deep- LQWRWKHVDQFWXDU\7KHURFN\LQWHUWLGDO VHDUHVHDUFKFUXLVHIURP2FWREHUDERDUG EXULHGE\WKHVOLGHZDVGHVLJQDWHGLQ WKH(9NautilusLQSDUWQHUVKLSZLWK2FHDQ DVFULWLFDOKDELWDWIRUWKHIHGHUDOO\HQGDQ- ([SORUDWLRQ7UXVWIROORZLQJ12$$DSSURYHG gered black abalone and the spread of sedi- &29,'VDIHW\SURWRFROV7KURXJK529 PHQWVDQGWKHVXEVHTXHQWFRQYHUVLRQRI WHFKQRORJ\DQGWHOHSUHVHQFHVFLHQWLVWVZHUH URFN\LQWHUWLGDOLQWRVDQG\EHDFKSRVHGDQ able to participate from home during the :KDOHIDOODVVHHQLQ2FWREHU on-going threat to black abalone and their H[SHGLWLRQ7KHPLVVLRQZDVVXFFHVVIXODW KDELWDW$PXOWLDJHQF\WHDPIURP0%106 JDWKHULQJQHZVHDÀRRUFKDUDFWHUL]DWLRQGDWD National Marine Fisheries Service, Califor- RI3LRQHHU&DQ\RQDQGUHYLVLWLQJDUHDVQHDU nia Department of Fish and Wildlife, Cal- Davidson Seamount known as the octopus 7UDQV7HQHUD(QYLURQPHQWDODQG8&6DQWD garden and the octocone, which hosts Cruz worked to collect, tag, translocate, and thousands of deep-sea octopus brooding monitor black abalone in danger of being their eggs within warm water seeps located EXULHGE\HQFURDFKLQJVHGLPHQWVIURPVOLGH PHWHUVGHHS7KHZKDOHIDOOGLVFRYHUHG GHEULV7KHBlack Abalone Translocation LQZDVDOVRUHH[DPLQHGWRGRFXPHQW Manual was created in 2020 to serve as a ecological succession and to collect animals JXLGHIRUIXWXUHHPHUJHQF\UHVSRQVHV DQGERQHVIURPWKHVHDÀRRUVLWH &UHGLW2FHDQ([SORUDWLRQ7UXVW12$$ +LVWRULF6KLSZUHFNV3UR¿OHG First Flush Sampling In an effort to increase awareness of the 7KHVWDQQXDO)LUVW)OXVKHYHQWDORQJWHUP VDQFWXDU\¶VVXEPHUJHGFXOWXUDOUHVRXUFHV citizen science monitoring program that utilizes the MBNMS maritime heritage web page was trained volunteers to collect water samples at expanded to include six historic shipwreck RXWIDOOVGXULQJWKH¿UVWPDMRUUDLQVWRUPRIWKH SUR¿OHV6HYHUDOZUHFNVKDYHFXOWXUDOVLJQL¿- winter season, occurred in December, the lat- cance on the California coast, where coastal HVWLQ\HDUV6WDIIDQGYROXQWHHUVFROOHFWHG promontories or navigation hazards were ¿HOGPHDVXUHPHQWVDQGZDWHUVDPSOHVDW named after the wrecks: Pigeon Point, storm drain outfalls and two ocean receiving Harlech Castle Rock, and Point Sierra ZDWHUVLWHV)LUVW)OXVKUHVXOWVKHOSWRGHWHU- Nevada(DFKVKLSZUHFNSUR¿OHLQFOXGHVWKH mine if the efforts that local cities have taken IROORZLQJYHVVHORULJLQDQGVSHFL¿FDWLRQV under their National Pollution Discharge and QDWXUHRIYHVVHOFDVXDOW\PDSRIDSSUR[LPDWH (OLPLQDWLRQ6\VWHP 13'(6 SHUPLWVDUH ZUHFNORFDWLRQRULJLQDOQHZVSDSHUDUWLFOHV LPSURYLQJWKHTXDOLW\RIZDWHUÀRZLQJLQWR GHVFULELQJWKHYHVVHODQGZUHFNHYHQWDQG 0%1063DUWQHURUJDQL]DWLRQVZHUHDEOHWR UHIHUHQFHV0RUHWKDQNQRZQORVVHV collect First Flush samples during November RFFXUZLWKLQRUDGMDFHQWWRWKHVDQFWXDU\ 2020: San Mateo Resource Conservation 'LVWULFWZDVDEOHWRPRELOL]HRQ1RYHPEHUWK &UHGLW/LVD(PDQXHOVRQ12$$
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