


1000 , 33A “Alabin”, fl.4, office 428

On 20th August, 2005, in the city of Sofia, a foundation was established under the name of “Remi”, set up as an organization of an activity for public benefit pursuant to art.2, para.1 and art.38, para.1 of the Non-Profit Legal Entities Act, having its registered seat in the city of Sofia, Municipality of , and its address of management at: Sofia 1000, 33 “Alabin” street, entr.A, fl.4, office 428

The foundation has been entered into the central registry of the Republic of of non-profit legal entities constituted to act for public benefit under No.20051202003 on 02.12.2005. The Foundation is registered in the Commercial Register of the Republic of Bulgaria in 2018 under UIC: 131 497 163


Project manager: Daniela Agre – National Archaeological Institute with Museum at Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (NAIM – BAS)

Project objectives: Complete archaeological study of the (expected) residence (basilea) of the last Thracian king Rhoemetalces I, located near the village of Stroyno, Elhovo municipality.

Project duration: 5 years

Territory to be investigated: According to the geomagnetic studies the territory of site to be investigated is more than 37 decarеs.

Project Value: € 50 000, (97 400) BGN

As of October 20, 2020, the project costs have been transferred to the accounting of the Remy Foundation and are currently being accounted for Details of the items will be sent in the final report.

During 2020 archaeological season the excavation was concentrated on those parts of the architectural complex that were outlined by the geomagnetic study carried out at the site in 2018. The site was ruled by the square frame with dimensions 5x5 m and split on sectors. The investigations were carried out in sectors Center, North, East, East 2 and Southwest.



Sector Center

The work was concentrated on investigating the circular building located at this part of the site and was done in the frame of 8 squares with dimensions of 5x5 m. Two parts of two concentric circular walls (inner and outer) were discovered. The investigated length of the inner wall is 21 m, and of the outer wall – 14 m. The walls are built from limestone stones with irregular shapes and are joined with white plaster. The walls are preserved at the height of 0.95 m and have the width of 0.90 m (inner wall) and 0.70 m (outer wall). According to the geomagnetic study the diameter of the outer circular wall is 37 m. Archaeological materials discovered during excavation of the building (fibulae, rings, coins, cult objects, etc.) have confirmed our initial hypothesis that the building is a circular temple – tolos. Although only 1/5 part of it has been investigated up to now, it has become clear that the temple consists of two parts – a corridor with a roof that was covered by tiles between two walls and an opened inner yard without roof where, probably, rituals were officiated. Several working hypotheses could be formulated about the deity officiated in the temple. Ancient historian Suetonius Tranquillus described a Rodopian temple – sanctuary of Dionysus that was visited by the Roman emperor Gaius Octavius. The sanctuary was located in a big hall with oval shape that had no any roof because of specific rituals officiated in the temple.

As an additional indirect argument supporting this hypothesis is a discovery done by our expedition in 2006-2008 in one of the biggest tumuli in the southeast part of Bulgaria - “Raykova Mogila” tumulus located about 300 m south to the site. In it we discovered a burial in a marble sarcophagus - a very rare burial ritual at the territory of in the period I – II century AD. The sarcophagus contained burnt remain of a woman and elegant golden gifts – rings, necklaces and ear-rings. Other burial gifts – a rich set of bronze vessels – were found put on a special ritual place near the sarcophagus. A part of them – a patera and an oenochoe – were decorated with scenes relating to the deity of Dionysus. It could be assumed that the buried woman was one of the major priestess of the temple we are now investigating.

Another possible hypothesis relates the temple to the cult to the emperor that was especially popular in that time and the execution of rituals of this cult was a duty of major priests. It is probable, that a statue of an emperor or another deity honored in the temple was erected in the center of the inner yard. More exact answer on this question could be done after completion of investigations of the whole temple.

Sector North

The southeast corner of the surrounding wall as well as two premises located south to it were discovered in 8 squares investigated in this sector. A great number of ceramic vessels, an iron lamp, several amphorae and a huge amount of roof-tiles were discovered in the premises. The floor level was not reached. The premises were destroyed by fire and the tile roof covered up the floor so in the next season we hope to find interesting finds into the premises.

Sector East

A part of the eastern surrounding wall of the complex was discovered in this sector. It is built in the same manner as the walls of the circular temple. A part of the colonnade forming the peristyle yard inside of which the temple is located was also discovered. the colonnade was built from marble


3 bases, columns and capitals. The distance between adjacent bases is about 3.0 m and the hypothetical height of the columns is about 3 m so an approximate number of columns in the colonnade is 120.

Five rectangular premises oriented northwest-southeast were also investigated in the sector. They are situated in a chain west to the surrounding wall. Their walls are built of unprocessed stones joined by white plaster and have a preserved height of 1.0 m. In the premises we found remains of a water-pipeline system, some marble details (slabs) from the wall’s decoration, a big marble vessel, bronze coins, two bronze medical tools, several big storage ceramic vessels and a lot of other finds. In one of the premises 14 ceramics weights for the loom, as well as a bronze and an iron small bell were found in situ. Among the finds are also several imported ceramic vessels, coins, fragmented glass vessels and so on.

Sector East 2 – the peristyle building

The investigation of squares in this sector was aimed at localizing the main residential building of the complex and a part of the surrounding wall. It was discovered that the surrounding wall in this sector was dug into a grey ashy layer of soil that could be related to the period of the Classical Age - V-ІV century BC. Ceramic material dated to this period was found at both sides of the wall. An element of archaeological decoration – Roman–Dorian capital - was discovered in the western part of the sector.

Sector Southwest

A part of the southern surrounding wall and a part of a dwelling – probably a workshop – were discovered in the sector. Among the discovered finds are several very well preserved iron objects (a hummer, knifes, clamps, a handle of a situla, etc.) as well as fragments of building and daily ceramics.

Some Preliminary Conclusions

The excavation carried out so far has shown that the territory, where the investigated site is now located, was inhabited already at the time of Early Iron Age. The life had become especially intensive during the Classical Age (V-IV century BC) – many imported luxury ceramics and amphorae produced in continental and insular Greece as well as coins dated to that period are evidences to this statement.

Data obtained from the geomagnetic studies combined with the results of archaeological excavation, the analysis of the archaeological finds along with the parallels found have allowed us to conclude that the construction of the archaeological complex located near the village of Stroyno had been started during the reign of Thracian king Rhoemetalces I as a residence of the king or of some his close relative. The most likely, the residence was situated in the western part of the site while a part of it falls into the yard of the contemporary monastery located nearby

The construction of the complex had continued during II century AD – especially intensively during the government of emperor Antoninus Pius (138-161 AD). During this period the monumental circular temple as well as the peristyle building were erected. The architectural complex was destroyed by fire in the end of II century AD – probably after the death of emperor Commodus (180- 192 AD) and was never rebuilt again. . 3


So, the archaeological excavation carried out during 2020 has allowed us to determine the investigated archaeological complex as a residence of last Thracian kings that was later transformed into an emperor domain (basilica) – a residence with a temple. Of course, a more precise determination of the complex function will be done during the future investigations. However, it is clear, that the architectural complex of such scale and characteristics has never been found and investigated at the territory of Bulgaria. This unique architectural complex has a huge potential to become a perspective cultural – touristic destination not only for the region but for the whole Southeast Bulgaria.

2. Project BULG 778/20 Archaeological Excavations Strandjaq BRODILOVO:

Project value: € 35 000 (68 000 BGN)

Complex Archaeological Study of a Thracian Ruler's Fortified Residence near the Village of Brodilovo, Tzarevo Municipality

Project manager: Deyan Dichev, Ethograpic-Archaeological Museum, Elhovo

Scientific advisor: Daniela Agre – National Archaeological Institute with Museum – BAS

Project objectives: To preserve the existing architectural structures and to completely study the residence of a Thracian ruler located near the village of Brodilovo, Tzarevo municipality

The archaeological excavation has started on 20 September 2020 and is expected to continue till the end of November – the beginning of December 2020. The main goal of the current archaeological season is to investigate still unexcavated parts of the site and to complete the archaeological study of the residence.

The investigation of a dwelling with dimensions of about 4.50 x 4.50 m, located in the western part of the site, south to the tower, has been started. A floor level dated to the second period of residence inhabitation – the first quarter – the middle of the first century BC - has been reached. The dating was clarified based on the coin treasure consisting of 10 bronze coins found at this level. The ceramic vessels discovered in the dwelling were concentrated in two clusters. The biggest one was at the southwest corner of the dwelling and was represented by vessels made on wheel – Megara cups, bowls, lamps, etc.

A leveled place built from slab stones was discovered in the northwest outer corner of the tower. Its function would be clarified later.

The investigation of another dwelling has been started in the central south part of the site. Up to now, several ceramic fragments of vessels made as on wheel as by hand along with a large amount of plasters have been found in the dwelling. In most cases the fragments are disposed along the walls.

The complete archaeological study of the inner part of the residence is expected to be finished till the end of 2020 archaeological season.

The costs for the excavations up to the amount of the allocated funds of BGN 68,000 will be reported by mid-December.



3. Project 761/2019


Project Value: € 6110 (BGN 11 950)

At this moment, BGN 4,700 have been utilized, of which BGN 3,450 have been paid to the creative team for organizing and conducting rehearsals with the children participating in the performance and EUR 1,250 in advance for the construction of the construction necessary for the performance.

Unfortunately, this is the only project whose implementation is seriously hampered by Covid 19. We are still doing regular rehearsals, but in the last week the restrictions have become more and more and we do not know how we will continue.

We hope that the show will be finalized by March 2021.

4. PROJECT 781/2020 Improvements Happy Children Art School

Project Value: € 30 000 (58 653) BGN

Project Managers: Ivodor Kovachev and Nikolay Kolev

This project is developing successfully except for the delay of part of the delivery and budget deficit of ca BGN 6,000 because of misinterpretation. Most of the equipment has been delivered, and we have paid BGN 42,000 for it so far. There are about 22,500 goods left. The stage equipment has significantly improved the condition of the hall.

In the final report, I hope to be able to send you photos.

5. Project BULG 779/20

Book Publication Strandja Excavations

Project Value € 15 000 (29 320) BGN

Project manager: Daniela Agre (National Archaeological Institute with Museum – BAS)

Project objectives: publication of volume I with the results of the archaeological investigations of the ruler’s residence near the village of Knyazhevo, municipality.



Report on Activities Carried out in 2020

In 2019, with the financial support of the Foundation STICHTING HORIZON, we started preparation for the publication of the first volume of materials from the excavations of the residence near the village of Knyazhevo. For this purpose, a team of archaeologists, under the leadership of Daniela Agre, was working a month in the museum in Topolovgrad, where a huge amount of archaeological material collected during 10 years of excavations is kept. During this month, the most representative movable archeological monuments that will be included in the book were selected, processed, classified, documented and partially conserved. The most representative exemplars that could be completely restored have been also selected. For 2020 it was planned to continue with the preparation of the material for the book and to publish it in the end of the year

In the beginning of 2020, we clarified the content of the first volume that would contain the description and analysis of the residence architecture and fortification system, as well as a study of the amphora stamps and coins found at the residence. For analyzing the amphora stamps and coins the leading Bulgarian scholars were invited – Dr. Kalin Madgarov and Prof. Boriana Ruseva. As a preliminary work for such an analysis almost all of the available amphorae stamps were completely cleaned while the unclean exemplars were delivered to the conservation and restoration laboratory of NAIM-BAS. The preliminary photos were done for all cleaned stamps and then delivered along with stamps themselves to Dr. Madgarov for further processing.

Since most of the coins required restoration and conservation, they were given to the specialized laboratory of NAIM-BAS. Before that, all coined were photographed and the photos were sent to Prof. Ruseva.

Unfortunately, because of the situation with COVID 19 pandemic in Bulgaria and prohibition to visit libraries and museums, the work on analyzing and publishing amphorae stamps and coins were realized only partially. The cleaned stamps and coins were processed and catalogued, however, the rest objects are still in the process of restoration and conservation since the NAIM laboratory was also closed. Because of the same reason, a part of the representative vessels selected for publication is still not completely restored.

An additional delay was caused by the fact, that after cancelation of the quarantine the colleagues, who have agreed to prepare a part of the book devoted to the amphora stamps and coins, had to go to risqué excavations (as their leaders). The excavations are carried out along the trace of the gas- pipeline “Balkan Stream” and executed under the Bulgarian government order. The excavations will be finished in the middle of December 2020 and their results should be documented and reported to the Ministry of Culture till the end of February 2021. I have promises from Dr. Madgarov and Prof. Ruseva that they will be ready with text devoted to the amphora stamps and coins till the end of June 2021.

Till the beginning of 2020 the following chapters of the book are already written:

1. Introduction 1. History of Archaeological Investigations 2. Fortification System. 3. Residence Architecture.

Till the middle of the 2021 we are expected to be ready with whole text of the book. Till the beginning of September 2021, we are also going to be ready with the final versions of maps, photos


7 and drawings to be included into the book. After editing and translating the prepared text, the book will be given for printing and we hope to be ready with publication of the book till the end of 2021.

During 2020 we did not consume any funds provided by the Foundation for preparing and publishing the book.

6. Project of Ivo Leonkev, sponsored by Ginka Henle: “Second Bilingual edition of the book by Prof.Ruzha Neykova, PhD *” Kalashi - The Last Sunset in the Hindu Kush

Project Value: € 2 5 00 Petty gift from Ginka Henle

The book was published on time and paid within the amount provided by Ms. Ginka Henle in the amount of BGN 4 900. We have sent you copies of the book.

Sofia, 22.10.2020 Aneta Manzelova